The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Session 82

Session Start: Thu Sep 16 19:04:24 2010
Session Ident: #session82
02* Logging for #session82 started
01<@DeathStar> Date: 2 days after last (Sera can look at date information)
01<@DeathStar> Location: Matias Jungle
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael hums, the team still a bit off course due to the needing to trek around, but so far the jungle has returned to normal and everyone has shown no ill side effects. Mercy looks tired once again, however, due to the strenous journey the jungle has been
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael pauses for another break at a steam, filling up water sacks
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan takes one of Mercy's sacks and adds it to her own pile, a little pointedly.
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen lets out a restful sigh and then kneels to drip his face in the stream.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy frowns at Kaelan, looking like she wants to object
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth leans against a tree, speaking softly. "This jungle is diverse; this area is very different from the others." 6* She notes. Indeed, the jungle here has less plant life that glows, but more sun pours through. It even looks a bit like the elven forest in Navarro
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Let me, I'll feel better about it. Besides, this one has Jean's tent."
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen raises himself up now and gives a sigh of relief. 1I love water.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Naturally it seems, the woods are breaking, less need for glowing foliage."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Me too -- I really need to learn how to swim. 6* She sighs
01<@DeathStar> 6* Faile flips a knife in her hand. "I'll be glad to be out of here. I'm sick of trees."
01<@DeathStar> 6* A snakehiss hangs from a tree near Nephilim, leaning in to drop onto her shoulders
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Sick of trees? Dear girl, soon you'll be sick of the water. Or sick of the plains, or sick of the sand.
01<@DeathStar> <Faile> I grew up on the plains. 6* She says simply.
01<@DeathStar> <Faile> At least in those places you can see the sun
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Sick of rocks, sick of ruins, sick of amries of angry looking Templars holding swords and a meaningful look... wait, I feel that last one."
01<@DeathStar> 6* She eyes him pointedly
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Ah. Well the sun is overrated.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas fills up his sack and drinks from it
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen gives a slight smile, then fills up his water sack.
01<@DeathStar> 6* As Valen says that, a bloodsucker lands on his arm to drink
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen jerks to swat it.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The snakehiss begins to crawl into Nephilim's breasts
01<@DeathStar> 6* The bloodsucker goes swish
<@Seraphna> * Seth peers at Valen, "Caught a bloodsucker?"
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen peers at it. 1A flat one.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Well, in two more days time, we'll be out of the jungle; we had to stray further north than normal; no one in our village has ever been to the upper north east of the jungle
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean leans over, pouting at it. "He was just hungry."
01<@DeathStar> 6* She has several bite marks on her from them
<@Seraphna> * Seth raises a brow. "Shouldn't feed them anymore Jean, they'll find other food, and it can be very unhealthy to let them linger."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> You can get a sickness from them.
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan moves over to Jean, she dabs some cloth in water and washes Jean's bites. "They're right, don't want you getting sick, sis."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I wonder if this section of the jungle is any different? 6He glances from Rachael to the surrounding area.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Seems to have more vermin."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Well, LEnneth is right; there seems to be less larger trees and the glowing fuana
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean squirms as she does, pounting, and lowers her top where there's some on her breasts
<Eluere> 6Nephilim makes a face, pulling the snake out of her top from the bottom, eyeing it. 1'Another one for the weirdo to train."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan washes them dutifully. "Jean! Just how many did you let feed?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The snakehiss tries to bite her as it's pulled
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> 34. There's some down here, too. 6* She pulls the loin cloth off, revealing her bare thighs, which she apparantly shaves down there, or doesn't grow hair
<Eluere> 6Nephilim jerks, snatching its head with her other hand. 1'Try that again you little..."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan sighs and uses the cloth to pick them off. "Sis... silly girl."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael shakes her face at Jean, peering at the trees. At that moment, there's a splashing down further up stream
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> I do not mind feeding the poor things!
<Eluere> <Aschae> Mmm, anyone hear that?
<@Seraphna> * Seth turns from the amazing show Kaelan is creating to peer downstream.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The snake looks annoyed
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen pauses and tilts his head. 1I did.
01<@DeathStar> 6* A person, wearing absolutely nothing but mud, eyes them, then turns and runs off.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "...Mud person?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Further north, while they want to go south
<Eluere> 6Aschae moves past Nephilim, takes the snake from her and drapes it over her shoulders, eyeing the person leave. She pauses, then chuckles, closing her eyes and starts to follow them.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> ...
<Eluere> 6At a light jaunt.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> He, um, was well...big down there
01<@DeathStar> 6* She notes, flustered
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth gets up to follow Aschae after the mud man
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Mmm... must be all that free living. Should... they be going off on their own?"
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen peers at them leaving. 1That's the wrong direction...
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean readjusts her clothing. "Maybe they want to help him!"
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I'll go follow them. 6* She says, shifting to get up and move after them
<Eluere> <Nephilim> R-Rach! You shouldn't chase after strange men!
