The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Session 109

Session Start: Tue Dec 07 16:33:01 2010
Session Ident: #Session109
01<@DeathStar> -0-
01<@DeathStar> Date: 2 days later
01<@DeathStar> Time: Afternoon
01<@DeathStar> Location: Kalon's Team on the Digger Carriages
01<@DeathStar> 6* The digger carriages have been moving the afternoon of the last session, the entire following day, and up to the afternoon of this second day
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas shifts, peering at his map; Jean looks bored, playing with Kaji by spinning her
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose is slumped forward a little, asleep
<Sia> * Sia yawns, she giggles and watches. "We'll need to get a new storybook soon Jean, we've read a lot of it. Maybe I could write one for you..."
<Xanatos> 6* Tal lays on the floor with his legs up in the seat where he normally sits he mumbles.
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Really?
01<@DeathStar> 6* There's shouts outside the carriage; the other diggers are talking to someone. The carriage begins to slow
<kalonZombie> *Leruste is eating a fruit he found on his chest after he woke up from his catnap. "This suuuuucks... I didn't know the desert would be this freaking hot" *He seems to have recovered from his deep thinking/ depression
06* Sia nods. "I have lots of ideas now."
06* Sia peers at Leruste. "Haven't you lived here all your life?"
<Xanatos> 6* Tal tries to sit up and see outside, then makes a noise and pulls himself up, wrapping the cloaka round him before glancing out to see what's going on.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Yeah, in the city. Where you can find shade whenever.
<Sia> "Oh, never left?"
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> At least we are in carriage! 6* It comes to a stop and Thomas opens the door, stepping out. Outside there's a bunch of tents and fires set up, and not too far away are sand dunes higher than the rest from digging out a ruin that's partially seen. Also, templar guards are here
06* Sia adjusts Jean's eyepatch.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> *To Sia "Not really. Had no reason to"
<Xanatos> <Tal> Tom. What happenin?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose gets out and many of the male diggers look over, checking her body out since the desert garb for women are very erotic in what they show. Jean steps out and the men stare even more, c hecking out Sia as well, then Nephilim
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> We're here
<Kit> 6Nephilim stretches as she gets out, arms over her head and yawns.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Jean, do you feel your gem near here? 6* Jean hmmms, closing eyes and nods, pointing toward the ruins. "Um, well...very, very close, but not sure if this ruin is in...bit further than what is dug out. <Thomas> It could be an extensive one.... or another one...hrn
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Finally. *He steps out as well, finishing the fruit off. he turns to Jean and says "Thanks for that
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean smiles
06* Sia fixes her outfit a bit, keeping her cloak over Kaji to give her shade and keep her out of sight, pullling the hood up to keep the sun off her head she smiles a bit. "So good to stretch." *she does so slowly*
<Xanatos> 6* Tal pauses and climbs out, making sure to keep wrapped up real good.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Several male diggers move over; most seem to be old, in their 40s, while some are young men. One takes Sia's hand, kissing it, and another puts an arm around Nephilim. "Welcome; you beautiful ladies are diggers, or assistants?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* One begins to lead Jean toward the tents, talking to her about her beautiful hair
<Kit> 6Nephilim eyes the man putting an arm around her, raising an eyebrow.
<Sia> * Sia squeaks and blushes, looking a little flustered at the attention.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man leads Nephilim like Jean is being led; Sia's man, a younger one, smiles at her
<Xanatos> 6* Tal shifts over in front of the man and Jean. No. 6He says in a low tone.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose gets two older men on either side of her; am oment later they're faces have gone blue from her grabbing their crotches
<Kit> <Nephilim> And... if I'm a digger?
01<@DeathStar> <Man> Well um... perhaps you could teach me in my tent?
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man pauses, eyeing Tal's eyes, then lets go and moves off nervously
<Sia> * Sia blushes at him and looks away shyly. "W-We're a little of each..."
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> He seemed nice!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose lets go and the older men limp off
<Xanatos> <Tal> Wanted to molest you. 6he tells Jean.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> No Jean. Don't go with these men.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean blinks. "Oh!" 6* She gives Sia's man a mean look and scares him off
<Sia> * Sia flushes and moves over to Jean to hide.
<Kit> <Nephilim> I doubt there's any relics in your tent. Unless you count the one collecting dust in your trousers.
<Xanatos> <Tal> Scavengers. 6He mumbles in annoyance, peering around at the tent area.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas shakes his head and uses his one arm to pull down two tents, tossing them at Leruste to carry. "One for the girls, one for the men."
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Oh nice one Neph.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The younger man jerks at Nephilim's words and lets go, moving off after the other men who are moving off. Rose watches them go, then asks cheerfully. <Rose> Kill bad men?
<kalonZombie> *Leruste falls over when catching them "Why does this always happen?
<Sia> Sia> "N-No Rose."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean leans over to help Leruste carry one
01<@DeathStar> <Rose> But bad.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose looks confused
<Xanatos> <Tal> We can't draw attention to us, rose.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Not bad enough.
<Sia> Sia> "We can't cause trouble here. We have to be good girls."
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Thanks ki... Jean. *He almost says kid before remembering she's almost as old as he is
01<@DeathStar> 6* A few men seem to be eyeing not Jean, for once, but Rose - white hair on a girl so young, since she only appears to be about 19, is very rare
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean nods. Thomas points at a spot near the other tents, but a little separated without being too suspicious. "Set them up there."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean moves over with her tent and sets it down, then begins to clumsily try to set it up
<Sia> * Sia moves over with Jean and helps her.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I'll go check in with the foreman of this dig and get us settled. 6*He walks off
<kalonZombie> *Leruste goes over and sets one up as well, helping Jean when needed
<Xanatos> <Tal> See ya Tom. 6He moves over and oversees Leruste setting up the other, helping when needed.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean watches Leruste's set up, then nods as Sia and he help her, moving to set it up slowly
01<@DeathStar> 6* They're extra large tents with enough room for four people in each
01<@DeathStar> 6* Some of the diggers seem to be cooking scorpions over a fire. Rose walks towards it, smelling the food
<Kit> <Nephilim> Rose.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The templar guards, not near enough to hear them, watch them over, taking note of them all
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose pauses, peering back
<Sia> * Sia smiles and hugs Leruste when they're done. "Thanks for the help!"
<Kit> <Nephilim> You really want some of those?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose points at her stomach
<kalonZombie> *Leruste gives another half pat on the back, not really wanting to push his luck
<Kit> <Nephilim> You're hungry. Then let's make food.
<Xanatos> 6* Tal arches a brow at Sia being touchy but shifts to move inside the tent, smiling wide and moving around it as if staking it out.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The young men keep watching the girls; they'd notice only three other women at this camp site, and they all seem to be cooks and cleaners
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose nods and moves back to Nephilim
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean giggles at Tal
<kalonZombie> *Leruste opens the flap and asks Tal "Does it meet approval or did I screw up?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas moves to a digger who appears to be about 50, talking and showing their IDs
<Sia> * Sia peers inside too.
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Why not many female diggers?
<Xanatos> <Tal> Only if I can have this side. 6He waves his hand out wide, staking 3/4 of the tent.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Hey, anyone who can cook with us?
01<@DeathStar> 6* One maid, who has short red hair like Mercy, since it's more common here, gets groped on the butt as she walks by serving food
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Deal, but only because you scare me.
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Jean been learning how to cook!!
<Sia> Sia> "Mmm... should learn how to cook."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Rose is hungry, you mind?
<Xanatos> 6* Tal lets out a bellowing laugh and pats Leruste on the back one good time before pausing. I forgot about Tom. He can have some of my side. 6He lets out a sad sigh.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean nods and moves to the carriage to grab what food they were given - it seems to be mostly sand colored tigroar meat and sand worm meat. She moves over toward the big fire where other food is being made
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose watches Leruste and shifts, peering with her one eye and studies him
<Sia> * Sia follows after her to assist her. Ever the shadow.
<Sia> * Sia follows Jean, that is.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Tigroar and sandworm?.. I've eaten worse... *He says quietly to himself "Eaten alot better but eaten worse..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas walks back with papers and hands them to each of them. "This is where in the ruins we'll be stationed." 6* The papers have a map of what's been found so far in the ruins and their area is circled. "We'll investigate this one first to see if it's the right one; if not, we'll sneak off at night to find another."
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Can't we do the second thing first?
<Sia> * Sia nods. "Is that safe? They might suspect something..."
<Xanatos> <Tal> I'm good at diggin. 6He comments again then to poke Rose.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> If we sneak off first, right away, we're more likely to arise suspicion then if we do our work properly to begin with
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose blinks and makes a slight girly squeak
<kalonZombie> *Leruste sighs "Fiiine, we'll do it the boring way first"
<Xanatos> 6* Tal hehhehs and walks over to sit and watch Jean cook.
<Sia> * Sia moves to help Jean with the meat and pulls out the plates they need to hold it all.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Good job, Thomas.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean puts the beat on the fire; some of the men near by watch her and one grabs her butt as he walks by, making her jerk with a squeak
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Hm? Thank you
<Xanatos> <Tal> Tom's the best leader around.
<Sia> * Sia pouts and frowns at the man.
01<@DeathStar> <Groping Man> So, you two the new cooks? Better looking than the old ones.
<Xanatos> 6* Tal pauses and slowly looks towards the groping man, tenses up.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Hey! Get your hands off my Jeanie!
<Sia> Sia> "W-We're cooking for our group because we couldn't hire one."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man peers at Nephilim; Nephilim's yell draws attenteion of more eyes and he flusters. <Man> I only touched her a second. Sheesh
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man walks off, hrmphing that Jean looks ugly with one eye
<kalonZombie> *Leruste stands up slowly, getting ready for a small scuffle that might break out... he's not that good a fighter but he'll do what he can
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> We need to becareful; they've been out here two months with only those three women. They might be... repressed
<Kit> <Nephilim> Jeez... makes me curious." 6She slips away toward the redhead maid
<Sia> * Sia sighs, "Neph..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The red haired maid washes some clothes in a wash bin behind a tent
<Xanatos> <Tal> I'll show 'em repressed. 6He says with a growl.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man returns to his friends, and they talk in low voices, watches the men - and Nephilim - in Leruste's group
01<@DeathStar> <Rose> Repressed?
