The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Session 44

Session Start: Tue Apr 13 18:58:33 2010
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20100413.log'
<DeathStar> Date: 4.30.2389
<DeathStar> Location: The Boat of Love
<DeathStar> 6* The captain turns to Zeal, then points at the speck in the distance. "Thar be the island, little missy." 6* Rachael shifts to squint her eyes
<Kaelan> * Seth peers in the distance himself, looking at it. "How can you tell?"
<Kit> 6Zeal tilts her head, then moves toward the window, eyeing a moment, then leans into her bag to pull out a spyglass, extending it only one chamber, not being a fancy multi-one or anything, and peers through it toward the island.
* Kaelan is near Jean, watching over her.
<DeathStar> <Captain> I have good eyes, lad.
<DeathStar> 6* Kaelan would find herself watching over Soma in the bed
<Kaelan> Seth> "Damn better then mine." *he smirks*
* Kaelan blinks and scoops up Soma, looking around. "Jean...?" *she gets up and starts to look for her*
<Kit> <Zeal> I could see it, but this is useful to see what may lay ahead...
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I wonder what's waiting for us there. 6* She muses. Mercy, meanwhile, watches the waves, with Jean near her, leaning over the railings
<DeathStar> 6* Soma hisses at Kaelan, then waits expectantly; some meat is in her pocket it seems
* Kaelan steps out of the cabin with Soma, she pauses and gets the meat out, feeding the kitten. She wanders over to Mercy and Jean.
<DeathStar> 6* Soma chews on it happily
<Kaelan> Seth> "Nothin good and a whole lot of trouble."
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael peers over and eyes Kaelan with a frown, having heard the hiss.
* Kaelan blinks and catches the look. "U-Umm... don't hiss for food Soma." *she looks embarrased*
<DeathStar> 6* Soma obliviously purrs
* Kaelan moves over to Jean to get a look at her. "Are you feeling better?"
<DeathStar> 6* The island begins to get more into view. Jean peers up, looking pale and veiny as ever, and she offers a tired smile.
<Kit> 6Zeal walks in after a moment. 1"We are arriving, lady Al'ryl."
<Kaelan> * Kaelan smiles weakly. She looks at Zeal.
<DeathStar> 6* Jean nods, being on the side of the boat, and points at it herself. "Jean see it."
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Mmm..." *she rubs her head* "I bet he can already sense me nearby."
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Harbinger?
<Kaelan> * Kaelan nods. "Not hearing any gods in my head at the moment... but I don't know how close I have to be."
<Kaelan> * Seth shakes his head and looks at the island quietly.
<Kit> <Zeal> If he 'foresees' anything he is likely expecting us.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Zeal's right.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Oh, he is. Lenneth said he'd be waiting here. But I'm like a gong announcing our arrival for him."
<DeathStar> 6* Soma licks his chops, then politely hisses at Kaelan again, waiting
<Kaelan> * Kaelan looks down and baps his nose gently. "Mewl, don't hiss if you want more."
<DeathStar> 6* Soma recoils and rips her face off, then licks his chops after finishing that
<DeathStar> 6* Soma recoils and leaps down, running off to hide
<Kaelan> * kaelan pouts, looking sad.
<Kit> <Zeal> ...
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "I'm a bad pet trainer guys."
<DeathStar> <Rachael> You just confused him since a minute ago he got food for that - you realize
<DeathStar> <Rachael> You need to be consistent
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "I... o-okay..."
<Kit> <Zeal> Why you would have in the first place..
<DeathStar> 6* Jean picks up Soma as he runs by her and pets him softly.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "I wasn't thinking about it... I had my mind on other things... but Rachael's look reminded me."
<Kaelan> * Kaelan looks out at the island.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Well, we know we're walkin into a trap, so what do we do about it?"
<DeathStar> 6* Jean suddenly jerks and practically drops Soma, who lands on the railing and clings on to keep from going into the water. Jean holds her head as she kneels
<Kit> 6Zeal runs forward and clutches Soma, making a face. 1"Lady Al'ryl?"
<Kaelan> * Kaelan moves over and puts a hand on Jean's back protectively. "...Angel?"
<DeathStar> <Jean> Jean...feel dizzy...can't.. 6* She goes silent, then in a strained voice begins to speak, her tone and infliction like the angel's. " on the island. Kill him... immediately. Do not...hesitate. You have to kill him before..." 6* She wavers, then her expression returns to confusion, holding her head. Jean looks up
<DeathStar> <Jean> Jean okay
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael stares silently
* Kaelan frowns. "I see."
<Kit> <Zeal> Wh-What..? I cannot..
* Kaelan looks at the others. "If I'm right, Harbinger did to Dahok what he did to me, possibly moreso, since simply using control and my eyes failed."
<DeathStar> <Rachael> ... 6* She looks at the others as Jean gets to her feet, still looking tired and ill. She blinks at mention of Daho,
* Kaelan looks at Jean, going quie, she helps the girl up and acts as a support for her.
<DeathStar> <Jean> Is Dahok okay? 6* She asks worriedly
* Kaelan eyes Zeal, giving her the oppurtunity to say something.
<Kit> <Zeal> I have no idea." 6She says honestly.
<DeathStar> 6* The docks come into view; there's a few buildings near them, but it seems the real town is further inland. A few other ships are situated about the docks as well
* Kaelan lets out a breath, eyeing the docks. "We should get through the city and away from it as soon as we can. If we run into trouble... we should probably avoid it."
<DeathStar> <Rachael> We should get our stuff together. 6* She murmurs, looking worried, then shifts to go below deck
<Kaelan> * Kaelan nods, looking at Jean. "Let's get the stuff together?"
