The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Alternate Session 75

Session Start: Wed Sep 18 22:09:33 2013
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Alt: 7.24.2240
<DeathStar> (intro time)
<DeathStar> (er, Classic)
* Kaelan has joined #ClassSession75
<DeathStar> 6* The Striker moves off for Germany to look for Cheryl, who is removing the plague of Nazis forever from the good Christian Earth of the Classic reality. As they travel, Chii floats nearby Cheryl as she waves a hand and destroys another Nazi base, wiping out all the Nazis inside it from existence, having transported prisoners inside it. "If you wanted to come along, my love, you just had to let me know, but this was only going to take a few minutes." 6* She tells Chii as the camera focuses on the two of them only. She snaps her fingers and they appear in another location in Germany and she repeats the process again and again
<DeathStar> 6* Chii can feel the power inside Cheryl swirling - innately it is not evil, but it is so powerful, so all consuming, it can overwhelm someone entirely - it even, in the bond - threatens to overpower Chii a little. The amount of power just floods over you and makes it hard to see right from wrong when you're a god beyond gods
<Nyaomi> <Chii> Ch-Cherry...
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl turns in the sky over Europe, hand on her chin. "Yes?" 6* She sounds calm and perfectly reasonable, glancing at Chii and petting her ears with a smile
<Nyaomi> <Chii> Is it okay to do this..?
<Nyaomi> <Chii> The group as a whole is certainly evil... but not everyone is aware of what they're doing... some can change... if ... you do this then... there's no going back
<DeathStar> 6* She cuddles Chii. A second Cheryl appears, transporting across to Russia. "Of course. I should have done it long ago; how often do they kill kill kill, and we only react and lose ground? Any of them that are devoted to the Nazi cause are beyond hope. But if it makes you feel better, I am sparing the children and wiping their memories of this incident so they do not grow up wanting revenge.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> B ut for example, right now in Russia, they have made a weapon that targets those without the perfect Aryian genome and will disperse in the air and kill them.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Why spare them?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl tickles Chii, a smile on her face despite her harsh words
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Now lets see, while the other me is dealing with Europe, we'll head to ... Africa.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snaps them that way
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Striker
<DeathStar> 6* Curali is quiet as they reach Europe 1.2 minutes later and they fly over castles that are simply gone from existence, wiped out and prisoners are dancing where they were
<Nyaomi> <Megumi> Too... late.
<Chain> 6*Miyuki watches grimmly
<DeathStar> 6* John rubs the back of his head and both Katrina peer out the view port. The Zephyrs shake their head
<Aqua> *Teddy yawns, napping by Cass
<DeathStar> 6* C. Cassandra rubs Teddy
<Chain> <Miyuki> theres nothing for us here....find where she went
<Nyaomi> <Megumi> Relocated... east.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "I hope those strctures did not have any historcial value."
<Kaelan> Seraphna> While I don't mind the change in decor... it's a little chilling. She did all this in minutes.
<Nyaomi> <Megumi> ... Strange..." 6she frowns
<DeathStar> <Curali> Cheryl's in Russia
<DeathStar> 6* She notes according to the readings
<Nyaomi> <Megumi> Fast.... er.... feel two?
<kalonZombie> <Ash> She works quick.
<Chain> <Miyuki> where might she go next
<DeathStar> 6* Wind and Darien are quiet, standing by each other, and Death Star leans on the wall
<Chain> <Miyuki> by the time we get there she'll likely be gone
<Nyaomi> 6Harpuia sizes up Death Star.
<Kaelan> * Seraphna looks to Wind. "How can we even hope to stop her if she's moving like this?"
<DeathStar> 6* Aya works on Iceheart in the medical bay with advanced tech, having Myria help her
<Nyaomi> <Mir> You can't.
<DeathStar> <Wind> It was hard for Cheryl to stop me
<Jackieness> <Airym> "She is likely using her abilities to circumvent the laws of physics."
<Nyaomi> <Mir> It's like trying to catch me-- you can't... unless you anticipate. See ahead.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Hey, we ended up doing it.
<Chain> <Miyuki> there is a way
<Nyaomi> <Mir> You need to know how I would move, before I actually do.
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica looks up
<Jackieness> <Myria> *tinkers on Iceheart with Aya*
<DeathStar> <AuricA> The one in Russia is not momma
<DeathStar> <Aurica> Momma is in Africa
<Kaelan> Angelos> We're going to have to reason with her, force would be senseless.
<Nyaomi> <Chii> Ruby..." 6She hugs Freyja
<DeathStar> 6* Freyja nuzzles.
<Chain> <Miyuki> Auri...6*she then turns to Curali
<DeathStar> 6* Benjamin is quiet, rubbing a special gun in his holster
<Aqua> *Teddy pulls on his Uchunka
<Kaelan> Cameron> "We have Aurica to track her still. That's something."
<Chain> <Miyuki> To Africa, NOW
<DeathStar> 6* Curali nods and turns the gun along
<DeathStar> (er ship)
<DeathStar> 6* Curali zooms toward Africa
<Jackieness> <Airym> "She may be using quantum teleportation to exist in multiple locations simultaneously."
<DeathStar> <Darien> What's in Africa?
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Lions.
<Chain> <Miyuki>...animals
<DeathStar> <Death Star> The Desert Fox.
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "Let's see... the Desert Fox for one."
<DeathStar> <Death Star> And he's not a bad Nazi
<Aqua> Teddy> Africans
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "One of the only decent ones I've met."
<DeathStar> <C. Katrina> Lilith is his inugami, too. If Ire finds out, he'll go apeshit
<DeathStar> 6* The normally refined girls says
<Chain> 6*Miyuki leans back and sighs
<DeathStar> <Rosetta> This Cheryl sounds dangerous
<Chain> <Miyuki> Fennec foxes are africa
<Aqua> *James sips his tea
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> We all can be pushed. <Zeph> Yeah...
<Kaelan> Seraphna> *shivers a little, considering how quickly on the chopping block she was when Wind was going mad*
<DeathStar> <Darien> Can you control them, Miyu?
<kalonZombie> 6*Pip blushes at CKat's language
<DeathStar> 6* Wind eyes Seraphna
<Chain> <Miyuki> I wouldnt say Control but talk to them yeah
<DeathStar> <Wind> To be fair, you had gone insane with power with the Galactic Alliance
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "To be fair, yes."
<Aqua> *Teddy switches to a safari hat
<Chain> <Miyuki> Curali
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra has her pirate hat have more brown
<Nyaomi> <Kasha> Not a bad nazi... uwahhh?
<Chain> <Miyuki>I want an ETA
<DeathStar> <Curali> 2 mins
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "It wasn't wholly due to the power though." *she frowns out a window*
<DeathStar> 6* Curali flies along. "Using boosters in the atmosphere can be disruptive."
<DeathStar> <Curali> But if you want, I can and make it 20 seconds
<Chain> 6*Miyuki rises and adjusts her KU uniform
<Chain> <Miyuki> do it
<kalonZombie> <Ash> How disru... oh okay.
<Kaelan> * Seraphna looks upwards. "...I wonder when Zera will get here... not that I'm sure numbers matter in this situation."
<Nyaomi> <Eluere> You don't give me enough credit, big sis..
<DeathStar> 6* Curali hits the boosters and zooms along, and the clouds and sky rumbles; somewhere, massive storms form over an American town
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Africa
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl appears and begins to wipe out the Nazi bases. Rommel steps out and eyes the woman standing in the middle of the base, waving her hand and wiping out his forces, and peers at Lilith. "Hang back." 6* He draws an energy sabre and charges her, ording his men to retreat
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl turns and aims her hand at him
<DeathStar> 6* Then unleashes her erase beam
<Nyaomi> <Lilith> You cannot!
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl erases the enemy commander before Chii and Lilith
<Nyaomi> 6Lilith jerks, having had her hand out to use gravity
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl turns to look at Lilith, looking confused now
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Lilith---?
<Nyaomi> <Lilith> ...!
<Nyaomi> 6Chii makes a face. 1"What is she doing here..!?"
<DeathStar> 6* The remaining Nazi commanders seem enraged at Cheryl's actions and begin to hit her with hard ordance, knocking Cheryl into the ground, her clothing and armor being torn apart, though her skin takes no damage. At that moment, the Striker appears in the sky
<Nyaomi> 6Lilith rips her hands out to both sides and Chii jerks as the numerous knives and kunai she keeps on her person rip from her clothes, surrounding Cheryl
<Nyaomi> <Lilith> How could you!!
<Nyaomi> <Chii> Lili, stop it!!
<DeathStar> 6* Ire stands at the ramp, despite being burnt earlier, holding the orb and speaks out. "Lilith - I want to make a pact with you!"
<Chain> 6*Miyuki's voice belts out over an intercom
<Kaelan> * Angelos rubs the back of his head. "...Something went wrong alright... they had time to start firing back."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rises and sends out a shockwave at the enemies, knocking the Nazis back and looking enraged
<Aqua> *Teddy roars in sadness
<DeathStar> 6* Darien moves to the ramp with a weapon and both Zephyrs move down. Zephyr shouts down. "Cheryl!"
<Nyaomi> 6Lilith brings her hands up and screams, bringing down the full brunt of her gravitic power, everything in her spirit down on Cheryl's head-- stopping millimeters from hitting her with every blade, jolting as if from pain when Ire speaks
<Chain> 6*Miyuki hurries down the ramp, running to Cheryl
<DeathStar> 6* Wind is studying readings on Cheryl - there's something abnormal in them
<Kaelan> * Seraphna peers out, looking a bit broken. But then moves down with them.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm cutting out a cancer. The Nazis! I'm helping your reality
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash and Denise move with them. Pip stays way the fuck back.
<Kaelan> * Angelos teleports, appearing a short distance from Cheryl.
<Chain> <Miyuki> YOU HAVE TO STOP THIS
<DeathStar> 6* Ire leaps down, since the Nazis are knocked out, and approaches Lilith, holding it out
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Miyuki. "Why???"
<Nyaomi> 6Lilith stops, the runic lines along her skin glowing and looking tired, floating. 1"... then speak the pact... master.." 6The knives clink about no longer influenced
<Nyaomi> <Chii> Cherry... that man was only protecting his subordinates..
<Aqua> *Teddy hops down, shaking the ground a bit
<Chain> 6*Miyuki attempts to tackle Cheryl away
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl recreates Rommel. "Fine; take him back. I'll go where I'm wanted." 6* She transports herself to the Alternate Reality and Chii can feel the bond frozen in place and her link with Cheryl gone. Miyuki hits the sand
<DeathStar> 6* Ire begins to read the words of the pact softly, while Rommel looks confused, restored to life without needing the pact to live now
<Chain> 6*Miyuki spits out the sand and pants looking about
<Nyaomi> <Chii> Cherry!? CHERYL!!
