Session Start: Tue May 30 19:58:49 2006
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20060530.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-583.11.6
<DeathStar> Location: Darien's Shuttle at the Planet Erevis
* Seraphna is now known as Ceres
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Ceres
<Arhn> NRP: Cue Imperial March.
<DeathStar> 6* Almost without warning, a diplomatic mission was set up by Commodore Darien that has them going to the planet Erevis to prepare an alliance treaty with this race of aliens - a race that wasn't even on the list a week ago.
<DeathStar> 6* So far there has been little records brought, or found, on this relatively unknown planet out on the fringe
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sits at his controls, flying the shuttle through the clouds. Sitting next to Arhn is, of course, Warren, and Katrina is sitting in the back, glancing over her datapad.
* Chad`Winters crosses his arms as he sits in his seat.
<Arhn> And there is nothing more that we can be told?
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> This is not going to be an easy treaty to forge.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I'm afraid not. 6He checks his sensors with quiet contemplation.
* Xanatos`Durran is sitting in the co-pilots' seat, he is quiet, as he has been since the Cran incident.
* Red_Fox nods silently. The diplomacy isn't really her business. Just keeping the diplomats alive.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Then why did you choose it?
<Ceres> "If we succeed though... it'll definately mprove our standing.
<DeathStar> <Darien> What Ceres said. 6He tells Shiva;
* Kio sits calmly in the back of the shuttle, listening to the conversation going on to his side.
* `Cole sits near Shiva. His head is low as he stares at the floor, he seems a bit tired.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Don't get me wrong, but unless they can provide us with something very valuable as a leverage, I'm sure this won't improve our standings too greatly.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien frowns a bit as the shuttle's readings flicker as if they are low on power. He reaches over, tapping the sensors.
<Ceres> "Right now it's our ability to negotiate that's in question, not what we can bring to the table. You've covered that Ambassador."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> So why the sudden addition of these guys that no one has heard of?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien leans back in his seat, keeping his gaze at the readings a moment before looking back out the window. He seems tense, rubbing his hands along the controls as he keeps eyeing the strange readings that seem to be coming from his shuttle leaking power.
* Xanatos`Durran glances at Darien. "Something wrong?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> I don't know. I just don't like these readings. 6He squints. "Or this place."
<Xanatos`Durran> You chose it. *he reminds Darien*
<DeathStar> 6* As they duck below the clouds, they are flying over what appears to be jungle territory.
<Red_Fox> "It can't just be to prove that we.. well, you... can make alliances well.."
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> I'm cautious when it comes to where we spread our resources.
<Ceres> "This is more about having resources... as we are, we'll be shut down at year's end."
* Chad`Winters looks out his window, eyeing the terrain. 1"Mmmm..."
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Hmmm.
<Arhn> ...environments have been known to have an effect on conventional power sources. Certain Progenitor technologies have also shown a draining effect on conventional power sources...
<DeathStar> <Darien> There's definitely something on this planet that's not agreeing with my shuttle.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances up. "My datapad's acting a little odd, too."
* Red_Fox checks hers
* Chad`Winters looks over at Katrina then down at his datapad. 1"There must be a strong Electromagnetic Field around this planet.
<DeathStar> 6* It seems to be suffering from low power as well, though it's not shutting off
<Kio> 14"Be a hell of a defense if that is the case"
<Red_Fox> "Not good... I just hope we can back off the planet..."
* Chad`Winters eyes his datapad. 1"Or some sort of parasitic phenomena that drains energy...
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Damnit i'll brb.
<DeathStar> 6* As they fly over the jungle, they begin to approach what appears to be a city, close to the edge of the jungle. A temple can be seen a little ways into the jungle itself and away from the city. Darien studies the temple, then licks his lips a moment, bringing the shuttle in for the city.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...great...and here I am, the battery girl...
<Chad`Winters> Run a diagnostics on your power cells Lt Cmd.
<Ceres> "Your extra parts aren't failing too Cass?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at Ariel in the back, as if judging to see if she's feeling sluggish. He glances back down at the city, bringing them in for a landing.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren eyes the temple on the way down, then glances straight ahead, considering something. He eyes the back of Darien's head.
* Chad`Winters looks ofrward at Darien, as if considering something.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...running...
* Kio stares at Warren with a raised brow.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> I'm running optimally...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien powers the shuttle down. "I'll keep the shuttle off so the drain effect doesn't hamper us if we need to leave."
* Chad`Winters stands up from his seat, glancing at Darien's face.
* Xanatos`Durran taps his fake eye. Then he shrugs.
<Arhn> Though we still do not know the nature of this effect.
<Chad`Winters> One could only wonder.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lowers the ramp with a flick of a switch, then glances out the window at the aliens approaching. They are tall, with white skin and human like faces, but they lack any sort of mouth. A machine moves with them, a robot of some sort.
* Red_Fox turns her datapad off for now
<Ceres> "...Hmmm..."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stands up, adjusting her dress uniform. She steps off the shuttle first, the wind blowing her red hair about.
* Chad`Winters steps off the shuttle, waiting.
<Xanatos`Durran> ....*he stands and moves toward the back, to step off the shuttle*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien enters a password to the shuttle, then gets up as it finishes shutting down. He walks down the ramp.
* Cassandra_Arakawa steps off of the shuttle after Darien...
* Kio gets up, moving off the shuttle.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *moves off the shuttle, standing about 5 ft infront of the ramp*
* Arhn rises to her feet and moves down the shuttle ramp.
* `Cole stands and moves off of the shuttle.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren gets to his feet, walking off behind Arhn.
* Chad`Winters leans into Warren's earshot and whispers something to him as he passes by.
* Red_Fox follows the others off
<DeathStar> 6* The aliens, about five of them, gather and stop. They are all male and they wear elaborate outfits. One of them begins to motion with his hands, as if making gestures of some sort. The robot begins to speak. "The Erevis people would like to welcome you to their planet."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren glances at Chad, nodding his head once.
* Ceres steps off the shuttle, looking about, heading over to join Darien
<DeathStar> 6* Darien pauses, evaluating the lack of conventional speech, then addresses the lead Erevis. "Thank you for asking us to come. We are honored to open negotations with your people."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina and Warren exchange glances, then look around. Except for the lead alien, the other four aliens seem to be studying Shiva and Katrina
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *catches their stares, then glances at Katrina*
* Xanatos`Durran eyes the aliens.
<DeathStar> 6* As the lead alien motions, the robot begins to speak again. "It is our custom not to begin negotations with visitors until we feast. We will lead you to your rooms so that you might prepare for tonight's feast, then in the morning, we shall commence with what we have to offer to your peoples." 6And with that, the five aliens begin to move toward a building that seems to be very native like, compared to the rest of the buildings.
* Ariel rouses from her nap, and joins the others.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances at Shiva in return, brushing a strand of hair back from her forehead. She shrugs, then begins to follow after the Erevis aliens.
* Chad`Winters glances over at the temple again then begins to follow behind.
<Arhn> Hmmm... *starts moving*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien walks along, frowning a bit. He seems uncomfortable about something.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *follows alongside Katrina, her hands behind her back*
* `Cole glances at Shiva and Katrina, a concerned look on his face. He begins to move as well.
