Session Time: Tue Apr 21 00:00:01 2009
[20:09] <01@DeathStar> 4
[20:09] <01@DeathStar> 3
[20:09] <01@DeathStar> 2
[20:09] <01@DeathStar> 1
[20:09] <01@DeathStar> -0-
[20:09] <01@DeathStar> Reality Day 39
[20:10] <01@DeathStar> Location: Dahok's Home Town
[20:10] <01@DeathStar> 6* The next morning, a fog has crept in around the town, making the outside forboding and dangerous. The sun cannot be seen through the unnatural fog as well. Cheryl stands near the gates, peering out, circles under her eyes
[20:11] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott sips a drink, having stored various drinks in thermoses on his belt. He offers Chii one as he walks by.
[20:11] <01Dias`> 6Dahok leans against the gate. 1"I don't recommend going out there right now.
06[20:11] * 01@Jennifer moves over to join her, her tact suit a functional dress again, her weapons and gear all ready, she munches on some breakfast. Cameron stands near the gate, sipping tea.
[20:12] <01@DeathStar> 6* Dahok's sister comes over to offer him bread and jam.
[20:12] <01Kit> <Chii> What's this?
[20:12] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> We can't waste time here. We have people to help, too.
[20:12] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> Hot chocolate.
[20:12] <01@DeathStar> 6* John sweeps in from one of the rooftops dramatically, landing in a kneeling position
06[20:13] * 01@Jennifer grins a bit. "Morning Sensei."
[20:13] <01Dias`> 6Dahok takes the bread and jam, smiling at his sister. 1"Once you go out, it'll be impossible to keep your bearings straight."
[20:13] <01@DeathStar> <John> Good morning.
[20:13] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Probably. If we focus on his crystal, and avoid more illusions, we should be fine. Chii will help us detect them.
[20:14] <01Dias`> <Dahok> And if Janus sends worms or other things into the fog after us?
01[20:14] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron puts away his tea. "Can't be helped, can it?"
[20:15] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Of course not, it's just a strong possibility.
06[20:15] * 01@Jennifer rocks on her heels a bit and looks about at people.
[20:16] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well. 6* She eyes about for Kane and the crazy girl
[20:17] <01Dias`> <Dahok> I'm sure a magic that's stronger than this could remove the fog.
06[20:17] * 01@Jennifer blinks a bit and frowns. "Where's Kane?"
[20:17] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> We'll worry about it when the time comes. Might make us look weaker if we can't get rid of it. Everyone eaten?
06[20:18] * 01@Jennifer shoves the last of her bread down and gulps, then nods. "I'm good."
01[20:18] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron adjusts his gloves and gives Cheryl a nod.
[20:19] <01Dias`> 6Dahok polishes off his jam bread then puts a hand ontop of his sister's head. 1"I'll be back and when I am you'll all be free."
[20:19] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods once, then speaks. "Just so you all know, Kane is the offical XO. His word is my word, if I'm not around. I have full faith in his abilities to lead when I'm not around - this goes for you, too, Chii. I want you to give him respect as well when he gives you orders
06[20:20] * 01@Jennifer grins a bit. "No problem Cheryl." Cameron just rubs his nose a bit and nods acknowledgement.
[20:20] <01@DeathStar> 6* John stretches a bit; Scott puts the thermos of chocolate into Chii's hand, using her momentary idleness to get the job done, then moves to the gate entrance
[20:20] <01Kit> 6Chii hands it back, having finished it already and stares at Cheryl, not saying anything, but getting a foul look.
[20:21] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gives her a serious look. <I mean it. I want you to give him the same respect you give me when I'm leading. You DO respect me, don't you?>
[20:21] <01Dias`> 6Dahok pulls out his two short staffs and locks them together.
[20:21] <01@DeathStar> <Sister> Be well, brother.
[20:22] <01Dias`> <Dahok> I will.
06[20:23] * 01@Jennifer rubs the back of her head and starts for the gate.
[20:23] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Alright, lets go people. 6* She steps forward thorugh the gate
[20:23] <01Dias`> 6Dahok steps out after Cheryl, the bo resting across his shoulders.
[20:24] <01@DeathStar> 6* John moves along, putting his hands in his pockets. Scott puts up the empty thermos, then moves along. <Scott> Are you ready? 6* He asks Chii, making conversation
06[20:24] * 01@Jennifer mvoes after Cheryl, Cameron jogging up to join the group.
[20:24] <01@DeathStar> <John> I hope no demons grabbed Binary Man during this fog. We'd never see it. 6* He forgets that there's a new chick on the team, strangely enough
[20:25] <01Dias`> 6Dahok shifts the bo out infront of him so it's extended. 1"I'm guessin' we've got about 3 feet of visibility, Cheryl.
[20:25] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah. Chii, keep me me located with our bond, and then make sure Scott/Jen are near you so they can follow you
[20:25] <01Dias`> 6Dahok glances at Cheryl. 1"You get any sleep last night?"
06[20:25] * 01@Jennifer takes that as a que to walk closer to Chii.
[20:26] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Had something a bit better.
01[20:26] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron walks along with the others, peering out at the fog.
[20:26] <01Dias`> <Dahok> A drunken fight?
[20:26] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Something like that
[20:26] <01Dias`> <Dahok> I'd hate to see the other person then.
[20:27] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I think she got off about as well as I did
06[20:27] * 01@Jennifer peers over at Cheryl, looking a bit worried.
[20:27] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott keeps close to Chii, glancing about. Cameron would soon find himself alone, it seems, in the fog, though Cheryl/Dahok's voices are northward
01[20:28] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron frowns and follows the voices. "Bloody hell... lost already?"
[20:28] <01Dias`> <Dahok> I'd say I could lead us decently but I'm sure Janus has warped the land since I've been gone.
06[20:29] * 01@Jennifer sticks by Chii, listening to Cheryl and Dahok.
[20:29] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Probably. I would.
[20:29] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cameron would trip over something in the fog.
[20:30] <01Dias`> <Dahok> A shame, it was a beautiful place. The woods nearby is where I tamed my first wolf.
[20:30] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Literal wolf, or you mean a girl? 6* She notes dryly, sending Chii a mental wink
01[20:30] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron grunts and lands on the ground. "Bloody..." *he picks himself up* "Wait up!"
[20:30] <01@DeathStar> 6* As he picks himself up, he'd see a young girl's body. Gabriella's.
[20:30] <01Kit> <Chii> Haa haa.
[20:30] <01Dias`> <Dahok> A wolf wolf...Why would I need to tame a girl?
[20:31] <01Kit> 6Chii now does laugh.
01[20:31] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "Wh-What the... Gabby!?" *he kneels down* "No..."
[20:31] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I like your attitude. Means you'll be the one tamed. <You okay, Chii? You're kinda quiet.>
[20:31] <01@DeathStar> 6* It seems she was pecked away from animals, her body a few days old
[20:31] <01Kit> <Chii> <I'm fine.>
[20:32] <01Dias`> 6Dahok just stares at Cheryl, a perplexed look on his face.
[20:32] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> <Alright then. I like how you dodged the question about respecting me. I'll remember that tonight in bed.>
[20:32] <01Kit> <Chii> <Heheh.>
[20:33] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> <... you do respect me, right?>
01[20:33] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron lifts her up slowly, looking around. "Gabby... no..." *He stares down at her body in shock still*
[20:33] <01Kit> <Chii> <What a dumb question.>
06[20:33] * 01@Jennifer scratches her head a bit.
[20:33] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> <Whatever. Sometimes even I like to hear positive reinforcement, bitch. See if I mention if your tail is silky next time.>
[20:33] <01@DeathStar> 6* A worm rises up behind Cameron to eat him while he mourns
[20:34] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Right. 6He makes a face as he peers ahead again.
01[20:34] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron stops the ground, eyes narrowing, he creates a pillar of earth behind him. "GODDAMNED MONSTERS!"
[20:35] <01Dias`> 6Dahok raises a brow. 1"You hear that?"
01[20:35] <01@Jennifer> *stimps
[20:35] <01Kit> <Chii> <You just did. Heh heh.>
[20:35] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> What? No.
01[20:35] <01@Jennifer> *...stomps
[20:35] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stumbles once over a body, glancing down; laying there is Kane and Lemon, both dead, with the body of young Ben cradled between them. She stares down, jaw dropping
[20:35] <01Dias`> 6Dahok peers over at Cheryl then down. 1"What the hell?"
01[20:35] <01@Jennifer> "Cheryl? You okay?"
[20:35] <01Kit> <Chii> ...Hm..
[20:36] <01@DeathStar> 6* It appears the bodies have been eaten on in the last hour or so. They smell of death
[20:36] <01@DeathStar> 6* Kane's eyes are missing.
[20:37] <01Dias`> 6Dahok kneels down, touching Kane's body to check it's temperature.
[20:37] <01@DeathStar> 6* Lemon's body is spread lewdly, suggesting signs of rape before death. Kane's body is cold now
[20:37] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> .... Chii, don't let Jen see what's ahead.
[20:38] <01Dias`> <Dahok> You recognize the other two? 6He looks at Cheryl
[20:38] <01@DeathStar> 6* John shifts around to stand near Dahok, glancing down. "Magic, I assume."
06[20:38] * 01@Jennifer blinks and looks up, frowning. "What...?"
[20:38] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just nods.
[20:38] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott looks at Chii, then the fog ahead. "Must be something up there that isn't a nice sight to see."
[20:38] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Yeah, I'd say it's magic. I don't remember seeing the other two with you...well besides the one that looks like Cheryl.
[20:38] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Well just that it looks like her.
[20:39] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I say they're illusions hoping to make us lose fiath
01[20:39] <01@Jennifer> "Looks like... Cheryl...?" *she moves to look*
[20:39] <01Kit> <Chii> That's my bet.
04[20:39] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott eyes Jennifer moving ahead, despite Cheryl's words
04[20:39] <01Kit> 6Chii backhands Jennifer.
06[20:39] * 01@Jennifer stops at Chii's bakhand and sighs. "...Sorry."
[20:40] <01Dias`> <Dahok> That's what I'd imagine. I can't say anything about Kane tho. Nobody saw him this morning.
[20:40] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl mentally gives Chii the parimeters to avoid the bodies, then steps ahead
03[20:40] * Xan|Gone is now known as Xanatos
[20:40] <01Kit> <Chii> This way.
