Session Start: Wed Mar 22 20:57:38 2006
Session Ident: #Taw
* Logging #Taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#Taw.20060322.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-582.2.28
<DeathStar> Location: PAX Cruiser, For Yet Another Mission
<DeathStar> 6* This assignment, pushed ahead of schedule, is taking them to the planet Helios, where they hope to establish an alliance with the people of the system. This planet serves no real value, except again as a buffer for the growing Tsivrixsh Empire. However, with Xevil possibly on the same schedule, perhaps even forseeing the bump up, things are tense.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sits in his shuttle, prepping it for takeoff.
<Rylon> 2Was early this time, walking onto the shuttle in silence. He took his usual seat, looking out toward the hangar.
<Aielin> Aielin's Log. Stardate 10-582.2.28 - need for efficiency, high. Today we- *Looks at everyone staring at him* .... what?
* Ceres is also already htere, going over mission notes with Darien
<DeathStar> 6* Darien looks over at Aielin, then back at Ceres.
* Ariel already sits in the shuttle, sitting near the front, but leaving the operation seats to those trained for them.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr sits beside Ariel, looking professional and calm. She is, however, taking notes while staring at Aielin.
* Ceres shrugs to Darien and smiles
* Slasher stands outisde the shuttle, waiting for everyone else.
<Arhn> Ahem...anyway, what do we know about this world's inhabitants?
* Slasher moves across the hanger towards the shuttle
* Aielin puts the datapad away. Having already checked his weapons, he looks at Ry "Feeling better?"
<Rylon> 14"No, but I'll live"
<DeathStar> <Darien> The Heliosians are a species that loves the water, but their cities are built by the sea. Their culture is mainly unknown, but they have expressed interest in joining Earth in the past. However, their interest could just as easily be for the Tsivrixsh. Other than that, we know nothing that will entice them.
<Slasher> <Shiva> *steps onto the shuttle and moves over to a seat, sitting down and buckling in.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina is actually on the shuttle for once, sitting in the back as she goes over her information. Strange that Darien asked an Investigator to join them.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Any signs of the blue scene stealers yet?
* Slasher steps onto the shuttle, deciding it wansn't worth waiting for anyone else and takes a seat in the back.
<DeathStar> <Darien> If their cruiser is out here in space, we're not detecting them. So far planetary scans have picked up several shuttles, so if they're already there, we won't know until we arrive.
* Ceres smiles, glad to have Kat along.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien grabs the controls now, closing the ramp with a flick of his control switches. He lifts the shuttle up and sends them flying out of the hanger.
<Slasher> <Shiva> *glances at Kat, whistling at her lightly*
<Rylon> 14"..I smell trap.."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances up at her, bangs in her eyes. " 'Cat' calls, Shiva?"
<Aielin> Hmmm. Is this another diplomatic mission? Like the last 2?
<Slasher> Perhaps.
<Slasher> NRP: BAKA!
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stares at Aielin, then looks ahead again. "Uh, yeah."
<Arhn> Yes. Diplomacy is our primary mission, afterall.
* Shiva has joined #taw
* Slasher is now known as Chad`Winters
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sends them down toward the blue planet. As they approach, they get a hailing signal from the planet below.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien motions to Ceres, since she's up front with him, to take the call.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina just gives her a smile, glancing at everyone as she takes in their various emotions.
<Aielin> Yeah, I got that.
<Rylon> 2Sat back against his seat, likely giving Katrina his normal emotions when dealing with Xevil..hatred, vengeance, and confusion. But he was a little more controlled then usual, as he tapped his arm rest patiently.
* Ceres takes the call! <.<
<Ceres> "This is PAX Shuttle, here for a diplomatic mission."
<Aielin> Competing with the Tsiv I assume?
<DeathStar> 6* A Heliosian appears. It looks almost like a man fish. "You are early, PAX vessel. Why is this?"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances at Ry meaningful, then turns to listen to the conversation up front.
* Ariel muses idly to herself, "They seem like a strict people."
* Shiva looks up from her seat, eyeing Ceres cautiously, as if judging her by her next move
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Is this common? 6She asks Ariel.
<Ceres> "We are a very punctual people sir, I hope we do not offend by an early arrival."
* Ariel considers, "It does not seem to be the norm, no."
<DeathStar> <Heliosian> Punctual is showing up at the intended date. You are a standard week early.
* Chad`Winters looks over who's on the shuttle, his glance quickly pass's by Zephyr as if cautious
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Commodore...I think you need to give them the official explanation.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I thought it was cleared. 6He hisses.
<Ceres> "We're very sorry, urgent matters have brought about a need for negiotiations sooner then planned. We were assured this change was cleared by your goverment."
<DeathStar> <Helisosian> Are you saying we are mistaken on our own scheduled dates? 6It says with ire in it's voice.
<Aielin> Hmm.. *Whispers to Arhn* Somewhat Authoritarian.
<Rylon> 14"So bad.."
<Ceres> "Never, it is possible it is simply a mistake or misinterpretation in communications."
<DeathStar> <Heliosian> So you are stating you are infact incorrectly here early? 6It states.
<Arhn> ...our pardon. Galactic events have occured that required us to move up the schedule as our relationship with you is of great importance.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien feels glad he has his own diplomat, so he can just fly.
<DeathStar> <Heliosian> Hm. Of great importance, you say? I think it is because you wish to derail our current negotiations with our guests.
<Ceres> "Guests you say? We were unaware of any other negotiations."
