Missing the opening again judging by how it opens again.

Session Start: Mon Apr 03 21:45:35 2006
Session Ident: #taw
* Now talking in #taw
* Topic is 'Year 9: The Alien Wars - Happy Endings on November 3rd, 2006. All TAW members, old and new, invited | PAX - http://thealienwars.tripod.com/PAX/ | (Current Weekly Schedule for Main Sessions) - Mondays at 8:30 EST and Wednesdays at 7:00 EST. | Season 4: 11 of 22 completed | '
* Set by DeathStar on Wed Mar 29 22:57:02
* ChanServ sets mode: +o DeathStar
<Rylon> 2Moves in afterwards, stepping to the side when Darien moves backwards. 14"Warren.." 2He commented idly, staring toward him. (rp)
<DeathStar> NRP: I love the power going out for now reason
<Aielin> NRP: The GM DIED! OH-- wait, he's bad
<DeathStar> NRP: I am bad.
<Aielin> *back
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks at Ry and Darien, evaluating them to some degree. He says nothing in return.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Everyone secured?
<Arhn> Please...this could be...sensitive.
<Chad`Winters> On your command sir.
* Xanatos`Durran nods silently. Waiting.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Captain Carmichael, do you know where you are currently?
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Go!
<Rylon> 14"Seems like him to me..he's always been this silent.."
<Ceres> Elsiah> "All set!"
<Chad`Winters> Go where?
<DeathStar> <Warren> Why are you here, Commodore Starr? 6He says with a bit of annoyance in his voice.
* Chad`Winters moves over to the ramp, waiting.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...on to the surface...
* Xanatos`Durran presses the ramp button. He glances at Cassandra as the ramp lowers. Its only right for her to take point.
<Chad`Winters> And then what?
<DeathStar> <Darien> ... 6He pauses, as if bugged by something. Probably due to the fact Warren could care less about his apparant rescue.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I'll tell you that when we get out there! *heads down the ramp on to the surface*
<Rylon> 2Looks over at Darien, leaning in slightly. 14"What do you think?"
* Xanatos`Durran steps out after Cassandra.
* Chad`Winters cocks his head to the side, then steps down onto the cold frozen surface
<DeathStar> <Warren> ... Hmh. 6He says with a grunt at Ry talking with Darien. He moves to walk past them.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Then let us go. *she waits for Arhn to lead*
<DeathStar> <Darien> Certainly a cheerful guy.
* Cassandra_Arakawa reaches for her waist and tosses a cord over to Xan. "Hook up, we can't afford to have anyone get seperated."
* Arhn heads for her own quarters.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *follows behind her*
* Xanatos`Durran staps it onto his belt and then tosses the loose end to Slasher.
<Ceres> "Think you can get settled in?"
<Rylon> 2Moves to step in front of Warren, shaking his head. 14"He's taken over in your absence..meaning currently..you are free from the burden"
<DeathStar> <Red> I suppose I can. Though it might be a bit lonely.
<Ceres> *Elsiah follows after Cass.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stops, looking at Ry. There's a hint of hostility there, then he turns to look at Darien. "I see. So you have my job."
<Ceres> "Well... I do get off duty soon, if you want, we could go get a drink?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> Temporarily, until we determine you're up to the task of taking it back over again, of course.
<DeathStar> <Red> I'll be delighted.
* `Cole idley walks around the station, stopping on the observation deck.
* Chad`Winters grabs the rope and ties it onto his side, he then throws the rop towards Elsiah's face.
<Ceres> *Elsiah grabs it, tying herself down as well.
<Arhn> Make yourself comfortable. *spoken as she enters her quarters*
<DeathStar> <Warren> Are my quarters still my own? 6He speaks finally after a moment.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *steps into her room and moves over to her terminal seat and sits on it.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Of course. I'll get you a card key immediately. Just ... stay here with Ry. 6He moves to step down the various hallways.
<Xanatos`Durran> Awaiting your command. *he sighs, rubbing his shoulders*
* Ceres smiles, "I'll see you shortly then, Ambassador."
<DeathStar> <Red> Wonderful, Lt. 6He smiles back.
<Rylon> 2Watches Darien move off, turning now to look at Warren. 14"I have a new soldier on duty..so don't be surprised if you see another Erusian walking around.."
<DeathStar> <Warren> I see. 6He states, not even glancing at Rylon. His stance seems defensive, as if he's annoyed being there.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Are we all secured?
