Session Time: Thu Oct 30 00:00:01 2008
[20:00] <13@DeathStar> 1
[20:00] <13@DeathStar> -0-
[20:00] <13@DeathStar> Stardate: 10-590.4.10
[20:00] <13@DeathStar> Location: House of Robotic Mothers
[20:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* It's a nice, wonderful day, complete with lack of threats for the last few days, and nothing but relaxation.
15[20:01] * 13@Cassandra` prepares a cup of green tea for herself.
[20:02] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias eyes his make shift workout set up in the backyard, beaming proudly.
[20:02] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus stands in the kitchen, whistling casually as he cooks.
[20:02] <13@Cassandra`> So...Marcus...exactly what has Dias built out there?
[20:03] <13@Xanatos> NRP: Oh Marcus is in his own house Cass. Sorry.
[20:03] <13@Cassandra`> NRP: Oh....right!
[20:03] <13@Cassandra`> NRP: When he said THE kitchen, I thought he was visiting.
[20:03] <13@DeathStar> 6* X stands behind Dias, eyeing his make shift workout set up.
[20:03] <13Kit> 6Freyja eyes the roof, scouring it.
[20:04] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Isn't it awesome? It's even got an X-made punching bag! 6He motions at it set up in the side
[20:04] <13@DeathStar> <X> I didn't make anything.
15[20:05] * 13@Cassandra` steps out of the house with her cup of tea in hand and eyes Dias' workout setup.
[20:05] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> No, that's the name of the brand. It's weighted.
[20:05] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... Then shouldn't I get profits?
[20:05] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> I don't think it was named after you.
[20:05] <13@DeathStar> <X> I think it was.
[20:06] <13@Cassandra`> This your training setup?
[20:06] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Either way, it is the finest quality punching bag out there on the market. I have a junked car to the side for lifting. 6He motions at a car with a bar welded to the front of it.
[20:07] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias glances back at Cass then ahead at his work. 1"Yeah."
[20:07] <13@DeathStar> 6* X eyes the bag, then opens a ripple to break it's chain, then opens a second to drop it away from sight. "Until I get money, I'm keeping it."
[20:07] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias' jaw drops. 1"M-My bag..."
[20:07] <13@DeathStar> <X> My bag now.
[20:07] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus hums and then places some food on a plate, moving over to set it on the table, he turns off the stove and poors himself some juice, sitting down to eat it.
[20:07] <13@DeathStar> 6* Marcus would find a giant punching bag behind him now
[20:08] <13Kit> 6Freyja sees nothing and pulls out a broom, sweeping the roof.
[20:08] <13@Cassandra`> In my opinion... *shuffles back inside then comes out and attaches a bell to the set up* needs more cowbell.
[20:08] <13@DeathStar> 6* X stares at the bell, then at Cassandra, then at Dias, then at the bell
[20:08] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Hmpf. 6He scowls. 1"I'll just make my own bag then and fill it with lead shot. 6he eyes Cass then looks at X, shrugging.
[20:09] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus slowly looks over his shoulder and arches a brow, then shrugs and goes to hsi eggs.
[20:09] <13@Cassandra`> And you probably want a tarp or something over it to protect this equipment when it rains, snows, sleets, etc.
[20:10] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Nah. A superhero knows how to fight in all weather conditions.
[20:10] <13@DeathStar> 6* X shakes her head and walks off.
[20:11] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cassandra's comm beeps. The caller ID says something about Chad Winters
[20:11] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias leans his head backwards to watch X's ass as she walks off
15[20:12] * 13@Cassandra` pulls out her comm.
[20:12] <13@Cassandra`> *comm* Arakawa speaking.
[20:12] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus takes a drink of the juice, glancing around at the silence. He sighs once.
[20:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* The floor creaks under the punching bag
[20:13] <13Chad`Winters> <Comm> VI made a move on Darien while he was off somewhere. I've got his last comm location.
[20:14] <13Chad`Winters> Dias raises a brow, looking over at Cass.
[20:14] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus pauses and jumps up. 1Oh shit, not that bag. 6He turns and move over, trying to lift it.
[20:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* As Marcus moves over to it, the floor busts open and dumps them both down into the basement
[20:15] <13@Cassandra`> *comm* Roger. Give me the details and I'll prepare an action.
[20:15] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus groans as he lays there letting out a sigh afterwards.
[20:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* The bag tilts and falls on top of him
[20:15] <13Chad`Winters> <Comm> Aya and I'll be meeting up with you. If VI's making a move, we'll be safer in a bigger group likes yours. I'll send you the info, relay back where your shuttles at.
[20:16] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias snaps his fingers and turns, running back into the house.
[20:16] <13@Cassandra`> *comm* standing by for your intel.
[20:16] <13@DeathStar> 6* X walks into the living room, sitting down.
[20:16] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> X, you and Lilith should get suited up. VI made a move on Darien Starr. 6He runs up the stairs
[20:16] <13Kit> 6Freyja walks down the stairs, returning from the roof with an old-fashioned bamboo broom.
[20:17] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias spins past Freyja so as not to run into her
[20:17] <13Kit> 6Freyja jerks to the side as Dias runs up.
[20:17] <13Chad`Winters> 6Her datapad beeps a few seconds later with the information he got
[20:17] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus growls and stands up finally, dusting himself off, he turns and then moves to go back upstairs and outside, moving towards Cass' house.
15[20:17] * 13@Cassandra` reviews the information.
[20:18] <13@DeathStar> 6* Apparantly the information is just a location of the attack - a city to the south of Tokyo. Small sized, small population. Nothing else accompanies it, except the street the attack happened at
[20:18] <13@DeathStar> 6* X peers up at Dias, then steps into a ripple into her room. She begins to undress, sending Lilith mental orders to get prepared.
[20:18] <13Kit> 6Lilith crawls out from under the bed, tilting her nose up.
[20:18] <13@Cassandra`> *heads inside* Alright, people prep for an op! We have a VI action south of Tokyo!
[20:19] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias moves into his room, already in his boxers
[20:19] <13@DeathStar> 6* X pulls on her uniform and tactical suit.
[20:20] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus moves past Cass and then into the house, glancing around. 1DIAS!
[20:20] <13Kit> 6Freyja stares at Cassandra, the only one now in the living area. She slowly points at herself quizzically.
[20:20] <13Kit> <Freyja> Upstairs, Marcus.
[20:20] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Thanks, Freyja. 6He turns and moves up the steps.
15[20:20] * 13@Cassandra` lets out a breath.
[20:21] <13@Cassandra`> Freyja, technically you're not an active unit member.
[20:21] <13@DeathStar> 6* X steps through another ripple into the living area.
15[20:21] * 13@Cassandra` rubs the bridge of her nose as she heads up to suit up.
[20:21] <13Kit> 6Freyja smiles and nods to Cassandra, then starts to toe away with the bamboo broom to the porch, sweeping.
[20:22] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Dias!
[20:22] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias moves to his closet and grabs his tact suit, and slips it half way on as he grabs his gloves and bandana. He hops out of his room only to run into Marcus. 1"OOOF!"
[20:22] <13@Ariel> 6* Raquel notices people starting to get ready, and gets her own things prepared. Just assuming she'll be wanted.
[20:22] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus stumbles back and eyes Dias. 1Dude I have a fucking hole in my kitchen floor.
[20:23] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> You whipped it on in the kitchen, didnt' you?
[20:23] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> No...your stupid punching bag just appeared there, and whaddaya know, there I go through the floor.
[20:23] <13@DeathStar> 6* X waits in the living room, turning to watch the holovid boredly.
[20:24] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> That's where it is?! 6He moves over to the stairs and hops on the banister, sliding down it. 1"It really is heavy. Sweet. Cash in my closet. Take what you need to repair it!"
15[20:24] * 13@Cassandra` heads back downstairs and into the living room.
[20:24] <13Kit> 6Lilith steps down into the living area, dressed in a black tailored suit with a black shirt and tie and matching leather gloves, her hair ties back into a tail with a simple black thread. She peers at the holovid.
[20:24] <13@Cassandra`> Are we ready then?
[20:24] <13@DeathStar> <X> Yes. What is the mission?
[20:24] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias falls off the end of the railing and lands on his back with a thud. 1"Ready."
[20:25] <13@Ariel> 6* Raquel heads to the living room, pausing, " Miss Cassandra?"
[20:25] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus turns and moves into Dias' room.
[20:25] <13@Cassandra`> Darien Starr was attacked in a city south of Tokyo by VI forces....yes, Raquel/
[20:25] <13@Cassandra`> ?
[20:26] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias quickly stands up, and zips the tops of his suit up, sealing it. He slides his bandana on.
[20:26] <13@Ariel> Raquel> *looks down* "...I forgot to mention this earlier, but I'm going to need to requisition a new sidearm."
[20:26] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> What happened to your bow?
[20:26] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus walks back, whistling and moves down the steps, he glances around at them. 1Uh. You all getting ready for a mission?
[20:26] <13@Cassandra`> Preference?
[20:27] <13@Ariel> Raquel> "...I still have it, but I lost my pistol."
[20:27] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> She should fight with Virtue.
15[20:27] * 13@Cassandra` pulls out a pistol.
[20:27] <13@Cassandra`> Have one of my mine.
[20:27] <13@Ariel> Raquel> *takes it* "Ah... um... thank you."
[20:27] <13@DeathStar> <X> Where did you pull that out from?
[20:27] <13@DeathStar> 6* X begins to examine Cassandra thoroughly
[20:28] <13Kit> <Lilith> Perhaps she has extraplanar skills such as my inugami sub-space.
[20:28] <13@Cassandra`> Professional secret.
[20:28] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias quickly slides over to Cass and X, watching with interest
[20:28] <13@DeathStar> 6* X frowns, then begins to pat Cassandra down thoroughly
[20:28] <13@Cassandra`> Alright *transmits the data on to the holovid for display* ....stop that.
[20:28] <13Kit> <Lilith> Some desperate women in the old wars hid weapons within themselves.
[20:28] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus scratches his head then shrugs and sits down on the couch.
[20:29] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... 6* Her eyes widen and she stares at Cassandra's thighs now
[20:29] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias eye's go wide.
[20:29] <13@Cassandra`> ...don't...