* Chad`Winters quirks his eyebrow, trying to make connections
<DeathStar> <Heliosian> They keep their appointments. 6He states simply. "You can just come back next week and we will hear you then."
* Aielin sighs, muttering to himself "They sound like they'd be more at home with the Tsiv anyway."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes the communication device, then the planet. He slows the shuttle down a fraction while he listens.
<Ceres> "Am I to understand the Heliosians are then not eager for negotiations?"
<DeathStar> <Heliosians> You insult us now on top of this rude behavior of showing up early?
<Ceres> "Forgive me if you misinterpreted my statement, I asked a question, I did not carry any form of critisism."
<DeathStar> <Heliosians> Now you speak with forked tongues.
* Shiva stands up, moving towards the front
<Arhn> *w* Ceres...enough...
* Aielin crosses his arms, gazing out the window.
<Rylon> 14"I think it's safe to say we lose this one.."
* Ceres arches an eyebrow, putting two and two together, turning off the talk feature to the radio.
<Ceres> "I don;t think that's teh Heliosians at all."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at them. "What? It definitely looks like them and sounds like them."
<Aielin> ... You think its the Tsiv?
<Ceres> "I'm pretty sure this is the Tsiv, no one's this affornted right before a peace talk."
<Rylon> 14"Not all species are nice.."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Or it could be that the Tsivrixsh are busy making them a deal and to ease their guilt, they're giving us the brush off.
<Aielin> Is the datastream encrypted?
* Shiva stands beside the comm, turning it back on 1"I, Shiva Sevintes, would like to apologize n behalf of PAX Alliance and The Cartel. We obviously have made a mistake by pushing our plans ahead without prior notice."
<Arhn> Their culture may be based entirely upon adhering to time.
<Ceres> "If you can track the source that would be good..."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes what Arhn and Ceres just said with the comm. opened by Shiva.
<DeathStar> <Helosian> ... Yes, well, as long as you see the err of your ways.
<Arhn> NRP: Of course, having pushed enter right as Shiva's post was made...
* Aielin opens his datapad, and begins checking the Datastream.
<DeathStar> NRP: Yeah, it was Shiva's bad.
* Ceres looks back over her ntoes for the record of thier transmissions reguarding the time update
<Rylon> 2Places a hand over his face, realizing how uncoordinated the efforts are right now..
* Aielin taps a few figures into the pad. And checks for encryption verification.
<Shiva> Comm: We do, but since we are here, I humbly ask of the Helosians to find the time to allow us to talk about a future partnership since we are already here.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien indeed sent a transmission asking for a time bump immediately after their last mission 11 days. It appeared to be okayed, though it's a vague okay.
<DeathStar> <Helosian> And what of our current negotiations? You would have us make them wait? 6It asks, it's gills moving slightly.
* Aielin raises an eyebrow "This thing must be broken.. I've never seen it take this long to respond."
<Shiva> Speaking for The Cartel, I understand fully what it means to be on time and such things. All I ask is that you atleast allow us the time to talk to you in hopes of creating an alliance between PAX and it's affiliates and the Helosian's
<DeathStar> 6* The Helosian seems to be considering it, it's gills moving as it thinks. It seems to be being backed in a corner.
* Aielin blinks at his datapad. An error message? He stands, walking to the head of the shuttle, leaning over the pilots seat" Hey Darien, can I network to the shuttle mainframe? I'm going to run some scans on this datastream. "
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes the communication device, hoping they don't assume hostile actions and just think Aielin is interested in some other datastream. He nods to Aielin, shutting off something to give him access.
<DeathStar> <Helosian> This is highly irregular... 6it attempts now.
* Alicia has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Aielin> Thanks *He takes a seat in the Copilots chair, tapping in some figures, and runs a scan for all incoming datatransmissions, and known sources.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> *mutters* ...we got him...
* Alicia has joined #TAW
<Shiva> May I ask what is irregular? *she replies with a modest voice and a slightly bowed head
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina is listening to his voice as she sits there. She leans next to Cassandra, whispering. "It sounds like their guests might give us some trouble. You might want to be alert and reign in the security team when we're down there."
<DeathStar> <Helosian> We believe in strict times. You should come back in a week... 6it says, it's gill moving weakly.
* Aielin nods, flipping off his datapad, and pocketing it. "Its legit." he announces to the rest of the crew, from the cockpit.
<DeathStar> NRP: *Darien sees Aielin took his porn collection*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr looks at Ariel. "Would it not be logical to get us out of the way now instead of dealing with us in a week?"
<Shiva> Please, we humbly ask that you because of the situation we are currently in, that you atleast allows us time to talk to you.
<Rylon> 14"He's stalling for time" 2He said simply
<Cassandra_Arakawa> *whispers* Understood.
<DeathStar> 6* The Helosian leans back. "You may land." 6It ends the communication.
<Chad`Winters> No, I believe he's being threatened into it.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sighs under his breath. "Well, I can see this isn't going to be easy if they're already hostile."
<Arhn> Very strange though...this is not the Tsivirxsh's style though.
* Shiva looks over at Darien. 1"I think Chad's correct in this, I believe he's being threatened.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien boosts toward the planet.
<DeathStar> <Darien> You believe Xevil is threatening him to turn us away? 6He asks Shiva.
<Shiva> I've learned not to jump conclusions. I do believe someone is tho.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr takes a moment to poke Ariel, to see if she's functioning correctly.
<Ceres> "Sounds plausible... after our last win, he's going to be desperate to beat us at every turn."
<Ariel> "There is something not right about this... but Xevil simply threatening them with force?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien says nothing. If he agrees, or disagrees, he doesn't voice. It's an officer's place to voice opinions, so he listens to them all talk.
