The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Classic Session 61

Session Start: Wed Jan 16 18:09:10 2013
Session Ident: #ClassSession61
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> 7.1.2240 (intro to follow)
<DeathStar> 6* The Hunter Station, moving slowly to hide it's energy source, has made it's way along the oceans toward what was once the Siberian Zone, where the Russian State is also located. With the 4th Reich now ruling Earth, this particular area has been renamed some ridiculous German name for the cold, depressing area it can become. Likely meaning "freezing your balls off". The Hunter Station, once finding a good place to hide, launched Cassandra's pirate ships, with her captaining them, and Iceheart going along. Here, the ship approaches the shore, with Hawk, Cassandra, wearing a Russian thick coat and hat, peers out with binoculars at the port, it being night and a thick fog rising up from the water. Iceheart, wearing a sexy Russian coat, looks about, her darkish hair with blue lines, fitting her outfit
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina has stayed behind with Aya to work on the Station to enhance it, leaving Chou to come along this go around
<AquaDerp> *Teddy is a bear, he wears an ushanka though
<kalonZombie> 6*Pip stayed behind with Kat and Aya. Ash, however, looks like a mighty russian man right now
<Seraphna> * Seraphna wears a skin tight tact suit under a rather fetching Russian coat, her features made up to accentuate an aryan Russian ancestry. While Elayne has put on a russian outfit as well, dressed warmly and covering up.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy lies about, a bear
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> We have to find where Uplink is, so we can learn from where him what happened with Ire's operation
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Might be where he was with his brother.
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Any easy way of doing that or should I make a giant trap with a broken circuitboard to lure him in?"
<Jackieness> <XX> "I miss the warm sun already." *pulls her coat more tightly around herself as she moves across the deck*
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> We have a location to try first, then we'll try Teddy's idea. First, we need to dock safely.
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Russian winter is best, seperates week from strong.
<AquaDerp> *week-weak
<DeathStar> 6* The ship pulls into the harbor; Cassandra motions and Hawk struggles, throwing the anchor over into the water. Nazis in coats wait as Cassandra's women, all in russian coats put the plank over and they march up. "Vhere are your papers, comrades?"
<kalonZombie> <Ash> ...You would say that, Ted.
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra pulls out the premade papers and hands them over.
<Seraphna> * Seraphna and Elayne wait quietly.
<DeathStar> <Nazi> A bear? That is most unusual. *they peer at Teddy* There is no Russian bear to our knowledge.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy speaks in russian
<DeathStar> <Nazi> Anyone can program a reploid bear to speak Russian. Is like making a talking war horse.
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra looks angry at them talking about her papa like her; she eyes Ash, her momma
<Seraphna> Seraphna> *in a Russian Accent* Surely you've heard of the great Siberian Grizzlies. He is tribute.
<Nyaomi> 6Null sticks with Chou-- decidedly not russian and at best a pale asian.
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Dah.
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Yes. He is mighty, like Siberia.
<DeathStar> <Nazi> You're hearing this? Siberian Grizzlies? Ha ha. *the two Nazis laugh*
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Siberia ich mighty
<DeathStar> <Cassandra> Perhaps you'd be willing to see him fight later? He is a great champion. *she leans against Teddy, hugging him protectively. The two Nazis take it she's Teddy's woman and blink* <Nazi> Oh? He's here for the boxing competition? That should be great fun. We're looking forward to that; what is your boxing name, "comrade"?
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Ted Stanin
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> *whisper* You couldn't think of a better name? Like The Russian Bearsky? *she jokes*
<Seraphna> Elayne> "His stage title is ze Great Russian Bearski."
<DeathStar> <Nazi> Alright, Ted Stanin, we'll see you there
<AquaDerp> *Teddy nods to them
<DeathStar> 6* they move off, laughing
<DeathStar> <Chou> So, Teddy's now going to box?
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Why not? He'd make a good boxer.
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Beinen. Bearki isn't a word.
<DeathStar> <Hawk> He's a bear, surely he'd win, right? <Iceheart> They might put real bears in there
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Pft, my Teddy can take on any stupid real bear."
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Yeah he could.
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Dah.
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Just be careful of any kangaroos though.
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra keeps hugging Teddy's arm
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Those guys are jerks.
<Jackieness> <XX> "I thought they had dancing bears on unicycles in Russia..."
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "The Kangaroos are my loyal soldiers. I beat them in combat and they made me chief."
<DeathStar> <Hawk> You know, ma'am, people might get the wrong idea the way you're hugging him--- *Cassandra punches him into the icy water without looking his way*
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Lets move on
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Sera, I'm talking about REAL Kangaroos. Like Jackie Lee.
<Jackieness> <XX> "Should we not fish him out before something cold related happens to him?
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart leads them down the plank as Hawk gargles, trying to pull himself up
<AquaDerp> *Teddy picks up Cass and puts her on his shoulder
<DeathStar> <Hawk> Cold...
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "I'll be their chief too."
