The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Alternate Session 47

Session Start: Tue Feb 07 20:34:19 2012
Session Ident: #AltSession47
* Now talking in #AltSession47
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Date: Immediately thereafter
<DeathStar> Location: Valley of the DEAAAAAD
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl urges the horses forward past the disappeared barrier, but they seem reluctant
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay follows and looks about alertly
<Seraphna> * Cameron and Lisa urge their horses too.
<Feather> <Miyuki> I don't think we can rely on my power much. I tampered with it and it's very different. Somehow it worked.
<Jackieness> <Myria> "I would have power too if I had a delicious Omega Coke."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> We'll try to go it alone.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl deadpans at Myria
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ARe you still addicted to that?
<Seraphna> * Lisa makes one appear. "Angela said if she's a good girl I'm supposed to give her these."
<Feather> <Kasha> What's... omega coke?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Good question; what the fuck are in those things?
<Feather> 6Kasha walks over to swipe it from Lisa
<DeathStar> 6* As they move, Kay would see a black bird eyeing the group - it looks suspicious
<Seraphna> Cameron> "Regular coke with some addictive chemical in it, I believe. I could analyze it."
<Seraphna> * LIsa squeaks at Kasha.
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay peers at the bird and points at it "Oi!"
<Feather> 6Kasha pops the top and guzzles it.
<Jackieness> <Myria> "They give me power."
<DeathStar> 6* The bird caws and as it does so, everyone begins to experience vertigo
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What the eff--- <Zephyr> I feel...dizzy..
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> Huuuh...
<Seraphna> * Kasha comes to know the power, THE ALMIGHTY POWER!
<Feather> 6Miyuki jerks, ears flattening, and tries to get off some seals with her fingers and cause a lightning strike at the crow.
<Seraphna> * Lisa shakes her head. "Wha..."
<DeathStar> 6* Rin looks dizzy as well
<Feather> <Kasha> Oh man, I feel great-- sort of..!
<Seraphna> Cameron> "More... of this magic...?"
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> The bird....
<Feather> 6Dawn makes a face, trying to hurtle a throwing energy knife at the bird from under her skimpy skirt
<DeathStar> 6* Due to the vertigo, Miyuki's attack misses. As they all begin to feel worse, men approach with arrows, aiming at them
<DeathStar> 6* Dawn's knife misses by 4 inches
<DeathStar> 6* As did Miyuki's attack
<Feather> 6Dawn in a last ditch, tries to use telekinesis to make it back
<DeathStar> 6* Ao makes a face
<DeathStar> 6* Due to the vertigo, the telekinesis seems to be worst off. Cheryl falls off her horse
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay tries throwing a rock 4 inches away from it
<Feather> <Dawn> Ugh..!" 6she drops.
<Seraphna> * Lisa holds up her hands, trying to create a shield around them. "DRAGOON AEGIS!"
<Jackieness> <Myria> "Not feeling good..."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr fires her gun, missing by 4 inches; KAy hits the bird and it caws, the vertigo ending
<DeathStar> 6* The people with the arrows pause, then retreat further into the valley.
<Feather> <Kasha> Oh no you don't!" 6She laughs, chasing them
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> It was displacing it's image 4 inches away from it
<Feather> <Miyuki> K-Kasha!!
<Seraphna> * Cameron taps his glovs, then hurls an energy ball after them as they retreat.
<Feather> 6Dawn is curled up, being a weak ol' human girl of sorts, having already collapsed
<Seraphna> * Cameron then takes the time to throw up.
<Seraphna> Cameron> "That's... better."
<Jackieness> <Myria> *woulld be blue right now... if she weren't blue all the time*
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay begins to move farther along the valley
<Feather> <Miyuki> That girl..!
