<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-582.10.6
<DeathStar> Location: Starship Heading for Cartel Trading Space Sector
* Jackieness has joined #taw
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Suit up woman!
<DeathStar> 6* At the request of Emissary Shiva Sevintes, the group is doing an unusual mission of peace - their job is to talk down a group of space pirates that have been raiding Cartel space lanes. Their mettle is being put to the test in the form of negotiating with a hostile force. Can they do it?
* Ry` sits back in his seat, arms sliding behind his back. 14"Who else things this is going to go wrong and we gotta fight them all?'
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stands on the bridge, in his usual military attire, standing next to Emissary Shiva Sevintes. "I suppose this is the sector with the pirates."
* Shiva stands beside Warren. 1"This is where there last attacks were at."
* Jackieness is now known as Arhn
* Cassandra_Arakawa has joined #taw
* Xanatos`Durran stands towards the back of the shuttle, he glances up at Ry. "Has anything ever gone right for us, Ry?"
<Ry`> 14"Yeah..I suppose you are right..:
* Xanatos`Durran clicks his comm, "Any site of the pirates yet?" *to Warren*
<Shiva> I see your crew is quite eager for this mission seeing as there both on the shuttle.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Any site of the pirate.. 6He murmurs, then shrugs. He clicks the comm. "Negative."
* Slasher steps onto the bridge, crossing his arms as he leans against the back wall.
* Xanatos`Durran steps off of the shuttle and moves around it checking its condition.
* Ry` is actually in the hangar, right now..speaking up to Xanatos into the shuttle. His presence wasn't needed elsewhere.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren turns the comm. off as he looks out in space. He glances at the scanners, then back out into space. "I hope the Cartel isn't up to anything unusual by having us out here, Emissary."
<Shiva> The Cartel would never think of doing such a thing. These Space Pirates are a real threat.
<Arhn> And just what are we to say to make them change their ways?
<Ry`> 14"Hah..expecting to find a bomb or something Xanatos?"
<Shiva> I'd like to believe that the leaked information that we're carrying precious cargo would've reached them by now.
<DeathStar> <Warren> The fact is if we can't stop space pirates through negotiation, Ambassador, what makes you think telling the Tsivrixsh "no" will mean anything?
<Arhn> Nations tend to have more to lose than a band of pirates.
<Shiva> A true test of PAX's mettle.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Then you do not understand the Tsivrixsh as much as your race claims. They have nothing to lose. Negotations are meaningless to a race that believes fighting is honor.
<Xanatos`Durran> A dragoon is in our presence. A dragoon that can be controlled. I'm not taking any chances. *he stops after making a full check around the shuttle, he rubs the back of his head* I'm not sure if we'll even need this shuttle. Since we are probably going to meet the pirates in space here. *He shrugs*
<Ry`> NRP: Oh god..it's the Tsi?
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: No. Pirates.
<Ry`> NRP: I know that, meant the race of the pirates :P
<Xanatos`Durran> nRP: *eyes DS* Dunno.
<Arhn> So you say. There are limits to honor, however...though I disagree of their having any.
<Ry`> 14"Yes..I suppose you are right..But I've been keeping an eye on her..hasn't really been doing a hellova lot. Shoes are more active then her at the moment.."
<DeathStar> <Warren> Hm.
<DeathStar> 6* The bridge controls being to ping as a signal is picked up. Warren turns to look out, seeing nothing in space.
* Xanatos`Durran smirks and then moves around to observe the 2 gears present on the ship, their only other defense. Xanatos begins to check them to see if they'll even be efficent enough to use.
* Shiva looks as she hears the ping. 1"What do you got?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Sounds like its about showtime.
<Xanatos`Durran> I sure hope we don't have to fight. *he murmurs*
<DeathStar> 6* Suddenly a ship decloaks in front of them. They get a transmission through the communication station.
* Shiva tilt's her head as the ship appears infront of them, her eyes then narrow.
<Ry`> 14"Who pilots the gears?"
<Slasher> Cloaking...
* Xanatos`Durran glances back at Ry, "Slasher." He moves over to the shuttle and leans against it. Waiting.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Put it on the screen. 6He orders. The screen is replaced by the picture of a pirate with long red hair and a tilted black head on his head. <Pirate> Well, hellloooo ladies. And you guys. This is a pirate raid."
