Session Start: Wed May 03 19:00:31 2006
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20060503.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-583.7.14
* `Cole has joined #taw
<DeathStar> -Early, Early Morning-
<DeathStar> Location: PAX Station
<DeathStar> 6* It's early in the morning, according to the military time the station is based on. The shifts have begun to change from night to day.
* Cassandra_Arawaka is in the training room, giving herself a workout...artificial joints can get stiff, ya know!
<DeathStar> 6* Warren appears to be in the training room himself. His eyes are closed as he aims his guns at several targets in front of him, then he proceeds to fire blindly at them, nailing them appropriately.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien remains soundly asleep, as does Katrina.
<DeathStar> 6* The night shift personnel begin to drag themselves from the seat, handing it off to the equally tired morning shift.
* Cassandra_Arawaka is serving as the station's early morning slice of cheesecake with her stretches.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren doesn't even notice
* Xanatos`Durran is soundly asleep next to Katrina.
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra's comm. beeps with a message from security.
<Kio> 2Slips into the security office, whistling rather lightly. He looks around, sighing.
* Seraphna is now known as Ceres
* Dias is now known as Chad`Windows
<DeathStar> 6* A night shift personnel is at the station, holding a communication device. He looks at Kio with bleary, tired eyes
<Kio> 14"You look like shit, someone die?"
* Ceres is getting off a shuttle, having come back from a visit to the colonies, rosey cheeks, whistling to herself as she heads to the living quarters.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Here we go. *then does a handstand and actually hand walks over to her bag, then does a one-armed handstand as she digs out her com and brings up the message*
* `Cole walks into the cafeteria and moves over to get himself some breakfast. He looks quite happy even though it is early morning.
<DeathStar> <Security Guy> Uh, yeah actually.
<Kio> 14"...Huh? Who!"
<DeathStar> <Security Guy> Turn on the holovid. 6He motions. "Lt. Commander, sir, I have bad news."
* Kio turns on the holovid
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Give me the report.
* Chad`Windows sits on his bed's edge, an old book in his hand as he looks down reading it.
<DeathStar> 6* A reporter is standing outside a cheap hotel. It's obviously the Europa colony news. "And behind me is the scene of a brutal murder, where a young woman was stabbed to death in bed while with the killer."
<DeathStar> <Security Guy> We're, uh, getting a transmission from the Europa police. Apparantly they have King Red in custody and want to know if he's really a diplomat here."
<Kio> 14"Well hell..what's that got to do with us? That shit happens all the time"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Hell...get Commodore Darien on the horn and tell him. I'll be right there.
* Chad`Windows flips the page then looks over at his Terminal, the time ticking away on it. He places a book marker in it and closes it, tossing it onto his terminal desk.
<DeathStar> 6* The camera shows footage of King Red being led out in handcuffs, in his underwear, and smeared in blood. "This man is suspected of being the killer. While police will not comment, witnesses at the scene place the two together."
<Kio> 14"..Ah now I see"
<DeathStar> 6* The security guy immediately begins to call up Darien.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren glances over at Cassandra.
* Cassandra_Arawaka arches her back, bringing her feet on to the floor and then pushing herself back into a standing position. She then grabs her bag and heads for the security office.
* Chad`Windows moves over to his closet and opens it, he picks up one of his shoes, then pauses, he looks down at them and bounces them in his fingers and then looks inside.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien flies out of his room moments later, his hair all messed up from sleeping as he strains to get his uniform on. He quickly dashes down the hallways.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Have you contatced the commodore yet? *spoken as she enters security*
<DeathStar> <Security Guy> Yes, sir. He's on his way now
* Chad`Windows shakes his head and then tosses his shoes into the garbage.
* `Cole sits at his table and begins to eat his eggs, bacon, and sausage.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> We're going to wait on this since it deals with a diplomat...tell them to take it easy with him down there. Hell...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien busts into the room, waving at the security guy, who hands the comm over. He paces off to the side, talking in a low voice, running his hands through his hair
<Kio> 14"Well it's an obvious framing if I say so myself..I mean..Red is a womanizer by all means, he nevers kills em though"
* Chad`Windows pulls out his uniform and changes.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> He still has diplomatic immunity.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Thank you, officer. 6He stands there a moment, then bashes the comm. on a table. "I. Do. Not. Need. This."
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Well?
<DeathStar> <Darien> The woman was stabbed 13 times. His fingerprints are on the weapon. Her blood is all over him. Jesus. They're going to turn him over to us, but they want us to go get him. Come on.
* Chad`Windows steps out of his room and begins walking upto the Security Room
* Kio turns to look at Darien 14"Well..who do you want going down?"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Yes, sir. And here I am with a bare midriff. Oh, he's going to like that.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Your call on who we should take to get him. I doubt he'll run. 6He says to Cassandra as he stalks out. He points at Chad. "Lt. Windows, you come with us, though."
* Chad`Windows stops, looking at Darien. 1"Can I log in first?"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> The three of us will be more than enough.
<Kio> 14"Windows?...did I miss a name change or something?"
<DeathStar> NRP: *just laughs*
<Arhn> NRP: Chad has sold his body to Microsoft.
* Ceres steps out of the shower, finishing her prep for the day, drying out her hair and getting dressed for duty.
<Chad`Windows> NRP: Chad's just that good that he knows who Darien was talking about.
* `Cole finishes his meal and steps out walking down the hallway.
<DeathStar> NRP: I still don't think he knows WHY Darien called him that.
<Chad`Windows> NRP: Why, he doesn't.
<DeathStar> NRP: Look at your name
<Arhn> NRP: Chad..check your nick!
<Chad`Windows> NRP: *smacks his foreheaD*
* Chad`Windows is now known as Chad`Winters
<DeathStar> NRP: Oh, I'm laughing so hard.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods as he moves to the hanger.
<Kio> 14"Well..right then, might I suggest an private investigation? While all fingers point to Red, I doubt he's dumb enough to stay with a dead body"
* Chad`Winters moves over to the locker and pulls out a pair of shoes and tosses them on quickly. He then turns and follows Darien.
* `Cole notices Chad and Darien. "Morning.' He says to them once in earshot.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> We'll deal with it, don't worry... *goes to the hangar*
* Chad`Winters nods idlesly to Cole as he passes.
<DeathStar> NRP: We'll just say that Zephyr changed the name on Chad's nametag.
<DeathStar> NRP: ZING!
* Chad`Winters pulls out his datapad and types something on it quickly then puts it away.
* `Cole glances back at them and then glances back in front of him to see cassandra. "Something going on?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien slides into his shuttle as he begins to prep it. His face is scowling and he's not jolly.
<Kio> 14"Well..looks like I get to sit here..and do absolutely nothing..again"
* Ceres heads into the diplomatic offices, a smile on her face, "Wonder what we have to deal with today..."
<Chad`Winters> Commodore sir, may I ask where we're going? *he steps onto Darien's shuttle*
<DeathStar> <Darien> Lt. Commander Arakawa will brief you. 6He says, not feeling like explaining that he's got a political crisis on his hands once this gets out to Earth.'
<Cassandra_Arawaka> We're heading down to the colony. There's been a murder..and King Red is the prime suspect.
<`Cole> King Red? Um, am I needed?
<Ceres> COmms: Checking in, anyone on the channel?
* Chad`Winters looks over at Cassandra, quirking his eyebrow. 1"Funny."
<Chad`Winters> NRP: We passed by him so unless he turned and followed us onto the shuttle...
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Funny? Just what do you mean by funny? Am I laughing?
* Kio slips into his seat, yawning boredly. He brings up the comm, 14"What?"
