The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Session 135

Session Start: Tue Mar 08 15:01:18 2011
Session Ident: #Session135
* Now talking in #Session135
<DeathStar> Stardate: 3 days after last session
<DeathStar> Location: PAX. Evening
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis finishes preparations for the party for Athena's recovery, having filled the kitchen with food and drinks. Jennifer has been ordered to stop by security to pick up her items, while Athena naps on Drasek's chair, tired - she's been washed and cleaned to perfection at least. Pome and Berry chase Ako and Iko about the living room, since they were invited, and Aya and Dawn are there as well. Tamara, wearing all black, sits at the table, waiting patiently
<Xanatos> 6* Drasek leans against the wall, twitching slightly since his chair is occupied.
<Sera> * Jennifer, dressed for the party in a blue dress, arrives in security.
<Kit> 6Dawn is wearing the bakery outfit, cookie dough on parts of his face.
<Sera> * Leyaeh flicks an ear, eyeing the girl as she steps into security. "Your clan's swelling fast."
<kalonZombie> 6*Ethan teleports to 1B and starts heading there, carrying his violin in the case. He's dressed up rather well for the occasion.
<DeathStar> 6* Ako and Iko leap on Dawn and clean his face
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon appears on the pad, holding Cherry Lemonade, and Love is with her, as well as Sam.
<Sera> * Ulieah joins Ako and Iko, licking. "Cookie dough!"
<DeathStar> 6* Berry joins, too
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis seems pleased with all the food
<Sera> * Jennifer smiles, then blinks, doing a little headcount. "Where's Lilien?"
<DeathStar> <Lemon> She said she wanted to remain behind and be taught by the master fox.
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> Wow, can we afford this spread? 6He asks her, peering over her shoulder.
<DeathStar> <Lemon> And she keeps eyeing Cheryl dreamily
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes; I charged it to your bill
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> My...bill.
<Sera> * Jennifer blinks a little, moving over to nuzzle Cherry, picking up Love. "Mmm, I'll come down and kidnap her later then."
<DeathStar> 6 *Erevis nods, showing Xanatos' bill, including groceries and other things
<kalonZombie> 6*Ethan finally gets up to the door and rings the bell, then waits paitently
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon smiles, stepping back on the teleporter. "She's sweet." 6* Love hugs Jennifer, squirming happily. <Love> Momma!
<Sera> * Sam tilts her head, staring at Jennifer. "I really was gone a long time..."
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> ...
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Is it not the man's job to pay for food?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis sets down tacos for the final meal piece
<Sera> * Jennifer holds her girls and smiles softly. She looks up at Lemon. "Thanks for bringing them... sure you don't want to stay for the party?"
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos pauses and slowly grabs the plate of Tacos, walking away with them.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis psionically slaps his hand before he can walk away. "Do not anger me."
<DeathStar> <Lemon> We have to get ready for sensitive work. Be safe. 6* She smiles and hugs JEn once more before teleporting back
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> Hey if I paid for it, I'm eating this.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> You will eat at the table with others, or not at all. 6 *Her tone bodes no room for back talk
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr walks out of her room, wearing a simple light dress
<Sera> * Jennifer nods to Sammael. "I'll bring you to 1B. I'm sure you want to see the others."
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> THen I'mma eat ALLA these at the table. 6He says with a hmph, sitting down.
<DeathStar> 6* The famfrit kids, after devouring Dawn, are directed to the table to sit
<Sera> * Sammael waves timidly at Leyaeh. She flicks an ears, escorting them both to the teleporter, they go to 1B together.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I made them for you in mind. 6* Isis arrives, and sits, having taken a quick bath after work
<Xanatos> 6* Drasek walks over to lift up Athena and take her to the table.
<DeathStar> 6* As Sam and JEn walk up, they'd see Ethan waiting outside
<DeathStar> 6* Athena opens her eyes sleepily, hugging onto Drasek and nuzzling as she's set down
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> Thank you baby. 6He smiles.
<Xanatos> <Drasek> Time t'eat little bit.
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> Hi Jennifer.
<Sera> Jennifer> "Mmm, hi Ethan." *she smiles, carrying the kids past* "Girls, this is Ethan."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr sits down beside Drasek's chair, and Ao finally scurries in to sit
<DeathStar> 6* Love peers at Ethan, while CL, being a baby, just makes gibberish
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin sneaks up and steals Ao's seat.
<Sera> * Sammael blinks a little. She's a slender girl, perhaps in her late teens or early twenties, with long dark hair and wide eyes.
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> Oh, hello all. These Tamara's sisters?
<DeathStar> 6* Ao sees Kellin take the seat that is next to Leyaeh's, so she sits by Athena
<DeathStar> <Love> Hi. 6* She waves, looking less than 5.
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin hehes and then slinks over as if to sit on Ao's lap, batting his eyes.
<DeathStar> 6* Ao holds up her hands, crackling with energy
<Sera> * Leyaeh steps in and moves over, she peers at Kellin, then Ao. "Did we gain a pet?"
<DeathStar> <Ao> He is trying to be amusing
<Sera> Leyaeh> "Collar him and call him a pretty name."
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin pauses and frowns. Aunt Ao is so mean.
<DeathStar> <Ao> Yes. I a proud of it
<Sera> Jennifer> "yes, this is Cherry and Love."
<DeathStar> 6* Ao waves at LEyaeh to have Kellin, getting into her original seat
<DeathStar> 6* Athena looks up as Jen, Sam, and that Ethan guy enter. Tamara smiles at Ethan, then peers at the kids
<Xanatos> <Kellin> Jerkface. 6He sniffs, taking his seat.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis glances over. "My, it seems we have more visitors."
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> Hi Love. 6*He smiles at Tamara and walks over to her, giving her a hug with his free arm
<DeathStar> 6* Love shyly hides behind everyone, peering at all the others.
<Sera> * Jennifer smiles. "That's Nevaeh over there, and Momma Athena." *she points them out for the girls*
<kalonZombie> *He then smiles
<DeathStar> 6* Athena holds out her hands and Love trots over to be picked up; she looks like Athena, right down to the eyes
<DeathStar> <Love> Who all? 6* She points at the others
<Sera> * Sammael hides a bit too, peeking at everyone.
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos blinks and glances up. Cheryl's people find them all already?
<Sera> Jennifer> "We're about halfway now."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> It is a good thing I finished the new addition. 6* Athena spots Sam, smiling and waving her over excitedly, eyes watering
<Sera> Jennifer> "Oh yes... Sammael's hee too."
<Kit> <Megumi> Samm... ael...
<DeathStar> <Tamara> No Heaven though
<Sera> * Sammael blushes and moves over to Athena.
<Sera> Jennifer> "I think we'll find her soon."
<DeathStar> 6* Athena gives her a tight hug, making quiet mewls
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos stares at Sammael, he glances to Erevis. You know she was alive again?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I did not.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> It would seem Tiny Kitten is surprised, too
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> Again?
<Sera> * Sammael blinks and hugs her, petting her hair.
<Xanatos> <Drasek> She died like 6 times.
<DeathStar> <Tamara> She looks rather ordinary to me to die so much
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> O-oh.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Well, technically we've all died once or twice along the way - Xan killed Erevis once, Xan killed himself a few times, I've been blown up...
<DeathStar> 6* Athena keeps hugging, not speaking but looking happy. She begins to sig nwildly so it's hard to follow
<Xanatos> 6* Carter appears on the teleporter and walks along with Bonnie, he knocks at the door.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Well , pull up an extra chair for Samantha Hendricks; we can learn later how she returned
<Sera> Jennifer> "Mmm. Ressurection seems to be our speciality." *she moves over to sit with Athena, bringing CL with her* "The larger one is Love, and this little cutie is Cherry Lemon, everyone."
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos nods to Erevis and moves to get an extra seat.
<Sera> * Leyaeh sits, eyeing Kellin.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena takes CL, rocking her and rubbing her face, smiling happily; Meg would feel a connection to Love and CL
<DeathStar> <Erevis> And someone get the door; I believe I heard it
<DeathStar> 6* Love sits on Athena's lap with CL, peering at everyone, ears drooped shyly
<Kit> 6Megumi tilts her head, making a face slightly.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> <What's wrong?>
<Sera> Leyaeh> "Isis, you'll want to get that."
<DeathStar> 6* Isis blinks, rising obediently and opens the door
<DeathStar> 6* Love settles onto Jen's lap after a bit since Athena is rocking CL, looking lost in thought, one hand on Sam
<Sera> * Jennifer nuzzles Love's ear. "This is your family, Love-Kitten. And it's only going to get bigger."
<Xanatos> 6* Carter waves slowly whenever the door opens. Hello, Isis
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin squints at Sammael, trying to figure out if he remembers her probably.
<Sera> * Sammael looks at Athena quietly, looking a little overwhelmed herself.
<DeathStar> <Isis> Hi, Levi. C-Come in.
<DeathStar> 6* She waves at Bonnie, leading them back to the table
<DeathStar> <Love> But not know anyone. What two mommas? 6* She points at Megumi.
<DeathStar> *Why
<Xanatos> 6* Carter nods and moves along after her.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> They look so much like Tiny Kitten. 6* She looks lovey dovey at the white hair and ears.
<DeathStar> <Tamara> Well, we could sell a few of my siblings; there are too many as is
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> I'm the most important one to know, little Love.
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> A-are you sure your mom would like that?
<Sera> Jennifer> "That's your Grandmother Megumi dear."
<DeathStar> 6* Love peers at Xanatos. "Why?"
<Kit> <Megumi> <I feel these... other... children..>
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> <It must be because Athena gave birth to them directly in that dream thing>
<DeathStar> <Tamara> Eh. They got plenty as is. What do you think, moms? We can sell the fox ones and the blonde ones
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> I'm Grandpa Xanatos. 6He says as if that should be enough.
<Sera> Jennifer> "He's your Grandfather Xan. He's in charge, when Grandmother Erevis says so."
<DeathStar> 6* Athena slowly looks for milk to give CL, then remembers MEgumi has milk in her breasts from Lorelei; she pulls Meg's shirt down and pulls CL against her breasts to feed
<DeathStar> <Love> Oh. Hi, Pa!
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos smiles. Hi.
<Xanatos> 6* Carter blinks at all of the new faces, looking hesitant.
<Sera> * Sammael watches quietly, she looks down nervously.
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> S-so I think I finished your song... I mean... yeah, I finished it 6*He says to Tamara
<Sera> * Leyaeh puts an arm around Ao. "So... this is an interesting development."
<DeathStar> <Tamara> Oh? 6* She looks up from making plans to sell the kids
<DeathStar> 6* Isis sets Bonnie on her lap, sitting by Carter - the table is covered in various foods and people begin to help themselves
<DeathStar> <Ao> E-eh? How?
<DeathStar> 6* Athena then fixes Sam a plate while CL feeds.
<Sera> Leyaeh> "Wasn't Sammael your friend?"
<DeathStar> 6* Love quietly and patiently waits to be fed
<DeathStar> <Ao> I-- well... Is that really Sammael? 6* She counters; she's not tried to open a link with Sam to find out
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> Y-yeah. I'll play it for you later if you want... uh... b-before you try and get me drunk that is 6*He says, remembering that she said they would when he came over
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos eats his Tacos in bliss. Drasek takes a swig from his beer. Gonna have to hire a full time babysitter for all these bloody kids.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I'll do it for 100 an hour
<Sera> Leyaeh> "If I recall, you can tell that better then anyone. Give it a try."
<Xanatos> <Drasek> Don't sell yourself short love.
<DeathStar> <Ao> Maybe later; it's risky to open a link and be taken over
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Hm, 150?
<Kit> 6Megumi is eyeing Athena.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena nuzzles Meg's face, cutely using kitty eyes
<Sera> Leyaeh> "I can shoot her if she tries... so yeah, after we eat." *she holds up food to Ao*
<DeathStar> 6* Ao grabs her own food to eat
<Sera> * Sammael eats, looking at everyone. Leyaeh holds it up still. "Eat it dear."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Is something wrong, Kitten?
<DeathStar> 6* Ao sniffs, grabbing the food from Leyaeh and adding it to her plate to eat
<Sera> * Jennifer starts feeding love. "Oh Nevaeh, c'mere."
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara eyes Jennifer. "I am not getting up at the table to walk to your side."
<Xanatos> 6* Carter begins to eat, making sure Bonnie gets food, he glances to Isis and leans in slightly. I'm afraid I don't know most of these children. 6he whispers.
<Sera> Jennifer> "I have your sister in my lap." *she looks over at her with a Mom look*
<DeathStar> <Isis> Me either; they are Athena's
<Xanatos> <Carter> More dream children?
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara sighs, looking annoyed and apologizes to Ethan, getting up and walking around the table to Jen, despite the fact everyone else is eating and talking
<DeathStar> <Isis> Yes. But real now
<Xanatos> <Carter> Curious. I wonder if I would be allowed to take scans of them.
