The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Session 128

Session Start: Thu Feb 10 14:57:24 2011
Session Ident: #Session128
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> =-=
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10 hours after we last saw Ethan's group
<DeathStar> Location: Asteroid
<DeathStar> 6* The ship continues to slowly repair; with their inability to scan space around them from inside the asteroid itself, all they have to go by on is the occassional shake of the asteroid as if it were being bombed from time to time.
<DeathStar> 6* Justice whines, looking like she doesn't like tight spaces and Ao looks annoyed
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh flicks an ear, seeming to be just fine cramped up, but a bit annoyed with the whining. "HOw much longer?"
<kalonZombie> *Ethan has been busy researching an inter-species cure, while using his clan power to suppress the virus, as well as some mundane methods as well. He hasn't stopped for the last 10 hours. He's got a massive headache and is tired, but he keeps going on
<Xanatos> 6* Bob has awakened and is being quiet for a change, not freaking out at least. Theron has been somewhat more chatty than before, in between bouts of meditation of course.
<Kit> <Rin> Can't we just go kick their ass? I'm sick of hiding...
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "That would be suicide, so no."
<Xanatos> <Theron> What could one shuttle and one dragoon do that the entire Erusia fleet could not?
<DeathStar> 6* Everytime Ethan cures himself, the virus seems to come back worse than before; so far the research he has, since he cna't reach the HoloNet, points this is not the flu after all
<DeathStar> 6* Justice swallows. "S-Sorry." <Ao> 6 more hours
<kalonZombie> *He keeps doing it anyway, if only to not infect the others
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Mmm, we if they knew where we were, we'd be smithereens already."
<DeathStar> <Ao> They'll do anything to stop us from warning the rest of the galaxy
<DeathStar> 6* As LEyaeh says this, the asteroid begins to shake and rumble, the shuttle beinbg bounced hard; readings indicate the asteroid is breaking apart
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Damn you irony!"
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "...We need to move, fast, and get away from here."
<kalonZombie> *Ethan hardly notices as he coughs, then ups his clan power, his headache getting worse. He rubs his temples and keeps trying to research a cure with his limited resources
<Xanatos> <Theron> If we tried to jump with current repairs, would we be able to actually complete a jump, and if so, how dangerous would it be?
<Kit> <Rin> Obviously the one thing they didn't! RAHHH! I hate hiding!!
<DeathStar> 6* Ao eyes Ethan, then at Rin
<DeathStar> <Ao> Justice, Truth, whatever your name is - hook ito the shuttle. And then have Rin jump us. IF we jump away they may think we died
<DeathStar> 6* ao eyes Theron. "If we don't do it, we'l lbe dead."
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I'm for anything that gets us distance from these guys."
<DeathStar> 6* Justice closes her eyes and begins to cook, holding out her hands; Rin would feel the jump control being between Justice's legs
<Xanatos> <Theron> I agree, I just enjoy knowing the odds of a situation.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Better then the odds of not doing it."
<DeathStar> 6* The asteroid begins to get worse and alarms warm them that the energy wave is getting close to them
<kalonZombie> *Ethan rubs his head at the sound, obviously in pain, but he hasn't said anything
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh holds her ears a little, puffing her cheeks.
<DeathStar> <Ao> Jump us, Rin. 6* She orders, eyeing Ethan getting worse
<kalonZombie> *He looks at Ao "I'm fine... really" *He says as he digs himself back into his research
<Xanatos> <Bob> She's got space madness, but I'm not dying cause of her! 6He moves over and begins rubbing on Justice.
<Kit> <Rin> Right..." 6She sighs, then totally feels Justice up
<Xanatos> 6* Bob pauses and stops.
<Xanatos> <Bob> Few that woulda been awkward.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh peers at Bob and points to his seat.
<Xanatos> NRP: whew*
<DeathStar> 6* Justice jumps as Rin's hand teases between her legs - as with Bob
<DeathStar> 6* The ship jumps in startlement mostly due to Bob; the team feels the familiar jump protocols of being turned in and around, but mixed with Justice's panic at it, when they all waken again, they'd feel like they went through the ringer - strangely, Ethan's fever is gone
<DeathStar> 6* Justice than flails, and the ship shakes back and forth since her hands are alternating
<Kit> <Rin> The hell happened..!?
<DeathStar> <Jsutice> H-He touched me!
<kalonZombie> *He stops concentrating on his clan power and waits a bit
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "C-Calm doooooown!"
<DeathStar> 6* Ao boinks Justice's head and it disconnects her control
<Xanatos> <Bob> S-Sorry I freaked out a little.
<Kit> <Rin> Want me to break his arms? I could break his arms.
<Xanatos> <Bob> DON'T BREAK MY ARMS!
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "You're on bathroom duty when we get back."
<Xanatos> <Bob> I saved your lives and this is how I get repaid!?
<kalonZombie> *Ethan grabs a thermometer and tests his temperature
<DeathStar> 6* Justice pants, sulking. Ethan would find it gone completely. Ao points at pilot Bob to find out where they are
<Xanatos> <Theron> Hnh. He's excitable.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "You know that's not the worst punishment."
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> Guys... I think I'm better.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "The worst is the Vapaad toilets." *shudders*
<DeathStar> 6* Justice looks at Ethan, distracted. "Really? That's good! Rin told me you were going to die and infect her."[
<Xanatos> 6* Pilot Bob gets into the pilot's seat and scans for their location.
<DeathStar> 6* The scans begin to work; it'll take a few moments to line up stars with starcharts
<Xanatos> <Pilot Bob> It'll take some time. Wait one.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh raises a brow. "...I felt your freakoing out when we jumped... did you... do something to Ethan?"
<Kit> 6Rin nudges Justice. 1"I can break his legs, then..?"
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> What just happened? Can anyone tell me what happened a few minutes ago? *He still seems to be in doctor mode
<DeathStar> <Justice> Um, I am sure he didn't mean to
<DeathStar> <Ao> Hm; maybe it was due to the jump
<DeathStar> <Ao> But I'm no tech so I can't tell you what did it
<Xanatos> <Bob> Look, you can pull my hair. How about that?
<Kit> <Rin> Could poke out an eye.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Ethan, scan yourself and figure it out."
<kalonZombie> *Ethan starts scanning himself
<Xanatos> <Theron> A jump curing his sickness? Sounds unheard of.
<Xanatos> <Bob> I USE those to shoot bad guys.
<DeathStar> <Ao> Well, it always feels like it turns us inside out; along with how Justice freaks, wh oknows what protocols she broke doing it
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "...Funny thought, but what if she somehow jumped, leaving the disease behind or something?"
<DeathStar> 6* The sickness seems to be gone
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> Gone... can we send out transmissions yet? I need to tell Dr. Carmichael
<Xanatos> <Theron> Hmmm. Perhaps we should all check that we are indeed the same gender.
<DeathStar> 6* The computer finally informs them two things. It lists them under Good News, and Bad News.
<DeathStar> 6* Justice pulls her shirt up to see her own breasts
<Xanatos> <Pilot Bob> Good news or Bad news first?
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> Might as well do bad.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh squeezes her breasts a bit to check. Frowning as she looks over. "Bad first."
<Xanatos> 6* Pilot Bob selects bad news first.
<Xanatos> <Theron> I...was joking. 6He looks off to the side.
<DeathStar> 6* The computer informs them the hyperspace drive is down and will need repairs. Another 10 hours unless they find someone. Their life support should barelyh last that long, at 11 h ours.
<Kit> 6Rin tugs Justice's shirt down, but then sneaks a peek into her own
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "...Good news. I need good news."
<Xanatos> <Pilot Bob> 10 hours for Repairs to the system, 11 hours of Life Support left. 6He selects good news now.
<DeathStar> 6* Rin gets groped by Justice. "Still aa woman."
<Kit> <Rin> Hnaah!?
<DeathStar> 6* The computer has determined where they are - in Tsivrixsh Space.
<Xanatos> <Pilot Bob> We are is...Tsiv space. Think the computer got it's news mixed up.
* Seraphna flicks an ear. "AND THAT'S GOOD NEWS!?"
<Xanatos> NRP: in*
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh
<Kit> <Rin> That means we're in charted space at least, doesn't it?
<Xanatos> 6* Theron gets a deep scowl on his face. Try communications.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "How soon till we can get subspace comms up?"
<DeathStar> <Justice> Yes, and Ambassador Kyun seems nice
<DeathStar> 6* The computer's response for communication - 3 hours
<Xanatos> <Theron> A snake seems nice before it strikes it's prey.
<DeathStar> <Ao> I can force a transmission with hyperspace; Ethan, get my hands unwrapped.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> *peers to Ao* "...Up to you."
<Xanatos> <Pilot Bob> Three hours if you don't.
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> Well that's three hours to see how the jump cured me *He says as he starts unwrapping her hands
<DeathStar> <Ao> If the virus keeps returning like it did in Ethan, then PAX may be having a crisis. We can at least send them Justice' jump data and our location
<DeathStar> 6* Her hands look red and raw, but healthy now - which she's about to ruin.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Even communicating now, it'll take them time to get to us. I suppose this will be worth it."
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Just have a medical kit ready..."
<kalonZombie> *Ethan nods at Leyaeh
<Kit> <Rin> Doesn't seem like that's a pleasant way of going about things...
<Xanatos> <Theron> The price of power is sometimes very great.
<DeathStar> 6* Ao touches the controls. "When I relearn my healing abilities like Draske, it'll go easier."
<DeathStar> 6* Ao focuses and powers the ship with hyperspace, forcing the communication online for Leyaeh.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh calls up the PAX, preparing the data burst for Justice's jump data as well.
<Kit> <Rin> What are you, anyway? No race I know does that.
<DeathStar> 6 *Aya answer after a moment; the sound of Ao's energy burning away. "Yes?"
<kalonZombie> *Ethan starts concentrating again for Ao, ignoring his headache again
<DeathStar> <Ao> I am--a Progenitor.
<Xanatos> <Theron> The first of all beings.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "It's Leyaeh, I'm sending you a burst with some jump data for Doctor Carmichael and our location. We need pick up ASAP. Hyperdrive down, 10 hours to repair, life support fails in 11."
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> Mention that the jump cured me
<DeathStar> <Aya> Understood. I'll get you on a priority channel to our data storage. Send it now, please
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "The jump data is the cure for the virus."
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh sends the data.
<DeathStar> <Aya> I should also warn you that by sending this, if any ship is in the area, they will have picked up on your transmission. If you feel in danger, please hide.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya confirms the transfer
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "We'll do what we can, try to get to us first. Thanks."
<Kit> <Rin> Do... we even have that option?
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "...I want cloaks on these ships when we get back."
<DeathStar> 6* Ao lets go finally, her hands blistered again
<DeathStar> <Ao> Well, at least I didn't hurt myself as much this time
<Xanatos> <Theron> Maybe you're building a better tolerance?
<kalonZombie> *Ethan keeps concentrating
<DeathStar> 6* Justice connects to the ship. "We do have thrusters. I--am scanning the area now."
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh sighs. "Alright Ethan, fix her up. Any planets nearby we can hide out at?"
<DeathStar> <Ao> Doing a jump and shields takes more than doing communication
<DeathStar> 6* Ao watches her hands slowly healing, peering at Ethan. "Yo uare useful; perhaps I should make you my personal doctor slave."
<Xanatos> <Theron> Very true.
<Kit> <Rin> Wow, she's pretty forward.
<Xanatos> <Bob> Oooh, so lucky. 6He tells Ethan.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "He's dating Carmichael's kid."
<DeathStar> <Ao> So? I do not wish to date him.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Oh, the other kind of slave."
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> S-slave?
<DeathStar> 6* Justice brings up a small planet nearby; computers identify it as a slave colony planet for the Tsiv
<DeathStar> <Ao> What other kind of slave is there?
<DeathStar> 6* Ao's hands heal up and she nods at Ethan to stop
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh's eyebrow twitches. "We're... near a slave planet?"
<Xanatos> <Theron> Jennifer? It is good that child found someone.
<kalonZombie> *Ethan stops, rubbing his head "Ow"
<Seraphna> Leayeh> "Oh no, not Jennifer, Jennifer's kid."
<Xanatos> <Theron> ...
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "It's better then it sounds."
<Kit> <Rin> Great, I come to help save the day, instead I'm stranded in evil space about to become a slavegirl.
<Xanatos> <Bob> I vote we stay right where we are.
<Kit> 6Rin sighs dramatically. 1"I should have just stayed home and baked some truffles."
<DeathStar> 6* The computer indicates the colony planet is for criminals who lose their civil rights as citizens
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Well... we can try for diplomatic immunity and such, it's a penal colony."
<DeathStar> <Justice> Y-You won't be a slave girl alone! I'll be one with you
<DeathStar> <Ao> I'd rather just find a place to hide on it and not talk to the Tsiv period; especially if we suspect them
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "No one's being a slave girl."
<Xanatos> <Theron> The worst of the worst Tsiv will be down there. Some that make Kyun look nice I would assume.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Find a spot on the world then that doesn't have signs of habitation and let's go."
<kalonZombie> *Ethan digs around in his medkit for some asprin
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Well if he shows up he can brag about saving us from criminals."
<Kit> <Rin> Th-That's reassuring, Truth..
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I'm more worried about any of those Angel ships being in the area then I am the Tsiv."
<DeathStar> 6* Justice holds up her hands to be piloted to the surface, eyeing Bob once
<DeathStar> 6* Ethan would find the last remaining asprin labeled 'Emergency Pills'
<DeathStar> 6* Ao muses. "The worst of the worst Tsivrixsh; there's a first.
<Xanatos> <Bob> Y-You want me to do it?
<Seraphna> Leayeh> "By that reckoning they'll all be peace loving hippies."
<DeathStar> <Justice> No. I'm making sure you do not try to touch me. 6* She sniffs
<Xanatos> <Bob> Bu...I can buy you dinner.
<DeathStar> <Ao> That's an oxymoron if I ever heard one
<DeathStar> <Justice> Really?!
<kalonZombie> *He takes one out and pops it, swallowing without any water, having to make do without it on the ship
<Xanatos> <Theron> Verily.
<Xanatos> <Bob> We....Well sure.
<DeathStar> <Justice> Okay; Rin, too! You have to buy her dinner, too
<Kit> 6Rin narrows her eyes at Bob.
<DeathStar> <Justice> She likes expensive crab
<Kit> 6She cracks her knuckles.
<Xanatos> 6Bob jerks and sinks down in his chair. N-Nevermind.
