The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Session 73

Session Start: Thu Jul 22 19:00:46 2010
Session Ident: #session73
02* Logging for #session73 started
01<@DeathStar> Stardate: 10-592.1.21
01<@DeathStar> Location: PAX
03* Jennifer is now known as Leyaeh
01<@DeathStar> 6* Athena stands on the bridge of the ship with Elyaeh and Leyaeh as the transmission cuts out with Megumi and Jennifer. Before them is another ship like the one they ran from, the ship shimmering into existence with the wing tips appearing from the sides, each tip glowing as it attacks them with ki blasts
<Leyaeh> "Damn damn damn! We need to get out of here Ma'am!"
01<@DeathStar> <Athena> No. Famfrits below. 6* She eyes the scanners showing the life forms below.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Athena merowls and sits down on the captain's chair, and begins to use hyperspace to power the weapons for Leyaeh and Elyaeh to aim, so they'll do more damage, and adds to the shields
<Leyaeh> "...Alright ma'am." *she takes over a weapons console and readies weapons, aiming and firing at the ship as soon as she can*
01<@DeathStar> 6* PRepare yourself Leyaeh!!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Down, Up, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right
01<@DeathStar> 5
01<@DeathStar> 4
01<@DeathStar> 3
01<@DeathStar> 2
01<@DeathStar> 1
01<@DeathStar> -0-
<Leyaeh> rllduudlrldui
<Eluere> lrrduudlrldul
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leyaeh misses completely.
<Kulix> *Elyaeh peers over the controlls* Ok.. I've never seen a system like this before... *She starts hitting the controll, eyeing them scrutinizingly as she begins to lock her sensors on the ships, firing*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Elyaeh, prepare yourself!!
<Kulix> *Woooot!*
<Leyaeh> "Damnit... trying again. Sorry boss, not used to these things..." *she readies a salvo for after Elyaeh*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Up, Down, Right, Right Up, Down, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Down
01<@DeathStar> 5
01<@DeathStar> 4
01<@DeathStar> 3
01<@DeathStar> 2
01<@DeathStar> 1
01<@DeathStar> -0-
<Eluere> dulldulrlduu
<Kulix> dulldulrlduu
<Leyaeh> "Okay sis, let's fire together."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The enemy ship fires, but their shields hold. The ki blasts oddly stop but the enemy vessel is in range. The weapons recharge
06* Leyaeh takes aim getting ready, she raises a brow with then ki stops.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Athena begins to bring them in closer, and the smell of burnt meat fills the air
<Leyaeh> "...We don't have time, fire sis!" *she starts firing her guns&
<Kulix> <Elyaeh> damn. Alright. we'll try again. *She begins to lock on again, charging the beams for another salvo*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Prepare yourself, both!!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Up, Down, Up, Down, Right, Right, Up, Left, Right, Up, Down
01<@DeathStar> 5
01<@DeathStar> 4
01<@DeathStar> 3
<Kulix> dudulldrldu
01<@DeathStar> 2
<Leyaeh> dudulldrldu
01<@DeathStar> 6* Each of them score direct hits on the enemy, and the enemy ship rattles as it's shields are damaged. The last of the volleys get through, striking the hull
01<@DeathStar> 6* Truth (Justice) stands in the hanger with cafe girl. "Should we go out and fight?"
06* Leyaeh recharges again. "Don't relent till they either give up or back off. Remember that dark thing they fired when they got close before."
<Kulix> *She laughs giddily* Hah! What a rush! *She laughs even through the crashing against the hull of the ship* ok, lets try this. You hit the targets, and I'll see if I can intercept their beams.
<Eluere> <Cafe Girl> Think we could help? We seem to be getting hammered.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The dark matter ball begins to form on the enemy ship as the weapons continue to recharge; they're at 76% power right now, meaning if Leyaeh fires, it'll be weaker than 100%
01<@DeathStar> <Truth> We could try - a dragoon mech is powerful
<Leyaeh> "Give it a moment to charge, then make every shot count."
<Kulix> *She begins to lock onto the weapon systems, begining to fire* You hit the dark matter ball
06* Leyaeh readies to fire when her charge is full.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Prepare yourself, Elyaeh
<Eluere> <Cafe Girl> Mmh. I don't want your people on here getting hurt-- and those kitties are planetside below us.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Up, Down, Down, Down, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right
01<@DeathStar> 5
01<@DeathStar> 4
01<@DeathStar> 3
<Kulix> duuulrldul
01<@DeathStar> 6* Elyaeh's shots strike on the weapons, though she only manages to destroy 2 wing tips out of 6, and damaging two others. Leyaeh's reaches 100%
01<@DeathStar> 6* Truth grabs the girl's hand. "I'm ready when you are."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The dark matter attack begins to streak toward them
06* Leyaeh fires for the damaged ones first.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Prepare yourself Leyaeh!
<Leyaeh> "This is gonna hurt..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Up, Down, Right, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left
01<@DeathStar> 5
01<@DeathStar> 4
01<@DeathStar> 3
<Leyaeh> dullrldulr
01<@DeathStar> 2
01<@DeathStar> 6* Ley manages to destroy the other two wing tips and damage a third, but since she didn't listen to big sis, the dark matter attack is almost upon them, and Elyaeh's charge is only 40%
<Kulix> <Elyaeh> I thought you were going to hit the dark matter!? *She gawks, staring.*
<Kulix> *Elyaeh braces herself, aiming for the dark charge*
<Leyaeh> "F-Fire at it now!?"
<Kulix> <Elyaeh> No choice, now!
<Eluere> <Cafe Girl> Right. Let's do this.
06* Leyaeh readies to fire too as soon as she can squeeze off shots.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The attack hits the ship and begins to tear into the hull, shaking the entire ship as it does. Truth focuses with Cafe girl when suddenly the hanger begins to rip apart
01<@DeathStar> 6* Athena focuses harder, the smell of burnt flesh growing worse, turning the ship on it's side so the hanger is hit and not populated areas or critical areas.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Elyaeh's charge reaches 100% as the dark matter is hitting them; she can't shoot it now, but she does have a shot at the two remaining ki wing tips, which are charging up
01<@DeathStar> 6* Truth eyes the dark matter and panickedly focuses with her pilot; the two form a gear right as the hanger gets hit by the cold of space. However, they are still spining toward the dark void. Cafe girl would find herself in a cockpit like area
<Kulix> <Elyeah> Better not fuck this one up.. *She grits her teeth, blasting away at the remaining wings* too fucking late for all of that!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Prepare yourself Elyaeh
01<@DeathStar> 6* Up, Down, Right, Right, Left, Up, Down, Right, Right
01<@DeathStar> 5
01<@DeathStar> 4
<Kulix> dullrdull
<Eluere> <Cafe Girl> W-Well, um.." 6She moves the controls away from the 'dark void'
01<@DeathStar> 6* elyaeh vapes the two ki tips, leaving only the dark matter generator, and what appears to be the engine core of the enemy ship, and the bridge at the front. Leyaeh's guns reach 100%
01<@DeathStar> 6* The mech flies out of the hanger and away from the void, as it finally vanishes after chewing through part of the Cartel and Atlean hangers
06* Leyaeh fires for the generator. She grits her teeth as she tries to take it out before it can do more damage.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Prepare yourself Leyaeh.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Up, Up, Down, Down, Right, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left,
01<@DeathStar> 5
01<@DeathStar> 4
01<@DeathStar> 3
01<@DeathStar> 2
<Leyaeh> dduullrldulr
01<@DeathStar> 1
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leyaeh's shots strike the generator and causes massive damage to the shielding, taking it out. The dark matter begins to form as Elyaeh's finishes charging. She has one shot at taking out the generator before the dark matter finishes, or she can aim at the dark matter itself
01<@DeathStar> <Truth> <Are you..okay? Oh wow. We're in space!>
<Leyaeh> Leyaeh> "Stop it from firing sis!"
<Eluere> <Cafe Girl> Yeah. I'm fine-- is this ... you?
01<@DeathStar> <Truth> <Yes. ... you' me>
01<@DeathStar> 6* Truth angles them toward the enemy ship, which can't fire at them with the ki tips gone
01<@DeathStar> 6* The dark matter reaches 50% of it's size
<Kulix> *She takes aim at the dark matter itself, firing*
01<@DeathStar> 6* PRepare yourself, Elyaeh
<Kulix> *Is prepared*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right
01<@DeathStar> 5
<Leyaeh> * Leyaeh keeps recharging her guns.