<Arhn> But again, it is not his style, nor that of his people. They are confrontationalists, not schemers.
<Rylon> 14"Someone like Xevil is never desperate.."
* Aielin turns back towards the mainscreen. His eyes drift toward's Darien "Nice collection."
<Chad`Winters> A desperate man will change his actions if he seems it will lead him to the path he desires.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Until we find out what Xevil is, or isn't up, we need to try to get them to speak with us before he makes an alliance with them. I assure you, if he makes the alliance, we won't be able to make one.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien flies over peaceful oceans and beaches as he head toward a city on the edge of a great ocean. The city is massive, but seems to be a beautiful sight to behold, the buildings reflecting the ocean and the sun.
<Ceres> "I should remind that confrontationalists don't hold hostages and cut them up pieces at a time in a cowardly act of intimidation..."
<Chad`Winters> I strongly advise you all keep your mouths shut on such subjects while we are down there.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Be glad he didn't follow through wiht his threat last time.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Sir, I request permission to completely rip apart the station and rebuild security ground up when we get back.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at Cassandra. "Excuse me, Lt. Commander?"
<Rylon> 14"The only reason he did not follow through..I think, is because I..struck a deal with him on the last mission..I could be wrong.."
* Aielin laughs to himself "Did you hear that? Arakawa just said your all doing meager jobs"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes Rylon, obviously wanting to know what this deal is now. Even Katrina is leaning forward to look at Rylon.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> If they have compromised our schedules...they may have compromnised other things as well...
* Arhn gives Ry a look...
<DeathStar> <Darien> The station is too old to rehaul. It's a disadvantage, but we cannot tear it apart from the ground up without jeapordizing our ability to do missions.
<Chad`Winters> I believe we already discussed the main possibility of how Xevil discovered our current track.
* Rylon went silent, looking off to the side.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lands on a landing pad in the middle of the city, where 6 Herosians are waiting for them. They don't look pleased with their fishy faces.
* Shiva moves to the ramp of the shuttle, obviously intent on succeeding on this mission
<DeathStar> <Darien> Besides, I think the only compromising we have to worry about is the moles that William Spade planted.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien reaches up, powering down to a sleep like mode as he unbuckles himself.
* Chad`Winters glances at Darien, eyeing him cautiously for a second.
* Ariel frowns at that comment, for obvious reasons.
* Aielin stands, moving to his last seat to pick up his Selinus, still in it's metal polymer casing. He straps it to his back like a backpack
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr stands up, glancing at Chad. "Do not worry. The Commodore merely states the obvious past breaches, not your current performance."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien pauses, glancing at Ariel, Chad, and Zephyr, then realizes what he said.
* Rylon slips out of his seat, checking over his light weaponary. Slowly he turned to move to the back of the shuttle, waiting for the ramp to go down.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien hits the ramp button, lowering it for those at it.
* Chad`Winters pauses, looking at Zephry, the obvious thought appearing in his head about her comment.
<Rylon> 2Moved off first, looking at the 6 Herosians.
* Ceres eyes the Commodore curiously
<DeathStar> 6* Darien adjusts his uniform, moving past those staringa t him to walk down the ramp after Rylon, looking at the Helosians.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Don't worry...I think Captain Carmichael was supicious of me when I first arrived as well.*unstraps herself* Security, we don't do any talking, just stay alert. *heads down the ramp*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr turns to look at the others leaving, pulling up her notebook and jotting down.
* Chad`Winters changes depositions and follows behind Darien, his hand next to his pistol.
<Aielin> *Watches Ry* you know, for one who's so depressed- he has a habit of meeting life head on, and staring it in the eye.. *He notes to himself
* Arhn rises from her seat and moves down the ramp with the others.
<DeathStar> <Helosians> We will lead you to your room so that you might meet with your diplomats tomorrow.
* Shiva turns around and makes her way off the shuttle
* Aielin follows Arhn, staying close to her
<Shiva> I'm sorry, but there was no comment on us meeting tomorrow.
<DeathStar> <Darien> We would prefer to speak with your diplomats as soon as possible. We feel that the sooner they hear from us, the more smoothly it will go. 6The Helosians stares at Darien, not hiding it's displeasure of his words. Darien stands there.
<DeathStar> <Helosian> They are currently busy and cannot speak with you until tomorrow. 6It repeats, it's gills moving with annoyance.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina walks down the ramp, standing close to Chad and giving him a smile of encouragement as she looks ahead, reading the Helosians emotions.
* Chad`Winters glances at Katrina, almsot wondering if she's playing a game.
<Ariel> "...I wonder if it would be wise to remind them that our proposal to meet now was previously accepted."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr walks down with her noteobok, jotting things down.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> They would likely be offended at our suggestion, and we would lose points, but it might force a meeting, while it may be hostile.
* Rylon crosses his arms, letting his gaze stare onward toward the annoyed Helosians. He already knew this mission held a high risk of failure..
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr looks to Ariel, obviously having written down what she's witnessed so far on their behavior.
<Shiva> I'm sorry, but I do no believe that waiting till tomorrow will prove fruitful. I believe that now would be the best time.
* Ceres sticks with Darien
<DeathStar> <Helosians> You insult us now by pressing this matter? We have been very gracious to you.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at Ceres, then nods once.
* Aielin walks towards Ry, placing a hand on his shoulder, he leans in to whisper in erusian "Your hostile posture isn't making us look any better.."
<Ariel> "May we ask who it is that you meeting with presently?"
