Session Start: Mon Mar 06 20:37:12 2006
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20060306.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-583.1.4
<DeathStar> Location: PAX Station
<DeathStar> 6* A new year....a day for the PAX unit. The station is slowly being restocked with people after a month hiatus and things seem to be looking dark already, as there has been no word about Captain Carmichael from anyone.
* Slasher shuttle lands in the hanger and lands in it's place, minutes later he steps off, a bag slung over his back.
* Slasher 's hair is now pulled back into a short pony-tail, a grey leather headband tied around his head, he looks back as two Military Officials step off.
* Ceres walks along one of the halls of the station, getting used to her new surroundings, a lovely woman in her mid twenties, with long, blonde hair tied back to keep out of her way, in an EarthGov Uniform that's been polished and cleaned up perfectly, awaiting some word as to her official assignment here.
<Ry`> *Ry, being who he not the very vacationing type..especially when he had no body to do it with. He waited in front of the secondary hangar, waiting for Aielins arrival.
<Ry`> 2Ry, being who he not the very vacationing type..especially when he had no body to do it with. He waited in front of the secondary hangar, waiting for Aielins arrival.
<Slasher> I hope you enjoyed Jarivan...Now bugger off.
* Elsiah sits in the Hangar, lounging almost catlike against a Gear, one of the new replacements for the many destroyed over the last year, in nothing that could possibly resemble proper uniform, her looks very casual, she yawns softly and watches Slasher get off.
* Slasher watches them walk off. He then turns and moves over to his work station where he powers up his terminal
<DeathStar> 6* The janitor mops the hanger floor
<Aielin> *An Erusian shuttle lands in the secondary hanger. Aielin stands in the doorway as it opens, carrying a bag full of his belongings. He leaps down to the ground, not waiting for the walkway to extend, and makes his way over to Ry " Greetings."
* Xanatos`Durran stands in front of the monitors, hands pulled behind his back, a stoic expression on his face.
* Dias has joined #taw
* Dias is now known as Shiva
* Ceres stops in the observatory, looking out quietly at space, enjoying the quiet.
* Ry` smirked as he finally appeared, and it was about time too. His arms casually cross behind his back, and eyes closing calmly..letting a nod in Aielins direction. 14"It took you long enough, but welcome to PAX station. I'm going to give you a basic tour, and I've already seen to it you have a room"
<Shiva> *A black,sleek looking shuttle comes flying towards the station, it's codes being sent stating that Emissary Shiva Sevintes is arriving.
* Cassandra_Arakawa sitting at her security desk already, watching the incoming shuttles on the monitors.
<Shiva> *The black shuttle enters the hanger bay, landing in a spot, seconds later it's ramps come down*
* Aielin nods in gratitude "I'm gratefull for this oppurtunity. is ambassador Arhn on this station also?"
* Slasher looks over at the black shuttle, studying it.
* Elsiah admires the shuttle, watching, she looks over to Slasher, "Eh, you're Lt. Winters right?"
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *steps down the ramp of the black shuttle, Cole is a large man with dirty white hair that falls down to his shoulders, he stops at the end of the ramp and turns, waiting for the Emissary.
<Ry`> 14"She has yet to arrive..pampering herself to high hell no doubt..I would expect her in a couple hours if I were you.." 2Ry started to walk down the hallway, beginning to show him the Observation and Holo Vid decks, and cafeteria.
* Shiva steps off the shuttle, wearing an eleguent grey dress, in her arms are two decent sized bags.
* Slasher looks around then at Elsiah. 1"That assumption is correct, yes."
<Shiva> This'll be your new home sweet home Cole.
* Aielin begins to follow Ry "I'm sure you have a tour plan, but could we stop at my quarters first? I'd like to deposit my gear." He shifts the large bag he is carrying over his shoulder.
<Elsiah> "Thought so, I'm Lt. Nialath, my pals tend to just call me Burn, nice to meet yah."
<Ry`> 14"Once the tour is over..I find it unconvient when I can just show you around, then stop at the crew quarters last. Instead of going to the crew quarters first, showing you around..then having to double back.."
* Slasher eyes her up and down, it's obvious he's studying her, but why?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien Starr's shuttle approaches the station, sending his proper identification codes into the computer. They automatically accept them without any input needed from Durran.
* Aielin quirks a brow, somewhat annoyed. "Very well then.."
<Elsiah> "...Security, you're security two eh?"
* Shiva lifts her foot, shoving Cole in the ass down the steps more. 1"Focus here ya big lug."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Looks like he's back.
<Slasher> That's what my file says.
<DeathStar> 6* The shuttle proceeds to land in the primary hanger, powering down as it settles down gently. It pauses there a moment, then the ramp lowers.
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *stumbles and glances back at Shiva* I'm sorry I was just observing the hanger. *he smiles appologetically* It is a nice place.
<Elsiah> Haven't bother tah read it. Those things never tell you about the real person.
<Ry`> 14"Not that big of a place anyway.." 2He simply notes, now passing the security office..main hangar, and training rooms. Ry was silent, letting Aielin absorb the information, rather then telling it to him.
<Slasher> Then how did you know I possess both positions?
* Xanatos`Durran watches the hanger on the monitor.
* Ceres closes her eyes and stretches, before checking her watch, "Hmmm... wonder when things are going to get moving..."
<Aielin> I havent seen a shooting range. Tell me this place has a shooting range.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien Starr walks down the ramp, his black hair slicked back. He's not wearing his investigator uniform for once, but instead is in a simple Commodore standard military uniform. He adjusts his cuffs, talking to someone who's still in the shuttle.
<Elsiah> My assignment officer gave me a low down on a few of you veterans.
* Xanatos`Durran moves swiftly out of the office making his way for the hanger.
* Ry` stops in front of it, which was next to the training room. A hand notions out to it 14"Right here..please don't forget it.."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien turns around, patting around his pockets. He motions to the person in the hanger and movement can be heard.
<Slasher> I see.
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *adjusts the large sack of items on his shoulder and glances over at Shiva.* "Please lead the way." *Despite his large body, he has a gently nature.*
* Elsiah eyes the Commodore as he appears, looking at his rank before anything else.
<Aielin> I'm sure I won't. I'll be spending quite alot of time here. *He grunts as he heaves his bag over the other shoulder.
<Shiva> Follow me then lugs. *she makes her way across the hanger towards hallway*
* Xanatos`Durran steps into the hanger quickly afterward and moves toward Darien. "Darien." He nods his head.
<DeathStar> 6* A carry-on cart hovers down the ramp, carrying tons of boxes and bags. Katrina walks down the ramp, pushing the device calmly along. She's still wearing her investigator uniform.
<Ry`> 14"Tired of carrying a bag already?" 2He asked with a rather humoured tone, and made his way to the crew quarters..showing everything along the way. Ry comes to a stop once inside, pointing a hand at his door room number, 305. 14"That's yours"
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *Nods his head and moves after Shiva*
<DeathStar> <Darien> Hello, Xanatos. 6He turns to look at him. "Everything proceeding smoothly?"
<Arhn> NRP: <Arhn> Why are there holes drilled in my wall from Ry and Aielin's rooms?!
* Xanatos`Durran nods his head, "Whats all this stuff?" He motions to the things behind Darien, and smiles gently toward Katrina.
* Ceres heads down to the Hangar, hoping to find something going on, she's not one for too much quiet.
* Slasher looks up and over at Darien and Katrina.
<Ry`> NRP: <Ry>..You made them
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles back at him, pushing the cart along as she lets them talk. Darien glances at him. "My stuff. I'm taking command of the station from you as the acting Chief of Security and Head Diplomat."
* Slasher pullso ut his datapad and hooks it upto his terminal, files begin to trasnfer over quickly.
* Aielin looks up at it, turning to open the door, he steps in. taking his new dwelling
<Aielin> NRP: What are the rooms like?
* Xanatos`Durran nods, "Good the hear that someone else didn't get the position. I heard that they were at odds over who would take the reign."
<Ry`> NRP: Pretty much a plain..dull square
<Cassandra_Arakawa> much for hope of a promotion. *clicks the volume off*
* Shiva heads down to the security hallway.
<Ry`> 14"If you have any weapons you wish to pass, then I suggest you take them to the security office for clearance..I will be your commanding officer, so I expect you to follow my orders to the letter.." 2With that he nods, heading to the security office.
<Elsiah> Hmmm... interestin...
<DeathStar> <Darien> Indeed. It's why I stepped in. I figure I could hold the fort until we find your Captain.
<Shiva> Once we get you your room I'll introduce you to the Security Department.
* Ceres steps in, then smiles to see some higher brass here, she walks over to Katrina and Darien, smiling.
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *glances around as he walks, he moves his left hand into the pocket of his brown trenchcoat* "Are the rooms very big?" *he asks as he moves his head to the right, peering over his bag to look at the doors and such*
* Aielin finds a place to sit his belongings down, and begins shuffeling through them, He pulls out a large-ish box, and stands, tucking it under his arm. "I'm right behind you then." He heads out , to the security office, closing the door behind him.
* Xanatos`Durran nods, "You haven't heard anything on Warren have you?"
<DeathStar> 6* Kat talks to some lower crew members and they begin to move Darien's belongings off. She turns back to walk over to Xan and Darien.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Nothing.
* Ceres joins them, waiting patiently for a chance to speak.
* Ry` stops in front of the door, hearing Aielins voice behind him. With that he push in his code, causing the door to hiss open..allowing him inside.
<Shiva> I made sure to call ahead and have them adjust a room to your fitting.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien Starr turns to eye the beautiful Ceres. "Are you the diplomatic I requested?"
* Xanatos`Durran nods and frowns, he glances over to Katrina and smiles at her, "Long time no see."
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> "Thank you, Ms. Shiva."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hey. It looks like we're working together again. 6She says with a tilt of her head.
* Ceres nods softly, "Lt. Ceres Connor reporting for duty sir."
* Shiva stops in front of a room, it's obvious this room's been renovated as the space between the neighoring door is farther down. 1"This is it."
* Cassandra_Arakawa looks up her desk.
* Aielin follows right behind Ry "So, commanding officer, who is it then that I show this box to?"
* Shiva pulls outta key card and hands it to him.