<Seraphna> * Elayne sighs and tosses him a line.
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash follows Iceheart
<DeathStar> 6* Hawk grabs it
<Jackieness> <XX> *walks down the plank*
<Seraphna> * Elayne uses a pulley system to tug him up, subtly using TK to help it, while SEraphna follows the others.
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra crosses her legs as she rides Teddy's shoulder. Chou follows, peering at Null
<DeathStar> <Chou> I hear sex warms you up; want to stay on the boat?
<AquaDerp> *Teddy is stoic in his ushanka, following Sera
<DeathStar> 6* Hawk shivers once on land. "J-Just trying to be helkpful--- j-jeeze, daddy issues mu-much..."
<Seraphna> * Seraphna stretches a bit and sighs, cold with her lack of Johnny.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy eyes Hawk and growls at him
<kalonZombie> <Ash> ...Hawk, stupid thing to say around Teddy.
<DeathStar> <Hawk> Right, I'll just throw myself back in.
<Seraphna> * Elayne tosses a blanket around him. "Sometimes it's best not to comment."
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Apologize.
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* Traveling the dark streets of the city, they'd find it's different like London, Nazi symbols all over, and many Russian statues now gone, like the one of Slasher posing nude in a thinking manner. With bare lighting, they can move easily, and a light snow falls, giving Hawk's nice trim beard an icy appearance after two jumps in the water.
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart walks along, looking more powered up than usual here.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy narrows his eyes at all of the Nazi propaganda
<DeathStar> 6* She peers about, pointing toward a rundown apartment building. "There."
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra hops down from Teddy'as shoulder, adjusting her long coat
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash follows her, dressed warmly with one of those awesome hats
<DeathStar> <Cassandra> Some of us should stay out here and keep an eye out for patrols. *She moves toward an alley
<Seraphna> * Seraphna and Elayne head that way.
<DeathStar> <Hawk> Staying outside
<AquaDerp> *Teddy fixes his ushanka and moves for the apartment building
<DeathStar> 6* Hawk follows
<Seraphna> * Elayne considers, looking to Sera.
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart crosses the streets toward the apartment building; Chou follows
<Seraphna> Elayne> "I'll stay outside too."
<Seraphna> * Elayne falls in with Hawk while Seraphna continues on.
<Jackieness> <XX> *heads for the apartment building*
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash heads along as well, since they've got enough watchouts
<AquaDerp> *Teddy moves inside
<Nyaomi> 6NUll follows Chou inside
<Nyaomi> <Null> Were you offering yourself for sex, Chou?
<DeathStar> <Chou> Yes. I'm trying to steal you away from the blonde every day; I think we're better compatible.
<DeathStar> 6* Chou offers her a smile, adjusting her pink hair
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart looks around the stairway, looking broken down, some steps looking ready to break if too much weight is on them - she move along the first floor instead toward the officer manager's door and tries to open it, finding it locked
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Bearram
<Jackieness> <XX> "Inhospital."
<Seraphna> * Seraphna paces herself so Teddy takes the stairs on his own.
<Jackieness> --inhospitable
<AquaDerp> *Teddu nods, moving up the stairs carefully
<Nyaomi> <Null> Compatible how?
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash moves up carefully after Teddy, making sure there isn't too much weight on them as he does so
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart eyes them going up trhe stairs
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> I---
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Wait up."
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Teddy, the door first."
<DeathStar> 6* She blinks, standing in front of the office manager's door she wanted rammed open on the first floor - the stairs, being so weak, break despite being carefully walked up
<DeathStar> 6* And Teddy is stuck
<AquaDerp> *Teddy blinks
<Jackieness> <XX> "And he looks stuck."
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Is stuck.
<kalonZombie> <Ash> That's one stuck bear.
<Jackieness> <XX> "And he confirms my observation."
<DeathStar> <Chou> I like you, you like me, we're reploids, we'll live together forever if we're careful. I get you, you get me. I'll do anything for you. You've done a lot for me
<AquaDerp> *Teddy tries to wiggle his way out carefully
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart studies the side of the stairs, forms her ice and freezes them, then shatters the side so Teddy can wreck his way out to the right onto the first floor
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> I forgot you all could drive a person to lose her mind for 15 years.
<Jackieness> <XX> "In the meantime, I can try kicking in the door."
<AquaDerp> *Teddy rushes to move into the first floor
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Do so
<DeathStar> 6* Teddy frees himself.
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Mmm. I've found pointing things out directly works."
<DeathStar> 6* ICeheart is looking around, to see if the sound alerted anyone else
<Jackieness> <XX> *moves over and tries kicking in the manager's door*
<AquaDerp> *Teddy sights happily
<Nyaomi> <Null> You're serious...
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart points at Seraphna's breasts
<DeathStar> (*Teddy rams them*)
<DeathStar> <Chou> Very.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy blinks at Iceheart
<DeathStar> <ICeheart> Just curious if you'd all attack them if I did that
<AquaDerp> Teddy> What about my mother's breasts?"