<DeathStar> 6* The blast hits the wall of the canyon, missing, while KAsha is soon out of sight
<Seraphna> * Lisa hops down to help Cheryl and Dawn up. Cameron moves to help as well.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* She grips the horse, and lifts Dawn over it, climbing up to follow, urging the poor weak beast after it. Ao seems pissed and orders her driver to go
<DeathStar> 6* Rin is KOed and Zephyr is against Megumi, eyes spiinning
<Seraphna> * Cameron gets back up and drives Ao along.
<Seraphna> * Lisa squeaks and nuzzles Rin, trying to wake her as she gets on her horse with her, holding her, and riding after them.
<Jackieness> <Myria> *takes a deep breath and then tries using her TK to get the ones who are not quite all there moving*
<DeathStar> 6* As they hurry along, they'd see the 5 arrow people hurrying; one ahs been taken down by Kasha and the other four are firing arrows at her, trying to drive "Kasha the Wild" away as they call her
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay waits up for everyone to be ready
<Feather> <Kasha> Nyahahaha!
<Feather> 6Kasha is using her speed, hunting them sport-like with her barehands. Clearly she's "playing" in her own rough way.
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay stares wondering whether to laugh or help
<Seraphna> * Lisa nibbles on Rin. <Wake up! Badguys!>
<Jackieness> <Myria> "Ummm... should we help her or save them from her?"
<DeathStar> 6* Rin remains KOed. Zephyr recovers finally as the arrow people screech in terror, running off as she takes down a second; the other three escape, leaving two for interrogation
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Good...question...
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> Eh, I'd leave it alone
<Seraphna> Cameron> "How does she bloody recover so fast?"
<Feather> <Miyuki> Neechan is... special.
<Feather> <Miyuki> Have you seen her eat, by chance?
<Seraphna> Cameron> "Let me guess, can eat a 9 course meal for 15 people in about 3 minutes?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl hops off her horse and grabs one, eyeing Miyuki and screeching Miyuki the terror
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> It seems you two are famous
<DeathStar> 6* The man trashes to get away, clearly terrified
<DeathStar> 6* The second one crawls, trying to get away unless someone grabs him
<Seraphna> * Lisa sets Rin carefully, then leaps off her horse to land on the crawling one.
<Jackieness> <Myria> "Hold on!" *tries to TKly pin the crawler down*
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Dragoon... GIRL CRUSH!"
<Seraphna> * Cameron calmly adjusts his glasses.
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay tries to jump on him
<Seraphna> * Then Cameron grabs Kay mid air and shifts his weight so they both fall with him on top of Kay.
<Seraphna> Cameron> "You're a bloody mass of metal and you're going to LEAP on my LITTLE GIRL. Think you nincompoop."
<Feather> <Miyuki> Famous?
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> Hey, I didn't see her jump
<Feather> <Kasha> They knew my name, neesan! Ha ha ha.
<Seraphna> Cameron> "You'd have snapped his spine in half if you didn't crush her."
<DeathStar> 6* The archer squirms and groans in pain
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> Can't run when he's a paraplegic
<DeathStar> <Archer> Please..will jup on
<Seraphna> * Lisa thumps him on the head. "Talk! Or Lisa the Dragon will eat!"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Who are you people? <Archer> Protectors of area...stop bad people...
<Seraphna> Lisa> "We're the good people! So why were you attacking us?"
<Feather> <Miyuki> Why would they know our names...?
<Jackieness> <Myria> "I don't know... Kasha does looke pretty mean."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Bad people? 6* He points at Cheryl's outfit . "You work for evil devil queen who plans to invade land. Also work with fox demon twins that terrorize people and steal food!"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... what? Invade LAnd? Queen Erevis never had any plans to do taht.
<Seraphna> Cameron> I imagine this reality has a double for you two."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> MAybe they were lied to by the men in black we're following
<Feather> <Miyuki> Nues never steal!!
<Feather> <Kasha> Neesan gets pissed if we don't pay back debts.
<Seraphna> Cameron> "They only consume and leave big IOUs, I expect."