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: PAX
<DeathStar> 6* The virus outbreak slowly continues. Tamara, when Jennifer finally awakens after sleeping 3 hours, has already continued the research and laid it down for her to review. "I took the liberity of doing your work for you while you got another hour."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya comms Xanatos and Megumi about the away team messaging her with information they should see.
<Kit> 6Megumi arrives on the bridge after a delay
<Seraphna> * Jennifer rubs her eyes. She pouts at Tamara and sighs, "Never imagined being the one taken care off... sheesh, okay, let's see what you've got dear."
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos is already there, peering at the results. We've got to send someone to get them.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer reviews it as she stretches a bit more.
<Kit> <Megumi> Them?
<DeathStar> 6* Aya brings up the location of the team and their condition
<DeathStar> <Aya> Leyaeh also sent us a way to defeat the virus she said
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> The away team, Ao and Leyaeh. 6He pauses and glances to Aya. Send that to Jennifer.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis steps onto the bridge, in a silk robe. "Did they tell you what damaged their ship?" <Aya> No. Only what data was sent with their transmission
<DeathStar> 6* Aya reroutes it to Jennifer
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> Who or whatever it was, I wonder what they found out about Erusia...
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer peers up from the work and taps a button, bringing up the data. "...A... hyperspace jump?"
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara eyes it. "No. An instant fourth dimension jump only the PAX technology can do."
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara shakes her head as if dealing with a slow student
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> We could jump the PAX to them. But...this is Tsiv space, Kyun might charge us a fee.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "So much for Leyaeh's labelling." *she pouts* "I never spent much time on universal sciences myself, just healing." *she blinks* "...What do you make of it dear?"
<DeathStar> <Tamara> I would need to look at the jum ptechnology it self
<DeathStar> <Erevis> We would need to get his permission and inform the ship that we are deviating from the schedule
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Not that I am concerned with others think if we can defeat this virus
<DeathStar> 6* What
<Seraphna> * Jennifer taps her comms. "Hey, I'm gonna need Megumi or Isis, or both on this, the cure involves a jump that requires PAX technology. Access to the tech would be helpful so Tamara can look at it."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya looks over at Megumi, letting her hear Jennifer's plead.
<Kit> <Megumi> Um... alright.
<Kit> <Megumi> There is no reason for me to deny, I suppose, in the interest of medicine.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Little Kitten is asleep for once on her bed; I do not wish to wake her. Do yo uthink you can handle it, Kitten? We will need Drasek to power the jump
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> I'll get Drasek up here and do the legal thing and get Kyun's permission.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer nuzzles Tamara. "Sweetie, I'm so making you my assistant."
<Kit> <Megumi> Yes, I can handle it... it is... my specialty.
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos steps off to the side to make the calls.
<DeathStar> <Tamara> But science is boring
<DeathStar> <Aya> Mrs. Zhenmei
<DeathStar> 6 *Aya waves her over
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "For the Genetics at least. When you have free time." *she smirks a bit and brings up the data some more* "I wonder if we can jump the whole ship with this..."
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Besides, that'd make you Ethan's boss."
<Xanatos> 6* Drasek walks up onto the bridge, flexes his muscles. Need ol Drasek t'light this puppy up, eh?
<DeathStar> <Tamara> We have to figure out why the jump healed Ethan in the first place. They jumped twice; the first jump did not do it
<DeathStar> 6* Ambassador Kyun's people tell Xanatos he may come to the Tsivrixsh Embassy to speak with their lord
<Seraphna> * Jennifer nods. "Something specific I guess..." *she pages Megumi to join them soon as she can*
<DeathStar> 6* Aya brings up the jump data for her to look at. "I am trying to figure out what anamolies may have cured it, based on some of your own theories and equations." 6* She notes, being a science lover, too
<DeathStar> (for Meg)
<DeathStar> <Erevis> We will need to figure out how to jump first, Drasek, but then we will need you. I cannot afford to jump us in my state
<Kit> 6Megumi nods, leaning in to read the information herself.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer sits back. "Until they figure it out, we keep working on the genetic solution. The jump might not even be permenant for all we know... and there's still the evolutions to deal with until the cure..."
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos closes the comm and groans. Can't fucking just say yes over the goddamn comm. 6He seethes and stomps for the teleporter. I might not be able to come back up tot hese levels if I get infected while I'm down in the ship.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer starts tapping away, applying Tamara's work into the project.
<Xanatos> <Drasek> Aye luv, I'll be ready. 6He says a seat in the captains chair and pulls a beer out of his pocket, cracking it open.
<DeathStar> <Aya> I've been trying to determine what the two differences in the jmps may be; they said that guardian Truth did it while paniced and bypassing the need for hyperspace
<DeathStar> <Aya> Do you think it's possible they passed through something in her jump that affected it?
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara looks up as they isolate the genes in danger. "What we need to do is remove these genes, change them, or cleanse them. Though once you start doing that.."
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Things happen, so we need to know what we're changing and what to change them to."
<Kit> <Megumi> Are you saying the guardian used fourth space?
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos hits the Ambassador area and begins to move for Kyun's.
<DeathStar> <Aya> I'm not sure; the ship needs hyperspace and she managed to jump it with out it; the shuttle may have had reserve ,but if they passed through something, maybe an occurance in space, it could have caused it
<DeathStar> <Aya> The ship, when jumping, is on a nother plane of existence, typically we plot our course - so we don't pass through astar, planet, blackhole.
<DeathStar> <Aya> But she did the jump b lind
<DeathStar> <Tamara> How do we know?
<Kit> <Megumi> To determine what, we'd need to know their coordinates before so we could draw a line and map space
<DeathStar> 6* Xanatos is escorted into Kyun's room; he is sitting on a chair, sipping Erusian ale. "Come in."
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> Thank you for seeing me.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya nods and brings up their location; near Erusian, versus where they went, on the computer. Assuming they took a straight line, they pass through the famfrit black hole cluster
<DeathStar> <Kyun> Of course. What can I do for you?
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Every section of DNA has signatures, since we know the map of the Human Genome, we can work from that first. In some cases, it's something minor, like skin tone or eye color, it could be something major, many aspects of DNA don't even really do anything unless they're stimulated."
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Like building blocks, you can take out a few here or there, but you just have to watch out for the cornerstones."
<DeathStar> <Tamara> I think this is a bit above our study level right now
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara frowns. "These genes seem important to me, so removing them may be bad."
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> We believe we may have found a cure for this terrible disease that troubles us. It would require a jump, a deviation from the schedule granted, but a jump all the same. I am seeking the Tsivrixsh Ambassador's permission to enter Tsivrixsh space.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Quite... removing is the last thing we ever want to, cornerstones. Replacing is another matter."
<DeathStar> <Kyun> Oh? Why?
<DeathStar> <Tamara> What would you replace them with?
<Kit> <Megumi> The Nyr system!?
<DeathStar> <Aya> Wow.
<DeathStar> 6 *Aya looks surprised herself.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Well..." *she pulls up another genetic map, Famfrit, looking it over* "We could take from a species that isn't being affected."
<Kit> <Megumi> They passed through the Nyr black hole... the same one we hyperspaced through." 6She stares in disbelief.
<DeathStar> <Aya> If they did pass through a black hole, who knows what type of damage might be on their shuttle
<DeathStar> 6* Aya looks at Megumi. "What happened when you hyperspaced through it?"
<DeathStar> <Tamara> You would make them all kitties?
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "I'd be making myself one too, remember. It wouldn't make them... well, instantly kitties, you can actually insert Famfrit DNA into human without too much change. Chad Winters is part Famfrit, Aya probably is too."
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> I confess I don't know the details but we believe a jump could cause the cure.
<Kit> <Megumi> I do not recall... nothing? That I knew of?
<Kit> <Megumi> We almost fell into it-- it was in desperation.
<DeathStar> <Tamara> So what symptons would they get? Love of milk?
<DeathStar> <Aya> Well. A ship this size jumping through it could be dangerous, but Isis would know more. But with your knowledge, perhaps you could use your black hole knowledge to develop a shield frequency?
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Could be anything from extended life spans to access to Dark Matter... let's match up the building blocks and see what part of human and famfrit DNA we'd be swapping."
<DeathStar> <Kyun> But why to Tsivrixsh space.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer runs the comparison. She gets the info ready to send to those working on Earth.
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara nods and begins to work
<Seraphna> * Ulieah meanwhile, resolutely guards Marcus' Bar. With the help of one of her aunts and some security officers. She dances for people and sings.
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> We have a damaged shuttle in Tsiv space and I do not feel comfortable sending another shuttle party to get them, I would rather just take the entire ship. They didn't go there willingly, I can assure you, it was a jump that went awry thanks to their damaged shuttle.
<DeathStar> <Kyun> I see; where did they end up?
<DeathStar> 6* Aya begins to bring up the shield frequenciesw and information for Megumi when she works with Isis on one that can protect the ship. At that moment, Megumi's datapad beeps from the Famfrit Elders - telling her they need her immediately
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> I left the report on the bridge, but it wasn't near any of your homeworlds or I would have just asked you to send aid to them.
<Kit> <Megumi> That is... unusual.
<DeathStar> <Kyun> I see. Well, I know you can understand the necessity of being told where in hyperspace you would jump. I am sure once we know my government will be agreeable
<DeathStar> <Erevis> What is, Kitten?
<Kit> <Megumi> Why would they want me? They have Gem.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> They have always looked to you and Tiny Kitten for leadership since we took them so long ago.l
<Kit> 6Megumi glances up. 1"The lightwalker elders wish to see me."
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> So can I ask for a temporary yes from you until I give you a precise location? We're only trying to save some of our own after all.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer peers at the data quietly, she pats something behind Tamara and takes a drink.
<DeathStar> 6 *Erevis is peering over Megumi's shoulder, musing
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara looks behind her
<Kit> <Megumi> Xanatos is not answering me. Beloved, please inform our husband of the Nyr star being involved.
<DeathStar> <Kyun> Naturally once I have the location, I see no reason not to allow it.
<DeathStar> <Tamara> S-Stop that
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I will wake Little Kitten while you speak with them. 6 *She tells Megumi, moving to go down to 1B
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> Thank you very much. I'll send you the location shortly. 6He turns to leave now.
<DeathStar> 6* Kyun bows his head. "I will pray for your people."
<Seraphna> * Jennifer smiles softly. "Mmm, sorry, your cute faces make me feel better." *she focuses on the work*
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Earth Team
<DeathStar> 6* It is ten minutes past time for the meeting Cheryl was to hold. Tangled up sexually with Chii on a bed, cheryl eyes the time, groaning
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon, meanwhile, serves tea and cookies to those at the meeting table, while Curali tries to get pencils stuck in the ceiling. Ako and Iko hide under the table, thinking themselves sneaky, along with Lorelei
<Seraphna> * Tabetha bounces in her seat, giggling.
<DeathStar> <John> I wonder where the General is <Leira> Who knows. 6 *She pets the finger, whispering to Key about things
<Xanatos> 6* Cole leans back in his chair, drumming his fingers. Isn't like her.
<Kit> <Chii> I think you're late.
<kalonZombie> *Hale sits at the meeting room, waiting
<Kit> 6Eluere elbows Curali. 1"Behave..!"
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin slowly stretches, legs extending out under the table.
<Seraphna> * Peter sighs. "I did tell her to take a nap, maybe she actually listened."
<Seraphna> * Peter sips tea.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Cheryl taking a break? Yeah you've been drinking.
<DeathStar> 6 *Curali makes a face, sulking
<kalonZombie> *Hale takes a cup himself, and sips
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits up and begins to put her uniform on, her hair wild from the sex. "You're coming too."
<Seraphna> Peter> "I'm Irish, I'm always drinking."
<Seraphna> * Tabetha leans against Leira and yawns a bit.
<DeathStar> <Lemon> I have not seen Chii in the last few hours, either
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I'm a quarter Irish myself, last I checked.
<DeathStar> 6 *Billy walks in with Elwyn. "So where's C heryl. She wanted me here."
<Seraphna> Peter> "Ah, one of those breaks."
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka runs a scan over her stomach silently as they talk
<Kit> <Chii> I am, huh? Alright. What should I wear?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pulls out a uniform with a skirt design and tosses it. "There. Lemon made it for you since you keep worming your way onto missions."
<Seraphna> * Peter looks over at her and mentally pinches Vodka's butt.
<Xanatos> <Kellin> She heard you were coming and left! 6He tells Billy.
<Xanatos> <Kellin> Heh. Just kidding.
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka also seems to have a ring on her finger
<Xanatos> <Cole> WE don't know where she is, I'm starting to worry.
<DeathStar> 6* She eyes Peter
<Kit> <Chii> Heh heh! It's why I didn't toss out my secretarial uniform." 6She beams, then starts getting dressed
<DeathStar> <Billy> Hmph
<Seraphna> * Peter grins a little. <How's it lookin darlin?>
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl pages Lemon to let them know she' son her way
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl finishes and makes sure it's at least straight and wrinkle free, then heads toward the room. <Lemon> She is on her way
<Kit> 6A hand swats Billy's butt so hard it can sounds like a firecracker going off
<DeathStar> 6* Billy jerks and ye3lps
<Kit> <Elwyn> So... where's Aunt Cherry?
<kalonZombie> <Hale> That sounded like it stung
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Weee!" *she smiles and bounces some more*
<DeathStar> <Curali> .. .6* she eeyes Tab
<DeathStar> <Curali> Hyper much?
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin jerk and points. I think Billy's going to cry.
<Kit> <Eluere> She's been quite odd lately.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy rubs her ass, mumbling about siccing Ice on Elwyn
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Looks like she mighta got into some drugs.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks in finally, having not noticed her hair and moves to sit.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Want me to stuff it and make it better?
<DeathStar> <Billy> W-What, n-no
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "You're all funny." *she giggles and blushes* "N-Not drugs. Love. High on love."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I know that hairstyle!
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin and Marcus both snicker.
<DeathStar> <John> Stay off the drugs, Tabby
<DeathStar> 6* Leira giggles, then blinks at Cheryl's do. Cheryl eyes Hale
<Xanatos> <Marcus> I know that look.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Excuse me?
<Kit> 6Chii walks in after her, all prim and proper, her hair in a tight, well-combed bun. She eyes daggers at Hale.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha pouts. "I-I am. I'm a good girl."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I... I said nothing.
<Seraphna> * Peter just watches Cheryl quietly like he sees nothing.
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus leans over and whispers to Hale. Personally. 6he nods once and leans back.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina seems somewhat amused
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Lets go over the information gathered so far.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl brings up the holoscreen behind her with four male faces, then a list of female names.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> PEter, you may begin
<Xanatos> 6* Cole cross his arms now, a 'serious' sign to show he's ready to listen.