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: hand on his head?
<DeathStar> NRP: Er, hat on his head.
<Ry`> 14"..there is 2?"
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: ....I said hand.
<DeathStar> NRP: I said hat, dumbass.
<Xanatos`Durran> nRP: I know. :P
* Xanatos`Durran nods, "Yep and unless Lt. Arakawa can pilot one, then we just have one pilot for 2 gears."
<Ry`> 14"Well I could..one of my specialties is gears actually..if I am not needed elsewhere.."
* Shiva looks over at Warren.
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate jerks back as he eyes Shiva. "Whoa, hello my pretty. What are you doing in a place like this?"
<Xanatos`Durran> Let's just hope we wont have to.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren glances at Shiva, then at the pirate, then at Shiva. He steps to the side, making her front and center for this.
<Shiva> ...*turns her head back to the screen* I'm hear to negotiate a peace treaty between The Cartel and your...people, on behalf of PAX.
* Slasher slides up behind Warren, whispering in his ear.
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate pauses, then puts a hand to his chest. "This is all a ruse to talk to me? The Cartel sure must be dainty these days." 6He pauses, eyeing Arhn. "Though I could think of some things to say to her."
* Arhn presses her lips together into a thin line.
<Shiva> The Cartel would prefer to end these petty thefts on peaceful terms.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren shakes his head once to Slasher, watching what is going on.
<Ry`> 14"I am not that hopeful of the situation.."
* Xanatos`Durran glances around at the fact they haven't really been progressing any. "They must have made contact, we should just wait until furthur orders."
<Ry`> 14"Plan on it"
<DeathStar> <Pirate> So...you want to talk it out with me. 6He strides to a chair, leaning back in it, grabbing a glass of wine beside it and sipping it. "Well, I certainly wouldn't mind having you hunnies over here on this ship. And, your, uh, male friends."
* Cassandra_Arakawa puts her hand to her head...she can't believe this one...
<DeathStar> 6* Warren seems kind of dumbfounded.
* Shiva turns his head back, looking at Warren.
<Shiva> And what's wrong with our ship?
* Slasher nods, stepping back.
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Oh, come now. If you ladies got me there over on your ship, you'd lock me up. Now now. I'm not dumb. 6He sips his wine, twirling the glass around in his hand. "You come see me."
<Shiva> You must undestand our distrust. What with a cloaked ship and all, it wouldn't be hard to take us and leave.
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Oh, come now. That old transport heap you got couldn't stand up to us in a fight anyway. If I wanted to "take" you, I could do so in a quick and completely unfair fight right now. But why would I risk harming such pretty things as yourselves when I can negotiation with you over dinner?"
<Shiva> Dinner you say?
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Dinner. 6He says with a big smile.
<Arhn> ...dinner?
<DeathStar> <Warren> Dinner. 6He says with a sigh.
* Shiva turns her head back to Warren, obviously looking for an answer from him
<DeathStar> <Warren> He's right. 6He says to her, probably talking about the fight outcome.
* Shiva turns back. 1"Then dinner it is, best break out the expensive wine."
<DeathStar> <Pirate> I'll see you over in 5 mins. I'll drop the hanger shields. And wear something sexy. 6He says to Arhn, winking at her as he closes the communication.
<Arhn> ...h...how dare he!
<Shiva> This is obviously a ruse to get us off the ship for them to raid while we're over there.
<Shiva> ...And why the hell does everyone find you sexier than me?! *she looks at Arhn*
<Ry`> NRP: Shes blue..nuff said
<DeathStar> <Warren> ... I could think of several reasons. 6He notes dryly, turning to exit to the hanger.
<Shiva> ...Oh you're so dead...
* Ry` glances at Warren as he walks in. 14"So what's the plan?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> We eat dinner. 6He tells Ry as he walks over.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Captain, being female myslf...I could insert myself in with the ambassadors. *spoken as she follows Warren*
<Xanatos`Durran> Sure hope they have some good steak, *he yawns as he moves into the shuttle to get it prepped.*
<Arhn> I...suppose I should change then...
