The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Session 57

Session Start: Tue May 25 22:52:10 2010
Session Ident: #Session57
* Now talking in #Session57
* sets mode: +nt
* Kit has joined #Session57
* Seraphna has joined #Session57
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
* #Session57 is being logged
<DeathStar> Date: 5.18.2389 AJ
<DeathStar> 6* The boat sails along, with the shore in the far distance barely visible now. Faile leans over a railing to peer out silently, while Thomas eyes the gathered, eager prisoners
<Seraphna> * Kaelan sticks near Thomas, looking at the prisoners as well, Seth meanwhile makes his way over to the others from where he was resting, having been doing a lot of it due to his injury.
<Kit> 6Azhren eyes Faile oddly. 1"Is that... sea beast back?"
<DeathStar> <Faile> ... 6* She peers at Azhren with her sharp look, confused a moment. "Are you talking about that thing that made noises?"
<Seraphna> Seth> "Ship fish... usually a sign of good luck I think." *he leans against the railing, he looks calmer, much calmer then he did in prison at least*
<DeathStar> 6* Faile eyes Seth now through narrowed eyes, like she were watching a tigoar
<Kit> <Azhren> Indeed.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan looks at Thomas. "What do we do when we land...?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Work our way toward the capital, I suppose.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "And hope Jean's still there..." *she sighs a bit*
<DeathStar> <Faile> It's gone.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> We have no other leads, unfortunately
<Seraphna> * Seth eyes her a moment, then looks away uninterested in her, he looks towards the shore, an eagerness shining in his eyes as he thinks about Jean.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Mmm... very true. We should take care, especially with Seth and I having relations there still. Though if we're lucky, Lenneth's pardon still holds with the Templars."
<Kit> 6Azhren snorts at Seth's reaction.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I doubt it will hold long if we ask questions about Jean, however.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Perhaps we should start by asking questions about Zeal, Nephilim and Rachael then."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Hopefully it will go well. 6* He eyes the prisoners with a frown as the shore gets closer and the dock for Soniere ships looms closer
<Seraphna> * Kaelan frowns a little. She whispers to Thomas, "What do we do... they'll swarm the docks trying to get free."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I don't know if there is anything we can do; we are outnumbered.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> *she nods, looking down guiltily*
<DeathStar> 6* Faile eyes Kaelan now, sharply. "Regretting letting murders go?" 6* Her tone is just as sharp
<Kit> <Azhren> Perhaps it is best at this point to merely hope that not all of them are unjust.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan peers at her and then just nods.
<DeathStar> 6* Faile holds her gaze a moment longer, then turns and moves off to stand alone as she watches the shore get closer
<Seraphna> * Kaelan frowns a bit and watches her move off.
<Seraphna> <Seth> "I think she took that personal."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan blinks a little, "I... was regretting the ones that kill without reason... Faile is a fine person..."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Do we know if she killed without reason?
<Seraphna> Seth> "I believe her father violated her. She got even."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> ... really? That's.. ... disturbing
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "That's sad." *she looks towards Faile with pity*
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas gazes back out at the sea, leaning forward and frowning. "Some people are worse than monsters."
<Kit> 6A woman is standing beside Kaelan when she turns, a bit taller than her, and shaking her head.
<Seraphna> Seth> "Now you know why I gave up being a guard."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan blinks, looking at the woman. "H-Hello there...?"
<Kit> <Woman> Annoyance, to compassion, to pity. Sad indeed.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "What...?"
<Kit> 6The lady inclines her head, studying Kaelan slowly, her gaze feeling of judgment and appraisal.
<Kit> <Lady> The one thing we find more patronizing than sympathy is sympathy from the ignorant.
<Kit> <Woman> If you try to understand her, you'll find she doesn't want you to. If you pity her, she'll take pity on your life.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "...I don't recall being annoyed at her, but... who are you?"
<Kit> <Woman> Oh..? My mistake. The frown said otherwise..." 6She chuckles. 1"Mm. What was I once called..?"
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I have a habit of frowning when worried."
<Kit> 6She runs a hand through her hair, a mottled black almost like Zeal's, yet when the light hits it, a hue of red shines, as if it were stained or singed.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas studies the woman carefully, worried for Kaelan; female prisoners can be nuts
<Seraphna> * Kaelan peers at her, as if unaware of a need to be cautious. "I'm Kaelan, if sharing helps."