<Kit> 6Zeal nods slowly, moving to follow Rachael, scratching Soma idly.
<Kaelan> * Seth shifts below decks to help out.
<DeathStar> 6* As they get their things together, Mercy remains off to the side, hadns folded together, watching them. As the captain sets up a plank for them to go to land, he speaks. "I was ordered to go if it would look like trouble could be reflected back on the King, or danger came to the boat."
<Kaelan> "Understandable, stick to your orders. We won't put more trouble on Arcane."
<Kit> <Zeal> Should probably leave now, then..
<DeathStar> <Captain> Aye aye. 6* He nods, not about to argue it seems
* Kaelan looks over at Mercy. "You should probably go with them and find a safe place to go after that. We're going into dangerous situations."
<DeathStar> <Mercy> I will return to Nuege. 6* She notes, as if having no intention to get off the boat
<DeathStar> 6* Jean moves down the plank to look about the dock; a few burly sailor like men eye her, but turn away, not finding her attractive in her poor looking state
<Kaelan> "...I advise you to go elsewhere, returning there won't end well for you. The Templars can detect people who are marked."
<Kit> <Azhren> As I said, I cannot allow you to.
* Kaelan moves down with Jean, sighing a bit.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> And I will not allow you to hinder me. 6* She notes to Azhren, crossing her arms. "I serve King Arcane,."
<Kaelan> * Seth eyes Mercy and Azhren. "...Good luck to you two. If anything, say we kidnapped you.:"
<Kit> 6Azhren stares at Mercy, then shifts to pick her up with his good arm over the shoulder like a bedroll.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael moves to step down the plank, glancing about. Mercy jerks at that, then stares at his back with a glare
<Kaelan> * Seth stares and sighs, moving down the plank as well.
<Kit> 6Azhren turns to follow them for the moment, mumbling. 1"Feels like ice in my back."
<Kit> 6Zeal steps down, gazing around suspiciously, her bow over the shoulder.
<DeathStar> 6* Jean passes the sailors and onto the beach. She pauses, then kneels to touch the sand curiously, running it through her fingers
<Kaelan> "...Let's skip horses for now, we'll look for a village. Tarrying here too long will cause us more problems."
<Kit> <Azhren> I suppose I'll follow for now. I know little of this place, and little of where to go at this present.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael checks the pouch with the gold, then moves to step on the beach; the weather is cool, but not unbareablely
<Kaelan> Seth> "A touch better then northern Nuege."
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Much better
<DeathStar> 6* She peers at Jean playing with the sand and making objects
<Kit> <Zeal> Mmm. This dress I've made is much more bearable.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "So which way should we go? Jean?"
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael points at a road of sorts leading inland. "That seems to be the only road."
<Kit> <Zeal> Only road it is...
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy continues to glare silently
<Kaelan> * Seth peers around, "Could try an alternate route without one. Anyone see any?" *he looks around for any other ways to travel*
<DeathStar> 6* Jean looks up, then blinks as a gale burst hits Rachael suddenly, sending her flying back to land roughly in the sand, her supply bags falling and scattering about. Mercy peers up blankly to eye Dahok standing on the far end of the beach, holding out his hand
<Kit> <Azhren> Don't worry. Knights like me are expendable. Surely I'll die soon enough and you can hurry back to your death sentence in no time.
<DeathStar> 6* Dahok begins to step forward
<Kaelan> "D-Damnit... this is what she meant." *she draws her sword*
<Kit> <Zeal> Sir Fyro... already...?!
<Kaelan> * Seth pulls out his bow and readies an arrow. "Run or fight?"
<DeathStar> <Dahok> As was forseen, here you are. 6* He throws out a hand to knock Azhren and Mercy off with another gale burst . Jean gets to her feet, wobbily.
<Kaelan> * Seth aims, firing an arrow at Dahok's leg.
<Kit> 6Zeal quickly drops her bow to her hand and slips an arrow from the quiver over her shoulder, pulling the string to aim for Dahok's dominant arm.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael gets up, but Dahok then begins to throw gale burst after gale burst, apparantly with no limiters. The arrows are knocked back, then Seth and Zeal go flying to land beside Rachael. Dahok continues to spam, knocking the three back into Kaelan, then knocking the four into the water. Jean begins to waver, looking ill, and falls into a kneeling position
<DeathStar> <Dahok> It is ironic that the angel's own taint will be used to undo her. 6* He notes
* Kaelan grunts and hits the water, spluttering to get up, Seth pulls himself up, reaching for another arrow. "I think running is out of the question, we have to stop him now."
<Kit> <Zeal> Kyaa!" 6She splashes, then thrashes to stay afloat. 1"... U-Using the ... magic drain.. how ... dirty!"
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael spits up water, then anotehr burst knocks them further into the water; there's barely sand under their feet.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I-I can't swim. 6* She notes in a panic.
<Kit> 6Zeal's eyes widen a bit, and she turns to move closer to Rachael.
<DeathStar> <Jean> D-Dahok... S-Stop... 6* She pleads at him, but then gets hit by a gale burst and sent flopping into sand face first.
* Kaelan tries to get to shore, gripping her sword.
<DeathStar> 6* Soma mewls pathetically as he's all wet.
<DeathStar> 6* Dahok knocks Jean again and again, flopping her about the beach, then begins to gale burst sand over her, burying her
<DeathStar> 6* He pauses when finally a gale burst doesn't activate. "Mnnn. Ran out of energy sooner than I thought, angel."
* Kaelan climbs up onto the beach and charge at Dahok, sword ready.
