The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Session 52

Session Start: Thu May 06 18:58:07 2010
Session Ident: #Session52
* Now talking in #Session52
* sets mode: +nt
* Kit has joined #Session52
<DeathStar> I see you are the only worthy one to find this place.
* Kaelan has joined #Session52
<Kit> That's me. The worthy on-- THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!
* Kit lops off Kaelan's head
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> Date: 5.12.2389
<DeathStar> Location: Prison
<DeathStar> 6* Kaelan, Thomas, and Seth are led into the mess hall for breakfast after 12 hours of no food through the remaining part of the previous day in their cells. Azhren is pushed into the same mess hall when they enter, having spent the night in solitary confinement. After getting the same slop as before, Thomas sits at a table
<Kaelan> * Kaelan and Seth sit with their slop, Kaelan a little less hesitant to eat this time, Seth eats his without hesitation at all again.
<Kaelan> Seth> "You may want to eat this time Thomas, it'll be another good stretch of time before another meal."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas folds his fingers together, not eating the food again as he eyes it.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I'm not hungry enough yet to eat it. 6* He eyes the maggots crawling about it
<Kaelan> Seth> "You will be."
<Kit> <Azhren> Those are very good for energy. I would have thought a scholar would know such things.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan makes faces as she eats it, trying to pick out bugs as she does.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I have a sensitive stomach. 6* He admits
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas peers out at the guards, as if sizing them up. "So, which do you think I should try to 'talk' to?"
<Kaelan> Seth> "Mmm. Try living in the back alleys of Navarro for a few years, eating the trash left from the inns."
<Kaelan> * Kaelan looks over at the guards a moment, then scoops up some more slop. "No idea, any of them look particularly brighter then the others?"
<DeathStar> 6* One guard picks his nose
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Right... no counting on an intelligent guard... isn't that the rule?"
<Kaelan> Seth> "I resent that remark."
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "...Sorry."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas peers at Seth. "So you were a guard in Navarro - why did you leave?"
<Kaelan> * Seth looks over his bowl as it gets close to empty. "It's a bit of a long tale... in short, I lost my faith in justice."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Is that why you intend to protect Jean so much?
<Kaelan> Seth> "A reason, yes."
<Kaelan> * Kaelan eyes Seth curiously.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> And the other reasons?
<Kaelan> Seth> "I think I'm starting to care about her."
<Kit> <Azhren> ...Lost faith in justice but uphold it. You lost me.
<Kaelan> * Seth eyes Azhren, "Ever heard of a man named Carcer?"
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas studies Seth, then eyes his slop, pushing the bowl to the others to eat.
<Kit> <Azhren> Why would I have?
<Kaelan> Seth> "He made a name for himself as the murderer of more then thirty people. Men, women, children, it didn't matter to him, he just loved to kill."
<Kaelan> Seth> "The last man he ever killed was named Toliver, Toliver was my partner, we handled quite a few cases together."
<Kaelan> * Seth taps his chin, getting a bit of a distant look for a moment, Kaelan lets out a breath as she finishes her food.
<Kit> <Azhren> Mm, a common story, unfortunately.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I see. That must have been hard. 6* He rises and moves to try to talk to one of the guards, who looks ready to hit him, as guards are overly abusive. In fact, one minute later, he does strike Thomas, enough to draw blood
<Kaelan> * Seth lets out a sigh. "Damnitall."
<Kit> <Azhren> He has no presence whatsoever. How was he... almost a god general?
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "There's more to someone then their charms."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas gets up slowly, the prisoners are laughing at him, and some seem to be eyeing him as the pretty boy. To his credit, Thomas just puts a hand to his wound and moves back over and sits without a word
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Are you alright Thomas?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Oh? Yes. I think I approached that wrong.
<Kit> <Azhren> I think so, too. Dare I ask?
<Kaelan> Seth> "Well figure our way around this, try to look for a guard who's not so agressive."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I asked if he was interested in information on pamplets about prophecies.
<Kit> 6Azhren facepalms. 1"So... you came off as a reverend."
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "I could always try... I offered before..."
<Kaelan> Seth> "Men who oversee this prison aren't all that god fearing."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas just shakes his head once at Kaelan. "Maybe Azhren will have more luck than I."
<Kit> 6Azhren arches his brow. 1"Me...?"
<Kaelan> Seth> "Nuege information, remember? They're still at war."
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Maybe we should see what it takes to get on the labor force, it'd allow us to look around more."
<Kit> <Azhren> Other Nuegans, remember? And what's a pee-on in some prison going to do with Nuegan tactical information? He doesn't leave this place.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Earn himself a more comforterable stay, early pardon, reinlistment."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> You were a royal guard, were you not? 6* He sighs, signs of irritation since they went over it already, a rare scene for Thomas, and a sign that his cool mask is cracking
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Azhren... at least try, okay? Maybe you can even find out what's happened to Mercy."
<Kaelan> Seth> "Missed a chance at a lockpick yesterday... we should stay on the lookout for another." *he says quietly*
<DeathStar> <Thomas> A lockpick?
<Kit> <Azhren> I think he intended to rob our gold-toothed friend of his chomper.
<Kaelan> Seth> "The jerk that Azhren was fighting had an ore tooth, that would have served my purposes."
<Kit> 6Azhren peers about, sizing up guards.
<DeathStar> 6* 12 of the 15 guards look like brutes with no brains. The other 3 look as resigned as some of the prisoners.
<Kaelan> Seth> "The ones that look like they'd rather be fishing, those are the ones you want to talk to."
<Kaelan> Seth> "They're the ones probably pining for pay raises."
<Kit> 6Azhren goes to speak, then Seth saves him the trouble, he crosses his arms.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Really? 6* He peers over at them. "Hm. I thought I approached one who looked like them, but he hit me." 6* He eyes the one he approached, who appears to be your typical brute but hides it with a polite face.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Looks like a brute to me."
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Looks like the sort of creep I'd kick in the middens."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I-- see. 6* He muses thoughtfully.
<Kit> <Azhren> Perhaps you should just run it by us before you approach one. We know... types.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Pleasent faces are something to avoid here. Very few people in this jail are really kind, remember the Warden.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I suppose that is true.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "E-Except us right?"
<Kaelan> Seth> "...Yeah, except us."
<DeathStar> 6* Time continues to tick away
<Kaelan> Seth> "Why don't you give it a try Azhren, unless you'd rather we ply Kaelan's charms on the guards."
<Kit> <Azhren> Makes no difference to me. I am still trying to understand what we hope to accomplish once out of cells.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas just puts his hands over his face now
<Kit> 6Azhren eyes the three, hoping one has a brain, or at least looks like it and isn't just a reject
<Kaelan> * Kaelan rubs her temple softly.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I will try again at lunch to talk to a guard. 6* He tells Seth and Kaelan.
<Kit> <Azhren> I see. Just realize-- I am not like your delicate Zeal." 6He notes, rising to overshadow the table, then walks off to the one that's farthest from other guards.
<Kaelan> Seth> "It is better to pace it, if you look too eager they'll figure you're up to something other then sucking up."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> So tomorrow, then.
<DeathStar> 6* The guard eyes Azhren approaching, sizing him up
<Kaelan> Seth> "Dinner should be more then enough time, lunch if you're feeling lucky. Provided Azhren doesn't prove as lacking in silver tounge as wit." *he says softly*
<DeathStar> <Thomas> We only eat twice a day. 6* He reminds Seth
<Kaelan> Seth> "Right... dinner then."
<Kit> 6Azhren looks down on the guard. 1"What's your name?"
<DeathStar> 6* The guard sneers slightly. "Are you speaking to me, prisoner?"
<Kit> 6Azhren looms over him a bit more, twitching. 1"Yes. I am."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas shifts his gaze to try to study Azhren's methodology.
<DeathStar> <Guard> ... 6* He peers at other guards, who seem to be watching, then shifts to stand taller. "Prisoners don't speak to guards like that. Now get back to your table."
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Mmm... let's hope he does better then he did with the Warden at least... hitting him won't be as effective for them."
<Kit> <Azhren> People don't ask your name where you're from? That must be very confusing.
<DeathStar> <Guard> Where I come from, you don't ask another's name without giving yours first. 6* He reaches for his baton.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Please for the love of the--- something... give your name..."
<Kaelan> * Kaelan lets out a weak giggle. "You were about to say something very silly."
<Kit> <Azhren> I wasn't aware. Azhren." 6He looks expectantly, unphased by the reach for the baton.
<DeathStar> <Guard> ... 6* He sizes Azhren up. "My name is Telios, prisoner. Now what do you want? Your answer better be good."
<Kit> <Azhren> I got what I wanted." 6He says simply, turning to go.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Good lad... or not..."
<DeathStar> 6* The guard narrows his eyes, his face twisting in anger at Azhren, and he eyes the other guards who are staring, then turns and swings the baton for the back of Azhren's knees. "Are you making fun of me?!"
<Kit> 6Azhren pauses, as his knee does a slight wobble but he remains standing, peering back. 1"..."
<DeathStar> 6* The guard stares at Azhren, licking his lips. "Now let that be a lesson to you- get to your table now."
<Kaelan> * Seth rubs his face. "So close... so damn close."
<Kit> <Azhren> ... ..." 6He closes his eyes, huffing. 1"Are you interested in another kind of exchange?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I take it he didn't do so well, either.
<DeathStar> <Guard> I--what? 6* He seems completely thrown now.
<Kaelan> Seth> "...Wait a moment, this might work."
<Kit> 6Azhren leans forward, close enough that others can't overhear them. 1"You seem to have confidence issues. Does that have something to do with the other guards?" 6He nods his head to the bigger, dumber ones.
<DeathStar> <Guard> ... ... 6* He peers once despite himself at the other guards, then back at Azhren. "A-Are you mocking me?"
<Kit> <Azhren> I believe I said exchange. I don't need to give you anything to mock you. But I'm offering a trade nontheless.
<DeathStar> <Guard> What...sort of trade? 6* He sounds overly suspicious
<Kit> <Azhren> You give me something, and I'll teach you something in return.
<DeathStar> <Guard> And what do YOU want?
<Kaelan> * Seth holds his breath.