<Kit> 6She bows her head pollitely, not a manner amongst the miscreants and uncivil rampant of the ex-prisoners. 1"I wasn't intending to be rude. I have merely had no reason to remember it for quite some time."
<Kit> <Woman> I'm simply called 'the fallen' more often than not.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> The fallen?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "That... sounds like a title more then a name... I'm sorry you can't remember though."
<Kit> <Woman> A whispering, if anything. You see, I was once an acolyte.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas blinks at that
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Acolyte..." *she looks at Thomas, then back at her* "What's that?"
<Kit> <Woman> Gracious, there are people in this world unaware of the church?
<DeathStar> 6* The prisoners poke the sailors roughly to get the ship ligned up right at the dock; the second ship that was there when they first came is gone, probably already on it's way to Soniere with suppleis
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I'm... not very well versed in the ranks. I only know Templars and such."
<Kit> <Woman> Templars-- Hu hu hu... the knights to our clerics.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> How did you wind up in prison, if I might ask?
<Kit> 6She looks to Thomas, then seems genuinely taken aback. 1"Hm... how was it again...?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> It has been that long...? 6* He murmurs, frowning
<Seraphna> * Seth moves over, peering the woman up and down.
<Kit> 6The lady leaves Kaelan's side to peers over the railing toward the shore, marks and scars not first visible all along her upper and lower back.
<Kit> <Woman> Well, much like the church in regards to myself-- some things are less painful lost and forgotten.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I see. Well, you are free now. 6* He notes, peering out. "In this day and age, a lot that we remembered must be forgotten if we are to move on..."
<Kit> 6She chuckles, the back of her hand up to her mouth. 1"You're wayward of the church's graces yourself, aren't you... hm, hm. You remind me of someone."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I do? 6* He glances at her agin
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Oddly... not sure where we stand with the Church at the moment."
<Kit> <Woman> The templars... the brave and bold. They have their ranks-- the highest amongst them, they learn forbidden arts, do they not?
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Yes. The High-tier Templars and those above them
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "God Generals..."
<Kit> <Woman> I daresay you remind me of someone who knew such things." 6She peers back, smiling at Kaelan.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "M-Me...?"
<DeathStar> 6* The ship pulls up and the prisoners cheer and throw the sailors into the center, their weapons drawn as they wave them at the frightened men and hoot. Faile turns to eye them, then begins to march toward them with a sharply annoyed expression
<Kit> <Woman> No, my girl. The man before us. Sir...?
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Me? ... I am Thomas. Thom-- 6* He peers at the commotion
<Kit> 6Azhren stares at Faile, getting up to follow her.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Azhren! Order them not to hurt them!"
<Kit> <Woman> Ah, McKeenan.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas jerks his gaze back at the woman in surprise, then studies her reservedly, clearly trying to place her
<DeathStar> 6* Faile steps in front of the men, hands on her hips, as she eyes the men; they sneer at her, reaching out
<Kit> <Woman> The templars are only one side of the church. Obviously the clerics and priesthood have their own ascendents. Acolytes such as I." 6She smiles.
<Seraphna> * Seth peers at the woman with interest now. "How do you know Thomas then?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> You must have been high up in the ranks, miss
<Kit> 6Azhren reaches to clutch in a vicegrip with his one hand one of the ones reaching for Faile.
<Kit> <Woman> Perhaps, perhaps not. Branded a witch, hardly matters now.
<DeathStar> 6* The man jerks, eyeing Azhern, then gets a chain in the eye and he howls as his head is knocked by the force, blood visible . The rest back off
<DeathStar> <Thomas> A witch? But--- that title for those who come ot learn magic through unnatural means not given to them by the oaths
<Kit> <Azhren> I believe I said the leave the working men.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan looks over at Thomas. "...What does that make us?"
<Kit> <Woman> Well, I was certainly taught by my master, that's for sure. Perhaps I developed too quickly?
<DeathStar> 6* The prisoners eye each other, then move to exit the ship - all 40ish of them. To the north is mountains, visible - high in the sky, and to the south is the port city Cade - and to the west - well, west is the Navarroian desert
<Kit> 6The lady closes her eyes, smiling a bit wider. 1"It's not my fault I caught her... acting outside... our oaths."
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas doesn't glance at Kaelan, studying the woman. "Her?"
<Seraphna> * Kaelan frowns a bit and looks at the woman, then the prisoners on the move. "We... may want to have this conversation on the move."