06[20:40] * 01@Jennifer moves back behind Chii. Looking a bit between worry and curiosity.
04[20:40] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> Do you have some need to see things others don't want you to see? 6* He asks Jennifer simply, making a slight face.
[20:41] <01Dias`> 6Dahok stands up now and follows beside Cheryl
[20:41] <01@DeathStar> 6* John closes Lemon's eyes out of respect, then stands up, moving ahead again
06[20:41] * 01@Jennifer looks ashamed. "No... just..." *she sighs* "Nevermind..."
[20:41] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves ahead and intersects with Chii again, taking her free hand with one of her own, using the fog to hide the girly action
[20:42] <01Kit> <Chii> What a tried method. Weren't the last dozen illusions enough?
[20:42] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Doesn't make it easier to see. Considering
[20:43] <01Dias`> <Dahok> It's all about confusion and misdirection
04[20:43] <01@DeathStar> <Voice> Turn back now. If you don't, you will end up like the others. 6* A female voice whispers in the wind, trying to goad them. Jennifer can see up ahead in the fog her mother, tied to a cross, naked, parts of her flesh stripped away by something sharp - her eyes and jaw open in horror
[20:43] <01@DeathStar> <John> They probably hope to get us off balance so we can't track the crystal
06[20:43] * 01@Jennifer rubs her head softly. She looks up and gasps out loudly, she stares in horror. "M-Mom!?"
04[20:44] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott peers ahead, then at Jennifer. Everyone would see something different - Dahok would see his sister tied up. Chii would see Cheryl tied up.
[20:44] <01Dias`> 6Dahok pauses, eyeing the sight, his face going pale.
[20:45] <01Kit> <Chii> Weird considerin' we're holding hands.
06[20:45] * 01@Jennifer shivers and finds herself unable to moves, she feebly grabs at Chii's shirt for some sense of stability, going pale.
[20:46] <01Dias`> 6Dahok fingers tighten around his bo as he eyes the sight. 1"We should keep moving."
[20:47] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Agreed.
[20:48] <01@DeathStar> 6* As they move ahead, a figure in black stiffly steps out from behind the tied up one they all see. They wear a cloak to hide their face. The voice speaks from them. "Turn back now.":
[20:48] <01Kit> <Chii> Why th'hell should I?
[20:48] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Sorry, but Janus is going down.
[20:48] <01@DeathStar> <Voice> I will kill the one you love most if you don't.
06[20:49] * 01@Jennifer holds onto Chii as she tries to get focus again, letting Chii lead her. She slowly looks around. "Wha...?"
[20:49] <01Kit> <Chii> If you even try I'll show you a hell worse than any you'v ever known.
[20:49] <01@DeathStar> 6* John slows down, eyeing the voice. Another stiff figure emerges as well from the other side, both of them standing there. A fireball flies from one at Cheryl
[20:49] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott tenses. "Look out."
[20:49] <01Dias`> 6Dahok grabs Cheryl and pulls her back to get her out of the way
[20:50] <01Kit> <Chii> Bitch, was that asking?!
[20:50] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl blinks. The two figures stand there, peering evilly
[20:50] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Thanks.
[20:50] <01@DeathStar> <John> Think they're both real?
[20:51] <01Dias`> <Dahok> No problem. 6He eyes the figures again
06[20:51] * 01@Jennifer looks around, regaining her focus, she slowly lets go of Chii and reaches for her gun.
04[20:51] <01@DeathStar> 6* The second figure stands there, launching a fire ball from over their shoulder at Jennifer
06[20:52] * 01@Jennifer blinks and tries to scramble out of the way.
[20:52] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Any ideas on how to deal with them?
[20:52] <01@DeathStar> 6* She barely does so, the flames heating her shoulder.
[20:52] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Old fashion way? Magic?
[20:53] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott checks his gun, studying the two figures as they stand there, apparantly in no need to strafe, either overconfident, or something else more sinister
01[20:53] <01@Jennifer> "A-Ah! Y-You... you sick jerks!"
[20:53] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Hmmm. I'm more worried about there threat.
[20:54] <01@DeathStar> <Figure 1> Turn back now, or we'll attack the town
[20:54] <01Kit> <Chii> Moved from loved one to town. Tch.
04[20:54] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Jennifer's outburst, then the two figures, frowning. John sighs. <John> Always have to ante up, villains do
[20:54] <01Dias`> <Dahok> The town won't survive.
[20:55] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> The way they're standing there leads me to believe they want us to attack. There could be hidden illusionary traps between us and them
06[20:55] * 01@Jennifer clenches her fists, angry from what they showed her now that she's past fear, glaring.
[20:55] <01Kit> <Chii> Wouldn't I care more about my loved one than some town I'm not from?
[20:55] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Could be they'd us...6He eyes Chii now
[20:55] <01@DeathStar> <John> But here I thought you wanted to be a better person that the espers could respect.
[20:56] <01Kit> <Chii> Baby steps.
[20:56] <01@DeathStar> <John> You have to take bigger steps than that, I think
[20:56] <01@DeathStar> 6* The two figures remain standing there, content to wait things out
[20:56] <01Kit> <Chii> Tch, fine.
[20:56] <01Dias`> 6Dahok leans towards Cheryl. 1"Didn't they want all the crystals you guys have?"
[20:57] <01Kit> <Chii> Now they just want us t'leave. Weird, huh?
[20:57] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl tries to activate her whip, but fails. She looks at Dahok. "Probably - I'm guessing if we step forward, an energy trap of sorts will spring up. They're pactically taunting us to beat them."
[20:57] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> It could be they have neutralizing magic in place, and don't count on us having guns
[20:58] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Shame we don't have someone to throw in there.
06[20:59] * 01@Jennifer frowns and studies the figures, shaking a bit.
[20:59] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> We're wasting time. Suggestions, Chii?
[20:59] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Well if you think one of your gun things will work, shoot them.
[21:00] <01@DeathStar> 6* The figures just wait, barely moving except to shift side to side now and again
[21:01] <01@DeathStar> 6 *Scott eyes Jen, since she has the gun and seems the most upset
[21:01] <01Kit> 6Chii forms seals quickly, eyeing the two.
06[21:01] * 01@Jennifer pulls it out, trying to charge it up.
06[21:01] * 01Dias` flexes his fingers. 1"Or maybe we just ignore them and move past them.
[21:01] <01@DeathStar> 6* It, uh, charges?
[21:02] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods, stepping forward - a fireball flies over one's shoulder and strikes down at her
[21:02] <01Dias`> 6Dahok grabs her to pull her back
[21:02] <01Kit> <Chii> Utsusemi." 6She closes her eyes, then walks out of herself, forming three, one shoving Cheryl out of the way and taking the fireball.
06[21:02] * 01@Jennifer flicks her wrist and blasts at the fireball with a blast of water.
[21:02] <01@DeathStar> 6* the fireball is quite real and his Chii before Jen reacts
[21:02] <01@DeathStar> *hits
[21:03] <01@DeathStar> <John> Well, those attacks are real
[21:03] <01Dias`> <Dahok> ...Painfully real.
[21:03] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> Do you think one is real and one is fake, then? We attack the wrong one, the real one gets us?
06[21:03] * 01@Jennifer blinks and peers at the figure.
01[21:03] <01@Jennifer> "...Wait..."
[21:03] <01Kit> 6That Chii makes a sound of pain, then seemingly dies a horrible flaming death before dissolving into smoke. The second joins hands with the first and they whirl around and hurtle the second forward toward the two.
[21:03] <01Kit> 6The first then pulls out a gun and fires for the second's shoulder.
01[21:03] <01@Jennifer> "The fireball didn't come from the figure!"
[21:04] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Get them to throw a fireball and shoot for where it came from.
[21:05] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl winces at the dead Chii, then eyes them spring into motion; a fireball rises from one's shoulders at the flying Chii
06[21:05] * 01@Jennifer directs a blast of water at the area where the fireball came from, rather then at the figure.
[21:06] <01@DeathStar> 6* Jen's attack hits a hidden magic shield that seems to cover the figure in a 5 foot area, judging by how the water drips along it
[21:07] <01@DeathStar> 6* Chii's shot strikes the second's shoulder, making the figure twist from the impact
01[21:07] <01@Jennifer> "Kay, so magic doesn't work, getting physical does."
[21:07] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Gun away then.
[21:08] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott takes aim at the first's shoulder, firing. He strikes them like Chii did, causing them to twist. Two fireballs launch - one from over the shoulder of each - flying in at Chii and Scott
06[21:08] * 01@Jennifer pulls up her gun, she frowns. "Where are those fireballs coming from?"
[21:08] <01Dias`> 6Dahok throws his hand up to try and send a gust of wind between Scott and the fireball to give him time to dodge
[21:08] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves Chii out of the way
[21:09] <01@DeathStar> 6 *Scott nods, twisting to avoid with Dahok's help. John shrugs. "Seems like they generate it from behind their body." 6* Both figures are bleeding now from their shoulder wounds, and seem to show no signs of real pain, as they get ready to make more attacks
[21:09] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Go for a kill next time.
[21:10] <01Kit> <Chii> Prefer not to be responsible for illusions making us murder each other.
[21:10] <01@DeathStar> <John> Illusions?
[21:10] <01Dias`> 6Dahok shifts the bo between his legs and holds both hands out, getting ready
01[21:10] <01@Jennifer> "THose figures aren't our targets... are they?"
[21:11] <01@DeathStar> 6* They unleash four fireballs - two from each figure, sending them swarming in at the team to combine into one giant fireball
[21:11] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott uses his ring to form a shield made from the earth
[21:11] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> They're both fake?
[21:11] <01Dias`> 6Dahok throws both hands up to form a gust of wind from below the giant fireball to try and push it upwards
[21:11] <01@DeathStar> 6* It's knocked upwards by Dahok
06[21:11] * 01@Jennifer blasts at the fireball with water to try and quench it.
04[21:12] <01@DeathStar> 6* Jennifer uses up her magic reserves to destroy a fireball that was already taken out
[21:12] <01Dias`> <Dahok> If that's the case, the real bastards using the fog to hide himself.
01[21:12] <01@Jennifer> "So who are we shooting...?"
[21:12] <01Kit> <Chii> Possible.
[21:14] <01Dias`> <Dahok> ...I'm gonna try something. Shoot if you see a third person. 6He takes in a breath and his left hand starts to glow that faint green
[21:14] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> If I see one
06[21:14] * 01@Jennifer readies her gun. "...Out of magic anyway..."