<Seraphna> Peter> "Alright, these are all the candidates we found who seem to have purposely gotten themselves booted from EarthGOV training, they all have high marks and were extremely promising."
<Kit> 6Elwyn pulls Billy onto her lap, sitting at the table.
<Seraphna> Peter> "What they all share in common is these four blokes, they got themselves fired as well, but haven't fallen off the radar. We suspect they were paid to pass info on the girls to whoever was recruiting them."
<DeathStar> 6 *Billy cuddles into Elwyn
<kalonZombie> *Hale sits perfectly quiet, despite knowing all this already.
<Seraphna> Peter> "Given the general... attractiveness of every girl on the file, we can assume the pattern is that of someone wanting effective, if still quite sexually attractive troops."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> We've brought up their addresses and al lthe girl's addresses - we have units looking into the girls' families right now. We'll have our own people find the recruiters.
<Kit> <Eluere> That's a demaning manner of recruitment!!" 6She interjects, despite the general attractiveness of dragoons lately.
<Xanatos> <Kellin> Men are pigs, Lury.
<Seraphna> Peter> "It speaks of someone who is very much like the Dragoon's designers. Prefers a sertain asthetic of women."
<Seraphna> *certain
<Kit> <Eluere> F-Ferrah helped design us...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well. We know who designed me and if his projects - or Cran himself - is behind this...
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl shrugs
<Kit> <Eluere> But only the pigmentation for ID purposes. We are generally the make of our donors.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> the second order of business is what Eluere has discovered. 6* She bringsu p the name of three more Greek based name companies, all having cropped up in the last six months
<Xanatos> <Cole> Possible shell corporations?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Warren suspected each of these, so Eluere's been digging into their histories - they all cater to a specific thing. Like the Hermes trading company, these move about materials like shell companies
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl nods at Cole
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Has the bad supervillain cliche of sticking to a naming scheme."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> That's why if I ever go evil I'm making my company name Ardvark Inc.
<Kit> <Eluere> You're quick to assume... perhaps he has to? Some organizations are fastidious about traditional, ancestry or religion.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "That just points more to the Cran theory."
<Xanatos> <Cole> Regardless do any of these three point to anything suspicious?
<Kit> <Chii> They're Greek. They're suspicious." 6She waves a hand.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> We'll have to inflirtate them to find out, Cole
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl crosses her fingers, musing; Chii can feel in the bond about what she is - the Kaleb threat
<DeathStar> <Katrina> It seems we have a lot of leads at least to look into
<Seraphna> * Tabetha wiggles a little in her seat again.
<DeathStar> 6* John sends calming, boring thoughts to Tabetha
<Xanatos> <Cole> So what do we do first, or do we attempt them all at once?
<Seraphna> Peter> "Aye, the recruiters and the companies are big leads."
<Seraphna> * Tabetha calms down and leans against Leira softly.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I think doing all at once would stretch our resources too thin
<Kit> <Eluere> Unfortunately simultaneous would be the only option. If any catches wind, the others could retreat or destroy any imposing evidence we'd look for.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yes; I've given some duties to other groups, like Steel's, Eluere
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> That way we are not spread thin. ALso...
<Seraphna> Peter> "Either's a gamble, last time we looked into one of these, we got our asses handed to us. Best not to split too much."
<DeathStar> 6* She hesitates, recalling the Kaleb terms. "Eluere, set up Alpha Protocol Gemini Listening Scrambling Device."
<Seraphna> * Peter raises a brow.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole waits for Cheryl to continue probably sad himself that his task has been coming up with dead ends.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks and looks about curiously.
<DeathStar> <Curali> ... 6* She blinks at the long name and looks at Eluere
<kalonZombie> *Hale looks at Elure and raises a brow
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "APG-LSD."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* she eyes Tabetha suspiciously for knowing the code name
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Have you been digging in our files?
<Xanatos> <Cole> She just acronymed it.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks. "No, it's the simple acronym. I like shortening things."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> That's how it's listed in our database
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "...Isn't that the most logical means...? It just popped into my head."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Mmmm. I suppose so. Sorry for my suspicions
<DeathStar> 6* Once the field goes up, Cheryl leans back to speak
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Kaleb is alive.
<Kit> <Eluere> ... I do commands mentally, I do not often worry about names..." 6She mumbles
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks a bit and nods. Then blinks more. "K-Kaleb?"
<Xanatos> 6* Cole arches a brow.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy leans in a bit, having always liked Dias, so she has a stake in his runt
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Wait, seriously?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> They said they will kill Kaleb and Dias if I do not turn myself in to them - alone and without informing anyone. The video evidence was not tampered with - I took it apart myself.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha looks a little conflicted in her feelings, due to Dias' rape attempt earlier.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Well obviously you can't fucking do that, Cheryl.
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin rubs the side of his head and frowns, pulling his legs up into his chair.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha whimpers. "N-No... you can't."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Well she's not planning to, I bet, since she's telling us.
<Seraphna> Peter> "That does sort of break the terms pretty finely."
<Kit> <Chii> It's not a choice.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> That's why if I suspect any of you wil lspeak this, you will not leave this room conscious; Kat is scanning for any deception in your minds right now
<DeathStar> <Lemon> I will go in your place. <Cheryl> You're pregnant; no.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Mmm, then I'll go. And I can get out with Kaleb.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> You'll go!?
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina quietly has her hands together
<DeathStar> 6* Billy focuses, shapeshifting into Cheryl
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks. "Ms. Andrea is planning to Shapeshift."
<Seraphna> * Tabetha squeaks when she deos.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Billy if they get a scan of you, won't they be able to tell it's not the real deal?
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Is there ways they can see through that?
<Kit> <Elwyn> Andrea...
<DeathStar> <Billy> They'd have to get pretty close
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> We can try to design something to hide you more; perhaps with my DNA on it
<Kit> 6Elwyn scowls, biting at her thumb.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> If you are---certain
<DeathStar> <Billy> Yeah. I can shadowport out of there once Kaleb is safe.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> And what if they've got some sort of device that'll mess with your powers?
<DeathStar> <Billy> We might could even learn their base location
<DeathStar> <Billy> I--well..
<DeathStar> <Billy> Then you'll all save me!
<DeathStar> 6* Billy beams
<Xanatos> <Marcus> You...
<kalonZombie> *Hale smiles and nods in approval
<Seraphna> Peter> "Somethin I don't like... they're ransoming Dias in this deal? Alert me if I'm wrong, but didn't the man just attempt to rape and kill three of our girls and run away in evil shadow-stuff?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> You wouldn't fail me, would you?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm quite sure that Dias will betray us.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Billy sees it, too; that's why you said grab Kaleb, right?
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Dias is turning into a monster..."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Well, duh. He's insane right now. We'll have to fight him to take him in
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Of course not. 6He peers down at Dias being evil.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Then we can fix him
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Black... glowing eyes... a tail..."
<DeathStar> <Billy> He has Dark One DNa in him.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha looks down, huddling up a bit.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "He's so angry..."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> hm. I have a theory on how they might have gotten his powers back
<Xanatos> <Cole> If you have issues getting out, I might be able to get in.
<Xanatos> <Kellin> Old Dark One samples laying around?
<Seraphna> Peter> "How's that? I think The kid here was the only Dark One left?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Jennifer Carmichael.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy makes a face
<Seraphna> * Peter raises a brow.
<Xanatos> <Kellin> That idiot?
<Kit> <Chii> Why.. do you say that?
<Xanatos> <Kellin> Oh fyi I hate her. 6He adds after the idiot thing in a whisper.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Apparantly she and Athena had two Dark One kids in an alternate reality; Athena pulled the kids out, after being shot in the head, but they were thrown about. It's a theory only,that they might have one
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks a little.
<DeathStar> 6* Ako peeks out at Kellin
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> The only other explanation is there's more Dark Ones
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Nah we put a stop to them, has to be Jennifer and Athena's mess.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I would say that's impossible, but I said the same thing about what they said NGDs could do
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin eyes Ako and gives her a look for being in the meeting.
<Kit> <Eluere> Ungh...
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "So... these bad people have a Dark One baby?"
<Kit> <Elwyn> Either one's unappetizing.
<Xanatos> <Cole> They could.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> alright, if Billy's going in, I want suggestions how to make this work. Go
<DeathStar> <Billy> Well, I could swallow a locator and use my powers to mask it
<Kit> <Elwyn> I'd rather you didn't go at all-- but I can find you.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "We could disguise her DNA temporarily. Use a cloaking shield or a suit made to project DNA of CHeryl's and Dragoon Energy."
<DeathStar> <KAtrina> I can try to scan Cheryl's mind and put it on BIlly's and a code word like Kaleb can cause it to collapse
<Xanatos> <Cole> IF something goes wrong and she can't port out, we would be forced to attack.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> As much stuff to block or manipulate scans as possible.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> You can do that, Kat?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> We may need your teleporting abilities, Cole.
<DeathStar> <KAtrina> I can with some time
<Xanatos> <Cole> IF they don't have some sort of shield, of course.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods at Tabetha on that idea
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Elwyn, can you lightstep like Freyja?
<kalonZombie> <Hale> All else fails, small strike team could slip in and out with minimal resistance and detection
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "I'm not sure how well one of my holopods would work in decieving them just yet... but a tactical suit modification would be easier."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Get busy creating one, Tabetha. Elwyn, your mother has a soul connection to Billy, too; ask her if she would join this mission. I know she's pregnant and if she doesn't want to, I completely understand
<Xanatos> <Kellin> Least they wouldn't kill Billy if they found her, Dark One's are in as high demand as progenitor's these days.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> But two Kitsune trying to Lightstep would more likely succeed than one
<Seraphna> * Tabetha nods and grabs Leira, bouncing off with her towards her mad science lab.
<DeathStar> <Lemon> Kellin is right, yes. Billy, would you sense the Dark One if there's one? <Billy> I think so
<DeathStar> 6* Leira squeaks and follows. Ako has gone back to hiding from Kellin's look
<Xanatos> <Marcus> I'm sure Jennifer would be happy if you saved her other...child.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm doing it for that, too, but also because a Dark One can't be in the hands of the enemy.
<Seraphna> * Peter crosses his arms, thinking. "Yeah. We can't just leave a kid in enemy hands if we can help it."
<Kit> <Elwyn> She'd come... no question about that." 6She rubs her head.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Athena risked her life's last energy to pull these kids out, I won't waste her attempt
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin mumbles something into his leg, since they're pulled up and his arms are wrapped around them.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Alright. I say we do this rescue op, then coordinate a strike on the other objectives. DOing one shouldn't alert them to the other
<Kit> <Elwyn> And don't kid. I can't lightstep... momma's the one to perfect that.
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl nods, rising. "Then lets get started. W e have our orders. Move out."
<Seraphna> * Peter nods a bit and rubs his face. "Specially since they're expecting the rescue op, not the strike on the companies."
<DeathStar> -SCENE PAUSE-
<DeathStar> Bathroom break then resume in 2 mins
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: PAX
<DeathStar> 6* Megumi, at the famfrit zone, is surrounded by various famfrits and the famfrit elder. A new famrit girl is there, too, peering at her. Also present is Noname, though he stands with Megumi, not in the crowd. Meanwhile, Jennifer and Tamara continue to research the gene problem, while Isis is up, looking over Megumi's notes, trying to apply them, and Aya is with Xanatos, pointing out something
<DeathStar> <Aya> You are wanting to jump to the others, right? Well, we can't cross the famfrit Nyr blackholes from here and arrive at Tsivrixsh space, due to our location compared to where the others were. We'd have to jump here. 6* She brings up a star chart. "First. Which would tire Drasek."
<DeathStar> <Aya> If we used hyperspce to go there, it would take 3 days
<DeathStar> <Elder> Thank you for meeting us, Goddess.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem is part of the crowd, looking bored and tired, since she was not part of this branc hof famfrit and has no stake in their prophecy
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> They don't have 3 days. just 11 hours.
<DeathStar> <Tamara> I think switching the genes on the Tsiv would do more harm. The humans could accept the gene swap easily, the ATleans are unsure to me since I don't kjnow enough, the Tsiv definitely would not accept the gene I think
<Kit> <Megumi> I am not a goddess.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Then we should jump now and give Drasek time to feel better. Since we want to cross the blackhole to try to cure the ship
<Seraphna> * Jennifer hrms. "Well, we've got a start then, we'll finalize it for the humans and move on to Tsiv and Atleans."
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> Alright, I'll send the coordinates to Kyun for jump approval. You ready Drasek?
<Xanatos> 6* Drasek waves a beer in response.
<DeathStar> <Elder> Our prophecies state a famfrit not of our people would arrive and deliver us to our new home; she would have white hair and be a goddess. Only you and Athena Zhenmei fit those - and Athena is now dead. You are the one who is to lead us
<DeathStar> <Tamara> Alright. The virus is spreading to new zones by the way
<DeathStar> <Aya> So you want to go to the Tsivrixsh first ,then through the black hole?
<DeathStar> 6* Aya begins to input the coordinates.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer frowns. "Any new species?"
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> We still need to go over the details of the jump right? Well we can get our people before that.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer starts testing the Atlean reaction to the gene alteration to be sure.
<DeathStar> <Tamara> Not yet.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Very well, sir. 6* She begins to lock in the coordinates and a message to get the ship ready.
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos sends the coordinates to Kyun, asking him how long it'll take to get Tsiv approval, as they don't have much time.
<DeathStar> 6* Kyun responds it will take less than 20 minutes.
<Kit> <Megumi> Athena is not... dead.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "So more victims, less work for us still though." *she frowns and watches, comparing the reaction with Atlean and Humans DNA samples. "If this works, we can always try another unaffected species with the Tsiv. Maybe Erusians..."
<DeathStar> 6* The famfrits stir and the elder speaks. "I am sorry, your goddess; but we were told she phywsically died and her body was being preseved to honor her. That her brain took a projectile.
<DeathStar> 6 *Gem rolls her eyes at the famfrits. "She can be healed."
<Kit> <Megumi> Besides, I may be one of few now, but even Imugem looks as I-- that description is not elegant enough to ascertain the exact person..
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos responds with a thanks and that they'll be one stand-by until they hear from him. Twenty minutes. 6He glances at Aya.
<DeathStar> 6* The famfrits peer at Gem now, who freezes.
<DeathStar> <Elder> But--she was not the one who took us off our planet...the prophecy stated the white haired goddess would lead us to our new home.
<DeathStar> <Noname> She is bulding the Iron Paw; it never said when the goddess would lead you to your home, only that she would.