* Ceres steps out and leaves Red to his own devices while she heads to the diplomatic office to finish off some paperwork.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> What is it you wished to discuss Ambassador?
<Xanatos`Durran> Yes.
<Arhn> Now then...what I need to speka to you about is quite important...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien steps into his office, fishing through his drawer noisely.
<Rylon> 14"Sorry..But you've been absent for quite sometime" 2He simply stated, as if noticing Warrens rather defensive take on things.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Where are the others? 6He asks suddenly.
<Ceres> Elsiah> "I'm good here."
<Rylon> 14"Cassandra took over your job as the head of security..she is..working to organize them in a way.."
* Aielin enters into the medical bay, looking somewhat absent minded, his hand looks like a bloody mangled mess. He blinks in surprise, after seeing Warren
<DeathStar> <Warren> Cassandra? 6He repeats. "I see. Where is Xanatos and Chad?
<Aielin> Your awake..! *he says, incredulously, blood dripping from his hand
<DeathStar> 6* Darien grabs Warren's old master chief of security card. He twirls it once in his hand, then begins to exit it, passing Ceres.
<Rylon> 14"Xanatos was demoted, but they are currently doing some training mission with Cassandra.." 2He snaps up slightly, looking back to look at Aielin.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks at Aielin, scowling a bit.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> I see. Pleas go on.
<Rylon> 14"Aielin..you might..want to wait outside.."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Let's start moving. *starts forward* Keep our movements synchronized and no one goes sliding...or worse.
<Aielin> ...? *He looks at Warren, taking in his defensive stance, he widens his stance to be more defensive, fearing violence* I just came to get a bandage for my hand..
* Xanatos`Durran feels a slight tug and then presses on, keeping up with Cassandra so that there is a bit of slack between them.
<Aielin> Ry, you know where the bandages are.. could you toss me one?
<Arhn> Recently events have brought to light that the Erus Ascendancy may be vulnerable to the Tsivirxsh in certain technological areas. We need gaps closed.
* Ceres smiles to Darien, she's just leaving the diplomatic offices, having signed off for the day.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I see. 6He states, looking away. He looks agitated being forced to wait there in a hospital gown.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods to her, moving through the hallways. He tries to process how he's going to tell Arhn this news, and then decides Ry should do it.
* Chad`Winters it's hard to tell what expression is currently on his face right now since it's covered, he just walks forward, his pace matching Xanatos' perfectly.
* Rylon moves over to a medical cabin, and gets out some rolled up bandaging. He tosses it over to Aielin, then turns to Warren once more.
<Rylon> *cabinet*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien arrives in the hallway, holding out the keycard to Warren. Warren grabs it, then begins to walk away, heading for his quarters. Darien watches him go.
<Rylon> 14"Well..he seemingly hasn't changed.."
<DeathStar> <Darien> He does put on the angry facade a little better than before, though.
<DeathStar> <Darien> So, I guess you should inform Arhn about his return to life.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *looks over at her, waiting for her to go on*
<Rylon> 14"He was tortured constantly..and just found out he is out of a job..I would be quite annoyed myself"
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: <Security Team> *Drags Elsiah along*
* Aielin catches the bandage, wrapping his bloody hand
<Chad`Winters> NRP: *Chad cuts the tether leading to Elsiah*
<DeathStar> 6* Warren uses his master card to enter his room, then stands there as the door closes.
<Arhn> I was hoping that the Cartel may be able to help us in this matter...
<Rylon> 2Sighs, looking at Darien. 14"I guess I should.."
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Good thing it wasn't a Visa. *shifty eyes*
<DeathStar> <Darien> Need help doing it?
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> And that matter would be?
<Ceres> *Elsiah keeps in movement with the rest
<Arhn> Improving our technological acquisitions.
<Rylon> 14"I'll be fine..though I try to keep contact with her to a minimum for my sake"
<Cassandra_Arakawa> See? This isn't so bad, is it?
* Ceres walks out to her room, getting changed into civilian clothes.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Understood. I'll be in the security room watching the monitors. 6He moves to walk off, leaving Ry and Aielin alone.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> I see, but the Erusians are quite far superior to The Cartel already.
<Xanatos`Durran> It is kind of pointless. Chad can move perfectly to match me.
<Chad`Winters> I fail to see what this has to do with anything.