<`Cole> NRP: Cassandra didn't. She teleported again.
* `Cole shrugs at how everyone passed him then, and makes his way toward the Security Office.
<Chad`Winters> It's impossible to tell with you. *he looks over at Darien, eyeing his expression* So this isn't a joke, I see...
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *lies asleep in her room*
<Cassandra_Arawaka> NRP: I posted Cassandra going to the hangar.
<`Cole> NRP: Considering Cole was in the hall and darien aand chad passed, i'm sure you would too. So I talked to you.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> NRP: And I posted to Chad before you posted to me.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Lets go see what's up.
<DeathStar> Stardate: A little while later, Colony Side
<`Cole> NRP: Right.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Enough children.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien is speaking with the police chief while Red stands by Cassandra and Chad, wearing something to hide the fact he's just in his underwear.
<DeathStar> <Red> I'm innocent! You two believe me, right?
* Chad`Winters looks back at Red eyeing him, he pulls off his uniform top and hands it to him. 1"If you didn't do it, then who did?"
<DeathStar> <Red> I don't know! I-I was asleep!
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Well, I hope you aren't stupid enough to sleep with your own victim after the crim has been committed...being that you are a soveriegn head of state and all...
<DeathStar> <Red> Yes, see? Royality makes me smart, right?
<Cassandra_Arawaka> I spoke too soon...
<DeathStar> <Red> Say, are your boobs getting bigger, Lt. Commander? Did you upgrade them?
<Chad`Winters> *looks over at Cassandra* He could always bleed mental retardation.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: plead.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> No...I didn't. I just picked a good model number when I had them fitted the first time. *rolls her eyes*
<DeathStar> <Red> Nice. Nice. But, anyway, like I was saying, I didn't kill her.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> explain to me what happened.
<DeathStar> <Red> I met this nice girl, we had a few laughs, we had sex, I go to sleep, I wake up she's dead.
<Chad`Winters> And how did your prints get on the murder weapon?
<DeathStar> <Red> I don't KNOW!
<Chad`Winters> Do you think you were drugged?
<DeathStar> <Red> My performance was WAY too good to be drugged.
<Chad`Winters> Then you must've done it, correct?
<DeathStar> <Red> That's right, I must--WHAT?!
<Chad`Winters> Alright, tell me what happened when you picked her up.
<DeathStar> <Red> I, uh, treated her to a nice dinner, then we went to this hotel...then we had sex.
<DeathStar> 6* Red smiles at the two of them as Darien walks back over.
<Chad`Winters> Where did you pick her up?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Lets go. 6He says with a scowl.
<DeathStar> <Red> I, uh, you know...a crowded street with lots of people? 6He hurries after Darien. "You'll investigate this, right? You'll clear my name?"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> We'll continue this discussion on the way back...cover his head.
* Chad`Winters shakes his head then follows behind him, his arms crossed behind his back.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Red... 6He turns, holding up his hand as if he wants to hit the man. "You have diplomatic immunity. But you're through at PAX. You're going home." 6He turns and walks off for the shuttle, leaving Red standing there with big eyes
<Cassandra_Arawaka> You really should have sent someone else in your stead, you know...
<DeathStar> <Red> But...
<DeathStar> Stardate: A little while later, Back at the Station
<DeathStar> 6* Darien storms out of the hanger, leaving Red alone with Cass and Chad again.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> You have two options here. You go right home immediately...or you can subject yourself to a mind probe.
<DeathStar> <Red> A mind probe?!
* Chad`Winters looks over at Cassandra as if she's crazy.
<DeathStar> <Red> I'm a friggin' diplomat! I got secrets!
* Kio stares at the monitors, bobbing his head back and forth to entertain himself. 14"Take care of it huh? Someone was fibbing.."
* Ceres moves to intercept them, "What's going on? The local channels have been buzzing like it's a new war."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien steps into his office. By now Katrina has arrived, drinking coffee. She looks at him.
<Chad`Winters> All it will do is prove to us that he's innocent, not the the court.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Well, is the issue. Everything physical is against you. Every witness is against you. You'd be found guilty in record time if you didn't have diplomatic immunity.
* Ceres follows after them, smiling to Katrina, a little nervously, and sighs as she hears what's going on
<DeathStar> <Red> But, I...I don't like mindprobes. They're not exactly reliable.
<DeathStar> NRP: Darien left them in the hanger. So Darien/Kat aren't near Red.
* `Cole is sitting at his desk in the security office, he glances at Kio. "They back?"
<DeathStar> <Red> I heard this one man got his brain fried using one. Yeah.
<Kio> NRP: Wait..Cole is on the security team?
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Its a suggestion. It isn't admissible in any court anyway. However, we need something or else you are going to stay gone.
<`Cole> nRP: He is a guard.
<Kio> 14"Uh yeah..just got back"
<`Cole> NRP: So he stole a desk as his own.
<DeathStar> <Red> Can't you like...go down to the crime scene and do like...INVESTIGATION WORK!?
<Chad`Winters> I need to hear a better detailed story from you before I spend my time down there.
* Kio opens a communication line to Darien. 14"Mind we speak for a quick second?"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> We don't have jurisdiction.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien rubs his forehead, then opens the comm. "Yes?"
<Chad`Winters> It's related to us, we can pull strings I believe.
* Ariel sleeps peacefully... maybe not being security has it's benefits.
<DeathStar> <Red> You're the military! Say it's about aliens! I'M an alien, after all!
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Now...we might be able to get access from the local security as a courtesy...but...not without anything to start on.
* `Cole watches Kio out of the corner of his eye.
<DeathStar> 6* Red paces around in a panic.
* Ceres looks to Kat, "Never a slow mornign, eh?"
<Kio> 14"This looks like a set up down to the core. Anyone with a vendetta against PAX could have set this up, to smear shit all over it's name. Reds pretty dumb, so it's not hard to frame someone like him"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Neveri s.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Ball is in your court.
<DeathStar> <Darien> It's not my problem. 6He says as he grabs paperwork. "The fact is Red is useless. He has attended zero diplomatic functions and he spends his time hitting on the women. He's not worth the effort."
<DeathStar> <Red> Fine. What do you need to know?
<Chad`Winters> Start from the begining.
<DeathStar> <Red> I went down to the colony to get some PUSSY! 6He says with emphasis, waving his hands as if it should be obvious
<DeathStar> <Red> I have needs!
<Cassandra_Arawaka> ... ... ...
<Chad`Winters> I think we're wasting our time here.
<DeathStar> <Red> No, no, I'm sorry. I was down there to get laid! Sex! That's all I was doing!
<Kio> 14"Probably not, but it still reflects on PAX'S name..sure we can leave this unattended, but it makes us look even worse. While helping red is probably useless, but the fact is we let him go down it's just gonna be our fault unless we do something"
<Chad`Winters> Where did you find your mark?
<DeathStar> 6* Red mumbles something, wiping his hand over his mouth
* Chad`Winters reaches over and smacks Red upside the head. 1"Don't waste anymoer of my time.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I'm not interested. I have real work to do than to help some con man out.
* Ceres sighs then picks up her humming, getting out the paperwork for the day
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Speak up.
<DeathStar> <Red> I went and picked up a hooker. 6He says with a deep sigh.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> ... ... ...the king of an entire world...and you go trolling for streetwalkers?!
<Chad`Winters> Not important Cassandra.
<DeathStar> 6*Red hangs his head, as if all his honor is gone.
<Kio> 14"Well I don't have anything else better to do, we don't help we lose an ally most likely."
<Chad`Winters> Ok, Red. Did she have a pimp?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Then have fun, Lt. Kio.
