The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Alternate Session 86

Session Start: Wed Sep 11 18:50:02 2013
Session Ident: #AltSession86
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> 10-605.7.24
<DeathStar> Location: Illium Base Cube; Somewhere in the Center
<DeathStar> 6* The gods and those with them find themselves on a loading platform for fighters, half a mile below the hanger itself
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "Not think this so good plan now... maybe?" *she says quietly*
<Chain> 6*Ama steps forward, gripping her clubs
<Aqua> *Kagu holds anf Illium rifle
<kalonZombie> 6*Swords appear from under Thara's kimono sleeves
<Seraphna> * Lisa adjusts her gloves and frowns, her tactical armor an updated version of her augment to help make up for her long stolen Dragoon powers. She frowns quietly, peering around.
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki, Alt Cheryl, and Rosetta look about
<DeathStar> <A. Cheryl> There has to be a shoot for fighters to be loaded onto here
<DeathStar> 6* She walks about the fighter sized platform
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara walks alongside Tsuki, looking around
<DeathStar> 6* On the north wall, one can see a large hatch doorway that likely rises and closes.
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki walks about, holding her guns, more guns on a belt, and guns on her hip, clanging with each step
<Seraphna> * Ulieah points. "Ulieah find."
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> Now where's the way to open it
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki just snorts and aims a bazooka cannon at it and sets it to the Myria setting
<DeathStar> <Tsuki> Step abck
<Seraphna> * Ulieah peers around. "Maintainence panel...?"
<Seraphna> * Ulieah steps back, as does Lisa.
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart jerks ack around it, as does Cheryl and Rosetta as Tsuki laughs maniacally and pulls the trigger
<Seraphna> Lisa> "That's going to attract a lot of attention... shit..." *she gets behind the shuttle, as does Ulieah*
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara grins, stepping one step behind Tsuki
<Chain> 6*Ama yawns
<Aqua> *Kagu blinks
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki then is knocked backwards and slams into Thara, the fire and explosion knocking them hard, and anyone else who didn't duck and cover
<DeathStar> 6* The shuttle's one side is utterly destroyed as well
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara laughs
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki twitches, her bazooka weapon destroyed from taking the impact
<DeathStar> 6* The wall has a busted hole in it now
<DeathStar> <A. Cheryl> Is your twin insane!?
<Chain> 6*Ama gets to her feet
<DeathStar> 6* She eyes around the shuttle
<Chain> <Ama> No, just pissed off
<Seraphna> Lisa> "So much for the ride out." <Ulieah> "Prolly too busted already for that."
<Aqua> *Kagu sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose
<Chain> <Ama>and misses her powers
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara helps Tsuki up
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki throws the gun down and gras a shotgun
<DeathStar> <Tsuki> Hee hee--ha ha--
<Chain> 6*Ama starts to climb through the hole
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki pauses, feeling her eyebrows are gone now
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Let's go kill some sparkleskins
<DeathStar> <Tsuki> Fuck--
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Strategy, get behind Tsuki and let her kill things."
<kalonZombie> <Thara> I've sharpened my sword and lined them special with something to cut through their bones. I hope it works.
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki walks through the hole
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara steps through with Tsuki
<DeathStar> 6* A. Cheryl and Rosetta follow
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart looks at the shuttle, shrugs, and moves along - the tunnel on either side has what appears to be workings to quickly shoot a fighter down.
<Kit> 6Dawn sticks closely to Cheryl and Rosetta
<Seraphna> * Ulieah follows. While Lisa keeps a slight distance from Tsuki, the sociopath fearing the psychosis.
<DeathStar> 6* Rosetta waves the group to pause
<Aqua> *Kagu follows
<Seraphna> * Sera's people pause.
<Chain> 6*Ama pauses
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara puts up a hand to stop Tsuki, and pauses herself
<DeathStar> 6* She studies the floor which shoots the fighters out toward what they were on and sees if she can reverse it, hacking it with the Myria datapad
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> Alright, let me see.... *she hits a button and suddenly they are zooming down the hallway at super speeds.*
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> Aieeer!
<Kit> <Dawn> Aieee!
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "Wheeee!"
<DeathStar> 6* Alt. Cheryl flies along, and stumbling along
<Aqua> *Kagu reels and grabs onto something
<Seraphna> Lisa> "..."
<Seraphna> * Ulieah begins to lift off being a waif and Lisa grabs her.
<DeathStar> 6* The walls are moving with them, so KAgu still moves
<Aqua> Kagu> AHHHHHHHH
<kalonZombie> <Thara> I hope we meet one of the bastards soon...
<kalonZombie> 6*She seems to give no fucks about the speeds, going a bit insane herself
<DeathStar> l6* Tsuki wheees; The speedway stops when they reach the fighter loading area and they are all sent flying through it
<DeathStar> 6* Alt. Cheryl twists in the air and lands on her feet, catching Rosetta and Dawn
<Kit> 6Elsewhere, Inari shivers. 1"... I sense trouble will return under the moonlight.."
<Kit> <Dawn> ... W-Wow.
<DeathStar> 6* While Iceheart crashes through a fighter window, impaled like a leaf on the wind
<Chain> 6*Ama twists and uses her clubs to slow down
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki twirls and fires gun blasts to stop.
<Aqua> *Kagu slams in to a wall, twitching "O-Ow"
<Seraphna> * Lisa does a flip and Ulieah, holding her, whispers and a wisp of the wind summon guides them to a stop. Lisa gasps and sets her down, she moves for the fighter. "Shit..."
<DeathStar> 6* The room is filled with spare fighters; around 500. It's multilayered, 10 layers - stairs and elevators just for this room alone are to the side, with an exit elevator on the far north wall
<DeathStar> 6* As Lisa moves, the north elevator dings.
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara grins at the room
<Seraphna> * LIsa frowns, "Cover me... she could be dying."
<Aqua> *Kagu stumbles up, grabbing his gun
<Chain> 6*Ama raises her clubs
<DeathStar> 6* As the elevator doors open, an Inari steps out, swinging a giant spiked ball on chain, skipping out in a lolita outfit
<DeathStar> 6* She giggles at them. "Oneesama, you've been a bad girl coming here. I didn't want to hurt you."
<Seraphna> * Lisa moves for the fighter, Ulieah mews and pulls out a small, pointy stick.
<Kit> 6Isara jerks and moves to do what she can for Iceheart. 1"Hans, alert me of incoming!" 6She dashes.
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart has a shard of glass in her stomach
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Fuck me
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara rushes for her, slashing at her, laughing "Oh Inari~ Don't you know you're not supposed to play with weapons~?
<Aqua> *Kagu deadpans at eviler Inati
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> I'm guessing that's a clone
<Aqua> Onari
<Aqua> (Fuck me right)
<Kit> <Isara> You have foxes for that-- but I daresay she'll snarl if we don't get you back home, yeah?"
<DeathStar> 6* The Inari skips over, not moving to fight
<DeathStar> <Inari> If you go now, I won't tell anyone I saw you
<Seraphna> Lisa> "...Isn't that what you were treated for before?" *she frowns and looks her over* "I'm going to need a healer to restore you right as I pull."
<Chain> <Ama> Not even once
<DeathStar> 6* AS she skips, she ducks the slash
<DeathStar> 6* Her spiked ball bouncing along
<Chain> <Ama> I am reclaiming what is mine
<DeathStar> 6* Inari stops, considering
<Kit> <Isara> That's what you have me for, Lisa.
<DeathStar> <Inari> It's not like we asked to be made, Oneesama
<DeathStar> 6* The little girl notes
<Seraphna> * Lisa nods to Isara and grabs Iceheart. "When I say three, start healing."
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart groans, sweating in pain; Cheryl and Rosetta take up positions, forming their weapons.
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki twitches at this Inari not attacking
<Chain> <Ama> that doesnt matter to me, they had no right to steal from us
<Seraphna> * Lisa counts down and then pulls. "Three."
<Seraphna> * Lisa is pulling to lift her up and off, a grown woman now, she's much stronger than when she was a young priestess.
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara makes a face, then goes to move to join Cheryl
<DeathStar> 6* Inari frowns
<DeathStar> <Inari> So you're going to kill me just like that, Oneesama?
<Seraphna> * Ulieah holds her stick and frowns, whispering quietly. "I know I know... not a lot of you to use... must be sparing."
* Jackieness has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Chain> <Ama> would you be willing to relinquish your powers?
<DeathStar> <Inari> I would die if I gave it up all the powers, Oneesama.
<DeathStar> 6* Inari spins her arm so the ball rests on her hand
<DeathStar> 6* ICeheart rremains out of it with it pulled out
<Chain> <Ama> then we are at an impass
<DeathStar> <Inari> I guess so. And I wanted to give you a hug, too.
<Kit> 6Isara sits and focuses on regenerating Iceheart.
* Jackieness has joined #AltSession86
<Chain> <Ama> I wish I could hug you as well
<Seraphna> * Lisa holds her while Isara does her work, keeping her still so Iceheart's injuries don't worsen.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl glances at Ama. "I don't suppose a compromise of powers could be madE?"
<Chain> <Ama> I'm listening
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> She said all the powers.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Jsut sounded like wiggle room
<Chain> <Ama> well I kinda need all my powers
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "She could keep just enough to live, let it swell back after?"
