The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Alternate Session 39

Session Start: Wed Dec 28 18:29:54 2011
Session Ident: #AltSession39
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-488.4.16
<DeathStar> Location: Darien's Mansion
<DeathStar> 6* Though it was not mentioned in the Triad session, Robb's injuries were severe and fucked him up. He's not more machine than man and has finally returned from the hospital. The silent maid Cae looks at him, serving breakfast while Darien goes over last minute data on his datapad.
<kalonZombie> 6*Ribb sits in silence, looking at his leg with hatred
<kalonZombie> *Robb
<Sera> * Sammael eats as she looks over Robb with some interest, a headband on her head just under her hand blinking with a small light. "Look on the bright side now Robb... you probably can kick a lot of bad guys butts with your new gear."
<DeathStar> 6* Robb last more than that in Triad.
<DeathStar> *lost
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "You're acting like its a bad thing."
<kalonZombie> 6*He doesn't respond. To either of them.
<DeathStar> 6* Cae slides extra bacon to Robb.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien doesn't join into the conversation. "Miranda Williams... lives in the Florida district of the North American State."
<Sera> Setsuna> "Aww, cheer up Robb. My girl here is a bionic wonder and she's not lonely."
<kalonZombie> 6*He nods in thanks and eats it quietly.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Get off of the emo express, I'm just a brain in a bottle with a pair of double Ds attached to the front."
<Sera> Sammael> "Williams...? Why's that name familiar?"
* Aqua-Koala has joined #AltSession39
<DeathStar> <Darien> And what lovely DDs.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I was thinking it was familiar too, Sam
<Sera> Setsuna> "Love those DDs."
<Sera> Sammael> "Wasn't the guy that hijacked Cheryl named Jonas Williams?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> Yeah. You're right. No one ever caught Jonas either
<DeathStar> <Darien> Also, he 'raped' her in addition to hijacked.
<Sera> Sammael> "He had some kind of prototype teleportation system that no one's seen before." *she frowns a bit* "So do we shoot him if he shows up?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sets the datapad onto his belt. "The kitsune will contact us if they have any leads on their end with the gods. We still need to learn their names. But for now we'll do our jobs and see if we can find out if Evans was kidnapped and forced to work on Billy over the past year."
<DeathStar> <Darien> In the groin; I need him alive.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "I hate these guys with the prototype teleporters."
<DeathStar> 6* Cae stands quietly, purple hair in a ponytail
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Yeah. They're the worst.
<kalonZombie> 6*He hides his datapad with plans for a prototype teleporter on it
<Sera> Setsuna> "So is this guy brain damaged like Adam was?"
<Sera> Sammael> "Don't think so, it didn't use a nuclear fission reactor, that's why it's new and no one's seen it before."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stands up and moves out the back door to a sleek, cool looking shuttle.
<Sera> Sammael> "Though if we're wrong, shooting it could be bad."
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Very bad.
<Sera> * Sammael rises and grabs her bag, putting it over her shoulder as she heads out, Setsuna kisses Cass and gets up.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Just don't mention Adam again..." *stands up as well*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien runs his hand along the black, sleek surface and walks up the ramp and gets into his seat.
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb gets out and looks at Cae, and nods, this time with feeling
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *heads up the ramp of the shuttle*
<DeathStar> 6* Cae waves them goodbye
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb waves and heads up the ramp
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lifts up into the air and closes the blank ramp, that somehow looks cool as well as it clicks in place, then zooms across the ocean
<Sera> Sammael sits down by Darien, Setsuna sits with Cass.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien looks over Jonas bio, seeing if he has a sister, or ex-wife, or cousin that might be Miranda.
<Sera> * His ex-wife is actually listed as Dragoon Alpha Vera (unofficial) and Miranda would come up as a sister.
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb sits down as well "So how long's the trip?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Minutes. 6* He eyes Robb like he's simple minded, considering they're going from Point A to B on Earth in a shuttle that transverses the galaxy in days
<Sera> * Sammael peeks. "...He was MARRIED to a Dragoon? Was that... did anyone else ever do that?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> No; then again he raped Cheryl too.
<Sera> Sammael> "Maybe losing his Dragoon made him daffy?"