[20:29] <13@DeathStar> <X> H-How could she fit a pistol up in there? There's no way I could do that. I'm too tight.
[20:29] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias falls over.
[20:29] <13@Cassandra`> Mission! Focus!
[20:29] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus bursts out laughing, falling over to hold his sides.
[20:29] <13Kit> <Lilith> Patience.
[20:30] <13@Ariel> 6* Raquel is focusing hard on tuning them out.
[20:30] <13@DeathStar> 6* X peers down at Dias now, then at Lilith. "Show me how later."
[20:30] <13Kit> 6Lilith adjusts her gloves. 1"A bit of effort."
[20:30] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias jerks up. 1"NO! BAD LILITH!"
[20:30] <13@Cassandra`> Screen. Pay attention!
[20:30] <13Kit> <Lilith> Hrmph. I will not. I was never so pathetic that I needed to resort to such a disgusting habit.
[20:30] <13@DeathStar> 6* X eyes Dias again now, making a strange face at him. "Are you telling my Inugami she is bad?"
[20:30] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias lets out a sigh of relief. 1"Not anymore."
[20:31] <13Kit> 6Lilith pauses, looking from X to Dias to X
[20:31] <13@DeathStar> 6* X keeps eyeing Dias, then finally looks at the screen
[20:31] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus sits up finally, wiping at his eyes. 1Oh dear lord, you guys are hilarious.
[20:31] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Anyways. IF this is kind of important, can't we review as he head to the shuttle? Time of the essence type thing ya know?
[20:32] <13Kit> <Lilith> Hiding weapons is a shameful practice. One of proper skill and knowledge should require no such tactic.
[20:32] <13@DeathStar> <X> ... ... 6* She frowns, as if she's been insulted, since she never carries visible weapons.
[20:32] <13@DeathStar> <X> Aren't your weapons hidden inside you?
[20:32] <13@Cassandra`> Yes, Dias...I'll send Chad and Aya the coordsw for the meet up. You pilot.
[20:33] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias snaps his fingers. 1"Right. Let's go get our shuttle.
[20:33] <13Kit> 6Lilith jerks. 1"Th-They are not hidden!"
[20:33] <13@DeathStar> <X> But they are not visible.
[20:33] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus hops up. 1So wait. Where we going?
[20:33] <13Kit> <Lilith> As an inugami I fight with my very soul!
[20:33] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias looks over at Marcus. 1"You got permission?
15[20:33] * 13@Cassandra` sends the coordinates for the meeting point to Chad.
[20:33] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus pauses and hits his head. 1Shhhh.
[20:33] <13@DeathStar> <X> Well, as a Weapon, I fight with my very soul.
[20:33] <13Kit> <Lilith> Indeed.
[20:33] <13@DeathStar> 6 *X crosses her arms, nodding
[20:34] <13@Ariel> Raquel> "But.. the sword Drake gave you isn't your soul..."
[20:34] <13Kit> <Lilith> I have a noble mistress.
[20:34] <13@Cassandra`> Let's move out.
[20:34] <13Kit> 6Lilith slowly shifts to look at Raquel. Staring.
[20:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* X eyes Raquel too, staring at her.
[20:34] <13@Ariel> 6* Raquel heads to the shuttle.
[20:34] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Let's go you two.
[20:34] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus gives Dias a wink and then rushes off to get his stuff real quick, practically running.
[20:34] <13Kit> <Lilith> I do not fight with that.
[20:35] <13Kit> 6Lilith hrmphs, looking to X to lead.
[20:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* X begins to follow the others, looking annoyed with Raquel.
[20:35] <13Kit> 6Lilith follows X.
[20:35] <13@Cassandra`> I feel like a scene change should be happening...about now.
[20:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* X eyes Cassandra oddly.
[20:36] <13@DeathStar> <X> I think she is malfuctioning again
[20:36] <13@Cassandra`> Translation...let's move, people.
[20:36] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias moves into their super van to drive down to their shuttle
[20:36] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus comes sliding up, dressed for a fight, he hops into the back of the van.
[20:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* X stares at Marcus, then points at him, looking at Cassandra. "Are neighbors allowed to come?"
[20:37] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Marcus...Are you wearing the superhero in training underwear I gave you?
[20:37] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus lets out a sigh. 1Dude. Make her shut up.
[20:38] <13@Cassandra`> I'm not going to be able to get rid of him anyway. *climbs into the van*
[20:38] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> It's cool X. He needs the experience.
[20:38] <13@DeathStar> 6* X pauses, then peers at an old couple across the street who are watching them. "Do you want to come?" 6* She offers them
[20:38] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus laughs. 1It's cool Cassie. You could just call me a meat shield.
[20:38] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Everyone in? 6He starts the van up, racing the engine
[20:38] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[20:39] <13@DeathStar> Location: Southern City
03[20:39] * Jennifer` is now known as Sammael
[20:39] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien presses his back against a wall, in another alley. So far the city seems quiet, even for civilians. The V.I. troops are no where to be seen
15[20:39] * 13@Sammael stays close to him, against the wall as well, quietly working on her wound.
[20:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien shifts to peer out into the street, glancing around. So far they've been playing cat and mouse for ten minutes.
15[20:41] * 13@Sammael puts the bandages away, injecting herself with a stim silently, holding her breath a bit as she does.
[20:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien looks back at Sam. "How are you doing?"
15[20:41] * 13@Sammael speaks quietly, "I will be fine."
[20:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien nods, then looks back out, peering about. "We should make a break for the other side of the street. Are you up for it?"
15[20:42] * 13@Sammael nods and bites her lower lip a bit.
[20:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien gives her a slight smile, then shifts out onto the street, moving quickly for the other side.
15[20:43] * 13@Sammael moves after him quickly.
[20:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* Suddenly, landing in front of them, is a large golem, with black stripes all over it. It literally leaves a hole in the street from it's impact. Darien stumbles back.
15[20:43] * 13@Sammael nearly falls over when Darien stumbles back into him, managing to keep them both steady, she looks up at the thing in surpise.
[20:44] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem lifts it's hands, and unleashes a dark beam at the two. Darien grabs Sam and shifts them quickly to the side
15[20:44] * 13@Sammael lifts up her own hand after shifted and blasts at the thing with Hyperspace.
[20:45] <13@DeathStar> 6* The beam doesn't work
15[20:45] * 13@Sammael blinks a bit, looking shocked at her own hand. "No Hyperspace..."
[20:45] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes the golem, staying in front of Sam, to protect her.
[20:45] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem begins to march after them, firing another dark beam at Darien.
15[20:46] * 13@Sammael grabs at Darien and moves to dodge with him.
[20:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien is shifted awkwardly off balance, having his own tactic in mind, and he falls onto the street
15[20:46] * 13@Sammael ends up falling with him.
[20:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem leaps up, attempting to land on them both.
15[20:47] * 13@Sammael attempts to roll out of the way.
[20:47] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien rolls the other way, the golem landing between them, leaving another hole in the street.
[20:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* Getting to his feet, Darien reaches into his clothes, pulling out his energy sword.
15[20:48] * 13@Sammael frowns and tries to fire a blast again.
[20:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* Nothing.
[20:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem fires it's own blast at Sam.
15[20:48] * 13@Sammael dives to one side, grunting as she hurts her ankle as she lands.
[20:49] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien moves up and slashes the golem across the back, twisting and doing another slash along it's leg, then twists, stabbing it.
15[20:49] * 13@Sammael pulls out her gun and fires up at the head of the golem.
[20:49] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem turns, smashing it's elbow into Darien, sending him flying back roughly, hitting into a car.
[20:50] <13@DeathStar> 6* Groaning, Darien pushes himself up with the car, wincing in pain. He eyes the car, then yells out. "We're using the car."
15[20:50] * 13@Sammael backs away and runs around the golem to get to Darien.
[20:50] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem shifts itself in Sam's path
[20:50] <13@DeathStar> 6* And punches at her
[20:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien uses this time to get in the car, hotwiring it.
15[20:51] * 13@Sammael hops backwards to avoid the punch and tries going around the other way.
[20:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem watches her run around it
15[20:51] * 13@Sammael hits the charge on her gun and keeps running.
[20:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golen fires a beam at Sam
15[20:52] * 13@Sammael dives to one side, stumbling as she does, she tosses the gun back at the golem, still charging.
[20:52] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien powers up the car.
[20:52] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem fires a beam at the gun, blowing it up
15[20:52] * 13@Sammael makes a break for the car as the gun explodes.
[20:53] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem leaps up into the air, aiming itself at the car.
09[20:53] <13@Sammael> "Darien! WATCH OUT!"
[20:53] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien hits the reverse, driving away as the golem hits the ground
15[20:53] * 13@Sammael moves for the car again.
[20:53] <13@DeathStar> 6* He spins the car to face the opposite direction, then hits the brakes. He leans over and opens the side door
15[20:54] * 13@Sammael hops in and shuts the door.
[20:54] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien begins to drive off, as the golem gives chase, firing beams after them.
15[20:54] * 13@Sammael buckles her safety belt, frowning. "Why couldn't I fire at it...?"
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> It might be that you're not connected to the Progenitors anymore.
09[20:55] <13@Sammael> "A blessing at any other time."
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Perhaps so.
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> Location: Hanger
[20:55] <13@DeathStar> 6* The super van arrives at the hanger with the shuttle. The old couple in the back are taking pictures with their camera.
[20:56] <13Kit> <Lilith> ...
[20:56] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias pulls the van upto a stop and opens the door, getting out
[20:56] <13@DeathStar> 6* X steps out as well, peering around, then heads for their shuttle.
[20:57] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias moves after X, adjusting his gloves as he jogs to it
[20:57] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya and Chad are already there, waiting. Aya looks out at nothing in particular
[20:57] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus whistles as he gets out, moving towards the shuttle.
[20:57] <13@Cassandra`> ...Dias...I know X invited them...but...why did you stop to pick them up?
[20:57] <13Kit> 6Lilith follows X, adjusting her own gloves, then eyes Dias doing so and quits.
[20:57] <13@DeathStar> 6* The old couple follows.
[20:57] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> They looked cute. 6He calls back as he waves at Aya. 1"Hey."
[20:58] <13@Cassandra`> Excuse'am and sir...but...we need to leave you now.
