The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Classic Session 37

Session Time: Mon Dec 05 00:00:00 2011
Session Ident: #ClassSession37
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Date: The same as the others. Night
<DeathStar> Location: Special Unit HQ
<DeathStar> 6* Back at the manor of the Special Unit on Earth, the remains of Katrina are on a slab in the medical area below ground. President Wind stands there, peering at the remains after the events of Session 36, where XX and Anyata failed to get to Katrina in time due to events that were not RPed and were totally not related to them not RPing. Ire stands to one side
<Eluere> <Null> The fuck happened..?
<DeathStar> <Ire> Copycat got to her before we did
<DeathStar> 6* Ire peers out at the morning light beginning to defeat the night. Wind walks around the body - what DNA is left of the mutaliated pulp confirms it is Katrina
<Eluere> 6Null twitches a bit, having been rather fond of Katrina the human pet.
<Kaelan> * Anyata frowns over the remains, looking sullen.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis is off to ne side, silent
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart makes a note to have the two kitsune girls cheer Null up
<DeathStar> <Wind> It's not her.
<Kaelan> * Elayne has been very quiet, staying in baby dragon form for a while now and looking a bit broken, she looks up at Wind. "...I-It's not...?"
<Eluere> <Null> Uh, yeah it is. Look at the DNA match.
<DeathStar> <Wind> Katrina had a fracture when she was younger. On her leg. One of the few bones left intact. 6* He points. "No indication of a heal."
<Eluere> <Megumi> Cl... one?
<Kaelan> Anyata> "We are dealing with not only a clever copycat, but one who is well funded if that is the case."
<Kaelan> Anyata> "I would propose we were meant to believe she is dead so she could be taken for other purposes."
<DeathStar> <Wind> Iceheart - you ran into Katrina in the rainforest after she had been MIA for weeks. <Iceheart> Yeah. But that turned out to be Erevis. The real Katrina had been working on projects
<DeathStar> <Wind> So either Copycat got a fake Katrina, or they want us to think she's dead and used some of her body parts - the DNA parts that are left are all non vital limbs.
<Kaelan> * Elayne flinches. "W-We need to find her!"
<Jackieness> <XX> "I dislike being toyed with..."
<DeathStar> 6* At that moment Iceheart and Ire's datapads beep. They pick it up and both frown
<DeathStar> <Ire> Maverick. <Iceheart> Attack. Sigma's Mavericks have made a move.
<DeathStar> <Ire> It seems they're trying to infect a large reploid population right here in Mega City.
<Kaelan> * Anyata frowns and gets up, Elayne hisses a bit.
<Kaelan> Elayne> "I'll call our backup." *she somehow takes out a datapad too big for herself as she dials Cheryl*
<DeathStar> <Wind> Ire's team will look for leads - Hunters, go Hunt.
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Right. Come on people. 6* She motions with her fingers and heads for the shuttle
<Jackieness> <XX> "Finally, an enemy that I can hit."
<Jackieness> <XX> *moves after Iceheart*
<Kaelan> * Anyata makes her way out with Iceheart, while Elayne flaps off to get the defenses ready and make sure the McCormick residence is safe.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl acknowledges she is on the way
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart climbs into the pilot's seat and powers it up
<Kaelan> * Anyata takes a seat and forms her armor.
<Jackieness> <XX> *straps into a seat on the shuttle*
<Eluere> <Null> Just what are we going after, master?
<Kaelan> * Anyata raises a brow.
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> .... 6* She eyes Null slowly
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> The Mavericks -- trying to infect--innocent reploids. We'll know more about what type they are when we get there
<DeathStar> 6* She lifts off and zooms for the city. Wind watches them go, then peers at the pulp mess, worried for his Katrina
<Eluere> <Null> ... They usually have a leader we take out.
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> We'll find out who when we get there
<DeathStar> 6* She flies over the city and toward Replo District. Smoke can be seen already
<Kaelan> Anyata> "The Special UNit is gathering data."
<Jackieness> <XX> "Is that a battle or a riot?"
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> It'll become both soon
<Kaelan> Anyata> "So we need to find whatever Reploid Leader has been sent by Sigma and take it out."
<DeathStar> 6* As they get in, they can see a purple armored clad Maverick they all know and love amongst a bunch of drones - they seem to be firing a new type of gun at fleeing reploids - who once hit jerk and their eyes glow red. Two twin reploid foxes are running for an alley, barely avoiding shots. Along with Vile is another commander, a giant reploid with shoulder cannons and a jetpack
<DeathStar> 6* Vile points at their shuttle and the second commanding reploid aims and fires his shoulder cannons, hitting their engines; the shuttle alarms go off. Vile teleports away
<Kaelan> Anyata> "...And we lose yet another shuttle. Did he... fire the virus froma gun?"