<Kit> 6Azhren pretends to look puzzled. 1"That's a good question. What could an inmate possibly want or need?"
<Kaelan> * Kaelan peers carefully.
<DeathStar> 6* The guard eyes him defensively again, like he thinks he's being mocked.
<Kit> <Azhren> Well, we could start with word of my companion the maid, unless you think of something more useful.
<DeathStar> <Guard> The--maid? 6* He seems absolutely confused.
<Kit> <Azhren> I believe you all referred to her as the Nuegan whore.
<DeathStar> <Guard> I have no idea what you're talking about, prisoner. 6* A prison this size, it's very likely he doesn't.
<Kit> <Azhren> She's not hard to spot. Shining red hair and a pampered complexion and body. I doubt there's many of those around these parts.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Be more plain, the girl who went to the Warden's chambers last night... you know what happened..." *he says under his breath, as though trying to will Azhren*
<DeathStar> <Guard> ... and if I find out about this maid, what will you give me? And I demand whatever it is first, since you prisoners are a lying sort.
<Kit> <Azhren> You're right to assume that. I may be a knight, but I have no reason to keep my word any longer as a vagabond.
<Kit> 6Azhren nods. 1"It was my intention to give first anyway. Those guys." 6He nods to the other guards again. 1"They give you trouble often?"
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas shifts to eye the table. "So, Seth--- you realize having feelings for the angel is dangerous, do you not? I mean, besides being a friend."
<DeathStar> <Guard> Yes.
<Kaelan> * Seth looks back at him. "I know full well. I've already been made to choose between her and my sister."
<Kit> <Azhren> It would improve your standing around here if you, forgive my manners, kicked their ass, wouldn't it?
<DeathStar> <Thomas> And you chose your sister. 6* He nods with understanding
<Kaelan> * Seth shakes his head. "No... I chose Jean."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> ... 6* He stares at Seth
<DeathStar> <Guard> ... no. It wouldn't. 6* He eyes Azhren even more suspiciously now, like he were trying to get him killed. "Go away, prisoner."
<Kaelan> * Seth sets his jaw, his hands balled into fists. "She's a Templar, as I told you."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> So you... met a lady foretold to destroy the world while wandering around a frozen wilderness on a hunt and chose her over your sister within a week?
<Kit> 6Azhren looks surprised. 1"Really? It worked with unruly sorts in brigades. With the right instruction, even a smaller lad can bring down a rock-brained idiot like them."
<DeathStar> <Guard> They are all friends. If I fought one, I would be beaten by them all. Now go away.
<Kaelan> Seth> "I chose the girl who was taking blows for trying to get a sword out of my back, rather then the one who put one in it."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas nods slowly. "I see. Did your--sister stab you somewhere fatal when she put one in your back, or was trying to take you out of the fight with minimal damage?"
<Kit> <Azhren> Ah, I see. My mistake, then. You are smarter than they are, obviously. How else might you gain favor in this place?
<Kaelan> Seth> "Minimal, that's why I returned the favor." *he speaks grimly* "I don't want my sister dead, Thomas, but I won't let her harm Jean."
<DeathStar> <Guard> Only by getting in good with the Warden, but I doubt he even knows my name
<Kit> <Azhren> I see. How does one usually get in his good graces?
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Mmmm. I can't fault you for wanting to protect Jean, but it just seems surprising you would---battle your own flesh and blood for someone you do not know that well.
<DeathStar> <Guard> I wish I knew...
<Kit> <Azhren> How does he spend his time?
<DeathStar> <Guard> In his room with female prisoners. He only gets involved when new prisoners come, or when he needs to pass judgement on unruly prisoners.
<Kaelan> Seth> "We... lost our parents when we were both young, they were Templars, for some reason we were looked over and found ourselves on the streets. The day she came of age she enlisted in their ranks... me? I... think I stopped believing when I realized they'd take my folks away from me."
<Kit> <Azhren> Ah, I see." 6He seems to quiet for a moment thinking. 1"Are there 'unruly' ones currently?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> It is rare for children of church officals to be looked over. 6* He notes. "Unheard of almost."
<DeathStar> <Guard> So far only you. 6* He notes dryly, referring to yesterday
<Kit> <Azhren> Is that so? What of Oretooth. He had lackeys.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Makes you wonder why, doesn't it? I never found out. But she became a templar, I found myself in a jail cell when I came of age, I got offered a spot in the night watch for my freedom, so I took it. Stayed years past the agreed term."
<DeathStar> <Guard> He's still in solitary confinement healing from your battle.
<Kit> <Azhren> If he wasn't unruly, why does he have followers?
<Kaelan> Seth> "Then I watched men like Carcer cut and bleed innocent people dry, and no one stopped him, no one had the guts to stop him. Then one day, he cuts down the only man I ever found I cared about. So... I cut him down."
<Kaelan> * Kaelan frowns, watching Seth's confessional mutely.
<Kaelan> Seth> "I guess it was about then I decided that it was men, people who shaped the world, could kill or be killed. So I left Navarro behind, left Sally and her damned crusade to get in good with the church, left it all behind."
<DeathStar> <Guard> He manages to get the guards to look the other way with favors.
<Kit> <Azhren> What kind of... favors?
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas nods in thought. "You must have had it rough."
<DeathStar> <Guard> Getting rid of certain other prisoners that aren't in favor with the guards. Accidents happen every day here in Soniere.
<Kit> <Azhren> I see. I have a proposal, then.
<DeathStar> <Guard> A proposal?
<Kaelan> Seth> "I had Sally for a good while. And I won't deny she was likely looking out for me even in that fight."
<Kit> <Azhren> Maybe being a knight makes it a soft spot for me, but I enjoy taking out the trash. I wonder if your boss would find duels entertaining.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Still, you shouldn't let your feelings for Jean cloud your judgement on matters - you barely know her. She is very much like a child - well, one side of her is."
<Kaelan> Seth> "I saw her hitting Jean and I just acted really. I just acted..." *his tone goes a bit dark*
<DeathStar> <Thomas> We don't even know if she is human - well, that is not fair, as it would seem to think I consider elves lesser, so lets say - she may not be mortal. We do not even know how she ages, or if she ages. The gods are timeless, after all, and the gods fear her.
<DeathStar> <Guard> Duels? You engage in duels? There hasn't been a fight like that in ages, not since the King considered it barbarbic.
<Kaelan> Seth> "I understand that."
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Seth... when I saw my father... you told me to stay away, that I'd hurt him."
<Kaelan> Seth> "And you understand that truth now."
<Kit> <Azhren> This is a prison. Accidents happen." 6He replies. 1"What is barbaric about an agreement between two men to settle their differences? If people want to place wagers on their own, that has nothing to do with them."
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "...Were you really just thinking about Sally though? You did end up hurting her. We don't know if she got help for herself..."
<DeathStar> <Guard> I--6* A call goes out that food time is over and the prisoners are to report to the showers.
<Kaelan> Seth> "I really don't want to think about that."
<DeathStar> <Guard> You should join your friends if you want to be with them; they pick people at random to shower at a time
<Kit> <Azhren> You tell me who is bribing guards or getting out of line-- I will challenge them and take care of it. In return, you find about the maid and anything else interesting and tell me. You can also take credit for the idea if you want. I don't care.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan sighs and gets up, a bit red faced.
<DeathStar> <Guard> I will think about it
<Kit> 6Azhren nods then holds up his hands as if he were threatened or something, backing off, then turns to walk back to the others.
<Kaelan> * Seth stands, "Let's stick together, we don't want our lady getting mistreated in the showers."
<Kaelan> * Kaelan glowers at him.
<Kit> <Azhren> If you feel differently, feel free to find favorable other partners, woman.
<DeathStar> 6* The guards that will escort them to the showers begin to pick people. The four are picked, along with 4 of Oretooth's people, and 4 others. They are then led along to a room where five buckets of water are at. They are forced to strip all at once
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas stiffens at having to strip, eyeing everyone; ironically, Kaelan is with 11 men.
<Kit> 6Azhren removes his loincloth without a care.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan tries not to look at anyone as she strips out of her garments quietly. Seth watches as he strips himself down.
<DeathStar> 6* The guards nudge Thomas harshly and he strips, then moves into the room with the five buckets. He squats down by one, eyeing as the other prisoners move in. The other 8 are all black, because TAW is racist
<Kaelan> * Kaelan moves over to a bucket, trying to stick to the others. Seth starts washing up.
<DeathStar> 6* The guards don't enter the room with them, surprisingly, and Thomas splashes water on his body, eyeing them all. The men seem to be sizing up Seth
<Kit> 6Azhren kneels by Kaelan, wetting his hands and faces away from her, running his hands along his arms and body.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan starts splashing water on herself, cleaning off grime and dirt, keeping her face down. Seth grins at the others and gives them a rather cheerful wave.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Anyone know any good bathing songs?"
<DeathStar> 6* The prisoners all chuckle, then four approach Seth now, putting their arms around him, while two keep between him and Azhren. They're all Oretooth's people. "OH, we know one you'll like."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas eyes them
<Kaelan> * Seth just grins, he immediately rises from the bucket and aims his fist at the crotch of one of the four as they close in. He keeps the grin solid, almost like some kind of psychopath.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan watches a bit frozen, staring.
<Kit> <Azhren> Just say when, hunter." 6He continues washing.
<DeathStar> 6* The man winces in pain and goes down, while the other grabs him from behind, with one of the tw owatching Azhern shift to punch at Seth's stomach. Thomas rises to his feet, while the remaining one on 'guard' duty eyes him dangerously
<Kaelan> * Seth braces his shoulders and flexes his arms as the man moves to grab him, pushing up with his legs, he attempts to ram his shoulder into the man's chin.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan rises slowly, picking up the bucket with what's left of the water in it.
<DeathStar> 6* The man holds up fairly steadily as the fist of the other drives into his gut, aimed to knock the air out of him. "Come on, don't you want to sing for us?"
<Kit> <Azhren> You're going to waste it, woman...
<Kaelan> * Seth laughs and groans as he's punched, he starts to sing a funeral dirge. Laughing as he strains against the man holding him, throwing his weight down to try throwing the man off.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan pouts, "D-Do something then!"