<Rylon> 14"<E> I am a guard..they are paying little attention to me. Besides..I doubt I could possibly do anything short of cutting ones head off to fuck this up more.."
<DeathStar> <Helosians> We are meeting with an emissary from the Tsivrixsh Empire. 6It says with annoyance.
<Aielin> <E>You havn't fucked this up at all- but you will if you keep that attitude for long..
<Shiva> And we appreciate the graciousness completely, but you must understand that to make us wait another day will cause us trouble and push us back on our schedules.
<DeathStar> 6* The Helosians look at Shiva. "And what of our schedule? We will not change a previously made agreement."
<Shiva> If you will grant us the time to speak today, we promise to make up for it in whatever way is possible.
<Rylon> "<E> I didn't say I fucked this up did I? My attitude is fine..I'm containing myself.."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes Ceres, wondering if she broke down.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr watches with keen interest. "They seem to show a sign of annoyance when their gills move in that manner..." 6she whispers to Ariel
* Ceres seems to be waiting, since it was Shiva that got them down planetside.
<Aielin> E> When we get back to the station, Your getting drunk with me. *He says, walking back towards Arhn
<Shiva> I do believe that we have records showing a scheduled meeting for about this time that was notified ahead of time.
<DeathStar> <Helosians> We have already discussed this matter! 6It says, enraged now.
<Rylon> "<E> When I get back to the station..I need to train with the master." 2Stared momentarily at Aielin, then turned to keep his attention on the matter at hand.
* Ceres walks over to the Helosian, "Sir if you will please, I have a record on the communication about the schedule change."
<DeathStar> <Helosian> I have no interest in that. 6It states stiffly.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina seems to be watching the Helosians with interest, obviously knowing what they're feeling. She leans over to whisper to Darien, who tilts his head to look at her.
* Ariel pauses thoughtfully.
* Shiva bows her head slightly, showing humility. 1"As a person who respects time and schedules, I understand where you are at, but I also understand that things happen out of our control. I ask that you give us the time to create a new friendship between PAX and the Helosians.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien leans over to whisper into Shiva's ear.
* Shiva pauses
* Ceres seems to be trying to figure out thier motive, looking over to Darien and Shiva.
* Aielin remains on alert, his ears twitching, trying to filter out all the wispering, as he continues watching for hidden danger.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien's lips move some more as he talks.
* Arhn glances as Darien whispers to Shiva...
* Ceres eyes Darien carefully.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien leans back now.
<Ariel> "I believe we do have the right to meet with your representatives today. As we had previously confirmed this date for the meeting, I see no reason why you should do us the dishonor of rejecting that now."
<DeathStar> 6* The Helosians's gills move in anger. "Fine. You will follow us." 6It turns, leading their people ahead to the building.
* Shiva hesitates for a second, whispering something in Darien's ear.
* Ceres falls abck to walk with Darien, whicpering softly...
* Arhn moves on forward as well.
* Rylon starts walking behind the Helosians.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I believe we're in a no-win situation. 6He whispers to both of them.
* Chad`Winters taps his hand on his holster as he follows behind.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina follows along after the Helosians, intent on reading their emotions. They are led inside, where they are brought to an elevator.
<Aielin> Perhaps they respect assertiveness, and agressiveness. *He mentions in Erusian to Arhn
<Ceres> "...Perhaps we're being too nice?"
<Ceres> *whispered still*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien watches the others getting away. "At this point, anything goes. Anything. If we've already lost, the most we can do is make them hate us."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien walks after them.
<Arhn> *erus* I do not know...I thought our initial contact intelligence would have discerned such...
* Shiva follows alongside.
* Aielin looks at Ceres and shrugs "They seemed to soften up after Ariel punched her point in there." he says wispering
<Aielin> *Whispering
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina steps into the elevator.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien walks into the building, walking along after the ambassadors into the elevator.
* Rylon moves onto the elevator, looking up rather uncomfortably in the confined spot.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> *whisper* Any orders, sir? I don't like this...
* Ariel shakes her head slowly, "I believe I may have made a tactical mistake in that matter."
<DeathStar> 6* The elevator, as if to make matters worse, is an outside glass elevator, meaning the buildings across the way could be holding enemy targets.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Anything goes, Lt. Commander. Short of a war.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien looks at the Helosians, unaware of how well they can hear in this elevator, so he just smiles at them, showing his teeth.
* Shiva steps onto the shuttle, her arms crosses her head hung low
* Chad`Winters steps on, he looks out the window, staring out of it
<Cassandra_Arakawa> *whisper* We may already be at war, sir...and may be the last ones to know it.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien shifts so he's closer to the outside of the elevator and standing next to Arhn as he glances out the window. They begin to rise. "Ambassador. This might be a pointless negotiation," 6he warns her in a whisper.
<Arhn> *whisper* I am aware...but this is unusual. Xevil is not one to leave us without gloating to our face.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina pauses, then looks panicked.
* Ceres eyes Kat
<DeathStar> 6* Darien pauses, glancing at Arhn's chest, seeing a red dot. He holds up his hand in front of it, seeing the red dot on his hand. "DOWN!"
* Chad`Winters see's Kat's reflection in the glass and tenses up.
* Aielin eyes widen, he tackles arhn
<DeathStar> <Katrina> They're ambushing us. The Helosians, not the Tsivrixsh. 6She shouts. The Helosians suddenly hit the floor as a plasma blast is fired at the elevator.
<Aielin> LADY ARHN!
* Ceres gets down with them, pulling out her gun.