<Kit> <Lady> My master once. With a secret of her own she didn't want the rest of the church to know. So she tried to take care of me, but I took care of her first. With some unfortunate last minute witnesses. Hu hu hu..
<DeathStar> 6* The prisoners begin to divide up; a good many head south, while a few head to the west, and a couple even north
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I see. 6* He tries to rack his brains, but it's clear he's from the main branch, not Navarro's.
<Kit> <Lady> No way to prove it. The dead can't confess. Nor absolve me of the status of a charlatan.
<DeathStar> 6* Faile eyes then go with a snort, then begins to move off the ship herself, wrapping her chain around her neck and tucking it down under a man's sailor shirt she took
<DeathStar> <Thomas> What will you do now?
<Kit> 6Azhren pauses. 1"Lady Faile?"
<Seraphna> * Seth taps his head a little. "How long ago was this?"
<DeathStar> 6* Faile peers at Azhren with an odd expression, probably at the 'lady'. "It's Faile." 6* Yep
<Kit> <Lady> Good question." 6She peers around, then forms a palm and strikes a section of the railing, kicking for the end, snapping it in two places, bringing the piping across her wrist and hitting it with her knee, spinning it rapidly and moving it along her body before clutching it to a sudden stop.
<Kit> <Azhren> ...Where are you going?
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas watches and to his credit doesn't jerk. He seems to watch her movements mor ethan anything - her technique
<Seraphna> * Kaelan stares at this in surprise. "Wow."
<DeathStar> <Faile> ... Haven't decided yet. Might go south; find a ship and go somewhere new.
<Kit> <Azhren> ...Oh." 6He eyes the ground, frowning.
<Seraphna> Seth> "Let me guess, the clergy aren't knights but they know how to hold their own?"
<DeathStar> 6* Faile eyes him oddly now. "And where are you headed - through the desert?"
<Kit> <Lady> Oh, no. I learned a few things before I was transferred to the main branches.
<Kit> 6The woman sets the makeshift staff over her shoulders, hanging her hands casually on it. 1"Was a servant to a local abbey before then. Monks are usually male... but I ... held my own, as you put it."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> You do seem competent.
<Seraphna> Seth> "I see, so we weren't always just a pretty face in robes."
<Seraphna> * Seth gives her a charming grin.
<Kit> <Lady> Funny you should say that. Once I was 'in robes' that's all they ever mentioned was my pretty face and getting me out of said robes.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas glacnes at Seth - back to his routines
<Seraphna> Seth> "I-I see... do you mind that?"
<Seraphna> * Kaelan eyes him too then looks at Thomas and gives a helpless shrug. At least the man isn't acting like a psychopath anymore.
<Kit> <Lady> I did once. But after the first dozen lashings for breaking hands, knees and wrists... I learned that sins of the flesh weren't all that bad. And hurt less.
<Kit> <Azhren> ...I would like to confirm lady Mercy is alive and well. Otherwise... I don't know either.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas peers away, always not happy to see the darker sides of humanity
<DeathStar> <Faile> Is she your... lover?
<Kit> 6Azhren blinks, shaking his head. 1"She is the roy-- er... She is a maid."
<Seraphna> Seth> "I---" *he seems unsure of how to proceed* "I see. Perhaps I shouldn't bring up such things then." *he looks sad*
<DeathStar> <Faile> You're checking on a maid? Why? 6* She asks incredulously
<Kit> <Lady> My, are you worried about my feelings? What a gentleman." 6She smirks, her eyes still closed.
<Seraphna> Seth> "I don't believe in allowing a lady to be upset. It's crude."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan gives him an eye, but since the woman doesn't seem offended, she doesn't say anything like she did with Faile.
Session Close: Wed May 26 00:00:00 2010
Session Start: Wed May 26 00:00:00 2010
Session Ident: #Session57
<DeathStar> <Thomas> If you are headed west, do you wish to travel with us? 6* He asks the woman
<Kit> <Lady> I have a feeling I wasn't branded a witch for killing my master, however. It was likely for the trouble I caused them in retaining me-- and denouncing that our supposed gods could allow one 'so close to divinity' to be taking favors and sharing bed.
<Seraphna> Seth> "Yep, that'd piss them off something huge."
<Kit> <Lady> Hm." 6She opens one eye, peering at Thomas. 1"You're not worried about a stranger-- a murderous witch, no less?"
