Session Time: Thu Mar 12 00:00:00 2009
[20:03] <01@DeathStar> 3
[20:03] <01@DeathStar> 2
[20:03] <01@DeathStar> 1
[20:03] <01@DeathStar> -0-
[20:03] <01@DeathStar> Reality Day 27
[20:03] <01@DeathStar> Location: Snipe Manor
[20:03] <01@DeathStar> 6* A lovely day just like every other so far. The sun is shining. The birds are singing. The weather is pleasant. Katrina is making breakfast with Hotaru
[20:04] <01@Kane> 6* Cole slowly peers into the kitchen, sniffing.
06[20:04] * 01@Kane is out in the front yard, stretched out on his back.
[20:04] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits in the front, drinking
[20:05] <01Dias`> 6Dias sleeps in still, his arm presumably around X.
06[20:05] * 01@Jennifer comes downstairs, stretching and yawning a bit, looking like she took some extra time to clean herself up, she looks around before stepping outside.
[20:05] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon peers around Cole slowly
[20:05] <01Dias`> 6Chad walks down the stairs, yawning as he moves for the kitchen. He reaches to steal some bacon.
01[20:06] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron sits in the kitchen, he appears to be watching the cooking.
[20:06] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina lets him, since it's on the pan
[20:06] <01Dias`> 6Chad yelps slightly as he yanks a piece off, tossing it back and forth in his hands till it cools off.
[20:06] <01@DeathStar> 6* There's a sonic boom sound outside in the backyard. A picture rattles
[20:06] <01@Kane> 6* Cole pauses and glances around slowly. He then glances over his shoulder then lets out a yelp and grabs his chest falling over.
[20:06] <01Dias`> 6Dias jerks awake, sitting up now. 1"What the hell?"
[20:07] <01@DeathStar> 6* X keeps sleeping
01[20:07] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron looks up slowly and towards the back. "Expecting guests?"
[20:07] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon yelps loudly, too
[20:07] <01Dias`> 6Chad pauses, turning to look around. 1"What was that?"
[20:07] <01@DeathStar> <Katrina> Snipe was just saying he wanted to show their John some things
[20:07] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina uses Snipe to tell them aprt
06[20:07] * 01@Jennifer blinks and looks around at the noise from the other side of the house. She heads around back to check out what's going on.
[20:07] <01Dias`> 6Chad starts laughing. 1"Oh I've got see this." 6He tosses the food in his mouth and dashes outside
[20:07] <01@Kane> 6* Cole lets out a breath. 1I think my fake heart just exploded.
[20:08] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl keeps drinking
[20:08] <01@DeathStar> 6* John is laying on a broken tree, unconscious. Snipe stretches
[20:08] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> I wanted to see what you were looking at. 6* She moves to follow everyone to watch what they're looking at
[20:08] <01Dias`> <Chad> Don't tell me I missed the action already. 6He runs over to Snipe
[20:08] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> Sadly.
06[20:08] * 01@Jennifer runs out to the back to see John on the tree. "Sensei?" *She rushes over to him*
[20:08] <01Dias`> <Chad> You didn't use that move, did ya?
[20:08] <01@Kane> 6* Cole pushes himself up and moves to walk out back.
[20:09] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> All I did was punch him, I swear.
[20:09] <01Dias`> 6Chad starts laughing.
06[20:09] * 01@Jennifer checks John over, moving him off the tree.
[20:10] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon looks sad for the tree.
[20:10] <01@Kane> <Cole> Oh please, you don't hit that hard with one punch.
[20:10] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe peers at Cole.
[20:10] <01Dias`> 6Dias peers around, then rubs his face. He glances down at X then lays back down beside her
[20:10] <01Dias`> <Chad> He does when he's mad.
06[20:10] * 01@Kane shifts making a face, waving a fly away from him.
[20:10] <01@Ariel> 6* Em looks outside, and sighs, shaking her head, seeing another ruined tree.
[20:10] <01@Kane> <Cole> I don't blame him. I would have done more than punch.
[20:10] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe takes his glasses off to clean them.
06[20:11] * 01@Jennifer pouts and tries to wake John. "Hey Sensei, wakey wakey..."
[20:11] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> I was fine until Hotaru said his name during sex.
[20:11] <01@Kane> <Cole> ....that's your name.
[20:11] <01Dias`> <Chad> ...You do realize he has your same name, right?
[20:11] <01@DeathStar> <Snpie> .. Wait. 6* He jerks
[20:11] <01@Ariel> 6* Em hangs her head in shame.
[20:11] <01@DeathStar> 6* John is out cold
[20:11] <01Dias`> 6Chad slaps his knee, laughing again
01[20:11] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron steps out, glasses on, he peers over the scene and shakes his head.
[20:12] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe puts on his glasses. It's hard to tell if he's joking about the name thing or not
06[20:12] * 01@Jennifer sighs and quickly treats John's injuries and uses some smelling salts.
[20:12] <01@DeathStar> 6* John has no visible injuries
[20:12] <01Dias`> <Chad> Well Kat and Hotaru are almost finished with breakfast.
[20:12] <01@Kane> 6* Cole pats Snipe on the shoulder and moves back into the house.
06[20:12] * 01@Jennifer doesn't have much to treat then!
[20:12] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> Sounds good. 6* He picks up Andrea and follows.
[20:13] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> Now remember, sweety, your other mommy is a slut.
[20:13] <01Dias`> 6Chad walks along side him, a smile on his face.
06[20:13] * 01@Kane pushes himself up to sit upright and glances around. He looks towards Cheryl. 1Number 33?
[20:14] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes him. "Uh, 1."
06[20:14] * 01@Jennifer holds the smelling salts under his nose. Cameron shakes his head and walks inside.
[20:14] <01@DeathStar> 6* John remains unconscious
01[20:14] <01@Jennifer> "Jeez, he knocked him out good."
[20:14] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina sets food on the table
[20:14] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon moves to get Cheryl for food.
[20:14] <01@Kane> Since we've been here? 6He arches a brow.
[20:14] <01Dias`> 6Dias sniffs then sits up again. He nudges X gently. 1"Hey."
06[20:14] * 01@Jennifer puts the salts away and lays John down, crossing her legs and sitting next to him.
[20:14] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Since I woke up.
[20:15] <01@DeathStar> 6* X shifts. "Bring it to me in bed."
[20:15] <01@Kane> Ah. Of course. 6He nods and sits down on the porch.
[20:15] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> So I was thinking, we should all fight our other selves. Dias against Chad now. I already won my fight.
[20:15] <01Dias`> <Dias> Alright. 6He leans down, kissing her quickly then climbs out of bed and makes his way down the stairs, only wearing his tight boxers.
[20:16] <01@Kane> <Cole> But I don't have one to fight.
[20:16] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> You can fight that Kane fellow
[20:16] <01Dias`> <Chad> Would it even be a challenge?
[20:16] <01@Kane> <Cole> ...I could sneeze and blow him away.
[20:16] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> You won't know until you try, right? 6* He eyes Dias. "Chad wants to fight you."
01[20:16] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron adjusts his glasses. "This should be an interesting watch."
[20:16] <01@Ariel> 6* Em gets herself a cup of coffee, watching the food line. A small smirk on her lips
[20:16] <01Dias`> 6Dias peers at Snipe then looks at Chad then looks at Snipe. 1"Seriously?
[20:17] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> Yeah. I already beat your John. Up to you to defend your team's honor
[20:17] <01Dias`> 6Chad peers at Dias, his arms crossed now.
[20:17] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> Em, sweetie, can you go challenge the girl sitting by Loser-Me?
[20:17] <01Dias`> <Dias> Let me get X her breakfast first, then it's on like donkey kong.
[20:17] <01Dias`> <Chad> Do I have to hold back? 6He looks at Snipe
[20:17] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> I didn't.
[20:18] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon peers at everyone
[20:18] <01Dias`> <Chad> Good enough for me. 6He cracks his neck and turns, moving to step outside now
[20:18] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina shakes her head
[20:18] <01@Ariel> 6* Em considers a moment, and then shakes her head, "I doubt that'd be fair at all."
06[20:19] * 01@Jennifer looks back up at the house from her position, yawning a bit. "Jeez I didn't even have breakfast yet and I have a patient."
[20:19] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gets to her feet, tossing the bottle into a trashcan.
[20:19] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> How else will they get stronger?
[20:19] <01Dias`> 6Dias moves into the kitchen, grabbing a plate and putting food onto it
01[20:19] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "Living long enough to find out how."
[20:20] <01@Ariel> Em> "I've always been fond of the whole teamwork approach."
[20:20] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> Hey, Cole, want to fight him? 6* He nods at Cameron
[20:20] <01Dias`> 6Dias moves out of hte kitchen and makes up way upstairs. He steps into his and X's room. 1"Breakfast in bed."
[20:20] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe takes a seat at the table, getting food onto his plate.
[20:20] <01@DeathStar> 6* X mumbles and blindly reaches out to take it, then sets it beside her, eating it while laying down
01[20:20] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> *adjusts his glasses* Can't say I'm much of a fighter.
[20:21] <01Dias`> <Dias> Oh and I'm fighting that Chad kid.
[20:21] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe sighs, patting Cole.
[20:21] <01@Kane> 6* Cole glances to Cameron. 1Everyone's afraid to fight me because I can survive planet exploding beams. 6He sits down to get some food.
[20:21] <01@DeathStar> 6* X eats some bacon in response
[20:21] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> I'm not afraid of you. You're nice.
[20:21] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe leans over to Cole. "Could fight her. If you get what I mean."
[20:21] <01Dias`> 6Dias leans down and kisses her again. Then turns to move back downstairs
01[20:21] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "I could test some seals on you and see if you can handle them."
[20:21] <01@Kane> 6* Cole pauses and glances to Lemon. He gives her a smile.
[20:22] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina offers Cole a plate of food already prepared
[20:22] <01@Kane> 6* Cole oooohs and smiles to Kat. 1Thanks!
06[20:22] * 01@Kane rubs his face slowly and stands up. 1I smell food. 6He moves to step inside.
01[20:22] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "You're not human however, so my desperation attack is useless against you." *he takes a seat again and looks at the food*
[20:23] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl watches him go
[20:23] <01@Ariel> 6* Crazy Cheryl idly steals a piece of bacon off of the stove, looking at the people around with an amused look.
[20:23] <01Dias`> 6Dias steps out the front door, still in his boxers and moves across the grass towards Chad, who has his shirt off already.
[20:23] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> Hey, CC. I'm shocked SLasher hasn't had you cat fighting the other you in mud yet. While wearing bikinis
[20:24] <01Dias`> 6Slasher suddenly phases in beside Snipe. 1"I heard something about two girls mud wrestling?"
[20:24] <01@Kane> 6* Cole begins to eat, making mmm sounds.
[20:24] <01@Ariel> CCheryl> "Ah, well. You know how it is. So hard to find jello that doesn't turn into a monster and try to eat the city."
[20:24] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl watches Dias go by.
[20:24] <01@Kane> 6* Kane peers in and moves to get a small plate.
01[20:24] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron takes off the glasses and puts them away, not really needing them. "The man has his motivations."
[20:24] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe whispers his battle idea to Slasher
[20:24] <01Dias`> 6Slasher blinks then looks at Snipe then at CC. 1"Honey, have I ever told you how much I love you yet?
[20:25] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon waves at Kane.
[20:25] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina eats herself now
06[20:25] * 01@Jennifer sighs and kisses John's forehead, she sits back and runs a scan over him.
[20:25] <01@DeathStar> 6* The scan turns up nothing - no data.
01[20:26] <01@Jennifer> "Weird..."
06[20:26] * 01@Kane gives Lemon a smile.