<Seraphna> * Seraphna blinks a bit.
<DeathStar> 6* XX kicks it loose, so one more hit would knock it in
<kalonZombie> <Ash> I'd do something to them if John and Elwyn wouldn't kill me.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy deadpans at Ash
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart raises a brow at Ash, moving to walk back past the stairs to XX, still giving her room
<DeathStar> 6* Chou gives her an innocent smile like she used to have, perhaps timid still in some ways despite 15 years of hardship
<Jackieness> <XX> *gives it another kick*
<DeathStar> 6* The door shatters open and Iceheart pushes it in; inside is a run down looking manager's office. Various rusted keys to the rooms can be seen, a bed and broken holovid
<Seraphna> * Seraphna rubs her head. "I swear I didn't program that in."
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Suuuuuuuuure you didn't.
<DeathStar> 6* A bookshelf with old books based on the latest engineering tech and whatnot
<DeathStar> 6* The name of the manager, U. Linkee is seen
<Jackieness> <XX> "Looks like this place has not been managed in a while."
<DeathStar> 6* The only thing new is the rug on the floor
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "I didn't. There was the little incident where John fucked me into the console I was working on your AI though."
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Looks like Uplink has been here.
<kalonZombie> <Ash> ...Wasn't he also fucking you when you were inputting my name?
<Nyaomi> <Null> It won't be possible. Not like that.
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Just... how many times did he fuck you into that concole?
<DeathStar> 6* Chou looks away, hiding her hurt expression with her long hair
<Seraphna> * Seraphna peers down and points out the rung. "Door going down?"
<DeathStar> <Chou> Oh.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy pulls the rug away
<DeathStar> 6* The floor is seen.
<Jackieness> <XX> "Never that easy."
<Seraphna> * Seraphna sighs. "Maybe not, look it over carefully." *she eyes the rug*
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart kneels and runs her hand along the floor
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> ... ... unevne
<AquaDerp> *Teddy eyes the floor, knocking on it in places
<DeathStar> 6* Teddy would after a bit hear a slight clank of a hidden latch. Iceheart shifts her fingers and pulls, getting the latch to pull up, then yanks the trap door open, revealing a set of stairs going down
<Nyaomi> <Null> I love Aya. I won't just leave her.
<DeathStar> 6* Chou nods. "Alright. Fair enough; I hope she doesn't break your heart."
<DeathStar> 6* She moves into the room after the others
<AquaDerp> *Teddy eyes the stairs "Will not fit."
<Jackieness> <XX> "The rub is a giveaway though. The false floor was itself more effective."
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Hrm, down the rabbit hole then, Teddy can go last."
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart walks down
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash follows Iceheart
<Jackieness> <XX> "Just in case he gets stuck again, of course." *heads down**
<Seraphna> * SEraphna walks down.
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Note to sell, install shrinking teddy feature in next upgrade."
<Nyaomi> <Null> I hope so too, Chou. But please don't speak ill of her." 6She huffs. 1"You're both so jealous. But even still, I don't let her speak ill of you."
<AquaDerp> *Teddy moves down after everyone goes down
<DeathStar> 6* Chou nods quietly, moving downward
<DeathStar> 6* Teddy's body gets partially stuck, so Chou grabs his legs and yanks him down, causing a rolling teddy to roll down the stairs. Iceheart and the othrs, reaching the bottom, find a large open area full of people who are aiming weapons -a and technology and terminals set up with monitors. Uplink is trying to convince them who they are when a Teddy ball is heading their way
<DeathStar> <uplink> Waa ah!
<DeathStar> <Men> It's an attack!
<DeathStar> 6* Chou is rolled along with Teddy
<Jackieness> <XX> "Wha?!" *knocked ove rby the Teddy Ball!*
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart facepalms and makes an icewall
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Nyet, is friends! *Teddy raises up his hands
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Well this is already going swimmingly...
<DeathStar> 6* The teddy ball, now with XX, slams into the icewall, coming to a cracking stop
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> See? The ball is a friend
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Please, do these boobs say attack? ...Well okay that's in debate but..."
<AquaDerp> *Teddy winces, shaking himself off
<DeathStar> 6* Uplink flails. "Listen to me."
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Up. Relax."
<DeathStar> 6* The resistance lowers their guns. "These people are the Hunters. That is Iceheart." 6* They pause and flail, putting their weapons away."
<AquaDerp> *Teddy blinks "Uplink you are talking!"
<Jackieness> <XX> "Teddy... dear... I say this sincerely but... this situation is annoying."
<Nyaomi> 6Null offers a hand to Chou
<DeathStar> <Uplink> Da. aBeen taking lessons1
<DeathStar> 6* Hen ervously looks at the ground
<DeathStar> 6* Chou, hair all messed up, takes it, then looks away at the ground
<AquaDerp> *Teddy claps and hugs Uplink "Is good!"
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "It's nice to see you've grown, Uplink."
<DeathStar> 6* Uplink das and claps back
<DeathStar> <Uplink> Also Uplink love
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Heya Uplink.