<Seraphna> * Kaelan looks over the docks. "If we're heading west we should see about supplies..."
<Kit> <Azhren> It was my duty. I gave my word.
<Seraphna> Seth> "He puts up with a lecherous guard. Same principle."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> We've all done our share of things; I've decided to no longer judge things until I see things for myself and can come to my own conclusions."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "She seems a nice enough lady to me."
<Kit> <Lady> I beg your pardon, but that's what landed me in a fine mess to begin with. Hu hu hu.
<DeathStar> <Faile> I see. So you're checking on her because of duty. 6* She sounds even more incredulously.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Well, it placed me in jail, but I still am trying to follow that line of thinking
<Kit> <Azhren> I like to keep my word. It is one of few things I can take into my own hands and remain beside and be proud of.
<DeathStar> 6* He eyes the ship gone of supplies due to prisoners
<DeathStar> 6* Faile eyes his one hand, then him a moment, staring. "Well, you're not like most people, Azhren. That's for sure."
<Kit> 6The lady chuckles, then nods. 1"Very well. If you don't mind, I'll take your company."
<Kit> <Azhren> ...Thank you." 6He looks slightly confused.
<Kit> <Azhren> You're not like most people I know, either.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Mmm... first come first serve I suppose... shall we be off before someone wonders why this boat did the opposite service it usually does?"
<DeathStar> <Faile> ... 6* She eyes him through narrowed eyes, her gaze like a hawk's
<Kit> 6Azhren blinks, then confused again, returns the gaze, as if thinking that's her way of exchanging.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> We could stay and hope more supplies arrive, but that would mean fighting; and likely having to deal with prisoners they are bringing
<DeathStar> <Faile> Well. I hope you find that Mercy girl, then.
<Kit> <Lady> Worried?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I think we've done enough damage."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I feel time is of the essence; but we won't cross the desert without supplies, either. I'm not sure if there any villages between here and there, either
<Seraphna> Seth> "The port city. We can supply there and then make the trip."
<Kit> <Lady> There was-- but it's a desert. I couldn't say if it's remained after time
<DeathStar> <Thomas> It would take us two days to reach that city, I believe. ... 6* He glances at the woman. "If there are villages as she remembers, it may be a gamble, but worth it; we can hunt on the way there, at the very least
<Seraphna> Seth> "I can at least try to point you to animals, I'm not exactly going to be wrestling beasts anytime soon." *he motions to his arm in a sling*
<Kit> <Lady> Hmm... heh heh heh." 6She eyes Seth's arm.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Do you know healing magics? 6* He asks the woman, since clergy typically learn those
<Kit> <Lady> Shall we see if I'm really a witch or not?
<Kit> 6She chuckles. 1"It never occured to me to try and use my wiles to escape, before. I just followed the flow this time."
<Seraphna> * Seth raises a brow. "...Let's see, agonizing pain from this terrible war wound, or the hands of a beautiful healer." *he weighs his options* "Witch me up."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan raises a brow at Seth. Who has somehow managed to work flirting into asking for help.
<Kit> <Lady> No promises. If I'm really a heathen, you might explode. Or so the rumors say? Blood boiling, fever death? Hu hu hu.
<Seraphna> Seth> "Eh, I'll take my chances, I'm already a heathen."
<Kit> 6The woman glances up at the ship's secondary mast and sail. 1"Hm. In trade, I want that."
<Seraphna> Seth> "My good mast and sail? Alright, done."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan stares.
<DeathStar> 6* Faile turns to begin walking, peering about as she tries to get her bearings
<Kit> <Woman> Certainly, since speaking of robes." 6She gestures at her tattered idea of clothing.
<Kit> <Azhren> ... Lady Faile..
<DeathStar> 6* Faile whirls around on him, as if glad to pick a fight, since she does that often with prisoners and beats them up afterwards; her hands go on her hips and her nostrils flare a bit. "Stop calling me 'Lady'."
<Kit> <Azhren> I want to be with you.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I'll see about dropping the sail then..." *she moves over to the secondary mast, looking over the ropes*
<Seraphna> Seth> "Good work Skipper Kaelan."
<DeathStar> 6* Faile jerks her head back and stares at him in complete shock. "What?"
<Kit> 6The woman nods and walks over to Seth, rubbing her fingers together and getting a curious look-- as if studying an experiment about to be performed from third person
<Seraphna> * Seth puts on a brave face, especially for a man who days ago was giggling in the middle of a rape attempt.