<DeathStar> 6* As they begin to fall, the shuttle suddenly begins to spin and zoom about out of control. Iceheart strains.
<Jackieness> <XX> "Probably an energy weapon. Would be simple to encode the virua in the energy wave."
<DeathStar> 6* The shuttle flies in low and begins to hit reploids as it flies over the ground, the nit zooms toward a building
<DeathStar> 6* The monitors on the shuttle begin to type "ha ha ha"
<Jackieness> <XX> "I can attempt to teleport us all to relatvie safety if you wish to abandon the shuttle."
<Kaelan> Anyata> "...It's been infected!?"
<Kaelan> * Anyata nods to XX. "We'll teleport together, use the internal system to sync our teleport."
<Kaelan> * Anyata grabs up Null.
<Jackieness> <XX> "I am ready." *moves over to Iceheart*
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart moves to Xx; the shuttle boosts suddenly and throws them all apart into the bac kof the shuttle
<DeathStar> 6* The shuttle flies right at a building
<Jackieness> <XX> "Now?!"
<Kaelan> * Anyata teleports with Null, choosing a nearby location, syncimng witn XX.
<Kaelan> Anyata> "Yes!"
<Jackieness> <XX> *fires her buster into the cockpit of the shuttle before teleporting with Iceheart*
<DeathStar> 6* They all got thrown apart
<DeathStar> 6* The shuttle then does a serious of spins as it flies, trying to keep them that way
<Kaelan> * Anyata uses her Prince of Persia to bounce against the walls and grab Null.
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart makes curses like a sailor as she keeps hitting the various sides form the loops
<DeathStar> 6* Anyata manages to grab Null, being smacked around with her. Iceheart is sitll a few feet from XX
<Jackieness> <XX> *tries to grab Iceheart before doing the faforementioned buster thing*
<Kaelan> * Anyata holds onto Null and continues to bounce, waiting to see if XX grabs Iceheart. If she does, she teleports.
<DeathStar> 6* X X manages to grab Iceheart's boob, who widens her eyes in surprise a moment; XX's buster strikes the cockpit, damaging it. Anyata teleports out
<Jackieness> <XX> *now teleports*
<DeathStar> 6* They all appear in the midsts of the riot, blasts of the maverick guns flying all around; one of the reploid foxes are hit and they stiffren
<Kaelan> * Anyata pulls out her blaster and fires a stun shot for the fox, hoping to knock it out.
<Jackieness> <XX> "Orders?"*lets go of the boob*
<DeathStar> 6* The fox is hit and falls over, her twin wailing and dragging her into the alley
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Destroy the mavericks; get your hands on one of the guns for analysis
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl leaps off a roof top and smashes a maverick into the ground, tearing through them
<Eluere> <Null> Why'd you shoot the fox..?
<Jackieness> <XX> "Finally." *pops her knuckles and moves toward the mavericks with their guns*
<DeathStar> 6* The Maverick Commander walks toward htem, firing away with his arm cannons, blasting vehicles and reploids alike that all turn Maverick moments later. A hovercar zooms at XX
<DeathStar> 6* Three Mavericks with guns fire at XX, hoping to tag her. Iceheart forms her ice shards and moves around, trying to remain to the shadows while Cheryl tears apart her enemies
<Jackieness> <XX> *teleports to evade the blasts, aiming her buster at them from her new position*
<Kaelan> Anyata> "The Commander, if we take him out we can get a gun." *Anyata uses her speed to avoid shots, moving in on the three firing at XX, taking a long way around.
<Eluere> 6Null brings out her saber and revolver, then forms her arm and dashes forward
<DeathStar> 6* The three mavericks look about; the car turns and zooms in at Null
<Eluere> 6Null waits to the last, then springs up over it since cars can swerve, but not jump
<Kaelan> * Anyata rushes at the three with her blades out, then teleports to the opposite side of them and starts Slashing out at them with rapid strikes.
<DeathStar> <Aya on Comms> Everyone; becareful. I can't tell yet but what readings I am getting from the virus - it's not like anything we've seen before. It looks almost like it's thousands of years more advanced than the current generation Maverick virus
<DeathStar> <Aya on Comms> If any of you are tagged, you're done for.