* Ceres follows along, Ariel's sleepy nature making her yawn a little.
* Cassandra_Arakawa keeps closes to Darien as they proceed forward...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien whispers into Cassandra's ear, then glances ahead.
* Xanatos`Durran moves as well he glances at Kio. "Something feel off to you?"
* Cassandra_Arakawa nods then whispers to Darien...
* Kio nods at Durran. 14"Just a bit.."
<Red_Fox> "I didn't want to say anything, but now that you mention it, it feels off to me, too."
* Xanatos`Durran glances at Fox and nods. "Keep your eyes open." He says as he moves on ahead.
<DeathStar> 6* The sky is rapidly beginning to go into twilight now as they approach the building. The aliens begin to direct them each to their own rooms, apparantly choosing for them. Each one of them is separate.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods slowly, obviously considering whatever Cass said.
* Kio eyes the whisperers. 14"Nice of them to leave the rest of the security team out of the loop..asses" 2Mumbles under his breath
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *nods her head politely and steps into her room*
* Red_Fox nods a little, understanding
* Cassandra_Arakawa passed by Xan and whispers to him.
<Ceres> *ELsiah follows behind everyone else, trusting to her unnoticable nature.
* `Cole stops in front of Shiva's room. "I'll be next door if you need me Miss Shiva."
<DeathStar> 6* As they step into the room, elaborate outfits are on the beds. Full length for the men, and short bikini type outfits for the female.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Of Course Cole.
* `Cole moves to step in next door.
* Ceres steps into her room and takes a seat.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina walks over to the native like outfit, laughing a bit to herself.
<Arhn> ...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien steps into his room, cupping his hands together as he stands there, considering something.
<Ceres> "This is... certainly different."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren walks in with Arhn, apparantly not caring she should be alone.
* Xanatos`Durran nods to Cass and steps back to Kio, he whispers to him before moving onto his room.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *moves over to the native outfit and holds it out in her hand as she looks it it*
* Ariel just... eyes the outfit.
* Cassandra_Arakawa steps into her room...eyes the outfit.
<Ceres> *Elsiah sighs, "Can't put a bloody knife in this thing..."
* Chad`Winters stops outside his room and opens his door, stepping inside.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> You have to be kidding me...
<DeathStar> 6* Chad's datapad beeps with a message.
* Chad`Winters flicks the message open as he steps into his room.
<DeathStar> 6* It's written in a foreign language that he would recognize.
* Kio stops in front of his door, glancing off to the right..then left. He chuckles a bit at Xanatos, notioning he was the very last one who was apparantly told..even though he already figured.
* Xanatos`Durran moves over to his suit and just eyes it for a moment. He steps back out and moves over to Chad's room, he knocks on the door.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Chad, Elsiah and Fox hadn't been told.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren eyes the outfit Arhn is looking at. "It would appear they want you to dress like them."
<Kio> NRP: Does Elsiah..even come along?
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: She is here.
<Arhn> ..but...why? I am..this *frowns*
<Ariel> "...I am glad that I asked Zephyr to stay home this time."
* Chad`Winters eyes his message, his hand instictively reaches down for his gun as he moves over to the door and opens it.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren crosses his arms. "Offend them and do not wear it."
* Ceres gets changed, not about to offend them.
* Xanatos`Durran leans in to say something in a low voice to Chad, despite the gun. He moves out and over to Cole's room, doing the same.
* Kio looks around slightly, then moves over to Fox, whispering the message.
<Red_Fox> "... what?"
<Red_Fox> "... right. Got it."
* Chad`Winters only nods as if that's not really part of his concern right now.
<Kio> 14"Yup." 2Moves back down toward his room
* Xanatos`Durran steps back out of Cole's room and moves back into his own, shutting the door.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *steps out of her room dressed in the more revealing clothing*
<Red_Fox> NRP: The security staff don't need to dress that way too, do they?
* Chad`Winters steps back into his room and begisn looking around.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina steps out, similarily dressed. She adjusts her boobs, laughing a bit as she looks at Shiva.
<DeathStar> NRP: There is an outfit for you!
<Arhn> are right, of course. I shall acquiesce. I must change.
* `Cole steps out in his suit thing, glancing over at Shiva and Katrina.
* Ceres steps out, grinning when she sees the others.
* Ariel changes... reluctantly. The things she does for... work.
<`Cole> I kind of like this place. *he notes*
<Red_Fox> "What's with this?"
<Chad`Winters> <ShivA> *looks over at Kat a wicked grin on her face* Hey there hot stuff. *she blows Kat a kiss*
<DeathStar> <Warren> I was hoping you'd offend. 6He says with a shrug, then steps out, entering his room
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You're enjoying show off your cleaveage, aren't you?
<Arhn> Human males are so complicated... *starts changing*
* Xanatos`Durran slides back outside with his suit on. He glances down the hall at the others, saying nothing.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *grabs her boobs* I believe in showing off the your assets. *she turns around, checking out her ass*
<Cassandra_Arakawa> This is the first time I've had to wear one of these and not be near a body of water. *steps out of her room*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien steps out, dressed in the native outfit.
* Red_Fox steps outside for a moment. "They don't honestly expect us to dress like this, do they?"
* Ariel steps out of her room, and pauses as she notices the antics of Katrina and Shiva
<Ceres> *Elsiah comes out, dressed up, grumbling
* Kio steps into the room, eyeing the room slightly. He does a scan on his outfit before deciding to put it on..what can one say..he's paranoid now!
<Ceres> "We already have."
* Chad`Winters moves over and changes his clothing.
<Red_Fox> "You already have."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren steps out, dressed properly. He looks clearly annoyed.
<Red_Fox> "... damn it..."
* Red_Fox storms back inside to change
<DeathStar> 6* It is night now and drums can be heard in the background, playing. The Erevis are now approaching.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> How does my ass look Kat? *she twists her ass towards her*
<DeathStar> <Darien> Something tells me Fox really doesn't enjoy the whole PAX experience.
* Kio steps out of his room, and eyes Warren. 14"Looking Snazzy!"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Like you want it spanked by someone.
<DeathStar> <Warren> ... 6He glares at Kio humorously.
<DeathStar> <Warren> ... 6He glares at Kio non-humorously.
<Ariel> "I cannot say I'm particularly fond of this either."
* Chad`Winters steps outside wearing their garb, what would appear to be a black skin tight suit can be seen under it around his neck.
* Red_Fox steps out again, looking annoyed
<Kio> NRP: The double look!
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Well if you're offering. *she begins to back up towards her*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien steps up beside Ariel. "Perhaps not, but you look amazing."
<Red_Fox> "The things I do for PAX..."
* Xanatos`Durran leans against the wall, his eyes are closed.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> So boys, how does it look? *struts her stuff*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina gives a short laugh, shoving Shiva away a bit.
* `Cole glances from Katrina and Shiva. "You too are enjoying this too much."
<`Cole> NRP: two
<DeathStar> 6* The Erevis appear, then motion for PAX to follow them, leading them out of the building.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Girls just wanna have fun.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *hops forward, she sticks her tongue out at Kat*
* Ceres follows along, Elsiah waits to be in the back fo the group.