[21:14] <01@DeathStar> 6* The two figures begin to get more fireball magic ready
[21:15] <01Dias`> 6Dahok steps forward, to send a strong wide gust outwards and head, hopefully enough to cast the mist to move and hit any magic barriers
[21:15] <01@DeathStar> 6* As Dahok eats away at his magic, he does blow the mist away, revealing Kane and the crazy girl, tied up, their shoulders bleeding, with little imps on either shoulder, making fireballs
[21:16] <01Kit> <Chii> Happy I didn't aim fatally now?
[21:16] <01Dias`> <Dahok> I'd be happier if you attacked them instead.
06[21:16] * 01@Jennifer aims carefully and fires at one of the imps. "Very."
[21:16] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> It's why I trusted your judgement
[21:16] <01Kit> 6Chii aims one gun at either imp and fires, her eyes narrowed.
[21:17] <01@DeathStar> 6* The two are gagged, but awake
04[21:17] <01@DeathStar> 6* Chii and Jennifer shoot the imps, their heads exploding and falling off of the two
[21:17] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott lowers his gun; the mist doesn't return this time, adn ni he background, they can see Cameron approaching
[21:17] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane eyes them and then he explosions bits on himself.
[21:17] <01@Xanatos> NRP: the*
[21:18] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana struggles with the bonds, looking at the party pleadingly
[21:18] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves over to check on Kane, ungagging him.
[21:18] <01Dias`> 6Dahok lets out a huff of air as he picks his bo up again.
06[21:18] * 01@Jennifer looks around. Then moves to Kane and the girl, pulling out her medical stuff and getting to work on them.
[21:18] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> It seems I made a mistake.
01[21:18] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron moves towards them, carrying a body, if it's still there.
[21:18] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Don't beat yourself up over it.
[21:18] <01@DeathStar> 6* John eyes Cameron carrying a dead girl
[21:19] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane gives Dahok a look that says he isn't.
01[21:19] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron looks grim as he carries her, moving over towards them, looking down at the girl again.
[21:19] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> You're alive, that's all that matters. 6* She brushes Chii's head, indicating she was responsible for them not being meatsized bits
[21:19] <01@DeathStar> <John> I really couldn't sense those imps. Sorry.
[21:20] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana pouts.
[21:20] <01Dias`> <Dahok> It happens. 6He moves over to the others now
[21:20] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane nods to Cheryl and then to Chii. 1Thank you.
06[21:20] * 01@Jennifer patches up Kane's shoulder. "Really sorry... it took me a bit to figure out..."
[21:20] <01Dias`> <Dahok> I figured it out.
[21:20] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> I thought you told us to shoot them
[21:21] <01@DeathStar> 6* John moves to untie Iyana.
01[21:21] <01@Jennifer> "Twice at least."
[21:21] <01Dias`> <Dahok> I also said shoot where the fireballs came from.
06[21:21] * 01@Jennifer moves over to Iyana and helps John, then starts treating her wound.
[21:21] <01@DeathStar> <John> Well, I'm no judge of expert, but that would mean shooting through tne,
[21:21] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana telekinetically degags herself, once she's untied. "T-thank you..."
[21:21] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Good thing you guys wound first.
06[21:22] * 01@Jennifer treats Iyana's shoulder with nanites and a bandage. "You'll be okay in a bit, just don't move it much okay?"
[21:22] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane nods his thanks to Jen and moves to get to his feet. 1What's our status?
[21:22] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl peers at Cameron, then the girl. "...are you okay?"
01[21:22] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron stares down at her, shaking, "Gabriella..."
[21:22] <01@DeathStar> <John> Heading to find this Janus guy after you missed the meeting, where we told how you were the new XO.
[21:22] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Doesn't look like her to me.
[21:23] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Seems as if I'm doing well for my first day on the job.
[21:23] <01Kit> <Chii> ...Kane... thanked... me..
01[21:23] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron nods slowly. "At first... I should give this one a proper burial all the same..."
[21:23] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> <You could say you're welcome.>
[21:23] <01Kit> 6Chii jerks. 1"Tch, your welcome.."
06[21:24] * 01@Jennifer pats Iyana on the head and sits back. "You're good. I'd heal you with magic but I need rest first."
[21:24] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane tilts his head, then nods once to Chii.
01[21:25] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron moves off to one side, laying the corpse of the girl on the ground.
[21:25] <01Dias`> <Dahok> We should keep moving.
[21:25] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana nods, giving Jen the hurt puppy look
[21:25] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks at Cameron, frowning, then moves ahead. John offers Iyana some pills
06[21:25] * 01@Jennifer smiles softly. "If it's still bad when I've got magic, I'll clean it up."
[21:25] <01Dias`> 6Dahok walks after Cheryl again, peering around at the land now
[21:25] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane peers around then moves off to the side, kneeling. He frowns slightly.
[21:26] <01@DeathStar> 6* The area is barren, with no life growing as usual, but they can see once again
01[21:26] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron performs a cross sign over the girl and puts his hand to the ground, burying her under the soil with alchemy. He stands up and looks towards the others, moving to rejoin them.
[21:26] <01Dias`> 6Dahok frowns slightly at the land.
[21:26] <01@DeathStar> 6* Strangely, CAmeron's powers nearly hit zero from the simple action
01[21:27] <01@Jennifer> * Cameorn shakes himself and grumbles, he trudges along drained. "Cursed ground..."
[21:27] <01@DeathStar> 6* Sadly, Kane would notice the sword he retrieved is not amongst his stuff, and any crystals he didn't have in him, ar egone
[21:27] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Damnit. 6He hisses, digging what's left out of the mud.
[21:28] <01Dias`> <Dahok> What? 6He glances back at Kane
06[21:29] * 01@Jennifer follows after Cheryl, looking a bit distant.
[21:29] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> My mistake has cost us the sword. Among other things.
[21:29] <01@DeathStar> <John> Take a pill, and it'll heal you
[21:29] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> What other things?
[21:29] <01Dias`> <Dahok> ...You lost the sword?
[21:29] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Some of the reality crystals. It's dangerous to keep them all inside of me, so I kept them on my person.
[21:30] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl peers back, then hisses
[21:30] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Damn
01[21:30] <01@Jennifer> "...Janus probably has them now..."
[21:30] <01Dias`> <Dahok> ...That's bad.
[21:30] <01Ariel> Iyana> "The super special sword to defeat the evil baddy?"
[21:30] <01Kit> <Chii> ...Figures.
[21:30] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> Well, they knew who to attack, then
[21:31] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Which means he just got stronger.
[21:31] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane rubs his face, smearing mud and rises. 1That's five that we're down. Not counting the 7 that X and her crew had.
[21:31] <01@DeathStar> <John> How many more times can Chii summon?
[21:32] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane glances to Chii, not sure about that himself.
01[21:32] <01@Jennifer> "So we're down to 13 in two days...?" *she frowns*
[21:32] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Hopefully we can get you some of them back
[21:33] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rubs face, not looking happy, though she doesn't seem to be directing it at Kane; Chii would get the sense she blames herself
[21:33] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> It's not looking promising. But I'm confident we can do it. It may just be a bit harder.
[21:33] <01@DeathStar> <John> We could try to give Chii all our crystals, and hope she can summon more, then. It might be our last bet.
[21:33] <01@DeathStar> <John> Or give her the philosopher stone....
01[21:34] <01@Jennifer> "Yeah... I'd need to use the stone if I gave her my crystals."
[21:34] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> Stone?
[21:34] <01@DeathStar> <John> If we gave her the Alternate Dias', it should give her more summon usages.
[21:35] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> I haven't quite figured out the formula. 6He notes with a frown.
[21:35] <01Kit> 6Chii eyes John. 1"...And your fine with that?"
[21:35] <01@DeathStar> <John> That would be your call.... it would stop your aging and have other effects. I can't say what it would do to Cheryl, being bonded.
[21:35] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana listens quietly, trying to make sense of this
06[21:35] * 01@Jennifer rubs the back of her head.
[21:36] <01Kit> <Chii> Always a catch.
[21:36] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl crosses her arms.
01[21:36] <01@Jennifer> "And I'd need to find another one."
[21:36] <01Dias`> 6Dahok stays quiet, not apart of all this
[21:36] <01@DeathStar> <John> I'm just saying, it might be our best bet - because if this sword stops crystals, well, our crystals are useless, and your magic seems to be being used up fast
01[21:37] <01@Jennifer> "Well, I could use a little more time to grow at any rate..."
[21:37] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... It's up to Jen and Chii to decide, since it'll effect you two. 6* She moves on
[21:38] <01Kit> <Chii> Well, yes, summoning all-powerful beings from other realities and dimensions tends to take a toll, John.
[21:38] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane holds up the muddy philosopher's stone.
[21:38] <01@DeathStar> <John> No need to be a smart ass, Chii. I'm saying the stone would help it be easier.
[21:38] <01@DeathStar> 6* John follows Cheryl
[21:38] <01Dias`> 6Dahok moves after John and Cheryl
[21:38] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott eyes the stone thoughtfully.
[21:39] <01Kit> <Chii> Forget it. I've gotten used to aging and I don't plan on threatening Cherry or Jen just to get more worth out of me. I'll improve my pitiful self.
01[21:39] <01@Jennifer> "A-Ano..."
[21:39] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane pockets it and then after a nod he moves after Cheryl.
[21:39] <01Kit> 6Chii moves on as well.
[21:39] <01@DeathStar> <John> Fine. So instead of helping the entire team, you'll improve yourself in the long run. In that case, we can come bcak to htis reality later.
06[21:40] * 01@Jennifer looks away a bit shyly and heads after the others.
01[21:40] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron moves on with the others, looking out of it.
[21:40] <01Kit> <Chii> I thought it was a choice, not our recourse.
[21:40] <01@DeathStar> <John> I'm just being as snarky as what's thrown my way.
[21:40] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> Actually, wouldn't it aid Cheryl, too? I don't know how bonds work, but if one of you gets stronger, doesn't the other?
01[21:41] <01@Jennifer> "I-If it'll help the team... maybe I'll get lucky finding another in the future..."
[21:41] <01Kit> <Chii> When we've done fucked up things it's often had worse effects on our bond than good.