<Kit> <Azhren> Did I... not make myself clear?
<Kit> <Azhren> I enjoy your company.
<DeathStar> <Faile> ... ... And why would you want to be around me? 6* She gives him a slanted look. "You barely know me."
<Kit> <Azhren> Yes. This is true.
<DeathStar> 6* Faile peers away, then shrugs. "I guess west is as good as south..." 6* She makes it sound like her idea.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas watches the woman and Seth's arm curiously
<Kit> <Azhren> Ah, so you will join us. For now, at least.
<DeathStar> <Faile> For now. 6* She nods in agreement.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan starts working on getting the sail lowered, not being an experienced sailor, she takes her time, careful of the rigging.
<Kit> 6The lady twirls the 'staff' and plants it with hardly any resistant in the planking as if it were soft soil, then brings her hands together and lowers her head, as if praying. Though quiet, she begins whispering nonsense.
<Seraphna> * Seth watches with interest, setting his jaw a bit.
<DeathStar> 6* Magic HAPPENS - if she is magical or somethin'
<Kit> <Azhren> Thank you, my lady.
<DeathStar> 6* Faile flares her nostrils again at him, but crosses her arms without saying a word this time
<Kit> <Azhren> Ah-- thank you, Faile." 6He bows his head in apology, heading back toward the others.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan collects the sail and starts moving back over.
<DeathStar> 6* Faile moves over a bit to peer at the ship to see what's happening
<Kit> <Woman> What do you know? Maybe I am a witch.
<Kit> 6She stands. 1"That should do it, although now you're infertile."
<Seraphna> * Seth slowly tests his arm. "Oh really? Well I suppose I won't have to worry about little Seths then."
<Kit> <Woman> I wasn't being serious. How crass! Though there is always something lost to gain.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Unfortunate; Jean would have liked children, I imagine. 6* He says in a rare joke
<Kit> 6The lady chuckles.
<Kit> <Azhren> Who is this?
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas glances at Azhren. "She can't remember her name; she'll be traveling with us. I see Faile is still here - is she coming as well?"
<Seraphna> * Seth grins a little. "She would have... hope she still does. I-I mean---" *he looks away*
<Seraphna> * Kaelan hands the lady the sail.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas studies Seth quietly
<Seraphna> * Seth fails to completely hide a sad look as he looks back out towards the West, then shrugs his shoulder, working the sling off.
<Kit> <Azhren> No direction is any more favorable, so yes, for now.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Then we should start now while we have energy
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Yes, lets."
<Kit> 6The woman bows to Kaelan, then proceeds to fold the sail several times into a simple sash-like robe.
<DeathStar> 6* After traveling most of the day, night begins to fall and they still haven't had luck in finding villages, and are not yet at the desert. Thomas pauses, peering out at the sounds of monsters in the dark distance
<DeathStar> 6* He eyes some trees nearby and shubbery with questionable berries
<Kit> <Woman> Ah, sounds like we may have friends tonight.
<Seraphna> * Seth peers around, eyeing the trees and shrubbery. "We should stop to rest here, by those trees."
<DeathStar> 6* Faile peers out without any worries, her head angled as she listens.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Think we can get a fire going?"
<Kit> <Woman> Pretty sure I could create a fire, yes-- however... you will still need fuel.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas glances at the trees and dead branches about it, then moves to gather them up. Faile studies the berries
<Seraphna> Seth> "Those trees and shrubs should provide ample tinder."
<Seraphna> * Seth moves to help him, Kaelan looks around for some stones.
<Kit> 6Azhren starts to help, but keeps an eye out for the wildlife. 1"Do you know these, Faile?"
<Kit> 6The woman moves to sit by the tree, kneeling and looking like she's praying again.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan gathers any nearby stones to form a circle to contain the fire.
<Seraphna> * Seth starts piling up tinder in the circle.
<DeathStar> <Faile> Poisonous. We'll need to get food from killing monsters. 6* She takes a dagger out
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "WOuldn't be our first time."
<Kit> <Azhren> Hm. What kind of monsters are here..
<DeathStar> <Faile> I think I hear ligoars.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas puts the sticks down into their pile
<Seraphna> * Seth listens quietly. "Mmm... could be good eating."