<DeathStar> 6* Love looks Xan. "You don't look old."
<DeathStar> <Isis> That may be a good idea
<Kit> <Megumi> How many of them are there?
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> I'm young, and handsome.
<DeathStar> <Tamara> Enough to sell a few and not notice
<DeathStar> <Love> But grandpas are old
<Sera> * Jennifer smiles a bit. "Mmm, no selling them dear."
<kalonZombie> 6*Ethan blinks at how dead set she is at selling her sisters
<DeathStar> <Tamara> Why not? There's too many to take care of and plenty of kidless parents out there
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> Well usually fathers have time before their children make a litter.
<Sera> Jennifer> "We don't sell family. And we'll figure out watching them."
<DeathStar> <Love> Oh. <Iko> Iko not having litter for long time
<DeathStar> <Tamara> Eh. 6* She shrug, waiting
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> Good girl. 6He winks at her.
<Sera> * Jennifer motions her to lean down.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena signs that there is 10
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara obeys
<Sera> * Jennifer holds Love up. "Give your sis a kiss."
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara gives Love a kiss, and Love giggles. "NOW can I eat?"
<Sera> Jennifer> "Yes." *spanks her butt* "That's for plotting to sell your siblings."
<Kit> <Megumi> Ten...
<Kit> 6Megumi squints at Erevis and Xanatos
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> Don't look at me.
<Xanatos> 6* Carter nods to Isis and glances up. Jennifer, I would like for you to bring your children into medbay. I would like a full workup on them.
<Sera> Jennifer> "Sure, long as I can observe." *she says, and gently motions Tamara back to Ethan*
<DeathStar> <Erevis> What is wrong? We have Isis, Athena, Ako, Iko, my twins, and the child in you.
<Kit> <Megumi> You do not trust Dr. Carter?
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara walks back over, mumbling and sitting
<DeathStar> 6* CL finishes feeding and waits to be burped by Meg
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Hm, I say 200 an hour to babysit.
<Kit> 6Megumi eyes the kid. 1"I agree."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya eats, calmly eating
<Sera> Jennifer> "Course I trust Carter, I'm just overly protective of the children I just got."
<DeathStar> 6* Athena, perhaps sensing Megumi's negativity, has her ears droop, eating silently now
<Xanatos> <Drasek> You're a saint love, I'd charge 1000 easy.
<Xanatos> <Carter> We'll schedule something after we eat.
<Sera> * Sammael and Jennifer reach out together to pet Athena's ear and blink at each other.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> They couldn't afford that
<DeathStar> 6* Athena squeaks quietly at that, squirming a bit shyly
<kalonZombie> 6*Ethan looks at Tamara as she sits and gives her a "What are you going to do?" shrug with a slight smile
<DeathStar> 6* Isis helps Bonnie eat her vegetables first. "How many more days do you think the resc ue operations will last?" <Erevis> Four more. <Isis> Oh.
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara eats her meat first, and grabs some mexican food other than the tacos
<Sera> * Sam and Jen both pet an ear and grin at each other. Sam perks up a bit.
<kalonZombie> 6*Ethan goes mainly for the seafood, avoiding the mexican stuff
<Xanatos> <Kellin> OH! 6he snaps a finger. Now I remember Sam. She was the girl that was Athena's bff that then went and sacrificed herself.
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos pauses and offers a taco to Tamara, smiling at her.
<Sera> * Sam blinks and peers down again.
<Xanatos> <Kellin> Neat that you're back, you never returned in my time.
<Sera> * Ulieah chows down hungrily.
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara takes it. "Thank you."
<DeathStar> 6* Athena looks down more. She signs that she's tired and takes CL, heading to her room
<DeathStar> 6* Berry manages to get food on her face while Ao studies Megumi
<Xanatos> 6* Kellin blinks. D-Did I say soemthing wrong?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> So, tomorrow I'll be gone for a few days. 6* She notes, peering after Athena a moment, shaking her head at Kellin
<DeathStar> 6* Love pouts at Athena going, peering up at Jennifer
<Sera> * Jennifer pets Love and picks her up, heading after Athena.
<Sera> * Sammael sits quietly and watches them go. She looks at Kellin and nods to him shyly.
<Xanatos> 6* Drasek blinks. Gone?
<Kit> <Megumi> Should I come, Zephyr?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> No. Cheryl wants me to pretend to be Leira to fool the enemy; if you were there, it may tip them off
<kalonZombie> 6*Ethan watches them leave as he eats, wondering what's wrong
<Sera> * Leyaeh raises a brow.
<Sera> * Sammael rises. "I... will wait outside, if that is alright."
<Kit> <Megumi> Earthbound, not on the mission." 6She shakes her head.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> W-What? I can still look 15ish
<DeathStar> 6 *Erevis studies Sam, mentally patting her head. "Do not run away, Samanatha Hendricks; we have much to talk about."
<Xanatos> <Kellin> Can you adjust your age?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> No. I-I'll just cut my hair shorter and wear skirts and stuff. And alright, I guess that'll be fine, Meg
<Sera> * Sammael blinks and nods. "I will not run... I merely feel... overwhlemed."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Very well; go enjoy the pond
<Sera> * Sammael nods and moves outside, going to the pond.
<Kit> 6Megumi nods. 1"I can use the bond to keep you safer and-- well." 6She cuts short.
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> Is everything okay Megumi?
<DeathStar> 6* Athena is on the bed, asleep and holding CL
<Xanatos> <Drasek> Who'll bring me my beers now? 6He says to Zephyr with a smirk, kissing her cheek. Be careful.
<Sera> * Jennifer sits down on the bed, setting Love on it "Let's rest with Momma, kay?"
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> So, have you had time to process getting your mom back yet or are you still working it all out? 6*He asks Tamara
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I always am
<DeathStar> 6* Love nods and crawls to cuddle up to Athena
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara shrugs at Ethan
<DeathStar> <Tamara> I haven't thought on it; why do you keep asking? 6* She eyes him
<Sera> * Jennifer curls around them all like a momma cat.
<DeathStar> 6 Isis makes calculations on her datapad, discreetly doing work while no one notices her
<Sera> * Ulieah droops her ears, then cleans off some more food.
<DeathStar> 6* Berry grabs Ulieah's last cupcake
<DeathStar> 6* Gem sneaks in, late, and sits by Ulieah
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> I was just wondering. I thought you'd be really worried or something, just wanna make sure you're okay.
<Sera> * Ulieah gasps. "Share cupcake with Gemmie?"
<Xanatos> 6* Carter glances at Isis, then leans over slightly to see what she's doing.
<Kit> 6Megumi glances at Xanatos. 1"What do you mean?"
<DeathStar> <Gem> What cupcake?
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> You seem distant.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis is c alculating to see how much more the engines can take over the next few days. Bonnie grabs her own cupcake
<Sera> * Ulieah points to Berry.
<DeathStar> 6* Berry pauses, then splits it with Gem
<Sera> * Ulieah giggles.
<Kit> <Megumi> Is that any different than normal? So I am told.
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara shrugs, perhaps irritated a bit. "I'm fine, you can quit asking."
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> Just... just remember tou can talk to me about whatever you need to, okay? It's part of why I'm here. 6*He says, then drops the subject
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> We thought it was because of Athena's injury. Is there something else? I can get Katrina to poke your brainpan.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis mentally puts Meg on her lap, examining her head worriedly
<DeathStar> <Tamara> I know. And I do. 6* She notes
<DeathStar> 6* Gem eats on her half, getting some food, then reaches for the last taco
<Sera> * Ulieah joins Gem's assault by unleashing the Kitty Eyes on Xan.
<Xanatos> 6* Xanatos eyes her hand, then relenquishes it since he's trying to remind the girls that sharing is caring!
<DeathStar> 6* Gem chews on it happily. Iko and Ako gain +<3
<kalonZombie> 6*Ethan smiles at her and rubs her leg a little before resuming eating
<DeathStar> 6* Tamara squeaks a slight bit in surprise
<Kit> <Megumi> Yes, I must be mentally ill.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis hmmms. "She looks fine to me."
<Sera> * Jennifer starts to hum the Kitty Lullubye softly.
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> ...then why does she seem so sad?
<Sera> * Leyaeh sits back and sighs a bit. "Mmm, have you tried tickling Megumi into a new state of mind?"
<DeathStar> 6 *Erevis considers, then begins to mentally screw Megumi to make her happy
<Xanatos> <Xanatos> I think if I tried that she would just punch me.
<kalonZombie> <Ethan> So are you the oldest of your sisters?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> It is why I am the queen of the harem.
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Stardate: 1 day later. Location: Mansion Base
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stands in a meeting with her team; the next day is the big day for the group - the joint battle operations. Zephyr, her hair cut to match LEira's, is in one of her outfits, chewing gum. Everyone is there but Curali, who is kidnapped, and of course, Leira
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl shows slides of the Wraith squad. "This is one of the forces you will be facing. I'll let Hale give you the basics."
<Sera> * Tabetha keeps looking over at Zephyr.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole leans back slightly, arms crossed, he's watching Zephyr with an arched brow.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr smacks her gum, trying to play a cool 15 year old
<Sera> * Peter sits quietly, cigarette lit, watching the slides.
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka quietly runs her hands together, thoughtfully, waiting.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Hale, then smacks him
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Focus.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale stands up and moves over, pointing out the first man, who appears to be about as old as he is, if a bit rougher 1"This is Ghoul When I left, he was my demolitions expert. Now he's the leader of Wraith. He's able to make a bomb out of some spare parts with enough kick in it to destroy a small room and then some."
<Kit> 6Reno is there, looking more serious than normal, though still shirtless.
<DeathStar> 6* Em crosses her arms, determined not to fail
<kalonZombie> <Hale> He's smart, adaptable, good aim even by Wraith standards, and deadly. Also, a perfectionist, so we get him to screw up a little, he'll get irritated and make more mistakes, and hopefully without me there to talk him back, will just keep getting more irritated and make more mistakes.
<Sera> Peter> "So make him screw up a little and we got him."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Alright
<Xanatos> <Cole> Sounds simple.
<kalonZombie> 6*He clicks it, and a gaunt looking man in his early 20's pops up, holding a nasty looking sniper rifle 1"Vamp here is the sniper. I never had a better one when I was in Wraith. Load him a gun with a thread in it, and he could shoot it through a needle two miles away. Always goes after the best shots in the groups, considers those the biggest threats. He also has a bad habit of gluing
<kalonZombie> 1his eyes to those scopes. He's also deadly quiet until that gun goes off, so do NOT forget he's there. That's when he'll make you remember he's there, always watching.
<Sera> Peter> "Weaknesses?"
<Kit> <Reno> That is his weakness
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Guess that means he'll want me
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Don't underestimate Ghouls ability to adapt. A little screw up won't get him riled, but a big one might. Also, Vamp doesn't pay attention sometimes. I had to yell at him quite a bit sometimes.
<Sera> Peter> "Mmm. He'll have two snipers to compete with. We can split his focus up."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Hey, Meg, think I should show breasts to distract him?
<Sera> * Tabetha flusters.
<Xanatos> <Cole> So, there more than just those two?
<kalonZombie> 6*He clicks the slide again, and an attractive brunette woman with a misleading smile pops up 1"This is Ghost. Superb hacker, good at being stealthy. May not be quite as good as El is at hacking, but it's damn near close. Can't even see her fingers on that datapad she's that good. However, she relies on others to cover her. Worst shot in Wraith, at least when I was there, but even "worst
<kalonZombie> 1shot in Wraith" still translates to "above average".
<Kit> <Megumi> ..." 6She frowns at Zephyr, twitching
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> W-What?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> It distracts you
<Kit> <Megumi> You are not a 'playboy bunny'
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Nope; I'm a dragon
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Get her alone, and you can easily tag her. IF you can get her alone.
<DeathStar> <John> Oh, I'll get her alone alright.
<DeathStar> 6* John wags his eyebrows
<Kit> <Eluere> What if I destroyed her ability to network hack?
<Sera> * Tabetha giggles a little.
<Sera> Peter> "Yeah, we got the better hacker."
<kalonZombie> 6*He clicks it, and a man who looks older than Hale appears 1"She'd find a way around it. El's only better by a slight margin, and she's adaptable. Anyway, this is Ghast.
<Xanatos> <Cole> God I'm glad I'm not in that squad. Dumbest names...ever.
<DeathStar> 6* No doubt Eluere would smirk, since Darien gave her a secret weapon
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I ahd a codename once in the Ridiarium War
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr muses
<Xanatos> <Cole> What was it?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Reaper. Since anyone I was assigned to kill they died. They said I reaped their souls
<Xanatos> <Cole> Creepy.