[21:41] <01Kit> <Chii> Jen, you're poisoned, shut up.
[21:41] <01@DeathStar> <John> Fair enough. I can respect that
06[21:41] * 01@Jennifer looks down. "Okay."
[21:42] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl is quiet right now, focused on the mission.
[21:42] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane rubs the mud off onto his coat as he walks along, eyeing the ground.
[21:42] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott is silent again, clearly not wanting to input on things he knows nothing about
[21:43] <01@DeathStar> 6* In the distance, they can finally see what appears to be a creepy mountainous area with a tower rising up like a black object
[21:44] <01Dias`> <Dahok> I'd say that would be Janus tower.
[21:44] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Well, we still have the hurdle on how we're to defeat someone that is stronger and can cancel out our crystal effects.
[21:44] <01@DeathStar> <John> I'll use my stone to weaken him.
[21:44] <01Ariel> Iyana> "Really big rocks?"
[21:45] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Is that dangerous? 6He glances to John.
[21:45] <01@DeathStar> 6* John shrugs, peering to the side. "Whatever he's using to drain magic won't affect my stone as easily, so I can use my attacks more on him so soften him up until you get the sword bac."
[21:46] <01@DeathStar> *to
[21:46] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Very well. Don't overdo it.
[21:46] <01@DeathStar> <John> Me? Overdo? 6* He looks baffled.
[21:46] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Well I might be able to pull off one more magic attack.
01[21:46] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "I'm drained... but I've got my seal reserve... it should come in handy, however it's limited and takes a long time to rebuild."
[21:47] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane gives John an amused look as he peers ahead.
[21:47] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl slows down, looking tired after the walk - a path leads up the mountains
[21:47] <01@DeathStar> 6* It seems to be the only walkable path, unless one likes climbing up sharp edgeds
[21:47] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Expect a trap. 6He notes, even if it should be common sense.
[21:47] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott scans the area with his gun scope
[21:48] <01Dias`> <Dahok> He may just let us up there to get the rest of the crystals from you
[21:48] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> They would need to trap us to properly get the crystals from us.
[21:48] <01@DeathStar> 6* John moves forward to the path, only to have something invisible repel him harshly ten feet. He crashes to the ground
[21:48] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Hmmm. Or maybe not.
01[21:48] <01@Jennifer> "Sensei!" *she rushes over to check on him*
[21:49] <01@DeathStar> 6* John strains to sit up, wincing. "Ouch."
06[21:49] * 01@Jennifer helps him, pouting. "Are you hurt?"
[21:49] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl comes to a stop, frowning. She eyes the sharp edges. "If there's barriers on that, and we fall, it could be bad."
[21:49] <01@DeathStar> 6* John stands up, waving a hand. "Dandy."
01[21:49] <01@Jennifer> "Okay."
[21:50] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Pity Cole or Dias isn't around to test the theory.
[21:50] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Strong magic.
[21:50] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> Is there any way to find gaps?
[21:50] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana pulls out a pouch of dust, and tosses some towards the barrier, seeing if it passes through
[21:52] <01@DeathStar> 6* It doesn't.
[21:53] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rubs her face, shaking her head, looking like she feels ill just being near the tower.
[21:53] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Fuck fuck fuck
[21:53] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Cheryl?
[21:53] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah?
[21:53] <01Dias`> <Dahok> What if we took Iyana's dragon?
[21:53] <01@DeathStar> <John> We have a dragon?
01[21:53] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "You mean the not-a-dragon?"
[21:54] <01@DeathStar> <John> What's a not-a-dragon?
[21:54] <01Ariel> Iyana> "George is definately not a dragon."
[21:54] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane peers at her, but doesn't ask if she's okay, he just frowns slightly and looks ahead.
[21:54] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Well whatever he is, how 'bout he flies us up there?
[21:55] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl taps the side of her temples, trying to focus
[21:55] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> What if the barrier is in the sky, too, and he falls back down with us?
01[21:55] <01@Jennifer> "That could hurt."
[21:55] <01Dias`> It's possible the barriers completely around the tower and there's no way in.
[21:55] <01Dias`> NRP: Dahok
[21:55] <01@DeathStar> <John> Would be a lame barrier if he did have a way in
[21:56] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> I guess we should question what the barrier keeps out, then, specifically
[21:56] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> It could keep out any reality signature not native to this world.
06[21:57] * 01@Jennifer looks at Dahok. "We could test that."
[21:57] <01Dias`> 6Dahok eyes Kane and winces as he slowly reaches out to tap the barrier
[21:57] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana ducks out of the way
[21:57] <01@DeathStar> 6* Dahok's hand is numbed painfully, sent spazzing back like John's body did
[21:57] <01Dias`> 6Dahok howls painfully.
[21:57] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> Would this Janus know enough about signatures to do that?
[21:58] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Hmm. You're right. Probably not.
[21:58] <01Dias`> 6Dahok rubs his wrist furiously
[21:59] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Wonder if we can overpower it
[21:59] <01Dias`> <Dahok> All magic can be overpowered by a stronger mongic
[21:59] <01Dias`> NRP: magic
[21:59] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> If we fail, we would all be in alot of pain.
[21:59] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Then I guess I'll try it. As leader and all
01[21:59] <01@Jennifer> "Well... just a thought..."
[21:59] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps forward, gathering energy
06[22:00] * 01@Jennifer looks at Cheryl.
[22:00] <01@DeathStar> 6* John steps out of Cheryl's path of rebounce, just in case. Scott frowns, worriedly
[22:00] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> If it ends bad, we'll have to find another way around. Maybe digging
[22:00] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Might be better if more then one person assaulted it.
[22:01] <01@DeathStar> <John> Could also end with more than one person hurting
[22:01] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane rubs his face slowly trying to figure a way past this. 1Let me see if I our weapons can damage it first, Cheryl.
[22:01] <01@Xanatos> NRP: -I
[22:01] <01Dias`> <Dahok> My hand still hurts
01[22:02] <01@Jennifer> "Crystals? The big badguy gets his power from them right...?"
[22:02] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I was going to use my dragoon energy. It should help answer.
[22:02] <01@DeathStar> <John> You want to risk a crystal in that barrier? What if it cracks.
[22:02] <01@DeathStar> 6* John frowns.
01[22:02] <01@Jennifer> "Don't wanan risk one... I was just thinking, you don't have any, nor does Dahok."
[22:02] <01@DeathStar> <John> Yeah, and I got repelled.
[22:02] <01@DeathStar> <John> But what if someone used it, who had one, and they got repelled.
[22:02] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane lifts up his rifle, eyeing it over to make sure it won't backfire, then begins to charge it.
[22:03] <01@DeathStar> <John> Or if it was leached from them?
01[22:03] <01@Jennifer> "True... it's a big risk... too big. Sorry..."
[22:04] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane lets his rifle overcharge a bit, then takes aim, firing it towards the barrier.
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[22:04] <01@DeathStar> 6* The barrier repells the shot wildly, the blast flying and striking Cameron in the stomach
[22:04] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane jerks, widening his eyes. 1Damnit. 6He hisses.
01[22:04] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron hurks and falls over, bleeding out.
[22:05] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott's eyes widen. John grimaces, kneeling
04[22:05] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Jennifer, quickly.
[22:05] <01@DeathStar> <John> Are you okay? Can you heal yourself?
01[22:05] <01@Jennifer> "Oh god...!" *she rushes over to start treating him*
01[22:05] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "Out of energy... and bleeding my resources... bloody hell..."
[22:05] <01Dias`> 6Dahok winces. 1"I bet the Ixion could break this thing down
[22:05] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes the barrier, then swings her fist for it
[22:06] <01@DeathStar> <John> So it repels--- 6* He eyes Cheryl now, annoyed
[22:06] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane frowns. 1I'm sorry Cameron.
01[22:06] <01@Jennifer> * Jennifer starts to treat the wound, trying to calm down as she works. "Cam... don't talk."
[22:06] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl's fist goes thorugh the barrier and she stumbles, falling through it since her momentum was in it
[22:06] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana offers a bandaid. It has a happy face on it.
01[22:07] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron just nods, laying back as Jenn starts to get covered in blood treating him with nanites and stitching him up.
[22:07] <01Dias`> 6Dahok let's out a whistle.
[22:07] <01Kit> <Chii> That's kind of funny." 6She holds out her hand to it and pushes 'against' it.
[22:07] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott stares, confused; John stares, too. <John> I know her energy didn't cancel it out, or Kane's shot would have worked. Chii's hand passes through, too
[22:08] <01Dias`> 6Dahok eyes it and reaches up his same hand against it to push against it too
06[22:08] * 01@Jennifer looks up. "...Crystals?"
[22:08] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> I believe the idea is that those with reality crystals may pass.
[22:08] <01@DeathStar> 6* Dahok's hand is wildly repelled
[22:08] <01Dias`> 6Dahok let's out a sound of pain as he waves his hand furiously
[22:08] <01Kit> <Chii> Private party.
06[22:08] * 01@Jennifer just sighs and finishes with Cameron. "Well, he can't pass either, no crystals, and he needs to rest."
[22:08] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pushes herself up, the circles under her eyes worse
[22:09] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... Demons.
[22:09] <01Kit> <Chii> Yeah.
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01[22:09] <01@Jennifer> "HUh...?"
[22:09] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Well this sucks.
06[22:09] * 01@Jennifer looks over at Cheryl and Chii.
[22:09] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane pauses and leans his head back slightly. 1Ah. This is unfortunate.
[22:09] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> That would prevent any human from getting near him
[22:10] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> And he controls the demons. It would explain trying to seperate Cheryl and Chii before.
[22:10] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> Can we put some demon in our blood? Temporarily?
[22:10] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> ... 6He doesn't seem to like that idea.
[22:10] <01Kit> <Chii> Ah, he wasn't seperating us. He was recruiting us, technically.
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[22:10] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> Enough to fool the magic.
[22:11] <01Dias`> <Dahok> ...Demon blood. In us?
01[22:11] <01@Jennifer> "Not exactly... thrilled about that idea..."
[22:11] <01@DeathStar> 6* John considers, then looks at Chii. "Can you come back over here and give me a kiss?"
[22:11] <01Dias`> <Dahok> What if she just puts the blood on us?
[22:12] <01Kit> <Chii> Forget it.
[22:12] <01@Xanatos> Literally on us? I'm not so sure that would work. Magic is more of a literal entity, isn't it?