<Kit> <Woman> And which 'new home' is this you speak of?
<DeathStar> 6* The famfrit turn toward the voice.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer comms Xanatos.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya nods and informs Isis of the jump
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara rubs at her face, watching the reactions; so far it seems to mess with ATlean's healing genetics
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos pauses and answers. Yeah'lo.
<DeathStar> <Gem> I-I'm no goddess.
<DeathStar> 6* Some whisper that Gem does fit the description
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Progress report, we have a genetic solution for humans, thanks to us being so damn adaptable. The injection will cause a slight... umm... Famfrit response."
<Kit> 6A woman is standing there, in a robe of sorts, embroidered and decorated in odd mixes of both simple patternwork like old natives, and that of precious metals, her hand raised as if seeking audience for her question. Her eyes are set in solemn and stoic, very faintly amber but paler than Megumi or the kitsune golden.
<DeathStar> <Elder> Um, yes, my lady. The new home is spoken not in description, but in this passage:
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Some progress towards the Atleans solution... only it messes with their healing, I'm going to have to try something with the Vapaad samples and possible Erusian."
<DeathStar> <Elder> And so the white haired famfrit from another branch of the famfrit family would arrive and lead her people to a new home where they would find protection, community, and purpose. They would dwindle from the few to the many and would become recognized not in fear, but in respect."
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> Well if this jump thing doesn't work, we may have to go that route. But I'm not sure people will appreciate their genes being messed with.
<DeathStar> <Tamara> And on such a wide scale it may be impractible.
<Kit> <Woman> Then how are you to define this new home you speak of. Are you there now, or yet to be?" 6She shakes her head, disbelieving. Her eyes are more cat-like than famfrit typically, her hair pale like Megumi's... and Imugem's. Tied in tiers and tails elaborately not unlike Ao's was originally. But rather than elf-like ears, she seems to have actual cat-like ears twitching out of her
<Kit> 6hair. Two tails flickering in annoyance at the proceeding.
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> My granddaughter's right.
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara blushes at the term, peering down
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "True... though if the jump doesn't work, it may be our only option. This virus mutates too fast for most conventional medicine to cure." *her tone gets a little softer and gushy when Xan says that too*
<Kit> 6Megumi eyes the newcomer, then shakes her head.
<DeathStar> <Famfrit> May I ask who you are and what species?
<DeathStar> 6* Noname frowns in thought.
<Kit> <Megumi> ...Why was I called here... exactly?
<DeathStar> <Gem> I'm just building the Iron Paw for our people since everyone in the galaxy wants to take advantage of us. I'm not trying to be some messiah. <Elder> .. .6* He looks at Megumi. "We are sorry for wasting your time- you have given us something to think of about Imugem."
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> It's good work, but we'll still need to be wary, it may work for the dna strand that you're testing on but everyone is different.
<DeathStar> <Tamara> We really could use Ethan's blood to see what changed about him
<Kit> <Megumi> If that is all, I would like to return to restoring Athena..
<DeathStar> <Elder> of course. Please.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "I'm using several different strands from random samples to keep certain. And yeah... Ethan would be a lot of help right now. How soon till we save his reptilian butt?"
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> Well you're in luck, because I'm going to get him first.
<Kit> 6The woman tilts her head, one ear folding back. 1"You give up too easy to be a goddess."
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Oh Xanny, you know just what a girl wants."
<Kit> 6Megumi jerks, frowning at her, wondering if she means on leading them or dealing with her daughter, or dimissing the arguments.
* kalonZombie_ has joined #Session128
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> Well, I'll send him straight to medbay when we get him. If they're still in one piece when we get there.
<DeathStar> <Gem> Who are you? 6 *She walks over and pulls on the woman's ear, squinting
<DeathStar> 6* Isis comms Megumi, telling her she needs her help with the frequence shields, not understanding all the science involved yet.
<DeathStar> 6* And apologizing
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "I hope they're alright... alright Daddy Xan, I'll leave you to your work... I'll keep trying to find other solutions."
<Kit> 6The woman blinks, caught offguard-- and stares at Gem, in a manner suggesting disbelief, then swats her hand off, giving a slight shock of force like Megumi used to use.
<Kit> 6Megumi shakes her head and hurries to the telepad.
* kalonZombie has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
<DeathStar> 6* Gem goes to stumble, but uses her abilities to righten herself, mimcing the ability
* kalonZombie_ is now known as kalonZombie
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos makes a slight face at that, still having issues with Jennifer, but keeps it civil. Alright, good luck. 6He closes the comm and then checks the time.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer smirks a bit. "Well he was more civil about it that time." *she sighs and taps away, working on different treatments, querying other experts for opinions*
<DeathStar> <Tamara> I am surprised he accepted me as a granddaughter. 6* She admits. "I would never try to force myself into such a position." 6* She notes
<DeathStar> 6* Aya looks over. "We have the confirmation."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya taps the comm. "Everyone on the ship, prepare for an instant jump. Please sit if you standing. I will begin the countdown now from 1 minute to 0."
<Kit> 6She then glares at Gem. 1"Don't just do as you please. My name is Nuea."
<Seraphna> * Jennifer smiles. "You learn faster then me at least." *she sighs a bit* "I mostly say it in good humor though. I'll have to introduce you to your other grandfather one day."
<DeathStar> <Gem> I'm Imugem. You look like a famfrit, but are different. Where do you hail? 6* Many of the famfrits are curiously peering and touching Nuea
<Xanatos> 6* Drasek puts his arms ont he chair and begins to focus, getting ready.
<DeathStar> <Tamara> MAybe you should wait for him to call you a daughter in law?
<DeathStar> 6 *Tamara notes, going back to work and sitting
<Kit> <Nuea> I'm..." 6She seems to jump, like static shock at people touching her, reaching up to hold her forehead with her hand. 1"I'm... ah..."
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "You're right dear." *she sighs a bit and gives her a squeeze*
<DeathStar> 6* Gem makes a command in famfrit to back off and they obey, then she forms a crystal chair for Nuea to sit on
<DeathStar> 6* Gem sits herself in one. "Now, tell me all about you."
<Seraphna> * Ulieah holds a concert in the bar for people who are either stiuck there or quarantined off from home.
<DeathStar> <Aya> 10. 9.
<DeathStar> <Aya> 8.
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos takes a seat.
<Kit> <Nuea> Gone... both gone? Nyr is gone-- and Merou as well.
<DeathStar> <Aya> 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2
<DeathStar> <Gem> I--
<DeathStar> <Aya> 1. 0
<Xanatos> 6* Drasek jumps them.
<DeathStar> 6* They all jump to Tsivrixsh Space; not through the blackhole yet.
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Cheryl's Team
<DeathStar> 6* Billy, looking like Cheryl, wiggles in the tactical suit, her breasts moving a bit and she gropes herself. "So much bigger than mine." <Cheryl> Shut it.
<DeathStar> 6* Iceheart and Freyja are there in the staging area, along with others.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> The mindprint is in place; it'll make them think it's you on initial scans if they don't probe too deep
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "I-I sized it right... right? I have Cheryl's measurements from Lemon..."
<Xanatos> 6* Cole adjsuts his bomber jacket, something we wears over his regulation uniform.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Good luck Billy. Please be careful.
<DeathStar> <Billy> It's fine. Really. 6* She cranes her neck. <Cheryl> The location meeting is outside MEga City, so it's not going to be their main base. If you feel it too risky to be taken all the way, don't let yourself be. That's an order."
<Seraphna> * Peter adjusts his gray duster, checking over his weapons.
<kalonZombie> *Hale looks over his uniform and polishes his old pin from Wraith squadron, something he bought for everyone when they joined up. He hasn't had the heart to discard it yet
<DeathStar> <Billy> I'll try. 6* She moves to Cheryl's private corvette car, getting in. She uses her link to Freyja. <How do I look, Freyja momma? Being a hero never suits me>
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin rocks on his heels, looking like he wants to go on a mission.
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei, in Elwyn's arms, yips sadly and worriedly, picking up on the emotions
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks and tries to give Lorelei happy emotions.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> We can't afford to have satelites in the area, so we'll be getting our information from those connected to Billy - Elwyn and Freyja.
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei's ears perk slightly
<Seraphna> * Tabetha squeaks happily and leans over to nuzzle Lore.
<Seraphna> Peter> "What kind of distance are we keepin?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy begins to drive away, bumping into walls a bit as she 'learns' quickly. She grinds the car's engines a bit as she drives down
<Kit> <Freyja> <Suits you more than you would think.>
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> M-My car.
<Xanatos> <Cole> I have to be within a mile. 6He reminds everyone.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> We'll be staying here, Peter. If necessary, Cole will teleport us in closer with Freyja's help
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Together they should be able to increase the teleport range.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> They'll have spies in the area; we can't afford to get in close.
<Seraphna> * Peter nods a little.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits down at the table, looking tense and worried. She bites her bangs, a sign of nervousness she hasn't shwo in a while
<Seraphna> * Tabetha muses. "I can fix up the car when you get it back, B... Cheryl."
<DeathStar> 6* Long minutes tick, 10-15. Finally Billy speaks to her kitsune. <Billy> <I'm at the meeting spot. Nothing so far>
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina, using her psionics, lets everyone else hear it
<Seraphna> * Tabetha gasps.
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei jerks at the gasp, peering around
<kalonZombie> *Hale looks around confused
<DeathStar> 6* John rubs the back of his head. Finally Billy spekas. <Billy> <Mmm, here someone comes. Looks like a female soldier.> 6* She mentally sends the image to them and Katrina bounces it to the others. It's one of the 200 soldier girls
<kalonZombie> <Hale> One of our 200 biggest fans.
<Seraphna> Peter> "Bingo was her name-oh."
<DeathStar> <Billy> *speaking to the girl but being heard by others* Where's Kaleb? <Woman> Are you alone? <Billy> Of course I'm fucking alone but if you don't show me proof Kaleb's here, I'll have my whole team here.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Tch; she's hamming it up a bit. I'm do curse like that
<DeathStar> *don't
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon snorts at Cheryl.
<Seraphna> * Peter peers up.
<Kit> <Chii> Not always.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha suddenly looks occupied with cuddling Leira.
<DeathStar> <Woman> He is around. I want you to turn your back to me and interlace your fingers. <Billy> I want proof of Kaleb before I do anything - I know you want me for some reason. I've pieced together that much. <Woman> ... 6* She speaks into a comm but they can't hear the words
<DeathStar> 6* Leira returns the hug
<Seraphna> Peter> "Mmm. Fishy."
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus looks tense, pacing.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Way too fishy.
<DeathStar> <Woman> Fine. 6* A moment later Kaleb's crying can be heard by all and they can see in their minds the woman pulling Kaleb out of a box and setting him on the ground. Billy eyes her and then kneels to check on him. <Billy> How will my people find him if you take me? <Woman> We'll leave a message about his location to them after we're gone. <Billy> Forgive me if I'm skeptical.
<DeathStar> <Woman> Either do it or I'll detonate a chip in his brain and kill him. <Billy> ... 6 *She turns and interlocks her fingers together behind her head. The woman walks up and scans Cheryl
<DeathStar> *Billy
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Here comes the moment of truth...
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Chip? We didn't think about a fucking chip.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha squirms a little, she closes her eyes and tries to keep her calm.
<Seraphna> Peter> "You want to chip JM?"
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus gives Peter and death look.
<Xanatos> NRP: a*
<DeathStar> 6* Suddenly they'd feel a needle in their necks as Billy gets one in her's. Billy jerks a bit, getting doozy when Dias steps into her view and grabs her, throwing her over his shoulder. AT this point, Billy is focusing all her energy on keeping the guise up before she loses consciousness. They begin to walk toward a shuttle with her, with a Greek name of one of the three companies - Artermis Flights
<Seraphna> * Peter tilts his head. "Ah, you mean as something they might do, no, that was a consideration, so was a suit of dynamite."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy turns toward Kaleb and it seems he's being left behind
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Tch if she passes out and loses the guise, they might detonate the chip from a distance. Dias, what have they done to you...
<Xanatos> <Cole> We need to get him and have vodka get that chip out quickly.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks a little. "Sh-Should we go in now? Is tehre a way we could EMP the chip?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What are the chances of a EMP shutting it down, Tabetha?
<Seraphna> * Tabetha thinks about it a moment.
<DeathStar> 6* Dias tosses Billy into the back of the shuttle and closes it. At that moment Billy blacks out, her guise no doubt gone.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Dammit
<DeathStar> 6* Freyja and Elwyn can still feel Billy at least with their link to her.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> At least she's in the back, unseen
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Meaning we go down there, pick him up, and remove that shit before they can catch on
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Depending on the yeild of the chip, it could work."
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "I'd have to scan it and get a better idea."
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl grinds her teeth. "We need to get into two teams; one team will get Kaleb here, while the rest of us use Freyja and Cole to telport on the shuttle
<Kit> <Elwyn> Still can feel her out-- she's just unconscious
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Tabetha, Leira, Hale, Peter, and John - you get ready to get to Kaleb. Cole, you teleport them in. We'll use Freyja to get us on the shuttle itself.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks at the rest. "The rest of you, get ready to get on the shuttle once Tabetha signals me she has disabled the chip."
<kalonZombie> *Hale nods in reply
<Seraphna> * Tabetha nods, as does Peter.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Understood.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> okay, go now, Cole
<DeathStar> 6* John and Leira step over to Cole.
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus nods and moves off, Kellin jerks and runs off.
<Seraphna> * Peter and Tabetha do as well, Tabetha grabbing an EMP device.
<kalonZombie> *Hale steps up after pulling out his rifle
<Xanatos> 6* Cole makes sure everyone is grabbing someone before he begins doing his teleporting chain to get them to Kaleb.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina takes deep breaths; Cheryl grabs Marcus' arm
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I want you with me on the shuttle; you may can talk him down
<DeathStar> 6* Cole and the rest arrive where Kaleb, played by Xan, is at.
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus pauses and peers at Cheryl. I'll try, but he seems too far gone.
<Kit> <Chii> Want me to come, Cherry? Or watch Lorelei?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You can come with me, Chii; Lemon will watch Lorelei
<Xanatos> 6* Cole pants, falling to his knee.
<kalonZombie> *Hale raises his weapon and looks around for hints of an ambush
<Xanatos> 6* Kaleb cries.
<DeathStar> 6* The shuttle is a speck in the distance right now. Leira, forming her guns, sweeps the area, announcing clear.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha moves over, taking out her datapad and scanning Kaleb for the chip. And the box for traps.