<Chain> <Ama> sun goddess and all that
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "Shouldn't Inari have Inari powers?"
<DeathStar> 6* A. Cheryl shrugs.
<DeathStar> 6* Inari bows
<Chain> <Ama>...what powers
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "Foxy things, and sexual banter."
<Chain> <Ama> Inari made food
<kalonZombie> <Thara> I need all my powers... 6*She grumbles
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "So... only going to be useful power take if very hungry or Kasha present?"
<DeathStar> <A. Cheryl> From what the scientist said, each clone has that corresponding clone's 'source'.
<DeathStar> 6* Inari looks insulted
<DeathStar> <Inari> My powers are quite strong
<DeathStar> 6* She points
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "So this one makes food! Can I have fish please?"
<DeathStar> <Inari> Do not insult my curry
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "Fish curry!"
<Aqua> Kagu> It's very good curry
<Chain> <Ama> except
<Chain> <Ama> I make the best milk
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> Well, the other gods are likely coming here
<Aqua> *Kagu deadpans
<Chain> 6*obligatory jiggle
<kalonZombie> <Thara> ...Not going to say anything, Ama.
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> Do we kill her so Inari gets her god power back, or do we split the powers between them?
<DeathStar> <Inari> So you really plan to kill my Oneesama?
<Seraphna> * Lisa sets Iceheart down and dresses the wound while Inari works, then gives Iceheart some meds, having some of Cameron's medical training.
<Aqua> Kagu> Split seems the better thing to do.
<DeathStar> 6* Inari peers to the side
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "Split means two people to make me fish curry."
<Chain> <Ama> I know what we should do
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> What's that?
<DeathStar> 6* Rosetta has a datapad, studying the datapad
<Chain> 6*Ama kneels down,opening her arms
<Chain> <Ama> come here
<DeathStar> 6* Inari walks over to Ama, studying her, the ball of chain slung over her shoulder and hugs her
<Seraphna> Lisa> "There... she should recover soon, but we need to be careful. Finished up Isara?"
<Chain> 6*Ama hugs her tight...then smothers her in her tits
<DeathStar> 6* The Inari struggles and flails, then slumps over in the titas
<Chain> <Ama> one down
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart is wrapped up and healed, unconscious
<Kit> <Dawn> Did she just..!?
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "...Boobies of death..."
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> You killed her by tits?
<Chain> <Ama> she's not dead
<DeathStar> 6* Rosetta relaxes, then jerks
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Huh...
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "Unconciousness boobies attack."
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> We should probably move - Kagu Jr's clone is leading a group of enemies the way we came
<DeathStar> 6* She heads for the elevator
<Kit> <Isara> ... Boobiezzz?
<Chain> 6*Ama follows.carrying Inari close
<Aqua> *Kagu makes a face and follows
<Chain> clone^
<DeathStar> 6* Alt. Cheryl lifts ICEheart
<Seraphna> * Ulieah blinks and heads over, Lisa lifts up Iceheart and gives her a stim to wake her slowly, and slides down the fighter to join the others, some red energy flowing as she does.
<DeathStar> <Tsuki> Well, this should get interesting
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Promise you won't kill clone me?
<DeathStar> 6* As they ride up the elevator, lunch lady meals of the day play
<kalonZombie> <Thara> It just seems, weird.
<Aqua> Kagu> For fucks sake...
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "Going to go 50/50 on powers?"
<DeathStar> 6* The elevator dings open on the next floor, and Thara's clone is there, wearing a dominatrix bunny outfit just to shock them, and wielding a giant bunny sword. She stabs into the elevator
<Seraphna> * Lisa hops back with Iceheart and Ulieah slides away from it.
<DeathStar> <Thara> You won't kill me!
<DeathStar> <Thara> Or Tsuki!
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara rushes forward and uses her sword to deflect it to the side
<DeathStar> 6* Thara steps back; this floor seems to be a hallway, with doors on either side, and cameras are recording them
<Seraphna> * Ulieah flails and throws the Pointy Stick of Poking +5 in shock right at evil Thara.
<DeathStar> 6* At the far end it makes a T shape.
<Aqua> *Kagu reels
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki rushes out with her shotguns
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara throws her kimono off, her tacsuit under it
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Let's dance.
<DeathStar> 6* Thara's bunny tail wiggles with the blows, then she pauses, checking Thara out
<DeathStar> <Thara> Man, I'm sexy
<Chain> 6*Ama eyes the camera,s the grabs the fake inari,cranking her tail and having her fire rice and other food at the cameras
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara leaps at Thara, slashing quickly with both swords
<DeathStar> 6* The camera is destroyed
<Seraphna> * Lisa follows up the rear, Ulieah mewls at the Pointy Stick as if to get it to come back to her.
<Aqua> *Kagu deadpans and the Inari gun
<DeathStar> 6* C. Thara blocks the blows with her parry and steps back, doding the stick upon it's return
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki takers aim, then lowers it
<DeathStar> <Tsuki> I can't shoot her
<Chain> 6*Ama does this to the other cameras
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara keeps swiping, slashing, aiming for her arms and legs, looking to slow her movements down
<DeathStar> <C. Thara> I won't let you pass, even with that pretty face. Tsuki is too precious on me
<Seraphna> Lisa> "She's not going to hestitate stabbing you."
<DeathStar> 6* C. Thara bounces off the walls to avoid it and kicks Thara in the face; her strength and speed that of a god's.
<DeathStar> 6* She sends Thara flying back
<DeathStar> 6* C. Thara lands and wiggles her tail, begging her to come on
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara drives her swords into the ground to stop it, then rushes towards C. Thara
<DeathStar> 6* C. Thara speed slashes and drives her blade into her shoulder, impaling her into the ground
<DeathStar> <C. Thara> Don't need it
<DeathStar> <C. Thara> Now go home.
<DeathStar> <C. Thara> Leave us alone
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara cries out, then flourishes her swords around and stabs up
<Kit> <Dawn> .. I can fight her
<DeathStar> 6* She jerks as she's stabbed in the right arm and stumbles back
<Aqua> *Kagi fires at C. Tharas dome
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara forces herself up, then kicks her sword away from C. Thara
<Seraphna> * Lisa frowns, as C. Thara stumbles, she forms a shield behind one of C. Thara's heels as a trip stone.
<Kit> <Dawn> Or maybe she's got it
<DeathStar> 6* She rips her sword free and stumbles back down the hallway as she's shot
<DeathStar> 6* She busts into a room on the right
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara rushes after her, trying to ignore the pain
<Seraphna> * Ulieah mews and peers at the hall ahead, "More might come."
<DeathStar> 6* Thara enters a lounge room where an Illium female is eating food and looks over from the couch
<DeathStar> 6* The food is fresh and delicious
<kalonZombie> <Thara> WHERE DID SHE GO?!
<Aqua> *Kagu gets ready to cover the halls in case they do
<DeathStar> 6* The female pauses and reaches for her comm
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara swipes at the comm to cut it in halfd
<DeathStar> 6* The clone leaps down from the ceiling on Thara's back, pinning her
<DeathStar> <C. CLone> I ... gave you a chance to run. And you...attacked
<DeathStar> <C. Thara> I guess I have to... kill you
<DeathStar> 6* She lifts her sword up
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara tries to headbutt C. Thara
<DeathStar> (She's on her back
<Seraphna> * Lisa leans into teh doorway and aims her gun at Clone's back, she fires at the back of C's head.
<kalonZombie> (Headbutt up into her mouth, but then she moves up as I was typing)
<DeathStar> 6* The clone is shot in the bnack of the head and she falls off her back
<DeathStar> 6* The clone, bleeding profusely, drops the sword and grabs the couch
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara spins around and swings her sword for the clone's neck
<DeathStar> 6* Then loses her head as she holds a picture of Tsuki in her left hand
<DeathStar> 6* Thara is hit by her full powers returning, burning every cell in her bodyu
<Seraphna> * Lisa turns her gun on the Illium. "I suggest not moving. I've had a rough 15 years."
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara pants, then screams
<DeathStar> 6* The Illium raises their hands, staring at Lisa
<DeathStar> 6* The clone's body explodes suddenly, blowing the Illium up and knocking Thara back as well
<DeathStar> 6* Alt Cheryl jerks
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> That was loud
<Seraphna> * Lisa shifts a bit from the explosion, and keeps her aim, panting. "Well... that was unexpected. Someone grab Thara... let's move."
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara rolls, dropping her swords
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki runs up
<Aqua> *Kagu Jr. blinks "...So highlander rules?"
<DeathStar> 6* She lifts Thara up into her arms
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Tsuki...
<DeathStar> <Tsuki> You okay, baby?
<Chain> <Ama> there can be onlu one
<DeathStar> 6* The elevator behind them goes down suddenly
<Chain> only^
<kalonZombie> 6*She smiles "I have them back... now we can have babies... like we always wanted...
<DeathStar> 6* Kagu Jr. is coming
<kalonZombie> 6*Delerious.
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "Umm... we need to move on, NOW."
<Aqua> Kagu> Other me is on his way
<DeathStar> 6* Alt Cheryl hurries down to the T
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Someone get my swords please...
<Chain> 6*Ama follows
<DeathStar> 6* She eyes stairs to the left, and an elevator to the right
<DeathStar> <Alt. Cheryl> Uh, new elevator, or new sstairs?