01<@DeathStar> 4
01<@DeathStar> 3
01<@DeathStar> 2
01<@DeathStar> 1
<Kulix> lrldulrldul
01<@DeathStar> -0-
01<@DeathStar> 6* The shots strike the dark matter, causing it to begin to act funny and fluxuate; it stops growing in size momentarily. Leyaeh's weapons suddenly cut out, as does Elyaeh's. The smell of meat is worse now as Athena groans
<Leyaeh> "C-Crap! Athena...?" *she turns and looks at her*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Truth angles them for a shot at the generator, so cafe girl can fire.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Athena is slumped forward, her hands looking like they've been burnt terriblely, some bone showing
<Eluere> <Cafe Girl> Um.. are there weapons? I don't really get it
<Kulix> *Elyaeh blinks, looking back at Athena* What the hell!? *She grits her teeth, forcing herself to turn back to the enemy since Leyaeh's focusing on Athena*
<Leyaeh> * Leyeah calls medical and rushes over to help her.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Truth visualizes the controls in front of her and shows which ones fire, and how to aim.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Athena merowls in pain. "J-Just need...sec..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The back up energy cuts in and Elyaeh's weapon charges, but it's clearly not as powerful now
<Kulix> <Elyaeh> Why are these damn controlls not working!? *She slams her fist on the console, watching for the darkmatter reaction*
<Eluere> <Cafe Girl> Ohh... Let's try this." 6She eagerly tries a sequence, using a motion joystick to lock onto the generator
<Leyaeh> * Leayeh flicks her ear. "They should work now, fire at will sis!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Prepare yourself, Cafe Magical Girl Ren
01<@DeathStar> 6* Up, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down
01<@DeathStar> 5
01<@DeathStar> 4
<Eluere> dllrrldulrdu
01<@DeathStar> 3
01<@DeathStar> 2
01<@DeathStar> 1
<Leyaeh> * Leayeh nods to Athena and rushes over to her console to help Elyaeh fire.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Truth's gear form fires into the generator, and causes a massive crack in it, making the enemy ship shudder. The dark matter that Elyaeh hit eearlier drops and begins to tear up the bottom of the ship's hull, but the generator is still intact for now, though one more shot should finish it off
<Eluere> <Ren> Alright!
06* Leyaeh aims for the generator. "Target the generator and fire sis!" *she starts firing at it*
<Eluere> <Ren> Let's hit it again!" 6She gestures enthusiastically
01<@DeathStar> <Truth> Alright!!
<Kulix> *watches it fall, cracking up. she aims carefully, firing once more*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Prepare yourself, Leyaeh, Elyaeh, and Ren. First one to finish gets the kill point!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Up, Down, Right, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down, Right, Right
01<@DeathStar> 5
01<@DeathStar> 4
01<@DeathStar> 3
<Eluere> dulldulrdull
01<@DeathStar> 2
<Leyaeh> dulldulrdull
01<@DeathStar> 1
<Kulix> dulldulrdull
01<@DeathStar> -0-
01<@DeathStar> 6* First Truth strikes it, then LEyaeh, causing massive explosions; the ship begins to drip and Elyaeh's shots strike the bridge of the enemy ship, and with that, it blows up
<Eluere> <Ren> HELL YEAH!
<Leyaeh> "Alright!" *she gets up and moves to Athena again, calling medical again, "Where the heck is that medic! Athena's burnt!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Truth does a circle motion, then squeals and flies as debris goes flying about
01<@DeathStar> 6* The famfrit nurses move in and begin to treat Athena's arm, making faces
01<@DeathStar> <Athena> N-Need to send..t-team to planet...
<Leyaeh> "I'll take care of that, you get rest. Just in case another one shows up."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Athena nods weakly, her forehead covered in sweat and her body trembles in agony; her white hair that she had in a bun is dishelved and loose now
<Eluere> <Ren> Hey, if you're a gear, can we contact the PAX?
01<@DeathStar> 6* The famfrit nurses begin to move Athena onto a stretcher
06* Leyaeh pulls out her datapad and sends out a call, set to contact some security red shirts, Elyaeh, Cafe Girl, Truth, and Katrina, since they're all listed for assistance, asking for ground team volunteers.
01<@DeathStar> <Truth> <Yep!> 6* She visualizes which controls, not noticing as she bumps into a small piece of debris and goes ow ow owow
<Eluere> <Ren> Hehe! Still clumsy, I see.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Truth sniffles
<Eluere> <Ren> Hey, hey, hey, PAX, can you hear us?
<Kulix> *Elyeah makes a grimacing face at the sparking hull of the PAX as debris scatter about* I think.. I'm going to have to begin studying computerized weaponry..
<Leyaeh> Leyaeh> "Ten four Cafe Girl. You two alright?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Athena is teleportered into medical bay
<Eluere> <Ren> Hell yes! We're gonna go check out the kitties while we have a break, m'kay? Catch you later!
<Leyaeh> Leyaeh> "We're heading down there too, come back in and shuttle with us."
01<@DeathStar> <Truth> <Why shuttle when we can flyyyyy!>
01<@DeathStar> 6* Truth does loops
<Eluere> <Ren> Yeah, what she said. This is wayyy more fun.
<Leyaeh> Leyaeh> "To conserve your energy. We might need to fight."
<Eluere> <Ren> Don't worry-- we've been running a bakery. Power of love and sweets!
01<@DeathStar> <Truth> <Actually, transforming back would cost more>
<Eluere> 6Ren clicks off. 1"To the planet!'
<Kulix> *Elyaeh rubs the hair out of her face. pursing her lips as she turns, noticing Athena has been teleported away* Poor girl..
01<@DeathStar> 6* Truth turns and zooms toward the jungle blanket
01<@DeathStar> *planet
<Leyaeh> Leyaeh> "...I guess we'll meet them down there then." *she frowns* "Yeah, we'll check in with her shortly." *she pauses* "I need to leave someone in charge of the ship or stay myself."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Athena already begins to issue orders from medical bay over the intercomm, informing what hangers are safe
01<@DeathStar> 6* Somehow she keeps the pain from her voice
<Leyaeh> * Leyaeh sighs with relief. "She knows what showing a sign of weakness will mean right now. Guess we can go."
<Leyaeh> * Leyaeh moves for the teleporter, telling the others she contacted to meet in the appropriate hangar bay if they're coming.
<Kulix> <ELyaeh> So we're leaving her in charge in the med bay then? Alright. *She follows her sister*
01<@DeathStar> -SCNE SHIFT-
01<@DeathStar> Location: The Captured Kitty
03* Leyaeh is now known as Jennifer
01<@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr and Megumi focuses as Noname and Naone finish with the wall, and once the ramp is lowered, they're sucked out into the vacuum of space, forming a gear
<Eluere> <Megumi> We must find her quickly.
06* Jennifer sets Isis to rest when she's done treating her, checking on Ao again.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gem and MC stay near the pilot seats of the captured enemy shuttle, watching the gear flying toward the debris of the other ship, when a beep alerts them to another shuttle exiting hyperspace
01<@DeathStar> 6* Ao remains unconscious and hookedu p to her energy bag IV. Isis moans a bit, trying to clear her head
<Eluere> <Megumi> Now what..?
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> <I don't know; looks like an Earth shuttle>
<Jennifer> * The shuttle pauses a moment, looking over the wreckage and starts to scan the rubble and the Captured Kitty, then hails the Captured Kitty.
01<@DeathStar> 6* MC eyes the transmission and peers at Naone. "Do I answer, Captain Naone?"
<Kulix> *Naone whews, wiping her brow as she finishes the wall, turning to MC* Sure, see what they want.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr flies to the chunk that was said to hold Erevis; Megumi would notice the energy output is low and the gear wobbles
01<@DeathStar> 6* MC hits the on button, but Gem speaks. <Gem> Who are you and what do you want!?
<Jennifer> * The shuttle moves towards that area as well, though cautious, probably afraid of the mech. On screen a man's face appears, wearing sunglasses and a "trucker's" hat. "This is the Fortuna... do you need assistance?"
01<@DeathStar> <Gem> The who?
<Jennifer> "Name of my ship. Fortuna. We're detecting a life sign in that rubble."
<Jennifer> Man>
01<@DeathStar> <Gem> We're going to rescue her.
<Eluere> 6Megumi just hears 'tuna' and mumbles. 1"Some kind of joke..?"
<Kulix> *Naone rubs the back of her head, smiling embarassedly at Gem's hail.* Probably some random passerby. If we dont absolutely need his help, it might be best to do it ourselves.. *she offers her opinion*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr lands on the outer hull of the ship debris, pondering how best to get inside without taking elder Erevis' air
<Jennifer> Man> "What happened here? Looks like a fight."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gem peers at Naone, then at the man; he'd be able to hear Naone as well
01<@DeathStar> <Gem> We beat the bad guys and now we're rescuing our friends.
<Jennifer> Man> "Tricky..." *he looks away to eye his scanners* "Tell you what, we can secure that section we're reading life signs in and let you get whoever it is out."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gem frowns, then mutes her end. "What do you think, Megumi?"
<Eluere> <Megumi> Do not let him near. It just adds another complication we do not need right now."
<Kulix> *Naone nods, agreeing with Megumi*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gem unmutes. "We got it under control; if that changes, we'll hail you." 6* She cuts him off
<Jennifer> * The shuttle meanwhile scans over the Captured Kitten.
01<@DeathStar> <MC> It's scanning us
<Eluere> <Megumi> Tell him he's pissing off a dragoon.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr begins to form her guns and blast the outer hull after determining they won't vent Erevis and zooms in, then takes the hull and patches it back
<Eluere> 6Megumi looks over the rubble as they enter, not expecting anything useful
01<@DeathStar> 6* An angel being flies at them i nthe hallway, blasting the gear with ki; the force sends Zephyr tumbling down the hallway into a wall
<Jennifer> * The shuttle seems to stand by, as if waiting to see what happens, or possibly just help if anything goes bad.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gem paces back and forth worriedly
<Kulix> *Naone rushes over to help Zeph up, checking on her as if she isnt concerned about the Angel*
01<@DeathStar> <Gem> What's taking them so long; we should fly in or something.... <MC There is a lot of debris...