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> I-Is Jean ugly? 6* She asks Sia, sniffling
<Kit> <Nephilim> Excuse me, miss?
01<@DeathStar> 6* The maid looks up. "Ye be needin' your washin' done?"
<Sia> Sia> "No, that pervy man is a stupid-head."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean nods and sniffles, turning the meat. Thomas rubs his face. <Thomas> We should have one person awake at all times to watch them
<Xanatos> <Tal> If any man touches you where he shouldn't you hurt them. 6He tells Rose.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Nah. I was just wondering if you've been having any trouble here.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose seems to follow hurt at least, and nods
01<@DeathStar> <Maid> I---I'm fine, really, ma'am. 6* She says quickly and washes
<Xanatos> <Tal> Or tell me and I'll do it! 6He gives her a smirk.
01<@DeathStar> <Rose> Can hurt bad men
<kalonZombie> *Leruste goes over to Jean "You are a beautiful young woman, and any man who actually cares about you would be lucky to have you
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> After we eat, lets go into the ruins
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean blinks and blushes at that, and puts some meat on a plate for Sia to give him
<Kit> <Nephilim> Oh c'mon now. I know some girls don't mind, but if you do..
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Mercy showed me how to spice to make better
<Sia> * Sia holds it out to him. "Here you go, Mr. Charmer."
01<@DeathStar> <Maid> They do nae hurt me if you that's what you mean. Some of them just need to relieve stress like any man does
<kalonZombie> *He takes it smiling, "Thanks"
<Xanatos> 6* Tal nods to Thomas. Sure thing boss.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean begins to cut up more meat and puts it on the plates for Sia to serve. One man speaks up. "We all share things here, lady; if your food is so good, have your little girlfriend bring us some."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Meaning?
<Sia> * Sia squeaks, but serves people in her own group first.
<Xanatos> <Tal> If we have left overs I'll bring it. 6He calls out.
01<@DeathStar> <Maid> S-Sex, ma'am
<Kit> <Nephilim> But they don't hurt you...
01<@DeathStar> 6* The men peer at Tal, frowning but don't make a fuss due to his crazy eyes
<kalonZombie> *Leruste stays close by, ready again to intrude, despite knowing he won't be able to do much against such big guys
01<@DeathStar> <Maid> Some women in some dig sites get beat
<Sia> * Sia gives Tal a big portion.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Why don't you leave, then?
01<@DeathStar> <Maid> The pay is good here
<Kit> <Nephilim> I see. How much do you make?
01<@DeathStar> <Maid> 500 silver per month. My baby sisters need it.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Do they... tip?
01<@DeathStar> <Maid> No; the pay ... covers that I serve all their needs
<Xanatos> 6* Tal gives Sia a smile and gets to eating, but uses his hands instead of just digging in face first.
<Kit> <Nephilim> But it wasn't in the fine print before you agreed, I take it.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean waits for Sia to come back to get the remaining plates
01<@DeathStar> <Maid> No, ma'am....
<Sia> * Sia comes back and gets them, blushing.
<Sia> * Sia moves over to serve the rest of the group their portions before sitting back down with Jean.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean giggles and sits down; there's still some food left, buty the men don't get it, apparantly not liking that Sia and Jean serve the other men but not them
<Kit> <Nephilim> I'll pay you double to be my maid.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> If they ask, you two, you are digger assistants; you are not a woman here to cook and clean and serve their needs
<kalonZombie> *Leruste finally sits down and eats his meal
<Sia> Sia> "Sh-Should I give it to them or have Tal do it...?"
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Um, okay
<Sia> Sia> "Oh... okay..."
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> A woman is community property on a dig; don't fall into that trap
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> An assistant serves only her digger
01<@DeathStar> *his/her
01<@DeathStar> <Maid> D-Double, ma'am?
<Xanatos> 6* Tal finishes his food fast and gets to his feet moving to give out the meat. Don't choke on it. 6He says simply and moves back to the others.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Yes, you make five gold a month, right? I'll pay you ten.
<Sia> * Sia nods and looks down shyly. "I never thought Digs would be so... dangerous outside the ruins..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The woman pauses. "B-but if I did that on future digs they might not h-hire me."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Parita stumbles out of the carriage finally nd moves over and b ites into Leruste's food
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Hey, we can get you your own
01<@DeathStar> <Parita> Mmphh.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The maid seems to be considering it though
<Kit> <Nephilim> Then I guess you'd better impress me, eh?
<Sia> Sia> "Pari-sweetie, come here for some."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The maid pauses, then swallows, nodding and rising. "Yes, ma'am." 6* She steps over to her. The man who's clothing she was cleaning rising. <Man> What are you doing, you whore?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Parita swallows what she stole then moves to Sia
<Xanatos> 6* Tal slowly glances towards Nephilim and the man, watching the scene.
<Sia> * Sia hands her a plate of food.
<Kit> <Nephilim> You should probably finish that. Not good to stir up trouble.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The woman bows and moves back to it; the man rises, stepping toward Nephilim. "You can't steal our maids."
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Nephilim has a way with trouble...
<Kit> <Nephilim> Steal? I made a better offer. Simple business.
01<@DeathStar> <Man> She's community property; she has 10 more loads of clothing and a night in my tent.
<Xanatos> <Tal> Think they'll be a fight?
<kalonZombie> *Leruste puts his food down and stands up again
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Hard to say; Nephilim would win though
<Sia> * Sia sighs and rubs her forehead. "Are we gonna be in trouble?"
<Xanatos> <Tal> And then some.
<Kit> <Nephilim> She signed on for compensation and I offered her more. Either offer her better conditions and she'll reconsider, or back off. You're making a mistake.
01<@DeathStar> <Man> .... 6* He eyes the other two women, who are paying no mind to what's going on, then Nephilim. "I'll be going to the church with this." 6* A templar begins to approach him and Nephilim
<Kit> <Nephilim> I've done nothing wrong." 6She smiles slowly. 1"Perhaps with more experience you'll find your own wealth. I fancy the redhead."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Pardon? Should I hire the other two as well?" 6She looks pointed.
<Sia> * Sia keeps her head low and looks worried.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man glares and walks over to the other two women and tells them to get in the tents to do their work. He eyes Nephilim; those who can tell eyes well know that a fight won't break out now, but this man won't let this drop
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Templar stops in front of them. <Templar> What is the problem here?
<Kit> <Nephilim> I hired on a maid as my assistant. The men are unhappy.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> We'll need to watch him for sure.
01<@DeathStar> <Templar> IF the woman has hired her, then make a better offer or walk away. If I catch anyone harrassing the maid or her, they will be speaking to the church
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man peers away and everyone goes back to eating. The templar eyes Nephilim, then the others, studying Jean, then walks back to his post
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean finishes her food; Rose begins to resume eating
<Kit> 6Nephilim smiles, nodding to the Templar. 1"My only fear is that they will mistreat the other two for my conduct."
<kalonZombie> *Leruste tries his best to not look suspicious as he resumes eating his meal
01<@DeathStar> <Templar> We will prevent that
<Xanatos> <Tal> Hn. 6He says in a growl sound. Haven't fought in a while. 6he says longingly.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> He'll attack in the ruins where the templars can't see
<Kit> <Nephilim> Good Templar, I should thank you. I was afraid my unfairness would treat them misery, but I am reassured your benevolence is their care.
<Xanatos> <Tal> Good.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The templar peers at her but simply nods and goes back out of hearing to stand.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> And make it seem like an accident claimed our lives
<Kit> <Nephilim> Blessings upon you!
<Kit> 6Nephilim takes the maid's hand and leads her to their camp.
<Xanatos> <Tal> Or his.
<Sia> * Sia licks her lips and eats her share of food quietly, looking nervous at that still, but making herself brave.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The maid blinks and is led along submissively, peering down
01<@DeathStar> <Maid> Um, what will be my first assignment, miss?
<kalonZombie> *Leruste waits until he's well out of earshot, and even then he still mutters quietly "Geez and I thought I was a good bullshitter"
<Kit> <Nephilim> Well, certainly not finishing that ingrate's laundry.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The maid smiles a bit but then hides it quickly
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> She's pretty like Mercy!
<Xanatos> <Tal> You're not. 6He says to Leruste with a smile.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Yes, I think it struck a soft spot in me. You know anyone named Mercy, miss?
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> I am so. I just haven't had a reason to lie... well there was Ial, but she knows me better than that one book I've read like, eight times.
<Sia> * Sia looks over and blushes a bit. "The girl's tent it going to get stuffed."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The maid shakes her head. "I am afraid not, ma'am."
<Xanatos> <Tal> And I'm a wizard.
01<@DeathStar> <Maid> I can sleep outside the tent, miss; I would not sully your tent with my body
<Sia> * Sia blinks, "What kinda talk is that! You join us."
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> No, really, I can lie with the best of them.
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> She IS like Mercy! Maybe MErcy's mom came from here once?
<Xanatos> <Tal> One of the girls can stay with us. Me and Tom will be up at any one point so they'll be safe.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Tch." 6She swats the maid's rear. 1"No talking like that. That's your first assignment."
01<@DeathStar> 6 *Thomas finishes the food. "We should get into the ruins; one of us needs to stay to protect the tents." <Parita> Not me!
<Kit> <Nephilim> Even sounds like Mercy.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose points at herself
01<@DeathStar> 6* The maid jerks and nods submissively
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> I bet Mercy's mom was her mom's sister!
<Kit> <Nephilim> Not safe to sleep outside, you'll sleep with me.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean giggles at the idea
<kalonZombie> *Leruste looks a Parita "What? You don't want to share a tent with me? I thought always a thief once a thief or something like that"
<Sia> * Sia giggles. "That'd be neat..."
<Kit> <Nephilim> ... And Panda.