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas swings a fist at the man blocking them, but gets his fist grabbed and pushes back along the slippery flood and lands on his back. The two men struggle with Seth, the one in the back barely holding on while the other punches at Seth's crotch
<Kit> <Azhren> I told him to say something when he wanted help.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "He helped you without needing to be asked! Help him!"
<Kaelan> * Seth groans in pain but leans forward, biting at the man's arm hard, interrupting his pretty song as he keeps struggling through his pain.
<DeathStar> 6* The man yells at being bit
<Kit> <Azhren> I neither needed nor asked... but if a lady is asking.." 6He rises slowly, turning to the one keeping 'watch.'
<Kaelan> * Seth then hunches his back and headbutts the man in front of him.
<DeathStar> 6* The man grabs his face as he bleeds. "You son of a bitch."
<DeathStar> 6* The one keeping watch eyes Azhren, then moves in and punches at his face
<Kaelan> Seth> "You haven't learned the half of it mister. Haha..." *he drops his full weight suddenly downwards to try and force the man to let go or fall with him*
<Kit> 6Azhren shifts to move to the side, kicking forward to the man's shin.
<DeathStar> 6* The man is kicked in the shin and falls over in pain, while the one holding Seth drops down with him, and begins to dig his fingers into Seth's skin
<Kaelan> * Kaelan balls her hands together in a big fist and moves up behind the man holding his face, she slams it down at his neck.
<DeathStar> 6* A hand grabs Kaelan's arm and another covers her mouth, pulling her to the side - the other 4 prisoners deciding to snatch the woman while they can during this. Thomas groans and gets up, while Azhren's target rises again
<Kaelan> * Seth laughs as he feels the sharp pain and starts to struggle and writhe like some sort of wild animal, elbowing at the man if he can get his arm around enough.
<Kit> 6Azhren walks forward, lifting a foot and goes to stomp the one on Seth.
<DeathStar> 6* The man is elbowed and stomped, letting go in pain finally, while the other charges at Azhren and leaps on his back, putting his arm around Azhren's throat as best he can. Thomas gets to his feet and hurries to hit at him
<Kaelan> * Kaelan tries to scream and struggles, she bites at the man's hand covering her mouth.
<DeathStar> 6* The man hisses and another hits her on the head as they bend her over provoactively. One prisoner hisses. "Hurry before they finish over there!!"
<Kaelan> * Seth pulls himself up, he licks his lips a moment of the blood on it, looking around at the fight, he starts to head over to the four. "You all want to sing with me too?"
<Kaelan> * Kaelan squirms, whimpering and struggling, she kicks her legs, making it very hard to have much fun with her.
<Kit> 6Azhren turns to peer at the ones abducting Kaelan and starts to walk for them with the guy still on him.
<DeathStar> 6* The one on Azhren's back bites into his ear as a last resort, and begins to tear it off.
<DeathStar> 6* The men curse at Kaelan struggling, then eye Seth approaching. They let go of her quickly as the two men come at them
<Kit> 6Azhren decides that's enough and haymakers over his shoulder, still walking with an unpleasant face now.
<DeathStar> 6* Teh man goes down, his face in a bucket
<DeathStar> 6* The four prisoners back off, holding up their hands. "We didn't do nothin'. It's cool now, right?"
<Kaelan> * Kaelan tries to hit at one of the two remaining, swinging her fist at his gut hard. Seth smiles wickedly as he steps closer. "You four wait by the door or I'll play with you a lot rougher then my new friends."
<Kaelan> * Kaelan then moves away from them before they can retaliate, backing up towards the others. Her eyes look wide and wild.
<DeathStar> 6* The man is hit by Kaelan as they try to back away, and groans in pain; the four scurry off, looking back at them all like they were nuts.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas moves over and puts a hand on Kaelan's shoulder. "Are you okay?"
<Kaelan> * Kaelan jumps a little and whimpers, looking up at Thomas, she takes a breath, slowly calming. She nods, though she's shaking visible.
<Kaelan> *visibly
<Kit> 6Azhren shakes his head and moves to stoop by one of the remaining buckets, rinsing his ear.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Did they hurt you anywehre?
<Kaelan> * Seth takes in a breath and grabs one of the buckets remaining, bringing it over.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "H-Hit me in the head... but I'll be okay..."
<Kit> <Azhren> It's why I wouldn't leave your side. But you insisted.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Well, we just got the reputation as the prison maniacs."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas nods, and moves her over to the bucket to wash.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> *lets Thomas lead her, she slowly starts washing again*
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas shifts to do the same ,eyeing the groaning bodies. "Will they punish us for this?"
<Kaelan> * Seth takes a breath and starts washing blood off himself. "Depends on if the men we fought want to share solitary for attempted rape."
<Kaelan> Seth> "Otherwise, they'll be smart and claim they fell over. I'm pretty sure that's what I saw happen."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas nods thoughtfully, then pauses, exmaining the buckets
<Kaelan> Seth> "See something?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Just seeing if we can use anything. The buckets are made of wood...
<Kaelan> * Kaelan washes, staring down and looking more closed then ever.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Could you use wood as a lockpick?
<Kaelan> Seth> "A good splinter might work. Provided we can get it out of here."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> We'd have to hide it on our bodies.
<Kaelan> Seth> "That'd hurt like hell."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas moves to check a few of the men that are down, checking their teeth
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Can teeth be used as lockpicks?
<Kaelan> Seth> "Ore or gold, yes. Bone? Maybe."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> We should take whatever we can get, then find out the use later. Azhren, can you knock a tooth loose?
<Kit> <Azhren> Bone is harder than wood.
<Kit> 6Azhren walks over to Thomas and whichever he decides it he unlucky one, cracking his knuckles.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas points at the one that seems more out of it than the others. Then he continues. "Can we put the tooth on the piece of wood to insert it in the lock?"
<Kaelan> Seth> "The ass that hit me in the nadgers. Hit him."
<Kaelan> Seth> "There's a lot of things we can do, let's just get what we think we can use. I may need a few tries if I'm unlucky."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas nods, then shifts to work out pieces of wood, eyeing them, then shifts his hand to hide them behind near his butt, making faces each time
<Kaelan> * Seth raises a brow at the man's dedication.
<DeathStar> 6* He then peers about the room in thought, studying the ore walls and dirt ground. He begins to tap the walls to see if any have been loosened with water over time, then slowly knocks some ore loose.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan remains quiet, she finishes wetting down her hair and washing the dirt out of it.
<Kaelan> Seth> "...Is that what I think it is?"
<DeathStar> 6* He eyes the chunk, then makes a face at having to hide more on his person, but reaches back to do so with a grimace.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> It's not the most solid material, but this room's ore and rock is looser than our cells
<Kit> 6Azhren looks between Thomas and Seth, then nods, kneeling and brings his arm up, then smashes his elbow on the unlucky jaw.
<Kaelan> Seth> "I'll handle that one. You're already making a sacrifice."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas blinks, then nods, shifting to hold it out to Seth
<DeathStar> 6* The man groans in pain and loses two teeth
<Kaelan> * Seth takes it and grunts as he sets it in a nice, safe, warm place.
<Kit> 6Azhren walks over and gives the teeth to Kaelan.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas stiffly moves to wash a bit more
<Kaelan> * Kaelan eyes the teeth blankly.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "What do I do with these...?"
<Kit> <Azhren> Hide them.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Where...?"
<Kit> <Azhren> Take your pick, although you have a valley they don't.
<Kit> <Azhren> Two, in fact.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan blinks and looks at the boys, then down at her breasts. "...Oh... in my cleavage?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Your breasts are of good size, it could work
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas jerks, then reddens adn flusters.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I apologize for being rude.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan blushes a little and looks down. "I-It's alright..." *she attempts to put them in her cleavage, she pulls her hair over her dead looking eye and crosses her arms over her breasts to keep them still*
<Kaelan> * Seth lets out a breath.
<DeathStar> 6* The guards step in and eye the men on the ground. "There trouble in here?" 6* The other prisoners quickly claim the idiots tripped and hit their heads. The guards now, then order those that can walk out to dress and go back to their cells. They never even bother to check them over other than a brief glance over
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas eyes their prizes in a dark corner, then peers out the cells; he's grown used to the wails of the damned out there. "How did your talk with the guard go, Azhren?"
<Kaelan> * Kaelan sits on one of the beds again, looking like she's mostly calmed down from her encounter.
<Kit> <Azhren> Hm... anyone's guess right now.
<Kit> 6Azhren shrugs. 1"More productive than yours, at least."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas winces, and peers down shamefully
<Kaelan> * Seth looks over the loot, figuring out what he can use and how.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "You did fine Thomas... any trying is better then not." *she sounds ashamed now*
<DeathStar> <Thomas> ... we need to learn the layout of this prison, and the guard shifts......any alternate ways out, other than that front door, since opening it would cause attention. And if there are guards on the drawbridge ---and if that can't be used, if there's any safe ways into the ravine
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas rubs his face. "I need to get my act together if we're to get all that information, since we can't pump the same guard for it all."
<Kaelan> Seth> "We have another option, you know."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> What's that?
<Kaelan> Seth> "We have a small army in this prison, and we outnumber the guards."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> How do you propose getting the Nuege soldiers to aid us?
<Kaelan> Seth> "We could try and spark a prison revolt, now that we've established ourselves as people not to be fucked with."
<Kaelan> Seth> "As for the soldiers... you really think they want to stay in here?"
<Kit> <Azhren> They would likely abstain helping in order to 'screw us.' And we would be taken out.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> With the prisoners spread out all across this place, how could we possiblely get an organized revolt going?
<Kaelan> Seth> "We have two times a day we can see all the other prisoners. Bah... this could take too long."
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Still... it's an idea, if we could get help, even a little, it'll increase our odds of success."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I suspect in our lot there's only about 20 other soldiers. They seem to have spread us out fairly well to prevent revolts.
<Kit> <Azhren> The only help you would get is them helping themselves to you, woman.
<Kaelan> * Kaelan looks down. "I have a name you know."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> But if we do cause a revolt, then we would not escape undetected and would have the entire prison at us
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Plus we run the risk of letting true criminals---hrm... 6* He frowns
<Kaelan> Seth> "You have a point."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> How could I have forgotten that prophecy.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "No way."