<Kit> 6The woman then-- pulls a set of spectacles out of her hair and holds them up, refracting light from the setting sun, setting flame to the smaller tinder.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan blinks and stares, "Is that... magic too?"
<Kit> 6The woman chuckles.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas fondly peers at the spectacles
<Kit> <Woman> No, lass. This is hardly a miracle. Were you expecting me to always rely on mysticism?
<Kit> 6She squints at Thomas. 1"Something wrong?
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I lost my glasses some time ago
<Kit> <Woman> You require them>
<DeathStar> 6* Faile moves out to hunt ligoars - fierce desert type tigoar monsters that are more deadly
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I've never seen something like that before." *she watches the fire rise, Seth grabs a branch set to the side and stokes the fire with it*
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Typically when I read or need to see far away.
<Kit> 6Azhren accompanies her, not about to allow her alone
<Kit> <Woman> Ah, by all means then." 6She offers them to him
<Seraphna> * Seth peers over, he puts the stick down and follows the pair, grabbing his sword. Kaelan doesn't notice just yet, staring at the fire with wonder still.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "How does it work?"
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas takes them. "Thank you."
<DeathStar> 6* Faile peers back. "..." 6* She eyes the two men with a sniff
<Kit> 6Azhren peers to the side innocently
<Seraphna> * Seth gives a little grin. "As a hunter, I'd be ashamed if you did all the work lass."
<Kit> <Woman> I am terribly nearsighted myself, but... I do not necessarily require sight.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan peers up. "You've learned to work without sight?"
<Kit> <Woman> Indeed. Sight is but one of many senses we possess.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles. "I had to try and learn before, it's hard. I was blind for a short while."
<DeathStar> <Faile> I can hunt alone. You two would get in the way. If you want to hunt, go that way. 6* She points toward some snarling sounds in the distance, heading toward her own; the ligoars thinking they're dividing them up to conqouer
<Seraphna> * Seth looks at Azhren. "...I pity her targets. Let's go mate."
<Kit> <Woman> Hard... hm. Perhaps. I almost prefer it." 6She notes, smiling to Kaelan, her eyes still closed.
<Kit> <Azhren> ..." 6He frowns, looking reluctant, but obeys Faile's wishes
<DeathStar> 6* Faile vanishes into the setting dusk to hunt, her back to them so she wouldn't see if they follow. OR WOULD SHE?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Is that why you have your eyes closed so much?"
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas sits by the fire, holding out his hands. "Can you tell us about yourself? What you remember, that is. How did you come to be with monks and the church?"
<Seraphna> * Seth moves along with Azhren, apparently willing to let a woman go on her own if she's stubborn about it.
<DeathStar> 6* Some ligoars move in the distance near Seth, crouching low; it seems to be a smaller one, to lure him in
<Kit> 6Azhren keeps peering back stubbornly.
<Seraphna> * Seth lightly punches his arm. "We have company, the small one is probably a trap." *he draws his sword*
<Kit> <Azhren> ...Right.." 6He draws his own, eyeing the smaller one and looking around for others
<DeathStar> 6* Just off to either side are two larger ones, crouched and ready for them to get within range
<Kit> <Azhren> You were right." 6He gestures.
<Seraphna> * Seth gets himself ready, quielty wishing he'd thought to find a bow. He grips the sword. "Aye. They enjoy pincer attacks, prefer to hunt in packs. Charge the ambush?"
<Kit> <Woman> I suppose you are correct, my fellow lady." 6She hmms at Thomas. 1"I'm from a mountainous region."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Here in Navarro, or another continent?
<DeathStar> 6* The ligoars grow impatient
<Kit> <Azhren> ...The plan from our 'hunter' is charge the ambush..
<Seraphna> Seth> "I can't exactly snipe them without a bow. They're expecting to pounce the center monster's location, not have us rush them."
<Kit> <Azhren> ..Very well..
<Seraphna> Seth> "Make towards the center one then veer off, keep them off guard." *he readies to charge*
<Kit> <Woman> Mm, one of the northern Island Nation isles.
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas blinks a bit
<Kit> <Woman> Something wrong?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Island nations... heh..."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan gets a sullen look.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I am from the Island of Islen, too
<DeathStar> 6* The ligoars suddenly---charge them, rushing in as a pack and roaring madly and fiercely, much faster than tigoars; and a brownish sand color
<Kit> <Woman> Ah! We have need for a celebration, then." 6She claps her hands.