* Shiva turns, very irritated, and makes her way out passing by Slasher. 1"Do you find her sexier than me?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> Hm. I suppose news of a male Earth representative wouldn't have gotten out yet. He might think you're Earth's ambassador.
<Ry`> 14"I somehow..doubt this..." 2Ry stands up from his seat, walking into the shuttle.
<Slasher> ...*raises his eyebrow as he follows behind* I find you both irrating.
<Shiva> Oh I'm so sick of you guys...*she makes her way into the hanger*
<DeathStar> <Warren> Something tells me I wouldn't be successful in the type of negotation he has planned for you ladies. 6He notes wryly.
<Shiva> Well as far as I can tell, you might do better than you think.
<Xanatos`Durran> Could be gay. *he states idly while he flips a few switches*
<DeathStar> <Warren> ...
<DeathStar> 6* Warre gestures Cassandra onto the shuttle before him, taking the role of security guard for now.
* Shiva steps onto the shuttle.
<Ry`> 14"I'm sure he's be willing to give it to Warren in the back end of that is the case.." 2He snickers, flipping on the switches in the co pilot seat.
* Slasher steps onto the shuttle behind Shiva, his hand checking his pistol and his baton
<DeathStar> NRP: Is THAT what you're calling it now?
* Xanatos`Durran glances at Ry. Shaking his head he finishes prep and is now waiting for everyone.
<Slasher> NRP: Yes sir
<DeathStar> 6* Warren ignores Ry, but doesn't look like he found it funny.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Shaft was much better.
<Ry`> NRP: Didn't wanna sound obvious
* Cassandra_Arakawa nods and boards.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren moves up the ramp of the shuttle, taking a seat in the back. He sits there, silently brooding, much like he did when he was the chief of security only.
<Xanatos`Durran> Who we waiting on? *He asks as he rubs the back of his neck*
* Arhn leaves behind two layers of her outfit and then boards the shuttle herself.
* Ry` eyes Durran, and sighs. 14"Right..not funny.."
<DeathStar> 6* The enemy ship's hanger shields drop. 5 mins has passed it seems.
<Xanatos`Durran> Actually it was, but a little extreme. *he glances back and does a headcount, whistles and he closes the ramp and takes the ship out of the hanger, moving for the pirates' vessel.*
* Shiva 's lips twitches slightly and she begins messing with her hair, making it intricate, she then pushes her boobs up.
<Arhn> You look fine alright.
<Ry`> 14"I see..I'll note that then.."
<Arhn> *already
<Shiva> I'm sure I do.
<DeathStar> 6* As the shuttle passes into the hanger, the shields rise again. A line of pirates walk out, only they look more like men in a ordinary clothing, such as browncoats and pants, than pirates. However, the flamboyant one with long red hair, a tilted black hat, and a gleeming smile doesn't look like a pirate.
<Arhn> There is no competition between us...
<DeathStar> 6* Warren grunts, tilting his head back to look out the window.
* Xanatos`Durran lands gracefully in the pirates' hanger, he glances back at Warren.
* Slasher looks out the viewscreen. 1"Petty band of group.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stands up and lowers the ramp, moving down the ramp into the hanger.
* Shiva stands up from her seat and makes her way to the ramp, walking down behind Warren.
* Arhn rises and follows Shiva down the ramp...
* Cassandra_Arakawa then takes her place behind Arhn, a diplomatic pin fastened to her jacket...
* Xanatos`Durran checks his side, he checks the saber on the right and the one on the left. Then he moves his hand into his coat and checks the two pistols holstered. Xanatos pops his neck and waits for everyone else to move off the shuttle.
* Ry` moves out of his seat, following Warren off the shuttle.
* Shiva steps off the ramp and eyes the ragtag group. 1"Do you always surround yourself with ruffians in hopes of making yourself look good?"
* Xanatos`Durran remains towards the back of the group, halfway ono the ramp, he moves his eye around to look at the pirates and the armaments that they are carrying.
<DeathStar> <Pirate Leader> Your words are as sharp and as witty as your beauty, Shiva my dear. 6He says with a hurt look.
* Slasher steps off after Xanatos, his arms crossed across his chest, he stands off to the side of Xanatos.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stands off to Cassandra's left, eyeing the pirates. They're obviously armed.