<Kit> 6Dawn floats the swords to Thara
<Seraphna> * Ulieah sets up something at the elevator entrance, then runs after the others.
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki carries Thara
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara grabs her swords, being carried
<kalonZombie> <Thara> I'm gonna need a new kimono...
<Aqua> *Kagu moves and sets up a trap on the elevator quickly, tying grenades with wire to explode when it opens before following
<Seraphna> * Lisa moves after the others. "...Stairs, I think, harder to track."
<DeathStar> 6* Rosetta checks her datapad, and has them go to the the stairs
<DeathStar> 6* After they make it up 5 stairs, there's a giant explosion at the stairs. Kagu Jr. jerks with power hitting him, burning every cell in his body
<Kit> 6Dawn studies Rosetta, continuing to be impressed by her indivudual resourcefulness
<Seraphna> * Whatever guards were there for the explosion also got a face full of... fabulous glitter.
<Aqua> *Kagu Jr flails, smoking and catching fire
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Take control."
<Seraphna> Lisa> "That's your power coursing. Control it. We can't nurse each of you."
<Aqua> Kagu> I can deal, this happens a lot
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Good."
<Aqua> Kagu> Plus, you have your entire dna and body change and not have a bit of a shock
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Done it twice."
<Aqua> Kagu> It hurts like a cunt
<Seraphna> Lisa> "I'm aware."
<DeathStar> 6* They reach the top floor and reach a floor with test chambers filled with cloned bodies stored in test tubes
<Seraphna> Lisa> "...Creepy."
<Aqua> *Kagu Jr makes a face
<DeathStar> 6* Their wrecking destination for the gods
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "Time to cancel projects."
<DeathStar> 6* However, there's a scream of rage and suddenly Tsuki is grabbed by Clone Tsuki and she's slammed into some tubes of other gods
<Kit> <Dawn> Tsuki..!
<DeathStar> <Clone Tsuki> You killed her!!! YOU KILLED HER! I'LL TAKE AWAY THE ONE YOU LOVE!
<Aqua> Kagu> I was waiying for that.
<Aqua> *Kagu forms a massive spear
<Chain> 6*Ama cracks the clone over the head with her clubs
<DeathStar> 6* The clone Tsuki, with all her god powers, begins to burn Tsuki's guns away with her power, causing the ammo to explode and quarter of the tubes explode
<DeathStar> 6* The explosion knocks Ama back
<DeathStar> 6* Cracking ribs
<Seraphna> * Lisa tries to shield the rest.
<DeathStar> 6* Alt Cheryl catches Ama
<Chain> 6*Ama wheezes and coughs
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> That clone is insane!
<Aqua> *Kagu charges foward, twisting and slashing at Clone Tsuki
<Seraphna> * Ulieah paws Ama, working healing restoration on her.
<DeathStar> 6* Kagu wouldn't see either due to smoke
<DeathStar> 6* As the smoke clears, both of them are naked and smoking, kneeling beside each other. It's impossible to tell who is who right now - or is it?
<Kit> <Dawn> The one she loves.. isn't that Inari?
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara tries to get up, to watch, but like Tsuki, can't bring herslef to fight wifeclone
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Feel out which one has the power."
<Seraphna> Lisa> "That's your target."
<DeathStar> 6* Both are bloodied right now and the clone doesn't seem to be healing herself for whatever bizzare reason
<kalonZombie> 6*She does, however, look for a the real one... by feeling which one has god powers with her own
<Aqua> *Kagu deadpans at Dawn
<DeathStar> 6* The reason: she's supressing her powers to hide who she is
<DeathStar> 6* The Tsuki on the left points to the one on the right. "Thara...that's the fake one...." <Tsuki on Right> Don't believe her my love...
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Tsuki. Tsuki! What were we going to name our daughter? Our first daughter?
<Seraphna> Lisa> "We could just knock them both out, if she's suppressing her powers, she's also vulnerable."
<DeathStar> 6* They both say Kaoru
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "What my favorite food?"
<Chain> <Ama> TSUKI
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "Dat not it..."
<DeathStar> 6* They both eye Ulieah dazed, then at Ama
<DeathStar> 6* The right one lifts her eyebrows in horror and confusion, while the left one screams
<Aqua> Kagu> It's the one on the left. The fakes always pint to the real one right?
<kalonZombie> <Thara> ...Ew.
<Chain> <Ama> theres the real one!
<Aqua> Kagu> Ew
<Chain> 6*Ama clubs the one with eyebrows
<DeathStar> 6* The left one keeps screaming even as the right one is knocked out
<Chain> <Ama> I was kidding my moon
<DeathStar> 6* Nude and covered in blood and broken glass
<DeathStar> <Tsuki> N-Never joke about that dick mixing dick in my vagina
<Chain> 6*Ama kisses her twin
<Chain> <Ama> it will never happen
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "Come have healings." Broekn glass so last year fashion."
<DeathStar> <Voice> LAAAADIES!
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki begins to scream again
<Chain> 6*Ama reels
<Seraphna> * Lisa peers over, frowning.
<kalonZombie> <Thara> ...Is that Dek'Serr's clone?
<DeathStar> 6* A capsule breaks and the old Susano, a clone of course, walks over
<kalonZombie> 6*She looks
<Chain> 6*Ama deadpans
<DeathStar> 6* He brushes back his sopping wet hair
<Chain> <Ama> shoot it
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Are you sure?"
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Jest as good. 6*She grins and rushes at him with her newly reacquired god speed
<DeathStar> <Susano> If you simply wanted me---
<Aqua> Kagu> Doesn't Su still have his powers?
<DeathStar> 6* The clone turns into ar ed mist, having no powers
<Chain> <Ama> yes, hence why that one is a fake
<Seraphna> Lisa> "I think she's asking on principle."
<Chain> 6*Ama walks on
<Aqua> Kagu> Yay lil Su then?
<Chain> <Ama> yay little Su
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> To make him the real Su...
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> Where they going to give him tentacle rape bracelets?
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Erm... do we drag this second Tsuki along or execute her?"
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Now where's Dek's clone? He's not even a fighter, his powers are making people sleep with him.
<Chain> <Ama> oh us
<DeathStar> 6* Rosetta looks it up, then looks up
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> Oh, it was destroyed in the battle just now
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> Seems they never activated it
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara frowns
<Seraphna> Lisa> "So we're not in danger of an orgy?"
<DeathStar> <A. Cheryl> I can't imagine why
<Chain> <Ama> you sound disapoinnted
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki stands up naked, then eyes the other Tsuki
<Chain> disappointed^
<DeathStar> <Tsuki> I guerss--we need to kill her. She won't stop trying to kill us with her Thara gonhe
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara stares at Tsuki's body
<Seraphna> Lisa> "So yeah... what do we do with this one? Are we sure?"
<kalonZombie> 6*Licking her lips
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki grabs Ama's club
<Seraphna> Lisa> "I mean, we'll be sure if we kill her and the concious one starts screaming in agony."
<DeathStar> <Tsuki> I know me.
<Kit> <Dawn> Probably... she had a murderous aura
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki smashes in the other's head, but has her eyes closed
<DeathStar> 6* She jerks and grabs her body, screaming as her powers return
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> An army is closing in on us
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> We have to move,.
<Seraphna> * Lisa hrms, she scans Tsuki as it happens.
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki's powers are back in full
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara moves over to Tsuki and hugs her, picking her up
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> There's a garden one floor above us
<DeathStar> 6* She points at a hidden stairway
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Come on, my moon, let's go get Ama's powers now
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> I imagine Ama is up there
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Alright... this data might be useful later too, let's move."
<Chain> 6*Ama walks up first
<DeathStar> 6* Alt. Cheryl sets up exlosives to take out the last of the clones down here, then picks up ICeheart, folowing
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Reality Strikers Ship (intro to follow)
<DeathStar> 6* A tense stand off has begun on the bridge. Zeph, the other half of Prime Zephyr, is staring in shock at Megumi's declaration and scythe, looking betrayed, and staring at the other Zephyr in anger and hostility for 5 years of not aiding them. Zephyr is beside Megumi, weakly eyeing her other half, surprised she is pregnant like herself, and wondering what has gone on over the 5 years, and wondering how it is possible they can become one again, her goal all this time, with both of them pregnant (Cont)
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes back and forth, wondering what to do now and what side to play. The Alt Team looks worn out after their attempt to stop the amber production, and Alt Miyu and Kasha are standing by their Zephyr - Zeph - with no sign of backing down, and likely their team will back them. Then you have the Prime Team who came to them for help. Before anyone can make a move to do anything to anyone, Cheryl uses her reality powers and waves a hand over the console of her chair, warping everyone outside the ship so it cannot be damaged in whatever happens
<DeathStar> 6* Benjamin looks about as they arrive outside, while the two Zephyrs keep their eyes locked, unphased. Aurica bites her lip
<Seraphna> Angelos> "Now let's cut the crazy shit down shall we? We can think of a solution here that doesn't require people senselessly hurting members of their own team." *he takes a breath*
<Aqua> Sarah> For once I agree with Angelos
<kalonZombie> <Denise> We do too. ... Why does he suddenly make sense?
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Theoretically, the death of one is just as likely to terminate both as it is to heal one."
<DeathStar> <Zeph> Listen to him, Megumi
<Seraphna> Cameron> "Only when everyone else is starting to go insane, could Angelos make sense."