<Chain> <Miyuki> CHERYL
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "What... the hell did she just do?"
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica looks around, confused and bewildered
<Nyaomi> <Chii> She went to the alternate reality..
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Chii... how's your bond?"
<DeathStar> <Wind> *finishes eyeing the results of the scan* This is not good
<Kaelan> * Angelos nods. "Everyone on board then."
<Nyaomi> 6Chii drops to the ground on her knees, tears spattering the ground. 1"She left me..."
<Kaelan> Angelos> "We can use the ship cards to follow her."
<DeathStar> 6* C. Katrina walks around, peering at everyone on the ground and seeing if they're okay.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "My hypothesis is that this was a trick to centralize the reality powers."
<Chain> 6*Miyuki growls and moves to the ship
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica holds Chii.
<Chain> <Miyuki> come on
<Nyaomi> 6Harpuia follows C. Katrina about, guarding her.
<DeathStar> <Aurica> The reality powers aren't making her think right --- she thought we all betrayed her...
<Nyaomi> <Chii> Even me...
<DeathStar> 6* Ire, as the pact is made, offers Lilith a nod
<Nyaomi> 6Chii sobs.
<Aqua> *Teddy rummages through his chest and hands Rommel an entirr Nazi uniform before climbing back up
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "We need to snap some sense into her then."
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica holds her momma, carrying her toward the ship
<Nyaomi> 6Lilith nods to Ire. 1"As you wish."
<Kaelan> * Angelos moves back to the ship, as does Seraphna.
<DeathStar> 6* Rommel holds the uniform, then at the ruins of the base and tosses it down, speaking to his men. "We no longer follow this regime; we make our own destiny from now on. The Fourth Reich is gon e."
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash and Denise head back to the ship
<Kaelan> Seraphna> *peers at Wind* "You're sensing something more here, aren't you?"
<DeathStar> 6* C. Katrina and the others make their way to the bridge.
<DeathStar> 6* Curali has the ship on hovermode as they arrive and Wind turns to face them they come. Wind has called Myria up from working on ICeheart too
<Nyaomi> <Megumi> .. Yes..
<DeathStar> 6* Aya arrives, called up too
<DeathStar> 6* C. Erevis sits on a couch, feeling it like it's new
<Nyaomi> 6Mir has a wide smile. 1"There's always more.."
<DeathStar> <Wind> We have a problem
<Kaelan> * Seraphna waits there, while Angelos moves to the bridge, rubbing his head.
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica sets Chii down on the couch byh Erevis
<Nyaomi> 6Chii holds her knees and hides her face, weeping.
<DeathStar> <Wind> AS you know, progenitors are made of pure energy, so that helped me handle the reality powers, especially the full load.
<Nyaomi> <Mem> Cher isn't
<Jackieness> <XX> "She gonna explode?"
<DeathStar> <Wind> Cheryl is handling them reasonably well, due to her willpower, and her core; but it's killing her
<Aqua> *Teddy sits
<DeathStar> <Wind> Her core is overloading
<DeathStar> <Wind> Everytime she uses her powers now, she is inching closer to death
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Which is decidedly not good.
<Nyaomi> <Harpuia> Critical mass encroaching
<Kaelan> * Seraphna takes in a breath. "So we need to think up a solution before it's too late."
<DeathStar> <Aurica> WE also have another problem
<Nyaomi> <Kasha> M-More..?
<DeathStar> <Aurica> We're stranded here without Cheryl - we can't get into the Alternate Reality. The tarot cards on this ship went dead after she left.
<DeathStar> <Aurica> I think she stranded us
<Kaelan> Angelos> "...THat's bad."
<Chain> <Miyuki>...then what can we do
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise chews her lip
<Kaelan> Angelos> "We have some reality power we could use... but..." *he looks at Aurica*
<Jackieness> <XX> "So how much damage would it do if she did overload?"
<Nyaomi> <Mir> Well, I know of a risky way we might
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "Whatever reality she's in would probably collapse. I'd bet."
<Nyaomi> 6Mir peers at Chii with a sadistic sneer.
<DeathStar> <Aurica> I can only think of one person that can help us
<DeathStar> <Aurica> But I don't know how to get his attention
<Chain> <Miyuki> Who?
<DeathStar> 6* Benjamin, having not rushed out, still rubs a special gun
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Huh?"
<kalonZombie> <Denise> Who?
<Nyaomi> <Mem> Spit it out, pipsqueak
<DeathStar> <Aurica> Jamie. In Centerpoint. If he monitors this on the monitors, he could pull us into Centerpoint, which has access to any reality, then let us go to the Alt Reality
<DeathStar> <Aurica> But we'd have to get his attention somehow
<DeathStar> <Darien> Isn't Cheryl rampaging a red flag?
<Nyaomi> <Mem> This didn't already?
<Jackieness> <Airym> "I may be able to assist you."
<DeathStar> <Aurica> He might be in his garden
<kalonZombie> <Soul> I could attempt to contact him. ... Or Airym could as well.
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Yeah, Centerpoint should be watching this event."
<Kaelan> Angelos> "So we just need to get him from the garden if he's there."
<DeathStar> 6* Ire looks healthier beside Lilith, grunting
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, Airym, what can you do?
<Chain> <Miyuki> WAIT!
<DeathStar> 6* Curali peers at Miyu
<Jackieness> <Airym> "I am effectively Centerpoint's AI after my infection by the Progenitor system."
<Chain> <Miyuki> Sarah! Denise!
<kalonZombie> <Denise> Yes?
<Chain> <Miyuki> didnt Jamie give you a greenman? from his garden?
<kalonZombie> <Denise> Oh! He did!
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise pulls him out
<Nyaomi> 6Lilith peers at Ire curiously, as if studying him-- in and out
<Chain> <Miyuki> then we might have a line to him
<Nyaomi> 6Mir pouts. 1"No one wants to hear my idea~ It'd be so much fun..."
<DeathStar> 6* Ire seems happy to have his dog back. He missed Lilith terriblely
<kalonZombie> <Denise> Stanley, can you get Jamie for us? It's very important that he knows we're looking for him.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "The simplest solution is often the best."
<DeathStar> <John> And I thought OUR reality was weird
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Alternate.
<DeathStar> Date: 10-605.7.26
<DeathStar> 6* Alt Aya works on getting her systems to scan further and see what the Illiums are up to when Cheryl appears in the room
<Aqua> *Mars blinks
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl leans on Aya and Mars' shoulders, and touches their terminals, using her powers to make their systems state of the art and undetectable, studying Illium placements
<Kaelan> * Angela looks up, blinking. "Whoa... Cheryl?"
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> Ch-Cherry!?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I thought I would come give you help since you appreciate it. 6* She sounds - sad, lonely, and hurt
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Uh... thanks?
<DeathStar> 6* Alt Cheryl studies her and how Cheryl's eyes look a little off
<Kaelan> Angela> "Did something happen? You seem sad."
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> Wait.." 6She jerks, peering at her own, then the other, feeling her forehead
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> IS there a target giving you the most trouble? <Aya> Well, anything near the Light Gate - if we're ever going to the other galaxy to try to find the heart of the Illium Empire besides what James' group did, and where Erevis and the other prisoners are
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods and vanishes
* Chainy has joined #ClassSession75
* Chain has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> .... where are the others?
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> Eh! She's gone!
<kalonZombie> <Robb> ...I'm lost.
<Kaelan> Angela> "Where... how...? Good question?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl felt warm to the touch
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> Quick, Aya! Check the Light Gate
<DeathStar> 6* Aya brings up the scans with the new system and targets begin to blink out of existence, as if being erased
<Kaelan> * Angela frowns. "Something is definately off here. Not that I don't appreciate her help."
<DeathStar> <Aya> She's definitely carving a path
<DeathStar> <Aya> Maybe I should have sent her to EArth
<Kaelan> Angela> "Did she take Wind's power? I thought they split that up on purpose?"
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Sure seems like it.
<Aqua> *Mars looks confused
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl reappears, her skin flushed. "I cleared the other side too."
<DeathStar> <Aya> Good work. While you're at it, can you liberate Sol and the surrounding area? That'll help the rebellion there.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods and vanishes
<Kaelan> * Angela blinks. "Thanks... Cheryl. Are you okay? You look flushed."
<DeathStar> 6* Only giving Angela a nod
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> Aya! Why'd you do that..!
<DeathStar> 6* Aya readjusts the scanners to EArth and sees targets vanishing one by one around Earth
<Kaelan> * Angela blinks a bit and rubs her head. "This almost seems like cheating."
<DeathStar> <Aya> Why not? She's doing what would take us months
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Huh. Well. Revolution's done.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Hardly, Robb.
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> She's burning up! And something's not right, I can't... read her mind, but I can feel it anyway
<Kaelan> Angela> "It will save lives at least."
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> She's erasing them!
<DeathStar> <Aya> Even with EArth liberated, the Illiums still rule a lot of our galaxy, and they'll use other shipyards to rebuild their destroyed fleet; she's giving us a breathing room we never had to invade THEIR galaxy.
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> Yeah, like they were never there
<Kaelan> * Eclaire walks in rubbing her eyes. "What's all the yelling about?"
<DeathStar> 6* A. Cheryl points at a ship just vanish
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl on the monitor, a dot, touches more and makes them go away, before landing on Earth, out of scanner range
<Kaelan> Angela> "I know they're the enemy, but this feels... well... chilling. Such power."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya has a Chad look, just watching.
<DeathStar> <Aya> I should contact Benjy, make sure he gets out of the base he's in
<DeathStar> 6* Aya grabs a comm. Alt Cheryl eyes Aya
<Kaelan> * Angela looks at Aya, blinking a little. "...Yes, yes you should."
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> Just how far do you plan to send her?
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> Ben!?
<DeathStar> <Aya> All the way.
<DeathStar> 6* Alt Cheryl recoils
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> I didn't raise you to be like that!
<Kaelan> Angela> "Aya... will you let me look at her before she goes out again after this? Dawn's concern worries me."
<Nyaomi> 6Dawn walks over and slaps Aya
<Kaelan> Eclaire> "H-Hey! Don't hit Aya!"