[22:12] <01@Xanatos> NRP: Kane*
[22:12] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Not if it's just searching for blood.
[22:12] <01@DeathStar> <John> For the team. 6* He says simply
[22:13] <01Kit> <Chii> The same stunt could be pulled back there. It can affect us-- and we're used to one another. If I let him go and fuck with all your heads, that could be more of a liability.
06[22:13] * 01@Jennifer rubs her arm a bit.
[22:13] <01@DeathStar> <John> I don't think we have time - Cheryl's not looking well being here. If you kiss me, I might could use my stone to break the barrier.
01[22:13] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron sits up, grumbling.
[22:14] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana eyes John oddly
[22:14] <01@DeathStar> <John> Forget it. Cheryl? 6* He asks her instead, as if deciding to speed things up. Cheryl eyes him back.
[22:15] <01Kit> <Chii> If you can use the stone to do it what's the blood's difference?
06[22:15] * 01@Jennifer rubs her head a little.
01[22:15] <01@Jennifer> "Probably to not get repelled by it."
[22:15] <01@DeathStar> <John> It makes differences. A kiss? 6* He asks Cheryl, giving her a charming msile.
[22:15] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane rubs his face slightly. 1Just kiss him. One of you.
[22:15] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl mumbles something about killing John, then steps forward
06[22:17] * 01@Jennifer starts to go red in the cheeks and looks away.
[22:17] <01@DeathStar> 6* John leans forward and kisses Cheryl on the lips once, wrapping his hands around her and groping her ass as he pulls her in, clearly attempting to get he riled for some reason. Cheryl's eyes widen and her fist rises up to hit him, but then John steps half into the barrier
[22:17] <01@DeathStar> <John> Okay, lets go
[22:17] <01Dias`> 6Dahok eyes John then winces as he tries to step through
[22:18] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> It's broken? Or are you acting like a bridge?
[22:18] <01@DeathStar> <John> I'm disrupting it. It won't last. Hurry.
[22:18] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane nods and moves to go through.
01[22:18] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron pulls himself up, holding his stomach. Jennifer heads through.
[22:18] <01Kit> <Chii> Going to disrupt you.." 6Her eyes narrow.
[22:18] <01Dias`> 6Dahok steps through quickly?
[22:18] <01@DeathStar> <John> Grow the fuck up for once and stop being a difficult brat
01[22:18] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron stumbles his way through.
[22:19] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps in. Scott moves through
[22:19] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana heads after John, wondering if she can learn that trick
[22:19] <01Dias`> 6Dahok stands on the other side, holding a hand out to John to help pull him through if need be
[22:19] <01@DeathStar> 6* John is pulled through. He seems winded, as if that wore him out.
[22:20] <01@DeathStar> <John> Thanks
[22:20] <01Dias`> <Dahok> I'd hate to see you get stuck like that.
[22:20] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> So much for you using your crystal to beat Janus down. 6He notes to John. Then moves to start walking forward.
[22:20] <01@DeathStar> <John> Yeah. Altering my DNA to be demonic isn't something I can do easily
[22:20] <01@DeathStar> 6* John sits down.
01[22:20] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "Don't worry, at this rate, we can bleed on him to death."
[22:20] <01Dias`> <Dahok> We'll find a way to beat him down
[22:21] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves ahead, mumbling something about tongues, looking almost like she's twitchy. Scott nods to John, then heads onward
[22:21] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane glances over his shoulder slightly. 1Good work. 6He tells John, to show he wasn't being a complete ass with the earlier comment.
[22:21] <01Dias`> <Dahok> You should keep moving. Last thing you want is to be alone this close to him
06[22:21] * 01@Jennifer looks at John and smiles, then heads after Cheryl.
01[22:22] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron moves after the others.
[22:22] <01@DeathStar> <John> My body is returning to normal now; can't exactly move it
[22:22] <01Dias`> 6Dahok grabs John to toss him over his shoulder
[22:22] <01@DeathStar> 6* John makes a startled noise ,then pauses, spooning Dahok's shoulder
[22:22] <01@DeathStar> 6* The path leads upward toward the tower.
[22:22] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Oof you're heavy. 6He starts after the others
[22:23] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana marches after John and Dahok, like it was a field trip
[22:23] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> So stones work by allowing you to take abilities from others with physical touching, or is this John fellow an exception?
[22:23] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> He's unique as far as I know.
06[22:24] * 01@Jennifer blushes a bit. "Yeah, it's how he learns new things."
[22:24] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> I admit I don't fully understand the way the stones work.
[22:24] <01@DeathStar> 6* As they get closer to the tower, they would see black, marble doors closed, the size about 10 meters. Sadly, that isn't the problem, it's the large, scaley dragon guarding it. It has a Zephyr like scowl. Cheryl stops
[22:24] <01Kit> <Chii> What'd he learn from groping you?
01[22:24] <01@Jennifer> "N-Nani?"
[22:24] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Perhaps the ability to darken his cheeks. 6He stops, eyeing the dragon.
[22:24] <01Dias`> 6Dahok's jaw drops. 1"...That I wasn't expecting."
06[22:25] * 01@Jennifer blinks and looks up, eyes widening.
[22:25] <01Kit> <Chii> Does that look like Phinee to anyone else?
[22:25] <01@DeathStar> 6* The dragon opens it's mouth and unleashes a fire blast at Chii
[22:25] <01Ariel> Iyana> "...oh, a not-not-dragon."
[22:25] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grabs Chii and pulls her aside
[22:25] <01Kit> <Chii> Geh!
[22:26] <01@DeathStar> 6* The dragon turns, swatting at the team with it's tail
[22:26] <01Dias`> 6Dahok dashes to the side with John
[22:26] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana steps back, staying away from the dragon
[22:26] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane attempts to jump back.
06[22:26] * 01@Jennifer hops back, Cameron falls over backward as he tries.
[22:27] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cameron is swatted, as he falls, taking on efor the team
[22:27] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Hey Iyana, how 'bout that not-dragon of yours.
01[22:27] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron rolls and comes to a stop, coughing up blood.
[22:27] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> A sword would be nice now. Dragons are typically weak in the throats from blades, right?
[22:27] <01Dias`> <Dahok> I hear they're weak to any puncture to the throats
[22:27] <01@DeathStar> 6* The dragon's throat widens as it inhales more oxygen for it's fire breath
[22:28] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> I'm not certain. This is the first dragon I've ever fought. 6He lifts up his rifle, letting it charge as he takes aim.
[22:28] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana nods, and steps further away from the dragon, summoning George.
06[22:28] * 01@Jennifer pulls out her gun, she takes aim and charges up.
[22:28] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Go for the throat when it's gathering air.
[22:28] <01@DeathStar> 6* The dragon holds the oxygen in, then brings it's tail down for Jen's bhed
[22:28] <01@DeathStar> *head
06[22:29] * 01@Jennifer leaps to one side, having to break her aim, she rolls a bit.
[22:29] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott looks up. "Watch out!"
[22:29] <01@DeathStar> 6* As the tail hits the ground, it shakes everyone elses' aim
[22:29] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane stumbles to keep himself to his feet.
04[22:29] <01@DeathStar> 6* The dragon then unleashes a fire wave at Jennifer's new spot
[22:30] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl shifts forward, shielding Jen with her arms
01[22:30] <01@Jennifer> "Ch-Cheryl!" *she looks up in a double surprise*
[22:30] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl's arms droop, the tactical suit portions damaged. The dragon bites down at her, trying to eat nher
[22:30] <01Kit> <Chii> This is bullshit." 6She finishes seals and brings her hand down, slamming a stream of water down toward the dragon's face
06[22:31] * 01@Jennifer pulls up her gun and shoot at the dragon's head as it comes down. "Stay off her!!!"
[22:31] <01@DeathStar> 6* The dragon is hit in the face by water, it's bite move stopped as it shakes it's head, clearly befuddled
[22:31] <01@DeathStar> 6* Then is shot in the head. The tough scales of the head protects it
[22:31] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana points at the dragon, "Go! George!" 6And the crystaline not-dragon charges the dragon, going to tackle it.
[22:31] <01Kit> 6Chii dashes and rears her hand before pouring light energy into the reinforced punch. 1"Final Heaven!"
[22:31] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane attempts to adjust his aim.
[22:32] <01@DeathStar> 6* The dragon is tackled by a not dragon. So it bites his neck
01[22:32] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron pulls himself up, taking the blood from the ground he coughed, he draws an alchemy circle in it.
[22:32] <01Kit> 6Chii leaps slightly before slamming her hand in toward the recoiled head, only to have it move on account of George.
[22:32] <01Dias`> <Dahok> We should leave while it's being distracted
[22:32] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott nods, then moves to the marble doors, trying to push them uopen
[22:32] <01Ariel> 6* George doesn't know enough to try to get out of the way of the bite, biting back. Fortunately he has scales like rock, since... well... he is.
[22:33] <01@DeathStar> 6* As the dragon bites George, it begins to superheat the rock with it's fire
[22:33] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane shifts towards the door, holding his rifle ready.
[22:33] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana tiptoes around to the door, knowing this is going to go bad.
[22:34] <01Kit> <Chii> Celsius would have a blast, I'm sure.
[22:34] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks like she's distracted, showing her teeth. She sniffs Jen once
[22:34] <01Ariel> 6* George starts filling it's body with energy for it's beam attack.
[22:34] <01Dias`> 6Dahok starts sliding towards the door
[22:34] <01Kit> 6Chii pauses, looking back. 1"Cherry?"
[22:34] <01@DeathStar> 6* The dragon starts expanding George, so it can fuck him up in a moent
06[22:34] * 01@Jennifer blinks and looks at Cheryl curiously. "What...?"
[22:34] <01@DeathStar> 6* John eyes Cheryl. "She looks like she smells a good steak."
01[22:35] <01@Jennifer> "A-Ano..."
[22:35] <01@DeathStar> 6 *Scott eyes the doors not budging, then uses his ring to use his earth attack to ram the door open. He's now out
[22:35] <01Ariel> 6* George... tries to tickle the dragon, knowing that it'll blow up at this rate.
01[22:36] <01@Jennifer> "Ch-Cheryl... doors open!"
[22:36] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane glances from Cheryl, to the dragon fight. 1Everyone inside quickly.