<Kio> 14"Oh I just might!"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien closes his communicator and looks at Kat and Ceres. "I can tell this is going to be a bogus day. Do whatever you two want to do."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina, without needing to be told twice, hops out with her cup of coffee, making headway for the hanger.
<DeathStar> <Red> I-I don't know. I said, "Hey baby, want to ride the King?" and I flashed her some money...
* `Cole glances at Kio. "You need any help? I never have anything to do, being a guard and all."
* Kio gets up, rotating his shoulder. He looks about the security office. 14"Sure, I could use the extra hand"
* Ceres follows after her, her own mind on something else she could be doing.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> ... ... ...that just made me sick. That was god awful...the worst pick up line...
<Chad`Winters> Cassandra, knock it off.
<DeathStar> 6* Red shifts, dropping down into a seat, looking like a broken ma n.
* `Cole stands and swings his jacket on. He moves after Kio. "So that Red guy is being accused of murder?"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Anyway, keep going...
<Chad`Winters> So you picked her up, did you notice anything out of the normal around her. Someone staring angrily, anything that didn't feel right?
* Xanatos`Durran rises from the bed and stands up, stretching.
<DeathStar> <Red> No... 6He says without any jolly tone of voice.
<Kio> 14"Yes, and chances are he was framed"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina steps into the hanger, sipping her coffee as she listens now.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Describe her demeanor.
<Kio> 14"Well get some supplies we'll need form the back, I'll go on ahead and get the shuttle ready"
<Kio> *from*
<`Cole> Anything in particular you wanting?
<DeathStar> <Red> .... like any other hooker....
<Chad`Winters> Ok so you picked her up, then what? Straight to the motel?
<DeathStar> <Red> Yeah...
<Kio> 14"Ummm, some evidence bags..cutton balls, stuff like that.."
<Kio> *cotton*
<Chad`Winters> Was it your choice?
<DeathStar> <Red> She suggested it.
* Kio heads toward the hangar
<Chad`Winters> Possible usual place. Meaning if she had a stalker, she could've been easily found. Did she seem at all agitated, nervous?
<DeathStar> <Red> I really didn't pay attention to anything that didn't involve foreplay or sex... 6He slump further in his seat.
* `Cole whistles lightly as he searches the backroom to get the thing he needs.
<Chad`Winters> And you had nothing to eat or drink from when you picked her up to when you goto the hotel, right?
<DeathStar> <Red> Nothing.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Alright. Decribe what happened when you woke up.
* Xanatos`Durran scratches his arm as he steps out of Katrina's room and makes his way down the hallway.
<Chad`Winters> You goto the hotel did your busines....*pauses, as he's interupted*
<DeathStar> <Red> I woke up...she was covered in blood...and the knife was in my hand...then suddenly the cops busted in the door
<Cassandra_Arawaka> And why were the cops there, then?
<DeathStar> <Red> I don't know...
* `Cole moves out of the office with a bag of supplies on his shoulder, he walks down the hallway toward the hanger.
* Kio slips into the hangar door, looking at the commotion. 14"Well, I can tell that's a set up..I'm heading down to the crime scene to see if I can pick up any sort..3rd party interferance..seems professional though, so I doubt it."
<Cassandra_Arawaka> I think that merits a look.
<Chad`Winters> The timing seems way to tight.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Exactly...and did you go to sleep immediately after..the act?
<DeathStar> <Red> Uh, pretty much immediately.
* Kio heads onto the shuttle, getting it ready.
* `Cole moves into the hanger, stopping beside Kio.
<`Cole> NRP: urp, moves into the shuttle with Kio then.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> And did she leave your side at anytime while you were still awake?
<DeathStar> <Red> Uh, she went to the bathroom once...
<Cassandra_Arawaka> How long?
<DeathStar> <Red> About....6-7 mins? Doing the things you women do, I figured...
<Kio> 14"Well..!..lets go, seems we can slip out unnoticed." 2He closes the ramp, and and heads out of the hangar, making a destination to Europa.
* Xanatos`Durran slides into his room and strips as he moves for his shower.
* Chad`Winters looks back at the shuttle leaving, as if they didn't think him and Cass were going to go.
<`Cole> Wait, did you get the info on the crime scene/
<Kio> 14"I was going to ask the cops that, since the others really just wanted to ignore me"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina, obviously reading Red's emotions the entire time he talks, interjects nothing.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Hell...what are they doing going now?
<DeathStar> <Warren> To solve a murder. 6He speaks up from out of nowhere. He steps into the hanger.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Damn it...idiots...Chad..continue the interview. *pulls out her com and sets it to the shuttle's frequesncy* WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!
<Chad`Winters> 6-7 minutes, thats a long time. Ok, I want you to run to the Medbay and have them run a tox scan on your blood, have them look for anything.
<Chad`Winters> Wait, one quick question. Did you notice anything different about here when she came back from the bathroom?
<`Cole> Your lady is quite angry. *he notes to Kio*
<DeathStar> <Red> More relaxed? Looser? Better at sex? 6He shrugs as he walks out wearily, passing Warren without so much as a look.
<Kio> 2Turns the communications line on. 14"Launching an investigation, what's it look like? Darien gave me the A-okay, I tried to state my intentions..but you just ignored me"
<Chad`Winters> ...What kind of stripper stays overnight?
<Cassandra_Arawaka> *c* We were conducting the investigation already.
<DeathStar> <Warren> One that doesn't want to go back out on the streets. It certainly wasn't for Red.
<`Cole> Sounds like she is mad that we are beating her to the crime scene.
<Chad`Winters> Aye, that's what I thought. A stalker.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> He was telling the truth. His emotions were too defeated to be lying.
<Chad`Winters> He was a man in the wrong place.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> *c* We do not have authorization to go to that crime scene yet. They can put you a cell for it!
<Kio> 14"Hold on a sec" 2Opens a line to Darien. 14"Don't we have the authority to launch an investigation?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sighs as he grabs his comm. "Are you STILL looking into this matter?"
* Xanatos`Durran steps out of his shower and dries himself off, he begins to put his uniform on.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> *c* We have no jurisdiction on Europa!
* Chad`Winters looks between Kat and Warren. 1"This won't be easy. A single man, in a huge colony.
<Kio> 14"Umm..yes I am, in a shuttle ready to go"
<DeathStar> <Darien> No, you don't have the authority to launch an investigation with permission from the Europa police.
<DeathStar> (without)
* `Cole steps back and pulls out his comm, he punches in a frequency to get into contact with the Europa police.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Great, Cole a man who has no real connection with Earth is going to do it.
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL!
<Cassandra_Arawaka> *c* Chad, keep an eye out for Red, interview him again and make sure his statements match after an hour. I'm getting on the horn and getting that courtesy extended.
<`Cole> nRP: I'm the man biatch.
<DeathStar> <Dispatcher> Yes. How may I direct your call?
* Kio sighs and powers down the shuttle, crossing his arms. 14"Well thanks for telling me before hand.."
<Chad`Winters> He wasn't lieing, there's no point in hitting him up again.,
<`Cole> <Comm> Yes, I would like to talk with someone that is covering the crime involving the young lady that occured this morning. The crime that involved King Red.
<DeathStar> <Dispatcher> ....
<DeathStar> <Dispatcher> May I ask the nature of this call and who is calling?
<Chad`Winters> NRP: RED'S BONED!
<Kio> 14"Hey uhh Cole..mind handling me that?"
<Kio> *handing*
* `Cole nods and extends the comm to Kio.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> I know that...but he is on edge. And I want to mnake sur ehis rear is covered in case worst comes to worst.