* Arhn steps out of her quarters, looking unsure...but she follows the others...
<DeathStar> 6* Warren glances at Arhn when she steps out.
* Ariel looks down a little, "It's not well suited for someone of my sort."
* Kio gives a half-assed grin toward Warren, before getting distracted by Cassandra and the Erevis.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Nonsense. You'll have me properly distracted all evening.
* Xanatos`Durran sticks to the main back, just so he can watch all the women walk.
* Ariel moves slowly after the Erevis when they start to lead
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *whistles and motions Kat towards Ariel*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina winks at Ariel as they begin to walk along.
* `Cole pulls his arms behind his back as he moves on.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *places her arm around Kat's and walks with her*
* Kio starts to move behind the Erevis
* Ceres smiles to Kat, "Your confidence astounds me at times dear."
<DeathStar> 6* They are led outside to a large outdoor dining table. Several Erevis are gathered there currently, though without mouths it is hard to say how they will eat.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> My confidence?
* Ariel just gives Kat and Shiva an odd look
* Chad`Winters narrows his eyes as he walks out after everyone, his eyes seem to be constantly scanning as if searching for osme unseen evil.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren walks along beside Arhn, not looking ath er body
<DeathStar> 6* Darien walks along behind Ariel, not bothering to look away.
* Ceres nods softly, she's clearly hiding embarrasment over the situation... and trying not to show it.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Your confidence. *she winks at her*
* Red_Fox keeps alert. Something's not right, and not just that she's dressed like this
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Ceres, theo nly one to be embarrased to wear a bikini, but not to strip infront ofan entire crew of Engineers.
<DeathStar> 6* There is a painting of a huge, monster like creature that towers of the temple. It hangs on the wall and seems to be watching them all.
* Chad`Winters glances at the painting as if memorizing it.
* Xanatos`Durran moves his eye up to eye the monster. He sighs lightly as he thinks of something.
<DeathStar> 6* The Erevis are sitting on one side of the table, fully expecting the PAX people to sit on the other side.
<Kio> 14"Hey..I heard about this kind of stuff in Earth history..people getting offered up as sacrifices for big monsters..beautiful maidens actually!"
<DeathStar> <Warren> Perhaps they will accept you with your long hair. 6He tells Kio.
* Red_Fox looks a little uncomfortable
* Kio eyes Warren. 14" ACTUALLY cracked a joke?"
<Ceres> NRP: Notably, she was piss drunk at the time.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I am always serious.
* Arhn 's skin is a darker tone of blue than earlier...her version of a blush...she then moves to take a seat on the other side of the table.
* Ariel bows her head, and takes a seat at the table.
* Chad`Winters takes a seat beside Kat.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Bah, That was Shiva
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sits down in the direct middle.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina sits down beside Shiva on her left side.
* Xanatos`Durran stakes a seat, randomly.
<Kio> 14"Sides, had to cut the hair to blend in" 2Slips into a seat.
* Ceres takes a seat between Darien and Kat.
* `Cole sits on Shiva's right side.
* Red_Fox takes a seat next to Kio
<DeathStar> NRP: So Cole is sitting on Kat?
<DeathStar> <Robot> We shall now eat. These foods are all edible for your people. 6The Erevis begin to pick up their food, and bringing it under the table. They seem to be studying Katrina intently, with a few glancing at Shiva suspiciously.
* Cassandra_Arakawa sits as well...
<`Cole> NRP: Ah I thought Kat was on the left. So Cole is on the left then.
* Chad`Winters takes a seat on the far left, his hands resting in his lap as he seems to zone out
* Xanatos`Durran just sits here, his arms crossed. He isn't hungry.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien picks up a piece of food, bringing it to his mouth and chewing.
* `Cole watches the Erevis people closely. His hand laying beside his food.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sits beside Arhn, eyeing her food and sampling his own to see if it's safe.
* Red_Fox has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<DeathStar> NRP: The food ate Fox!
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> This looks splendid. *she reaches out and takes a piece of the food, eating it.
<DeathStar> <Robot> We are glad you appreciate it.
* Ariel curiously nibbles at her food at first
<DeathStar> 6* The food is quite amazing.
* Kio watches everyone nibble
* Arhn takes a bit of her own dinner...
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina eats her food, a bit nervous at how they all seem to be watching her.
* Ceres eats, tasting everything carefully first, "Mmm... like chicken."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Tell me. Who is that? 6He nods to the picture.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Oh my...This is...This is suberb. Your culinary skills are beyond words.
<DeathStar> 6* The leader of the Erevis begins to motion with his hands. <Robot> That was a God who lived here a long ago, a being of infinite power and wisdom. It ruled over us all and we were in an era of peace."
* Red_Fox has joined #TAW
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *nudges Kat* Once again, you win in looks.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I wish I wasn't. 6She whispers back
<DeathStar> <Darien> I see. What happened to your God? 6He asks, eating some of his food.
* Xanatos`Durran moves his eye to stare at Katrina.
<DeathStar> <Robot> A terrible war left it weak and defeated. We merely await the day of it's return. 6The Erevis all seem mournful, while the robot's voice is emotionless.
* `Cole glances at the two girls and then returns to watch the robot.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *looks across the table at the Erevis, she whispers* They are passing the point of comfort.
* Ceres sits back a little, lazily, looking over the hosts, then the picture.
* Red_Fox eats, a little slowly
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods, going back to eating, looking at the picture now and again, as if thinking about something.
* Ariel listens curiously... a little more comfortable, as she's not drawing all the eyes like her companions
<Chad`Winters> *deciding to finally speak up* This war...when did it happen?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren, seeing the food is safe, just sits there.
<DeathStar> <Robot> Hundreds of thousands of your years ago.
<Chad`Winters> What was the name of your god?
<DeathStar> <Robot> We merely called it Erevis, after the name of our people.
* Ceres appears to be shrugging off the loks she's getting quite easily despite her initial nervousness.
<Chad`Winters> This robot...Is the only peace of technology I've seen around here.
* Red_Fox looks pensive
<DeathStar> <Robot> We prefer to use it for when we communicate with other races.
* Xanatos`Durran glances back to the Robot now.
<Chad`Winters> May I ask how you came across it? A gift from Erevis?
<DeathStar> <Robot> It is built. Our technology is efficent.
<Chad`Winters> May I ask how you normally speak?
<DeathStar> <Robot> That is complicated story. We use hand gestures now.
<DeathStar> 6* One of the Erevis waiters arrives with desert, bumping into Kat. Hissing in pain, Katrina draws her hand, a small scratch. The waiter puts the tray down, apologizing with his hands as he moves off.
* Red_Fox looks over suddenly
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *looks over at Kat* You ok?
<Red_Fox> "Kat, are you alright?"
* Cassandra_Arakawa whispers over to Darien...
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina waves it off, not really hurt it seems. She glances at the waiter moving off. "Fine. His tray bumped into me."
* Xanatos`Durran moves too look at Kat quickly.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Let me see...
* `Cole arches a brow as he studies Kat. "Sharp trays...." He comments.