<Kit> <Megumi> Fitting.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I hear Chery was just called Lady Death behind her back. <Cheryl> Tch
<Kit> <Megumi> Except I use... d a scythe.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Well, you can be the Kitty Reaper.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Ghast is Wraith's pilot and driver. Damn good one too. Was a daredevil before joining EarthGOV. Decent shot for Wraith, and a bit of a showboat. He doesn't get into the action very much when not behind the wheel, but that doesn't mean he's a slouch on the field. He's almost as big a womanizer as I a- was. 6*He says, looking at Em. 1"He also had a hard time concentrating on the
<kalonZombie> 1mission.
<Kit> <Megumi> That sounds as if I reap cats.
<Sera> Tabetha> "So we flash him?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Heh.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Likely he'll be distracted by all the pretty girls, but unless Steel's got him out of his element, we might not even encounter him.
<DeathStar> 6* Em naively blinks
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Alright, my turn
<kalonZombie> <Hale> The other two Steel hired. I have no clue, but they're probably scum 6*He wraps up as he sits down
<DeathStar> 6 *Cehryl rises to finish the briefing, turning the picture to a man in his late 30s. "This is Zombie. He's an explosive expert that was known to take down Ridiariums with bombs that should not have been able to do so. He's known to rig the field and take down anything in it - there were some charges against him taht he killed civilians but it was never proven."
<Sera> Peter> "Hale's got the scum assumption down."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> So Ghoul's been replaced as demo expert... interesting.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Other than that, he has no vices to exploit. Next... 6* A picture of a woman appears. "This is Stynx. She is known to use poisons to disable her opponents and is good with short range combat. So she'll likely get in your face, slash you, and leave you for 'dead'.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Would I need to worry about her?
<DeathStar> 6* There's an alarm, signaling someone arriving on the mansion yard. Cheryl tenses, then runs out of the room for the teleporters up to the mansion, not going to wait on an elevator
<Kit> <Eluere> Is this not supposed to be non-lethal?
<kalonZombie> <Hale> There are plenty of nonlethal poisons
<Kit> 6Eluere jerks, then chases Cheryl, already in her tactical suit
<Sera> * Tabetha blinks, she rushes after her.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Yeah, it is. It's suppose to be a training exercise - so they aren't meant to kil us. But being Steel. 6* She rises, frowning and hurrying after Cheryl now
<Kit> 6Megumi winces. 1"What is that noise...?"
<Sera> * Peter hops up, pulling out his rifle and heading after too.
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon, at the mansion base, eyes the monitors, comming everyone. "Leira, a man, and a red head are approaching."
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale rises and pulls out his own rifle
<Xanatos> 6* Cole blinks and moves after Zephyr.
<DeathStar> 6* Em forms her spear, ready. John rubs Key's head, frowning at that. Cheryl teleports up to the lobby area, pulling aside a hidden wall and stepping into it
<DeathStar> 6* Leira, the man, and the woman pause near the house, waiting on them to come to them, or to be told to approach probably. Lemon meets Cheryl in the lobbhy - those who teleport after Cheryl would arrive there as well
<Xanatos> <Cole> See any weapons? 6He asks as he comes forward.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale follows, just in case it's an emergency, even if he's not allowed up here technically
<Sera> * Tabetha forms guns, looking out. <Leira...?>
<DeathStar> <Leira> <Tabby cat!>
<DeathStar> <Lemon> not that I could see; but Leira is a dragoon
<Sera> * Tabetha perks up. "It's Leira!"
<Kit> <Eluere> General... what is this..?
<DeathStar> 6* Em stands behind Hale, ready.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I don't know. 6* She feels out, sensing Leira's link up
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> It is her. 6* She touches a button, using the speakers outside. "Approach the house with your hands over your head."
<Xanatos> <Cole> Want me to step out? I can draw fire if they attack.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> All of you, take up positions around the door to fire if they do anyhting
<kalonZombie> 6Hale nods and moves into posistion
<Xanatos> 6* Cole shifts over to take a position on the left side.
<Sera> * Peter looks down his scope, aiming at the man's head. Tabetha holds out her guns, but doesn't look very eager to shoot.
<Sera> * The man nods to the girls and puts his hands on his head. He moves ahead of them.
<DeathStar> 6* LEira and the woman approach; the red head is Elder Erevis as they come into view
<Xanatos> <Cole> Isn't that Erevis?
<DeathStar> 6* Leira opens the front door, then puts her hands up again, stepping in. She smiles at Tabetha. Zephyr muses that she cut her hair for nothing. Elder steps in calmly, with the man who looks a bit like Alexander Cran
<DeathStar> <Cehryl> Elder Erevis. I presume
<Sera> * The man remains silent for the moment, letting Erevis speak.
<Sera> * Tabetha smiles warmly at Leira.
<DeathStar> <Elder> Yes. That is I.
<DeathStar> <Leira> Hiii. I'd hug, but then Cheryl might shoot me
<Sera> * Tabetha nods.
<Sera> * The man grits his teeth a little. He looks to Erevis.
<DeathStar> <Elder> There is some explanations that need explaining. For now. 6* She mentally knocks the man out
<Sera> * He crumples to the ground.
<DeathStar> <Elder> There. That will protect you. 6* Cheryl eyes the man, twitching. <Cheryl> He looks like my father
<Sera> Peter> "...So... we good here?"
<Xanatos> <Cole> Is that the clone guy that died?
<Sera> * Peter peers at the man.
<DeathStar> <Elder> We have one more guest - a child, if I may call her in. <Cheryl> Yeah. Lower your weapons.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale is still wary
<DeathStar> 6* The man is clearly not the old President, looking more blondeish
<kalonZombie> 6*Then lowers his weapon as ordered
<Sera> * Tabetha and Peter lower their weapons.
<DeathStar> 6* Elder calls out; a young girl that looks a bit like Billy, a bit like JEnnifer, walks in, peering about. It's Heaven
<DeathStar> 6* Billy appears, sensing the other dark one.
<DeathStar> 6* Heaven, of course, is 5.
<Kit> <Elwyn> What's going on, Billy?" 6She walks in sleepily
<Sera> Tabetha> "That is Heaven, one of the missing children." *the HMD over her eye is blinking*
<DeathStar> <Leira> His name is Angelos; he saved me from his twin brother. They're theo nes trying to get Cheryl.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... cuff him and secure him in the brig. 6* She orders Cole and Hale.
<Kit> <Eluere> The "angels?"
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale nods and moves over
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I want a scan of Leira, the girl, and Erevis here
<Xanatos> 6* Cole didn't have any of his weapons out yet, so he just walks over and kneels, cuffing the guy.
<Sera> * Peter nods. <Got some new patients for yah, Vod.>
<DeathStar> <Leira> No; they're taking over EarthGov. They claim they've got a lot of influence in it. For some reason, though, he helped me escape, along with the kid. Tried to get Curali, but his brother said she'd be a bargaining chip against Cheryl
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale helps him lift Angelos up and move him to the brig
<DeathStar> <Vodka> <Da.>
<DeathStar> 6* Em walks over to escort the girl, and Cheryl motions the rest to escort Leira and Elder to the medical bay.
<Sera> Tabetha> <Is this a bad time to tell you we have a daughter?>
<DeathStar> <Leira> <What?!>
<Xanatos> 6* Cole walks along with Hale. What was your Wraith name?
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* After a bit, with the man secured, and LEira, Elder, and the kid checking out for no implants of any sort, and Tabetha's psionic readings picking up no sign of dubiousness on their parts, Cheryl has the entire group facing Elder and Leira.
<Kit> 6Eluere looks sulky, since Curali's not returned with the others.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Explain to me what you know; this is the man who keeps trying to kidnap me? Why?
<Kit> 6Megumi shifts to hug Leira.
<DeathStar> <Leira> They want to have sex with you to make an ultimate heir. Cran apparantly made them based off Angela's Omega DNA, using her as a prototype, and then put into a sleep until they were ready. I figure Cran planned to take the body of the heir
<Xanatos> <Cole> Has the hots for you. 6He mumbles, so as not to interrupt anyone.
<DeathStar> 6* LEira hugs Megumi, smiling
<Sera> * Tabetha stands next to Leira, wanting to squeeze but knowing she needs to talk.
<DeathStar> 6* Em quietly stands there against her spear
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ...
<DeathStar> <Leira> They also plan to take over Earth to fulfill Cran's legacy.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale stands quietly as well, rifle in his hands but not aiming, seeming to be in "Business not pleasure" mode
<DeathStar> <Elder> Yes. However, I changed Angelos' mind.
<Sera> Peter> "Talk about a complex..."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You? Changed a Cran's mind? 6* She scoffs.
<Xanatos> <Cole> I think she means with Psionics.
<Sera> * Tabetha then squeezes Leira.
<DeathStar> <Elder> Yes; they took me for my power, but I kept speaking with him and opening his mind to the possibiltiy of doing differently. He fell in love with me and when they sided with the angels and wished to hurt my daughters, agreed to aid me. We went to the PAX to find a way to cure him of his need to rape Cehryl. They are working on it now. But we ran out of time on waiting for it before we came to you. <Cheryl> So he's still programmed to rape me. Cute. <Elder> Yet he still took this risk
<DeathStar> <Leira> He protected me from his brother. I trust he wants to be freed of Cran's control, like you freed yourself
<Sera> <Tabetha> "We don't have to be like our parents..."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> At least he was able to contain himself long enough to get knocked out, otherwise he'd be minus a head right now.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rubs his face. "Where's this base at? W e need to crush his brother and their ability to take over Earth." <Elder> I do not know. <Leira> Same. Only he can tell you
<Kit> <Eluere> ..." 6She pinches herself, making a face.
<Kit> <Eluere> This is... for real." 6She notes aloud.
<Sera> Peter> "If he came here willingly and without a fight... think he'll really know anything useful now?"
<DeathStar> 6* Leira peers at Eluere. "Curali's safe. They took samples of DNA from us, and plan to use her to make better weapons. Probably twin weapons. We have to hurry."
<Xanatos> <Cole> So do some mind sucking and get the info.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I don't know; if it's true about him being programmed, I can't talk to him; who wants the honor?
<Kit> <Eluere> The gemini project is only simply in theory. Actual application is far more complicated than simple thievery..
<DeathStar> 6* It's clear Cheryl's tense, her hands balled together, at the idea of her father still wrecking havoc in her life
<Sera> Peter> "I'd like a crack." *he says quietly, but coldly*
<DeathStar> <Leira> Curali kept saying she was trying to find a way for you to learn our location by sending you data; they tried to play mind games on us but she'd channel hers to you.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Alright, Cole go with PEter. Hale, too
<Xanatos> <Cole> Still think we should mind suck. 6He says with a dramatic sound, getting to his feet.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes the elder Erevis a moment, then turns to walk out. "I need some time to process this. Report to me later." 6* She walks off.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale nods and finally puts his gun away
<Sera> Tabetha> "Not sure I'm good enough for that yet..."
<Kit> <Eluere> Yes... I noticed. But until she's conscious again... it's not working now.
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka goes back to her scans. Leira, hugging on MEg, holds out an arm to Tab now. the Elder sits alone, probably sending Erevis' anger toward her and Angelos
<Sera> * Peter starts heading to the brig.
<Sera> * Tabetha hugs onto the arm.
<Kit> <Key> New model is back..." 6She says softly.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale follows behind Peter
<DeathStar> 6* Angelos, awake, would be in a heavily guarded cell
<DeathStar> <Leira> Hey, Key. 6* She smiles at Key, patting her lap for her to jump on.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I-I cut my hair for noooothing
<DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr flails
<Xanatos> 6* Cole waslka long after the two, he rubs his shoulder slowly.
<Sera> * Angelos eyes them quietly, seeming too confident for his surroundings as Peter steps in, cracking his knuckles.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Angelos is your name, right?
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale walks in with a murderous lookin his eyes, and he pats his rifle while looking at Angelos
<Sera> Angelos> "Correct."
<Xanatos> <Cole> Cool. Cool. 6He glances to Peter, since this is his rodeo.
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl enters her office, smashing her fisto n her desk to crack it, taking deep breaths
<Sera> Peter> "We need to know where they're keeping Curali. If you're joinin our side, givin that info up shouldn't be an issue."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy circles Heaven, then eyes Elwyn. "I think I'll keep her and train her in the dark arts instead of giving her to Jen." <Heaven> Mommy? <Billy> Yes, you may call me ... Master
<Kit> <Elwyn> Ironically named Heaven, eh?
<Kit> 6Key forms chibiwings and shifts to sit on Leira, giggling.
<DeathStar> <Heaven> My sister is Neveah. Mommy isn't original.
<DeathStar> 6* Leira cuddles the three girls
<Kit> <Elwyn> That's for sure.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Well, from now on, you will be... Evilincarnate.
<Kit> 6Elwyn bonks Billy on the head
<DeathStar> <Billy> Ow! what?!
<Sera> * Angelos sighs, "I gave you your Dragoon back, and the kid. I can help, but I can't give up my twin that easily."
<Sera> * Peter narrows his eyes. "You're with us or you're against us. They're doin shit to that girl I can't allow on my watch."
<Kit> <Elwyn> It's a cute name. It stays.
