Session Start: Tue Aug 05 16:03:35 2008
Session Ident: #taw

[18:38] <13@DeathStar> 5
[18:38] <13@DeathStar> 4
[18:38] <13@DeathStar> 3
[18:38] <13@DeathStar> 2
[18:38] <13@DeathStar> 1
[18:38] <13@DeathStar> -0-
[18:38] <13@DeathStar> Stardate: 10-589.4.21
[18:38] <13@DeathStar> Location: HQ
[18:40] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias steps into the holding cell area, wearing his uniform since all good soldiers have to.
[18:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* The guards pay him no mind - he's an officer
[18:41] <13@Kit> 6Lilith lifts her head slightly. 1"Hmm... Dias."
[18:42] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Hmmm...Lilith. 6He mocks and looks over at X. 1"You doin' alright?"
[18:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* X glances up, blinking once. "So you are back." 6* She notes tiredly
14[18:42] * X1 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[18:43] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Yeah, we'll get to me later. I heard what happened with Raquel. You alright?"
[18:43] <13@DeathStar> <X> I am not dead. Neither is she.
[18:45] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> She's lucky I wasn't here. 6He crosses his arms, slightly still moody from hearing about it
[18:46] <13@DeathStar> <X> Why?
[18:46] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well clearly I would've had to knock her head on straight.
[18:47] <13@Kit> <Lilith> I would ask you do no such thing.
[18:47] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... 6* She seems to refrain from making a comment
03[18:47] * X1 ( has joined #taw
[18:48] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well luckily you hold no leverage over me so next time I see her, I'll give her, her upcommings.
[18:48] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... See that she does not kill you, then
[18:49] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias raises a brow. 1"Kill me? Huh?"
[18:49] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... 6* She glances to the side, sulky
[18:49] <13@DeathStar> <X> She said she would kill you so that I could not.
[18:49] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias raises a brow than starts laughing
[18:49] <13@DeathStar> <X> I don't find that amusing. 6* She snaps
[18:50] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias wipes tears from his eyes as he stops laughing. 1"Like she could kill me."
[18:50] <13@DeathStar> <X> Hm.
[18:51] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> You should have more confidence in me, X.
[18:51] <13@DeathStar> <X> You should see that you do not have too much confidence in you
[18:53] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> My confidence is partly why I never give up.
[18:54] <13@DeathStar> <X> Hmph. 6* She squirms, then asks. "Do you intend to keep your word about me and Lilith?"
[18:54] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Which one?
[18:54] <13@DeathStar> <X> That we will be allowed to stay here together provided I do not break my word.
[18:54] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Of course. Why would I change my mind?
[18:55] <13@DeathStar> <X> Raquel stated she would not kill me if I remained in my cell, yet shot me in it anyway. I was wondering how fickle promises were.
[18:55] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well Raquel's a schmuck than.
[18:56] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> My promises are as strong as my iron will.
[18:56] <13@Kit> 6Lilith grinds her teeth slightly.
[18:56] <13@DeathStar> <X> Hm
[19:00] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> It was cool to hear that you did help them out tho.
[19:00] <13@Kit> <Lilith> Starr was quite persuasive.
[19:00] <13@DeathStar> <X> I merely wanted to see if I could defeat Weapon Id
[19:01] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> And did ya?
[19:01] <13@DeathStar> <X> I was unable to face him
[19:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* X looks annoyed
[19:01] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well hopefully you'll never have to again.
[19:02] <13@DeathStar> <X> Hmph. He was a weaker model. I could have defeated him easily.
[19:03] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias starts laughing. 1"Confidence, I like that in you."
[19:03] <13@Kit> <Lilith> Underestimating your enemies is unwise, mistress.
[19:03] <13@DeathStar> 6* X eyes him. "Hmph. I don't like your confidence."
[19:04] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> It happens. 6He waves his hands helplessly
[19:06] <13@DeathStar> 6* X hmphs and peers away.
[19:07] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> You'll have to see the new gold statue I'm having created from my exploits in that alternate reality.
[19:07] <13@DeathStar> <X> Your trinkets are of no interest to me!
[19:08] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> T-Trinkets? 6He facefaults
[19:08] <13@Kit> <Lilith> How do you afford such quantities of precious metal for such wasteful ornaments?
[19:08] <13@DeathStar> <X> You would do well to spend your money on making yourself stronger.
[19:11] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Like I need money to make me stronger. 6He flexes his right arm. 1"And these so called wasteful ornaments are badges of honor so that all will know my awesomeness.
[19:11] <13@DeathStar> <X> Your vanity is amazing
[19:11] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Vanity?
[19:12] <13@DeathStar> <X> Yes.
[19:12] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> What's that?
[19:12] <13@DeathStar> 6* X twitches. "Do you know nothing?!"
[19:13] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Does it make me stronger?
[19:13] <13@DeathStar> <X> It makes you a shallow baffoon
[19:13] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> But it has to be part of me strength so it can't be that bad of a thing.
03[19:14] * Xanatos (kjjgkjhg@ has joined #taw
03[19:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Xanatos
[19:15] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... ...
[19:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* X eyes him like he's a complete idiot
[19:15] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias stares back, obvioulsy confused
[19:15] <13@DeathStar> <X> I believe the only reason you are not dead is that you are too stupid to die
[19:16] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> ...You know, I say the exact same thing
[19:16] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... 6* She looks like she took an ego blow, being told that her and Dias say the same thing
[19:17] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias beams with pride, he always feel good when someone agrees with him
[19:18] <13@DeathStar> <X> You are... ... 6* She just sighs
[19:19] <13@DeathStar> <X> I am too tired to insult you
[19:20] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> ...You know, why are you always so tired?
[19:21] <13@DeathStar> <X> I am having been using Lilith's techniques of meditation and prayer to maintain my energy, but it would seem my abilities take more energy than ... what is ... optimal.
[19:21] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> So praying and meditation are tiring you out?
[19:22] <13@DeathStar> <X> No. They are helping me from shutting down
[19:22] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> ...That seriously works?
[19:24] <13@DeathStar> <X> You should try it, if your mind could manage it
[19:24] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Pscht, I could do it with out breaking a sweat.
[19:24] <13@DeathStar> <X> I'd like to see this
[19:25] <13@Kit> 6Lilith eyes out of her cell with curiousity.
[19:28] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> And what if I can? What do I get? 6He eyes her confidently
[19:28] <13@Kit> <Lilith> Some dignity, one would hope.
[19:30] <13@DeathStar> <X> What do you want?
[19:31] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> ...You gotta trim your hair. So it's not all ratty.
[19:31] <13@DeathStar> 6* X peers back at her long hair that she rarely takes care of. "How much?"
[19:32] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> I don't know. Enough to make it not ratty.
[19:32] <13@DeathStar> <X> Give me an estimate, then!
[19:32] <13@Kit> <Lilith> I will take care of it.
[19:33] <13@Kit> 6Lilith eyes outside, crossing her arms. 1"Assuming you win my mistress' permission to do so."
[19:34] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Seven inches.
[19:35] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... 6* She tries to figure out where that'll put her, since her hari is at her mid-lower back
[19:36] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias taps fingers on his arm. 1"So?"
[19:37] <13@DeathStar> <X> Fine. Hair is not important.
[19:37] <13@DeathStar> <X> However, if you fail, I want something
[19:37] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> And what is that?
[19:38] <13@DeathStar> <X> Hm. I want access to the training room.
[19:38] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Excellent. 6He nods, obviously excited about that
[19:41] <13@DeathStar> <X> Then begin
[19:41] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias claps his hands together and plops down, crosslegged and closes his eyes.
[19:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* X peers forward to stare
[19:43] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias shifts slightly the frowns. He props his head up with his hands, still keeping his eyes closed
[19:44] <13@DeathStar> <X> Incorrect stance.
[19:44] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Stances aren't important. 6He shifts and plops onto his head.
[19:45] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... Y-You're making a mockery of this!
[19:45] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> I'm trying to get comfortable. 6He flops over and lays down on his back, sprawled out.
[19:46] <13@DeathStar> <X> ...
[19:48] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias starts snoring.
[19:49] <13@DeathStar> <X> ...You failed.
[19:49] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias keeps snoring, not hearing her
[19:55] <13@DeathStar> <X> ...
[20:00] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias rubs his face as he sits up. 1"I feel great now."
[20:00] <13@DeathStar> <X> I will be training now.
[20:00] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Why? I meditated.
[20:00] <13@DeathStar> <X> You slept
[20:00] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> How's sleeping not meditating?
[20:01] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... they would not have different words if it was the same thing
[20:01] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well that's just lame.
[20:01] <13@DeathStar> <X> .... .... 6* She eyes him, probably thinking he's lame
[20:02] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Fine. I'll get you access to the training room. But I'm sure that I'll have to be there at all times.
[20:05] <13@DeathStar> <X> Hrm.
[20:06] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Unless you're too embarassed to have me watch you train.
[20:06] <13@DeathStar> <X> I would be glad to use you as my training program. practice.
[20:08] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Target practice? 6He taps his chin. 1"I'll get Marcus for you."
[20:08] <13@DeathStar> <X> I'm sure you'll be fine. Or are you unconfident now?
14[20:08] * X1 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[20:08] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> I just don't like being shot at.
[20:09] <13@DeathStar> <X> Hmph
[20:10] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> What? A real man can beat somebody with their fists only
[20:10] <13@DeathStar> <X> Hah. A real man would let himself be target practice
[20:11] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> ...Hmmm. 6He taps his chin again, thinking deeply on that
[20:12] <13@DeathStar> <X> ...
[20:13] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Yeah, I can see that as training. You got your target.
03[20:13] * X1 ( has joined #taw
[20:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* X smiles slowly. "I am glad."
[20:14] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias leans against the back wall. 1"So has anybody taken you for a walk yet?"
[20:14] <13@DeathStar> <X> .... No
[20:15] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> I'm shocked you haven't asked.
[20:15] <13@DeathStar> <X> You haven't been here
[20:15] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Details.
[20:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* X eyes him
[20:16] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Oh. 6he claps his hands. 1"That reminds me. What do you want to try to eat today?"
[20:16] <13@DeathStar> <X> Whatever
13[20:17] * You are no longer marked as being away after 10h 54m as *working* on EsperNet.
03[20:17] * Sera|WorkingCabbit is now known as Jennifer`
03[20:17] * Jennifer` is now known as Seraphna
[20:19] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Soul food it is.
[20:19] <13@DeathStar> <X>
[20:19] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Yeah, soul food.
[20:20] <13@DeathStar> <X> can one eat souls?
[20:21] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> ...Ask Chii. 6He jokes than waves his hand. 1"It's a type of food."
[20:21] <13@DeathStar> <X> Oh.
[20:22] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> It'll be good. 6He claps his hands together
[20:23] <13@DeathStar> <X> Hm. I'll see.
[20:23] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias glances around then leans out into the main room. 1"Yo, what time is it guys?"
[20:24] <13@DeathStar> <Guard> ...Hm. 2
[20:24] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Sweet. 6he leans back into the main room and moves to the comm, dialing up a restaurant
[20:25] <13@DeathStar> 6* X eyes him go
[20:26] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias makes a grandeus order and pays using his newly acquired allowance thanks to Paladin
03[20:26] * Seraphna is now known as Jennifer`
15[20:27] * 13@Jennifer` sits in the training room, eyes closed, she's only taken time out of it to eat and sleep, she rests back against the wall, eyes closed as she winds down from an intense session with the poor, poor punching bag.
[20:29] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias pops back in. 1"Food'll be here around 6ish...But you know what'll really help it taste good?"
[20:30] <13@DeathStar> <X> .... What?
[20:30] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> If you stretch your legs out.
[20:30] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... What?
15[20:31] * 13@Jennifer` picks herself up and grabs her towel, stepping out of the training room and into the hall, looking one way and then then other, before heading to the dining hall.
[20:31] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Work up a sweat. Train.
[20:31] <13@DeathStar> <X> You want to train .... now?
[20:32] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> I can't eat properly until after I work up a huge appetite.
[20:33] <13@DeathStar> <X> Fine
[20:34] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias nods and moves over, retreiving the bracelet. He then moves over and lowers the field and tosses her the bracelet
[20:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* X takes it, eyeing him, then it
[20:35] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Part of the deal I made. 6He shrugs helplessly
[20:35] <13@DeathStar> <X> .... 6* She puts it on
15[20:36] * 13@Jennifer` steps into the dining hall and grabs a bottle of water and something to snack on, moving for a quiet table.