<DeathStar> 6* Aya's head snaps to the side
<DeathStar> 6* Aya leaves it facing away, even as her pale skin reddens
<Kaelan> * Angela frowns and looks at Aya worriedly. "Aya? Are you okay dear?"
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> Just what do you think you're doing!? The easy way out?! We're fighting them because they're oppressive aren't we? You get ahold of something like this and you jump at the chance to erase your enemies from existence?!
<DeathStar> <Aya> .... fine. I'll let you at least look at her when she comes back.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya turns her head back at the monitor
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> How is that any better?! Doesn't it just traipse on all the hard work of those that fell as is..!?
<Kaelan> * Angela gives Dawn a subtle look, it indicates to take this slowly.
<DeathStar> <Aya> But I've been leading this rebellion for 5 years. Holding it together. Don't tell me about taking the easy way
<Kaelan> * Eclaire sniffles, starting to cry from the fighting.
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Honestly I'll take the help.
<DeathStar> <Aya> My entire teenage years have been spent leading men to their deaths and making hard choices about who lives and dies to save our families and planets.
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> In doing this you'll look upon those left and face their questions of why you didn't do this sooner-- save their loved ones. Their families and homes... why now? Why not them..?
<Kaelan> Angela> "Maybe it might be possible to get them to withdraw? At this point we have enough of a statement made to say 'Hey, get out or we'll erase you.'?"
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> I know you
<DeathStar> 6* Aya calls in a radio on someone on the ground and holds it out, letting Dawn hearing the people on Earth cheering and crying in relief
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> have had it hard... I would never deny that...
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl floats in the sky, exhausted and looking about at people lifting their hands at her, like a god, and she laughs at their looks, thriving at it
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> She looks like a ghost..
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *She spreads her arms and twirls, despite looking feverish and floats up into the sky into space, looking around, addicted on the cheers and power of helping*
<Kaelan> * Angela peers at the monitor and frowns a little. She pulls Eclaire into her lap.
<DeathStar> <Aya> She's happy
<Kaelan> Angela> "She also looks like she's burning up."
<DeathStar> <Aya> Like I said, I'll let you look at her; she should be coming back now
<Kaelan> Angela> *she nods*
<DeathStar> 6* Aya waits, but Cheryl blinks out, teleporting - but doesn't arrive
<Nyaomi> 6Dawn paces
<Kaelan> * Angela blinks a bit. "...I really hope she didn't burn herself out."
<DeathStar> <Alt. Cheryl> You miscaluated, like Chad did so many times. She's taken her own initative now
<DeathStar> 6* Aya looks down, opening and closing her hands, not saying anything and peering at anyone, her face a mask to her emotions
<Kaelan> Angela> "The praise and the cheering, she may have gone diety."
<DeathStar> <Aya> I'll keep finding and see where she strikes them next
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> I have another idea.
<Kaelan> Angela> *nods* "If she is burning up, we need to warn her to pace herself or all this will be a very temporary reprieve."
<Nyaomi> 6Dawn walks to A. Cheryl
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> Cherry... relax, will you?
<DeathStar> 6* Alt Cheryl shrugs, and does so
<Kaelan> Angela> "I'm not sure exactly how it works, but I think if she were to die, or something happen to her right now, it will not have good reprecussions on reality itself."
<Kaelan> Angela> "The old question, if God dies, what happens to the world?"
<DeathStar> <Aya> The powers will be left for someone else to claim
<Nyaomi> 6Dawn puts her hand across Cheryl's forehead, takes a breath, then uses a combination of her bond, psychic ability and natural calculation to draw this theoretical situation happening through her own lover's head and see what she would do in the same situation
<kalonZombie> <Robb> That's... an interesting question.
<Kaelan> Angela> "And if she's in the middle of Illium space when it happens..."
<DeathStar> <Aya> *rises and comms Ama*
<DeathStar> 6* It seems this Alt Cheryl's path has taken her pretty far removed from the other Cheryl, and she would not take the power in the first place.
<Chainy> 6*Ama answers
<Chainy> <Ama> yes
<Kaelan> * Eclaire calms slowly. Looking antsy.
<Nyaomi> 6Dawn jerks, letting go and peers at Cheryl
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> I-I'm sorry
<DeathStar> <Alt Cheryl> Hm?
<Nyaomi> 6Dawn hugs her, holding tightly.
<DeathStar> <Aya> I know you only got your powers back recently, but we might need your sun teleporting abilities - even if it means going to the heart of the enemy. I'll get the ships ready. *She explains what is going on around the galaxy and how the Prime Cheryl has begun to take out their greatest enemy, and opened a path for them into the place Ama wants, but they lost track of her, hence needing instant sun transport*
<DeathStar> 6* And this Ama has no chains on her sun powers
<DeathStar> 6* Alt Cheryl hugs her back, smiling
<Chainy> <Ama> I understand
<DeathStar> <A. Cheryl> Silly
<Chainy> <Ama> I'll be there shortly
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> I love you so much...
<Chainy> 6*Ama hangs up and sighs
<kalonZombie> <Robb> This is crazy.
<Chainy> <Ama>...of all the not have my miko...or priest
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFt-
<DeathStar> Location: Classic Reality, 7.24
<DeathStar> 6* As they wait on Jamie, Darien listens to radio chatter on what Cheryl did. It seems she saved over 1000 people in her rampage. Even in the gripes of her power, she did not kill a single innocent person and people are being reunited with family members who have been missing for up to 8 years
<DeathStar> 6* Taken to be experimented on for their gifts.
<DeathStar> 6* Due to Cheryl being stopped, there are still Neo Reich hold outs in South America and Asia
<Chainy> 6*the little green man chirps like a dialtone
<DeathStar> 6* However, at that moment Zeraphna arrives from the sky with a fleet
<DeathStar> 6* John looks up and smiles.
<DeathStar> <John> Looks like we can leave - the calavry is here.
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "Reinforcements..."
<DeathStar> 6* Zeraphna begins to take out the Nazi controlled space station
<Jackieness> <XX> "Sic them on what's left of the goose steppers."
<Kaelan> * Elayne looks up, peering and looking a bit worried still.
<DeathStar> 6* John sends Zeraphna a message
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise holds up Stanely
<Chainy> 6*The greenman then jerks and bounces in Denise's hand
<Chainy> <Stanley> Ni!!
<kalonZombie> <Denise> Go ahead Stanley.
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki blinks and leans in
<DeathStar> 6* The sky lights up in a station explosion
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "I just realized, after all this, we're going to need a new base."
<Aqua> *Sarah blinks
<Chainy> (Jamie>....oops...)
<DeathStar> <Aurica> Cheryl wanted you all to join her unit before mom went crazy
<Aqua> *Teddy looks at the green man, tilting his head
<DeathStar> (*Teddy eats him*)
<DeathStar> <C. Cassandra> Interesting.
<Chainy> 6*the greenman takes off his flowerhat and puts it to his mouth, Jamie coming through
<Chainy> <Jamie> please return to the ship
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "We were considering retirement, but we'll see. After we save her from herself."
<DeathStar> <Zeraphna on comm> Seraphna! Where HAVE you been the last 15 years. *She bitches at them through the Strikers' comms*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien leans in to the greenman
<DeathStar> <Darien> We're all here, Jamie
<Kaelan> * Seraphna cringes. "T-Time loop."
<DeathStar> <Zeraphna on comm> So you just time loop and expect me to clean up and save the day - and watch your kids for you?! *bitches*
<Nyaomi> <Mem> Hey! Loudmouth, can it, bitch, we have bigger problems
<Chainy> <Jamie> alright, just wanted to be sure no one gets left, I'm making a portal right now
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "Have to fix one more thing, minor problem, goddess on a rampage. But after we'll snuggle and talk, promise."
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise and Ash head for the ship
<DeathStar> <Zeraphna> What?! No! Stay there! *She teleports her kids onto the Striker, and Zeraphna's ship retreats*
<DeathStar> <John> Ah, Zeraphna - that kidder.
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "I... hey!"
<DeathStar> <JOhn> Wait, she is coming back to deal with the other Nazis, right---?
<Kaelan> Lucas> "Umm... hi!"
<Nyaomi> <Mem> ...
<Kaelan> * Baby catgons swarm John.
<DeathStar> 6* John falls over as Seras kids swarm him
<Chainy> <Jamie> Portal opening in 5
<DeathStar> <Zeraphna on comm> Hey, you take care of Sera's kids for 15 years!
<Nyaomi> 6Mem rages at the comm to Zeraphna
<Chainy> <Jamie> 4
<Nyaomi> <Mem> Fuck no, I'd eat them!
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "...Come visit after, thank you sis."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina giggles
<DeathStar> 6* She winks out, likely to return after they're gone to deal with the Nazis
<Chainy> <Jamie> 3
<Aqua> *Teddy and James and Sarah get on
<Chainy> <Jamie> 2
<DeathStar> <Wind> I missed this, Megumi
<Kaelan> * The babies of Elayne and Sera hug onto their daddy.
<Nyaomi> 6Mem eyes the catgons-- then snarls loudly dragon-like
<Chainy> <Jamie> 1
<kalonZombie> 6*Pip never got it
<kalonZombie> *off
<Nyaomi> <Megumi> I missed you
<DeathStar> 6* John carries the babies into a room
<Chainy> 6*a portal opens.....under them?
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "...We Lunarians often lay clutches at a time."
<DeathStar> 6* The Striker falls into a hole
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Centerpoint
<DeathStar> 6* The Striker falls right above the garden and Curali hits the hover controls
<DeathStar> 6* Wind eyes Centerpoint, an affectionate look on his face
<Chainy> 6*Jamie looks up, wet and wearing a towel, his greenmen around him
<Chainy> <Jamie> hi everyone
<DeathStar> <Darien> *through the speaker phones on the ship* Hello, Jamie
<DeathStar> <Darien> We need a connection to the Alternate Realityt
<Chainy> <Jamie> alright!
<Aqua> *Teddy smiles and waves
<Nyaomi> <Megumi> ... I remember... this place...
<Kaelan> * Kumiko, who was floating in with the kids, makes a muteish squeal as she stops herself hitting the ceiling.
<Chainy> 6*Jamie sends his greenmen to open the way for him
<DeathStar> 6* Curali gets ready for another portal - hopefully one she can flyh through
<DeathStar> 6* Darien takes a pilot seat. Zephyr takes a weapon seat
<Chainy> 6*one opens up before them
<DeathStar> 6* KAtrina takes the communication seat. Aurica takes the co-captain seat
<Chainy> <Jamie> becareful out there! she might get mad that I'm helping...