<Xanatos> <Tal> ....don't feel safe you stayin here. 6He tells Rose.
01<@DeathStar> <Parita> You're sleeping with smelly men; I'm sleeping with nice smelling girls
<Sia> Sia> "Mercy was very nice. And she made cute faces whenever Kaelan kissed her."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose peers at Tal, then forms a crystal dagger and indicates stabbing motions, then makes it vanish
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> You got me there, squirt
<Xanatos> 6* Tal frowns and looks to the others.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I think the tents would be safe with Rose; ... maybe a bit too safe
01<@DeathStar> <Parita> I get to go in the ruins, right? <Thomas> You're too young; you'll stay out here
01<@DeathStar> <Parita> Boo
<Kit> <Nephilim> What's your name, beautiful?
<Sia> Sia> "We need someone to watch our watchman?"
01<@DeathStar> <Maid> Tranquility
<Kit> <Nephilim> ...Either you're related, or redheads have an adorable naming tradition
01<@DeathStar> <Tranq> Well, my sisters are named Hope and Sugar.
<Sia> * Sia giggles. "Cute!"
<Sia> Sia> "I'm Sia, Momma named me and my twin, her name was Mia."
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Rose, Parita, and ... Tranquility will stay out here. Everyone else, lets go
01<@DeathStar> 6* The maid bows in greeting to Sia
<Xanatos> <Tal> Be careful. 6he finally tells rose after a second.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose nods and smiles
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> "Leruste at your service. Please don't make fun of my name. I like my name."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Hm, we can call you Lit for short.
<Sia> * Sia bows back, then nods, getting up to go. "See you soon!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas grabs his backpack and points at various digging supplies, making everyone get some - shovels, glowstones, etc.
01<@DeathStar> <Lit> Yes, ma'am
<Xanatos> 6* Tal puts a hand on her shoulder slightly, gives a nod and then moves to get his supplies.
<Sia> * Sia gets her share of the supples, and satchel of wonders and stands ready to go.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas moves to lead. Jean bows and hurries after
<kalonZombie> *Leruste grabs some, straining a bit to carry them "Geez, I haven't even started and I already hate manual labor"
<Kit> 6Nephilim nods to herself. 1"Her face lit up when I made her the offer, after all."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose peers at Tranquility suspiciously now
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lit blushes a little
<Xanatos> <Tal> Not even heavy. Your boney arms need muscle.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> You keep teasing her and you maym make her regret it
<Kit> <Nephilim> Rose, what's up?
01<@DeathStar> <Rose> ... 6* She peers at Jean, then Lit, as if suspicious that the maid will find out
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> You don't need muscle when you don't get caught. I never got caught... *he adds quietly "thatmuch"
<Xanatos> <Tal> You'll need muscle if you aim to fight with us.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Oh. Lit, this is Jean. She's got a split personality, but she's a sweetie. No one'll love you more than her. Rose here is our warrior woman. She'll protect you, so do whatever she wants.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Only if I'm planning to fight fair. Which I am not
01<@DeathStar> <Lit> Um, y-yes ma'am. 6* She tries to process all that. Jean waves cutely and ksips after Thomas
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rose nods once at her
<Sia> * Sia moves along after Jean.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas treks along toward the ruins, keeping a wide enough berth around the templars but close enough not to look suspicious; the man that Nephilim pissed off watches them approach, talking to four of his buddies. They all nod about something.
<Kit> <Nephilim> My name's Nephilim. I'm a thief." 6She notes to Tranquility, pats her head, then goes to follow everyone
<kalonZombie> *Leruste turns around and waves bye to Parita "Don't get in too much trouble when I'm gone!"
01<@DeathStar> <Parita> You're more likely to than me; you'll probably find an ancient trap and die
<Xanatos> 6* Tal hnns and peers Ler over slightly and looks ahead. Fighting is never fair.
<Sia> * Sia keeps close to Jean, blushing a little. She looks towards the ruins with mounting interest.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Nope. Which is why I avoid it whenever I can. As a result, I suck at it. Fair warning.
<Xanatos> <Tal> You want to get better. I can help.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The ruins has been partially dug out; the top of it's mostly uncovered, revealing a stone area that looks huge and study as they walk; as they travel up ahead there's an area dug deeper where the stone area comes to an end, about 10 feet down, with wood set down to walk on as a person walks downward as not to slide in. At the bottom of the more dug up area (cont)
01<@DeathStar> 6* is a hole in the side of more stone; it appears to be the top part they walked on was the roof, then the dug out area is the wall with a hole in it. Glowstones are attached to the outside to light the entrance
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Nah, not really. Fighting isn't my thing.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> This structure must be massive... 6* He murmurs. He walks down the wood planks carefully
<Xanatos> 6* Tal hnns again and pauses. Wait, ruins underground??
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Yep!
<Sia> Sia> "So this one is pretty recent...? I hope there's all sorts of neat stuff inside...!" *she sounds very, very excited, more then a girl should be over a hole in the ground*
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Makes sense. So many sandstorms out here that over the centuries the sand just collected over it.
<Xanatos> 6* Tal gulps and seems to look nervous.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Don't forget, Sia, about the trouble I've caused us.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean pauses and hugs Tal
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> What's wrong?
<Sia> * Sia blinks and pouts. "Oh yeah..."
<Xanatos> <Tal> N-Never been underground before.
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> It's safe!
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> .... sometimes
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Neither have I buddy. It'll be fun!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas reaches the bottom of the dug out area and moves to the hole, judging it
<Xanatos> 6* Tal lets out a breath and puts on a brave face, moving along again to catch up with Thomas, looking to be moving carefully.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Too small to be a door.... perhaps a window once. 6* He notes, then shifts inside, activating a glowstone and attaching it to his belt to free up his hand
<Sia> * Sia slips herself inside and joins him, looking around.
01<@DeathStar> 6* On the other side of the hole is an empty room, already cleared out by the diggers, and a door that's been forced open. Thomas approaches it and steps through it into a hallway, with more open doors on either side
<kalonZombie> *Leruste is looking around, hoping to find something valuable the Diggers left behind, though he's not keeping his hopes up
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean wiggles in and peers about, trying to feel out what she wants as she hurries along
<Kit> <Nephilim> Jean, stay close." 6She catches up to her, staying beside
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean pauses and slows, pouting. She activates her own glow stone and giggles
<Sia> * Sia activates a glowstone and sets it on the sash about her hips, slipping Kaji some meat as she looks around, then scurries to catch up to Jean.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas eyes the map they were given, which indicates they need to find stairs to go lower. "These have all been cleared out."6* He notes, moving down the hallway; after a point it becomes more like a T, with them on the upper T part. He takes the right
01<@DeathStar> 6* Kaji rers cutely and sniffs
<Kit> <Nephilim> Oh, I meant stay close, not slow down. I can keep up, Jeanie.
01<@DeathStar> 6* AS they walk along, on the wall they would see drawings with some ancient tool - it looks like two big people with a tiny person between, holding hands - that are stick lines
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> I take whichever way Tal is going.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean beams, then peers at the picture, rubbing her head and looking woozy.
<Xanatos> 6* Tal sniffs around as they move. Look. Drawings.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Jean?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas peers back, not looking too interested, and moves on ahead; he stops at the end of the second hallway and moves through a door on the right
<kalonZombie> *Leruste whistles "Niiiice. Wonder how much they would catch
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Hm? Oh! Thomas getting away! 6* She moves on
<Sia> * Sia stares, blinking. "Every time I look it's like one person or the two people are more pronounced..." *she blinks and heads after Jean*
<Xanatos> <Tal> Nothing. Just a silly drawing.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> You clearly don't know how crazy some collectors can be
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Remember it's illegal to take anything from the dig and not sell it to the church; if you steal anything, keep it hidden
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas warns from the room; Jean steps inside and finds stairs, moving down after Thomas
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> I wasn't gonna steal this. Too big...
<Sia> * Sia heads after her carefully down the stairs.
<Xanatos> 6* Tal moves down the stairs. Least I can use my nose to sniff out fresh air.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Hm..
<Xanatos> 6* Tal still seems slightly nervous but he's doing the manly job of trying to hide tha.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> We're two floors down. 6*He passes one set of doors, then moves down to a second and stops; the stairs keep going though. Thomas frowns, considering. "The gem is likely at the bottom. We'll keep going." 6* He walks onward - downward
<kalonZombie> *Leruste seems unfazed despite never having been underground this deep befroe
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean kisses Tal's cheek, but looks distracted a bit as they walk; the doors aren't open as they continue
<Kit> <Nephilim> Right.
<Kit> 6Nephilim examines the doors.
<Sia> Sia> "Mmm, well, won't Jean feel it directly level when we're on the right floor?"
<Xanatos> 6* Tal blinks and gives Jean a smirk before glancing around. What're we even lookin for?
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Not exactly; she can tell if it's up and down when she's close.
<Sia> Sia> "Oh..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas reaches the bottom finally; they'e traveled down ten floors and the air is thinner now. The door before them is shut and rusted, a metal door
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> ... such use of metals back then...
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas motions at Leruste to kick it open
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> So we're spelunking and not knowing what we're spelunking for? This is... surprisingly a twist I like.
<kalonZombie> *He gives him a confused look, like "Why me? I'm scrawny"
<Sia> Sia> "I be it was good protection back then... now it's all rusty."
<Kit> 6Nephilim snerks at Leruste and gives the door a gentle push
<Xanatos> 6* Tal sniffs and peers towards the door, tilting his head. Looks like it would be expensive for a door.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The door doesn't budge
<kalonZombie> *Leruste puts his stuff down, stretches a bit, and gets a running start, trying to kick the door down
<Sia> * Sia hides her face.
<Xanatos> 6* Tal watches this with amusement.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leruste rushes forward and --- kicks the door!!!! A loud BANG is heard and Leruste is knocked flat on his back. The door pops open an inch, so now a gentle push would work. Leruste's leg vibrates
<Sia> Sia> "Is he alive?"
<Kit> 6Nephilim shoves the door open. 1"Thanks, dog."
