The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Classic Session 35

Session Start: Wed Oct 19 17:42:50 2011
Session Ident: #ClassSession35
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Date: The next day
<DeathStar> Location: School
<DeathStar> 6* It is mid-day and Lilith, XX, and Atay are all enjoying a lunch break on campus; so far their classes have been uneventful, but the true mission will be the halloween party the next day
<Kit> <Lilith> What is: Halloween?
<Jackieness> <XX> "A festival derived from human supserstitions."
<Seraphna> * Anyata sits next to Atayna, nibbling on a sandwich which should set most people's mouths on fire. Andrea made lunch. "A holiday where people put on costimes to party and eat candy."
<Kit> <Lilith> Humans do such things anyway.
<Seraphna> Anyata> "Yes, but this day it's required by protocol apparently."
<DeathStar> 6* Some males walk by and eye them, talking amongst themselves
<Jackieness> <XX> "Further, its the middle of July."
<Seraphna> * Anyata hmms. "I believe the party is only in the spirit of such a holiday."
<DeathStar> 6* the boys santer over. "Hello, ladies
<Seraphna> * Anyata peers at the two. "Have you decided on your costumes? It has been suggested to me I wear something which expos---" *she peers up at them* "Umm, hello."
<Kit> <Lilith> Why would I wear a costume?
<Kit> 6Lilith peers at the boys.
<Jackieness> <XX> "... ... ...hello."
<DeathStar> <Boy 1> Are you new here? Because we'd recognize three angels like you
<Seraphna> * Anyata blushes a little. "Yes, we recently all joined this school."
<DeathStar> <Boy 2> Do you need any guides to help you around campus?
<Kit> <Lilith> I'm not an angel.
<Seraphna> Anyata> "Well..." *she peers at XX and Lilith*
<Jackieness> <XX> "Huh, I suppose."
<DeathStar> 6* The third boy smiles shyly at Liltih while the other two beam, motioning them to stand up
<DeathStar> <Boy 1> We'll show where students like to gather for fun. 6* Perhaps the killer hangs out there too?
<Seraphna> * She stands up, finding this excellent recon, she pauses to fix her top.
<DeathStar> 6* The second boy moves over to XX. "What's your name?"
<DeathStar> 6* The first boy chats up Anyata about her name
<Jackieness> <XX> "Catherine." *stands*
<DeathStar> <Third Boy> H-Hi. I'm Timmy. 6* He says to Lilith
<Kit> <Lilith> You're timmy." 6She nods.
<Seraphna> Anyata> "I'm... Uriko Hoyiyaka."
<Seraphna> *Horiyaka
<Kit> <Lilith> I'm Lili-- ... Lily.
<DeathStar> <Boy 2> Beautiful name. I'm Vincent
<DeathStar> <Timmy> That's a pretty name
<DeathStar> 6* The first boy identifies himself as Todd. They walk along, pointing out the clock tower. "Kids aren't allowed up there but the door is never locked. Great place for alone time."
<Seraphna> * Anyata plays with her hair. "Alone time?"
<DeathStar> <Todd> Yes. Boyfriend, girlfriend time. 6* He winks, moving by the clock tower, pointing out various places - what to avoid, etc.
<DeathStar> 6* Vincent walks by XX. "So, Catherine, what are you majoring in?
<Seraphna> Anyata> "I see... do you have a girlfriend?"
<DeathStar> <Todd> I don't.
<Jackieness> <XX> "General. I haven't committed to a major yet."
<DeathStar> 6* He winks, then points at what appears to be a closed down school building. "That's where kids like to gather to party. You hear about the party tomorrow?"
<Kit> <Lilith> ...
<Seraphna> * Anyata nods and peers around still. She puts on the charm. "I heard rumors, do you need an invite to get in?"
<DeathStar> <Todd> We could get you in, if you want. As our dates.
<DeathStar> 6* Timmy looks hopeful
<Seraphna> * Anyata smiles. "Well, I might be able to handle that. Girls?"