[20:26] <01Dias`> 6The crackle of energy can be felt briefly and Dias can be seen flying by the house.
06[20:26] * 01@Jennifer shrugs and puts it away. "Not gonna help if he gets hurt... mysterious as usual."
[20:26] <01@Kane> <Cole> Mpppf caumph fifhp. 6He says with a full mouthful of food.
[20:26] <01@Ariel> CCheryl> "In all seriousness, I'd have to turn down the whole mud thing. Doesn't mix with fire."
01[20:26] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "...When did the Dias bloke learn to fly?"
[20:27] <01Dias`> <Slasher> Jello?
[20:27] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon peers out to see it, but sees nothing
[20:27] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sips her alcohol again
[20:27] <01Dias`> <Slasher> KY Jelly. Naked?
06[20:28] * 01@Kane glances out the window to see if he can see Dias anywehre.
[20:28] <01Dias`> 6Dias can be seen running towards Chad again
[20:28] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> I see him running
[20:28] <01@Kane> Are they fighting?
[20:28] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> Fighting?
[20:28] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe gives CC a puppy dog expression, too
[20:29] <01Dias`> 6Slasher gives her the exact same one.
01[20:29] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "I saw the bloke fly."
[20:29] <01@Kane> The other one was out front.
[20:29] <01@Ariel> 6* CCheryl idly ponders over it.
[20:30] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon looks out a front window
[20:31] <01Dias`> 6Dias can be seen throwing punches and kicks at Chad who either blocks them effortlessly or dodges them outright with Chad occasionaly throwing in a kick or punch to shove him around
[20:31] <01@Kane> 6* Cole swallows the food finally. 1Hey Kane do you want to fight!?
[20:31] <01@Ariel> CCheryl> "Seriously, you need to leave SOME to the imagination. You still have that, right?"
06[20:31] * 01@Kane peers at Cole oddly and shakes his head once. 1No. 6He then moves to step outside again, holding out a plate to Cheryl.
[20:31] <01@Kane> 6* Cole slumps.
[20:31] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> I prefer the real thing. And recording it
[20:31] <01Dias`> <Slasher> Have we run out of sexual fantasies or positions?
06[20:32] * 01@Jennifer hops up and sighs, "May as well grab us food." *She heads back into the house*
[20:32] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl glances at it, ignoring the fight
[20:32] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Uh, thanks. 6* She takes it
[20:32] <01@Kane> I am Lemon for the day. 6He notes in a light tone.
[20:33] <01Dias`> 6Dias is suddenly grabbed and thrown towards the front door of the house.
[20:33] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Is that right? 6* She quirks an eyebrow.
[20:33] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe pats Cole
[20:33] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> I feel for you. Now Cheryls in the mud, either
06[20:33] * 01@Kane nods and steps aside so Dias doesn't hit him.
06[20:33] * 01@Jennifer steps in from the back and looks about for food, grabbing a plate for herself.
[20:33] <01Dias`> 6Dias misses and he lands inside the house, rolling
[20:33] <01@Ariel> CCheryl> "Anyways..." *pours herself a drink and takes a sip* "I'm not the one you need to convince, trick or otherwise swindle."
01[20:34] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "Hmmm... see, he can fly, just not well."
[20:34] <01Dias`> <Slasher> You could always insult her looks.
[20:34] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> He was hit really hard. 6* She moves to check on him
[20:34] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> ... Can she really...?
06[20:34] * 01@Jennifer puts her plate down. "Is Dias alright?"
[20:34] <01Dias`> <Slasher> That's what makes it funny. 6He smiles at Snipe
[20:34] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> That's like telling yourself you're ugly in the mirror
[20:34] <01Dias`> 6Dias groans as he pushes himself up.
[20:35] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon kneels to examine Dias for wounds
[20:35] <01@Kane> <Cole> Maybe I can get that other John to fight me when he wakes up.
06[20:35] * 01@Jennifer watches Lemon, kneeling by her, as though observing.
[20:35] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Looks like everyone is ... having fun. 6* She eyes the house
[20:35] <01Dias`> 6Just a bruised ego so far.
[20:35] <01@Ariel> CCheryl> "Oh please, I'm much hotter than her." *creates a puff of flame in her free hand*
[20:35] <01Dias`> 6Slasher nudges John. 1"You sure? I could've swore she said she was hotter.
[20:35] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> I wonder if the other Cheryl would laugh, or groan
01[20:35] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "Mmm... well you have a way with words that's staggering Miss."
[20:36] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> Hm. You should rest. 6* She tells Dias, examining his eyes
[20:36] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> I mean, she said her breasts were perkier.
[20:36] <01@Kane> I was asked to fight. But I enjoy the lack of pain so I refused.
[20:36] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Smart.
[20:36] <01Dias`> <Dias> After I get done kicking his ass. 6He smiles at her and starts moving back outside again
[20:36] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> ... But---I meant now
[20:36] <01@Kane> There was mention of you fighting the other Cheryl.
[20:36] <01@Ariel> 6* CCheryl narrows her eyes at the two.
[20:36] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snorts.
06[20:37] * 01@Jennifer giggles and hugs Lemon. "You know Dias, he won't stop until he loses conciousness. Then we can treat him."
[20:37] <01@Kane> <Cole> I heard that Cheryl has a wife. 6He notes.
[20:37] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe looks intriguied now
[20:37] <01Dias`> 6Dias shrugs helplessly and he steps outside, making a beeline for Chad again.
06[20:38] * 01@Kane watches Dias run by. 1It would be hopeless anyway. They are very strong.
[20:38] <01@Ariel> 6* CCheryl pauses, "...seriously?"
[20:38] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> Perkier and she gets women, Slasher. I think that's a slap to your wife's face. Since she married you
[20:38] <01Dias`> <Slasher> I'm just saying what I heard. 6He puts his hands up innocently
01[20:38] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron looks over at Slasher and Snipe.
[20:38] <01Dias`> <Slasher> I...6He eyes Snip then looks at CCheryl. 1"You love being with me, right?"
[20:39] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> I bet she whips her wife. If you get what I mean
[20:39] <01@Ariel> 6* CCheryl taps a finger on her cheek, pondering.
[20:39] <01@Kane> <Cole> Oh don't make her lie in front of everyone, Slasher.
[20:39] <01Dias`> 6Slasher looks at her now, his lower lip quivering slightly
[20:39] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina txts Ariel about what's happening.
[20:39] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah. Probably.
[20:40] <01Dias`> 6Dias leaps in at Chad who grabs him and slams him into the ground.
06[20:40] * 01@Jennifer lets Lemon go and grabs her food, munching down. "Seems like a usual group get together, food, talking, beating the hell out of each other..."
[20:41] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> ... 6* She looks confused
[20:41] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe pats Slasher
[20:41] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> It's okay. I'm sure it's pity sex
[20:41] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> When you're gone, she'll get herself a real man. Or woman.
[20:41] <01Dias`> 6Slasher grumbles now.
[20:42] <01@Ariel> CCheryl> "...old goat won't just drop dead and leave me all of his... oh wait, that was out loud." *smirks*
[20:42] <01@Kane> <Cole> Or robot. 6He wiggles his brow.
[20:42] <01@Ariel> CCheryl> "Not robot."
[20:42] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> Never robot
[20:42] <01Dias`> <Slasher> Yeah, not robot. 6He pokes Cole. 1"Wait..."6He looks at CCheryl again
[20:42] <01@Kane> 6* Cole slumps.
[20:42] <01@Ariel> 6* CCheryl smiiiiiles.
[20:42] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina pats Cole.
06[20:42] * 01@Jennifer peers over at Cole.
[20:43] <01Dias`> 6Dias groans as he slowly pushes himself up finally
06[20:44] * 01@Ariel sighs a little as she reads what's going on, and decides to head over to make sure no one is getting hurt at least.
06[20:44] * 01@Kane rubs his chin slowly as he watches Dias.
[20:44] <01Dias`> 6Chad yawns boredly as Dias slowly gets up.
01[20:45] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron shakes his head. "Bloke's got a hard head."
[20:45] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> Poor Dias
[20:45] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eats her food with Kane, watching the show
01[20:45] <01@Jennifer> "I'm sure Dias is having the time of his life."
[20:45] <01@Kane> He amazes me at his stupidity.
[20:45] <01@DeathStar> <Katrina> You're very handsome, Cole. You'll get with someone soon
[20:45] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah.
[20:46] <01@Kane> 6* Cole perks up, glancing to Kat. 1Yeah? Someone I know?
01[20:46] <01@Jennifer> "Well... some people call it stupidity, some people call it heart." *she smiles a bit*
[20:46] <01Dias`> 6Dias tenses then launches at Chad again, clearly putting everything he has into it all with Chad blocking each attack
[20:46] <01@DeathStar> <Katrina> Maybe. 6* She winks, probably referring to Blue
[20:47] <01@Kane> 6* Cole watches her, rubbing the side of his head dumbly.
[20:47] <01Dias`> 6Slasher pouts then moves over, kissing CCheryl
06[20:48] * 01@Kane tilts his head. 1I'm embarassed enough for him, I believe.
[20:48] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Maybe he'll fight smarter in the future
[20:49] <01@Kane> Doubtful, but it's something to hope for.
[20:49] <01@Ariel> 6* CCheryl smiles, then looks at Slasher, "So why aren't you looking to test out anyone's prowess?"
[20:50] <01Dias`> <Slasher> And get myself dirty? 6He dusts his clothes off. 1"Not my style, baby.
06[20:50] * 01@Jennifer has... wandered outside. She watches the fight.
[20:50] <01@Ariel> 6* CCheryl shakes her head. Sooooo many things she could say to that, but she doesn't.
[20:50] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe eats his bacon, sadly
01[20:50] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "What is your style mate?"
[20:51] <01Dias`> 6Dias switches over to his Muay Thai style, throwing knees at him.
[20:51] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sets the plate down after a bit. "I think I'll head into the city to eye Wind."
[20:51] <01Dias`> <Slasher> And that's why I love you. 6He kisses her again
[20:51] <01@Kane> If you want company. I could come. If not, I can keep an eye on everyone here.
[20:51] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> One adult should be here.
[20:51] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gets to her feet
[20:51] <01Dias`> 6Chad respondes finally by shifting his stance and punching Dias hard in the chest, sending him flying back towards the house, this time into and through a window
[20:52] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe peers at his window
06[20:52] * 01@Kane looks amused at that and nods. 1Be careful.
[20:52] <01Dias`> <Chad> OH shit. SORRY SNIPE!
[20:52] <01@Kane> <Cole> Oooh. Chad is in trouble.
[20:52] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grabs her hat and puts it on, shifting her tact suit to a white blouse and jeans, then moves off
01[20:52] <01@Jennifer> "Oh jeez..."
[20:52] <01@DeathStar> 6* KAtrina sighs at the fighting. Lemon runs over to check on him. Snipe drums his fingers
06[20:52] * 01@Jennifer heads after Lemon.
[20:52] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> Your wife now has to do a striptease to pay off you grandson's debt
[20:53] <01Dias`> 6Dias lays there now, unconcious
[20:53] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon checks him over for wounds
[20:53] <01Dias`> <Slasher> Last time I asked for a striptease...You remember when I walked with a limp for a week?
06[20:53] * 01@Kane steps inside and peers at Dias.
[20:53] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe eyes CC. "Striptease?"
01[20:53] <01@Jennifer> "How is he?"
[20:53] <01Dias`> 6Dias shows signs of bruising already and some cuts from the glass.
[20:54] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> Hurt.
06[20:54] * 01@Jennifer kneels down and looks at Dias, then Lemon. She pulls out some nanites and bandages, handing them to Lemon.
[20:54] <01@Ariel> CCheryl> *waves off the question* "Best not to ask."