<Xanatos> 6* Tal hehehs and shifts his foot out to push it.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> I'll be right back as soon as the world stops spinning so fast...
<Sia> Sia> "Oh good."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean leans over to help him up
<Sia> * Sia blushes a bit.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The door reveals another hallway. Thomas steps in
01<@DeathStar> 6* Above them, noises are heard as other diggers are probably returning to the dig
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Thanks *He picks his equipment back up and starts marching alongside Tal again* Why couldn't you do that again?
<Xanatos> 6* Tal glances up slighty. We shouldn't be down here should we?
01<@DeathStar> 6* The new hallway is dusty and the air stale down here. Suddenly there's a brzt noise and lights flicker on in the ceiling; Thomas looks up to see blue lights running down the top of both walls, revealing a hallway full of doors
01<@DeathStar> 6* Then they shut off
<Sia> Sia> "It wasn't blocked off... what... was that?"
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> .... amazing... 6* He looks up, then looks disappointed when they vanish
<Sia> Sia> "What kind of magic was that...?"
<Xanatos> 6* Tal jerks and points. Sorcery!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean closes the door after them, proud of herself
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> That was... weird.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> The magic must be old and not working anymore
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas walks slowly forward, passing various doors for now, and waits for Jean to feel something; as they move, they reach another T section and he frowns, wondering which way. Jean points to the right, so he turns and moves
<Kit> <Nephilim> That sort of thing was similar to where we saw the dragon's nest
01<@DeathStar> 6* The doors look tempting to those wanting goods
01<@DeathStar> <Kaji> Rer?
<Xanatos> 6* Tal walks along, clearly intent on just following Jean.
<Sia> * Sia walks along quietly, she giggles and pets Kaji. "Rer."
<Kit> 6Nephilim can't help checking a door or two
<kalonZombie> *Leruste stops at one of the doors, looking around and waiting for everyone to pass him, opening one near the middle
<Xanatos> <Tal> They gonna get left behind.
<Sia> Sia> "Nephie can find us."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The doors open; inside Nephilim would see a desk, stuff on it that looks oddly shaped with a glass like object in the center, metal rectangles as tall as her, and posters of things on the walls. For Leruste...
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leruste finds a giant desk, ntohing on it, and posters of women posing on the walls; some are elves posing in skimpy underwear and bra outfits and hugging each other. the elves have pink hair and stuff
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas and Jean walk along and they come to the end where a large metallic door that looks more powerful than before, with a red round object on the wall next to it. Jean points. "That direction still."
<kalonZombie> *Leruste gives a hrmph before catching up with the others
<Xanatos> 6* Tal tilts his head. What's this? 6He glances the round thing over.
<Kit> 6Nephilim pauses, walking in to look at the glass.
<Sia> * Sia peers at it, blinking. "An ancient lock?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The object holding the glass looks complicated and has a little black thing on the side of it
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas pushes it and nothing happens. Jean sulks, wanting through
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> The magics that opened the door must not be working...
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> We could try picking a lock? Maybe?
<Kit> 6Nephilim studies it further without touching, tilting her head
<Sia> Sia> "Let's wait for Nephie, she knows how to open any door!"
<Xanatos> 6* Tal bites on the red thing.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nephilim's ears would pick u psomething stepping up behind her, and suddenly a shovel is swung at her head.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Does this thing even have locks?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas peers it over; it seems to have no handles or locks.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The only thing that is even remotely accessible is a tiny crack at the bottom a bug couldcrawl through
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> No locks... hmm...
<Xanatos> 6* Tal frowns and huffs.
<Kit> 6Nephilim puts her hands on the desk and swings her legs up to catch the shovel with her feet, peering underneath herself back at her attacker
<Xanatos> <Tal> Stupid door.
01<@DeathStar> 6* It's the man she pissed off before, struggling; his three friends move in and grab her arms and jerk her offbalance
<Sia> * Sia pokes at the red thing a little, pouting.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean pauses, peering back. "Felt something in mark...from Nephy."
<Sia> * Sia blinks, looking around. "Is she okay?"
<Xanatos> 6* Tal pauses and glances to Jean. Back there? 6He points?
01<@DeathStar> 6* JEan nods
<Kit> 6Nephilim makes a noise, letting go with her feet, eyeing the men with her arms. 1"... Seriously?"
<Sia> Sia> "Let's go get her, we need her for this door I bet."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas takes an explosive and sets it up to the door; it's cleary it's digger material he 'borrowed' for blasting holes in stuff. It's basically powder that's not available to people outside the church or diggers or certain Hunter Guild missions.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man who hates Nephilim throws a punch for her gut
<Xanatos> 6* Tal turns and sprints back towards the hallway where they left neph, moving on all fours, sliding aroudn a corner and almost falling.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean turns to follow back the way they were as Thomas sets up what he'll need
<Kit> 6Nephilim hop up slightly, letting her knee hit his two weak knuckles punching
<kalonZombie> *Leruste follows Tal, able to almost keep up with him "Guess you are going to teach me how to fight after all"
<Sia> * Sia heads back after them, pulling out a throwing knife from her bag.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man howls in rage and the another man aims and punches for her face
01<@DeathStar> 6* As they arrive, they'd hear noises in oen of the rooms
<Kit> 6Nephilim tilts her head to the side, then goes to bite him in the wrist
01<@DeathStar> 6* A man in the hallway shouts out. "They're coming."
<kalonZombie> *Leruste takes his dagger out "I hate using this thing"
<Xanatos> <Tal> Or i'll just do it myself. 6He sniffs and snarls, sliding around and springing out for the man in the hallway.
<Sia> Sia> "...It's the bad men..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man shifts his hand back as she bites nothing, his other hand striking the side of her stomach. "Whore."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man in the hallway shifts and draws a dagger, throwing it at Tal
<Kit> 6Nephilim lets out a breath and winces. 1"... I resent that. I'm a virgin."
<Sia> * Sia leans to one side and tosses her own dagger at the man., careful of the others.
<kalonZombie> *Leruste waits for a clear distraction, going in and stabbing someone while they're not paying attention to him
01<@DeathStar> 6* The men smirk and one closes the door, shoving the metal thing over to block it. It bangs loudly, papers falling out
<Xanatos> 6* Tal only moves enough so it hits his shoulder.
01<@DeathStar> 6* They turn and pin her to the desk
01<@DeathStar> 6* There's only one man in the hallway, and he's not distracted as he's facing them all; as Leruste comes in, he kicks at his face
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean hurries to the door while the men deal with the one man and she tries to open the door
<Kit> 6Nephilim ponders, looking bored and not resisting much as she's put on the desk.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man is hit by Sia's dagger and stumbles
<Xanatos> 6* Tal jumps up over Leruste and extends hsi claws as he falls down for a pounce.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The men take out their rope and try to bind her
<kalonZombie> *Leruste jumps back, landing on his butt, but sweeps at the mans leg before he can get a chance to put the other on the floor
<Kit> <Nephilim> You might want to take my knife first.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man is tripped and pounced, hitting the ground; he howls as he's clawed
01<@DeathStar> 6* The four men in the room pause, and two hold her down while one keeps her legs still. The last feels for her knife
<Sia> * Sia moves for the door to help Jean. "What's wrong?"
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Door not opening!!!
<Kit> <Nephilim> Yep, right there." 6She nods.
<kalonZombie> *Leruste gets up, springing for one of the men holding her, stabbing at their legs
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man checks her thigh
<Sia> * Sia frowns and looks around the hallway. "Too small for Albert... I think... Tal! We need your muscles!"
<Xanatos> NRP: They're in a room and they blocked off the door.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leruste can't get at the men; read
<Kit> <Nephilim> Go on, take it, before I bury it in your kidney.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man removes the knife , eyeing it
<Kit> <Nephilim> Pretty, isn't it?
<Xanatos> 6* Tal stands up and pulls the man to his feet throwing him towards Sia. Take care of him then. 6He moves over to the door and pulls his claws up, clawing at it.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man pockets it
<Kit> 6Nephilim smirks. 1"Sorry, that's mine. I want it back."
<Sia> * Sia squeaks and stabs out at the man as he's thrown towards her.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Tal's claws through the metal and the men pause, turning back in horror as the door is shredded open and the metal box against it destroyed. The door doesn't exactly open, but it's shredded inward
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man, bleeding, stumbles into Sia
<Xanatos> 6* Tal growls. You made a mistake. 6He sshifts to pry it open a bit more.
<Kit> 6Nephilim sing-songs a magic vice and bursts her knife into flames-- in the guy's pocket.
<Sia> * Sia jerks, as her dagger was out and thrusting at him, blinking as she pushes at him.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man jerks and screams as his pants catch on fire; the other two let nephilim go, backing up in fear and confusion, while the one who was pissed at Nephilim grabs his own dagger and stabs at her chest
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man in the hallway falls down dead, while Tal breaks into the room
<Xanatos> <Tal> Nephilim! 6He calls out as he tries to grab the man before he can get her.
<Kit> 6Nephilim slips down off the desk-- and out of the ropes since they weren't careful in how they bind her-- and she drives her elbow for his crotch
<Sia> * Sia breathes in and turns towards the room.
<kalonZombie> *Leruste hangs back a bit, waiting for an opportunity
01<@DeathStar> 6* Tal grabs the man and is then elbowed in the crotch, bending over. The one on fire collapses, burning and trying to put himself out, while the other two grab their weapons and kick the desk so it hits against Nephilim and Tal, and the elbowed man, knocking the three back into the hallway
01<@DeathStar> 6* The men then leap over the desk and out the door, turning and running for the stairs
<Xanatos> 6* Tal stumbles back and then growls, giving chase, trying to close the gap with long strides.
<Kit> 6Nephilim crouches over the man, using another magick to bring her crescent dagger back to her hand.
<Sia> * Sia frowns and tosses a dagger at one's back as he tries to run.
<Kit> <Nephilim> I warned you." 6She chides, tisking.
<kalonZombie> *Leruste trips the first one to get out, hoping the second one will fall over him
<Kit> <Nephilim> You should let those two go, guys.