<Nyaomi> <Null> Do you have to 'steal me away' from her?
<DeathStar> 6* He pulls out a picture and holds it up of a terminal. "She 'talk dirty' as you say." *he blushes*
<DeathStar> 6* Chou looks at Null. "She's not going to share you."
<DeathStar> <Chou> And I don't blame her. I wouldn't either
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Neat.
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Congrats man.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy blinks and claps "Congratulations!"
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Should we call the others in?"
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart opens and closes her mouth. The terminal speaks up, in a GlaDos tone. "If we are done talking about me, you bad boy, we should get down to business - so we can have alone time later. Doing tests."
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Hello!
<Jackieness> <XX> "...that is all kinds of fucked up."
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Hello miss computer lady.
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Better to have them outside in case something goes wrong. <Uplink> Da? Others? <Iceheart> ACross the street. <Uplink> We have Shalia hooked up to sensors around this area. Is safe. <Iceheart> Better to have them outside. <Shalia> You do not trust my data? *The terminal asks in a quiet purr*
<Nyaomi> <Null> You might be surprised what a little trust and time can do.
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> I just like real people on the ground to react in case of trouble
<Nyaomi> 6Null eyes Chou. 1"It sure did change you."
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "They can keep things busy too." *she nods*
<DeathStar> <Chou> Yes.... *She turns to focus on the things, hiding her face*
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> What happened to Ire? <Uplink> Oh, oh.... that... *He fidgets*
<DeathStar> 6* He begins to pace
<kalonZombie> <Ash> I dunno guys... I think Shalia's legit.
<DeathStar> <Uplink> Da da...... <Shalia> What did we say about regressing
<DeathStar> <Uplink> *freezes* Nyet, nyet on regressing. *He looks at the others, adjusting his glasses*
<AquaDerp> *Teddy plops onto the ground, looking at Uplink
<Seraphna> * Seraphna nods to him.
<DeathStar> <Uplink> As know, Ire has problems due to brains going splat.
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Dah.
<Jackieness> <XX> "And?"
<DeathStar> <Uplink> Anyway, investigating Senreich's location - and trying to find Wind's location. Lots of high up Nazis going to be at boxing match comning up. Big tournament. Ire was trying to see if he could bug their vehicles as they came into their hotels. Not come back. Left yesterday. Not sure what to do
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Hmmm...
<AquaDerp> Teddy>.... I have in on tournament.
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Well... Teddy's in the boxing tournament.
<DeathStar> <Uplink> Have in? *Adjusts glasses* Explain
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Will box
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> You technically don't, Teddy.
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> You told two guards you WERE going to box to get by - that's not the same as being on the list
<AquaDerp> *Teddy rises "Will enter myself.
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Then we'll get an in."
<DeathStar> <Uplink> This is highly exclusive.
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Everyone likes a surprise show, it's good entertainment."
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Am bear, make good sport for Nazi boxers.
<DeathStar> <Chou> Uh, not to rain on your parade. But isn't Teddy well known to the higher up Nazis? How many Hunter Bears are there?
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Will fight for the Motherland.
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Disguise.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy pushes his hair up into a mohawk
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Put a hat on him. They'll never tell.
<Jackieness> <XX> *facepalms*
<AquaDerp> *Teddy nods in approval of himself
<DeathStar> <Shalia> Believe it or not, there is a reploid bear on the tournament list. If you defeat him and take his place, and looks, this could work
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Dah, that too.
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Could be doable. We'd need a location."
<DeathStar> 6* Shalia flashes his location on the screen, and his face.
<DeathStar> (*the bear has a top hat, and monocle*)
<kalonZombie> <Ash> ...That bear has a top hat!
<AquaDerp> *Teddy looks at the bear;s face
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "...It's... a classy Bear."
<DeathStar> 6* The bear looks like a mean Russian bear, and irony, is called the Russian Bearsky
<DeathStar> 6* Clearly a play on words by his programmer
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> You know I was joking about that name
<Jackieness> <XX> "Looks like its already taken."
<DeathStar> 6* There's a scar over his right eye to make him meaner, and a thick mustache
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Don't worry, I know his pattern. Ted, you just need to punch the bottle out of his hand before he drinks from it.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy blinks "Will replace this Russian Bearsky."
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "I can change his looks with some scrap metal and paint."
<AquaDerp> *Teddy nods
<DeathStar> <Chou> Do we know who made him?
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Let's see... it should be on his serial description..." *she peers for it*
<DeathStar> <Shalia> His programmer actually died 10 years ago. Some Russian man was beaten by a bear 15 years ago and vowed revenge, so he made his own
<DeathStar> <Shalia> Since then, Bearsky has entered tournaments, to get stronger
<Jackieness> <XX> "...what type of stupid revenge is that?"
<AquaDerp> *Teddy blinks
<Seraphna> * Seraphna sniffs. "A story of a true fighter."
<DeathStar> 6* Chou eyes Seraphna slowly
<DeathStar> <Chou> ....