<DeathStar> 6* He pockets the datapad, the ocean already over and they're flying over desert and mountains of west North America
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Maybe.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I'll keep that in mind if I want to go on a rape spree.
<Sera> * Sammael blinks a bit.
<Sera> Sammael> "Just trying to figure out why he's demented, not excuse him. We could use it against him."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Maybe. 6* He flies along the ex-Mississippi River, now renamed the River That Had a Lot of S's In It's Name
<DeathStar> 6* Then he veers off, flying and passing Florida swamp lands, that have t aken over more of the district of Florida
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Or maybe he's too demented to care now.
<Sera> Sammael> "Mmm..." *she looks out the window, her headband blinking a bit rapidly at suppressed outbursts*
<DeathStar> <Darien> Why people stubbornly live here now I'll never know
<Sera> * Sammael makes banjo noises.
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Because humanity is stubborn to the point of foolish?
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "People go to Florida to die."
<Sera> Setsuna> *snickers*
<DeathStar> 6* They soon come to an area that's not swamp land, filled with orange trees. Darien lands in the back yard of an old timey 'southern' house, knocking some oranges down
<Sera> * The oranges look at the shuttle accusingly.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lowers the ramp and walks out, grabbing one and peeling it as he approaches the house, lazily, as if he wasn't worried about being shot at
<Sera> * Sammael peers about. "Here? I mean... good hiding place."
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb gets out and looks at the oranges accusingly
<Sera> * Sammael follows him. Relaxed since he's relaxed, but she pulls off the headband.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien chews the juicy orange. A woman in her 30s opens the door and steps out, hands on her hips. She eyes them accussingly. "What do you think you're doing, landing on private property?"
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *looks around* "Nice and warm place."
<Sera> * Setsuna peers around curiously for defenses.
<Sera> Sammael> "S-Sorry Miss, we're looking for someone. Are you... Miranda Williams?"
<DeathStar> 6* Miranda grabs a broom and approaches them. Darien lazily shows his ID. She squints, peering at it, then at Sammael. "Yes."
<DeathStar> <Darien> An odd place for a scientist to be.
<Sera> * Sammael rubs her temple as her empathy and telepathy kicks in, she frowns a little. "A-Are you doing an experiment with oranges?"
<DeathStar> <Miranda> No. I'm growing them.
<Sera> Sammael> "So you're not a scientist?"
<DeathStar> <Miranda> And if you're trying to read my mind, child, don't bother; I've been trained to block it by EarthGod when I worked for them 10 years ago
<DeathStar> <Miranda> I was a scientist; I grow oranges now
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lazily chews, letting his people handle the interrogation for now
<Sera> Sammael> "N-Not actually trying... I'm not trained... sorry. I just can't turn it off... well that is."
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Why the change in career?
<DeathStar> 6* Setsuna's peering reveals no defenses, just cameras.
<DeathStar> <Miranda> People should always try to reinvent themselves every 10 years.
<DeathStar> 6* She studies Cassandra's body curiously
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Mmmm... were you into cybernetics or human enhanceent?" *noting the attention*
<Sera> * Sammael rubs her temple and pulls the band back on.
<DeathStar> <Miranda> No. If you're all here, you know already I was into genetic research and bringing out latent abilities in people.
<DeathStar> <Darien> As was Evans. Did you ever work on biological weapons? <Miranda> What? No! 6* She sounds horrorfied at that. "Neither would Evans."
<Sera> Setsuna> "Ever work with a scientist by the name of Evans?"
<Sera> ((Scratch that line)
<DeathStar> 6* Darien chews his orange, since the weapon they got had Evans' signature on it
<Sera> Setsuna> "Been in contact with your brother at all of late?"
<DeathStar> 6* Miranda stiffens and looks at Setsuna. "The authorities already contacted me about him. Poor Jonas was never the same after the Dragoon War."
<Sera> * Setsuna nods. "What do you know about the organization called VI?"
<DeathStar> <Miranda> A terrorist organization that was defeated more than a year ago
<DeathStar> 6* Darien pulls out his datapad with the proof of Evans working on the biological dark weapon they got from the Triads, ahnding it to Cass to show when she's ready, L.A. Noire style
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Anything more recent then that?