<DeathStar> <Darie> Good. I don't know very much about diplomatic policies, so I'll look to you for some guidance.
* Xanatos`Durran arches a brow, "Oh? You going to be on the station too?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Darien says he needs me as his assistant and go-to-girl for the Investigative department.
* Slasher grabs his datapad and unhooks it from his terminal. 1"Hmmm..."
<Ceres> I'll do as best as I can sir!
<Cassandra_Arakawa> So Ry...who's your friend?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien smiles. "Great. I'm sure you'll do fine."
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *takes it, and nods his head to Shiva* "Thank you, Ms. Shiva. Is there anything I can do for you?'
<Shiva> Just keep my safe.
* Xanatos`Durran smiles, "Well thats about the best news i've heard since I came back to the station."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I felt that.
* Elsiah smiles and heads over as well, "I guess I should report in as well."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien looks back at Durran. "I want to get all the security people together for a meeting in ten minutes, Xanatos. Give them a little speech."
<Ry`> 14"Well he can introduce himself..but he is a special ops officer I requested, he should help with things around here.." 2He smiles at Cassandra.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien looks back at Elsiah. "You must be ... security, right?" 6He asks her.
* Xanatos`Durran smiles at her and then nods to Darien. "I'll relay the information." He winks at Kat and then moves away, heading for the Security Office.
* Slasher moves over to a table and taps a button on the side of it, seconds later it glows blue as it lights up. Slasher taps on it's console and a 3D Model of a Gear appears above it.
* Elsiah nods as well, "Lt. Elsiah Nialath, Burn, reportin for duty sir."
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *bows to Shiva and then steps into his room to get his stuff together.*
<Ry`> 14"Show it to Durran..but it doesn't seem he is here at the moment..wait around"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I can look at it. Can't give the final sign off though. Besides, the new CO is here.
* Shiva turns and walks off to her room to drop her stuff off.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Good, good. Well, if all of you would excuse me for a moment, I need to speak with my assistant. 6He takes Kat by the arm, leading her off to the side.
* Slasher begins typing on the console, the Gear spinning around and then seperating into several layers of it.
* Xanatos`Durran steps inito the Office shortly after Ry's comment. He moves over to the comm and picks it up, he glances at the new Erusian.
* Aielin nods to Cassandra " Thanks. My name is Aielin. I'm the new security officer assigned to guard ambassador Arhn. This is my 'peice" he says, as he holds the large metal box out for Cassandra
<DeathStar> 6* Darien finishes talking, then motions for Ceres to come over to them.
* Cassandra_Arakawa rises and grabs hold of the box, setting it on the desk top.
* Elsiah heads up to the security office, stretching a bit.
* Ceres heads over to Darien.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Open her up.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Lt. McCormick here will take you up to the diplomatic offices and you two can start going over the files. She's worked the job before, so she can bring you up to speed.
<Ry`> 14"So..I noticed alot of foreign faces on the way here..revamping the crew?"
<Ceres> *Kieran exits his chambers, his 'Guardian', another, slightly larger looking Vapaad floats out behind him.
* Slasher begisn to examine it's skelton frame, deciding if he wants to cut things apart or not.
<Ceres> "So I've heard, thank you sir."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> More or less. Been a nightmare with all the new security clearances to deal with.
* Ceres smiles to Katrina
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods to them, moving off to leave the two of them alone. Katrina stands there, then holds out her hand to Ceres. "Hi."
* Ari[AWAY] is now known as Ariel
* Aielin sstands infront of the box, hitting the button on the front, and typing in his code on the appearing holographic keypad. It hisses, and disengages its lock, opening slowly. He niffs as it is oppened, wiping a fake tear from his eye "Isn't it beautiful?
<DeathStar> NRP: Aielin is mor human than Erusian!
* Xanatos`Durran then sends out a comm to all members of the security, "Alright, Darien Starr is going to be the new CO of PAX. He has requested an audiance with all of the security, be in the security office in 5 minutes."
* Ceres takes the hand graciously, her smile warm and geniune, "Nice to meet you ma'am."
* Cassandra_Arakawa looks inside of the box.
<Aielin> NRP: Ry?
* Elsiah steps into the security office, looking about, almost oddly at the monitors and controls.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> The same to you. Follow me. 6She says, turning to walk to walk along the twisting hallways toward the diplomatic offices.
* Slasher looks back towards Xanatos, looking at him.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Xanatos is in the office.
* Shiva steps into her room and enters it, tossing her stuff on her bed, she moves over to her terminal and boots it up.
<Slasher> NRP: oh...
<Slasher> NRP: I got confused deeply with that.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien Starr enters the security office, glancing around at everyone. "Hello."
* Ceres follows after her, her stride practiced, giving away years in the service.
<Aielin> What you see before you is the Mark III Silenus, long range digital scope, allowing 100% accuracy with each shot..unless they somehow notice it and dodge. It goes up to 1000x zoom, and has a small energy blade that can be emitted from the hole under the barrel..which also acts as a steadier for more accuracate shots.
* Slasher shrugs his shoulders, stretching them lightly. He turns and moves over to his terminal, logging off it. He then begins to make his way up to the Security Office.
<Ry`> 2It was a sniper rifle by the looks, about the size of a SR-25. It had a sleek black design, with an advanced looking scope on the top of it. There was silver trimming lining the barrel, which had a small hole that ejected advanced plasma bolts. Under it was an emitter of swords, one could determine a melee weapon attachment. The butt of the rifle is completely silver, with a handguard that  14(2cut14) 2
<Ry`>  14(2fix14) 2 reduced both recoil and shock. There was no place for a clip, showing it was energy based..and there was a small hatch on the side where one replaces the energy cell.  14(2end14) 
* Elsiah walks over to the office, checking in, "Lt. Commander?"
* Xanatos`Durran glances aat Elsiah. "Yes?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...I want one.
<Slasher> NRP: Yes...You use an energy blade to steady it cuts into the ground.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina steps into the offices, seeing the desk hasn't been touched since Warren was last here. All of his belongings are where they were last left.
<Ry`> NRP: Lol no..
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at the atmosphere of the security office, moving over to take a seat quietly.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Ahem, CO on deck!
<Elsiah> "I was told to check in my gear with you."
<DeathStar> NRP: <Darien> Do you like orange juice? 6He stares at Cassandra.
<Aielin> Er.. *Glances at Ry, not sure how to respond to EarthGov military officials.
<Ry`> 2He glances at Darien, not soluting to him. After all he was not part of their military, so he was free to do what he liked. 14"Oh right..just say Hi"
* Xanatos`Durran glances over at Darien, then nods to Elsiah. "We can do that after Darien has a chat with all of us."
* Slasher is now known as Chad`Winters
<Aielin> I see. "Hi."
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *moved out of his room and knocked gently on Shiva's Door.*
* Chad`Winters steps into the Security Office.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Is this everyone? 6He asks Durran.
<Elsiah> "Sure thing."
* Xanatos`Durran glances around taking a headcount. "I think so."
* Shiva stands up, turning her terminal off. She moves over to the door opening it. 1"Hey tiger."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stands up, cupping his hands together behind his back. "Alright then. I am Commodore Darien Starr and I'm the acting chief of security and head diplomat for this unit."
* Ceres steps into the diplomatic offices with Katrina, "So..."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances at Ceres. "Yes?"
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *smiles at Shiva* I was just going to go look around the station. I didn't know if I should ask you to go or not, so I decided to ask anyway.
<Ceres> "Besides paperwork, what's there to do around here?" *she smiles coyly*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm out of touch with the "fun" that is this place, so you might want to ask someone who's been here a while.
<Ry`> 14"Well now..another seem to just be flying threw the ranks Darien.."
<Shiva> Security isn't my part, so go ahead with out me.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at all of them. "The fact is this unit has gone through some ordeals this past year and you've all lost a lot. I'm here to tell you that I'm not here to take over this place. I'm here until I can help you regain what you've lost."
<Shiva> ..I'm sorry...You don't konw this place...Let me take you to the Security Office.
* Shiva steps out of her room, waiting for Cole.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Since my duties are stretched then, I've spoken with High Command and a few of you are eligeable for promotions. And while some of you deserve it, circumstances prevent it. 6He says, glancing at Durran sympathically.
<DeathStar> (thin)
* Chad`Winters moves over to his desk and leans against it.
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *rubs the back of his neck and moves behind Shiva* I'm sure I could figure it out, I don't want to be any trouble.
* Xanatos`Durran smiles at him.
<Shiva> No trouble at all dear, it gets me away from paper work.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Lt. Cassandra Arakawa. 6He says suddenly, glancing at her.
* Chad`Winters glances at Cassandra, then back at Darien, already having an idea where this is going.
<DeathStar> <Darien> For that are both unknown and known to your comrades, you have been promoted to Lt. Commander. You will be the XO of the security team."
<DeathStar> NRP: Er.
<DeathStar> NRP: For duties that are
<Ry`> NRP: Xanatoes just gone boned
<Chad`Winters> ...The girl that shot a rail gun in a station...Is going to be the XO?
<Ry`> NRP: *got*
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Dude he lost it when he took all the blame.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: :P
* Elsiah grins, looking at Cass, nodding to her with respect.
<Chad`Winters> It's good to see EarthGov hasn't lost their sense of humor.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Well, you and Durran aren't exactly golden boys yourselves.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Thank you, sir!
<Chad`Winters> And neither of us got promotions because of it.
* AliciaAFK is now known as Alicia
<Xanatos`Durran> Hey, I'm not complaining. Don't throw me into this.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods to Cassandra, holding out his hand to her.
* Chad`Winters crosses his arms. 1"Plus I don't expect a promotion anytime soon."
* Cassandra_Arakawa takes Darien's hand.
<Xanatos`Durran> You are Chief Mechanic. So I wouldn't complain.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien shakes it once. "I'll be relying on you to help run this department."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I will act to the best of my capability, sir.
* Aielin leans over to Ry, wispering "When do I get my stuff checked out by the official?"
<Chad`Winters> It does get me out of this crazy Security shenanigans.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at Ry'oskay suddenly as he lets go of Cassandra's hand. "And you've been given the honory title of Lt. Commander, also. You are essentially the third in command. This is an honory title, since you're not part of our government. But I felt it was deserved."