<DeathStar> <Heaven> Mommy is being strange. Who are you> You're pretty. 6* She smiles at Elwyn
<Sera> Angelos> "Sorry."
<DeathStar> <Billy. Aww, alright. But I plan to make a mockery of it!
<Kit> <Elwyn> I'm "mommy"'s master.
<DeathStar> <Heaven> Ohh! Hi! 6* She bows to Elwyn and smiles; she's holding a devil toy
<Xanatos> 6* Cole hums as he pases, he glances to Hale to provide some input.
<Sera> * Peter punches him across the face. Angelos moves back to look at them, impassive, what bruising might have occured healing. "Didn't quite feel that."
<Kit> <Elwyn> Mh." 6She nods to Heaven.
<DeathStar> <Heaven> As Mommy's master, that means you cuff her, spank her, molest her, mate her, and make her carry your babies, right? <Billy> W-What?!
<Xanatos> NRP: paces*
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Oh, I can fix that if you want 6*He says, patting his gun again
<Xanatos> <Cole> You two are terrible at this.
<Sera> * Angelos peers at them. He looks at Cole. "And you're the bastard who will squeeze the info are you? Let me talk to Cheryl."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I was just going to shoot him in the leg a little.
<Xanatos> <Cole> RAWR I'm so imposing, rawr. 6He waves his hand at Angelos. No, you're not going to talk to Cheryl. And no, I'm nothing special. But here's how it is. You and your brother are fucking things up. You have our friend, we want her back. Old ass Erevis said you're not down with the raping and the heir stuff, that true?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> So, Meg, can you grow my hair back out?
<Sera> Angelos> "I hope to convince my brother of otherwise, yes."
<Kit> <Elwyn> How... do you even know that?
<Xanatos> <Cole> What if you want? What if your convincing gets someone killed?
<Xanatos> NRP: what if HE WON'T.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Well you can't do much convincing in a jail cell, can you?
<Kit> <Megumi> I could..." 6She grins at Zephyr.
<Sera> Angelos> "I'd prefer it wasn't so, but are you asking me to kill my own brother for your own wants?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Please.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Fuck no. But withholding information from us is helping him. If we can capture him we can bring him to a cell here and you two can talk and we can work with doctors to help get this...coding or whatever the hell it is out of your heads so you can beyour own people.
<DeathStar> <Heaven> One of my mommys was Billy; she plotted to do all that to Jennifer for getting her pregnant
<DeathStar> <Billy> Ungh, that Jennifer
<Sera> Peter> *listens and watches since Cole seems to have him in hand*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr moves over, kneeling for Meg to do it
<Sera> * Angelos peers at Cole quietly. "He knows I came here to join your side, do you think going to our base will be anything more then a death trap?"
<Xanatos> <Cole> You help us, we help you. And if it's a death trap, well then we're taking that risk ourselves when we go in there, right?
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Well if he knows you're on our side, there's really nothing you can do that won't dig you a much deeper grave, can it?
<Sera> * Angelos peers at Cole. "I was given a choice to bring either Leira back, or Curali. I chose Leira."
<Xanatos> <Cole> Silly us though, we want both of our friends. So you going to help us?
<DeathStar> 6* Blue pages Chii to let her know Cheryl is having one of her famous berserker tempers
<Sera> * Tabetha snuggles into Leira and nuzzles her. <Want to see your daughter?>
<Kit> 6Chii responds with "run for the hills"
<DeathStar> 6* Blue does so
<DeathStar> <Heaven> Can I watch master do it?
<Kit> <Elwyn> I-- see. Well, this could still be fun.
<DeathStar> <Billy> What?!
<DeathStar> <Leira> <H-How'd you give birth so fast?!>
<Sera> Angelos> "Mmm. Interesting. Eluere said nothing." *he stands up*
<Sera> <Tabetha> <Adopted... it's a funny story.>
<DeathStar> <Leira> <Ehmm?>
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Wait... given a choice?
<Xanatos> <Cole> Eluere?
<Sera> Angelos> "My brother does enjoy those little dichonomies, in this case I had to pick who I would rescue."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> And what happened to the one you didn't choose?
<Kit> <Eluere> Yes, Cole?
<Sera> Angelos> "More samples, over time he may decide to mate her. She would require special taming. I was... counting on that."
<Xanatos> 6* Cole glances to see if ELuere is actually there or speaking through the speaker system or something.
<Kit> 6Eluere winces, wondering if she should leave.
<Xanatos> <Cole> What haven't you told us?
<kalonZombie> <Hale> And by not giving us the information we need, you're making that a bigger possibility. You don't want that to happen, do you?
<Sera> * Angelos seems to have a slightly haunted look, his knuckles white with his fists.
<DeathStar> 6* Rob, walking into the room, speaks for Eluere. "Maybe he means the unique connection between the two gemini, sir?"
<Kit> <Elwyn> I don't think I'll let you watch me, kiddo, though, sorry.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> If you tell us, we can save her, and stop your brother. If you don't, you're dooming that poor girl.
<Sera> * Angelos stares in relief at a human being with two brain cells. Rob, not Hale.
<DeathStar> <Heaven> Oh. Okay... 6* She pouts, devil tail drooping
<Kit> <Elwyn> I might have a different task for you, though.
<DeathStar> <Rob> But Eluere told me that she can't feel Curali anymore
<Xanatos> <Cole> Can't feel her? Does that mean...death?
<DeathStar> <Heaven> Oh? 6* She perks up
<DeathStar> <Rob> Or heavy sedation
<Sera> Angelos> "...Oh for heaven sakes. It's because she was unconcious. The moment he wants to mate her he'll wake her up."
<Xanatos> <Cole> Then hows about you give us a goddamn location so we can go punch him in the dick?
<Sera> * Angelos peers at them, gritting his teeth. "Follow the link and you'll find where they are. Where they really are. If you want to walk into a trap I can give you the coordinates, but Angelus is not an idiot."
<Kit> <Elwyn> Mmhmm. It's way past your bedtime, though.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Better just tell us a location, thanks.
<DeathStar> 6* Heaven bows and has her bedroom shown to her
<DeathStar> <Rob> We'd never arrive in time if he mates her after waking her up
<Kit> <Elwyn> I meant the task I have for you... i-it's late.
<DeathStar> 6* Heaven skips back over
<Sera> * Angelos breaths, he rattles off corrdinates.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Well then what can we do, Mr. Rob guy?
<DeathStar> 6* Rob shrugs. "Oh, um, I don't know! But he gaves us the coordinates."
<Sera> Peter> "...Are any of you doing something to him?"
<Xanatos> 6* Cole nods at that and sends the coordinates to cheryl.
<DeathStar> <Rob> Doing something?
<Sera> * Peter motions. "The man looks like he's going to pop."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits in her office, eyeing the coordinates. She rubs her face, then sends a message for everyone to go to the conference room for a meeting in 10 mins
<Sera> * Angelos is indeed breathing hard, looking like Cheryl on the edge of a rage. "...Step out of the cell, please."
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale shrugs and heads towards the cell's exit, done since the coordinates have been given
<DeathStar> 6 *Rob jerks and runs away
<Xanatos> <Cole> Well I did my part. 6He says and then moves out towards the conference room.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Meet around one in the morning.
<Sera> * Peter eyes the man a moment, they stare at each other a moment. He steps out after there's a scuffled sound, then whistles, fixing his coat as the cell locks.
<DeathStar> <Heaven <KAy
<Sera> * Tabetha carries Leira and Key to the conference room.
<DeathStar> <Leira> Hey!
<DeathStar> 6* Rob pulls Eluere along since she went blank really quick and then did nothing afterwards. - points
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale Heads to the conference room as well 1"Never was much of a diplomat"
<Sera> * Tabetha giggles. "mmm?"
<DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr keeps waiting on her long hair; meanwhile John enters the conference room to sit
<Xanatos> <Cole> Well threatening only get you so far, unless you're prepared to resort to torture.
<Sera> Peter> "We are torturing him."
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka keeps an eye on Elder, using PEter to tune into the meeting. Lemon steps in, wearing a uniform, making it impossible to know she's not Cheryl
<Xanatos> <Cole> That so?
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I only did it the one time, and I wasn't that serious about it.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps into the holding area, not the cell, eyeing Angelos a moment
<Sera> Peter> "Look at the man's eyes next time. It was like keeping a coke addict away from a snort."
<Kit> <Eluere> ..." 6She peers at Rob. 1"You're far more patient than anyone I know besides Ferah."
<DeathStar> <Rob> Me? T-Thank you I think
<DeathStar> 6* Rob sits with her as Lemon begins to speak
<Sera> * Angelos peers at her through the cell like it wasn't there, breathing, he shudders, trying to calm.
<DeathStar> <Lemon> We got the coordinates we think is the base, but we have a problem
<Kit> <Chii> <Don't go too crazy, eh?>
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Why are you here? 6* Sher asks simply, studying his state.
<Sera> Angelos> "...To help you."
<Xanatos> <Cole> Color me concerned. 6He says, as he takes a seat.
<DeathStar> <Lemon> We have the training exercise in less than 10 hours. If we go to the base, and it's a trap, we leave ourselves open to Steel. If we send agents and they are taken out, we lose our find on Curali.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> So it's a lose-lose situation.
<DeathStar> <Lemon> The best thing may be to go through with the joint excerises, and at the same time we have Eluere learn how to recall to Curali strapped with a locator. Then we use KEy and Cole to follow. If we do it during the joint exercises, Steel will be thrown off guard and uanble to follow
<Sera> Angelos> "I spent a long time... trying to get to know you from afar... I've tried contacting you in the Protocol... I watched you dream... over time... I learned you were my sister, but just a breeding target."
<Sera> *not just
<Xanatos> <Cole> Sounds like a good plan, Lemon.
<Kit> 6Key nods quickly
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yet here you are, shaken with need, and you don't want to give up your brother, despite the fact he's ruined lives. Violated Lemon. And you even got Elder Erevis sympathizing with you- despite no doubt raping her after kidnapping her
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon gives Cole a Cheryl look. "Oh? You think I'm Lemon?"
<Xanatos> 6* Cole simply smiles.
<Sera> * Angelos flinches. "...I did... over time our relationship changed. I was born a monster, Cheryl Mizukaze. But over time I've learned I don't want to be what Father made me to be. I want to raise my daughter, I have no lust for power."
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon peers back at the others, continuing. "The mission is this: our unit will be held up in a building we have to defend. We have three key targets to protect - Dr. Ferah, Chii, and Megumi. The joint exercise units will be trying to get in to 'eliminate them'. Em and Reno are their protects, the rest of you will have to work to make sure they don't have to protect
<Kit> <Megumi> I became part of the exercise?
<DeathStar> 6* She brings up the building layout - a two story building, one in the ground one above. "Let me hear strategy placement ideas."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> We'll see; I may kill your brother you realize. 6* She states simply, without remorse. "If he's anything like Cran, he won't go down - what is his name?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyyr combs her long near hair
<DeathStar> <Lemon> Yes. Problems?
<Sera> Tabetha> "I can keep the sniper confused and having a hard time... using the holo-orbs."
<Sera> Angelos> "Angelus."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> How fancy are those orbs kiddo? Vamp's scope is pretty fancy, might see right through them.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Dibs on a pretty girl.
<Sera> Tabetha> "They encorporate Hard Light theory... they can actually touch things and such."
<Sera> Tabetha> "It's why Evil Cole was able to punch you and it hurt in the sims."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* She nods once. "I'll have Elder brougth into your cell. " 6* She walks off. A moment later vodka escorts erevis in, where their powers are both dampened, then leaves
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I'll be on the roof with Leira, then.
* kalonScrewyconnection has joined #Session135
<Sera> * Angelos greedily pulls her close.
<DeathStar> <ZephyR> That way we can draw sniper fire and shoot long distance
<DeathStar> <Lemon> Oh, and I yanked Cypher out of your gear for you to use, Cole
<Xanatos> 6* Cole jerks and points. You are awesome. Where'd the little shithead go?
<Sera> Peter> "I can join the snipers or coordinate in close combat."
<DeathStar> <Lemon> Che---I put him in a tiny box in the closet
<kalonScrewyconnection> <Hale> Join the snipers. Give Vamp something to worry about.
<Xanatos> <Cole> We'll let him stew for a bit.
<DeathStar> <Lemon> We're going to divide command into three teams. Peter, Cole, and Hale. Peter, you get the sniper team and whoever else you want. Cole, name who you want as well as the ground tea
* kalonZombie has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
<Kit> <Reno> Hmm...
* kalonScrewyconnection is now known as kalonZombie
<Xanatos> <Cole> Me? Uh. 6he Hmms and points to John.
<DeathStar> <john> Roger.
<Kit> <Reno> Alda, can you manage for a while on your own?
<DeathStar> <Em> Yes. I won't let anyone get near our targets
<DeathStar> <Lemon> Hale, you will coordinating between both teams with suggestions and observations
<Xanatos> <Cole> I would like your bond partner too.