<Sera> Setsuna> "Evans, you say he wouldn
<Sera> Setsuna> "Evans, you say he wouldn't work on biologicals... think he might under duress?"
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *nods*
<DeathStar> <Miranda> ... 6* She looks to the side now a moment, just a moment, then looks at Setsuna. "Why would he be under duress?"
<Sera> Setsuna> "Say VI wasn't completely defeated, just pissed off."
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Very pissed off."
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Supremely pissed.
<DeathStar> 6* Miranda shifts again, moving backwards for her door. "I think you all should leave."
<DeathStar> 6* darien drops the peels to the orange
<Sera> Sammael> "Ms. Williams, wait a moment please."
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Before we go, may we have your genetic expertise for a moment?"
<DeathStar> 6* Miranda eyes Cassandra warily. "On--what...?"
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "We have this data... some biological information. Can you eyeball it and give us an opinion on it?" *holds up the datapad*
<DeathStar> 6* Miranda eyes it and pales a bit, then turns quickly and runs into the house, trying to close the door
<Sera> * Sammael pulls off her band and TK's the door to keep it open.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "You didn't give us your opinion yet."
<DeathStar> 6* Miranda struggles, then gives up and runs into the house, heading for another door next to the stairs. Darien motions for them to take her down - gently, in case Robb goes for a leg removal in his mood
<Sera> * Setsuna hurls a dagger at the wood between the door and the frame that she's heading to to wedge it shut.
<kalonZombie> 6*He pulls out his pistol and sets it to stun, and chases after her
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *moves into the house as well*
<DeathStar> 6* The door gets wedged shut, and she's easily caught by Robb and Cassandra. She hangs her head, defeated, tears in her eyes
<DeathStar> <Miranda> I can't talk...I can't...
<kalonZombie> <Robb> We can't stop it unless you do.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien walks in and kneels a bit, not noticing a family led by Thomas Aduxley touring the orange trees nearby
<DeathStar> <Darien> Talk to us; they're trying to create a new race of Dark Hybrids, Miranda. You were the better geneticist, right? <Miranda> Yes... <Darien> Why Evans and not you?
<DeathStar> <Miranda> Evans took my place...and they agreed if I didn't talk about it and lived here with the orange trees I would be left alone....he sacrificed himself to work for them so I wouldn't have to...
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Where did they take him? Do you know?
<DeathStar> <Miranda> No... I don't.... They said if I ever talked they would kill him and take me to resume his work...
<DeathStar> 6* Outside, an orange tree shifts and aims at the house
<Sera> Sammael> "Is that the only reason? Did they spare you because Jonas was working with them?"
<DeathStar> <Miranda> Jonas? He works for the military. Not VI.
<Sera> * Setsuna goes ! and blinks, "A... tree is aiming at us."
<Aqua-Koala> *Thomas doesn't notice and puts his son on his shoulders
<kalonZombie> <Robb> A... tree?
<DeathStar> <Darien> .... 6* He pauses. "They must have this place watched. Robb, take out the tree! Quick!"
<DeathStar> 6* He presses against the wall so Robb has a clear shot out the doorway
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb nods and moves to shoot at the tree
<DeathStar> 6* The tree prepares rockets and aims right at Darien's team
<Aqua-Koala> *Thomas notices this and stumbles back
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb shoots at the tree in what he hopes are weak spots
<DeathStar> 6* Robb hits it and the rockets explode in the tree, the firey explosion washing over Thomas' family and barbequing them. By some twisted fate he survives. More orange trees begin to aim
<DeathStar> <Darien> We have to reach the shuttle now. Cassandra, grab Williams and bring her. Robb, Setsuna, provide cover fire
<Sera> * Setsuna turns and tosses a chaff grenade at the next set of trees, designed to burn sensors.
<DeathStar> 6* He rushes down the steps toward the lowered ramp
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb nods and fires at more trees that are aiming at them, oblivious to Thomas's cries
<Sera> * Sammael runs out with Darien, she pauses as she sees Thomas and reaches out her hand, starting to pull the man to the shuttle.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *grabs Miranda and runs to the shuttle!