* Arhn is pulled down on to the floor.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien turns, the plasma shot hitting the glass and shattering it. He grunts as he slams into the back of the elevator.
<Rylon> 2He turns around quickly, pulling out his pistol in the direction the dot came from.
<Ceres> "Chad! Try to get the elevator to head back!"
* Aielin covers Arhn with his body, sheilding her from the Plasma
* Chad`Winters reaches instictively as he hears Darien say down to his gun and pulls it out, he pulls it up and aims it out to where the shot came from firing a well placed shot back at it
* Ariel gets Zephyr and herself under cover, "...I believe my previous comment has been proven correct."
<DeathStar> 6* Someone appears on the roof. A helosian that fires what appears a rocket.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> They seem quite hostile.
* Cassandra_Arakawa flicks her wrist and a plasma pistol drops into her hand, holding her weapon at the ready.
* Chad`Winters pulls his aim up, firing several shots towards the incoming rocket.
<Shiva> What is the meaning of this?!
<Rylon> 2Moves in conjunection with Chad, firing at the rocket.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina ducks as the attacks go on. The rocket flies closer and is shot, exploding and shaking the elevator. The elevator stops moving, becoming unhinged.
* Shiva cks, leanidng down
* Aielin looks up, assessing the battleground.
<DeathStar> 6* The Helosians in the elevator go for weapons, raising them and firing at everyone in close quarters.
* Ariel lets the other manage the rocket. It was an obvious enough threat. She trys to scan the perimeter, looking for other immenent threats.
* Ceres shoots at the nearest Helosian
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr pulls out a gun and shoots one Helosian in the head.
<Rylon> 2Turns his direction to the Helosians, firing at one directly. He spins his free hand, trying to disarm and use his own weapon against him.
* Cassandra_Arakawa pistol whips the nearest one, firing a shot at another.
<Ceres> "Damn glad we have Dragoons with us!"
* Aielin leaps up, unhinging his plasma Sabre, he screams, spinning in the middle of the Helosians slashing with direspeed in all directions
* Chad`Winters spins around, kicking the nearest Helosians weapon straight upwards with his foot, he aims back up, firing the best aimed shot he can for the Helosian that fired the rocket's shoulder.
<DeathStar> 6* Aielin splatters everyone in Helosian blood.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina wipes green blood off her face, the helosians in the elevator dead.
* Shiva looks around, a grim look on her face.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien continues to lean against the back of the tilted elevator, which seems to be 60 stories up by now.
<Rylon> 2Moves to the hole in the elevator, looking down to see how big of a drop it is. He ignores the blood currently on him.
* Aielin spins his plasma sabre, hinging it back on his belt, he takes a deep breath, before turning back to his party
<Aielin> Everyone alright?
<DeathStar> 6* The Helosian on the roof appears to be getting another rocket ready.
* Cassandra_Arakawa looks up to see if they have an emergency hatch.
<Rylon> 14"Long drop.."
* Aielin looks up "Oh HELL NO!"
* Chad`Winters pulls his pistol up, firing one shot at the helosian, and the fires another one to adjust to hit him.
<DeathStar> 6* There is indeed an exit in the roof, but since it's tilted, you'd have to be careful to get out of the elevator. And with the glass broken inside, sliding out is easy.
* Aielin drops his backpack, opening it, and speed assembles his rifle with practiced efficiency
<DeathStar> 6* The Helosian moves to take cover behind something. It seems they have moments to prepare.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stands up as the elevator supports groan, still tilted. A helosian head rolls out the elevator and falls 60 stories.
* Aielin looks up from his position, he aims upward through his scope at the Helosian, and firing a round at the Helosian's leg as he moves behind cover, with a sniper's accuracy
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I'll go first. *leaps up, to pop the hatch and climb out*
<DeathStar> 6* The Helosian is behind cover safely by the time he fires.
<Chad`Winters> Figure something out now. *takes in a deep breath, and holds his gun aimed at the roof, waiting for him to pop out*
<DeathStar> 6* The wind blows around as Cassandra stands on top. The elevator groans more under her.
<Chad`Winters> Darien, can you call the shuttle to us?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien closes and opens his eyes, a hand on his chest.
<Aielin> Son of a bitch.. Ry, Protect Ahrn, I'll cover you from this rocket freak.
<Rylon> 14"We need to get off this elevator"
<DeathStar> <Darien> Yeah... 6He says slowly, licking his lips. He uses his free hand to grab his datapad.
* Cassandra_Arakawa looks for the next floor from the elevator...
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm sorry I did not detect their deception sooner. I do not believe the Tsivrixsh are even here.
* Ariel moves to catch up to Darien, looking to keep him covered. "...are all of your receptions so hospitable?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> Heh. Looks like someone made an alliance with us just to kill us.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Some allies
<Arhn> As I said, this was not the Tsivrixsh's style. The question is this, did the Tsivrixsh put them up to this, or are they acting on their own?!
<Shiva> ...Without being abl to get a reading from a live one, I can't say.
<DeathStar> 6* As Cassadnra does so, a shot is fired at her from above. Someone has wrenched open the elevator doors (or least, where it would be it was there), and is firing down from about six stories at her.
* Rylon inches on the elevator, looking to see how far it is from here to the building.
* Aielin watches Chad, noticing he has the rocketman covered, he begins scanning the battleground for incoming hostiles, and stealth soldiers. Putting his sniper training to use.
<DeathStar> 6* The building is merely 5 feet away with the current tilt.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I've called the shuttle. But rocket man will blow it up if you guys don't get him first.