01[20:54] <01@Jennifer> "Make sure you clean the wounds for glass shards first."
[20:54] <01Dias`> <Slasher> It wasn't from the sex. 6He notes to Snipe, giving him that ominous look.
[20:54] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon pauses, then gives him nanites, then goe to pull the glass out with her fingers
01[20:55] <01@Jennifer> "Careful, don't get yourself cut doing it."
[20:55] <01Dias`> 6Chad sticks his head through the broken window. 1"I totally wasn't aiming for it."
[20:55] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon makes a face at the blood, looking queazy
[20:55] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe gives Chad a look
06[20:55] * 01@Jennifer looks at Lemon. "You okay? I can do it if you want."
[20:55] <01@Kane> <Cole> Chad vs Snipe. Lets' go!
[20:55] <01Dias`> <Chad> What?! You broke one two weeks ago!
[20:56] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe waves at Cole. "If you beat him up, I'll forgive the window."
[20:56] <01@Kane> <Cole> I already got beat up from that!!
[20:56] <01Dias`> <Chad> Done. 6He leaps through the broken window, moving for Cole now
[20:56] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon shifts away to let Jen do it, eyeing the blood on her fingers
[20:56] <01@Kane> <Cole> ...oh damnit.
[20:56] <01@DeathStar> <Katrina> Chad. Leave Cole alone, please.
[20:56] <01Dias`> 6Chad jerks to a stop. 1"But Snipe..."
06[20:56] * 01@Jennifer hands her a little wetnap to clean up, she then treats Dias's wounds and bandages him up.
[20:56] <01@Kane> 6* Cole smiles.
[20:57] <01Dias`> 6Chad points a finger at Cole then looks at Kat. 1"You're lucky you're so damn beautiful."
[20:57] <01@Kane> I'll take him to X. 6He notes, leaning down to lift him up.
[20:57] <01@Kane> <Cole> I am pretty, aren't I?
[20:57] <01@DeathStar> <Katrina> Thank you?
01[20:57] <01@Jennifer> "Alright. Careful of the bandages."
[20:57] <01@Kane> <Cole> O-Oh. 6He lowers his head.
06[20:58] * 01@Kane grunts, since Dias is pretty big and slowly starts moving him up the steps.
[20:58] <01Dias`> 6Dias sheds a silent tear for being called big
06[20:58] * 01@Jennifer hugs Lemon a bit. "We need to work on that, it'll be hard for you to heal people if you get all queasy at blood." *she smiles softly*
[20:58] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon hangs her head in utter shame
[20:58] <01Dias`> 6Chad crosses his arms now, then looks over at Lemon and Jen. 1"He going to be alright?"
06[20:59] * 01@Kane knocks on X's door with his foot.
[20:59] <01@DeathStar> 6* There's a mumbled enter
06[20:59] * 01@Jennifer frowns and hugs her a bit more. "Aww don't be ashamed, I hated it when I saw it first too... hmm? Yeah Dias will be fine."
[20:59] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> ...
06[20:59] * 01@Kane shifts to slowly open the door, using his arm, then moves to step inside. 1He got himself beat up.
[21:00] <01@DeathStar> 6* X sits up. Her eyes narrow. "Who hurt him?"
06[21:00] * 01@Jennifer looks at Lemon again. "Just do what I do, concentrate on getting your friends better, then nothing can get in the way."
[21:00] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon just nods a few times.
[21:00] <01Dias`> <Chad> Good to hear. 6He looks over at Snipe. 1"I promise not to try and break another window."
[21:00] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> Yeah yeah. Come here and tell your grandma you want to see her fight herself in mud
[21:00] <01@Kane> The one named Chad. He challenged Dias too a fight and he accepted despite being outclassed.
[21:01] <01@DeathStar> 6* X pauses, then she drops through a ripple into the living area. She turns to face Chad's back, then fires a holy arrow at him
[21:01] <01Dias`> <Chad> Grandma, I want to see you fight the hot you in a-His eyes go wide and he ducks down.
[21:01] <01Dias`> <Chad> Grandma, I want to see you fight the hot you in a-6His eyes go wide and he ducks down.
[21:01] <01@DeathStar> 6* The arrow flies at Cheryl
06[21:01] * 01@Kane pauses and frowns. 1Damn. 6He tosses DIas onto the bed and drops through the ripple.
06[21:01] * 01@Jennifer kisses her cheek. "We'll just keep practicing. You can do anything when you put your mind to it."
[21:01] <01@Kane> 6* Cole shifts up to put his hand in front of the arrow.
[21:02] <01@DeathStar> 6* The arrow smashes into the hand and vanishes
[21:02] <01Dias`> 6Chad jerks around to face X. 1"Uh...Hi?
[21:03] <01@DeathStar> 6* X moves in at him, getting an energy blade formed
[21:03] <01@Kane> 6* Cole's eyes widen and he jerks to hold his hand, hopping around making ow sounds.
06[21:03] * 01@Kane moves to restrain X.
[21:03] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina stands in concern. "Are you okay, Cole?"
[21:03] <01@DeathStar> 6* X turns to eye Kane. "Let. Go."
[21:03] <01Dias`> 6Chad steps back, eyeing the energy blade forming. 1"Woh woh woh, let's not get hasty here."
[21:03] <01@Ariel> 6* CCheryl looks at Cole and shakes her head. Letting the dark fire around her free hand disipate. "...idiot."
[21:03] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe looks curious
[21:04] <01Dias`> 6Slasher watches with an interested look himself now
[21:04] <01@Kane> I won't. DIas accepted the fight. He knew the risks. You can not attack anyone that bests him. It was harmless.
01[21:04] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron shakes his head a bit, having moves over to see what the new bit of excitement was about.
[21:04] <01@Kane> <Cole> Y-Yeah. 6He sniffs.
[21:04] <01@DeathStar> <X> I can. You cannot stop me.
[21:04] <01@DeathStar> <X> You are too weak to stop me.
06[21:05] * 01@Jennifer looks over at X and frowns a bit, turning back to Lemon. "You okay?"
[21:05] <01@Kane> You make them angry. You attack them in anger and you risk the mission. You risk everything DIas is fighting for.
[21:05] <01@Ariel> CCheryl> "Challenge him properly then. Don't just go shooting people in the back."
[21:05] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon is focused on the fight, rising to her feet
[21:05] <01Dias`> 6Chad studies X now. "Look, I'm sorry I beat him up.
06[21:05] * 01@Jennifer gets up too.
[21:05] <01@DeathStar> 6* X eyes the other Cheryl, moving to open a ripple behind her
[21:06] <01@Ariel> 6* CCheryl is resting against a counter
[21:06] <01@DeathStar> 6* Ripples do not care about walls.
06[21:06] * 01@Kane tenses and moves to swing X around away from them. 1Stand down. Or I will make you.
01[21:06] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> *grumbles and pulls on his gloves*
[21:06] <01@DeathStar> 6* X eyes Kane. Lemon moves over, and uses a Cheryl tone. <Lemon> Stop now, X. Or I'll stop you. 6* X jerks, clearly thinking it's Cheryl
[21:06] <01Dias`> 6Chad crosses his arms now.
[21:07] <01@Kane> <Cole> W-Why is she so angry?
[21:07] <01@DeathStar> <Katrina> I don't know.
[21:07] <01@Ariel> 6* CCheryl sips her drink, watching X.
[21:07] <01@DeathStar> 6* X closes the ripple, leaving a hole in the counter. Snipe sighs sadly at his house
06[21:07] * 01@Jennifer puts her arms behind her back to keep up the charade.
[21:07] <01Dias`> <Slasher> So thick you could cut it with a knife.
06[21:07] * 01@Kane eyes X calmly, standing between her and TAW3 people.
[21:08] <01@DeathStar> 6* X shifts to move into a ripple to go back to her room
01[21:08] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "Girl lost someone she cared about recently, she's not over it yet."
[21:08] <01@Kane> <Cole> Oh...
[21:08] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks sympathetic.
06[21:08] * 01@Kane lets out a sigh and nods to Lemon. 1Thank you.
06[21:08] * 01@Jennifer hugs Lemon a bit. "That was awesome."
[21:08] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon looks at KAne with an eerily annoyed expression, then shifts to beam
[21:09] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> Thank you
[21:09] <01Dias`> <Chad> Guy took me on in a fight fair and square. 6He shrugs. 1"If I'd of known she'd react like that I would've avoided it
[21:09] <01@Ariel> CCheryl> "She's got spirit, if nothing else."
01[21:09] <01@Jennifer> "Seriously, I thought you were Cheryl for a moment there."
[21:09] <01@DeathStar> <Katrina> We should talk about the crystal you're all here for. 6* She notes
[21:09] <01Dias`> <Slasher> No you wouldn't have. <Chad> ...Yeah probably not.
06[21:09] * 01@Kane pauses and glances over his shoulder.
01[21:09] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "Mmm, you have new information?"
[21:10] <01@DeathStar> <Katrina> I was wondering if you'd share more information on how you travel to other realities. It might help us find it faster. There's no point in either side holding out. I think one of us should join you all to safe guard it when we find it
[21:11] <01Dias`> <Slasher> I'd love to...6He looks at CCheryl. 1"But the wife might get a weee bit mad."
[21:11] <01@Kane> 6* Cole perks up.
[21:11] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon looks at KAne
01[21:11] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "Mmm... well--" <Jennifer> "That's kind of up to Cheryl... she's in charge of our mission so taking people along has to go through her... but... as for how we travel..." *she looks to Kane*
[21:11] <01@Kane> Hmm. I don't know. Cheryl is our leader and it is her decision.
[21:11] <01@DeathStar> <Katrina> I noticed you're the XO. Do you have an opinion on it?
[21:12] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe debates going, rubbing his chin
[21:12] <01@Ariel> 6* Em brandishes fryingpan
[21:12] <01Dias`> <Chad> I'd be willing to go.
[21:12] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe sulks
06[21:12] * 01@Jennifer blinks, looking over at Chad. She smiles a little bit.
[21:12] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> And leave Aya forever?! What if I did bad things to her?!
[21:13] <01Dias`> 6Chad jerks.
[21:13] <01Dias`> 6Slasher coughs from behind Snipe
06[21:13] * 01@Jennifer looks between them.
[21:13] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lunar Girl narrows her eyes at Chad from a window
06[21:13] * 01@Kane rubs his chin slowly. 1You have helped us alot. It's true that means we should be able to trust you. And with Sigma gone, that's also one less reason to say no.
[21:13] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> Hypothetical. Like your wife in mud
[21:13] <01@Kane> <Cole> I like to fight.
[21:13] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks at Cole, frowning slightly, but doesn't say anything
[21:13] <01@DeathStar> 6* She peers back at Kane. "Well, where is your Cheryl?"
[21:13] <01@Kane> <Cole> W-What? I do.
[21:13] <01Dias`> <Slasher> Oh, theoretical like me being forced to use my new anti-catgon spray on you.
[21:14] <01@Kane> She went to the city, I believe.
[21:14] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> I'd hug your wife.
[21:14] <01Dias`> 6Chad gulps, feeling that annoying narrowed eyes look
01[21:14] <01@Jennifer> "There's that word again..."
[21:14] <01@Ariel> CCheryl> "No, you wouldn't."
[21:14] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> I'd hug my wife.
[21:14] <01@Ariel> Em> "Leave me out of this!"
[21:14] <01Dias`> <Slasher> Guess that means neither of you would have the urge to have sex then.
[21:14] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> Can we use it on Hotaru?
[21:15] <01Dias`> <Slasher> Only if you sign a waiver.
[21:15] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina nods to Kane. "Well, when she gets back?"
01[21:15] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "Perhaps we should put this simply... going means there's a high chance of you never coming back."