* Elsiah watches, leaning against a console, fixing her sleeves.
<Ry`> 2Leans in and whispers back 14"Wait till they are done talk-.." 2He suddenly raised his brow, looking at Darien as he stiffened..thinking oO(What the hell?). 14"I am honored..but why?"
* Aielin blinks, returning to his position "Well that was unexpected.."
<Chad`Winters> Didn't he shoot one of the Ambassadors?
* Shiva stops outside the door and motions it to Cole.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at Winters. "He's demonstrated uncanny thought and initiative. He knows how to get his job done and he does it well. And he hasn't tried to blow us all up yet."
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *bows once again to Shiva* Thank you, Ms. Shiva.
* Chad`Winters begins to open his mouth, then pauses knowing he best keep his mouth shut about it.
<Ry`> 2Glances at Slasher rather coldly..oh god he wanted to reach out and just put his fist down his throat. 14"Accidents happen, especially in the jungle. I might have shot her, but I also essentially saved all three of them..perhaps you would like to badmouth me some more?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> Pointing out faults of others is easy to do. Pointing out your own faults is much harder to do.
<Chad`Winters> I'm just stating a fact Ry.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes Chad cooly. It's obvious they won't get along well.
* Elsiah sighs a little, great, she got assigned to a trouble spot.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances back at the others. "Well, this is a learning experience for us all. So, I'll let you get back to your jobs and I'll try not to mess up mine too bad. Thank you."
<Ry`> 14"Yes well..I have heard that fact more then enough time from Shiva..she neglects to say that I saved her in the process..I don't need another person grilling me about it"
<Elsiah> "You're welcome sir."
<Chad`Winters> I guess shooting someone to near-death could be considered saving at to some.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Minus the at
<DeathStar> <Darien> Lt. Winters, you may go back to the hanger and do your duties. 6He says cooly.
<Ry`> 14"I applied medical procedures..but please go on..I didn't think allies would stalk one another..I'll keep that in mind next time I try to save someone.."
* Aielin crosses his arms, watching the exchange between the two of them
* Chad`Winters nods to Darien, his body pushing off his desk. He moves over to the door and steps out, making his way down to the hanger.
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *steps up to the door of the security office and opens it, he steps inside the office, he glances around at all the people, he just stands there, a 6'3 man, with shoulder length dirty white hair and a brown trenchcoat on, he hesitates for a moment.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stands there, shaking his head. He wonders how Warren did this job. He moves over to a desk that has never been used, sitting down at it.
<Ry`> 2Crosses his arms..rather pissed off at this point 14"Sometimes I wonder why I even bother..but you can get the weapon checked out now Aielin"
* Aielin looks over to Darien approaching him "Can you ok my rifle? Your that Durran fellow, arn't you?"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina shuffles through paperwork, reading the various races Warren was looking into contacting.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes Aielin.
* Xanatos`Durran waves his hand, "Cassandra is now your boss. So do all that with her." He moves over to his desk and has himself a seat.
* Cassandra_Arakawa just shakes her head as she sits at her seat.
<DeathStar> <Darien> No. No I'm not. He's much older than me.
<Ceres> "WHat should I look over?"
<Ry`> 14"..That's Darien, but he's in charge your at the right desk"
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Oh shit I didn'tsee that.
* Elsiah moves back over towards Durran
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Ignore me. I just went to my desk.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances at Ceres. "You can just set up your workspace today. No need to rush right into the job."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien motions at Cassandra. "You can check your weapons out with her. She's probably more experienced with weapons than I'll ever be."
<Ceres> "Alright..." *she smiles once more and heads over to her workspace, setting up shop*
* Xanatos`Durran glances at Elsiah, "I'm sure you realize that Cassandra will be checking out your weapons."
<Elsiah> "Aye... was going to offer you a drink later."
* Aielin looks back to Cassandra "Is my Sillenus granted?"
* Chad`Winters steps into the hanger and moves over to the display table he was at, he begins to finish examining his latest project before he submits it to EarthGov.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien pulls out his datapad, leaning back in his seat as he checks his e-mail.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> It is approved to be kept in the station armory. You will only be authorized to utilize it during emergencies and under orders. While on station, you have to keep it at a power setting that won't burn through any panels.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina jots notes into a datpad, mailing it to Darien. She sits on the top of a desk, not bothering with a seat.
<Ry`> 14"I think I'm gonna need a drink soon.."
* Xanatos`Durran arches aa brow at Elsiah, "Sorry, I'm taken."
* Shiva makes her way towards the observation desk.
<Elsiah> "Wha? Taken for a drink?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> So tell me, Ceres. What do you feel about being on the most troubled unit in the military? 6She asks her.
* Xanatos`Durran glances at Elsiah. "You could say that. Sorry, but I have to decline."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at his chronometer. "It's not even quite mid-day and you need a drink already?"
<Ceres> "I consider it both an honor and a challenge." *she looks up from setting up her terminal*
<Elsiah> "Very well."
* Aielin spins the case around, and closes it with a hiss, smiling at the sound of the locks. " Very well. Then to the Armory I go. " he glances at Ry "I'll be in the shooting range if you need me." with that he tucks the steel case under his arm, and makes his way out, heading to the armory
* Elsiah sighs and heads over to Cass
<Ry`> 14"When dealing with people who don't give a damn about what you do..but when you make one mistake..they rub it in your face constantly..yes.."
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *just stands there ackwardly then moves over to Darien since he seems to be the one in charge* Hello sir, I'm Emissarry Sevintes' guard, Cole Milga. *he bows lowly*
<Ry`> 2Nods at Aielin
<DeathStar> 6* Darien looks at Cole, cupping his hands together. "So you're the guard to the sexual creature of ice."
* Chad`Winters turns the table off and moves over to his terminal, he begins typing on it.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina sends a message to Durran.
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> I guess so. *he towers over Darien sitting down* Thought i'm not so sure she'll need my help. *he chuckles lightly, though it would sound a bit like a boom*
* Xanatos`Durran moves to check his message.
<DeathStar> <Darien> You're a big boy. What planet do you hail from?
<DeathStar> 6* A picture of a tankard of beer appears, probably something pulled off the holonet. The words "Feel thirsty?" are under it.
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> Mejinar.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I see. What can I do for you?
<Cassandra_Arakawa> And what have you got for me?
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> I was just checking in to meet the security people. To know who i'll be working with.
<Ry`> 2Glances over at Cassandra, and eyeing the tankard of beer. 14"Care to get that drink soon?"
* Xanatos`Durran smiles and replies to the message. A yes.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Of course. I am Commodore Starr. 6He motions at the others. "And these are the rest of your comrades."
<Chad`Winters> NRP: He's staring at your messages! That asshole.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I'm on duty...
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stands up, stretching like a cat. "Well, I'm off, Ceres." 6She hops off the desk and leaves.
* Xanatos`Durran signs off and stands he nods to those in the room and heads out of the office.
<Ry`> 14"So request a little time off or something"
<Chad`Winters> NRP: 20 minutes back on duty and the crew's ready to drink.
<Ceres> "Alright, see you later Kat."
<DeathStar> NRP: Warren is rolling in his grave.
<Ry`> NRP: You do that to me
<Chad`Winters> NRP: HOOT! I do that to a lot of people.
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *nods to Darien and then glances around he spots Ry* I take it this is the guard from the Erusian planets?
* Chad`Winters sits down in his chair and begins typing on his terminal, readying the crew's work schedule.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien watches Durran leave. He shakes his head once, glancing at Cole "Yes. Ry'oskay."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> We'll talk when I'm off duty this evening, alright?
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *moves over to Ry and extends a large hand* Hello Ry, I'm Cole from the Cartel.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stops in the hanger. "Hello, Chad." 6She says in a friendly voice.
* Elsiah smiles to Cassandra, "I need to check in my weapons with you?"
<Ry`> 14"..Alright, but don't be surprised if I have killed somebody at that point.." 2He glances at Cole, placing a hand in his own to shake it. 14"I would introduce myself..but you are already informed of me apparantly.."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Yes, what do you have to check in?
* Chad`Winters looks up and over at Kat. 1"Miss McCormick."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Ouch. So formal. 6She notes, squinting at him.
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *nods his head* I look forward to working with human and erusian alike.
<Chad`Winters> Habits die hard.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Really?
<Chad`Winters> Certain ones I would believe.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien grabs a pencil, spinning it in his hand as he sits there, musing as he looks at everyone.
* Xanatos`Durran steps into the hanger and walks lightly over to Slasher and Katrina. "It's a shame that I had to take the blame for all that." He notes idly, not really to them but more of an outloud talk.
<Chad`Winters> What brings you here today?
<Chad`Winters> *looks over at Xan* That's what you get for jumping the gun and not planing things through.
<Ry`> 14"The same applies to me.."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Going to get a drink. I would ask if you want to come, but something tells me you're more interested in working.
* Aielin enters into the shooting range, after depositing his beloved sellinus. He inspects the weapons rack, taking up a practice rifle, testing its weight, before he puts it back, moving to the next one, untill he finds one he likes.
<Arhn> * A hyperspace vortex forms momentarily and then closes immediately afterward before a sleek shuttle decloaks, requesting docking clearance with Arhn's ID.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stands up, silently sneaking out of the security office as everyone is talking. He moves over to the diplomatic office, his hands pressed together.
<Chad`Winters> *rubs the back of his head, looking at Xan then at Kat.* Hmmmm...
<Ry`> 2Looks down at his pad, grinning 14"Finally..she arrives..." 2He opens a link to Aielin 14"The Ambassador is here..see to it she gets an escort.."
* Xanatos`Durran shrugs, "I'd rather be the martyr I guess." He smirks at him.
* Elsiah pulls up her sleeves and removes two odd devices from her amrs, then a mask from her belt.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> And what are these?
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *steps back and glances around, he spots and empty desk and moves over to it, he sits his person down into it and just looks around at the two humans in the room.*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien steps into the diplomatic offices, glancing around. He moves over to Warren's desk, sitting down in it as he glances at the paper work on it.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I can tell you're debating it. Come on. Join us.