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Dah, truly honorable.
<kalonZombie> <Ash> ...
<Seraphna> * Seraphna rubs an eye.
<DeathStar> <Chou> People like you make bears...
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Hey Shalia, are there any kangaroos in this tournament?
<DeathStar> <Shalia> Uplink, you are not to associate with these people after this mission. They are strange.
<DeathStar> <Uplink> D-Da.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy blinks
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "I'm a thirty foot tall lizard with fur and wings, and you question my making bears."
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<kalonZombie> <Ash> ANd I was built by her.
<DeathStar> 6* Arriving at the location of the Great Bearsky, they find he's been set up in a building close to where the tournament will be held - it's a building for the fighters and their friends/servants. A tall building still in good shape, with a large Nazi symbol on the outside, there's many rooms and windows, and Nazi guards outside it, guarding it, but Shalia and Uplink have found a weakness in the guard patterns. A tall brick wall goes around the building, so the patrols guard only the entrance heavily, and walk around the building occassionally, so the team only needs to go around to the west side, near the fire escape, and climb up to the 5th floor, get in, and find room 7
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra studies the front gate as they arrive in a van provided, marked on the outside as a night service vehicle
<AquaDerp> *Teddy waits inside
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "So we get the rate at which the patrol passes and send people up accordingly."
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash is with Cassandra
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra lowers her binoculars.
<DeathStar> <Cassandra> Should be safe now to head around to the west side
<DeathStar> <Cassandra> Lets go
<AquaDerp> *Teddy nods
<DeathStar> 6* She gets out and moves for the building; Hawk remains in the van to keep it warm
<AquaDerp> *Teddy follows her
<DeathStar> 6* Chou hops out and walks along in her coat and Iceheart moves with her, wearing only a thin coat now, enjoying the cold
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash follows Cassandra
<Seraphna> * Seraphna and Elayne move out with them.
<Jackieness> <XX> *heads along to the west side with the others*
<DeathStar> 6* As they move along the high wall, about 15 feet tall, Cassandra marks the paces and stops, climbs on top of Teddy, and leaps off his shoulders on top of the wall, lowering a thick metal ladder and secures it, peers over and nods that it's clear and leaps over; the ladder not visible on the other side
<AquaDerp> *Teddy stands there to help people over
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash leaps over with Teddy's help, following her
<DeathStar> 6* Chou uses the metal ladder
<DeathStar> 6* She flips over and lands
<Seraphna> * Seraphna follows suit after Chou.
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart uses Teddy and climbs over, leaping
<Seraphna> * Elayne follows after.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy tries to climb up
<DeathStar> 6* The ladder holds Teddy's weight, tested for him
<Jackieness> <XX> *goes up and over*
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra signals for Teddy to take the ladder with him
<AquaDerp> *Teddy takes the ladder with him
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra, Iceheart, and Chou slowly move up the fire escape to the 5th floor
<AquaDerp> *Teddy tries to follow them
<Nyaomi> 6Null scales the ladder after them
<Seraphna> * Sera and Elayne do likewise. Trying to keep quiet.
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash moves up the ladder, moving silently
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra peers down the 5th floor through the window up the top, then opens it and climbs inside; Iceheart and Chou follow. The lights are dim, to save power, butr it's nice inside, with Russian carpets and wall paper
<DeathStar> 6* A portrait of Senreich is hung up, looking more human than corpse like. He stares at you with those eyes
<Seraphna> * Sera and Elayne slip in after them.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy tries to climb into the window
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash helps Teddy in
<Jackieness> <XX> *climbs in through the window*
<Seraphna> Elayne> "Never liked those eyes." *she whispers*
<DeathStar> 6* The eyes glare
<kalonZombie> <Ash> ...I think the painting heard you, sis. 6*He whispers
<DeathStar> 6* Chou sets herself up to guard the stairs
<DeathStar> 6* She looks down toward the fourth floor incase anything goes wrong
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra whispers to TEddy. "What room, dad?"
<AquaDerp> *Teddy moves for room 7
<AquaDerp> Teddy> 7
<AquaDerp> *Teddy whispers
<DeathStar> 6* She stands beside it, ready; Iceheart on the other side
<Jackieness> <XX> *moves to one side of the door*
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> On 3. 1---2... <Cassandra> 1, 2, 3, go or 1, 2, -- 3 go?
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> The.... latter
<AquaDerp> *Teddy nods "Is good to be thorough
<Seraphna> * Seraphna nods and ges ready with Elayne.
<DeathStar> <ICeheart> 1..... 2.......
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash gets ready
<AquaDerp> *Teddy goes to all 4
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> 3. *Cassandra opens the door for Teddy to charge in*
<AquaDerp> *Teddy charges in
<DeathStar> 6* The Russian Bearsky turns as he charges in, drinking vodka from a bottle, and roars, throwing it into a wall and turns, claws extgending to 2 feet and charges at Teddy*
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra and Iceheart rush in afrter him, splitting up side to side so others can come in
<Seraphna> * Elayne and Seraphna shift in, doing similar, Elayne trying to TK hold to slow the Russian down.