<Aqua> *James waits quietly
<Chain> <A.Miyuki> as I see it only that bitch is going insane
<Kit> <Megumi> Zephyr's body is breaking down as we speak
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "We'll fix it. Murder isn't the answer."
<Chain> 6*She keeps standing before her Zeph protectively, tails writhing
<Kit> <Megumi> I don't have time or the luxury to allow her time to figure out how to save herself at Zephyr's expense
<DeathStar> <Zeph> I am Zephyr.
<Aqua> James> Yeah, they're both Zephyr
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> She's pregnant, too, Megumi! She's your pilot as well. 6* She says, not thinking about the fact the other half of Zephyr isn't bonded to Megumi
<kalonZombie> <Soul> Taking lives needlessly does not solve any problems.
<Seraphna> Angelos> "I will use everything I have to prevent this if you so much as move Megumi, so I suggest we stop wasting the time we have in this stand off and get out of here to a place we can solve this."
<Kit> <Megumi> She isn't bonded to me. The one I am is dying
<Kit> 6Megumi ignores Angelos completely, as if not threatened
<Seraphna> Angelos> "They both are, Megumi. And obviously, killing one could kill the other."
<Chain> <A.Miyuki> even if yours is, youre not going to make it right by killing mine
<Seraphna> * Cameron sighs and starts scanning both ot them. "...We could get the children into an outside womb, or a donor, first of all."
<DeathStar> <Zeph> <She isn't even listening to me anymore, Ka - Miyu. Has 5 years really changed her so? She isn't the Megumi I Grew up knowing and loving>
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> <I'll...back you if you think this is right, MEgumi>
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr shifts, as if resigned. Cheryl eyes Zephyr getting into position behind Megumi
<kalonZombie> <Soul> If you kill one, you kill the other.
<kalonZombie> <Soul> If you kill hers, you kill yours as well.
<Chain> <Miyuki> <I can bare the baby or Kasha...but I'm making you live to see the little girl, got it>
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Dammit. We don't know why you stopped relaying info between your souls 5 years ago. There's still so much we don't know
<Aqua> James> It's like saying "Oh, I'll shoot her in the left side of the head to save the right!".
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I know. But I've been feeling empty and ill for a while know; like I'm breaking down
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<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I need to recombine with my other half
<Seraphna> Angelos> "We can find a way to fix you both. Maybe a temporary merging."
<DeathStar> <Zeph> No
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<DeathStar> <Zeph> I'm my own person now. I don't know what happened, but these 5 years have made me independent
<Seraphna> Angelos> "Let the doc move the baby and we can restore you two, then Cheryl can seperate you."
<DeathStar> <Zeph> I won't be restored.
<Chain> <A.Miyuki> Zeph, I'll make you whole and seperate
<Seraphna> Angelos> "Are you so sure? She could do for you what Wind did for Katrina and Erevis."
<Kit> <Megumi> You're wrong, by the way. Once this one dies, her soul will return to the source.
<DeathStar> 6 *Zeph looks at alternate Miyuki. "Understand, if I reunite with her again, I'll lose everything that I am."
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Perhaps use of the ship facilities to examine them would shed some light on the matter. There is significant amounts of organic emotion currently involved."
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki her hand and grins
<Chain> <A.Miyuki> and you forget what I am
<Seraphna> Angelos> "Reguardless of what happens Megumi, I'm not letting you off an unborn child."
<DeathStar> <Zeph> I trust you. If you can make me whole, I'll go for it
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> And screw me, then?
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr sounds angry
<Kit> <Megumi> Chii, don't you have anything to say?
<Kit> <Chii> M-me?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rubs her face
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Megumi, at least let us scan them like Airym suggests
<Aqua> Sarah> My god, Airym doesn't even sound so Terminator for once...
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki's tails writhe more
<Kit> <Megumi> You consume and reincarnate souls, right? Aren't you this Zephyr's shot at her own life?
<DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr jerks and grabs her chest, heaving. The Alternate one seems okay right now
<Kit> <Megumi> Yet you're still and quiet. None of you say anything but righteous babble about an unborn child.
<Seraphna> * angelos snorts.
<kalonZombie> <Soul> It is a life.
<kalonZombie> <Soul> You have no right to end it.
<Kit> <Megumi> I'm protecting what little I have left I love. That is my life. And I'd give my own for it.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "A decision will need to be made soon."
<Kit> <Megumi> You have no right to dictate mine.
<Seraphna> Angelos> "Self sanctimony. You want to put that choice on us Megumi, make a move, I'll return the favor."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Both Zephyrs, come with me
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks toward the ship. "I'll conduct the scan."
<Kit> <Megumi> Angelos... Erevis no longer loves me, we're not family.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Everyone else, stay out of here
<Kit> <Megumi> Keep threatening me or get in the way-- I'll destroy you.
<DeathStar> 6* Benjamin peers at the others. Aurica chews her lip, while Katrina glances at Mem
<Seraphna> Angelos> "You're a little overconfident."
<Kit> <Mem> What is it... Kat?
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph and Zephyr glance at each other
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Something just feels off.
<Kit> <Megumi> I could defeat Erevis on my own. I don't think you're any stronger.
<Kit> <Mem> Yeah. I think so too. But I can't place it.
<kalonZombie> <Soul> I could take you, but I would not kill you.
<Aqua> *James waits "But there is more of us.
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki eyes the others before nodding to her Zeph
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks in both of them, motioning Airym to come
<DeathStar> 6* She leads them to the medical bay
<Seraphna> Angelos> "The difference here Megumi, is I don't have a weakness, and I'm a bastard. I'd suggest you stop the pompous tirade and let the others solve the problem."
<Jackieness> <Airym> *turns and follows Cheryl inside the ship*
<Aqua> *James sits, resting his shotgun on his lamp and lighting a cigar
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica sits quietly, petting Brony.
<Seraphna> * Setsuna shakes her head and sits, while Leyaeh rubs her face.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale sits next to James and smokes as well
<DeathStar> 6* Cae peers at the others
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Did Hi'Saa ever try to get you to quit when she was pregnant?
<DeathStar> <Cae> Everyone. Talk. A lot.
<Kit> <Megumi> The only pompous ones here are you and that possessed girl. You forget I'm calculated, not arrogant. To assume I am is your weakness.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl has the two lay down and has Airym help begin the scans.
<Seraphna> Angelos> "Then make a move. Otherwise shut up."
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Initiating scan." *operates the medical equipment*
<DeathStar> <Cae> *she looket s at James* This is going to lead to battle of teams. We should. Be. Ready.
<Kit> <Megumi> I am not, out of respect for Cheryl, you halfwit.
<Aqua> James> Just had me smoke outaide *James nods to Cae
<Seraphna> * Angelos just eyes her, as though amused. Wolf rubs her head. "I'm no psion, but even I feel like something's really wrong here."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Tell me about it.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Sets, donn't you think this is starting to get stupid? Deep in enemy territory and we have one of those heroic misunderstandings brewing."
<kalonZombie> 6*He starts to offer Wolf a drag, but then recends, since she's pregnant
<Seraphna> Setsuna> "Seems so... but I think Megumi's too mad to get what he's saying." *she whispesrs something to Cass*
<Aqua> *James rubs his head
<Kit> 6Megumi idly stands with the scythe in her hands, a shape of pure darkness, flickering like light might but with shadow, something's off though. This manifest used to make her hands quickly raw and bleed as her cells broke down at an accelerated rate. It's not happening.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *whispers back*
<Kit> 6She doesn't look angry at all, if anything, as emotionless as ever like she was beside Erevis before the break up.
<Seraphna> Angelos> <A thought... Cheryl. Is it possible the reason for the block of 5 years is one of the pilots?>
<DeathStar> 6* The results pops up and information displays; the two are negatively affecting each other as their link has degraded and corroding over the past 5 years. Zephyr and Zeph are killing each other, literally, the two halves not enough to sustain each other. There's also some unknown element in play on Zephyr's side, degrading her, but there's no enough information on what and where
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl eyes the data, ignoring Angelos right now, but it's likely she heard him
<Seraphna> Angelos> <Megumi would also know where on the ship to do damage, being a scientist for so long. And I'm not exactly a fan of how she's holding Dark Matter without her hands degrading. She's right, she might be able to beat me, maybe even easily, something about her is wrong.>
<Jackieness> <Airym> "There is a variable involved that is not shared. One possibility is the time dilation. Another is the pilot bond."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> <I would ask you quit buzzing; 5 years ago Megumi was frozen with the others and could not have caused it>
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> <That would leave Alternate Miyuki on the other Zephyr's end if you are right>
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr, listening in on Cheryl, sends that information to Megumi
<Kit> <Megumi> I see.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> It is possible something is wrong with the pilot bond.
<Kit> 6Megumi turns, hefting the scythe up into a readied position
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> But I just can't see where.
<Kit> <Megumi> So you two are the root.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> The origination is not making sense to me
<Aqua> *James rises and levels his shotgun at Meg
<Kit> 6A. Kasha blinks, thumbing at herself.
<DeathStar> 6* She eyes the scans and tries to do a deeper scan
<Jackieness> <Airym> *turns and borrows the ship's processing power to try modeling some potential scenarios involving the bonds*
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki blinks and eyes her
<Kit> <A. Kasha> The fuck you saying, cat?