* Rylon moves under Cassandra, aiming upwards toward the assailant. He opens fire with his pistol, to keep the the man pinned down. While he does, he works on getting on the top of the elevator.
* Aielin begins looking for something to ricochet a plasma bolt off of the hit the rocket weilder
* Ariel looks to Zephyr, "If you see anyone who would be a danger to the shuttle, do not hesitate to shoot them."
* Chad`Winters doesn't seem to look at Aielin. 1"I strongly advise you cover me, my pistol isn't that good long range.
* Cassandra_Arakawa raises her pistol, firing back with computer precision.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien slides down to a sitting position, taking deeper breaths as he holds his chest. Katrina eyes him, moving over and forcing his hand away to see blood. She frowns, ripping some of her coat uniform to get the wound.
<Aielin> I'm on it, sir.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr nods. "Shall I bring out my beam cannon?"
* Chad`Winters 's lip twitches as Aielin calls him sir.
<DeathStar> 6* The Helosian is shot and falls on top of the elevator, rattling and causing it to slant more.
* Rylon turns his gun to to the building, seeing if there is any door or glass he can break/pry open to get inside the building
* Ariel pauses only a moment, "If you deem it nessisary to protect the shuttle."
<DeathStar> 6* There is a door 5 feet up.
<DeathStar> 6* The rocket guy leans around the corner to eye the elevator.
* Aielin adjusts his rifle, continuing to look to a ricochet shot for the rocket weilder.
* Chad`Winters slides forward slightly as he struggles to regain his footing, he quickly readjusts his aim towards top of the building.
* Aielin fires at the rocket guy instantly
<DeathStar> 6* The guy is hit in the head, falling over dead.
<Aielin> Target DOWN!
<DeathStar> 6* Suddenly, the elevator falls horizontally, then upside down, causing Cass to be standing on nothing
<Rylon> 2He leaps up with all his might, trying to grab onto the door edge..and pull himself up to it. If successful, the pistol is holstered, as he tries to pry open the door.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina slams into the roof of the elevator, the grass cracking under her weight . Darien falls next, almost breaking through
* Aielin stands, scanning the area for more hostiles "SHIT!" He falls forward, catching himself "What are we gonna do about THIS!?"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> CRAP! *tries to grab on to soemthing*
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra succeeds, and is now hanging upside down - with the others about to bust out the glass ceiling on top of her.
<DeathStar> 6* Rylon, who makes the jump when the elevator falls, misses the door edge barely, and is a foot below it.
* Chad`Winters slides onto the glass front window, his feet adjusting to try and position himself onto a recforcebar
<DeathStar> 6* Darien grunts as the grass under his weight is cracking. "If anyone moves...we're going to fall..."
<Shiva> We're that shuttle?
<Aielin> We're going to fall eitherway! We need to all work at the same time to escape.
* Ceres hands on for dear life
<DeathStar> 6* The shuttle can be seen coming in the distance. But without Darien piloting it, it's just waiting . Darien looks for his datapad, which is resting away from them all on the glass.
<Rylon> 14"Dammit!!!" 2He says, trying to balance his weight on the elevator.
<DeathStar> 6* The elevator groans under him, threatening to fall.
<Arhn> ...something must be done now.
* Aielin reaches out with his sniper rifle, tapping the datapad with the barrel, and slides it towards darien without shifting his weight
<Aielin> Steady Ry! *he strugles to maintain his balance
* Chad`Winters reaches slowly to his staff, unclipping it slowly and pulling it out.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien grabs the datapad once it's brought to him, grunting as he pilots the shuttle toward them. Zephyr, meanwhile, is perched perfectly without dropping - from the ceiling. She hangs on the floor somehow with her fingers.
<DeathStar> 6* The glass suddenly makes that sickening crack sound it does before it breaks.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Here we go.
<Rylon> 2Looks up at the door, relaying in his head if he can make it or not. 14"I'm trying!"
* Aielin reaches down, grabbing Darien's foot
* Chad`Winters looks up at Zephyr, trying to figure out how she's doing what she is doing.
<Ariel> "Steady..."
* Aielin grabs the railing inside of the elevator.
* Aielin leaves his rifle hanging from his shoulder
<DeathStar> 6* The glass shatters causing Darien to swing into CAssandra. He grabs her, since Aielin is hanging onto him. He throws out his hand to grab Katrina with the other.
* Aielin grunts, struggling to maintain the weight
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina grabs the datapad from him, using it now to pilot the shuttle closer.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Its a good thing my arms don't get tired!
<Aielin> Ry!
<DeathStar> 6* The shuttle flies up underneath them finally.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lowers Kat, dropping her on the roof.
* Aielin grunts "Is.. Lady Ahrn Safe?"
<Rylon> 14"I can't move Aielin..but she's fine!" 2He says, looking down at the shuttle.
* Chad`Winters drops through the broken glass, slamming into the roof of the shuttle.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Drop me, Aielin. 6He says.
* Shiva drops through, passing by the shuttle only to get grabbed by Chad
<Aielin> Your wish is my command. *he drops Darien
<Arhn> I'm fine, though I cna't stay tucked against this corner forever! Friction is keeping me from falling!
<DeathStar> 6* Darien hits the shuttle, smeering red o nit.
<Rylon> 14"..he was shot.."
* Chad`Winters tosses Shiva onto the top of the shuttle and moves over to Darien, kneeling next to him. 1"How bad?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien pulls himself up, moving along the edge. Katrina follows him, opening the ramp with the datapad. Darien swings inside the shuttle.