[21:15] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe signs a napkin
[21:15] <01Dias`> 6Slasher takes it. 1"Good enough for my lawyers."
[21:15] <01@Kane> I will talk to her about it. If you believe you would trust us with the crystal, then we shouldn't keep being so untrusting.
[21:16] <01@DeathStar> 6* John steps into the room suddenly, his expression stone. "Lemon, synch us up. We need to go - NOW."
06[21:16] * 01@Kane arches a brow. 1John?
[21:16] <01Dias`> 6Chad turns, eyeing John now.
06[21:16] * 01@Jennifer nods a bit, as though agreeing with Kane, she blinks and looks at John. "S-Sensei?"
[21:16] <01Dias`> 6Slasher looks at him also
[21:16] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon blinks, looking confused.
[21:16] <01@Kane> <Cole> What's going on!?
[21:16] <01@DeathStar> <John> No time. We need to leave immediately. 6* Katrina looks down at her datapad, frowning
[21:16] <01@Kane> <Cole> Someone tell me what's going on!
01[21:17] <01@Jennifer> "But... Cheryl went to the city..."
[21:17] <01@DeathStar> <Katrina> Something is attacking Mega City, Dad says.
[21:17] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe sits up now.
01[21:17] <01@Jennifer> "Wh-What?"
[21:17] <01Dias`> 6Slasher looks at Kat now. 1"What's the location?"
[21:17] <01@Kane> Attacking? 6He glances to John, then Kat.
[21:17] <01@DeathStar> <Katrina> ... He just said the city.
[21:17] <01Dias`> <Slasher> Him of all people forgetting the details. 6He shakes his head
[21:18] <01@DeathStar> <John> No details. He means the entire city. Lets go, Lemon
[21:18] <01Dias`> <Chad> We should get going then.
06[21:18] * 01@Jennifer looks at Lemon, then Kane, then back at John.
[21:18] <01@Kane> Wait. Is it...
[21:18] <01@DeathStar> <John> Yes.
06[21:18] * 01@Kane frowns. 1Cheryl...
[21:18] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe gets to his feet.
[21:18] <01Dias`> <Chad> Snipe. 6He nods to him
[21:18] <01@DeathStar> <John> If she's at the city already, it's probably too late.
01[21:18] <01@Jennifer> "Then... Lemon, can you sync Cheryl from here?"
[21:19] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon hesitates. "I-I need Cheryl's order."
[21:19] <01@Kane> <Cole> Why is everyone stone faced? What are we up against?
[21:19] <01Dias`> 6Dias groans as he opens his eyes finally
[21:19] <01@Ariel> CCheryl> *gets up and crashes her knuckles*
06[21:19] * 01@Jennifer looks at John. "We have to go after her Sensei."
[21:19] <01@Kane> Jen go get Dias and X. We're going to go find her.
[21:19] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina uses her datapad to check news stations, then holds it up. A black blob is attacking people.
[21:19] <01@DeathStar> 6* Once touched, they turn into Tsivrixsh like goo
[21:19] <01@Kane> <Cole> That's it? That's what everyone is af-holy shit.
[21:19] <01Dias`> 6Slasher looks at the black blob then John. 1"You know what this stuff is?"
06[21:20] * 01@Jennifer nods and heads upstairs, knocking on X's door.
[21:20] <01@DeathStar> <John> You can't fight it. You can't beat it. This reality is doomed.
[21:20] <01@Kane> It's a corruption. A byproduct of sorta. It destroyed my reality in 2 days. Everyone but myself.
[21:20] <01Dias`> <Slasher> We've been told that before. On numerous occasions.
[21:20] <01@DeathStar> 6* X opens the door, eyeing Jen with distaste
[21:20] <01@Kane> If you fight it. You will die.
[21:20] <01Dias`> <Slasher> We've also been told that too.
01[21:20] <01@Jennifer> "Sorry, but the reality is getting attacked."
[21:20] <01@DeathStar> <John> Exactly, and if we go there, we'll die, Kane. Make the call and get Lemon to get us out of here
01[21:21] <01@Jennifer> "We gotta go and now, get Dias, we're going after Cheryl."
[21:21] <01Dias`> 6Dias sits up slowly, peering over at Jen now.
[21:21] <01@DeathStar> <X> So? Go get her yoruself.
[21:21] <01Dias`> <Dias> What's going on?
[21:21] <01@Kane> I won't leave without at least trying to find Cheryl. 6He pulls up his arm device paging her, if she even has hers on.
[21:21] <01@DeathStar> 6* There's only static.
01[21:21] <01@Jennifer> "Cheryl's in the middle of the city and it's under attack... it's that stuff."
[21:21] <01@DeathStar> <X> 'Stuff'?
[21:21] <01@DeathStar> <X> Sigma?
01[21:21] <01@Jennifer> "The stuff that ate my reality."
[21:21] <01Dias`> 6Dias stares blankly
[21:21] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe moves to get the shuttle
06[21:22] * 01@Kane rubs his face. 1We need a shuttle.
[21:22] <01@DeathStar> <X> What stuff?
[21:22] <01@Kane> 6* Cole moves after Snipe.
[21:22] <01Dias`> <Dias> Shit. 6He gets up, wincing and starts putting his tact suit on. 1"A black goo.
[21:22] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina follows.
[21:22] <01Dias`> 6Slasher and Chad move after
01[21:22] <01@Jennifer> "Yeah."
[21:22] <01@DeathStar> <X> The stuff from that one base?
06[21:22] * 01@Jennifer nods.
[21:22] <01Dias`> <Dias> Yeah, just like it.
[21:22] <01@DeathStar> 6* John watches them going
[21:22] <01@Kane> ...they really will die.
[21:23] <01@DeathStar> <John> Look, Kane, if Lemon can synch Cheryl, we can go. We don't have to go look for her
[21:23] <01@Ariel> 6* CCheryl heads to the shuttle, as does Em.
01[21:23] <01@Jennifer> "Meet you downstairs." *she heads down to the others*
[21:23] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe tells Andrea to watch the house, then moves to take the pilot seat.
[21:23] <01@DeathStar> <X> ...
[21:23] <01@Kane> Do you think Cheryl will be happy if we just run away without at least trying to find the Crystal?
[21:23] <01@DeathStar> <X> Why are we looking for the General?
[21:23] <01@DeathStar> <John> You think she'll be happy if we all die going after her?
06[21:23] * 01@Jennifer stops and looks back, "Lemon doesn't sync without her order."
[21:24] <01Dias`> 6Dias looks at X. 1"I'm not sure, she must not be here right now." 6He seals his tact suit.
[21:24] <01@DeathStar> <X> ... Doesn't the science man have the ability now?
[21:24] <01@Kane> Then I'll go alone. You all can remain here and lemon can sync you up and be prepared to go
01[21:24] <01@Jennifer> "I dunno."
[21:24] <01@DeathStar> <John> You seriously plan to endanger lives for one crystal?
[21:24] <01@DeathStar> 6* John eyes Kane.
06[21:24] * 01@Jennifer heads back down.
[21:25] <01@Kane> A Legendary Crystal, John. We won't get a chance like this again, likely. Lemon, start syncing up.
[21:25] <01Dias`> 6Dias moves to head downstairs now
[21:25] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> ..... But....
[21:25] <01@DeathStar> 6* X follows
06[21:25] * 01@Jennifer moves back over to the others. "So what's the plan?"
[21:25] <01@DeathStar> <John> WEll, unless you plan to hitch a ride with them, we have no ride there.
01[21:26] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron just remains quiet through all this.
[21:26] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe lifts the shuttle up
[21:26] <01Dias`> <Dias> It's simple. We're finding Cheryl.
[21:26] <01@Kane> You can keep in contact with me by the device on your wrist. 6He turns and moves out the door, flagging for Snipe to wait.
[21:26] <01@DeathStar> <JOhn> No, we're hoping to find a crystal
[21:26] <01@DeathStar> <John> Kane. Your device won't work either in that city 6* He calls out
[21:27] <01@DeathStar> 6 *Snipe watches Kane. "So the science guy comes to help?"
[21:27] <01Dias`> <Dias> Sorry but Cheryls more important that a crystal to me. 6He moves outside, heading after Kane
06[21:27] * 01@Jennifer frowns and looks between them. Then at Lemon.
[21:27] <01@DeathStar> <JOhn> Then tell Lemon to synch us up and we can save her. IF we go after the crystal, she'll die. And us.
[21:27] <01@DeathStar> 6* John eyes Dias
[21:27] <01@Kane> Then leave whenever you so feel like it. 6He calls out, looking up at shuttle.
[21:27] <01@Ariel> 6* Raquel ripples to catch up with Dias. Catching her breath after hurrying back to the house at the commotion.
[21:27] <01@Kane> <Cole> Uh. Maybe he wants to stop us.
[21:28] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe lowers the ramp
[21:28] <01Dias`> <Chad> Huh, fancy taht.
01[21:28] <01@Jennifer> "They're all going Sensei..."
06[21:28] * 01@Kane moves up the ramp with a hop.
[21:28] <01Dias`> <Dias> I don't plan on dieing. 6He moves for the shuttle and up the ramp now
[21:28] <01@DeathStar> <John> .... 6* He crosses his arms. Lemon hurries after Kane. X follows Dias
06[21:28] * 01@Jennifer blinks and heads after Lemon.
[21:29] <01@Kane> <Cole> Uh. Hi. 6He waves to them.
[21:29] <01Dias`> <Dias> X, Raquel. You're ripples will be our best ability when we get to the city.
[21:29] <01@Ariel> 6* Raquel nods, and finds herself a seat.
01[21:30] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron rubs his chin. "Any point in staying mate?"
[21:30] <01Dias`> 6Dias looks up at the TAW3 team. 1"We found freezing it stops it."
[21:30] <01@DeathStar> <John> You want to follow, go ahead.
[21:30] <01@Kane> Momentarily at least.
06[21:30] * 01@Kane takes a seat.
[21:30] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon gets onto the shuttle and sits. X picks a spot.
[21:30] <01Dias`> 6Dias looks at Lemon now. 1"Can you even synch up with Cheryl?
[21:31] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> I can...
01[21:31] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "Mmm..." *he heads after the rest, Jennifer boards the shuttle*
[21:31] <01@Kane> Do it. Make sure she's alive.
[21:31] <01Dias`> <Dias> Then tell her it was my idea to go after her. I'll take the heat on this.
[21:31] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> Of couse she is. I still feel her device.
[21:31] <01@Kane> No. This is my decision. I'll take her anger willingly.
01[21:32] <01@Jennifer> "All the more reason to hurry and get her. We should get out of here."
[21:32] <01@Ariel> CCheryl> "How does that stuff react to fire?"
[21:32] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe zooms away for the city
[21:32] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon pauses, then looks down. "I feel her device, but I can no longer connect to it."
01[21:32] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron takes a seat, nearly falling out.
[21:32] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> But I feel her crystals still.
01[21:32] <01@Jennifer> "That's a distance thing right?"
06[21:33] * 01@Kane nods once, frowning.
[21:33] <01Dias`> <Dias> I'd have done it anyways. Don't remember, just that Ice stops it for awhile. 6He looks at Lemon now. 1"Any idea why?
[21:33] <01@Kane> No. It means something is wrong.
[21:33] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> It is being interfered with.
06[21:33] * 01@Kane nods slightly. 1Possibly the corruption.
[21:33] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> So, what la lshould we know about it?
[21:33] <01Dias`> <Dias> If Cheryl wanted to leave, she would've jumped herself.
[21:33] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina keeps trying to connect to those in the city, frowning
[21:33] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> Without being synched,...?
[21:34] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon looks down.
01[21:34] <01@Jennifer> "Don't touch it, ever."