04[22:36] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl bites down at Jennifer's throat.
[22:36] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana heads inside
06[22:36] * 01@Jennifer cries out and scambles backwards, looking shocked as she stumbles back. "Cheryl!"
[22:36] <01Kit> 6Chii slips forward quickly and slaps Cheryl across the face
[22:36] <01@DeathStar> 6 *Scott moves inside - the entire tower lobby area is black; a pad of darkness is in the middle.
[22:37] <01Dias`> 6Dahok moves inside with John
[22:37] <01@DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl is slapped, her eyes widening, looking stunned, but back to nromal. She eyes Chii
[22:37] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> You couldn'
[22:37] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> You couldn't have said anything mentally in the bond?
[22:37] <01@DeathStar> 6* John nods to Dahok as he moves inside.
[22:37] <01Kit> <Chii> I like giving you reasons to return it." 6She smiles sweetly, then runs inside.
06[22:37] * 01@Jennifer looks at them both, a bit pale. "Y-You... alright Cheryl...?"
[22:37] <01@DeathStar> 6* As the dragon goes to deal with being tickled, a white hair stallion lands on it's head, knocking it out
[22:38] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane moves to grab Cameron to help pull him inside, but pauses at the white hair stallion.
04[22:38] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Jennifer, then moves after Chii, not responding, her expression looking like she's embarrassed
[22:38] <01@DeathStar> 6* It's Cole.
[22:38] <01@Xanatos> <Cole> Now THAT was awesome.
01[22:38] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron puts his hand to the circle and it melts into his hand, he picks himself up and heads for the door.
06[22:38] * 01@Jennifer nervously gets up and dusts herself off, heading after Cheryl.
[22:38] <01@DeathStar> 6* The dragon's tail flickers once in KOed ness, hitting Cole inside the tower
04[22:39] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks about the room, refusing to eye Jennifer
[22:39] <01@Xanatos> <Cole> Slides along the ground, on his face.
[22:39] <01Kit> 6Chii looks around a bit, then moves and steps onto the darkness in the center.
[22:39] <01@Xanatos> <Cole> Oof. 6Slides along the ground, on his face.
[22:39] <01@DeathStar> 6* Chii is teleported
[22:39] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane moves inside now.
[22:40] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cehryl jerks, stepping on, then vanishes
[22:40] <01Kit> 6Chii glances about again, her hands quickly one on a sword and the other on a gun
[22:40] <01Dias`> <Dahok> ...Looks like your she just disappeared.
[22:40] <01@DeathStar> 6* Chii would find herself bound in chians, hanging upside down. Cheryl appears in the same position. A white haired man like Cole peers up at them
[22:40] <01@DeathStar> <John> Great.
06[22:41] * 01@Jennifer scratches her head. "Should we follow them or something...?"
[22:41] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana looks around, "Where'd they go?" 6* George pokes the unconscious dragon.
[22:41] <01@DeathStar> 6* He begins to chant, holding Kane's sword in one hand. Chii would feel her crystals being isolated.
[22:41] <01Kit> <Chii> ...Ah, so that's how it is.
[22:41] <01@DeathStar> 6 *Scott steps onto the pad, vanishing
[22:41] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Suppose we should just go through them then?
[22:41] <01Dias`> 6Dahok shrugs and moves to step on the pad with John
[22:41] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> It's a teleporter. I would assume so. 6He moves to step on.
[22:41] <01@DeathStar> 6* George would find it's a female dragon
[22:42] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole hops up and rubs his head, then moves to get on the teleporter.
06[22:42] * 01@Jennifer follows Kane. Cameron limps onto it as well.
[22:42] <01@DeathStar> 6* As they step on, they'd find themselves bound and upside down, too. Their crystals being isolated.
[22:42] <01Ariel> 6* George curses his luck of being a construct.
[22:42] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> ..tch.
[22:42] <01Dias`> 6Dahok peers around. 1"Well this sucks.
[22:42] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana steps onto the obvious trap.
[22:42] <01Kit> 6Chii hocks a minute, then spits down at the man.
[22:42] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole pauses and then widens his eyes, starting to freak out, he jerks about violently.
[22:43] <01@DeathStar> 6* The man pauses only a moment to eye Chii, then continues. Summon gates appear around Chii as she loses them on by one
06[22:43] * 01@Jennifer jerks and whimpers, she starts to struggle. "C-Crystals..."
[22:43] <01@DeathStar> 6* John blinks
[22:43] <01Dias`> 6Dahok tenses and tries to send sharp gust of wind for the man
[22:43] <01@DeathStar> 6* John considers, then eyes Chii. "If you take my blood ,can you use my powers?"
[22:43] <01Kit> <Chii> You know. I'm really pissed at who took Gaea. But this... I don't have words for this.
[22:43] <01@DeathStar> 6* Dahok's magic is tapped out
[22:43] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole attempts to teleport himself free.
[22:44] <01Kit> 6Chii eyes John. 1"I'm not a vampire."
[22:44] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane works on trying to get himself out of the bounds.
[22:44] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Damn't, all out.
[22:44] <01@DeathStar> <John> The stone in me is connected to my life force. You just need a bit of power, right, to take the summons back
[22:44] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cole frees himself - appearing on George.
[22:45] <01Kit> 6Chii pulls at her wrists a bit, then prepares mentally-- and snaps her thumbs out of place, tugging to see if she can get her hands free.
01[22:45] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron growls concentrates, trying to get his arms closer together.
[22:45] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole squints. 1Hey you not-dragon thing. Your friend person is in trouble, want to go save them?
[22:45] <01@DeathStar> 6* It would hurt like fuck, but yes.
[22:45] <01Ariel> 6* George nods.
[22:45] <01@DeathStar> 6* One by one, their crystals are isolated. Janus stops his chant. "Hand them over to me and I will spare your lives."
[22:45] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole points upward. 1Go!
06[22:46] * 01@Jennifer goes slack, closing her eyes and trying to keep calm.
[22:46] <01Ariel> 6* George takes to the air and flies upwards
[22:46] <01Kit> 6Chii slides her hands out, then closes her eyes, making a face before clapping her hands together to knock her thumbs back into place at the same time, opening her eyes and reaching for her guns in a flash, screaming loudly-- half in typical intimidation, half in utter pain.
[22:46] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole tries to ping their devices to make sure where they're at.
[22:46] <01@DeathStar> 6* The man forms a magic shield in case she shoots at him, not intimidated
[22:46] <01@DeathStar> 6* Top floor, it seems.
[22:46] <01Dias`> <Dahok> If only I had some to give you
[22:46] <01@Xanatos> <Cole> Top floor, let's go! 6He rides George dramatically.
04[22:46] <01@DeathStar> 6* John eyes Jennifer. "Stay focused, Jen." 6* He tels her.
[22:47] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> ... 6He makes a face, trying to work a hand free.
06[22:47] * 01@Jennifer nods and lets out a little whimper, trying to keep focused.
[22:47] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl seems to be looking iller now that her crystals are gone.
[22:47] <01@DeathStar> 6 *Scott uselessly sways
[22:47] <01Kit> 6Chii smirks, then shifts her hands and reaches for her blades instead, having sealed in the time to clap her hands. 1"Hyoton merge art." 6And draws her swords, imbued with subzero cold, twisting her legs and spinning, cutting for the bonds of those closest to her.
[22:48] <01Dias`> <Dahok> I think all the bloods rushing to my head.
[22:48] <01Ariel> 6* George flise as fast as he can in the direction Cole indicates, gathering energy to make an enterance
[22:48] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Think happy thoughts.
[22:48] <01@DeathStar> 6* Chii's attacks strike and free Kane, but before anyone else, a shield is up. Janus is fast.
[22:48] <01@DeathStar> 6* As George flies upward, he'd run into an invisible barrier
[22:48] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane umphs when he hits the ground, but slowly pushes himself to his feet.
[22:48] <01@DeathStar> <Janus> Annoyance.
[22:48] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana tries to summon a cup of lemonaid for Janus. Unfortunately her aim is a bit high. And her perspective is upsidedown.
[22:48] <01@Xanatos> <Cole> Ooof. This isn't working.
[22:49] <01Kit> 6Chii goes for her own chains then, dropping to her feet and sheathing the blades. 1"Yeah, you really are."
[22:49] <01Ariel> 6* George backpedals some. He turns his attention to the tower wall, and shoots it instead.
[22:49] <01Kit> <Chii> Fast, powerful and resourceful. Almost like someone's makin' fun of me...
[22:49] <01@DeathStar> 6* Janus eyes Chii, then holds up a hand, and sucks Cheryl's life force from her - Chii would feel her go dead in the bond instantly as a ball of bright light gathers in Janus' hadns
[22:50] <01Dias`> 6Dahok's eyes go wide at taht
[22:50] <01Kit> 6Chii's eyes wide, her expression going pale, and enraged in the same instant.
[22:50] <01@DeathStar> 6* George busts a hole in the tower wall ,at floor 7 of 11
[22:50] <01@DeathStar> 6* John stares, his mouth dropped. Janus regathers the demonic energy he gave Cheryl, cleansing her aura to a bright white
[22:50] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole holds on. 1Woo, upward! 6He points straight up, then pauses.
[22:50] <01Kit> <Chii> Nandatte....
[22:51] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> ... 6* He begins to fight to free now.
[22:51] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane is tense. 1Put her back.
06[22:51] * 01@Jennifer is possibly lucky she has her eyes closed, trying her best to keep her focus still.
[22:51] <01@DeathStar> 6* Janus holds up a hand at Chii. "Now for your powers." 6* He tells Chii, clearly about to do the same to her
[22:51] <01Dias`> 6Dahok growls as he tries to break himself free now
[22:51] <01@Xanatos> <Cole> D-don't forget i'm up here. 6He calls out.
[22:52] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane throws his hand forward, then clenches his fist.
[22:52] <01@DeathStar> 6* Dahok manages to break free, sicne Janus is focused on getting Chii now
01[22:52] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "BLoody... bastard..." *he clenches his fists, trying to change his arms to stone to break free*
[22:52] <01@DeathStar> 6* At the same time, it seems his grasp on the summons isn't all there, either
[22:52] <01Kit> 6Chii makes a face. 1"I'm not one of yours... Fuck you." 6Her hands go to the ground, quickly forming the devouring runes, snarling. 1"John... shouldering too much as is, you better be able to withstand it, bastard."