<Ariel> "Someone is perhaps drawing a little too much attention."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods to her, whispering something into Cass's ear, making it look like he's telling her a joke, a smile on his face.
* Kio looks a little uncomfortable as he stares at Kat. 14"Hey I noticed a temple on the way you mind if I ask the historical signifigance?"
<Red_Fox> "Alright.. but let a medic look at you..."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina hands over her hand to Shiva.
* Cassandra_Arakawa whispers back.
<Chad`Winters> I see...And the temple that we passed...His?
<DeathStar> 6* The leader gestures, then the robot begins to speak. "The temple was the home of the god Erevis. It is a place of worship."
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *gracefully grabs her hand looking at her hand*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien laughs a bit as if Cass said something funny. "Who knows, my dear." 6He takes a bite of his food.
* Ceres looks over at Kat, "You sure that doesn't hurt?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Positive.
* Cassandra_Arakawa shrugs and eats some.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> A small scratch, I think you'll live my dear.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I'm curious. You mentioned the hand signals are what you use now. What did you use before? 6The Erevis pause, then gesture.
<DeathStar> <Robot> When Erevis ruled, we all spoke without words, but with thought. Our gifts left when it did.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *perks up* Thoughts...Psychic...
<DeathStar> 6 *Warren quirks an eyebrow, glancing at Arhn, then at the Erevis, knowing of their similar story.
* Red_Fox looks over to Shiva
<Red_Fox> "Something up?"
<Arhn> ... *glances at Warren*
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Nothing...Nothing..
* Ceres hmmms and works on her desert.
<Chad`Winters> I see. An unfortunate event.
* Cassandra_Arakawa nods and then whispers to Darien again.
* Xanatos`Durran moves his eye to look at Cassandra and Darien.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods his head, not even eating anymore now. He cups his hands together, as if debating something.
* `Cole inhales lightly and rubs his face. He seems to be tired.
<DeathStar> <Robot> You seem tired. We shall allow you to retire to your rooms and we will negotiate in the morning. 6The drums stop in the background and the Erevis rise.
* `Cole arches a brow and glances around. "" He rubs the back of his head. He just hadn't slept good the night before...
<Ceres> "Thank you for the hospitality, we will happily speak to you in the morning then."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stands up, whispering to Cass
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Yes....Thank you for the meal.
* Chad`Winters stands up, eyeing Darien for a second, he waits.
* Cassandra_Arakawa whispers back.
* Xanatos`Durran stands lightlt and bows his head to the Erevis.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien shakes his head once. "I'm not ready to go that far yet."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren walks Arhn back toward her room. "An interesting piece of history of them losing their psychic abilities."
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *stands out ofh er chair and turns to Kat, waiting*
* Cassandra_Arakawa nods.
* `Cole stands up and glancing arouond at Kat and Shiva. Waiting on them.
* Kio bows and heads out after them
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stands up, rubbing her hand as she walks back toward the rooms. "Well, that was certainly creepy. They all seem to have the emotions of someone ready to bone me."
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Wait..huh?!
<Red_Fox> "... that's what they were after..."
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva? *follows beside her*
<Red_Fox> "It all makes sense now."
<Arhn> ...yes...our own research into the issue is already quite advanced...
* Xanatos`Durran turns and moves off, he stops and glances at Katrina. Worry seems to consume him.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stops outside their rooms.
* Cassandra_Arakawa moves over to Xan and whispers to him.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Forget it. I think I'll lay down. 6She glances at Durran, as if sensing his emotions.
<Ariel> "What did you believe was the intent of the outfit design, miss Fox?"
* `Cole walks behind Katrina and Shiva. "Well unfortunantely for them, they wont get that chance."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stands by the tables still, thinking as he looks at the picture.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Are you ok by yourself dear? Or do you want to company?
* Chad`Winters moves over to Darien, stopping beside him.
* Xanatos`Durran frowns at her, glancing at Cassandra.
<Red_Fox> "... that, I have no clue about."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina watches Durran a moment, then looks at Shiva. "I think I'll just go to bed." 6She pats Shiva on the shoulder, then opens her door and steps in, closing it behind her.
<Red_Fox> "Unless they want to bone all of us."
* Ceres gets up slowly, smiling to Darien, "You okay?"
* Xanatos`Durran nods his head lightly to Cassandra, moving over to Kio to relay that bit of information.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *nods and moves to her room, stepping inside*
* Kio rubs his chin.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Yeah. I just have a lot on my mind. Get some rest. I imagine tomorrow will be crazy. 6He gives Ceres a small smile.
* Chad`Winters turns, eyeing Ceres.
* `Cole stands outside Shiva's door. He crosses his arms as he thinks for a moment.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren glances at Arhn. "You rest well." 6He nods his head, opening his own door.
* Xanatos`Durran pats Kio on the back and moves on, he stops by Cole and whispers to him, moving on into his room after that.
<Arhn> I wil...though there is a tension in the air.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Definitely. I do not like this place. I will be awake all night should something occur. 6He nods, stepping into his room.
* Kio raises a brow, nodding.
* Ariel eyes Warren a moment, then heads to her own room. She's going to be up a while. Too much sleep on the shuttle.
<Red_Fox> "Will one person be enough?"
* Ceres nods quietly and looks over at Chad, "What?"
<Chad`Winters> He's right, get some rest.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stands in the middle of his room, then changes back into his real clothes, examining his gun.
<DeathStar> <Warren> 1/4th power..
* Xanatos`Durran is standing in his normal clothihng again, he eyes his guns and just shakes his head.
* Kio moves passed Fox, whispering again. Then heads into his room to change into his normal clothing.
<DeathStar> NRP: *Chad forces Ceres to leave*
* Cassandra_Arakawa heads into her room...changes outfits...then goes to stealth mode...slipping back out of her room...
<DeathStar> 6* It is quiet so far tonight...the Erevis appear to be retired again
* Cassandra_Arakawa keeps an eye on Kat's door...
* Red_Fox considers, then decides to change into her stealthsuit. Just in case.
* Chad`Winters crosses his arms turning back to face whatever Darien is.
* Xanatos`Durran sits beside, his door. His eyes are closed but he is awake, waiting.
<Ceres> em heads out and to her room, sitting back
<Red_Fox> NRP: Unless it's a big bulky thing I couldn't have brought
* Ceres heads out and to her room, sitting back
<Chad`Winters> Why are we here Darien?
* Kio puts both of his Combat knives in his boots, stretching slightly. He eyes his swords and gun, noticing they are barely functioning.
<DeathStar> <Darien> ...
* Ceres lays back on her bed and stares at the cieling.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at him, crossing his arms, too.
* `Cole sits on his bed, his gun is weak so he pull out the standard issue beam saber he was given and checks the gauges on it.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *moves over to her window and looks outsidE*
<DeathStar> <Darien> The truth.
* Ariel lays on her bed, pondering over the oddities they've seen thusfar
<Chad`Winters> I'm not in the mood for games Darien. There are too many coincidences for this to be random.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I don't have to answer to you, Lieutenant Winters. 6He notes dryly.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien turns and begins to walk back for the rooms.
<Chad`Winters> Are you willing to risk the lives of your friends to find the truth?