* Aielin jerks, surprised by Ry's sudden com. The shot he fired goes 'wild', hitting the target, but inches away from the desired location "Damnit sir! I missed the center shot by 3 in-- er, right. I'll wait for her in the hanger."
* Chad`Winters drums his finger on his terminal, it's as if he's judging the sincerity behind her voice.
<Elsiah> "These are of my own design, I just call em gauntlets."
* Elsiah puts one on and holds it away safely, flicking her wrist as an impressive steel blade slides out of the top of the thing.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stands there, seemingly to be honestly waiting on him to join them.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Is that all that they do?
* Aielin sighs, turning back to the gun rack, setting his rifle down. He heads out to the hanger to await Arhn.
<Ry`> 14"Excuses effective sniper can make a perfect shot under surprising circumstance.." 2He speaks into the com, with an almost sarcastic voice.
* Xanatos`Durran crosses his arms as he eyes Slasher. "Come'on, you know your already getting sick of this palce."
* Arhn 's shuttle glides into the hangar, settling down into a landing.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien shuffles through Warren's notes, as if looking for some sort of clue.
<Elsiah> "Nay, since beam sabers seem to be gettin more and more popular, my last command helped me add these..." *she retracts the blade and hits a button, a beam saber igniting at the end.
<Chad`Winters> I'll join you then. *he stands up*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Great. Xanatos, be a dear and start up a shuttle for us. 6She says to him.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> And the mask?
* Xanatos`Durran smirks at her and moves over to the shuttle and starts it up, signing it out as well.
* Aielin enters into the hanger, noticing that the shuttle has already landed, he stands, awaiting Arhn.
<Elsiah> "My night unit." *she smiles, holding it out so Cass can see the HUD unit inside* "Let's me see when others can't."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina steps up the ramp of the shuttle, motioning Chad up to the front with Xanatos.
* Chad`Winters still wearing a sweatshirt and pants, he makes his way to the shuttle, his hands in his pocket.
<Ry`> NRP: Everyones going off to drink, dammit Cass..needs to get herself off duty
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Nothing in here on the banned list.
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> Mr. Starr, who do I talk to so that I can get my weapons assigned to me?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien flips through some of Warren's reports.
* Arhn steps off of her shuttle in a slinky black gown...hands folded together.
* Elsiah smiles and replaces them, "Course I got teh standard side arm..." *she presents it*
<Elsiah> "Don't like tah use it though."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien grabs his comm. unit with his right hand. "Lt. Commander Arakawa."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I'll make note of them here and you can carry them.
* Chad`Winters steps onto the shuttle and takes a seat.
* Ry` sits down at his desk, watching the 3 of them enter a shuttle to go off somewhere. He groans and places his head down 14"Already..everyones going to do their own thing.."
* Aielin salutes Arhn "Greetings, Lady Arhn. Welcome to PAX Station."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> *C* "Arakawa here, sir."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina steps onto the shuttle, closing the ramp from her end. She moves slightly out of sight of the two, pulling off her military uniform to reveal a T-shirt underneath.
<Arhn> Greetings. And where is Ry'oskay?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Honor Guard Cole needs you to check out his weapons. He should be in the room with you still.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien opens a drawer, pulling out two opera tickets. He eyes them.
<Chad`Winters> So how was your guy's vacation?
<Aielin> He's predisposed. He sent me to escort you, ma'am. I am Aielin, the new security officer sent to guard you.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I picked the warmest place on Earth. 6She notes, walking back over to the others and sitting down.
<Arhn> Very well then. Escort me to my quarters.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> *c* Understood. I just finished with Lt. Elsiah.
<Chad`Winters> The Sahara Desert?
* Xanatos`Durran smiles as he lifts the shuttle up and moves out of the station, "It was hot that was for sure."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina laughs.
<Aielin> Right. *He turns, walking towards the exit. He taps his comm "Hey, Ry'ovsky, where exactly are lady arhn's quarters?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien places the tickets on the desk and pulls out a black box. Opening it, he glances at a ring inside, then closes it.
<Aielin> *Lady Arhn.
* Ceres sits back and looks around the otherwise empty office, "Too quiet..."
* Xanatos`Durran glances back at Slasher. "So how was yours?"
<Ry`> 2Glances down at his comm, and picks it up. 14"300..mine is 301, and yours is 305..anything else?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances up at Ceres, not having noticed her in the office.
* Aielin taps the comm "Yeah, wanna get something to drink later?"
<Chad`Winters> I went to the Planet Jarivan and spent my time on the beach designing things.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Honor Guard Cole?
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole>*glances up at the sound of his name* Yes?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You went to one of our most lavish vacation planets --- and you designed things? 6She says dubiously.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien puts up Warren's things before Ceres notices him, then stands up, moving over to her. "I see you're settling in nicely."
<Chad`Winters> Yes, what else do I have to do?
<Xanatos`Durran> I think he did more than design things...i mean....Jarivan. Haven't been there in ages...but boy when I was there...
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina eyes Durran.
<Chad`Winters> I had two Military Officials around me at all times....*he eyes Durran, his head shaking at the stupidity*
<Ry`> 2He chuckles 14"Perhaps, we'll see how the day goes.."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I cna check your weapon now.
* Xanatos`Durran smirks, "I'm kidding. I've never been there." He winks at her.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina shakes her head at him, turning to look at Chad. "You need a girl. What about one of the female mechanics?"
* Ceres looks over at Darien and smiles, "Yes, I could get to like it here."
<Chad`Winters> And in all honesty, I only picked Jarivan so my shadows could enjoy it.
* Aielin stops at room 300, turning to Arhn "And here we are. if yours is anything like mine, its luxuriously furnished."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at his datapad. "That's great. TAlk to you later." 6He steps out on Ceres suddenly, moving over to intercept Arhn. "Hello, Ambassador."
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> Oh you must be Lt. Arakawa. *he stands and moves over to her* I don't need weapons checked, I need weapons issued.
<Ry`> NRP: Actually it is, ours arn't though
<Chad`Winters> A girl? *he looks over at Katrina*
* Elsiah looks at the monitors, then to Cass, "...I'm not big on computers... mind if I just patrol the halls?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Yes. They help you think better and more efficently.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Ah, I see. *stands up and walks to the Security room weapons lockup*
* Ceres smiles, "I think that's gonna happen a lot too."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> And go ahead and familiarize yourself with the station.
<Chad`Winters> I'm sure it would be more of a distraction then help.
* Aielin 's jaw drops when the door opens "well, I wasn't expecting that either."
<Arhn> I have impeccable tastes.
* Xanatos`Durran looks down at the colony as they approach.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stops outside their door, glancing at them both.
* Ceres finishes settling in then gets up and heads out to check on her quarters, only having stowed her bag in it thusfar.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You say that now. 6She syas, leaning back in her seat.
<Aielin> I wish taste was all it took to get a room like that.. *He grumbles, thinking back to his own room* Will you be needing anything else?
* Elsiah salutes smartly and steps out, walking down along the halls.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stands there patiently, allowing Arhn to finish talking to her guard before addressing him.
* Xanatos`Durran moves the shuttle toward the colony. "So where we going to aanyway?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Somewhere quiet, I think. So we can all talk.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Standard issue energy discharge pistol. *walks back and sits down, taking note of the pistol's serial number in the assignment log*
<Arhn> I am fine now. Thank you. *steps inside*
<Chad`Winters> ...You have something important to talk about.
<Ry`> NRP: Darien just got flat out ignores
<DeathStar> <Darien> Ouch. 6He notes outloud.
* Aielin turns looking at Darien "Ouch? What do you mean by ouch?"
* Ry` watches this from the security office, and opens a message to Darien. 14"You gotta approach subtle-like..with roses and a million dollars..then she'll notice"
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> Thank you, ma'am. If I gather any other weapons I should bring them to you first?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> So we can talk. I mean, really guys - we've never sat down and talked before. I mean, we've worked together for a year and a half, and I can't think of any time any of us sat down and talked.
<Ceres> *Kieran sort of looms up behind Darien, the slight wirring sound of one of his lenses alerting Darien of his presence.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien doesn't turn around to look at Kieran. "Human expression." 6He turns and walks past him, walking the opposite way of Kieran.
<Ceres> *Kieran sort of floats along after him.
<Chad`Winters> Hmmm...*looks at Katrina with curiousity*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina sits there, glancing ahead at the city below them.
<Aielin> .. Human expression. *Shrugs* whatever that means.. *He comms Ry* So where do all of the crew members lounge about? I might as well meet them all.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> That is correct. *pushes the pistol across her desk toward Cole*
<Xanatos`Durran> Well, I think there is a nice little coffee shop...*he slows the shuttle as he lands it*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien walks along the hallway, entering the security office and standing there. "I think I've solved the mystery of the high death rate around here."
* Shiva stops in the observation deck and watches out the window.
<Ry`> 2Eyes him 14"Suicide from dealing with Arhn? I agree"
<DeathStar> <Darien> You really should come work for me. 6He notes wryly, taking a seat.
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *he takes the pistol and moves back over to his newly claimed desk*
* Cassandra_Arakawa turns to her pile of reports.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> A coffee shop? You two are such boyscouts. 6She shakes her head.
<Ry`> 14"Noted." 2He responded back
* Chad`Winters shakes his head again.
<Ceres> *Kieran looms near the doorway, his guard moving into the security room, looking about behind Darien.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien taps his fingers on the desk, still ignoring the floating Vapaad behind him. "Well, besides the hospitality, the station seems to be running efficently enough we can begin diplomatic missions next week."
<Xanatos`Durran> You bring out the best in me I guess. *he chuckles as he powers the shuttle down*
<Ceres> *The guard looks at each security officer, as if looking for someone.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien keeps his eyes on Cassandra and Ry.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stands up once the shuttle's landed, opening the door and swinging out onto the parking garage floor.
* Chad`Winters stands up and steps off the shuttle, stepping down after him.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> So, I hear you're designing things lately, Mr. Winters.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: her.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Sir? *looks up*
* Ry` eyes the Vapaad, with that rather blank gaze. 14"Ambassador..what can I help you with?"