[20:37] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias claps his hands together and motions her to take the lead
[20:37] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... 6* She does so
[20:37] <13@DeathStar> -END FOR NOW-


[20:00] <13@DeathStar> 1
[20:00] <13@DeathStar> -0-
[20:01] <13@DeathStar> Stardate: 10-589.4.25
[20:01] <13@DeathStar> Location: HQ
03[20:01] * Kulix is now known as Sardis
[20:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* A few days have passed now, and things have settled into an almost routine rhythm once more. Paladin works in his office, Cheryl trains with renewed vigor in the training room, her strength seemingly greater than before, Scar mimics people, and Katrina quietly reads in the messhall
15[20:03] * 13@Jennifer` also trains with renewed viguor, perhaps too much, her body looking overworked as she punches and kicks into a punching bag, her ruoutine changing every once in a while to adopt a different style, some of them familiar from members of the team.
[20:03] <13SPoC> 6Dias hangs on a training bag, watching Cheryl. He let's out a whistle.
09[20:03] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf tags along with Scar, getting a kick out of his mischief.
15[20:03] * 13Sardis paces the halls, boredly reading from a datapad
15[20:03] * 13SPoC sits in the messhall, eating.
[20:03] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl twists and hits the bag with her fist, ripping it in two
15[20:04] * 13@Jennifer` stops mid-kick at the sound, looking over at Cheryl. "Damn..."
[20:04] <13@Kit> 6Chii pauses from her own usual morning exercise combos, gaping. 1"..."
[20:04] <13SPoC> 6Dias' jaw drops and he shakes his head. 1"Huh...I guess I should consider avoiding pissing you off from now on, eh?"
[20:05] <13@Kit> 6Chii then eyes her back and slams her foot into a knife-edge for it, growling in frustration, eyeing the floor-- then yelps as she's knocked over by it on the return.
[20:05] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stretches her body. "Probably. But you're the only I can train with now. Chii's too little. And ... .weak."
[20:05] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl teases Chii
[20:05] <13@Kit> <Chii> Screw you! I can still take you!
15[20:05] * 13@Jennifer` looks over at Chii, "I think she's cute how she trains."
[20:05] <13SPoC> 6Dias cracks his knuckles. 1"Excellent. It's been awhile since you've provided a challenge for me."
[20:06] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Sure, Sure, Chibi. 6* She looks at Dias, narrowing her eyes. "What was that...?"
15[20:07] * 13@Jennifer` straightens out and sighs a bit, walking over to grab her towel.
[20:07] <13SPoC> <Dias> Well apparently you're hearings still sucks.
[20:07] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl narrows her eyes more. "Come say that to my face."
09[20:07] <13@Jennifer`> "Oh boy, violence, I'm gonna go get food."
[20:08] <13SPoC> 6Dias shifts his shoulders and moves over to Cheryl, getting in close.
[20:08] <13@Ariel> 6* Em casually dangles Chii above the ground via telekinesis as she wanders in, "So, are we doing babysitting on the side now?"
15[20:08] * 13Sardis eyes the scenerio in the training room in passing, he stops, leaning back to observe
15[20:08] * 13@Jennifer` dries her face of sweat and looks at Em, then Chii.
09[20:09] <13@Jennifer`> "Put her down..."
[20:09] <13SPoC> <Dias> Deaf. 6He restates, a smug look on his face.
[20:09] <13@Kit> 6Chii struggles a little in the air before panting, then stares. 1"Hey!! Who the hell do you think you're talking to!?"
[20:09] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl throws a punch at Dias' face, faster than her typical self
15[20:10] * 13@Jennifer` looks at Chii, then Em.
15[20:10] * 13@Myria in her lab, performing some experimental work.
[20:10] <13@Ariel> 6* Em looks to Jennifer, then turns her attention to Chii, "...latest pipsqueak?"
09[20:10] <13@Jennifer`> "Not latest, that's Chii."
09[20:11] <13@Jennifer`> "...Who are you calling pipsqueak?"
[20:11] <13@Kit> 6Chii eyes Em, then brings her hands up, forming seals quicker than ever-- perhaps because she's just as quick as she used to be and the distance between her fingers is shorter. "6Suiton." 6She throws her hands out, assaulting Em with a deluge of water from thin air, laughing.
[20:11] <13SPoC> 6Dias snaps his left forearm arm, letting it intercept and in the process causing him to stumble backs several big steps.
15[20:12] * 13@Jennifer` giggles a little.
[20:12] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl dashes forward and throws out a knee for his ribcage
[20:12] <13SPoC> 6Dias shifts his foot and turns, bringing his other elbow down and his knee up to intercept.
[20:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl twists her knee, then shoves forward with her other foot, pressing against Dias
[20:13] <13@Kit> 6Chii sticks her tongue out. 1"Nya-hah. Guess who has a souuul.~"
09[20:13] <13@Jennifer`> "Who'd you eat Chii?"
[20:14] <13@Ariel> 6* Em throws up a telekinetic shield... though, she didn't expect Chii to be THAT quick. Still... half the water would be smacked back, "...isn't getting a soul supposed to improve your disposition?" 6She frowns, soaked now.
09[20:14] <13@Jennifer`> "You kidding? She's adorable."
[20:14] <13SPoC> 6Dias is shoved back, causing him to lose his footing again.
[20:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl kicks forward and punches at his jaw with her right hand
[20:14] <13@Kit> <Chii> I haven't eaten anyone... at least not since." 6She drops to her feet provided that ends her airgrip.
15[20:15] * 13Sardis raises a brow at Chii's watery display, being the first time he's seen her use such an ability. He continues to watch quietly
[20:15] <13@Kit> <Chii> I'm still not sure if it's an effect of reincarnation with the alternate reality's soul or taking pieces of Cheryl's dying fragments, but ...I'm really alive now."
[20:15] <13@Kit> <Chii> And see for yourself. Cherry's as peachy as ever.
[20:15] <13SPoC> 6Dias snaps both hands up to block the incoming punch, causing the kick to connect and sending him back again
15[20:16] * 13@Jennifer` smiles a little, crossing her arms. "At least something good came out of that trip."
[20:16] <13@Kit> 6Chii eyes Jennifer, twitching. 1"Hey, I don't want to do anything like that again."
[20:16] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl holds up her hands. "Well. Looks like you're the one who needs to improve now if I'm going to get a challenge."
[20:16] <13@Ariel> Em> "I swear, miss one mission and everything changes... I thought that was supposed to be an end of season thing."
15[20:16] * 13@Jennifer` nods a little. "Understandable... I'm just saying, you guys came through alright."
15[20:17] * 13@Jennifer` stares at Em.
[20:17] <13@Kit> 6Chii looks to Em, squinting. 1"You're still weird."
09[20:17] <13@Jennifer`> "End of what...?"
[20:17] <13SPoC> 6Dias clenches his hands, than waves them, clearly feeling the pain. He looks at Cheryl, his ego most likely hurt from that.
15[20:17] * 13@Jennifer` shakes her head and sighs. "I'm gonna go get a meal. Want anything from the mess hall Chii?"
[20:17] <13@DeathStar> 6* A big Chii enters, holding a chime thing. She chimes constantly with it. "Rah rah rah. Chibi Power." 6* She does a dance
[20:17] <13@Kit> <Chii> Here, let me help you. Hehehehe." 6She grins evilly, then holds up her hands, forming a string of seals twice as long almost as fast. 1"Katon, futon, rengeki da."
[20:18] <13@Ariel> Em> "When was the last time we had an epic life changing mission, right after a long epic mission where we save either the world or the universe?"
[20:18] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gives him a smile, then turns to eye Chii and Chii.
15[20:18] * 13@Jennifer` looks back and forth rapidly.
[20:18] <13@Kit> 6Chii holds up her hand and forms a spiraling flame, then fans the heat across Em, drying her out the annoying way. Though when she spots the new Chii, she growls and swipes her hand, sending the entire thing at 'her.'
15[20:19] * 13SPoC tisks. 1"I haven't had any real challenges so obviously that's why."
[20:19] <13@DeathStar> 6* Big Chii does the hand gestures. "Rengeki dodge." 6* She runs behind Cheryl
[20:19] <13@Kit> 6Chii points accusingly as it disappates hitting air. 1"I STILL HATE YOU, YOU PRICK!"
[20:19] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> You could always beat him up.
[20:19] <13@DeathStar> <Chii> 6* She pulls down her eye lid and sticks out her tongue at Chii
15[20:20] * 13@Jennifer` shakes her head and groans, and walks out, heading to the mess hall.
[20:20] <13@Kit> 6Little Chii growls and sprints toward Cheryl
09[20:20] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf leans in the training room door to watch.
[20:20] <13@DeathStar> <Chii> So, little Chii, when are you going to make yourself a big Chii again?
[20:20] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl crosses her arms, sighing, bringing her foot down on the Big Chii.
[20:21] <13@Kit> 6Chii leaps and twists, sending a back heel kick through the air at head height of Cheryl-- assuming she'll step out of the way
[20:21] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl leans to the side, letting Chii go over her, then rises again
15[20:21] * 13@Myria steps out of her lab and heads for the mess hall.
04[20:22] -DeathStar- DCC Send 07 - Touch 'N Go.mp3 (
13[20:22] * DCC send request from DeathStar/ received. Trying to get 07_-_Touch_'N_Go.mp3/2.9MB through port 1025...
15[20:22] * 13@Jennifer` steps into the mess hall and moves to get some water and something to eat, piling a bowl with food, she looks around for a place to sit.
[20:22] <13SPoC> 6Dias sighs and pushes off a training bag and moves to leave, moving past whoevers in the entryway
15[20:23] * 13SPoC looks at Jennifer and waves to her
15[20:23] * 13@Jennifer` smiles a little and walks over to sit with her. "Hey."
[20:24] <13@Kit> 6Chii attempts to kick the other in the face
[20:24] <13SPoC> Hello Jen.
[20:24] <13@DeathStar> 6* The other Chii is kicked and turns back into Scar as he hits the ground
15[20:24] * 13@Jennifer` sits down and starts to dig into her food.
15[20:25] * 13Sardis walks away from the Training room. Eyeing Myria as she heads towards the mess hall " Slacking again. Tsk Tsk. " he chuckles
09[20:25] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf sighs and goes to collect her man.
[20:25] <13@Myria> Huh?
[20:25] <13@Kit> <Chii> Don't make me syphon and devour those back out of you. You took TWO you greedy, inefficient bastard!
[20:25] <13@DeathStar> <Scar> And here I was going to tell you how to get big again
09[20:25] <13@Jennifer`> Wolf> "Oh come off it."
[20:25] <13@Kit> <Chii> I don't care.
[20:25] <13Sardis> You've got printouts to read and experiments to conduct. I saw the work you had ready today on the table. What are you doing out of your box?
[20:26] <13@Kit> 6Chii folds her arms. 1"I have a soul now. If I do some stupid shit to age my body, I'm shortening my own lifespan."
[20:26] <13@DeathStar> <Scar> So you like being small. 6* He holds up his hand, leaning in to Cheryl. "Are you a ped-o-phile now?"
[20:26] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl brings her fist to Scar's jaw. "Freak."
09[20:26] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf sighs and catches Scar when he bounces back.
15[20:27] * 13@Jennifer` looks at Natalie between bites of food.
15[20:27] * 13SPoC eats her food quietly
15[20:27] * 13@Myria narrows her eyes at Sardis.
[20:27] <13@DeathStar> 6* Scar groans, holding his jaw. "'sides, depending on the age limit of the person who's soul you ripped off, you'll probably age as they do."
15[20:27] * 13Sardis looks hurt
[20:28] <13Sardis> What? You do.
09[20:28] <13@Jennifer`> "What are you doing today...?"
15[20:28] * 13@Jennifer` chugs some water.
[20:28] <13@Ariel> Em> *eyes scar* "I'd ask when you became an expert... but you're always been a bit of a plot device, haven't you?"
[20:28] <13@DeathStar> <Scar> If my theory is right, and it's one of the Cheryls souls, you'll be that age. For-ev-ah.
[20:29] <13@DeathStar> 6* Scar motions. "I guess we can call you No Boobs for Life."