01<@DeathStar> 6* One rushes past Leruste as he trips one, and dodges the dagger; however, Tal catches up easily
01<@DeathStar> 6* The pinned man eyes Nephilim. "Who the hell are you? The angel?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean blinks
<Xanatos> 6* Tal grabs at them to try and smack them both together and knock them out.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Tal can't smack them both together since there's distance
<Kit> <Nephilim> No, just a pissed off woman. Didn't I warn you? In a camp like this, frustrations are taken out by the opposite sex, right?
01<@DeathStar> 6* The one Leruste tripped grabs his leg, trying to trip him
<Xanatos> 6* Tal pauses and throws the one he grabbed at the wall then.
<Sia> * Sia jerks and pulls up her melee dagger, she tries to stab at the tripped man.
<Kit> 6Nephilim sits on the man, wrapping her legs around his arms and keeping him pinned.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Tal's man is thrown against the wall, throwing his dagger at his stomach
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nephilim's man struggles. "Let me go!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Sia stabs the man grabbing Leruste's leg, stealing his victory
<Kit> 6Nephilim keeps her eyes locked on his, reaching back to cut away his trousers and undergarments.
<Xanatos> 6* Tal jerks and shifts to the side but it still gets him in the side, he jerks forward to throw his elbow for the man's head.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Tal's man is hit in the face by the elbow and goes down
<Xanatos> 6* Tal snarls and begins to drag the man back towards the others. Can't let them get away now.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nephilim's man jerks. "What the hell are you doing, bitch? Do you know who I am?" <Jean> Um, no?
<kalonZombie> *Leruste stands up "Thanks."
<Sia> * Sia smiles. "Are you okay?"
<Kit> <Nephilim> You've got me pretty frustrated. Planning to take me across the table, hm? No, sir, I'm just an innocent maiden. Tell me." 6She lets her knife graze his leg.
01<@DeathStar> 6* There's a boom from Thomas' hallway and the area shakes a moment
<Kit> <Nephilim> Who are you?
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man shows his teeth. "The name's Taiger. Don't forget it."
<Xanatos> 6* Tal pauses and glances up towards the sound. Tom dead?
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Only thing bruised is my butt and pride.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean blinks; three of the five men are dead, Nephilim's on one, and Tal is dragging the other
<Xanatos> 6* Tal holds the man up by his leg. Can't let him go, if templars find out we in trouble.
<Sia> Sia> "Nah, Mr. Thomas is good."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Sorry. I'm just a little girl. That's too difficult for a woman like me to remember." 6She smiles innocently-- as she cleaves his swipes her knife, making him unisex.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man screams like a banishee monster
<Xanatos> 6* Tal makes a face at that. Dead better.
<Kit> 6Nephilim stands slowly, walking away from him while he screams.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste winces at the sound "Remind me not to pis her off
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean pales and looks sick, then faints
<Kit> <Nephilim> Don't worry, he is dead.
<Xanatos> <Tal> He'll bleed to death Neph. Might get out far enough to warn everyone bout us. Should end him now.
<Kit> 6Nephilim uses the clothing of another of the men to clean her knife, sliding it back up her thigh.
<Sia> * Sia stares towards the screams and looks shocked. "What... did Nephie do?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man keeps making screams, threatening to kill Nephilim
<Kit> <Nephilim> We're ten levels below the surface. He wouldn't make it one level.
<Xanatos> <Tal> Assumption makes ass of u and me.
<Kit> <Nephilim> A man severed like that bleeds out as quickly as a slit throat, Tal'Ka. I would know.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean shakes her head, rising, her gaze colder again; she kicks the man's head and knocks him out, then turns to walk back toward where Thomas was
<Xanatos> 6* Tal tilts his head slightly before lifting up his guy and snapping his neck, tossing him into the room before moving after the others.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Hello, Angie.
01<@DeathStar> 6* When they catch back up to Thomas, they'd see the door is barely damaged. The Angel nods at Nephilim simply
<Sia> * Sia remains quiet, having come back with the others, the scream seems to have bothered her.
<Kit> <Nephilim> I'd planned on letting the lackies go. They'd scare the others into leaving us alone. It's not like they could have said we attacked them. I have the rope marks on my wrists to prove foul play.
<Kit> <Nephilim> They wouldn't have had the guts to try again. I took their balls, after all.
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> WIll more come now? 6* She eyes the door and Thomas' frustrated look
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Man I just wanted to trip them and bruise their egos is all. I didn't plan on them dying
<Xanatos> <Tal> Saw me rip open the door. Templar would be suspicous, see my race and attack me. Letting them go would be bad. 6He steps up to the door and pulls his arms out to the side and tries to claw this door open too.
01<@DeathStar> 6* He leaves claw marks, but it remains
<Kit> <Nephilim> Time will tell. They'll know something happened to the first who tried. It's whether anyone has a need to take revenge.
<Xanatos> 6* Tal jerks and forwns in frustration. STUPID DOOR!
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> Keep clawing it; it'll open eventually
<Kit> <Nephilim> Thomas, a little more light, please?" 6She tries to examine it for any markings.
<Sia> Sia> "Well... this means we have to leave when we get back out... before these ones are found to be missing..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas grabs Sia closer since she has her glowstone on, too
<Xanatos> 6* Tal seems like he was mad enought o try it again, clawing at the 'stupid door'.
<Sia> * Sia squeaks and gets pulled closer.
01<@DeathStar> 6* His claw marks do more damage, but it remains
<Kit> 6Nephilim hms at the angel and nods, holding up a hand to her heart and sings an empowering melody for Tal'Ka
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Hrn...
01<@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
01<@DeathStar> Location: Non-Kalon Team. Sinai Desert
<Kit> <Yewn> A-Are we there yeeeet?
01<@DeathStar> 6* The sun is beginning to set as the single cart trudges along with the freeloaders on it. Wynne peers at the water map as they approach the water hole. "This is the last one!"
01<@DeathStar> <Wynne> Sinai is another 6 hours away
<Sia> Kaelan> "Almost there... good..."
<Kit> <Yewn> Thank th'mother earth..
<Xanatos> <Valen> 6 hours? Why that's no time at all. We should go on in instead of resting.
01<@DeathStar> <Wynne> Ye'think so? The desert is dangerous at night.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Wynne peers at the sun; they got about an hour of light left
<Sia> Seth> "The horses are carrying 5 of us mate. Ask how they feel about going on without a rest."
<Xanatos> 6* Valen pauses and rubs his neck slightly.'re right, I'm being selfish.
01<@DeathStar> 6* One horse eyes Valen
<Kit> <Yewn> Give 'em a few hours an' we'll continue.
<Xanatos> <Valen> I apologize. 6He says to the horses with a bow of his head.
<Kit> <Yewn> Be lot easier t'pull th'lot o' us without th'sun beatin' down.
<Sia> Seth> "We're almost there and I don't see too much billowing smoke on the horizon, we should be fine."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The horses stop at the water hole and begin to drink. Wynne flops off and then crawls over, flopping into the cold water to relax
<Sia> Kaelan> "Mmm... well since we are close, we should start to think about how we're getting in the city and what to do once we do."
<Kit> 6Yewn sheds her cloaks and prances in her skimpy native Oasian articles to jump in with Wynne, leaping up to wrap her legs and arms around her.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Wynne giggles in the water, happy when she's wet
<Xanatos> 6* Valen also gets off the carriage and kneels down to lean over and get something to drink as well, letting out a sound. Oh that's good.
01<@DeathStar> 6* There's a bright flare in the sky - in the direction of the city. It looks almost unwordly
<Sia> * Kaelan smiles and moves over to join the others, she pauses and looking at the flare.
<Sia> Kaelan> "...Oh no..."
<Kit> <Yewn> Yep, that necklace is lot prettier on ye, Wynnie. Prettiest thing I'm lovin' t'wear is my collar." 6She beams
<Xanatos> 6* Valen pauses and looks towards the flare. What...what was that?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Wynne blushes and swallows some water then kisses Yewn; she blinks toward the city
<Sia> Kaelan> "Last time I saw something like that, I met a god shortly after."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The light fades like a shooting star
<Xanatos> 6* Valen frowns. You don't think...the others are in trouble?
<Sia> * Kaelan frowns, closing her eyes and feeling out for Jean.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean is far away, but not in the direction of the city
<Sia> Kaelan> "They're not in Sinai..."
<Kit> 6Yewn peers over as Wynne looks. 1"What's going on?"
<Xanatos> <Valen> ...but a god might be there now? 6He frowns. Waiting on them maybe?
<Sia> Seth> "Then we're the ones in trouble if we go into the city."
<Sia> Kaelan> "Most likely."
01<@DeathStar> <Wynne> But we are suppose to go to the city; and gods won't know we be comin' right?
<Sia> Seth> "A complication."
<Kit> <Yewn> Didn' ye say they were meetin' one o' th'gods t'begin with?
<Xanatos> <Valen> We can't stay out here can we?
<Sia> Kaelan> "Well, we didn't clue them in at least."
<Kit> 6Yewn makes a face. 1"Nae that I understand why ye want t'do that given ye story."
<Sia> Seth> "Huh... could it be Lenneth?"
<Xanatos> <Valen> Hmm. We have to risk it I think. At least till we can get word where they went.
01<@DeathStar> <Wynne> But--we here for a while, yes?
<Sia> Kaelan> "Yes, we should rest."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Wynne hugs Yewn, looking scared
<Xanatos> <Valen> ...fair enough. 6He says after a minute and nods.
<Kit> <Yewn> Would nae change our pace. Gettin' antsy leads t'bad business.
<Sia> Seth> "Six hours or Eight won't change much."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Wynne relaxes happily
01<@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
01<@DeathStar> Location: Still Not Kalon's Group. Sinai Capital
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gemane lays on the soft pillowy bed, naked, with Aschae, stroking her ears lazily, her tail swishing.
<Kit> 6Aschae seems to either be dozing, or merely resting with her eyes closed, arms sprawled in relaxation.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Aschae would feel a strange snip like sensation with her link to Lenneth, the link servered.