<Rylon> 14"Enjoy.." 2He stated bluntly, putting in a text message to Arhn to meet him in the observation deck.
<Ceres> Elsiah> "These two are pretty easy to match up with."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren exits his room a few rooms down from Ceres. He's wearing a black shirt, pants, boots, and a trenchcoat.
<Chad`Winters> I'm only doing what's required to appease the commander. If I wanted to make it difficult, I would.
<Arhn> But not enough...the Tsivirxsh have already adjusted their sensor technology to see through our cloaks.
* Aielin bites the bandage, tearing it as he tucks one end under his wrist. "So, Ry, whats the situation?"
* Ceres looks over at Warren, "Oh, hello there."
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> I believe I see the picture clearly now.
<Ceres> Elsiah> "Glad to see you're such a pleasent guy to work with."
<Rylon> 14"Telling Arhn about Warren" 2His voice was quite bitter about it.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks at Ceres, then turns and begins to move away, obviously not interested in conversation. He moves toward the cafteria.
<Arhn> I also have an additional proposal as well...
* Ceres shrugs, not terribly interested in the stranger either, heading for Red's chambers.
<DeathStar> 6* Red, as if sensing a female approaching, steps out of his room. "Ah, Lieutenant! You came so quickly. Good, good."
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> And that would be?
<Aielin> Now you sound bitter.. why?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren steps into the cafeteria. He begins to speak in low grunts to the guy who makes the drinks, obviously knowing something. The guy looks at the camera, then motions Warren into a blind spot where he can sit.
<Rylon> 14"No reason..just not looking forward to it..me and her..needless to say, have never seen eye to eye..never will either."
<Arhn> I am concerned about Earth's political situation...namely what will PAX do if Earth chooses to revoke its active protection.
<Chad`Winters> Well maybe if I worked as little as you did, I'd be more pleasant.
<Xanatos`Durran> Now now Chad. We can't all be busy little bees like you.
<Aielin> .. I see.. *he turns, the glazed look in his vision fading for a moment as he walks out of the med bay
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sits down, grabbing a cup full of something that has an odd color. He begins to drink it. Meanwhile, Darien moves the camera to face Warren, watching him at the bar. He leans back.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> So you're afraid of what might happen if popular vote sways away from PAX...
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Nothing like getting stuff off your chest on an environmentally hostile satellite orbiting a volatile gas giant.
<Xanatos`Durran> Course she does even less than me. Which is well...
<DeathStar> <Darien> ... hmph. 6He stands up, finding nothing odd, and walks back to his office.
<Chad`Winters> Oh there's nothing on my chest sir.
<Arhn> Yes...I am.
* Xanatos`Durran eyes Cassandra oddly. "I had hair on my chest. But...well I kinda lost that."
<Ceres> Elsiah> "Who do you think is watchin the base whenever you people go off on field trips..."
<Chad`Winters> I hear old age does that.
<Chad`Winters> I'd trust the security system over you.
<Ceres> Elsiah> "I get stuck in a dead end job like this and all I get is the peanut gallery... brilliant... just bloody brilliant..."
<Ceres> Elsiah> "You don't even know me, Lt."
<Xanatos`Durran> It isn't my fault Katrina doesn't like chest hair...*he sighs and the laughs real quickly* Actually Elsiah, you are supposed to go on missions with us, yet you seem to never show up. Thats why you got demoted to guard duty.
<Rylon> 14"Get over it" 2He stated to Aielin, moving to look at him as he leaves.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> I believe we knew the possiblility that this could happen at anytime. But if Earth were to withdraw, I believe that PAX would still exist cohesively in one way or another.
<Chad`Winters> I've read your bio Elsiah. It's me you know nothing about.
<Ceres> Elsiah> "Demoted? News to me. Anyways, sure, sure yah have..." *she sighs and trails off, seeming bothered by useless conversation*
<Arhn> I think we cna keep it going seperately as well. As a presursor to that, I believe that we need to step up cooperation between PAX members.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> I thought things were going rather smoothly...Am I wrong to believe that?
<Xanatos`Durran> I think not being allowed to go on missions would be a pretty nice demotion. Might not be in rank, but trust me, you can be demoted and keep your rank. I know first hand.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Oh, we just stopped sending her memos. Besides, someone has to guard the fort.
* Aielin comms Warren "Hello, Warren? This is Aielin, we met breifly in the Med bay."