<DeathStar> 6* Curali begins to fly for it
<Kaelan> * Angelos takes a weapon's seat, Cameron sits at a science station.
<DeathStar> 6* This leaves - 2 weapons seat, and 1 pilot seat and one co captain seat.
<DeathStar> 6* The rest are observation seats until the ship is upgraded
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki sits in pilot
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise and ASh take a weapon seat
<DeathStar> (I thought Miyu was the captain)
<Chainy> ^er,captain
<Kaelan> Kumiko> *frowns and peers around, then floats over to Wind, Classic Kumiko is an albino woman who seems like a floaty angel*
<DeathStar> (k)(
<Chainy> (i derped
<DeathStar> 6* Curali flies them through the portal
<Chainy> 6*Jamie waves goodbye and reels when his towel flies off
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Alternate Reality-Oracle World 2
<DeathStar> 6* The Striker appears over the main temple, floating. Cae and Rosetta peer down at their home, and Katrina opens a comm channel down to the temple for Miyuki
<DeathStar> 6* Classic Aya, sitting on the bridge, blinks as her Alternate self appears, only a BIT older, but more hagged
<DeathStar> <A. Aya> So the rest of you are here now
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "Yes... have you see Cheryl here?"
<DeathStar> 6* Chii feels Cheryl in the bond again - the frozenness was so Cheryl could leave to an ew reality with either of them dying
<DeathStar> 6* Chii can also feel Cheryl detoriating physically
<kalonZombie> <Robb> Cheryl? She's at Earth last we saw.
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "She needs to be warned that the power is killing her slowly. Each use is breaking down her core."
<DeathStar> <A. Aya> She left about 30 mins ago actually
<Chainy> 6*Ama appears, floating by A.Aya
<Kaelan> * A Angela lets out a sigh.
<DeathStar> <A. Aya> We have our Ama getting to use our sun for instant transportation once we know where
<DeathStar> <A. Aya> She's been a big help
<Chainy> 6*Ama bows
<Aqua> Teddy> Hallo
<Nyaomi> <Chii> She's.. getting worse..*sniff*
<DeathStar> <Aurica> OH yeah, she's been a BIG help erasing your enemy
<kalonZombie> <Denise.
<DeathStar> <A. Aya> She's done things that would have taken us a year.
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "She was for us too, but the power is going to overwhelm her soon."
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise waves at Ama
<Chainy> 6*Ama kisses Aya's cheek gently
<DeathStar> 6* A. Aya peers down, then pales slightly.
<Chainy> <Ama> please look after my babies and sisters
<DeathStar> <A. Aya> I have the system she is in now
<Nyaomi> <Mir> Amaneesama...
<Chainy> 6*Ama nods
<DeathStar> <A. Aya> An Illium colony with civilians and children
<Chainy> <Ama>...children
<Kaelan> * Seraphna goes pale.
<DeathStar> <Aurica> S-She wouldn't...
<Chainy> <Miyuki> she would...
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica looks at Miyuki, hurt at those words and frowns bitterly, the tail and ears vanishing
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "We have to hope to hell she hasn't gone that far."
<Chainy> <Ama>...we dont have any time to lose
<DeathStar> 6* A. Aya nods at her request. "Can you take the Striker to her?"
<Aqua> *Teddy roars "Must protects children's
<DeathStar> 6* She shows Ama the system
<Chainy> <Ama> I can
<Aqua> *Teddy rises and moves to follow
<Chainy> 6*Ama closes her eyes and glows, losing her shape and enveloping the ship
<Chainy> <Miyuki> might hate me for saying that....but I wont let her prove me right.
<DeathStar> <Aurica> .....
<Nyaomi> 6Mir picks Aurica up
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica turns toward Mir, snarling. "What?"
<Kaelan> * Ulieah mewls from her seat, looking sad.
<Chainy> 6*Ama then sends herself and the ship through
<Nyaomi> <Mir> Don't give me that... you admire her deeply, and she hurt you. I know how that feels... but she's only doing what she believes she must to protect everyone-- and this 'Cheryl,' your mother right, as well.
<DeathStar> 6* They arrive in a system that likely once belonged to some race of people, but the Illiums wiped them out - the terraforming is a testament to that. The only viable planet for life is up ahead
<Chainy> <Miyuki> Move to intercept
<kalonZombie> 6*kalon's people followed, just FYI
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica is quiet. Curali is silent as she flies ahead, feeling like a traitor right now, but not sure what to do. Ben rubs his gun, and Darien flies along, heading to the planet, cloaking them
<Kaelan> Elayne> "Feels are seriously mixed at the moment... but it wasn't the civilians who did this."
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica doesn't say where Cheryl is at on the planet as they arrive
<Chainy> <Miyuki>....My team and I know that the civilians arent the ones in the wrong...and neither is Cheryl
<DeathStar> 6* The colony below is expansive, with many buildings and stuff. There's a massive burial grave area where the previous people were at
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Look, people, we're not going to hurt her. She's a friend, it's the power that's a problem, not her."
<Chainy> <Miyuki> Angelos is correct
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Cheryl's orders to me in the event that she took Wind's powers were to stop her."
<DeathStar> <Darien> It's how we're going to get the power out of her and into two people
<DeathStar> <Darien> IF she does it willingly, that would be much easier
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Personally, I'd prefer it in three, two was pushing it."
<DeathStar> 6* Chii would feel Cheryl down below in the colony
<DeathStar> <Wind> IT would not be affective, Angelos
<Nyaomi> She's here
<kalonZombie> <Denise> Why not?
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Nope, but the people holding it also wouldn't risk insanity every time they had to use it."
<DeathStar> <Wind> Two are a counter balance against each other; three would not be
<DeathStar> <Wind> I was holding my end up find; Cheryl had her lapses, but Chii and her family kept her in check until this
<Aqua> James> But wouldn't three be better in the case of a disagreement?
<Kaelan> Angelos> "I've been part of a balance, lemme tell you, it's overrated."
<Chainy> <Miyuki> No, because then you invite a power struggle
<DeathStar> <Wind> One day she could wield this power again, too, after she got it out of her system - and the more you divide it, the less effective it will become
<Kaelan> * Angelos sounds cold at that, thinking of Angelus.
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Anyway, we need to get it out of her first."
<Chainy> <Miyuki> Guys, we need to lock onto her, where is she
<Kaelan> Angelos> "I suggest we reason with her."
<DeathStar> <Curali> She's masking herself
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Aurica, we need to help her."
<DeathStar> <Aurica> She's inside the colony
<Chainy> <Miyuki> Angelos, that was plan from A-E
<DeathStar> <Aurica> And you're not oging to teleport her out with her power, or the Illium structures
<DeathStar> <C. Katrina> I hate to throw a wrench in
<DeathStar> <C. Katrina> But the time it's taken us to talk, the place would be wiped out already.
<DeathStar> <C. Katrina> It's still there
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Hrm... so the question is, what's she doing?"
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I'm going to go down then
<DeathStar> <Darien> Only Chii could answer that - a nd by reaching out in the bond
<Nyaomi> <Chii> CHERYL!!
<DeathStar> l6* Cheryl definitely knows they're there now.
<DeathStar> 6* The group vanishes and appears inside the complex
<Kaelan> Angelos> "...Talk to her Chii. Let her know we just want to help... hell, leave us out of it. I know you love her and want to... huh."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl turns to face them. Illiums walk about them, passing through them
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki blinks and sighs, walking out
<Kaelan> * Angelos peers around. "We're out of phase huh?"
<DeathStar> l6* They seem to be in what is an Illium market place
<DeathStar> 6* Darien looks around, and Benjamin blinks
<Nyaomi> <Chii> She's observing...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So you found me again
<Kaelan> Seraphna> *looks at Cheryl quietly*
<Nyaomi> 6Chii sniffles, peering at Cheryl. 1"..."
<DeathStar> 6* She looks tired
<Nyaomi> <Chii> Cherry... come back to me?
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Think I'd ever give up following you around sis?"
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise blinks
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Heya Cherry.
<Chainy> <Miyuki> we will always look for you Mom
<kalonZombie> 6*Pip whines
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina is quiet, making no sudden moves
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Come back to you?
<Kaelan> Angelos> "She got shook up with you leaving like that." *he offers as an explanation*
<Nyaomi> <Mem> Oi, big sis, you got to get ahold of it, yeah? You helped me..
<DeathStar> 6* She walks over and studies a few adults, in the military, wearing the jewlery of the dead colonists who were here before. Her eyes blaze. Down the way, market place food ladies make food
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> The people I thought loved me most turned against me.
<DeathStar> <Wind> Now you're sounding like I did
<Nyaomi> <Chii> I did not!!
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl jerks and glares at Wind
<Kaelan> Angelos> "You know I'd literally lose an arm before doing that."
<Nyaomi> <Chii> Cherry!! Listen to me..
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm not wiping out existence
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki's ears flick
<Nyaomi> 6Chii makes a face, about to sob again. 1"If you... think what you're doing is the right thing.."
<Nyaomi> <Chii> I'll never leave you-- I'll even help
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl's expression softens and walks over to Chii, kneeling and hugging her
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Shhh....
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> IT's okay.
<Kaelan> Angelos> "There's a problem though, sis."
<DeathStar> 6* Wind looks at the others, speaking too soft to be heard by Cheryl
<DeathStar> <Wind> She's having a moment of lucidity. If hyou can talk her down, do it now, but do not trigger her rage
<Chainy> <Miyuki>...Mom
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> YeS?
<Chainy> <Miyuki> dont you want to come home?
<Kaelan> * Angelos waits quietly. Seraphna watches.
<Kaelan> * Elayne rubs the back of her head quietly. Cameron adjusts his glasses.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I do. But I'm tired. Tired of always fighting and having our family hurt - of us losing the things precious to us. Like what we talked about in my office. What good are these powers, Miyu, if I don't use them to put an end to things? The enemy just keeps getting bigger and bigger and we just jeeping losing and losing what we love
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Maybe it's time to be proactive instead of having us lose more of our children, our loved ones, and being grinded down
<Chainy> <Miyuki> Mom, thats because youre focusing on doing it alone
<Chainy> 6*she reaches her hand out to touch hers
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl squeezes her hand. "I wouldn't have made this team if that was the case. But that doesn't stop the bad from happening to us. Seeing my daughters having to grow up and know they are going through these battles that I spent all my life doing, I'm sick of it."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So why not just wipe the enemy out. I have the power. They don't care. Look at them, wiping out colonists and wearing their goods
<Chainy> <Miyuki> You know they arent all like that
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I just can't .... <Aurica> Can't? <Cheryl> Eyeing them wiht their kids makes me tired.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sighs; unlike Wind, it seems she's not insane completely
<Chainy> <Miyuki> remember? Tsunedere? and the others
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise stays quiet, knowing her preachy ways would probably make Cheryl snap. Ash stays quiet because nobody needs snark right now.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods. "I know. I've been scanning a few of them as I stood here. Trying to learn the truth."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien looks at Cheryl, curiously
<Chainy> <Miyuki> they werent given the chance to be who they are meant to least not till we came. They were our enemy...and we could have justified their death
<Kaelan> * Kumiko floats a little closer, peering at this Cheryl quietly.