<Kit> 6Aschae sits up instantly, her eyes opening wide-- glowering as they do when she's using magic.
<Kit> 6Aschae sits up instantly, her eyes opening wide-- glowering as they do when she's using magic.
<Kit> <Aschae> L-Lenneth!!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gemane blinks and sits up. "What's wrong? Dif something happen?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The door opens and Ruun stands there, out of breath. "Something happened; there was a bright light over the city and something fell to the ground somewhere in it."
<Kit> 6Aschae gets to her feet quickly, moving toward Ruun
01<@DeathStar> <Ruun> I have my people heading to where it looked like it fell.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gemane rises and grabs a silk cloak to put around herself to cover her body, and pulls the hood over her ears, moving after
<Kit> <Aschae> I-- I have to go to... to her.. I--..." 6She looks frantic, even with the glow out of her eyes.
01<@DeathStar> <Ruun> Follow me. We'll take you to her. 6* Gemane grabs a cloak to throw over Aschae, too
01<@DeathStar> <Ruun> Reach out to Jean to let her know
01<@DeathStar> *Gemane
<Kit> 6Aschae blinks at Gemane, giving it to her since she doesn't necessarily need it.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gemane points at Aschae's naked b ody
<Kit> <Aschae> R-Right..." 6She lets out a breath, calming enough to focus on letting Jean have a glint of her mind.
01<@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
01<@DeathStar> Location: Kalon's Group. Deep Underground
01<@DeathStar> 6* The door finally is clawed open big enough for a person to fit through. Jean dives in
03* kalonZombie_ ( has joined #Session109
<Xanatos> 6* Tal steps back and pants, tongue hanging out, he slumps over and lays there for a second to rest.
<Sia> * Sia giggles and moves after her.
<Kit> 6Nephilim pats Tal'Ka, rubbing an ear appreciatively, then slips through after the two
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas hands him a jerky and steps through; there's a an empty room with a metallic platform over a shaft and a box on the platform with buttons and a thing that moves up and down
<kalonZombie_> *Leruste stays behind, waiting for Tal to recover
<Xanatos> 6* Tal jerks at the ear rubbing but seems to tired to get that upset about it.
02* kalonZombie ( Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
03* kalonZombie_ is now known as kalonZombie
<Xanatos> 6* Tal blinks at the jerky and almost inhales it, making a MMM face.
<kalonZombie> <Lersute> Jeez did you even taste that?
<Kit> <Nephilim> Oh, another rarity-- a shaftbox!
<Sia> * Sia looks around, shining her glow about.
<Xanatos> <Tal> Of course. 6He pushes himself to his feet and motions for Leruste to go on ahead now
01<@DeathStar> 6* The angel eyes and pulls something down; the platform shakes and a mmmmmm of power flows over them, and they descend
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Thank you kind sir *He walks through, following the rest
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas blinks and yells at the hole. "Hurry!"
<Xanatos> 6* Tal jerks and grabs Ler, moving to jump on with the others.
<Kit> 6Nephilim shifts and leaps beside the Angel
<Kit> <Nephilim> I don't like these things..
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel glances as they land, standing there calmly
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Amazing
<Kit> <Nephilim> I don't like having no control over my own movement..
<Xanatos> <Tal> Almost left us shiney eye! 6He stands upright, then jerks that they're moving and leans against the wall in fear
<Sia> * Sia looks about more and giggles. "This is neat..."
<kalonZombie> *Leruste, a bit shaken from Tal's manhandling, slowly gets up "This is pretty awesome, yeah"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas looks about as they descend; the platform shakes once, then continues
<Kit> 6Nephilim squeaks, grabbing onto the angel
<Xanatos> 6* Tal makes a whimpery noise at the shaking.
<Sia> * Sia squeaks when it shakes and hugs onto the Angel.
<kalonZombie> *Leruste takes it in stride, hardly even moving at it
<Kit> <Nephilim> ...Get your own comfort person." 6She eyes Sia
<Kit> <Nephilim> Copycats...
<Sia> Sia> "I-I'm... h-hers..." *she puffs her cheeks, showing the collar*
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel eyes Sia once
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> You still have that I see. You are a strange one
<kalonZombie> *Leruste goes over to Tal "You allright man?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The platform stops and the door begins to open upward in front of them. Thomas gapes in wonder
01<@DeathStar> 6* Before them is a large room
01<@DeathStar> 6* With a set of doors on the far end
<Sia> * Sia blushes. "I-I decided I like being your mewkitten."
<Xanatos> <Tal> Ground is MOVING. 6He hisses slightly and scrambles off before the door can full open up.
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> The gem is close.. tch.. 6* She stumbles
<Sia> * Sia blinks and steadies her.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste walks to him calmly "Yeah well get used to it. I don't see any way back up"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas steps through into the room; as Tal and Thomas enter, magic beams of red light fly in at them.
01<@DeathStar> 6* From both side sof the room
<Kit> <Nephilim> I don't think she realized you were experimenting with her, Angie.
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> ... Aschae needs us. Lenneth is in trouble or back.
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> Let us get the gem and hurry
<Kit> <Nephilim> Right.
<Sia> * Sia nods, letting go and moving through the door.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The beams strike the two and burn holes into their shoulder, searing right through and sealing the wound like a burn wound
01<@DeathStar> 6* More red beams fly in at Leruste, Nephilim, and Sia
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas recoils and falls in pain, crying out. a bit
<Sia> * Sia squeaks and throws up a level 2 magik shield, moving to get out of it's way to be sure.
<kalonZombie> *Leruste tries jumping and flipping about to dodge them
<Xanatos> 6* Tal lets out a yelp of pain, stumbling.
<Kit> 6Nephilim twists reflexively, and ducks low to start sprinting forward, eyeing around
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leruste and Nephilim dodge; the beam moves through the shield and strikes Sia's side
<Sia> * Sia cries out in pain and drops.
<Kit> 6Nephilim accelerates into the room, looking for a source
<kalonZombie> *Leruste looks around as he acts like a monkey, trying to determine where the beams are coming from
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel rolls in and grabs Sia; Nephilim would see two strange metal things on the top of the walls on both sides, aiming at them. IT doesn't aim at the Angel though
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas strains up; one tracks Nephilim, trying to shoot her, while another aims at Leruste, firing
<Xanatos> 6* Tal holds his shoulder, since it already had a knife wound and whimpers. Hurts.
<kalonZombie> *Lersute gives a quick duck, trying to make it miss
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean focuses, healing Sia's wound
<Sia> * Sia whimpers and holds her side in pain. "N-Needtah learn... to move faster... s-sorry Mistress..."
<Kit> 6Nephilim narrows her eyes and keeps moving forward as quickly as possible to get between them, then leaps upward, wind jumps to the ceiling between them and uses her ability to stick to the ceiling temporarily
<Sia> * Sia calms as the healing starts.
<Kit> <Nephilim> C'mon..
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leruste leaps over; the one tracking Nephilim aims at her, while the other keeps on leruste
<kalonZombie> *He tries getting his dagger out to possibly throw it at the device, sacrificing a bit of his mobility to do so
<Kit> 6Nephilim uses her hearing to get it to fire at her, then touches her heart activating her stop magic to drop out of the way hoping it'll hit the other one
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nephilim's stop magic seems to have no affect, but she gets lucky and the one fires and damages the other; magic lightning sparks out of it, giving Leruste a weak spot
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel heals Sia's wound, blood dripping down her nose
01<@DeathStar> 6* She then moves and grabs Tal, focusing
<kalonZombie> *He throws the dagger at the spot, hoping that it hits. If not...
<Xanatos> 6* Tal jerks and shakes his head. Head bleeding. Stop.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The dagger hits it and it explodes in a firey ball of magic; only one remains now, aiming at Nephilim
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> I will be fine; I need you to take damage for me, after all
<Kit> <Nephilim> Tch..." 6She draws her knife and hurtles it at the one that's not damaged, aiming for the thing releasing the beam and activates flame weapon.
<Sia> * Sia blinks, she moves after Angel and frowns in concern. She pulls out bandages from the supplies, using some to wipe the blood from Angel gently.
<Xanatos> <Tal> .... 6he huffs, like she twisted his arm into it or something.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The firey dagger strikes and it begins to spark, then explodes. A ding noise is heard and the doors on the far side open
<Kit> 6Nephilim recalls her dagger to herself, twirling it and sheathes it up her thigh
<kalonZombie> *Leruste goes to look for his dagger
<Xanatos> <Tal> Goooo Nephilim. 6he shouts out then oohs and puts a hand towards his shoulder.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leruste's dagger is damaged, but he'd find lots of metal from the device and stuff to pocket and sell
<Kit> <Nephilim> Thanks, sweetie," 6She smiles back at Tal, then walks forward to scout.
<kalonZombie> *He does so
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel finishes, looking weak and approaches the doors. Thomas strains to follow
<Sia> * Sia moves over and helps Thomas.
<Xanatos> 6* Tal blinks and nods to the Angel, then points. No help Tom?
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> He will be fine
<Sia> Sia> "Mr. Thomas is very strong... I should learn some healing magic to help Mistress."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel wipes her bloodied nose with a cloth; the next room lights up magically as the enter and they can see the gem on a stand. It's a light blue. And 10 of those metallic magic beam shooters
<Kit> 6Nephilim stuies the new doors.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel eyes it. "I will go ahead; it didn't target me before."
<Kit> <Nephilim> ... Son of a..
<kalonZombie> *Leruste walks over to the doors "So these are open now, right?"
<Kit> <Nephilim> A-Angie, is that wise?
<Xanatos> 6* Tal frowns. ...but Tom is our leader. If he goes down we get lost! 6he pauses and points to the magic shooters. Bad bad.
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> And I am the leader. 6* She notes simply, then begins to walk into the room without more talking. Thomas watches her, waiting
<Kit> <Nephilim> ...nh.." 6She shifts from foot to foot anxiously.