<Kit> 6Zeal bites her lip, wincing, thrusting Rachael further toward the sandbar, wading herself to follow.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael gets sand under her feet, then struggles to the shore as well, holding ou ta hand to help Zeal
<DeathStar> 6* Dahok eyes Kaelan coming in
<Kaelan> * Seth moves for the shore, getting another arrow ready.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan charges in, swinging diagonally across at him as she rushes at him.
<Kit> 6Zeal takes Rachael's hand, sloughing further out of the water in her wet layers, groaning.
<DeathStar> 6* Her sword slashes into his flesh, and blood splatters out as Dahok doesn't even dodge.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael gets an arrow aready in her bow, staring in horror at the blood
<Kaelan> * Kaelan's eyes widen in surprise as he takes the blow, she looks in shock, going pale, having expected some defense, she steps back, sword ready.
<Kit> 6Zeal avoids looking, running to Jean to dig her out with her hands
<DeathStar> 6* Dahok continues to ooze blood from the wound, his left arm sagging a bit from the cut into it. His right arm rises and eh gale bursts Kaelan back into the water
<Kaelan> * kaelan cries out, as she goes flying by, Seth fires an arrow for Dahok's head.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan crashes back into the water, scrambling to get back up.
<DeathStar> 6* The arrow strikes it into the head, blood gushing out from the wound. Dahok staggers back
<DeathStar> <Dahok> I have no ... care for this...vessel
<DeathStar> 6* Jean is unburied, looking like she's not breathing
<Kaelan> * Seth looks grim as he loads another arrow, aiming and firing at Dahok's chest. "Sorry. I care about the rest of these people too."
<DeathStar> 6* The arrow sinks into Dahok's chest with a sickening thunk. Rachael stares at Seth. <Rachael> Y-You're killing him!@!
<Kaelan> Seth> "And he's killing Jean. You think I want to do this?" *he lowers his bow* "...Abandon that 'vessel'. Come on..."
<DeathStar> 6* Dahok responds with a gale burst that sends Seth flying further out to water.
<DeathStar> 6* His body lurches toward Jean and Zeal now, his blood leaving a trail along the sand
<Kit> <Zeal> L-Lady Al'ryl... damn..!
<Kaelan> * Kaelan gets back up, flipping her blade to it's flat side, she rushes up after Dahok, tears streaming down her face, enraged.
<Kit> <Zeal> Harbinger..." 6She clutches at the sand, getting to her feet in a reluctant motion.
<DeathStar> 6* Jean seems to have some sand in her mouth
<Kaelan> * Seth grumbles, making his way back towards the shore again.
<DeathStar> 6* Dahok gale bursts sand into Kaelan's eyes
<DeathStar> 6* Then lurches closer
<Kit> 6Zeal shifts slightly, eyeing Dahok with a twitch. 1"Do not get any closer!"
<DeathStar> 6* Dahok gale bursts Zeal away in response.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan stumbles back, falling over into the sand, crying out in anger as she tries to clear them. * Seth rises, loads his bow again and fires at Dahok's leg. "Don't think we have a choice, Rach."
<DeathStar> <Rachael> ... 6* She takes aim at his arm, firing an arrow
<DeathStar> 6* Dahok's arm and leg twitches from the arrow and he falls to his knees, moving. He tries a gale burst that fails, but that seems to make him smile a bloody simle
<DeathStar> <Dahok> Almost...
<Kit> 6Zeal relases another arrow from kneeling-- aimed through the throat. 1"Quit talking through him! Enough is enough! Do you 'gods' have no end to the hypocrisy!? The only devils in this world are you who call yourself divine! Even monsters have their limits!"
<DeathStar> 6* Dahok jerks at the arrow from the throat and falls backwards onto the sand
<DeathStar> <Rachael> ... 6* She jerks.
<Kaelan> * kaelan rises, sword ready, watching Dahok. "No one... use magic... he's trying to drain her to nothing..."
<DeathStar> 6* Dahok gurgles something, peering at Kaelan eerily now, as if accussingly. Jean suddenly begins to cough up sand
<Kaelan> * Kaelan looks at him, a haunted expression on her face, shaking visibly.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael moves over quickly beside Dahok, kneeling as he bleeds out on the beach
<Kit> 6Zeal tosses her bow down, throwing her reflexively grabbed next arrow into the ground to stick in the sand and kneels by Jean, trying to help remove the sand.
<Kaelan> "Z-Zeal...? T-Try to help him...?"
<DeathStar> 6* Jean murmurs. "He's...dying..." 6* She notes, peering at Dahok now and eyeing him like she would a tiger that might bite her
<Kit> <Zeal> He is beyond my realm of help. You should know, Kael.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> There's no help for him. You and Seth saw to that with your attacks. Zeal's just put the body down
<Kit> <Zeal> Even if I could performa miracle, he is still puppet to the devil Harbinger.
<Kit> 6Zeal puts a hand to her face, hiding the freaked out expression. 1"Lady Al'ryl is... in no way... able to... do that again..."
<DeathStar> 6* Jean tries to get to her feet and falls again.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan moves over to Dahok, weak of knee she falls to them and looks down at him. "I... I thought he'd dodge it... something... he just... stood there... Dahok..."
<Kit> <Zeal> Harbinger had no reason to avoid injury. He won. Either way. No matter what.
<Kit> <Zeal> He has won, still. See?" 6She laughs softly.
<DeathStar> 6* Jean gets up again and moves over. "There is no..point in server the bonds to Harbinger now..." 6* She murmurs.
<Kaelan> * Seth sighs and peers over at them. "And we're wounded and sitting still. Exactly, he wins. We need to get moving, I'm sorry but we can mourn Dahok later."