<Eluere> 6Megumi grits her teeth and tries to straighten them out quickly-- knowing these beings will resist energy and they don't have enough to waste, she quickly tries to slam their "fist" into it instead
01<@DeathStar> 6* Naone would be on a different ship
01<@DeathStar> 6* The being, not expecting that, is punched hard and away into another wall, where it twitches. Zephyr scans the area weakly, determining Erevis is three decks below them
06* Jennifer looks over Isis. "You feeling any better?"
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> I--- ... yes. I am have caused you much trouble. 6*
01<@DeathStar> 6* ako leaps on Isis, hugging
01<@DeathStar> <Ako> Big Sis Iko! Ako save you!
<Eluere> 6Megumi doesn't want a dramatic reappearance-- she smashes the being with their other fist
<Jennifer> "Oh hush, you were protecting your mother. And apparently your new sister."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The being's bones crunch under the fist and blood gushes onto the gear's fist
01<@DeathStar> 6* Isis peers at Jennifer meekly, then at Naone
<Eluere> 6Megumi flicks it off like bug guts and then looks for a way down, tching
01<@DeathStar> 6* Sadly, the elevator doesn't seem big enough to fit a gear
<Jennifer> "Meg and Zephyr are getting your mother back right now. She should be here soon."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Suddenly, on Naone's shuttle, an angel flies in through the open ramp and begins to aim a hand at the crystal wall she and Noname put up; it's on the other side from Naone and the others, but once it shoots it, they'll all be spaced
01<@DeathStar> <Noname> ... Naone--touch the wall and picture---a crystal spike forming from it and into the angel!
<Jennifer> * The shuttle begins moving again, moving closer to the Captured Kitty.
<Kulix> *Naone blinks turning to see the angel, throwing her hand out and imagining the crystal spike before Noname even suggested it- just like he had suggested it too*
<Eluere> 6Megumi punches the floor near the elevator where it'll likely cave easier
01<@DeathStar> 6* The crystal forms and throws itself through the angel's body; the wall blocks the noise it makes and the crunch, but they can see silver blood gushing out as it floats away. The metal looks almost solid like as it floats . Indeed, Megumi would note the blood on the gear's hand is metallish
01<@DeathStar> 6* Megumi's fists, on the other ship, smashes through the floor, dropping them a deck
01<@DeathStar> 6* Isis covers Ako's eyes so she doesn't see the gushing angel being as it floats dead on the other side
<Eluere> <Megumi> How much further, Zephyr?
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> <Do it once more to this floor>
01<@DeathStar> <Noname> Well done, Naone
<Jennifer> Jennifer> "Phew."
<Kulix> *Naone stares, looking away from the death, sighing* Unh.. dont say that. How are the others doing?
01<@DeathStar> <Gem> Our scans indicate they're almost to the elder Erevis
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gem pauses, then touches Naone's shoulders comfortingly
01<@DeathStar> 6* Then she reaches out to pet Naone's ear
<Jennifer> * Jennifer pets both their ears a little. "Let me know if you feel any dizziness, Isis, the detox should be working pretty well now."
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> ...I --- feel better.
<Eluere> 6Megumi nods, then takes a breath and sends their other fist into the next floor as they drop onto it
01<@DeathStar> 6* The ship with Zephyr and Megumi begins to break up
<Jennifer> * Jennifer nods a little, looking concerned stil, she starts getting stuff together for Erevis, including stuff for handling a pregnant woman.
01<@DeathStar> 6* They smash through the next deck, and Zephyr points ahead, but pauses as Erevis, looking 40ish but still hot, steps out of a room, panting as a dead body drops; strangely not with hyperspace, but a telekentically thrown object into it's throat
01<@DeathStar> 6* She blinks upon seeing Zephyr's gear
<Jennifer> * The ship drops over near the breaking apart section, it starts to use a tractor beam to try and hold the ship together.
<Kulix> *She blinks, glancing up at Gem. then forces a smile, moving closer to her to hug her impulsively, gasping as she finds herself on the border of crying and just not caring anymore after everything she's been through the past few weeks*
<Kulix> *She chokes up, nuzzling into her shoulder* I'll be fine...
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gem rubs her back and whispers softly. "It's alright, Naone, I'm here for you." 6* She rocks the girl, though she's still considered a child herself looking only 16
01<@DeathStar> 6* MC eyes the shuttle suspiciously with his scanners, drifting in a bit closer.
<Jennifer> * Jennifer looks over at Naone with concern.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr begins to shudder slightly, as if the gear form is about to transform back into her normal form, but she forces herself to focus, meaning Megumi has to move them. The elder Erevis moves over. <Erevis> Megumi Zhenmei?
<Jennifer> * The shuttle starts moving away a little while maintaining the tractor, it hails them again.
01<@DeathStar> <Gem> When we get home, we'll get a meal at Katrina's.
01<@DeathStar> 6* MC answers.
<Eluere> <Megumi> Yes. We have come for you. Please, Erevis.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Erevis nods and steps forward. "Where do you desire me?"
<Kulix> *Naone nods, sniffling* I'd like that alot... I miss PAX..
<Jennifer> Man> "That ship's integrity is coming apart. We're trying to hold it in place. Can you get closer to them? We'll try and push it to you."
01<@DeathStar> <Gem> I'll...even buy it. 6* She sniffs, always stingy
01<@DeathStar> <MC> Very well. 6* He begins to move in
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> I am sorry, Naone, you have gone through all this because of me...
<Jennifer> * The shuttle angles it's hold, moving the part of the section with the three spacefarers closer to the Captured Kitty, in the process, the shuttle itself gets distance from them.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Erevis steps onto ne of the gear's hands
01<@DeathStar> <MC> Hm. Perhaps it is a trustworthy fellow
<Kulix> *Naone blinks up at Isis* But.. I.. *she shakes her head* No, I should have just stayed and watched Ako at Erevis'.
<Jennifer> "Isis Zhenmei, stop blaming yourself right now."
<Eluere> <Megumi> How is.. this going to work? Can you not come inside somehow..?
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> <... I will try.> 6* She brings Erevis up to the cockpit and focuses, with a light, and Erevis is teleported inside with Megumi, landing on her lap. Megumi would notice Erevis is wearing only a white shirt that's see through and tight shorts with no undergarments. It's obvious Erevis' body won't be sagging anytime soon, as it's fit as ever
01<@DeathStar> 6* However, doing it has caused Zephyr to shudder more and power to weaken
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> I-- * She jerks at Jennifer's tone, her ears drooping
01<@DeathStar> <Ako> Ako war-i-or of love!
<Eluere> <Megumi> Now ... we can return to the ship. Thank you, Zephyr.
01<@DeathStar> <Erevis> I -- this is very--- tight in here.
<Jennifer> "You're nto to blame, it's the Tsiv's fault, these Angels, and likely Kyun."
01<@DeathStar> <Erevis> Much like being inside Alpha Zephyr always was.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr jerks mentally at the innuedo
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> I-- you think Ambassador Kyun did this...?
<Jennifer> Man> "Okay, we've minimized the distance they have to travel."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gem sniffs as she rocks Naone
01<@DeathStar> <MC> Thank you; good thinking. I am surprised a human could think of it
<Jennifer> "Where Tsiv are misbehaving, look Xevil's way, I doubt the apple's fallen far from that tree."
<Kulix> <Naone> Your right, dont blame yourself, Isis. So.. we're waiting on Zeph... then we can go home?
01<@DeathStar> <Gem> Yeah. MC, where is PAX? <MC> Back at the jungle planet we left - I just hope it is in one piece
01<@DeathStar> 6* suddenly, the other ship breaks apart completely
<Jennifer> Man> "I'm just full of surprises--- we got problems, lost full integrity somehow."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gem jerks, and Noname stares in horror, but then they can see Zephyr's gear floating
<Eluere> 6Megumi stares at Erevis, shocked-- then fidgets and makes a face, controlling them toward the ship
01<@DeathStar> 6* It's clear Zephyr is no attack power left and probably just barely got enough thrusters for MEgumi to get them into the ramp. A
01<@DeathStar> 6* They begin to get closer
<Jennifer> * The shuttle starts scanning the debris. "Guess it just gave away, Mech unit, are you mobile still?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Erevis stiffens a bit at the voice, but Megumi can't see her face unless she looks away from flying.
01<@DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes..we are.. mobile...
<Jennifer> * The voice pauses for a moment, and with a hint of relief, states, "Good... I'm glad you're all well."
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> <*sob* She made a sex joke about me; is our Erevis going to get that way?>
<Eluere> <Megumi> <You know how much beloved has adapted as is... I would not doubt it.>
01<@DeathStar> <Erevis> I-- thank you for your assistance... I was worried my daughter and I would not survive...nor my other daughter...
<Jennifer> Men> "I--- see, are they all okay?"
01<@DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes.
01<@DeathStar> 6* MC plays the transmission for those on Naone's ship as well
<Jennifer> Man> "Alright, you folks need any further assitance? Escort to a safe port? You don't seem to be in great condition."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Megumi gets the gear into the ramp. <zephyr> <We...need to deform to fit inside. Tell whoever has the ramp controls to be ready to close the moment..we do...or we'll be..sucked out>
<Eluere> <Megumi> Who are you?
<Kulix> *Naone stumbles over to a chair, allowing herself to fall in it as she groans, exhaustedly. After all the fighting and forming crystals with Noname she seems completely out of it.*
<Jennifer> Man> "Sol Egan."
01<@DeathStar> <Erevis> I -- do not know. That will be up to those who rescued me.