<Feather> 6Miyuki puffs her cheeks.
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> Oh god, I wonder if I have a double, maybe he has a goatee
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Can you signal your people and tell them we're good? We'll let you go if you do, and won't eat you!"
<DeathStar> <Archer> Lies!
<DeathStar> 6* The second archer eyes them all. Ao walks forward and grabs one and holds him up dangerously. "Did a red haired woman come by here?!" 6* She barks; the archer pisses himself nodding
<DeathStar> <Ao> You will tell your people to stand down or I will kill every last one of them.
<DeathStar> 6* The Archer eyes them all to see if they are so evil
<Seraphna> Lisa> "We're not lying. I'm like, 14 years old. Why would I lie?"
<Seraphna> * Cameron tries to keep a straight face.
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay fails miserably at the same task
<Feather> <Kasha> If I'm told to I'd totally enjoy that!
<Feather> <Miyuki> We don't kill for fun, neechan!
<Jackieness> <Myria> "Oh, that's not convincing them that we're not evil at all."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sighs. "Please let us through; we don't want trouble."
<DeathStar> 6* She sounds like she's grinding her teeth. The archer finally signals something. "Y-You can pass safely. The Devil Queen was taken through the valley toward the fortress."
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> Finally
<Seraphna> * Lisa hops back to her horse and checks Rin worriedly.
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay walks his horse, since the poor thing must be aching from how much Kay weighs
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> What if he lied and he signalled them to riddle us with arrows?
<DeathStar> 6* Ao drops him and climbs back up. Cheryl does the same
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Guess we take the chance; Lisa, be ready
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> Then we get riddled with arrows
<Seraphna> * Cameron mounts, Lisa nods and looks up from Rin, holding her close as she grabs her reins.
<Jackieness> <Myria> "Let's go then."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl leads the way; nothing eventful happens and soon they exit the valley of the death, moving along toward a dusty area. Up ahead are some mountains and a fortress can be seen, many many miles away, hinting at it's size
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... great.
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> Well that Valley of Death was rather lac luster
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Looks big..."
<Seraphna> Cameron> "Myria... you may now make RPG console jokes."
<Feather> <Dawn> U-ungh....
<Jackieness> <Myria> "I was going to make size jokes! Oh look! Someone is compensating!
<Seraphna> Camoeron> "...Going to give that a 2.5 out of 6."
<Jackieness> <Myria> *points at Cameron* "Oh look! Someone needs to compensate!"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rubs Dawn's head a b it when they hear foxy like giggling that sounds familiar, like their two guests. Cheryl peers toward Miyu and Kasha slowly, then around; there appears to be an area for water and they need some, but the laughter...
<Seraphna> Cameron> "1.5"
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Maybe that's them?"
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay starts down towards the beach area
<DeathStar> 6* As Kay gets close to it, a figure darts and suddenly he's gone, followed by more laughter; a moment later he lands completely nude
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What the--!?
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> I- What? What?
<DeathStar> 6* Two figures can be seen on the other side of the water hole, tails moving before fading from sight
<Seraphna> Cameron> "Robbed blind. Send Kasha in to confuse them."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl peers about, paranoid now. Zephyr scans the area.
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> I- How?
<Feather> <Kasha> I'm not a decoy, you jerk
<Jackieness> <Myria> "wow, its a good thing they toook his clothes since he's the one with the Plague!"
<Seraphna> Cameron> "Seeing as I suspect you to be their double, it may work."
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> The Plague?
<DeathStar> 6* The clothes are whirlwinded into Myria's face
<DeathStar> 6* For a moment the two figures of Miyu and Kasha can be seen, darting by; there also seems to be two others. Cheryl narrows her eyes.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> How many are ther--- <Female Voice> You've wandered into our territory and have to pay the fees. Give us your shinies and food.