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash rushes in, pulling out his spear
<AquaDerp> *Teddy pounces at the RB, going for his throat
<Jackieness> <XX> *moves into the room, giving an intense glare*
* AquaDerp has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<DeathStar> 6* The Russian is slowed, roaring in protest, and his throat is bit, even as he punctures Teddy in the side with claws
* AquaDerp has joined #ClassSession61
<DeathStar> 6* The Russian is slowed, roaring in protest, and his throat is bit, even as he punctures Teddy in the side with claws
<AquaDerp> *Teddy whines, tearing at his throat more
<Seraphna> * Seraphna grumbles at the noise and peers back out the door as Elayne tries to keep her hold.
<DeathStar> 6* The bear kicks him off, his throat bleeding fluids. He slashes at Teddy's face, scratching his right eye
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra makes a face, drawing her staff
<Seraphna> * Elayne tries exerting the hold to make the Russian stumble.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy growls going low and tacking at him towards the wall
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart freezes the bear's arms to slow him down. He howls at the injustice of them ganging up on him and he stumbles forward, being tackled into a wall, cracking it
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash rushes in, trying to slash at bear's legs.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy bites into his throat again, trying to tear it out
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Surrender and stand down, and we'll give you a fair fight later."
<AquaDerp> *Teddy blinks and stops mid tear
<DeathStar> 6* The bear's legs are slashed, more fluids leaking. He slashes at Ash, but is bit again, his throat being torn out as he bleeds out. He stumbles, trying to say something in Russian.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy listens
<Seraphna> * Seraphna holds up a hand. "Repeat that."
<DeathStar> <Bearsky> <Dishonorable...yankees....>
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash stops attacking
<DeathStar> 6* He falls over
<kalonZombie> <Ash> ...We can repair him, right?
<AquaDerp> *Teddy makes a face <Am not yankee>
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart freezes him before his core can explode
<AquaDerp> Teddy> <Am russian.> *Teddy huffs
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> We have a ticking timebomb---
<DeathStar> 6* She pauses when Chou runs in and shutas the door
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Oh what now?
<DeathStar> <Chou> Nazis are heading for this room - they heard the noise. We have to hide the bear
<DeathStar> 6* Chou points at Bearsky
<Jackieness> <XX> "Where?"
<DeathStar> 6* She looks around
<Nyaomi> <Null> Uh-- where do we hide a bear?
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "I can, yes." *she moves over, pullin out a restraining bolt and other things made for imprisoning a reploid* "I can likely put it on hold. Get a large sheet."
<DeathStar> 6* There's a side room
<kalonZombie> <Ash> ...I could always try my subspace.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy blinks, getting into his boxing gear "In the fridage."
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Side room. Now." *seh secures him and looks to Teddy*
<kalonZombie> <Ash> I'd have to dump out everything else.
<Jackieness> <XX> *checks the side room*
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphna acn't get the bolt on him due to the ice
<DeathStar> 6* There's a bathroom here and a tub
<kalonZombie> 6*He moves to help push him into the bathroom
<Seraphna> * Seraphna grumbles. "This is gonna be difficult locking him. Get him in the tub, Teddy, quick disguise."
<Jackieness> <XX> "Tub."
<AquaDerp> *Teddy nods, doing his best to look like the Bearsky
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra and Chou help push him into the bathroom, then try to flip the block of ice into the tub
<DeathStar> <Chou> Please don't melt and explode, please don't melt and explode while we're here
<Seraphna> * Seraphna takes the top hat and puts it on him.
<DeathStar> (There is no top hat)
<DeathStar> (I did that in query)
<Seraphna> * Nevermind then
<AquaDerp> *Teddy tosses his Ushank away
<Seraphna> * Seraphna hands Elayne the stuff and she nods, shifting inside.
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Thick mustache and he already has a scar now on his face
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash shifts inside as well
<AquaDerp> *Teddy puts on the fake mustache
<DeathStar> 6* knocking on door
<DeathStar> <Nazi> Bearsky, open up
<Seraphna> * Seraphna helps him apply it fast. Then shifts aside.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy moves to answer it "Dah?"
<DeathStar> 6* Chou and Cassandra moves into the bathroom to hide
<Jackieness> <XX> *moves to hide as well*
<DeathStar> 6* Icehearat follows as TEddy just opens the door
<AquaDerp> *Teddy stands in the doorway
<DeathStar> 6* The Nazis peer into the room, eyheing the broken things
<DeathStar> <Nazi> What happened here
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Was warming up.
<DeathStar> <Nazi> Quit breaking stuff, Bearsky.
<AquaDerp> Teddy> Sorry, am bear.