<Eluere> <Megumi> Ready the ramp lever-- we're going to deform.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gem moves over to put a blanket on Naone from Gem's bag
01<@DeathStar> <MC> Understood. I will pull it in 3.
01<@DeathStar> <MC> 2.
01<@DeathStar> <MC> 1.
<Eluere> 6Megumi deforms with Zephyr
01<@DeathStar> 6* MC pulls the lever. The ramp closes as Megumi, Erevis, and Zephy fall in, sliding back a bit but it closes timely
01<@DeathStar> 6* Noname shatters the wall
<Eluere> <Megumi> Phew..
<Jennifer> * Jennifer rushes over to check on them all, she checks Erevis and Zephyr before Meg.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Erevis shifts over to hug Isis. "You are a foolish child, but so brave..." 6* ISis returns the hug and Ako hugs Erevis, too. <Ako> Why momma E look old?
<Jennifer> * The shuttle lingers.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Erevis jerks
01<@DeathStar> <MC> We do not need assitance; we are goingt to use a special jump feature to go back to the PAX. Thank you for the assistence, Sol Egan
<Jennifer> * Jennifer starts scanning Erevis over.
01<@DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr lays there, her dark hair all over, and Megumi can feel her life force faltering a bit due to lack of energy
<Eluere> <Megumi> Like Athena, sweetie, this is to beloved Mama.
01<@DeathStar> 6* But it seems she's clinging tightly to life so Megumi won't die
01<@DeathStar> <Ako> Oh! Hi Big Sis Momma E!
<Jennifer> Sol> "Alright, safe journey." *his tone changes a bit* "Be careful out there."
<Kulix> *Naone takes it, wrapping herself in it to curl up, glancing shyly towards the seat next to her then Gem*
01<@DeathStar> <Erevis> ... hello. 6* She hugs Ako, too, then calls out. "" 6* Toward the comm
<Eluere> 6Megumi kneels, hugging onto Zephyr and giving her a kiss.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Zephyt is also naked it seems, a rare event showing her weakness. She hugs Megumi back, returning it
<Jennifer> "One tough lady Erevis... you're just fine... so is the baby."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gem sits in it next to Naone, smiling
01<@DeathStar> <Erevis> Thank you, Jennifer Carmichael
06* Jennifer looks at Zephyr, "You on the other hand, need clothes and rest."
06* Jennifer takes on the doctor tone.
<Eluere> <Megumi> Why are they after beloved
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> S-... sorry... guess...I push..ed... it. I wouldn't..let them hit Isis..if I could... they seemed..intent on..killing her
<Eluere> 6Megumi frowns. 1"Beloved's progenitor progeny."
<Jennifer> "We're all safe now. Come on." *she moves to help Zephyr up* "Oh... I'll want to do a full workup on the baby later, Erevis."
01<@DeathStar> 6 *Erevis tgouches her stomach; she's thin like her younger counter part and not even showing much pregnancy, meaning she had to have gotten pregnate sometime after vanishing
<Kulix> *Naone leans up next to her, laying her head on Gem's lap, nuzzling tiredly*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr groans as she's lifted, wobbily
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gem pets her head and ears
01<@DeathStar> <Noname> Nice ass. <Zephyr> ... !
06* Jennifer escorts Zephyr to a room to lay down. "You did great... Zeph..." *she pulls her jacket off and drapes it over Zephyr till they get some privacy*
<Eluere> 6Megumi sits meditatively, her arms crossed and frowning. 1Missing... something.."
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Heh...thank..s.. 6* She peers back at Megumi fondly as she's taken into Ao's room, then peers at her. <She... fought desperately to save Isis...she's really...loyal despite her...boneheadedness>
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> Missing...something? 6* She moves to hug Megumi now, tears in her eyes
01<@DeathStar> <MC> Megumi, shall I jump back to the jungle planet? PAX was last there if they survived the attack
<Eluere> <Megumi> <Yeah... I know.>
<Eluere> <Megumi> Yes, CHIP..
<Jennifer> * The other shuttles gets more distance, waiting, probably hanging around till they leave to be sure they go safely.
<Jennifer> *shuttle, single
01<@DeathStar> 6* CHIP begins to open a tear in space and zooms into; they enter that dark vorterx
01<@DeathStar> <Erevis> Thank you for your help, Megumi... 6* She notes softly
<Eluere> <Megumi> Of course, beloved
01<@DeathStar> 6* Erevis blushes slightly at the nickname, peering down. Isis keeps hugging Megumi and Megumi can probably tell her relief at being with her parents again
<Eluere> 6Megumi opens her eyes, standing. 1"Need to figure out the bigger picture. ...Cannot determine their motives and actions purely by targets."
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> Can...I help in any way..? After causing all this... <Erevis> You came to save me. Do not speak as if this is your fault; if anything, it is mine for letting myself get taken so many months ago
06* Jennifer pokes Isis' ear gently.
<Eluere> <Megumi> What did they want with you..?
<Jennifer> "Humility is one thing, but you need to stop blaming yourself."
01<@DeathStar> <Erevis> As bait, and because of some prophecy. They believe, according to a book, that a redhaired progenitor will cause them problems in the future. They wish to kill Ao, myself, Isis, and Iko, and your Erevis
01<@DeathStar> <Erevis> And likely imprison any other Progenitor for study
<Eluere> <Megumi> We have never even encountered them before-- how could we cause them fault?
<Jennifer> "People have done crazier things from prophecy. Just read a bible sometime."
01<@DeathStar> <Erevis> As I said, I do not know much about them, only that they are moving their players in pace, and that the book says in the future, one of us will be a thorn in their side; so they wish to pluck it now
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> Does that not sound a bit like the book Wind spoke of to us last year?
<Eluere> <Megumi> Always meddling with the timeline-- do they not know that their meddling could be the very cause for us interfering with them!?
<Jennifer> "I was thinking that earlier when they were ranting."
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> A self-fulfilling prophecy. 6* She nods once to Megumi, back in her own scientific mind set
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gem half listens, mostly rubbing the sleeping Naone's ears; for once keeping her mouth shut
<Eluere> <Megumi> Idiots..
<Jennifer> "Mmm... well, we were lucky to at least see one friendly face in all this... can't wait to get back... think everyone's okay?"
<Eluere> <Megumi> They have to be.
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> ... I just hope Momma Erevis and Iko are okay...
01<@DeathStar> <Ako> Ako save!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Isis touches Megumi, as if asking her to move with her to the back
01<@DeathStar> 6* ISis then moves out of ear shot of the others to near the ramp
06* Jennifer finishes treating Zephyr and laying her out. "When we get back, I'll transfer you to medical, I want to make sure they didn't do anything else to you."
<Kulix> *Naone is practically asleep, snuggling like a cat in Gem's lap* Maybe if we get ahold of one of their manuscripts.. *She yawns* Maybe that will have the answere... its not juts going to be 'blah blah this guy said' ... right?
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> I-- .. if they knew about my link to Megumi, they would have killed me for sure, I think
01<@DeathStar> <Gem> It sounds like this book is fairly exact. They said something about a Wind knowing about it; perhaps we should speak to him and he could tell us what the book is like
<Jennifer> "There's... other things, I want to look for."
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> You think I have a bomb or something in me...? 6* She pales. "I can't die if it means Megumi will die. Put me in a cryo sleep."
<Eluere> 6Megumi stands near Isis, tilting her head. 1"Yes, dear?"
<Jennifer> "No, but I want to be sure, a bomb would have come up in scans."
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> Um, first... is the baby okay...? I .. could never forgive myself if it got injured because of me
01<@DeathStar> 6* ISis peers at Megumi's stomach
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> What are you thinking then?
<Eluere> <Megumi> Zephyr would never allow that.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Isis nods, relief on her face, then looks serious. "Um, I think there is something else..going on. Another enemy besides the.. Tsiv and those aliens.
<Eluere> <Megumi> A..." 6She takes a breath, flaring. 1".. nother..!?"
<Jennifer> "There's a number of drugs that can wipe memories or play with the mind, I want to be sure you three weren't toyed around with before we start acting on information you all might have learned. Someone's playing a really complicated game."
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> Momma Erevis would not tell me how she got pregnate, not matter how much I got asked, and the aliens were not hurting her or testing her as thoroughly as they did me. But then, something odd happened - they were talking about 'giving' me and momma Erevis to someone if they agreed to prevent us from fulfilling the prophecy. Basically, keeping us prisoners forever
<Jennifer> "I'd like to think we're winning it... but... I've seem how well an enemy could play us all in the past."
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> When Momma Erevis heard, she actually looked...relieved slightly, since she had been worried sick I was going to die, and what would happen to her baby inside her
01<@DeathStar> <Gem> Have you ever met a wind, Naone?
<Eluere> <Megumi> The same offer was made to me." 6She rubs her face. 1"They said... a human."
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Right, of course; do whatever you think you need to do. Megumi can also scan my memories with our pilot link
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> Hm. If Momma Erevis' baby is part human, too, then that might indicate some human took her and impregnated her and they were going to give her back. But I am merely guessing
<Jennifer> "Good. Plus I just want to be sure you're fine." *she winks a bit* "It's a scarey thing watching your heroes in trouble."
06* Jennifer turns away, grabbing some supplies out of her kit.
<Kulix> <Naone> Wind..? *She noms Gem's pantleg sleepily* Like on famfrit Wind..?
<Eluere> <Megumi> So you mean to determine who by looking at the baby's genetics?