<DeathStar> 6* Ao looks annoyed and her hands glow slightly, prepared to go violent. Cheryl whirls around as she eyes the four figures circling them, kicking up dust to hide themselves in it
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Can any of you TK grab one of them?
<Jackieness> <Myria> "Miyu, Kasha! Go beat up the other Miyu and Kasha. Also Kay, I got your clothes back."
<Seraphna> Cameron> "Myria."
<Feather> <Kasha> I don't have any shinies!
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay takes his clothes back and begins putting them on
<Seraphna> * Lisa creates a barried around them.
<Seraphna> *barrier
<Jackieness> <Myria> "And I suppose..." *TKly feels around, then trying grabbing one of them if she can*
<Feather> 6Dawn similarly seems to be feeling out and tries to grab one-- less skilled than Myria
<Feather> 6Miyuki lays her ears flat, peering around in intense concentration, ready to counter.
<DeathStar> 6* Dawn grabs a Freyja, who's tail waversi n annoyance, while Myria grabs a Kasha who scrambles wildly. "Hey, no fair." <Freyja> You shouldn't touch a fox demon without permission. 6* She warns Dawn with a polite smile - that has ice to it
<DeathStar> 6* The other two figures leap in, a Miyuki and Chii, but they both pause seeing the other Miyu and Kasha on the team, blinking. Cheryl stares. "Chii? Freyja?"
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Miss Freyja?"
<Feather> <Dawn> I'm not actually touching you." 6She shifts.
<Feather> <Kasha> Wow! Another me!" 6She scurries over, peering eye to eye
<DeathStar> <Wild Miyu> What is this? <Wild Chii> .... magic?
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay just looks on confused
<Feather> <Kasha> Nope!
<DeathStar> 6* The struggling Kasha pauses, peering at the other Kasha, then breaks free with a spell and leaps on her, sniffing
<Feather> <Miyuki> Kasha! Get away from her!
<Jackieness> <Myria> "Behold, for we are travelers from far beyond!"
<DeathStar> 6* The wild Kasha then rolls with the other Kasha until they are both nude and unable to be told apart.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Great...
<DeathStar> 6* She facepalms
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay>...when did this turn into a cartoon?
<Seraphna> Cameron> "I... oh my..."
<Feather> <Kasha> Hehehe! Neesan, she's pretty good. But I am, too! Stole her clothes!
<DeathStar> 6* The Wild Freyja, Chii, and Miyuki peer at each other
<DeathStar> <Wild Kasha> Sister, she smells like me! Can I keep her? <Wild Miyuki> I don't know, you're already a handfull
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Rin! Wake up!" <You're missing naked kitsune girls wrestling!>
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> .... 6* She shifts to whisper to the group
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> If we give them the coins, think they could sneak us into the fortress? They seem the type.
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay meanwhile has pulled up a rock to watch from
<DeathStar> 6* WIld Kasha gropes Kasha
<Feather> <Dawn> Probably.
<Seraphna> Cameron> "Likely."
<Feather> 6Dawn seems hesitant, but nods to the Freyja she caught and gently sets her down.
<DeathStar> 6* The Wild Freyka breaks free with a spell, dusting herself off and eyeing them.
<DeathStar> 6* Or is freed.
<Feather> <Dawn> You seem like their leader." 6She notes to Freyja
<DeathStar> <Wild Freyja> What is you all are whispering about? <Wild Chii> I say we smash and grab
<Feather> <Kasha> I'll smash you!
<Feather> <Miyuki> We won't be so easy..." 6She murmurs.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Look; a fight between us would be pointless. We want to get in there to beat them u pand take back a friend. 6* She points at the fortress; judging by their reactions, the alt medieval kitsune do not like the place and Chii shows her teeth. <Wild Chii> What you want with them?