<Kaelan> * Kaelan eyes him, then looks down at Dahok again. Her face a mess of emotions.
<Kit> 6Azhren groans, having been shielding Mercy as much as you can from wind being tossed about. 1"..Lady Mercy, do you understand, yet?"
<DeathStar> <Mercy> ... 6* She is silent, having watched the exchange that took place
<DeathStar> 6* Jean kneels and closes Dahok's eyes. The mark on his arm is already fading.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael eyes Jean, almost accussingly. "You could have servered the bond? Then why tell us to kill him?"
<Kit> <Azhren> Even if you returned to your 'master,' there is no place for you. If you do not care of your own life, take into consideration that you are a marked pawn from which only death will follow. King Arcane, harboring you, would only mark him.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy pauses at that, then peers down
<Kit> 6Zeal walks off to the water's edge, peering at it with her face in her hands.
* Kaelan looks at Dahok. She gets up and turns away, rubbing her eyes, the tears cleaning a lot of the sand, she sheaths her sword shakily.
<Kaelan> * Seth grumbles and starts collecting the scattered supplies.
<DeathStar> 6* Jean eyes her, slowly, her face worse off, and quaking. "Kaelan already considerablely the And Harbinger was using my mark to attack me directly he was draining my life. He would have taken me over to be his puppet. Death was the first thing that came to mind to stop him.
<DeathStar> <Jean> ... if I had more power to begin with, maybe I could have..
<Kit> <Azhren> Stay close to the others, lady Mercy." 6He notes, walking over to Dahok and peering down stone-like, then stoops to pick him up, paying no mind to the blood.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael looks down and gets up, moving to stand by Zeal and touch her shoulder
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks visibly, sniffling. She wide-eyedly looks to Rachael.
<DeathStar> 6* Suddenly, Dahok drives his hand against Azhren's mouth and unleashes a gale burst into his head, sending him flying back and landing in an awkward position.
<Kaelan> "...Alright. Seth was right, if we stand here too long, we'll be dealing with Harbinger and the templars all over again. Dahok wouldn't want us all to get caught and hurt on his acc---"
<DeathStar> 6* RAchael pauses, turning around to stare
<Kit> 6Azhren barely makes a sound, before tossling back and landing awkwardly!
<DeathStar> 6* Dahok rises awkwardly, and his eyes are that of something not quite right anymore. Jean steps back, hissing. "What abomination is this?"
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy jerks, then moves towars Azhren to check on him
<DeathStar> 6* Dahok grabs Jean by the throat like some undead zombie, and the mark on his chest begins to look twisted. Jean starts screaming
<Kaelan> * Kaelan moves closer, sword ready, Seth readies his bow again. "Exactly what you said lady, an abomination."
<DeathStar> *arm
<Kit> 6Zeal looks back in terror, running for her bow.
<Kaelan> * kaelan rushes in, twisting her position to come from behind she slices horizontally across his middle as she moves in for an attack.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael stares, unable to move, even as she watches as Dahok stares at Jean, then he falls over in two halves from the strike
<DeathStar> 6* The upper half clings to Jean's throat even on the ground
<Kaelan> * Kaelan stumbles to one side and falls over as she finishes the attack, breathing hard. She twists around and strikes her sword down on the arm holding Jean. "LET MY SISTER GO!"
<DeathStar> 6* The arm is cut off and Jean steps back, coughing and holding her own throat, staring at both Kaelan and the zombie with equal incredulous looks. Before promptly passing out
<Kit> 6Zeal sinks an arrow into the symbol on ex-Death Dahok's arm
<DeathStar> 6* The symbol is hit, and the body shudders, before decaying into nothingness
<DeathStar> 6* The sky seems to rumble from a thunder
* Kaelan moves over and pulls the remaining hand and arm away from Jean, tossing it aside as it decays, she sits, pulling Jean into her lap, shaking and holding her protectively.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael swallows hard, shuddering to think encounternig something like that as Valen
<Kit> 6Zeal returns to looking freaked out, but you can be sure that she has tactically took note of the symbol being the key
<Kaelan> * Seth sighs and gathers up the rest of the supplies. "We move, now. I'm sorry but no more of this. If you can't walk, we'll carry."
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Can we...even outrun... a god? He knows we're here.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "We've done it before." *she lifts up Jean*
<Kit> <Zeal> What do we do.." 6She whispers.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Get the gaunlet, we'll use Anima T for transport."
<DeathStar> <Rachael> That would make us easier to find
* Kaelan looks about slowly. "We could take the shoreline, or the road... or fine some other beaten path to take."
<Kaelan> "But standing where he found us... will make us even easier to find."
<Kit> <Zeal> The beaten paths are the barred ones. The only ones you cannot bar are the unbeaten...
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael turns to see if their ship is there - but it's already sailing away as fast as it can
<DeathStar> <Rachael> ... The city is in the center of the island, and that's where Jean wanted to go. We just have to hope we can reach it and find a place to hide
* Kaelan looks around at the rest of the surroundings for other ways to go.
<DeathStar> 6* There seems to be only the road.
<Kaelan> "That may be the only choice we have. Let's go. I'd rather get hunted down then caught here."
<Kaelan> * Seth shoulders Kaelan's things since she's carrying the Angel.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael eyes Kaelan as she goes by, pausing once to say nly one thing. "I hope you remember this much --- he risked his life to save you when Harbinger had you. And when Jean finds out what was done here, she will never forgive you." 6* She moves on. Mercy, meanwhile, helps Azhren up
<Kit> 6Azhren makes a face. 1"That... hurt..." 6He groans.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Mmm.