09[20:29] <13@Jennifer`> Wolf> "A kiddie for the rest of eternity huh?"
[20:29] <13SPoC> 6Dias moves his hands behind his back as he walks along the hallway now
[20:29] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl crosses her arms.
[20:29] <13@DeathStar> 6* Scar eyes Em. "You realize no one actually listens to you." 6* He goes back to Chii, beaming
[20:29] <13@Ariel> Em> "Yeah... well, their loss."
[20:29] <13@Kit> <Chii> Somehow, I doubt it. But it's possible, I guess.
[20:30] <13SPoC> I do not have anything planned as usual.
[20:30] <13@Kit> 6Chii shrugs gently. 1"In time, it would become apparent, but that's no reason to go shortening my life on a whim."
[20:30] <13@Kit> <Chii> My reincarnation is the epitome of a soul rend. Destroying it entirely and recreating something anew. But you could be right-- as I have my memories intact and remain me."
[20:31] <13@DeathStar> 6* Scar leans on Cheryl. "Well, since you're free now of the ol' ball and chain, want to join me and Wolf? We can show you all sorts of things."
09[20:31] <13@Jennifer`> "Want to do something...?" *she asks a little quietly, looking at Natalie with worry in her eyes*
[20:32] <13SPoC> If that is waht you would like, yes.
09[20:32] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf rolls her eyes a little.
[20:32] <13@Kit> 6Chii turns and punches with a vengeance-- perfect height for between the legs.
09[20:32] <13@Jennifer`> "Kat was going to help me with my hair... see a stylist... I was thinking the three of us could do it together?"
[20:33] <13Sardis> Why dont you get one of those packets of instant rice noodles and cook it in your fancy beaker? That way you can eat and work at the same time. Hell, you could even invent a new flavor while you were at it. *He begins to walk past Myria* and by the way, your out of Omega Coke.
[20:33] <13@DeathStar> 6* Scar groins and falls over
09[20:33] <13@Jennifer`> Wolf> 'He I need that in tact."
09[20:33] <13@Jennifer`> *hey
[20:33] <13@Kit> <Chii> Then you should keep it on a leash.
[20:33] <13@Kit> 6Chii puts her hands to her hips.
[20:33] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes them, having remained out of this
[20:33] <13SPoC> That would be enjoyable.
[20:33] <13@Myria> Who put you in charge of me? *plants her hands on her hips*
15[20:34] * 13@Jennifer` looks around the mess hall.
[20:34] <13@Kit> 6Chii senses she's being Myria-like in posture and awkwardly drops her hands.
[20:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* Dias' comm beeps
09[20:34] <13@Jennifer`> "Be right back M-Natalie."
15[20:34] * 13@Jennifer` walks over to Katrina.
[20:35] <13SPoC> 6Dias blinks, coming to a stop. He pats himself down than sighs, grabbing for it on his chest and tapping it. 1"Yeah?"
[20:35] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> You really are annoying. 6* She walks over Scar
[20:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* Katrina turns a page in her book
[20:35] <13Sardis> Well.. lets see.. that would be um.. you.
09[20:35] <13@Jennifer`> Wolf> "Right... do we always solve our difference with violence?"
15[20:36] * 13@Jennifer` sits down near Kat. "Hey..."
[20:36] <13@Kit> 6Chii walks over Scar, following Cheryl. 1"Damn near!"
[20:36] <13@Myria> I did not!
13[20:36] * DCC get of 07_-_Touch_'N_Go.mp3 from DeathStar/ finished. Downloaded 2.9MB in 14m 9s at an average of 3.49KB/s.
[20:36] <13@Kit> <Chii> And hey, violent sex is pretty fun, too.
[20:36] <13@DeathStar> <Badly Muffled Voice> You 'ill go to 'our fro' 'oor. 6* His voice doesn't carry well due to the muffling
09[20:36] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf grumbles and picks Scar up. "Sometimes I think you like that."
[20:36] <13SPoC> <DiasComm> Huh?
[20:37] <13@DeathStar> <Badly Muffled Voice> 'ou 'il go to 'our fro' 'or!
[20:37] <13SPoC> <Dias> Marcus? Did Kat tape you up again?
[20:37] <13@DeathStar> <Scar> Hee hee
[20:38] <13@DeathStar> <Voice> GO TO THE FRONT DOOR. 6* click.
[20:38] <13SPoC> <Dias> ...Oh. 6He shrugs and heads to the main entrance.
[20:38] <13@Kit> 6Chii twitches slightly. 1"...W-why do I get the feeling he was looking up when we did that?"
[20:38] <13Sardis> Really, I'm not going have this conversation with you Myria- Just get some Omega Coke, ok? Its hard enough working in that lab with you- but when your acting like this.. *he trails off, having stopped in the hallway
[20:38] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> He was.
[20:39] <13@DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks up
[20:39] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> Hello, Jen
[20:39] <13@Kit> <Chii> E-..." 6She jumps, putting her hands over the fluffy bloomers. 1"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING!?"
09[20:39] <13@Jennifer`> "Hey Kat. I was wondering... wanna do the hair thing?"
[20:39] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> You'd kill him
[20:39] <13SPoC> 6Dias moves to the front door and opens it, stepping outside.
[20:40] <13@Kit> 6Chii pauses, blushing red. 1"S-So!?"
[20:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* Dias stands on a note
[20:40] <13SPoC> 6Dias scratches his head and leans down, shifting his foot to pick the note up
[20:40] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> So. You really think you have a limit on life now?
[20:40] <13@Myria> What are you talking about?! *flails her arms*
[20:41] <13@Kit> <Chii> I always have.
[20:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* With letters on the note cut from newspapers and articles, it reads: I have kidnapped Chii. If you want her back, Dias and his sidekicks must come to this location." 6* The rest is written out in pen, probably having run out of letters - the address
[20:42] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> Right now? 6* She blinks
[20:42] <13SPoC> 6Dias glances around, scratching his head. He turns it upside down.
[20:42] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I see.
[20:42] <13@Kit> 6Chii rubs her head behind an ear, comically large now in proportion. 1"...Kitsune are demons that live roughly a thousand years. When Freyja died, I would have died simultaneously. We shared our soul, after all."
15[20:43] * 13Sardis facepalms, grinning somewhat " Myria- When your ready to talk like a rational being I'll be in the lab. " he begins to walk away " And dont forget the Omega Coke. "
[20:43] <13@Kit> <Chii> I'm not very sure now. It would depend on how I age and the attributes of the new soul.
[20:43] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I see.
[20:43] <13SPoC> 6Dias raises a brow and just steps back inside, he taps his comm. 1"Hey Cheryl..."
[20:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl takes her comm. "Yeah?"
[20:43] <13@Kit> 6Chii glances up at Cheryl's back. 1"...Do you think, without the defect, dragoons will live forever?"
09[20:43] <13@Jennifer`> "Sometime today, maybe?"
[20:43] <13@Myria> Who said you could even go into my lab?!
15[20:44] * 13@Jennifer` looks down a little. "Don't wanna put you on the spot, or anything."
[20:44] <13SPoC> <DiasComm> ...You missing shortround?
[20:44] <13Sardis> Our lab- Myria. Our lab. *he keeps walking
[20:44] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> No, Chii is here with me.
[20:44] <13@DeathStar> <KAtrina> It's just that you usually have to make appointments ahead of time
[20:44] <13SPoC> <DiasComm> You sure someone didn't replace her with a stuffed doll?
[20:45] <13@Kit> <Chii> What'd he call me!?
09[20:45] <13@Jennifer`> "Oh... yeah... well... Natalie's up for it... so can we make one and set it up?"
[20:45] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Pretty sure. Why?
[20:45] <13SPoC> <DiasComm> Where are you right now?"
[20:45] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hallway leading away from the training room
[20:45] <13SPoC> <DiasComm> I'll be right there. 6He clicks the comm and starts moving towards her
[20:46] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I don't know. Possiblely. Depends on if I age normally now, too
[20:46] <13@Myria> It is not your-ITS MINE!
[20:46] <13@Kit> <Chii> I wonder if we both have sixteen years starting from the reincarnation.
[20:47] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I don't know that, either.
[20:47] <13SPoC> 6Dias steps upto the two, a note in his hand.
[20:47] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Dias now, then the note
[20:47] <13@DeathStar> 6* Katrina considers a bit, then nods. "I'll try."
[20:47] <13SPoC> 6Dias hands it to her up, upside down.
[20:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl turns it up right and reads it. "Well, this is bogus. Chii's right here."
15[20:48] * 13Sardis doesnt respond as he disapears down another hallway on his way to the lab
15[20:48] * 13@Jennifer` smiles and leans over, hugging her. "Thanks Kat."
[20:48] <13@Kit> 6Chii hops up and down to see it.
[20:48] <13SPoC> <Dias> Well it has to be true. You did read the part where it clearly mentioned Dias and his SIDEKICKs, right?
[20:48] <13@Kit> 6Chii scowls. 1"Who the hell would kidnap me, anyway?"
[20:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* Scar leans in over Chii. "I can think of a pretty big list."
[20:49] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hunh. The real question is who would take Chii and ask for Dias specifically to save her
[20:49] <13SPoC> <Dias> Pedophiles, child labor sellers. Slave sellers.
[20:49] <13@Kit> 6Chii eyes up at Scar, then over at Dias. 1"..."
[20:49] <13SPoC> 6Dias than looks at Cheryl. 1That wasn't to answer your question."
[20:49] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Uh huh
15[20:49] * 13@Myria runs after Sardis!
[20:50] <13@DeathStar> 6* Katrina returns the hug, then begins to use her datapad to look for something
15[20:50] * 13Sardis glances back over his shoulder as he begins to enter the keycode for the lab
[20:50] <13SPoC> <Dias> The real question is, do we care enough to go after it?
[20:51] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Since Chii's here, why bother?
15[20:51] * 13@Jennifer` lets go and smiles a bit. "I... I should get back to Natalie."
[20:51] <13@Myria> HA! I have you now, for I have changed the entry code!
[20:51] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> Okay.
[20:51] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> I'll let you know if I find something for us
[20:51] <13SPoC> <Dias> Wait...Isn't there a copy of her somewhere?
[20:51] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> A copy?
[20:52] <13@DeathStar> <Scar> The real question is if the kidnapper even knows Chii is midget sized. 6* He nods
[20:52] <13SPoC> 6Dias snaps his fingers and points at her. 1"The one that's boiking the general.
[20:52] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Freyja...
[20:52] <13SPoC> <Dias> Yeah her. Maybe she got kidnapped.
[20:53] <13@Kit> 6Chii blinks. 1"Freyja..? Wh-what would they want with Freyja?"
[20:53] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl taps her comm. "General Paladin, is Freyja on base?"
[20:54] <13Sardis> ...? *He glances back at the unresponsive keypad. he then brings up his Datapad, entering in some data. The Keypad turn's green as the Lab doors slide open* There. I've changed it back
15[20:54] * 13@Jennifer` nods a little and gets up, she smiles and then heads back to Natalie.
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> 6* After a pause, Paladin responds. "No. Why, is something wrong?"
[20:55] <13Sardis> But I have to say, Myria.. I'm a little apalled by your actions. Why would you want to keep me out of the lab? You act like you dont like me or something.
[20:55] <13@Kit> 6Chii hops. 1"Someone's nabbed Freyja, Pally!"
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> What?
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> <Scar> Pally?
15[20:55] * 13@Myria twitches.
[20:55] <13SPoC> 6Dias eyes Chii. 1"She even speaks like a child.
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> <Scar> You're an adorable tyke.
[20:55] <13@Kit> <Chii> Fuck both of you!" 6She crosses her arms.
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sighs, holding her face. She relays what the note says.
[20:56] <13@DeathStar> <Scar> Well, you're not really legal, but hell, I'll fuck you
[20:56] <13SPoC> <Dias> Watch your language. You are a kid now.
09[20:56] <13@Jennifer`> Wolf> "Don't see why she's getting all uppity about being what she is."
[20:56] <13@DeathStar> <Scar> She's one of those kids.
15[20:56] * 13@Jennifer` sits down next to SPoC. "Am I doing something wrong?"
[20:57] <13SPoC> I do not understand. 6She looks at her.
[20:57] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin listens. "I'll get the team together."
[20:57] <13@Kit> 6Chii gives them all the finger.
[20:57] <13SPoC> <Dias> Tell him to get my sidekicks ready.