* Ceres takes a shuttle down to the colonies a little later then the others, after switching out of her uniform again
* Chad`Winters moves over to his terminal and to a locker, he opens it and pulls out a uniform and heads back over to Cass. 1"I'm going down there, I need to see the crime scene.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: *Notes we haven't left yet*
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Ok, but don't make a move until I show up with the paperwork, otherwise they can nail everyone for breach of jurisdiction.
* Xanatos`Durran steps out of his room and makes his way for the security office.
<DeathStar> * Katrina watches Ceres take another shuttle now.
<Chad`Winters> I don't plan oni t.
* Cassandra_Arawaka heads for the security office.
* Kio takes it, bringing it up. 14" LT. Kio Aliastar of the PAX security force. We request permission to launch an official investigation regarding the matter of King Red."
<DeathStar> <Dispatcher> ... hold on a moment.
<Chad`Winters> Kat, Warren, I think we could use your eyes on this.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I find this situation too amusing to step into.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I have to say, I think you guys have more "Help" than you need.
* Xanatos`Durran steps into the office and glances around. He scratches his head and eyes the lone security officer. "Where the hell is everyone?"
<Kio> 14"Alright"
<Chad`Winters> I think you're right. But if Cole and Kio are going to try and run this show, Red's good as dead.
<DeathStar> <Man's Voice> Uh, Lt. Aliastar, is it? This is a colony police investigation.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> ...on unauthorized leave is where. Recall those jarhead, Xan. I need to talk to Europa... *sits at her desk and tries to contatc colony security*
<DeathStar> 6* The colony informs her that their head guy is already talking to someone from PAX.
* Xanatos`Durran glances back at Cassandra as she walks in, "Recall who?" He eyes the hanger monitor "What the hell is going on?"
* Chad`Winters moves over to his shuttle and steps inside, powering it up. He lifts off the ground and leaves the station, heading down to the colony.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren shrugs his shoulders. "I really can't get involved. It's not my jurisdiction."
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Kio...Cole...and the rest of them...they aren't authorized to leave the station...
<Xanatos`Durran> Chad too? *he notes Chad leaving*
<Kio> 14"Yes we know, but this is of the utmost importance. But this matter regards one of our Diplomats, and their government is pushing for PAX involvement into the it would help if we got the permission to try and gouge the situation ourselves"
* Chad`Winters types something on his terminal.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> I am Security Chief Cassandra Arakawa. Anyone else talking to you is acting without authorization.
* Cassandra_Arawaka then transmits her credentials.
<DeathStar> <Man> Even if I was inclined to hand over such an investigation, you do not have the authority, or rank, to make such a request. Nor do you have the proper paperwork. So I suggest you quit dicking with my time.
* `Cole glances at Kio. "Perhaps we should let Cassandra handle the authorization, and then just work with them?"
<Kio> 2Technically his shuttle was still in the hangar, never even had a chance to take off! hah. 14"Fine, then you'll likely get a call from a higher up.." 2Closes his communications. 14"Man..Earth ranking systems..I'll never get them"
* Ceres heads down to the colony on her own, yawning a little
* `Cole shrugs, "Well I think Lt. Winters already left, so maybe we should leave it to him?"
<DeathStar> 6* A man appears on Cassandra's screen. "You people are beginning to become a little annoying. Lt. Commander Arakawa."
* Chad`Winters enters the colony atmosphere, readjusting to land, already catching upto Ceres.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> They have already worn through my own patience. They were not authroized to act in this capacity. They will be disciplined.
<`Cole> NRP: I'm glad Cole is a guard. Haha.
<Kio> 14"Ahh screw it, I'll let them handle it. If they don't trust me enough to deal with this, then I won't bother"
<DeathStar> <Man> Good. If you want this case so badly, here is all the data collected. It's yours. As far as we're concerned, it's pointless to persue as your man is immune anyway. 6He sends the police reports.
* Ceres lands, getting out leisurely, not in any seeming kind of rush as she does
<Kio> NRP: Shiva will whip you
<`Cole> NRP: She's into that kind of thing.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina sips her coffee, alone in the hanger now with Warren. He shrugs.
* `Cole shrugs and turns to move off of the shuttle, "I'll be on my way then."
* Kio steps off the shuttle, looking at Warren and Katrina. 14"Hectic day dontcha think?"
* Chad`Winters lands immiedately after Ceres and powers his shuttle down, stepping out shortly after.
<DeathStar> <Warren> A good way to start a Monday.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Thank you. We also request permission to access the crime scene. Also one of your own investigators attached to the case if you can spare them.
<DeathStar> <Man> Done.
* Ceres looks over at Slasher, "What are you up to..."
<Chad`Winters> I'm here to pick up supplies if need be.
<DeathStar> 6* Red mopes in the medical bay.
* Xanatos`Durran scratches his head and eyes Cassandra, he just moves over to his seat and sits down into it, getting into his comfortable position, legs propped and arms crossed.
<Kio> 14"I need to get used to this, I try to help and I can' an Erusian I a Human..well not so much"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> I will be arriving within the hour. I will check in at your station, then we will move on to the crime scene.
* `Cole shrugs, "Even though i'm from the Cartel, my opinion means jack. So I say just get used to it."
<DeathStar> <Warren> Hm. As an Erusian, it wouldn't really concern you. 6He says with a shrug, clearly intent on not getting involved himself and he has the powers Ry had.
<Kio> 14"Yes..but I have a tendency to try to help anyway..though looking back on it now, getting myself shitfaced drunk and leaving the stuff to these people is the more objective course"
* Chad`Winters walks past her, heading straight for the motel everything happened at.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I go where the Commodore goes and he seems content to let this one go.
* `Cole waves a hand casually to Katrina as he steps off of the shuttle. "Good Morning, Miss Katrina."
<Cassandra_Arawaka> *c* Lt. Winters, I will be joining you on the ground soon. You are to meet me at the local precinct.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles at Cole.
* Chad`Winters taps his comm. 1"I'm heading to the scene already. I'll take a look outside until you show up."
* `Cole glances at Warren. "Hey Warren, do you still play guitar?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> .... yes. 6He says a bit strangly.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> *c* No, stay out of the crime scene for now.
<Kio> 14"I hate it personally, I don't think me being here was such a good idea after all..just doesn't feel right anymore"
<Chad`Winters> <C> That's why I plan on not entering the motel.
<`Cole> Well if you ever have any free time, I think it would be fun to play together. I haven't ever played with someone else, so I think I could learn a lot.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stares at Cole a moment, then nods an acceptance to him. He glances back at Kio. "Times change. People change with them."
<Cassandra_Arawaka> *c* Fair enough then. Just make sure no one goes in. I'll be there.
* `Cole nods at all of them one last time before stepping toward the exit of the hanger.
* Chad`Winters stops outside the Motel, eyeing the crime scene tape.
<Kio> 14"Well one thing I've always liked about you're never reall change..makes you reliable"
<Kio> *really*
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Xan, I'm going down to the colony. Kio and Cole need to ahve a stern talking to...and you ahve security as well. Have fun. *heads for her quarters to change into her full uniform then ehads for the hangar*
<DeathStar> <Warren> Hrn. 6He considers this.
* Xanatos`Durran eyes Cassandra. "Care to tell me whats going on before you go?"
* Chad`Winters moves over to the alley and walks down it, looking around as he does so.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Murder down on the colony. Red is the suspect. Have to keep this from turning into an interstellar incident. *heads out*
<Kio> 14"Can't say the same for alot of people around here though"
<DeathStar> 6* Some people, females mostly, are on the streets, smoking cigs. It seems they're just loitering the streets.