* Slasher narrows his eye, something obviously bugging him.
<Shiva> Well, a girls gotta learn how to defend her self in some form.
<DeathStar> <Pirate Leader> Indeed. And yours must be looking painfully hot. 6He says to Arhn, sliding up to her in an almost anime style, putting his hand around her waist. "You and I should dine together at the table."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren seems to be studying Shiva very hard.
* Shiva lets out a light laugh, her hand covering her mouth as she does.
* Arhn has quit IRC (legend.esper.net cosmos.esper.net)
* Ry` has quit IRC (legend.esper.net cosmos.esper.net)
* Neko has quit IRC (legend.esper.net cosmos.esper.net)
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Oh noes.
<DeathStar> NRP: *eyes Cassandra, then Arhn*
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Lol.
<Shiva> NRP: *does the same thing, confused*
<Cassandra_Arakawa> NRP: Crap...
<DeathStar> NRP: You should put Arhn on the same server as Cass.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: *shrugs* Cass is on legend...
<DeathStar> NRP: Now that is weird.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: I think i'm on dream.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> NRP: My other self has reconnected now. Trying to rejoin.
* Jackieness has joined #taw
* Ry` has joined #taw
* Neko has joined #taw
<Ry`> NRP: ..damnjit
* Ry` has quit IRC (legend.esper.net cosmos.esper.net)
* Neko has quit IRC (legend.esper.net cosmos.esper.net)
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL
<Cassandra_Arakawa> NRP: Oh, the irony...
<DeathStar> NRP: Well, anyway, we got two Jackies back, so lets go on.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Lol.
* Ry` has joined #Taw
* Jackieness is now known as Arhn
<DeathStar> NRP: We need Arhn's response to the pirate. Action!
<Ry`> NRP: Did anyone get mine?
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP:No.
<Arhn> Ah...I shall have to confer with my peers on that...
<DeathStar> <Pirate Leader> Nonsense, nonsense. We can talk about your homeworld. Is it as beautiful as you? 6He begins to lead her out of the hanger. Warren sighs a bit, following them.
* Ry` lip twitched violently upon seeing the action of the pirate, and it took everything in his power to prevent himself from rushing and breaking him in half. He pulled back, chanting under his breath..mainly to calm himself. He followed Warren.
<Arhn> Yes...it is...very aesthetically pleasing...
* Cassandra_Arakawa just shakes her head and proceeds forward.
<DeathStar> <Pirate Leader> So, what do you look for in a man? 6He asks her as he walks along.
* Neko has joined #taw
* Shiva follows behind
* Neko has quit IRC (legend.esper.net cosmos.esper.net)
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Heh.
* Xanatos`Durran exhales slowly, and steps off of the ramp and glances at the men, then steps after them.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> NRP: Crap
* Arhn has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<DeathStar> NRP: *rubs face*
<DeathStar> NRP: Just use Cassandra's nick
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Just put <Arhn> *does things*
* Jackieness has joined #taw
* Slasher twirls the baton in his hand as he walks after them.
* Jackieness is now known as Arhn
<Arhn> <Arhn> I'm...not looking at present. *m* Not while I'm medicated anyway...
<Arhn> [20:03] Disconnected
<Arhn> NRP: Darn it!
* Shiva runs her hand runs along the side wall as she watches the two infront of him.
<DeathStar> <Pirate Leader> Medication? What for?
<Arhn> Ah...nevermind.
* Ry` closes his eyes, listening to the conversation going on in front of him.
<DeathStar> 6* They enter into a hallway which leads them to a giant dinner table full of good looking food. The leader leads Arhn over to a table right next to the head of the table. "Here, sit down my hunny."
* Neko has joined #taw
* Neko has quit IRC (legend.esper.net cosmos.esper.net)
<Arhn> ...thank you. *sits down*
* Shiva steps into the room, she looks around eyeing the extravaganza. 1"You prepared quite well.
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate sits down right next to her, smiling at her. "Here, I recommend this delicious fruit." 6He holds it out to her.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Quite...and in such short notice?
<Arhn> Ah, but it would be rude of me to start eatting until everyone else has been seated.
<DeathStar> <Pirate Leader> I'm a man of many talents, fair lady.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sits down quietly on the other side of the table.