[20:58] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya waves at Dias.
15[20:59] * 13Chad`Winters eyes the team arriving. 1"You guys made it."
[20:59] <13@DeathStar> 6* X steps up to the shuttle, moving inside to claim a seat.
[20:59] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus gives Chad a thumbs up when he steps by him, taking a seat on the shuttle.
[20:59] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias beams proudly. 1"Now you get to watch a real pilot...pilot. 6He moves up the ramp and into the pilots seat, quickly prepping it up
15[21:00] * 13@Cassandra` rubs the bridge of her nose and heads to board the shuttle.
[21:00] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya watches him go inside. She doesn't look like she's exactly thrilled, and looks more worried. She steps onto the shuttle
[21:00] <13Chad`Winters> Let's go make sure their alright, Aya. 6He moves in after her.
[21:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya takes a seat in the back at the window, carefully strapping herself in
15[21:01] * 13@Cassandra` straps herself into a seat.
15[21:01] * 13Chad`Winters sits beside Aya, glancing at her.
[21:02] <13@Ariel> 6* Raquel takes a seat on the shuttle, moving to sit near Chad and Aya if there's no harsh reactions.
[21:02] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> So Dias. Think we'll crash today?
[21:02] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias powers the shuttle up completely and lifts it off the ground slightly. 1"All aboard?
[21:02] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya looks toward Marcus, and looks even more uncomfortable now. She closes her eyes, counting numbers.
[21:02] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> 60/40 chance
[21:03] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> That's better than last time, at least. 6He notes.
[21:03] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Luckily I'm piloting. That'll improve the odds twenty percent
[21:03] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias glances back and shrugs, closing the ramp and leaving the hanger
[21:03] <13Kit> <Lilith> The odds of crashing?
[21:03] <13@DeathStar> 6* X looks amused and gives Lilith a high five
15[21:03] * 13Chad`Winters grabs Aya's hand, squeezing it gently.
[21:04] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Har har har.
[21:04] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya doesn't really respond, her lips mouthing off the numbers still, probably doing her best to tune outside stimili out - especially when that outside stimili is Dias and Marcus and their notorious record.
[21:04] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus tilts his head slightly. 1Dude, did you teach X about high fives?
[21:05] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Totally. 6He eyes the coordinates and heads off towards them
[21:05] <13@Cassandra`> Chad, do you have any updates on the situation?
[21:05] <13Chad`Winters> No. His comm went dead.
[21:05] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Huh. That's so weird to see.
[21:06] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> If I can teach you to be a super hero, Marcus. X can learn anything
[21:06] <13@DeathStar> 6* X eyes Marcus, then whispers something into Lilith's ear, telling her to mess with Marcus.
[21:07] <13Kit> 6Lilith blinks at X, then eyes Marcus as well, but doesn't seem to understand what she means.
[21:07] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> You should teach her to stop dropping shit in my house that'll go through the floor. Yeah that would be nice.
[21:07] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> I said I'd pay for it.
[21:07] <13@DeathStar> 6* X eyes Marcus now, then opens a ripple right next to Marcus ear. She flicks a paper through it
[21:07] <13@DeathStar> 6* Then closes the ripple before he sees it
[21:07] <13@Cassandra`> Well...welcome to the comedy hour then.
15[21:08] * 13Chad`Winters grunts in response.
[21:08] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus winces and then glances around. He sighs. 1Alright alright. I'll drop it.
[21:09] <13@DeathStar> 6* They begin to fly over the town now. Below they can see smoke rising - one of the buildings seem to be on fire, and there's definitely V.I. troop movement down there.
[21:10] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Looks like we've got some action
[21:10] <13@Cassandra`> And they are not subtle at all today.
[21:10] <13@DeathStar> 6* Going down one street, a car can be seen being chased by a golem
[21:10] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> And I think I found Darien, that or that car really pissed off a golem. 6He brings the shuttle down to head for the golem.
[21:11] <13@DeathStar> 6* The car comically dodges blasts and does manuevers through side alleys. The golem smashes through said buildings to chase
[21:11] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus shifts over to peer out of the window. 1Oh yeah. That has to be Darien.
[21:11] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias clicks his tongue as he flies above the skyline, trying to get a clear shot of the golem
[21:12] <13@DeathStar> 6* Dias would get it during one of the times the car and golem are going down a street.
[21:12] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias quickly locks on with the shuttles blasters and fires at it from behind
[21:12] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem is hit by the blasters and falls forward onto the street, not moving now. The car stops a ways down.
[21:13] <13@Ariel> Raquel> "...that... was simple." *watches out the window*
[21:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien looks at the fallen golem, then up at the shuttle.
[21:13] <13@Cassandra`> Get us in to make a pick up. Watch out for VI fire.
[21:13] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias soars past the golem and slows the shuttle down, turning it around so the ramp faces the car.
15[21:13] * 13@Sammael peeks out her window.
[21:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien gets out of the car, then begins to move for the ramp. "Come on, Sam."
15[21:13] * 13Chad`Winters gets up from his seat and moves towards the back of the shuttle. 1"Stealing cars?"
[21:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem begins to rise again
[21:14] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias eyes the golem and locks on, flicking the missiles on and fires one at it
[21:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya peers back now, watching to see if they're hurt. Darien snorts at Chad, climbing up the ramp.
[21:14] <13@DeathStar> <X> That's not very heroic. Shouldn't you fight it with your fists, II?
[21:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* The golem is hit by the missile, being blown up
15[21:14] * 13@Sammael heads up the ramp after Darien.
[21:15] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Ah you know Dias is just saving his strength for the real threat.
[21:15] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> True, but a great superhero uses his surroundings to his advantage.
[21:15] <13Chad`Winters> Stumble into something too deep again? 6He moves back in, taking a seat next to aya
[21:16] <13@Cassandra`> Ok, take us out of here.
[21:16] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien frowns a bit after he's onto the shuttle. "Well, apparantly someone didn't want me to go to City Hall today."
[21:16] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> So we should go to city hall then.
[21:16] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias closes the ramp and lifts the shuttle up into the air.
15[21:16] * 13@Sammael takes a seat on the shuttle, she pulls her leg up and rubs her ankle softly.
[21:16] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien makes his way for the front of the shuttle now
[21:17] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> If you don't mind dropping me off, it would be nice.
[21:17] <13Chad`Winters> What's at the city hall that you needed to see?
[21:17] <13@Ariel> Raquel> "You don't get shot down this time... right Dias?"
[21:17] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Oh, you know. Landmarks. Pictures of old men.
09[21:17] <13@Sammael> "The information on Thomas we were going to acquire..."
[21:17] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> ... 6* He eyes Sam now, annoyed.
[21:17] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias glances at Cass and shrugs. 1"What's the direction?"
[21:17] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Pictures on old men?! 6He pauses and glances at Sam. 1Who's Tom?
15[21:17] * 13@Sammael blinks and looks at him, then hangs her head.
[21:17] <13Chad`Winters> Thomas? 6He eyes Darien now.
[21:18] <13@Cassandra`> Darien, have a place you want to be?
[21:18] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien looks ahead, not bothering to hide his look of annoyance or disgust. "That way." 6* He points.
[21:18] <13@Cassandra`> Dias, you heard the man.
[21:18] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Aye aye. 6He heads off that way.
[21:18] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Thomas. The man you all saw in the past. I'm looking into him.
[21:19] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien tells Chad now.
[21:19] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus mouths past and then shrugs, having no idea what he's talking about.
[21:19] <13Chad`Winters> I'm guessing there's more to this than that, otherwise you would've said something earlier.
15[21:19] * 13@Sammael sighs and smiles. She gets up and moves over closer to Darien, limping a little bit.
[21:19] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Didn't think you'd care, really. It takes place outside your room, after all.
[21:20] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien leans forward, eyeing the burning building. He sighs. "City Hall. Figures."
15[21:20] * 13Chad`Winters eyes Darien then shrugs, not fighting that arguement.
[21:20] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya frowns a bit, watching Darien carefully, not liking his tone.
[21:20] <13@Cassandra`> VI has some balls to be this blatant.
[21:20] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Looks like I'd say they didn't want you to find something.
09[21:21] <13@Sammael> "Hmm... though I wonder now why they even bothered with us."
09[21:21] <13@Sammael> "If they destroyed what we came for, this was a bit excessive."
[21:21] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias brings the shuttle around. 1"Still want to land?
[21:21] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> ... 6* He frowns, leaning back. "No. I won't find anything in there now."
[21:21] <13Chad`Winters> Best to destroy it all, than to leave something behind. It means Thomas is more important than you think or they had something else hidden there.
[21:21] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Dude. How did they even know you were coming if even Chad didn't know?
15[21:21] * 13@Sammael blinks a bit, grinning softly and looks at Darien. "You know dear, you were wrong about something."
[21:22] <13@Ariel> Raquel> *stares* "...that is.... drastic."
[21:22] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> ... 6* He eyes the window, dangerously. "I have a spy in my house."
[21:22] <13Chad`Winters> Darien's right. Someone accessed my datapad.
15[21:22] * 13@Sammael blinks a bit, cutting her musing short and staring.
09[21:22] <13@Sammael> "A spy...?"
[21:22] <13@Cassandra`> VI knows too much about our moves before we make them.
[21:23] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> ... 6* He grinds his teeth now. "There's only two people who were at both places when both our plans went awry."
[21:23] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias flies past the ruined city hall. 1"Where to boss?
[21:23] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Yeah? Who?
[21:23] <13Chad`Winters> Dawn and Fiore.
[21:23] <13@Cassandra`> Darien, Chad, anywhere else you want to go?
[21:23] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> W-What? But they wouldn't....
15[21:23] * 13@Sammael frowns. "But... they are friends..."
[21:23] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya frowns now.
[21:23] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> I want to go home, if you don't mind.
[21:23] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> I'll drop ya off.
[21:24] <13@Cassandra`> Dias, take us home.
[21:24] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias heads off that way.
[21:24] <13Chad`Winters> It wouldn't be the first time someone was brainwashed to do something they wouldn't normally do.
[21:24] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Wow that sucks. You really think Dawn or Fiore would rat you out? Well Fiore was a bad guy once wasn't she? Maybe she never fully bexame good?