* Kaelan shakes softly. "I know."
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas peers at the pipe that smells of shit. "This is how you got into and out of the castle?" 6* He peers it over
<Kit> <Nephilim> Are you good at crabwalking?
<DeathStar> <Thomas> What---is that?
<Kit> 6Nephilim leaps up gracefully and kicks off the side of the pipe and promptly begins shimmying with her feet and hands back and forth, above the drain level.
<Kit> <Nephilim> If not you're going to need new clothes, hee!
<DeathStar> <Thomas> ... 6* He stares a moment, then begins to try to follow; after many smelly adventures, they arrive in the remains of the dungeon. Thomas pulls out a map and holds up a glowstone to study it, making mmmm sounds
<Kit> 6Nephilim sways on her heels, pinching her nose innocently.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas moves around the dungeon, examining the map, then pauses as he eyes one of Zeal's pieces of her outfit with an odd look, picking it up and pocketing before moving to a stone wall to study it
<Kit> <Nephilim> Found something?
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I think this is it. I just need to figure out how to open it. 6* He pushes on the stones, when there's a throat clearing from behind them.
<Kit> 6Nephilim peers over her shoulder, smiling.
<DeathStar> 6* Kyle stands there, a hand on his sword.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Oh it's you." 6She grumbles.
<DeathStar> <Kyle> This is the last place I would expect to find you. 6* He says of Nephilim.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas glances back once, then focuses on his work more quickly.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Why not? It's your favorite place for me, isn't it?
<DeathStar> <Kyle> We have gotten reports of your team being killed, along with half of the King's fleet. Is it true that Mercy is dead?
<Kit> <Nephilim> Nope.
<DeathStar> <Kyle> I see. Then where is she?
<Kit> 6Nephilim lifts a finger. 1"Your honorable men of the king were half-wiped by common slavers."
<DeathStar> 6* Kyle raises a brow at that. Then stares as the wall rumbles and slides down. Thomas adjusts his glasses. <Thomas> There
<Kit> <Nephilim> How dependable. Losing women to slavery from the hands of the kingdom's men.
<DeathStar> 6* Kyle begins to step forward. "What are you doing here, Templar? What is this wall? I want answers---" 6* Thomas holds up a gem and a flash goes off, causing Kyle to drop like arock
<Kit> <Nephilim> We did get away though! Only to run into Harbinger and some guy named Odin. They pack a whallop. But your fancied little Mercy was already on the ship with a knight named Azhren>"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> We hsould hurry before he wakes - if you're done mentioning things to him
<Kit> 6Nephilim runs over and tilts her head, peering down at Kyle.
<Kit> <Nephilim> What was that..!?
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas tosses the gem away and moves down the passage that's opened up. "A flash stone."
<Kit> 5Nephilim muses on that, then gets a devilish grin. She starts stripping Kyle of his armor and clothes, snickering. 1"Oh Thomas~."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas is already down the dark tunnel; the wall begins to rise back up to close
<Kit> 6Nephilim gathers up what she does and scrambles quickly, leaving to clamber over the wall.
<DeathStar> 6* After traveling through the dark, able to see Thomas' glowstone ahead, they reach a round, smooth object on the floor, and a pedestal on the top part of it. Thomas studies it
<Kit> 6Nephilim drops Kyle's clothes and armor by Thomas. 1"Here you go!"
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas looks at it. "I--- do not need that, thank you."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Oh, so you'd meet my Zeal smelling of shit. Ha ha ha.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas jerks, then eyes the Knight's clothes, then sniffs his own
<Kit> 6Zeal walks over, tapping on the pedestal
<Kit> NRP: Nephilim* ;_;
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I--- anyway. Hold up the stone I gave you, and focus your thoughts on the island of Seren. 6* He faces her
<Kit> <Nephilim> Chaaaange. You offend my sesnes.
<Kit> <Nephilim> It's so bad I can't even pronounce that!
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas pauses, then makes sure she's not looking before stripping
<Kit> 6Nephilim peers back once, snickering, then becomes more interested in the pedestal and its surroundings. She pulls out the stone.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas adjusts the Knight uniform and puts his glasses back on as he finishes, not taking the sword, then moves to stand by Nephilim
<Kit> <Nephilim> So I just hold this up and think of the place?
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Yes.
<Kit> 6Nephilim nods, then ponders, then shrugs and closes her eyes, humming and rocking as she tries to envision the island.
<DeathStar> 6* Nothing happens at first, then an intense burning pain runs through Nephilim's body that grows more and more, enough to make her howl, and then there's a flash of light; as she begins to pass out, feeling herself caught in Thomas; arm, she'd see they're in a different room.
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael looks up and down the path, with tree and brush and rocks on either side, making travel off the road more difficult. The sky is full of dark clouds now that rumble, and it's almost like they can feel Dahok's presence watching them, and mad at them for slaying him
<DeathStar> 6* Jean remains quiet, and has begun bleeding several times from her nose
<Kit> <Zeal> Lady Al'ryl...
* Kaelan wipes the blood, clean gently. "We... need to rest."
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy moves over to apply a wet cloth to Jean's forehead. Rachael looks back and forth, then points at some trees they can sit under and watch the road
* Kaelan carries Jean that way. "How many tents do we have?"
<Kaelan> * Seth carries a load of the supplies with him, moving for the trees.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> We have two.
<Kit> 6Azhren walks toward the trees and sets down the supplies he took up to help.
<Kaelan> Seth> "You ladies can split them up, I'll keep watch."
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael sets down what she's carrying; Mercy also sets down her own
<Kit> <Zeal> R-Right... should I set mine up..?