<Ceres> Elsiah> "Yeah, last I checked I still had mission status, or are you retaking your command from Cassandra?"
<Chad`Winters> I make it my personal business to read every one's personal records so I know if they'll be a liability or not.
<Arhn> I do not mean the talkign that is going on now...I mean more...direct cooperation.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren drinks back some of the contents, making a face at it. He drops his comm. onto the counter. "Yeah?"
* Rylon heads out of the medical bay, looking from left to right in the empty hallway.
<Ceres> Elsiah> "My personal records have about three lines not struck out with black ink."
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> You'll need to elaborate more Ambassador, I'm not following you now.
* Xanatos`Durran laughs again. "I love how everyone tries to be all mysterious and cool. I personally think that is stupid."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien arrives in his office, sitting at his desk and leaning back.
<Chad`Winters> What a coincidence Xan, I think your stupid too.
<Xanatos`Durran> Least we agree on something.
<Aielin> <Comm> I'd like to discuss with you in private a few things that you need to know.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I could care less. Piss off. 6He turns off his comm.
<Ceres> Elsiah> "Oh lovely... ten minutes into a conversation and the reports all prove accurate..."
<Aielin> <Comm> wait its about ARHN! *he tries to squeeze before the comm goes dead
<Xanatos`Durran> I never once claimed to be someone that i'm not.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren throws back another shot of the liquid, making a face. He seems sluggish now, quite possiblely drunk.
<Chad`Winters> That's the thing about reports, they only let off what the person wants them to see.
<Aielin> Urgh... *He pulls out his Datapad, not taking no for an answere, he runs a search for personell locations, and searches for Warren's location
<DeathStar> 6* He's in the cafeteria.
* Xanatos`Durran chuckles after Chad's comment.
* Ceres breaks into a chuckle as well.
<Arhn> Very well then. The cruiser we have been provided by the Earth government is an Earth cruiser...a relatively old one, by all accounts. My first proposal is that we work on constructing a hybrid vessel to serve for all of PAX's membership.
<Ceres> *Elsiah
<Aielin> ... Cafeteria... *takes a turn in the hallway, heading towards the Cafeteria
<DeathStar> 6* Warren motions for another. The bartender eyes him in surprise, wondering how he can take so many. He throws it back, then types something into his datapad, hitting send. He slides it back into his coat.
<Xanatos`Durran> Umm Cassandra. My nuts are getting cold and trust me, I can't afford anymore shrinkage...
* Ceres knocks on Red's door.
<DeathStar> NRP: Red's been outside his door and talked to Ceres already.
* Aielin walks into the Cafeteria, scanning it for Warren
<Ceres> NRP: Missed a line x.x
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Ahh, a joint-venture. A wonderful idea no doubt, but you'll need to convince the knuckle-heads on Earth.
<DeathStar> 6* The man in black and brooding is none other than Warren.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Next time, bring some heated underwear...and yes, there is a next time.
* Ceres smiles to Red, "Are we ready to go?"
<Xanatos`Durran> I dunno, I think I might be catching a cold. *he mock sneezes*
<Chad`Winters> I'll be sure to take off in advance.
<DeathStar> <Red> Indeed. 6He holds out his arm to her.
<Chad`Winters> Becareful Xan, you might sneeze out your brain.
<Arhn> That's exactly the problem.
* Ceres takes it gently and smiles, "Quite a gentleman."
<Xanatos`Durran> You shoulda been there whenever that happened. I could have swore that Katrina stepped on it. Worse day ever.
* Aielin walks up to the bar. he takes close to warren. He orders a earth beer.
<DeathStar> <Red> I can be that and more. So, where shall we dine? Somewhere with a private room? 6He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> But if you season it just enough, they might eat it right up.
* Ceres giggles softly, "Hmmm... not sure I know any places like that, but we'll find something nice."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren eyes Aielin, then slaps his hand on the counter for another. The bartender eyes them both, complying.
<DeathStar> <Red> Then lead the way. 6He says devilishly.
* Ceres leads Red to the hangar bay, to one of the short range shuttles.
<Chad`Winters> If all we're going to do is walk, we could've atleast went to a beach.
* Aielin turns the bottle up, downing the entire bottle, before slamming it back on the counter with a THUD.
<Arhn> We need to show that such cooperation i spossible, so I have one more proposal to make. We need to have a showpiece.