[20:57] <13Sardis> If we can't carry on a friendly working relationship- I'm afraid I'm going to have to talk with the general. *He enters the Lab
15[20:57] * 13@Jennifer` looks down. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. Anything."
[20:58] <13@DeathStar> <Scar> Oh, that's adorable. Pull your outfit while you do that
[20:58] <13@Myria> We don't have a working relationship!
[20:58] <13Sardis> Thats the problem!
[20:58] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin uses the intercomm system. "All personnel, report to the briefing room immediately."
[20:58] <13@Kit> 6Chii pauses, then blushes and hides behind Cheryl from Scar.
[20:58] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes her, then sighs, moving off, leaving Chii opened
[20:59] <13SPoC> 6Dias rests his hands behind his back and moves with Cheryl.
15[20:59] * 13@Jennifer` gets up. "I'll walk with you..."
[20:59] <13SPoC> <Dias> I'll beat you again. You can bet on it.
[20:59] <13@Kit> 6Chii runs to stay by Cheryl. 1"H-Hey..."
[20:59] <13@Ariel> 6* Em heads to the briefing room as ordered... she does make it sometimes.
09[20:59] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf sighs, "Let's go..."
[20:59] <13@DeathStar> 6* Katrina peers up, then gets to her feet, moving
15[20:59] * 13SPoC looks up than at Jennifer and nods. She gets up and moves off towards the meeting room
[20:59] <13@DeathStar> <Scar> So cute. She's afraid of me!
09[20:59] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf heads to the briefing room.
15[21:00] * 13Sardis looks up "What do you know. Looks like he wants to nip the problem in the bud already. " he sighs annoyedly, having just gotten back to the lab, but alters his course, heading for the conferance room
[21:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks along, and enters the conference room
15[21:01] * 13@Myria stomps toward the briefing room.
[21:01] <13SPoC> 6Dias steps in with Cheryl and takes a seat
15[21:01] * 13@Jennifer` walks along with SPoC. "Dunno... I feel like I have no direction... I know what I want to do now but that's about it."
[21:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin steps in immediately, taking the note from Cheryl to look it over.
09[21:01] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf steps in with Scar in tow.
[21:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* Scar never followed
[21:01] <13SPoC> Continue to live Jennifer. That is all you can ask for in life.
09[21:01] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf went alone then, and is sad.
[21:02] <13@DeathStar> 6* Katrina steps inside the conference room
15[21:02] * 13@Jennifer` nods a little, peeking at the briefing room doors. She looks at Nat, "Thanks..."
15[21:02] * 13SPoC nods and moves inside, taking a sit
[21:03] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin begins to speak. "It seems some person has kidnapped Freyja, and is calling us out to an unidentified location."
09[21:03] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf sits quietly and crosses her arms.
[21:03] <13SPoC> <Dias> And you all, as my sidekicks, will help me rescue her.
[21:04] <13Sardis> I vote we send Dias alone.
[21:04] <13@Kit> <Chii> ...How can we go to an 'unidentified' location..?
09[21:04] <13@Jennifer`> Wolf> "...Sidekicks?"
[21:04] <13@Ariel> Em> "Um... if it's unidentified, how are we supposed to meet them?"
15[21:04] * 13Sardis steps into the room, heading for a seat
[21:04] <13SPoC> <Dias> It's what the note states. 6He shrugs helplessly
15[21:04] * 13@Jennifer` is sort of peeking through the door.
[21:04] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> I should rephrase that. We have no intelligence on the location he's asking us to go. It's a vague address
[21:05] <13Sardis> I say bomb it and cut our losses.
09[21:05] <13@Jennifer`> Wolf> "Right... so we go there and point guns at people?"
[21:05] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> Shut up
[21:05] <13@DeathStar> 6* Pladin yells at Sardis
[21:05] <13@Kit> 6Chii glares toward Sardis, then blinks at Paladin's reaction.
[21:05] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> One more comment like that, and you're going back to the Tsivrixsh Homeworld.
15[21:05] * 13Sardis blinks at Paladin, leaning back. he waves his hands " Touchy touchy. "
[21:06] <13SPoC> <Dias> We don't bomb our own people. 6He looks innocently at Chii.
[21:06] <13@DeathStar> 6* Katrina leans back in her seat.
[21:06] <13@Kit> 6Chii eyes Dias. 1"Oh really. I should ask Theron about that."
[21:06] <13@Myria> *mutter* ...please do send him back...
[21:07] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> We're gearing up and moving out immediately. We'll be getting satelite feed as we go, but I'm not waiting for it here. Lets go. Our objection is to do whatever it takes to rescue Freyja alive. 6* He adds, eyeing Sardis, then moves out
15[21:07] * 13@Jennifer` shakes her head at Sardis, she liked Xril more. She steps back and acts casual as Paladin heads out.
15[21:07] * 13Sardis only grins back at Paladin
[21:07] <13SPoC> <Dias> Yay. 6He stands up, slamming his fist onto the table.
[21:08] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm counting the days he lasts here. 6* She notes offhandedly about Sardis, standing up
09[21:08] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf gets up and heads to the armory to grab some weapons.
[21:09] <13SPoC> <Dias> 1,000 credits says 1 more month
[21:09] <13@Kit> 6Chii hops past Cheryl and moves quickly for the armoury.
[21:09] <13@Myria> I say one more week because I'm already close to killing him. *leaves the briefing room*
[21:09] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Wow. 6* She seems stunned by Myria
15[21:09] * 13@Jennifer` watches people as they go past her.
[21:09] <13Sardis> Oooh. Maybe working with her won't be so bad afterall.
[21:10] <13SPoC> 6Dias eyes Myria then nudges Cheryl. 1"Did she just?"
[21:10] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> She did
09[21:10] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf grabs her cannon and a rifle after strapping on her armor.
15[21:10] * 13Sardis gets up from his chair, heading towards the exit
[21:10] <13SPoC> <Dias> ...Cool.
[21:10] <13@DeathStar> 6* Katrina gets up and moves out; she doesn't even bother to say anything about Sardis, not liking the man
[21:10] <13@DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
[21:10] <13@DeathStar> Location: Shuttle
[21:11] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin sits in the shuttle as they fly over Tokyo, eyeing his datapad. "Satalite feed shows a warehouse."
09[21:11] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf grumbles. "Is it at the docks?"
[21:11] <13SPoC> 6Dias glances at the address they're heading too.
[21:11] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> No.
09[21:11] <13@Jennifer`> Wolf> "Whew, we almost had a cliche villain."
[21:12] <13@Kit> 6Chii tightens her old belts, crossing them so her blades crisscross beneath her obi bow, her guns at her hips and down her legs somewhat. She seems to be getting used to the weight.
[21:12] <13SPoC> 6Dias keeps flying. 1"Now remember you're roles as sidekicks.
[21:12] <13@Kit> <Chii> I'm not your fucking sidekick.
[21:12] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits there by Chii, and rolls her eyes
09[21:12] <13@Jennifer`> Wolf> "When did I sign up for sidekick again?"
[21:12] <13SPoC> 6Dias pauses and looks at Paladin. 1...Question."
[21:12] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> What?
[21:12] <13SPoC> <Dias> Six year old. 6He motions at Chii.
[21:13] <13@Ariel> Em> "Can I be a cameo rather than a sidekick?"
[21:13] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> She's not your typical kid.
09[21:13] <13@Jennifer`> Wolf> "Pretty sure the kid could safely argue that she's legally older."
[21:13] <13SPoC> <Dias> Ah. 6He nods. 1"Just curious."
[21:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* The shuttle reaches the warehouse building
[21:14] <13SPoC> 6Dias brings the shuttle down to land.
[21:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin hits the ramp open button, and gets up
[21:15] <13Sardis> Does this shuttle have any advanced sensory equipment? We need to scan that building for explosives *Says Sardis as he lounges in the back
09[21:15] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf checks her guns and gets up, heading for the ramp.
15[21:15] * 13SPoC stands up, unholsters her gun
[21:15] <13@Myria> I have sensory equipment in my suit. *stands up*
[21:15] <13SPoC> <Dias> There won't be any explosives. 6He stands up
[21:16] <13Sardis> Oh. Convenient.
[21:16] <13@Kit> 6Chii inverts her hands and stretches, then looks to Cheryl before moving to get off
[21:16] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stands up and moves off as well.
[21:16] <13SPoC> 6Dias moves off. SPoC moving off after him
09[21:17] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf looks around after she steps off.
[21:17] <13@DeathStar> 6* The front door of the base has a big doorbell installed, with a note above it, reading, "If you are Dias, please ring"
[21:17] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin moves over to eye it.
15[21:17] * 13Sardis follows behind them
09[21:17] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf stares. "Dias has the most retarded villains."
[21:17] <13SPoC> 6Dias wiggles his finger in his ear as he steps up behind Paladin. 1"What's it say?"
[21:17] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> It says to ring it if you are Dias.
[21:18] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rubs her face. "This is familiar."
[21:18] <13@Myria> Is this that casino guy again?
[21:18] <13@Kit> 6Chii gapes. 1"Him..!?"
[21:18] <13SPoC> <Dias> I doubt it. He was rich last time I checked thanks to Chii. 6He moves upto the door and eyes the doorbell
09[21:18] <13@Jennifer`> Wolf> "Let's just break in and kick his ass."
[21:18] <13@Myria> So? Maybe he ued his money to buy a trap for you.
[21:18] <13@Kit> <Chii> If it is him I'll burn him to death this time!
[21:19] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> ... 6* He eyes Chii
[21:19] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Lets kick in the door and get on with it
[21:19] <13SPoC> <Dias> Nah, we should really ring the doorbell.
[21:19] <13@Kit> 6Chii eyes Paladin. 1"What!? He kidnapped Freyja and if he's dead he can't sue!"
09[21:19] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf hangs her head. "Did she get more violent on top of younger?"
[21:19] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> You seriously plan to ring the DOORBELL?
[21:19] <13SPoC> <Dias> Well that's what the note says.
09[21:20] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf gapes at Dias.
[21:20] <13Sardis> Oh for the LOVE of fuck! Just RING the damn doorbell or kick it in!
09[21:20] <13@Jennifer`> Wolf> "It's an OBVIOUS TRAP."
[21:20] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl throws up her hands.
[21:20] <13SPoC> 6Dias shrugs and moves over, and hits the doorbell.
09[21:20] <13@Jennifer`> * Wolf baps Sardis over the head. "You moron."
[21:20] <13@DeathStar> 6* Everyone is suddenly hit by an electrical beam that knocks them out
[21:20] <13@Kit> 6Chii twitches-- and drops
[21:21] <13@DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
[21:21] <13@DeathStar> Location: Unknown
[21:21] <13@DeathStar> 6* The group would awaken, slowly and painfully, to find themselves all tied to chairs, except Chii, who has been placed into a baby pen. Freyja is nearby, in a chair tied up, awake and alert.
[21:22] <13@Ariel> 6* Em rubs her head, "...what the hell hit us...?"
[21:22] <13@Kit> 6Freyja blinks and stares at the group.
[21:22] <13@DeathStar> 6* Em is tied up, and cannot rub her head
[21:22] <13SPoC> 6Dias shakes his head as he tries to move, he sighs. 1"...I hope these are the soft ropes. I hate chafing."
15[21:22] * 13Sardis laughs weakly as he awakens
15[21:22] * 13SPoC frowns as she finds herself tied to a chair.
[21:22] <13@DeathStar> 6* A disfigured man steps out, laughing in front of Dias. "I have defeated you!"
[21:23] <13SPoC> 6Dias looks at the man. 1"...Who're you again?"
[21:23] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin shakes his head, clearing it
[21:23] <13@Kit> 6Chii groans and sits up, eyeing her pen. She curses out loud. 1"What the fuck is this!?"
[21:23] <13@DeathStar> 6* The man reels. "I AM YOUR ARCH NEMESIS!"
15[21:23] * 13Sardis bursts into full blown laughter as the disfigured man speaks
15[21:23] * 13@Jennifer` looks at her bonds, "You call this tying?"
[21:23] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl groans.
[21:23] <13SPoC> 6Dias looks around. 1"My what?"
09[21:23] <13@Jennifer`> "I swear Scar does a better job."
09[21:23] <13@Jennifer`> Wolf>
03[21:23] * Jennifer` is now known as Wolf
04[21:23] -NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise, please choose a different nickname.