<DeathStar> 6* They grunt at the answer and turn, moving off
<Nyaomi> 6Null finds a place in the ceiling too
<AquaDerp> *Tedy closes the door
<DeathStar> 6* The three exit the bathroom
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Well, that was close - now to get this frozen bear out of the building before he explodes
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> You'll have to stay here, TEddy, until the tournament. We'll decide who's not famous and can stay with you
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "If I could get through the ice, I could put a restraint bolt on him to stop it."
<AquaDerp> *Teddy nods, sitting "Can Cass stay?"
<Jackieness> <XX> "How do we get him out?"
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Right. Well... I think they have teleportation detectors, so me just popping it out is out.
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Hawk can be your manservant. <Cassandra> I might bne known as a pirate. I'll check to see how infamous I am
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> A restraint bolt isn't going to stop an explosoding core
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Make sure you actually make Hawk work for once, Ted.
<AquaDerp> *Teddy nods
<Seraphna> * Seraphna frowns. "There's got to be a way to stop the core from going."
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> I'll think of something; leave it to me
<DeathStar> 6* She says in a tone that Bearsky is her's to deal with
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Were we in a proper lab several, but hrm..."
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Fine."
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart moves to have everyone help her drag Bearsky out into the hallway, with Chou keeping an eye out
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Alright.
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Let's get out of here and with the Bearsky then."
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* Once back at Uplink's....
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart has put Bearsky on ice somewhere else. Uplink looks up what he can on each of their wanted levels
<DeathStar> <Uplink> Da, da...let me see... let me see...
<Nyaomi> 6Null taps her foot.
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash leans against a wall
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "We're supposed to be dead, so I'd be surprised... but..."
<DeathStar> <Uplink> Cassandra should be okay to stay with Teddy. Lady in White is wanted, not her, and she hides her face.
<kalonZombie> <Ash> If Cass is fine I should be too.
<DeathStar> <Uplink> The rest of you, if you go showing your face, nyet...bad idea. Not wanted right now but red flag.
<DeathStar> <Uplink> *he looks at Ash* You, taking change, but if you want to risk, your neck. And their's.
<DeathStar> *chance
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Fair enough. I won't risk it.
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Sometimes I wish our enemies would be good little villains and assume their dastardly plans go accordingly."
<Jackieness> <XX> "Especially if Senreich or any of his original officers are going to be there..."
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Original? That would be an epic feat, he likes killing them."
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "He's like the Nazi version of Darth Vader."
<Jackieness> <XX> "Well, you know what I mean... hey remember that time that I convinced one of them that they had been ordered to retreat?"
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Poor man was probably slaughtered."
<DeathStar> 6* Uplink looks like he has something to say, shifting side to side
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Yes dear?"
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Yes Uplink?
<DeathStar> <uplink> Think I find Ire. Da.
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Where? Alive?"
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Well... Zombied, at any rate."
<DeathStar> <Uplink> Wears disguise; might have been arrested and Nazis not know who they have. While disguised, goes under Varrick Mikael. Name popped up in arrest records finally few hours ago
<DeathStar> <Uplink> If nazi police learn who he is, bad. Nyet. Nyetr...
<kalonZombie> <Ash> ...Rescue mission time?
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "That'd put everything on alert."
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "It may be prudent to wait till after the fight. If you think we can afford to wait, of course."
<DeathStar> <Chou> So what do you plan to do, nothing?
<DeathStar> <Uplink> Nyet, nyet, bad, bad, if learn...
<DeathStar> 6* He paces
<DeathStar> 6* Chou makes a face at Seraphna and walks off
<Seraphna> * Seraphna thinks. "Is there a way we can do it quietly? Hack an ordered transfer?"
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Chou, a little less judging and more waiting to actually let me finish a thought please."
<DeathStar> <Uplink> For nobody? Seem strange. Also possibility of leaving trail.
<Seraphna> * Seraphna frowns. "Okay, we can't leave him, and there doesn't seem to be a choice to doing it quietly. So we'll have to risk it."
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Rescue mission time
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "All the same, we should cloak our faces and identities."
<Nyaomi> <Null> Chou, come here
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash puts on glasses. Perfect disguise. Superman says so.
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "What info can we get about where he's being held?"
<DeathStar> 6* Chou walks over
<Jackieness> <XX> "Seraphna, you can still alter reploid faces?"
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "To an extent, it'll be a bit of a messy job with the tools here."
<DeathStar> 6* Uplink brings up pictures - it looks like your typical police station, only Nazified.
<DeathStar> <Uplink> Um, was once Russian police station, now not. Patrols area near where the boxing tournamant is, da. So Ire must not have been caught doing spy things against officals, da.
<Jackieness> <XX> "You previously made me look like an Asian schoolgirl when I needed a different face."
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "If we knew what cell he was in we could try the same trick they tried on us in the past. Blow it and make it look like he was killed, taking him at the same time."
<DeathStar> <Uplink> Um, he is likely in cell with many others. Crowded station
<DeathStar> 6* Uplink nods mumbling. "Dozens in cells at any given time."
<Seraphna> * Seraphna grumbles. "Always difficult."