<DeathStar> <Wild Freyja> They said to save their friend; and it would be nice to get rid of them. They're always hunting us for our abilities
<DeathStar> <Wild Kasha> I'd rather fuck her. 6* She points at KAsha
<DeathStar> 6* Wild Chii sneers at Kasha
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay whoos a little
<Seraphna> Cameron> *tries to look away*
<Feather> <Kasha> Is that masturbation?
<Feather> 6Miyuki facepalms.
<Jackieness> <Myria> "I didn't say it!"
<Feather> <Kasha> I'll do it!" 6She grins.
<Feather> <Miyuki> Oh whatever. You two can romp and do whatever you want if they'll help us.
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay whoos some more
<Feather> <Dawn> R-Romp?" 6She flusters.
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Can we record? Rin might be sad if she sleeps through this."
<Seraphna> * Cameron slowly looks at his precious daughter.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rubs face. "Sex later, sav ing friend first."
<Jackieness> <Myria> "I could project my memory of this occassion into Rin's mind."
<DeathStar> <Wild Freyja> Very well. We may know a way in. Follow us
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay sighs and follows
<DeathStar> 6* She begins to walk along. Wild Kasha wrestles with KAsha until Wild Miyuki separates them and carries her along. Wild Chii looks ready for a fight, glaring at people and trying to egg them on. Ao glares back and it seems the two might come to blows
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl ungrinds her teeth. <I am going to go nuts before this is over>
<Seraphna> Lisa> *looks over at Cheryl quietly*
<Seraphna> * Cameron sighs and rides along.
<Feather> <Dawn> Ao-- please, don't, for me..?" 6She pouts. 1"We can't fight right now..."
<DeathStar> 6* Ao looks at Dawn, frowns but nods. "Since you begged nicely."
<DeathStar> 6* Her ego looks stroked
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl deadpans and speaks where Ao can't hear to others. "Seriously? She can be played that easily?"
<Feather> 6Dawn blinks and sulks at Ao's reaction, then tilts her head at Cheryl. 1"huh?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You got her to change her mind by asking her nicely.
<Feather> <Dawn> I asked pollitely. Sorry I'm meek." 6She purses her lips.
<Seraphna> * Lisa smiles a bit at Dawn.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm not chastising you; I'm saying her ego translated it as you beggining and you got her to stand down. For a self-proclaimed goddess, she's the weak one
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl frowns and grows quiet since she seems to offend and is in a bad mood
<DeathStar> 6* As they travel along, the fox demons lead them around a long way and they seem to be approaching the mountains from a side angle
<Feather> <Dawn> Oh. ...
<Feather> 6Dawn huffs and rests on Cheryl's shoulder
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> We should sing a traveling song!
* kalonZombie has joined #AltSession47
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sends Kay a look
<DeathStar> 6* As they get closer, Myria would sense a strong mind approaching them to cut them off.
<DeathStar> <Wild Freyja> There's a cave system near here.
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> To raise spirits....oh fuck it *He hangs his head
<Seraphna> Lisa> "It leads inside the tower?"
<Jackieness> <Myria> "Uh-oh///
<Seraphna> * Lisa blinks, looking around for trouble.
<Jackieness> <Myria> "We got company. Strong company."
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay looks about "Maybe they want to help us"
<Feather> <Dawn> They feel hostile..." 6She sighs
<Jackieness> <Myria> "They are trying to cut us off."
<Seraphna> * Lisa does her best to wake Rin again as she readies her shields.
<Seraphna> * Cameron grumbles and pulls out a gun.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* Suddenly, an person with blonde hair and dressed in black leaps out and unleashes a magic spell that knocks them all off their horses. Another Cheryl lands before them, but not Knight Cheryl.
<Seraphna> * Lisa squeaks, catching Rin and hitting the ground hard. She whimpers.
<DeathStar> 6* Her hair is much longer, flowing down to her rear, and her eyes are narrowed. Could this be Lemure that Knight Cheryl was seeking, her sister that was taken.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl hits the ground and rolls and Zephyr and Ao land on each other comically, with Megumi between them
<DeathStar> 6* The wild foxes scatter away
<Seraphna> * Cameron rolls a bit and pulls up his gun. "This would be Lemon's double, I think."