<Seraphna> * Angelos shifts a little. "You don't know that Megumi, for all we know, it's you still."
<Chain> <A.Miyuki> what are you yammering about
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph senses something and leaps up and runs out.
<Kit> <Megumi> Cheryl said so.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> H-Hey.
<kalonZombie> 6*Soul eyes Megumi
<kalonZombie> 6*Then moves closer to her
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr follows, and breaks the scan. They only have the data they got now, sadly
<kalonZombie> <Soul> Megumi. Put the blade away.
<Seraphna> Angelos> "Don't make me do what I have to to stop this."
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki holds her hand out
<Aqua> James> No fighting. Do it later
<Kit> <Megumi> Stay away, anomaly.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Goddammit
<Chain> <A.Miyuki> how about you all stay the fuck out of it
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Damn it. Hey, zip you lot! The moment one of you powers up, the Illium will be on us!"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl turns
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph leaps out of the ship
<Chain> <A.Miyuki> why dont we settle this you crazy bitch
<DeathStar> 6* Weakly landinhg
<Seraphna> Cameron> "...So much for the scans."
<Kit> <Megumi> So bloodthirsty.
<Seraphna> Angelos> "I actually don't plan to attack at all."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> *She moves to Megumi* I won't let you hurt my Megumi
<DeathStar> 6 *She forms her weapons. "I love you two, Miyuki, but I love MEgumi
<Jackieness> <Airym> "The data is incomplete. Organic emotion has unnecessarily complicated matters."
<DeathStar> <Zeph> IF you love them, then back off
<Chain> <A.Miyuki> then youre death is your own fault
<Aqua> James> Oh for fucks sake this Is getting retarded
<Chain> 6*she spits fox fire
<Seraphna> * Angelos sighs and rubs his head.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Just compile what data we have, Airym. Focus on the outside influence on the bond area
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl movesa outy
<DeathStar> 6* Cae joins her Miyuki
<Kit> <Megumi> I can't afford her to run.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> This is stupid.
<Seraphna> Angelos> "It's possible the Illium have tampered with the signals somehow."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr dodges the foxfire and fires her hand guns at Kasha
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Compiling the data models now."
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale tosses his cig away
<Chain> <A.Miyuki> Kasha! come!
<DeathStar> 6* She aims at the legs
<Kit> 6Megumi slams her scytheblade into the ground, forming a claw-like cage to form and close around the two Zephyrs and her and the foxes
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph, enraged, forms her dragon bustah
<Seraphna> Angelos> "Will you all cut it out!"
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "...hell."
<DeathStar> <Zeph> Trap us?!
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph aims at Zephyr, charging up
<Aqua> *James deadpans
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> If she fires that with us in a cage---~!
<Kit> 6Kasha grabs her Inukami and pulls it out of the air, using it as a shield to the shots.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr forms her own, charging it up
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh gets up, moving towards both sides, crystals forming over her body.
<Chain> 6*A. Miyuki snarls, eruping into foxfire and tendril tails snaking out spreading and engulfinig in a blue glow
<DeathStar> <Zeph> DRAAAAA---
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> DOOOOON
<DeathStar> *G
<Seraphna> Angelos> "DROP IT OR I'LL SHUT YOU BOTH DOWN."
<Aqua> *James dives behind some boxes
<Kit> <Megumi> She won't. She'll harm her own." 6Springs in toward her with her scythe, cleaving at Zeph
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki barrels into Megumi's side
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise's eyes violently glow blue, turning into a being of pure light, then steps through the cage and stands in front of Zeph
<Kit> 6Kasha dives in and parries with the Inukami, making a face in surprise as it starts to be eaten through by the dark matter
<DeathStar> 6* They both shout and fire, the super blasts hitting each other in the center of the cage, even as the foxfire hits Zephyr. The super blast begins to superheat the cage and the cage implodes, knocking all inside into the sky, Megumi and A. Miyu flying up as the battle
<Kit> 6Megumi jerks, rolling with Miyuki
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki snaps at Megumi
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks into the sky. Both Zephyrs fly off in opposite directions
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise flies... that can't be good for the baby...
<DeathStar> 6* Cae rushes at Zephyr and sonic screams, trying to knock her out
<Kit> 6Megumi spins around and kicks at her to keep her away
<DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr, getting up on her knees, grabs her ears, howling. Cheryl spin kicks Cae away
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale loads up stun rounds and fires at Megumi's back
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Stop!
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *moves to shield Setsuna in case any shockwave or the like erupts from the blast*
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki hurls snow and ice shards at Megumi's limbs
<Aqua> *Srh reels and rushes for Denise
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph weakly stands, blood running down her nose
<DeathStar> 6* Cae rolls to her feet
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Cameron, heal Denise!
<Seraphna> * Angelos syes them all, his eyes starting to glow, he looks like he's about to snap and he's been doing everything he can to hold back.
<Aqua> *James peeks up ftom his box, having pulled wolf and Hale woth him
<Seraphna> * Cameron moves over and works on Denise's wounds, he chants a spell to heal.
<DeathStar> <Zeph> Kasha!
<DeathStar> <Zeph> GEAR FORM!
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise starts to have a seizure, despite the healing spell
<Kit> 6Megumi cleaves into the ice to keep it from solidifying, then whirls and holds out her hand, a pinprick of darkness forming in front of Miyuki
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph holds out a hand, shaking
<Kit> <Kasha> Alright..." 6She reaches for Zephyr.
<Aqua> Sarah> If she loses the baby I'm executing all of them.
<DeathStar> 6* Cae rushes in at Cheryl and begins to punch, having lost herself in Weapon bersker. Benjamin pulls out his hand guns and runs for his mother
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki's hands form symbols as she punches through it
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr watches Cheryl and Cae go at it, then up at the sky
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph and Kasha turn into a fox mech
<Seraphna> * Setsuna takes out a grenade. "This should shut them all down. EMP."
<Aqua> *James watches this and rubs his head "This is so insane."
<Aqua> James> Zeph is never coming on a mission with me again
<Kit> 6Megumi blinks as Miyuki pre-empts her manifest, backing off and glaring, turning and slashing, releasing waves of black at her, crystal shields manifesting almost like a starship shield to take shots being fired at them
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "Be sure to catch me when I hit the ground, dear."
<Seraphna> Angelos> "I don't want to use the Omega Protocol, but that would solve both problems at once when I enforce the bonds."
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph peers down at James
<Seraphna> Angelos> "...Ben could probably stop it too."
<DeathStar> 6* 6* Then flies up into the sky
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki smirks before screaming as one of her eyes splatters
<Aqua> James> You just draw drama!
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise keeps seizing, Soul obviously having drawn too much
<DeathStar> 6* Fox Mech flies to get A Miyuki
<Seraphna> * Cameron has been healing her for a while now. He gives her something to stablize her.
<Aqua> *James takes Hale's gun "Stop that!
<Kit> <Megumi> Mm, one landed.
<Kit> 6Megumi holds out crystalline splinters and spears around her free hand
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<Kit> <Megumi> Forgive me, but you struck first.
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki cries out as she's speared
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<DeathStar> 6* Cae sreams into Cheryl's face, and her ear drums shatter
<Seraphna> * Wolf sighs and gets up. "All of you stop damnit! We don't have time for this!"
<DeathStar> 6* Cae then kicks her in the nose
<kalonZombie> <Hale> They're stun rounds! They shouldn't have done that!
<Kit> <A. Kasha> That bitch..!
<DeathStar> 6* Benjamin runs up and kicks Cae, and fires stun shots into her stomach over and over
<Aqua> James> I know but stop!
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise stabilizes... but there's a lot of blood between her legs
<Kit> <Dawn> It was a crystal.. looks like she couldn't dodge it while partially stunned
<Aqua> Sarah>...
<Seraphna> * Angelos moves to Cheryl's side, joining in there, hoping the scream knocked her out of crazy mode.
<Seraphna> * Cameron works on saving the baby.
<Jackieness> <Airym> *is still obediently processing the Zephyr data*
<Seraphna> Cameron> "Zephyr's, you've both possibly helped kill a child today, do you really wish to carry on this stupidity?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr eyes CAmeron, then punches Cameron, and breaks his nose
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Don't you dare fucking blame me for that
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Denise flew into a CAGE, when two attacks were forming
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Fuck you
<DeathStar> 6* She moves off
<DeathStar> 6* And watches the battle
<Kit> 6Megumi eyes the mech, making a face.
<Seraphna> * Cameron shifts his head, and returns to working, nose bleeding.
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph holds A. Miyuki, then fires foxfire at Megumi
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki shifts in size
<Kit> 6She holds out her hand and forms another point of darkness near it, forming it quicker.
<Chain> <A.Miyuki> I'll kill that bitch
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl, on her knees, is deaf, while Benjamin and Cae fight, Cae sluggish from the stun blasts
<DeathStar> 6* Benjamin is kicked in the wrist, then flipped
<Kit> <Megumi> You're welcome to try." 6She uses the scythe to take the foxfire, enlarging the sphere which starts to tug at them from gravity
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph uses the giant metal tails to slam into Megumi, knocking her down to the ground
<Aqua> *James fires some stun blasts at Cae as well, since she's hulking out
<Seraphna> * Angelos frowns and checks her ears, he looks around, Leyaeh makes her way over and kneels, "Ears shot, right?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cae jerks, and falls over
<Kit> 6Chii supports Cheryl. 1"This has to stop.."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> WHAT?