<Seraphna> * Seraphna looks at the others. "Any ideas?"
<kalonZombie> <Ash> What? You expect an easy mission?
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> *walks in* wouldn't that be a good thing? Prison break
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Why focus on one man when you can just cause mass manic
<DeathStar> *panic
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Start a prison riot? Awesome.
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Iceheart you are like... my favorite lady right now.
<Jackieness> <XX> "Should we then pass out shivs?"
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Good idea. Now we just need to figure out how to get in without anyone noticing and start a riot."
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> I was a terrorist
<DeathStar> 6* She shrugs
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Doesn't matter. You're awesome. Plus, I'm a pirate.
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Get yourselves arrested if needbe. Perablely osmeone lowkey
<Jackieness> <XX> "With the proper disguises, some could let themselves be arrested within the jurisdiction served by the station."
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Someone you can smuggle the key ingredients in
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Well I do have subspace...
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Then the rest of us show up outside
<Seraphna> * Seraphna peers at Ash and Null. "So someone with subspace."
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Null is higher key than Ash
<kalonZombie> <Ash> I'll do it.
<Seraphna> * Seraphna nods. "Alright, let's prepare the ingredients and get Ash arrested."
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> there you go; I'd suggest, Ash, pissing on an officer while being drunk
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "I'll rework his face and anyone else who wants."
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> That will get you thrown right in
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Not every day your mother condones getting arrested.
<Seraphna> * Elayne giggles.
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Can I even get drunk>
<DeathStar> <ICeheart> Oh yes.
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Quite.
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Awesome.
<Jackieness> <XX> "Be sure to urinate publicly."
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Just turn off on your brain pattrern these sensors
<Nyaomi> 6NUll rubs her neck
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Pattern 4GB..3DC..
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> And there you go.
<Seraphna> Seraphna> *quietly looks over at Chou*
<DeathStar> <Chou> What is it, Null?
<DeathStar> 6* She looks at her quietly
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash turns them off and wobbles
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Woah
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> You have to drink first
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Newbies.
<Seraphna> * Elayne giggles.
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart moves off
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Got any vodka or whatever around here?
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "Back up booze is in Teddy... Null, got anything stowed in your subspace?"
<DeathStar> 6* Uplink slams down huge bottles of vodka
<DeathStar> <Uplink> DA!
<Seraphna> Elayne> "We're in Russia. How hard could it be to find vod..."
<Seraphna> Elayne> "Niiiice."
<AquaDerp> (lol)
<DeathStar> 6* They say 80% pure vodka
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> ... turn on 3DC...
<kalonZombie> <Ash> ... Alright.
<kalonZombie> 6*He turns it back on and then starts on getting drunk
<Nyaomi> <Null> I don't keep things like that in subspace..
<Seraphna> * Seraphna sighs a bit and has a little herself. "Now... who's ready for a good old fashioned prisonbreak?"
<DeathStar> <Chou> I am.
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> Delightfully
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Whoo! Prison riot!
<DeathStar> <Iceheart> I wonder if Ire has become a hardened man in his time.
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart turns. "Plus I hear women who come out of prison always need comforting."
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "...BECOME a hardened man?"
<DeathStar> <ICeheart> Russian prison changes you even more.
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "You're inferring that he was a soft man ever in his life."
<DeathStar> 6* She notes with twinkle
<DeathStar> 6* Uplink whimpers at the idea of IRe being even more hard and drinks his vodka too
<Jackieness> <XX> "Oh, don't forget to not bend over while inside."
<DeathStar> <Chou> Yeah. Don't drop the soap, Ash *She pats his back*
<Seraphna> Elayne> "Imagine if he's so hard that it actually softened him."
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart smiles softly, though it's clear she's hiding something through her jokes when it comes to prison as she walks out
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Please, like I'll even be in there long enough to need soap.
<Jackieness> <XX> "Sodomy doesn't take very long."
<Seraphna> * Seraphna drinks a bit more, something bothers her about prison too.
<Seraphna> Seraphna> "At least you're not going to Hell..."
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* Ash is left alone in the street. Up ahead, two Nazi police officers can be seen
<kalonZombie> 6*He wanders over to them, stumbling a bit
<DeathStar> 6* They eye him in annoyance, moving over with their batons
<DeathStar> <Nazi> Public drunkeness...
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Heeeeeeey...
<kalonZombie> <Ash> I really gotta pee now...
<DeathStar> <Nazi> *he leans forward* I suggest you hold it in, boy. I'm talking to you, Russian pig
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Sorry. Caaaaan't.
<kalonZombie> 6*He pulls it out and pees on the Nazi
<DeathStar> <Nazi> .... *they look at themselves, then him* Big mistake. *they hit him with the batons until he falls, handcuffing him*
<DeathStar> -END-
<Nyaomi> lol ending on Ash getting beaten up
<DeathStar> Session 61: The Russian Bearsky. Next time, 62: I'll Box You For That Information
<AquaDerp> LOL
Session Close: Wed Jan 16 21:36:20 2013