<Chad`Winters> Aye, I just sent a gear design to EarthGov.
<Ceres> Vapaad> "...Guard Talon... I... present to Security... Chief...?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I hear Janus has been making bids to design your things. 6She notes as she walks along. "That's like the big time."
<Ceres> *Kieran is outside in the hallway, waiting. Ominously as always.
* Aielin stands outside tapping his foot.. realizing that he hasnt left Arhn's doorstep since she went in,, he sighs, not getting an answer. He heads back towards the shooting range
<DeathStar> 6* Darien slides his chair off to the side and out of the room, exiting into the brig area.
* Xanatos`Durran stands and moves out of the shuttle, closing it after he does so. He catches up with the two.
<Chad`Winters> Really? I thought Serena Cran was designing for them.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Hey i'll brb in like 2 minutes.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I did hear she became their Chief Weapons Designer. But they're still making bids on your products.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> High bids.
<Ry`> 14"I see..that's Darien..and you just missed him"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stops, spotting a small pub. She opens the door, nodding to the two to come inside there.
<Chad`Winters> Strange, but they are a Military Organization.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You think you'd want to do design things for a living? I'm sure you could get a job doing it.
<Chad`Winters> It keeps my mind occupied, it relaxes me. You could call it my yoga.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina picks a small booth in the corner for them, sitting down. She orders herself a bottle of beer.
* Chad`Winters moves over to the booth and sits on the opposite side of Katrina.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm glad you found something you like. I'm a firm believer in enjoying your job now.
* Ry` looks at Cassandra 14"So I never congradulated on the promotion"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien emerges into a side hallway, adjusting his uniform.
<Chad`Winters> I can see it in your eyes that you are a lot happier than before.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Thank you very much.
* Chad`Winters orders an iced tea.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Very.
* Chad`Winters looks over at Xan, who's still taking his time to get to the booth. 1"You know, I hear mental disability can be transmitted through sex..."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina laughs. "You shouldn't pick on Xanatos. I might have to beat you up to defend his honor."
* Xanatos`Durran moves over to the booth after chatting with an old friend of his, he slides into his seat and glances at the two.
<Ry`> 14"You are welcome..must be a good pay increase too"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Haven't been told about the money yet.
* Chad`Winters lets out a light hearted laugh. 1"I'm sure people would pay to see that."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina considers this. "I could make a lot of money." 6She takes her beer when their drinks arrive.
<Ry`> 14"But I'm sure you already know.."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lets out a sigh of relief, having escaped the freak show. He moves down the hallways aimlessly.
* Chad`Winters takes his iced tea and takes a drink of it. 1"Someday, we might find out."
* Xanatos`Durran rubs his neck as he glances between the two. "So...." He raises his hand and orders a beer.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien arrives on the observation deck, stepping up behind Shiva. "For someone who seems so outgoing, you seem to be so isolated."
<Shiva> Sometimes it's nice to have a little peace and quiet.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina leans against Durran. "We were talking about how I should enter Female Boxing and became a champion."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Its not about the money, its about my self-esteem. I'm career military.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I would have never expected to hear you say that, Emissary Sevintes.
<Ceres> *The Vapaad moves over to Cass, "eyeing" her
<Xanatos`Durran> I'd rather you not do that. I hear taking so many blows to the head makes you retarded....could be my problem. *he smiles*
<Chad`Winters> See Ms. McCor...Katrina.
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *eyes the Vapaad as he moves his hand over pistol slowly*
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...may I help you, ambassador?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You're exactly right, Chad. Exactly right. 6She says with a smile. "But he's still cute."
<Ry`> 2Glances at the Vapaad 14"Ignore'll go away"
<Ceres> Vapaad> "...Not ambassador... Guard... Talon... Security for... Ambassador..."
* Xanatos`Durran looks between the two. He shakes his head, "I don't fancy people talking about me." He eyes them both.
<Shiva> I've spent the last 12 years of my life working...I take what little peace I can get.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Only good things, though.
<Xanatos`Durran> With Slasher talking? I doubt that.
<Chad`Winters> Well...What little good things we could find about you.
* Chad`Winters eyes Xanatos as he uses the name Slasher.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Then I will leave you be. 6He says politely, bowing his head as he turns to exit.
* Xanatos`Durran glances at Slasher. "Sorry...I meant Chad. I'm still used to security names..."
<Shiva> You can stay.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You two are best friends who don't realize it. 6She notes.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...alright...
<Chad`Winters> Well when you can find a common moron to channel your dislike towards...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at Shiva, then walks back over with his hands cupped behind his back. "So tell me - what is it like to be on assignment here?"
* Xanatos`Durran arches a brow at Katrina. "To think he found someone he thought dumber than me."
<Chad`Winters> He's right. I thought humanity produced the ultimate moron...I was wrong.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Then who changed that for you? 6She takes a sip of her beer.
<Chad`Winters> Serena Cran. *he shrugs*
<Ceres> Talon> "...You need... anything... from me...?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> She's going places...places I don't know if I want to know about.
<Xanatos`Durran> Besides Kane's bedroom.
<Shiva> Hectic. Constantly preparing trade agreements. Never getting to enjoy life. A gilded bird, if you will.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Really. So you haven't been to the opera lately or anything? 6He asks her casually.
* Ceres finishes sorting out her things and sits back, logging into her room's terminal and setting herself up, "Yep... quiet."
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *stands and moves toward the exit of the office, he decided to walk around the station.*
* Shiva turns her head back to him, wondering if she knows about Katrina's meeting.
<Shiva> No...Not in ages.
<Chad`Winters> She's far to dangerous. Her mind wavers.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods his head, looking straight ahead. "I could never stand it myself."
* Elsiah reenters the office shortly after Cole leaves, taking a seat, "For such a small station there's a lot of ground to cover."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I always wonder how Kane came to be with her. But I guess they were both similar in their own way.
<Xanatos`Durran> ...Geeks?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> ... well, if you want to put it bluntly like that...
<Cassandra_Arakawa> you have any...weapons in that thing?
* Xanatos`Durran smiles, "I just wonder if she ever found out that Kane had all those pictures of her." He glances at Slasher.
<Shiva> It's quite beautiful actually.
<Chad`Winters> I doubt it. Would be a nice gift to give them...*he says mmatter of factly*
<DeathStar> <Darien> I could never get past the loud noise. 6He says with a shrug. "Well, I should be going." 6He nods politely, turning to walk off.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Did you two keep any?
* Elsiah steps out of her room and heads back to the office, walking along.
* Xanatos`Durran shakes his head, "I had no desire. WHy? You wanting to see em?"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina chugs back more beer. "I don't recall saying that," 6she says quickly.
* Chad`Winters looks at Kat oddly. 1"I believe Spade destroyed them.
<Xanatos`Durran> Still doesn't mean you aren't interested. *he smirks at her*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, enough about me. And Sera. 6She eyes them both. "I've heard that there's a flight competition coming up soon."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Darien keeps talking about it.
<Xanatos`Durran> A what? *he takes a sip of his beer*
<Elsiah> NRP GAH!
<Chad`Winters> Really? *takes another sip* What can all be entered?
* Ceres steps out of her room and heads back to the office, walking along.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> A flight tournament, basically. Pilots fly their personal shuttles in a competition - in a race.
* Elsiah is still in the security office.
<Elsiah> "So... Lt. Commander..."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Any type of shuttle craft with any sort of upgrade.
* Shiva watches him go.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Yes?
<Chad`Winters> Limited to only shuttles?
<Elsiah> "Arakawa... I remember hearing about an Arakawa, one of the Ghosts from the war... was that you?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien exits the observation deck, moving along the hallways. "Hm. What were you up to in your last days, Captain..."
<Xanatos`Durran> So I take it Darien is going to enter?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Oh yes.
<Chad`Winters> I think she's trying to Coax you into entering.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina bats her eyes with exaggeration. "You could swoop in and win a trophey for me."
<Chad`Winters> How far away is this race? *his voice keen with interest*
<Xanatos`Durran> She is wasting her breath. I had planned on entering whenever she said flight competition. *he smirks at her*
* Ry` glances up at them, as they converse..not having much to do.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Time wise.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> It's being held in one of Earth's more remote systems.
<Chad`Winters> Sorry, I should elaborated more. When is it being held.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> And it's the 22nd of this month, I believe.
<Xanatos`Durran> This month? Wow, I need to work on my shuttle.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...war ghosts don't exist.
<Chad`Winters> Hmmm.....That could be cutting it close....
<DeathStar> <Katrina> So you two both plan to enter? 6She asks them.
<Xanatos`Durran> Well I am.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stops in the diplomatic office again, standing there in the silence. He grabs his datapad, reading the information Katrina made him, then begins to make a memo for all the ambassadors.
* Elsiah smiles softly, "How'd you wind up here?"
<Chad`Winters> I could get one modifed in that time.....Hmmm.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I needed something to do.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sends an attachment of the planet information and when they will be going there on their diplomatic assignment. He sends one to all the diplomats.
* Xanatos`Durran glances at Slasher. "Just imagine how sweet it would be to put Darien in his place."
* Chad`Winters finishes his iced tea and slides it over to the edge of the table.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I can't hear you talk bad about my boss like that. 6She says in mock seriousness.
<Chad`Winters> I believe I'd have more fun taking it away from both of you and then getting the girl. *he winks at Katrina*
* Ceres checks out the information on her console, sitting back and reading.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Ooo. He aims high. 6She says with a slight smile.
<Chad`Winters> No, I just figured I'd stroke your ego.
<DeathStar> 6* The planet's name is "Red" and the race of aliens is called "Realions". All the information is there about them and their valuable minerals they have to offer. The diplomatic offer was made by King Red.
* Xanatos`Durran smirks, "It's going to be a good race."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina finishes her beer, putting the bottle down on the table.
* Shiva reaches down to her terminal eyeing the file, she opens it, her mouth drops.
* Aielin steps into the security office "Ry, is your comm broken?"
* Elsiah smiles to her, "Good to know I'm workin with someone from my side of the street."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> There are alot of things I can't talk about...
* Arhn just stares at her console as the message notification blinks on screen...