<DeathStar> 6* As if on cue, Kasha the reploid awakens and attacks her twin reploid sister, trying to infect her
<DeathStar> 6* The car swerves after Null jumps into a building, crashing; the three mavericks are slashed apart by Anyata and explode - infected reploids leap out, about 5, from all sides
<Jackieness> <XX> *comm* "They must have received the transmission from the future." *teleports next to one of the mavericks and fires at it point blank*
<DeathStar> 6* trying to tackle her. A maverick sniper fires at XX after she teleports. XX manages to blow up one of the reploids leaping at Anya
<Kaelan> Anyata Comms> <Shit... is it possible they have the future data!?> * She spins from her most recent strike, hurling an energy blade at Maverick Fox*
<DeathStar> 6* Reploid Kasha uses her reploid tails to try to tailenate her sister
<DeathStar> <Aya on Comm> The future you all went to was only a few hundred years from now, not thousands
<Jackieness> <XX> *teleports again, trying to get into a position to fire on Vile*
<DeathStar> 6* The sniper fires another blast as XX teleports again - somewhere from the east. The Commander walks toward Null - he looks to be stronger than any normal Maverick and seems to have no limbs - his hands floating in mid - air from an upper arm
<Kaelan> * Anyata hurls her second blade at one of the remaining of the five who leapt out. Then reforms them on her wrists.
<Jackieness> <XX> *starts rapid teleporting the direction of the origin of the sniper's blasts*
<DeathStar> 6* Reploid Kasha is hit in the back and falls into her sister's arm. No doubt reploid Miyu will try to kill Anya now
<DeathStar> 6* She also destroys the second reploid, but the other three tackle her and begin to blast her in the stomach, forming a hole in her armor
<DeathStar> 6* The Maverick Commander fires his shoulder cannon at Null
<Kaelan> * Anyata uses her Zero Point Strike to slash at the three of them from so close without any momentum. If it at least gets them to back off, she teleports.
<DeathStar> 6* XX soon reaches the east side; she'd see a glint from the rising sun on a water tower. Cheryl meanwhile is ganged up on by a lot of reploids
<DeathStar> 6* Reploid Miyu howls like an enraged fox while Anya destroys the three eploids.
<Jackieness> <XX> *tries to get to the top of the water tower*
<Kaelan> * Anyata teleports over to Cheryl, moving in from behind on the gang, starting to hack and slash, obligated to protect Sera's sister.
<DeathStar> 6* As Anyata hacks and tears apart the reploids, she's stabbed through the back and it intrudes out her stomach. At that moment Iceheart leaps out and takes on two of the reploids and Atay leaps out, slashing at the others on her sister. Cheryl's lost her arm and is bleeding bad
<DeathStar> 6* Null is hit by the shot and sent flying into a car that explodes
<DeathStar> 6 *XX reaches the top of the tower and sees a maverick sniper there, looking for her
<DeathStar> 6* Ash arrives with them to help - he's destroyed 10 seconds later
<Jackieness> <XX> *turns on Speed+ and bumrushes the sniper, trying to put him down*
<Kaelan> * Anyata grunt and looks annoyed more then hurt, going to a knee defensively as she powers her Auto Repair+.
<DeathStar> 6* Atay and Iceheart work to defend Anya from the crowd of reploids that are growing as the mavericks work their way. The Commander picks up Null by the head, her body heavily damaged. Cheryl grips her stump of an arm, looking woozy
<DeathStar> 6* XX bumrushes the sniper who turns a second too late, and both go flying over the side of the tower, doing hang time in mid-air as they begin to fall toward the riotr
<Eluere> 6Null jerks her fist up into an uppercut for his jaw as he does, going to reform her saber after shutting it off
<Jackieness> <XX> *tries grabbing the sniper rifle while trying to punch the sniper in the face*
<Kaelan> Anyata> "We could sure use reinforcements... about now..." *she pants and blasts at reploids with her blaster as the other two fight, she pulls out her spare beam saber to slash with as well, leaving Auto Repair to do it's work*
<DeathStar> 6* The Commander is hit in the jaw and peers back at Null, the peaceful face sneering - it almost looks like a pretty boy face. There' ablue gem in the center of his chest and she'd see he also ha s no real legs either, just hovering
<Eluere> 6Null stabs the blue gem with her saber
<DeathStar> 6* The Commander jerks; the area begins to shimmer and a vortex opens, sucking him and Null in. Aya screams out Null's name as the rift grows, then begins to shrink.
<DeathStar> 6* XX grabs the rifle as the sniper's face jerks; he tries to turn so XX is on the bottom when they hit
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart eyes the rift and rushes for it, leaping in
<Kaelan> Anyata> "A-Again...?" *she frowns, peering at Atay and Cheryl*
<Jackieness> <XX> "Goodbye." *teleports to a rooftop*
<DeathStar> <Atay> ... 6* She eyes Ash's dead body, then peers as Cheryl falls over, not moving. Reploid Miyu leaps out and rips her head off, then claws at Anyata's fae
<DeathStar> *face
<DeathStar> 6* The sniper falls into the rift
<Kaelan> * Anyata blinks and twists, slashing at the girl as she spins back, aiming for a non-vital area.
<DeathStar> <Atay> Anya! 6* She eyes the rift getting smaller and the reploid riot growing.