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I don't think we should rest that long.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I think it's safe to assume Harbinger is on the island... after what we saw
<Kaelan> "Mmm... you're probably right." *she sits down Jean, making her comforterable, having trouble hiding the lost look in her eyes*
<Kaelan> "He's more then likely waiting at the city, knowing we have to go there."
<DeathStar> 6* Jean stirs, mumbling something about Dahok and fish, a pause, then more mumbling, like she were having a conversation
<Kit> <Zeal> The time should not be wasted on building a camp then..." 6She looks resentful at saying it.
* Kaelan listen to her quietly, making sure she's comforterable.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> ... 6* She kneels, her ears twitching, even beneath her hair, as it continues. "Is she dreaming?" <Jean> ... lan that...*mumble*
* Kaelan slumps next to her, putting her head in her hands.
<Kaelan> "Something... like that..."
<Kit> <Zeal> ...Is she delirious?
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Maybe we should wake her and make her drink some liquids
<Kaelan> "I think she's talking to the Angel." *she gently shakes Jean* "Get something ready. She should sleep after."
<DeathStar> 6* Jean stirs, opening her eyes, which are blood shot. She pauses, looking confused, then peers around, as if looking for someone
<Kit> <Zeal> Lady Mercy, do you have anything to help her rest?
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy nods with a bow, and moves to get a drink made for Jean.
<Kaelan> "Dahok's... not here." *she says softly, "You need to drink and rest. You're very unwell."
<Kit> 6Azhren slumps to sit against the tree with a grunt.
<DeathStar> <Jean> ... But was...tlaking to Dahok...he said you killed him....but I said he was silly...since I was talking to him
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael jerks
<Kaelan> * Seth coughs and eyes the situation.
<DeathStar> <Jean> Where'd he go? 6* She looks around as if Dahok were hiding
<Kaelan> "I... we all had to fight him... and..."
<DeathStar> 6* Jean looks at Kaelan again, looking at her with complete innocence
<DeathStar> <Jean> And he's hiding now?
* Kaelan looks ill, she looks down.
<Kaelan> "I'm sorry Jean, he's gone."
<DeathStar> <Jean> ... but Jean just talking to him! He even said he should have left Seth buried.
<DeathStar> 6* Jean looks away. "Kaelan not funny."
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael silently peers down, not sure what to do or say. Mercy moves over with a cup of something like milk, handing it to Zeal
<Kit> <Zeal> I-- I meant for lady Al'ryl.
<Kaelan> * Seth moves over and puts a hand on Jean's shoulder. "That god, Harbinger, claimed him. When the fight was over he disappeared."
* Kaelan looks up, eyeing Seth.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> You should give it to her to drink
<DeathStar> <Jean> ... Jean was talking to Dahok! Was!
<Kit> 6Zeal looks a bit squeamish to do so, holding it, especially when Seth speaks.
<DeathStar> 6* She tries to sit up.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Jean...
<Kaelan> Seth> "You were asleep."
<DeathStar> <Jean> ... Will prove it. 6* She mumbles.
<DeathStar> 6* Jean tries to get to her feet. Rachael moves to try to keep her down. "Alright, Jean, we believe you."
<Kaelan> * Seth nods. "Perhaps it means he's still out there. For now you need to rest, so we can find him."
<Kit> 6Zeal just frowns at the conversation and moves over, offering the cup to Jean
<DeathStar> 6* Jean looks at it, then peers at Zeal, her eyes watering. "Zeal believe Jean, right?"
<Kaelan> "P-Please rest..."
<Kit> <Zeal> I have never had any reason to doubt you, lady Al'ryl.
<DeathStar> 6* Jean smiles and sips the cup happily, then almost immediately passes out into Zeal's breasts, making Soma mewl
<Kaelan> * Kaelan gets up, walking away from the others a little, looking torn up.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael looks at Kaelan, then the others, speaking softly. "It..may be.. true. She did have a connection to him with the mark, right?"
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Maybe the angel can tell us more, if we see her again soon
<DeathStar> <Mercy> If Dahok were... speaking to her, he's still without a body now. 6* She notes simply. Rachael flinches, then glances down
<Kaelan> Seth> "It seems so. Probably best to either not dwell on the subject for now or to talk to that girl, she looks liable to take a dagger to herself." *he crosses his arms*
<Kit> 6Zeal subtly glares at Seth, stewing silently.
<Kaelan> Seth> "If anything I'm to blame, I fired killing blows." *he sighs a bit*
<Kaelan> * Kaelan looks out at the trees beyond their little resting place, arms crossed, facing away so no one can see her tears.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Zeal... talk to her?" *he eyes Kaelan* "I'm not going to be able to get through to her."
<Kit> <Zeal> I have lost all reason to.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Really?"
<Kit> 6Zeal glares at him more.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Does she look like she did something she wanted to? Glare at me all you want, we need people at least partially sane if we're going to get through this."
<Kit> <Zeal> Through this? I still have no clue why you are here to begin with.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael loks between Seth and Zeal, then speaks softly. "We should talk to her, Zeal. Jean will need us all at our best.'
<Kaelan> Seth> "Honestly? I was here to watch, but now I'm here to survive."
<Kit> <Zeal> You could leave at any point. You are not marked.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Think so? Harbinger's seen my face through that guy. My name's in the church records."
<DeathStar> 6* There's a rumble of thunder in response.
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<Kit> <Zeal> Abandoning us might be your salvation.
<Kaelan> Seth> "You kids need all the help you can get."
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael sighs, glancing down
<Kit> <Zeal> I am no kid!!