<Elsiah> "Same, you'll figure that out in my file."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances at her datapad as it beeps. "Whoaaa."
* Xanatos`Durran glances at his half full bottle of beer. He pulls it up and downs the rest of the bottle. He glances at Kat. "Hmmm?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Darien picked our first assignment. We're going back to the planet Realion. I mean, uh, Planet Red now.
<Ry`> 2Glances at Aielin slowly 14"Sorry I wasn't paying attention to it.."
* Chad`Winters eyes Katrina. 1"That's the Planet that Pirate was going to 'liberate'
<DeathStar> <Katrina> The very same. It seems he's made us a diplomatic offer to join PAX."
* Aielin walks over to Ry and looks over his shoulder "What exactly is your job here, at this console anyway? If we're here to protect Lady Arhn, shouldn't we be honing our skills? Not setting infront of a console."
<Xanatos`Durran> Apparently he has everything under control. I wonder just how the place has changed...
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina seems to be staring off into space as she thinks back to the last time she went there.
<Chad`Winters> Probably under an iron first.
<DeathStar> NRP: 6*Siawase is really in charge when they arrive.
* Xanatos`Durran glances at Katrina. "It'll be different from last time."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I figure so. The pirate was quite the character.
<Elsiah> NRP: *Montana is near Saiwaise, eating pancakes.
<Xanatos`Durran> I think he and Shiva "knew" each other.
<Ry`> 14" of now, I have no job..and simply wait for Cassandra to get off duty. But I hone my skills most of the I find it better to relax when I have the chance..something you will learn to love here"
* Chad`Winters looks at Katrina. 1"Quite the character?"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks at Chad. "Um, yeah?"
<Chad`Winters> I don't recall you being there..Did you read the report?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lays his datapad down on the table, glancing at it to see if the diplomats acknowledge receiving the information
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Mmmm-hmmm. Look, I have a date this evening and need to get through this paperwork.
* Xanatos`Durran blinks and looks at Katrina. He just remembered she wasn't there whenever Chad said it.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Uh, yeah. To help Darien catch up.
* Aielin looks around the room for anyone else, other than he and Ry.
* Arhn still hasn't opened the message...
<Xanatos`Durran> <Cole> *steps back into the office and slides over to his desk*
* Chad`Winters looks at Katrina listening to her voice. 1"Yes, to help him catch up, of course.
<Ry`> 2There is Him, Els..and Cass in the room.
<Elsiah> "Oh a date is it, who's the guy?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, we probably abused our lunch break. 6She stands up, moving over to the bar to pay, and leaving the two at the booth alone.
* Xanatos`Durran glances at Slasher. "What was that about?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sees the lack of acknowledgement from the Erusian government. He thinks back to how zoned out Arhn was earlier. Pausing, he grabs his datapad and moves out of the offices.
<Chad`Winters> *looks at Xan, thinking* Nothing. I must still be paranoid from Serena Cran. *he stands up*
* Aielin walks over to Cass and Els "And just what are your jobs here, on PAX?" he says, letting his presence be known.
* Xanatos`Durran arches a brow and then stands, he moves over and pays for his drink. "So I wonder how strict Cassandra is going to be.."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Well, as of today, I am the executive office of the security command.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien walks down the hallways, then stops outside Arhn's door. He hits the comm. button to let her know he's there. "Ambassador Arhn - Commodore Starr here to speak with you."
<Chad`Winters> Depends on whether she walks around with her Rail Gun.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina pays, turning to look at them with a smile. "Well, lets head back. I want to tell Shiva about the new dresses I bought." 6She leads the way.
* Arhn doesn't respond immediately until the door opens after nearly a minute...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien pauses, then moves to look inside the room, taking a tentative step inside. "Ambassador Arhnya?"
* Chad`Winters tosses some credits down and he walks of after her. next to Xan.
<Aielin> Security command, and.. *he leans on the desk, looking at Elsiah
<Arhn> ...what may I do for you...investigator?
<DeathStar> <Darien> I'm here to see if you received the diplomatic information. I didn't get a confirmation alert.
<Arhn> ...I can't...think right now...
<Elsiah> "eh...?"
* Xanatos`Durran eyes Katrina as he moves along. He puts his hands in his pockets as he walkls along, he begins to whistle, the same old tune he always whistles.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien studies her, looking keenly interested in this. "Is something wrong, Ambassador?"
<Chad`Winters> You should change your tune, it's getting old.
<Aielin> Your Job? *he says, raising an eyebrow at Elsiah
<Arhn> I...have a headache.
<Xanatos`Durran> I'm getting old. Almost thirty now.
<DeathStar> <Darien> A headache? Should I contact the medical bay to get you some pain relievers?
<Chad`Winters> 30? you'd pass for 40 with those gray hairs. And don't get started on your receding hair line.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks over his shoulder. "If you're whining about being old now, I hate to see you in a year."
<DeathStar> NRP: Ten years.
<Xanatos`Durran> My hair hasn't started to recede yet. And those gray hairs add to the sex appeal. Can you believe I got hit on today.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Who hit on you? 6She asks dubiously.
<Chad`Winters> Well luckily Kat can always trade up from you.
<Arhn> No...leave me to my pain. I'll just have to...get over it.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stands there as he studies her. "Sometimes it's better to talk about things."
<Xanatos`Durran> That new security girl...made me feel kinda good.
<Chad`Winters> Love truely must be blind.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> She will be if she looks at you again. 6She says sweetly, moving over to the shuttle.
<Arhn> I do not wish to add voice to my troubles.
* Xanatos`Durran chuckles as he moves after the ramp, "Thats the sweetest thing you ever said to me." he smirks as he steps up and moves toward the pilots seat.
<DeathStar> <Darien> There's an old human saying. "Silence like a cancer grows." 6He muses, glancing up at the ceiling.
<Chad`Winters> Oooh...Do I sense of jealousy in her voice?
* Chad`Winters steps up the ramp and takes a seat
<Xanatos`Durran> She chose the old guy so she wouldn't have any competition, now look what happens.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina eyes Chad, walking up the ramp.
<Arhn> Then next time you interrogate a human, you can talk about cancerous growths.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I'd much rather talk to them about peace. 6He says, flickering a smile with no depth at her. It's impossible to say if she hit a nerve or not. He turns, stepping out of her room.
* Elsiah looks at Aielan, "Security."
<Arhn> ....please come back in...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stops, glancing back into the room. He steps back in, looking at her.
<Aielin> Ah. Looks like we're all in the security business. I haven't met anyone with a boring job, like janitor, or cook yet. Never a dull moment here, eh?
<DeathStar> 6* The janitor looks up at Aielin with a frown.
<Ry`> 14"You just met one"
* Aielin turns red, blushing "Well I er.. didnt mean it like that-"
<Arhn> What I have to say does not leave this room. *closes and seals the door*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at the door shutting, then nods his head respectfully, sitting down in a chair.
<DeathStar> 6* The janitor takes his mop and walks out sadly.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Now look what you did...
* Xanatos`Durran begins to power up the shuttle he glances back at the two. "So, you know whats coming up in a few days?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> What?
<Arhn> To sum it up...Captain Carmichael and I were in...a relationship.
<Xanatos`Durran> You don't know? *he arches a brow at her*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hmmmm. Let me think. The first month....let me see...important to you...
<Chad`Winters> You hit puberty?
<Xanatos`Durran> That was last month. *he waves his hand dismissively*
<DeathStar> <Darien> I see. 6He says with all seriousness.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Don't worry. You'll get something nice in a few days.
* Xanatos`Durran smiles, "Well I guess we better get back to the station."
* Ry` finally gets up, sighing a bit impatiently.
<Arhn> So I am taking his disappearance with some...difficulty.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I understand. 6He leans forward a bit, looking at Arhn with all seriousness. "We will find Captain Carmichael, Ambassador. I promise you. From what I know of the man, he's very capable.
* Ceres is still busying herself in the office, "Well at least something will be happening..."
<Arhn> He is in the hands of one of the most brutal space-faring races in the galaxy.
<Chad`Winters> We're not going to have to throw a birthday party in three days are we?
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Ry...if you wish to go elsewhere for now, go ahead. I have alot of work to do.
<Ry`> 14"I'm fine..I just hate having nothing to do..."
* Xanatos`Durran powers up the shuttle, "No I'd rather you not do that." He lifts the shuttle up and blasts toward space.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I understand that. I won't lie to you - it won't be pleasant for him. But I'm positive they will not kill him. It appears that the Tsivrixsh who has him has a certain obsession with this unit. I do not believe he will kill the Captain."
<Arhn> Ryo'skay humliated him.
<Ry`> NRP: Blame it on the guard why doncha
<DeathStar> <Darien> Yes. Xevil isn't a Tsivrixsh with much honor to begin with - and the fact that Ry'oskay insulted him took away what little he had. So he's entirely focused on reclaiming that honor. As long as he's obsessed with that, I believe he won't do anything like kill the Captain.
* Elsiah looks over at Ry. "I'll let yah bug me if you want."
<Arhn> ...still...
* Ry` eyes Elsiah. 14"Who the hell are you, by the way?
* Aielin glances at Cassandra's paperwork "What exactly is it that your doing here?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> While I confess I don't know the Captain very well, I believe he would not want you to worry about him. He would insist you do what you do best until he's found. He would want you to keep your chin up and look ahead.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Party...hmmm. I like it.
<Chad`Winters> Can there be strippers Katrina?
* Xanatos`Durran sighs, "Oh no..." he pulls the shuttle closer to the station.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> An even better idea.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Male strippers.
<Elsiah> "I'm Elsiah, the newbie, I guess."
<Chad`Winters> You're going to strip?
* Xanatos`Durran quirks his brow, "Ok...I'm going to have to avoid my own party."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> If I'm given enough money and alcohol.
<Ry`> 14"I see..."
<Elsiah> "And you're... Ryo'skay."
<Arhn> I suppose so. *leans forward and brings up the message on her console*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien cups his hands together as he looks at her. "I will find him. I promise." 6He says seriously.
* Chad`Winters quirks his eyes. 1"That can easily be arranged.
<Ry`> 14"Yes, forever known as the guy who shot an ambassador"
<Xanatos`Durran> And you'll die if it happens.