* `Cole sighs and put it back in, he glances around the room for anything that could be aa make-shit weapon should he need it.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Everything's been a risk since day one. In your minds, you just haven't seen it yet. 6He opens his door and walks in, closing it.
<Kio> NRP: Easy..poop up some shit, and get to working
<DeathStar> 6* The stealthsuits begin to fail slowly, as their power drainage doesn't allow them to work properly.
<Red_Fox> "... well, shit."
* Chad`Winters looks down at his datapad, eyeing his last message
* Red_Fox powers down the stealthsuit. Best to save it for when absolutely needed.
<DeathStar> 6* A single Erevis stands out in the dark, watching their rooms.
* Xanatos`Durran slides and keeps his ear pressed the door, if anyone were to walk by, he would definitely hear them.
* Chad`Winters glances up at the painting, studying it deeply.
<DeathStar> 6* Time passes...
* Cassandra_Arakawa eyes the Erevis from her vantage point...preparing to switch her cloak over to her internal power if necessary...
<DeathStar> 6* The Erevis remains in his spot, never moving.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien taps his fingers on his arm as he stands in his room, thinking. How long has passed ? An hour? Maybe more.
* Chad`Winters turns, heading back to his room.
<DeathStar> 6* Another long hour passes.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sits in a chair, staring out the window.
* Seraphna has joined #taw
<DeathStar> 6* Darien steps out from his room, since it's been two hours now. He looks out at the single Erevis.
* Xanatos`Durran rolls his fingers on the floor, he listens closely as someone steps out of their room.
* Ceres has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Chad`Winters steps out of his room and moves to exit the building, agitated at something on his mind
<DeathStar> 6* Darien walks over to Cassandra. "Anything odd happen?"
* Kio moves around his room, before propping himself on his bed. He stares around trying to spot a shaft air might come out of..if there was one.
<Seraphna> *Ceres steps out, yawning a bit as she looks around the hallway.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien leans on a rail, glancing out at the darkness.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...just the one guy...standing there...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien frowns, then moves to Kat's door, grabbing the handle and turning it. It's unlocked, so he pushes it open slightly, glancing in.
* Chad`Winters comes walking back towards their rooms.
<DeathStar> 6* He suddenly thrusts it all the way in. "Katrina?" 6Darien steps all the way in, glancing around the dark room
* Cassandra_Arakawa springs into action and then moves in after Darien.
* Chad`Winters perks his ears up, looking over at Darien. 1"What's going on?"
* Xanatos`Durran stands now, hearing Darien's voice. He opens his door and peeks out.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances around the empty room. "She's gone."
* `Cole hears the noise outside and moves toward his door, he peers out as well
* Chad`Winters slides infront of her door. His eyes narrow as he stares at Darien.
* Xanatos`Durran jerks his door open and moves over. "What? How?"
* Kio moves in front of the shaft, shining his light in. He moves to peak around inside, since apparantly no one really checks these places.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...sir...I believe that you should have heeded my suggestion and allow me to have stayed in the room with her...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien walks in, glancing around the room, seeing the window is shut. Frowning, he moves to the wall, shoving his hand against the wall. Pausing, he leans back and kicks the wall, it falling inward and revealing a passage.
* Red_Fox heads out of her door to check on the proceedings
<Xanatos`Durran> Damnnit. *he moves toward the Passage, obviously intent on going.*
<DeathStar> <Darien> Goddamit. They specifically put her in this room.
* Chad`Winters steps into her room. 1"This was staged from the beginning...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien points at the lone Erevis, who is suddenly running now into the jungle. "I want him!"
* Kio sees nothing and pokes himself back out, closing it. Kio yawns, and steps outside rather bored.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Catch him!
* Chad`Winters 's knuckles tighten up as he glares at Darien.
* Xanatos`Durran moves out and knocks on Shiva's door lightly.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Err fuckdiddle. Cole did that.
* Chad`Winters turns and sprints out of the room, he grabs the railing and leaps off it and onto the ground below
<DeathStar> 6* Darien turns back to the passage, then looks out the window, trying to decide where it goes. He pauses, eyeing the temple.
* Red_Fox rushes after the Erevis
* Xanatos`Durran moves down the passage, not worried about commands right now. He has a feeling where this is going to anyway.
<DeathStar> 6* The Erevis begins to run quickly into the jungle, vanishing from sight rather quickly due to the distance.
<Red_Fox> "... I think he's heading for the temple..."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Sir...I can see in the dark...I cna take point if you want this passage searched.
* Chad`Winters slides to a stop. He turns his head towards the temple eyeing it*
<DeathStar> 6* The second he enters the passage, it suddenly seals itself off, blocking his path
<DeathStar> 6* Darien shakes his head. "Come on. Back to the shuttle." 6He hurries out of his room, pounding on all the doors as he walks by.
* Xanatos`Durran pulls his patch up, turning on his night vision, what little bit he has.
<Red_Fox> "Wait, we're leaving her behind?!"
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *moves to her door opening it. 1"Whats going on?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Come on!
* Kio watches Darien pass him by, and decides to follow him.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Everyone, back to the shuttle! *moves after Darien*
<DeathStar> 6* Warren opens the door after it's pounded on.
* Red_Fox sighs, and heads to the shuttle
<`Cole> We are going. *he waits on her*
* Ariel is quickly up and out, back in her normal clothes, and wondering what's happened
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> ...What's going on?!
* Seraphna heads after him, "Where's Kat...?"
<Seraphna> *CERES
* Seraphna is now known as Ceres
* Xanatos`Durran turns the night vision off, seeing it sealed, he turns out and sprints towards the shuttle.
<`Cole> Miss Katrina is Missing.
* Chad`Winters watches them heading towards the shuttle and follow after, catching upto Darien. 1"Are you happy yet?"
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Ceres
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Good thing I packed a special party favor. *moves her hand behind her waist and pulls out a pistol...a standard powder-based pistol*
<Ceres> *Elsiah is well on her way out
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> What?!
<DeathStar> 6* Darien runs up the ramp, sititng down and entering the codes.
* Arhn steps out of her room.
<`Cole> This was staged all along.
<Arhn> Warren?
<`Cole> Please make haste.
<DeathStar> <Darien> One more way, Winters. One more word.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren takes Arhn by the hand, moving her toward the shuttle. "Trouble has begun."
<Ceres> *Elsiah is back in her normal gear, blades out.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> Let's go. *she heads out of her room running towards teh shuttle*
* `Cole runs with her.
<Arhn> ...I did not like this from the beginning... *goes with Warren*
* Kio slips onto the shuttle, sitting down.
<Chad`Winters> If she so as hell is hurt, you will pay.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stands up, slamming Chad against the wall of the shuttle. "Don't be so goddamn self-righteous with me, Winters."
* Xanatos`Durran is already on the shuttle, his knuckles are white and his eyes are wide. It seems Darien set a password so he couldn't get the shuttle started up.
* Chad`Winters moves over to the ramp, his hand pressed against the frame as he waits.
* Ariel 6makes her way onto the shuttle, "Do we have a location?"
* Xanatos`Durran turns to look back at Darien. "Cut the shit, we need to go now!"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien grinds his teeth, then shoves him against the wall and moves back to the controls, activating the weak shuttle.