04[21:23] -NickServ- If you do not change your nickname within one minute, you will be disconnected.
[21:23] <13@DeathStar> <Man> Your 'arch 'emesis!!~ 6* He says, his lips sluring when gets mad.
[21:23] <13@Kit> 6Chii stands up and points out of the crib at him. 1"Ahhh! IT IS YOU!"
04[21:24] -NickServ- Password incorrect.
[21:24] <13@Ariel> 6* Em rubbed her head with her shoulder. She's very nimble. "...and this is... uglyface? Do we collect wannabe supervillians now?"
03[21:24] * Wolf is now known as Wolf`
[21:24] <13Sardis> He-He's your nemisis. *he chuckles* And he thinks- get this. He THINKS that by tying us up we have been defeated.
[21:24] <13@DeathStar> <Man> 'ou ar' 'feated!
[21:24] <13SPoC> <Dias> Sure you're my archemesis.
[21:24] <13@Myria> So this is the casino guy?
[21:24] <13@DeathStar> <Man> No. Ar''emesis!
[21:25] <13SPoC> <Dias> Aremsis. 6He repeats
[21:25] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin works on untying himself by twisting the weak bonds.
[21:25] <13@Kit> 6Chii forms seals rapidly with her hands, holding one up. 1"Grr... RAITON!" 6She drops her hand, also dropping a bolt of electricity on the man.
[21:25] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeeep.
[21:25] <13@DeathStar> 6* The man squeals as he's shocked.
15[21:25] * 13@Wolf` sighs and starts undoing her bonds.
09[21:25] <13@Wolf`> "I swear, proper bonding is a lost art."
[21:25] <13SPoC> <Dias> ...Great you shocked him.
15[21:25] * 13@Myria forms a light blade and uses it to slice through the ropes.
[21:26] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl strains and breaks them
[21:26] <13@Kit> 6Chii leaps out of the crib and begins advancing on the man
[21:26] <13@DeathStar> 6* The man stumbles about, pointing at Chii. "'ou 'emon 'ild!"
15[21:26] * 13@Wolf` finishes untying herself and looks to see if the man was smart enough to at least take her weapons.
[21:26] <13@DeathStar> 6* Nope.
[21:26] <13@Ariel> 6* Em attempts to break the chair telekinetically.
15[21:26] * 13@Wolf` looks like she's going to cry as she pulls out her cannon.
15[21:26] * 13Sardis idly reaches for a knife on his belt as his hands are tied behind his back, humming to himself as he widdles on the ropes
[21:27] <13@Kit> <Chii> Oh you haven't seen demon yet, you prick.
[21:27] <13@DeathStar> 6* The man grabs Freyja, holding a gun at her. "'ay 'ack1"
[21:27] <13SPoC> 6Dias sighs and tenses up, snapping the ropes. He stands up and looks at Chii. 1"Oh go take a time out..."
15[21:27] * 13@Wolf` charges the cannon and points it at the moron.
[21:27] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin stiffens as he uses Freyja as a shield.
09[21:27] <13@Wolf`> "Oh put the woman down. You really think you're going to walk away if you shoot her?"
[21:28] <13@Kit> 6Freya blinks again as she's snagged into hostage-- Chii pauses. 1"Let her go you cowardly excuse for a wannabe man!"
15[21:28] * 13Sardis eyes Paladin, standing as he places the knife back in its place
[21:28] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin finishes and takes his gun. Cheryl eyes him, then Freyja. "Just teleport."
[21:28] <13@Ariel> Em> "Umm... Mr.Nemesis. That's not Chii. Why are you trying to use that girl as a hostage?""
[21:28] <13@DeathStar> <Man> a'a'a'a. 'Ah 'on.
[21:28] <13@DeathStar> 6* The man pauses, then eyes Freyja. "'his is 'ii!"
[21:29] <13SPoC> 6Dias rests his hands against the back of his neck as he stares at them. 1"That's Chii's copy."
09[21:29] <13@Wolf`> "I do not like this villain anymore. Trying to understand him is givign me a migraine."
[21:29] <13@Myria> I can't even understand him!
[21:29] <13@Ariel> Em> "No, no it's not."
[21:29] <13@DeathStar> <Man> 'is 'oo!
[21:29] <13@Kit> 6Freyja closes her eyes, then appears beside Paladin. 1"I am neither Chii nor a copy. I am Freyja."
[21:29] <13Sardis> I cant even have migraines!
[21:29] <13@DeathStar> 6* PAladin aims at the man. "Stand down."
[21:29] <13@Ariel> Em> "It really isn't."
[21:29] <13@DeathStar> <Man> 'o 'it.
09[21:29] <13@Wolf`> "Alright buddy, no sudden movements."
[21:29] <13@Kit> <Freyja> I am the sole remnant of Hisui Mizukaze.
[21:29] <13@Myria> Its not Chii because Chii is standing right behind you with a baseball bat.
[21:30] <13@DeathStar> 6* The man tosses down a ball, then pauses a sit does nothing
[21:30] <13SPoC> <Dias> Totally not Chii. 6He motions at Chibi Chii. 1"That's Chii."
[21:30] <13@DeathStar> 6* He kicks it, and shoots out a puff of smoke. He begins to run, despite it not hiding him
[21:30] <13@Kit> 6Chii cracks her knuckles and chases. 1"Alright. Time for pain."
[21:30] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Great. I love it when they run.
15[21:30] * 13@Wolf` flips her rifle off her shoulder, sets it to stun, and fires a stun shot at the man.
[21:30] <13@DeathStar> 6* The man is hit and goes down
15[21:30] * 13SPoC stands up, having finally cut herself free.
15[21:30] * 13Sardis skips forward, kicking the smoke ball towards the distance
[21:31] <13@DeathStar> 6* Then hit by his own smoke ball
09[21:31] <13@Wolf`> "Can we go home now?"
[21:31] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> *sighs* Yes. I'm glad you're okay, Freyja. 6* He glances at her
[21:31] <13@Myria> What do we do about this guy?
[21:31] <13@Kit> <Freyja> Mm. I am fine.
15[21:31] * 13@Wolf` walks over and pulls out a pair of cuffs, moving over the man and binding his hands behind his back.
[21:31] <13@DeathStar> <Man> 'ah! 'oo 'uined me!
[21:31] <13Sardis> How did a guy like him even get ahold of Freyja? *He glances back at Freyja
09[21:31] <13@Wolf`> "We arrest him for kidnapping and poor villain sense.
[21:31] <13SPoC> <Dias> So how the hell does someone Chii's copy get caught by this guy? 6He looks at Freyja
[21:32] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> That's a good question
[21:32] <13@Kit> <Freyja> Well..." 6She glances away.
09[21:32] <13@Wolf`> "Which I'm going to write about having made a real crime."
[21:32] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well?
[21:32] <13@Ariel> Em> "This should be good."
[21:32] <13@Kit> <Freyja> He asked pollitely.
15[21:32] * 13@Wolf` gets the man on his feet, keeping a rifle to his shoulder.
[21:32] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin blinks, and Cheryl stares.
09[21:33] <13@Wolf`> "Are you telling me you allowed yourself to be taken hostage because he said 'PLEASE'?"
[21:33] <13@Myria> ...did she just...say...?
[21:33] <13@DeathStar> <Man> 'ait! 'ou 'afta 'eat 'y ul'amte 'apon!
[21:33] <13Sardis> Thats in essence- what she's saying.
[21:33] <13@Kit> 6Freyja shakes her head. 1"He begged, actually."
09[21:33] <13@Wolf`> "How about I just shoot you until you forget the ultimate weapon?"
[21:33] <13Sardis> ... Did he just ask us to eat the ultimate weapon..?
[21:33] <13SPoC> <Dias> ...Lame.
[21:33] <13@DeathStar> 6* The man nods at a door. "'in 'ere!"
[21:34] <13SPoC> 6Dias eyes perk up. 1"Ultimate weapon?!"
15[21:34] * 13@Wolf` shakes her head. "Right, because we're going to go in thre."
[21:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl groans.
15[21:34] * 13@Wolf` slowly looks at Dias.
[21:34] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Dias would.
[21:34] <13SPoC> 6Dias is already athe door, moving to open it
[21:34] <13@Kit> <Freyja> I admit I'm curious, as well. I never saw inside there.
[21:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin sighs.
[21:34] <13Sardis> Um..
15[21:34] * 13@Wolf` sighs and shakes her head.
[21:34] <13Sardis> No?
[21:34] <13SPoC> 6Dias opens the door
[21:34] <13Sardis> This guy may be retarded but things arent always what they seem. Better safe than sorry to just get out of here.
[21:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* As the door opens, a naked robotic Chii steps out, along with a robotic naked Dias. He has a tiny penis.
[21:35] <13@Kit> <Chii> ...Wh-what the hell!?!
[21:35] <13SPoC> <Dias> HEY CHERYL! CHECK THIS OUT!
[21:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl groans. "Great."
15[21:35] * 13@Wolf` stares. "What in God's name..."
[21:35] <13@Kit> <Chii> D-Don't look, you bastards!"
15[21:35] * 13Sardis looks
[21:35] <13SPoC> <Dias> You can forget about Chibi Chii until she grows up now.
[21:35] <13@Kit> 6Chii runs forward and waves her hands frantically.
[21:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* The ultimate Dias robot speaks. "I am an idiot!" 6* He punches Dias, sending fim flying through the room
[21:35] <13@DeathStar> <Ultimate Dias Robot> I am ugly and unattractive, and have no endowment.
09[21:35] <13@Wolf`> "So realistic..."
[21:36] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin stares; for once he doesn't seem to know what t osay.
15[21:36] * 13Sardis knows- he laughs hysterically.
[21:36] <13@DeathStar> <Ultimate Chii Robot> I am a whore. I like fire. I am gay.
[21:36] <13SPoC> <Dias> Yeah yeah yeah. 6He waves dismissively at his robot clone and stares at the Robot Chii
[21:37] <13@Myria> That's... ... ...
[21:37] <13@Myria> That's LAME!
[21:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* The Robot Chii holds out a hand and unleashes a huge flame wave at the team
[21:37] <13@Kit> 6Chii whirls around, narrowing her eyes at her clone
[21:37] <13SPoC> 6Dias hits the far wall and slides down it.
[21:37] <13@Kit> 6Chii forms seals and throws her hands out. 1"Suiton!" 6Neutralizing afront her with water.
15[21:37] * 13@Wolf` moves out of the way of the wave, keeping the villain in front of her as a sheild.
[21:38] <13@Ariel> Em> "...wait a sec... are these weapons... competant?" *uses telekinesis to part the flame*
[21:38] <13@DeathStar> <Ultimate Dias Robot> I will punch you dead. With my hands.
[21:38] <13SPoC> 6Dias pushes off the wall, shaking. 1"Ho ho ho. This'll be fun."
[21:38] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin aims and fires a shot. It hits the robot doing nothing
[21:38] <13@Kit> 6Freyja holds up her hands and fires two light arrows, one for each.
[21:38] <13@DeathStar> 6* The Ultimate Chii robot does a dance, shaking her body suggestively.
15[21:39] * 13SPoC raises her gun and fires a shot at the Chii robot
[21:39] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stares.
[21:39] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hey, that's pretty accurate.
[21:39] <13SPoC> 6Dias takes several steps forward than breaks into a dash towards the Robot Dias
09[21:39] <13@Wolf`> "I see someone got one of Billy's videos on Chii."
[21:39] <13@DeathStar> 6* The shots hit the robots, knocking them back. The shot does nothing as well
15[21:39] * 13Sardis moves towards the exit of the warehouse, attempting to find and examine the electrical pulse mechanism that knocked them all out
[21:39] <13@Kit> <Chii> IS NOT!" 6She rapidly forms seals, then holds up her hand again. 1"Raiton!" 6She drops a bolt on her clone
[21:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* It appears to be attached to the wall outside, a little gun device.
[21:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* The robot is zapped. "A'a'a'a'a'a."
[21:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* The ultimate Dias Robot faces Dias, then aims his hand. "Ultimate Dias Punch." 6* The hand goes flying at Dias' head
[21:40] <13@Ariel> Em> "Let's see if it has the same weakness as the real one." *attempts to dangle robo-chii upsidedown by feet with telekinesis*
[21:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* Robo Chii is held upside down. "Please do me hard. I am a whore."