<Sera> * Setsuna tosses chaffe grenades and exploding shurikens at the rockets as they set and moves, providing cover.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *leaps into the shuttle with the scientist*
<Aqua-Koala> *Thomas is dragged screaming
<Sera> * Sammael tosses him on the shuttle as she gets on, Setsuna heads up the ramp after Cass is clear.
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb heads up last
<DeathStar> 6* darien gets into the shuttle and begins to power it up
<Aqua-Koala> *Thomas balls up in the corner screaming about trees
<DeathStar> 6* The orange trees are damaged by their attacks, but one gets off three orange rockets.
<Sera> * Sets tosses out a few more chaff grenades to cover their escape.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lifts them into the air, leaving the ramp open for them to fire out. Thomas begins to slide toward it due to gravity
<Sera> * Sammael looks out at them coming and squeaks, sending out a wave of TK out at them, originating outside the shuttle.
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb shoots at the orange rockets
<DeathStar> l6* Sammael and Robb take out the remaining rockets, blowing them up and shaking the shuttle.
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb grabs Thomas before he can fall out "I gotchya!"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien flicks the ramp closed a moment later. "You're telling us everything you know back at my mansion, Williams. Everything."
<DeathStar> 6* Miranda clings to CAssandra, looking shaken
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "So, did you know that most of your orange trees were really grenade launchers?"
<DeathStar> <Miranda> No! They looked real to me!
<DeathStar> <Miranda> You even ate one!
<Aqua-Koala> *Thomas sits in the corner crying
<DeathStar> 6* Darien peers at the sobbing Thomas, then grimaces as he plays the events through his head. "Damn. Damn damn damn."
<DeathStar> <Darien> We'll send a team back to see if one of the kids made it."
<Sera> * Sammael moves over and hugs the man. "Shhh..."
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb looks at Thomas, then hangs his head
<DeathStar> <Miranda> They--issues me orders with this to make sure I wasn't...talking to people." 6* She holds out a datapad.
<DeathStar> <Miranda> Get the Evans, please...
<Aqua-Koala> Thomas>.....trees
<kalonZombie> <Robb> We will, Ms. Williams.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *takes the datapad*
<Sera> Sammael> "We're sending them help Mister... shh... keep hope alive okay?"
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> Location: Darien's Mansion
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas has been sedated and is being watched over Cae. Darien has Sammael tinkering with the datapad for information and he gets off with the team sent. "The younger girl survived. But she was pretty badly injured. They don't think genetic treatment will fix all the scar tissue and tissue loss. They're moving her to the best military hospital we have."
<DeathStar> 6* He rubs his face, then taps his datapad to send Miyuki a message
<Chain> 6*Theres already one from Miyuki titled "Read me Money Man"
<Aqua-Koala> *Thomas meanwhile stares blankly at a wall
<DeathStar> 6* Darien clicks it.
<kalonZombie> <Robb> At least one made it...
<Sera> * Sammael works on the datapad, living up to her secret reputation as she works. Petting a fox in her lap.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Strange that they were in a private orange grove though."
<Chain> 6*It reads: "Well Money Man you sure picked a fine couple of gods to wake up. Please find enclosed their names and data, My sister and I are going after the first "Chu-Jung"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien looks over the names, then puts it on the board for everyone to see.
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb whistles "Damn."
<DeathStar> Ch'ang-o, Chih-nii, Chu-Jung, Chuang-Mu
<DeathStar> <Darien> Why go after the Death and Justice one first?
<Sera> Sammael> "Moon Goddess, Cloud Goddess, Death and Justice God and Sex GOddess.... presumably he'll do the most damage the longer we wait?"
<Chain> 6*Miyu's message relates that Chu-Jung will be quite difficult...and mentiones something about Mu having tentacles
<Sera> Sammael> "As a note, I am not dressing up as a schoolgirl again."
<Sera> Sammael> "...For missions, at least." *she has an odd look as she peers at Darien*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien tries to comm Miyuki and Kasha.
<Chain> <Miyuki> Kitsune Udon: They Haunt, We Stomp
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Setsuna does the schoolgirl. I'm the headmistress of the all girls school. ... ... ...for our private time."
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb huffs, being single
<Sera> Setsuna> "We should reverse roles sometime. For comedy."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Not a bad catchphrase; we have free time. Do you need us to come along?