<Xanatos`Durran> Thats some harsh weather. Thats for sure.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> A showpiece? Like a drawn up blue-print?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren throws back his drink, then stands up from his seat. He begins to walk toward the exit.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> If we went to the beach, we'd all slack off and I'd have to bring my bikini, and you'd have to rub oil on my bare back...and that would just be messy.
<Aielin> Warren Carmichael... I've heard a good deal about you. My lady seems to be infatuated with you, you know?
<Chad`Winters> <Shiba> Or you talking more on the lines of a shuttle.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks at him suddenly. "Who?"
<Arhn> Yes, a working prototype of something less ambitious.
<DeathStar> 6* Red follows along, humming a tune.
<Xanatos`Durran> Messy? Sounds to me that you put a lot of thought into that fantasy.
<Chad`Winters> I'd rather spend a day in hell than see you in a bikini.
* Ceres boards a shuttle and smiles to Red, "Down we go."
<DeathStar> <Red> I like going down with a lady.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Hmmm...*leans back rubbing her chin as she thinks*
* Ceres blushes a little at that one and hits the autopilot, the shuttle heading for the colony.
<Arhn> Beyond showing that we cna cooperate across cultural boundaries...ther eis another benefit that I think Earth will need to see to be convinced, but once convinced will sell the entire project.
<Aielin> My lady. *Stands aproaching Warren* Lady Arhnya. You know, of her yes?
<Ceres> *Elsiah shakes her head, "So... are we done?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> Yes. Your point?
<Cassandra_Arakawa> And just what is wrong with my body?!
<Ceres> Elsiah> "Oh dear..."
<Xanatos`Durran> Well honestly, we think Chad might be gay.
<Chad`Winters> The fact that I don't find you attractive at all.
<Rylon> 2Of course, he see's his message to Arhn is ignored..but finds that nothing new. He heads down toward the secondary hangar.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...this is a cyborg thing, isn't it?
<Ceres> Elsiah> "Wonder what kind of woman would ever fit Winters."
* Aielin stops, standing face to face with Warren, he looks warren in the eye, speaking unthreateningly "I was under the impression that you and she were lovers at one time."
<Chad`Winters> Currently, of the three here, none of them.
<DeathStar> <Warren> .... Really?
* Xanatos`Durran laughs, "Damn you."
<Aielin> Thats what she told me. Are you saying otherwise?
<Xanatos`Durran> But you told me I was the one!
<DeathStar> <Warren> I'm saying nothing to you. 6He says with a mock smile.
<Chad`Winters> Yes it is a cyborg thing. *he says it rather emotionlessly
<Chad`Winters> <shiva> I think I know someone who could make the design.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Fine, fine...time to turn around.
<Xanatos`Durran> Thank jesus.
* Ceres gets up as the shuttle lands.
<Arhn> Who?
<DeathStar> 6* Red casually steps out with her, nodding his head like he's in the zone.
<Aielin> ... Thats too bad. I DID have some information about her that you might have found valuable.. but if you are going to be so uncooperative... *he steps past Warren, walking towards the exit
<DeathStar> 6* Warren watches him walk by, then smiles coldly suddenly. "You're good." 6He looks back at him. "Better enjoy your ambassador while you still can, Erusian."
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> I believe Chad Winters would be able to get it done timely. Plus I believe since he is part of PAX it would show the other Allies that PAX is working to unify things on a mechanical level.
* Aielin stops, his hand on the door "Why, whatever do you mean?" He says, still looking forward
<Chad`Winters> Does this mean the mysterious Elseah is leading?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren turns to face him. "I might pay her visit right now. Would that bother you?"
* Chad`Winters turns around and waits
<Ceres> *Elsiah turns wordlessly and starts moving.
* Chad`Winters starts moving, his food steps finding Elsiash flawlessly
<Arhn> Perhaps so...I'm hoping that this project will bring our technological prowess together, making technologies that we have not previously had available to our respective civilizations available and takes us all in entirely new directions as the different thinking comes together.
* Xanatos`Durran turns and starts in sync with Chad.
<Aielin> *He turns to Warren* If you are intent on visiting Lady Arhn.. I would insist that you are atleast informed of her delicate.. condition.. say the wrong things and... *his voice trails off, ominously
<Rylon> NRP: He's food stepping..new trend everybody!