[22:52] <01@DeathStar> <John> I'll be fine.
[22:53] <01Ariel> 6* George tries to cram inside. Not wanting to maneuver inside the tower, he fires upwards, trying to make a shortcut
[22:53] <01Dias`> 6Dahok lands, grabbing his bo from behind his back. He twists and strikes at the nearest persons
[22:53] <01Kit> <Chii> It hurts. It's your soul, after all.
[22:53] <01@DeathStar> 6* Janus peers down as Kane sets him on fire - suddenly, a beam of George downstairs flies up thorugh the floor, mkaing a shortcut over Cameron's foot after he frees himself
[22:53] <01@DeathStar> 6* Dahok frees Scott, who lands
[22:53] <01@DeathStar> 6* John gives Chii a nod. "My soul is strong."
[22:54] <01Kit> 6Chii creates the link, empowering the runes she made to activate the effect.
[22:54] <01Ariel> 6* George resumes upwards, delivering Cole to the scene in style.
[22:54] <01Dias`> 6Dahok twists and throws the bo for Janus' face
01[22:54] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron jus grumbles in pain and claps his hands together, putting them to the ground, the seal from before leaking out onto it.
[22:54] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane moves forward and to the right, keeping a watchful eye on Cheryl's essence.
[22:54] <01@DeathStar> 6* Chii would, once she taps into it, a power source for a soul - the philsopher stone, made from the life force of someone dear to John. Chii's powers are instantly restored.
[22:55] <01@DeathStar> 6* And her bond with Cheryl, the life force ripped back from Janus into Cheryl
[22:55] <01@DeathStar> 6* Janus is hit in the face by the bo, coughing up blood.
[22:55] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole leaps forward off of george and throws his hand forward laucnhing a lightning blast for Janus.
[22:55] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Bullseye.
[22:56] <01@DeathStar> 6* Janus holds up his hand, using shield to protect himself from Cole, back on his game. He looks for the sword he used, which has been knocked over by some vases
06[22:56] * 01@Jennifer remains quiet, breathing slowly as she concentrates.
[22:56] <01@Xanatos> <Cole> Oh crap. 6He plummets towards Janus, so he shoves a foot forward.
[22:57] <01Dias`> 6Dahok reaches behind his back and pulls out another two short staffs and twist the ends together.
[22:57] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane moves towards the sword.
[22:57] <01Kit> 6Chii makes a sad expression. 1"...John. Damn it.." She brings her right gauntlet up. 1"...Divine seer of water and maiden of the sword, cease mercy and cleanse those before me. ...Undine!"
[22:58] <01@DeathStar> 6* Janus tries to get the sword back with a wind spell, but is distracted by Chii's words. Kane would easily get it
[22:58] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane takes it in his hand, then eyes Janus, trying to figure out how to isolate his crystal.
[22:58] <01Ariel> 6* George tries to bite Janus' ankle from the hole.
[22:59] <01Kit> 6Chii steps back, opening the gate to the realm of endless water, kneeling as Undine enters the room, in her garb of azure, holding a blade of the essence of water itself given shape.
[22:59] <01@DeathStar> 6* Janus responds with an ice shield. Kane would feel the crystal in his arm, a power source he could almost "cut" free.
[23:00] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane hmms and slowly tries to get bhind Janus.
01[23:00] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron touches either side of his circle and it glows, he looks over at Janus slowly.
04[23:00] <01@DeathStar> 6* John sways, his eyes closed, apparnatly focused on keepin himself alive. Jennifer's crystals would come back
[23:01] <01Dias`> 6Dahok just waits patiently in the back since the heavy hitters out
06[23:01] * 01@Jennifer gasps and opens her eyes, breathing in a bit more then usual as she takes a moment to get stock of what's happening.
[23:01] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits up finally, not looking so ill. She flexes her fingers.
[23:01] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole continues to plummet towards Janus with his foot extended out.
[23:02] <01Kit> 6Undine looks to Chii, the two exchanging a silent look before they both nod. Undine turns back to Janus, then hovers forward quickly, unleashing two slices from her sword at a distance-- sending shockwaves mixed with water in deadly, thin arches.
[23:02] <01@DeathStar> 6* Janus is kicked by Cole, the fight gone from after getting calls. He's then sliced up, his body spewing blood
[23:02] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane moves in to remove the arm and get the crystal now.
06[23:03] * 01@Jennifer tries to work free of her bonds. Cameron taps the center of his seal and keeps an eyes on the wounded Janus.
[23:03] <01@DeathStar> 6* Kane cuts his arm off. This forces the crystal to appear as Janus spews more blood
[23:04] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gets to her feet, peering about, trying to figure out what's up
[23:04] <01Dias`> 6Dahok leans against his bo now. 1"That's one of them, what about the other ones he took before?
[23:04] <01Kit> 6Undine descends on Janus, smiling softly.
[23:04] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl points at a chest, her devices picking them up
04[23:05] <01@DeathStar> 6* Jennifer would free herself, just because.
[23:05] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Guess we got lucky he didn't use them.
[23:05] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane steps back after making sure he gets the crystal.
01[23:05] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron slumps over, groaning.
[23:05] <01Ariel> Iyana> " it safe to come down now?"
[23:06] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> I believe so.
06[23:06] * 01@Jennifer lands and blinks, moving over to John. "Sensei...? Need some help?"
[23:06] <01Kit> 6Undine draws her sword back, then jabs it toward Janus' chest, apparently intend on running him through-- though the blade would have far from fatal effects, even healing his injuries, but on the other hand, rapidly incinerating existence of demonic blood.
[23:07] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane moves to check on Cheryl.
[23:08] <01Dias`> 6Dahok winces at the violence
[23:08] <01@Xanatos> <Cole> Man that was just gross.
[23:08] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Good to see you made it. 6He nods to Cole
[23:09] <01@DeathStar> 6* John doesn't respond
[23:09] <01@DeathStar> 6* Janus howls.
01[23:09] <01@Jennifer> "Sensei...?" *she kneels down and checks his pulse*
[23:09] <01@DeathStar> 6* No pulse.
[23:09] <01@Xanatos> <Cole> I just needed a nap.
01[23:10] <01@Jennifer> "S-Sensei!?" *she blinks and starts to perform CPR on him*
[23:10] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks fine, nodding to KAne. <Cheryl> What happened?
04[23:10] <01Kit> <Undine> Reflection." 6She notes, as if explaining the procedure. Chii goes to check on Cheryl, then jerks, moving to kneel with Jennifer near John
[23:10] <01@DeathStar> 6* John has CPR performed on him, apparantly.
[23:11] <01@DeathStar> 6* Janus mumbles incoherantly at nothing.
[23:11] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Chii devoured John's soul to restore some of her power. And while it wasn't supposed to be much, it doesn't look like John could withstand it.
[23:11] <01Kit> <Chii> I was trying not to! But... I never have...
[23:11] <01Dias`> 6Dahok peers around at the others.
[23:11] <01@DeathStar> 6* John sits up finally, shaking his head and peering about
01[23:12] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron taps the circle he's on and sends a spire of stone out in an attempt to stab Janus. "Shut up will you..."
[23:12] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> No one was blaming you Chii.
[23:12] <01@DeathStar> 6 *Janus is stabbed
06[23:12] * 01@Jennifer blinks and smiles, and hugs John.
[23:12] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Cameron slowly.
[23:12] <01Ariel> 6* George wanders off in the commotion to check on that dragon.
[23:12] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole holds a chest of crystals proudly.
01[23:12] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron lays his head back down, grumbling in pain.
[23:13] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> ...
[23:13] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Is he dead yet?
01[23:13] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "...With my luck, no."
[23:13] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well, after that looks like it
04[23:13] <01@DeathStar> 6* John eyes Jennifer, then pats her head, looking worn out
[23:13] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Good. He's killed too many innocents to deserve to live
[23:13] <01@DeathStar> <John> Glad it worked. Sorry, was running on reserves. Did I miss much?
[23:13] <01@Xanatos> <Cole> You missed my epic kick to the face.
[23:14] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> Interesting justice system.
06[23:14] * 01@Jennifer smiles up at him.
[23:14] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott eyes Cheryl as she undoes her hair from the ribbon Chii gave her
[23:14] <01Dias`> <Dahok> You saying you allow murderers to live in your world?
[23:14] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> I said interesting justice system.
[23:14] <01@DeathStar> 6* George would find the female dragon still KOed
[23:14] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Oh. Yeah, it works around here.
04[23:15] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Jennifer. Make sure Cameron is alive. We'll need to find the Knight Captain, I think.
01[23:15] <01@Jennifer> "O-Okay."
[23:15] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> No point now.
[23:15] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> The D guy can tell him what happened. We just need time to recover so we can go after Lemon
[23:15] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Oh? He never said he was alright with us keeping this. 6He holds the crystal in his hand.
06[23:15] * 01@Jennifer hops up and moves over to Cameron, leaning down to check on him. He grumbles as she works on his wounds again.
[23:16] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl shakes her head. "I'm not wasting time finding him. Sorry."
[23:16] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Probably better if something that strong didn't stay in this world.
[23:16] <01Kit> 6Undine stares, then frowns and hovers over to Cameron, floating eerily above him.
[23:16] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Of course. Then we'll rest here or return to the town?
[23:16] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana searches the badguy's room for good loot.
[23:16] <01@DeathStar> 6* As Janus is now dead, Cameron would feel something...evil enter him. Nestling near his heart. With it comesp ower.
[23:17] <01Kit> 6Undine stabs Cameron with the sword of water now. 1"....Reflect."
[23:17] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl jerks. "Chii, your thing is stabbing people."
06[23:17] * 01@Jennifer blinks as she watches a sword go right through her patient. "Wh-What the heck!?"
[23:17] <01Kit> <Chii> He'll live.
[23:18] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> .... is it normal for your esper to stab our team?
01[23:18] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron blinks in surprise, gripping the ground. "What the... hell...?"
[23:18] <01Kit> 6Undine makes a sour face, but the sword does the same thing to Cameron, oddly healing wounds but returning his body to a state of 'normalcy'
[23:18] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> ...
[23:18] <01Kit> <Chii> She stabbed me, so I think so. ...If you give her reason anyway.
[23:18] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> She stabs me, and she can't work with us anymore.
01[23:19] <01@Jennifer> "Huh... he's healing..."