<Sera> Peter> "The Z-Girls are good enough."
<DeathStar> <John> Tabby is yours. <Leira> You be good wit hher
<Xanatos> <Cole> I'll make her shoot things with guns.
<Sera> * Tabetha mews. "I will blast the baddies!"
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Roger. I'd also like to say I should probably be the one to get in Ghouls head. I was just as easily able to screw with him as fix him.
<DeathStar> 6* Lemon jots notes - Em on guard duty, the Z girls with PEter on roof, and cole with John and Tab so far, leaving many others
<kalonZombie> Zombie and Stynx are wild cards, but neither sound like the type of person to be able to talk him out of a rut
<Sera> Peter> "Hale, you should probably take Vodka to coordinate when she should be deployed to heal, otherwise I'll take her."
<DeathStar> <Lemon> Eluere, you will remain with Em and Fareh, too - work on your recall, use your powersd to disable their hacker girl
<Kit> <Reno> Thanks, Em. I'm going to get rid of that sniper.
<Kit> <Eluere> Yes, ma'am!
<Xanatos> <Cole> Oh, how long before we can kick their ass for real btw?
<Xanatos> NRP: by the way
<DeathStar> <Lemon> For real? You're to annihilate them and make this team #1. I'll be with Steel observing, so you are all on your own - do not kill, disable. If they go for the kills, meet in kind the ones who DID it, since not all of Wraith and other soldiers will be in on it
<DeathStar> 6* John whispers to Cole to take Key, too
<DeathStar> 6 *Since Hale isn't picking anyone
<Xanatos> <Cole> Oh I'll take Key too.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale studies the map, looking for places where Vamp might consider to set up camp
<DeathStar> 6* Billy peeks in
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I'll take Tab and Leira, unless anyone has any objections
<DeathStar> <Billy> Can I play?
<DeathStar> <Lemon> They were already assigned
<Xanatos> <Cole> Chief sure don't pay attention does he. Does not bode well.
<DeathStar> <Lemon> Indeed
<Sera> * Peter rubs his face a bit. "How good is Cypher at scanning for things?"
<DeathStar> <Lemon> How good is he, Cole?
<DeathStar> 6* Billy flails, wanting someone to pick her
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I'll take Vodka and Billy
<Xanatos> <Cole> He's pretty good IF you can get him to focus.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Yaaay!
<DeathStar> 6* Billy shapeshifts into a sexy Em
<DeathStar> <Em> !
<Sera> Peter> "We could use him to scan fro explosives and remove them. That bomber sounds like he might take the building down on us."
<Xanatos> <Cole> You free him from his box he might be eternally grateful.
<Sera> Peter> "I better do it, if I send Tabetha he'll leap at her breasts and incapacitate himself again."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Ghoul wouldn't allow it as long as I was in on this, and if Cypher comes, he'll probably be best with either me or Cole.
<Sera> * Tabetha blinks a bit. Peter chuckles a little.
<DeathStar> 6* Leira hmphs and pats Tab's boobs
<Xanatos> <Cole> Not me. He's mega pissed at me I'm sure for letting them keep him in the box.
<DeathStar> <Lemon> Then that is everyone
<Sera> * Tabetha squeaks.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I'll take him then, with the promise I'll wing for him after it's done.
<Sera> Tabetha> "Mister Dias is still on base restriction?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> We can have Elwyn help, too. She'll do it for a reward. <Lemon>< Fine, I'll give her whatever she wants. She'll be with Hale.
<DeathStar> <Lemon> Yes. We cannot put him into a battle right now; we don't know what would happen
<Kit> <Elwyn> ... Heh. Heh." 6She grins at Lemon.
<Xanatos> 6* Dias is somewhere playign with Kalon alone. YAy!
<DeathStar> <Lemon> Everyone, go to bed early, sleep well, and prepare for battle.
<DeathStar> <Lemon> Dismissed
<Sera> * Tabetha grabs Leira. "We're going to bed early."
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale nods and gets up, heading for his room
<DeathStar> <Leira> Y-Yes, ma'am. 6 *Zephyr combs her long hair that Meg fixed.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Lets go to bed, Meg.
<DeathStar> Stardate: The next day
<DeathStar> Location: Highway to the Danger Zone. Aka, the 'test' base
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks around in uniform, showing them the base. It has many rooms for hiding in, complete with equipment for scanning, base weaponary to use - though to use it outside the room, Eluere will need to assign it to herself or to others' datapads. The underground area has a vault for the three targets to seal themselves in with Eluere and Em
<DeathStar> 6* The base itself is not very sturdy, though - it's clearly an old building
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Don't like this. Makes me feel like Zombie's just going to get trigger happy...
<Xanatos> 6* Cole clicks as he peers around. Where you think we should set up, John?
<Sera> * Peter peers about. "Thinkin that scan will be a good idea." *he eyes the freed Cypher*
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Dooot. (No sign of bombs already placed)
<Sera> Peter> "Good, keep it up."
<Sera> * Tabetha looks around, having spent her time sleeping, doing terribly naughty things to Leira, and manufacturing Holo-orbs.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale scans around looks for spots where Vamp might set up, worried that of the original team, he'll do the most damage
<DeathStar> 6* Leira moves about in her tactical suit, glancing
<DeathStar> <Leira> Shame we can't have Elder here - her psionics would be sueful. < Cheryl> She's in bed with the enemy - literally
<Sera> <Tabetha> "They do that a lot it seems."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I have to go watch the battle with Steel; Chii has a comm to let you all know if I'm taken
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Everyone ready? Who will be in charge of the base defenses and weapons? 6* The defenses and weapons are 3 gens old
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale nods, then starts thinking how Ghoul will go about the mission
<Xanatos> <Cole> Shouldn't Hale since he's the advisor? He can use it to move us where we're needed.
<Sera> Tabetha> "I believe I can set them up and run quick upgrades... control can be divided between Eluere and myself."
<Xanatos> <Cole> Eluere has been really spacey, so consider that risk.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> It's up to you; I can;t offically order. I nfact, I have to go now. Good luck. 6* She walks off, leaving it up to the group - since PEter, Cole, and Hale are team leaders, the decision is theirs
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Dooot <LEt me! LET ME!>
<Kit> <Eluere> ..." 6She eyes Cole.
<Kit> <Eluere> I do not usually need to actively attempt to initiate my bond procedures 'android.'
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Knowing Ghoul... he'll take the way we expect the least. Obvious places will be practically ignored, probably new entrances will be made with low-grade explosives...
<Sera> Peter> "Alright, let's secure the roof, girls."
<Xanatos> <Cole> Do whatever you crazy kids want then. 6He walks around, looking for a place that he and John can get set up at.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Prepare for smoke grenades and flash bangs, they're commandos after all.
<Sera> * Tabetha begins to look into doing quick upgrades on the defenses.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Keep me updated on your status Tab.
<DeathStar> 6* Leira and Zephyr, both in form fitting tactsuits, follow
<Sera> * Peter heads up to the rood. Tabetha nods as she starts setting up holo-orbs at window locations, set to move and act like actual guards and snipers, many of them made to look like team members.
<DeathStar> 6* The defenses, being so ancient, really can't be upgraded much. She can switch it to protect certain areas stronger, but that would leave other areas weaker
<DeathStar> <Cypher> Dooot <I want to use the base weapons. Boom boom!>
<DeathStar> 6 *Cypher prances on Cole's head
<Sera> Tabetha> "We should let Cypher control the base weapons, that frees us up."
<Kit> 6Eluere starts to network herself with the base, using it almost like senses of her own, and begins to add predictive algorithms into the weapons so that they can minimize the old technologies shortcomings.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Sounds good to me, have a field day buddy.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Agreed.
<Kit> <Reno> Are you sure you'll be alright, Alda love?
<Sera> * Tabetha sets up traps at the more obvious entrances and ways in, and then starts securing the basement area with traps as well.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale keeps walking around, making a moving target in case Vamp wants to get him out for knowing Hale will know the team most and keep them updated on their thought process
<DeathStar> <Em> Yes, Reno. I'll be in the vault, protecting the three women
<DeathStar> 6* Em smiles and hugs him. She pokes Fareh, Megumi, and Chii along inside the vault
<DeathStar> 6 *Their watches say they have 5 mins until battle
<Xanatos> 6* Cole shakes his head slightly. Defending this place is going to be tough. You ready, John? 6He moves to rest near the entrance for the vaults.
<DeathStar> 6* Cypher leaps on a weapon device, ready to fire away
<Sera> * Several windows also have Hales set up to take realistic battle damage, Tabetha moves to join John and Cole when ready.
<DeathStar> <John> Yeah. 6* John glances out a window, since oen floor is above, one below - the v ault being in the one underground
<DeathStar> <John> What are the chances they'll dig tunnels to us?
<Sera> * Peter spreads out the girls around the roof for a better vantage, setting up his rifle.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Hm. If they do that we're kinda boned.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Try to set up unconventional defenses in entrances that aren't so obvious if you can everyone, Ghoul wasn't one for taking the front door
<DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr forms her sniper rifle, and ELira forms one, too, trying to make it bigger
<DeathStar> 6* Once inside the vault, Em seals herself in with the three women.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> We never dug a tunnel, but I wouldn't put it past Ghoul
<Sera> * Peter sets up two orbs Tabetha gave him, two more Leira's setting up positions.
<DeathStar> 6* John rubs Key's head for good luck
<DeathStar> 6* Its snowing outside thickly, since it's Feb.
<DeathStar> 6* Leira sneezes a bit
<DeathStar> 6* Billy and Vodka follow Hale about; Billy lookking like Em, and Vodka in a busty tactical suit
<Xanatos> <Cole> We could dig a hole down and drop a sensor in to pick up on movement underground?
<Sera> * A fake Leira shivers. Peter peers about, checking his scope.
<Kit> <Key> <Not contest bigger gun!>
<Sera> Tabetha> "We could!"
<DeathStar> <John> How would we dig a hole in this snow?
<DeathStar> 6* Leira sulks mentally at Key
<Sera> Tabetha> "Key could will one!"
<Kit> <Reno> I'll be back after I take care of him
<Xanatos> <Cole> .....only thing I can think of would require energy. Yeah Key could will one.
<DeathStar> <John> Good idea; Key, will us a hole!
<kalonZombie> <Hale> The real trouble is trying to think of how they'll be coming in... second floor or first...
<Kit> <Key> Hole in snow..?
<Xanatos> <Cole> Go Key go!
<DeathStar> <John> inreward, I'll fill Key's hole later
<Sera> * Tabetha nods. "And four feet down, or more."
<DeathStar> <John> Yeah; we want to drop a sensor in the ground in case they dig a tunnel to the vault
<Kit> <Key> Fill keyhole anyway!
<DeathStar> <John> Well, I am your Keymaster
<Kit> 6Key holds up a hand and snaps
<DeathStar> 6* A hole forms in the ground. john rubs chin, getting an idea look
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Both have their advantages and disadvantages...
<DeathStar> <John> What if we made a bunch of holes and covered them in snow, so they fall in?
<DeathStar> <Billy Em> So, Hale... 6* She presses against him. "After this is over, want to celebrate?"
<Xanatos> <Cole> Oh damn that's actually pretty smart. Not bad John.
<DeathStar> <John> Thanks! Key, make ... DOZENS OF HOLES!
<Sera> * Tabetha pulls a sensor out of subspace. "That could help." *she drops it down into the hole*
<Kit> <Key> Dozens of holes!" 6She snaps her fingers to a song
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Mind on the mission Em 6*He says, completely ignoring the pass
<DeathStar> 6* An alarm goes, signally the exercise has begun
<DeathStar> <Billy Em> Yes, sir
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale starts moving faster so Vamp can't get a lock on him, keeping an eye out for Wraiths
<DeathStar> <John> Here it goes. 6* He puts on his spike gloves
<Kit> <Elwyn> So why am I a kid again?
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka takes a position so she can heal
<DeathStar> <Billy Em> So you're a smaller target.
<DeathStar> <Billy Em> And no one shoots a kid
<Kit> <Elwyn> ... somehow I don't think these guys'll care.
<Sera> * Peter keeps an eye out for targets.
<DeathStar> 6* 5 mins pass with nothing hppening
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Cut the chatter, girls.
<Sera> * Tabetha hmms and checks the sensors.
<Kit> 6Elwyn flips Hale the bird-- as a seven year old.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole glances around slightly, hmming.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale is still completely on guard, knowing as soon as he lets up, Vamp will hit
<DeathStar> 6* 10 mins
<DeathStar> 6* There's a bloop on the underground sensor
<Xanatos> <Cole> Think they're going to bore us to dea-6He glances over at the bloop.
<Sera> Tabetha> <They may be taking their time to throw us off gua---> "I see something below."