<DeathStar> 6* Anyata hits Miyu but it doesn't slow the angered reploid fox down; she throws a beam of energy from her tails that hits Atay, blowing her up
<Jackieness> <XX> *comm* "I have captured an enemy weapon. Orders?"
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart doesn't respond, only static now
<Kaelan> * Anyata grabs Atay's body and Cheryl's, using her Speed+ to do this fast, and teleports to XX.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya is too busy calling her name over and over. Anya grabs what remains of her sister, but it's not much. And the headless Cheryl is easily grabbed. Reploid Miyu howls in rage. The rift is now barely big enough to fit in
<Kaelan> Anyata> "We either go through now or get the wounded and the weapon out of here."
<Jackieness> <XX> "Then someone should get the wounded and weapon to safety while the other goes in."
<Kaelan> Anyata> "Go."
<Jackieness> <XX> *holds out the weapon to Anyata* "Then I go."
<Kaelan> * Anyata grabs the weapon and secures it, then uses Teleport+ to bring Atay, Cheryl, and the weapon to base.
<Jackieness> <XX> *teleports into the vortex*
<DeathStar> 6* XX vanishes from sight into the vortex; she finds herself as the camera follows her in a field of green, the smashed body of the sniper next to her. Null and Iceheart are laying to one side
<Jackieness> <XX> *looks artound quickly*
<DeathStar> 6* The rift closes behind her. Iceheart groans and pushes herself up, cursing a bit.
<Eluere> <Null> Nghh...
<DeathStar> 6* She grabs her comm and tries usingi t, but gets only static.
<Jackieness> <XX> "Anyata is moving the wounded to safety. I came after you."
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Wounded? What happened?
<DeathStar> 6* She shifts to help Null up
<Eluere> <Null> The fuck was that vortex..
<Jackieness> <XX> "Cheryl's head was removed and Anya exploded, so wounded was my attempt to not alarm you."
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart makes a face. "How the hell did they get more future tech>?"
<Kaelan> ( Atay, Anya's in one piece)
<DeathStar> 6* Suddenly there's a noise in the sky
<Jackieness> <XX> "I believe we are probably about to find out." *looks upward*
<DeathStar> 6* A large flying ship that looks like it's been slapped together with random parts flies over head, noises popping from the engines that have spinning blades and other archaic things
<DeathStar> 6* Some smoke floats out of one as it descends down toward the distance - at that moment they might notice to the east is nothing but ocean, despite the fact that if they did move through time, they were no where near bodies of water
<DeathStar> *there
<Jackieness> <XX> "...and yet this is still anti-climatic."
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> ... Are we in some sort of past? No. There was no such vehiclesi n the past...another dimension or reality?
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Whatever the case, we should follow where it's headed down - see what we can learn.
<DeathStar> 6* She walks along, stepping on the dead Maverick
<Eluere> <Null> Great... more weird travelling
<Jackieness> <XX> "Also, I captured one of their weapons, so Anyata was carrying that as well." *moves after Iceheart*
<Eluere> <Null> Well, at least there's that..
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> At least there's that, but was it worth the loss? So many Mavericks were made that day. Perhaps that future we saw with the Guardians will come to pass after all.
<Eluere> 6Null taps her ear. 1"Aya? Aya?"
<DeathStar> 6* Static
<Eluere> <Null> Tch. Damn.
<DeathStar> 6* After 30 mins of long traveling, they come over a hill and see a city below - the smoking airship is outside it and near them, having landed with a ramp down. A monkey robot leaps about it
<Jackieness> <XX> "Worth the cost? That entire disaster would have occured whether we were there or not."
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart kneels and watches
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Robots still exist I see.
<Jackieness> <XX> "Perhaps this is the future instead?"
<DeathStar> 6* An old hunched back man with a metal plate on one side of his head walks around the ship, making noises; a blonde haired girl who looks 15 follows, talking
<DeathStar> 6* In some ways the girl looks a bit like XX, though whiter skinned
<DeathStar> 6* Her hair is spikey and she wears a hat and short shorts. She is talking with the man, pointing at the engines and shaking her head
<Eluere> <Null> Um...
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> They look harmless en--- 6* She pauses when a boy in reploid like armor walks down, his face a lot like X's but more youthful and he lacks a helmet. He strodes down, waving empathically and then heads to town, the monkey following
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> ... 6* she tries scanning the boy, but her scan data comes up with errors, as ifthe boy was too advanced
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Ideas? 6* She peers at the two
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Should we approach those two who are human or follow the boy into town?
<Jackieness> <XX> "I do not know."
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart clucks her tongue, then moves off as if to go on her own, heading for town and leaving the two behind
<Jackieness> <XX> *moves after Iceheart*
<DeathStar> -TBC-
Session Close: Tue Dec 06 00:48:46 2011