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "You're about to say this is in the prophecies too?"
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas rubs his wounded head. "And in the angel's name, evil men will let loose those that would do evil so that they might be free."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> If the gods are good at intrepreting, they might even know we're in this prison.
<Kit> <Azhren> Are you joking? The gods sent us here if anything. Why else would we be alive?
<Kit> <Azhren> In that manner it sounds as if they intend for us to figure a way out and use us as scapegoats.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I do not know; they do not want the final prophecy to come true, I am certain. It could be why they captured the angel, to deter what she will do
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "You know... all of these prophecies... they seem like preemphative ways of blaming the Angel on things they know will happen."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I am still puzzling that over - why they wanted her alive. Perhaps to find those magical gems you mentioned
<Kit> <Azhren> They already have magic, why take the gems?
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Well..."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I don't know. I can't begin to fanthom why they want the angel.
<Kit> <Azhren> Power, of course.
<Kaelan> Seth> "She said... to strengthen Tareh."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> IT says she will destroy all of Tareh. No living soul will live after she is done.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Strengthen Tareh against what?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I do not know; if they do not need those gems, perhaps the angel has some other ability we do not know about.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Or maybe they're just setting up Jean as a scapegoat for something they're planning."
<Kit> <Azhren> She is already their scapegoat. I would remain with the pawn theory.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I doubt that; they control Tareh. The fact is this - if we cause a revolt, we likely will escape, if the prophecy refers to us in this prison. But do we want to make another one come true?
<Kaelan> Seth> "I think I made myself clear in my resolve."
<Kit> <Azhren> Forget it, scholar. You are overcomplicating an already complicated situation.
<Kit> <Azhren> Do you wish to escape, or rot here? It is a simple decision. Learn to live with the consequences afterwards.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "It's as likely they knew we'd be in here so they made the prophecy to make us hesitate and stay put."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> ... Kaelan, think about it. It's possible it's a false prophecy, yes, but consider that so far everyone HAS come true, and the gods do not want the final one to come true
<Kit> <Azhren> Perhaps they wish to recreate Tareh?
<Kaelan> Seth> "Are you sure about that?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I do not think they 'made up these prophecies'. I can only begin to wager how Harbinger came to this knowledge. But Azhren is right - if we pretend it is a false prophecy, then we do not escape, but then that would be pointless, since our group clearly intends to be free.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> So, in the end, the prophecy would no more make us stay in prison than anything else.
<Kit> <Azhren> If they have come to pass, then they will come to pass whether we rot or not. They can resurrect us themselves and have us puppeted out.
<Kaelan> Seth> "We've already chosen the path we're going to take, I'll make it simple for you Thomas, do you want to see Zeal again?"
<Kit> <Azhren> I would prefer to move my own bones.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> But the fact is if we continue this path, the end is everyone will die. I ask you all this - how many prophecies do we allow to come to pass before we stop?
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I do not disagree about escaping by any means, but sooner or later, you all have to ask yourselves how far you will go.
<Kit> <Azhren> I am going as far as my legs will take me at Mercy's side.
<Kaelan> Seth> "I've already answered that question to boredom. But... I won't let Jean become the destroyer of the world. She wouldn't want that."
<Kit> 6Azhren shakes his head. 1"It has nothing to do with prophecies, gods or angels."
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "...I want to see the others again... I feel so selfish..."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> So will not seek other means of escape? 6* He asks calmly. "We will attempt to begin a revolt since we are sure of it's success?"
<Kit> <Azhren> I am sure that monster misses your udders as well.
<Kit> 6Azhren glances to Thomas. 1"I may have created my own way."
<Kit> <Azhren> We shall see before I create any hopes."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas nods once.
<Kaelan> Seth> "I stated I would rip Tareh apart to find Jean. I'm willing to do anything it takes, but if you feel we should try to find a quiet way out first, then we can do that."
<Kit> <Azhren> I for one have no intention of releasing these rapists and mongrels amongst the people of this land, my enemy country or not.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas peers at Seth, then speaks softly. "Why do you do so much for Jean? You seem like you enjoy all the ladies, judging by how you -- speak to them all. So why such devotion to Jean? I cannot assume it is for sex, since you could probably get that easily."
<Kit> <Azhren> I think he went mad in the ice.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I also wonder which Jean you are devoted to. 6* He murmurs.
<Kaelan> * Seth frowns and looks at Thomas. "I'm... not entirely sure. I've never felt this way about a woman before. Most of my claims are pure bluster. With her... it's different, in either of her personalities. I'm drawn to her."
<Kaelan> * Kaelan peers at Seth.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I have been thinking about that - Kaelan said the collar would seal the angel's power and whatnot. But it was the ... more forceful personality that seemed to be going away when the collar was on. I am certain it was that one that tried to get us away to safety.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Does that mean she is the real Jean?
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Angel often calls Jean the fake..."
<Kit> <Azhren> Is there a 'real' Jean?
<Kaelan> Seth> "I don't know, don't care, I care for the girl no matter what mind is in place."
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Angel always remembers what Jean does... but Jean doesn't remember Angel... what does that mean?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Hm. Then I should tell you, that the girls seem to be hostile toward Dahok when he slept around. 6* He notes to Seth. "Even Jean did not look happy about it. She seemed to look sad about it."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I do not know. I have not encountered anyone with two personalities.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> But if that collar does seal her powers, it could be that other Jean is gone for good.
<Kit> <Azhren> Doubt it.
<Kaelan> Seth> She fought against it, she's still in there."
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "They're both in there."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas nods once, thoughtfully.
<DeathStar> -TIME HUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas sits and eyes the slop, looking thinner and weaker for not having eaten any of it yet, but he still pushes it away. The guard Azhren talked to is on duty, off to himself
<Kit> <Azhren> Better eat, scholar. You are no good to us sick and off-mind." 6He rises, moving toward the guard.
<Kaelan> * Seth eats again, eying Thomas. "Eat."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I--- my stomach churns whenever I look at it. I cannot.
<Kaelan> Seth> "The sooner you start eating it, the sooner it'll stop turning and get used to it."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas shakes his head stubbornly
<Kit> 6Azhren pauses, eyeing Thomas. 1"Weak. Even your precious lady would eat if it was to protect her friends." 6He moves off to the guard.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> ... 6* He makes a face, then takes a handful and eats it, then immediately upchucks it to the side. The prisoners all eye him like he were a weak target to hit
<DeathStar> 6* The guard eyes Azhren approach, then looks about
<Kaelan> * Seth smiles to the prisoners, creepily.
<Kit> 6Azhren gazes to either side, then finishes his approach, nodding.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Thomas... keep at it, I know you can do it."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas looks weak, but takes anotehr swallow, making a gag sound and spits up some.
<DeathStar> <Guard> I asked abotu your maid. I'm afraid she's not here anymore.
<Kit> <Azhren> She was freed?
<Kaelan> * Kaelan moves over and pats his back. "Come on... keep at it. Do what I do, imagine it's something a lot better."
<DeathStar> <Guard> What I heard, the Warden planned to have a special night with her, but a woman was waiting in his room - no one saw her enter - or leave. When the Warden left, the room was empty of the maid and the other woman, and he got another prison to spend the night with
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Such--as?
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Some of Mercy's stew?"
<Kit> <Azhren> Ah, the warden was visited by her." 6He nods in understanding.
<DeathStar> <Guard> Her?
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas eyes the slop, then closes his eyes and shoves it all down and swallows, maggots and all, then clamps his mouth shut as he pales and looks like he's fighting a battle not to puke it up
<Kit> <Azhren> A woman in very high places. Sky high. Did you think it over any?
<DeathStar> <Guard> I--- 6* He looks blank
<Kaelan> * Kaelan hugs Thomas and hums a soft tune to calm him.
<Kit> <Azhren> Is that a no?
<DeathStar> <Guard> Anyway...I thought I should warn you. The prison you fought the other day is bribing some of the guards to visit you and your friends tonight. To kill you
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas lays his head down as he remains ill looking, but gives Kaelan an appreciative nod
* Kaelan smiles kindly and ruffles his hair a little.
<Kaelan> * Seth sighs a bit and finishes his bowl.
<Kit> <Azhren> Using himself or the guards?
<DeathStar> <Guard> It will be him and three of his friends. The guards will be on a 'break'.
<Kit> <Azhren> Very well.
<DeathStar> 6* The guard nods once, grimly. "You should becareful - he is a dangerous man."
<Kit> <Azhren> That I... put in solitary to heal.
<DeathStar> <Guard> He won't underestimate you again. He might even have a weapon
<Kit> <Azhren> And what would happen if I removed him?
<DeathStar> <Guard> Nothing - since he should not have been out of his cell at night. But the guards might be eyeing you harder.
<Kit> <Azhren> Very well. You have my thanks. I may have proof of his bribery by tomorrow." 6He bows his head, moving back.
<DeathStar> 6* The guard watches him go, then tries to look all like he were telling some prisoner off in his stance . Thomas peers up weakly as AZhren returns
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Did it--go well?
<Kit> <Azhren> Still too early to tell. Though I have news we will be assassinated tonight.
* Kaelan looks over at him. "Wh-What?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> What...? 6* He looks stunned
<Kit> <Azhren> Oretooth. He might have a weapon, so be careful.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Good."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I see... 6* He frowns. "How corrupt this place must be if he can get at us when lockdown should be in effect."
<Kaelan> Seth> "We could use a weapon."
<Kaelan> * Seth grins wide. "Let's make sure we're awake and waiting when ol' Oretooth steps into our cell."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas eyes Seth warily
<Kit> <Azhren> Feel free, if you manage to find some without pissing off the guards.
<Kit> <Azhren> I plan on dealing with him once and for all.
<Kaelan> Seth> "I was referring to the one Oretooth is bringing us."
<Kit> <Azhren> Depending on its origin, it may be a bargaining chip.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> You plan to use it to implicate a guard?
<Kit> <Azhren> You wouldn't?
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Do you believe the guard would be punished?
<Kaelan> Seth> "We should decide that when we've dealt with Oretooth, it might be our way out of here too."