* Ceres yawns and heads into the crowd
* Chad`Winters taps his comm. 1"Red, you hear me?"
* Xanatos`Durran arches a brow as she leaves. He extends his hand to hit the comm. "Kio and Cole. Could you please come to see me in the security room."
<DeathStar> <Comm> Uh, yeah?
<Kio> 14"And here comes the lecture, adios you two.." 2He heads off to the security room
<Chad`Winters> <Comm> Do you remember her name?
<DeathStar> <Warren> Xanatos isn't very good at being stern.
<DeathStar> <Red> She had a name?
<Chad`Winters> <Comm> I assumed you'd say that.
* Cassandra_Arawaka leaves her quarters, now in her full uniform, heading for the hangar.
<Kio> 14"Hell..I know that more then anybody..had to kick him in the balls practically to give him some courage."
* Chad`Winters puts his hands in his pockets and walks over to a dumpster, he pops it open and looks inside it.
* Cassandra_Arawaka then takes a shuttle down to the colony and immediately goes to the precinct.
<DeathStar> 6* A man in a coat approaches the motel. He looks tired and annoyed.
* Chad`Winters drops the dumpster, then turns looking at the man.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: top
<DeathStar> 6* The man stands there, glancing around. He lights up a cig., taking a deep drag.
* Kio dissappears from the hangar, and moments later steps into the security office. 14"Yup I know..I screwed up, normally you get 50 lashing with a whip for disobedience where I originate from..what's the punishment?"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> I am here to check in. I am Lt. Commander Arakawa.
<DeathStar> 6* The man walks over to the police tape, standing around it.
* Chad`Winters takes his uniform cover back off turns it inside out quickly.
* Xanatos`Durran eyes Kio. "Sit your ass down."
<DeathStar> <Dispatcher> Of course. I'll tell the Captain. 6She heads off momentarily.
* Kio takes a seat, eyeing him.
* `Cole steps in shortly after. He moves over to sit, having heard Xan tell Kio to do so.
* Chad`Winters puts his uniform back on and then moves out of the alley and over to the building next to it where he leans against it, he then watches the man from the corner of his eye.
<Xanatos`Durran> Can I ask you something?
<Kio> 14"That is?"
<DeathStar> 6* The man walks over to Chad. "You Lt. Commander Arakawa?"
<Chad`Winters> No. I'm Lt. Winters, she's my superior officer. I'm here waiting for her.
<DeathStar> 6* An older man in his 50's walks over to Cass. "You must be Lt. Commander Arakawa. I've already had one of my people go to the scene to wait for you."
<Xanatos`Durran> What the fuck were you thinking? Seriously, i'm dense sometimes, but rushing off to solve a crime not in our jurisdiction, and then trying to get authorization after you realized you didn't have it? Kio this doesn't seem like something you'd do.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Good. I want this done by the book so no one's toes get stepped on.
* Chad`Winters pulls out his ID and shows it to the man.
<DeathStar> <Man> Gotcha. I'm here to help you with the investigation. 6He pulls out a badge from his coat, showing it to Chad.
* Chad`Winters eyes it. 1"Have you looked inside at all?"
<DeathStar> <Man> This morning when the initial investigation began.
<Chad`Winters> What do you think of it?
<Kio> 14"Well heres the thing..I asked Darien..and he said go ahead..Now I don't know Earth rankings and jurisdiction and all that. When I hear's like "Alright do your thing"."
* Chad`Winters pushes himself off the wall and crosses his arms as he faces the man fully.
<Kio> 14"Sides that..I need to do things I normally don't do..for the disguises sake
<DeathStar> <Man> I think it's pretty obvious. You're the ones who want to clear your guy's name.
<DeathStar> <Captain> I understand. My man will assist you with anything you need and act as liason for us.
<Chad`Winters> Let's go inside. *he motions to the man* So tell me, how many hookers normally spend the night with their paycheck?
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Is there anything else you need to tell me?
* Xanatos`Durran eyes Kio and just shakes his head. "You're only drawing attention to yourself. Something you don't need to be doing. And why was Cole with you in the first place? Your a guard, this has nothing to do with you!
<Kio> 14"He sorta offered"
<DeathStar> <Captain> I think the report is everything you need.
<`Cole> I just offered to help. I didn't know I was doing anythign wrong. *He adds to Kio's comment*
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Good then. I'll go meet your investigator at the crime scene. Thank you. *then she's off to the crime scene*
* Xanatos`Durran sighs, "Well i'm not sure what Cassandra is going to do to you, but I think i'll suggest the same punishment that I used to get back whenever I was still green."
<DeathStar> 6* The man duckers under the tag. "Usually none."
<Kio> 14"What's that?"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> *c* Lt. Winters, I'm on my way.
<Chad`Winters> You know what kind of hooker stays overnight?
<Chad`Winters> <C> Understood, I'm going inside with one of their's.
<DeathStar> <Man> The kind who got paid to stay all night and get murdered? 6He says, glancing at Chad as he steps inside.
<Xanatos`Durran> You will meet up with the Janitor everyday and assist him with his duties. You will still be doing your security duties as well. And Cole, since I can't assign this punishment for you, i'll get in touch with Shiva and request she assigns the same punishment.
<Chad`Winters> I don't know many who get paid to be murdered. I'll tell you tho, a woman that's scared, that's who.
<`Cole> But I was only offering to help. Why should I be punished?
<Kio> 14"..he owes me 20 bucks"
<Kio> 14"Let the big guy was sorta my screw up..he's an off worlder, so he didn't know what was right or wrong"
<DeathStar> <Cop> Really?
* Cassandra_Arawaka arrives at the motel and then enters the crime scene herself.
<DeathStar> 6* The man turns to look at Arakawa, smoking his cig.
<Chad`Winters> Normally. She could pay make more money back on the street instead of in his bed. Red isn't the kind of guy who enjoys the after the main event portion.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: -pay
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Alright, found anything?
<DeathStar> <Cop> Not a damn thing.
<Xanatos`Durran> You'll be cleaning toilets and scrubbing showers. I think the average time for doing it was a month. *he glances at Cole* Fine, but just remember to get the facts before you jump into something. *He then looks back at Kio* I'll leave the request for Cassandra to look over. She might have something worse to add to it. *He shakes his head* Alright i'm done.
<Chad`Winters> We just got inside. Red said she went into the bathroom for 6-7 minutes. *he slips past the tape and heads carefully over to the bathroom, stepping inside it*
<DeathStar> <Cop> Yeah. We found traces of drugs in there. The whore was pretty buzzed.
* `Cole frowns, "I'm sorry, i'll remember to know about whaat I'm doing before I do it.." He stands and begins to walk toward the door.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> She was doping up. *looks at the cop* Was Lt. Daryl Hicks interviewed?
<DeathStar> <Cop> I'm Hicks. 6He says, eyeing her as he takes a drag. "What do you need?"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Makes this easier then. Her record says you busted her a few times for hooking.
<DeathStar> <Hicks> Yep. She couldn't quit fucking men, so she spent most of her time in jail.
* Chad`Winters pauses as he listens to Cassandra talk. He pulls out a pen from his pocket and opens the main cabinet, looking inside.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> You walk this beat?
<DeathStar> 6* Hicks moves over to the open curtains, glancing outside.
<DeathStar> <Hicks> Yeah.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> She have any friends?
<Kio> 2Rubs his forehead. 14"You know what the worse part about all this is? Cassandras my boss, that screws up a relationship faster then most things.."
<DeathStar> <Hicks> Not really. 6He shrugs.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> She share a corner with anyone?