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen lets out a sigh.1We shouldn't split up.. 6He gets to his feet and gathers up his things.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy shifts down to grab the sacks again, lifting them up
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan sighs and grabs her sacks, including the one she took off Mercy.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas puts his water away, getting his sword free a bit from the hilt in case he needs to pull it free.
<Eluere> 6Azhren peers at Faile, making a face. He looks longingly the way of the port.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Faile nods in agreement with Azhren, shifting to follow the others, lest they get lost in these woods.
<Eluere> 6Zeal twitches slightly, nocking an arrow, but running with her bow at a casual angle.
<@Seraphna> * Seth hefts his bow a bit. "Woman seems to love trouble..."
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen trudges along after the others.
<Eluere> <Zeal> Which woman is that?
<@Seraphna> * Seth moves after them, Kaelan loosens her own sword and moves after them.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Aschae."
01<@DeathStar> 6* As they hurry after the three, which have vanished from sight as a light fog has rolled into the jungle at this point, they don't even see mud footprints to track. The sounds of the jungle life continues, however
<Eluere> <Zeal> That... is peculiar.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> ... Damn.
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen peers around warily as the lack of tracks becomes clear.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Mmm... well we need to find them." *he looks about for other signs*
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> I can find Aschae and Rachael!
01<@DeathStar> 6* She nods, taking the lead and moving ahead
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Ah yes... everyone follow the beautiful one."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> I-- I can find them, too." 6She huffs.
<@Seraphna> * Seth heads after her, Kaelan blushes and moves after them.
01<@DeathStar> <Faile> IF you love her so much, why don't you just make a move already? You do so with every other woman in camp.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Faile says this loudly, but Jean doesn't seem to notice, intent on focusing
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Think about it."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Faile just eyes him
<@Seraphna> * Seth moves on, looking back to wink at her.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Wh-What are you talking about?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> She's too good for him. No offense.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "I know she is, none taken."
01<@DeathStar> 6* As they move, there's movements around them, and people, some wearing mud, peer at them; some of them have tawny like eyes, and elven ears, and all have arrows pulled and nocked, aiming at them. Not all have elven ears. Jean pauses, blinking at all the arrows, then cheerfully waves. "Hi!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas jerks, pausing in reaching for his sword on instinct. Mercy looks pale, and scared, while Faile looks annoyed
<@Seraphna> * Seth puts his hands up and smiles.
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen pauses and glances around.1This is most troublesome.
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan sighs a little and slowly raises her own. "Best not to anger them."
01<@DeathStar> 6* One speaks in a language very similiar to Jean's, who brightens and speaks a bit in her's. There's a pause, then the sameo ne speaks, more slowly, and Jean then speaks the same way as them, the two talking
01<@DeathStar> <Faile> How is she doing that?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> She's special.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "She learned to speak ours after only a few words."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The person speaking eyes them all, and waves a hand; most lower their weapons, while some keep them aimed - clearly a warning. We are not going to threaten you, but if you make the wrong move, you will die. He speaks something and Jean nods, peering abck at the group
<Eluere> <Zeal> ... Dear me.
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> He wants us to come with him!
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Of course.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "I suggest we do so, Ma'am."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Faile mumbles about magic and Jean moves to follow them, the people shifting to the sides to let them follow, while some take up positions to their sides and flank
<Eluere> <Zeal> ... Astute. Despite their appearances, reconciled order and effective positioning..
<@Seraphna> * Seth smiles still and moves along with Jean, Kaelan trails after the two.
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen moves along again, he peers left and right, apparently not so worried.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean skips along, completely at ease, chatting with the leader in their language, and the leader, who seems offbalanced at the talking, begins to loosen up physically, despite his strict tone.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy looks aboutm whispering. "Why are there elves in Matias? I thought they only lived in Navarro."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I'm sure there are elves in more places than we are led to believe.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Weren't there plenty of them in Nuege?" *she asks softly*
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> Well, they were fleeing Navarro, I thought; I ... do not much about the outside world
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Mmm... fleeing to where though?" *she blinks*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean speaks, her long, long blonde hair styled in braids these days so it only comes to her upper or mid-back, instead of it's natural length.
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I'm not sure. The old King was taking them prisoner to experiment on them. My Prince, when he became King, stopped that
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan's own hair is now slightly past her shoulders, having been some time since Jean regrew her hair.
01<@DeathStar> 6* They are led along and reach the village, where they find Aschae, Rachael, and Lenneth already, sitting near a fire, but not harmed. The boy they chased is sitting nearby with a hurt ankle, that loks tended to by Aschae and Rachael. The village is on the ground, and seems to be made of the trees themselves
<Eluere> <Aschae> Glad you decided to join us." 6She calls with a wave, her eyes closed.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael pauses, looking relieved as Valen walks in, and the villagers spread out to cover all exits, while some escort them to the fire. The person talking motions for them to sit by demonstrating with himself, and Jean happily plops down
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen peers at Rachael.1I turn my head for a few moments and you run off.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "We could hardly be seperated from your beauty." *he sighs a bit and looks about, moving along as led, then takes a seat by Jean, Kaelan takes a seat right next to her.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Typical!