[21:34] <01@DeathStar> <X> .... 6* She thinks about Lilith now
[21:34] <01Dias`> <Dias> Don't let it touch you, if it does, hope it hits clothes and take it off. 6He looks at Lemon. 1"John jumped the first time about syncing didn't he?
[21:35] <01@Kane> If it does hit a body part. Be prepared to remove it.
[21:35] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> I do not know. I asked him later and he said he had me on his radar.
01[21:35] <01@Jennifer> "I guess that means Sensei can follow..."
06[21:35] * 01@Jennifer looks away a bit, distant.
[21:35] <01Dias`> 6Dias runs his hand through his hair.
[21:35] <01Dias`> <Slasher> So deal with it from a distance then.
[21:35] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> But if you jump without me synching us all first, you will be lost.
01[21:36] <01@Jennifer> "Maybe you should start syncing now so we can be ready to jump at a moment's notice?"
[21:36] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> It won't work
01[21:36] <01@Jennifer> "Oh..."
[21:36] <01@Kane> She has the data, even if she does jump, she will be able to find a way back to us.
[21:36] <01@DeathStar> <X> Why not?
[21:37] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> *she answers Kane* But I select realities randomly. She will not nkow which ones I'm picking
[21:37] <01@Kane> Ah. I thought there was a sequence. 6He frowns at that.
[21:37] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> There's too many and new ones always appearing.
[21:37] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe eyes Slasher. "They have their act together, eh?"
01[21:38] <01@Jennifer> "So selecting now and choosing to jump later won't work?"
[21:38] <01Dias`> <Dias> Lemon, answer X's question please.
[21:38] <01Dias`> <Slasher> Something like that.
[21:38] <01@DeathStar> <LEmon> Sorry. I can't, because the synch will destableize with time
[21:38] <01@Kane> <Cole> ...was that sarcasm?
[21:39] <01@DeathStar> 6* Mega City comes into view ahead. Buildings are completely gone in some areas, and the sky has gone black
[21:39] <01@Ariel> 6* CCheryl whistles.
[21:39] <01@Kane> <Cole> Holy...
[21:39] <01Dias`> 6Slasher looks out at the view, a grim look on his face. 1"I hope Aya got out."
06[21:40] * 01@Jennifer looks out, shaking a bit.
[21:40] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> Alright, where should I head? 6* He flies over the city. Black Tsivrixsh goos are running rampant below
[21:40] <01Dias`> <Dias> Where was she heading for, Kane?
[21:40] <01@DeathStar> 6* One looks emo. Probably was Sil
[21:40] <01@Kane> The capital building.
[21:41] <01Dias`> <Slasher> Wind, huh?
[21:41] <01@Kane> Indeed.
[21:41] <01@DeathStar> <Katrina> Why Dad?
[21:41] <01@Kane> She wanted to talk to him. Felt he was hiding something from us.
01[21:41] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron looks out grimly. "Black pudding, how your taste is bitter, black pudding, devouring souls like litter..."
[21:41] <01Dias`> <Dias> Cheryl will take the most direct path to it
[21:41] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe eyes Cameron slowly
[21:41] <01@Kane> <Cole> Holy crap that guy is weird.
06[21:42] * 01@Jennifer looks down.
[21:42] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina just looks more worried
01[21:42] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron eyes the scene quietly.
[21:42] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe heads for the capital building. The goo below suddenly shoots up and hits the shuttle underside.
[21:42] <01Dias`> 6Dias looks down at the shuttle floor
06[21:42] * 01@Kane widens his eyes. 1We need to get out. NOW.
[21:42] <01Dias`> 6Chad glances at it.
[21:42] <01@DeathStar> 6* The floor begins to morph
01[21:42] <01@Jennifer> "Oh crap!"
[21:42] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe peers down, opens the ramp, heading for the ground
06[21:43] * 01@Jennifer moves away from it, Cameron does too.
[21:43] <01@DeathStar> 6* X frowns
[21:43] <01Dias`> 6Dias backs up, grabbing X by her hand and leading her to the rmap
[21:43] <01Dias`> NRP: ramp
06[21:43] * 01@Kane moves towards the back, eyeing outside quietly.
[21:43] <01Dias`> 6Chad leaps over the seats to move to the back now
[21:43] <01@DeathStar> 6* The floor begins to speed up, ehadnig right at the ramp
06[21:43] * 01@Jennifer and Cameron move to the back.
[21:43] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina shifts to walk along the seats. "John, come on!"
[21:44] <01Dias`> 6Slasher grabs CCheryl, phasing away.
[21:44] <01@Kane> 6* Cole stumbles on the top of a chair.
[21:44] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon gets and leaps to join the others. John gets them 15 feet above the ground
[21:44] <01@Kane> 6* Kane reaches out to catch lemon and then frowns, leaping back out of the shuttle.
[21:44] <01Dias`> 6Dias grabs onto X and he leaps backwards for the ground
[21:44] <01@Kane> <Cole> Kat grab my hand!
06[21:44] * 01@Jennifer leaps out of the shuttle as does Cameron.
[21:44] <01Dias`> 6Chad hops off, landing in a rolling crouch
[21:44] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina leaps out adn gracefully spins for the ground
[21:45] <01@Kane> <Cole> ...or not. John grab my hand!
[21:45] <01Dias`> 6Slasher appears on the ground by the others with CCheryl
[21:45] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe eyes COle's seat turning to goo. "Jump!"
[21:45] <01@Kane> 6* Kane lands in a grunt, rolling along the ground.
[21:45] <01@Ariel> 6* Raquel looks for some place to safely ripple to
06[21:45] * 01@Jennifer lands in a role and hops up, Cameron hits the ground landing on one knee, he silently groans.
[21:45] <01@Kane> <Cole> What about you!!!?
[21:45] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cole will be dead in 3.
[21:45] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cole will be dead in 2.
[21:45] <01@Kane> 6* Cole grits his teeth and jumps out.
[21:45] <01@Ariel> 6* Em gets out and floats ala magneto
[21:45] <01@DeathStar> 6* The shuttle crashes into the ground and explodes
[21:46] <01Dias`> 6Chad stands up, eyeing the shuttle now. 1"Snipe..."
[21:46] <01@Kane> 6* Cole slams into the ground, rolling along roughly.
[21:46] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe rolls out of the wreckage and leaps to his feet.
[21:46] <01Dias`> 6Dias hits the ground, tumbling, but doing his best to keep X from taking any damage
[21:46] <01Dias`> 6Chad lets out a sigh of relief.
01[21:46] <01@Jennifer> "Old-Man John... hey look!" *points at him*
06[21:46] * 01@Kane slowly pushes hismelf up. 1Lemon. Where do you feel Cheryl?
[21:46] <01@DeathStar> 6* Tsivrixsh corruption begins to head their way from all directions.
[21:47] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon shifts to her feet, then looks about, then points at the capital building ni the distance
01[21:47] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron peers around and pulls out a sheet of paper. "You said freezing right?"
[21:47] <01@Kane> 6* Cole pushes himself up to a knee and begins to fire towards the corruption with his miniguns.
[21:47] <01@DeathStar> 6* X gets to her feet slowly, helping up Dias
[21:47] <01@DeathStar> 6* The corruption is barely slowed
[21:47] <01Dias`> 6Dias winces as he stands up with her help. His eyes darting around at all the corruption
[21:47] <01Dias`> <Dias> We need to get moving now.
[21:47] <01@Ariel> 6* Raquel nods in agreement
01[21:48] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron holds out the paper and hits it, attempting to freeze corruption that's moving in.
06[21:48] * 01@Kane frowns. 1 Focus on those between us and the capital building. Throw whatever you've got at them.
[21:48] <01@DeathStar> 6* Sadly, they're coming in from all directions, and just keep chugging it in directions not frozen
[21:48] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe peers about, his clothing ruined.
[21:49] <01@Ariel> 6* CCheryl casually lobs a ball of dark fire towards the back of the corruption, to make sure it's safe to use
[21:49] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon gets her energy ready, firing a corruption. It barely seems to hold them back
[21:49] <01Dias`> <Chad> A path it is. 6His tattoo's start to glow darkly.
[21:49] <01@Ariel> 6* Em quietly inspects Snipe, making sure he's okay
[21:49] <01@Kane> Cameron. Focus on the ones between us and the capital building. 6He yells, firing shots uselessy at corruption.
[21:49] <01@DeathStar> 6* The frozen ones begin to move again, breaking free
01[21:49] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron frowns and pulls out his book filled with red inked pages and tears out a handful, he tosses them ahead of them and smacks his hands together, firing out a beam of light, which changes into a path of ice ripping out in the direction of the captial building.
[21:49] <01Dias`> 6Slasher forms a Chi ball and hurls it towards a corruption
[21:49] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl's ball of fire seems as effective as everything else
[21:50] <01@DeathStar> 6* The corruption moves around the light
[21:50] <01@Kane> <Cole> Everyone back up and group together. Slasher. Get ready to phase us.
[21:50] <01@DeathStar> 6* The chi ball hits a corruption, and it doesn't even slow it. TAW3 begin to feel weaker
[21:50] <01@DeathStar> *people
[21:50] <01@Kane> 6* Cole pauses. 1H-wh...what's going on?
[21:50] <01Dias`> <Slasher> Right. 6He takes several steps back, blinking at the feeling
[21:51] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> ...what...?
06[21:51] * 01@Jennifer pulls out her gun, charging a shot. "We don't have much time."
[21:51] <01@Ariel> 6* Cheryl grins, despite the weakness. She forms two balls of flame, lobbing them at the corruption to help keep it back
[21:51] <01Dias`> 6Chad steps back, eyeing his arms
[21:51] <01@Kane> 6* Cole fires as he backs up towards the others.
[21:51] <01Dias`> <Slasher> Somethings happening. We need to do this now.
[21:51] <01@DeathStar> 6* KAtrina looks at her datapad. "...the crystal's energy is getting weaker."
[21:51] <01Dias`> 6Dias moves over with X.
[21:51] <01@Kane> The corruption. It has to be absorbing it.
01[21:51] <01@Jennifer> "It's devouring the crystal, these things feed off realities I think."
[21:52] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> ... 6* She looks worried now
[21:52] <01Dias`> <Slasher> Everyone touch each other.
[21:52] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe touches Em's ass
[21:52] <01@Ariel> 6* Cheryl grabs slasher. Em scowls at Snipe
06[21:52] * 01@Kane takes Lemon's hand and then touches Slasher's shoulder.
06[21:52] * 01@Jennifer puts a hand on Lemon, Cameron puts a hand on Slasher's shoulder.
[21:52] <01Dias`> 6Dias puts a hand on Kane. Chad grabs Slasher
[21:52] <01@DeathStar> 6* X touches Dias
[21:52] <01@Ariel> 6* Raquel holds onto X's arm
[21:52] <01@Kane> 6* Cole backs up so his back is against someone.
[21:52] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina touches Cole
[21:53] <01@DeathStar> 6* The corruption fires goo at them from all directions
[21:53] <01@Kane> DO it!
[21:53] <01Dias`> 6Slasher closes his eyes, and the team phases out of reality
[21:53] <01@DeathStar> 6* The goo misses them
[21:54] <01@DeathStar> 6* They make it about half the distance, when they're all solid again, and Slasher is out of energy completely
[21:54] <01Dias`> 6Slasher falls down to his knees, panting heavily
[21:54] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> .... 6* He eyes him. "Old man..."
[21:54] <01Dias`> 6Dias' eyes dart around now
06[21:54] * 01@Kane quickly peers around to see if there's any nearby corruption.
[21:54] <01Dias`> 6Chad looks over at Slasher. 1"Shit."
01[21:55] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron frowns and pulls the book back out, he closes it and bites his finger, he starts to draw on the cover in blood.