<Jackieness> <XX> "Why is that building closed down?"
<Kit> <Lilith> ..." 6She eyes the other two stoicly.
<DeathStar> <Vincent> Oh, the school's funding was cut back so they had to ab andon it
<Jackieness> <XX> "Huh, and no one notices the parties going on?"
<Seraphna> Anyata> "Yeah, we won't get in trouble will we?"
<DeathStar> <Vincent> It'll be fine, really. So, interested in coming? We can pick you up.
<Kit> <Lilith> We shouldn't trespass or abridge instuitional rules...
<Seraphna> Anyata> "Well... I am. Cathy?"
<Jackieness> <XX> "I suppose I could."
<DeathStar> <Timmy> I-It will be fun, Lily, really!
<DeathStar> <Vincent> Great. It's a costume party. 6* He hands them an address to meet them. "Also, if you want a good place to eat here, try Hungry Juan's." 6* A bell rings and the three hurry off to class
<Seraphna> Anyata> "We had better get to our next class."
<Jackieness> <XX> "Right."
<Seraphna> * Anyata starts heading there. "So we have cover reasons and guides now."
<DeathStar> 6* As they walk along, a shadow on the clocktower peers down at them
<Jackieness> <XX> "Huh?" *stops and looks up*
<DeathStar> 6* There's definitely someone up there
<Seraphna> * Anyata peers over, frowning. "Want to check it out?"
<Jackieness> <XX> "Alright."
<Seraphna> * Anyata nods and heads for the tower.
<Seraphna> Anyata> "If anyone asks, we are simply exploring ourselves."
<Jackieness> <XX> *nods and heads after Anyata*
<DeathStar> 6* As they reach the door, they'd find it locked but the lock seems unsturdy
<Jackieness> <XX> *shakes the door*
<Seraphna> * Anyata frowns.
<Kit> <Lilith> We are trespassing...
<DeathStar> 6* The lock falls off
<Jackieness> <XX> "Huh..."
<Seraphna> Anyata> "That's the general idea Lilith."
<Seraphna> * Anyata slips inside.
<Kit> 6Lilith huffs, shaking her head.
<DeathStar> 6* Stairs lead upward and the sound of gears moving is heard
<Seraphna> * Anyata begins moving up the stairs.
<Jackieness> <XX> *starts up the stairs as well*
<DeathStar> 6* AS they reach the top, they 'd see the sahdow ahead, looking awkward as far as shadows go and standing still
<Jackieness> <XX> *tilts her head then squints*
<Seraphna> * Anyata frowns and moves towards it slowly.
<DeathStar> 6* As Anyata reaches it, she'd see a dead girl hanging upside down, skinned alive; a red head like Katrina was
<Kit> 6Lilith walks along behind them, younger looking and dressed like a schoolgirl; she's black-haired for now, but still has her eerie red eyes.
<Kit> <Lilith> That explains the smell of blood.
<Seraphna> * Anyata stares, then peers around.
<Jackieness> <XX> *takes a deep breath and then screams!*
<DeathStar> 6* A few minutes later school guards run up. "Christ Light almighty!"
<Seraphna> * Anyata uses her internal systems to inform Ire of the new body.
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* After being questioned intensely why they were there they are released and back at HQ. Ire muses in his seat, not even paying attention to their sexy outfits
<DeathStar> <Ire> Looked like Katrina..
<Kit> <Lilith> Didn't smell like her.
<Seraphna> Anyata> "It seems he is likely still targetting John McCormick."
<Jackieness> <XX> "The look is what mattered, I think."
<DeathStar> <Ire> I would send Katrina along but that might tip our hand
<Seraphna> Anyata> "Elayne has requested that Andrea and the other children be taken to Hunter Station and Sera's quarters there until this is over. She's afraid Ghoul will go for more of the children if he's onto us."
<Jackieness> <XX> "My scream will have hopefully convinced the target that I am anything but what I am."