* Red_Fox climbs onto the shuttle
* Red_Fox sits down quickly
* `Cole moves up the ramp, Shiva should be close behind.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren gets Arhn to her seat, getting into his own
* Chad`Winters glares as he's shoved into the shuttle wall
* Red_Fox checks the power on her suit, sword and gun
<Cassandra_Arakawa> We're all here. Let's move.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *hurries past Cole and takes a seat* Hurry now.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien grabs the controls and lifts them up.
* Ceres takes a seat, looking confused still.
* Chad`Winters flicks his wrists a short and narrow blade appearing out of it.
<Xanatos`Durran> .....God I can't wait to rip some heads off. *his eye is dark, the rage is indeed burning.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: His sleeve.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien whips the shuttle around, arming his wepaons.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien guns the shuttle forward, flying toward the temple. It seems several Erevis on the temple stairs, bowing and praying.
<DeathStar> <Warren> ...
<Red_Fox> "She's there..."
<Red_Fox> "I'm sure of it."
<Chad`Winters> That's an obvious assumption Red Fox.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien flies the shuttle right over the steps, twisting it as lowers the shuttle down right beside the entrance. Ten Erevis line up to block the entrance.
<Kio> 14"So you think they are going to sacrifice them to their gods?"
<Kio> *her*
<Ariel> "...that would be my guess."
* Xanatos`Durran seems to be shaking. He turns and moves towards the back, already moving off the shuttle.
* Chad`Winters hits his palm against the ramp door to open it and he runs down it.
* Kio moves off the shuttle, moving down to his boots..and pulling both combat knives out.
* Cassandra_Arakawa runs off the shuttle, pistol raised...
<DeathStar> 6* The robot is there. <Robot> You must not interfere with the ritual.
* Red_Fox rushes after, pistol and sword readies
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sticks beside Arhn on the shuttle, not about to leave her.
* Xanatos`Durran is right beside Chad. He eyes the robot.
<Chad`Winters> Let's do this Durran. *he pulls out his staff and extends it, swatting the robot away*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien leaps off, holding his datapad in one hand.
<DeathStar> 6* The robot hits the side of the temple wall. The Erevis themselves remain in place.
* `Cole stands and glances at Shiva. "Stay here." He moves down the ramp.
* Chad`Winters runs up the steps towards the top of the temple.
<Ceres> *Elsiah lands next to them, on her guard
* Ceres steps out behind Darien
<DeathStar> <Robot> You must..not..interfere.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> No, my friend is up there. *she moves to step off the shuttle*
* Xanatos`Durran is moving right beside Chad.
<`Cole> Miss Shiva, I will get here. I can't have you getting hurt. You are too valuable.
<Red_Fox> "If my friend is in danger, I'll interfere if I have to."
* Ariel heads after Darien, knowing he's in the middle of doing something reckless.
* Kio follows Chad. 14"..I get the feeling this is a really bad idea.."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien runs up after them, stopping in front of them.
<Xanatos`Durran> Kio. Give me one of those knifes.
* Chad`Winters stops as Darien passes him. He looks up, glaring at him.
<DeathStar> 6* The Erevis gesture as they stand there. <Robot> Lives depend on this ritual.
<Red_Fox> "What of her life?!"
<Xanatos`Durran> You continue this ritual and i'll make sure you lose many lives. *he growls*
<DeathStar> <Robot> She will be reborn into something greater than herself.
* Kio gets ready to hand one to her, then moves to stop as Darien steps forward.
<DeathStar> <Darien> ... 6His eyes narrow, realization coming on his face.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *pushes past Cole* I'm not leaving her*
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Him you ass! *slaaps Kio*
<Kio> NRP: Yeah him lol
<`Cole> Shiva you will just be in danger!
* Chad`Winters knuckles turn white as his hands tighten around his staff.
<Xanatos`Durran> Kio. Knife!
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *is off the shuttle and is running up the stairs*
<DeathStar> <Robot> Your companion is the chosen one. As it is written in our prophecies, you arrived at this time with her psychic abilities.
* `Cole curses and moves off, running after her.
* Kio tosses him a knife.
* Chad`Winters reaches his hand out to grab Darien by the collar.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Its not like she's the onlye person in the galaxy with telepathic powers!
<DeathStar> 6* Darien frowns. "Fire in the hold." 6He states simply when Chad grabs him, hitting his datapad.
* Xanatos`Durran catches it and moves past Darien. "I'm going to kill every fucking one of you."
<Chad`Winters> What have you done?
* Red_Fox follows Xan
<DeathStar> 6* The shuttle suddenly fires, hitting the Erevis standing in their path, blowing them away.
<Ceres> *Elsiah lowers her blades, "Wellt hat works..."
* Kio moves up the steps next to Xan.
* Xanatos`Durran glances back at Chad and Darien. "NO TIME FOR THAT!" He growls and runs in.
* Chad`Winters shoves Darien off to the side and he sprints up after Durran.
<Red_Fox> "XAN, I'LL BACK YOU UP!"
<DeathStar> 6* As they enter the main room, there's another 12 Erevis standing around an altar, which Katrina is upon. Dark energy is flooding from a stone statue of their God.
* Ariel duck and covers, "...I believe the correct word was 'hole'."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien adjusts his uniform, then runs inside.
<Xanatos`Durran> Be careful Fox, our weapons are useless. *He runs towards the nearest Erevis, ready to stab them.
<DeathStar> 6* The Erevis is stabbed, gushing fluids.
* Chad`Winters sprints across the altar, and leaps throwing a spinning kick at the nearest one.
<Red_Fox> ".. good point."
* Cassandra_Arakawa raises her pistol and fires some rounds...ahhhh...old school lead and powder...
* `Cole moves inside, he glances around the room real quick, looking for something to use as a weapon.
* Ceres grins softly, "My bloody weapons aren't."
<Ceres> *ELSIAH
* Red_Fox rushes one of the Erevis, punching at its gut
<DeathStar> 6* The Erevis are quickly slaughtered, seemingly defenseless to this brutuality and slaughter.
* Xanatos`Durran moves towards Katrina.
<Ceres> *Elsiah rushes anotehr, slicing at it's neck.
* Kio holds back any aggressive attacks..twitching.
<`Cole> Katrina! *he attempts to help her*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien ignores the slaughter, eyeing the statue. He hurries over, touching something to the back of it.
<DeathStar> 6* As Durran and Cole get close, the dark energy slams them back.
* Chad`Winters slides over to the altar, eyeing Katrina, then everything around it.
<DeathStar> 6* As does Chad.
* Ariel is hesitant about this combat... there's no honor in a fight like this. She looks to Darien, "What is this?"
* Chad`Winters slides back, his feet spreading apart to stop him.
* Xanatos`Durran skids across the ground. "Gah...DAMNIT."
* Red_Fox sighs, then looks towards the altar
* Cassandra_Arakawa stops her firing...
<DeathStar> <Darien> I don't know. But hold on. 6He grabs a detonator. "Get ready."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Something is wrong here...
* `Cole looks bout, getting ready for the explosion, he slides back.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien hits the button, an explosion rocking the God statue.