<DeathStar> 6* She reaches over and takes Jean from Zeal and moves off with her, straining with her tiny body to move her to a spot to rest
<Kaelan> * Seth sighs. "Then talk to the kid who thinks she's solely responsible for killing a man she loved."
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks, peering after Rachael, looking dejected, then eyes Seth angrily. Like Lightning about to deck Snow. Twice even!
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael strokes Jean's hair and hums to her softly. Mercy peers at Azhren. <Mercy> ... And you wish to have me serve this group now.
<Kit> <Azhren> I said no such thing...
<Kaelan> * Kaelan sits down and stares outward quietly.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Then I am to serve you?
<Kit> <Azhren> Wh... at?" 6He chokes. 1"I-- deserve no such thing."
<DeathStar> <Mercy> If you cannot find me someone to serve, then I will merely go back to my service to the King when you are not looking
<Kaelan> * Seth sighs and moves to act as lookout. "Or do nothing. Whatever."
<Kit> <Azhren> Did you not listen to what I say? Is it your wish that Arcane face the wrath of the gods?
<Kit> <Zeal> Gods..." 6She rises, spitting to the side and walks off.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> I do not wish that, which is why you must find me a new person to serve.
<Kit> <Azhren> Why... me?" 6He looks bewildered. 1"I'm just a knight. Why not decide for yourself? It's your master after all."
<DeathStar> <Mercy> You will decide. 6* She says simply.
<DeathStar> -tIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* After resting a bit, the group has moved on in it's silence. Rachael rushes ahead to scout about, or maybe just to get away from them.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy walks along, giving Azhren sidelong glances, as if telling him to find a new master for her soon
* Kaelan moves along with Jean, sticking close to her, perhaps sticking with the purpose of being Jean's bodyguard since she has nothing else to think of at the moment.
<DeathStar> 6* Jean murmurs now and again in her sleep
<Kaelan> * Seth walks along behind them all, watching them quietly.
<DeathStar> 6* It begins to get darker when Rachael returns from a scout, and announces the town is up ahead.
<Kaelan> "Any templars...?"
<Kit> 6Zeal apparently carries Jean, likely so Rachael could ditch her to run ahead instead of... well. Her. Since she's a true scout.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I didn't see any on guard; the town looks pretty laid back.
<Kit> <Zeal> It is an island. They likely only have volunteer militia with a civilization of its side.
<Kaelan> "I don't like it... but we could use a place at the inn. Jean needs more rest."
<Kaelan> "Do we camp outside of town or find a place in town?"
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael nods and moves ahead again to lead them to the town; as they get closer, they can see a city made of brick and mortar, with glowstones out, and the smell of sweat and alcohol in the air. Noises come from in town, typical of a town
<Kit> <Zeal> Staying in town itself makes the search for us more obvious, however..
* Kaelan moves along, as does Seth.
<DeathStar> 6* As they get closer, they'd no see city walls present
<Kaelan> Seth> "Very laid back, there must only be a few monsters on this island to worry about."
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael steps past the first few buildings - which are inns and taverns. One tavern nearby is rather lively, with people. Horses are set up outside it, and people are heard laughing inside; Zeal would recognize a church building further in town, but it's small, indicating the church's presence here isn't strong. The Digger Guild's building is three times it's size, up on a hill for all to see
<DeathStar> 6* There's also stores here to spend their gold.
<DeathStar> 6* And down another road, a blacksmith set up can be viewed
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "It seems quiet for now... let's get rooms at the inn and use some of this gold we have. Maybe we can find some healing potions for Jean."
<DeathStar> 6* The Tavern ahead of them is called "The Fisherman's Dip"
<Kit> 6Zeal sighs. 1"Not going to the tavern..."
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I should probably spend some hours in the tavern to see what ruins are here. Jean will probably be seeking one out.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael eyes the name quietly, then turns to look at the others. "How much gold do you two need?" 6* She asks Kaelan and Zeal
<Kit> <Zeal> None...
<Kaelan> "I'd like to get some more supplies to maintain our gear... and we were going to build you some armor, right Zeal?"
<Kit> <Zeal> As I said, that is your area... I know little of metallurgy.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael considers, then takes out 350 gil, and hands 175 to each
<Kaelan> "We'll still need gold for that." *she peers at Rachael* "Want me to look into armor for you?"
<DeathStar> <Rachael> No thank you. You two just get herbs we'll need, any other items that might be of use, a tent and whatever armor/clothing you think we need. I'll buy food supplies in the morning
<Kaelan> "Herbs first, we should find stuff to help Jean." *she frowns a little*
<Kaelan> "We'll stick together, I don't want people going off on their own until we're sure we're safe."
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael peers at the inn next to them. "I guess we'll use this inn and I'll find you all in a few hours."
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael turns and moves off for the tavern
<Kit> <Zeal> U-Uh... good luck..!
<Kaelan> * Seth nods. He looks to Zeal. "I'll take Jean from you."
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks, looking apprehensive and disagreeable.
<Kaelan> "We can all take him to the inn, you can keep watch outside her room."
<Kaelan> * Seth nods. "Agreeable. I just want to rest."
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy moves inside the inn
<Kit> 6Azhren sighs, burdened with Mercy's demands-- ironically.
<Kaelan> * Seth heads for the inn.
<Kit> 6Zeal carries Jean inside the inn, moving to get them a reservation
<DeathStar> <Innkeeper> How many rooms?
<Kaelan> "Three should do it, the men can have one, we'll divide between the girls."
<DeathStar> 6* The Innkeeper takes their money and sets down 3 keyd
<Kaelan> * Seth shoulders the supplies. He takes a keay and moves upstairs. "Azhren, you're with me."