<DeathStar> <Ire> It has been done. Have you decided on your costumes? 6* he hands Lilith her's
<Jackieness> <XX> "Yes."
<Seraphna> Anyata> "I am to go as a 'witch'."
<Jackieness> <XX> "Gothic lolita."
<Seraphna> Anyata> "However my studies have shown me that witches show far less skin then the costume Elayne provided me. However she tells me this is normal for college girls."
<DeathStar> <Ire> Alright.
<DeathStar> 6* Ire motions them to get some sleep
<DeathStar> 6* Lilith, wiht her tail and ears out and wearing a Japanese samurai outfit, is going as an Inugami. The three guys are waiting where they agreed to meet, wearing a dracula outfit, a slasher villain outfit, and one is wearing a Dr. Who for the 20th doctor after the changes allowed the doctor to regenerate more than 13 times
<Jackieness> <XX> *is dressed like some gothed up Catholic schoolgirl*
<Kit> <Lilith> This is not a costume...
<Seraphna> * Anyata is wearing a witch costume, which seems to consist of a little black dress that reveals a lot of cleavage and ends mid-though, a wide brimmed black hat, a scarf, and high heels with black stockings.
<DeathStar> 6* Vincent, as Dracula, moves over to XX. "You look amazing. 6* Timmy stares at Lilith in awe. "So real." 6* Todd smiles at Anyata, the slasher guy. "You look beautiful."
<Jackieness> <XX> "Let's go to this party then."
<Seraphna> * Anyata blushes a little. "Thank you."
<Kit> <Lilith> Yes... very real.
<DeathStar> 6* The three walk along, Vincent speaking. "Did you hear about the girl who died yesterday? Creepy."
<Jackieness> <XX> "...yes..."
<Kit> <Lilith> I did not need to hear. I saw it.
<DeathStar> 6* The three jerk and peer at Lilith. "You three were the three who saw her?!"
<DeathStar> 6* They arrive at the building and music can be heard going on. The people at the door wave them in, hooded peope like death
<Jackieness> <XX> "Yes..."
<Kit> <Lilith> They did not respect the trespassing clauses.
<Seraphna> * Anyata flusters. "Don't really wanna talk about that... we went exploring and..."
<Jackieness> <XX> "You came too."
<DeathStar> <Todd> What--was it like? 6* He asks as they step in; insidep eople are all dressed up and dancing, punch and beer ais being served. Scary decorations are hung up. Each classroom is filled with different themes, making use of the school building for a horror house. One part has people going past sheets blindfolded
<Jackieness> <XX> "Let's not talk about it, k?"
<Seraphna> Anyata> "Yeah... it's creepy." *she shifts about a little, distracting Todd with some Sexual Allure*
<DeathStar> 6* Todd smiles and nods, moving to get them drinks. The loud music is followed by shrieks and screams from the haunted house section. It sounds very real
<Seraphna> Anyata> "That sounds real scarey..."
<DeathStar> <Vincent> It's a horror house; it's perfectly safe
<DeathStar> 6* The shrieks die down from the haunted house and more people go in
<Seraphna> Anyata> "M-Maybe we can go in when Todd gets back?"
<Jackieness> <XX> "...that girl was urdered."
<DeathStar> <Vincent> ... you think someone's being murdered here...?
<DeathStar> 6* Todd returns with their drinks, handing the girls each one
<Kit> 6Lilith eyes XX, then marches for the haunted house.
<Seraphna> * Anyata sips hers. "No one would try that here right?"
<Jackieness> <XX> "Its like one of those horror movies... the masked killer always goes after the teenagers and college co-eds."
<Seraphna> Anyata> *sigh* She wants to see it now I guess, come on." *she takes Todd's hand*
<DeathStar> 6* The three follow, exchanging looks; as they reach it, Lilith in the lead, the people running it hand them blindfolds.