[21:41] <13SPoC> 6Dias leaps upwards, throwing his hand down on the incoming fest to leap over it
15[21:41] * 13Sardis checks to make sure it won't fry him, and disconects it's firing mechanism, detaching it from the wall.
[21:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin adjusts his gun to do maximum damage.
[21:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ultimate Dias Robot peers at Dias. "I like it when I do Marcus up the butt."
15[21:42] * 13@Wolf` aims her cannon at RoboChii and fires a blast, keeping a firm hold on Mr. Moronic.
[21:42] <13SPoC> <Dias> ...Where's Marcus when he needs to hear this. 6He lands and kicks off, throwing a hard kick for the robot's side
[21:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* Robot Chii is hit hard. She twitches, then falls dead
15[21:42] * 13Sardis makes his way back towards the conflict. He stands off to the side, aiming the device at the Robo Dias and fires
[21:42] <13@Kit> 6Chii snarls at her luvmi self and runs over, drawing out her blades and activating them to dice into it over and over.
[21:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* The Ultimate Dias Robot is kicked. He is then hit by the device and shorts out, and explodes
[21:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* As Chii does this, the Chii bot explodes
[21:43] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> CHII!
[21:43] <13SPoC> 6Dias covers his face with his hands
[21:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin moves quickly to check on Dias and Chii
[21:43] <13Sardis> I like this thing. *He admires the small but effective device
[21:43] <13@Myria> Billy is going to love my recording of this battle.
[21:44] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves over as well
[21:44] <13@Kit> 6Chii probably sensed it and leaped to flip away, but it did explode, after all.
[21:45] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl lifts Chii up by her foot, examining her
[21:45] <13SPoC> 6Dias lies on the ground, smoke rising off him
[21:45] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin kneels to examine Dias
09[21:45] <13@Wolf`> "Are tweedle dee and tweedle dumb okay?"
[21:45] <13@DeathStar> <Man> 'ah 'on!
[21:46] <13SPoC> 6Dias coughs, sending black smoke into Paladin's face
[21:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* He laughs happily
[21:46] <13@Kit> 6Chii twists and thrashes in the air. 1"Let go of me!" 6She's bleeding in numerous places, but the wounds seem to be closing-- albeit slowly.
15[21:46] * 13@Wolf` smacks the guy on the back of the head. "Quiet you."
[21:46] <13@DeathStar> <Man> 'ow.
[21:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl lets go
09[21:46] <13@Wolf`> "Only I get to be a bitch to the heroes."
[21:46] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> You okay?
[21:46] <13@Kit> 6Chii drops onto her head, yelping, then sitting up, rubbing her head with watery eyes. 1"Owie.."
[21:46] <13SPoC> <Dias> ...Who do you think I am? 6He stands up, wiping his face.
[21:47] <13@Kit> 6Freyja rubs her head. 1"..."
[21:47] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> Right
[21:47] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hmph
[21:47] <13SPoC> <Dias> Uh, yeah I'm good. Thanks for checking.
[21:47] <13@Myria> Ummm...anyone need my med kit?
[21:47] <13Sardis> After that encounter I think I need painkillers.
[21:48] <13SPoC> <Dias> ....Uhh..Owww owww. My back. 6He waves painfully towards Myria
09[21:48] <13@Wolf`> Got asprin in there Myria?
[21:48] <13@Kit> <Chii> That hurt, Cherry!!
[21:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin shakes his head
[21:48] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> You said let go
[21:48] <13@DeathStar> <Man> 'ext 'ime!
[21:48] <13@Myria> Aspirin...or its nearest synthesized equivalent, yes.
15[21:48] * 13@Wolf` smacks the man again.
09[21:49] <13@Wolf`> "No next time, jail time."
[21:49] <13@DeathStar> <Mana> 'ow
15[21:49] * 13@Myria goes over to give Dias some painkillers.
[21:49] <13SPoC> 6Dias coo's
[21:49] <13@DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
[21:49] <13@DeathStar> Location: HQ
[21:49] <13@DeathStar> 6* The doctor finishes examining Dias and Chii. "They'll be fine. Though I suggest not sending children out on missions again."
[21:49] <13SPoC> <Dias> I'm not a child!
[21:49] <13@Kit> <Chii> I'm no-- ..." 6Stares at Dias.
09[21:49] <13@Wolf`> "I was about to ask which one."
[21:49] <13@DeathStar> <Doctor> I meant the actual child.
[21:50] <13@DeathStar> 6* Scar leans in. "Badum ching."
[21:50] <13SPoC> <Dias> Oh her. Just give her a new diaper and she'll be good.
[21:50] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl crosses her arms.
[21:50] <13@Kit> 6Chii hops down and moves to kick the doctor in the shin, then eyes Dias and moves to do the same.
09[21:50] <13@Wolf`> "Does she wear diapers?"
[21:50] <13SPoC> 6Dias shifts his shin at the last moment so that she kicks the table medical bed instead
[21:50] <13@Kit> 6Chii howls and retreats back a few hops.
[21:50] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin rubs his forehead.
[21:51] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Great. Now you hurt her, Dias
[21:51] <13SPoC> 6Dias than holds out a suckeer to her, plopping it in her mouth
[21:51] <13@Kit> 6Chii pauses, eyeing the candy, then narrows her eyes at Dias. One day. One day, she thinks.
15[21:51] * 13@Wolf` rolls her eyes. "Alright, I'm off to get a drink."
[21:51] <13SPoC> <Dias> It'll be ok lil kid. 6He pats her on her head.
[21:51] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> We need to decide what to do about your condition, Chii. Are you actively seeking a cure?
[21:52] <13@Kit> <Chii> Cure to what..?
[21:52] <13@DeathStar> <PAladin> Being a child.
[21:52] <13@Kit> 6Chii licks at the candy, then shrugs and continues eating it.
09[21:52] <13@Wolf`> "Cure to being a kid? Last I checked growing and time were the usual cures for such a terrible ailment."
[21:52] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> She was deaged unnaturally. There might be a way to reage her
[21:53] <13@Kit> <Chii> Shouldn't it be determined how I'm aging, first? Yeesh.
09[21:53] <13@Wolf`> "...Does she want to? Doesn't sound like a bad gig, reliving childhood."
[21:53] <13SPoC> <Dias> If you're aging. You might be age in reverse dog years.
[21:53] <13@Kit> <Chii> Reliving? I never had one.
09[21:53] <13@Wolf`> "Even better, live it then Chii."
[21:53] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> ...
09[21:53] <13@Wolf`> "Be a kid for once."
[21:53] <13@Ariel> Em> "I think it's more of an issue, that we can't have a kid THAT young on the team."
[21:53] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> We can run tests on you, Chii, if you want to find a way to reverse the process
09[21:53] <13@Wolf`> "We've got Raquel."
09[21:54] <13@Wolf`> "...Do we still?"
[21:54] <13@Kit> <Chii> Whiners. Whatever. I need a bath-- I'm covered in dust and blood.
15[21:54] * 13@Wolf` looks around. "Just realized I haven't seen the tyke in forever."
[21:54] <13@Kit> 6Chii leans back, stretching again.
[21:54] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> You can have a bath, but I need an answer first.
[21:54] <13SPoC> <Dias> We could just use a hose on her.
[21:54] <13@Kit> <Chii> ...Answer? I need to find out either way.
[21:54] <13@DeathStar> <PAladin> Do you want us to run tests to find a way to reverse you? Or would you rather be a child?
[21:55] <13@Kit> 6Chii eyes Paladin. 1"I don't know how this has affected me. Only Freyja knows how old we really were, for all I know I could have been knocking on death's door to begin with. If this has returned me to being mostly human, if I'm renewed as a demon kitsune, or some odd mix of the dragoon. I need to know.
[21:55] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> Then we'll start running tests
[21:56] <13@Kit> <Chii> I'm not sure if I want to fix what's not broken, but I need to know if Cheryl and I are going to die in sixteen years. That'd suck.
[21:56] <13@DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
[21:56] <13@DeathStar> Stardate: 10-589.4.28
[21:56] <13@DeathStar> Location: HQ
[21:57] <13@DeathStar> 6* Over the next few days, scientists, led by Myria, have begun to examine the chibi Chii in her lab of horrors. Today is another battery of tests, that are just beginning to end. Paladin stands next to Myria and her assistants.
15[21:57] * 13@Wolf` stands nearby, having taken a strange interest in all of this.
[21:57] <13@Kit> <Chii> I-Is this almost over..!?
[21:58] <13@Myria> We'll know if its almost over based on the next set of results.
[21:58] <13SPoC> 6Dias rests in the mess-hall, his body looking worn from fighting.
[21:58] <13@DeathStar> 6* The machine dies down, and an assistant takes the machine's results come out
[21:58] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits in the lab herself, arms crossed
[21:58] <13@Kit> 6Chii blushes slightly. 1"I"m not an exhibit, geez.."
[21:58] <13@Myria> Speaking of which!
[21:58] <13Sardis> What she's trying to say is- no.
[21:58] <13@Myria> ...and just what are you doing in here anyway?!
15[21:58] * 13Sardis tinkers with things in the background
[21:59] <13@DeathStar> <Assistant> Apparantly, ma'am, the tests all come back that Chii is still physically the same as she was when she was older and we ran tests on her
[21:59] <13@DeathStar> <Assistant> Albeit, younger.
[21:59] <13Sardis> This is not the time to be having this conversation Myria- we're working.
[21:59] <13@Kit> <Chii> Did you determine the remainder of my lifespan back then?
[22:00] <13@DeathStar> <Assistant> No. It was indeterminable.
09[22:00] <13@Wolf`> "Can fox... demon things... really die of old age?"
[22:00] <13@Kit> 6Chii frowns slightly, then peers toward Cheryl. 1"What about her?"
[22:00] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> ...
14[22:00] * Megumi (Kit@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[22:00] <13@Myria> Ah...ah...ah... *puffs out her cheeks*
[22:00] <13@Myria> Oh, right. Have we any method to test their bond?
[22:01] <13@DeathStar> <Assistant> Dragoon Alpha Cheryl's body comes out as a healthy 24 year old. She appears to be aging normally. I'd wager she'll make it to a ripe old age.
[22:01] <13Sardis> And we're out of Omega Cokes again. *Sparks are sent flying from the table infront of Sardis
09[22:01] <13@Wolf`> "Wait..."
09[22:01] <13@Wolf`> "She's aging?"
[22:01] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> No. We don't have the equipment. Just what Cheryl says - that it's connected, but not working
09[22:01] <13@Wolf`> "I thought Dragoons didn't age?"
[22:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl leans back.
[22:01] <13@DeathStar> <Assistant> Apparantly once their genetic barrier is fixed, they age.
[22:01] <13@Kit> <Chii> ...That's not right. That means.
09[22:01] <13@Wolf`> "Huh... interesting."
09[22:02] <13@Wolf`> "Welcome to the growing people club Cheryl."
[22:02] <13@Kit> 6Chii rubs her forehead. 1"I didn't reincarnate us. It failed. More or less, I reincarnated Cheryl and I'm just feeling the residual effects."
[22:02] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Chii, frowning
[22:02] <13@Kit> <Chii> Or to be more precise, I somehow forced my life energy into her.
15[22:02] * 13@Wolf` looks at Chii. "Such a terrible side effect, you increased your life span."
[22:02] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> I see.
[22:03] <13@Myria> Do a comparison of Chii to Cheryl.
[22:03] <13@DeathStar> <Assistant> What sort of comparison, ma'am?
[22:03] <13Sardis> Hair color, Favorite activities, movies, DNA...
[22:04] <13@Myria> Will you shut up?!
09[22:04] <13@Wolf`> "Ooo! I know this one!"
09[22:04] <13@Wolf`> "...Movies?"
[22:04] <13Sardis> That depends I suppose. *He speaks, not looking up from his work
[22:04] <13@Myria> ...and genetic markers. Also, see if Chii is aging as well.
[22:05] <13@DeathStar> <Assistant> Oh, the scan told us that - Chii is, in fact, not aging, or at least, not noticeably.
[22:05] <13@DeathStar> <Assistant> Fox Demons are so difficult to read.
[22:05] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin hmmms
[22:05] <13@Myria> Well, that means she's not licely to grow out of this for a VERY long time.
[22:06] <13@Kit> 6Chii seems to be hiding in her hands, upset.
[22:06] <13@DeathStar> 6* The assistant begins to run comparison scans of the two
[22:07] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> So, Chii isn't aging, or if she is, you guys just can't tell? Nice. Great.