<Sera> * Sammael blushes a little bit and looks away from them,especially Darien.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "It works better when I'm the mistress..."
<DeathStar> 6* Cae walks out of Thomas' room and looks a bit sad
<DeathStar> 6* She left him a note saying his daughter lived
<Sera> * Sammael walks over to her and nuzzles Cae, she signs, "How is he?"
<Chain> <Miyuki> I dunno, Ar you going to get us killed or revive another couple of demons for this gig?
<DeathStar> 6* All daughter references are now son
<DeathStar> 6 *Cae signs: not good
<kalonZombie> <Robb> It's tough losing family like that. At least his boy lived...
<DeathStar> <Darien> Well, I can't make promises
<DeathStar> 6* He says to Miyu
<Chain> <Miyuki> Well I suppose its better to have more help, however if so much as another sprite gets woken up by your posse I'm asking double
<DeathStar> <Darien> Double 3 million? My my, are you wanting to retire?
* Koalalala has joined #AltSession39
<Chain> <Miyuki> No, I plan to buy you out
<DeathStar> <Darien> Fair enough; I'll send ... who wants to go fight a god of death?
<DeathStar> 6* He looks up
<Sera> * Setsuna raises a hand.
<Koalalala> *Thomas looks over at the note and reads it but doesn't look back up
<Sera> * Sam nods and walks back to the other with her.
* Aqua-Koala has quit IRC (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<DeathStar> <Darien> Right. Setsuna and Cassandra.
<DeathStar> <Darien> ... 6* He peers at Robb, as if thinking likely lost his confidence after losing his leg and arm
<Sera> * Sam looks over at Robb. "They could really use you Robb."
<kalonZombie> <Robb> ...I'll go.
<DeathStar> <Darien> okay, I'm sending those three to your location. Me and Sammael have to look into something else and check in on an injured person
<DeathStar> <Darien> Good luck
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> Location: Kitsune Udon
<DeathStar> 6* Chain may describe the outside to the three
<Chain> 6*In one of the busiest parts of the city a large office building has its top most parts converted into a extravigant apartment, witha neon sign displaying a fox wading in a bowl of udon. A buzzer near the main doors allows for them to comm Miyu directly
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *reaches over and hits the buzzer*
<Chain> <Miyuki> You the three Money man sent?
<Sera> Setsuna> "Yep!"
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Sure are.
<Chain> <Miyuki> Alright, what was the catch phrase from earlier
<kalonZombie> <Robb> They Haunt, You Stomp.
<Chain> <Miyuki> Good good, step back a bit, the gate will open. Just walk down the hallway and there will be a lit elevator. It'll take you up to us. Just dont touch the other stuff
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Why not?
<Sera> Setsuna> "We'll turn to stone!"
<Chain> <Miyuki> Cause it's not ours and belongs to the businesses that rent below us
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Fair enough.
<Sera> Setsuna> "I liked my reason better."
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *steps back*
<Chain> 6*The comm crackles and a loud buzzer sounds as the gate whines as it seperates, revealing a dimly lit hallway
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *heads down the hallway to the elevator*
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb follows behind
<Chain> 6*The hallway is quite dark and the light above the elevator is a low red, almost ominous...and mood setting
<Sera> Setsuna> *hums 'You're Not Here'*
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *presses the button to call the elevator when they reach it*
<Chain> *A sweet chime plays as the elevator doors open, a japanese voice politely asks that they enter quickly and do not block the doors, inside the elevator it is well lit with plush carpet and wood fixtures
<Chain> 6*A sweet chime plays as the elevator doors open, a japanese voice politely asks that they enter quickly and do not block the doors, inside the elevator it is well lit with plush carpet and wood fixtures
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *steps on to the elevator*
<Sera> * Setsuna hops in.
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb steps in and presses the button for the correct floor
<Chain> 6*The elevatore plays something current and trendy but instramental version as they climb levels
<Sera> * Setsuna uses the time to explore Cassandra's breasts. "Your shirt is uneven."
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Sure it is."
<Sera> Setsuna> "I'm being a good waifu and fixing it." *actually makes a honking noise as she squeezes them*
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb puts on his grumpy "I'm single" face
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Setsuna... you're being rude in front of the single guy."
