

Reality Strikers


Previous TAWs

  • Age: 36
  • DOB: Unknown
  • Hair: Red
  • Hair Length: Short
  • Eyes: Green
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Weight: 195 lbs.
  • Build: Muscular
  • Race: Human

  • Elemental Affinity: Fire
  • Primary Weapon: Tier 9 Gauntlets
  • Secondary Weapon: Tier 9 Energy Staff
  • Special Item:
  • Special Item:
  • Body Armor: Tier 9 Tactical (Tactical Fiber) Suit
  • Arm Armor:
  • Leg Armor:

Your Beliefs: Live your life to your fullest, protect your friends and your family, and never give up as you draw breath.

Your Goals: To live as long as I can to bring joy to my wife, my pilot, and my "sister".

Your Instinct: Trust in my heart to guide me.

Relatives: Wife: Key.

Sister: Katrina McCormick (though not of this reality's John, they are still siblings)

Pilot: Tabetha Justice-Mizukaze

Your Background:

John McCormick was a man who lived by his principles of right and wrong, and followed through with them to whatever end may await him. Deciding he would be a hero of his own style, John became involved with the battles against the Tsvirixsh and Dark Ones, leading the way in what he considered justice. He even taught his sister, Katrina McCormick, everything he knew, as well as the young Weapon Dias, grooming him to be a man of his own as well. However, heroics were a literal thing for him, and he ended up dying when he sacrificed himself to save the team.

However, this all changed when the team encountered an alternate reality version of John McCormick who was going around stealing the reality cystals with his own version of Dias. But it was clear he didn't think killing his opponents was the correct method, despite his following his Dias, in a strange twist on the real John and Dias' relation. When he was defeated by this reality's Dias, he surrended and agreed to help them to a point, deciding he didn't want to do things like he had been doing, desiring to forge his own path like their John McCormick did.

Their guide to the Multiverse, John led them against the other Warren leading the reality teams to gather up reality crystals, and through a long hard process, earned redemption by aiding his teammates and ultimately sacrificing his life so that Raquel might live. During his time with the team, he worked to raise morale as best he could, had a sexual relationship with Jennifer Carmichael, and guided Key to find herself by believing in her. Having made such an impact on the team, that after Wind restored the Multiverse and John was recreated, Wind led Key, Cole, and Raquel to find him, where Key restored his memories with a kiss.

Promising he would come if they ever needed him, or see him, John stayed in his reality, wanting to be with his friends and family now that they were recreated. However, after Dias' death, Cheryl contacted Wind, who brought him through the barrier that keeps the Multiverse out, and he went to be at Key's side; he vowed to help her avenge Dias and find X. Over the course of the remaining six months, they managed to get Dias back from the grave and rescue X as well. Despite having finished what he set out to do - help his friends - he's remained on the team.

The alternate John became a permenant fixature and despite being way more serious and focused than the true John, he slowly relaxed and became more carefree and joyful, becoming Tabetha's pilot and marrying Key. He's become part of the main EarthGov military unit over the past 15 years and served as a Private during all that time, joining on more than half of the missions when they need muscle, preferring to spend most of his time with Key and giving his time and life to her. Despite being mostly muscle, it's clear he has a sharp and tactical mind and could definitely rise up in the ranks if ever needed, just like the real John McCormick did before his death.


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TAW is © 1997-2010 Kevin T. Bell