09[22:07] <13@Wolf`> "So she's eternally a kid... talk about your fuente de la juventud..."
[22:07] <13@Myria> That's the summary, yes.
[22:07] <13SPoC> 6Dias falls forward, slamming his head on the messhall table causing him to jerk awake.
09[22:08] <13@Wolf`> * Jennifer looks up at Dias, fork in her mouth, eyeing him. "Problems sleeping?"
[22:08] <13SPoC> <Dias> Huh? 6He rubs his face as he looks at her
[22:08] <13@DeathStar> <Assistant> Done. I don't see any genetic comparisons.
09[22:08] <13@Wolf`> Jennifer> "Falling flat on your face. You look tired."
[22:08] <13Sardis> *Sardis looks up from his work, pulling a set of goggles over his forhead* Why dont we isolate some cells and force them to split? If the DNA strands of those cells are progressively decentigrating then she must be aging.
[22:09] <13@Myria> This may be beyond the realm of our science then.
[22:09] <13@DeathStar> <Assistant> As if we wouldn't think of such a thing. Miss. Myria is a genius!
09[22:09] <13@Wolf`> * Jennifer takes a bite of food, watching him curiously.
[22:10] <13SPoC> <Dias> Late nights. 6He shrugs
[22:10] <13@Kit> 6Chii gazes toward Myria and actually laughs out loud.
[22:10] <13@Myria> And we already tested for aging, you ding bat!
[22:10] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> Chii is of supernatural origins.
09[22:10] <13@Wolf`> Jennifer> "What's keeping you up so late? Sleep's important you know."
[22:10] <13@Myria> So we are going to have to think outside the box a bit.
[22:10] <13SPoC> <Dias> Oh it's not the lack of sleep it's the fi-err training I've been doing.
[22:10] <13@Kit> <Chii> I know, but it's still funny to hear the supergeek state something is beyond her precious science.
[22:10] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Get a supernatural expert, then
[22:10] <13Sardis> Oh- dont mind me then. Just being ding batty as per usual. *He slides the goggles over his eyes, continuing his work
09[22:11] <13@Wolf`> Jennifer> "Who are you 'training' with so hard?" *She sips her water*
[22:11] <13SPoC> <Dias> People. 6He shrugs
[22:11] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> And who would be a supernatural expert?
09[22:11] <13@Wolf`> Jennifer> "Not going out at night in a cape and mask are you?"
[22:11] <13@Myria> That's a good question.
09[22:12] <13@Wolf`> Wolf> "...Uhhh... Chii and Freyja, normally?"
[22:12] <13@Myria> Freyja then.
[22:12] <13SPoC> <Dias> No, that'd just be silly.
[22:12] <13@Kit> <Chii> Don't ask me. Not like I've reincarnated before. Besides, this didn't go as I intended, obviously.
09[22:12] <13@Wolf`> Jennifer> "I see, I think it'd be cool."
[22:12] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> When does anything go as you intended?
09[22:13] <13@Wolf`> * Jennifer sits back, watching him.
[22:13] <13@Kit> 6Chii jerks, then smiles, giving Cheryl the bird.
[22:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rolls her eyes
[22:13] <13SPoC> <Dias> Well I can assure you that I'm not.
[22:13] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Maybe you can pull a Billy and make yourself 18 again.
09[22:13] <13@Wolf`> Jennifer> "So who's these people then?"
[22:13] <13@Kit> <Chii> What, like a magical girl?
[22:13] <13@Kit> 6Chii slowly eyes Myria, deadpanned.
[22:14] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Why not?
[22:14] <13SPoC> <Dias> Their names don't really matter.
[22:14] <13@Myria> What?
09[22:14] <13@Wolf`> Jennifer> "Then why not say them?"
[22:14] <13SPoC> <Dias> Because I don't know them.
[22:14] <13@Kit> <Chii> Oh, nothing. Apparently you're passed the magical girl and ninja stages.
09[22:14] <13@Wolf`> * Jennifer puts her fork down in her bowl, now empty. "So not fighting crime then?"
[22:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin uses his comm, to call Freyja in
[22:15] <13@Myria> Well, I matured a bit, yes.
[22:15] <13@Kit> 6Freyja takes a while before moving into the lab, in simple white slacks and a a matching shirt, her hair not tied at all-- a blinding mix of whites.
[22:15] <13@Myria> But that does bring up a point...have you tried willing yourself to age?
[22:16] <13@Kit> <Chii> Uh. Yeah.
[22:16] <13SPoC> <Dias> ...No. You always ask this many questions?
[22:16] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> Have you tried and really WANTED it?
09[22:16] <13@Wolf`> Wolf> "Going for the 'I'm a spirit' look there Freyja?"
[22:16] <13@Kit> 6Chii steals a glance at Cheryl, then looks away.
[22:16] <13@Kit> <Chii> Fucking yes, I did.
[22:17] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> Freyja. 6* He smiles at her warmly.
[22:17] <13@Kit> <Freyja> ...Huh..?" 6She peers at Wolf, then shakes her head. 1"...I was needed..?"
09[22:17] <13@Wolf`> Jennifer> 'I'm a curious teenager, it's my thing.' *she shrugs a bit* 'I'm going to.'
[22:17] <13@Myria> We require a consultation with someone familiar with reincarnation.
[22:17] <13@DeathStar> <PAladin> Do you think you can tell anything about Chii's condition? We're at a dead end
[22:17] <13@Kit> <Freyja> Very little that I couldn't let you all discover for yourselves.
[22:18] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> ...
09[22:18] <13@Wolf`> Wolf> "How about saving us some time?"
[22:18] <13@Kit> <Freyja> She's no longer connected to me-- so I can't tell very much at all.
[22:18] <13SPoC> 6Dias rolls his eyes and then rubs his face. 1"It's kinda annoying
[22:18] <13@Kit> 6Chii twitches slightly. 1"That's useful."
[22:18] <13@Myria> But you just said...
[22:18] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin sighs
[22:19] <13@Kit> <Freyja> However, that means I can look into her heart like anyone else.
[22:19] <13@Kit> 6Chii jerks visibly.
09[22:19] <13@Wolf`> Wolf> "So no longer the twin but the big sister, cute. Can't you tell us anything with all that supernatural knowhow? There we go."
[22:19] <13@Kit> <Chii> I-I'm immune to that shit.
09[22:19] <13@Wolf`> Jennifer> "Well I'll stop it now then." *she looks down at her bowl, she looks dissapointed*
[22:19] <13@Kit> 6Freyja shakes her head. 1"Not anymore."
[22:19] <13SPoC> 6Dias stands up now. 1"I better see how that rugrats coming. 6He moves out of the messhall and towards the crazy room.
[22:19] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl frowns.
[22:20] <13Sardis> Looks like we're going to have to recruit another supernaturaly inclined soldier. *He switches utensils, continuing his work in the background
09[22:20] <13@Wolf`> Jennifer> "Kay... and be careful Dias..."
[22:21] <13Sardis> Or take her on a field trip.
[22:21] <13@Kit> 6Freyja raises a finger. 1"Only Erevis, Megumi, Ariel, Warren and Jennifer have experience with such things, however. It can be dangerous and very nonsensical to the unprepared."
[22:21] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> If it helps us
[22:22] <13@Kit> 6Freyja shrugs. 1"I couldn't say, honestly, but if she's willing, I'll open the door for you."
09[22:22] <13@Wolf`> Wolf> "This aughta be good."
[22:22] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Chii
[22:22] <13SPoC> 6Dias steps into the lab. 1"So what's the prognosis?
[22:22] <13@Kit> 6Chii stares toward Cheryl, fidgeting.
[22:23] <13@Kit> <Chii> I don't mind if Cheryl does, but...
[22:23] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> ...
[22:23] <13@DeathStar> <PAladin> But?
[22:23] <13SPoC> 6Dias stares blankly. 1"...So she's stuck a kid than?"
[22:23] <13@Kit> <Chii> I don't really like the idea of a bunch of you running around in my soul.
[22:23] <13SPoC> 6Dias eyes Chii, than starts laughing
[22:24] <13@Kit> 6Chii frowns, then glares at Dias.
[22:24] <13SPoC> <Dias> This coming from the person who probably romped through people like they were playgrounds?
[22:24] <13@Myria> This is out of my area of expertise now.
[22:24] <13@Kit> <Chii> I've never been inside anyone's soul, you prick!
[22:24] <13@Kit> 6Freyja looks to Dias, frowning, glancing down.
[22:24] <13@DeathStar> 6 *Paladin sighs. "Lets stay on topic."
[22:25] <13SPoC> <Dias> Why not find someone who's good at this type of stuff than?
[22:25] <13@Kit> <Chii> Why not stay out of conversations you're walking in on half way!?
[22:26] <13SPoC> <Dias> Like Drake. He's into all that stuff, ain't he?
[22:26] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> *sighs* Look. If you don't feel like having them romp around, then lets skip it.
09[22:27] <13@Wolf`> Wolf> "Why don't we do it and just have Cheryl go?"
09[22:27] <13@Wolf`> Wolf> "It's not like we all HAVE to go."
[22:27] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* She frowns.
[22:27] <13@Kit> <Chii> I'm fine the way I am. The only fucking reason I'd want to change is for Cheryl.
09[22:27] <13@Wolf`> Wolf> "Well then what does Cheryl want?"
[22:27] <13@Kit> 6Freyja stays out of this, sidestepping around toward Paladin.
[22:28] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> If she's fine how she is, she's fine. 6* She stands up. "Lets drop it." 6* She moves out of the room
[22:28] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin crosses his arms, frowning at Cheryl as she leaves.
[22:28] <13SPoC> 6Dias eyes Cheryl and winces. 1"Nice, Chii."
[22:28] <13@Kit> 6Chii runs by Dias, probably to retreat with her now that the tests are done.
[22:29] <13@Kit> 6Freyja claps her hands together. 1"Well, is that all I was needed for?"
[22:29] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> Yes.
[22:29] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> Thank you
[22:29] <13@Kit> 6Freyja bows her head, then turns to leave.
[22:29] <13@DeathStar> 6* PAladin speaks up at Chii. "Chii. A word with you."
[22:29] <13SPoC> <Dias> She really doesn't get being in love, does she? 6He scratches his head
[22:29] <13@Kit> 6Chii slides to a halt, gazing back. 1"Can't it wait?!"
[22:30] <13@Kit> 6Chii runs in place, gritting her teeth slightly. 1"She's getting away."
[22:30] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> No. For now, you're temporarily off the active list. We need to see how capable you are as a child.
[22:30] <13@Kit> <Chii> WHAT!?
[22:30] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> I cannot in good conscience have someone your age on the active roster without first testing you
[22:31] <13@Kit> 6Chii snarls. 1"What the hell is there to test!?"
[22:31] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> Also, if we cannot find a way to bring the bond back up, we might need to have you two break it
[22:31] <13SPoC> <Dias> That's pretty cold, sir.
[22:31] <13@Kit> 6Chii stomps. 1"I'll make it work. It's none of your business!"
[22:31] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> It is, but we have Legion out there. Cheryl's life, and the team's lives, would be safer if she had a bond.
09[22:32] <13@Wolf`> Wolf> "Why not break the thing then try to put it back together? That's how I fix things."
[22:32] <13SPoC> <Dias> Well I'm against forcing Cheryl to rebond.
[22:32] <13@Myria> Ok, science team, let's clean up.
[22:32] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> I'll speak to Cheryl on it. I won't force her, but if she agrees. 6* He leaves it at that
[22:32] <13@Kit> <Chii> The bond can't be remade that easily." 6She glares at Wolf.
[22:33] <13@DeathStar> 6* The assistants hand Sardis the cleaning supplies
[22:33] <13@Kit> 6Chii points toward Paladin. 1"And I'll destroy any test you throw at me."
[22:33] <13@Kit> <Chii> I don't care if I am smaller or whatever. I'm still me. I can devour anything just the same."
[22:33] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> We'll see. 6* He walks out
09[22:34] <13@Wolf`> Wolf> It can't? Why not?
[22:34] <13@Kit> 6Chii chases down Cheryl.
[22:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pulls on a coat, moving out to her car
09[22:35] <13@Wolf`> * Wolf shrugs, "Guess she doesn't know."