[21:24] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Well, this just adds a layer I didn't see. Thomas is connected to V.I. Despite the fact Cartwright created it.
[21:24] <13@Xanatos> NRP: became*
15[21:25] * 13@Sammael simply gets a look on her face on not registering what that means.
[21:25] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien looks at Marcus, then glances out. "I think it's time I talked to Dawn about his sister."
[21:25] <13Chad`Winters> Could be that Cartwright had help with creating VI
[21:26] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Could be a lot of things.
[21:26] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[21:26] <13@DeathStar> Location: Erusian Ascendency
[21:26] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr eyes their shuttle, the light engine clearly missing now. She kicks the side of it. "Man..."
15[21:27] * 13@Xanatos stands there with his arms crossed, frowning. 1I don't think we'll find a new one of those laying around.
[21:27] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> That is a most likely observation. Only Earth has them to my knowledge.
[21:28] <13@Xanatos> I don't think we'll be able to warn them in time. The human race could very well be doomed.
[21:28] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> I think he's being sarcastic.
[21:28] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr looks at them. "Think we're infected?"
15[21:29] * 13@Ariel frowns, trying to think of an alternate solution.
[21:29] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao sits in his Myria's room, having attained a sample, and is currently using Myria's computers to study it.
[21:29] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos shrugs slightly. 1It would be pretty funny, in an ironic sort of way. Erevis goes to all that trouble to save me, and then this.
[21:29] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> ... 6* She looks to the side, frowning now. A pained look of guilt on her face.
15[21:29] * 13@Xanatos pauses and glances at Erevis. 1Hey don't do that.
03[21:30] * Cassandra` is now known as Myria
[21:30] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> Do what? 6* She asks, glancing at him and going back to her blank expression
[21:30] <13@Myria> What are your thoughts, Ao?
15[21:30] * 13@Xanatos gives her a look. 1If we really are all doomed, then you gave me an extra chance to live, and I'm in debt to you for that.
[21:31] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron steps into Myria's room and places soup by Ao, then some by Myria.
[21:31] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> That does not change the fact I am responsible for each of your deaths, correct? 6* She turns and walks away for Myria's house
[21:32] <13@Xanatos> If any of Paladin's people are infected, then it would have been only a matter of time anyway. Don't blame yourself, it looks bad on you. 6He turns and follows after her.
[21:32] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> It's bad. 6* She peers up like a hyper 15 year old. "We really need to find the original Dark One plague, to get a handle on this. This sample was changed by your Myhr pal to create his immortal string.
[21:32] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> We should probably try to find our engine, Xanatos.
15[21:32] * 13@Xanatos pauses mid-step. 1Yeah I knew that. 6he glances around. 1Any idea where we could start?
[21:33] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Uh, no. Maybe Theron would know.
[21:33] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Maybe we can use planetary sensors to try to locate it.
[21:33] <13@Myria> Where would we find an uncontaminated sample?
[21:33] <13@Xanatos> <Xanatos> Guess we should go back and get his help after all, then.
[21:33] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> With the Dark Ones dead, I don't know. If people found their stuff laying around, it could be anywhere.
[21:34] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek sits cross-legged, in the floor, looking bored. 1Think it would be on the Dark One homeworld. Or wait, was that blown up?
[21:34] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Destroyed, yes.
[21:34] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Ah right, no idea then. Wasn't much friendly with that lot.
[21:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr nods, then heads back for Myria's house to talk to Theron.
[21:34] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> You were designed to hate 'em.
15[21:35] * 13@Ariel speaks up after pondering, "Could we get a conventional ship to launch, and transmit a message outside of the jamming?"
15[21:35] * 13@Xanatos hmms and rubs the back of his neck as he walks along with Zephyr. 1Erevis seems different. 6He notes as he moves with Zephyr.
[21:35] <13@Myria> Finding a derelict Dark One ship or base would be nearly impossible within a reasonable time period without some sort of insider information.
[21:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr pauses, peering at Ariel, then Xanatos. "Well, it's possible, yes. We'd need to talk to Theorn about that."
[21:35] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> And different how?
[21:36] <13@Ariel> "Not a dark one ship. Just... anything that could transmit a message back to Earth."
[21:36] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> You're right. Your best bet is to cure your people, then chase after this Zerith guy
15[21:36] * 13@Xanatos rubs the side of his face and then waves his hand. 1It's not important. This is. 6He motions to Ariel. 1That may work, but I'm not sure ho we would exactly relay a message that far. That Zerith fellow probably has control of some of the key relays that we need.
[21:37] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron bows his head once. 1Zerith is my responsibility. I must kill him this time.
[21:37] <13@Myria> WeWhat cure though?
[21:38] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Well, I think using this formula, I can make something to protect your people from infection. But like I said, it won't help anyone off planet.
[21:38] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Right, and those of us here may already be infected and it won't do much good for us either.
[21:39] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> It won't. But I'll sample to see if we're infected
[21:39] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Well, either way, lets talk to Theron, eh? 6* She steps into Myria's house
[21:39] <13@Myria> We need to do what we can.
15[21:39] * 13@Xanatos moves in after her, glancing around. 1Never could get used to Erusian design. It's odd. 6He comments idley, moving for Myria's room.
[21:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* Myria's consoles are already indicated people who are infected are reaching stage 2 phases - bleeding from the eyes and pores.
[21:40] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Changed how? 6* She goes back to the topic of Erevis
[21:40] <13@Xanatos> Hmmm. Just just seems really weary. Tired. But I guess she does have a kid now. I forget that little detail.
[21:41] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Ao's driving her up the wall.
[21:41] <13@Xanatos> Ah, yeah I can sense that too. Must be tough, I feel bad for her.
[21:41] <13@Myria> The disease resembles a human malady at this stage... Ebola or perhaps Bubonic Plague, if my records on human infections are accurate.
[21:41] <13@Xanatos> <Theron> Hmmm. Would there be a way to discover a cure if you had the orignial strand, Miss Ao?
[21:42] <13@Xanatos> <Theron> For everyone. 6He adds.
[21:42] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Possiblely.
[21:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr steps into Myria's room finally.
[21:42] <13@Xanatos> <Theron> Hmm. Let us pray that will be a possibility, then.
[21:43] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Hey, Theron. Mom had an idea.
15[21:43] * 13@Xanatos steps in with Zephyr. 1It involves the relaying a message from just a normal Erusian shuttle.
[21:43] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> We'd have to get it out of range of the jamming, but it might be faster than nothing else.
[21:44] <13@Myria> Whatever facilities you require to synthesize your vaccine, I will work to make them available.
[21:44] <13@Ariel> "The jamming range has to be shorter than a trip to Earth itself."
[21:44] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron pauses and tilts his head. 1Hmm. It seems plausible. I do not see another course of action either. Yes. I have a shuttle, we can use that. 6He pauses. 1Unless Zerith is expecting that and has rigged it for some sort of trap.
[21:45] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Also, we were wondering if we could use your planetary sensors to try to locate our engine.
[21:45] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron nods once. 1I believe Miss Myria will have to get the proper clearance for that.
[21:45] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr glances at Myria now, grinning
[21:46] <13@Myria> I'll try to get you access to the sensor grid.
[21:46] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Thanks. Also, we should probably find a shuttle you don't own to send out, Theron. Just in case.
[21:47] <13@Xanatos> Yeah I agree.
[21:47] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron nods. 1Of course. Please give me one moment. 6He turns and steps out to go do just that.
[21:48] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Well, while they do that, take me to a facility with your best equipment. I can't do anything here. Progenitor or not.
[21:48] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> You'd think being a protocol, i'd be able to do more than just hit things. 6He says with a sigh.
[21:48] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> As if we'd need you to do anything else.
[21:48] <13@Myria> My lab is downstairs.
15[21:48] * 13@Ariel realizes something, and steps after Theron, "Theron, do we have any idea how many ships this mad man has access to?"
[21:49] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao nods, then grabs her consoles and heads onward.
[21:49] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr sneezes. Ao stops to eye her.
[21:49] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron pauses and shakes his head. 1I am uncertain, however, I believe I can aquire a ship owned by a Yloi. At least that is my goal.
[21:49] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> W-What? It was a normal sneeze.
[21:50] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek pauses and hold out his sleeve. 1Tissue, luv?
[21:50] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> I'm good. Really.
[21:50] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao pulls out her datapad, waving it over Zephyr.
[21:50] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek smiles and shrugs.
[21:50] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Ho hum. 6* She eyes the results, then gives Zephyr a smile, moving off.
[21:50] <13@Ariel> "We should be prepared in case he tries to stop it... well, the old fashioned way."
[21:50] <13@Myria> The first symptoms resemble the human common cold and ten progress to flu...then stage 2 kicks in.
[21:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr watches her go, then frowns. "What did that smile mean?!"
[21:51] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron nods. 1Yes. I am sure that he will. 6He turns and moves off to try and aquire the shuttle now.
[21:51] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos shrugs. 1I'll be around. Let me know when Theron is ready. 6He turns and steps out moving along the hallways.
[21:51] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[21:52] <13@DeathStar> Location: House of D
[21:52] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien steps through his front door now, peering about. "Dawn?"
15[21:52] * 13Chad`Winters steps in after Darien, glancing around.
[21:52] <13Kit> 6Dawn doesn't seem to be in the front room, noise is coming from the back at least.
15[21:53] * 13@Sammael limps in after the two, she moves and takes a seat on the couch, putting her bag down.
[21:53] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien reaches into his suit, clutching a gun. He begins to step toward the hall, peering down it. Aya stands behind Chad now.
15[21:53] * 13Chad`Winters unholsers Ebony, glancing around as he moves into the main room.
[21:54] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien walks down the hallway. "Dawn?" 6* He calls out again
[21:54] <13Kit> 6Still no answer-- still noise out back.
[21:54] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya sticks with Chad, moving carefully, a frown on her face at the idea
[21:54] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien takes his foot and pushes Dawn's door open, glancing inside.
15[21:54] * 13@Sammael waits out near the front on the couch, frowning a bit.
[21:55] <13Chad`Winters> We're just being cautious, Aya. We don't know anything for sure. 6He moves down the hallway slowly, eyeing the doors as he passes by them.