<DeathStar> 6* At that moment, a shuttle armed to the teeth flies up, firing rockets at the roof, and soldiers rush at the base, dressed in white; many fall in holes
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale keeps his guard up, knowing Vamp would wait far longer than 10 minutes
<DeathStar> 6* Also a shot rings out of nowhere, triking the fake Leira in the head
<Kit> 6Elwyn's wearing a schoolgirl outfit, but equipped with a sansetsubon, whip, ceramic knife and some device on her wrist.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Psst, what was the plan for being attacked undergound?
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Get Vamp's posistion, now!
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr eyes the rockets, eye widening, flips back, grabbing LEira as the roof explodes in firey death
<DeathStar> <John> I didn't have one
<Sera> * Peter leaps as well, activating his shield.
<DeathStar> 6* The flying shuttle turns, aiming at the first floor now, firing missiles. Billy fires dark beams, destroying 1/3rd of them
<Xanatos> <Cole> Uh. Key, will the area around the sensor into mud!
<Sera> Tabetha> "What... there's a lot of them!"
<DeathStar> <John> Incoming!
<DeathStar> 6* John points at the missles.
<Kit> 6Key snaps her fingers, attempting to turn the snow to mud
<DeathStar> 6 *Cypher fires the base defenses into the shuttle, but they have no effect
<Sera> * Tabetha begins to scatter rapid shots at the missles.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole jerks and pulls up his minigun to fire at some of the missiles.
<DeathStar> 6* The snow and mud make the blooping stop as things liquify
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale fires at the missiles as well
<DeathStar> 6* The missiles are all destroyed but one, which gets threough and explodes, leaving a gaping hole in the base
<Kit> 6Reno slips out of the vault, dissolving into thin air as he pulls out his knife.
<Sera> Tabetha> "Th-This is Wraith?"
<DeathStar> 6* Leira, unconscious, lays in the snow, while Zephyr slaps herself into focusing; a sniper shot hits her shoulder, a stun hit, and she cries out
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Far too many for Wraith!
<Kit> <Elwyn> This looks like a lot more than a single platoon
<Xanatos> 6* Cole tchs at that. So much for a perfect win.
<DeathStar> 6* The shuttle flying about drops a bomb package through the hole in the roof into the middle of the first floor somewhere
<Sera> * Peter grunts, willing himself up, grabbing the girls and heading for cover.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale grabs his own team and heads for cover as well
<Kit> <Elwyn> That's it." 6She brings up her datapad, calling on her and Billy's ship, covered in terrain to fire shots from the ground at the shuttle wreaking havoc.
<Sera> Tabetha> "Bomb package inside....!"
<Xanatos> <Cole> Tab can we disarm it?
<DeathStar> 6* John peers back toward the inside. "That's going to hurt---" 6* It blows up, knocking John and others outside in the snow
<Kit> 6Eluere calmly collects data on their damage, sealing off internal sections of the base.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy rolls, getting up; Elwyn's shuttle destroys the enemy shuttle, making it crash nearby. The new explosive guy gets out, along with Ghast
<Xanatos> 6* Cole tchs as he gets knocked about.
<Sera> * Tabetha squeaks as she hits the snow.
<DeathStar> 6 *Eluere seals off passages to the underground floor
<kalonZombie> 6*hale pops up and fires at Zombie, hoping the loss of a member will upset Ghoul enough
<DeathStar> 6* Vamp takes up a new position and calmly aims at Zephyr, who forms her guns, firing at the explosive expert and Ghast. Eluere would suddenly have a hacker trying to get in
<DeathStar> 6* Zombie grunts, getting hit. Hale would see explosives strapped to his body, however, and that hitting them even with stun is bad
<Sera> * Peter raises his rifle and aims along Zephyr's shot, trying to get him as he tries to dodge.
<DeathStar> 6* Zombie charges at John and Billy. Vodka touches Leira, reviving her, but gets sniped by Vamp
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Crazy mother fucker! 6*He shoots at Ghast as well
<Kit> 6Eluere isolates the sector she's hacking into so that it's seperated from the main system, then attempts to route her, attacking through a subsystem in retaliation
<DeathStar> 6 *Ghast, mourning the shuttle, runs
<Xanatos> 6* Cole gets to his feet and looks for enemies other than the wraiths, not wanting to let anyone through.
<DeathStar> 6* The grunts all seem to be stuck in holes
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Someone take care of Vamp goddammit he's already done too much damage!
<DeathStar> 6* Eluere defeats the girl
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr aims where Vamp's shot came from, firing and hitting him out of a tree
<DeathStar> 6* Vamp recovers to his feet
<Sera> * Tabetha grabs John and Billy, attempting to pull them away as she tosses a flashbomb at him.
<Xanatos> <Cole> Alright John, Tab. We focus on these Wraiths now. 6He loosk forward and focuses to teleport to behind Vamp.
<DeathStar> 6 *Zombi leaps at John as he gets flashbombed; he stumbles wildly toward vodka
<Kit> 6Elwyn shakes her head. 1"You can't have my pet." 6She creates a flurry of ice with the device on her wrist and twists, whipping out with the monofilament to channel it directly at Zombie in the air to freeze him
<DeathStar> 6* Ghost bla sts Cole with an armor piercing round when he arrives behind Vamp
<DeathStar> 6 *Zombie is frozen comically. Ghast stares at Elwyn, but she lacks boobies to hold his interest. So he stares at Billy Em
<Sera> * Tabetha rushes out and grabs Vodka, running straight from Zombi.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole jerks and lets out a sound. MotherFU-6He throws out lightning for Ghost.
<DeathStar> 6* Ghost flips to the side, looking agitated.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale rushes at Vodka to pull her out of the way, firing stun rounds at Zombie's head
<DeathStar> 6* At that moment, Chii would lose all bond sensation to Cheryl
<Kit> 6Elwyn snerks, shifting to her original age, twenty-eightish. 1"Hey, you like her more than me?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zombie's head is hit while frozen and he falls back - who knows what will happen when his frozen body hits ground
<Xanatos> 6* Cole pulls up his miniguns and aims for both Ghost and Vamp, firing stun shots for them.
* DeathStar eyes mom doing dishes IN HIS EAR
<Sera> * Tabetha focuses and tries to fling Zombie away from everyone with TK.
<Kit> <Chii> <Cherry!?>
<DeathStar> 6* Zombi is flung away; he unshatters upon collision since Elwyn didn't go for a kill
<DeathStar> 6* Vamp and Ghost go opposite ways as they dodge
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> <.... > 6* Chii wouldn't sense she passed out, but som ething blocking it - someone is after Cheryl
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale fires at Ghost if he can, yelling 1"HEY GHOUL, YOU'RE DOWN A MEMBER"
<Kit> <Chii> Cherry's in trouble..!
<DeathStar> 6 *Ghast stares at elwyn now, jaw dropping
<DeathStar> 6* Em peers at Chii, then radios the others with the knpowledge.
<Sera> * Peter takes aim at Vamp, he fires with Path of the Bullet after him.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole redircts his aim, keeping them busy for the others it seems.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale fires at Ghast
<DeathStar> 6* Ghost turns to yell a curse at Hale when he's shot by Cole in the back. He falls forward
<DeathStar> 6* Vamp grunts, hit in the arm, and he rolls into the snow, vanishing from sight as he hides
<Sera> * Peter frowns and taps his comms, looking about for him. "What's the situation people."
<Kit> <Elwyn> Oh yeah, that's a great idea." 6She swings her hand, solidifying an area of the snow she saw him drop into with her device.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole hmms and aims at Ghost to make sure the stun sticks.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale tries firing at a distracted Ghast
<DeathStar> 6* Ghast is defeated; so is whoever the radio clown that likes boobs since that's the one eyeing Elwyn. Dishes.
<Kit> 6Elwyn holsters her whip and powers down the Frozen Heart, whipping out her three-section staff.
<Kit> <Eluere> No problems at this end..." 6She radios.
<DeathStar> 6* Ghoul walks into the battle field in a gear and fires rockets at Hale. "Shut up."
<Sera> * PEter moves over to Vod, guarding her. Tabetha peers around, she eyes the gear and moves to John. <Time to counter a gear!>
<Xanatos> 6* Cole whistles and teleports to his gear, getting in to gear up for the fight.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale leaps out of the way, firing at him as he gets back up 1"Rocket launcher? Not your usual style man"
<DeathStar> <John> <Cheryl's in trouble, didn't you hear Em?>
<DeathStar> 6* Ghoul fires an ice beam and hits Hale's leg to freeze it
<Sera> Tabetha> <...I didn't! We need to finish this engagement and move, or all of us go now.> "Cole! We need to get to CHeryl!"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr and Leira begin to head where Cheryl was set up
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale keeps firing at Ghoul, trying to down him
<DeathStar> 6* Reno, despite being invisible, would be shot in the back and reappear - from Vamp's sniping
<Xanatos> 6* Cole clicks his comm. I'll distract with my gear, you, Key and John go help her.
<DeathStar> 6* Reno would fall from the gear
<DeathStar> <John> Okay, Key, recall us to Cheryl
<Kit> <Key> Right!" 6She snaps.
<Sera> * Tabetha nods and readies herself, holding onto Key and John.
<Kit> 6Reno drops into a crouching stance, almost like an animal, peering around wildly, then disappears again before moving so as not to give his position away too badly, quickly moving out of snow to hide tracks
<Sera> * Peter aims along where Vamp's shot came from and fires down the path.
<DeathStar> 6* John, Key, and Tabeth appear in an observation booth filled with female Weapons, who have a broken and bloody Cheryl in their arms - also on the ground is a defeated Steel, looking like Cehryl went to town on him, and four other Weapons. The Weapons yank her through a ripple
<Sera> * Tabetha starts firing at the Weapons.
<DeathStar> 6* Vamp'srifle is hit. He gets mad.
<Kit> 6John would recognize Lumina move past him toward the ripple to follow Cheryl
<Xanatos> 6* Cole gets his gear brought up and blasts out onto the battlefield, firing his basic rifle at the gear person that I think is Ghoul.
<DeathStar> 6* Ghost approaches Hale since he can't run, and grabs him with his gear arm, so he can't shoot
<DeathStar> 6* John leaps through the ripple as it begins to close
<Sera> * Peter aims down the path again and starts firing into locations near the first shot.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I always knew you wanted me darlin' 6*He says, trying to swat her away
<Sera> * Tabetha leaps after John.
<DeathStar> 6* Ghoul's gear is hit by the basic shots, but they do nothing to the superior Wraith Gear.
<DeathStar> 6* Ghoul turns Hale in the path of the shots
<DeathStar> <Ghoul> Surrender
<DeathStar> 6* Vamp rolls down a hill and hides behind a tree, repairing his rifle
<Xanatos> 6* Cole stops firing and lands he hmms. Hale you suck at fighting gears. 6he says over the outbound speaker.
<DeathStar> 6* Ghost's gear is stabbed by annnoying Reno gnat; the spasm drops Hale
<DeathStar> <Ghost> What the--?
<DeathStar> <Ghost> #$#%%#$$.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Since when have I ever surrendered Ghoul? 6*He says, shooting at him again
<Kit> 6Reno grunts as he gets shocked slightly from tearing into exposed cabling
<DeathStar> 6* A slice along Peter's back would suddenly leave him feeling sick and ill
<Sera> * Peter jerks and falls forward, aiming his gun back and firing as he drops.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole pulls otu the basic beam saber and moves forward, trying to cut and damage the left arm.
<DeathStar> 6* A woman dodges Peter's shots, then moves forward, down to the vault
<Sera> Peter> <Shit... Vod, I've taken poison.>
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr arrives and radios in that Steel and a bunch of weapons are down - Cheryl having done it
<DeathStar> <Vodka> <I-I'm coming!>
<Sera> Peter> <Careful of the woman, she's heading to the vault.>
<Kit> 6Eluere tries to see if she can get anything on the one hidden similar to Reno
<DeathStar> 6* Ghoul's arm is cut into it, but it doesn't come off due to it being a basic saber. Ghoul fires shots into Cole's gut, damaging the gear
<Sera> * Tabetha filled the chamber leading to the Vault with traps. Stun traps mainly.
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka slides up and begins to treat PEter. T-This is real poison.
<Kit> 6Reno dissolves into view, hitting the cockpit with his knife tip with tink sounds as if having trouble piercing it with a knife comically.
<DeathStar> 6* The poison girl avoids all the traps and reaches the vault, drilling a hole into it instead of entering - drill time remaining 2 mins
<Sera> Peter> <They didn't intend us to survive. They've got Cheryl.>
<Xanatos> <Cole> Motherfucker I just got this gear! 6He pulls his other arm around and starts smashing the butt of the rifle foreward for the head, hopefully to damage and take out the visual sensors.
<Kit> 6Eluere turns the internal defenses around and fires on her
<DeathStar> 6* Billy Em flies up and fires a beam into the shuttle's cockpit, weaking the glass, so Cole busts through
<Sera> * Peter taps his comms. "She's going to kill those in the vault. Withdraw, this is no longer an exersize."