<Aielin> You shot an ambassador?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> He's so protective.
* Xanatos`Durran moves the shuttle into the hanger.
<Chad`Winters> Like a big dumb teddy-bear mother.
<Elsiah> "Don't know too much about that, or care."
<Ry`> 14"You were there when the conversation happened.."
<Elsiah> "Yeah yeah, it sounded too dramatic for me to pay attention."
<Aielin> Yeah, I know, but I thought I would emphasize it to our friend here with an echo.
<Arhn> Thank you.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I know you might not like me that well, but if you ever want to talk, I'm here, really. I've learned real young it's easier to talk about problems than to let it be bottled in. I know you're busy with your assignments here, but maybe you should make friends with some of the crews. Go out and do things.
<Xanatos`Durran> Bears are dangerous.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stands as the shuttle lands, pulling on her military uniform and stepping off the shuttle into the hanger.
<Ry`> 14"..Drama isn't my thing..and Cassandra..being the same rank as you..toss me some of that paperwork and split the burden"
<Chad`Winters> Except the big dumb part. *he stands up, nudging Xanatos*
* Xanatos`Durran mock laughs as he powers down the shuttle and stands, he moves toward the ramp.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Alright. You asked for it. *taps on her console and sends a mountain to Ry*
<Arhn> ...such as?
* Chad`Winters makes his way off the ramp, his heads behind his back as he walks towards his terminal again
<Ry`> 14"Aielan..sit down at your newly assigned desk.." 2He begins to type at the console.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Perhaps you should talk with Katrina. She likes to go out and do things. Maybe she can introduce you to something you like. I'd offer, but my hobbies would bore you. 6He says with a small smile, standing up.
<Aielin> Since when do I have an assigned desk?
<Arhn> Perhaps I shall ask her then.
* Xanatos`Durran crosses his arms as he moves towards Kat. "So..."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods to her politely. "Then I will take my leave of you. Please be of good mind, Ambassador."
<Ry`> 14"Since now." 2He points at the desk beside him.
* Aielin stands, walking towards Ry, curiously looking at an empty console "This one?"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina slows down, turning to glance up at Durran. "Soooo?"
* Aielin sits " Your going to make me do paperwork, aren't you?"
<Xanatos`Durran> I'll see you after you finish your work? *he smiles innocently*
<Arhn> Thank you, investigator.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm already off for the day. It's you who has to do work for once. 6She says with a smile.
* Chad`Winters powers up his terminal and begins to work on a shuttle design based off the one Shiva flew in on.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien exits the Ambassador's room, glancing to the left and right.
<Ry`> 14"You guessed it.." 2He sends half the stack to Aielan, and notions for Cass to do the same. 14"Welcome to the security team"
<Xanatos`Durran> Oh I do? *he glances around* Man...i'm feeling ill. I might need to go lay down...
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina punches him in the arm. "Go put in a few hours. I want to talk to Shiva. I've neglected her the past month."
* Cassandra_Arakawa shares the burden then
<Xanatos`Durran> Ah right. Tell her I said howdy. *he smiles and kisses her on the cheek before moving off toward the Security office.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina sends Shiva a message to meet her in her quarters.
<DeathStar> Session Ends
Session Close: Mon Mar 06 23:59:14 2006

Session Start: Tue Mar 07 20:16:14 2006
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20060307.log'
<DeathStar> Mini-Session After Episode 1, S4 GO!
* Dias is now known as Slasher
* Slasher sits at his terminal, working on a schematic.
<Ry`> 2Finishes up the last of his paperwork, letting his console click off shortly afterwards. He slowly stands up, hair falling silently over his eyes with an obvious irritant twitch. 14"I wasn't made to do paperwork..they should offer me more to do that.."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I warned you... *sitting at her own console still*
<Ry`> 14"Who am I heed warnings..never stopped me before"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Difference between danger and tedium.
<Ry`> 14"Not by much, to me it's like sorting the difference between Tomato, and Tamatoe"
<Cassandra_Arakawa>'re strange.
<Ry`> 14"I would like to think in a good way"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...and...filed. *clicks her console to standby and then stands up*
* Slasher stands up, stretching. His hand moves upto his chin, rubbing it.
<Ry`> 2Glances up at the jiggling drink upon screen. 14"Well if I didn't need one before..I sure as hell need one now. Not sure about you, but I'm the front liner kind of guy.."
<DeathStar> NRP: They kidnapped Kat's image from Xan's datapad!
<Slasher> NRP: They did!
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Is it a date then?
<Ry`> 14"I would have not helped you with your paperwork otherwise.."
<DeathStar> NRP: What a Prince Charming
<Ry`> NRP: Slasher does that to him
<Slasher> NRP: Keep that up, and that won't be the only thing I do to you.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Let me go and get changed then. Check out a shuttle for us, will you
* Slasher sits back down, cracking his knuckles. He then resumes typing on his terminal.
<Ry`> 14"Alright" 2Ry nods over to her slowly, though it was obvious he would have ended up helping her anyway..evn if the outcome wasn't this.
* Cassandra_Arakawa punches off duty then heads for her quarters.
* Ry` glances at Aielan, who was asleep on the keyboard..and typed a whole document consisting of "A". 14"Poor guy..he'll learn.." 2With that he headed out to the hangar.
<Slasher> NRP: And he bashes when they can't be defended.
<Slasher> NRP: My kind of man.
<Ry`> NRP: Technically not really bashing. :X
* Slasher moves over to a display table and boots it up, it glowing blue and a holographic image appearing in the center of it.
<Slasher> *a module appears in the center, it seperates, showing several layers. He begins zooming on on spots, checking things out.
* Cassandra_Arakawa gets herself dressed for a night in the entertainment district on Europa and then heads out for the hangar.
* Ry` steps into the hangar, and heads over to a shuttle. He brings his datapad forward, sending the proper codes outwards. One glance is given to Cassandra, where he proceeds to smile. Though he was slightly uncomfortable, never having done such a thing as "Date" before. 14"Are you ready?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Ready. willing, and oh so able.
* Slasher walks around the table and spots Ry and Cassandra in his vision. He looks up from his display and at them.
<Ry`> 14" why don't you things more often? I mean someone like you can easily have any guy she wants.." 2He motions her onto the shuttle, while giving a short wave to Slasher.
* Slasher thrusts his crotch, motioning to Cassandra.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> human men are intimidated by women who can beat the crap out of them. *boards the shuttle*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien looks over from his shuttle at the two of them, raising an eyebrow, then goes back to working on his shuttle.
* Ry` narrows his eyes, and begins to rummage into his pocket. He comes out moments later with a quarter, tossing it directly at Slashers forehead. With that he walked inside, offering her a seat in the Co-pilots normal accomodations. 14"I don't see why, I find it attractive when one can defend themselves.." 2Ry slides down in the pilots seat, activating the shuttle.
* Slasher hand snaps up, snatching it outo f the air.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Fun for me then.
<Ry`> 14"Well...regardless of what I said, I will be sharing your paperwork from now on..I figure it's time I tried to live up the weight that's been put on my shoulders.." 2The boosters come online, and shields deactivating to allow the shuttle to leave.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Oh, enough with the office.
<Ry`> 2Glances over at her with a chuckle. 14"Oh I didn't plan on it passed that comment"
<Ry`> *past*
* Slasher flicks the 'quarter' up with his thumb, then catches it again.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Good.
* Ry` proceeds to set a course to Europa, as he searched a topic in his mind 14"I've been meaning to ask..but what do you enjoy on your free time?"
* Slasher tosses the coin off to the side, letting it clatter on the ground. He begins resuming his work.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Beyond my workout routine?
<Ry`> 14"Yes"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...uhhh...well...
<Ry`> 14"That bad huh?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...well...see...its kind of embarassing...
<Ry`> 14"Well whatever you tell me..will not fall upon anyone elses ears"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Ok...its like this...when the war hit, there was alot of cyberization going on...ok?
<Ry`> 14"Yes, so I've gathered."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Well, need a pick me plug into a VR hardlink recording of venue.
<Ry`> 14"..So you experience and watch porn?" 2One brow raised slowly.
<DeathStar> NRP: *stares*
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...girls got to get her kicks in...ok?!
<Ry`> 2The only responce was a small snicker. He didn't seem to laugh or anything, he simply let off a rather calm shrug. 14"I'm not one to judge others on their habits, besides I'll let you in on a little secret, back when I was in medical school..I played around with the wrong chemicals, and tested them on myself. Let's just say for a certain while after I couldn't tell guy from girl.."
<DeathStar> NRP: ...
<Slasher> NRP: So that's why he's so angry now.
<Ry`> NRP: Now now..he ever had sex with a boy
<Ry`> *never*
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...ok...
<DeathStar> NRP: I read that as "He even had sex with a boy."
* Ry` sighs rather pitiful. 14"I meant it as a joke to make you feel better..isn't helping is it?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Not a bit.
<Ry`> 2Looked rather dissappointed, already knowing he isn't doing that good. 14"Well regardless, I don't see a problem with it really..Soldiers often do worse for their kicks. If I could I would try and experience it myself..but alas I am not cyberized in anyway.."
<Slasher> NRP: This would make a good bad soap opera.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Count yourself luck then.
<Ry`> 14"Why?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> This is not something you get done for kicks. Besides, my body belongs to EarthGov.
<Ry`> 14"Cybernetics? Yes I know all about it, but you consider yourself cursed. This much I've been able to determine..most would look upon it as a second chance to live their lives, besides if you never did get it done..I wouldn't have been able to meet you"
<Slasher> NRP: -5 pts for cheesy line.
<Ry`> NRP: I'm going to kill you one of these days
<Slasher> NRP: I'll be there waiting.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...right.
* Ry` sighs again, placing his head against the console. 14"I'm not very good at this am I?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Fraid not.
* Ry` leans back against his seat, letting his eyes close. 14"Yes well..that's what you get for asking a being not accustomed to Earth culture out..Those date boots I read don't seem to really be helping me any.."
<Slasher> NRP: I find it hard to read boots personally.
<Ry`> NRP:..books
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Just follow my lead then.