<DeathStar> <Man> If you get lost say 'Lost' three times
<Seraphna> * ANyata nods, putting hers on.
<DeathStar> 6* The three guys get blindfolded. Spooky noises are heard beyond the covers
<Jackieness> <XX> *steps forward as well, being blindfolded*
<Seraphna> * Anyata hugs Todd's arm like a scared girl, while her eyes shift to thermal sensors.
<DeathStar> 6* As they walk in, strobe lights and clanging noises disorient them; hands touch them and tease them, turning and confusing them. Scents are sharpened that confuse even Lilith. A voice speaks. "Reach your hand forward and down and touch the brains."
<Seraphna> * Anyata holds onto Todd's arm the whole time. She whimpers and reaches down to touch the brains.
<Jackieness> <XX> *reaches down too*
<DeathStar> 6* It feels mushy and almost real. too real.
<DeathStar> 6* Timmy makes a faint sound of disgust
<Seraphna> * Anyata's blindfold moves up a little to peek even as she makes a very girlish squeak. "Ewww..."
<Jackieness> <XX> "I hope they didn't raid the bio department for this."
<DeathStar> 6* Anyata would seea dead girl's head is opened up and they are touching her brain matter. The voice that spoke is no longer there - and Lilith is gone too
<Seraphna> * Anyata stiffens and sends Ire the alert to put Lilith's tracking system on.
<Seraphna> Anyata> "Oh my god..."
<Seraphna> *Anyata pulls her hand back and turns Todd around. "Follow me."
<Jackieness> <XX> *pulls off her blindfold* "...we need to get out of here now..."
<Seraphna> Anyata> "I know, come on." *she tugs them along, dragging Timmy out too*
<DeathStar> 6* The three men pull their blindfolds down when suddenly the lights go out and screams are heard in the other room
<Jackieness> <XX> *moves out, wiping her hand on a sheet*
<Seraphna> * Anyata switches to night vision. "Stay here." *she moves to check it out*
<DeathStar> 6* The three guys exchange looks. "Y-You can't go out there alone!
<Jackieness> <XX> "Anyone have a mobile?"
* Chain has joined #ClassSession35
<Seraphna> Anyata> "It's not safe for you. Stay here." *she says with a bit more authority in her voice, updating Ire again with her internal comms*
<DeathStar> 6* Panicked noises are heard and someone shouts the doors are locked
<DeathStar> 6* Ire doesn't respond, something seems to be interfering.
<DeathStar> 6* A head rolls slowly through the sheets and stares up at them, a young man
<Seraphna> * ANyata curses in Japanese. "XX, we're being jammed."
<DeathStar> 6* Suddenly Vincent is jerked away into a classroom
<Jackieness> <XX> *turns and moves into the classroom* "Stay together."
<Seraphna> * Anyata peers at the head, then back at the three guys, gasping when Vincenet is jerked, she moves over too, keeping the other two with her*
<DeathStar> 6* Timmy faints finally and Todd swallows hard. As they enter the classroom, they see a lot of hanged dummies swinging back and forth
<Seraphna> * Anyata shifts to heat vision, looking for the one generating heat.
<Jackieness> <XX> *moves through the dummies, looking for the real body or bodies*
<DeathStar> 6* Anyata finds one who's dead; Vincent hangs with a broken neck. A panel on the ceiling has been moved, no doubt used by the killer to escape. The sounds of screams resume from the main room
<Seraphna> * Anyata leaps up and cuts his body down in a blur, catching him and setting him down. "We need to move people out of here. Let's go. He'll just keep killing if we play along."
<Jackieness> <XX> "You are right. Let's go."
<Seraphna> * Anyata lifts Vincent with surprising ease for a slender 18 year old Japanese girl. "Follow us boys." *she moves for the door*
<Jackieness> <XX> *moves after Anyata*
<DeathStar> 6* Todd picks up Timmy and looks grim as he follows. As they enter the main room people are dead all over and blood has been used to write a message
<Seraphna> * Anyata reads it over, scanning for survivors.