15[22:35] * 13Sardis eyes the cleaning supplies, then assistants
15[22:35] * 13Sardis continues his work, leaving them to sit
[22:35] <13SPoC> 6Dias just shakes his head and steps out, moving along the halls
[22:36] <13@Myria> ...just why is he in here?
[22:36] <13@Kit> <Chii> Cherry! Cherry, waiiit!
[22:36] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl glances at Chii a moment
[22:36] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> What?
[22:36] <13@Kit> <Chii> Where are you going..?
[22:36] <13Sardis> Because I- my dear Myria- like YOU- am a Scientist.
[22:37] <13@Kit> 6Chii catches up and huffs, holding her knees.
[22:37] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> The bar
[22:37] <13@Kit> <Chii> I want to come, then!
[22:37] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> You can't.
[22:37] <13@Kit> <Chii> Why not?!
[22:37] <13@Myria> were the one who was advocating indiscriminate mayhem.
[22:37] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> You're too young to get in
[22:37] <13@Kit> <Chii> ...No I'm not.
[22:38] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yes. You are. You are physically too young.
[22:38] <13SPoC> 6Dias stretches as he moves upto his room and steps inside.
[22:38] <13@Kit> <Chii> How do you figure? How old do you have to be?
[22:38] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> You have to be 18.
[22:38] <13Sardis> Indiscriminate mayhem is fun. Whats your point?
[22:39] <13@Kit> <Chii> I looked younger than that before and no one complained.
[22:39] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> That's because you weren't looking like a fucking six year old.
[22:39] <13@Kit> <Chii> I want to come!!
[22:39] <13@DeathStar> <Cherly> No.
[22:39] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves to the car door.
[22:40] <13@Kit> 6Chii stumbles back, blinking, then fumes, turning and running back down the hall.
[22:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl opens the car door and gets in, powering up and driving off
[22:40] <13SPoC> 6Dias steps out of his room, out of his uniform and in his casual wear. shorts and a sleevless shirt.
[22:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin gets into his office, sitting down
[22:41] <13@Kit> 6Chii heads to the firing range and proceeds to destroy things with successive ninpo
[22:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* Katrina pops her head in, staring at Chii. "You okay?"
09[22:43] <13@Wolf`> * Jennifer walks through the halls, thinking to herself.
[22:43] <13@Kit> 6Chii shifts in the middle of a summon, blinking. 1"DUCK!"
[22:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* Katrina blinks, then ducks
[22:44] <13SPoC> 6Dias moves back into the messhall and grabs some a bottle of water and pounds it down
[22:44] <13@Kit> 6Chii huffs, a screeching sound ensuing as a wave of wind carves into the wall and doorframe above Katrina's crouching head.
[22:44] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> ... 6* She looks upward
[22:45] <13@Kit> 6Chii grumbles. 1"What's up, Kat?"
[22:45] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> Just checking on you
[22:45] <13@Kit> 6Chii averts her eyes, frowning. 1"Why..?"
[22:45] <13SPoC> 6Dias tosses it away and grabs another one, moving out of the training room.
09[22:45] <13@Wolf`> * Jenn stops and sits down in a quiet hallway, leaning against the wall as she stares at the opposite wall.
[22:46] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> Because I worry and care about you
[22:46] <13@Kit> <Chii> I'm just ticked off.
[22:46] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> About?
[22:47] <13@Kit> <Chii> Cheryl ran off to a bar without me. It's bullshit. We've gone together before.
[22:47] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> Sweetie. 6* She moves over, kneeling so she's more level with Chii. "Circumstances are different now. You may be the same you, but how the world perceives you isn't the same."
[22:48] <13@Kit> 6Chii clenches her hands. 1"So what!? Don't have to be a bunch of snarky retards. I'm still me!"
[22:49] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> Chii. 6* She says sternly, like she would to a child who's being obstinate. She puts her hands on her shoulders. "Perception is a big part of life. You're in a child's body. You have to learn to accept that. You can run around and try to be the old you all that you want, but right now, you can't fully be the old you anymore. So, you have to decide how you plan to approach things now
[22:50] <13@Kit> <Chii> Why should I? I'm me, so I'll do what I want.
09[22:51] <13@Wolf`> * Jenn gets up, heading to Chii's door.
[22:51] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> You can try as much as you want to do what you want, but you're going to find the world might not let you anymore.
[22:51] <13SPoC> 6Dias steps into the holding cell and moves to X's cell. 1"Yo."
[22:52] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... Hello
[22:52] <13@DeathStar> 6* X looks at Dias boredly
[22:52] <13SPoC> <Dias> You still all tired and fatigued?
[22:52] <13@DeathStar> <X> ........ 6* She doesn't bother to tell if she's weak or not
09[22:53] <13@Wolf`> * Jenn stops outside the doorway.
[22:53] <13SPoC> <Dias> Right, forget I asked. 6He twirls the water in my hand. 1"Have you been enjoying using the training room now?"
[22:53] <13@DeathStar> <X> It has been adequate.
[22:54] <13SPoC> <Dias> Adequate?
[22:54] <13@Kit> 6Chii purses her lips, scowling. 1"You're not going to, either?"
[22:54] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm your friend. I'm just telling you what I think. I'm not going to stop you from making your own decisions
[22:54] <13@DeathStar> <X> Yes.
[22:55] <13SPoC> 6Dias hrmpfs. 1"So did you like the soul food or not?"
[22:55] <13@DeathStar> <X> Edible.
[22:55] <13@Myria> Just get out of my lab...
[22:56] <13SPoC> <Dias> I'll take that as, yes you loved it.
[22:56] <13@Kit> <Chii> Cheryl left me here.
[22:56] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> You might find you'll get left behind a lot. I don't think it means she cares about you any less.
[22:56] <13@Kit> <Chii> We did everything together, and she seemed so impassive about it.
[22:57] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> ... 6* She studies Chii
[22:57] <13@Kit> 6Chii eyes her, twitching a little. 1"Wh-what..?"
[22:57] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> I think you'll have to accept you and Cheryl aren't going to have quite the same relationship you had before
14[22:58] * Sardis ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
09[22:58] <13@Wolf`> * Jennifer sighs and walks on, stepping into the firing range, she looks between Chii and Kat quietly before walking over to the firing spots.
03[22:58] * Sardis ( has joined #taw
[23:01] <13@Kit> <Chii> Why not!?
[23:01] <13SPoC> <Dias> I'll bring in some Cajun cooking next time.
[23:01] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> Because, despite knowing you are you, you're younger now, and that's difficult for people to accept, and to adjust to.
[23:01] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... Cajun?
09[23:02] <13@Wolf`> * Jennifer looks over her shoulder at the two, frowning a little.
[23:02] <13@DeathStar> 6* Katrina ignores Jennifer's rudeness for walking in and listening
[23:02] <13@Kit> <Chii> So I have to stay out of bars. She can bring something home!!
[23:02] <13SPoC> <Dias> It's...It's good.
09[23:03] <13@Wolf`> * Jennier turns back around, she shrugs a bit, apparently she just caught part of it and reacted, she puts on ear muffs meant to quiet gun blasts.
[23:03] <13@DeathStar> <Katrina> That's not all that may change, Chii. Just keep that in mind, sweetie. 6* She kisses her forehead, then moves out
[23:03] <13@DeathStar> <X> I see. I'll take your word for it for now
[23:03] <13@Kit> 6Chii stares. 1"..Wh-what is that supposed to mean!?"
[23:03] <13SPoC> <Dias> Name one style of food you haven't liked that I brought you.
[23:04] <13@DeathStar> 6* X shrugs. "I haven't liked or disliked any of them."
[23:04] <13SPoC> 6Dias facefaults. 1"So cruel.
15[23:04] * 13@Wolf` takes out her gun, she aims at the targets and fires off a few shots.
09[23:04] <13@Wolf`> * Jennifer
[23:04] <13@DeathStar> 6* Katrina doesn't answer Chii. Perhaps later, when she sees things go
03[23:04] * Wolf` is now known as Jennifer`
[23:05] <13@Kit> 6Chii stomps, uttering frustration in japanese-- then storms out. Jennifer may have trouble finding ...intact targets. The place is pretty trashed by all manner of elements.
15[23:05] * 13Sardis looks up at Myria "Did you say something?"
[23:07] <13@Myria> ...know what? Forget it!
[23:07] <13Sardis> Ok. *He returns to his flayed wires and circuits
15[23:07] * 13@Jennifer` puts it away after a few shots, noting this herself.
15[23:08] * 13@Jennifer` looks back and sees Chii gone and shakes her head, putting the equipment back up and walking out herself, looking around.
[23:08] <13@DeathStar> 6* Billy passes Chii, peering down at her, as if on purpose, and moves on
[23:08] <13@Kit> 6Chii yanks her hand, pulling her wire up from the floor to try and trip Billy.
[23:09] <13@DeathStar> 6* The wire is destroyed before it trips her. She turns to face Chii, her eyes glowing slightly
15[23:09] * 13@Jennifer` catches sight of the two and watches.
15[23:09] * 13@Myria stomps out of the lab.
[23:09] <13SPoC> <Dias> Well whenever you feel like going for your walk or more training. Have the guards give me a buzz.
[23:09] <13@Kit> 6Chii just keeps walking.
[23:09] <13@DeathStar> <X> I will.
[23:10] <13@DeathStar> 6* Billy moves on as well
[23:10] <13SPoC> 6Dias waves his hand and walks out, heading back into the hallways
15[23:10] * 13@Jennifer` frowns and follows after Chii.
[23:10] <13@Kit> 6Chii heads back for her room, which has been pretty vacant and disused for quite some time.
15[23:12] * 13@Jennifer` follows after her. "Hey Chii..."
03[23:13] * Sardis is now known as KulixAway
[23:13] <13@Kit> 6Chii opens her door, then peers back, her eyes as angry and feral as ever. 1"What?"
15[23:14] * 13@Jennifer` takes a step back. "I ummm... I wanted to know if you wanted to... you know... have someone to hang with?"
[23:16] <13@Kit> 6Chii sneers. 1"What's this, all of the sudden?"
[23:16] <13@Kit> 6Her eyes flare a bit. 1"Not going to rub it in? Or do you have something to relate to now, or whatever?"
09[23:17] <13@Jennifer`> "Something to relate to. Paladin's taken you off missions, hasn't he?"
[23:17] <13@Kit> <Chii> I apparently have to be tested.
[23:18] <13@Kit> 6Chii shrugs. 1"Whatever. I'm not going to let it stop me."
15[23:18] * 13@Jennifer` smirks, "Good. It shouldn't stop you."
09[23:18] <13@Jennifer`> "But seriously... if you'd like someone to hang with... I've been meaning to ask for a while now and... well... you look like you could use a friend."
[23:18] <13@Kit> 6Chii narrows her eyes slightly. 1"..."
09[23:19] <13@Jennifer`> "One who's not fond of short jokes or belittling kids."
[23:20] <13@Kit> <Chii> I'm not a kid.
09[23:21] <13@Jennifer`> "But you don't like being treated like one either."
[23:22] <13@Kit> 6Chii crosses her arms. 1"I don't see what you're getting at. But if you're trying to be friends or whatever, I'll think about it."
[23:23] <13@Kit> <Chii> It's not like I've forgotten the edge between us.
09[23:23] <13@Jennifer`> "Yeah, that's pretty much it."
09[23:23] <13@Jennifer`> "Edge...?"
15[23:23] * 13@Jennifer` looks a little blank.
[23:24] <13@Kit> <Chii> Hmp. Your head's as loose as your mouth." 6She turns her back and enters her room, not bothering with the lights. 1"Don't worry about it."
09[23:24] <13@Jennifer`> "No I guess whatever it was, it wasn't enough to stick on me."
09[23:24] <13@Jennifer`> "I don't have a problem with you Chii."
09[23:25] <13@Jennifer`> "And I won't worry I guess... but if you wanna talk or hang, just find me, or I'll find you."
[23:25] <13@DeathStar> -END?-
15[23:25] * 13@DeathStar finally sneaks his end in that you two held up
03[23:26] * Myria is now known as Jackieness
03[23:26] * DeathStar changes topic to 'TAW 4: TEP (251-present) | TAW 4: PAX has ended (1-250) | Season 17 (Judgements): 8 of 20 complete | Overall Session #339 (889) | Episode Nine: Legionnaire | 1 of 2 | Sessions occur T/Th at 8 EST | Please visit our sister RPG #Erevis'