<DeathStar> <Hicks> She was a pretty isolated whore. 6He takes another drag.
* Chad`Winters closes the cabinet again then looks over at the garbage.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> She independent or was she buying protection from some sleaze?
* Chad`Winters pulls out his datapad and types sometihng on it.
<DeathStar> <Hicks> Independant.
* Xanatos`Durran smirks at Kio. "Might be a little insentive to think about your rank before you do anything. Being a Lt. means you can basically take orders and thats it.'
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Any of the local big boys take exception to that fact and made it known?
<DeathStar> <Hicks> Not that I heard about.
* Chad`Winters steps backout side. 1"Red's tox scan came out clean, Cass.
<Kio> 14"Thanks, not only do I lose my identity as an Erusian..I lose what sanity I have in my life...this isn't going to work Durran"
<DeathStar> 6* Hicks keeps looking out the window at the woman across the street.
* Ceres sighs and sits at a familar bar, enjoying a drink despite the rough atmosphere.
<DeathStar> (women)
<Chad`Winters> You said you patrolled this area frequently and have arrested her. Would you say you know her?
<DeathStar> <Hicks> Well enough. 6He shifts some, glancing at Chad now as he takes a drag.
* Cassandra_Arawaka glances out the window at the woman...
<DeathStar> 6* The men in the bar eye Ceres, as if sizing her up.
<Xanatos`Durran> Your thinking into this too much. Just chill out, look at me, I was stripped of pretty much everything but a title, but I'm not letting it bother me."
<DeathStar> 6* The woman is probably a hooker, judging by her looks, though she seems to be just loitering about
<Kio> 14"Your woman isn't your boss now is it?"
<Chad`Winters> Did you become friends?
<DeathStar> <Hicks> What kind of question is that? 6He asks Chad.
<Xanatos`Durran> My woman is always my boss.
<Kio> 14" ass, I've never seen her give you one order!"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina is currently in the training room, meditating quietly.
* Xanatos`Durran eyes Kio. "I don't think you understand. When it comes to relationships, the women make the rules. Us males just try to follow them as best we can."
<Kio> 14" that how it is on Earth? You make me want to think about going down with the burning building, that's sorta sad. As if Myhr didn't have enough problems dealing with the Yloi"
* Ceres doesn;t even seem to notice them, deep in though
<Ceres> *thought
<Chad`Winters> Nothing my minds wandering.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Lt. did it drike you as odd that her vocal cords were cut?
<Cassandra_Arawaka> strike
<DeathStar> 6* A man sits next to Ceres. "Hey, babe. How 'bout you and me go find some place quiet?"
<Chad`Winters> A good way to keep someone from screaming.
<Chad`Winters> Can I see the info you got Lt. Cmd Arawaka?
<DeathStar> <Hicks> .... Probably didn't want to wake anyone else up.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> My thoughts exactly. No point in making that cut after the stabs to her vitals.
* Xanatos`Durran chuckles. "It isn't such a bad thing you know. They always pretend to give us the power so that our egos aren't hurt. So in essence you get to make decisions and be a man and all that. Besides Kio, Cass really enjoys being in command, and since it makes her happy, shouldn't it make you happy to see her pleased?"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Hold on... *sends the report to Chad's data pad*
<Chad`Winters> I'm going to go talk to...*he looks down at his data pad* Joe...I'll be right back. *he turns and walks off*
<DeathStar> 6* Hicks tosses his cig out the front door when he finishes, standing there.
<Ceres> "Hmmm... someplace quiet you say?"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Anything else about this catch your eye?
<DeathStar> <Man> Sure. 6He smiles at her, trying to come off charming.
<DeathStar> <Hicks> Not a thing, Lt. Commander. Not a thing. Pretty obvious your boy stabbed her in the throat, then carved her up. Must not of liked the goods.
* Chad`Winters stops infront of the front desk and talks to Joe. 1"Lt. Winters of PAX, working with the local Police Organization on the murder that occured. Quick question, did the hooker, Candy Cane, frequent this place?
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Were you the investigating officer?
<DeathStar> <Hicks> I was.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Who called it in?
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel Guy> Yeah.
<DeathStar> <Hicks> Anonymous tip. Male.
<Kio> 14"I like her being happy, but it doesn't solve all my problems..though I'd like it too.."
<Cassandra_Arawaka> So did the tipster know something was up?
<Chad`Winters> Did any certain person appear on a good basis with her?
<DeathStar> <Hicks> Maybe he walked by the window and saw the dead body. 6He shrugs, motioning to the curtains.
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel> Uh...well...
<Chad`Winters> Well?
<Xanatos`Durran> Of course. All I can say is I suggest you start thinking up some way to make it up to her.
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel> Uh, no. 6His eyes glance away to look at nothing in particular.
<Kio> 14"Make it up to her? You must be kidding, I gotta keep her happy on top of the stack of ever growing problems?"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Did she usually leave the curtains open when she was with one of her johns?
<Ceres> "Well... what would we be doing all alone?' *she smiles, her voice soft and playful*
<Xanatos`Durran> Whaat the hell do you think a relationship is? It takes a lot of work. But it is worth it, at least I think so.
<DeathStar> <Hicks> Maybe she liked a peep show. 6He sneers, then eyes the hooker across the street with disdain.
* Chad`Winters crosses his arms. 1"Look, you're obviously hiding something, and in doing so you're blocking the investigation, a felony if I recall.
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel> I have no idea what you're talking about.
<Kio> 14"...I just developed a sudden head ache"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Maybe...
<DeathStar> 6* Hicks goes for another cig, lighting it up.
<Chad`Winters> Candy had to come here to get a key card to the room. The odds are good that you'd see who she came in with.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> And didn't they tell you not to smoke on a crime scene. It contaminates the scene.
<DeathStar> <Man> I can think of some...things... 6He runs a hand along her shoulder, obviously drunk
<DeathStar> <Hicks> Whatever. 6He takes another drag.
* Xanatos`Durran laughs. "You'll be fine man. I'll talk to Cassandra before she gets to you, but I suggest at least saying that you are sorry for not thinking."
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel Guy> ... maybe, maybe not.
* Cassandra_Arawaka then sends Chad a text message: 'I want Hicks' job record'
<DeathStar> 6* Hicks looks restless, as if he's growing more annoyed by the moment.
* Chad`Winters pulls out his datapad, eyeing it.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> You have an issue, lieutenant?
<Chad`Winters> Have you ever seen Candy with a police officer?
* Kio moves over to his desk,, and leans down to get his advil. 14"I planned on saying sorry..but I'm not gonna be kissing anybodies ass.."
<DeathStar> 6 *The man squirms now.
* Ceres turns back to her drink, "I'm fine."
<DeathStar> <Hicks> I think this is a waste of time.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> You don't have an interstellar incident to worry about.
<Xanatos`Durran> Well all I can say is good luck.
<Chad`Winters> Something wrong?
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel> ... N-No...
<DeathStar> 6* The man in the bar eyes Ceres with disgust, then walks off.
<Chad`Winters> The man that was found at the crime scene is an innocent man, can you sleep at night knowing what can happen to him because of this?
<Kio> 14"Hell with luck..I never relied on it before..and won't start"
* Ceres shakes her head a little and orders something hard
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel> Look, it's none of my business what cops do on their off hours...
* Xanatos`Durran chuckles. "Having a hard time with dropping in rank?"
<Chad`Winters> Good, then it shouldn't matter if you tell me which cop spent most of his time with her.
<Kio> 14"Going from Commander to Lietenant? You bet"
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel> Maan... him. 6He nods out the window at Hicks, who can be seen looking out the window of the room.