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate makes a pained sigh, then motions for people to sit.
* Shiva moves along the table, her hands running along the chairs till she comes to a stop on the pirate's other side.
* Xanatos`Durran takes a random seat and eyes the food.
* Slasher steps in and leans against the wall, he looks around the room, obviously searching it.
* Ry` sits down himself, not looking passed closed eyes.
<DeathStar> <Pirate> So, is my hunny pleased now? 6He asks her with a smile, holding the fruit out to her.
* Cassandra_Arakawa takes a seat herself.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren eyes the food. It looks of good quality. Probably bought with the stolen money.
<Shiva> A Brosian Fruit? You obviously have deep pockets.
<Arhn> ...yes, thank you. *takes the fruit in hand*
<DeathStar> <Pirate> So, are you blue all over? 6He asks her.
<Arhn> ...if you refer to my skin tone, then yes, I am.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren shakes his head as two pirates enter, pouring everyone a glass of wine.
<DeathStar> <Pirate> I like that. 6He says with a smile, taking a bite of a grape as he stares at her, obviously checking her out.
* Neko has joined #taw
* Shiva eyes the bottle. 1"So you didn't sell all of that shipment."
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Of course not, Goddess of Ice. 6He says to her, smiling at her. "Your kind of wine, too, I believe?"
<DeathStar> 6* Warren doesn't touch his wine, crossing his arms as he sits there, watching the pirates leave after they're done pouring the drinks.
<Shiva> I believe The Cartel lost about 250,000 credits on that shipment.
* Ry` also leaves his wine alone, not having much of an appetite.
<DeathStar> <Pirate> No one is hungry? 6He asks, glancing at everyone, including Arhn holding the fruit. He sips his wine, then pops another grape.
* Xanatos`Durran eyes the food and sighs, "No one told me we were going to eat...I already ate a protein bar..." He looks disheartened.
<Arhn> Should not our host address his guests before the meal?
<Ry`> 14"Is that it?" 2He commented at Duran
<Slasher> You're either brave or very stupid. You remain unguarded.
<DeathStar> <Pirate> What do they feed you Earth boys? 6He asks him, chewing on his grapes. He glances at Arhn. "I'm a pirate, m'lady, not a gentleman." 6He laughs merrily, then leans over. "So, you want to ditch the others and go somewhere private?"
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate glances at Slasher. "I prefer to think very charismatic."
<Arhn> Let's eat then we can discuss that... *bites into the fruit*
* Shiva reaches out grabbing a grape, she pops a grape in her mouth, chewing it. 1"Delightful.
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate eyes Shiva with renewed interest, then sips his wine. "I'm glad."
<Xanatos`Durran> .....Watching my figure. *Xanatos patted his gut and smirked*
<DeathStar> 6* The fruit is very sweet, almost exotic. With a slight unusual taste to it.
* Cassandra_Arakawa takes a sip of some of the wine.
<Arhn> An unusual flavor...
<Shiva> You're a strange pirate if you ask me.
* Xanatos`Durran glances around the room, getting a bearing, "So this is a modified cartel ship, isn't it?"
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate helps himself to some of the meat on the table. He looks at Arhn. "In the Mesodia culture, they eat that fruit before they make love. It has a natural aphrodisiac in it. 6He tells her with a charming rogue smile.
* Ry` scanned his surroundings, not likeing the situation he was put in.
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Right you are, One Eye Joe. 6He says to Xanatos, pointing the knife at him he's using to cut his meat.
<Arhn> I...see...
<Xanatos`Durran> Hmmm, I bet she goes real fast...*he states, looking around*
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Indeed it does. 6He looks at Arhn. "Am I looking more delicious yet?"
<DeathStar> 6* Warren pauses, eyeing the pirate.
<Shiva> Speaking of that, my bosses are not very pleased at you stealing this ship.
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Well, your bosses shouldn't make such a fine ship then. 6He says, cutting the meat. He looks at Shiva's chest. "I say you shouldn't display your best assets out to the world unless you want them touched."
<Shiva> Who said I didn't? *she winks bac kwith a sly look on her face*
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate looks at Xanatos and Warren, pointing back at Shiva as if he's letting them in on a secret. "Wowza, boys."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sighs, realizing this must be one of the levels of hell.