<DeathStar> 6* John walks along; Tabetha would indeed discover a chip at the base of his skull
<Seraphna> * Peter peers about, frowning at the shuttle.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha scans it to check the yeild and see if EMP will do the trick.
<kalonZombie> *Hale walks up to him, his weapon still trained, his old Commando habits dying hard
<Xanatos> 6* Kaleb also seems like he shit his pants.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha scrunches her nose. "Eww."
<DeathStar> 6* It seems a highly focused eMP will work
<DeathStar> 6* At that moment, Kaleb's head begins to beep - the device armed
<Seraphna> * Tabetha starts quickly adjusting the EMP device to do just that, setting it up. "I-It's armed!"
<DeathStar> 6* A woman nearby, in the shadows of some rocks, runs for trees
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Hurry
<kalonZombie> *Hale shoots for her legs
<Xanatos> <Cole> Got...a runner. 6He breathes.
<Seraphna> * Peter takes out his rifle, he aims and fires for the woman.
<DeathStar> 6* The woman dives, rolling into the treeline, their shots barely avoiding it. Leira frowns, eyeing Kaleb in worry
<Xanatos> 6* Kaleb cries louder, since that beeping's gotta be huge in his little head.
<DeathStar> 6* Tabetha, prepare yourself to save poor Kaleb, Dustin's pride and join. HERE WE GO
<DeathStar> 6* Right, Right, Left, Up, Down, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<Seraphna> llrduldulrdu
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> 6* The device is fried
<DeathStar> 6* Leira runs for the trees now, while John stays to proteect Kaleb.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha sends the signal that it's disarmed.
<kalonZombie> *Hale rushes after her, looking for a clear shot at the woman's legs
<Seraphna> * Peter rushes for the tree line as well.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "It's safe... h-he's safe..."
<Xanatos> 6* Cole his his comm. He's clear, Tab saved him. An agent armed it, Leira, Hale and Peter are in pursuit.
<Xanatos> NRP: smacks*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl on Comm> Good.
<DeathStar> 6* The trees block any clear shots and after a bit, with the trees, vanishes from sight. Leira slows down, looking around
<DeathStar> <Leira> where is she?
<DeathStar> <John> You did it, kiddo
<DeathStar> 6* Key's finger floats and points at a tree top. <Leira> Up there?
<Xanatos> <Cole on Comm> You still want us to come to you or you coming to us?
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Let's split up. Peter, you go left. I'll go right. Leir, you go center. Watch... or up there
<DeathStar> <Cheryl on comm> I want you to get Kaleb back to the base
<Seraphna> * Peter aims upwards, looking about.
<DeathStar> 6* A rocket flies down from the tree top at them
<kalonZombie> *Hale trains his weapon upwards and then leaps out of the way
<Seraphna> * Peter takes a shot at the rocket before grabbing Leira and leaping away.
<kalonZombie> *Hale blindfires up in the trees
<DeathStar> 6* The rocket explodes from Peter's shot and the impact knocks them all back; thankfully, with leaping already, it's mimimal and they just roll with it
<DeathStar> 6* Hale's blind fire into the tree takes out leaves and branches and the woman leaps to another tre
<Seraphna> * Peter rolls up and tries to take aim for the monkey lady, taking a shot.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha picks up Kaleb. "Hello little hero..."
<kalonZombie> *Hale aims his weapon, actually looking for the woman, firing if he gets a clear shot, somewhere nonlethal if able
<Xanatos> 6* Cole pauses at the rocket explosion. Alright Cheryl, I'll keep you updated. 6He nods to John and Tabetha and begins to run for the trees himself.
<DeathStar> 6* The woman spins in mid-air, avoiding the shots, then teleports behind Hale, stabbing at his back; LEira shouts a warning to him, giving him 5 seconds to dodge
<DeathStar> 5
<Xanatos> 6* Kaleb looks up at her a coos, seems he rememebrs her.
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<kalonZombie> *Dodge
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 6* The woman stabs air with her blade
<Seraphna> * Peter shifts and tries to shoot the woman as Hale dodges.
<kalonZombie> *Hale shoots at her arm or leg
<DeathStar> 6* the woman stumbles as she's shot, bleeding a bit from her shoulder. She then shouts a name - Cran - and bites on a fake tooth, falling down dead
<Seraphna> * Peter raises a brow. "...Why bloody kill yourself AFTER you give us the name."
<kalonZombie> *Hale tries to stop her from biting down, but is too late "Damn cyanide capsules."
<Xanatos> <Cole> Probably just to lead us astray, come'on back to the others.
<DeathStar> 6* Leira stares at her dead body...
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl, Chii, Curali, Eluere, Marcus, Katrina, Elwyn, and Freyja appear on the shuttle, seeing Dias over Billy, ripping her clothes off in a rage and groping at her. He doesn't notice at first, spouting out such hatred as: "You betrayed me, too! You always loved Marcus over me, didn't you!?"
<DeathStar> 6* The woman soldier is flying the shuttle; she eyes the weight difference and shouts a warning back to Dias
<Kit> <Freyja> ..." 6She jerks, unsure whether to do too much considering Marcus and Cheryl nearby
<Xanatos> <Marcus> ....dude.
<DeathStar> 6* Dias turns toward them, his eyes glowing with anger; Freyja and Elwyn can feel deep hate in his heart. Boiling rage and hate for them all
<DeathStar> <Dias> Ah. MArcus. Et tu?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl forms her whip. "Stop this, Dias; we're your family.
<Kit> 6Eluere however, barrels forward and holds out her hand, forming the swallow blade sword she's rarely pulled out
<DeathStar> <Dias> You all don't care about me! You forget I'm even here!
<Kit> <Eluere> Get away from her!
<DeathStar> 6* Curali follows Eluere, forming her own tonfa and swipes. Dias eyes them coming in and fires two dark beams at them.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> What? Dude since when do you say fancy words? I never forgot you were here, we always talked.
<DeathStar> <Dias> Talk? When that Tabetha whore was throwing herself at me, you were too busy fucking Katrina to give me advie. I'LL KILL YOU, FUCKFACE
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Don't you remember the playdates we set up for JM and Kaleb? How could you do this to your own son, Dias? How?!
<DeathStar> 6 *Curali uses her blade to deflect the darkbeam into the shuttle wall
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl shakes wher head and Katrina looks pale. <Katrina> They've twisted his emotions, Marcus; the tiniest bit of darkness in one's heart and they exploited it
<Xanatos> <Marcus> There's nothing we can do!? A bunch of dragoons, psychic reality hoppers and we can't save one man?!
<Kit> 6Eluere jerks, trying to do the same as Curali, but clumsily falls back onto her rear from the hefty weapon being toppled back
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'l ltry to weaken his mind and free his heart; Erevis was better than I at taking the battle inside one's head. 6* She closes her eyes, focusing; Dias staggers and Cheryl leaps in and bearhugs him, face to face with Dias
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Dias!!! Are you saying I mean nothing to you? Lore means nothing? You gave so much to help me with Ben. Goddammit. Open your eyes!
<DeathStar> 6* Curali pushes herself up and looks unsure if she should stab Dias while he's being held. Billy remains out cold, in her kid form
<Xanatos> <Marcus> You let me know if it can't be done, the only person that's going to put an end to this is me. 6He leans over and motions Elwyn take out the pilot, and get control of the ship, since he knows she can fly.
<DeathStar> 6* Dias begins to calm a moment, then the anger flares up and he blasts Cheryl in the side with his hands, making her stagger. The female warrior is radioing in what's happening right now
<Kit> 6Elwyn nods and holds out her hands, then tries to simply knock them out with foxfire
<DeathStar> 6* Dias then headubtts Cheryl so she lets go and stumbles, then he fires a beam at the ram pcontrols, the shuttle ramp lowering and the wind sucktion begins to pull at them.
<DeathStar> 6* Elwyn knocks the pilot out and the shuttle begins to fall forward
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus jerks to grab onto a chair to steady himself.
<Kit> 6Elwyn leaps over the chair and sits, grabbing the controls.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina, focused on her mental battle, begins to get sucked out until it falls forward, then falls toward toward the front of the shuttle. Cheryl stumbles back the nforward
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus reaches out with his hand to grab for Kat.
<DeathStar> 6* Elwyn manages to get the controls under, well, control and evens them out again; this time they're low enough the sucking motion has calmed
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina is easilyt grabbed while Cheryl, readjusting and bleeding from the side, her tactical suit ruptured, leaps at Dias, who unleashes a death blast at her, putting his energy into it. At that moment an outside force hits the shuttle roof and bends the metal in, shielding her
<DeathStar> 6* Curali blinks, eyeing someone in tactical gear on the roof, wearing a mask to hide their identityu
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Dias! Remember all the good times we had?! Remeber the twins? The training montages?!
<DeathStar> 6* The person then punches the shuttle top again and the metal breaks lose, falling on Dias and pinning him
<DeathStar> <Dias> I---
<DeathStar> <Dias> What does it matter? You all left me!
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Come'on man, don't do this, calm down and let us help you. We've all made mistakes and we're sorry. We love you man, we don't want to see you hurt like this.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks up, squinting at the figure with immense strength ,beyond any of them since Wind sucked their energhy, then blinks as Dias rips the metal off of him, staggering up. She grabs him in a bearhug from behind, facing him toward Marcus
<DeathStar> <Dias> I--- 6* Katrina, using Dias' momentary distraction, attacks his mind and makes him pass out; she pants
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Is he...?
<DeathStar> 6* Elwyn would hear a beeping in the shuttle and a self-destruct command is intiated
<DeathStar> <Katrina> He'll still need a lot of help, but I got him unconscious for now so we can give it
<Kit> 6Eluere makes a face and gets up finally, focusing for a moment and creates three jewel-like objects that seem to hover about her, pointing accusingly at the person above. 1"Who are you! Identify yourself!"
<Kit> <Elwyn> Shit!" 6She starts wailing on the keys trying to undo it.
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus nods his thanks to her, now glancing to the person above.
<DeathStar> 6* The tactical person peers at Eluere, then points at Freyja, motioning for them to get out of the shuttle; the figure them leaps off the shuttle roof as if they have no fear and vanishes into the sky as gravity pulls them away.
<DeathStar> 6* Elwyn would find the controls locked as well, the shuttle flying toward the ground. Cheryl hisses.
<Kit> <Freyja> ... What the?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Freyja, can you get us out of here?
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Lightstep magic baby, let's get off this death bucket.
<Kit> <Elwyn> What the fuck was that? He locked it up and set it to blow.. but wants us to get off!? What the hell!?
<Kit> <Freyja> Yeah... just... gather close. I'm not used to moving so many other than myself.
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl pulls Dias along, still bleeding heavily, and Curali helps Marcus with Katrina
<Kit> <Eluere> Stop right there!" 6Her eyes glower and she brings up her free hand, firing off energy shots from the "jewels" after the man in vain, then grumbles and joins the others
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus nods his thanks to Curali.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Now.
<DeathStar> 6* The beam flies out and strikes the figure far off.
<DeathStar> 6* As the shuttle explodes and crashes into the ground, destroying all evidence that it ever existed, the team returns to their base.
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Ethan's Shuttle
<DeathStar> 6* The penal slavery colony is a grim, dusky brown world with lightning storms and high winds. It's barely liveable, according to the ship's scanners. And so they hide in the clouds for now
<DeathStar> <Ao> ... I feel pathetic.
<DeathStar> 6* Justice is playing cards with Rin
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Why? You've been a damn right badass this whole time."
<Xanatos> <Theron> You should not. A wise warrior knows when to run and when to fight.
<kalonZombie> *Ethan avoids looking out the window, not liking heights
<DeathStar> <Ao> Well, so far we're just running
<DeathStar> <Ao> At least communication will be up in under an hour
<Xanatos> <Theron> Yes, because we're outclassed. But we will overcome, we must.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "And if at any point so far you wanted to stand and fight Ao, I'd question your wisdom."
<DeathStar> 6* Ao eyes Leyaeh, twitching
<DeathStar> <Ao> I think I'll give you toilet duty for a week
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "As it is, I don't."
<Xanatos> <Bob> Ohhhhh SNAP!
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "For paying you a compliment? Nice."
<Kit> <Rin> Full house!
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh eyes Bob, who will likely be doing her work.
<Xanatos> 6* Bob points to her and narrows his eyes.
<DeathStar> <Justice> Aw. I lose again
<DeathStar> 6* Justice sulks. At that moment their craft detects three other craft nearby - matching the signatures of the new enemy angel class ships
<Xanatos> <Pilot Bob> Uh guys, we got trouble.
<Seraphna> * Leyeah frowns. "...Once again, good thing we decided to hide."
<kalonZombie> *Ethan looks up at Bob, worried
<Kit> <Rin> I'm all kinds of trouble.
<Xanatos> <P.B.> Three ships nearby, we need to hide I think.
<Kit> <Rin> Wait-- what's up[?
<DeathStar> <Ao> where can we hide but this cloud that disrupts sensors, LEyaeh? It's why we were here already
<DeathStar> <Justice> But if we can read them, will they read us? <Ao> ... Pilot, power down everything but life support and our ability to remain here
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Why I just said it was a good idea..." *her ear twitches frequently*
<Xanatos> <P.B.> Aye aye. 6He does just that.
<Xanatos> <Bob> So. You ladies ever heard of strip poker?
<kalonZombie> *Ethan starts humming, something he does when he's really, REALLY nervous
<Xanatos> <Theron> I do hope this is enough. It would be a pity if this was all for naught.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Well, it has to be. I believe in Ao's decisions."
<DeathStar> 6* Ao leans over and bites Ley's twitching ear gently, sucking it in annoyance
<DeathStar> <Justice> What is that?
<DeathStar> 6* She looks at Bob
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh gasps and blushes, she starts to lull.
<DeathStar> 6* Ao keeps it up for 15 seconds , then lets go.
<Xanatos> <Bob> Oh it's this fun version of what you're playing where the-6He pauses to stare at Ao and Leyaeh. Haaawt.
<kalonZombie> *Ethan starts humming Beethoven's 5th
<Kit> <Rin> .......
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh flusters, adjusting herself, she peers at Bob and starts looking for her gun.
<Xanatos> <Bob> I-I was just kidding boss, don't have a cow man!
<DeathStar> <Ao> Twitching and humming takes it's toll .6 *She eyes Ethan on that note
<kalonZombie> *He looks at her meekly and stops
<Xanatos> 6* Bob hides behind Justice, and whispers that if she beat Rin she would make her strip a piece of clothing each time.