<Chainy> <Miyuki> but you know what
<Chainy> 6*she cups her head in her hands, looking into her eyes
<Chainy> <Miyuki> You praised us....for not killing them. For giving them that chance
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl peers at her, then rubs her face and stands. "Fine. Lets go home."
<Nyaomi> <Chii> Even I was against you once, Cherry
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica relaxes
<Kaelan> * Angelos rubs the back of his head. "Words I love hearing."
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki smiles and holds her hand
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I kept your seat warm
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> These Illiums though - you should becareful. They're not all they are. My probing of their bodies indicate they are older than we are.
<DeathStar> 6* Wind glances back at the people, then at Cheryl, not getting her words
<Chainy> <Miyuki> what do you mean
<DeathStar> <Darien> Older than we are? <Cheryl> The carbon dating. It would have to be a time in the future to make sense
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "They're from your future?"
<kalonZombie> <Denise> So... they time travelled?
<Kaelan> Cameron> "...So another incursion from a future possibility."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves to go, when a lunch lady gets hit by some guards and harrassed. Cheryl whips her head toward them and her hand begins to twitch
<Chainy> <Miyuki> Mom wait
<DeathStar> 6* He seems to be the waering the 'momento' from the dead colonists
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Why? Their military goons are scum
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Cherry... we don't need the power to handle that."
<DeathStar> <Aurica> Angelos is right
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl balls her hand into a fist, then lets it go and nods
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Lets go
<Chainy> <Miyuki>Momma how can a revolution....or change happen if they cant decide for themselves
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki follows after Cheryl
<Nyaomi> <Mir> Hold on~.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods to Miyu, then warps them back to the ship. Benjamin so far has not let his hand leave the gun as Cheryl walks off the bridge. "I'm going to my room to sleep. I don't feel good."
<DeathStar> 6* Curali plops into her seat, letting out a breath of relief
<Nyaomi> 6Mir wonders over to the lady that was being harassed, holding out her hands and whispering, then grins.
<Jackieness> <Airym> "Welcome back, Cheryl."
<Chainy> 6*Ama lassos Mir
<Nyaomi> 6Mir prances over to the soldier and whispers into his ear, like a ghost
<Kaelan> * Angelos rubs the back of his head and sits. Seraphna moves to the room the kids were brought to.
<Nyaomi> 6Chii goes with Cheryl to her bedroom
<Chainy> 6*Ama hauls Mir in
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki looks at Aurica
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I'm sorry Aurica
<kalonZombie> 6*kalon's people head off to the ship
<DeathStar> <Aurica> *Shrugs* At least it's over. *She moves to her bedroom too, not wanting to hear what comes next*
<Nyaomi> <Mir> Ahn..! A-A... Amaneesama..
<DeathStar> <Wind> While Cheryl will recover if she stops using her powers - even if she kept them - the addiction factor remains there
<DeathStar> <Wind> So do we push asking her to give them up?
<Kaelan> * Elayne looks at Wind. "So we have to convince her to at least give up half of it, if not all,right?"
<Chainy> <Ama> get back here
<DeathStar> <wind> IT will be better for her to give up all - she will recover faster, and can take them back later
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki heads to her room as well
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Let her rest first."
<Nyaomi> 6Mir flusters as she walks to Ama
<DeathStar> <Wind> Just note, the longer she keeps full power, the more easily she can be set off.
<Chainy> <Ama> On the ship, now
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Then we have to ask her gently."
<DeathStar> 6* Curali begins to fly them away from the system once Ama lassons Mir on
<Kaelan> Angelos> "But question, again, who do we ask her to give it to?"
<DeathStar> 6* Not wanting to be detected
<DeathStar> <Wind> I'll take half - I've recovered
<DeathStar> <Wind> But the question is - who takes the other
<DeathStar> 6* Darien leans back
<Jackieness> <Airym> "It is logical as Wind has experience in resisting their temptations."
<Kaelan> Angelos> "I think she'd trust Miyuki if we suggested that."
<kalonZombie> <Denise> Miyuki seems responsible enough.
<DeathStar> <Wind> If Miyuki wants it, but being a miko for a god might be enough for her
<Nyaomi> 6Mir squirms. 1"Amaneesama is Wonder Woman, now?"
<DeathStar> <Wind> If she declines, we might need a agroup vote.
<DeathStar> 6* John rubs his chin
<DeathStar> <Wind> Whoever takes it, needs to stay in the Prime Reality
<Chainy> <Ama> thats what my darling waifu says
<Kaelan> Angelos> "I've got hyperspace but that doesn't make me a progenitor, I have more than enough power as is."
<Nyaomi> 6Mir glances away.. 1"Oh.."
<DeathStar> <Wind> When I said 'more than enough', I meant duality
<Nyaomi> <Harpuia> I have no interest-- I only wanted Leviathan returned.
<DeathStar> <Wind> The powers and the gods powers
<DeathStar> 6* Lev smiles at Harupia
<Kaelan> * Angelos nods. "I was more writing myself out of any votes if it comes to that."
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica flops on her bed, trying to rest; Cheryl does the same, twisting and turning, seeing the people she erased
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki lies down as well and closes her eyes
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<kalonZombie> <Denise> We'll have to abstain from being a choice. Soul is worried that the extra power will corrupt them, turning them into another Lucifer.
<Nyaomi> <Megumi> .. I won't... want to stay.. with Wind
<DeathStar> Location: Oracle Planet 2
<DeathStar> 7.26
<DeathStar> 6* As the ships returns, Aya steps out to greet them. Cheryl walks down the ramp, her hair haphazard and circles under her eyes. <A. Aya> I am sorry for what happened. <Cheryl> I did what needed to be done, even if it was.... *She shakes her head* Anyway, your targets are gone and EArth is free for now
<kalonZombie> <Robb> We're already moving in on it.
<Chainy> 6*Ama floats off the ship
<Kaelan> * Angela nods, with Aya, Eclaire peeks out from a shady place.
<DeathStar> 6* Inaric prances over, hugging Ama, then Mir
<DeathStar> <Wind> Nice place
<Kaelan> * Ulieah scurries out and tackles Leyaeh.
<DeathStar> 6* John rubs his arm, trying to get it to relax
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *looks at the Classic people* Will any of you join the Reality Strikers?
<Kaelan> * Seraphna gently touches his arm, trying to ease it, her hand glows with the green glow of Lunarian healing.
<DeathStar> <John> Yeah. Yeah, I will
<Nyaomi> 6Megumi looks at Wind
<DeathStar> <John> We just need to go back to our reality to check on it
<Jackieness> <Myria> *runs out, waving her arms* "I'm back!"
<Nyaomi> 6Harpruia muses, glancing at Leviathan.
<DeathStar> <Wind> I'll be staying on my Earth to protect it, and run it as PResident
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "Elayne and I go where our husband goes... though I seem to have a lot of things I need to do now."
<Nyaomi> <Megumi> I'm staying...
<DeathStar> <Wind> I don't suppose you'll be returning my powers - Cheryl? <Cheryl> Oh, yeah... soon
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl notes, turning away
<DeathStar> <C. Katrina> I'll join
<DeathStar> <Aya> Me too. Your tech can help ICeheart
<Kaelan> Anyata> "I will come on missions when needed, though someone needs to get the Hunters going again."
<DeathStar> 6* Wind notes Cheryl's response, filing it away.
<kalonZombie> <Pip> I'll join. I can repair stuff at the base. <Ash> I'm in.
<DeathStar> 6* A. Aya pats Myria
<Chainy> 6*P.Miyuki looks to catch Wind's eye, and quietly nods to him
<Jackieness> <Myria> "Aya, bring Iceheart to my lab!"
<Kaelan> * Kumiko looks at Cheryl and nods at her, she signs she will join.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya nods and pushes Iceheart out on a floating table
<DeathStar> <Aurica> Well. We should go back to the Classic reality, make sure they're doing okay. Then we'll come back here to pick up loose ends
<Jackieness> <Myria> *heads for her lab*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah. That sounds good
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> After I check out how things are in the Classic Reality, we'll... talk about my powers.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps back on the ship and Benjamin follows, hand on his gun
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Alright then."
<Nyaomi> 6Kasha peers at Miyuki, then shrugs out of her sight
<DeathStar> 6* Darien and Wind follow her back up and Zeph stays on the planet for now
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki goes back on the ship
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr walks back up
<Kaelan> * Angelos shifts up the ramp, Sera's others head back up.
<Nyaomi> 6Chii follows Iceheart with Freyja likely
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> *steps off* "Let's take a breather, Sets and set up the homestead."
<Kaelan> * Setsuna nods, taking her hand.
<DeathStar> 6* C. Cassandra gets on the ship, escaping this Setsuna
<Nyaomi> <Harpuia> Perhaps we should stay, Leviathan?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits in the co-captain seat
<Jackieness> <Cassandra> "See you guys when you swing back around!"
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki sits quietly
<DeathStar> <Lev> *walks up the ramp onto the ship* I suppose so. I am out of practice
<Nyaomi> <Kasha> I could, you know, oneesama.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rubs her hands, musing hard, like she can't decide something
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl peers around at everyone, then down
<kalonZombie> 6*Pip moves on with C. Kat, and the rest of kalon's peopel get on
<Kaelan> * Angelos is watching her with a quiet, worried look he can't seem to hide.
<Chainy> <Miyuki> we'll talk about that later Kasha
<DeathStar> 6 *Aurica sits behind her mom, watching her, never seeing her look so unsure
<Nyaomi> <Kasha> Yeah.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> <Who...>
<Nyaomi> <Chii> <Hm?>
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl waves her hand, not needing Chii right now, and activates the tarot cards and the Striker begins to wave in and out
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFt-
<DeathStar> Location: Class/7.24
<DeathStar> 6* The Striker appears and flies along the sky. Katrina listens in on the radio channels and C. Katrina beside her. It sounds like revolutions are popping u pall over to fight the Nazis and Cleo is leading them in her wheelchair
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pulls out Chou's core that C. Aya gave her and rubs her hand along it
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Is Null here?