[21:55] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> I don't see Fiore in their room. 6* He warns Chad.
[21:56] <13Kit> 6The noise in the yard stops.
[21:56] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore comes up from the basement, stepping through the kitchen into the dining room, peering at Sam on the couch
[21:56] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien shifts to glance in the bathroom now.
[21:56] <13Chad`Winters> And Dawn? 6He glances behind them, spotting Fiore briefly. 1"Darien..."
[21:56] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya pauses, peering over her shoulder at Fiore.
[21:57] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien turns now to peer down the hallway. Fiore glances at them, her expression not amused.
[21:57] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> I hate sneaking up on psionics.
[21:57] <13Chad`Winters> It's why I prefer to always be moody. 6He waits for Darien to move past him and follows after him.
15[21:57] * 13@Sammael sits quietly, looking at Fiore.
[21:57] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien begins to approach, keeping his hand in his suit. Fiore folds her hands together. <Fiore> Lunch?
15[21:58] * 13Chad`Winters lets out a sigh, sliding Ebony back into it's holster.
[21:58] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Check outside to see if that noise is Dawn, Chad.
15[21:59] * 13Chad`Winters grunts and moves to the pool access door, peering outside for a moment.
[21:59] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien keeps an eye on Fiore, circling into the living room to stand in the middle, so Sam isn't used as a hostage.
[21:59] <13Kit> 6Noise clatters again-- but like the thundering footsteps of a frenzied army march.
[22:00] <13Chad`Winters> Yeah, we might have a problem.
[22:00] <13Kit> 6Dawn sits on top of a broken tachikoma in the hard, typing away on another direct-wired to his datapad while several others run in a tight circle.
[22:00] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya stays in the hallway, leaning on one of the walls, watching Fiore with a troubled look
[22:00] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Define 'problem'.
15[22:00] * 13@Sammael scratches her head slightly.
[22:00] <13Chad`Winters> He's playing with his spider bots.
[22:00] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Great. 6* Fiore remains perfectly still, her eyes never moving off of Darien. "Why do I have the feeling of being seriously screwed here?"
[22:01] <13Chad`Winters> Because I'm rubbing off on you.
[22:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien uses his second hand to reach into his pocket, pulling out his comm. He uses it to contact Dawn's comm.
15[22:01] * 13Chad`Winters rests his right hand on his hip.
[22:02] <13Kit> 6Dawn stands up, unplugging the repaired tachikoma. He steps back, then whistles using his fingers, the tachikoma respond by forming into a perfect line side-by-side. He pauses, then glances at his comm and reaches it up to answer it. 1"..."
[22:02] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Mind coming inside a moment, Dawn?
15[22:02] * 13Chad`Winters backs up from the pool door, so he's standing infront of Aya.
[22:03] <13Kit> 6Dawn stares, then clips the comm to his belt and shrugs, he turns and moves for the back entry.
[22:03] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien clips his comm to his suit, still watching Fiore as he talks. He moves over and opens his office door, leaning inside to get a new datapad.
[22:03] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> ... 6* She looks at Chad now, then over at Fiore.
15[22:04] * 13@Sammael watches Fiore still, she seems perfectly calm however.
[22:04] <13Chad`Winters> What's your take?
[22:04] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien slides the datapad into his pocket, keying certain buttons. He steps one step away from his office door.
[22:04] <13Kit> 6Dawn steps inside and makes his way into the living room opposite of Fiore.
[22:05] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> She seems fine to me.
[22:05] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien looks at Dawn, then at Fiore. "We were attacked today. By V.I. They knew where we would be before we got there."
[22:05] <13Kit> <Dawn> Nothing. New.
[22:05] <13Chad`Winters> Yeah, it isn't.
[22:06] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Agreed. And the only tie to both plans being countered before they could work is you two.
[22:06] <13Kit> <Dawn> Used. Weapon project girl. Sabotage plan to help. Arakawa.
[22:06] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> And how did they know to use her to sabotage your plan, Dawn? Think about it.
[22:06] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien doesn't take his eyes off of Fiore as he talks.
[22:07] <13Kit> 6Dawn makes a face. 1"Suspecting. Again, I'll leave."
15[22:07] * 13@Sammael frowns at Dawn. "Leaping."
[22:07] <13Kit> <Dawn> Fact.
[22:07] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> I think it's your sister, Dawn. She was taken for several days. I think they brainwashed her. Can you honestly deny any suspicions on your end?
15[22:08] * 13Chad`Winters keeps his eyes locked on Dawn. 1"Someone accessed my datapad and did a bang up job in hiding their finger prints. Not many people who could do that."
[22:08] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore remains perfectly still, watching Darien with a peculiar expression.
[22:08] <13Kit> <Dawn> Never consider it." 6He eyes Fiore, then Darien. 1"Feel what one. Another. Feel."
09[22:09] <13@Sammael> "Is it possible to block that out at all?"
[22:09] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> She's a blind spot to you, Dawn. All she has to do is send you false feelings.
09[22:09] <13@Sammael> "Or that."
[22:09] <13Chad`Winters> A technique any strong psionic can use.
[22:10] <13Kit> 6Dawn just sighs and makes gestures. 1"So what do you want me to do about it? Your mind's made up."
[22:10] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore finally turns and steps for the kitchen now, apparantly done listening
09[22:10] <13@Sammael> "But if it is brainwashing, it's not her fault right?"
[22:10] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> We want to examine her mind for brainwashing.
[22:10] <13Kit> <Dawn> Oneesama is Oneesama. I will not harm her.
[22:10] <13Chad`Winters> It's possible she doesn't even know she's doing it.
09[22:10] <13@Sammael> "Does it have to hurt?"
[22:11] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien looks at DAwn. "Tell her to submit to testing. It's painless. And if you care about her, you'll help us."
[22:11] <13Kit> 6Dawn holds up a hand and calls out after her. 1"Oneesama, accept?"
[22:11] <13@DeathStar> <Fiore> No.
[22:11] <13Chad`Winters> Curious, isn't it Dawn?
15[22:12] * 13@Sammael sighs
[22:12] <13Kit> <Dawn> She tells me 'No' quite often.
[22:12] <13Chad`Winters> Someone who has nothing to hide, hides nothing.
[22:12] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Chad's right.
09[22:12] <13@Sammael> "It is possible she feels insulted for being suspected."
15[22:12] * 13@Sammael speaks with a voice of sympathy.
[22:13] <13Kit> <Dawn> Not possible. True.
[22:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes Sam, then Dawn. "Let me give you the bottom line then. We want to subdue her, painlessly, and have Cassandra's team test her. Will you help us?"
09[22:13] <13@Sammael> "Still... she should not risk the possibility even so..."
[22:13] <13Chad`Winters> And she should be, but that doesn't change the fact that it could be her. Are you willing to put Aya's life in danger again because you're too afraid to find the truth?
[22:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya eyes Chad, frowning more now at him using her.
[22:14] <13Kit> <Dawn> The only thing I'm afraid of is losing her trust.
[22:14] <13Kit> 6Dawn narrows his eyes slightly. 1"Something rather scarce."
[22:14] <13Chad`Winters> Than you can submit to the testing too.
09[22:14] <13@Sammael> "If you're willing to let her be harmed in that fear, then..."
[22:14] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Maybe so, but the other outcome, that she really is a spy, is much more damaging.
[22:15] <13Kit> <Dawn> All of us will.
[22:15] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Fair enough.
[22:15] <13Chad`Winters> Fine by me.
15[22:15] * 13@Sammael nods to that.
[22:15] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> I'll do it.
[22:15] <13Kit> 6Dawn puts his hands in his pockets, still not looking happy, but moves after to readdress it with Fiore.
[22:16] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore is cutting up some vegetables.
15[22:16] * 13Chad`Winters watches Dawn's hands, studying his pockets as he walks off. He glances outside.
09[22:16] <13@Sammael> "She's not going to take this easily." *she says quietly so only those in the living room will hear*
[22:16] <13Kit> <Dawn> Oneesama. We're all going-- find anything foreign.
[22:16] <13@DeathStar> <Fiore> All can go. Will not go. 6* She states firmly.
[22:17] <13Chad`Winters> I'm sorry for bringing you into that, Aya.
[22:17] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien walks toward Chad, speaking lowly. "We have to consider she's not a spy, but a willing participant."
[22:17] <13Kit> <Dawn> Should go regardless of the others. Never searched ourselves for tracers after the last two encounters.
[22:17] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> ... 6* She eyes her father, not looking happy with him at all
[22:17] <13@DeathStar> <Fiore> No tracers. 6* She states in her same conviction.
[22:18] <13Kit> <Dawn> Oneesama, why are you being so selfish?
09[22:18] <13@Sammael> "Darien...?"
15[22:18] * 13Chad`Winters leans into Darien, speaking slowly himself. 1"Which is why I'm fine with all of us getting tested. He looks back at Aya, frowning himself now.
[22:18] <13@DeathStar> <Fiore> ... 6* She looks at Dawn now. "Either trust. Not a spy. Or believe. Them. Will not. Validate. Their suspicions."
[22:19] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien looks at his datapad now, watching it carefully. He sends Cassandra a message that they're still trying to get Fiore to agree.
[22:19] <13Kit> <Dawn> If you want to do something that'll 'Make Starr happy' this is one of them.
15[22:19] * 13@Sammael gets up and limps over to Darien.
[22:20] <13@DeathStar> <Fiore> You do not. Worry about. Making Starr. Happy. 6* She notes, going back to her cutting
[22:20] <13Kit> <Dawn> There are two things far more important to me than him. I really don't care what he thinks.
[22:20] <13@DeathStar> <Fiore> ...
[22:21] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien keeps his eyes on the datapad.
[22:21] <13Kit> <Dawn> It would bother me more that you would keep something to yourself rather than telling me. The hell would I care what he wants?
[22:21] <13@DeathStar> <Fiore> Then why do it?
[22:22] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore looks at Dawn
[22:22] <13Kit> <Dawn> It's a step toward you being safer.
[22:22] <13@DeathStar> <Fiore> It is not.
15[22:22] * 13@Sammael frowns a little and looks down at the floor, before moving back to the couch.
[22:22] <13@DeathStar> 6* Fiore puts her knife down now
[22:23] <13Kit> <Dawn> It is. Having a bunch of gunners eyeing you is certainly less safe than having them eye the people after you.