* Chad`Winters turns his head away from the statue
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...this feels just like that fight with Xevil...
* Xanatos`Durran moves his head away. He turns to see if it worked.
* Red_Fox looks over to Cass
<DeathStar> 6* The statue wavers once, then cracks, the dark energy vanishing as it begins to crumble toward Kat.
* Chad`Winters tenses and pushes himself off the ground towards Kat.
* Red_Fox rushes for Kat, to get her away from it
<Xanatos`Durran> KAT! *he runs forward the grab her, and pull her out of the way.
<DeathStar> NRP: *all three collide*
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: LOL.
* Chad`Winters slides to a halt and extends his staff to shove the statue off cue.
<Ceres> *Elsiah holds back, a blade over the neck of the last creep standing
* `Cole growls and pulls his fist back slamming it toward the statue, trying to knock it off course.
<DeathStar> 6* The last Erevis looks terrified, but says nothing.
<DeathStar> 6* As Kat is rescued by Xan and Fox, the others manage to knock it off course.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stands there, tossing the detonator down. "..."
<Chad`Winters> How is she?
* Chad`Winters turns looking at Kat.
<Xanatos`Durran> Katrina...Katrina. Wake up, are you ok? *he checks for a pulse*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina's eyes open suddenly. She sits up right there, looking around, as if gathering her surroundings. She ignores Xan.
<Arhn> ...Warren...I do not like any of this...
<Xanatos`Durran> ...Katrina, please...are you ok?
* Ariel walks over to the Erevis, not looking happy. "What were you trying to do to my friend?"
<Red_Fox> "Kat... how are you feeling...?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> ... The important thing is keeping you safe.
* `Cole eyes Katrina. "....."
<DeathStar> 6* The Erevis gestures with his hands.
* Kio glances silently at Katrina
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *slides over to Kat, placing a hand on her forehead* Kat...
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina holds up her hand, turning it over and looking at both sides. W hen Shiva touches her, she's suddenly repelled across the room.
<Red_Fox> "... oh great..."
<Kio> 14"...that's not Kat"
* `Cole glances at Shiva. "Oh god...please Katrina."
<`Cole> NRP: Fuck Xan did that.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *slams into a pillar and slides down it, a groan is all that's let out*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stands up slowly. "This body will do."
* `Cole runs over to Shiva's side. "Miss Shiva!" He kneels down beside her.
<Red_Fox> "Oh really."
<Ceres> Elsiah> *stares at her captive* "You set her back right RIGHT NOW."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Hell. 6He grabs his saber, holding it as he eyes Katrina.
<Red_Fox> NRP: <"Kat"> "Yes. Really."
* Xanatos`Durran steps back. His eyes are wide.
* Chad`Winters tenses his hands up, eyeing Katrina.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina begins to walk toward the exit, motioning with her hand and sending those around the Erevis flying.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: That basically everyone?
<DeathStar> NRP: If everyone's basically near it.
* Chad`Winters sprints over to infront of the exit. 1"Give her back."
<Kio> NRP: Well I'm holding back near the exit, probably with Darien
* Red_Fox bounces back, glaring
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *lies there limp*
* `Cole waatches the those that go flying...go flying.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Son of a...
* `Cole checks Shiva's pulse.
* Xanatos`Durran pulls the knife up and runs for the Erevis. "No! I'll kill you all!"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> ... 6She tilts her head at Chad.
<Chad`Winters> <Shiva> *it's beating*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina turns and holds out her hand, catching Durran in place. "You annoy me."
* Xanatos`Durran glares at "Katrina" "Give her back to us!"
* Chad`Winters slides back, tensing up again. 1"What have you done with Katrina."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Your words bore me. I will be on my way.
* Ariel slowly pulls herself back to her feet, after cracking into the wall. She glares, " are not taking her."
* Kio pulls his knife forward into a ready position. He wasn't sure what he could possibly do..
<DeathStar> <Darien> ... I would assume it's the God. 6He warns Kio.
* Chad`Winters lets out a breath and slides into a fighting stance, his staff spinning around him.
<Chad`Winters> You're not leaving.
<Kio> 14"..Yes"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I am not leaving?
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...some god...if you felt the power it was giving off...that thing is not exactly a force for peace and justice...
* `Cole pulls Shiva up into his arms, he eyes *katrina* then moves to glance at Darien. He shakes his head lightly.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina tilts her head, then laughs. Pausing, she seems to find the laugh odd.
* Xanatos`Durran attempts to move again.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I know you all. ... "PAX". 6She says slowly.
<DeathStar> 6* Durran can move again. It seems that Katrina has found other things on her mind.
<Kio> 14"But would the right course of action be to simply let the god leave.."
<Chad`Winters> ...*holds the staff behind his back as he waits*
<Red_Fox> "Great. That means I don't have to introduce myself."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Your mission is one of peace.
* Xanatos`Durran moves toward *katrina* walking slowly.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> In my time you achieved peace only by controlling your enemies.
* Kio suddenly narrows his eyes, as if noticing something.
<Red_Fox> "Times have changed."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina eyes Durran. "Xanatos. You will harm me?"
<Xanatos`Durran> Give me back Katrina.
* Ceres watches, a bit stricken with terror...
<DeathStar> <Katrina> There is only me. Due to your friendship with my host, I will grant you your lives. You may leave.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina steps aside, motioning to the exit as if she's offering them a great gift.
<Xanatos`Durran> ...what have you done with her?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Do not raise my ire, Durran.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien seems to be considering something.
<Xanatos`Durran> Just tell me what you did with her. It's alal I ask.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: all.
<Kio> 14"This is just like the Warren situation.."
<Red_Fox> "..."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Worse. There's nothing we can beat out of her.
<Ceres> *Elsiah gets up, leaving the alien alone, "Bloody hell..."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Do you question me like you questioned her?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I respond to questions a lot worse than she did.
<Kio> 14" would you consider..killing her..the right course of action?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> ... We don't know if she's finitely evil yet....
* Xanatos`Durran remains calm. "One question, it won't hurt a god such as you."
<Ariel> "You are not killing her."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> She is no more. 6She smiles. "Though I hold all her memories."
* Chad`Winters glances over at Darien.
<Kio> 14"Would a god that is not so, tear someone apart?"
<Red_Fox> "... I couldn't say..."
<Xanatos`Durran> I don't believe you. I wont believe you. *he declares after a moment*
<Ceres> "K-Kat..."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien frowns.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> So be it.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina seems to be waiting for them to leave her temple.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...sir...we are at a disadvantage her...
<Cassandra_Arakawa> here
<Red_Fox> "What did happen?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> I agree.
* Ceres sighs a little, pulling herself together, "Sir... we should take her offer. FOr now."
<DeathStar> <Darien> .... yes. Lets leave.
<Xanatos`Durran> I'm not leaving.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien seems to be grinding his teeth, but then looks at Durran
<Kio> 14"..."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina tilts her head, eyeing Durran.
* `Cole moves towards the exit, carrying Shiva with him.
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Sir...permission to deal with him? *looks at Xan*
<DeathStar> <Darien> We have to pull out, Durran. Come on.
<Chad`Winters> I'm not leaving either, I know Kat enough that this isn't what she'd want.