<Ry`> 14"Actually..I do believe I will just do things how I did in Erusia.." 2He slips his hand into his coat, pulling out a flask of alchohol. 14"I enjoy..actually enjoying my free time." 2He tosses it over to her slowly. 14"Neither you nor I came here to not enjoy ourselves. So forget Earth Government..hell with the Cybernetics, at least for now"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I'll drink to that. *opens the flask and drinks from it*
* Ry` approachs Europa, looking at her. 14"Just be sure to save enough so that I can drink to it also."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Plenty of booze colonyside.
<Slasher> NRP: Is the XO condoning Drinking and Flying?! Egads.
<Ry`> NRP: Ah who gives a fuck, if they hit a moon they hit a moon
* Ry` smirks, with that ever so sly grin. 14"That's good, means I won't be flying back for the least"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> We'l get a cheap motel then.
* Ry` docks the shuttle in Europa, laughing slightly at her comment. Slowly he was starting to warm up, trying to get into the groove of things. 14"So that's how it is here huh? Alright..I guarentee you that if given the chance, I could easily beat out any cyber hookup.." 2He slipped his hand over the hatch button, letting it open.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Later, let's loosen up now.
<Ry`> 14"Do I look like a pervert to you? I'm offended."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> What you said sounded pretty damn perverted to me, buster! *sticks her tongue at him*
* Ry` let off a chuckle, his hand quickly moving to latch onto her extended tongue. He pulled ever so gently, and teasingly. 14"I usually wait until the second date for that miss, but I can always make an exception" 2With that his fingers let go, sticking his tongue out right back.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Mrrrph!
<Ry`> 14"You're actually kinda cute when your enjoying yourself" 2He spoke with a bit of playfulness in his voice, as one hand moved to slide around his waist..this of course done if she has no objection. He started on his way out the hatch, and into the main city with her. 14"So which are you in the mood for first...Food..Lots of drinking, or something else?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Let's get some drinks.
<DeathStar> (She probably has no objection to you putting your hand around your waist)
<Ry`> (Her waist..god dammit)
<Slasher> NRP: *takes notes, knowing this has to work in real life*
<Ry`> 14"Drinks it is..Mind we try that place on the holovid?" 2Already he made his way down the crowded streets, admiring the night life inside the wasn't something he saw often.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Sure.
<Ry`> 14"Well I hope this style is more your type..otherwise I guess I'm shit outta luck huh?" 2His free hand moved outwards, opening the door to the bar..which he guesses is newly opened it. Immediatly his eyes wandered over to the many drinks behind the bartop, of course he had no idea what was the difference.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I'm just out for a good time.
<Ry`> 14"Well that's the intention.." 2He moves to the bar, leaning over it to examine the drinks closer. 14"Now umm..what's the difference between...well any of these"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> The difference is how much innuendo is in the name of the drink.
<DeathStar> 6* A red haired man sits in a booth in the corner, surrounded by beautiful women. He woos them with stories about his adventures.
<Ry`> NRP: It's Carrot top!
* Ry` pulls back glancing at her, with a raised brow. 14"Humans..must you always beat around the bush?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Its our way. Bartender, I'll take a Screaming Orgasm.
<Ry`> 14"I'll try this.."Sex on the beach" "
<Ry`> 2He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, and looked torward the red haired man. 14"..John?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> What? *looks over too*
<DeathStar> NRP: *Cass tries to arrest John. Crazy hijinks break out involving a chinese cart*
<DeathStar> 6* Indeed, John McCormick and known anarchist is busy wooing three women.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> have got to be kidding me.
<Ry`> 14"Haha..aint that something..oh well hell with it..we are off duty anyway"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...technically...
<Ry`> 14"Let's say we challenge him though..feeling up for a drinking contest?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> If you want.
* Ry` eyes her 14"Nevermind then..well lets get the day started"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Alright! Where are our drinks!
<Ry`> 2The Bartender would pass out both of their drinks, since he decides that DS needs a day off anyway! One hand grasps about the glass, and waiting till Cass did the same before tapping her glass with his own, beginning to drink it slowly. 14"So why join the military anyway?" 2He said in between breaths
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Because rockhead decided to drop a bomb on my home colony. *raises her glass and drinks*
* Ry` nodded, taking another drink himself. 14"Right..shouldn't have asked"
<DeathStar> NRP: She joined so she could meet the hunky Warren
<Ry`> NRP: Who is now getting butt plugged by Tsi
<DeathStar> NRP: Well played.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Anyway, none of that military stuff.
<Ry`> 14"So..any happy topics I can bring up?"
* Ry` brings his glass down, ordering a refill.
<Slasher> NRP: Get to the sex!
<Ry`> NRP: I'm starting to think you want it more then me
<DeathStar> NRP: I look forward to it, also
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Oh, nothing that I cna think of.
* Ry` couldn't help but stare for a moment. 14"Refill for the lady please.." 2He said softly, letting her glass get refilled. 14"Well there is this day, I would like to think"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> And this night! *downs her second glass*
<Ry`> 14"I'll vouch for that!" 2He brought his own glass up, downing it's contents for the second time.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> You know....I'm already feeling a buzz. Alcohol can only go straight to my head.
<Ry`> 14"Really? Well I expected you'd be able to hold your alchohol better. But perhaps that is enough for you?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Hey. Cassandra Arakawa is just abrain in a case. *tap taps her head*
<Ry`> 2Snickers 14"Alright..shall we stop then?"
<DeathStar> 6* John buys his ladies another round of booze.
<Ry`> 14"Besides..I think it might be getting a little too hot and heavy in here anyway"
<Slasher> NRP: *stares, perplexed by Ry's tactics*
<Cassandra_Arakawa> No no! One more round!
* Ry` nods, ordering the bartender to fill up their drinks once more.
* Cassandra_Arakawa takes her drink and takes a gulp before pushing away from the bar!
* Ry` finishes off his also, slightly amused by her demeanor. But he follows suit, pulling away and paying with what little Earth based currency he has.
* Cassandra_Arakawa then makes her way over toward John!
* Ry` follows next to her 14"What do you intend on doing?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Hey, John McCormick!
<DeathStar> 6* John is buy talking to one blonde about the time he saved the Dragoons when he hears his name being called out. He glances up, seeing Cassandra and his lifelong rival Ry'oskay.
<DeathStar> <John> Well, hello you beauty. ... And my lifelong rival - Ry'oskay.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Nice of you to notice! I should haul you in...but that will just be alot of paperwork.
<DeathStar> <John> Perhaps it's also due to my rugged charm, right?
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Well, looks like someone has a harem going on here.
<DeathStar> 6* The ladies look miffed at that comment. John gives them the "It's alright" look, smiling at Cassandra. "I'm merely entertaining them with my adventures."
* Ry` stares between them, feeling some fire arising.
* Jetmaster has joined #taw
<Jetmaster> NRP: *sneak sneak sneak* am I interrupting?
<Slasher> NRP: If you call Ry's attempts at getting laid by Cass interrupting...Perhaps.
<Ry`> NRP: One day shall die
<Jetmaster> NRP: I see nothings changed =P
<Slasher> NRP: Most things don't.
<DeathStar> 6* John McCormick studies the two of them in silence, tapping his fingers together.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Oh come on! They are all over you! *downs the remainder of her glass*'m relaxed.
<Ry`> 14"Cassandra..are you jealous?"
<DeathStar> <John> I'd offer to let you sit with me, but something tells me you have a few screws loose.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Screws loose? No way! I'm just drunk. Hey, Ry?
<DeathStar> 6* John nods sympathically.
<Ry`> 14"Yes?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Let's get out of here. *thumbs back toward the door*
<DeathStar> 6* John glances between them both, then gives Ry a thumbs up.
<Ry`> 14"Can do..enjoy the bar John..I think the blonde though has an out!" 2He gave a thumbs up right back, this one rather sarcastic as he followed Cass.
<DeathStar> 6* John looks at the blonde. "I don't do crabs."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> NRP: <The Fonz> EHHHHHHHHHHHH! *gives a thumbs up*
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Come on. *heads for the door*
<Jetmaster> NRP: Give em a hand, cuz he's already got the clap
<Ry`> 14"I'm coming.." 2Opened the door for her, having a smug little grin on his face. 14"I didn't think you had it in you..I'm impressed"
<DeathStar> 6* John watches them go, a small smile appearing on his face - he seems to have some purpose here, alright. After excusing himself from the women, he flips them a gil and heads out the side door.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I'm drunk. I have an excuse. *then grabs hold of Ry suddenly, giving him a full on kiss as she pushes him against the outside wall*
<Ry`> 2Well he sure as hell didn't expect that, when he found himself now slammed against the wall. A shade of red appeared on both cheeks when she kissed him, but he didn't resist it. Instead he leaned into it, letting his lips caress her own in that passionate..but drunken moment.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Alright! *lets go of him just as suddenly*
<Slasher> NRP: <Cass<* suddenly pukes in his mouth*
* Ry` gasped for air, rubbing his lips with his right hand. 14"Well..that was random.." 2He was in awe that she could be drink after only 3 drinks, but it was assumed there was an act going on.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Alright, let's skip dinner and go get laid.
<Slasher> NRP: Alright...Now I know she's not a real woman.
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL
<Slasher> NRP: *checks for an adam's apple*
<Cassandra_Arakawa> NRP: :p
<Ry`> NRP: Now isn't Sera in disguise
<DeathStar> NRP: I'm going to marry Jackie one day. Yep.
<Ry`> NRP: Me first
<Cassandra_Arakawa> NRP: boom boom for you.
<Jetmaster> NRP: Adios everyone. I'll be back. later on
<Slasher> NRP: Peace.
<DeathStar> NRP: But...
<DeathStar> NRP: BOOM BOOM
* Jetmaster has left #taw
* Ry` seemed to hesitate at that a moment, before glancing down at her 14"That's fine..I'm fonder of breakfast of anyway.."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Let's go then.
* Ry` nods, slipping a hand comfortably around her waist. Next hotel-o
<Cassandra_Arakawa> NRP: And I think that is enough of that :p
<DeathStar> NRP: Dammit. I was waiting for my daily porn.
<DeathStar> Session Ends
Session Close: Tue Mar 07 23:40:50 2006