<Nyaomi> <Null> Who wants to know..?
<Kaelan> * Anyata peers around at Null.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I do.
<Nyaomi> 6Null tilts her head, blinking.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snaps with authority, then shakes her head tiredly, getting rid of something
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> If you want your lover back, just give me your hand
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Your Aya said you wanted my help before she lefrt
<Nyaomi> <Null> My... lover?
<DeathStar> 6* C. Katrina raises her brow at Aya doing that
<Nyaomi> 6Null looks confused, but takes Cheryl's hand.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Aya indicated she was important to you. Whatever.
<Nyaomi> <Null> Did something happen to Aya?
<Kaelan> * Kumiko watches silently.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl takes Null's hand and focuses.
<DeathStar> <C. Katrina> She's back in the other reality, helping with ICeheart
<Nyaomi> <Null> .. Should I go along with you to her?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl uses Null's memories to try to recreate Chou - it's not perfect, but it's something, and uses the core to ressurect Chou. Chou reforms and sits there, nude, pink pigtails there. Chou formed literally from Null's recollections of her
<Kaelan> * Kumiko hoarsely moans out Cheryl's name as she watches.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks ragged, then looks at Kumiko.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Do you need something?
<Kaelan> * Kumiko looks at her condition, then peers down, shaking her head, signing, "I should not ask of you, you are ill."
<DeathStar> 6* Ire feeds Lilith bacon
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Speak it
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl motions
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "She wants my sister back."
<Kaelan> * Kumiko looks up, then nods at that.
<Nyaomi> 6Lilith gobbles it in canine form
<Nyaomi> <Null> Ch-Chou!?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl motions at Kumiko to do what she did with Chou, holding out her hand, almost like a benevolent dictator.
<DeathStar> <Chou> Null?!
<Kaelan> * Kumiko reaches out slowly as Angelos rubs the back of his head.
<DeathStar> 6* Chii can feel Cheryl slipping away again, this time not into a blood thirsty role, but a benevelent god granting role
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki sighs softly
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl takes it and focuses, and begins to try to recreate Class Cheryl, straining harder having nothing of her, using Kumiko's recollections and how she saw her. A few moments later that Cheryl forms, but Prime Cheryl slumps forward
<Nyaomi> <Chii> <Cherrry....>
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... ungh... hot.
<Nyaomi> 6Chii supports her
<Kaelan> * Kumiko grabs onto her Cheryl and starts crying.
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki moves and helps Chii
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "...this is overdoing it."
<DeathStar> 6* Class Cheryl leans against Kumiko - a sex doll housewive, no doubt. ;)
<Kaelan> * Kumiko actually remembered what she liked, the strong badass who took charge.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm okay.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl seems feverish
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> How is the world? Did I screw it up?
<DeathStar> 6* That is what she seemed most worried about
<DeathStar> 6* Wind looks over at Katrina who studies the radio
<Chainy> <Miyuki> lets talk over something to drink
<Kaelan> * Seraphna looks over, while Kumiko keps holding onto her wife.
<DeathStar> <KAtrina> Zeraphna managed to secure the planet with some Tsivrixsh ships
<DeathStar> <Katrina> They are securing order and helping the people
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "She would get that kind of an alliance."
<DeathStar> 6* Class Cheryl pats Kumiko, freaked out at her soul back
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks at everyone
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... then ... everyone... meeting room...
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl leans on Miyu and Chii, whispering to them to carry her
<Nyaomi> 6Chii gladly does so
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki carries her prince style
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica, Darien, Benjamin, both Katrinas, John, Zeph, Curali, Cae, Rosetta, and whatnot enter and sit. Cheryl, once into a sitting position, barely looks up
<Kaelan> * Sera's people move to the meeting room, Seraphna however moves over and hugs Cheryl and Kumiko.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Who wants my powers?
<Kaelan> Angelos> "I don't."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> There's no way you will let me keep them, and I am too weak to defend it. I've seen my own son holding a gun designed to take my out
<DeathStar> 6* Ben says nothing, hands on the table
<DeathStar> 6 * Aurica jerks, eyeing him
<Jackieness> <Airym> *moves into the meeting room, remaining standing*
<Chainy> <Miyuki>...Ill do it
<DeathStar> <Benjamin> It says her reality powers
<Jackieness> <XX> *goes into the meeting room too*
<DeathStar> <Wind> ARe you certain? With your link to Ama, it could cause additional strain
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I can deal with it
<Nyaomi> <KAsha> Oneesama..
<Kaelan> Angelos> "If anyone else wants to speak up, remember you need to stay in Prime with this."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods
<Nyaomi> <Kasha> I can." 6She says firmly.
<Nyaomi> <Kasha> You have plenty you shoulder, Miyuki.
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I have no plans to go anywhere but home
<Chainy> <Miyuki> with my moms and sisters
<Kaelan> Angelos> "Miyu has the best head for it, in my opinion."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I take the powers back..before you have your kids with Kasha...but if I don't...remember what can happen. 6* She looks at Kasha. "If you carried them, it would definitely affect your genes next time you had kids."
<Nyaomi> <Kasha> That's years from now.
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica is quiet, knowing her, Lore, and Taiga are freaks
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *looks wan, but smiles* I may never be fit again
<Chainy> <Miyuki> Momma
<Chainy> 6*she gently strokes her hair
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Even now, I get urges
<Nyaomi> <Kasha> Besides, you speak like it's a bad thing. Aurichan, Lore and Taigachi are wonderful.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> The fact Wind kicked the addiction and took them back, is something...
<Chainy> <Miyuki>we'll cross that bridge when we get there
<Kaelan> Cameron> "I was going to suggest offering it to Lisa back home, as she's rooted to Prime. Though I think she'd turn it down."
<Nyaomi> <Kasha> What she said
<DeathStar> l6* Cheryl rubs Aurica
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl takes Miyu's hand
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki blinks
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'll give them to Miyu; if it looks like Miyu can't handle them, Kasha - being her twin - can allievate the burden. I'll tie a small thread between you two
<Nyaomi> <Chii> I might have suggested Freyja..
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Like Chii helps me
<Nyaomi> <Kasha> Very well.
<Chainy> <Miyuki> alrght
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl focuses and begins to transfer the first half to Miyuki, doing the tie connection, and her powers wan back to normal. Miyuki wouild feel the powers enter her, like a well that can't empty, but can burn her out if she dips into it too many times
<DeathStar> 6* And that well lets her do nearly anything
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl lets out a breath and takes Wind's hand and gives him his half of the powers, and Wind accepts them. As they leave her, Cheryl begins to shiver and shake, falling over
<Chainy> 6*a loud pop can be heard from Miyuki's back
<DeathStar> <Aurica> What's happening to her?!
<DeathStar> <Wind> Withdrawal
<Chainy> <Miyuki>Mom!
<DeathStar> <Wind> She's strong, stronger than I; she will overcome it
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl smiles grimly; having had her powers for 15 years, it's clear the withdrawl is hard
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki helps to right Cheryl
<Kaelan> *Seraphna moves over and kneels by her, she frowns. "Would healing help her at all?"
<DeathStar> <Wind> It wouldn't hurt
<Nyaomi> 6Chii grips Cheryl's hand
<Nyaomi> <Kasha> Congratulations, oneesama... nine tails
<Kaelan> * Seraphna nods and puts her hands on Cheryl, the green glow happening again as she heals Cheryl, it sparkles silver as Elayne empowers her.
<Nyaomi> 6Mir lays hands on Cheryl and helps heal
<DeathStar> 6* John peers and yanks on KAsha's second tail
<Chainy> <Miyuki>...I did always tell Inari I'd be a god and show her, her place
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl begins to relax, the healing helping with the symptons. At that same moment, the bridge sounds an alarm
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki turns
<Chainy> <Miyuki> now what
<Kaelan> Angelos> "What fresh hell...?"
<DeathStar> 6* Eluere seems to be ringing them from Mother's AI Brain room to go to the bridge
<Kaelan> * Angelos moves out to go look.
<DeathStar> 6* Curali hurries down the hall and enters the bridge. Katrina follows and sees the comm station and sits down
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina takes the comm
<Kaelan> * Seraphna moves over and tilts her head, Kumiko peering around.
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki looks down at Cheryl and leans into her
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica helps Cheryl to the medical bay.
<Chainy> (or not
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise and Ash head for the bridge
<DeathStar> <Zeraphna on comm> We have an emergency across the planet
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl smiles at Miyukii as she leans into her as Aurica helps her up
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I have something for you momma
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "What's up sis?"
<DeathStar> <Zeraphna> I think your dead Nazi left doosmday weapons across the planet. Guess whoever was blowing up their bases didn't get to them in time. <C. Katrina> Happy birthday to me... <Katrina> Oh, it's your birthday today? Mine is July 24th too
<DeathStar> 6* Wind and Darien and Death Star stand on the bridge, side by side, and Ire grunts
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "...Oh great."
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Super fun.
<DeathStar> 6* Zeraphna pulls up spots on all continents. "Something is overloading on them and going to take them out in about 10 mins."
<Kaelan> Elayne> "He always. Has. An Ace. Up. His sleeve."
<DeathStar> <John> That corpse bastard
<DeathStar> 6* The teenage Cheryl and Erevis hide in the observation deck
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl lbinks
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You do?
<Kaelan> Elayne> "How do we take those all out in 10 minutes!?"
<DeathStar> <Zeraphna> Don't know; I got Russia. Have fun
<DeathStar> 6* Zeraphna winks out
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki nods and leans in, giving her a peck, passing her a fox bead
<Jackieness> <XX> "...this just got annoying."
<Chainy> <Miyuki> dont lose that, its kinda important to me`
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl blinks and looks better from it. Aurica lets her go since she doesn't need medicalnow
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "...We'd have to do some pretty damn wild teleporting to get them all."
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki looks up at Aurica
<Chainy> <Miyuki> you look after her
<DeathStar> 6* Curali floors it for NA
<Chainy> <Miyuki> Co-captain
<DeathStar> <Aurica> Okay, oneesama. Thank you...
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki moves to the bridge
<DeathStar> <John> This ship does have teleporters, right?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Yeah, five of them
<Nyaomi> 6Mem picks up C. Katrina
<Kaelan> Seraphna> *frowns, seeing if that's enough*
<DeathStar> <C. Cassandra> Gem
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki peers in
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina peers at Mem as C. Katrina blinks
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "We'll need to chain teleport, get them up here, send them somewhere else fast."