* Ariel nods to Zephyr to head to the shuttle.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr lets go of the roof, falling onto the roof of the shuttle without any trouble. She walks along it as if it were a natural thing.
* Aielin regains controll of his rifle, and drops himself, flipping before he lands, rolling to disperse the force.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr grabs Aielin as he rolls by. "You might roll off."
* Arhn slides down on to the roof of the shuttle.
* Chad`Winters grunts in response and grabs Shiva, swinging her over the side and into the shuttle, he grabs onto the opening and swings himself in, landing on the shuttle floor
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Get inside that shuttle!
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sits in seat, grabbing controls. He eyes the radar. "Hell. Move it!"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina swings inside, landing like a cat.
* Ceres moves it, getting herself onboard.
* Shiva moves over into a seat and sits down, buckling in
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Move move!
<Rylon> 2Slides off the top of the tilt with the best of his abaility, trying to place himself on the top of the shuttle. Quickly he grabs the top ramp, and skids inside.
* Arhn moves inside of the shuttle as well.
* Aielin looks up at Zephyr "Thanks." He backs up, moving to back into the shuttle cautiously, scanning the battlefeild once, before he ducks inside
* Chad`Winters looks over at Kat as she lands, obviously studying her.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr drops down on the ramp, then moves in.
* Ariel hops over to the shuttle quickly, once she sees Zephyr is safely on board
* Cassandra_Arakawa slides inside last, once all the VIPs are safe within.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina rises, glancing around, then sits down, buckling up.
<DeathStar> 6* Enemy aircraft begins to fly toward them. A lock warning buzzes.
<Rylon> 2Sits down in his seat, strapping himself in. 14"I knew this was a trap..
* Aielin growls at the warning buzz "Damnit.."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien grabs the controls, pushing them forward and flying ahead without closing the ramp.
* Chad`Winters moves over to the seats in the back an grabs onto an oh shit handle, holding on tight.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr grabs a seat so she doesn't fall off the shuttle.
<Arhn> Do we have open communications?!
* Aielin moves up to the co-pilots seat with Darien "You need an extra hand with those weapon systems, Darien Star?"
<DeathStar> 6* There is indeed a hail being sent to the shuttle
<DeathStar> 6* DArien nods. "If you could. It'll let me fly."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Someone's on the horn.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien closes the ramp as he begins to fly straight up. The aircraft angle to follow up after them.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien motions Cass to the third seat at communications.
* Cassandra_Arakawa sits at the indicated seat.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Shall I open the channel, sir?
* Aielin turns, switching on the co-pilots console " Just focus on evasive manuevers. Don't get hit- we're not a battle ship, so our first priority should be escape."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Yes. And be sure to tell them we don't want them as allies!
* Aielin straps himself in
* Ceres takes a seat, strapping in, "And don't invite them to dinner."
<Rylon> 14"Aielin..give me your rifle..!" 2He says from his seat, looking out the open ramp.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien grunts, eyeing his bloody chest. He suddenly narrows his eyes, grabbing the controls
* Chad`Winters eyes Ceres, a look of seriousness on his face.
<DeathStar> <Darien> No. I'm about to show you what a battle ship can't do.
* Cassandra_Arakawa opens the comm channel.
<DeathStar> <Helosian> Surrender, and we may let you live.
* Aielin looks up at Ry, his gaze enquisitive. He seems.. alarmed
* Shiva crosses her arms, obviously not happy at the outcome of the situation.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien suddenly does a quick blackflip with his shuttle, and flies right at the three enemy aircradt.
<Rylon> 14"..are you just gonna stare at me!?"
* Aielin turns back to the console "TAKE IT!" He motions towards the rifle beside him
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Surrender? On what grounds? Why did you attack?
<DeathStar> 6* The enemy aircraft, startled, quickly break off so he doesn't ram them.
* Aielin brings up the weapons system, and initiates a lock on our 3 friends
<DeathStar> <Helosian> You have entered Tsivrixsh space. We signed an alliance with then weeks ago. You will be our gift to them for letting us join their glorious empire.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien's systems lock on immediately, obviously upgraded.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien flies past them, then whips the shuttle around to fly back up after them.
<Aielin> Go to hell! *Fires a volley of plasma torpedoes.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Did you catch that one?
<Rylon> 2His hand latches onto the Rifle, remained strapped into his seat. He brings it up his shoulder, prepping it to fire. Of course it was hard with all this moment.
<Rylon> *movement*
<DeathStar> 6* One of the enemy ships explode, and the other two dodge out of the way. Darien flies up and past them as they break off to regroup.
* Chad`Winters narrows his eyes. 1"They've went ahead and beaten us to the punches."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina nods to Cass. "Looks like Xevil already hit this spot."
* Aielin relocks, and begins running a tactical algorythm, looking for the best direction of approach for the next pass
<Cassandra_Arakawa> This would be considered an act of war since we entered under your invitation.
<DeathStar> <Helosian> Haarrrrdly. We will claim you attacked us first. Your words, against ours.
<Rylon> 2Looks out of the scope, watching the 2 ships now regroup behind them. The barrel started to hum, as it begins to charge up a shot in the barrel.
<Chad`Winters> I advise we escape now.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien continues to fly up ahead.
<Ariel> "Darien, how long until we reach dangerous altitudes?"
* Aielin then begins to run a source check for the transmission- where is this communication comming from?
<DeathStar> <Darien> 40 seconds.
<DeathStar> 6* It's coming from the planet below.
* Aielin runs a scan to attempt to lock onto the planetary structure transmitting
<DeathStar> 6* Its back in the city, which is out of range of Darien's shuttle.