<DeathStar> 6* The woman curses and retreats, then taps a button - all the defenses unfairly shut off, as if preprogrammed. She walks back over
<Kit> 6Eluere shrieks, doing a handstand to avoid being crushed/blasted, then drops through with the shattered glass.
<DeathStar> 6* Ghoul eyes Reno in the lap
<Xanatos> <Cole> Gracias. 6He calls out over the speaker and tries to pluck the wraith douche from the cockpit.
<Kit> 6Eluere slides the door to the security room open with her bare hand since there's no power, looking severely annoyed.
<Kit> <Eluere> Hey, you. Bitch." 6She twitches.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale narrows his eyes at Ghoul 1"You son of a bitch!" 6*He rushes towards the vault
<DeathStar> 6* The woman looks at Eluere, throwing a knife at her face
<Kit> <Reno> Please t'meet'cha. I'm Reno the NGD.
<DeathStar> <Ghoul> Wait, what? 6* He looks confused
<Kit> 6Eluere's eyes glower, forming an option that quickly blasts it.
<DeathStar> 6* Ghoul said that to the comm message, then messages Vamp. "Waht the hell are they talking about?"
<Kit> 6Reno reache back quickly and goes to punch him in the face.
<DeathStar> 6* The woman narrows her eyes, then puts a mask on and throws a vial of deadly viruses to the floor
<DeathStar> 6* Ghoul is hit n the face, and unable to aid the team now that he has learned the truth
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale clicks his com as he runs 1"Okay, I forgive you, seems like you didn't know"
<Sera> Peter> *opens the comms wide* "Wraiths, our commander has been kidnapped. The two new additions to your team are acting on kill orders. Assist."
<Kit> <Eluere> Nice try. You're forgetting something, though. I don't need to breathe." 6She starts looking angry, and her chest stops moving to go with what she says, the other two options forming and she brings out the swallow blade.
<Xanatos> 6* Cole squints trying to see if he can pry the cockpit open so he can get the people out, being Reno and Ghoul I think.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> All REAL Wraiths, listen to Peter. Do it for Lich guys.
<DeathStar> 6* Cole would pry out a seat, Reno, and Ghoul
<DeathStar> 6* The woman merely looks smirky as the fumes begin to rise. Eluere's skin begins to burn
<Kit> <Reno> Hey! I won!" 6He waves cheerfully, oblivious
<Sera> Peter> "This excersize is over." *he sees if Vodka's healing will let him move yet*
<Kit> 6Eluere winces, but moves forward anyway, growling like Cheryl sometimes does.
<DeathStar> 6* Vamp begins to try to contact Ghoul, but hearing nothing, thinks it's a trap
<DeathStar> 6* The woman makes a face, turning to run
<Xanatos> <Cole> Heyyyy, good one. 6He sets Reno and Ghoul down. Wake his ass up and get them to work with us.
<Kit> <Reno> ...Huh? Oh, okay." 6He slaps Ghoul around
<DeathStar> 6 *Ghoul is slapped around until his eyes open, he slaps Reno back.
<DeathStar> <Ghoul> Hey, man!
<Kit> 6Reno jerks, then slaps him again-- like Tifa and Elena on the mako cannon
<Sera> * Peter raises his gun and aims at the vault entrance.
<DeathStar> 6* Ghoul makes a face and slaps harder
<DeathStar> 6* The woman runs into Peter's gun barrell
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale keeps running to the vault
<Kit> 6Reno glares and slaps back.
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka enters and throws Eluere a shot to give herself
<Sera> * Peter unloads it into her.
<DeathStar> 6* Ghoul narrows his eyes, slapping again
<DeathStar> 6* The woman falls back, dead.
<DeathStar> 6 *Hale would arrive in time to see a dead chick. Billy and Elwyn catch up behind him
<Kit> 6Eluere drops to her knee, leaning on her swallow blade, having put on a charade and injects it into her gut.
<DeathStar> <Billy> What's up? Do I need to shadow port to Cheryl now?
<DeathStar> 6* At that moment, Eluere would sense Curali's location, far, far away
<Kit> 6Eluere winces again, breathing again but raspily. 1"Found her.."
<Sera> Peter> "Aye. I think she's already gone by now though... where are the others?"
<DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr and Leira begin to hurry back
<DeathStar> <Vodka> They are being off radar.
<Kit> <Reno> OW! W-Wait, damn it!
<DeathStar> 6* Eluere passes out at that moment as the shot heals her
<kalonZombie> <Hale> I'm more concerned about Zombie.
<DeathStar> <Ghoul> Stop hitting me! 6* He radios Hale. "What is going on?"
<Kit> <Reno> We need you to call off your goons!
<Xanatos> 6* Cole powers down his gear and hops out, frowning at the damage, he comms John and Tab, trying to get a status.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr on comm> Zombi's body isn't where it fell
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Your team mates weren't training dude. they're plants, they were actually trying to kill us.
<DeathStar> <Ghoul on comm> What?! 6* He sounds angry.
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Somewhere else
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl, John, TAb, and Undine collapse into a shuttle area. The three girls quickly punch John in the face until he falls down, defeated. Cheryl, bloodied, grabs ones throat, breaking it. Nadia steps over and sidekicks her in the face
<Sera> * Tabetha tries to get a shot off into one of them.
<Kit> 6Undine holds her hands out, quickly washing Cheryl with a healing effect
<DeathStar> 6* As Tab tries, pheromones hit her and Undine, powerful enough to affect the summon, too, thougho n a far less scale. Key would be hit as well, strongly like Tab.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl begins to recover, playing dead for a moment so the pheromones aren't aimed at her. Angelus walks forward, smiling. "Mmm, my beautiful sister."
<Kit> <Key> Uah.?
<Sera> * Tabetha gasps and shakes her head, shuddering. "Wha..."
<Kit> 6Undine floats across the floor in a posture until she's by Cheryl protectively.
<Sera> * Tabetha tries to focus, thinking about Leira as she brings up the mental defenses Katrina has been teaching her.
<DeathStar> 6* Angelus tilts Cheryl's head upward, kissing her. Cheryl feins being unconscous, to her disgust. Her hands shift, grabbing a shot andjabbing Key with it to fix her head so she can port them out of there before he notices
<DeathStar> <Angelus> Get us back to the base. 6* He orders one of the women
<Kit> 6Undine releases her specialty, Tsunami, at point blank on Angelus as Key jerks, feeling Cheryl's intent and focuses to try and do so
<DeathStar> 6* Angelus is hit by Tsunami, the CN anime block, and is sent flying into a chair, while the rest port. They appear in front of the others at the makeshift base.
<DeathStar> 6* At that moment, Cheryl and Chii would both fear terror through Lorelei
<Sera> * Tabetha shudders and breathes. "What..."
<Kit> <Chii> <What's wrong with Lore!?>
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits up, wincing in pain, but able to move thanks to Undine. <I don't know> We need to get back to the base, now. Elwyn, your shuttle!
<Sera> Peter> "You're all okay? ...You heard the lady! Onto the shuttle!"
<Kit> 6Elwyn calls it by remote like she did earlier
<DeathStar> 6* As they fly over the mansion, Ghoul and the other good wraiths there, they'd see the mansion is smoking from one side, the mansion defenses slaughtered and beaten.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Shit...
<Kit> <Elwyn> I get the feeling I just lost my job
<Sera> Peter> "What the hell..."
<Kit> <Chii> What the hell happened!?
* Xan|Gone has joined #Session135
<Sera> Peter> "That Angelos... he had to have tricked us..." *he growls*
<Kit> <Eluere> But I-- I ... I did everything I could to make it impossible..!
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Land us
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks cole and angry, but not at anyone on the shuttle
<Kit> 6Elwyn seems to be in the process, not even waiting on a more proper spot
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl leaps off, a limp in her leg and goes through the hole; all around are dead Weapons, from the defenses - in the yard, in the lobby, on the stairs, the fake wall destroyed. She teleports down
<Xan|Gone> <Cole> Fucking hell. 6he hisses, movign after Cheryl quickl.
* Xanatos has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
<Sera> * Peter and Tabetha head after her.
<Kit> <Chii> Cherry, wait!" 6She springs from foothold to hold down and chases her
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale nods his head to the Wraiths to follow him and heads to the teleporter
<DeathStar> 6* There seems to be a good 6 dozen dead; more in the base as they move along. Finally they reach a spot where Elder is bleeding, holding her side, and Lorelei is on her lap, yipping fiercely
<DeathStar> 6* Around them dead Weapons with broken necks lay
<Sera> Peter> "Where's the bastard..." <Vod... help her!>
<Xan|Gone> <Cole> Holy shit what the hell happened?
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Vodka
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka follows, with BIlly eyeing all the dead, collecting souls discreetly. Vodka kneels and treats Erevis.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Knew she was pretty bad, but..
<DeathStar> <Elder> The other--children---are hiding in... Tabetha's room--Lemon put them there before being taken... they were after Lorelei and her, so we did not place Lorelei--there
<DeathStar> 6* Dias, alone with Kaleb and never disturbed, was oblivious to the attack
<Xan|Gone> <Cole> Lemon was taken?!
<Sera> * Tabetha nods and moves over to check on the kids.
<Kit> <Chii> After Lorelei..?
<DeathStar> <Elder> Yes...I am sorry--there was too many for me...and Lorelei--and Angelos..
<Sera> Peter> "What about him? Was it him?"
<Xan|Gone> <Cole> Where's that creepy dude at?
<DeathStar> <Elder> Taken---they said to fix him...
<DeathStar> 6* Elder's head slumps forward
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Shit...
<DeathStar> 6* Tabetha would find Drake, Sky, Lilien, Heaven, and Tomoe on the bed
<Sera> * Peter stares a moment. "...So I had him pegged wrong."
<Xan|Gone> 6* Cole tchs and rubs his face slowly.
<DeathStar> <Vodka> She will be fine; help me get her to medical
<Sera> * Tabetha moves over to kneel by it. "Everyone okay?"
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl picks up Lorelei, eyeing all the dead - some is clearly not all of Elder's doing, since she broke necks
<Xan|Gone> 6* Dias is surely showing Kaleb how not to shit his pants ever 2 seconds.
<DeathStar> <Sky> Yes.
<Sera> * Tabetha gives them each a cookie.
<Kit> 6Chii breaths a sigh of relief, but then peers at Lorelei, sniffing at her.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... get the shuttles ready; we're going to the coordinates they gave us and that Eluere felt. And we're going to end this
<Kit> 6Tomoe eyes Tabetha, the cookie, then turns away.
<DeathStar> 6* Sky takes one, eating
<Xan|Gone> <Cole> Best plan I've heard all day. 6He say to Cheryl, moving to prep a shuttle.
<Sera> * Tabetha pats Tomoe's ears.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale turns to Cheryl and asks 1"They can come along, right?" 6*He nods his head towards the Wraiths
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka waits for soeone to help her with Elder
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... Fine
<Kit> 6Reno nods to Vodka, doing so.
<Sera> Peter> "We should get the kids somewhere safe."
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl rocks her baby, looking relieved to find her alive. Lorelei yips and coos, shivering in fear a bit now that she can stop acting fierce
<kalonZombie> 6*He turns towards them and says 1"Ready for one last mission with Lich, guys?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Meg, you think that the baby did some of this?
<Kit> <Chii> This should have made it clear, Peter. Nowhere's safe.
<DeathStar> 6* They all salute
<Kit> <Megumi> Lorelei?
<DeathStar> <Em> But the defenses took out 98 enemy - without us here. That is impressive.
<Sera> Peter> "Can't we leave them on the PAX or somethin' before we go?"
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale nods and smiles 1"Make me proud, boys and girls"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Yeah.
<Kit> <Megumi> Though I would like to tell you that is not possible..." 6She peers to the side.
<Kit> <Megumi> I know better than that.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Scary...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yes. Take the kids to PAX for now
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl hands Lorelei to Megumi. "Protct her on PAX for me."
<Kit> <Megumi> Of course.." 6She peers at Lorelei.
<Sera> * Tabetha leads the kids out to Megumi and Zephyr. "Come on kids! Gonna visit the PAX!"
<kalonZombie> <Hale> After all this is over, drinks are on me, and I will wing for any ugly woman you are drunk enough to think pretty"
<Kit> <Elwyn> ..." 6She eyes Hale.
<DeathStar> 6* Lorelei's tail wags cutely and she licks Meg. "Mumi!"
<Sera> Peter> "Should we inform Kane?"
<DeathStar> 6* As they walk along, momiji lays in a pile of blood
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Someone do that
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl walks away, eyeing the destruction
<Kit> <Chii> ... Miji...
<Sera> * Tabetha rushes over to Momiji, picking him up, rushing to medical.
<DeathStar> 6* The kids follow along. Cheryl pauses at momiji, fearful to see if it's his blood
<Kit> <Megumi> Me. Gu. Mi.
<DeathStar> <Lorelei> Meguumi
<Kit> <Megumi> Good girl. Come along." 6She carries her.