<Jackieness> <XX> *looks at the message*
<DeathStar> "If you want your doggy, give me the kat"
<DeathStar> 6* A cell phone has been left
<DeathStar> <Todd> This is not happening, this is not happening
<DeathStar> 6* A pair of eyeballs float in the punch, staring at them accusingly
<Jackieness> <XX> *picks up the cellphone*
<Seraphna> * Anyata frowns. "We were right, he is targetting her." *she moves over to the door and checks it*
<DeathStar> 6* It has a number programmed in - Katrina's
<DeathStar> 6* The door is locked, wrapped in guts tightly
<Jackieness> <XX> *tries to check the cell phone history*
<Seraphna> * Anyata sighs and steps back, forming her arm blades, she cuts through the doors with two quick slashes, if she can manage.
<DeathStar> 6* IT has none
<DeathStar> 6* Anyata manages to cut into the doors but a dead head rolls down the stairs to the second floor, as if warning her
<Jackieness> <XX> "Anyata, stay here with them."
<Seraphna> * ANyata frowns. "You should not go alone."
<DeathStar> <Todd> W-Why is this happening!?
<Jackieness> <XX> "And these two should not be left alone or pulled into the crossfire. I can deal." *hands over the cell phone* "In case of emergency, call Katrina and let her deal with her own mess." *moves toward the stairs*
<Seraphna> Anyata> "A serial killer is doing this." *she says, then hugs Todd soothingly* "Calm down, we'll get out of this."
<Seraphna> * Anyata calls Katrina.
<DeathStar> 6* As XX walks up slowly, she can hear whimpering sounds. At the top Lilith is tied to a chair and a college student is tied, both having axes over their head. It's designed in such a way that if she gets too close, they fall and she'll only have time to save one.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina answers. "Katrina McCormick here."
<Kit> <Lilith> She is only a college student. Save her. She is the last.
<Seraphna> Anyata> "It is Anyata. We have a situation at the school. Lilith is being held hostage, and he is demanding you." *she seems to be counting on Ire watching Katrina, since they knew she was being targetted*
<Jackieness> <XX> *narrows her eyes and then extends her arms out at particular angles, deciding to break the rules by teleporting into a position where her extended arms put the handles of the axes into easy grasp.
<Seraphna> * ANyata sighs and peers at the boys. "Sorry."
<DeathStar> 6* When XX teleports in, something shocks her and her systems shut off in her limbs and she falls over. A lanky man wearing metal knives on his hands and a mask sowed to his face wobbles over like something out of a nightmare. "So predictable." 6* He cuts the girl's throat and pulls her out of the seat as she gurgles her last, setting XX in the seat and tying her uip
<DeathStar> <Ghoul> So you're the new girls
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I-I see. Where are you?
<Seraphna> Anyata> "The party, Ire can give you the locale."
<Kit> <Lilith> That was a mistake, monster. I will kill you.
<DeathStar> <Ghoul> OhhhHHHhhh?
<DeathStar> 6* He leans in close to Lilith.
<DeathStar> 6* His knives trail along her ear. "If I stabbed you, would it affect your master?"
<DeathStar> 6* KAtrina hangs up and prepares to go. Todd speaks up
<DeathStar> <Todd> Your friend isn't back.
<Seraphna> * ANyata frowns and tries to see if she can check what XX is seeing through the internal comms. "I know." *She steps away from them one step, forming her full armor.
<Jackieness> <XX> *is trying to reboot! Darn cutscenes!*
<Kit> <Lilith> No.
<Kit> <Lilith> If I stab you, will it affect yours?
<DeathStar> 6* Ghoul giggles like a high pitched child, running his knives along her, then peers out, as if waiting
<DeathStar> 6* XX would be seeing whatever direction she's looking
<Jackieness> <XX> " are annoying..."
<Kit> <Lilith> What is your obsession with Katrina?