<Kit> <Azhren> I believe it would at least convince the Warden I be given a chance to punish said guard, or guards.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> It sounds risky, in such a corrupt place.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Azhren, gold shines brightly even in shit, remember that people notice gold and like to take it for themselves."
<Kit> 6Azhren just stares at Seth.
<Kaelan> Seth> "in short, calling out the guards can cause us more problems then help us out."
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "He's got a point, you take out a few guards, some friends you didn't know they had want revenge."
<Kit> <Azhren> The one I've spoke to isn't a friend. And I doubt the Warden would be pleased with his underlings taking dues from their wards.
<Kaelan> Seth> "Unless the Warden is too."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> They may search our cell after the fight, so keeping the weapon could be dangerous. We should hide what we already have
<Kaelan> Seth> "Good point."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> We'll go with what Azhren intends, since he is the one who learned it. If it doesn't work in our favor, we always have other... alternatives.
<Kaelan> Kaelan> "Mmm... would be nice to get my hands on a sword again though... I'll need to craft a new one if we ever get out of here."
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<Kit> <Azhren> Also, it seems Mercy might be --
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael peers out as Nephilim returns another night, and she quickly shuts the window. "I learned something."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Yeah?
<DeathStar> <Rachael> All our supplies - they let Valen have it. It's in a room downstairs... uh... I think on the east wing. That means all the stuff we got should be there, and the stuff from the ruins
<DeathStar> <Rachael> It might be useful.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Hm... not really to me. But it's good to know. I've been trying to locate the others.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I'll meet Zeal soon. She might know something.
<Kit> 6Nephilim smiles. 1"Did you know Zeal's a teacher?"
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael blinks. "She's teaching?"
<Kit> <Nephilim> Yeah! She surrounds Jean with books and lectures for hours. It's boring.~
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael pauses, then giggles. "Well, at least they are safe and together."
<Kit> <Nephilim> She also beats her with a stick.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachaerl jerks, wide eyed
<Kit> 6Nephilim points at Rachael's expression, bursting out laughing.
<Kit> <Nephilim> It's a flat stick with a bunch of marks for measuring things. It's when Jean tries to take treats before given. And when they're in the yard-- I think she's trying to teach her swordsmanship or something.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> ... 6* She makes a face at the laughing, then pauses. "They're letting her teach Jean how to use swords?"
<Kit> <Nephilim> I don't know. I can't get close enough to hear most of their conversations unless they start shouting or laughing.
<DeathStar> 6* RAchael chews her lip. "I'll ask Zeal for more information when I see her, then, and relay it back to you. I don't suppose you know what happened to Soma, do you?"
<Kit> <Nephilim> Yeah! He's with Zeal. His head pokes out of her melons once in a while.
<DeathStar> 6* RAchael smiles, and hugs Neph. "Oh thank goodness. He's safe. Maybe everyone's safe and we'll be able to get away together..." 6* She holds Neph, then shifts to lay on the bed with her. "Stay with me a while until I sleep?"
<Kit> <Nephilim> Rach, have you asked Valen about that place we found?
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Place? Under the city?
<Kit> <Nephilim> Yeah. I've been wondering about this swordhilt we found. I swiped it back from Kaelan before I made a break for it. I figured if the church got ahold of our stuff it'd get taken.
<Kit> <Nephilim> That glass-spear you found, too. They're weird.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I haven't talked to him about anything. But I think my spear is in the room of our stuff
<Kit> <Nephilim> Hmm, wonder if I could sneak into the archives and find anything on them.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> If you do - becareful, Big Sis. Be very careful
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I don't want the Church to hurt you
<Kit> <Nephilim> Yeah, I know. It's not my first time.
<Kit> 6Nephilim messes Rachael's hair, smiling.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael nods, looking worried, but says nothing, cuddling against Nephilim.
<DeathStar> -END-
* DeathStar leaps around
* Kaelan leaps on DS.
<DeathStar> AAH
<Kaelan> AAGH
Session Close: Fri May 07 00:00:00 2010

NSFWish material

Session Start: Sun May 16 00:00:00 2010
Session Ident: #Session52-AddOn
<DeathStar> 6* After a few days of doing studies, and Jean having nightmares each night in her room, it seems to be another typical day as Jean finishes up the morning half of the lessons with Zeal
<DeathStar> 6* Jean quietly finishes reciting some verses, and looks up to see how she did
<YZ> <Zeal> Mm, you memorize fast, lady Al'ryl...
<DeathStar> 6* Jean smiles happily, her hands folded together in front of her. There's a knock on the door
* YZ is now known as Kit
<DeathStar> 6* Then another knock
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks, getting up after staring in thought and answers the door.
<DeathStar> 6* Standing there is one of the older female Templar people - and high ups to Zeal. "Templar Zeal. I trust your lessons are done for the morning? We will be giving Jean some lessons in the church the rest of the day, so you have it off." 6* Typically lessons in the church means following rituals with the public, or even private ones, and learning how to devote your life to the gods
<Kit> <Zeal> Huh..? I was under the impression that was part of my teaching her...
<DeathStar> <Woman> You have much you will teach her, but the goddess Lenneth wants us to do a few lessons with her as well; she always requests your presence downstairs and outside right now
<Kit> <Zeal> I--" 6She hangs her head slightly, then jerks. 1"Wait-- L-Lenneth is asking for me?"
<DeathStar> <Woman> Yes.
<DeathStar> 6* Jean peers over quietly
* Kit has quit IRC (Quit: Client Exited)
* Kit has joined #Session52-AddOn
<Kogitsune> 6Zeal widens her eyes a bit, glancing to Jean. "W-Will you be alright?"
<DeathStar> 6* Jean eyes the older woman nervously, but nods bravely. Soma peeks out from Jean's boobs, then scrambles out to bound over toward Zeal
Session Close: Mon May 17 00:00:00 2010
Session Start: Mon May 17 00:00:00 2010
Session Ident: #Session52-AddOn
* Kuroichigo has joined #Session52-AddOn
<Kuroichigo> Zeal blinks and kneels to pick up Soma, stroking his ears. "Thank you for staying with lady Al'ryl at night."
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> 6* Soma mewls proudly, while Jean inches toward the woman as she crooks her finger at her
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> See you soon, lady Al'ryl. Practice the steps.
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Jean> Yes, teacher Zeal.
<Kuroichigo> Zeal smiles at her, curtsies to both and makes her way out and downstairs, heading for the courtyard out front.
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> 6* Lenneth stands out in the courtyard by a tree, watching a birdsquwack make bird sounds
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> Graced Lenneth, you called for me..?" She cranes curiously, staying respectfully at a distance and speaking only loud enough to be heard
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> 6* Lenneth turns, shifting her dark cloak a bit, her face hidden under it for the most part except for some features that show her beauty. "I have seen you have been keeping your word in teaching the girl."
<Kuroichigo> Zeal nods simply. Aside from worry about the others and Rachael, it hasn't been all that tribulating and easy to fulfill.
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Lenneth> Your reward. 6* She gestures to one side just out of Zeal's view so she'll have to crane her neck
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> Re... ward..?" She looks confused, but turns her head to see.
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> 6* Mercy is standing there, all blank expressed as normal, wearing a prison garb; her hair is a mess and she's dirty.
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> M-Miss Mercy?!" She looks bewildered and frightened at the same time. "What has happened to you..?"
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Mercy> I--- am not allowed to give all the details. The gracious goddess Lenneth rescued me, however.
<Kuroichigo> Zeal moves quickly to hug Mercy, exasperatedly chiming, "N-Not allowed? Whatever for?!"
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Lenneth> In case you discern the location of the others from her. 6* She notes. "She was not harmed; I took her from the location before harm befell her body."
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> 6* Mercy stands there as she hugs, almost patiently. "Is my mistress well? I apologize for my disgraceful state. Goddess Lenneth said you may buy me clothes if you find me worthy of it."
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> What? Of course I do! We can borrow an acolyte's garb for now perhaps..." She bites her lip, then peers at Lenneth. "Did you believe I would run to their aid if I knew...?"
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Lenneth> It could happen, yes. Though if you're a smart as I believe, I'm sure you will figure it out even with her vow of silence.
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> The famed island prison, no doubt. Yet I cannot leave lady Al'ryl or lady Rachael if I wished to regardless
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Lenneth> I leave her in your care - she is your maid, after all. And you may visit Lady Rachael later today if you wish while Jean is busy."
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> I may not be a scholar, but I help my unit the best by supporting it with my tactics and skills, both in healing and strategy. Strategically it only makes sense to confine a large group of dissenters on an escape-less island..." She curtsies to Lenneth. "Thank you, Graced."
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Lenneth> You are welcomed, Lady Zeal. Do you require more income for your maid, or the gold given to you the other day suffice?
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> It helps the soldiers and templars gloat about it and the prophecies indicate..." She jerks, waving her hands. "N-No, your Graced, it is sufficient. I only wish for what I earn..."
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Lenneth> Hmm. 6* She studies her at mention of prophecies. "And do you believe such prophecies will become fact?"
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> ... No." She answers sheepishly, since technically it's blasphemy. "To be honest, I do not find lady Al'ryl herself capable. If I did, I never would have vowed to aid her."
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Lenneth> Hm, then let us see if new prophecies come to fruitation, shall we not? 6* She actually sounds earnest in that; she turns and begins to move off
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> (Er, basically meaning new ones instead of the old ones foretold)
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> New prophecies...? L-Lady Lenneth..!
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> 6* Lenneth peers back
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> I do not desire to sound arrogant..m but I feel.. Why is it you would appear to favor me? From your perspective, am I not a traitor?
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Lenneth> Tell me - do you believe it in the gods best interest for the world to end? 6* She asks asks
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> how could that be to anyone's gain...
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Lenneth> Indeed. So would it not be best for me to make sure the last prophecy does not come to pass. You are a warrior and a hero, and I do not believe you will allow it to happen, either. There is no reason not to favor you, my child.
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> I--" she flusters, taken aback. "I do not consider myself any such thing. That is for the brave that stand afront and defend the meek regardless of circumstance... I do not like chance and know my limits..."
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Lenneth> I cannot think of anyone braver than one who would aid someone that the entire world wishes to destroy, and any who help them
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> ..." She blinks, peering at the ground. "Sir Thomas chose to aid me..."