<Chain> 6*The elevator chimes again, the door opening and automated voice asking them to exit or enter proptly and not block the door way once again, they are only a few steps from Miyuki and Kasha's residence
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *steps off the elevator*
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb walks out and heads for Miyuki and Kasha's
<Sera> Setsuna> "I thought I was giving him a show."
<Sera> Setsuna> "Men, I will never understand them."
<Chain> 6*Miyuki opens the door for them, leaning against the door way dressed only in panties and a tanktop, clearly not wearing a bra as she looks them over
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "May we come in?"
<Sera> Setsuna> "Can we keep her?"
<Chain> <Miyuki> I think I remember You 6*she inclines to Setsuna*1 its the other two I don't remember, but please come in. Shoes off, slippers have been provided
<Chain> 6*Miyuki turns and allows them into the spacious apartment, done in a neo modern Japanese style
<Sera> * Setsuna steps in.
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb steps in, takes off his one shoe, and puts on both slippers, so his cyborg foot at least doesn't scratch anything
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *enters, slips off her shoes, and then slips on the slippers*
<Sera> * Setsuna pulls off her sandals and follows Miyu's butt in. "Cute tails."
<DeathStar> (I think she only had 1 to begin with)
<Sera> ((She's referring to the tail and the butt.))
<Chain> <Miyuki> Thanks have a seat, theres snacks and drinks. We're gonna talk about this one first before heading out
<Kizio> <Kasha> Naa. Neesan. Who're these losers?
<Chain> <Miyuki> Money Man's people
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb rolls his eyes at Kasha's statement and wishes he had stayed to hit on the cute mute girl
<Sera> Setsuna> "Mm, it's the spunky one."
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *takes a seat* "Arigato."
<Sera> * Setsuna sits next to Cass.
<kalonZombie> 6*Robb sits as well
<Chain> 6*Miyuki uses the Holovid to display recent photos and movies of Chu-jung's movements
<Chain> <Miyuki> As you can guess this guy is going to be a bit of a hassle to bait let alone recapture but the sooner he's done the better
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Yeah. I bet the "death" part isn't that fun to deal with.
<Chain> <Miyuki> Well as an old god, his methods of passing judgement are extremely dated
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "So what has him all pissed off now?"
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Old god in modern times? If he's anything like my grandpa, everything.
<Sera> Setsuna> "So how do we bait him?"
<Chain> <Miyuki> Robb has it, and as an old god theres only two ways, either sex or blood
<Kizio> <Kasha> I can show him plenty of blood... fufufu. His own.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "'re kidding me."
<kalonZombie> <Robb> I'm... a little short on both, these days.
<Chain> <Miyuki> Don't worry, I have it planned out
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Let's hear it."
<Chain> <Miyuki> I have blood packs from the blood bank. we just need to fight eachother and 'die', he'll come over to judge us and when he does our charms should contain him
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "And that will actually fool him?"
<Sera> Setsuna> "Maybe?"
<Chain> <Miyuki> Well unless you WANT us to do a proper human sacrifice
<kalonZombie> <Robb> I like plan A better, myself.
<Chain> <Miyuki> Kasha do you have the 'tools'?
<Kizio> <Kasha> What do I need?
<Chain> <Miyuki> The hooked shaped objects that helps to pull out the innards
<Chain> <Miyuki> Or we could just sit on our asses until he decides to pop up. Personally I dislike random encounters.
<Sera> Setsuna> "And we're all out of Attract Spray."
<Chain> <Miyuki> And running the risk of encountering something we dont want to encounter and wont let us leave without a fight
<Sera> Setsuna> "We could stock up on Potions."
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "...the hell?"
<Chain> <Miyuki> Well do any of you three have ideas
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Not a one. Not my area of expertise, usually.
<Sera> Setsuna> "Charm Grenades."
<Chain> <Miyuki> Charm Grenades?
<Sera> Setsuna> "We takea bunch of charms and load them into an exploding cylinder. Boom! Charm explosion!"
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Let's just go with their plan."
<Chain> <Miyuki> Well if we are going to do this we still need to build up enough 'energy' to get him close
<DeathStar> -TBC-
Session Close: Wed Dec 28 21:50:15 2011