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> I--- 6* She glances down. "I'm no hero; just here to protect my family."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Isis nods
<Eluere> <Megumi> An idea...
06* Jennifer pauses, "That's all a hero ever really needs to be, Zephyr."
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> But we should do it discreetly; maybe ask Carter to do it when we get on the PAX under the guise of a check up on the baby
<Eluere> 6Megumi frowns slightly. 1"Why would she be relieved if this human was the cause of trouble in the first place..
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> I do not know; they say sometimes a prisoner because sympathetic to their captor over time. She has been missing for months.
<Eluere> <Megumi> ... I would like to find out immediately, but you are right. And we might alarm her being psionic.
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> But if her captor turned her over to those aliens, they ... do not have her best intentions in mind for her
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> I guess that's true... 6* She notes, shifting to lay beside Ao and peer over the girl
01<@DeathStar> 6* Gem squirms a bit, blushing. "I don't know. I guess I can interrogate Megumi more later. For now, lets'... get rest." 6* She shifts to go to sleep herself
06* Jennifer sits back. "You're special to me. So... I get worried if I see you weak."
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> Why am I special? 6* She asks
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> I mean, I know you're Warren's daughter, but... me and Warren haven't been close in years in this reality and I'm not the Zeph of your reality
<Kulix> <Naone> But you asked if I'd ever met a wind.. *She yawns again* Whats a wind if not wind?
01<@DeathStar> <Gem> I think it is a person's name. A strange one if it is
<Jennifer> "I know... still, the association brings back memories, and... I'm afraid memories are all that's left of my reality now."
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> But if she does have sympathy for her captor, we should probably becareful
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> MAybe time around you will help
01<@DeathStar> 6* Zephyr nods slowly
<Eluere> <Megumi> Around.. me?
<Jennifer> "You were captured... so you might not know... we just learned it. Someone killed Chris."
<Eluere> 6Megumi eyes Isis suspiciously.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Isis blushes. "I just m-meant as a family. I do not want her to go away to Earth again like before...."
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> I do not want her to come between you and Momma Erevis, of course.
01<@DeathStar> <Zephyr> I -- ... poor Lem...
<Eluere> <Megumi> I never wanted her to leave int he first place.
01<@DeathStar> <Isis> Well, this time we will make sure she does not. 6* She nods, peering over at Erevis determinedly
06* Jennifer nods a bit. "Once everyone's safe again... I'll go out to see her."
01<@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
01<@DeathStar> Stardate: 10-591.1.22 (Early, Early Morning Or Late, Late Night)
01<@DeathStar> Location: Mansion Base
03* Jennifer is now known as Tabetha
01<@DeathStar> 6* As Vodka is in the medical bay, having finished her breakfast earlier, and the four hour break is almost over. Cheryl is in the medical bay with Chii, peering down at Lemon as Farah's cure has been finished and put into an IV into Lemon's arm
<Eluere> <Chii> Let this work..
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I have to go now, Chii -- you should stay here with Lemon and Lorelei this time... 6* She says like it's hard to say, probably wanting Chii with her, especially considering they'll be at the guardian colony, but not wanting to leave Lorelei behind on Earth without a mother
<Eluere> <Chii> I understand... just-- stay in touch. Okay? I don't care if it's annoying.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl brushes Lemon's hair, mentally echoing Chii's words. For his part, John is working on trying to synch with Tabetha, holding hands and thinking similiar thoughts, while YZ has spent the night with Key, and laying naked on her bed with her
<Eluere> <Chii> Lem'll want to hear from you, too.
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I will, promise.
<Eluere> <Chii> ... Celsius scoffed when you said that.
06* Tabetha sits there, working to think similar thoughts too, her mind falls easily onto whatever he wants to think about. And sticks there.
<Eluere> 6Chii cocks an eyebrow at empty space. 1'Why would she do that?"
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Tell her I'll spank her ass
<Eluere> <Chii> She says she'd like to see you try.
<Eluere> <Chii> God, when did you two become such good friends?
<Kulix> *Nadia taps at Vodka's door, peering in* Alo?
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Mmmmhmm. I can tell now I'm tying her up and spanking her
<Eluere> 6Chii hrmphs. 1"You can't even talk to her unless I summon her. This is ridiculous...
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka peers over from the medical bay at Nadia, having made a room for herself in one of the side medical room. "Da? Oh, Nadia; welcome."
<Eluere> 6Chii grumbles, huffing in jealousy.
06* Tabetha runs her hand over John's a little. "Should we increase contact?"
01<@DeathStar> <John> Next time; it's almost time to get ready. 6* He smiles
<Eluere> <Chii> Are you taking the gemini?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl hesitates. "I'm going to ask them if they want to go or stay here to protect you guys and Darien. I had him transferred upstairs during the night."
<Eluere> <Chii> You need something to watch you." 6She frowns.
<Eluere> <Chii> But no doubt they'll want to be with Dare.
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I don't want them ... hurt mentally by fighting Guardians if it comes to it
06* Tabetha leans forward and brushes her lips to his a moment and smiles. "Alright, I think we're making good progress. We should focus on things you easily think about, I do not mind if they are naughty."
<Kulix> *She walks, moving beside Vodka as she peers over what she's working on* Yesterday you offered to spar, would you still like to? I can see you have other matters to attend to.
06* Tabetha gets up, as if the gesture was casual.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Curali sits naked on Eluere's bed up in the manor, next door to Darien's room. "Are you...ready for this mission?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* John rubs the back of his head. "I-- well.."
<Eluere> <Eluere> Of course." 6She stands at a window, peering out in her nightgown.
<Tabetha> * Peter sidles up next to Nadia.
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> We are waiting to see if cure for Lemon work; also, you are about to go off planet on big mission. Perhaps when come back, da?
<Tabetha> "For the speed in which Zephyr and Key bonded, it is likely they used sexual contact, and Key did approve of bonding."
01<@DeathStar> <Curali> ... You think we should stay here...though? I mean Dad was hurt.. and they might try to kill him again
01<@DeathStar> <John> I'll have to speak to Key more on that one. 6* He notes as he stands up. YZ jerks awake as the alarm goes off, flailing in the bed
01<@DeathStar> 6* At that moment, Lemon begins to open her eyes, blinking. Cheryl grips Chii's hand, nodding at her
<Eluere> <Chii> Hey, hon." 6She leans over Lemon, blinking back.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lemon looks at Chii, smiling softly. "Hi, Mistress... I.. what did I miss...?"
<Eluere> <Eluere> I won't lie... I want to-- but Curali, we have our duty to fulfill as well.
<Kulix> <Nadia> Da. If that is what you would prefer. *She turns leaning away as Peter slides closer* Hi. *she raises her eyebrow at him*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Farah's scans would indicate none of the stuff is present in Lemon's mind anymore
06* Tabetha nods and smiles to him. "I'm happy you agreed to this. You are already a friend that I trust."
01<@DeathStar> <Curali> ... alright. 6* She nods in understanding, moving to get dressed
<Eluere> <Chii> Fufufu. Good morning, Lem.
01<@DeathStar> 6* John winks. "Well, I trust you, too."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka eyes Peter up and down.
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> Try not to let the little man 'spar' with you on shuttle.
<Tabetha> * Peter grins and looks at her. "Hey darlin."
<Tabetha> * Peter then winks at Vodka.
<Eluere> <Ferah> She's good to go.
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> How do you feel? <Lemon> ... tired. But... good. Is it time for me to make supper?
<Eluere> <Chii> Nah. I'll handle it tonight.
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Later; for now, just rest with Chii here. Farah, I'm going to take Vodka with me to the guardian colony to test the cure on the guardian we get. Yoiu stay here and make up more, okay?
<Eluere> <Ferah> Yeah. Of course.
01<@DeathStar> <Lemon> Okay. 6* She takes Chii's hand. There's still sadness there, so she remembers Kane, but she doesn't look so messed up now
<Kulix> *Nadia gives him a pursed lipped grin as she goes to softly bop him on the side of the head, apparently approving*
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Alright then. 6* She taps her comm. "Everyone to the hanger in ten minutes. We're going."
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> Hm, seem that I am going with you. Perhaps if room, I will spar after all, da?
<Tabetha> * Peter smiles at her. "...That's our song, you ready to go?"
<Eluere> <Eluere> W-We could take him with us.
06* Tabetha squeaks a bit. "Ohhh... darn, I lost track of time! I wanted to get started on Cole."
<Eluere> <Eluere> Who would expect that!?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lorelei crawls up Chii's leg like a cat and Cheryl smiles, taking her into a hug. As Curali finishes dressing in her outfit, she jerks at the comm and grabs Eluere, dragging her off. Then pauses and sneaks into Darien's room with her
01<@DeathStar> <John> Hey, maybe later
01<@DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
01<@DeathStar> 6* After everyone is on Cheryl's shuttle, and having said goodbyes to those who remain behind, they fly up. Curali casually leans against a seat, hiding the man under them, as they fly up into space
<Eluere> <Eluere> ...
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Since it'll be too cramped in this shuttle to fly al the way to the colony, I'm going to dock with a ship I'm taking command. We'll assign rooms once we're onboard. That should give you all more free time since the trip will take a good portion of the day
<Eluere> R-Right!
<Tabetha> "....A starship? A full size one!?"
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yes.
<Tabetha> "Think they'll let me look in Engineering?"
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I don't see why not.
06* Tabetha smiles happily. "Awesome!"
<Eluere> Because it's usually confidential military secrets..