<Arhn> I...I...think I need my medication...
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Nonsense! 6He fills up her glass of wine. "Relax!"
* Shiva reaches her hand out to touch the pirates chin. 1"Such a baby face. Definetly not of one from a seasoned pirate."
* Xanatos`Durran shakes his head at the pirate, obviously saying that he could have her.
<Arhn> No...I think that I...really...need my medication...
* Cassandra_Arakawa glances over to Warren
<DeathStar> <Warren> ... Ambassador? 6He repeats to Arhn, glancing at her.
<Ry`> 14"Oh god.." 2He knows exactly what this is, as he buries his face into his hand.
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate goes to smile at shiva, then eyes Arhn. "Wow, she really looks a bit ill there. And just when I was going to begin negotations."
* Arhn actually turns a darker shade of blue.
* Xanatos`Durran arches a brow at Ry. "Does this mean she is going to try and have sex with everyone?" Rubs his head.
<DeathStar> <PIrate> Sex? Really? 6He perks up, in both ways. "Shall we go to my room, my pretty blue babe?"
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate pulls out of Shiva's grasp.
<Ry`> 14"..Did you need to say that outloud..asshole.."
* Shiva pulls his hand away, a slight disapointment on her face.
<Shiva> NRP: her.
* Xanatos`Durran glances at the Pirate. "Right..." He rubs his head.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren eyes the pirate, then Arhn, trying to guage how bad this could get.
<Xanatos`Durran> Perhaps someone should escort the Ambassador to the shuttle?
* Arhn prespiring a bit, breathing heavily...her hands are trembling.
* Ry` moves into his coat, and pulls out a bottle of pills. He slides it over the table, hoping it could rectify the situation.
<DeathStar> NRP: OH, so you jusT HAPPEN to carry pills on you?
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Lol.
<DeathStar> NRP: Bullshit!
<Shiva> NRP: he takes them himself.
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL
<Ry`> NRP: Lol..well I figured if I was her guard..I would have some?
<DeathStar> NRP: Uh huh. That's stretching
<Ry`> NRP: Guess not..then
<DeathStar> NRP: Do you carry her clean underwear, too?
<Ry`> NRP: Maybe?
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: He sniffs them.
<DeathStar> NRP: *edges away*
* Slasher pulls out his pistol from it's holster, his eyes narrowing on the pirate
<Ry`> 2Or..not X_X
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate glances up at slasher suddenly. "How now, boy, violence isn't allowed."
<Ry`> NRP: Well..he sure as hell will after this mission..thats for sure..
* Arhn 's shaking her move toward the bottle of medication.
<Slasher> Either is hopping up a woman on aphrodisiac against her will.
<Arhn> +hand
<DeathStar> NRP: We actuallya xed that move, Arhn.
<Arhn> NRP: Oh
<DeathStar> NRP: We decided him carrying your pills was a bit creepy.
<Ry`> NRP: Could say it was Tylenol
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: It could have been viagra.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: And made it worse.
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL. Make it worsE!
<Ry`> NRP: I always..carry tylenol..lol
<DeathStar> NRP: Okay, he gave you tylenol
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Yay, no more headaches!
<Arhn> NRP: c.c
<Shiva> Is this how you always get the girl?
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate looks pained. "Now now. If she doesn't want me, that's fine."
* Xanatos`Durran arches a brow and glances at Warren, wondering what to do.
<Ry`> NRP: Well it makes people sleepy too..lol
<DeathStar> <Pirate> How should I know she has medication for sexual urges?
* Arhn 's fingers digs into the table...actually causing it to crack.
<Xanatos`Durran> She said she did. *he notes*
<DeathStar> <Pirate> She didn't sayh what for! 6He says, not noticing the table. He frowns.
* Shiva looks over at the table. 1"Sure you want some of that? I'm sure she'd break ya."
<Ry`> 14"..not helping"
<Xanatos`Durran> ....I don't think I would have sex with her.....*he eyes the table*
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Uh..heh..6He glances at the table. "Yeah. ... perhaps we should negotiate now and get you guys off my ship."