<DeathStar> <Lemure> You will come no further.
<Seraphna> Cameron> "You've taken something that doesn't belong to you."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Ungh...remember...she's likely been brainwashed...we have to take her alive...or risk alienating our allies here
<Jackieness> <Myria> "Owww!" *exclaimed as she hits the ground*
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay raises his hands "We could talk to her?"
<DeathStar> 6* Wild Chii argues about attacking while Wild Freyja stresses tactics
<Seraphna> Lisa> "She's... human, even if powerful, she won't recover like Lemon would."
<DeathStar> 6* Lemure forms a magic blade
<DeathStar> <Lemure> Surrender if you wish to live
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> We could be friends!
<DeathStar> <Lemure> We could a learn a lot from your bodies
<DeathStar> 6* She eyes Kay.
<DeathStar> 6* Ao forms her hyperspace, ready to fight her and Zephye helps Meg up
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay smiles feigning even more stupidity than normal
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Look --- sister --- <Lemure> You're from that other reality; I can tell the difference.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well fuck me
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> <Myria, patch me to the others>
<Seraphna> * Lisa huffs. "How does she know... she's working with the Others."
<Jackieness> <Myria> <Hello others!>
<Seraphna> Angela> <Hi...?>
<Jackieness> <Myria> <Ok, Cheryl.>
<Feather> <Dawn> You know who we are-- why are you attacking us?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> <We got two choices; fight and take her down alive, and let the foxes lead us, or be taken in prisoner and be at a disadvanatge, but in thei heart>
<DeathStar> <Lemure> 'Others'?
<DeathStar> <Ao> The beings who took my sister. <Lemure> That is what you call them?
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> I surrender!
<DeathStar> 6* Lemure motions him to toss down all his weapons and kneel
<Seraphna> * Cameron sighs.
<DeathStar> 6* Ao listens to the mental conversation
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> I don't carry any weapons
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> <We outnumber her>?
<DeathStar> <Lemure> .... lay face down on the ground
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay does this
<Seraphna> Angela> <Can't you overwhelm her? She has magic but she's still human. She needs things like air and can't handle too many blows.>
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay listens to the conversation
<Jackieness> <Myria> <Throw Kay at her?>
<Feather> <Dawn> <... A good chance to take her is telekinetics-- should I reveal that or take chances captured...? I look like a slave .. . .>
<DeathStar> <Cheryl ><Bring her down; the foxes might help if they see we're winning. Hit her with everything you got without killing her>
<Seraphna> Angela> <He does seem to be about as useful as Dias that. Or just knock her on the head a little. But gently, we don't want her cute head hurt too much.>
<DeathStar> 6* Lemure glances at the others. "And the rest of you?"
<Feather> 6Dawn looks to Myria. <At once-- we need to knock her out.>
<Jackieness> <Myria> *nods*
<DeathStar> 6* She pauses, seeing the look, and unleashes a wind attack at Dawn
<Seraphna> * Cameron switches his gun to stun mode. <Well then, let's do it... NOW!>
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl div es in front of it to shield DAwn
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay hops up and jumps at her
<Feather> 6Miyuki grumbles as she kneels, tossing out kunai, bombs, tools, poisons......
<Seraphna> * LIsa shields them both as Cameron fires a stun shot ahead of Kay.
<Jackieness> <Myria> <Now!> *unleashes a full on TK wave at Lemure*
<Feather> 6Dawn jerks, looking sheepish. <Now!> 6She throws her hands forward and tries knocking Lemure back into the walls, trying to knock the breath from her
<DeathStar> 6* Lemure spins her sword and slashes at Kay while he jumps, cutting him since he can't change directions, but only manages to damge his cyborg arm, and jerks at the shot. She is then hit by the TK waves and hits the mountain rocks roughly, bouncing off
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay tries to punch her in the stomach
<DeathStar> 6* She strains to rise and calls forth lightning down at Myria and Zephyr pushes her aside, yelping
<Seraphna> * Lisa then holds out her hands, creating a shield over Zephyr.