[22:24] <13@DeathStar> <Fiore> ... 6* She just marches past Dawn, not bothering to hide her anger and resentment. She eyes Chad and Darien. "Fine. Will do it."
15[22:24] * 13Chad`Winters nods to Fiore.
15[22:24] * 13@Sammael keeps the very displeased look on her face, fiddling with something in her bag and not looking up.
[22:25] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> And if it turns out Drasek is the spy, well, color me embarrassed. 6* He notes offhandedly and low toned.
[22:25] <13Kit> 6Dawn moves past Fiore, mirroring her expression as he heads back out to the yard.
[22:25] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien pulls up his comm. "We're all coming in."
[22:25] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[22:25] <13@DeathStar> Location: Erusian Ascendency
[22:26] <13@DeathStar> 6* Many hours have passed now, with the shuttle being launched, and hopefully making it out to safety, and with Ao and Myria hard at work. Having gotten permission to use the planetary sensors, Zephyr and those with her are currently tracking it down where a signal hit - a Myhr community
15[22:27] * 13@Xanatos glances around slightly. 1Hmmm. Sure this is the right spot?
[22:27] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek stands there digging at his ear, having come along in hopes of getting to fight someone.
[22:28] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Yeah. It's one of these houses. 6* Erevis peers about quietly, looking at the various Myhr moving about
[22:28] <13@Ariel> "...I'm getting too old fashioned. I expected something larger."
[22:29] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> You thought their houses would be larger?
[22:29] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Right well, should we just go up and knock then?
[22:29] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> I think if we were to do that, they would attack us.
[22:30] <13@Ariel> "I thought they'd keep it some place larger than a house."
[22:30] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr peers about. "It's kinda smart, really. If we didn't have the sensors, we'd never know it was here."
[22:30] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Right so, i'll go do that then.
[22:30] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek begins to step forward, but Xanatos catches his shoulder, shaking his head slightly.
[22:31] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr peers at the map she got from the scanner. "I think it's the third house on the left."
[22:32] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis glances toward the house, frowning. "All the minds here are troubled from the virus. I cannot tell if there is suspicious activity here or not."
15[22:32] * 13@Xanatos shakes his head after a moment of staring at the house. 1I can't see through the walls.
[22:32] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek slowly tilts his head to eye Xanatos after giving a slight frown to Erevis.
[22:32] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Well, we don't exactly have the authority to go busting in. So, uh...what should we do?
[22:33] <13@Xanatos> Hmm. I hate to ask this, but Erevis, is it possible for you to knock them out mentally? Or would that be too painful?
[22:33] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> It can be done.
[22:34] <13@Xanatos> Well, if you are able to knock out everyone inside the building, we could slip in and get our engine, then slip back out. In theory at least.
[22:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis nods once, then closes her eyes. She begins to focus, clearing having to use her hyperspace to do this.
[22:35] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek makes a face, placing a hand to his head.
15[22:35] * 13@Xanatos frowns slightly and rubs the back of his neck, eyeing the building.
[22:36] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> Their minds...are strong... 6* She winces now, sweat running down her face. "I think I got them all..." 6* She looks winded now.
[22:36] <13@Xanatos> /me shakes his head slightly.
15[22:36] * 13@Xanatos shakes his head slightly. 1I'm sorry. We'll make this quick.
[22:36] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr pats Erevis, then begins to approach the house, forming her guns.
[22:36] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos shifts forward and moves quickly, slipping out both of his pistols. Drasek walks along behind them.
15[22:37] * 13@Ariel moves forward with Zephyr, forming her armour and drawing her blade.
[22:37] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> I will rest here. 6* She takes a seat.
[22:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr hurries to the front door, peering at it. She tries to open it, but finds it locked.
[22:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* She eyes the crystal door now
[22:37] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos slides up to the door and then tilts his head. 1Uh. How do these things open?
[22:37] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> You, uh, shoot it? With a big beam?
[22:38] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek steps up and reaches forward to put a fist of hyperspace through the side of it, grunting to pull and open it.
[22:38] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr beams as the door is opened by Drasek. "Nice." 6* She steps in.
[22:39] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Bout bloody time I got to do something. 6He notes proudly, moving after her.
[22:39] <13@DeathStar> 6* Two Myhr can be seen laying on the floor.
[22:39] <13@Ariel> "...overkill, but effective."
[22:39] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos shrugs slightly and steps in, peering a the Myhr. He quickly moves forward and through the house, looking for their engine.
[22:39] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr pauses, glancing to the side of the door after she walked in. A device is attached to the side, and a red light is flashing now
[22:40] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> I think I trigged something.
[22:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* Xanatos would see a path downstairs.
[22:40] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek glances at Zephyr and then follows her line of sight. 1...oh I don't think that's good, bit.
[22:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr makes a face, then hurries after Xanatos.
[22:40] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos careuflly moves downstairs.
15[22:40] * 13@Ariel checks to make sure the device isn't an explosive, then gets in posistion to watch the enterance.
[22:41] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek glances around, then moves after them.
[22:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* A mist begins to come up from downstairs, and out of the walls of the front floor.
[22:41] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos slides to a hault, using the synthetic eye to try and identify what that is as he backs up.
[22:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* It's unknown. Nothing he's ever encountered before.
[22:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr eyes the mist, peering about
[22:42] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos backs up completely, glancing over his shoulder towards Zephyr. 1We need to get out of here, I don't know what this is.
[22:42] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> But we need the engine if we're going to get to Earth.
[22:42] <13@DeathStar> 6* The mist is filling up the first floor pretty nicely. IT has no identifiable smell
[22:42] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos frowns and nods. 1You're right. Sorry. 6He moves down quickly, through the mist reaching out to open the door to the basement.
[22:43] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek sniffs and peers around. 1Maybe it's steam.
[22:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr eyes the mist, then follows him down. "Probably safer to wait outside, Drasek."
[22:43] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Yell if you need my muscle. 6He backs up and motions to Ariel to step outside.
[22:44] <13@DeathStar> 6* In the basement, the light engine is seen sitting on the table, big enough that someone could carry it with effort, but probably be sore tomorrow.
15[22:44] * 13@Ariel frowns... but actually does head outside. If they're attacked, she can defend just as well from outside.
[22:44] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos peers at it as he moves towards it, checking around it for any traps. 1I hope you're stronger than you look.
[22:45] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr leans over and grabs the engine after Xanatos give her the all clear. "Yeah." 6* She begins to lift it up, wincing.
[22:45] <13@DeathStar> 6* The room is filled completely with the odd mist now
[22:45] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos shifts around to help her, since two are better than one when carrying things. He glance at the mist, flashing a brief look of worry, but continues on regardless.
[22:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis rises, a look of worry. She turns to eye it. "...get away from the house now. I sense traces of the Dark Ones in there."
[22:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* She peers at the house from her spot
[22:46] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr nods, then begins to carry it up the staris with Xanatos.
[22:46] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek glances up from being in the doorway, he tilts his head, glancing at Erevis. 1Wait...the VIRUS!?
[22:46] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> It is possible.
[22:47] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek face gets a sudden look of worry. 1Oh no. Zephyr.
[22:47] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis jerks at that, looking pale. She begins to move for the house immediately.
[22:47] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr and Xanatos reach the first floor with the engine
[22:47] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek takes a step back and turns to stop Erevis. 1No. If they're infected, we can't risk getting infected too.
15[22:48] * 13@Ariel eyes Erevis, then heads in with the intent to get Zephyr out. Covering her mouth as if it'd make a difference. She's already refraining from breathing.
[22:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis frowns at Drasek now, then looks at the house.
[22:48] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos peers about and shakes his head. 1Should've hit the gym a few times before coming along.
[22:48] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr peers at Ariel through the misty filled rooms. "We got it."
[22:49] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek gives Erevis an apologetic look and turns to face the house.
15[22:49] * 13@Ariel shakes her head and grabs the engine, urging them to hurry.
[22:49] <13@Xanatos> I think Ariel's tired of waiting.
[22:49] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr eyes Ariel, but nods, helping her take the engine out of the house. People are already gathered to stare as mist floats out of the house and into the sky
[22:50] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos pauses and eyes the people gathered around, then them carrying the engine. 1Uh.
[22:50] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis turns away, a hand to her face, looking like she might just freak. She is only glad the bond can't reach Megumi on Earth right now.
[22:50] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> I think we're busted.
15[22:50] * 13@Ariel glares at Xanatos, wondering why he doesn't think the mysterious myst that started when the strange device triggered MIGHT be dangerous.
[22:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr looks about for the vehicle they brought here. It's down the street a ways, not surrounded
[22:51] <13@Xanatos> We'll uh, just go this way. Ariel, you and Drasek should distract them. 6He starts inching that way with Zephyr.
[22:51] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis turns to look at Xanatos and Zephyr. Her expression is pained and full of worry. And probably not to do with them stealing an engine in public
[22:52] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr looks at Ariel, now, slowly pausing, sensing her in the bond link they share now. "What happened?"
[22:52] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek pauses when his name is brought into it and then glances to eye the crowd, he reaches out to place a hand on Erevis' shoulder. 1Revi. It'll be ok. 6He promises. Though he isn't really sur ehimself.
15[22:52] * 13@Ariel takes a breath of air once they're well clear of the house. She looks to the crowd. "You people need to get away from here NOW. That building is a bio-hazard!"
[22:52] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr pauses, then eyes the mist. She jerks at that. "Oh no..."
[22:53] <13@DeathStar> 6* The crowd murmurs, then begin to flee
15[22:53] * 13@Xanatos pauses and glances at Zephyr and then glances up slightly. 1Heh. 6He shakes his head, then glances to Zephyr. 1I'm sorry.
[22:53] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... I was holding my breath. But you--- 6* She looks at him. Not that they know if the virus is airborne or something else.
15[22:54] * 13@Ariel looks back at Zephyr sympathetically, "...we'll find a cure. Some how."
[22:54] <13@DeathStar> <Erevis> We should get you both back to Ao...and find out...
[22:54] <13@Xanatos> I know. I assumed it was the virus before even going in. 6He notes.
[22:54] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Oh, thanks for sharing that with me! I'd have gone in alone, you big dummy!