* Slasher doesnt' seem to make any move, he just stands there with his pistol in his hand.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren eyes Arhn silently.
<Arhn> ...knock...me...out...now...
<DeathStar> 6* Warren nods, then punches Arhn in the face.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: lmao.
<Shiva> NRP: Hahahaha
<Ry`> 14"..jump right on that why don't you"
<Shiva> Yes...Let's negotiate.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sort of shrugs, sitting back in his seat. The pirates eyes everyone. "You come crazy peace people."
* Arhn falls over, out cold.
<Shiva> Well we're ready to do whatever it takes, you can understand that I believe.
* Xanatos`Durran just rubs the back of his head, looking at Warren.
* Alicia has joined #TAW
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Well, why should I quit pillaging the fat cow that is your precious Cartel? 6He asks with a shrug. "I need something in return"
* Ry` slips away from the table, moving over to the knocked out Arhn. He leans down, picking up the knocked out female. 14"You havn't seen anything yet.." 2He speaks, noting to the pirate.
<Shiva> Well besides the very obvious of The Cartel letting you live, I'm sure that PAX may be willing to find you jobs.
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Work? Puhleaze/
<Shiva> Don't care for an honest days pay?
<DeathStar> <Pirate> I wouldn't be robbing people if I did, pretty hunny.
<Shiva> This is quite true...Hmm...*she looks into his eyes deeply, as if searching for something.
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate laughs, closing his eyes and rubbing the back of his head. "I don't suppose I could get ten minutes alone with the blue hunny?"
<Ry`> 14"Try Shiva.."
<Xanatos`Durran> I could hook you up with this naive little dragoon. *he yawns and stretches*
<Shiva> Well seeing as she's not currently conscious, she's out of the equation.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> This is just plain embarassing...
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate looks at Cassandra. "Do you want some of my loving, too, pretty hunny? I have enough for all."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren puts a hand to his face as he sits there.
<Shiva> I believe that I could get your Gold Member status at all of the finer Gentlemens clubs that The Cartel own for one thing.
* Xanatos`Durran glances at Cassandra. "I already tired her out." He smirks.
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate looks at Xanatos and Cassandra. "Pretty hunny, you could do much better than him." 6He turns to Shiva. "Oh, ha ha. So when I walk in I get jumped by your people and my throat slit."
<Shiva> Fair assumption.
* Xanatos`Durran watches Cassandra's reaction, not really caring for the Pirate's comment.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I'm not with him. I'm a free spirit.
* Xanatos`Durran smirks.
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate perks up. "Really?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Mmm-hmmm
<Ry`> 14"Hey..heres an idea..remember that planet with the..you know..asshole of a government?"
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate leans forward to look into Cassandra's eyes. "I'm free, too. Like the wind."
<DeathStar> 6 *Warren glances at Ry.
<Ry`> 14"The pirates arn't part of any government..and that planet is high with minerals..imagine the kind of shit they transport.."
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate pauses, listening to Ry seriously now.
<DeathStar> <Warren> ...
* Shiva turns her attention to Ry.
<DeathStar> <Pirate> So you're basically telling me to go rob another planet?
* Cassandra_Arakawa glances over to Ry.
<Ry`> 14"I'm sure it would be more profitable then the cartel..if you seel the minerals on that planet..you could have 15 times a better ship.."
<Ry`> *sell*
* Xanatos`Durran stares at the table, remembering that mission.
<Shiva> Well you would have free-reign over that sector...
* Shiva 's hand moves upto her chin as she taps it, thinking.
<DeathStar> <Pirate> You know, overthrowing governments is considered a bad thing in most cultures.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Except in this case.
<Shiva> There would be something else in it for you too....I could get you amnesty.
<Ry`> 14"Technically no one likes them..no one cares if you overthrow them.."
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Ha ha ha. For all I know you guys could be getting me to overthrow a Tsivrixh
<Ry`> 14"I am not one to lie or Decieve.."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Not the Tsivrixh. A backward world.
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate pauses. "What sort of government?"
* Shiva reaches for her datapad, bringing something up, she then slides it over to the pirate to see.
<Ry`> 14"Tyrannical kind..I'm sure if you kindly overthrew them, and offered up the minerals for sale..Earth and Erusian will gladely buy thm.."