<Chad`Winters> Did they get into any fights?
* Xanatos`Durran smirks, "You could look at it like you have just been given the chance to have a nice vacation."
<DeathStar> 6* Joe shrugs.
<Chad`Winters> Thanks for you help. *he turns and heads back to the room*
<Kio> 14"I'm going to seriously hit you..a vacation is being somewhere nice."
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Anythign else to say? Otherwise, you can punch out and we'll take it from here.
<Xanatos`Durran> You saying PAX aint nice?
* Chad`Winters steps into the room, holding his hand out to stop Hicks.
<Chad`Winters> No, I think he's going to stay for some questioning.
<DeathStar> 6* Hicks goes to say something when he looks at Chad.
<Kio> 14"As a guard it's quite enjoyable, but as a Earth government're their bitch"
<DeathStar> <Hicks> Excuse me?
<Xanatos`Durran> Nice. Aint it? *he laughs again*
<Chad`Winters> So how long have you been paying her for her services?
<DeathStar> <Hicks> ... What did you just say?
* Ceres sighs and downs another drink, "Now that I think of it... he never came back..." *she mumbles to herself*
<Kio> 14"Sure..if you have no pride"
<Chad`Winters> A local I talked to said they saw you enter the hotel room with her on more than several occurences.
<DeathStar> 6* Hicks stands there, just staring. He then begins to walk for the door. "I don't have to put up with this kind of libelous bullshit."
<Xanatos`Durran> Pride? Whats that?
* Xanatos`Durran smirks once again.
<Chad`Winters> I have a witness connecting you to the deceased. You will answer the question, if you want to be cleared of anything.
<DeathStar> 6* Hicks points at Chad. "I don't have to say a damn thing to you."
<Kio> 14"I sometimes think you are in a worse situation then I am..and I'm a criminal wanted by the Tsi"
* Xanatos`Durran glances at Kio. "Do you see me whining about my situation? No. I've accepted my situation, and now i'm waiting for the right time to make it better."
<Chad`Winters> You're hear to aid us in our investigation, if questioning you is part of it, then so be it.
<DeathStar> <Hicks> I did not sleep with any whore. 6He shouts, throwing his cig down as he points right in Chad's face. "And how dare you question my honor."
<Chad`Winters> Was she your lover then?
<DeathStar> <Hicks> I DID NOT SLEEP WITH HER! 6He roars, his face turning red in anger.
* Cassandra_Arawaka goes looking around while Chad is questioning him...let's put those military grade optics to use.
<Chad`Winters> Then what did you do with her here?
<Kio> 14"Haha, you know venting aobut it sometimes actually helps your situation"
<Chad`Winters> Do you have an anger problem? If you're innocent you shouldn't be getting so angry right now.
<Chad`Winters> Going to cut my throat perhaps?
<DeathStar> <Hicks> Oh, fuck you. 6He grabs a communication device and begins to call his boss.
* Xanatos`Durran eyes Kio. "You sure about that? I highly doubt it does. All it does is gets people to pity you."
<Chad`Winters> I'd love to talk to him when your done.
<Kio> 14"Not if you do it out of anger"
<DeathStar> 6* Hicks gives Chad the finger, then steps away, talking rapidly to his Captain about how they're trying to say he did it.
* Xanatos`Durran shrugs. "Then people just think you're an angry nutcase."
* Cassandra_Arawaka just shakes her head and keeps looking.
<DeathStar> <Hicks> I'm not going to be the scapegoat for some damn military project trying to protect their fucking killers, Captain.
* Chad`Winters looks Hicks up and down, eyeing his hands quickl.
<DeathStar> 6* Hicks looks at both of them, sneering. "I'm done here. And believe me, my department is ready to fight you on this one."
<Kio> 14"One thing I can tell you from experience..doing nothing will never help your situation."
* Cassandra_Arawaka looks under the bed.
<DeathStar> 6* It's clean.
<Chad`Winters> They say the criminal will head back to the scene of the crime. Isn't it odd that you knew her, you were the 1st to investigate and here you are again?
* Cassandra_Arawaka then goes over and checks the closet.
<DeathStar> 6* Hicks gives him a fuck you sign again and walks out.
* Chad`Winters follows him out, watching him.
<Xanatos`Durran> I think my situation is quite fine. I have a wonderful girl and a steady job. When this place is closed by Cran, then i'll attempt to gain a position near Katrina.
<DeathStar> 6* Hicks walks toward his car, fumbling his keys out. He's absolutely furious.
<DeathStar> 6* The closet looks clean.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Lt. are a pinhead. *then goes into the bathroom*
<Chad`Winters> Then why didn't you stop me.
<DeathStar> 6* Hicks begins to unlock his car door, opening it and sitting down, slamming the door shut.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> I wanted to see his reaction.
<Chad`Winters> He did it.
<Kio> 14"Then trying to improve your situation is bad manners. Don't worry about Cassandra, I'll take the full brunt of the her attack if need's my problem anyway"
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Possibly...but no proof. Now they are going to close ranks.
<DeathStar> 6* Hicks revs his car up, backs up, and then drives off in a rage.
<Chad`Winters> *pauses thinking, then moves back to the Joe quickly*
<Xanatos`Durran> Nah. Don't sweat it. You're still trying to adjust to all of this.
<DeathStar> 6* Joe the Motel guy stands there, watching Chad approach.
<Kio> 14"Bah..then I look weak having you cover for me!"
<Chad`Winters> Joe, is there anyway to get into these rooms then besides the front door normally.
<DeathStar> <Joe> Uh, no. Just the front door or window...
* Xanatos`Durran eyes Kio. "Fine, I wont say a word then."
<Chad`Winters> How many key cards are made each time the room is used?
<Xanatos`Durran> Power isn't everything you know.
<DeathStar> 6* Joe scratches his arm, where a tattoo of an eagle can be seen with some sort of letters on it. "Uh, one for the guest and one for us."
* Chad`Winters eyes the tattoo. 1"And you were at the desk at all times last night?
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel Guy> Basically, yeah.
<Kio> 14"Thanks for the offer though."
<Chad`Winters> <C> Arawaka, I need you to check the window behind the room. Look for any signs of forced entry.
<Chad`Winters> So if anyone would be able to see if someone came into that room at some time, you would've seen it?
<Cassandra_Arawaka> *c* It was locked and intact when the police arrived.
<DeathStar> <Joe The Motel> I do lots of functions. There's times my back is turned.
<Xanatos`Durran> No problem. *he reaches over on the console and brings up the audio file of Kio speaking to Warren just before he left. "Try not to mention anything about our last conversation. Especially whenever Katrina is around."
<Kio> 14"Eh? Oh that, I doubt you'll need to worry about that..even though you ratted me out to Chad.." 2Brings up that audio file, staring.
<Chad`Winters> Do you still have the other key card?
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel> Yeah. 6He moves over to the cards, then holds it up.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Lieutenant, I'm going for a walk. Take care of things ehre and then see to my little request. *pulls off her jacket and then tosses it over her shoulder*
* Chad`Winters pulls out a plastic bag and grabs the card with it. 1"Only your finger prints should be on here correct?
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel Guy> Just mine.
* Chad`Winters pulls out his datapad and types something on it, he then waves it over the card, then flips it over, waving it over the card again.
<Chad`Winters> So tell me Joe, how often do hookers spend the night?
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel Guy> It's a popular place to do their stuff.
* Ceres puts down her drink and gets up, walking out of the bar after paying her tab, fixing her jacket
<Chad`Winters> Yeah, but most don't just sleep over night with their guys, right?