<DeathStar> 6* The sensors, powered down, cannot tell them where the angel ships are now. Ao keeps looking out the window
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "You are a typical Atlean male, I suppose this is normal. Ethan is actually a less annoying one to me at the moment." *she huffs and takes a seat, she closes her eyes*
<Xanatos> <P.B.> Hard to tell if there's any movement out there.
<DeathStar> 6* Justice looks determined now, playing a new hand and peering at Rin with a poker face
<DeathStar> 6* Ao licks her lips softly when LEyaeh is looking, hrming
<Xanatos> <Bob> I'm special. 6He says with a frown, crossing his arms.
<DeathStar> *isn't
<DeathStar> 6* Outside the window, they can see part of the craft passing in the clouds, scanning
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "You're typical, your Ambassador is constantly leering at women."
<DeathStar> 6* Justice, having a perfect hand for once, drops it in fear and looks out
<Kit> <Rin> You aren't serious..
<Xanatos> 6* Theron watches Ao with a neutral expression, then redirects his attention outside the ship.
<DeathStar> 6* Finally the ships seem to pull back up to the upper atmosphere
<kalonZombie> *Ethan still doesn't look out the ship, but can guess what's going on from everyone's face
<Xanatos> <P.B.> ... I think it worked.
<DeathStar> <Ao> What happens if they fire into these toxic clouds with lightning?
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Never say such things."
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Nothing good, I imagine."
<Xanatos> <Theron> I would concur with that theory.
<DeathStar> 6* Ao frowns; a moment later there's booming noises throughout the clouds
<Xanatos> <P.B.> Aw damn, I jinxed us didn't I?
<DeathStar> 6* Ao frowns. "We can't stay here."
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Yes, toilet duty for two weeks. And we must move."
<Xanatos> <Bob> Your damn right you sorry excuse for a jerkasssonofbitch.
<Kit> <Rin> W-We weren't playing strip were we?
<DeathStar> <Justice> Well, I was about to, but now we're going to die... 6* she seems sad
<Xanatos> 6* PB brings the shuttle back online and checks to see if he's got movement.
<DeathStar> 6* The shuttle gives it to him, right as a cloud near them explodes from a beam.
<kalonZombie> *Ethan widens his eyes at Justice's expression
<Xanatos> <PB> I'll fly, someone just point where to go.
<Xanatos> 6PB blasts them forward out of the cloud, looking around for enemies.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "The only place to go would be the planet, I think. Surface. Perhaps we can find a cave."
<DeathStar> 6* As they emerge from the clouds, they can see the three ships above, firing around; they stop once they come out and begin to target them when the PAX shows up
<Xanatos> <Theron> I'm curious. How did they track us?
<DeathStar> 6* The three angel ships turn and leap into hyperspace
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "...The transmission...? We should have been too far..."
<DeathStar> 6* Justice beams, happy again. "Now we can play strip poker!"
<Xanatos> 6* PB pauses and moves them towards the PAX.
<Xanatos> <Theron> I didn't think I would ever see that ship again. 6He notes in reference to the PAX.
<kalonZombie> *Ethan blinks, looking around but not out thee window "T-they stopped? Why?"
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "The PAX is here."
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> Thank whatever god or gods made that happen!
<DeathStar> 6* Ao lets out a breath she was holding, looking ragged due to not sleeping much lately. "Home." 6* As they reach the hanger, Tamara is there, holding a giant needle, and Naji, who is bouncing up and down
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "You may thank Ao then, Ethan."
<DeathStar> <Ao> You may worship me later. I just want a bath right now
<Kit> <Rin> Uh.. yeah. Totally Truth.
<kalonZombie> *Ethan walks up to Tamara "What's the situation?"
<Xanatos> 6* Theron almost runs down the ramp, hopping off before it even reaches bottom to give Naji a hug and a kiss.
<DeathStar> 6* As the shuttle lands and the ramp lowers, she steps out. Justice picks up Rin to follow
<DeathStar> <Tamara> Chaos. 6* She grabs Ethan's arm and draws his blood without warning
<Kit> 6Rin lets out a long, so long, breath. Then makes a girlish noise unlike her. 1"H-Hey..!"
<Xanatos> 6* PB and Bob walks downa nd high five that the red shirts lived.
<DeathStar> 6* Naji squeals in joy and returns the kiss, wrapping her legs around him and hugging him
<Xanatos> <Theron> It has been far too long my sweet.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh makes her way off. "I'll be in 1B before I make my report, checking on my children. Ao." *she bows to her respectfully*
<DeathStar> <Justice> Lets go see Dawn at the bakery! And see if he wants to play cards!
<kalonZombie> *He winces a bit, but smiles afterwards "You could have asked... or at least warned me... but I'm just happy I'm actually looking at you right now"
<DeathStar> 6* Ao nods at LEy.
<DeathStar> <Tamara> I am happy, too .6* She notes, giving him a soft smile and then lightly hugs him; she turns and walks with the blood to a teleporter to return to medical
<kalonZombie> *He follows her
<DeathStar> <Naji> Yes. You said it would be aweek and it became a month
<DeathStar> 6* Naji puffs her cheeks
<Xanatos> <Theron> I'm sorry, there was a variable that I was not aware of. How can I make it up to you?
<DeathStar> <Naji> Mating
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh moves to a teleporter and hits the button for 1B.
<DeathStar> 6* Naji keep clinging to him happily
<DeathStar> 6* As Ley arrives, Erevis is there; Pome and Berry leap on Leyaeh, hugging
<Xanatos> 6* Theron blinks and nods obediently, moving for the teleporter.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I told them you were there
<DeathStar> <Tamara> Let us find a cure.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer is working on another theory when Tamara gets back, grumbling about having so many species in one place.
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> Sounds good to me
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh giggles and hugs them. "How are my girls?"
<DeathStar> <Berry> Happy now!
<DeathStar> Location: Military Base
<DeathStar> 6* As they all return and begin to set up things, Eluere gets a message on her datapad (someone tell Kit about it when he returns)
<DeathStar> 6* Dias is in medical, restrained, and Vodka running scans and tests on him in concern. Cheryl peers down, holding her side which is still bloodied
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'll stay here and keep working on his mind. It may take a while to get rid of all his hate.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> I'll stick around too, incase he gets out of control.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes a message and walks out, forgoing treatment
<Seraphna> * Tabetha peeks in with curiosity and worry. She blinks as Cheryl passes her.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina closes her eyes, looking tired. "You and Cheryl reached him."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> I'm pretty sure we wouldn't without you. Thank you. You should rest while he's out.
<kalonZombie> *Hale lights up a cigarette in the mess and takes a drag
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Even with all the twisting of his anger, he still cared. 6* Kaleb, on one of the beds being treated, is a happy, pooping boy - it's clear DNA samples have been taken
<DeathStar> 6* Billy looks upset at something, sitting on one bed, her tail swishing and eyes red, something she rarely shows
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon is in the mess hall with Lorelei, feeding her food with a spoon and cooing
<Xanatos> 6* Cole, having brought Cheryl's car back instead of porting, is in the hanger buffing out the damages.
<DeathStar> 6* John leans against a bike. "We make a good team."
<Seraphna> * Peter sits in medical, watching Dias like a hawk, especially with Vodka near him.
<Xanatos> 6* Kaleb makes baby sounds occassionally, though like most babies he just stares around a lot.
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka runs her scans. Katrina nudges Marcus toward Billy, indicating she could use someone to talk to
<Xanatos> <Cole> Me and you? Or all of us?
<DeathStar> <John> Me and you - and the others. I decided to make you my new side kick
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus blinks and nods, then slides over to her. You okay kid?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl's cursing can be heard throughout the base and she breaks something in her office. Blue casually scurries right on out and to the hanger
<kalonZombie> *Hale takes another drag and nods his head
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon waves at Hale
<Seraphna> * Tabetha moves over to Kaleb and changes him. <What's that make me, Johnny?>
<kalonZombie> *Hale waves back
<Xanatos> <Cole> You tried that once before, well one of you. Taught me a lot though.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Not really; I didn't even get close to the base. If they have one of Jen's brats there..
<DeathStar> <John> <My partner in crime>
<Xanatos> <Marcus> We're not done yet, we got a lot of information, we'll take these fuckers out. Believe you me.
<DeathStar> <John> I decided you need a superhero name like me and Tab
<DeathStar> <Billy> I know. We will.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Colephantus isn't good enough?
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl storms out of her office, seething, passing the mess hall; this rage has caused her wound to reopen
<Seraphna> * Tabetha giggles. <I see. Partner.>
<DeathStar> <John> I'm thinking...Phantus
<Xanatos> <Marcus> You did good today, made me very proud.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Yeah? All I did was get an elephant tranq and passed out
<kalonZombie> *Hale takes another drag, leaving the cigarette in his mouth and blowing the smoke out his nose, clearly not happy
<Xanatos> <Marcus> You risked your life to save another. That's big.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Kinda sweet, like a ghost.
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon hands Lorelei to Hale and moves to follow Cheryl. Lorelei is whimpering, as if sensing the rage
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks a little, she fixes Kaleb up and makes sure he's safe, stepping out of medical.
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin seems to be stalking Cheryl too.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl turns on Lemon. "Steel launched the operation without me; which means he attacked only one part of the operation and the rest of the enemy can scatter to the fucking wind."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Hmm? Oh, sorry, it's just... I know you guys have fond memories of that guy, but the only thing I've known him as is the guy who almost killed three of you
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> That son of a fucking bitch
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin pops up and shakes his head. Isn't he supposed to be a professional?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm going to.. 6* She looks woozy and slumps against Lemon, tiredness and pain finally getting her. The wound looks worse than she let on upon arrival
<DeathStar> <Lemon> Kellin, let Miss Vodka know we have a situation here
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon lifts Cheryl up in her arms
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin nods and lets Vodka know.
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka looks up as Kelling arrives. "Mmm,da,da. Generals...never listening to doctors. Will be getting equipment ready."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Look at me talking to a fu... er... to a baby...
<Seraphna> * Peter frowns. <That girl...>
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei tilts her head and touches Hale's face, and he'd feel a bit cheered up despite it being not his true emotional state
<kalonZombie> *He puts his cigarette out
<Kit> 6Eluere checks her datapad, creasing her expression
<Seraphna> * Tabetha starts wandering a little, she pauses at those in the hall and looks at Cheryl quietly.
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon sets Cheryl down and Vodka moves to begin stitching her up. Lemon frowns, not paying attention to the blood on her clothes, then begins to strip in the medical room and grb a uniform to put on
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin looks worried for Cheryl.
<kalonZombie> *Hale stops creasing his eyes at least, then remembers that he doesn't know jack about kids and starts holding her awkwardly
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus glances over from patting Billy and frowns.
<DeathStar> 6* It's a message from Rob Steele, Steel's son, saying that need to meet tomorrow at all costs and has a location
<Seraphna> * Tabetha follows them back in, watching, she looks over at Lemon.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina watches Lemon change, tilting her head to admire. Iceheart even leans in from nowhere
<Kit> <Eluere> ... Heh..." 6She twitches slightly but affirms, shuffling her datapad back into her clothing.
<DeathStar> 6* Curali steps up to Eluere.
<DeathStar> <Curali> Did you hear what General Steel did?
<kalonZombie> *Hale starts looking around for someone else to take Lor
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon adjusts her hair, it longer now like Cheryl's has gotten since the crisis begin. "Refer to me as Cheryl for now." 6* She orders, then moves to her office
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei giggles and pulls on Hale's nose
<Xanatos> <Kellin> Means Cheryl's probably going to be down for a while.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "She puts on Cheryl like she does a uniform..."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Negh
<Seraphna> Peter> "Woman needs rest. She pushed herself way beyond her limits."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> She always does.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, hopefully she'll feel better tomorrow while Lemon sorts out why General Steel would ruin this operation like he did.
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Time: Fri Feb 11 00:00:00 2011

<Kaelan> * Tabetha sneaks about into the firing range while Hale is practicing.
<kalonZombie> *Hale keeps trying to repeat what Peter did, and he comes close, but it's still clear he's done two shots and not one "I swear the other two times he missed and I just didn't catch it"
<Kaelan> * Tabetha peers over his shoulder. "Trying to hit the same target twice?"
<kalonZombie> *Hale is surprised, but he doesn't jump "Yeah. Almost got it here *He holds up his third attempt, where the second puncture can barely be seen
* XanWork has joined #taw-mansionbase
<Kaelan> * Tabetha leans against his back, pressing into it as she smiles and looks at the new target down the lane. She holds out her hand, a large, rather impressive looking handgun forms in it, something unique from standard issue. She holds it as it glows and charges, then presses the trigger, the target down the lane is blasted apart.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I'm in love. If I said that about Peter's gun before, I was mistaken.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha giggles. "Every Dragoon has a unique energy weapon they can create. Mine are handguns. Our power behind them is based on the amount of energy we can output. My levels are... well... decent."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> So I can't use that one? Sad Hale.
<XanWork> 6* Cole whistles as he walks down the hall, pausing he peers in at Tabetha and Hale.
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "Nope, but if you get a Dragoon, you might be able to learn to form their weapon."
<XanWork> <Cole> I hear Reno is looking for a pilot.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha giggles. "Well, Hale and Reno kissed earlier~"
<kalonZombie> <Hale> He was lousy at it.
<XanWork> <Cole> I'll teach him to roll his tongue for you.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> That would be great.
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "Make sure you do it around Emmy. She loves watching."
<XanWork> <Cole> Whole damn base is a bunch of perverts I swear. 6He walks over to the shooting range and sends a dummy back.
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "Cole's not a little pervy?"
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Says the man who said not thirty seconds ago he was going to teach Reno how to kiss
<XanWork> <Cole> Do I seem pervy? Reno comment aside? 6He holds his arm out and there's a slight hiss, his arm opening up and flipping around so that his 'elbow' actually reveals to be a minigun.
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "Wellllll... your best friend is Cypher."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Wow, nice gun.
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "Mister Cole is a Reploid. It's like a robot but with free will, a mind, and soul."
<XanWork> <Cole> Still iffy on the soul bit. But I'm one of a kind, no one like me in this reality. 6He lets the gun spool up and release a decent amount of shots into his target. Benefit of something like accuracy rating can be crap and I'll still hit something.
<XanWork> <Cole> Cypher is my buddy, but we're not too alike. Opposites attract right?
<kalonZombie> <Hale> More than you could possibly know.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha taps her lips a little. "I suppose that's true. Still, you're attracted to humanoid females at least."
<XanWork> <Cole> But I take my time. I've grown quite a bit since my younger days, learned a lot of lessons. I started a civil war and it was mostly because of two girls.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Impressive.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha giggles. "I've had to... learn lessons myself, so I understand."