<Chainy> <Miyuki> can someone bring me up to speed?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Judging by the size, they're too big to teleport
<Kaelan> Elayne> "Senreich left doomsday devices in all his bases."
<DeathStar> <Darien> All we can do is teleport to the locations
<DeathStar> 6* Darien heads down below
<DeathStar> <John> Well, lets do it. Divide up into teams, go
<Kaelan> Elayne> "We have minus 10 minutes now to stop them."
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki looks to Wind, unsure if theres anything they can do
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash moves with Darien, and Denise isn't far behind
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "It'd take me too long just to name teams, everyone take a teleporter. Target each one for a base."
<DeathStar> <Wind> I can instant transport some people. Your reality powers can let your fox hole go much further now
<DeathStar> <Wind> VIsualize the target, and do it
<DeathStar> 6* wind grabs a group of people TBD and goes
<Chainy> <Miyuki> Alright
<Chainy> <Miyuki> follow me then I guess
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: South America
<DeathStar> Team: Miyuki, KAsha, Ash, XX, Elayne, Darien
<DeathStar> 6* They leap out of a giant fox hole. Miyuki would feel drained greatly, but able to move
<DeathStar> 6* Ahead of them is a Nazi bunker in the jungle
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Well there it is.
<Kaelan> Elayne> "So we need to shut down whatever they activated."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien rushes ahead toward the bunker door and kicks it in
<Jackieness> <XX> "In less than ten minutes." *moves forward quickly*
<DeathStar> 6* Suddenly, a Kangaroo kicks him in the face. Ash's nemesis
<Kaelan> * Elayne follows him, extending her staff.
<Kaelan> * Elayne squeaks. "Kangaroo Jack!? Where's Mom?"
<Chainy> <Miyuki>...oh god....stomacjh
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash reels, then growls at the Kangaro
<kalonZombie> <Ash> ...I'll deal with you later.
<DeathStar> 6* The Kangaroo advances, called Jack by Elayne, and leaps at Ash, giving him a two one punch to the face, sending him into a tree
<DeathStar> 6* Darien shakes his head and slides inside the bunker
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki takes a few deep breaths an hurries with the others
<kalonZombie> 6*ASh whoofs, then starts charging the buster
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Jackie, I REALLY don't have time for you now
<DeathStar> 6* The KAngaroo kicks his arm into a tree, making it discharge early
<Jackieness> <XX> *moves into the bunker while Ash does battle*
<DeathStar> 6* Inside, the others would find a capsule with the Ice Rune, and things attached to it to make it overload early.
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash growls and pulls his spear out, thrusting for him
<DeathStar> 6* In the corners, strange cameras are aimed at the devic e
<Kaelan> Elayne> "Well this answers where the Runes went."
<DeathStar> 6* The Kangaroo leaps on top of it, burning a bit, then kicks his face
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki looks at the cameras
<DeathStar> 6* The cameras begin to glow
<Kaelan> Elayne> "I... would not try to get near... hrm."
<DeathStar> <John> If we get in close, the cameras glow
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash falls back, then pulls the rune blade out and swipes at the kangaroo's tail
<DeathStar> 6* The tail is chopped off
<DeathStar> 6* Jackie yelps and hops away
<kalonZombie> <Ash> SERIOUSLY. LEAVE ME ALONE.
<Chainy> <Miyuki>...I dont know how much foxholing might help
<Kaelan> Elayne> "What if we turned the cameras to face the ceiling or something?"
<kalonZombie> 6*He rushes to join up with the rest
<DeathStar> <John> WE can't afford to lose the rune
<Jackieness> <XX> "So what is the deal with the cameras?"
<DeathStar> 6* The cameras turn toward them, as if sensing them
<Kaelan> Elayne> "..."
<DeathStar> <Senreich's voice> I see you managed to kill me
<DeathStar> (that was Darien this entire time)
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki backs up
<DeathStar> <Senreich's voice> But my legacy will continue on forever
<kalonZombie> <Ash> How the fuck did he even get here this is South America...
<DeathStar> <Darien> Leap back before he makes a PG out of your armor
<DeathStar> 6* Darien throws himself back
<Kaelan> * Elayne leaps back.
<DeathStar> 6* The cameras fire beams
<Jackieness> <XX> *moves back!*
<DeathStar> 6* They fire at the doorway so they can't get in
<Kaelan> Elayne> "I think I can turn the cameras in on each other."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Do it
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash arrives and blinks "What did I miss while dealing with my rodent problem?
<Kaelan> * Elayne nods and focuses, she tries to TK cameras to face each other based on her memory of their locations.
<DeathStar> <Darien> We are camera shy
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Kangaroos are rodents, right?
<DeathStar> 6* The cameras explode inside; a laser beam chip falls down
<Nyaomi> <Kasha> Why are we fighting kangaroos..
<Kaelan> Elayne> "Really? Reploid tech?"
<kalonZombie> <Ash> That's what I want to know!
<DeathStar> 6* Darien moves in slowly, sees it's clear , and nods to the others. He kneels in front of the device with the rune
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash moves in with him
<DeathStar> 6* He eyes the tiny capsule with the rune attached to overheating rods
<Kaelan> Elayne> "It's probably trapped, so be careful."
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki follows
<DeathStar> <Darien> ... *peering at the capsule opening top, he muses*
<Kaelan> * Elayne peers at the chip and tosses it to Ash.
<DeathStar> <Darien> The timer says 5 minutes
<DeathStar> <Darien> If we can disconnect the rods from the rune, no boom
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash catches it and puts it in his subspace
<Kaelan> Elayne> "It'd be delicate TK, though I feel someone else might be able to do it better."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien taps the container and eyes XX
<DeathStar> <Darien> You have any powers to pop this open?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien turns back and begins to try to jerry rig it open as XX scans herself
<Kaelan> Elayne> "I'm sure Katrina gave her something useful, like a tool upgrade."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Someone search the camera pieces
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki looks some of them over
<Kaelan> * Elayne helps her.
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash helps
<Jackieness> <XX> "I could force it open, I think. Grab hold and then jump.""
<DeathStar> 6* Miyu would see sharp glass
<DeathStar> 6* And the camera outside
<DeathStar> 6* And some wires
<Chainy> 6*Miyki blinks
<DeathStar> <Darien> If you set it off early, this entire continent would go
<kalonZombie> <Ash> And that would be bad.
<Jackieness> <XX> "I'm kind of physical... not exactly delicate."
<DeathStar> 6* Darienmuses
<DeathStar> <Darien> I need something to jam inside to pop open the top
<DeathStar> 6* Darien makes a gesture of something small and sharp
<Kaelan> * Elayne picks up some glass, holding it out.
<DeathStar> l6* Darien takes it and pops the top open
<DeathStar> 6* Darien looks inside
<DeathStar> <Darien> Okay, now we need to get the two rods off
<DeathStar> <Darien> We need to pull both rods away at the same time as someone grabs the rune
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes the wires and loops them around the wires; he takes one wire end
<DeathStar> <Darien> Someone grab the other, and our fastest person, grab the rune
<DeathStar> *around the runes
<Kaelan> Elayne> "Ash, get ready to grab it."
<kalonZombie> <Ash> I'll grab it.
<kalonZombie> 6*He moves over to get ready
<DeathStar> <Darien> Okay, someone grab the other wire then
<Kaelan> * Elayne takes the other, following his example.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Okay, We'll pull on 3, and you grab the rune
<DeathStar> <Darien> If this fails, Miyuki - foxhole us
<DeathStar> <Darien> Because the explosion is going to follow in seconds
<Chainy> <Miyuki> I'm ready
<DeathStar> <Darien> .... 1....... 2.....
<DeathStar> 6* The timer hits 1 minute
<DeathStar> 6* Darien shouts 3 and pulls
<Kaelan> * Elayne pulls
<kalonZombie> 6*Ash grabs the rune
<DeathStar> 6* The timer keeps going down, but without the rune, it's defective
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lets out a breath
<kalonZombie> <Ash> Annnnnd score.
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Europe
<DeathStar> Team: Wind, Megumi, Aurica, Pip, Seraphna, Airym
<DeathStar> 6* They appear inside a missile silo. A giant missile is beginning to launch in 10 minutes
<DeathStar> 6* A panel is opened and inside it is a canister with the holy rune
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "Well this sucks. And we need that."
<DeathStar> 6* Two rods touching it
<DeathStar> 6* Smoke rises up from the missile rumbling and shaking
<kalonZombie> <Pip> This isn't good...
<Jackieness> <Airym> "I can attempt to end the launch sequence."
<DeathStar> <Aurica> *coughs and tries to get close as it begins to get hot*
<DeathStar> <Wind> Do it
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "Hrm... I have a feeling it'll still go off."
<DeathStar> 6* Wind begins to melt the top with hyperspace, doing it gently
<DeathStar> <Wind> The bomb might, but at least the laucnh won't fry us
<DeathStar> 6* Wind pops the top off and looks inside
<Kaelan> * Seraphna nods. "Gathering wind as much as I can inside... lemme see this bomb mechanism..."
<DeathStar> <Wind> Okay, Seraphna, go into your small form and fly inside and grab the rune and try to pull it out
<Jackieness> <Airym> *tries to get into the launch control system and abort the launch*
<DeathStar> 6* Airym does battle with Nazi computer ninjas
<DeathStar> 6* They swing swords at her
<Jackieness> <Airym> *blinks and shoots them, Indiana Jones style*
<Kaelan> Seraphna> *ppofs and flaps over, peering at it* "It's connected to these rods."
<DeathStar> 6* Airym wins and the launch is stopped
<DeathStar> <Wind> You can't yank it out with force?
<Jackieness> <Airym> "That sould prevent it from becoming more uncomfortable."
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "That might shift the ros and cause it to go off. I need to pull it out and seperate it from the rods at the same time."
<Nyaomi> 6Megumi looks around helplessly, then holds out her hand, seeing if she can manipulate the run
<Nyaomi> <Megumi> I can help..
<DeathStar> 6* As Megumi moves it about, the rods seem to get angry. Wind thinks
<DeathStar> <Wind> ACtually, Megumi, try to push the rods away
<DeathStar> <Wind> While Seraphna pulls
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "I'll pull as she pushes."
<Kaelan> * Seraphna nods and gets ready.