<Sia> * Sia watches with worry.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The metallic things aim at her
<Xanatos> <Tal> Not when you're Jeanie.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Angie look out!!
<Xanatos> 6* Tal points. It's gonna fire leader.
<Sia> Sia> "Mistress!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel eyes them and keeps walking, confident. She grabs the gem and it vanishes. Suddenly the lights go off and the second set of doors leading to the gem room begin to shut
<Xanatos> 6* Tal jerks. Danger danger!
<Sia> Sia> "Mistress! We gotta move! Doors!"
<Xanatos> 6* Tal jerks and moves to the door and tries to keep them open.
<Kit> 6Nephilim makes a face and starts to sing for Tal'Ka again
01<@DeathStar> 6* The metallic doors seem not to be stopping. The Angel looks dazed and won't make it out them in time; they can either leave her in the room or they can enter the room and be trapped with her.
<Sia> * Sia moves for the room.
<kalonZombie> *Leruste makes a break for the room the Angel is in
<Kit> 6Nephilim makes a face, trying her stop magic again
01<@DeathStar> 6 *Thomas steps in. The magic seems to fail on the doors again, as if something about this place is scrambling it
<Xanatos> 6* Tal lets out a sound and moves inside, cursing. Not strong enough. He pouts.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Tch. There's got to be another way." 6She waves Tal in and heads in.
<Sia> * Sia moves over to the Angel to help her up once in.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The doors shut; the glow stones light up the area at least. The Angel pants. The team now can feel access to ice magic, except Leruste
<Xanatos> 6* Tal perks up. Feel funny.
01<@DeathStar> 6* A voice begins to speak in an ancient language, but it's faint - ahead somewhere. Perhaps another exit.
<Kit> <Nephilim> That's our queue, let's go.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> I feel fine.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> What magic did she get this time?
<Sia> * Sia tries to catch any of the words. Looking at Jean, then Thomas. "Ice."
<Xanatos> <Tal> I could break this door down I bet!
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel leans on Sia, pointing toward the voice. " feels familiar..."
<Xanatos> 6* Tal glances and doesn't see any earth and pauses. M-Maybe not. 6He glances to Angel and blinks then moves ahead.
01<@DeathStar> 6* As they move ahead they'd find a metallic door that's closed, but looks thinner than the one they busted in before. The voice is on the other side; but it seems to be cutting in and out, sounding distorted
<Sia> * Sia nods and leads Angel in the direction she wants.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Somebody needs lessons.
01<@DeathStar> 6* From sounding out, Sia can make out words like 'the' and 'and'
<Sia> Sia> "Huh... I understand some conjunctions...!"
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Tal, can you claw this door open?
<Xanatos> 6* Tal blinks and nods, moving to do just that.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The words begin to get more disorted now; it was a female voice, that much is for certain
<Sia> Sia> "Mmm... I think whatever is making the voice happen is failing."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Tal's claws tear another hole and inside they see square flashes going on and off, like magic, showing land masses and dots on them, but it keeps cutting out. One is blinking and in the middle of a landmass with sand. The voice keeps speaking, bnut then it goes into a distorted grinding sound
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> I... uh... I didn't do it?
<Sia> * Sia peers. "...Is that Sinai? Pointing to here maybe?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Judging by the distance, one land mass looks like it may be Navarro - there's a major dot there, but then the square magic screen vanishes
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas frowns, having memorized what he could before it died
<Xanatos> <Tal> W---what was that?
<Sia> Sia> "When we get time... Thomas, let's draw out what we both remember."
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> ... I don't know----perhaps other places with gems
<Kit> <Nephilim> Navarro if I guessed, but I don't know what it meant.
<Xanatos> <Tal> Distracted by blinking.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I saw about 13 dots... I think
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> We must destroy this room
<Sia> "I think about the same... I was a bit disctracted with the sand area."
<Sia> * Sia blinks. "I could... have Albert smash it in behind us, Mistress."
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Before or after pockting valuables? *He asks, knowing the answer but asking hopefully anyway
<Kit> <Nephilim> Destroy... the room? We don't have Aschae. Anima maybe?
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> no, he wouldn't be enough
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> Anima D should be able to destroy it; I am sorry, leruste, but if the church got anything from this room...
<Sia> Sia> "Is the room big enough for D? I might crush you all."
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> We have no choice.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Yeah I figured...
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> We will step back into the previous room; destroy this and then smash a hgole in the ceiling to see if we can go back to the upper areas
<Xanatos> 6* Tal blinks, looking between them all confused, but steps back.
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> If we come across valuables up there, you can have those
<Sia> * Sia pulls out the runed gauntlet and puts it on. "Alright. I can do better then smash, I think." *she grins*
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel goes through the mangled door into the other room where the gem was; Thomas steps back
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Won't that... case a cave in or something?
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> In that one room; the anima will survive. You will see when she uses it
<Kit> 6Nephilim nods approvingly and steps back with her
<kalonZombie> *He steps back as well, wondering what she means
<Sia> * Sia waits till they're all clear of the room.
<Sia> * Sia then hits the run on the gauntlet, activating D.
<Sia> *rune
01<@DeathStar> 6* A giant ore monster like thing forms around Sia, rising up and smashes into the ceiling and looking massive
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> BY THE GODS
<Xanatos> <Tal> It's him first Anima sighting. 6He hehs at the reaction.
<Sia> * Sia starts smashing everything in the room. "Okay D, we need to smash this up for Mistress, then drill to the heavens."
<kalonZombie> *He looks at the Angel "Err, no offense"
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> Anyone can use an anima; so it is not that special
01<@DeathStar> 6* As Sia smaches the metal things, boombs and lightning shoots about, explosions and whatnot. D wrecks the place good
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> We have found 3 so far
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> They're... not very subtle are they?
<Xanatos> <Tal> What's special is the person using it, right?
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> No
<Sia> * Sia giggles once it's fully wrecked, then D holds out it's arm, forming a large drill on it.
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> Yes, Tal
<Xanatos> 6* Tal beams at getting something right.
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> The more you use a particular anima, the more you will grow used to it, though one can use them all
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Well that's a hell of a thing.
<Sia> Sia> "Okay D! Let's make a hole!" *D starts drilling at the ceiling*
01<@DeathStar> 6* As Sia drills through the metal ceiling, she tears a hole and stuff begins to fall in and soon the room is caved in and they can hear no more, just loud noises that soon grow quiet. Sia is off camera now
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> ... it's so quiet now
<Xanatos> <Tal> Was...she supposed to do that?
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel leans against a wall, her noise still bleeding and her breathing labored
<Kit> <Nephilim> ... I think?
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Uh... kaaaay...
<Kit> 6Nephilim pauses and wraps her arms around the angel, singing a soothing song-- a healing song
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel relaxes against her; a moment later the anima's hand grabs the blockage and pushes it through into the room; it begins to get pushed toward Tal and Leruste so they'll have to dive left or right comically
<Xanatos> <Tal> Danger! 6He dives to the left.
<kalonZombie> *Leruste dodges to the right, falling on his side "I WOULD LIKE TO JUMP AND LAND ON MY FEET ONCE THIS CENTURY"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas peers at Anima D, having returned. It's a long way up, so they'll need to get in it's hand so it can climb up with them
<Sia> * D holds it's hand out for them. "Hop aboard!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas hesitates, but gets onto it. The Angel leans on Nephilim to help her to it
<Xanatos> 6* Tal pushes himself up and huffs. Watch where you're going next time you big jerk! 6he kicks it then yelps and hops around.
<kalonZombie> *Leruste climbs on after dusting himself off
<Xanatos> 6* Tal grumbles and hops towards D, climbing on.
<Kit> 6Nephilim helps the angel on, rubbing her face against her cheek
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel blinks, flustering very slightly. D will only be able to climb with one hand, so when Sia is ready, type RDY
<Sia> RDY
01<@DeathStar> 6* Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up
01<@DeathStar> 5
01<@DeathStar> 4
01<@DeathStar> 3
<Sia> ddddddddd
01<@DeathStar> 2
01<@DeathStar> 1
01<@DeathStar> -0-
01<@DeathStar> 6* They reach a secret floor they weren't on before. This room has strange things in it, like a large metallic object with things on the sides and a platform that leads inside it, and another smaller metallic object with cushions inside it for sitting and windows to look inside at those seats, and doors to open to get inside to those seats
01<@DeathStar> 6* For those adorable thieves, they would notice on a table a sack of something
<Kit> <Nephilim> Kind of looks like a carriage.
<Sia> Sia> "Thank you for riding the Sia express." *she sets them down so they can climb off*
<Kit> 6Nephilim runs over to the sack, looking cheerful-- and ransacks the sack
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas gets off and the angel limps off with Nephilim's help
<Kit> <Nephilim> Angie, look! Shinies! Maybe.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Hey, the angel said that valuables are mine!
<Kit> <Nephilim> You're our dog. Whatever's yours is ours.
<Xanatos> 6* Tal hops down and moves around sniffing things.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Inside the sack are shiny silver things that aren't silver coins, but look neat. Also inside is a gold ring. Off to one side are a door, but also are desks with drawers and in a metallic rectangle box that is taller them all them and has a handle to open it
<Sia> * Sia manuvers so she can get in and dismiss D without plunging back down, and without crushing things / people. She clutches onto the gauntlet.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> But... ARGH. You remind me of the Guild so much sometimes... which makes sense I guess.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas helps Sia in
<Kit> 6Nephilim slips the ring on, admiring it.
<Sia> * Sia smiles up and him and hugs him when up. "Thank you Mr. Thomas!"
<kalonZombie> *Leruste tugs at the metallic box
<Kit> 6Nephilim picks up the sack and moves over to eye Leruste and the metallic vault
<Xanatos> 6* Tal pauses and sneezes a few times.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The metallic box opens and inside is a strange handle like the bladeless sword, but this handle looks more like a spear; it even has the length of a spear but it doesn't look sharp. There's a button on the handle
<kalonZombie> *Leruste takes it and pushes the button away from everyone
<Xanatos> 6* Tal jekrs and sneezes again. Nose is itchy! 6he jerks and sneezes one more time.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas moves and opens the desk, gathering papers and whatnot; there's a bottle with something inside, swishing
<Kit> <Nephilim> Hm, this looks like the other one I found.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Magic energy surrounds the dull blade so it becomes a magic spear
<Sia> * Sia blinks and moves over to help with with the papers, pulling out a folio to store them in.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> ... fascinating. 6* He eyes the magic spear. "Does your bladeless sword have a button?"