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy follows Azhren and Seth, as if to use their room
<Kit> 6Azhren eyes Seth, then shrugs and follows him
<Kit> 6Zeal steps up toward the next room, to set Jean in bed.
<DeathStar> 6* Jean stirs in the bed, and mumbles about 'momma' and 'singing'.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan takes the other two keys, she moves up with Zeal, letting her in, then hands her the other key. "I'll guard her tonight." *she kneels by the bed and immediately starts singing the soft lullubye*
<Kit> 6Zeal goes to say something, then makes a face, moving away from Kaealan. She turns breathing out slowly.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan makes her comfy, looking at Jean is such a deep devotion it might be offputting.
<Kit> 6Zeal escapes Kaelan's singing.
<DeathStar> 6* Zeal runs into something solid, yet human
* Kaelan finishes the song, checking over Jean.
<Kit> 6Zeal pauses. 1"S-Sorry. My manners are--"
<DeathStar> 6* Jean still seems tense and weak
<DeathStar> <Voice> Lady Zeal!
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas, holding an unconscious Nephilim, peers down at her in surprise, then relief. "You're okay."
* Kaelan gets up on the bed with her and hugs her gently, starting another lullabye.
<Kaelan> * Seth peeks out of his room and eyes Thomas. "What's all this then?"
<Kit> <Zeal> Sir Thomas!" 6Her eyes widen, confused by the sight of him and Nephilim.
<Kit> 6Zeal reaches for her knife and hatchet on reflex, since it's impossible they're there
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas looks like he wants to do something, but pauses at Nephilim in his arms, then the reaching. He steps back to shield Nephilim. "We traveled here through the Lightstones. I just did not expect to encounter you so soon. Please give me a moment to settle Lady Nephilim into a bed, and I will explain everything. 6* He holds up one of two keys
<Kit> <Zeal> Light... stones?
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas nods, then moves to unlock a door quickly, moving to set Nephilim in the bed; the voices would begin to stir her awake, though she'd feel weak
<Kit> <Nephilim> I hearrr my Zealll...
<Kit> <Zeal> ..." 6She makes a face at that, letting go of her weapons for now. 1"What does she always mean by that..."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I do not know - she... is a confusing woman.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas turns. "I must warn you that Harbinger is here on the island waiting on you, and that Odin and his Templars are sailing by ship. They will be hear sometime tomorrow.
<Kit> <Zeal> We have already encountered... Harbinger." 6She looks to the side.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Oi... we know. Harbinger sent Dahok after us."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Did you manage to free him like you did LAdy Kaelan?
<Kaelan> Seth> "...Unfortunately I got a little carried away."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas eyes Seth, sizing him up suspiciously
<Kit> 6Zeal holds her sides quietly.
<Kaelan> Seth> "He was about to kill Jean, I saw no other choice but to put him down."
<Kaelan> Seth> "Wasn't even aware someone could get healed from something like a god possessing you."
<Kaelan> * Seth eyes Jean's door. "...Lady Kaelan, as you put it, seems to think she alone killed the man. It's... not a good situation."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> ... 6* He touches Zeal's shoulder gently. "Are you okay...Lady Zeal?"
<Kit> <Zeal> Hardly. We were always at one another's throats-- and now I have put an arrow through his.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I--- is there anything I can do for you? 6* He asks softly
<Kaelan> Seth> "You gave him mercy. Don't think poorly of it. It was my blows that really did the damage."
<Kit> <Zeal> You could walk with me...? I Need to gather herbs."
<Kaelan> * Kaelan keeps trying to soothe Jean to sleep.
<Kit> 6Zeal eyes Seth quickly. 1"Be silent, damn you!"
<Kaelan> * Seth puts his hands up.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas peers at Seth, then nods, turning to lead Zeal out. "Let us walk together."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Heh... goooo.
<Kaelan> * Seth leans in to check on Neph, "You okay?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> ... such a confusing woman ... 6* He murmurs under his breath
<Kit> <Nephilim> Tiiired.
<Kit> <Zeal> Hm..?
<Kaelan> Seth> "Then get some rest. I'll guard you and Jean."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas shakes his head dismissively, leading Zeal down the stairs and outside. "I am glad to see you again. I am sorry I could not do more for you before."
* Kaelan sits up, gently petting Jean's hair.
<Kit> <Zeal> Nonsense! I thought we might have been the end of you..
<DeathStar> 6* Jean remains quiet and tense, though it seems to not be going away with Kaelan's singing
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Mmm, I am a bit harder to get rid of than that. If you will have me, I will travel with your group again
* Kaelan stops the singing and frowns a bit, she holds her.
<Kit> <Zeal> Are you sure..? I am one who even lets demons run amok..
<Kaelan> Seth> "You want to be alone or with others?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I am sure. 6* He says firmly
<Kit> 6Nephilim's ears twitch, probably, at the singing in the next room, then starts to giggle and begin singing on her own.
<DeathStar> 6* Jean finally begins to relax
<Kit> <Zeal> Then I have no objection-- th-though I am not the leader..
<Kaelan> * Seth peers at one door, then the other, he walks over and picks up Nephilim, carrying her into Jean's room, setting her down on the bed of girls.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Then I will speak with the leader as soon as I can. 6* He nods
<Kit> <Zeal> That may be difficult... it is lady Al'ryl-- and not.
<Kit> 6Nephilim makes little note, probably too tired to focus on much after starting to sing-- limp and light like a doll made of straw.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan gets out of the bed and stands up, she eyes Seth. "Watch them. On your life."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I see. I have much to catch up on. 6* He nods, and Jean shifts to cuddle Nephilim
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Tue Apr 13 22:04:06 2010