<Seraphna> Anyata> <Internal Comms> [XX. Get me all the positional data you can, he'll be expecting me to come at him, but I think I should choose from where.]
<Jackieness> <XX> *glances around herself as if Ghoul were unworthy of her notice*
<DeathStar> <Ghoul> She got away. I don't like toys getting away. 6* He notes, then whispers in Xx's ear. "Be sure to look behind you for vents for her to take."
<Jackieness> <XX> *suddenly jerks her head to the side to try to smash Ghoul in the face*
<DeathStar> 6* Ghoul steps back, then laughs delightedly.
<Seraphna> * Anyata forms both blades and starts super charging them, hearing his words she realizes there's nothing left to do in being predictable, so she'll have to do something very stupid.
<DeathStar> <Todd> Y-You ahve blades?
<Seraphna> Anyata> "I'm a reploid. I'm sorry for the deception."
<Jackieness> <XX> *tries to use her robotics and computer knowledge with her auto-repair to try to get her limbs working again in the meantime.*
<Seraphna> * Anyata hands him something that looks like a silver grenade. "My boss made this for me. When I dissapear, toss it at your feet. He will be unable to get you."
<DeathStar> <TodD> I-I see...
<DeathStar> 6* XX begins to get feeling back. Ghoul waggles a finger. "Becareful. You move too much and the axe drops."
<Kit> <Lilith> Coward.
<Jackieness> <XX> "...heh..."
<DeathStar> 6* A shuttle lands outside the building. Ghoul turns, then prances off into the darkness
<Seraphna> * Anyata frowns and rings Katrina again. Then teleports, using the data given tot ry and appear directly behind XX and Lilith.
<Jackieness> <XX> *intenral comm* <He's on the move, Anyata.>
<Seraphna> Anyata> <I was watching.>
<Jackieness> <XX> *internal comm* <Back down. I can deal with this.>
<DeathStar> 6* the cell phone no longer works
<DeathStar> 6* Ire busts in the front door and sweeps the area with his gun
<Seraphna> Anyata> *pulls the two away from the axes and starts untying them* "No time, we need to get to the shuttle."
<Kit> <Lilith> I need to kill that man.
<Seraphna> * Anyata nods and touches them both again, teleporting to it if she can.
<Jackieness> <XX> *internal comm* <Ire, sensor screen around the building now. He's on the move.>
<DeathStar> 6* As she pulls them, a third axe swings at Anyata to cleave her in two
<DeathStar> 6* She teleports barely in time and the axe whacks the chairs and sends Lilith and XX forward under the original axes which are falling
<Kit> 6Lilith uses one of Anyata's blade arms to parry reflexively
<DeathStar> 6* Lilith manages to block with the blade
<Kit> <Lilith> ...
<Jackieness> <XX> *uses her teleport+ to send Lilith and herself to the shuttle.
<DeathStar> 6* They appear outside. There's no sign of Katrina.
<Seraphna> * Anyata waits there for them, she peers around. She comms Ire on the internal. <Was Kat in the shuttle?>
<DeathStar> <Ire> ... *He taps his comm* Yes. She was covering the back exit
<Seraphna> Anyata> <Back exit. Right.> *Anyata sends that to both XX and Ire and teleports to it.
<Jackieness> <XX> "... ... ..." *teleports to the rear of the roof, looking from overhead*
<Kit> <Lilith> Also known as the back entrance.
<DeathStar> 6* Anyata arrives to see nothing there. As XX looks overhead, she'd see a shadow entering the clocktower in the distance
<Seraphna> Anyata> <Nothing here.>
<Jackieness> <XX> *comm* <Clocktower.>
<Jackieness> <XX> *teleports to the clocktower*
<Seraphna> * Anyata frowns, she nods. Teleporting with Teleport+, to the location inside they found the body before.