<Ry`> *them*
<DeathStar> 6* Warren pauses, then pulls out his datapad. He pulls up something, sliding it over to the pirate. The pirate eyes them both, then takes Shiva's.
<Shiva> The Cartel may be unforgiving for actions taken against it, but we're quick to forgive if we see profit in it.
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Huh. Slavery issues. 6He closes his eyes as he sits there.
<Shiva> You'd be a hero to all the men...and woman. You'd practically have free range of all the beautiful woman there.
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate opens his eyes, waving a dismissing hand at Shiva. "Bah, I know when I'm being fed lines. I do it enough."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren slouches, seeing the pirate doesn't appear to be going.
<DeathStar> <Pirate> But, you got some merit. I agree. I'll go raise some hell in this sector.
<Xanatos`Durran> Their technology is outdated, this ship could most likely take their whole fleet. But you should still be careful.
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Well, I think we're in agreement then. I could become a rich man running a planet like this.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sits there, studying the pirate. Something tells him it's more than just for money.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Tell me, do you ever use a foil in combat...?
<DeathStar> <Pirate> Ha ha ha. How outdated to you think I am? 6He rubs the back of his head.
<Ry`> 14"..well I should get her to the shuttle.." 2He nods once at the pirate, before moving back toward the shuttle.
* Xanatos`Durran glances around, "I'm sure we have overstayed our welcome, lets just get going then."
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate sits there, glancing back at the datapad information.
* Shiva stands up, reaching for another grape and pops it into her mouth.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stands up, moving to leave.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Pity...I was hoping to see some Errol Flynn moments. *rises from her seat*
<DeathStar> <Pirate> I have a much better weapon in my pants. If you'd like to try it out. 6He offers
* Shiva slides over beside the pirate and leans down beside him, her hair falling down covering her face.
* Xanatos`Durran stands and moves to the door, waiting for the girls to stop flirting so they can leave.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I have no objection to...stimulation...but maybe we can save it for the victory bash.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren walks down the hallway, silent in thought.
<DeathStar> 6* The pirate laughs a bit more. "You allure me with your words." 6He speaks outloud, though it's hard to tell if it was to Shiva or Cassandra.
* Shiva leans in, kissing him on his cheek, she reaches down, grabbing her datapad.
* Ry` reaches the ramp, moving up the steel surface silently. He gave off a sigh, before placing Arhn down upon her seat. 14"I really need to carry the medicine now.."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren walks up the ramp and glances down at Arhn out cold. "Hm."
* Slasher stands there waiting for Shiva to leave.
* Xanatos`Durran glances at Slasher, seeing there is a security personnel there, he moves for the shuttle as well.
* Shiva stands upright and walks off towards the hallway
<Ry`> 14"Sorry Warren..if I spoke out of line back there.."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks at Ry. "When?"
* Cassandra_Arakawa heads back toward the shuttle.
<Ry`> 14"At the table..I'm not a diplomat.."
<DeathStar> <Warren> Hm. You actually probably did the only possibile non-violent solution.
* Shiva steps out of the room and walks down the hallway.
* Xanatos`Durran steps up the ramp and moves into the pilots seat, powering the shuttle up.
<DeathStar> <Warren> And you solved the Realion problem.
* Slasher nods slightly to the pirate then turns his head away and follows behind Shiva
<Xanatos`Durran> My hero. *he chimed in*
<Ry`> 14"Yes well..It simply came to mind during the conversation.." 2He sits down at the co pilot, activating it.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Well, next to trading sex for peace anyway. *sits down in the shuttle too*
* Shiva steps onto the shuttle.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Yes. I'm sure if all the women agreed to sex, he would have quit raiding the Cartel. 6He says dryly.
* Slasher steps onto the shuttle after her.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren glances at Shiva, obviously knowing something is up here.
<Xanatos`Durran> Seemed to me they were about to.
* Xanatos`Durran finally closes the ramp after Slasher and waits for the pirates to drop their shields.
<DeathStar> 6* The shields are lowered.
* Xanatos`Durran pulls the shuttle up and takes it out of the hanger, moving for their own ship.
<DeathStar> Session Ends
Session Close: Wed Feb 01 21:02:08 2006