<Kit> 6Azhren frowns, backing up some, but poising to strike any that might leap
<Seraphna> Seth> "...I guess they got impatient!" *he moves sideways as they charge, making distance by working against the hope they run fast forward and need to adjust themselves to turn, he readies his sword to strike as they grow near or pounce*
<Kit> <Woman> I must admit you'll have to teach me how it is you'd celebrate, however. I am from the mountains, after all, not that glittering city of gold.
<DeathStar> 6* As htey move in, a chain whips out and hits the one on the right in the face, stunning it, then Faile leaps out, wearing nothing but the garb the warden had her in; the loin bra and cloth that looks more sensual than practical. She digs the dagger into it's head and it goes down; the other two turn, their backs to the two men briefly in stunnation
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I--confess I did not spend much time in the public to witness the celebratios.
<Seraphna> * Seth moves in, raising his sword and chopping down for the head and neck of one of the stunned Ligroars.
<Kit> 6Azhren springs forward, thrusting toward the ligoar in front of him, aiming behind the ear
<DeathStar> 6* The ligoar's neck is chopped into and it's head spazzes from the nerves and spine being hit, death throes viciously jerking
<DeathStar> 6* As Azhren strikes int othe brain, the ligoar seizes up and spazzes just as bed. Only Faile's seems to go down elegantly
<Seraphna> * Seth backs away from the ligroar as it flails in death, letting it go still.
<DeathStar> 6* Finally the two stop thrashing; a total of 75 gold appears, 25 each. Faile pulls her dagger out, cleaning it on the grass, then moves for camp
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Most celebrations I've seen involve drinking until stupor takes us."
<Kit> <Woman> Then perhaps we should merely give thanks." 6She says, putting a palm over her fist and bowing her head
<Seraphna> * Seth gathers up his gold and Faile's if she just leaves it, then starts piling up the bodies.
<DeathStar> 6* They're heavy; dragging one will take exhertion
<Kit> 6Azhren lifts his, tossing it over his shoulder.
<DeathStar> 6* Azhren doesn't count, though, since all his levels are in strength, stamina, etc.
<Seraphna> * Seth takes one to drag. "I'll trust you to get the other two, Azhren the Mighty."
<DeathStar> 6* 25 gold is left behind
<DeathStar> 6* Faile pulls on her sailor shirt and sits down at the camp fire
<Seraphna> * Seth pauses and collects it before going on with his carcass.
<Kit> 6Azhren eyes the last one left and ponders how to get ahold of it without another hand
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP (camp fire cooking can be done in minis)-
<DeathStar> Date: 5.20.2389
<DeathStar> 6* They arrive at the edge of the desert; with no horses, it will be hellish to travel the desert. Thankfully they found water to stock up on
<Seraphna> Seth> "You know how you didn't mind the cold, Kaelan, well this is going to be a little different."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan eyes the desert mournfully.
<Kit> <Azhren> ..." 6He squints at the desert's sight, sighing.
<Kit> 6The woman finishing a sing-song verse of poetry, chuckling. 1"Come now, it's only sand."
<DeathStar> 6* Faile eyes it with a wonderous look, kneeling to touch it a bit, then takes off her shirt to wrap about her head for shade
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I only pray we can make it on foot
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I prefer snow..."
<Seraphna> Seth> "Well, we won't get through it standing here moping. Onward!" *he starts marching forward*
<DeathStar> 6* As they stare out, a group of three horses approach, the riders on it seem to be middle aged men, heading out of the desert it seems and going eastward
<Seraphna> * Seth pauses to stare.
<DeathStar> 6 *Thomas eyes them enviously, while Faile gives her hawk look
<Kit> 6The woman waves cordially, though her eyes are closed.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Lucky..."
<DeathStar> 6* The rides stop by them and the men eye them over. "You all heading into the desert on foot? That's mighty risky."
<Kit> <Woman> Afraid there weren't many horses the way we've come." 6She chuckles.
<Kit> 6Azhren eyes them appraisingly, frowning.
<Seraphna> Seth> "Oi, we seem to be out of options though. You wouldn't be willing to sell us a couple of those fine mounts, would you?"
<DeathStar> 6* Faile glares at them as one tries to check her out discreetly. Thomas speaks up. "Any news on how the capital is doing?" <Man> Oh, it's fine; drove off the Nuege army easily
<DeathStar> 6* The men eye him. "I'm afraid not; we need our horses to reach the port city."