<DeathStar> 6* Momiji is carried off to medical; Dr. Ferah will no doubt have an odd patient
<Sera> * Peter sighs and comms Kane to let him know.
<DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr follows, while Leira bites her lip, hopeful Momiji is fine
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale looks at El and shrugs 1"Not my fault Ghoul's taste in women drops several dozen notches when he's inebreated 6*He jokes
<Kit> <Key> <Believe..!>
<DeathStar> <Em> I wish we left someone behind
<DeathStar> <Leira> < Right!>
<Kit> <Eluere> His taste in women is lacking regardless." 6She notes of Ghost.
<Kit> <Elwyn> ..." 6She whistles at Eluere getting sparked.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl preps the shuttle meanwhile, eyeing the blood on her clothing
<DeathStar> 6* The Wraiths get on the shuttle, all gung ho. Meanwhile, Steel is left tied up and forgotten
<DeathStar> 6* Leira blinks
<Xan|Gone> 6* Kane responds back with a Thank You, though his tone is on edge and it's clear that he'll probably send the whole damn army after these people now.
<DeathStar> <Leira> Wait, where's rob? he was on base
<Kit> 6Eluere pauses, her eyes widening
<Sera> Peter> "I suppose we should... treat Steel before he dies or something. Probably."
<Xan|Gone> <Cole> We gotta kill these fucks for good. I'm sick of this crap.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Do we have to?
<Kit> <Eluere> No we don't." 6She splices into what remains of the base systems to check remaining video feeds.
<kalonZombie> <Hale> His fault it's this bad anyway, letting people like that on my squad...
<DeathStar> 6* eluere would find Rob in security, slumped bloodily over base defenses, probably having been using what Eluere showed him to rack up a high kill rate
<DeathStar> <Em> Well, with so many dead, the enemy will be weaker
<Sera> Peter> "Don't count on it."
<DeathStar> 6* she'd also see Blue in her office, bloodied
<Kit> 6Eluere silently shuts off the video, walking away from the others.
<Kit> 6Eluere grabs Cole's wrist as she passes.
<Sera> * Tabetha exits medical and starts looking for other possible survivors.
<Xan|Gone> 6* Cole is in a shuttle.
<DeathStar> 6* As Eluere arrives in security, she'd see Rob is barely breathing
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale walks up to Em and wraps his arms around her 1"When we get back, after I get a drink with the guys, I'm taking you anywhere you want, my treat"
<Kit> 6Eluere jerks and pages Vodka immediately.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl quietly gets Chii's military uniform and tactical suit ready, as well as a new weapon she made for her
<Sera> * Tabetha checks on Blue when she reaches Cheryl's office.
<DeathStar> 6 *Vodka, stablizing Erevis, leaves her to Fareh and heads to security, touching him. "He's hurt bad; I 'll have to stay here to keep him alive while you go on the mission."
<DeathStar> 6 *Blue doesn't appear to be breathing, an energy sword through the gut
<Sera> * Tabetha blinks, she pages Vodka too. "I... I found Blue... she isn't breathing... energy saber wound to the gut..."
<DeathStar> <Vodka> I am not being able to heal; Rob Steele is in bad shape. Dr. Fareh will be needing to see her
<Sera> * Tabetha nods to no one. "Yes. Okay." *she pages Dr. Fareh to help*
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka goes back to focusing
<Sera> * Tabetha readies a stretcher.
<DeathStar> 6* And so Cole remains oblivious in the shuttle.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale walks away from Em, looking back a little, and heads to the shuttle, sitting next to Ghoul
<Sera> * Tabetha comms Cole. "M-Mister Cole..."
<DeathStar> 6* Em watches Hale go, having been quiet, not sure what to say or feel. She eyes the destruction, then her spear, then follows to go on the mission
<Kit> <Chii> Cherry?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Chii. Here. You're coming with us
<Xan|Gone> 6* Cole lifts his arm up, comm on there. Yo?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl holds out the weapon and uniform
<Kit> <Chii> Yeah, of course..." 6She tilts her head at the weapon
<Sera> * Tabetha gets ready to move Blue since Dr. Ferah isn't taking calls today. "I... I found Blue..."
<DeathStar> <Vodka> He will be living. 6* She assures Eluere.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I call it Soul Stealer. 6* It's a fancy ninja weapon
<Xan|Gone> 6* Cole pauses and jerks to run out of the shuttle. Cheryl's office?
<kalonZombie> <Hale> So Ghoul... be honest with me. Do you think there will be a Wraith much longer under Steel?
<Kit> <Chii> Me, or the weapon?" 6She smirks weakly.
<Sera> Tabetha> "Yes."
<Xan|Gone> 6* Cole moves for Cheryl's Office in a run.
<DeathStar> <Ghoul> I don't know - after this
<Sera> * Peter gets out extra weapons and explosives, and sets up Vodka's field pack.
<DeathStar> 6* Em sits near Hale
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> The weapon. 6* She pulls chii on her lap, kissing all over her; Chii can feel Cheryl's bottled fear at the idea of Lorelei being taken and how it's weakened her resolve to be in the military
<Kit> 6Ferah would respond that she's already gathering equipment since nothing is being brought to the medical bay
<kalonZombie> <Hale> If it has any chance of surviving, you have to choose your own members. You know as well as I do anybody who Steel chooses will be scum. Fight him tooth and nail if you have to.
<Xan|Gone> 6* Cole slides in and frowns, moving over to Blue. Oh od.
<Xan|Gone> NRP: god*
<Sera> * Tabetha starts loading Blue into the stretcher. Apparently not being told to do anything otherwise. "H-Help me get her to medical..."
<DeathStar> <Ghoul> He's tied up; don't think anyone has to fight him again
<Kit> <Chii> Here or there wouldn't have changed anything in this case, Cherry.
<DeathStar> 6* Blue's last act seems to have been trying to file for some vacation time, ironically
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I know; the ywere after me. I know. 6 *She sighs. "Any child I raise will be in danger..."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> Yeah... so have you and Ghost gone at it yet or is she still in denial that she has the hots for you? 6*He jokes
<Xan|Gone> 6* Cole makes a face, going rigid and he stoically moves to help Tabetha.
<DeathStar> <Ghoul> I don't think now's the time. 6* He eyes all the faces
<DeathStar> 6* Blue is brought in by the two into medical
<Sera> * Tabetha calls out to Ferah, as though she seems a glimmer of life in Blue.
<Kit> <Chii> At least this time since we're here we had people capable of protecting her. We could have been on an island alone.
<Xan|Gone> <Cole> I can...can try to start her heart.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I suppose you are right - the base defenses did cripple their forces
<Sera> Tabetha> "Try...!" *she a mechanic, not a doctor*
<Kit> <Chii> Yep.
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale nods, then pats him on the shoulder 1"I know you waited four damn years to get this squad man... if anybody can keep it alive long enough to make it even better, it's you."
<Kit> <Ferah> This is Ms. Blue..?!
<Sera> * Tabetha nods. "She is hurt bad... fix her?"
<Xan|Gone> <Cole> Need to get the sword out, wrap the wound. You do that, I'll try and jumpstart the heart. 6He moves her shirt aside and pauses, glancing to the doctor. Please help her, I think she's...dead but maybe you can save her1
<Kit> <Ferah> Fix? Ms. Tabetha, she is not a machine. You cannot simply "fix" a person." 6She moves over wiping her hands clean from helping Rob.
<Kit> <Ferah> How long has she stopped breathing?
<Kit> 6Ferah feels her temperature.
<Xan|Gone> <Cole> We don't know, just try, PLEASE.
<DeathStar> 6* Blue feels rather on the cold side
<Sera> Tabetha> "But... Blue isn't a soldier... she's not supposed to die..."
<Kit> 6Ferah eyes Cole stonely. "Calm the hell down. It's important to know specifics in chemistry, is it not? Medical is chemistry with lives!"
<Kit> <Ferah> Though I'm afraid she's not saveable--
<Kit> 6Ferah tilts her head slightly. 1"As is. I need one of the dragoon, NGD, or Tsukiyomi."
<Xan|Gone> 6* Cole grits his teeth and clenches his fist, knocking some shit aside as he storms out for the shuttle.
<Kit> <Ferah> Would you be willing, Ms. Tabetha?
<Xan|Gone> 6* Cole pauses before his ragequitstorm off and glances over his shoudler, watching Ferah, hoping she can save Blue, he's eyes look a bit wild.
<Sera> Tabetha> "What for...?"
<Kit> <Ferah> I must warn you-- there is a threat of paralysis.
<Sera> * Tabetha blinks. "I... am about to go on mission. I cannot do that."
<Xan|Gone> <Cole> Tabetha!
<Sera> * Tabetha blinks. "Is it to fix Blue...?"
<DeathStar> 6* Leira, quiet for now, lets Key know swhe might be needed
<kalonZombie> 6*Hale meanwhile looks at Em and rubs her back
<Kit> <Ferah> Dragoon have incredible tissue regenerative capability. Spinal fluid would contain the basis of stem cells probable enough to stimulate reverse decay in her brain-- which would be required if we're going to revive her as anything more than a living vegetable.
<DeathStar> <Em> ... I feel sad...
<DeathStar> <Leira> You can use me
<Kit> 6Reno sulks when Em says that, then frowns at Hale.
<Sera> * Tabetha sighs. "No. I'll do it."
<DeathStar> <Leira> But--
<DeathStar> <Leira> What if you end up like Professor X?!
<Sera> Tabetha> "My regeneration is nearly to the point of limb restoration... I can fix any damage to my back... probably."
<kalonZombie> <Hale> It's okay... a lot has happened...
<DeathStar> <Leira> ... okay... 6* She sulks
<Xan|Gone> 6* Cole seems to be pacing to keep himself calm.
<Sera> Tabetha> "Though I think having Key trying to heal first would be far less risky or wild."
<Kit> <Ferah> Even if you couldn't, I could. I'm just warning you of the possibility. And reversing it wouldn't be instantaneous. You'd need to "spark" regeneration in the nerves below that would "forget" they're there.
<Sera> * Tabetha nods a little. "Alright."
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka, exhausted, enters finally with Rob, having stablized him enough to heal him in there
<DeathStar> <Leira> ... 6* She kisses Tab.
<Sera> * Tabetha kisses back.
<DeathStar> <Vodka> You can be using my cells
<Kit> 6Ferah nods, gesturing to an examination table, then calmly retrieves the gigantic needle used to spinal tap.
<DeathStar> <Vodka> I have exhausted my power and my power is regeneration, da?
<Sera> * Tabetha stares wide eyed at the needle.
<Xan|Gone> <Cole> Thank you. Everyone. 6he says seriously, seemingly calm now that things are being done.
<Kit> <Ferah> I'm afraid I need you as is, Ms. Vodka.
<DeathStar> <Vodka> Oh. Da.
<Sera> * Tabetha moves over to the bed and gets on it.
<Kit> <Ferah> A self-mobile healer is much more useful than a gimp one." 6She smiles.
<DeathStar> 6 *Vodka shrugs at Tabetha, as if saying 'good luck'. Leira turns away, not able to look. <Leira> I--I have to go, love - Cheryl needs the mission begun
<kalonZombie> <Hale> But we'll get the bastards who did this, and nothing can stop us.
<DeathStar> 6 *Vodka steps over to aid Ferah.
<DeathStar> <Em> Right
<DeathStar> 6* Leira peers back once, then hurries for the shuttle. She punches John to make him monitor Tabetha for her
<Sera> Tabetha> *to both* <Be safe.... if I can't follow.>
<Sera> * Peter gets onto the shuttle.
<Kit> 6Ferah nods to Vodka to strap Tabetha down since they're not that pleasant and all, stripping Tabetha's upper body of her tactsuit. 1"You're um.. going to feel a lot more than a pinch."
<kalonZombie> 6*He gives her a reassuring hug, not doing any more aince Reno is there as well
<Sera> * Tabetha nods. "Alright."
<Xan|Gone> <Cole> Please do everythign you can. Thank you again. 6He says, turning to runa and get on the shuttle.
<DeathStar> 6* Vodka straps Tabetha down, humming a Russian jaunt - meant to calm, but it sounds down right scary.
<DeathStar> 6* Once Cole and LEira are on board, Cheryl looks back. "Everything okay?"
<Sera> Peter> "Mmm, Tabetha just volunteered to help get Blue back to life."
<Xan|Gone> <Cole> Blue's dead. But..Ferah's going to try something risky.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I-- 6 *She looks surpsied, stunned, then nods. "I see. If you want to stay..."
<DeathStar> <Leira> No. I want to get who did this
<Xan|Gone> <Cole> Me too, I'm worthless here. 6He mvoes and sits down. Though if I kill a lot, just overlook me.
<DeathStar> <Vodka> If not scream, will give lollipop
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Understood
<Sera> Tabetha> "W-Will be good."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl lifts them up in the air, flying for the base
<DeathStar> -END-