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Lenneth> Yes. That would speak volumes of your character, I believe. Perhaps if you continue to do well, I will tell you more about him. 6* She begins to move on again, while Mercy ignores looks she gets from other Templars eyeing her attire and half-nude body
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> ..." She blinks, then bows her head, then takes Mercy's hand. "Let us bathe you and get you clothed." She takes off her cloak and wraps it around Mercy.
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> 6* Mercy bows at Zeal. "You are too kind, mistress. What type of meals will you require tonight?" 6* She asks, all business as she's led along
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> Hm... What do you like to eat?
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Mercy> I enjoy eating whatever you wish to eat.
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> 6* She peers about the area, taking it all in - mostly shop locations and whatnot. It doesn't seem she knows that Zeal has shacked up with a Duke with his own servants. Butler vs. Mercy the Maid?
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> I would like you to make something special for our arrival that you enjoy. Just be sure to include fruit for lady Al'ryl.
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Mercy> As you wish. Do you and the Lady Angel share a room? Will I be staying in your room or another? At what times do you wish to take a bath?
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> It is not our residence, so I think you should stay with me for now. As for that.. Let us worry about it later..." She stops to see about getting an acolytes garments for Mercy in the meantime.
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> 6* The clothes woman peers up at Zeal. "Can I help you, Templar Zeal?"
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> I wish to borrow a trainee's clothing if it is alright." She gestures to Mercy
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> 6* The woman inspects Mercy. "Another new recruit for you to train?"
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> Well, not exactly. She is my maid.
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> 6* The woman eyes Zeal, then Mercy. "Hm. I suppose a lady of the Duke's would have her own maid." 6* She nods once, then moves and gets one of the better trainee outfits, holding it out to Mercy.
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> 6* Mercy looks at her dirty hands worriedly, then at the outfit
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> I-- I am of no relation to the Duke. Her Graced Lenneth asked me to be his ward, and brought Miss Mercy to me as such. I thought an acolyte's garb would be more appropriate than current...?
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Woman> Everyone knows the Duke has his eye on you, my lady. I am certain it will not be long before he asks you to marry him. 6* She smiles mischeviously, as if thinking it were good news for her. She moves over to help Mercy into the outfit
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> I--" she flusters, peering down. "Just like before..."
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> I wonder if it is Lenneth's will to do so or if he gained her favor somehow...
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Woman> Hm? <Mercy> My lady is not interested in the Duke. She belongs to a God General's son. 6* The woman blinks, peering at Zeal
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> I daresay I do not understand men favoring a meadow girl such as I. I do not feel so refined nor am I an 'exotic' jungle beauty such as lady Rachael.
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Mercy> Sir Thomas likes a sensible woman. You are a sensible woman, Lady Zeal. 6* She looks herself over in the garbs, folding her hands together
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Mercy> You also make cute sounds, hence why Lady Rachael likes you as well. 6* The woman does a double tkae
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> M-Miss Mercy!
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Mercy> Yes? Am I incorrect?
<Kuroichigo> Zeal hangs her head, sighing.
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Woman> I-I see. Well... g-good luck. 6* She moves on to find other things
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Mercy> The Goddess Lenneth told me Lady Rachael would be allowed to visit today; should I prepare food for her and you while you spend time together?
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> Th-Thank you Miss Quartermaster!! U-Um, yes, please, Miss Mercy..
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> 6* Mercy bows. "Can you lead me to your new home so I may bathe and be properly prepared to serve your needs? 6* The woman peers at Zeal again
<Kuroichigo> Zeal jerks, and leads Mercy by the hand back to the courtyard they began in. "Remind me to find clothes for you later..."
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> <Mercy> I will do so. 6* She speaks up, louder as they move past the woman. "Do you wish to take a bath with me as well, Lady Zeal? I can wash anywhere you wish - or do more."
<DS[SeeIfNapPossible]> 6* The woman darts another look.
<Kuroichigo> <Zeal> That will do," she says, oblivious and back in her dignified stride.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Of course
<Kit> 6Zeal looks around, getting one of those feelings something went over her head, and frowns, heading back to the residency grounds
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy studies the large house quietly.
<Kit> <Zeal> Something wrong?
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Hm. I am wondering how many rooms I am required to clean
<Kit> <Zeal> The Duke has his own servants.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy nods, moving along; as they approach, Butler the Butler opens the door, eyeing Mercy with a disdained sniff
<Kit> <Zeal> I--...
<DeathStar> <Butler> Lady Zeal, is it necessary to bring peasants in? I know you enjoy spending time with orphans...but this is too much
<Kit> <Zeal> She is my maid." 6She frowns. 1"Did you not see the clothing?"
<DeathStar> 6* Butler peers at Mercy, then sniffs again. "I see; hopefully she will take better care of you than she has herself." 6* He steps aside. Mercy eyes him quietly
<Kit> <Zeal> Excuse me? You are being incredibly rude!
<DeathStar> <Butler> My apologies, Lady Zeal. 6* Mercy keeps eyeing him, like he were her enemy
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy steps forward past him and looks about, then runs her finger along some furniture to eye it inspectingly. She does her own sniff
<Kit> <Zeal> Somehow I... feel something has begun..
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Something, my lady? Please lead the way to our rooms and baths so I may familiarize myself.
<Kit> 6Zeal eyes her, then gestures to follow her upstairs, shaking her head
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy follows along, while Soma pokes his head out and mewls at Butler, who sniffs in disdain at him
<DeathStar> 6* Once at the bathroom Zeal shares with Jean, Mercy inspects it, then enters Zeal's room to inspect it, then Jean's. She makes soft utterences
<Kit> <Zeal> Something wrong..?
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Nothing, my lady. Shall we take a bath?
<Kit> <Zeal> ...Mm, yes, miss Mercy." 6She nods, moving to the bath and goes to run water for it
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy follows, then begins to undress Zeal right there
<Kit> <Zeal> Er--
<Kit> 6Zeal makes a startled noise, then blinks and calms as she realizes it's Mercy.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy casually begins to work off the layers of the garments, folding them to one side
<Kit> 6Zeal allows her, then shifts to get into the tub, looking a bit sheepish. It's been awhile since anyone besides Jean was with her.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy begins to remove her own clothing now, then finally slips in, taking the soaps and moving to wash and scrub Zeal
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy starts with her back and shoulders, massaging and washing. "I am glad you are well, my mistress."
* DeathStar is now known as DS[IsA-BadWolf]
* Kogitsune has joined #Session52-AddOn
<Kogitsune> <Zeal> You... should let me bathe you miss Mercy; you need it more than I..
Session Close: Tue May 18 00:00:00 2010
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Oh, my mistress wants to watch me bathe. 6* She nods, shifting away, then begins to wash herself slowly along her breasts
<Kit> <Zeal> I-- see you have not changed too much.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Do you wish me to change?
<Kit> <Zeal> I only wish you peace and happiness.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy nods, then resumes washing herself, shifting to lift a leg up to wash along it in front of Zeal
<Kit> 6Zeal pauses, staring.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy washes along her leg quietly, all the way down to her toes, then slowly back up to her thigh
<Kit> <Zeal> Miss Mercy...
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Yes, Lady Zeal? 6* She shifts to do the same to her other leg now
<Kit> <Zeal> Is this... something you... were taught?
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Yes. 6* She says matter of factly, spreading her legs a little to wash between her thighs now. "Sometimes guests would enjoy watching me bathe like this. Even King Arcane. Do I displease you?
<Kit> 6Zeal facepalms
<Kit> <Zeal> N-No, that is not the issue.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy returns to her breasts, mashing them together as she washes them. "What is, m'lady?"
<Kit> <Zeal> I-It is just a bit improper.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> You do not like it? 6* She continues to wash and grope herself, well endowed
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy looks at her as her hands wash her nipples, making them perky
<Kit> <Zeal> I am unsure how to answer that...
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Either you do like it, mistress, or you do not. If I displease you, I can always wash myself in the corner of the bath facing away from you so you do not have to look upon my ugly body.
<Kit> <Zeal> I-- you are not ugly!!
<DeathStar> <Mercy> I may be 'not ugly' in a manner that means men like to use me for sex, but I am certainly not beautiful like a lady such as yourself.
<Kit> <Zeal> It makes me unhappy when you disavow yourself like that.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Oh. I apologize my mistress. I am pretty, but not as pretty as you
<Kit> 6Zeal sighs. 1"Well, that is better than spouting nonsense of ugliness."
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Should I still turn my back to you and wash in the corner?
<Kit> <Zeal> N-No!! I am not so high and mighty.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy blinks, then resumes washing her breasts, then leans back to begin washing her stomach, then lower stomach slowly, displayed in front of Zeal
<Kit> <Zeal> ... R-Reminds me a bit ... of Rachael.." 6She mumbles.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> You wish me to do what Lady Rachael did to you in the dungeon?
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks, peering at Mercy with wide eyes now, gaping.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy peers at her blankly almost, still washing herself, shifting to turn in the water so her rear is facing Zeal as she washes it now as best she can.
<Kit> <Zeal> Y-You... you ...u-um..
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Yes, my lady? You wish to do someting to me?
<Kit> <Zeal> What-- n-no..! I-- j-just... you saw..?
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Yes. I had to make sure you would be safe in teh dungeon as the King's guests. I watched everything - including you having yourself chained up
<DeathStar> 6 Mercy shifts her rear about as she washes her breasts again with one hand while in that position
<Kit> <Zeal> ...!" 6Her face reddens furiously and she hides her face.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Do not worry, my lady. I will not tell. Whatever you do, it will not leave my lips. I am here to serve you. I will also make sure no man or woman touches you that is not Sir Thomas or Lady Rachael, or anyone else you deem worthy.
<Kit> <Zeal> M-Miss Mercy... you are kind. Please... as I said, I do not wish you to endanger yourself on my accord.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> I will do what a maid is required to do for her lady. 6* She finishes her washing now, then moves back to Zeal, groping her and washing her breasts
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks, bringing her hands away and gasping, having not noticed with her face hidden. 1"A-ah..!"
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Something wrong, my lady?