[22:55] <13@Xanatos> I may have underestimated your strength then.
[22:55] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr makes a face, shaking her head a few times.
[22:55] <13@Xanatos> 6* Drasek rubs his head, then moves to go towards the car, to get it started up.
[22:55] <13@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Lets get this back home.
[22:55] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[22:55] <13@DeathStar> Location: Myria's Mad Scientist Lab
[22:55] <13@DeathStar> 6* News reports are coming in - the first few people are already dying in painful convulsions. Ao sits peering at her work, not listening
[22:56] <13@Xanatos> 6* Theron watches the holovid with a frown, arms crossed.
15[22:57] * 13@Myria taps into her console ane brings up the total time from initial symptoms to death convulsions.
[22:57] <13@DeathStar> 6* The first person to die took 72 hours. The second person to die was only sick 68 hours. The next dozen people match this. And the following dozen died at 48 hours
[22:58] <13@Xanatos> <Theron> ... we are running out of time.
[22:59] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao rubs her face, making a face at the formula as she works on it. "The virus is mutating. Getting more aggressive. Those Dark Ones were bastards through and through. It's why we're your gods."
[23:00] <13@Xanatos> <Theron> Does this mean that you cann't isolate a cure?
[23:00] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> Still working on it.
[23:00] <13@Myria> adapts..becomes deadlier with each iteration.
[23:00] <13@DeathStar> 6* The door opens and Zephyr and Xanatos are led down the stairs
[23:00] <13@DeathStar> 6* Erevis looks over. "We believe these two were exposed to the virus, as well as Ariel."
[23:00] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao jerks, flailing comically. "And you bring them in here where we can get sick?!"
15[23:01] * 13@Myria punches up the genetic data on the virus and looks for constants across multiple generations.
[23:01] <13@Xanatos> If i'm going to die. I expect the hope of the universe to die alongside me.
[23:01] <13@Ariel> "...when did you give up on the whole self-sacrifice thing?"
[23:01] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao eyes Xanatos, then brings up her scanner, waving it over Zephyr, then Xanatos, then finally Ariel.
[23:01] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> ... ....
[23:01] <13@Xanatos> Uh, third time around I think.
[23:02] <13@Ariel> "Dying has made you jaded."
[23:02] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Alright doc, it serious?
[23:02] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao steps back now, eyeing the three. "Get them in hazmat suits now. All three are infected."
[23:02] <13@Xanatos> 6* Xanatos snorts slightly and laughs, since he was being sarcastic.
[23:02] <13@Myria> What generation of the virus?
[23:02] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> The newest one.
[23:03] <13@Xanatos> 6*Theron glances up. 1Then they appear to only have 2 days to live.
15[23:03] * 13@Ariel looks at Zephyr with worry in her eyes.
[23:03] <13@Myria> ...or less.
[23:03] <13@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr pauses, then glances at Ariel, looking just as worried. Erevis turns away now, frowning.
[23:03] <13@DeathStar> <Ao> We better test all of us, too, to see if they passed it onto us
[23:03] <13@Xanatos> <Drasek> Right, scan me, then.
[23:04] <13@DeathStar> 6* Ao nods, and begins to scan
[23:04] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[23:04] <13@DeathStar> Location: The Cartel Homeworld
[23:04] <13@DeathStar> 6* Loki, having been having a case of the sneezes and aches, is met by Iceheart as soon as he steps off his ship. "Hello, sir."
[23:04] <13Chad`Winters> <Loki> Iceheart, the woman I always enjoy seeing first. 6He bows slightly, wincing as he stands upright
[23:05] <13@DeathStar> <Iceheart> Even if you're not my type? 6* She jokes, then looks at him seriously. "We wanted to tell you at your last stop that the Erusian Ascendency has stopped all contact with everyone."
[23:06] <13Chad`Winters> 6Loki raises an eyebrow. 1"That is odd, indeed. We have any idea, why?"
[23:06] <13@DeathStar> <Iceheart> We don't know. We thought it might be related to the issue of the immortality formula.
[23:07] <13Chad`Winters> <Loki> Issue? 6He looks at her curiously now.
[23:07] <13@DeathStar> <Iceheart> Our reports seem to indicate the man called Zerith is still alive. We've had reports of seeing his ships in the vicinity of Earth
[23:08] <13Chad`Winters> <Loki> Hmmm, I wonder what we can do with this information? 6He smiles mischeviously
[23:08] <13@DeathStar> 6* She walks with him through the sensors that check for viruses and whatnot to keep contamination under check. "Odin is sure you'll have some thoughts on the matter."
[23:09] <13Chad`Winters> 6Loki steps through. 1"Oh I can think of several things."
[23:09] <13@DeathStar> 6* The sensors do not activate it. "Then shall we go see him so you can give your report?"
[23:10] <13Chad`Winters> 6Loki sniffles and wipes his nose with his shirt coat. 1"He's back for once?"
[23:11] <13@DeathStar> <Iceheart> Surprisingly. I'd say the entire situation that occurred on Erusia while you were there peaked his interest.
[23:11] <13Chad`Winters> <Loki> Than let's see him while we have this chance.
[23:12] <13@DeathStar> <Iceheart> Right.
[23:12] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[23:12] <13@DeathStar> Location: Earth. Executive Building
[23:12] <13@DeathStar> 6* The entire day has gone by as each of the people at Darien's house has been scanned, though they saved Fiore for last. Currently, Darien is gathered with Cassandra, Chad, Dawn, Aya, and those who have wormed their way in
03[23:13] * Myria is now known as Cassandra`
[23:13] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien sips his coffee, trying to give him caffine. The process is tiresome, to say the least. "We have Fiore's results." 6* Eve says as she steps in
[23:13] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus sits nearby, being just that person that wormed in.
15[23:14] * 13@Sammael stands off to the side quietly, she finally looks up in Darien's direction.
[23:14] <13@Cassandra`> And?
[23:14] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias stands beside Marcus, curiously bored
[23:14] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien looks over at Eve.
15[23:14] * 13Chad`Winters stands beside his daughter, his arms crossed as he studies Eve.
[23:14] <13@DeathStar> <Eve> Her brain patterns are normal, except for when certain questions are asked. They change very slightly each time.
[23:14] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> What exactly does that mean? Or is that the point?
[23:15] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya looks at Eve, staring at her with a forlong expression
[23:15] <13@DeathStar> <Eve> It means most likely somene's tampered with her mind at some point.
09[23:15] <13@Sammael> "Vague... but it seems to point to what we were thinking."
[23:15] <13@DeathStar> <Eve> Any time V.I. is mentioned, a subtle change occurs. But then it's perfectly normal on another question.
[23:15] <13@Cassandra`> VI is precisely the issue here.
15[23:15] * 13@Sammael frowns, no longer vague.
[23:15] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Oh. So, can she be fixed then?
[23:16] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Should we fix her?
[23:16] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien counters.
[23:16] <13Chad`Winters> What will change if we do?
[23:16] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Uh. If she's being brainwashed then yes Darien, yes you should.
[23:16] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> We can use it to our advantage for once.
[23:16] <13Kit> 6Dawn eyes Darien slowly.
15[23:16] * 13@Sammael frowns a little. "How?"
[23:16] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> All we have to do is feed her false information, then beat V.I. at their own tactics.
[23:16] <13Chad`Winters> It's possible she doesn't realize it. 6He eyes Sam. 1"We give her false information.
09[23:17] <13@Sammael> "That... well that seems fine."
[23:17] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> So I guess we should all act like she is clean then?
[23:17] <13Chad`Winters> It'd be a one time tactic which means we'd have to make it our first and final strike.
[23:17] <13Kit> <Dawn> Lie.
[23:17] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Chad's right. 6* He looks at Dawn. "Think you can make her think we don't suspect?"
[23:17] <13Kit> <Dawn> You want me to lie to her.
[23:18] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Yes. If you want to get the people who did that to her, then you will lie to her.
15[23:18] * 13Chad`Winters closes his eyes briefly than looks at Aya, a troubled look on his face.
[23:18] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya sighs now, rubbing her face, looking like a teenager who's getting frustrated
[23:18] <13Kit> 6Dawn twitches slightly. 1"Yes, there is that logic. But what did I say I feared most of all, Starr?"
[23:18] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Remind me.
[23:18] <13Kit> 6Dawn looks ready to punch him when he asks that.
[23:19] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Dias, check that out, he looks like he wants to fight.
[23:19] <13Chad`Winters> I know you don't like the idea of lieing, Aya.
[23:19] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> I don't.
15[23:19] * 13@Sammael crosses her arms. "Dawn, if you make every decision based on that fear, you're going to hurt her."
[23:19] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> 10 bucks on him, you never know what'll happen with guys that skinny.
[23:19] <13@Cassandra`> We should sweep our living arrangements to ensure that no listening devices have been planted while she was in...some sort of...VI trance.
[23:19] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Good point. They fight dirty.
04[23:19] * 13Kit glares at Sammael. 1"Oh, and just what do you think it will do when she learns the truth, too, huh?"
15[23:19] * 13@Sammael loosk down. "I say this from experience."
15[23:19] * 13Chad`Winters nods to her. 1"You understand the situation tho, right?
[23:20] <13Kit> <Dawn> She'll be perfectly fine, huh?!
09[23:20] <13@Sammael> "No, but she'll be safe."
09[23:20] <13@Sammael> "Isn't that what matters?"
04[23:20] <13Kit> 6Dawn throws his hands up at Sammael's inconsistency.
[23:20] <13Chad`Winters> I think I might have an idea.
[23:20] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien looks at Dawn. "You have a choice here, Dawn. We can remove the brainwashing, and not take advantage of this, or we can use this to hurt the people who are hurting you all."
[23:21] <13Chad`Winters> It still requires Dawn to lie, but to a less chance.
[23:21] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> ...
[23:21] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya looks at Chad
[23:21] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien looks at Chad himself.
[23:21] <13Chad`Winters> And it'll keep him from losing her trust in him as long as he keeps the lie.
[23:21] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> And what is your plan?
[23:22] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Act oblivious or something? She'd pick up something eventually.
[23:22] <13Chad`Winters> He moves out again.
[23:22] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> She'd follow him.