<Kit> <Nephilim> Heh! This one actually is a spear.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> "This would be super awesome if I could actually sell it. And yes, it has a button"
<Kit> <Nephilim> Sell it?!" 6She looks frazzled.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Give it to me! Right now!
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> I suppose Nephilim would have to examine it when she has a chance. 6* It seems Nephilim found something similiar to the spear
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> What? No. I'm keeping it. My dagger's broken anyway, I need something
<Kit> <Nephilim> I gave it to Kael. She looked like she'd have been heartbroken if I didn't. Being a smith and all, she's curious about weapons.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Spears are my specialty you bastard." 6She almost growls.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel moves to the doors and bangs on it to open it slowly
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Buy it from him
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> You got the sack. I get the spear.
<Sia> * Sia blinks. "I thought Nephie used knives..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The spear keeps glowing with magic energy; pressing the button will probably return it to normal
<Xanatos> <Tal> Be fair Nephilophalous.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> There may be more weapons about in this area
<kalonZombie> *He pushes it again
<Kit> <Nephilim> Gypsies taught me to use their special curved knives.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The spear returns to normal
<Kit> <Nephilim> What do you think I used before that?
<Xanatos> 6* Tal pauses and looks around for neat weapons like that.
<Sia> Sia> "Uncurved knives?"
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Spears are an odd choice for a theif. Can't really conceal them
01<@DeathStar> 6* There appears to be no more in this particular room; the Angel has already moved into another. She calls from it. "Hurry, Aschae needs us."
<Kit> <Nephilim> I wasn't always a thief, dumbass.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leruste would notice a second button on the button of the spear
<Xanatos> <Tal> Heh. Uncurved knives. 6He walks after the Angel.
<Sia> * Sia squeaks and moves after Angel.
<kalonZombie> *He pushes the second button away from other people "Well excuse me, some of us had unfortunate childhoods you know"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas exits; the next room has 10 metal boxes like before, as well as more of those strange metallic carriages and another big thing with strange things on either side, like wings almost; this one has no ramp inside
<Kit> <Nephilim> A native tribe near Meis and Navarro plucked me out of a basket on the river I was abandoned in before I swept off into the ocean.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The spear blade retracts down to a handle only
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel ignores them all and moves to another set of doors
<kalonZombie> *He pockets it and moves on
<Xanatos> 6* Tal moves to pilpher through the boxes.
<Sia> * Sia slips D away safely and the portion of the papers she gathered, looking about slowly. "So many neat things... but we need to go help the others!"
<Kit> 6Nephilim deadpans. 1"Don't you use knives, dog?"
<Sia> * Sia rushes after Angel again.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Yes, but mine is a little broken at the moment
01<@DeathStar> 6* Box one has a poster of a naked elf with pink hair; as the two argue, the dog is getting all the goods
<Kit> <Nephilim> I'll lend you mine, then.
<Xanatos> 6* Tal tilts his head and takes that rolling it up before moving to the other.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Box 2 has a dagger with a button
<Kit> 6Nephilim twitches. 1"But I want it back. When we meet Kael I'll trade you the other one I found. That's an equal trade isn't it?"
<Xanatos> 6* Tal oohs and takes that then moves on to the next one.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Box 3 has shiny coins - 10 gold
<Xanatos> 6* Tal beams and takes that, moving on to the next one.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Depends on the dagger, but if it's nice, I'll make that deal, sure
<Kit> <Nephilim> Angie! Don't overdo it!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Box 4 has another bladless sword hilt
<kalonZombie> <Leruste checks one of the boxes before Tal claims them all
<Xanatos> 6* Tal glances around then grabs that and mvoes onto the next one, uh ohing at his arms getting full.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The angel opens the door and finds stairs
<Kit> 6Nephilim lets Tal'Ka have his fun.
<Sia> * Sia looks up the stairs slowly, having stuck with Angel.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Eh. I change my mind. Keep it.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Box 8, which Leruste opens, has a picture that looks drawn realistically, but it looks like Jean with fox ears and tail
<Kit> 6Nephilim goes to catch up with Sia and the angel
<kalonZombie> *He shrugs and rolls it up, taking it, opening another box
01<@DeathStar> 6* Box 5, for Tal, finds a whip with a button
01<@DeathStar> 6* Box 9, for Leruste, has dirty male underwear
<Xanatos> 6* Tal blinks at that one and take it too. I like this one. 6He checks 6.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel climbs them with Sia and Thomas
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> ... *He closes it and heads to the next one
<Sia> * Sia hums a little as she moves along with the Angel, helping her if she's still weakened.
<Kit> <Nephilim> We're done here, right? Just go pick up Tranquility, Rose and Panda and get out of here?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Box 6 for Tal has two short swords with a chain between them, and buttons on each. Box 10 for Leruste has another spear with buttons, but it looks damaged and needs repair
<kalonZombie> *He takes itand checks box 7*
<Xanatos> 6* Tal drapes the chains over his neck and then nods to Leruste. Let's head on up.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Some of us should stay so we don't look suspicious for leaving; the rest will sneak off with Sia and she'll use D to travel quickly across the desert; taking turns with the others with her so D can be constantly used
<kalonZombie> *Leruste follows Tal "So what'd you get?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Box 7 has pictures of human girls nakes
<Sia> * Sia blinks and nods. "O-Okay."
<kalonZombie> *Leruste pockets the picture
<Kit> <Nephilim> I think an anima crossing the desert is pretty conspicuous.
<Xanatos> <Tal> Found dagger. 6He holds it out to Leruste.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Thanks *He takes it, handing him the working spear* Fair trade right?
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> You'd have to travel some ways bwefore activating it; it's night so that'll help
<Sia> Sia> "In the dark it'll probably look like nothing more then a sand worm in the distance."
<Xanatos> 6* Tal nods and takes the spear then moves after the other, jogging ot catch up.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Fair enough.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Tal and Leruste, far behind, begin to jog up the stairs. the Angel reaches the top and finds another door that neerds kicking in
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> We have to decide what to do with Tranquility though; I can stay behind and try to make an excuse while the rest of you travel, but if she goes with you the Anima may freak her out; I could take her with me when I'm done, though
01<@DeathStar> 6* The two men catch up due to the door
<Xanatos> <Tal> Neph. How much you love Tal'ka?
<Sia> Sia> "Take her with you, Thomas, we might get in more immediate danger then you."
<Kit> <Nephilim> I don't think we should leave anyone behind, Thomas. Someone will find the thugs dead and it'll be trouble no matter what.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> How many of these damn things are we going to run into?
<Xanatos> 6* Tal wiggles out the spear thing to Nephilim.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> alright, we'll all sneak out at night
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Angel points at the door. "Open it, Leruste."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Tranquility... I'll deal with her if it becomes an issue." 6She blinks at Tal'Ka.
<Kit> <Nephilim> For me?
<Xanatos> <Tal> Yep.
<Sia> * Sia nods. "We'll have to move fast then. Also we may want to hide all those shinies they looted before going out."
<kalonZombie> *Leruste steps up to the door, looking for locks
01<@DeathStar> 6* It just seems to be rusted, not locked
<Kit> 6Nephilim tilts her head and leans in, giving Tal'Ka a kiss on the cheek.
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> Your magic werapons should do it
<Xanatos> 6* Tal beams and peers the whip over.
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Ah. *He takes the dagger out and activates it, cutting the door open
<Kit> <Nephilim> I'll make it up to you, sweetie.
<Xanatos> <Tal> Okay. But you don't have too.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The magic weapon cuts the door and it falls open easily. They're in one of the hallways like before; Thomas steps in, gets his bearings, and passes several doors, moving down the hallway and pointing at another door. "Do the same to this one and we'll travel up and be out of here."
<Kit> <Nephilim> I never have to do anything. That's how I live-- I want to, so I will. Simple as that.
<Sia> * Sia squeaks. "That was neat..."
<kalonZombie> <Leruste> Righto. *He steps up to it and starts doing the same
<Xanatos> 6* Tal nods once, accepting that. then looks around trying to hide the weapons.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The door is destroyed and they're at the stairway again. Thomas begins to travel up quickly.
01<@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
01<@DeathStar> Location: Sinai Capital. Not Kalon's Group
01<@DeathStar> 6* Ruun leads Aschae and Gemane across the rooftops quickly to the spot; they finally arrive at a spot with a black mark, but no sign of anyone. However, the church headquarters nearby is alight with commotion. If Aschae sniffs, Lenneth's scent is in the air
<Kit> <Aschae> L-Lenneth.." 6She grips the edge of the roof tensely.
01<@DeathStar> <Gemane> I hear stuff that way
01<@DeathStar> 6* She points toward the church. Ruun begins to show them ways toward it
<Kit> 6Aschae follows Ruun's directions exactly, not just as a servant, but as someone not usually all that concerned with being stealthy or hidden
01<@DeathStar> 6* They reach the edge of a rooftop; there's no more to travel to get close to the giant walls around the church building, but there's a commotion of templars and priests. Standing there is LEnneth, her head peering down, making it impossible to tell if she's there willingly, or she's been taken over. On one side of her is Angelus, and on the other is a (cont)
01<@DeathStar> 6* tall man with his eyes cut out, holding some sort of book. They seem to be talking to the templars while Lenenth stands there, still ,peering down.
<Kit> <Aschae> Who's the other one..." 6She hisses... looking like she might just leap down and have an all out
01<@DeathStar> <Gemane> No idea; no eyes. Maybe...Harbinger? <Ruun> The god who can see into the future? If so, we're fucked.
01<@DeathStar> -TO BE CONTINUED-
Session Close: Wed Dec 08 17:04:05 2010