<Kit> <Zeal> I-- I cannot believe... mnn... y-you saw...
<DeathStar> <Mercy> I apologize; though I think another might have as well
<Kit> <Zeal> Wh-What..!?" 6She chokes.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> I cannot be sure. I thought I saw someone drop a key for Lady Rachael to find. 6* She works on her breasts a bit more, then moves to her stomach
<Kit> 6Zeal makes a pitiful noise, looking distraught, then draws in another gasp
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy shifts Zeal's legs over her shoulders now, then begins to --- wash her legs down to her thighs
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks, her eyes widening at that. 1"I-- A-ah.. ah..!?" 6She eyes Mercy washing her thighs and doing nothing else and looks sheepish, unsure whether to just hush or voice her concern at the position
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy continues along one leg, slowly and washing sensually, then does the same thing to the other leg and down to her thigh, actually making sure she's cleaned
<Kit> 6Zeal eyes Mercy, the red not leaving her face, and actually appearing to squirm just a little, biting her lip and peering to the side as she switches legs.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy then moves her hands to her butt and begins to wash it while it dangles there, groping it and sudding it up good
<Kit> 6Zeal makes a slight noise, arching upward some and gasping again, her eyes wide.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy continues at it, then lowers Zeal's legs back into the water, tkaing her feet now and washing and massaging them
<Kit> 6Zeal lets out a breath as she's lowered down and sits with a quickened heartbeat and breathing, looking flustered and embarassed, but lets out a happy sigh at the foot massage.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy smiles at Zeal. "Do you enjoy this?"
<Kit> <Zeal> Y-Yes..
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Then I will do it often for you. 6* She notes, finishing with one foot before moving to the other and doing the same
<Kit> <Zeal> A-Ah... th-thank you, miss Mercy..." 6She mumbles, possibly in heaven
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy finishes finally, then turns Zeal around to face the edge of the tub and begins to wash her back and massage it just the same
<Kit> 6Zeal blinks, blushing slightly as Mercy turns her around, peering back shyly, then pauses and sighs in pleasure. 1"O-Oh... m-miss Mercy..."
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Yes, lady Zeal? 6* She asks sweetly as she continues, working at getting all the tension of the past few weeks from her shoulders
<Kit> <Zeal> Th-That feels ...mnh... good...
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy leans against Zeal a bit, her breasts pressing against Zeal's butt as she continues to work at it. "Would you like me to do more?"
<Kit> <Zeal> Mmhh... ah..? Y-Yes... p-please, miss Mercy.."
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy nods, working her way down Zeal's back, kneading at it, as she brings her knee up between Zeal's sex and slowly rubs at it, almost massagingly as well
<Kit> 6Zeal takes ahold of the side of the bath with her hands, making pleased noises and shivers as she relaxes, taking in a sharp gasp at the rub between her legs, but too out of it initially to notice
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy continues to rub back and forth with her knee gently as her hands work out more knots in Zeal's back and sides, then brings her hands around to her front to take her breasts and massage and knead them as she rubs herself along Zeal's back; she takes each breast and moves them together and gropes them gently, using her hands better than Rachael
* DeathStar is now known as DS[LaysYouDown]
Session Close: Thu May 20 00:00:00 2010
Session Start: Mon May 24 00:00:00 2010
Session Ident: #Session52-AddOn
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy, looking slightly satisfied with a smile, shifts her hands slowly down Zeal's sides to her butt, where she massages it now, firmly and steadily, and rubbing her knee a bit more.
<Kogitsune> 6Zeal winces, a gasp escaping her lips. With a few pants she concernedly eyes Mercy, with a sparing tone murmuring, "M-Miss Mercy..!"
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy slows a bit, then stops, as if the massage is over. "Yes, Lady Zeal?"
<Kogitsune> 6Zeal fills a lengthy pause with pants, squirming uncomfortably, then eyes Mercy with a flushed expression and a frustrated posturing
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Is something wrong, my lady? Do you want more? 6* She asks, completely innocent
<Kogitsune> <Zeal> M-Miss Mercy you shouldst... n-not do ...such th-things... hahn...
<DeathStar> <Mercy> I should not give you a pleasurable massage?
<DeathStar> <Mercy> You asked for more
<Kogitsune> <Zeal> P-Pleasurable..? I-- I did not mean...!" 6She looks embarassedly mortified
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy leans in. "Did I do something to displease you?"
<Kogitsune> 6Zeal's eyes widen, leaning back timidly as Mercy draws close. "N-No.. th-that is not wh-what I meant...
<DeathStar> <Mercy> ... 6* She looks at her, her expression a bit upset. "You didn't like me massaging you, then? I offended you?"
Session Close: Tue May 25 00:00:00 2010
Session Start: Thu May 27 00:00:00 2010
Session Ident: #session52-addon
<Kit> <Zeal> I-- never said offended... I-- I..." 6She looks uncomfortable now more than anything, not sure how to explain.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy pauses, then just shifts to massage her shoulders. "Alright, my lady."
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks slightly, then starts to relax again, mumbling. She fidgets after a moment. 1"Um... d-do I need to stay... poised like this..?"
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Only if you like it, my lady.
<Kit> <Zeal> I-..." 6She pouts slightly, out of view, thinking it's something Rachael also might have her do.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy runs her hands along Zeal's body slowly, only pausing when there's a knock on the door and a voice says "Your friend is here."
<Kit> <Zeal> Friend...
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks, realizing she was slowly being drawn out of reality again, peering back at Mercy embarassedly and turning around, sinking into the water some.
<DeathStar> <Voice> Should I send her in?
* Kogitsune has joined #session52-addon
<Kit> 6Zeal nods to Mercy.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Send her in. 6* She notes in response, shifting in front of Zeal; the door opens and a moment later Rachael walks in, dressed in noble like clothing; once the door shuts, she sheds most of it and hurries over, throwing herself into a hug around Zeal, despite getting wet
<Kit> <Zeal> O-Oh! Lady Rachael..!
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Zeal! I'm glad they finally let us meet. Are you okay? Have they done anything to you?
<Kit> <Zeal> No, not thus far. Lady Lenneth... seems to favor me. Though I am not sure why I was made to stay here with ...that man of all people.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> ... I wish I could stay with you. 6* She practically shifts into the water to be on Zeal's lap, hugging her, then whispers in her ear. "Nephilim is alright; she's free."
Session Close: Fri May 28 00:00:00 2010
Session Start: Sun May 30 00:00:00 2010
Session Ident: #session52-addon
<Kogitsune> 6Zeal blinks at Rachael. "Th-That is good, l-lady Rachael... um..." She peers toward Mercy, since she'd just had this discussion about behavior
<DeathStar> <Rachael> How get Mercy back?
<Kit> <Zeal> It was... a reward from Lady Lenneth... for cooperating with Jean's re-educating.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Oh. ... Is Jean okay?
<Kit> <Zeal> She lost all her memories-- again. But yes... she learns incredibly.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael nods, looking down. "If only we can get that collar off and escape...And find the others..."
* Kogitsune has joined #session52-addon
Session Close: Mon May 31 00:00:00 2010
Session Start: Tue Jun 01 00:00:00 2010
Session Ident: #session52-addon
* Kogitsune has joined #session52-addon
* DS[NotFeelGoodPity] is now known as DS[NeedsYOURLove-SignUpToday]
* Disconnected
* Attempting to rejoin channel #session52-addon
* Rejoined channel #session52-addon
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael nods, looking down. "If only we can get that collar off and escape...And find the others..."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Then what..?
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I don't know! Don't you have any plans on how to free her and get out of here, Zeal?! I mean, who knows what they're doing to her - you're not even with her right now!
<Kit> <Zeal> Lady Rachael... I-- they have not been unkind to either of us.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> You get more flies with honey. 6* She notes
<Kit> <Zeal> ..." 6She frowns, peering to the side.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> Do you have any idea where the others might be? It would help if we could find them, first off. 6* She peers at Mercy scrunitizingly, but Mercy says nothing
<Kit> <Zeal> Sonniere Prison...
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael jerks her gaze back at Zeal, staring. "I--think I read about that---thats...not a good place..."
<Kit> <Zeal> No prison is a 'good place...' But yes, you are correct..
<DeathStar> <Rachael> ... 6* She shifts out of the water, her dress dripping water, and she leans forward, frowning. "I wish I could just whisk you and Jean out of here myself. Mercy, too."
<Kit> <Zeal> Mm... wishing." 6She muses quietly.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> I'll get you out of here somehow, Zeal. I promise. 6* She notes firmly, her voice always low in case people are listening. She then blinks, peering at naked Mercy, then naked Zeal, then sniffs the air once. "Were you two...?"
<Kit> <Zeal> Lady Rachael do not endanger yourself to save us from no danger...
<Kit> 6Zeal twitches slightly, avoiding the question.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> No danger? 6* Her voice rises, her ears twitching. "And if Jean becomes a loyal churchmember that obeys the god? You don't think there's danger in that?"
<Kit> <Zeal> Is she better off being hunted to death?
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael stares at her, as if she's not sure what to make of Zeal
<DeathStar> <Rachael> She's better off being her real self. Not a puppet.
<Kit> <Zeal> She is still herself... just raised differently..!" 6She frowns again, as if taking offence at what Rachael just said.
<DeathStar> <Rachael> ... Can you honestly say that? 6* She asks quietly. "Nephilim's seen her about the church yard and said she looks more and more withdrawn every day."
<Kit> <Zeal> I-- she is... always cheerful.. to me..
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael glances down, then rises and smoothly runs her hands down her dress. "I'm sorry, narvan; I know you must not like what I'm saying. But I won't let Jean become a puppet. But if you want to stay with the church, I'll make sure to do it in a way that doesn't point at you."
<Kit> 6Zeal winces, frowning even more, but glancing at the water.
<DeathStar> 6* Rachael turns and exits the bathroom
<Kit> <Zeal> R--Ra..." 6She wheezes, not finding the rest of her voice.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy shifts over to Zeal and puts an arm around her, perhaps capable of giving some support even with that blank face
<Kit> <Zeal> Confound it..!