<DeathStar> <Warren> I'll be sure to pass on your special needs toh er. Your very special needs. 6He walks toward him.
<Xanatos`Durran> I remember doing this back in bootcamp. So lame.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> If we can prove to Earth that keeping there stake in PAX is fruitful beyond treaties and the such, like everyone chipping in on building Battleships and Cruisers, we may persuade the Senate to stick with PAX
<Aielin> Special needs..?
* Ceres steps off the shuttle and waits for Red, fixing her jacket.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren leans in real close to him. "You want to feel her touch on you, don't you? Feel her body underneath yours as you rock against it."
<Arhn> Not only that, but open the doors to mutual technological development since such things seem to carry weight with the human politicians.
<Rylon> NRP: Ry: Wrong Erusian
<Ceres> *Elsiah heads towards the shuttle, unbothered by the cold.
<Aielin> .. whats your game, warren? *his eyes narrow
<DeathStar> 6* Red steps out. "A lovely colony. I like the lights."
<DeathStar> <Warren> What's yours, "Aielin"?
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> I'm sure I could persuade The Cartel to diversify some of their funds to such an endeaver.
* Chad`Winters pulls out his pistol and begins twirling it in aorund his gloved finger.
<Aielin> .. Its not safe here.. *he nods towards the cameras
<DeathStar> <Warren> I imagine it isn't. Shall we go somewhere...private?
<Arhn> Thank you, Shiva. I'm hoping that we may eventually act as one in all matters.
* Ceres smiles, "It is rather beautiful down here..."
<Ceres> *Elsiah nears the shuttle.
<Aielin> We can discuss things in my room.. unless you have somewhere else in mind.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Your room is fine. 6He smiles, pointing outward. "Lead the way."
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> I do fear that it will be awhile for Earth to come to something like that.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Alright, board the shuttle. And turn the heat on.
* Xanatos`Durran unsnaps himself and hops up on the shuttle, moving over to the pilot's seat.
* Chad`Winters spins his pistol into it's holster and steps inside, un hooking himself, he pulls his hood off. 1"Well I do believe we learned how to expect the unexpected on that training mission.
<Arhn> Indeed, but we may possibly be able to act independently of Earth is need be...honestly...we can't retain any traction against the Tsivirxsh unless we can show a more unified front than we have now.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Quite so.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Wait for next time.
* Aielin stands, staring into Warren's eyes for a few moments... judging him.. this guy is crazy.. before he finally turns, opening the door, walking out. His senses highly accute to danger now, as he senses Warren's possible malicious intent.. his ears twitching, as he concentrates on every sound Warren makes, from footsteps, to the rustle of clothing.. expecting an attack to come from behind. He walks towards his quarters
* Aielin pulls out his Data pad and searches for Arhn's location
<DeathStar> 6* Warren follows along, his hands in his pockets as he whistles a tune.
<Xanatos`Durran> I believe we learned that Elsiah is mysterious and crazy and that we should not "fuck" with her. *He closes the ramp and powers the shuttle up*
<DeathStar> 6* Arhn is in her quarters.
<Aielin> Mmm hmm..
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> I will talk to the board members of the Cartel and discuss our meeting to them.
<DeathStar> 6* Durran's datapad suddenly receives a message - someone is contacting him.
<Chad`Winters> Maybe that was the unexpected.
* Xanatos`Durran arches a brow and picks up his datapad, he reads the new message.
* Rylon moves toward his quarters, shaking his head.
* Aielin stands infront of his quarters. he opens the door, motioning for Warren to enter
<Arhn> Thank you.
<DeathStar> 6* The message is encrypted with one of Kane's old programs.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren steps into the room first.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Someone actually sent you a message out here?
* Xanatos`Durran eyes the encryption. He silenty works at it, while he waits for the shuttle to get ready.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *stands up, bowing her head to her*
<Xanatos`Durran> Maybe it is Katrina?
<Chad`Winters> Maybe it's your father.
* Aielin follows behind warren, Closing the door. He flips the light on. Aielin's room is some is tidy. everything kept in its proper place, the bed made tight enough to bounce a coin off of.
* Chad`Winters moves over to a seat and sits down.
<Xanatos`Durran> Ew that would be scary. *He continues to work on it*
<DeathStar> <Warren> So, what did you want to talk with me about? 6He says as he stands there.
<Aielin> *-is some
* Arhn rises, bowing to Shiva as well.