[23:19] <01Kit> <Chii> Aw, but you like it when I stab you.
[23:19] <01@Xanatos> <Cole> So can I keep these? 6He motions to the chest of crystals.
[23:19] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gives Chii a look.
06[23:19] * 01@Jennifer sits up, staring. "Talk about a reverse stab."
[23:19] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Well the closest town is my hometown.
[23:19] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Cole. "Don't oyu have a legendary?"
[23:19] <01@Xanatos> <Cole> Maybe.
[23:19] <01Kit> 6Chii looks away, culling shyly with that look.
01[23:19] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron sits up as strength returns, he nods to Undine.
[23:19] <01@DeathStar> 6* John gets to his feet and moves over to a window - outside, the lands are beginning to heal again
[23:20] <01Kit> 6Undine nods in return, but still looks annoyed at him. Instead of pulling it out, she rips the sword out of him diagonally-- it doesn't hurt, but it gives that chill up the spine.
01[23:20] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "Bloody cold, woman."
[23:20] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Dahok. Then looks aorund for the crazy girl. "Can that George thing give us a ride?"
[23:21] <01@Xanatos> <Cole> He let me ride him.
[23:21] <01Kit> 6Undine lifts the sword upward, then drops it, flitting into the ground with a ripple like entering the surface of a lake and the room begins to-- rain.
[23:21] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott is quiet now, peering at others.
[23:21] <01Dias`> 6Dahok peers up
[23:21] <01Ariel> Iyana> *ponders* "Umm... maybe." *crosses her arms* "Right now he's being a bad figment of my imagination."
[23:21] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> ....
[23:21] <01@DeathStar> 6* Overly dramatically
[23:21] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> What...?
[23:21] <01Kit> 6With that, a gate forms behind Undine and she backs into the realm of water, waving.
03[23:21] * Jackieness ( has left #taw
[23:22] <01Kit> <Chii> Ah. Healing rain.
[23:22] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Iyane now
[23:22] <01Dias`> <Dahok> ...Now I feel wet.
[23:22] <01Ariel> Iyana> "He ran off after the dragon." *pouts*
[23:22] <01Kit> <Chii> Boohoo.
[23:22] <01@DeathStar> <John> IF you saw what I'm seeing outside the window, you'd be more han wet.
[23:22] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane seems annoyed at the rain, and then tilts his head at John.
[23:22] <01Kit> 6Chii holds out her hands. 1"...I'm personally glad that it fixes the pain in my thumbs."
01[23:22] <01@Jennifer> "What's that Sensei?"
[23:22] <01Dias`> 6Dahok peers at john then moves for the window, looking out. 1"Holy hell."
06[23:22] * 01@Jennifer moves over to him and looks out.
[23:23] <01@DeathStar> 6* John just nods slowly at Dahok.
[23:23] <01@Xanatos> <Cole> Can I do the music? I love making the music.
[23:23] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott stares blankly at Cole
01[23:23] <01@Jennifer> "Wh-What am I.... looking at...?"
[23:23] <01Kit> 6Chii tilts her head, then moves over to peer out, leaping to see over others. 1"Hey! Let me see!"
[23:23] <01@DeathStar> 6* John shifts to help Chii up to look
[23:23] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rubs her face
[23:23] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana moves over to see what the fuss is about
[23:24] <01@DeathStar> 6* Iyana would find, loot wise, a cape of evil, complete with gloves.
[23:24] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Maybe walking will do us some good.
[23:24] <01Dias`> <Dahok> I never imagined I'd see my homeland likes this again
[23:24] <01@DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
[23:24] <01@DeathStar> Location: Dahok's Hometown
[23:25] <01@DeathStar> 6* Flowers are in bloom as they return. John is quiet, not as energetic as usual, hands in his pockets. Cheryl looks better, most of her demonic traces gone, outside a few things Chii might sense she kept from her
[23:25] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane quietly moves along, feeling relieved that they managed to succeed.
[23:25] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole whistles a brisk spring tune as he walks.
[23:26] <01Dias`> 6Dahok moves through the town, a joyous look on his face. 1"This is still simply amazing."
06[23:26] * 01@Jennifer moves along by John, arms behind her back, she looks over at John. "Still drained?"
[23:26] <01@DeathStar> <John> Yeah.
01[23:26] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron keeps to the back of the group, walking along on his own quietly.
[23:26] <01Kit> 6Chii rubs her chin, eyeing Cheryl.
[23:27] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> We'll rest up and leave soon. 6* She tells Kane.
[23:27] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> We should also decide what to do with the extra crystals.
01[23:27] <01@Jennifer> "Mmm, we should all get rest."
[23:27] <01Ariel> 6* Iyana has been sulking, that her imaginary friend given life has gone and run off after the guardian dragon.
[23:28] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Spread them out. I guess. So this won't happen again.
[23:28] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Alright.
[23:28] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'll take two more, bringing my total to 5.
[23:29] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane nods and gives her two, eyeing the 4 extra he has left.
[23:29] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Cameron, how many crystals do you have? Any?
01[23:30] <01@Jennifer> Cameron> "None."
[23:30] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Cameron, not liking the idea of him having it
[23:31] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane gives Cameron one, then holds one out to Dahok.
[23:31] <01Dias`> 6Dahok eyes Kane.
[23:31] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> You plan to give him back their reality's crystal? 6* She says slowly, eyeing Kane
01[23:31] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron looks indifferent, he takes it in and nods.
[23:31] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Unless we have their blessings to keep it.
06[23:32] * 01@Jennifer rocks on her heels. "You coming with us?" *She looks at John*
[23:32] <01@DeathStar> <Scott> I could always use it, if you're handing them out
Session Close: Tue Apr 21 23:32:28 2009

Session Start: Wed Apr 15 00:24:19 2009
Session Ident: #taw
02[00:24] * Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Apr 15 00:24:20 2009

Session Start: Tue Apr 21 23:32:28 2009
Session Ident: #taw
02[23:32] * Disconnected
03[23:32] * Now talking in #taw
03[23:32] * Topic is 'TAW 4: TEP (251-present) | TAW 4: PAX has ended (1-250) | Season 20 (Reflections): 14 of 20 complete | Overall Session #405 (1110) | Episode Fifteen: Dragon Slayer | 5 of 5 | Sessions occur T/Th at 8 EST | Current Team: Cheryl | Final Episodes November 5th and 6th'
03[23:32] * Set by DeathStar! on Thursday, April 16th 2009, 23:09:33
[23:32] <01Kit> <Chii> True.
03[23:32] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Angela
03[23:32] * Angela is now known as Jennifer
[23:32] <01Dias`> <Dahok> I thought I said you should take it.
[23:33] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane pauses and then holds the hand out towards Scott. 1Very well.
[23:33] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott takes it, curiously. "Thanks." 6* He makes it vanish
[23:34] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane peers at the two left, then those that are left. 1Hmm.
[23:34] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole picks a flower and holds it out to Cheryl.
[23:34] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes it, then Cole.
[23:34] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Fine ,give it to him
[23:35] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole beams and takes a crystal from Kane.
[23:35] <01Kit> <Chii> Such a pushover.
06[23:35] * 01@Jennifer rocks on her heels. "You coming with us?" *She looks at John*
[23:35] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> Chii would you like this last one? 6He holds it.
[23:35] <01@DeathStar> <John> I'll help you all free Lemon, yeah.
06[23:36] * 01@Jennifer grins big and hugs him. "Awesome!"
[23:36] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Well the best of luck to you. If you need a place to rest, I'll arrange room at the inn for you all
[23:36] <01@DeathStar> 6* John raises a brow. "You'll need all the help you can get."
[23:36] <01Kit> <Chii> I'm pre-claiming the ones compatible with espers-- I don't need the others.
[23:36] <01Kit> <Chii> Cherry can have them.
[23:36] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm fine. I have 5 already, more than I want. But we don't need to lose any more
01[23:37] <01@Jennifer> "Heh... yeah... I'm gonna be a beacon aren't I.." *she rubs the back of her head*
[23:37] <01@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Keep it on you, Kane, and you can keep studying it for clues to use with weapons
[23:37] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane nods once and pockets it. Then nods to Dahok. 1Thank you for your assistance.
[23:38] <01Dias`> <Dahok> No, thank you for your assistance. Without you, we never would've been able to stop Janus.
[23:38] <01Dias`> <Dahok> Most likely.
[23:38] <01Kit> <Chii> If you're worried about being a target, Jen, we all are. And hey, I got mugged for Gaea when I only had five, right? So I think I'm just as shiny.
[23:38] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole seems to bounce around.
01[23:38] <01@Jennifer> "Oh well... true."
[23:38] <01@Xanatos> <Kane> There are 3 of us that have 5 currently.
06[23:39] * 01@Jennifer looks slightly comforted at that.
[23:39] <01Kit> 6Chii does seem to have a troubled expression, though.
[23:40] <01@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just pats Chii, then mvoes for the bar to rest. John rubs the back of his head, not having looked Chii's way since getting back in town. Scott has moved off to do who knows what
[23:40] <01Kit> 6Chii slowly peers over at Cole darkly.
[23:41] <01Dias`> 6Dahok steps into the bar to set things up for the team
[23:41] <01@DeathStar> 6* Chii can sense the summon in Cole wnats to talk to her, but only in a mini
01[23:41] <01@Jennifer> * Cameron moves off on his own for a bit.
[23:41] <01Kit> 6Chii pauses, then rubs her head and walks off, sighing.
[23:41] <01@Xanatos> 6* Cole seems to not be paying attention to anyone as he's hopping around on his one hand.
[23:42] <01@Xanatos> 6* Kane moves into the bar.
[23:42] <01@DeathStar> 6* Scott offers Chii hot chocolate has she passes.
[23:43] <01@DeathStar> <John> Well, I think I'll go talk to some of the local women. 6* He thumbs up and moves off
06[23:43] * 01@Jennifer smiles. "Good luck Sensei!"
[23:44] <01@DeathStar> -END-
03[23:44] * DeathStar changes topic to 'TAW 4: TEP (251-present) | TAW 4: PAX has ended (1-250) | Season 20 (Reflections): 15 of 20 complete | Overall Session #406 (1111) | Episode Sixteen: A Brand New Day | 1 of 1 | Sessions occur T/Th at 8 EST | Current Team: Erevis | Final Episodes November 5th and 6th'