[23:23] <13Chad`Winters> Exactly. He works with Cass' team again. And we use Cass's team to set it up.
[23:23] <13Kit> <Dawn> What the hell does that solve?
09[23:23] <13@Sammael> "If he is nearby... she may not leave, it's not like he's being kicked out."
[23:23] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Yeah either way he's still lying to her. And if it's not you all, it's us...err them.
[23:24] <13@DeathStar> 6* Eve watches them all, calmly listening
[23:24] <13Chad`Winters> I didn't say he wouldn't be lieing to her. But atleast those that couldn't lie or didn't want to, wouldn't be forced to.
09[23:24] <13@Sammael> "It's not like we can just make him forget."
[23:24] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Ohhh you're doign this for Aya. I gotcha.
[23:25] <13@DeathStar> <Aya> ... 6* She looks at Dawn now, studying him with a frown
[23:25] <13@Cassandra`> There is the possibility that she isn't the mole and the brain activity found is just an artifact from before.
[23:25] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> I could give him the ol' amnesia punch.
[23:25] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> If that's the case, then we're screwed.
09[23:25] <13@Sammael> "We'd know after one ruse."
[23:25] <13Kit> <Dawn> Get near me and I'll disable every limb you have.
[23:25] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> His a pissy little thing, that's for sure.
[23:25] <13Chad`Winters> 6Dias leans over to Marcus. 1"Someone dumped sand down his pants."
[23:25] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien looks at Dawn. "So? What will it be? Are we going to use this, or not?"
09[23:26] <13@Sammael> "If we planted false information and it got us nowhere, that would be a confirmation. Though thinking on it that could be our last ruse too."
[23:26] <13@Xanatos> 6* Marcus motions to Darien.
[23:26] <13Kit> <Dawn> Since the moment you told me, I haven't had any real choice.
[23:26] <13Chad`Winters> Everyone has a choice, Dawn.
[23:26] <13Kit> <Dawn> Yeah. Sure we do.
[23:26] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Yes, you do have a choice. I won't force you to go along with this. We can remove her brainwashing right now and never have to let her know.
[23:26] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Yeah, man. You never know, you could get a chance tomorrow to bring them down and not even need to use your sister.
[23:26] <13Kit> <Dawn> Then I have to deal with the constant attacks still.
[23:27] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Yes. You will. But don't act like you don't have a choice.
[23:27] <13Chad`Winters> We're not going to force you to do anything you don't want.
[23:27] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Well, he could say that. If only to make himself feel better, you know?
[23:27] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya shifts her hands together, quietly mouthing numbers as she watches
15[23:27] * 13@Sammael goes quiet, staring at the ground.
[23:28] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Think so? 6He looks at Marcus
[23:28] <13Kit> 6Dawn eyes Marcus. 1"Don't you ever shut up? Audibly or not I have to listen your every quip. "
[23:28] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Geeze buddy. You don't have to snap out at everyone.
[23:28] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Yeah he does. He's making a tough decision. I don't blame him, i'd be bitchy too.
[23:28] <13Kit> <Dawn> Place the role on X and we'll see how snappy you get.
[23:29] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Maybe, but I wouldn't take it out on anyone unless it was their fault.
[23:29] <13Kit> <Dawn> If you say so." 6He looks to Darien. 1"Fallacy or not, I'm going along with it."
15[23:30] * 13@Sammael closes her eyes and breathes in deeply, then out, she smiles softly.
[23:30] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> Superheros never project their problems on others. 6He nudges Marcus. 1"Right that down."
[23:30] <13@Cassandra`> The die is cast then.
[23:30] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Alright. After we've fed her the false information, we'll have someone remove the brainwashing. She'll never have to know.
[23:30] <13Kit> <Dawn> I'll have to know.
[23:30] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Sure. I'll get to 'righting' it now. 6He says sarcastically.
[23:30] <13Chad`Winters> <Dias> That a superhero in training. 6He nods proudly.
[23:30] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> As her brother, it's up to you to carry the weight. But better than her, right?
[23:31] <13Kit> 6Dawn closes his eyes, crossing his arms. 1"...Of course."
[23:31] <13@DeathStar> 6* Darien nods at Cassandra, Chad, and Eve. "Then we start preparing a plan for tomorrow."
[23:31] <13Kit> <Dawn> Hell if I know what she carries for me."
[23:31] <13Chad`Winters> Maybe you should ask sometime.
09[23:31] <13@Sammael> "This is good."
[23:31] <13@DeathStar> 6* Aya gets up and moves out of the room. Eve watches her pass by her
[23:31] <13@Xanatos> <Marcus> Ah she wouldn't tell him. I don't think.
[23:32] <13@DeathStar> <Darien> Then lets do this.
[23:32] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[23:33] <13@DeathStar> Location: Executive Building Hanger Area
[23:33] <13@DeathStar> 6* The shuttle carrying Paladin and Natalie and Jennifer and Cheryl and Chii and Ben begins to come in for a landing - the faster ship cutting time down by half, though it's been a long day
03[23:33] * Sammael is now known as Jennifer`
[23:33] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin is in another seat, letting SPoC fly, not feeling well
[23:34] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC makes several adjustments for landing and sets the shuttle down.
[23:34] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits in the co-pilot seat, helping SPoC land. She lets out a woot. "We're finally back on Earth."
15[23:34] * 13@Jennifer` blinks awake as they land, having dozed off a bit, she opens her eyes fully and sits up. "Finally..."
[23:35] <13Kit> <Chii> Land of the oppressed. Woo.
[23:35] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Huh? Who's oppressed?
[23:35] <13Kit> 6Chii eyes Paladin. 1"Up for a cheesburger, Pally?"
[23:35] <13Chad`Winters> <SPoC> Thank you for your assistance, Cheryl. 6She nods to her.
[23:35] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin eyes Chii with a bleary glance. "No. I'm suppose to meet with some high ranking officals and the President to discuss what happened on Erusia."
[23:35] <13Kit> <Chii> I think you should call in sick.
09[23:35] <13@Jennifer`> "No rest for you first sir?"
[23:36] <13Kit> 6Chii gestures. 1"You look like shit that looks like shit."
09[23:36] <13@Jennifer`> "...Yeah, what she said... only umm... less vulgar."
[23:36] <13@DeathStar> <Paladin> No. I have to do this now. You all take care of yourselves. I'll see you later. 6* He gets up and moves for the back
[23:36] <13Chad`Winters> Please do not push yourself, sir.
[23:37] <13Chad`Winters> NRP: SPoC
15[23:37] * 13@Jennifer` gets up and blinks a bit. "Hey Nat... where do we go now?"
[23:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* Paladin gives them a smile, then steps off the ramp, moving off.
[23:37] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rises. Lemon is holding a sleeping Ben against her.
[23:37] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well, Chii, I don't really have a place so I guess we can get a hotel. Unless yo uwant to get a cheeseburger first.
[23:38] <13Chad`Winters> <SPoC> I have paperwork to file out on what happened. 6She stands up after powering the shuttle down.
[23:38] <13Kit> <Chii> Actually, one of those all-you-can-eat beef bowl places sounds good about now.
09[23:38] <13@Jennifer`> "I guess I'll just stick with you till they assign us somewhere to stay."
[23:38] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Ehh, okay. 6* She shrugs and stands up.
[23:38] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC nods and moves down the shuttle ramp.
[23:38] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves over to Chii and puts an arm around her, leading her out as Lemon follows.
15[23:39] * 13@Jennifer` follows after SPoC.
[23:39] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Maybe we can have sex tonight. I feel all pent up from being in here so long.
[23:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl waves at SPoC and Jen. "See you kids around."
[23:40] <13Kit> <Chii> See you, Nat, Jen.
09[23:40] <13@Jennifer`> "See you Cheryl, Chii, Ben!" *she smiles*
[23:40] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC turns and bows to them slightly. 1"I hope that you can salvage something from your vacation."
[23:40] <13@DeathStar> 6* Lemon narrows her eyes at Jennifer
[23:40] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Me too.
15[23:40] * 13@Jennifer` blushes, "And Lemon!"
15[23:41] * 13@Jennifer` bows apologetically.
[23:41] <13@DeathStar> 6* As Jennifer bows, she'd feel a bit dizzy, and a sneeze would come on
15[23:41] * 13@Jennifer` blinks and almost falls over, she sneezes.
[23:41] <13Chad`Winters> 6SPoC looks over at Jennifer. 1"Are you feeling alright?
[23:41] <13@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Looks like you got a cold, too. 6* She notes with a grin. "Guess you shouldn't sit near Paladin."
09[23:41] <13@Jennifer`> "I... I don't feel well all of a sudden..."
09[23:42] <13@Jennifer`> "Yeah... can we find some place to lie down?"
[23:42] <13Chad`Winters> <SPoC> Cheryl is correct, you most likely got it from Paladin.
15[23:42] * 13@Jennifer` nods
[23:43] <13@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
[23:43] <13@DeathStar> Location: Cartel Homeworld
[23:43] <13@DeathStar> 6* After a full day of talking and plotting, Loki's condition begins to feel worse, like a flu is coming on.
[23:43] <13Chad`Winters> 6Loki, wipes some sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.
[23:44] <13@DeathStar> 6* Iceheart steps in, a look of concern on her face. "You should hear this."
[23:44] <13@DeathStar> 6* She moves over to a console and hits a button. A warning is being prodcast from a shuttle. Erusia has been hit by a virus
[23:44] <13Chad`Winters> 6Loki waves his hand, than eyes the console, raising a brow.
[23:44] <13@DeathStar> <Iceheart> We should have you examined immediately. 6* She tells him.
[23:45] <13Chad`Winters> <Loki> Agreed. 6He stands up
[23:45] <13@DeathStar> <Iceheart> This could be very bad... 6* She refers to all the places Loki has been.
[23:45] <13Chad`Winters> <Loki> ...Odin's going to be cranky, now.
[23:45] <13@DeathStar> -TO BE CONTINUED-
03[23:46] * DeathStar changes topic to 'TAW 4: TEP (251-present) | TAW 4: PAX has ended (1-250) | Season 18 (Changes): 8 of 20 complete | Overall Session #359 (909) | Episode Nine: Viral Exodus Part 4 | 4 of 5 | Sessions occur T//Th at 8 EST | Please visit our sister RPG #Erevis'