* Ariel looks to Darien uncertainly.
<Xanatos`Durran> Kiss my ass Darien!
<Ceres> Elsiah> "Durran, we'll come back."
<Xanatos`Durran> And if any of you touch me. I'll fucking kill you.
* `Cole moves past
<`Cole> NRP: Bah.
<DeathStar> <Darien> ....
* `Cole moves past Darien and moves down the steps towards the shuttle.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods to the others. "Go. Obviously this is going to be settled here and now."
<Cassandra_Arakawa> Ys, sir. Everyone, we're pulling out!@
<Kio> 14"You know me..Can't leave an ally behind..if you stay..I stay"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien takes up position with Chad and Durran, eyeing Katrina who looks at the three of them.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You are foolish creatures. My patience is at an end.
<DeathStar> 6* She lifts her hand up.
* Ariel glances at Darien, then shakes her head slowly. He's doing something wreckless again. She's not leaving.
* Kio moves forward, Standing next to the 3. He begins to brace himself
* Chad`Winters dashes forward towards Ktarina
* Xanatos`Durran glares at her, waiting.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina clenches her fist, holding Chad in place. "I know you. I know both of you."
* Xanatos`Durran slides to the right and rushes in.
* Chad`Winters hurks to a stop.
* Ceres stays back with Darien, sighing.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina walks up to Chad, running a hand along his face. "Tearing. Clawing at the surface." 6She pulls her hand away and knocks Durran away with a telekenesis swat.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien rushes in also, but is knocked away into a wall.
* Chad`Winters struggles to pull his face away from Kat's touch
* Red_Fox starts to creep around "Kat"
<Chad`Winters> I don't know what you're talking about...
<Cassandra_Arakawa> ...I want to go on record and say that this officially sucks... *spoken as she reaches the shuttle*
* Ariel trys to dart in to grapple Katrina.
* Xanatos`Durran flies back, flipping in air and landing on his feet, he slides to a stop before running back in.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina leans forward, whispering in his ears. "You know, this body desired you, too. The real you." 6She kisses Chad suddenly, right when she's tackled by everyone.
* Kio moves in after the 3, trying to catch Katrina at her side as she deals with them.
* Red_Fox keeps behind Kat, ready to rush her
<DeathStar> 6* Darien gets to his feet.
* `Cole lays Shiva down in the seat. "This is horrible."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren kneels beside Arhn, glancing out the viewport at the temple.
* Chad`Winters falls down and lands in a kneeling position.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina calmly lets them tackle her, almost nonchalant.
* Ariel has a bad feeling about this.
* Chad`Winters cracks his knuckles and begins walking over towards Kat.
<Arhn> ...what has happened?
* Xanatos`Durran pulls Katrina to her feet, his hand around her throat. "GIVE KATRINA BACK TO US!" The rage in his eyes hasn't been there since Spade.
* Kio gets up after Durran, moving around behind Katrina.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks Durran in the eyes as he strangles her,
<DeathStar> 6* Darien walks along toward them, about to join them.
* Xanatos`Durran growls and tosses her to the side, he stares at his hand.
* Chad`Winters suddenly launches forward, his elbow suddenly finds it's home in the back of Durran's shoulder blade. He suddenly spins around hurling a spin kick towards Ariel's neck.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Forget mine then.
* Ceres sticks to Darien, "You had some idea of this...?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien jerks back. "What the hell?"
* Xanatos`Durran gets hit and soars drops Katrina as he falls across the ground.
* Ceres turns and arches her eyebrow
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: That was a poor line btw. Ew.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stands calmly again. "That's better."
* Chad`Winters spins in mid-air his staff suddenly extends flying outwards Darien's stomach
* `Cole glances at Warren. "The god thing is now in Katrina. Please watch Shiva for me?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien is hit and collapses to his knees.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren nods to Cole.
* Red_Fox NOW rushes Katrina, trying to land a flying kick in her back
* Chad`Winters lands in a crouching position, his hand holding his staff out.
<Xanatos`Durran> NRP: Uhhh FOX. *slaps*
<Arhn> ...god thing?
* Kio gets ready to push himself toward Katrina, only to have Fox rush in front of him.
* Ariel is knocked aside, not having expected that. She warily looks between the two, " she controlling both of them now?"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina rolls her eyes, stepping to the side. "Your fight isn't with me." 6She knocks Fox toward Chad.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Your old friend wishes to speak with you all.
<Red_Fox> "Oh really? I think it..."
* Xanatos`Durran crawls to his feet and growls, standing and turning to Chad.
* Red_Fox trails off
* Chad`Winters flips off the ground and into the air, he does a moonsault kick in the air, coming down ontop of Red Fox
<Ceres> "Darien, we need to get out of here if she's spreading her influence."
* Red_Fox leaps to one side, to dodge
<DeathStar> <Darien> Old...friend...? 6He grabs his stomach.
<Kio> 14"..."
* `Cole steps off of the shuttle and moves back up the steps.
<Kio> 14"I don't think she is..."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien gets to his feet, his eyes narrowed. "Slasher." 6He says simply.
* Chad`Winters 's foot slams onto the ground and he tilts his head towards Red Fox, a look not seen in years.
<Xanatos`Durran> She just unleashes the old Chad. *he adds, staring at Chad.* Let's go.
<Chad`Winters> That petty fool is no longer around...
<Red_Fox> "Great. So no issues with breaking every bone in your body, then?"
<Ceres> "Wait... are you people saying Chad's reverted to the persona that killed General Venerator?"
* Xanatos`Durran slings the knife toward Chad, as he sprints in right after it.
<DeathStar> <Darien> ... 6He glances at Ariel, remembering her fight with him left her in a coma.
* `Cole steps in now, he is walking toward Katrina.
<Ceres> *Elsiah unsheathes her blades again, putting on her mask, "Got no problem fighting him then..."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina calmly watches the fight, her head tilted.
<Arhn> ...Warren...the Progenitors that the Erusians had contact with ages ago did not build temple pyramids such as this....we may have stumbled on a remnant of the enemy.
* Chad`Winters flicks his wrist a knife flicking into his hand, his swings up, knocking the blade into the air.
<DeathStar> <Warren> What enemy, though?
* Xanatos`Durran jumps into the air, soaring over Slasher. To distract him from the others.
<Arhn> The enemy of the Progenitors. Or one of their minions. Regardless, they are up there playing upon the chess board of a god.
* Kio watches his knife come down, and brings his free hand forward to catch it swiftly.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien activates his saber. "We have to bring Chad down no matter what."
* Ariel opens and closes her hand as she stands. She wouldn't be able to fight to her fullest in a place like this... not with her energy impared.
* `Cole pulls out his pistol and stops eyeing Chad.
* Red_Fox charges Chad, readying a punch
* Red_Fox stops mid-charge
* Chad`Winters ignores Durran completely and he pulls out his pistol firing off a shot at Kio then behind his back at Cere's stomach
<DeathStar> 6* Warren frowns, glancing at the temple as Arhn says that. "Then we're just pawns."
<DeathStar> Session Ends
Session Close: Tue May 30 22:11:59 2006