<Seraphna> * Seth nods, "I can only try." *he bows his head politely* "Good to hear, weren't too many casualties, were there?"
<DeathStar> <Man> There were some, sure; that's war for you
<Kit> 6Azhren peers to the side, frowning more.
<Kit> <Woman> Indeed it is-- lose a few to gain few.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Ah... well... good journey to you all... are there any stops in the desert at all you can tell us about?"
<DeathStar> <Man> There are a few villages in the desert; if you travel the furthest south of it, where the desert is least zizzling, there is the city of Thome
<DeathStar> <Man 2> If you're traveling further into the middle, there's also a few smaller cities
<DeathStar> <Man 1> On foot, it should take you 2 days to reach it; they will have horses there
<DeathStar> 6* He says, about Thome
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Thank you very much!"
<DeathStar> (Pelia o nthe major city)O
<Seraphna> Seth> "Perhaps we should head to Thome, it'll take us less time overall if we get horses then if we walk."
<Kit> <Woman> We should make it if we ration accordingly.
<DeathStar> <Thomas> Thank you, gentlemen. 6* He nods ,then shifts into the desert. Faile eyes the one man hard like, then follows
<Seraphna> * Kaelan waves cheerfully to the men, putting on her own charm, apparently the news of possible horses made her happy.
<Kit> <Woman> You all know how to ride?
<DeathStar> <Faile> I go on foot. <Thomas> Yes.
<DeathStar> 6* The heat begins to build almost immediately as they travel, and sand somehow worms it's way nito their crappy boots they got
<Kit> 6The woman draws the sail robe over her head, obscured within. Azhren shifts to trying and using part of the armor he takes off as a sunscreen
<DeathStar> 6* Faile begins to sweat, all over her visible body. Mmmm. Thomas looks miserible as he travels, his breathing labored and it's clear he's resisting drinking his water ration already.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan walks along, looking unhappy about the heat but she moves along without much comaplaint, Seth moves along quietly, taking his shirt off after a bit and lending it to Kaelan for shade.
<Kit> 6The lady pauses, tearing away some of her lower body's covering to hand Thomas some of the sail
<DeathStar> 6* Thomas blinks, then takes it. "Thank you." 6* He says, then smiles with appreciation, using it like he saw Faile use the shirt. To his credit, his eyes never waver over where the covering was removed, a true gentleman
<Seraphna> * Seth does. Seth does.
<DeathStar> 6* As they travel up a hill, suddenly scorpians rise up from the sand - 3 of them. One stinger zings in toward Faile's leg.
<Kit> 6Azhren shifts to shove Fail away from it and swings his blade to remove the stinger's end of the tail
<DeathStar> 6* Faile stumbles and rolls down the sandy hill before she can get her balance, crouched on fall fours with a look of anger before seeing what is going on; the sword slashes the tail clean off and the scorpian falls over dead. The other two strike out for Azhren's extended arm now
<Seraphna> * Seth and Kaelan draw swords, Seth getting defensive while Kaelan chooses one of the others to ocupy her time with. She moves around and slices her blade at the tail of one of them as it strikes out at Azhren.
<Seraphna> * Seth brings his sword around and tries to deflect the other stinger moving in on poor Azhren.
<DeathStar> 6* Kaelan slices one stinger off before it hits Azhren and it falls over dead well.
<Kit> <Azhren> ..." 6He gives a sigh of relief
<DeathStar> 6* Seth's blade deflects it enough the stinger grazes along Azhren's arm, without actually poisoning him - he hopes. The scorpian backs up, but Thomas stands it and it twitches dead. 50 gold appears
<Seraphna> * Seth eyes the gold, then starts to scoop it up. "We'll add this to our horse fund, is that alright with everyone?"
<DeathStar> 6* Faile storms up the sand hill and eyes Azhren, with her hawk eyes, then turns to peer to the side. "Thank you." 6* She says huffly
<DeathStar> 6* She reaches out and takes an herb she must have picked and rubs it along his graze
<Seraphna> * Kaelan peers at the scorpions. "Think we can cook these?"
<DeathStar> <Thomas> I-- don't know
<Seraphna> * Seth peers them over. "Don't seem very appetizing, but probably better then the prison food."
<DeathStar> <Thomas> We do as we must---
<DeathStar> Sorry if that was slow paced tonight
Session Close: Wed May 26 09:57:40 2010