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel Guy> If they're paid enough, they might.
* Xanatos`Durran smirks. "Well I just wanted to see if he would try and prank you any."
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel Guy> These girls go pretty cheap.
* Cassandra_Arawaka heads out of the motel and then crosses the street, looking for the woman that Hicks was looking at earlier.
<Kio> 14"Maybe I should pull a few pranks on you for that one, maybe green pain in the shower"
<Kio> *paint*
<DeathStar> 6* She's still out there, talking to a guy. The guy sees Cass, then drives off, deciding it might be a trap.
* Chad`Winters looks down at his datapad and sends a request for Hick's file.
* Xanatos`Durran shrugs. "I'd say I was sick and get out of duty."
<DeathStar> 6* The police department, it seems, has put a tight squeeze on files going to PAX now.
<Chad`Winters> You keep a record of who comes in right?
* Ceres hits her comms, "Anyone else down on the colony?"
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel Guy> It's not accurate by any means.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: I'll brb.
<Xanatos`Durran> I'm going to go do round. I'll be back in a minute. *he stands and steps out*
<Kio> 14"I will have Katrina visit you then!" 2He grins
<Chad`Winters> I need enought to prove that Lt. Hicks has been here like you stated.
<DeathStar> <Joe the Motel Guy> I don't think he ever used his real name.
<Kio> 14"Alright..don't kill yourself"
* Xanatos`Durran laughs. "I'll try not too."
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Hey. A word with you.
<Chad`Winters> Try me.
<DeathStar> <Hooker> Uh, yeah? 6She tries to look like she's just there...uh..being there.
<DeathStar> 6* Joe the Motel Guy shrugs. "Wait here." 6He steps into the back room.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Know a girl, goes by the name Candy Cane?
* Chad`Winters looks around while he's back.
<DeathStar> <Hooker> No. 6She looks around, as if there's something cool going on.
* Chad`Winters pulls out his datapad trying to pull up public records of the motel guy
<DeathStar> 6* The desk area is nice and tidey. There's a magazine on the counter that talks about the latest in military weaponary and equipment
* Kio sighs, going back to watching the monitors.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> That a fact?
<DeathStar> 6* The guy's information is pulled up. It seems he's an ex-military person who was discharged after getting into a bar fight and injuring two men pretty badly.
<DeathStar> <Hooker> That a fact. 6She looks at Cass, eyeing her.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Really now...what about a cop walks this beat named Hicks?
<DeathStar> <Hooker> Yeah, I know Hicks. He's a prick.
* Chad`Winters sends another request on Joe The Motel guy of anything recent on him.
<DeathStar> 6* Minor complaints, usually from women saying he harrasses them.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> I know...he do anything questionable?
<DeathStar> <Hooker> He may be a prick, but he's a straight and narrow prick, I suppose.
<DeathStar> 6* Joe comes back out holding a book full of names. He thumps it down. "Have fun."
<Cassandra_Arawaka> And the guy working the desk in the motel?
* Chad`Winters types on his datapad again. Then looks at the stack.
<DeathStar> <Hooker> Sleazeball. 6She rolls her eyes.
<DeathStar> 6* Joe stands there, eyeing Chad as he waits for him to start.
<Chad`Winters> So you've had complaints from woman before of harrassment?
<Cassandra_Arawaka> How sleazy we talking here?
<DeathStar> <Joe> Overblown.
<Chad`Winters> When's the last time you say Hicks with her?
<DeathStar> <Hooker> Eh.
<DeathStar> 6* The hooker tries to walk away.
<DeathStar> <Joe> Probably last week or so.
* Ceres gives up, heading back to her shuttle
<Cassandra_Arawaka> A president says you can talk to me.
* Chad`Winters pulls out the file for last week and fingers through it.
<DeathStar> 6* The hooker looks at her, then shoves her hands in her pocket. "He's been known to try to control some of us working girls. Thinks he's better than us."
<Chad`Winters> It seems most of the woman that filed complaints we're 'working' woman.
<DeathStar> 6* The names on the ledger really don't incriminate Hicks. Most are probably fake.
<DeathStar> <Joe> Whatever. 6He shrugs, watching Chad still
<Cassandra_Arawaka> He been asking for protection money? Or he think he deserves a freebie?
<DeathStar> <Hooker> The latter, really.
<Chad`Winters> When's the last time you saw Candy in here other than last night.
<DeathStar> <Joe> I can't remember.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Figures. I have more presidents if you can think of anything else... *gives the hooker the money and starts walking*
<Chad`Winters> But you can remember the last time Hicks was in here?
<DeathStar> <Joe> Yeah. Sometime last week.
<Chad`Winters> Strange.
<DeathStar> 6* Joe shifts, staring.
<Chad`Winters> You'd remember a cop over a true regular.
<DeathStar> <Joe> Yeah, so?
<Chad`Winters> By all means you should be able to remember her easier.
<DeathStar> <Joe> ...
<DeathStar> 6* Joe shifts, moving a little closer to the side of the counter he's behind.
* Chad`Winters picks up another file the one for a day ago and looks through it.
<DeathStar> 6* Joe suddenly grabs a gun and shoots Chad in the face.
* Chad`Winters hurls the folder as Joe reaches for gun aiming for his face.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Ah, hell! *turns on her heel and then heads back for the motel*
<DeathStar> 6* Joe still fires, though he's batted in the face.
* Chad`Winters twists to the side as Joe fires, letting the shot nick the side of his face
<DeathStar> 6* Joe keeps firing, being ex-military, his aim is dead accurate.
* Chad`Winters drops to below the counter and runs alongside it, he pulls out his gun and aims through the counter, firing where low and for Joe's leg.
* Cassandra_Arawaka draws her own pistol and moves inside the motel.
<DeathStar> 6* Joe is already on the run, heading out a side exit, making a break for it
* Chad`Winters stands up and sprints out after him, aiming his gun and firing a shot at Joe's leg again
* Cassandra_Arawaka takes aim and them fires for the back of his leg, with computer accuracy.
<DeathStar> 6* Joe gets shot, falls out onto the street, and gets hit by a transfer vehicle as it drives by.
<Kio> NRP: Well that was about the longest investigation with the most obvious suspect I've ever seen :D
<DeathStar> 6* People gather to see the gooey mess of a human being.
* Chad`Winters places the keycard in the bag and sends a message to the Police on what happened and that if they trace the card to the last time it was used and check the fingerprints ti should lead to Joe.
<DeathStar> NRP: And now, for the all cool conclusion
<DeathStar> NRP: ...
<DeathStar> Stardate: A little later.
<DeathStar> Location: PAX Station
<DeathStar> 6* Red hugs Cass and Chad in a big, tight, groping hug for Cass. "You two cleared my name! I can stay here because you two cared."
<Chad`Winters> We shouldn't have...Really.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien rubs his face.
* Kio sits in the security office, watching the hangar monitor.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> Lt. Winters, did you learn a lesson about accusation made on the basis of unreliable testimony?
<Chad`Winters> NRP: <Kio> IT WAS YOU! *punches the guy in the face*
<Chad`Winters> No, you should send me a book on it.
<DeathStar> 6* Red cops a feel on Cass as he hugs, beaming with happiness.
<Cassandra_Arawaka> ...touching...
<DeathStar> <Red> Oh, right. Just making sure they were working properly.
* Ceres sighs and yawns, sitting abck at her desk
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina eyes Ceres oddly.
<DeathStar> 6* And in the end, Ceres, the true killer, gets away scott free
<DeathStar> Session Ends
Session Close: Wed May 03 22:08:11 2006