[21:55] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe goes to help Slasher when suddenly corruption ruptures from the ground all over Slasher, corrupting him into a mindless goo minion
[21:55] <01@Ariel> 6* Cheryl jumps back, staring in disbelief
[21:55] <01Dias`> <Chad> Jesus christ. 6He steps back now
06[21:55] * 01@Jennifer lets out a cry of surprise, hopping back a bit.
[21:55] <01@Kane> 6* Cole jerks back, eyes widening. 1Oh god..
[21:55] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina's jaw drops. Lemon jerks, as if she were slapped. Snipe steps back
[21:55] <01Dias`> 6Dias jerks to look at GooSlasher
06[21:55] * 01@Kane frowns and shakes his head. 1Move NOW or we'll end up just like him! 6He quickly moves to go around him.
[21:56] <01@DeathStar> 6* MOre corruption begins to move ni at them - it's as if the entire city is corrupted
[21:56] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe frowns, clenching his fist, then turns to follow them. "Can't we save them?!"
[21:56] <01Dias`> 6Chad just stares in shock.
[21:56] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe grabs Chad on his way, pulling him.
[21:56] <01@Kane> <Cole> ...uh guys.
[21:56] <01Dias`> 6Dias grabs X's hand and starts running after the others
[21:56] <01@Kane> No. He's dead. There's nothing you can do.
[21:56] <01@DeathStar> 6* X is jerked along. She opens a ripple in front of them
[21:57] <01Dias`> 6Chad shakes with anger as he moves on his own now
06[21:57] * 01@Jennifer moves to head around him with Kane.
[21:57] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon frowns sadly at goo Slasher, not moving
[21:57] <01@Kane> 6* Cole frowns and teaks Kat's hand to move.
[21:57] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina moves to follow again with Cole
[21:57] <01@Kane> Lemon.
01[21:57] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron grabs Lemon gently with his free hand and starts to lead her around.
[21:57] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon jerks, then follows
[21:57] <01@DeathStar> 6* X directs Dias to her ripple.
[21:57] <01Dias`> 6Dias moves for the ripple
06[21:58] * 01@Kane moves through the ripple since that will cut the distance.
[21:58] <01@Ariel> 6* Raquel takes the ripple as well, wanting to stay close to X and Dias.
06[21:58] * 01@Jennifer moves through the ripple as does Cameron.
[21:58] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe goes in
[21:58] <01Dias`> 6Chad steps through the ripple after Snipe
[21:58] <01@Kane> 6* Cole moves in as well.
[21:58] <01@Ariel> 6* Cheryl hesitantly moves after the others, gathering dark energy as she feeds off her rage.
[21:58] <01@DeathStar> 6* The ripple is then covered in goo, trapping poor Em.
[21:58] <01@DeathStar> 6* Poor Em.
[21:59] <01@DeathStar> 6* X turns corruption comes through the ripple, using it. She shuts it off in a panic
[21:59] <01Dias`> 6Dias swings around as X panics, eyeing it.
[21:59] <01Dias`> <Dias> Jesus christ
[21:59] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe turns. EMMMMMM!
01[21:59] <01@Jennifer> "Not good. We need to keep moving."
[21:59] <01Dias`> <Chad> Em?! 6He stops, staring
[22:00] <01@Kane> There's no time! Keep moving!
[22:00] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe clenches his fist, his aura visiblely showing as his energy rises
[22:00] <01@Kane> <Cole> J-John you saw how useless we were...
[22:00] <01@Ariel> 6* Em propells herself upwards, hoping to get away in time
[22:00] <01@DeathStar> 6* Em is doomed, sadly. One of the minions
[22:00] <01@Ariel> 6* Em had to try ;.;
[22:00] <01@DeathStar> 6* They are now almost to the capital building
[22:01] <01Dias`> 6Chad breathes heavily now, eyeing Snipe
01[22:01] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron looks at Snipe and raises a brow, he doesn't say anything understanding. He moves for the captial building.
06[22:01] * 01@Kane glances around quickly in a fit of paranoia, breathing heavily to keep his wits about him.
[22:01] <01@DeathStar> 6* Oddly, no corruption is showing up
06[22:01] * 01@Jennifer looks at Chad and Snipe. "It's... it's too late... I'm sorry."
[22:01] <01Dias`> <Dias> We should keep moving...
[22:01] <01@DeathStar> 6* X nods, following. Lemon looks freaked out
[22:01] <01Dias`> 6Chad puts an arm on Snipe's shoulder
[22:02] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe turns and moves for the capital building
[22:02] <01@Kane> <Cole> .... 6He looks really depressed now and not just the pretend stuff he would do earlier. He moves after Snipe with a frown.
[22:02] <01Dias`> 6Chad moves after him with Dias following X
[22:02] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina has her eyes closed as she lets COle lead her
[22:02] <01@Ariel> 6* Cheryl moves towards the building, literally radiating anger.
06[22:02] * 01@Jennifer heads with the others for the captial building.
[22:03] <01@DeathStar> 6* As they near it, the ground breaks open in front of it and a giant Tsivrixsh goo monster rises up, blocking their way.
[22:03] <01Dias`> 6Dias slides to a stop. 1"This is bad."
06[22:03] * 01@Kane slides to a halt, widening his eyes, he backs up a few steps.
[22:04] <01Dias`> 6Chad eyes the giant Tsiv Goo monster.
[22:04] <01@DeathStar> 6* X stops, too.
01[22:04] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron and Jennifer back up a bit.
[22:04] <01Dias`> <Dias> Ripple.
[22:04] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon peers at it in shock. Katrina stares. X goes to open a ripple, but it's covered in goo on the other side
[22:04] <01@Ariel> 6* Raquel is currently staring in shock.
[22:04] <01Dias`> 6Dias steps back now, eyeing it.
[22:04] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> ... so, you can't touch it, huh? 6* He whispers eerily
01[22:04] <01@Jennifer> "Yeah.."
[22:04] <01@Kane> 6* Cole lets go of Kat's hand and holds his arms out wide, the katars activating while he gathers in energy.
[22:04] <01@Ariel> 6* Cheryl cracks her knuckles.
01[22:04] <01@Jennifer> "It'll absorb you..."
[22:05] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe walks forward. "That so?"
01[22:05] <01@Jennifer> "Snipe..."
[22:05] <01Dias`> <Chad> Apparently not. 6He cracks his knuckles again, his tatoos giving off a slight purple haze to them now.
[22:05] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe gathers his energy into his fists. "You never know what you can or can't do it until you try it for yourself."
[22:05] <01@Kane> You touch it John and you're dead. End of story. Think of your children.
[22:06] <01@DeathStar> <Snipe> I am.
[22:06] <01@Ariel> 6* Cheryl floats off the ground on firey wings, as a dark aura surrounds her.
06[22:06] * 01@Jennifer frowns, Cameron smiles a little.
[22:06] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe tenses, grinning, then dashes in at it
[22:06] <01@DeathStar> 6* Behind them, legions of corruption begins to come in
[22:06] <01Dias`> 6Chad steps forwad now, an slight aura flaring up around him.
[22:06] <01@Kane> ...
[22:06] <01@DeathStar> <X> Is he insane?
[22:06] <01@Ariel> 6* Cheryl releases a beam of darkflame into the center mass of the monster.
06[22:07] * 01@Jennifer looks behind, she frowns. "Rock and a hard place..."
[22:07] <01Dias`> <Dias> He's fighting for what he believes in.
[22:07] <01@Kane> 6* Cole shifts around to face the ones coming in from behind, he suddenly brings his arms forward in a horizontal slash, a wave of green energy flying out towards the mass coming in.
[22:07] <01@DeathStar> 6* The monster is hit, slamming into the building, but remains intact. The capital building ebgnis to get corrupted.
[22:07] <01@Kane> And he will die for it.
[22:07] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe leaps up and punches into the monster, and is absorbed into it
06[22:07] * 01@Kane widens his eyes. 1No! 6He glances to Lemon quickly. 1Where is Cheryl, do you feel her still?
[22:07] <01@DeathStar> <LEmon> She...she is inside.
01[22:07] <01@Jennifer> "Can you sync her from here?"
06[22:08] * 01@Kane tries to use his device to contact her.
[22:08] <01Dias`> <Dias> That's how it goes...6He looks at X. 1"Can you open a ripple near her?"
[22:08] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> No. 6* The static is all powerful.
[22:08] <01@Kane> ...
[22:08] <01@DeathStar> <X> I don't know where she is.
[22:08] <01@Ariel> 6* Cheryl moves forward, blasting the monster again, and again.
01[22:08] <01@Jennifer> "Then we need to get inside, before it turns to goo."
[22:08] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl runs out of all power with the second blast. Corruption sneaks up on her from behind.
[22:08] <01Dias`> <Chad> Snipe...6He begins gathering dark matter into his hands now.
[22:08] <01@DeathStar> 6* The monster suddenly dissolves
06[22:09] * 01@Jennifer blinks, staring. "What in the..."
[22:09] <01Dias`> 6Chad twists and fires a dark matter blast towards the corruption heading towards Cheryl
06[22:09] * 01@Kane backs up, letting out a breath. He looks towards the others.
[22:09] <01Dias`> 6Dias stares at it in shock
[22:09] <01@Kane> <Cole> Did he get it?
[22:09] <01@DeathStar> 6* Snipe lays in the puddle of remaining goo. A smile on his face. Though clearly dead
01[22:09] <01@Jennifer> "..."
[22:09] <01@DeathStar> 6* The corruption slides back from Chad's attack, denied a Cheryl meal.
01[22:09] <01@Jennifer> "Y-Yeah... he did..."
[22:09] <01@Ariel> 6* Cheryl stands out of breath, trying to gather more energy.
[22:09] <01Dias`> <Dias> We need to move now while we can.
[22:09] <01@Ariel> Raquel> "...h-how...?"
[22:10] <01@Kane> 6* Cole glances over his shoulder and widens his eyes, his lip start to quiver.
[22:10] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl could always feed off Chad's anger.
[22:10] <01@DeathStar> <X> Maybe their Cheryl killed it
[22:10] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina puts a hand to her face, faling to her knees
[22:10] <01@Kane> X, can your ripple make it into the building?
[22:10] <01@DeathStar> <Katrina> John....
[22:10] <01Dias`> <Chad> It was Snipe. 6He says with confidence.
[22:10] <01@DeathStar> <X> I'd be opening it blind. It might be dangerous
[22:11] <01Dias`> <Dias> Can you possible hit the otherwise of the doorway?
01[22:11] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron turns towards the oncoming corruption and slams his books down, he uses the full contents of blood and seals within to attempt freezing as much of it as he can.
[22:11] <01@DeathStar> 6* The freezing seems to only work for seconds. More keeps coming in. Clearly even if they go inside, some will have to hold it back.
[22:11] <01@DeathStar> 6* X opens a ripple for what appears to be a spot by a window
[22:11] <01Dias`> 6Dias steps through the ripple quickly.
[22:12] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon peers back, as if debating staying behind to fight the hopeless battle
[22:12] <01@Ariel> 6* Raquel looks to X, then moves after Dias
01[22:12] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron follows, his seals depleted.
[22:12] <01Dias`> 6Chad eyes the incoming corruption. 1"Guess I have no choice anymore."
01[22:12] <01@Jennifer> "Lemon, we need you to sync, come on."
[22:12] <01@Kane> Lemon.
[22:12] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon looks down, then moves in, crying a bit for those dying and fighting so hard
[22:12] <01@Kane> 6* Cole kneels to lift up Kat. 1Come'on.
06[22:12] * 01@Jennifer moves after Lemon.
06[22:12] * 01@Kane moves after Lemon.
[22:12] <01Dias`> 6Chad takes another deep breath, his aura flaring up.