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy walks into Zeal's room during meal time with a tray of food; so far Jean hasn't returned, it seems. Mercy moves over and sets the tray down on the table
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Lady Jean is having a meal with Lord Braddock. 6* She notes
<Kit> <Zeal> Eh? Why alone?
<DeathStar> <Mercy> I do not know, my lady. I was only told Lord Braddock asked her to dine with him, and she accepted. 6* She smooths her maid outfit
<Kit> <Zeal> ... Ngh.." 6She bites at her thumb, frowning
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Is something wrong, my lady?
<Kit> <Zeal> It bothers me..
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Do you wish to dine with Lord Braddock as well? I believe there is an open invitation for you
<Kit> <Zeal> R-Really..? I will not be interrupting..?
<DeathStar> <Mercy> I do not believe so. 6* She folds her hands together in front of her. "But I do not see how eating with someone you do not like will digest your food well."
<DeathStar> (O_O)
<Kit> <Zeal> I-It is not that.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> What is it, then, my lady?
<Kit> <Zeal> L-Lady Al'ryl. Without me...
<DeathStar> <Mercy> You are worried he will take advantage of her womanhood.
<Kit> <Zeal> I--" 6She jerks, reddening. 1"... did not consider that.."
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Oh. Then what has you worried?
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy pours a glass of tea for Zeal
<Kit> <Zeal> ...What lady Al'ryl is thinking...
<DeathStar> <Mercy> Doesn't she think of cute things?
Session Close: Wed Jun 02 00:00:00 2010
Session Start: Wed Jun 02 00:00:00 2010
Session Ident: #session52-addon
<DeathStar> <Mercy> If you wish to go to the dinner, I shall lead you, my lady
* Kuroichigo has joined #session52-addon
<DeathStar> <Mercy> If you wish to go to the dinner, I shall lead you, my lady
* Kuroichigo is now known as Zeal
<Zeal> ... I-It is just to check on lady Al'ryl
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy rises and moves to the door
* Zeal sniffs indignantly and goes to find more appropriate clothing before following her
<DeathStar> 6* Once Zeal is ready, Mercy leads her down the hall, down some stairs, and into a dining area; seated at a large table is Jean, wearing a white dress, and Braddock, sitting across from her. He seems to be talking and her listening, her expression a pleasant smile
* Zeal awkwardly approaches from Jean's side
<DeathStar> 6* Braddock glances up, a hand on a wine glass, and he gives her a smile. "Lady Zeal. I did not expect you for dinner." 6* Jean glances at her, her face a serene mask of neutrality
* Zeal pauses at that, remembering Rachael's words and makes a visible wince, looking ready to bolt
<DeathStar> <Braddock> Is something wrong? If you want to join us, Butler can prepare a plate. 6* Mercy stands behind Zeal, hands folded together in front of her
* Zeal looks from Braddock to Jean, her face having a mix of concern and annoyance
<DeathStar> 6* Braddock raises a brow at her, and it's clear she's walking on thin ground just looking at him like that. Jean, for her part, smiles pleasantly at Zeal. "The meal is quite nice, Lady Zeal."
<Zeal> Is... that so? Perhaps I... will then...
<DeathStar> 6* Braddock gestures at any of the seats; there appears to be four seats; two near Jean, two near Braddock, since each are at the table ends
* Zeal eyes them and takes a seat on Jean's end of the two to her left, gazing between the two again
<DeathStar> 6* Butler sets down a plate of food for Zeal; a type of lamb leg, it seems, with mashed potatos, and green like beans. Mercy stands behind her and nearby, eyeing Butler, who eyes her back. Braddock speaks again. "I was just talking to Lady Jean about how pleased the church is with her progress. You have been teaching her well, Lady Zeal."
<DeathStar> 6* Jean smiles at the compliment, properly eating the food like a noble woman
<Zeal> Ah... It has little to do with me and all of her own adaptibility... I am no teacher.
<DeathStar> <Jean> But you have taught me so much; she's a very patient teacher with me, Lord Braddock. I admit to begin with I was very improper about my behavior and childishness."
<DeathStar> 6* Soma comes trotting into the room, mewling up at Zeal; Braddock eyes it, while Butler tries to shoot him
<DeathStar> *shoo
<Zeal> ... You were not as bad as you make it seem... Everyone has their moments..." She smiles, beckoning Soma onto her lap
<DeathStar> 6* Soma moves over and hops up automatically, rubbing against her and purring. Jean smiles a bit more at Zeal. Braddock goes on himself. "I am curious, Lady Zeal; do you think you would be interested in taking the oaths yourself and learning magic?"
* Zeal jerks, looking up. "Wh-what? I-- I am not of rank..."
<Zeal> Besides, I have no need of anything like that...
<DeathStar> <Braddock> I see; well, if you change your mind, I am sure the Church would be eager to have you become a higher ranked Templar. Your services are invaluable to us. The goddess Lenneth favors you, after all
<Zeal> ... I-If Lady Lenneth required my doing so... I would be flattered. I have only considered supportive roles to my comrades
<DeathStar> <Braddock> With the gift of healing magic, you could do much for people. 6* Jean nods at Zeal
<Zeal> That is... True. Especially with the war... Effective healing along front lines is a problem...
<DeathStar> <Braddock> Yes, you would do much good, I think. 6* He sips his wine, smiling at both women. "I know Jean is eager to help aid people." 6* Jean nods
<Zeal> Doing what... Exactly?
<DeathStar> <Jean> I don't know everything, but the church said I would be allowed to help heal people between missions. 6* She smiles, eating another bite of food
<Zeal> Between missions..?" She blinks
<DeathStar> 6* Jean nods a few times, eating more of her food. Braddock smiles again. <Braddock> If you do change your mind about learning healing magic, Lady Zeal, just let me know.
* Zeal nods solemnly, but eyes Jean. "Between what missions..?"
<DeathStar> <Jean> I do not know yet. But I am sure they are important
* Zeal frowns, looking concerned again
<DeathStar> <Jean> Are you okay, Lady Zeal?
<DeathStar> <Jean> Are you okay, Lady Zeal?
* Kogitsune has joined #session52-addon
<Kit> <Zeal> I am worried if you are saying you would be working in the field.
<DeathStar> <Jean> Hm, I will ask Goddess Lenneth and the Church for you later.
<Kogitsune> <Zeal> What do you mean?
<DeathStar> <Jean> If you are worried, I will ask them what sort of missions I will be doing, so you can know
* DeathStar is now known as DS[Ill]
Session Close: Thu Jun 03 00:00:00 2010
Session Start: Thu Jun 03 00:00:00 2010
Session Ident: #session52-addon
* Disconnected
* Attempting to rejoin channel #session52-addon
* Rejoined channel #session52-addon
<DeathStar> <Jean> If you are worried, I will ask them what sort of missions I will be doing, so you can know
<Kit> <Zeal> I-- I would like to know. But it is not necessarily my business to impose.
<DeathStar> <Braddock> The gods do as the gods will.
<Kit> <Zeal> Right..."
<DeathStar> 6* After dinner, Braddock rises ,as does Jean. "Thank you for dining with me, Lady Jean; perhaps tomorrow we can dine together again and I can show you some of my books in my study afterwards. 6* Jean smiles at him and does a proper curtsey, saying goodbye as she heads back for the stairs to the rooms
<Kit> 6Zeal rubs her nose, then rises and bows properly, having been wearing her templar uniforms and armor lately, insisting it's proper rather than dresses to probably Braddock's pleasure, then follows Jean
<DeathStar> <Jean> He seems like a very nice person; you were right that I was wrong to antagonize him.
<Kit> <Zeal> Are you ...serious?
<DeathStar> <Jean> Yes. 6* She looks confused, peering at Zeal
<Kit> <Zeal> Mm.. It was you that told me that he wished for my body.
<DeathStar> <Jean> I didn't notice him looking at your body tonight. 6* She notes
<Kit> <Zeal> He was looking at yours?
<DeathStar> <Jean> Was he? 6* She blinks, pausing outside Zeal's room
<Kit> 6Zeal looks pointed but mumbles. 1"If he was?"
<DeathStar> <Jean> Hm, I don't know. 6* She notes honestly.
<Kit> <Zeal> A-Are you interested in Braddock..!?
<DeathStar> <Jean> Hm. He seems interesting, if that's what you mean. 6* She notes, peering at Zeal oddly
<Kit> <Zeal> Perhaps you have changed...
<DeathStar> <Jean> Changed? 6* She looks even more confused.
<Kit> <Zeal> From the time before.
<DeathStar> <Jean> Have I done something wrong? 6* She looks at Zeal worriedly
<Kit> <Zeal> No, lady Al'ryl, not at all. I merely have to wonder if I have done the right thing."
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy stands behind Zeal silently as they talk, and Jean peers down, but then cursteys and says goodnight, heading for her room. Soma mewls from Zeal's breasts where he's comfied himself
<Kit> 6Zeal lets out a breath, peering to the side, then looks at Jean. 1"You want to take the oaths, I understand. I made a promise to you, however, whether you remember or not. If you do so... then I must ask graced Lenneth if she will allow me to remain at your side."
<Kit> <Zeal> If learning magic is required... then I suppose it will make me more useful to you than I am now.
<DeathStar> 6* Jean pauses in going into her room, blinking, then smiles. "If you want to come with me, I would be glad, Teacher Zeal." 6* She moves into the room and closes the door; no longer at night does she seem to cry in her sleep
<Kit> 6Zeal gazes down the hall and out the far window before shifting to enter her own room, still looking troubled, but eased at least somewhat.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy follows and closes the door after them, then moves to undress Zeal
<Kit> <Zeal> You recall how she was-- am I... doing the wrong thing, miss Mercy?
<DeathStar> <Mercy> It is not my place to question you, lady Zeal
<Kit> <Zeal> I was not asking you to question me-- I am asking your advice.
<DeathStar> <Mercy> The gods are our superiors; who are we to go against them? 6* She asks, very much like her old self
<Kit> <Zeal> I suppose you are right.
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy nods, working the clothing off layer by layer, then putting Zeal in a nightgown
<Kit> 6Zeal mumbles her thanks and lies down
<DeathStar> 6* Mercy moves to sit down in a chair
Session Close: Fri Jun 04 00:00:00 2010