01<@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl turns to her channel with Chii back home, waving at Lorelei and cooing. "You be a good girl for momma."
<Eluere> <Chii> She always is! --besides disappearing.
<Tabetha> "And sneaking in the vents!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* As Chii says that, the Lorelei doll in her hands falls apart and reveals Momiji, who was stuffed into a dress
<Tabetha> "And driving motorcycles before legal age!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stares, deadpanning as the shuttle flies toward a large starship and enters it's hanger.
<Eluere> <Chii> That little rascal!!" 6She runs off screen
<Tabetha> * Peter rubs his head and looks at Nadia. "So, share a room?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Something crawls up Eluere's leg
<Kulix> *Nadia puts her datapad away, passing the time with more research in transit. she glances out the window as the enter the hanger, giving the interior a look over*
<Eluere> 6Eluere lets out a squeak in fright, peering over.
06* Tabetha rushes to press her face to a viewport window, scrambling over John to do so.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The hanger is 10x the size of their measlely shuttle, full of starfighters and other shuttles. Cheryl docks and turns off. John makes a noise as he's run over
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lorelei peers at eluere, her tail wagging
<Eluere> <Eluere> Oh hell.
06* Tabetha ends up sort of sitting on John as she looks out. "Cool!"
<Tabetha> Peter> "It looks like a nice ship."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl turns to see Lorelei, then facepalms. <Have Key ... teleport you, Lemon, and Zeph up. The ship should be safe enough. Lorelei ... is here>
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka steps off the shuttle into the hanger. "We can spar after all!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* John groans
01<@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves over to take Lorelei, chiding her half-heartedly, unable to face the cute face and tail wagging
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> hell...
06* Tabetha blinks and looks down at John. "Oops! Sorry!" *she slides down, ending up with her breasts in his face* "You okay now?"
<Eluere> <Chii> <*mental facefault*>
01<@DeathStar> <John> Hmmmph
<Kulix> *Nadia moves up, moving down the ramp with Vodka* In the hanger? Does this place have a gym?
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> Hm. 6* She eyes a hanger mechanic. "Does ship have gym?" <Mechanic> Yes, ma'am. And a mess hall, and a rec room
<Tabetha> * Peter follows after her, looking about.
<Eluere> It's like a mobile, spacefaring base..
01<@DeathStar> 6* A few men walk up to the crew, with maps of the ship in their head. Cheryl moves with her baby to talk to the captain of the ship who comes out to greet them, looking displeased at having his ship commandeered. They begin to talk
01<@DeathStar> <Curali> Wow, yeah; I wonder if Cheryl got the best ship in the fleet
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka takes one of the offered maps, peering it over with an interested look
06* Tabetha lets him up and giggles, holding out a hand for him.
01<@DeathStar> 6* John takes it and stands up.
<Tabetha> * Peter looks about, he leans over Vodka's shoulder to get a look.
<Tabetha> Tabetha> "This is so amazing! I've wanted to see one since I started reading up on ship systems."
<Kulix> <Nadia> I could get used to this.. *She moves down the ramp, glancing at Vodka's map as she reads it* I'm guessing we're all going to pick rooms and get settled in first.
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Once my wife recalls here, we'll take off. <Captain> ... <Cheryl> Don't worry, you're captain of the ship until we get there, and once there I'll be using a shuttle to get on the planet. I won't step on your toes as long as you don't attack needlessly. <captain> Yes m'am
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> It seem so, da. They have highlighted available crewrooms. Over two dozen it seems
06* Tabetha thinks, tapping her chin. "Since you must be loyal to your Tsukiyomi... hmm... good ways to bond. Share a room tonight? I will remain clothed for proper protocol."
01<@DeathStar> <John> It's not as big as PAX, but it is neat
01<@DeathStar> <John> I-- well... Y-You have to ask Key
01<@DeathStar> 6* Curali pulls Darien out once the shuttle is emptied, peering out at the crowded hanger, wondering how to get him into a room without being seen
<Tabetha> "Okay!" *she sends a message asking Key if she can stay in the same room as him tonight for bonding purposes*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl impatiently eyes the spot next to her for Key to appear with the others
<Kulix> *She hefts a bag over her shoulder, after studying the map for a moment.* Then I'll go get settled in. Meet you in the gym when your ready. *She moves to find a quarters and a place to put her things away*
<Tabetha> * Peter looks over. "Boss, might want to call and see if Key's okay. She's been a bit... err... out of it lately."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka follows Nadia. "Hm, perhaps will get room next to yours."
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> Lead way
<Eluere> 6Eluere throws a blanket over Darien.
<Kulix> <Nadia> You could sleep in my room if you want. We could make Peter get his own room for once. *she grins teasingly at her*
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> Hm, would like that.
<Eluere> 6Key appears-- in a pile atop YZ, Chii and Lemon
<Tabetha> * Peter looks back, looking crestfallen.
01<@DeathStar> 6* YZ squeals at being at the bottom of the pile. Lemon shields Chii
<Eluere> 6Chii blinks. 1"How?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka smiles back, though it's clear she doesn't smile often and could use practice
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lemon shifts out of the pile cradling Chii to her
<Tabetha> "Oh! There they are!" *she skips over to Key and giggles*
01<@DeathStar> 6* John bnlinks and moves over to where Key is. "Hey, babe."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Curali uses this moment of distraction to help Eluere carry the 'blanket' toward a set of elevators
01<@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl smiles warmly and moves over to Chii, kissing her cheek and handing her Lorelei, who looks at Chii innocently
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> So, explain how she got Momiji into a doll of herself
01<@DeathStar> 6* John helps Key and YZ to their feet
01<@DeathStar> <YZ> Ungh...dizzy,.. 6* She's still in her adult form, and wearing one of Key's outfits
<Eluere> <Chii> If I knew, would I have been acting like Momiji was Lore
06* Tabetha helps John by helping YZ.
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> She takes WAY too after you
06* Tabetha tilts her head. "You look pretty in that, Zephyr."
<Eluere> Don't think anyone saw..
<Kulix> <Nadia> Dont look so down Peter, come with us. Lets find your room too. *She says, waiting for him to catch up with the two*
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> I.. well...
<Tabetha> * Peter heads after them. "Alright."
<Eluere> <Key> John! Key bring fox, dragon and a fruit!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka waits on an elevator and once Peter is on, it takes the three to the quarters
01<@DeathStar> <John> Well done. Are they all three for me?
06* Tabetha tilts her head at Key. "But no grapes?"
<Eluere> <Key> Say life gives you Lemon, add Vodka.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl and Lemon give John dangerous looks, stepping in front of Chii
06* Tabetha giggles.
01<@DeathStar> <John> I--I was kidding
<Eluere> <Chii> Wow. My blondes in black.
<Kulix> *Nadia exits the elevator, peering about the strange area exploratorially as she moves towards one of the first rooms she seets, hitting the open button on the door*
06* Tabetha hugs Key and smiles, "Key!!! I have a question for you!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The door opens to a simple quarters; bed, no bath since it's a community shower, a closet, and a holovid
<Eluere> 6Key squints, slowly eyeing Tabetha.
<Tabetha> "Was thinking should sleep by John for bonding, is it alright if I share a room with him?" *she smiles happily*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lemon and Cheryl take Chii by the shoulders and lead her away. <Cheryl> Come on, I'll get you an officer's suite for us four. 6* She says, referring to herself, Chii, Lem, and Lorelei
<Eluere> <Key> No!
<Tabetha> Peter> "Looks alright, what do yah think girls?"
01<@DeathStar> <John> She, uh, meant sleep literally
<Eluere> <Chii> Oiii. Lem's suite enough for both of us. Fufufu--
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> Hm. Will do. My room on base was smaller. 6* Which is hard to imagine
06* Tabetha nods with John. "Clothes and everything. Not sex."
<Eluere> <Key> Oh. Okay!
01<@DeathStar> <John> Unless you want us to sleep with you and Zeph.
01<@DeathStar> 6* John wiggles his eyebrows
06* Tabetha giggles and blushes. "W-Will do anything Key wants."
<Eluere> <Key> Zephyr not like that.
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> I--I-- didn't you already get p-pushy about that on base? Sheesh. I let you for an hourt
01<@DeathStar> <John> But you kept slapping me. <Leira> You kept poking me!
<Eluere> <Key> Curly and Moe!
<Tabetha> "John pokes girls while they sleep?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lemon blushes a bit and Cheryl leads them into another deck from Vodka and Nadia, and enters them into a lavish room with it's own bath
<Eluere> <Key> Poke Key lots. Over and over.
01<@DeathStar> <John> It was dark! I couldn't see!
<Tabetha> "So poke to know where you are?"
<Eluere> <Key> Poke same place!
<Eluere> <Key> Think knew.
01<@DeathStar> <John> Er, uh... <Leira> I think he wants a threesome
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka moves in and sits on Nadia's bed, testing it
<Eluere> <Key> He does.
<Tabetha> "Threesome?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* John hangs his head
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> Well, .... maybe if you treat Key good one day... 6* She mumbles
<Kulix> *Nadia enters the room, sitting the back against a chair and pulling her coat off, hanging it over the coatrack as she peers about* I havn't had a holovid in my room since I was a child.. *She glances back at Vodka, moving to sit next to her, bouncing to test the bed aswell*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Eluere and Curali pass vodka and Nadia and Peter's room and enter their own - carrying a man shaped blanket
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> Is sturdy. Good bed, da?