[22:13] <01@Ariel> 6* Cheryl looks to Chad, pulling herself to her feet.
[22:13] <01Dias`> <Chad> I'll slow them down for you.
[22:13] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl would find some energy back as Chad goes all out. She is a succubus
[22:13] <01@Kane> <Cole> Chad you'll die, let's go.
[22:13] <01@DeathStar> 6* X eyes them. <X> You are a true super hero
[22:13] <01Dias`> <Chad> Someone has to slow them down COle.
[22:13] <01@DeathStar> 6* X moves through
[22:13] <01@Kane> 6* Cole looks away and pulls Kat to his feet as he moves with her.
[22:13] <01Dias`> 6Energy crackles around his arms now.
[22:13] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks out of it
[22:14] <01Dias`> 6Dias peers around as he get's inside.
[22:14] <01@DeathStar> 6* Those who used the ripple would be in an office by the window
[22:14] <01@Ariel> 6* Cheryl reignites her dark aura, cracking her knuckles. "...this thing is going to get a serious case of heart burn if it even tries anything."
[22:14] <01@DeathStar> 6* X closes the ripple.
01[22:14] <01@Jennifer> "Okay... now where?"
06[22:14] * 01@Kane tries to activate his device to see if it works.
[22:14] <01@DeathStar> 6* The legions of corruption rush at Cheryl and Chad
[22:15] <01@DeathStar> 6* It does so, but parts of the map are vanishing slowly below them. The area touched by corruption
01[22:15] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron looks about, he pulls off a glove and pockets it, pulling out a small knife, he grunts a bit.
[22:15] <01@Kane> ...6He looks for anyone alive as he moves forward.
[22:15] <01@DeathStar> 6* Two lifesigns are above.
[22:15] <01Dias`> 6Dias moves for the door quickly and peers outside
[22:15] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina leans against Cole
06[22:15] * 01@Kane quickly moves stairs.
06[22:16] * 01@Jennifer moves after Kane, Cameron pulls the glove back on and pockets the bloody knife, heading after them.
[22:16] <01Dias`> 6Dias motions for X and Raquel to go ahead
[22:16] <01@Kane> 6* Coles eyes are red with tears as he moves with her, fighting for her life more than anyone's now.
[22:16] <01@Ariel> ^* Raquel moves ahead warily
[22:16] <01@DeathStar> 6* X follwos Kane, and Lemon strains to move along
[22:16] <01Dias`> 6Dias moves out after the two now
[22:16] <01Dias`> 6Dias puts an arm around Lemon to help her.
[22:17] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> ... I will save Cheryl. 6* Her tone sounds more like Cheryl's, clearly drawing on her personality for strength
[22:17] <01Dias`> <Dias> We will save Cheryl.
[22:17] <01@DeathStar> 6* They reach the stairs
06[22:17] * 01@Kane quickly scans for corruption as he mvoes up.
[22:17] <01@DeathStar> 6* Outside, explosions can be seen as the two heroes are corrupted saving them and buying them time.
[22:17] <01@DeathStar> 6* It seems to be slowed by the two Cs
06[22:18] * 01@Jennifer moves up after Kane, Cameron follows.
[22:18] <01@DeathStar> 6* After a bit, they'd reach the President's floor. They can hear Cheryl's voice, angry and loud
06[22:19] * 01@Kane moves forward quickly, not needing the map now that he can hear her.
06[22:19] * 01@Jennifer follows the sounds of an angry Cheryl with Kane, Cameron peers back as the others come up.
[22:19] <01@DeathStar> 6* Suddenly, Katrina trips, corruption on her leg. The stairs below them are completely covered in mere secodns
[22:19] <01@DeathStar> 6* X peers back
[22:20] <01Dias`> 6Dias peers back. 1"Shit. Kat."
[22:20] <01@Kane> 6* Cole jerks, widening his eyes. 1Kat!
[22:20] <01@DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances back, making a face as it runs up her leg and half her body. "Go! Hurry!"
[22:20] <01@Kane> <Cole> NO! NO! 6He looks at her and activates his katars.
06[22:20] * 01@Kane makes a face. 1Damnit.
[22:20] <01Dias`> 6Dias growls slightly and he pushes faster. 1"EVERYONE MOVE NOW!"
01[22:20] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron slaps his hands together, trying to slow the corruption with Ice.
[22:21] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon takes Cole's hand, her face showing sympathy for him. Katrina is now a minion, the ice not stopping it. After all, Cameron is tapped!
[22:21] <01@Kane> 6* Cole strains againa her, tears sliding down his face. 1No....Kat...
06[22:21] * 01@Jennifer hangs a now useless right arm and runs, having used his blood in his body to do it. Jennifer moves.
01[22:21] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron
[22:22] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> I'm very sorry...but I do not want to see you die, too. Please... 6* She pulls at him
[22:22] <01@Kane> 6* Cole numbly moves with her, eyes vacant.
[22:22] <01Dias`> 6Dias grabs Raquel, lifting her up to carry her faster
[22:22] <01@DeathStar> 6* In Wind's office, they can see Cheryl yelling at wind's back, who's just watching. By now, Cole would feel hardly any strength
[22:22] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Do something, goddammit! Quit saying it's all over
[22:22] <01@Kane> Cheryl. 6He breathes when he steps in.
[22:23] <01Dias`> <Dias> Cheryl, we need to go now.
[22:23] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks back, both relieved and pissed. "How did you all---?"
[22:23] <01@Kane> ....we need to go. Now.
[22:23] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> I feel the crystal in here.... 6* She states suddenly
01[22:23] <01@Jennifer> "...A lot of people died so we could get here."
[22:23] <01Dias`> <Dias> We can explain it later. 6He looks at Lemon now
[22:23] <01@Kane> 6* Cole just stands there, eyeing the ground. 1Wind...Kat...she...
[22:24] <01@DeathStar> 6* Wind looks back at Colephantus finally. "At least one of you made it."
[22:24] <01@Kane> <Cole> A...All of them....they're all...w-6He sniffs, wiping at his eyes.
06[22:24] * 01@Jennifer clenches her fist.
[22:24] <01@DeathStar> 6* Wind moves over and hugs Cole, almost motherly
[22:24] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... So I was right. It was him.
[22:25] <01@Kane> 6* Cole pauses for a second and then stars to sob into his shoulder.
[22:25] <01Dias`> 6Dias looks at Cheryl now. 1"What was him?"
01[22:25] <01@Jennifer> "You knew all this time...?"
[22:25] <01@Kane> There wasn't proof. 6He notes with a sigh
[22:25] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I guessed he had the crystal in him. Not every day you see a Wind.
06[22:25] * 01@Jennifer is looking at Wind.
[22:25] <01@DeathStar> 6* Wind speaks. "The crystal is not in me. It is part of everyone in this reality. This reality is it."
[22:26] <01Dias`> 6Dias points at Cheryl. 1"Hah, called it."
[22:26] <01@DeathStar> 6* Wind looks at them all. "The crystal retained some memories of the being you called Wind, and it made this reality based off his memories and love for his friends and family."
01[22:27] <01@Jennifer> "So... you're not Wind?"
[22:27] <01@DeathStar> 6* Wind shrugs. "I am this reality's Wind."
01[22:27] <01@Jennifer> "Oh."
[22:27] <01Dias`> <Dias> So we can't get the crystal then?
[22:27] <01@Kane> 6* Cole steps back rubbing at his face. 
[22:28] <01@DeathStar> <Wind> You could. It will be part of the last remaining trace of this reality.
06[22:28] * 01@Jennifer looks at Cole.
01[22:28] <01@Jennifer> "You mean him?"
[22:28] <01Dias`> 6Dias looks at Cheryl now
[22:28] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes the scene
[22:28] <01@DeathStar> <Wind> Yes.
01[22:28] <01@Jennifer> "But... then you don't plan to come either?"
[22:28] <01@Kane> ...should we have Lemon start syncing us up?
[22:28] <01Dias`> 6Dias looks at Cole then Cheryl again. 1"We need to sync up then."
[22:28] <01@DeathStar> <Wind> The crystal won't materalize outside this reality if there was more than one of us
[22:29] <01@Kane> <Cole> You should go. I'll stay here. You're stronger.
[22:29] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Do it, Lem--- <Lemon> I can't. The synch won't work still here.
01[22:29] <01@Jennifer> "Ah... I'm... sorry then. What?"
06[22:29] * 01@Jennifer looks at Lemon.
[22:29] <01Dias`> 6Dias runs his hands through his hair now
[22:29] <01@DeathStar> <Wind> I'm afraid not. I'm tied to this reality more than you. I was it's overseer. 6* He looks at them all. "Don't worry. Have faith. Legends such as yourselves can't die here so easily, right?"
[22:30] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grinds her teeth, eyeing out the window at the corrupted city
[22:30] <01@Kane> We won't make it back out. We lost too much getting here.
01[22:30] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron frowns. "While we're figuring this out, if we plan to take Cole with us he'll need one of those devices."
[22:30] <01@DeathStar> <X> ....
[22:31] <01@DeathStar> 6* A shuttle rises up outside the window - one of Slasher's. It bangs into the window with the wing, shattering it
06[22:31] * 01@Kane jerks slightly, peering at the shuttle.
01[22:31] <01@Jennifer> "Well... huh?"
[22:31] <01@DeathStar> 6* Meanwhile, corruption reaches the entrance to Wind's office, the goo traveling along it. Wind looks back. The shuttle ramp lowers
06[22:31] * 01@Jennifer looks over at it.
[22:31] <01@Ariel> 6* Raquel edges towards the shuttle
[22:31] <01@Kane> <Cole> I can't go. I should stay and fight. I can't...
01[22:31] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron peers down. "We have to board now."
[22:31] <01Dias`> 6Dias eyes the shuttle. 1"Convenient. Everyone on it."
[22:31] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes it. She takes Lemon's arm.
06[22:31] * 01@Kane frowns and moves towards the shuttle.
[22:32] <01@DeathStar> <Wind> If you die, who will remember all of this, Cole?
06[22:32] * 01@Jennifer heads for the shuttle, Cameron backs up and runs for the shuttle.
[22:32] <01@Kane> 6* Cole frowns. 1...but...everyone...
[22:32] <01Dias`> 6Dias moves up the ramp of the shuttle, heading for the pilots seat
[22:32] <01@DeathStar> <Wind> Will live on if you do. But if you die here, they all died for nothing
[22:32] <01@DeathStar> 6* A squirrel turns to face him.
[22:32] <01@Kane> <Cole> I...I won't forget. 6He breathes. 1Never.
[22:33] <01Dias`> 6Dias eyes the squirrel and shakes his head. 1"Right, weirder things."
[22:33] <01@DeathStar> 6* John leans around from the co pilot seat
[22:33] <01@DeathStar> <John> Hey!
06[22:33] * 01@Jennifer grins. "Sensei!"
[22:33] <01Dias`> <Dias> Good to see you took your courage pills. 6He looks back to make sure X got on
[22:33] <01@Kane> 6* Cole takes a gulp and moves for the shuttle. 1Goodbye Wind...
[22:33] <01@DeathStar> 6* X steps onto the shuttle.
[22:33] <01@DeathStar> <Wind> Goodbye, COlephantus
06[22:33] * 01@Jennifer takes a seat near the copilot's seat. "Our hero."
[22:33] <01@Ariel> 6* Raquel boards the shuttle sadly.
[22:33] <01@DeathStar> <John> I just was smart, unlike the rest of you
06[22:33] * 01@Kane takes a seat, frowning still.
01[22:34] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron sits, he puts his arm on his lap.
[22:34] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl and Lemon get on
[22:34] <01Dias`> <Dias> Yeah yeah.
[22:34] <01@Kane> 6* Cole steps onto the shuttle, looking crushed.