<Kit> 6Chii falls over, reeling
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr looks up, wanting to gear up to help Megumi, but unable
<Seraphna> Angelos> <She was asking if your ears are out.> *he relays the rest*
<Chain> 6*From behind, Prime Miyuki slams her elbow into Megumi's neck
<kalonZombie> 6*The baby is too far gone for Cameron to do anything. Denise has lost it.
<Aqua> James> She's pretty deaf Chii.
<DeathStar> <Aurica> I wish I could do something....
<DeathStar> 6* She kneels and eyes Denise
<DeathStar> <Aurica> If I could reverse time for her I did that one time
<DeathStar> 6* She holds out her hand --- and nothing
<Kit> 6Miyuki's elbow connects with solid crystal
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I'm going to use a minor restoration on your ear drums, it won't return hearing right away, but you won't be dead the rest of your life."
<Aqua> *Sarah crumples and cries
<Seraphna> *deaf
<Seraphna> * Cameron keeps working quietly, through a broken nose. "
<Seraphna> Cameron> "I'll save it."
<Kit> 6Megumi starts to get up from the crater, her body encased in living crystal, slightly pink from her own blood mixing into its manifest, a growl in her throat like a tiger
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica holds the hand over the baby, and begins to reverse time on it
<Chain> 6*P.Miyuki winces
<Kit> <Megumi> Et tu, Miyuki?
<DeathStar> 6* She strains and blood begins to drip out of it
<DeathStar> (out of the nose)
<Chain> <P.Miyuki> Nothing personal Megu
<Seraphna> * Cameron looks at her, and lets her work, he puts a hand around her to steady her.
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica keeps rewinding time
<Kit> 6Megumi hunches over, the form of the crystal like a predatory cat.
<DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr grabs Megumi
<Kit> <Megumi> I know. You're an intelligent one.
<Chain> <P.Miyuki> but I dont want Isis to cry over you
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Quick, we need to form a mech
<Seraphna> * LEyaeh puts her hands on Cheryl's ears and focuses, working to reverse the damage.
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica's face begins to have blood vessels form and pop
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica watches blood go back into Denise
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph flies the fox mech down at Megumi
<Seraphna> * Cameron whispers and uses the blood from his nose as a component, working to heal her as she works.
<DeathStar> <Zeph> <KASHA!>
<Kit> 6Megumi nods, demanifesting the crystal tiger form
<Chain> 6*P.Miyuki closes her eyes
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr forms into a standard dragon cat mech with Megumi
<Kit> <Kasha> ... so hit buttons..?!" 6She starts mashing everything
<Seraphna> * Wolf grumbles, she takes an EMP grenade from Setsuna and arms it.
<DeathStar> 6* Right as KAsha fires giant swords, foxfire, eye beams, and other Kasha like attacks, hitting the mech
<Aqua> *James just watches now, deadpanned "This is..."
<Kit> 6Megumi starts to run and leap like a mountain cat to dodge things-- looking like something from Zoids
<kalonZombie> <Hale> This. Is. Stupid.
<Seraphna> * Angelos frowns and reaches out an arm, forming an energy barrier in front of Kasha's attacks.
<DeathStar> 6* The baby comes back to life, right as Aurica's lungs erupt and Cheryl's hearing comes back
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *She looks up, and at that moment*
<DeathStar> 6* Alt Miyuki feels something happening with her god, and her power returning
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<Seraphna> * Cameron greabs Aurica and starts casting something reversing her lung damage, and he starts to belled.
<DeathStar> Location: Illium Block Cube
<DeathStar> 6* They arrive in a beautiul garden with a false sun
<DeathStar> 6* The clone Ama is there, meditating, a sad expression on her face
<Aqua> *Kagu looks about
<Chain> 6*Ama eyes her exact copy
<kalonZombie> <Thara> ...I can't kill this one either. Too much like Tsuki...
<DeathStar> 6* Clone Ama opens her eyes
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Then stay back."
<DeathStar> <Clone Ama> Hello, my sister.
<DeathStar> 6* She says to Ama
<Chain> <Ama> you know why I am here
<DeathStar> 6* She is wearing a kimono
<DeathStar> <Clone Ama> Yes.
<DeathStar> 6* A little fox pokes it's head out to look out at her
<Chain> <Ama> I cannot give you my powers
<DeathStar> <Clone Ama> Yes, I imagine you will want all 100% of them.
<DeathStar> 6* She notes, taking a flower and breathing it in
<Chain> <Ama>correct
<DeathStar> <Clone Ama> I have had a short life, and one where I was forced to do cruel things. At least I could see what you saw in your lover and spend time with her when she needed comforting
<Chain> <Ama> then could I offer you a proper life? as a human
<DeathStar> <A. Cheryl> *She blinks at her last line*
<DeathStar> <A. Cheryl> Wait, does she...
<DeathStar> <Clone Ama> I would die without my powers, so no.
<Seraphna> Lisa> "She's just... giving it up?"
<DeathStar> <Clone Ama> *She turns toward her shrine and rings a bell*
<Chain> <Ama> then tell me, where did you last see her
<DeathStar> <Clone Ama> She was here, but moved to the Illium galaxy. She is on their homeworld, to keep Ao's child in line and raise it. She was moved one month ago
<Seraphna> * Lisa shakes. "Erevis... Ao..."
<Chain> 6*Ama is quite and embraces her from behind
<DeathStar> 6* As Ama goes to do so
<DeathStar> 6* A red haired 13 year old comes out from the shrine, chewing gum
<DeathStar> 6* She looks like a rebellious Erevis
<DeathStar> <Clone Ama> You will take my shrine maiden
<Aqua> *James blinks
<DeathStar> <Clone Erevis> Yo, hos
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Sh-She looks like my Empress..."
<DeathStar> <Clone Erevis> You look like mistress - look at them honkers
<Chain> <Ama> I-
<DeathStar> <Clone Ama> Close your eyes, Ere.
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Erevis...?"
<DeathStar> 6* Ere pauses, then closes her eyes, chewing her gum
<DeathStar> <Ere> Always the orders
<Aqua> Kagu>....wat.
<DeathStar> <Ere> Wat at you guys. Goddess.
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> This should be interesting
<Chain> <Ama>...thank you...
<DeathStar> 6* Clone Ama waits patiently for her death
<Kit> <Dawn> It's kind of sad.
<DeathStar> 6* Rosetta nods
<Chain> <Ama> for doing what I could not
<Seraphna> * LIsa peers down, her hardened exterior having melted quite a bit, some of her reason to suddenly want to come on a mission clear.
<DeathStar> 6* She pats her arm, like a sister might
<kalonZombie> <Thara> ...This is weird 6*She says, looking at Ere
<DeathStar> <Ere> I heard that.
<Chain> <Ama> sleep now, in the sun light, when you awaken again, you'll be happy...I promise
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki is looking away, unable to wartch
<Chain> 6*Ama then snap her neck
<DeathStar> 6* Ama would feel the power burn through her like a burning sun; the clone Ama burns away like a bright star
<DeathStar> <Ere> Can I open my eyes now, jubbilee mistress?
<Chain> 6*Ama takes her hand
<Seraphna> * Lisa looks at the Erevis, confusion in her eyes.
<Chain> <Ama> not yet little one
<Chain> <Ama>...lets go
<DeathStar> 6* As Ama's powers return, she feels her miko in great agony and pain, spiritually and physically, dozsens of lightears away
<DeathStar> l<Alt Cheryl> Well, now we have to find a way off of here
<Seraphna> * Lisa moves over and puts a hand on Erevis' shoulder. "I'll... lead you along."
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Alright.
<Chain> 6*Ama feels as if the air is knocked out of her and turns her head
<Chain> <Ama> the girls...
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> What girls?
<Chain> <Ama> my miko
<kalonZombie> <Thara> What about them?
<DeathStar> 6* Ama would see a giant mirror
<DeathStar> 6* Set up at the shrine
<Chain> 6*Ama moves to it
<Seraphna> Lisa> "This would be our way out, no?"
<Aqua> Kagu> No. I haven't found my parents clones yet.
<Aqua> Kagu> Or uncle Hachis.
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> We destroyed it below
<DeathStar> 6* She holds out the detonator
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> Just hit that button and the rest of the clones in their containers will go
<Aqua> *Kagu blinks and nods
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "Who do honor?"
<Aqua> *Kagu r uns to check "I'LL BE BACK"
<kalonZombie> <Thara> I will.
<Chain> 6*Ama opens the mirror
<kalonZombie> <Thara> ...Or Kagu will.
<DeathStar> 6* Kagu Jr would see the floating containers like Dr. Light loved with various Kagus - most are zombie, decayed Kagus. One looks FAIRLY normal
<DeathStar> 6* Hopefully, fingers crossed, this one will be okay
<Seraphna> * LIsa and Ulieah get ready to go.
<Aqua> *Kagu rushes to grab semi normal Kagu Sr
<DeathStar> 6* As Ama looks into the mirror, she would note that there is a mirror on the ship Cheryl has
<DeathStar> 6* In the lounge
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara looks through "Fancy"
<Chain> 6*Ama leaps through
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara steps through
<DeathStar> 6* Alt Cheryl carries ICeheart in and Rosetta and Tsuki move in
<DeathStar> 6* Ere follows
<Aqua> *Kqgu runs back with SN Kagu over his shoulder
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-Airym/SHIP-NOT Outside-
<Seraphna> * Lisa and Ulieah move in.
