

Reality Strikers


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Progenitor Humans:

Starting Stats:

  • Health: 0
  • Stamina:1
  • Strength: 1
  • Energy: 2
  • Speed: 1
  • Reflexes: 1
  • Perception: 1
  • Charisma: 1
  • Mind: 1
  • Luck: 1
  • Hand to Hand Combat: 1
  • Melee Weapons: 1
  • Ranged Weapons: 1

Max Stats:

  • Health: 6
  • Stamina: 8
  • Strength: 8
  • Energy: 10
  • Speed: 8
  • Reflexes: 10
  • Perception: 10
  • Charisma: 10
  • Mind: 10
  • Luck: 10
  • Hand to Hand Combat: 10
  • Melee Weapons: 10
  • Ranged Weapons: 10

Basic Skills for Progenitors:

Spiritual Flow: This skill unlocks the Spirit stat (Progenitors have a max of 10 to begin with, starting at 0 once unlocked with this skill). The Spirit Stat influences the Progenitor's hyperspace abilities - making them stronger even if they are not necessary to have them and for healing faster than normal. Note: This ability must be completely maxed out before it goes into effect. Prerequisite: Hyperspace Maxed Out and Hyper Repair Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 10

Hyperspace: The ability all Progenitors have is the capability to use their true body's form, hyperspace enery, to unleash as a devastating attack. While half-Progenitors will injure their bodies using this move, it's no less deadly than a full Progenitor's attack. Few materials can stand up to hyperspace, though it's more diluted than true hyperspace. The more points added to this attack, the more powerful it will become. Prerequisites: Energy 3 and Health 3 / Total Point Slots: 10

Super Hyperspace: A more powerful version of Hyperspace. The more points added to this attack, the more powerful it will become. Prerequisites: Energy 8 and Health 6 and Hyperspace Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 10

Hyperwave: A Progenitor can unleash a wave of hyperspace energy instead of a direct beam; it's weaker than a direct beam, but it will cover more of an area and hit more opponents this way. It requires a bit more energy to get off, however. The more points added to this attack, the more powerful it will become. Prerequisites: Energy 7 and Health 5 and Hyperspace Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 10

Hyper Repair: This will work only for full Progenitors, but if they lose a limb, they can use their hyperspace energy to repair the damage inflicted upon them by eating up large amounts of their energy. This will weaken them overall until the energy is restored. The more points added, the less energy spent. Prerequisities: Energy 5 and Health 5 / Total Point Slots: 10

Hyper Speed: This skill allows the user to move at high speeds around their target, though the duration is short, and the amount of times limited. This will allow them to quickly cover large distances and even engage in battles at high speeds before their energy runs out, giving them an advantage in battle sometimes. The more points added, the faster the speed and longer the duration will be. Prerequisities: Energy 5 and Speed 8 / Total Point Slots: 7

Teleportation: A few Progenitors are capable of teleportation, allowing them to transport groups of individuals with them. This takes a lot of energy, however, especially if they are carrying others. Note: This ability must be completely maxed out before it goes into effect. Prerequisities: Energy 10 and Health 6 / Total Point Slots: 10

Hyper Augmentation for Strength: Capable of using their hyperspace to increase their strength for short durations, a Progenitor can make themselves stronger for short bouts. It eats up their energy and for half-Progenitors, will cause internal damage the longer the duration lasts. For each point added, 1 point of extra strength is added. Prerequisite: Energy 5, Health 5, and Strength 8 / Total Point Slots: 5

Hyper Augmentation for a Skill: Capable of using their hyperspace to increase the power of some skills, a Progenitor can make that skill more powerful for short bouts. It eats up their energy and for half-Progenitors, will cause internal damage the longer the duration lasts. The GM will tell you which skills can be augmented with this skill and in what ways. Note: This ability must be completely maxed out before it goes into effect. Prerequisities: Energy 5 and Health 5 / Total Point Slots: 10




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