06[22:34] * 01@Jennifer blinks and slowly looks at Kane, then at Dias, she shrugs a bit and sighs.
01[22:34] <01@Jennifer> "Heart."
[22:34] <01@DeathStar> 6* John doesn't respond to Dias for once - his attitude is completely different right now
[22:35] <01Dias`> <Dias> We should head for space.
[22:35] <01@DeathStar> 6* He shifts and flies up into the sky
[22:35] <01Dias`> <Dias> Or atleast somewhere far enough away we can synch up
[22:36] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> I can now synch us
[22:36] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Do it. Someone touch Cole for now.
[22:36] <01Dias`> <Dias> And how will we land this far up?
01[22:36] <01@Jennifer> "Are we safe syncing in the sky?"
[22:36] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> We're about to find out.
01[22:36] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron puts his good hand on Cole.
[22:36] <01Dias`> 6Dias moves close to X now.
[22:36] <01@DeathStar> 6* Their devices begin to beep as they are synched
[22:37] <01@Kane> 6* Cole isn't even paying attention to them.
[22:37] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon finishes, then hits a button. They all jump, and appear in what appears to be on the roof of a building in a high tech city like Mega City
[22:38] <01Dias`> 6Dias peers around.
06[22:38] * 01@Jennifer looks around. "...Okay, we got lucky I think."
[22:38] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon looks back for COle
[22:39] <01@Kane> 6* Cole stands there, eyeing the ground.
01[22:39] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron falls over, groaning now, letting go of Cole.
[22:39] <01@DeathStar> 6* In COle's hand is a giant purple crystal
[22:39] <01@DeathStar> 6* John moves over, holding out a hand. "Can I see it?"
[22:39] <01@Kane> 6* Cole justs hold it out towards John
[22:39] <01Dias`> 6Dias eyes John. 1"I think that's his."
[22:40] <01@DeathStar> 6* John takes it, glancing it over, as if studying it
06[22:40] * 01@Kane quietly peers around, looking for familiar land markers.
06[22:40] * 01@Jennifer looks over at John. "So that's a Legendary Crystal."
[22:40] <01@DeathStar> 6* Kane would see now - but in the distance is an arena building
[22:40] <01Dias`> 6Dias crosses his arms, keeping an eye on John right now
[22:40] <01@DeathStar> <John> Well, good job all of you. You earned it. 6* He hands it to Kane, then shifts to the edge of the building, activating his device
[22:40] <01@DeathStar> *Cole
01[22:41] <01@Jennifer> "Sensei?"
[22:41] <01Dias`> 6Dias turns to move to the edge of the building, peering aroud now, his eyes falling on the arena building
[22:41] <01@Kane> 6* Cole holds it carefully, eyeing it quietly.
04[22:41] <01@DeathStar> 6* John glances at Jennifer. "I think you all will do just fine from here on out."
[22:41] <01@Kane> John?
[22:41] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes John
01[22:41] <01@Jennifer> "Wait... you're leaving!?"
[22:41] <01Dias`> 6Dias looks at John now. 1"You're leaving?"
[22:41] <01@DeathStar> <John> Yeah. I'm done here.
[22:42] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon looks confused
01[22:42] <01@Jennifer> "But... Sensei, you said you'd..."
[22:42] <01Dias`> <Dias> What do you mean?
[22:42] <01@DeathStar> <John> I have things I want to do, my way. You all have things you want to do. And frankly, the company isn't what it once was. I'm going to deal with my Dias. Maybe you can all breathe easier.
01[22:43] <01@Jennifer> "Sensei... no..."
[22:43] <01@Kane> Good luck.
[22:43] <01Dias`> 6Dias just look at John now. 1"So just like that, huh?"
06[22:43] * 01@Jennifer looks like she's going to cry. "Don't go... please."
[22:44] <01@DeathStar> 6* John gives a lopsided grin. "Just like that. I'm sure we'll run into each other again. You all are making waves - big waves. People are going to notice soon. Hopefully with the legendary crystal, you'll survive it."
[22:44] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl crosses her arms.
[22:44] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon looks sadder now
01[22:44] <01@Jennifer> "John..."
[22:45] <01@Kane> You realize that you stand a better chance to survive along with us.
[22:45] <01Dias`> 6Dias glances off to the arena for a moment then holds out a hand to John.
[22:45] <01@Ariel> 6* Raquel steps forward and hugs John, "...don't die."
[22:45] <01@DeathStar> 6* John hugs Raquel back. "Don't plan to." 6* He glances at Dias, then just nods to him. He lets Raquel go, and hits the device again, vanishing
06[22:45] * 01@Jennifer takes a step towards him and stops. She stares at where he was.
[22:46] <01Dias`> 6Dias eyes his hand then crosses his arms, looking annoyed and probably pissed.
[22:46] <01@DeathStar> <X> Can he beat the other you alone?
[22:46] <01@Kane> No. 6He notes simply.
[22:46] <01Dias`> <Dias> If he thinks he can.
[22:46] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> He never thought he could.
06[22:46] * 01@Jennifer walks over to where he was standing, staring at the ground.
[22:47] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Lets find a place to rest.
[22:47] <01Dias`> <Dias> Whatever. 6He looks at Lemon. 1"Can you sense the crystal?"
[22:47] <01@Kane> There seems to be an arena in that direction.
[22:47] <01@DeathStar> <Lemon> At the big building. 6* She points at the arena
06[22:47] * 01@Jennifer doesn't seem to hear anyone, she just stares at where he was.
01[22:48] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron runs a hand through his hair and looks towards the building.
[22:48] <01Dias`> <Dias> Then let's head that way until we find a place to stay.
[22:48] <01@DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
[22:49] <01@DeathStar> 6* Once on ground level, they begin to head for the arena - big screens float in the sky, and an announcer talks. "Are you the best fighter in YOUR reality? Well, join our first Multiverse Tournament and see how you measure against fighters from other realities! Fighters from around the multiverse are gathering to test their meddle. You might even fight another version of yourself!"
[22:50] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stops to stare now
[22:50] <01Dias`> 6Dias stops as he looks up at the screen. 1"What the hell?"
06[22:50] * 01@Kane eyes it. 1This is...odd.
[22:50] <01@DeathStar> <Announcer> The winner of the tournament will attain a rare, flawless gem said to hold unspeakable powers!
01[22:50] <01@Jennifer> "..." *she stares up at it quietly, she stays near Lemon right now&
[22:51] <01Dias`> 6Dias looks over at Cheryl now.
[22:51] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> ...
01[22:51] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "How many damned people are hopping realities?"
[22:51] <01@DeathStar> 6* She peers over across the street, and happens to notice another Marcus running a hotdog stand.
[22:51] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Good question....
[22:51] <01@Kane> you believe that's the reality crystal?
[22:51] <01Dias`> <Dias> Apparently more then just ours and some others.
[22:51] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Good chance.
[22:52] <01@Kane> <Marcus> HOt wieners! Get your Marcus' Hot Wiener right here!
[22:52] <01@DeathStar> <X> ...
06[22:52] * 01@Jennifer looks down at the ground, apparently uninterested in her surroundings.
[22:52] <01@Ariel> Raquel> "...this is... unsettling."
06[22:52] * 01@Kane stands there glancing around still pale, if a reploid can even be pale.
[22:53] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> .... I wonder how many people come here....
[22:53] <01Dias`> <Dias> Then I guess that means we have no choice but to join the tournament.
[22:53] <01@Ariel> Raquel> "...I wonder if they have more reliable travel technology here."
[22:53] <01@Kane> <Marcus> One for the night! One for the fights! Just store 'em in your pockets until the time is right!
[22:53] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sounds oddly hopeful
[22:54] <01@Ariel> 6* Raquel notices the sound of Cheryl's voice, and practically jumps.
[22:54] <01Dias`> 6Dias looks over at Cheryl and pats her on the back. 1"This is good news."
01[22:54] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "You thinkin your lady might have found her way here?"
[22:54] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> If other people are finding it, there might be a reason for it
06[22:54] * 01@Kane nods slightly. 1We should find a place to stay and get those that plan to fight signed up.
[22:54] <01@Kit> 6A short, elf-earred girl with white hair in a braid nudges the hot dog vendor with her elbow. 1"Hey, you're good at it, so just hand them out as complimentaries, 'kay?"
01[22:54] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "...I think I should take a look around this reality a bit."
[22:54] <01Dias`> <Dias> We should ask around while we can then.
[22:54] <01@DeathStar> <X> Wonder if that is why John left. Maybe he knows something about this place?
[22:54] <01@Kit> <Megumi> One for the night could totally happen if you give her flowers.
[22:55] <01@Kane> <Marcus> Man's gotta a make a living, miss.
01[22:55] <01@Jennifer> "Th-Think that's why?"
[22:55] <01@Kit> 6Megumi holds a basket of daisies up to Marcus. 1"Just a few, 'kay?"
06[22:55] * 01@Jennifer looks at X sowly.
[22:55] <01@DeathStar> 6* X eyes Jen
[22:55] <01@Kane> <Marcus> One for one.
[22:56] <01@DeathStar> <X> Lemon said he could track us. It means he can find us again if he wants, correct?
01[22:56] <01@Jennifer> "Yeah..."
01[22:56] <01@Jennifer> "Yeah he can come back."
[22:56] <01@Kit> 6Megumi gives him a thumbs up. 1"Couldn't hurt to have a little leg in selling those, right? You be the voice, I'll be the eye candy." 6She steps back, poising, then again, she looks... well. Marcus' age-range.
06[22:56] * 01@Jennifer nods, sounding a little starved for that to be true.
[22:57] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon watches curiously the convo on the other sidde
[22:57] <01Dias`> <Dias> See anywhere to sleep Cheryl?
[22:57] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* She nods at a hotel near the arena
[22:57] <01Dias`> <Dias> I've got enough stuff saved up we should be able to pay for a room. Plus if they're used to other reality travelers, we might get it easy.
[22:57] <01@Kane> <Marcus> 60/40 sexy and you've got a deal.
[22:58] <01@Kit> <Megumi> Works for me.
[22:58] <01@Kit> <Megumi> Just throw in one of those nightly specials.
[22:58] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Alright, people. Get some rest. That's an order. We'll look into the arena in the morning
[22:58] <01@Kane> 6* Marcus smiles wide. 1Deal. 6He holds out his hand.
[22:58] <01@Kit> 6Megumi reaches out and shakes it, getting a salesman-like devilish grin.
06[22:58] * 01@Kane glances to Cheryl and then moves for the hotel.
06[22:59] * 01@Jennifer looks to Cheryl and nods a little, then looks down again.
[22:59] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl glances at Cole, then puts an arm around him, leading him along, taking pity on him
[22:59] <01Dias`> 6Dias starts moving for the hotel now.
[22:59] <01@Ariel> 6* Raquel looks to Cheryl, "...can I look around a bit first? Just in case...?"
01[22:59] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron sighs a bit and moves on.
[22:59] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah, that's fine
[22:59] <01@Kane> 6* Cole glances at Cheryl oddly, expecting her to harm him since the other Cheryl hated him.
[22:59] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Come on. I'll help get you a room
[22:59] <01@Kane> <Cole> ...thank you.
[23:00] <01@DeathStar> -END-
03[23:00] * X1 ( has joined #taw
06[23:00] * 01@Jennifer stays with Lemon, looking zoned out a bit.
03[23:00] * DeathStar changes topic to 'TAW 4: TEP (251-present) | TAW 4: PAX has ended (1-250) | Season 20 (Reflections): 4 of 20 complete | Overall Session #395 (945) | Episode Five: Tournament of Realities | 1 of 3 | Sessions occur T/Th at 8 EST | Please visit our sister RPG #Erevis |'