<Tabetha> * Peter is busy admiring bouncing russians.
<Eluere> <Key> Zephyr not have to use John's straw if not want.
01<@DeathStar> <John> Oh, I'm sure I can work something out with you, Zeph, you'll like in regards to Key. 6* He leans over to whisper in her ear, making her blush
01<@DeathStar> <John> But anyway, for now, I'll get a room with Tab and you two can get one.
01<@DeathStar> 6* John winks and moves for an elevator
06* Tabetha blinks a bit innocently and heads after John. "Have fun you two!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka shifts to lay back, her purple hair spread along the bed and her uniform tight along her firm body
<Eluere> <Key> ...? What he say!?
<Tabetha> * Peter moves in a bit, he actually blushes. "So this room will do...?"
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> H-He said while he has sex with you in the front, I-I can wear a strap on and d oyou from behind, or t-that he could do you from behind while I-I lick you from in front, or that he can watch us together or we could shower...
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> I like.
<Eluere> 6Key jerks, flailing. 1"John have dirty mind!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Curali lays Darien on the bed and sighs in relief, plopping down. "Mission accomplished."
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> H-He really does
<Kulix> *Nadia nods, streatching out and laying back on the bed, a bit of mid drift showing from her black tanktop* Little firmer than I'm used to, but it will do. *She streaches out more, looking Vodka over as if for the first time*
<Eluere> Finally!
<Tabetha> * Peter watches them both, he takes a seat, looking a little nervous.
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> Hm, travel time should be 7 hours. Give us plenty of time, da?
<Tabetha> Peter> "For... sparin?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits on her large bed.
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> Yes. We can get hot and sweaty, then bathe, then sleep.
<Eluere> <Chii> I approve.
06* Tabetha moves along with John, she takes his hand and smiles childishly.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lemon puts down a bag of Chii's clothing and diapers. Lorelei walks along the room unsteadily and giggling
01<@DeathStar> 6* John takes it and winks
<Tabetha> Peter> "I like this plan."
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> So...are you okay with John bonding with Tab?
<Eluere> <Key> If he want.
06* Tabetha smiles and blushes a little, looking down.
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> What do you want?
<Eluere> 6Key squints at Leira suspiciously, oblivious to the question
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> I mean, I doubt he'll cheat, he loves you and all, but Tabetha will know when you two have sex. Like I know.
<Eluere> <Key> Could know anyway. Just not ask.
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> Hm. I should get changed. 6* She moves to her only set of change able clothes, a tank top and shorts, and begins to unbutton her uniform
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> True.
<Eluere> 6Key leans in, frowning closely at Leira.
01<@DeathStar> <LEira> W-What?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leira leans back
<Eluere> <Key> Trying determine Leira mind dirty, too!
<Kulix> *Nadia watches for a moment, then grins, glancing back at Peter, expecting him to be watching the other pretty Russian girl*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl watches Lorelei walking with a osoft smile
<Eluere> <Chii> Shouldn't have taught her to walk so soon...
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> I do not have a dirty mind!! John's the one who said all that stuff to me! I mean, I already knew you two did a lot because of our bond, but ... man
<Tabetha> * Peter's eyes are actually more on Nadia.
01<@DeathStar> <Lemon> She is so smart
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lorelei wobbles over to a fish tank and presses her face against it
<Eluere> <Key> But John say you do things to Key and Zephyr blush!
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> I-- le-lets get a room
<Eluere> <Chii> But I think walking started the ninja vanish!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leira grabs Key's ahnd and hurries
<Eluere> <Key> Wahhh~
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka pulls off the uniform top, then sets it aside, then removes her under shirt and tosses it, wearing no bra.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Curali grins at Eluere. "Want to go find a widow to look at hyperspace?"
06* Tabetha looks around, pointing out a room. "That one?"
<Eluere> <Eluere> It's just white. Not that interesting.
01<@DeathStar> <John> It looks good
06* Eluere fidgets, though.
01<@DeathStar> <Curali> .. Well, I'm going. 6* She rushes off like a kid
06* Tabetha moves inside, looking around in it before flopping on the bed.
01<@DeathStar> 6* John jerks aside as Curali runs past
<Eluere> W-Wait for me!" 6She sprints after
01<@DeathStar> 6* He blinks, then dives in as Eluere comes out
01<@DeathStar> 6* Curali peers back, grinning, and dashes along and reaches the elevator, waiting
06* Eluere scowls, leaping at Curali
<Tabetha> * Tabetha starts to sit up and eeps as John comes leaping in.
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> It might have, yeah. I just wonder what she'll do when she's 2.
<Kulix> *Nadia makes a face, as if to say ' oh really? ' at Vodka's exposed breasts, Peter might notice Nadia is actually looking at Vodka more than he his*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Curali eeps as she's leapt on and falls on her butt; the elevator moves up to the bridge
<Tabetha> * Peter tugs at his collar and watches Vodka after the look. "L-Lovely."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka pulls the tank top on and efficently ptus her long hair up in a bun, then pulls down her uniform pants, wearing white underwear, simple and effective.
01<@DeathStar> <Lemon> At 2, she'll probably be practicing ninja assassinations
01<@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl jerks
<Tabetha> * Peter starts undoing his shirt. "Good lord almighty..."
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> Hm? Good 'lord almighty'?
<Eluere> <Chii> I--
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka peers over, blinking, as she pulls her shorts up
01<@DeathStar> <Lemon> Does that not come next after ninja vanishing?
<Tabetha> Peter> "you're definately blessed."
06* Tabetha pats the bed. "You okay John?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* John nods, sitting down
<Kulix> <Nadia> He lkes you. *She says, standing, moving over to Peter, reaching for his shirt as she pulls him closer, ceasing a kiss from his lips as if to claim him*
01<@DeathStar> 6* The elevator reaches the bridge and Curali peers out at all the seats and consoles, and the huge viewport; hyperspace is indeed not white, but an energy fluxation that goes white to red to blue and back, and is a tunnel
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> Oh? Hm. Perhaps not little man if one russian woman not enough. Few men can say that, da? 6* She says to Nadia, as if indicating most men would wear out before a russian woman
<Eluere> <Chii> I hope not..
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leira runs into a room next door to John's and hops on a bed with Key, giggling
<Tabetha> * Peter smiles and grabs Nadia by the small of her back, he pulls her close and kisses her good and hard.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka studies the two like a scientist
06* Tabetha leans against his side. "What should we think about now? Could think about Key and Zephyr."
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Doesn' throwing stars and sword play come before assassinations?
01<@DeathStar> <John> Well, I guess that would work. Though my feelings for Key are pretty deep. 6* He notes
01<@DeathStar> <John> I'd almost say you should sleep with her so you'd know what it was like
<Tabetha> "Think so? Will offer myself to her then." *she smiles*
01<@DeathStar> <John> I--well... 6 He rubs the back of his head nervously
<Kulix> *Nadia grins, wrapping her arms slowly around his shoulder, kissing more and making out infront of Vodka seductively as she hikes a knee up between his legs*
<Eluere> <Chii> Can't we start with something cuter?
<Tabetha> * Peter starts working off her shirt, grinning a bit, emboldened now.
06* Tabetha smiles and looks at him. "Maybe she'll let you watch?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka tilts her head slightly like Erevis does as she studies them, peering down at the knee. "Hm, usually when one uses a knee there, it is to inflict pain."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Curali picks Eluere up and moves to a window and peers out in awe
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Like?
01<@DeathStar> <John> I-I--I-- 6* He flushes
<Eluere> H-Hey..! ... Wow... it's pretty...
<Eluere> <Chii> I-- I don't know! I didn't have a childhood!
<Tabetha> * Tabetha leans up, pressing her cheek to his, she whispers, "Think about it... Key and I cuddling up naked, kissing, feeling each other in front of you..."
01<@DeathStar> <Curali> Told you so
01<@DeathStar> !
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> Neither did I... 6* She peers down and Chii would get an image of a five year old Cheryl battling for her life against machines
01<@DeathStar> <John> ... I-- 6* He reddens as he pictures it
<Tabetha> * Tabetha is obviously picturing it too, "Our soft forms pressing to one another, exposed to you, leaning close to one another and grinding our breasts against each others."
01<@DeathStar> 6* John hardens a bit despite himself, picturing it clearly 
01<@DeathStar> <Cheryl> I guess we can work on putting her in pretty dresses and give her dolls
<Kulix> <Nadia> Usually, yes.. *continues speaking, kissing at his neck as he pulls her shirt off* But it can be used for more.. Why dont you rub Vodka's thigh, Peter? Show her what I mean? *She hangs from him, hugging his neck as she glances over her shoulder at Vodka, topless*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Lorelei trying to break into the fish tank
<Tabetha> * Tabetha rests against him casually, keeping contact. "I run my lips over her neck and chest, fingers pleasing her as her rear end pushes up exposed to you, all yours for the taking."
01<@DeathStar> 6 *Vodka peers over Nadia's body, taking it in with her violet eyes
01<@DeathStar> 6* John closes his eyes as he picks it, putting a hand on Tabetha's back
<Tabetha> * Peter leans over and reaches out, he looks at her as if for permission.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka seems to be watching Nadia, and not paying attention to Peter right now.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka steps over to get a better look, running her eyes along Nadia's chest
01<@DeathStar> 6* Curali presses her fingers against the panel, then speaks to Eluere. "One day, we're going to fly through hyperspace as a dragon."