<XanWork> <Cole> Not at all. People died, good people, because of me.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> It... it was a joke. Sorry, I kinda jump the gun on that sort of stuff.
<XanWork> <Cole> Eh, it was another time, literally. Don't sweat it. 6He points to Tabetha. I owe you an apology by the way.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha blinks. "Me?"
<XanWork> <Cole> I could've helped you and well I haven't been here much, like up here, so you had to learn a lot on your own. Sorry about that, luckily you found some friends.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha blushes a bit and smiles. "It's okay. You've been through a lot yourself."
<XanWork> <Cole> Eh, maybe a bit. 6His arm reverts back to normal and he flexes his hand a bit. I've got a pretty decent grasp on most repair stuff now, so for some of the more menial tasks that you can't get too, I can cover them.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha giggles and rocks on her heels. "Okay!" *she hmms, she holds out a finger and one of Cole's shell casings from the gun floats into the air*
<XanWork> 6* Cole arches a brow. Yeah I forgot you could do that.
<kalonZombie> *Hale lets out a whistle "Hell of a shell"
<Kaelan> * Tabetha giggles and flings it down the range, she aims and blasts it.
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "Mrs. Jones says I'll make a good psion. Gonna practice real hard."
<XanWork> <Cole> If anyone would know it'd be Kat.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Worked with a Psion for a mission or two.
<XanWork> 6* Cole runs his hand through his long white hair, looking reflective on something.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> She didn't like me very much I don't think.
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "She could probably tell you were thinking about her in naughty ways."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> ... Not all of the time...
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "You have imagined me naked several times since I came in." *she giggles a bit and makes three more shells float, then launches them away, firing three shots*
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Yeah but I never said anything out loud, that's the important part
<XanWork> <Cole> It's not nice to peek into people's minds Tabby. That's private stuff...even if it him being a pig. Now bad guys, you peek away.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I'm not acting on it! That's the important part!
<Kaelan> * Tabetha blushes. "I-I'm working on it... since I started using this it's all sort of... faint... like I can't hear well, but I can't make it quiet either. Like my dreams."
<XanWork> <Cole> It's a step in the right direction, son. 6He tells Hale, despite only looking in his 20s himself.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> You'll get the hang of it eventually, Tab.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha adjusts her clothes, presently in a pair of brown plain slacks with a carpenter hook and leg pockets, and a white t-shirt covered by a black hoodie with a stylized pink cat outlined over the chest.
<kalonZombie> *Hale tries his best to not imagine her naked, but of course trying not to makes him do so. "Sorry"
<Kaelan> * Tabetha giggles. "Don't worry, I really don't mind it so much as other girls might."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> You could tell I was trying not to at first though, right?
<Kaelan> * Tabetha wiggles a little as she sets up another target. "Mmhmm. You're trying to be good. Mister Sullivan will not have to spank you."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Normally this is where I would say "kinky", but you said "mister"
<Kaelan> * Tabetha blushes a little. "I-I... is it not proper to use an honorary to address a superior?"
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I was referring more to the fact that he's a guy, so it's much less kinky and much more terrifying. Still though, it's good you respect your elders and superiors
<Kaelan> * Tabetha pauses and considers. "Is it kinky that Leira spanks me when I'm bad?"
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Yes. Yes it is... sorry again.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha giggles, she smiles a little at Hale. "You're a lot like my Pilot."
<DeathStar> 6* Blue, to be noticed wehn Xan returns by other players, moves over to him and smils, touching his arm
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I do? He must be ruggedly handsome then.
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "You've met Johnny."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I have.
<XanWork> 6* Cole glances to Blue and smiles. Hello ma'am.
<DeathStar> <Blue> Hey, you. I was wondering, with our few hours of spare time, would you like to watch the latest musical movie. It's suppose to be good. I bought it today
<XanWork> <Cole> Sounds like a plan to me.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha giggles and leans over to Hale while Blue talks to Cole. "They're dating."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Ah. Another one on the list then.
<DeathStar> 6* Blue blinks and looks at Hale and Tab, as if catching part of it
<XanWork> <Cole> List? 6He glances over now as well.
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "Chii is Cheryl's wife. Lemon is off limits. Billy and Elwyn are dating. And Leira is mine." *she makes notes*
<Kaelan> * Tabetha blinks and looks over. "Hale doesn't hit on girls who are in relationships."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> It's true. If they're happy with someone else, I'm not gonna ruin that.
<XanWork> <Cole> Well, least the horndog has morals.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I try to have a couple here and there *He jokes
<Kaelan> * Tabetha giggles and hops over to Blue, making a cookie appear in her hand. "For you!"
<DeathStar> <Blue> Well, you shouldn't harrass any of the NGDs; General Cheryl saw to that
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "He took Curali and Eluere out to dinner and a movie like a gentleman."
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "And did not sex them."
<Kaelan> * Tabetha nods sagely.
<XanWork> <Cole> Like he would be able to anyway.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I would find a way if I was really persistant.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha looks like she's about to explain all the ways he could have.
<XanWork> 6* Cole eyes the both of them with a frown.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha pouts at the frown and looks down ashamedly.
<DeathStar> 6* Blue shakes her head. "When you're done here, let me know, Cole."
<DeathStar> 6* She steps out
<kalonZombie> <Hale> But the important thing is, I didn't
<Kaelan> * Tabetha makes the cookie vanish. "She didn't even take the cookie... sadness."
<kalonZombie> *Hale pats her back
<XanWork> <Cole> Oh I won't be long. 6He calls out, then glances to Hale. If you would like to meet a nice, non-NGD girl to seduce, I could probably point you in some right directions.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I think I can manage on my own, thanks *He says politely, nodding his head in appreciation all the same
<Kaelan> * Tabetha makes two cookies appear and holds them up to Cole.
<XanWork> <Cole> Bribery? Why that' they look good. 6He takes one and winks, then shove it in his mouth and jogs out after Blue.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha looks doubly mortified. "Th-The other was for Blue..."
<Kaelan> * Tabetha sniffles and holds it out to Hale.
<kalonZombie> *Hale takes it "Thank you darlin'" *He pops it in his mouth and smiles as he chews
<Kaelan> * Tabetha looks pleased.
<kalonZombie> *Hale sets up another target and fires a few times, two holes intersecting each other , but not looking like he fired a single shot
<Kaelan> * Tabetha sneaks up behind him and corrects his aim a little, pressing up against him to do so, though it seems to be innocent.
<kalonZombie> *With her help he manages to get it, and doesn't even have naughty thoughts until the last possible second
<Kaelan> * Tabetha coos as he does it, "Now try for three."
<kalonZombie> *He manages to do it again, grinning
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "See? You can do it just fine if you focus."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Yeah. Though it's amazing I got focused in the first place
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "You're forcing yourself to concentrate to avoid thinking about me, it's why I squished my chest into your back."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Tricky.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha winks at him and shifts to stand beside him again. "People tell me I"m smarter then I act."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> If I had a quarter for every girl I knew like that...
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "Mmm?"
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I'd probably have a lot more credits than I do right now. I don't know how many, but I'm sure it'd be up there.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha grins a little and toys with her hair. "Wanna do something fun?"
<kalonZombie> <Hale> As long as it doesn't piss your future wife off, sure.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha giggles. "Oh, well that lowers our options. Kidding." *she winks and moves for the exit of the firing range, sauntering just a little*
<kalonZombie> *Hale lets out a relieved sigh and follows
* Kit has joined #taw-mansionbase
<Kaelan> * Tabetha leads him to a room with simulators set up, large pods which are made to mimic movements and feelings inside mechs and shuttles, she hops over and sets up a program. "Gear or shuttle?"
<kalonZombie> <Hale> The difference?
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "How they handle, someone who flies shuttles can't nessecarily operate a gear. Being a gear and piloting a Dragoon are another matter entirely too."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Hmm... shuttle.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha sets it up, then gets into one of the pods.
<kalonZombie> *Hale gets into another
<Kaelan> * Tabetha starts up the sim, Hale finds himself piloting a shuttle, the first part is getting into the air.
<kalonZombie> *Hale starts trying to get it in the air, and after a little trial and error, manages to do so
<Kaelan> * Tabetha crashes three times before getting hers into the air, then crashes into Hale. "Whhhaaaaa!"
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Hey! Careful!
<Kaelan> Tabetha> *squees* I-It's my first time!
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Just relax and take it slow
<Kaelan> * Tabetha immediately shoots out into the air at high speeds. "EEEEP!"
<kalonZombie> *Hale speeds off after her
<Kaelan> * Tabetha does a barrel rolls, destroying a cluster of trees.
<kalonZombie> *Hale speeds above her "Pull up! Slow down!"
<Kaelan> * Tabetha fiddles with the controls, missles shoot out and blow up some cows. She sniffles. "M-Mister and Mrs. Cowmoo..."
<kalonZombie> *Hale flies above her and tries landing on her, forcing her down to the ground
<Kaelan> * Tabetha squeaks as she's sent in for a crash landing.
<Kaelan> * Tabetha pouts as she looks at her abyssmal score.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> It's okay. We'll just... take it a little slower next time, okay?
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "I can build a shuttle capable of taking down anything, but fly one? Not me." *she mews*
<kalonZombie> <Hale> You just need practice is all
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "O-Okay." *she starts to lift off again*
<kalonZombie> *He lifts off her as well "That's it, nice and slow"
<Kaelan> * Tabetha goes slow this time, giggling a bit.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> You're getting it
<Kaelan> Tabetha> "Yay! Can we go faster yet?"
<kalonZombie> <Hale> A little
<Kaelan> * Tabetha accelerates sharply, but only a little.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> That's it. You're doing great
<Kaelan> * Tabetha giggles and starts to wobble from side to side in the air, testing the steering.
<kalonZombie> *Hale flies alongside with her, ready to stop her if she gets too out of control
<Kaelan> * Tabetha giggles and slows, then speeds up.
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin lays face down in the middle of the living room rug.
<DeathStar> 6* Ako lays face down on Kellin
<kalonZombie> *Hale keeps up with Tabetha, not trying any fancy maneuvers himself since he's not that great a driver
<Seraphna> * Tabetha giggles as she loops around for the return course.
<kalonZombie> *He follows suit
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin slowly begins to roll to his side.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "I-I'm doing better! Right?"
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Much better
<Seraphna> * Tabetha giggles happily and starts doing squiggle manuvers.
<kalonZombie> *Hale stays well enough away
<Xanatos> 6* Marcus has JM in the training room, on the sparring mat. Marcus has his legs crossed as he has JM stand, holding up and making him go through karate stances.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha giggles and hmms as they get near the end. "Landing seems hard."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Yeah, I'm still pretty bad at it *He says as he lands with a hard thump, very ungraceful
<Seraphna> * Tabetha lands hard as well, her shuttle skittering into his. The sim ends and tallies up their points, Tabby still scoreing very low due to the crashes.
<kalonZombie> *Hale steps out and helps her out "We won't count the scores this time since we were both learning, allright?"
<Seraphna> * Tabetha nods and giggles, she leans up and kisses his cheek. "Thanks for playing with me."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Not a problem at all
<Seraphna> * Tabetha stands and giggles, she smiles. <I learned some flying! I can probably not crash horribly now!>
<kalonZombie> *Hale smiles and walks back to the others in the training room
<DeathStar> 6* Iko stands behind Eluere, standing on her tip toes to see what she's doing
<Kit> 6Eluere has seven individual screens displaying information on at least five different topics scrolling fast-- her eyes are open, but glowering slightly and not focused.
<DeathStar> <Iko> Wooow. 6* She climbs Eluere and looks at it all
<Kit> 6Eluere jerks, blinking and the light dies out in her eyes. 1"Ah! I-Iko.. was it? Careful..!"
<DeathStar> <Iko> S-Sorry. I was just interested! What are you doing and how?
<DeathStar> 6* she sits eagerly to learn
<kalonZombie> *Hale sets up the firing range and tries to repeat his earlier success without the need for Tabetha
<DeathStar> 6* Ako is slowly rolled over, flailing
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei crawls in to watch Hale
<Seraphna> * Tabetha yawns and starts heading back to her room.
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin sits up and smiles. Kellin wins!
<kalonZombie> *He fires three shots and manages to do it twice
<DeathStar> 6* Ako sniffles and bites at Kellin playfully
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin jerks and hops back in the karate kid pose, crane style. He makes the dramatic karate sound too.
<DeathStar> 6* Ako blinks and shifts into a famfrit cat pose
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei yips loudly behind Hale to startle him
<kalonZombie> *Hale once again doesn't jump, but he is surprised. He turns around, looks around, then finally down "Oh.
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin hehs. Ako had learned a few tricks I see. 6He says, making it seem as if his mouth is off sync with the voice.
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei's tail wags. She yips, her way of saying hi
<DeathStar> 6* Ako begins to speak in famfrit, pointing
<kalonZombie> *He just gives Lor a confused look
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin drops his pose with a confused look, tilting his head. Say whu?
<Kit> <Eluere> I'm researching for the General... and monitoring channels for potential threats... as well as progress on the PAX.
<DeathStar> <Iko> How?
<DeathStar> 6* Ako rolls and leaps, pawing at Kellin's face
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei sulks
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin lets out a sound and runs around flailing his arms.
<kalonZombie> *Hale just keeps looking at her, like she's a bomb about to go off
<Kit> <Eluere> By skimming the information lines, communications and news reports over military and commerical channels simultaneous.
<DeathStar> 6* Lorele icrawls toward him
<DeathStar> 6* Ako hangs on
<DeathStar> <Iko> Wow, how? You not even look like looking
<kalonZombie> *He doesn't move, either away or towards her
<Kit> <Eluere> Um... I can... do ... that." 6She peers to the side embarassedly.
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin pauses and then begins to tickle her.
<DeathStar> <Iko> Wow! Can Iko learn how?
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei grabs onto his leg, then begins to climb up despite being less than 1
<DeathStar> 6* Ako jerks and giggles
<kalonZombie> *Hale looks more uncomfortable now than he has since he arrived
<Kit> <Eluere> I don't... think so. I can only do it because I'm...
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin pauses and then shifts her around to set on his shoulder. So squirt. What should we do?
<DeathStar> <Iko> Cool!
<DeathStar> 6* Iko nods, as if determining that is Eluere's class
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei then hangs on his shoulder, peering at Hale
<DeathStar> <Ako> Um, take over the world?
<kalonZombie> *Hale looks back at her, extremely awkwardly
<Xanatos> <Kellin> Narf! 6He seems amused and marches to an unused office so they can come up with a plan.