<Aielin> First, I want to know why you said such things about me, and Arhn?
<Ceres> Elsiah> "...I learned that my coworkers are self absorbed assholes."
<DeathStar> <Warren> I was guaging your reaction.
<Chad`Winters> I learned that Elsiah can't judge what lies beneath the surface.
<Xanatos`Durran> I resent that statement. *he says while working on the message*
<DeathStar> 6* Warren holds out his hand. "Lets try this again. I'm Captain Carmichael."
<Chad`Winters> No, you resemble that statement.
<Xanatos`Durran> I'm not self absorbed. I'm merely special.
<Xanatos`Durran> And if you say special ed then you are worse than I thought.
<DeathStar> 6* The shuttle slowly boots up.
* Aielin looks down at Warren's hand. He reaches out to shake it "You know, Captain, you have a rather creepy way of conducting first impressions."
<Chad`Winters> I'm sure everyone else knew what you really meant without me clarifying it.
* Ceres leads on, heading into the colony.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Thank you. 6He lets go of Aielin's hand.
<DeathStar> 6* Red follows.
* Xanatos`Durran whistles and then pulls the shuttle up, he aims for space and allows the autopilot to do its job, he sits there quietly, working on the message. He had seen this program before, it is just a matter of getting it right.
* Ceres stops, looking at a few places, "See anything good?"
<Chad`Winters> You need some help with that Lt. Durran?
* Aielin doesn't let go, he twists Warren's hand, in an attempt to bring Warren's arm behind his back in an arm bar
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stands there, a grin on his face. "And what are you doing?"
<DeathStar> 6* Warren doesn't seem to mind he's being arm barred.
<Xanatos`Durran> No. You just mind your own for a change. Nosiest...*he trails off as he works on the message*
<Aielin> ... I think I have lost my mind, Captain Carmichael. You see.. all my life I have been used, and quite frankly, I am tired of it..
<DeathStar> <Warren> Tired of it?
<Chad`Winters> Let's just hope that message isn't that dire.
<Aielin> Mm hmm.. *He grips his pistol at his side with his other hand, bringing it to to warren's back* Mmm hmm.. tired of the Yloi always telling me what to do, tired of being looked down upon.. tired of excelling in everything, and never getting credit for any of the work..
<Xanatos`Durran> Not like I can do anything about it until I get back to the station anyway.
<DeathStar> <Warren> That's terrible. 6He says sympathetically.
<Xanatos`Durran> Besides...who really uses Kane's old program anyway?
* Xanatos`Durran keeps working on it.
<Chad`Winters> Kane?
<Xanatos`Durran> His old encyption program, its on this message and damnit I'll figure it out. *he keeps working*
<Aielin> Don't FUCK with me, Warren.. Your psycho mind games won't get you anywhere... *He tightens his grip on the Arm bar, and takes a defensive position to protect his lower body from defending kicks from Warren, should he decide to lash out
<DeathStar> <Warren> You must feel horrible. Are you planning to shoot yourself?
<Chad`Winters> I'd say it'd either be Kane himself or possibly Katrina, but that'd just be odd.
<DeathStar> GM: *the shuttle ride continues to occur, for the record*
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *makes her way down to her room*
<DeathStar> NRP: Yeah, I'm slowing you guys down I'm evil.
<Aielin> ... no, I'm planning on shooting you.. Heh.. you don't seem scared at all.. probably due to the fact that you've just endured months of torture by the Tsiv.. so tell me, whats going through your mind right now?
* Ceres eyes Red, waiting for a response.
<Xanatos`Durran> Unless she is messing with me or something...proving how dumb I really am? *he shrugs as he works.*
<DeathStar> <Warren> How completely stupid you are. 6Just then, Aielin's hand freezes, his entire body going rigid and tight. He can't even talk hardly. It would send him crashing to the floor, unable to even pull the trigger.
<DeathStar> <Red> I'm thinking Italian.
<Aielin> ARGH! I bet your planning on killing Arhn arn't you!?
* Ariel has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<DeathStar> <Warren> Wow. That's the first smart thing you've said all day. 6He pulls out the knife. "Too bad you're not going to see it happen." 6He brings it down for the coup de grace.
* Aielin wind mills up, grabbing a nearby desk, grunting, hurling it to the best of his ability at Warren
<DeathStar> Session Ends
Session Close: Mon Apr 03 22:55:51 2006