<Eluere> Through... hyperspace?
<Tabetha> * Tabetha closes her eyes, really focusing on it now, "Running your hands over her smooth rear, I angle over so you can caress my hips, while Key runs her fingers over my soft curves, I gently push her hips up, exposing her sex to you."
01<@DeathStar> <Curali> Sure. I bet we can do it
01<@DeathStar> 6* Strangely enough, Tabetha could faintly feel the bond synching connections forming
<Kulix> *Nadia slides a hand down Peter's shoulder to his chest, leaning out to bare her breasts for Vodka* You like? *She asks, while nuzzling his neck*
<Tabetha> * Peter gently caresses Vodka's thigh, his other hand caressing Nadia's rear end.
<Eluere> Dragoons have never been able to travel in sub-light speeds or achieve hyperspace like conventional craft.
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> They are very supple and ... 6* She blinks at the touch to her thigh, peering down, then back, clearing her throat awkardly. "firm. There were not many female soldiers on base so I have no seen many naked women. Mostly men would show up when I showered."
01<@DeathStar> <Curali> So? We'll be the first! Two dragoons never made a gear before but we did
<Tabetha> * Tabetha smiles and presses a little closer. "Her body slowly rocks as you take her, enjoying her as she rubs on top of me, our breasts so easily felt by your hands, your own little playground..." *her tone gets seductive*
<Eluere> Wishful thinking, but it would make us much more useful and deployable..
01<@DeathStar> 6* John groans a bit as he leans against Tabetha. "Ah...yeah..." 6* The bond connections begin to get firmer and harder as John does. His knee lifts up between her knees a bit
01<@DeathStar> <Curali> We should try to do it.
<Tabetha> * Peter withdraws the naughty hand, mission accomplished, he leans down and kisses over Nadia's neck.
<Eluere> I'm willing if you are.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Curali smiles and walks over, hugging Eluere. At that moment Eluere's datapad beeps
06* Tabetha leans against him, increasing the tease as she whispers in a slightly huskier voice, "She squeals cutely as you take her, pumping her over and over as I spread my legs to let you feel up even more, the both of us there for your enjoyment, I lean up and kiss her lips deeply, our tounge intertwining while you rock harder.
01<@DeathStar> 6* John groans more. "Key..." 6* He mumbles as he moves his knee slowly against her
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> I must say you are very beautiful; if you were on my base, the men would likely enter the showers to be with you and touch you
<Tabetha> * Tabetha starts fantasizing about Key too, all the more, she rocks against him gently. "She arches her back, lclenching around you in climaxe as you press into her all the way, she smiles in pleasure as you make her yours again and again, while I caress and please her sexy little body, feeling her breasts and squeezing them together."
<Kulix> *Nadia leans her head back, letting him kiss as she reaches, running her hands up vodka's stomach, caressing her breast on her way up*
<Eluere> 6Eluere groans, making a face, but then exits the hug stage left to check her datapad.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka shivers slightly at the touch, biting her lower lip, her stoic expression a bit nervous and forlong
01<@DeathStar> 6* It's Darien, asking if she's okay and that he's in some strange room
<Eluere> <Eluere> <Aren't you where we left you?> 6She types out.
<Tabetha> * Peter runs his lips down her shoulder, working her pants down slowly, not disturbing Vodka by talking.
01<@DeathStar> <Darien> <You left me in here? It seems to be a ship's room.>
<Eluere> Wow! Daddy was still asleep the whole time..?
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> Um, perhaps I should ... wait in gym, da? Would not wish to disturb private training
01<@DeathStar> <Curali> I-- whoops
<Eluere> 6John is thwacked across the head by a large fan. It angles to strike Tabetha, too.
01<@DeathStar> 6* John moans out Key's name, then gets hit by the fan and falls down. He's still clothed as promised
01<@DeathStar> 6* The bond connections with Tabetha remain, and it seems they made two week's worth of progress
<Tabetha> * Tabetha jerks and blinks as she looks at the fan, bringing her arm up to block, still clothed as well, she actually only looks slightly aroused. "What... Key?"
<Eluere> 6Key stands there, glaring, the fan thumped across her opposite palm like a hockey player or something
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leira stands behind Key, blushing as she eyes Tabetha. "A-And I thought John was pervy."
01<@DeathStar> 6* John moans on the floor about his KEy not feeling so good anymore, apparantly having landed wrong
<Kulix> <Nadia> Nonsense.. Dont want to join us? Perhaps Peter and I should be working YOUR pants off?
06* Tabetha blushes and blinks, "H-He is always so focused on Key... I thought describing a fantasy of her would be best. So I started to describe something I read in a romance novel..."
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> I -- that would -- not be anatomically correct, da? Sex two people. I admit the people in showers said something about group orgy, but only room for two people interlocking, da?
<Tabetha> Peter> "I have enough stamina for you both."
<Eluere> <Key> John knee sexing Tabby!
<Tabetha> * Tabetha blinks and looks down. "Was he...? I was focusing on the bond connection... it did work, we're already starting to connect well."
01<@DeathStar> 6* John sits up, confused as he eyes Key and Tab. "How'd you two get dressed?" 6* IT seems somehow he was actually seeing it
06* Tabetha taps her chin. "That settles it. If I were to accompany John and Key in bed, it could finalize the bonding process."
01<@DeathStar> <John> ... wait, how I'd get dressed?
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> Whoa, Key, I think he had the whammy put on him
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> That or he's the king of the perverts
<Kulix> <Nadia> Oooh, is that so? *She glances at Vodka, then Peter* What do you think Vodka?
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> I-- well. Perhaps it would be .... interesting to watch you two, da? I have not seen such things
<Tabetha> Peter> "She's welcome to."
06* Tabetha giggles. "Tabby described sexy scene and John dreamed about it. Since Tabby was describing it, our thoughts were in perfect sync."
<Eluere> <Key> Or both.
01<@DeathStar> 6* John stands up, looking confused. "I-- it felt so real. I felt like I was in you, Key."
01<@DeathStar> <John> It wasn't?
06* Tabetha smiles warmly. "John loves Key."
01<@DeathStar> <John> I mean, you were even making those cute moans
<Eluere> <Key> Vivid imagination.
06* Tabetha looks to Key. "I'm sorry if I made you mad. I wouldn't have sex with John unless you were involved and gave permission. So this seemed the next best way to bond."
01<@DeathStar> 6* John moves over to Key, suddenly kissing her with his 10 GiB kisses and grabs her butt
<Kulix> *Nadia pulls Peter back onto her bed, wearing only panties now as She guides him over her, right next to Vodka*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Vodka moves to sit on the bed and watch the two, on her knees a bit
<Eluere> <Key> Having knee-sex!? Tabby should b--aiee!!" 6She swoons
06* Tabetha gasps a bit and watches, blushing herself and squirming a little, more affected then she let one. She's oddly looking at Key with interest, rather then John.
01<@DeathStar> <Curali> I guess we kidnapped him and he didn't realize it
<Eluere> K-K-Kidnapped..!?
<Tabetha> * Peter smiles and slowly works those panties down, working his own underwear off.
06* Eluere panics, her eyes flaring
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leira blushes herself as she feels Key's emotions. John continues his kiss, using his tongue and then lifts Key up and leans her on the wall a bit, gently as he continues
01<@DeathStar> <Curali> W-Well, since he doesn't remember we can jut tell him he ordered us and then forgot
06* Tabetha gets up, moving over to watch more, she gently puts a hand on John's arm, concentrating on the passion.
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> I-- I--
<Eluere> 6Key squirms and flails on the wall, mrmphing
06* Tabetha looks back at Zephyr, blushing gently, she motions her over, "C-Can you help...?"
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> M-me?! Help h-how?!
01<@DeathStar> 6* John ends the kiss finally and then moves to her neck, kissing it gently as his hands work on undressing her
<Kulix> *Nadia helps Peter remove his clothing, pulling down his underwear for him, freeing Peter's member for their guest to see as she strokes it softly*
06* Tabetha touches her finger to her lips, distracted a moment by John, she gently starts to work her uniform top open. "J-Join us...? Share in the emotions?"
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> ... 6* She quietly peers at them both naked now, watching her touch it and blinking a bit at it.
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> I-- well...I don't think Key wants this
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> <Should I save you?!>
<Tabetha> * Peter groans a bit, it's definately not little, he gently spreads Nadia's legs, hands caressing over her curves slowly, carefuly.
<Tabetha> "Y-You sure? She seems... t-to be reacting favorably..." *she keeps working her top off*
<Eluere> <Key> <J-Just make weirdo go away!>
<Tabetha> * Tabetha looks at them, then looks back at Zephyr, as if fighting between a focused emotion and better judgement. She bites her lower lip. "Is... she okay... with it...?"
01<@DeathStar> <Leira> I-I think she's e-embarrassed. Um, you can try to focus on what John is feeling in my room, and if you finger yourself it
01<@DeathStar> 6* Leira is hit by Key's top
<Kulix> *She continues stroking, trying to bring Peter's penis to errection as she leans in dispite his attempt to lean her back, licking at it as she draws to toungue to it's head. she strokes her toungue downward seductively glancing up at Vodka* mmm? Taste? *She offers, licking Peter again*
01<@DeathStar> <Vodka> I ... well. ... 6* She leans over to lick the top of it slowly
02* Eluere ( Quit (
02* Tabetha ( Quit (
01<@DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Thu Jul 22 22:23:35 2010