<DeathStar> 6* As they arrive, they find Katrina standing there stiffly, her back to them and not moving. No sign of Ghoul
<Jackieness> <XX> *approaches Katrina*
<Seraphna> * Anyata rushes over to check on her, using Speed+, she peers around for dangers as she gets close.
<DeathStar> 6* As they get in close, something beeps on Katrina and an explosion tears through the clocktower, knocking the two out of it and sending them falling
<DeathStar> 6* Ire runs toward the tower and pauses, eyeing the flaming wreckage as it comes down
<Jackieness> <XX> "This is familiar..." *teleports down closer to the ground before she can build terminal velocity*
<Seraphna> * Anyata does the same. Staring upward in shock. "Katrina..."
<Jackieness> <XX> "It wasn't Katrina."
<Kit> 6Lilith follows up behind Ire, not a teleporter
<Seraphna> Anyata> "H-How can you be sure?"
<Jackieness> <XX> "Either another body, or a mannequin. He is the type to play with his food first, so to speak."
<Seraphna> * Anyata frowns. "We need to find them then!"
<DeathStar> 6* Ire approaches. "Report what happened."
<Jackieness> <XX> "The party was a set up itself. Nothign would have happened had we not been there."
<Kit> <Lilith> A murderous monster wearing the flesh of others has massacred most of the school, held myself and XX hostage and is now hunting Katrina.
<Seraphna> Anyata> "We teleported in and she seemed to be there... then... a bomb went off."
<DeathStar> <Ire> He blew up Katrina?
<Jackieness> <XX> "He was already fully apprised of our plan. He either possess enhanced perception or we have a mole."
<DeathStar> <Ire> We don't have a mole; he must have seen through the disguses. Orh e's been watching our operations and already knew your faces..... 6* He pops a pill, eyeing the wreckage. "Why lure Katrina out just to kill her. Doesn't make sense. But even if she is alive, he's long gone."
<Jackieness> <XX> "As I said, that was not Katrina. He hasn't played with her yet."
<Seraphna> Anyata> "He knew about our internal comms..."
<Jackieness> <XX> "Yes, he appears to have access to our secure network."
<DeathStar> <Ire> His IQ is over the scale
<DeathStar> <Ire> There's nothing we can do for Katrina now... unless you have any leads.
<Jackieness> <XX> "If he is upset that she got away, perhaps he will attempt to recreate the original situation and finish the game."
<Kit> <Lilith> He said she escaped-- it bothers him.
<Seraphna> * Anyata tries to think. "Something... is off... he has to have.." *she peers at the cell phone*
<DeathStar> <Ire> He'll chop her into little pieces and mail them to us
<Seraphna> Anyata> "He left a clue."
<DeathStar> 6* Ire looks at it, then takes it and runs a manufacturing scan on it
<Kit> 6Lilith looks irritated, knowing nothing of modern technology and detective work.
<DeathStar> 6* Ire then holds it out to Lilith. "Sniff it and see if you can track him."
<Seraphna> Anyata> "I'll be right back, I want to check on those boys." *she teleports back to them*
<DeathStar> 6* Todd has gotten Timmy to some paramedics
<Seraphna> * Anyata peers over them, putting her visor up. "Will he be okay?"
<Kit> 6Lilith blinks, then nods dutifully and closes her eyes, sniffing.
<DeathStar> 6* Ghoul's scent is on it; a faint whiff of it comes from the sewers nearby
<DeathStar> <Todd> I hope so
<Seraphna> * Anyata hands him a slip of paper. "Call me sometime. I have to get back to my unit. Okay?"
<DeathStar> <Todd> Y-Yeah, sure. 6 *He smiles weakly, still in shock himselr
<Seraphna> * Anyata kisses him softly on the lips, letting him walk away with something at least, then shifts to go.
<DeathStar> 6* Ire waits patiently
<Kit> <Lilith> Definitely the sewers." 6She shifts to inugami dog guardian mode
<DeathStar> <Ire> Lets move out. It's a manhunt
<DeathStar> -TBC-