<Kit> <Eluere> What is... 'cool?'
<DeathStar> 6* Iko begins to describe, in great detail, what cool is
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon steps in and sighs at Lore, picking her up from him. "Sorry. She seems to like you."
<DeathStar> 6* Ako hangs on, looking around suspiciously
<kalonZombie> <Hale> It's okay. I'm just not good with kids is all.
<Kit> <Eluere> N-Not that! I mean.. wh-what is it you find 'cool?'
<DeathStar> <Iko> That you can do all that without even looking!
<Kit> <Eluere> ... It is an ability I have. As a dragoon.
<DeathStar> <Iko> I wish I could do that
<DeathStar> <Lemon> Why?
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Dunno. Just not enough exposure I guess.
<DeathStar> <Lemon >Well, you wil lfind it here
<Kit> 6Eluere flusters slightly, as if embarassed.
<DeathStar> 6* Iko crawls up more and leans against Eluere. "Can you show me neat things?"
<Kit> <Eluere> S-Such as?
<DeathStar> <Iko> Um, I dunno - something!
Session Time: Fri Feb 11 00:00:00 2011

Session Start: Fri Feb 11 02:05:17 2011
Session Ident: #taw-mansionbase
<kalonZombie> *Hale takes one of the training bots and starts sparring with it, feeling his hand to hand has gotten too rusty
<Kit> 6Eluere peeks into the training room, shiftily eyeing through it, then spots Hale and considers retreat
<kalonZombie> *He's too busy training with the robot to notice her right away
Session Time: Sat Feb 12 00:00:01 2011
<Kit> 6Eluere slips out, then, skiddish to do anything in there with someone else present.
<kalonZombie> *Hale looks over at the last second "Hey El"
<Kit> 6Eluere jerks, peering back slowly.
<kalonZombie> *The split second distraction is all it takes for the robot to pin Hale down "Ack!"
<Kit> <Eluere> Zeta protocol, override." 6She murmurs, her eyes glowering slightly, the robot returning to standby.
<kalonZombie> *Hale stands *Thanks for that"
<Kit> <Eluere> Don't mention it.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> So what brings you down here? *He says, rubbing his neck where the robot got him
<Kit> <Eluere> Um... n-no reason.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Ah.
<Kit> <Eluere> You are training, I will not disturb you.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> No no, it's okay. Disturb away. I'm tired of getting my ass kicked by robots anyway *He says, grinning
<Kit> <Eluere> If you're having difficulty you should lower the skill ratio,.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Ah, but then I won't improve.
<Kit> <Eluere> You will if you lower closer to your level. You will not improve if you lose quickly all the time either.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Wasn't that much higher than it should have been, I just let my guard down for a second.
<Kit> <Eluere> Hm... is that so..?" 6She makes a face.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha stalks Chii. Being super not-so-sneaky.
<Kit> 6Chii seems to coincidentally toss objects over her shoulder at Tabetha. Items for making the beds, clothes to wash, Lorelei's toys.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha squeaks as one hits her on the head, she pouts and floats it over Chii's head.
<Kit> 6Chii backflips, pulling a shaolin soccer on Tabetha
<Seraphna> * Tabetha sqeaks and holds out her hands, it stops inches from them, she giggles. "Chii-nee is good!"
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Yeah, I'm not crazy. I know setting it too high won't help *He says to Eluere since I went to bed last night before Kit could respond
<Kit> <Chii Do you need something?
<Kit> 6Eluere nods and turns to go
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "W-Wanted to spend time with Chii."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> You don't have to go
<Kit> <Eluere> I have no reason to be here for now.
<kalonZombie> *Hale shrugs, then goes back to the training bot
<Seraphna> * Tabetha starts floating the objects around the room, putting them away.
<Kit> <Chii> Yes-- we get that you're psionic now.
<Kit> 6Eluere exits the training room, heading back to the observation rooms.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Huh?" *she drops one of Lore's toys* "Y-Yes, I'm using it whenever I can to practice."
<Kit> <Chii> Do something useful. Like the dishes.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha smiles. "Okay!" *she leans over to Chii and nuzzles her* "Umm... since when Leira and I get married... Cheryl will be Big Sister... does that make you Big Sister too?"
<Kit> 6Chii stares at Tabetha rubbing on her. 1"Are you in heat or something?"
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks and backs away. "I-I do not believe I am feverish or above normal core temperatures."
<Kit> <Chii> Then why are you rubbing on me?
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "It is a sign of affection."
<Kit> <Chii> That I have never shown you, nor have you ever done with me in the past.
<Kit> <Chii> Hell, we barely talk.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "You are Cheryl's Wife and Lorelei's Mommy, therefore you must be a wonderful person, and I like you!" *she giggles a little*
<Kit> I don't see you rubbing on Elwyn.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "I don't see Elwyn a lot..." *she pouts* "Want to."
<Kit> <Chii> ... So you just make up a reason and start rubbing on people? I guess it's no wonder NGD would need protecting.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks a little and tilts her head. "Well... should I have a logical reason to see you as a threat or enemy?"
<Kit> <Chii> And that has what to do with anything?
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Well... you are acting as though liking you is a foolish thing... but I see no reason that it is."
<Kit> <Chii> Tabby, not everyone you meet is a lover or someone you shoot.
<Kit> <Chii> We haven't been close, so why act like it out of the blue? In some cases that might even get you shot.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks. "O-Oh..." *she looks down a little* "I... I just want to get to know you..."
<Kit> <Chii> Then get to know me. I don't have any interest in sleeping with you.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks. "I don't have interest in mating with you either. I'm m--- engaged to Leira."
<Kit> <Chii> Uh-huh.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha nods. "Yah huh!"
<Kit> <Chii> Mmhmm..." 6She crosses her arms.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha nods and giggles. "Yumhmm!"
<Kit> 6Chii starts walking off with the laundry
<Seraphna> * Tabetha follows after her. "So... why do you have a tail? Can I get one?"
<Kit> 6Chii looks over her shoulder, staring at Tabetha.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks, she wiggles a little for Chii.
<Kit> <Chii> You having a seizure now?
<Seraphna> * Tabetha shakes head. "I am a little hyperactive."
<Kit> <Chii> A little.
<Kit> 6Chii starts shoving laundry into a machine in one of the utility rooms
<Seraphna> * Tabetha watches, she peers at the laundry.
<Kit> 6It tumbles, as Chii exits stage left to watch Lorelei
<Seraphna> * Tabetha follows her, not watching it hyponotized.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha bounces after Chii.
<Kit> <Chii> It's like having those two tykes from Erevis in a gigantic busty body following me.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks. "Big Sis Iko and Bi Sis Ako?"
<Kit> <Chii> Uh... yeah. Sure. "Big" sisters. Is everyone your "sis?"
<Kit> <Chii> Word has like no merit..
<Seraphna> * Tabetha shakes her head. "Only Iko and Ako. They have given me honorary sister status. Technically you and Cheryl will be my sisters in law."
<Kit> <Chii> You do realize that Cheryl and Zephyr are sisters by acceptance, not blood?
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks. "I know Zephyr is a creation of a new reality but... are they not both sisters through being Alpha Dragoons?"
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "And... does acceptance make sisters less then sisters by blood...?"
<Kit> <Chii> You're claiming sisters by marriage. Again... you going to just go around and collect sisters everywhere?
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Nope!"
<Kit> <Chii> My point would be they don't have the same parents or anything. They're not sisters in that regard. They accepted one another-- doesn't mean they accepted you the same way. It's be like some other progeny of Cran just showing up and claiming to be Cheryl's sister, how do you think she'd react?
<Kit> <Chii> Build your relationships, girl, don't just claim them out of convenience.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks, processing that. "I... didn't realize... I thought sister protocol was one solid thing..." *she pouts* "S-Sorry Mrs. Chii."
<Kit> <Chii> Don't call me "misses"
<Kit> 6She squints. 1"Makes me sound like an old maid."
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "But you are married... i-is it a bad term?"
<Kit> <Chii> Meeehhha...
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei looks up at Chii, demanding with yips to be fed by the misses
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Meat?"
<Kit> <Chii> Ah, Lore." 6She kneels and picks her up, having been going to the kitchen
<Seraphna> * Tabetha tilts her head and follows still.
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei coos happily, hugging onto her
<Kit> 6Chii stops and eyes Tabetha again, then sighs, moving into the kitchen
<Seraphna> * Tabetha walks after them.
<DeathStar> 6* Curali is in the kitchen, wearing Lemon's outfit and scowling
<Kit> <Chii> ..." 6She snerks, stifling laughter.
<DeathStar> <Curali> W-What?
<Kit> 6Chii looks Curali up and down, then leans against the counter, cracking up.
<DeathStar> <Cyrali> S-Stop; Lemon said this is how I would work my debt off!
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks, she skips over to Curali and tugs on the apron a little. "Are you making cookies!?"
<Kit> <Chii> Doing her job?
<DeathStar> <Curali> Y-Yes! ...and I am following her instructions. She said to put love in them or some bull
<DeathStar> 6 *Curali pulls out a pan
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Lots of love, it adds to the flavor!"
<DeathStar> <Curali> ..
<Kit> <Chii> Fufufu... fuaah.. nyahaha!
<DeathStar> <Curali> Oooo! 6* she puts some dough on Chii's face
<Kit> 6Chii eyes Curali.
<DeathStar> <Curali> Now THAT is funny
<Seraphna> * Tabetha giggles.
<Kit> 6Chii holds out Lorelei. 1"Sic 'er, girl!"
<DeathStar> 6* Curali jerks as Lorelei leaps on Curali and nibbles and kisses. She flails
<Seraphna> * Tabetha giggles and claps. "Love!"
<DeathStar> <Curali> G-Get her off!
<Seraphna> * Tabetha giggles. "Maybe she wants milk!"
<Kit> <Chii> She does, she's hungry.
<DeathStar> < Curali> I have none!! 6* Lorelei grabs her breasts
<Seraphna> * Tabetha bounces her breasts, which bounce full of milk. "She makes girls have milk. Will she make Curali?"
<DeathStar> <Curali> S-stop her!
<Seraphna> * Tabetha blinks and reaches out for Lore.
<Kit> 6Chii is searching the fridge for her own food, humming.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Come here sweetie."
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei blinks and hold out her hands to Tab
<Seraphna> * Tabetha takes her into her arms and blushes. "Can I feed Lore, Chii?"
<Kit> <Chii> I'd prefer you didn't.
<DeathStar> <Curali> Shew.
<DeathStar> 6* Curali shift to hide behind a pan of cookies
<Seraphna> * Tabetha pouts. "Okay... gotta feed from Chii, Lore-chan." *she sniffles and brings her to Chii*
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei opens her mouth at Chii
<Kit> 6Chii pats Lorelei's head and exits the kitchen with Lorelei, heading to a study for privacy.
<DeathStar> <Curali> *sniff* Laugh at me. If Eluere hears about this!
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Laugh at you?"
<DeathStar> <Curali> Sh-She would not!
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "I think you look cute in the apron."
<DeathStar> <Curali> S-Shut up
<Seraphna> * Tabetha pouts. "S-Sorry..."
* Ametsune has joined #taw-mansionbase
Session Time: Sun Feb 13 00:00:00 2011
<Ametsune> 6Reno sits in the conference room of the base, a lit cigarette in his mouth as he eyes a sheet of paper like the devil itself.
<Seraphna> * Peter sits down next to him, eyeing the paper. "Stare too long and you'll go cross eyed."
<Ametsune> <Reno> I doubt that."
<Ametsune> 6Reno sighs, frowning. 1"Been starin' for nearly nine hours as is..." 6It seems like broken pieces of a poem praising the emerald seas.
<Seraphna> Peter> "Still tryin to woo Emeralda huh?"
<kalonZombie> *Hale walks by, then stops at the doorway when he hears that before he passes, and listens in
<Ametsune> 6Reno jerks, eyeing Peter. 1"When th'bloody hell'd you show up?"
<Seraphna> Peter> "I'm a ninja. I was here all along."
<Ametsune> <Reno> There's a load'ah bull. I detected no signs.
<Seraphna> Peter> "Of course you didn't, I'm a ninja."
<Ametsune> <Reno> That doesn't mean anything to me...
<Seraphna> Peter> "It means I'm sneaky."
<Ametsune> <Reno> Doesn't mean a damn thing t'me...
<Seraphna> Peter> "You broke a circuit boyo?"
<Ametsune> <Reno> O' course not!
<Seraphna> Peter> "Then how does a term an explaination not' git through yer head?"
<Ametsune> 6Reno stares at Peter. 1"I don't need it explained. A ninja doesn't mean anything t'me."
<Seraphna> Peter> "...Okay..."
<Seraphna> * Tabetha sits in the mess hall, she taps a message away off to Justice telling her about her day.
<DeathStar> 6* Justice informs Tabetha she's back on PAX but it's in crisis. :(
<Seraphna> * Tabetha pouts and types back that as soon as it's fixed, they have to meet and have special fun time.
<kalonZombie> *Hale walks in and grabs a beer, sitting across from her "Whathcya doin?"
<Seraphna> * Tabetha looks up and giggles, taking a picture of Hale and sending it. "Telling Mommy about my day."
<kalonZombie> *Hale smiles "I hope you're only saying flattering things about me"
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Only naughty things."
<Seraphna> * Tabetha types that it's the new boy, Hale, and how he's very sexy. Though not as sexy as Leira or her pilot.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Flattering naughty or actual naughty?
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Terribly naughty. So Momma knows not to fall to your wiles." *she giggles*
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Hey, if she's taken, she has nothing to worry about. If not, tell her I'm perpetually single.
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "She has a pilot, Rin... I wonder..." *she asks Justice if Rin is her lover*
<DeathStar> 6* Justice responds yes
<Seraphna> Tabetha> "Yes, Rin is..." *she hops up and poses* "Other Momma!"
<Seraphna> * Tabetha tells Justice to kiss Rin for her on her dataapd.
<DeathStar> 6* Justice obeys and takes a picture for her
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Rats. Oh well, still plenty of women out there.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha shows Hale the picture of her Momma: the Guardian Justice, and Rin making out.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I will treasure this memory forever.
<Seraphna> * Tabetha smiles and sends Justice pictures of Ako and Iko doing adorable things.
<DeathStar> 6* Justice saves them
<Seraphna> * Tabetha hmms and sets up a datapad, then calls Justice, using a video feed.
<DeathStar> 6* Justice responds she'll accept it in a few
Session Time: Mon Feb 14 00:00:00 2011