<DeathStar> 6* As they debate, Pip would hear two soldiers sneaking up
<kalonZombie> <Pip> S-soldiers!
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica forms a spirit laced chained whip and attacks them
<Nyaomi> 6Megumi nods and forces them apart
<DeathStar> 6* Wrapped one's neck and twisting and throwing him down into the missile's engine area
<Kaelan> * Seraphna pulls it away as she does, and hurls her tiny self away with it.
<DeathStar> 6* The rods begin to pull apart and Seraphna frees the rune
<DeathStar> <Wind> Good job you two. *He blasts another soldier*
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica grins
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Africa
<DeathStar> Team: John, Curali, Eluere, Sarah, Denise
<DeathStar> 6* They arrive in a pyramid
<DeathStar> <John> Oh no, I have a bad history with pyramids
<DeathStar> 6* John walks along, trying to find the beeping source and they come across a tomb
<kalonZombie> <Denise> What do you mean?
<DeathStar> <John> Long story
<DeathStar> 6* He eyes the dude's tomb, shaped like a man
<DeathStar> 6* He grabs one end and pushes
<DeathStar> <John> Ungghhh...
<DeathStar> 6* As the lid falls off, inside they see a capsule with two rods touching what appears to be the lightning rune
<DeathStar> <Curali> Here it is
<kalonZombie> <Denise> How do we get it?
<DeathStar> 6* Curali leans in and studies the top, then forms her tonfas and shatters it, making the rods begin to glow angerily
<DeathStar> <John> Geeze!!!
<DeathStar> <Curali> What?
<Nyaomi> <Eluere> Big sis!!
<kalonZombie> <Denise> We think that was a bad idea!
<DeathStar> 6* John tries to pull a rod, but it burns now
<DeathStar> <John> Okay, ow, plan B
<DeathStar> <John> How do we grab that rune?!
<DeathStar> <John> Wait, I know
<DeathStar> <JOhn> Can anyone pass through objects and grab things?
<DeathStar> <John> Like a soul creature
<DeathStar> 6* Curali rubs the back of her head
<kalonZombie> <Denise> ...Last time we tried that we nearly lost our baby.
<DeathStar> <John> If we don't, we lose Africa
<DeathStar> <John> But before you do it
<kalonZombie> <Denise> Yes?
<DeathStar> <JOhn> While she does her power and grabs it, the rest of us blast/kick the capsule away.
<DeathStar> <John> So on 3.
<DeathStar> <John> 1..... 2.....
<DeathStar> <John> 3
<kalonZombie> 6*Denise nods, her eyes beginningto glow to prepare
<DeathStar> <John> NOW!
<DeathStar> 6* John punches the capsule, and Curali swings her tonfa into it, striking it with a full energy strike
<kalonZombie> 6*Soul turns into a glowing blue creature with angelic wings, her arm phasing through the container and grabbing the rune
<DeathStar> 6* The capsule erupts uselessly far away, blowing up a wall
<DeathStar> <John> ... we cool
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: North America
<DeathStar> Team: Cheryl, C. Cassandra, Teddy - he's a bear - Kimoko, and whoever is left
<DeathStar> 6* The Striker vessel has landed before a church and Cheryl walks weakly around the place. Zephyr throws pews about and the pirate Cassandra looks around
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks at the cross and rises up and grabs it, yanking it down and behind it is the container with the darkness rune, already glowing with 3 minutes left.
<Kaelan> * Kumiko tilts her head and peers at it.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... *She holds out her hand to stop it, then jerks, no power*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I feel some power, but nothing like I had...
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ....
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes the container and then grabs it and opens Teddy's mouth and shoves it inside
<Kaelan> Kumiko> "..." *she tilts her head*
<DeathStar> 6* C. Cassandra jerks at that
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl then pushes Teddy along as it reaches the minute mark
<Kaelan> * Kumiko flails.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Striker, keep teleporting Teddy up and down
<DeathStar> 6* She watches the bear go up and down in teleports. Teddy, in mid-teleport as the rune goes off, explodes mid-phase. C. Cassandra grabs Cheryl, choking her and strangling her, even as Zeraphna radios that Asia/Russia is saved and they got the final rune, water. The others arrive to see the pirate trying to kill Cheryl
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Container...was already...bubbling with darkness...couldn't risk opening..
<DeathStar> 6* Aurica jerks
<Kaelan> KUmiko> *mutely moans* Ted-----y?
<DeathStar> 6* Coming back down from a teleport, Teddy's head is there
<Kaelan> * Kumiko picks it up, inspecting the core.
<DeathStar> 6* The core is there
<Kaelan> * Kumiko raises her thumb, then curiously looks around for the rune.
<DeathStar> 6* C. Cassandra throws her down and hurries over.
<DeathStar> 6* the rune is gone
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks at Miyuki, rubbing her throat
<Kaelan> * Kumiko frowns, "Ruu... ne... g-ne."
<DeathStar> 6* Teddy's eyes flicker and shut down until repaired. Teddy has died a second time during Classic
<DeathStar> 6* C. Cassandra holds his head, crying
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki hurries to Cheryl
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> He was the only one who could contain the explosion in him...
<DeathStar> 6* She sits up
<Kaelan> KUmiko> "...Ser--- fi..." *she moves and carries the head to Seraphna*
<Chainy> <Miyuki>...we can fix him cant we?
<DeathStar> <C. CAssandra> He better be the same. *Sob*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I think so
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "He'll be fine, memory core is intact."
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "This time I will add laser beam eyes."
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "And a bomb-explosion container."
<DeathStar> <John> That's my wife
<DeathStar> 6* He holds Denise, who is unconcscious
<Kaelan> Seraphna> "And a bird companion with live in compartment."
<DeathStar> -FINAL SCENE-
<DeathStar> Location: Alternate Universe. 6.27
<DeathStar> (7.27)
<DeathStar> 6* A. Aya reads reports, quiet and withdrawn since her arguement with Dawn. As she sips her coffee, up all night and circles under he eyes, she looks donw, not noticing the flash on the radar as a humanoid waif figure comes crashing down through the atmosphere into the jungle nearby
<DeathStar> 6* The crystal surrounding them breaking apart
<Kaelan> * Angela gently taps her head. "We have something on the radar dear."
<Chainy> 6*Ama peeks her head out, from the noise
<DeathStar> 6* A. Aya looks up; by then the signal is gone
<DeathStar> 6* She rewinds and sees nothing
<Kaelan> * Angela points."I swear it was right here."
<Nyaomi> 6Dawn moves in, rubbing her eyes
<DeathStar> 6* Isis lays on the bed, lazy
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> I heard something-- is something happening?
<kalonZombie> <Robb> She's not lying. I saw it too.
<DeathStar> <A. Aya> I'll go check it out. Mars is in command
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> I'll come
<Chainy> 6*Athena snuggles with Isis
<kalonZombie> <Ethia> I'm coming too.
<Kaelan> Eclaire> "Eclaire will escort Aya!"
<DeathStar> 6* Aya gathers her things and rises, moving out. She eyes Dawn, then moves on
<Kaelan> * Eclaire scurries out after her before Angela can object.
<Chainy> 6*Ama pulls on her robes and floats out to see
<Nyaomi> 6Dawn looks discouraged, but follows closely to Aya
<Nyaomi> <Mir> A-Amaneesama..!
<DeathStar> 6* Reality distorts and the Striker appears. Miyuki having brought them over with her powers this time. A. Aya looks up as she exits the temple, and walks along - passing the temple that is Myria's workshop
<Kaelan> * Eclaire marches.
<DeathStar> 6* Inaric, now Inari, sleeps in Ama's bed
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki then promptly vimits into a bucket, not use to this
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rubs Miyu's back
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You will get used to it
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki nods
<Nyaomi> <Kasha> Onee...
<DeathStar> 6* A. Aya sips her coffee and keeps walking along
<Jackieness> <Myria> *works on ICeheart wihin her temple of mad science!*
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> Aya...
<DeathStar> 6* A. Aya looks at Dawn
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> For what it's worth... I'm sorry.
<DeathStar> 6* The young adult begins to rub her arm. "I---"
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> I shouldn't have struck you.
<DeathStar> 6* She drops her cup and begins to grab her chest
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> Aya..? Aya!?
<Nyaomi> 6Dawn quickly grabs her, eyes going wide
<Kaelan> * Eclaire blinks and grabs Aya. "A-Aya!?"
<DeathStar> 6* A. Aya falls to the ground and convulses, foam appearing at her mouth. Seconds later, she stops shaking, dead. The smell of poison on her lips.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks down the ramp with Cae and Rosetta and others.
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> The coffee...!?
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> Ayaaaa!?
<Kaelan> * Eclaire begins to cry. "A-Aya? We have to get her to a healer! Aunt Dawnie hurry!"
<DeathStar> 6* But who? The Arcana children clones? An Illium who snuck along? A traitor?
<Nyaomi> 6Dawn picks Aya up quickly and runs for the ship
<kalonZombie> 6*Ethia runs over to A. Aya and starts trying to heal her
<Kaelan> Eclaire> "P-Please... Aya can't... can't die..." *she runs after Dawn*
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> Get the cup, Eclaire, now!!
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl whips her head and hears the cry, and sees Dawn pop out of the jungle
<Kaelan> * Eclaire grabs it.
<kalonZombie> <Ethia> Stay with me Aya, c'mon
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki climbs out after Cheryl
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ....
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Now what?!
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> Poison!!
<Kaelan> Eclaire> "Help! Help! Aya got poisoned!"
<Nyaomi> 6Dawn sets her down in the craft
<Nyaomi> <Dawn> The coffee was poisoned! ;A;
<kalonZombie> <Ethia> I'm trying to help Eclaire! Be quiet I need to concentrate!
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes them running along with Ethia healing as she goes along. Cheryl kneels, eyeing the dead girl, then nods at Cameron to take them to medical bay
<Kaelan> * Cameron nods and helps them along.
<Kaelan> * Eclaire holds up the cup. "P-Poison cup..."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> .... *she picks up the cup from Eclaire and searches it, then wipes along the bottom. A message appears*
<DeathStar> 'For ruthlessly ordering the death of so many'
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... gods...
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl drops it and looks ready to fall
<Kaelan> * Angelos grabs her.
<Chainy> 6*Miyuki catches the cup
<Kaelan> * Angela comes running over, sensing Eclaire's panic no doubt.
<DeathStar> 6* Hikaru comes out of the temple, having gotten off when they came back. She walks over and looks over the commotion. Rosetta runs up to follow Aya
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What have I wrought
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Thu Sep 19 22:53:55 2013