<DeathStar> 6* Airym as she goes through the data would get a beep
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Results compiled."
<Jackieness> <Airym> *checks the current dataset that triggered the beep*
<DeathStar> 6* There appears to be something in Zephyr's data that affects the protocol of the pilot/dragoon from the outside in such a way that the source is alien, Illiumish perhaps, and is affecting the Alpha protocol unique to Zephyr. Strangely, this Zephyr is uniquely unaffected, but the data stream in Zephyr's data is flowing through the dragoon to pilot, which is Megumi. So that means something corrupting is flowing through Zephyr, this one at least is immune, into the pilot, Megumi, and doing something; b ut there's no scans. The other Zeph seems to have none, but both are being corrupted and killed by their souls being in half and this corrupted data not letting them have alternatives
<DeathStar> 6* This corrupted controlling source looks to override one's will, or change/alter the perception
<DeathStar> 6* But where did it first come into Prime Zephyr?
<Jackieness> <Airym> *comm* "Cheryl, I have completed my data analysis. There is an outside influence responsible."
<DeathStar> 6* As Airym calls to Cheryl, she would see an odd group walk by from the lounge
<DeathStar> 6* A group of gods
<DeathStar> <Cheryl on comm> WHAT?
<Chain> 6*lead by the jiggle squad
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl's hearing is being restored, but it seems she still is having trouble
<DeathStar> 6* Inari lays over a shoulder, unconscious, and Ere is being led about, eyes closed
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki plays with her powers, juggling moon balls
<DeathStar> 6* Alt Cheryl looks about the ship, nodding
<Chain> <Ama> open your eyes
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> NEed more blue
<Jackieness> <Airym> *comm* "Also we have boarders."
<DeathStar> <Ere> *does so and looks out the window* There's some sort of super battle going on
<Aqua> *Kagu Jr carries Kagu Sr v2
<DeathStar> 6* The two fox mech and dragon mech are flying at each other
<Chain> 6*Ama sighs
<Seraphna> Lisa> "What moronicness did James
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *comm* Hoarders?!
<Chain> <Ama> Tsuki, Thara
<Seraphna> Lisa> "What moronicness did James' team get into now?"
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara smiles, cuddling Tsuki
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Yes Ama?
<DeathStar> <Tsuki> Yes?
<Chain> <Ama> help me deal with this madness
<Jackieness> <Airym> *turns and moves to intercept the god group* "Halt. I would ask you to identify yourselves, but I already can see who you are."
<DeathStar> 6* The Fox Mech glows with blue light
<DeathStar> 6* As Airym stops the god group
<Chain> <Ama> then move aside
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr in the Cat Mech zooms upward
<Aqua> *Kagu deadpans
<Seraphna> * ANgelos keeps trying to peacekeep snipe shots between the two, Cameron's left arm is bleeding profusely from the forbidden spell he tried on Aurica to reverse her damage. He looks in bad condition.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl, ears repaired mostly, looks back and forth
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica is unconscious
<kalonZombie> 6*Thara looks at Tsuki
<Seraphna> * Cameron seems to continue, working to make sure she's stable.
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Well, shall we?
<Chain> 6*Ama walks out
<Jackieness> <Airym> "I must inform you that an emotionally charged misunderstanding is happening outside." *looks at Alt Cheryl* "I tried to inform your counterpart of my findings, but she cannot hear me. It must be a heavy metal habit that she has been concealing."
<DeathStar> 6* As Cameron tries to move, he passes out, the forbidden spell eating his soul
<DeathStar> 6* 1/20th of it
<Kit> 6Megumi braces Zephyr and begins charging as if she's going to use the Dragoon Bustah, but instead starts forming dark matter by channeling through Zephyr
<Chain> 6*Ama floats up, glowing brilliantly
<Kit> <Megumi> Couldn't do this through our form before." 6She pants.
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> Lets head out
<DeathStar> 6* She moves out
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh grumbles. "I will go check on your ineffective doctor who manages to try and bleed to death healing people."
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki floats out and aims ato ne of the mechs
<DeathStar> 6* Fox Mech stops suddenly and charges a super Kasha beam
<Chain> <Ama> ENOUGH
<DeathStar> <Fox Mech> Kaaaaaaaaa
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh rises from Cheryl and moves over, while Angelos eyes the mechs.
<DeathStar> <Fox Mech> Meeeeeeee
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Please inform your counterpart that the Zephyrs have been comprosmised by an outside influence."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Yes.
<Seraphna> Setsuna> "Shut it down! Unoriginal!"
<Chain> 6*Ama floats over them
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Yes it is.
<DeathStar> <Fox Mech> Shaaaa!
<Chain> <Ama> SHUT UP ALL OF YOU
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale keeps smoking, mostly having been quiet for a while
<DeathStar> 6* Fox Mech fires the fox beam down at the Cat Mech
<DeathStar> <Tsuki> They're ignoring us
<Seraphna> * Lisa rubs her face, she frowns and taps cells on her arms and peers between the mechs, waiting. She then sees the beam and forms a Dragoon like shield to stop the attack, draining her cells.
<DeathStar> 6 *Benjamin eyes the giant beam fly at Megumi's mech, the air crackling. The fox mech then splits in two
<Chain> 6*Ama extends her hand, unleashing a controled sun beam
<Aqua> *Kagu watches, smoking a bowl
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph falls and Kasha falls
<DeathStar> 6 *Zeph looks unconscious
<Seraphna> * Angelos rises, starting to run towards the unconcious Zeph to catch her.
<Aqua> Kagu Jr> This is better than a lazer light show
<DeathStar> 6* The sun beam hits the fox beam, canceling it out before it hits the Cat Mech
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr gathers the dark matter, then fires it up
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Well huh.
<DeathStar> 6* The dark matter begins to suck Zeph toward it, and Kasha
<DeathStar> *Alt
<Jackieness> <Airym> *moves to bring up ship sensors and scans for any Illium incursions*
<Kit> 6Kasha dives and catches Zeph, then uses her Inukami to slash, throwing a wave and pushing them back, bouncing down the side of a cliff face
<Chain> 6*Ama fires again at the darkmatter
<DeathStar> 6* The dark matter eats the sun beam
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl digs in as the dark matter grows
<Kit> <Megumi> Someone interfered..?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> MEGUMI YOU IDIOT!
<Aqua> *Kagu Jr flies to catch Kasha and Zeph
<Kit> <Megumi> I can't stop it now
<Seraphna> * Angelos grabs Zeph and rshes back, grabbing Kasha.
<DeathStar> 6* KAsha and Zeph are caught, b ut evne Kagu Jr. would feel the strong waves
<Aqua> *James slowly lowers behind the boxes
<DeathStar> 6* Megumi's mech is lifted up toward it's own attack
<Aqua> *Kagu jr flies for safety
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> EVERYONE IN THE SHIP
<DeathStar> 6* Benjamin carries Cae in
<Aqua> *James runs for it
<Seraphna> * Angelos growls and hypers his own speed and strength to grab himself and the two twoards the ship.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale walks in with Wolf, Thara walks back in
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki circles the dark matter, puzzling how to stop something that sucks in attcks
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl picks up her daughter and moves inside
<Aqua> *sarah runs, carrying Denise Aurica and Cameron
<Seraphna> * Sera's others move for the ship, Leyaeh carrying Cameron.
<Chain> 6*Ama circles beside her as P.Miyu drags A.Miyu
<Seraphna> Angelos> "Meg is... getting pulled in... I can try and grab them and telepoort back..." *already smoking*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina studies as the mech floats toward the dark matter slowly. Zephyr is too weak to float off
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Goddammit.
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *runs for the hatch of the ship*
<DeathStar> 6* Curali straps into the pilot seat
<Aqua> *Kagu drops off Zeph and KASHA before flying for Zephyr
<DeathStar> 6* Darien strapos into the co pilot seat
<Seraphna> * Ulieah whispers and chants, she summons Fenrir, the beast appears and tries to grab for Zephyrmech.
<DeathStar> 6* Kagu JR. would find them close enough that flying in would be too dangerous
<DeathStar> 6* Fenrir grabs it, but is sucked in too
<Seraphna> * Fenrir increases it's size, pushing against the pull.
<Seraphna> Ulieah> "Need more pull!"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Throw them toward us, Fenrir!
<Seraphna> * Fenrrir yelps and tosses them as hard as he can at them.
<DeathStar> 6* Lifting the ship up, Curali tries to boost away
<Aqua> *Kagu Jr attempts to catch them
<Seraphna> * Fenrir then gets the fuck out of existance before he gets swallowed.
<DeathStar> 6* Fenrir tosses the mech away, but Zephyr breaks apart at that moment; Suddenly, Megumi whips away at that moment into her own dark matter attack, vanishing into the attack, the dark matter tearing her into pieces and from existence
<DeathStar> 6* Right as Kagu Jr. grabs Zephyr.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl, on the ramp, stares stunned
<DeathStar> 6* The dark matter begins to die down
<Aqua> *Kagu Jr. flies the fuck away
<DeathStar> 6* Curali zooms off too
<Chain> 6*Ama grabs her twin and tails for the ship]
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki flies after too
<DeathStar> <Tsuki> I feel like we're missing something here
<Seraphna> Angelos> "What the fuck..."
<DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr lies dead like in Kagu Jr's arms
<Chain> <Ama> we are, but lets get home
<kalonZombie> <Thara> Like what? 6*She asks, following Tsuki
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps aside for them all to get on the ship
<Seraphna> Angelos> "W-We have to bring Zephyr back. Sis."
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki lands on aboard
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Get Zephyr to medical bay - she was to bonded with Megumi, that should have killed her
<Aqua> *Kagu Jr settles into the ship, panting a bit
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl taps her comm. "Airym, what did you want to tell me?"
<Chain> 6*Ama lands
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl takes her, nodding her thanks to Kagu and the others and runs for medical
<Seraphna> * Angelos urges Kagu to medical, as Leyaeh puts Cameron on a medical bed. . "Can we bring her back though!?"
<DeathStar> 6* Curali flies up into space, dropping bombs on the buildings the group was after
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl feels Zephyr's pulse
<Aqua> *Kagu nods and moves to checks on his not-dad "I'm fine, god."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> She's alive
<Jackieness> <Airym> "I doscovered evidence of an outside influence involved. A corrupting influence. In one cae, the Zephyr appeared immune, but it was affecting the bonded pilot Megumi."
<Seraphna> Angelos> "...Did... did Megumi break the bond before she..."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I thought breaking the bond would have killed Zephyr, but I guess not
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> She must have truly loved Zephyr....
<Seraphna> Angelos> "..." *he looks down, then sits heavily in a seat*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr moans for Megumi
<Seraphna> Angelos> "Can we do anything for her...?"
<DeathStar> 6* Benjamin sits nearby, staying away from Cae
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> A corrupting influence
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks over to the data, and studies it
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki reaches for Zephy
<Jackieness> <Airym> "The outside influence may have been Illium in origin, but I cannot confirm."
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph, weak and sick, holds onto her Miyuki
<DeathStar> <Zeph> She was just insane...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> The only thing I can think of is what our Ama found on the alternate medieval world
<Chain> <A.Miyuki> Zeph...
<Seraphna> Angelos> "That other Megumi?"
<Seraphna> * Angelos' voice sounds like a broken child, he hasn't sounded quite like this since the day Angelus was first thought to be dead.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> That was an open link to Zephyr's mind and they clearly wanted that planet and was working toward something for the last 15 years; and 5 years ago they discovered a cave that was the source of Zephyr's subconscious state - a direct link to her mind. If they found a way into her mind from that planet and planted something
<Seraphna> Lisa> "Princess Aya's world did this?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> It must have infected Megumi if your analysis was right, but with no body to scan
<Aqua> *Fagu yawns and looks around
<Jackieness> <Airym> "With no body to scan, we have only mathematical models."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *nods to Lisa* Ama found it during the last month; Zephyr saved that world using her mind/dreams so it could exist in our trinity. The Illiums found it and were attacking the people there. They hid the world, but apparantly it was too late.
<Seraphna> Angelos> "Then he actions, her breaking up with Erevis and Ama... could that all have been... part of this?"
<Jackieness> <Airym> "However, the time frame estimates fit the 15 and 5 year periods."
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph leans into her Miyuki
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yes. The fact is if they got into our Zephyr, they might have the codes to infect other Zephyrs and their pilots.
<Seraphna> LIsa> "Is everyone alright in that world? They're one of the few things I have left..."
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki strokes her face and leans in, a glowing jem at her lips
<Aqua> Not Kagu> Huh... Weird.
<Seraphna> Angelos> *chuckles in a sick, weak way*
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph blinks and looks surprise
<Seraphna> Angelos> "So I thought she was nutters and the sabatoge... I was right in a wrong way... you know...? Shit..."
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki leans in and presses it into her mouth
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph closes her eyes and takes it.
<Aqua> *Sarah sits next to Denise in the infirmary
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Airym, until we can close this link to the Zephyrs, their souls won't heal and restore
<Jackieness> <Airym> "With more than one Zephyr, it would be possible to reverse-engineer the planted codes."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Keep ours in suspended animation
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Affirmative."
<DeathStar> 6* Denise, with her wound healed up with reverse time, just needs to wake up
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr lays there, twitching, near death
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki's tails fan out, one seems to fade and wither away as the glow illuminates Zeph's chest
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl leaves Zephyr in Airym's care and moves to James
<Seraphna> Angelos> "Cheryl... can my power do anything to help mend her pain? It has to have a use other than using Alphas."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> We need to go back to the Oracle world - I need a huge favor from your people - and you might want to warn them about the possibility of your reality's Zephyr being compromised. I understand she's married to this reality's Megumi and a teacher to the children
<Jackieness> <Airym> *transfers Zephyr into a stasis pod*
<DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr, once in there, stops looking in pain
<DeathStar> 6* Zeph begins to breathe better and opens her eyes, looking stronger again. She looks at her Miyuki and kisses her
<Aqua> *Sarah does not look happy with Denise
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gives Angelos a subtle shake
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki smiles gently
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise's eyes flutter open, glowing blue, Soul talking "...What I did... endangered me. It endangered your child...
<Seraphna> * Angelos nods and moves to sit in medical stares quietly at Zephyr. Lisa sits back and rubs her face.
<kalonZombie> <Soul> ...I have never done that before. I never will take control of Denise again.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl leads James to the communication station
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> The station is secure to contact them
<Aqua> Sarah> You aren't going on anymore missions
<kalonZombie> <Soul> No.
<Aqua> *James nods and follows
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh puts Cameron under a restortation machine to repair his damage and eyes him, shaking her head and moving away.
<Chain> <A.Miyu> I told you...I'd always try and make you happy Zeph
<Aqua> Sarah> Not until you deliver. Maybe not ever
<DeathStar> <Zeph> Just being married to you and KAsha makes me happy. 6* She hugs them both, stroking them
<Aqua> Sarah> That was dumb and a pointless gesture
<kalonZombie> <Soul> ...Perhaps I do not deserve to exist. Perhaps... perhaps I should leave Denise's body.
<Seraphna> * Ulieah pokes Aurica in medical, looking at the scans and tapping the screen. "Silly computer, tell me if she needs Kitty Love."
<Chain> 6*A.Miyuki smiles gently before closing her eyes and sleeping against her
<DeathStar> 6* Darien seals himself off in his room and leans back, recalling times with Megumi
<Aqua> Sarah> No. You'll stay. But if you do that again I will exercise you myself.
<DeathStar> <Darien> This is going to tear up a lot of people back home....
<DeathStar>  6* Curali looks depressed as they fly wait to enter hyperspace, since James has to put the call through
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica looks like she needs rest, her body still beat up
<kalonZombie> 6*Soul nods "...I am going to go to sleep now. When these eyes wake again... they will be Denise's.
<Aqua> *James moves to call Aya on a secure frequency
<Chain> 6*P.Miyuki holds Auri
<Aqua> *Sarah nods
<DeathStar> 6* As James moves to call Aya, all he gets is static - something that has never, ever happened before. It seems as if Oracle planet is completely offline
<kalonZombie> <Soul> I am sorry for what I put you through, Sarah. I truly am.
<Aqua> *Not Kagu waves to Ama and smiles "Hey sister."
<Aqua> Sarah> You should be.
<Seraphna> * Angelos grumbles. "If they were compromised... Oracle might have been too."
<Aqua> Sarah> Now sleep
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki tucks the clone Inari in and keeps an eye on Ere. Katrina watches over Cameron in medical, helping out
<kalonZombie> 6*Soul closes Denise's eyes, then Denise opens them, looking around confused
<kalonZombie> <Denise> Where..?
<Chain> <Ama> hello Kagu...Mizu....misses you terribly
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Great. We need to hurry. Curali - feel speed to their planet
<DeathStar> 6* Curali nods and enters hyperspace at the greatest speed
<Seraphna> * Ulieah tucks Aurica in and mewls, ears drooping, she moves out to James. "Everyone okay at home...? All the kids..."
<Aqua> *Sarah kisses her forehead "Infirmary, you got a little hurt."
<DeathStar> 6* Tsuki tries to use a mirror to go back to their planet, and finds every mirror covered.
<Aqua> *James scratches his head "Just static.."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Great.
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> 6* A few hours before
<Aqua> *Kagu blinks "Have I been gone?"
<DeathStar> 6* Aya keeps track of James' team and leans back when all her stations go offline
<kalonZombie> <Robb> What happened?
<Seraphna> * Angela looks up. "What the hell...?"
<DeathStar> 6* Aya frowns; there's minor explosions that rock the base inside and the lights go out, then come back online in red for emergency power
<Aqua> *Mars blinks "We went black"
<kalonZombie> <Robb> We've been infiltrated.
<Chain> 6*Athena looks up from reading with Isis and Su
<Seraphna> Angela> *shakes* <Lemon...?>
<DeathStar> 6* James' Illium kid comes running in
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Get the civvies someplace safe and grab a gun. 6*He grabs a shotgun
<DeathStar> <James' Novelity Illium Kid> There's Illium ships in orbit
<DeathStar> <Aya> ....
<DeathStar> <Aya> Everyone, down into the bunkers. It's time to defend our home.
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Thanks for the heads up, Nick.
Session Close: Wed Sep 11 22:46:39 2013