* Ariel nods, and decides it's not worth the risk.
* Aielin shifts his attention back to tactical data, transfering the Data for best calculated approach to Darien's screen
<Cassandra_Arakawa> We have it all recorded.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien grabs the boosters. "Lets see if you keep up with this."
<DeathStar> <Helosian> ANd we have it recorded you opened fire on our aircraft first, who were coming to assist you.
<Aielin> Should we close that ramp?
<DeathStar> <Darien> I thought it was closed. Yes, close it. We're goign to be in space soon.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> And what about your assassins? We have that too.
<Aielin> ASSIST US!? Your the one who told us to SURRENDER! Your BLUFFING to make yourself LOOK BETTER! You pompus ASS!
<DeathStar> <Helosian> Ordering your surrender for attacking our poor pilots, who were coming to save you from assassins.
<Rylon> 2Looks out of the scope, watching the 2 ships now regroup behind them. The barrel started to hum, as it begins to charge up a shot in the barrel. It aimed directly at the cockpit of one of the craft, trying to knock it out of the race. If he was would collide with his friend.
* Chad`Winters begins to rub his forehead, obviously becoming annoyed by the others
<Aielin> CLOSING THE RAMP! *he hits the ramp close protocol
<DeathStar> 6* The shot hits their ship, but their shields hold against it.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien enters space and the aircraft fall behind, either unable or unwilling to fight in space.
<Aielin> Bullshit. You told us to surrender before we opened fire. Your a blatent liar. Dishonorable!
<Rylon> 14"Ah was worth a try anyway.."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> It would appear that this would be hostile negotiations.
* Chad`Winters left arm seems to twitch slightly
<DeathStar> <Helosian> You call us liars? We are angered. We should declare war on your PAX races.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien closes his eyes, hitting the button to fly into the hanger on autopilot. He slumps forward a bit, taking deep breaths
<Aielin> I'm an erusian SOLDIER! Not a diplomat! Somebody get up here and put this guy in his place!
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina eyes Slasher with concern.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Good bye. *closes the channel* Sir, I cna retrieve a visual record of everything from my memroy due to the wonders of cyberization technology.
* Aielin turns to look at darien, he grins, giving him the erusian gesture for a job well done.
* Rylon placed the rifle down, panting heavily. He was glad that he could now breath without his guts being ripped inside out.
* Chad`Winters look down at his left arm, clenching it tightly.
<Ariel> "This... yes. Hostile is the word for this. Though I do not believe negotations applys much any more."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina swallows, looking at CAssandra. "The fact is we can't disprove that those were assassins and not their people."
* Ariel looks to Darien, "You need to lay down."
<Shiva> I'd believe the best course of action is none at all right now.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Hey, they pulled weapons on us while we were in the elevator.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien isn't responding as he leans forward. The shuttle comes in with a landing on auto pilot.
<Arhn> The Erus Ascendancy will consider this affair an act of war.
<Aielin> Darien...?
* Aielin reaches over, checking Darien's wrist for a pulse
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina pauses, about to debate further when she eyes Darien. "He's unconscious. The wound isn't bad, but he was losing a good amount of blood. We should get him some blood transfusions.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien's alive.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina calls the medical staff on her datapad.
* Chad`Winters looks over at Katrina. 1"Proper assessment I'd believe.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina opens the ramp, motioning everyone off so the medical staff can get in when they arrive.
* Aielin inhales deeply, leaning back into his seat "Well crew, all things considered... I think we did alright."
* Chad`Winters looks at Aielin. 1"I'm not your crew."
* Shiva stands up, looking at Kat, a look of deep concern on her face.
* Ariel figures that there would be no harm in moving him, but decides to step back and let the med staff handle things. Still, she doesn't go far, not leaving the shuttle until they arrive.
* Aielin glances at Chad, annoyed "I was reffering to everyone, in a blanket term, endearingly.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina doesn't seem to notice, walking over and working on Darien's wound. She pulls off her uniform coat, pressing it on the wound.
<Rylon> 14"Childish bickering at usuall.." 2Ry moved off slowly, placing Aielins rifle on a nearby crate in the hangar.
<Rylon> *usual*
<Arhn> I need to get to a long range communication's terminal...
* Aielin notices Ry leaving, he unbuckles himself, following "Hey Ry, how about that drink?"
* Chad`Winters crosses his arm, almost as if he senses Aielins annoyance, he stars him back down.
<DeathStar> 6* The medical staff, trying to move up into the shuttle with their stretcher. They grab Darien and begin to pull him off.
<Ariel> *absently* "...I believe we need a better intelligence network."
* Chad`Winters steps off the shuttle,m his arms still crossed
<DeathStar> 6* The stretcher is grabbed and Darien is called off. Katrina walks down to look at Ariel. "It looks like we can't follow the plan Warren laid out at all. Xevil's moved too fast."
<Rylon> 14"..I'll is hardly the time for a drink"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> It might be wise to give up on the old list of possible allies and seek new ones.
<Chad`Winters> That would be the wisest course of action. Something didn't seem right in the Helosian's last words.
<Ariel> "I would not consider all of our previous choices to be a loss, however... we do need a new plan."
* Aielin stops, watching Ry leave, he stands speechless... at a loss, trying to understand this strange Erusian..
* Shiva steps off the shuttle and makes her way out of the hanger towards her temp quarters
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina shakes her head. "As soon as Darien is on his feet, we'll look into this incident."
<DeathStar> Session Ends
Session Close: Wed Mar 22 22:47:12 2006