<DeathStar> 6* Lemure jerks as she's hit in the gut, coughing up some fluids from his cyborg fists and a bone cracks
<DeathStar> 6* She then seemingly teleports with magik away from the group, stumbling and the earth shakes, rocks tumbling down toward them. The wild foxes begin to deal with them for the group
<Jackieness> <Myria> *scrambles away from the lightning*
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay braces for the rocks
<DeathStar> 6* About 100 paces ahead, she stumbles for the fortress
<Seraphna> * Cameron shifts and aims for her when she reappears, firing a stun shot.
<DeathStar> 6* The shot barely misses as she weaves under some cover
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay stops and rushes at Lemure
<DeathStar> 6* Ao blasts rocks with the foxes
<Jackieness> <Myria> "Hiyaaa!" *reaches out to TKly to try to drag Lemure down*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr hurries along as Lemure jerks at the TK and is dragged along. She chants, a water bubble appearing around Myria to deprive her of air
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl races along, some cuts along her from the attack and she hurries with KAy who catches up
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay jumps at Lemure again aiming to land on a leg and break it
<Seraphna> * Cameron aims and fires a Dragoon Blast at the ground by Lemure to tru and knock her.
<Jackieness> <Myria> *flails!*
<Seraphna> * Lisa actually forms a shield in Kay's way, not sure he gets it.
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay stops "What?!"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr reaches in and yanks Myria out
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Not her out, don't wound her extremities!"
<Seraphna> *knock
<Jackieness> <Myria> *coughs up water*
<DeathStar> 6* Lemure stumbles from the blast toward Cheryl, who punches at her jaw to try to knock her out, but the woman barely dodges and throws Cheryl over the edge, making her fall the 20 meters toward Cameron
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> You okay?
<DeathStar> 6* Lemure holds her side and a loose rock is over her head
<Jackieness> <Myria> "Need... Omega... Coke..."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> After we win, you get as many as you wan t
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> *Kay tries to rush at Lemon again and grab her
<Feather> 6Dawn jerks, giving Cheryl a featherfall, sweating from TK use
<Seraphna> * Cameron shifts and braces himself to catch her when Dawn does that.
<Seraphna> * Lisa creates a small shield, using it to push at the rock over Lemon.
<DeathStar> 6* Lemure jerks as Kay comes in, barely avoiding him but stumbles and lands on her rear. She aims her hand to form a fire ball, not knowing how he's so strong since cyborgs do not exist here, but due to his actions her focus is on him and not the rock taht hits her head, knocking her out. Lisa gets solo steal exp
<Seraphna> * Lisa pants tiredly. Cameron sents Cheryl down and moves up to check over Lemon, scaning her.
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> She messed up my new arm!
<Seraphna> Cameron> "And you almost broke her leg, yours can be repaired easily, hers can't."
<GiantEvilRobotKoala> Kay> Little worried about Myria drowning
<Feather> <Dawn> I'm confused-- she was attacking us, why are we concerned with her leg?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl hugs Dawn a bit
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> She's Knight's sister and taken when she was 7
<Seraphna> Cameron> "She's Knight Cheryl's twin sister. Bringing her back permenantly damaged might be bad press."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I think she wants to save her
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> We can'ta fford to amke enemies since they have the teleporter
<Feather> <Dawn> W-Well, what do we do with her now, then? We can't just let her go. But we can't take her either.
<DeathStar> 6* The fox demons tie her up in mystical rope. Cheryl leans back against the rock. "Good question..."
<DeathStar> -TBC-
Session Close: Tue Feb 07 23:24:14 2012