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> We can't understand them; they sound a bit like Jean, though
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "She can speak to them."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy sits down, freeing herself of her load, and Faile warily sits where she can watch them all - with her back to the fire
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen gives Nephilim a confirmation nod.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth nods to them, speaking softly. "They seem nice, if not wary."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> We're outsiders, of course they're wary.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Strangely, their language...feels familiar to me somehow. I actually understand a bit of it.
<Eluere> 6Azhren joins Faile, looking less concerned.
<Eluere> <Aschae> I don't find that so strange.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The leader role speaks, and Jean translates. "He wants to know why we are near their village - no one comes this far he says."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> You do? Maybe you're special like Jean. 6He hmms and then shifts to sit by Rachael.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Special? I wonder how..
01<@DeathStar> 6* She muses
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Tell him that we were taking a long route to avoid a potential threat.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael smiles and takes his hand. "Lenneth managed to speak a few words to get them not to be mad at us."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Impressive. 6He nods to Rachael.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean nods, translating. The villagers mumble, then he speaks again. <Jean> He wants to know why we have swords! I can answer that! 6* She cheerfully begins to talk, animatedly waving her hands. Lenneth tilts her head a bit as she listens
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> She's telling them we're on a journey and you all... protect her. She says you're very nice protectors and her family.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "That's better then most explainations."
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Strange question though, who would journey in the wilderness filled with monsters without weapons? They certainly have them."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The villagers seem to relax the more Jean talks, and the leader speaks again. "He says he understands, but that he fears we will tell his location to others; I said he wouldn't, but that my word isn't everyone's word."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> Well, if I saw this many people with so many weapons, I might be scared, too...
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Wouldn't dream of it, I don't even know where we are rightly."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Ask him why they live here in secret.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "True... they're probably more concerned about where we're pointing them then us actually having them. And no, I won't reveal this... place. I couldn't if you asked me anyway."
<Eluere> <Zeal> I have no reason to tell...
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean speaks, and the leader pauses, then answers. <Jean> He said it was a secret they cannot tell others. Their ancestors of many, many generations past ordered them only to tell 'the one'.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> It's not like anyone who'd want to know is a friend of ours.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth answers in their language, looking like she finds it strange
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Then one? Curious.
<b12n11w00t> NRP: The*
<@Seraphna> Seth> "The one... hah. 10 Gold on who that might be."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Which one?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Could he give us some more details on...the one?
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Seth knows? Who is it? 6* She leans in curiously
<@Seraphna> <Seth> Ask him about this 'the one', I think you'll see it. If I'm right.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael smirks, eyeing Neph. "Maybe it's you; you can use the stones after all. Maybe they want you to take them on a vacation."
<Eluere> 6Nephilim balances her knife, flicking it to make it ring, then matches the tone with her voice.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Oh, ha ha. Very funny.
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan peers at Seth suspiciously.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean blinks, then begins to talk animatedly, and the two begin to talk. Lenneth speaks. "Hmmm, they say they cannot remember exavtly who the one is, except certain details."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> The details are all I'm concerned with.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Mmm? Details?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth listens as they talk. "The person can speak their language, the person will have the power over the world itself, they will be fair colored like the sun, have mismatched eyes, will have animal parts, and will be looking for something."
<@Seraphna> * Seth nearly bursts out laughing, holding his sides.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "She's also sitting in front of him, talking to him..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma mews.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> That sounds lose to Jean, but it's not her. She's not an animal.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> She can speak to animals.
<Eluere> <Aschae> Oh really? She was called the beastly child.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Animal parts, not an animal."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Well, hm...I guess she CAN speak to animals.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean finishes speaking, then relates to them what Lenneth said.
<@Seraphna> * Seth grins. "Know who they mean, Ms. Jean?"
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Nope! But Miss Lenneth can speak their language and she was looking for something!
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan tightens the cloth draped over one of her eyes and peers at Jean curiously.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Are Lenneth's eyes mismatched? 6He leans forward slightly.
<Eluere> <Aschae> Who here has mismatched eyes, my darling beast?
<@Seraphna> Seth> "She's neither fair of color nor has mismatched eyes."
<@Seraphna> * Seth grins. "They mean you, Jean. You're 'the one'."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth blinks, and Valen would see her eyes seem odd - like they should be something else, but not. In fact, they don't seem constant from one moment to the next, one time both green, one time both blue
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Well, um, we once dyed our hair with stuff Zeal found! 6* She notes
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Hnnh. Your eyes are very unique. And beautiful.
<Eluere> <Aschae> We're certainly not speaking of me. Though I am fair skinned.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "We know the true color even reguardless then... and it's not dyed now... it's all laid out for us..."
<Eluere> 6Aschae lets her snake down as an afterthought.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Hm? Thank you
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Perhaps it's not Jean. Perhaps it is infact someone else.
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen bows his had at he thanks.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Possibilities, but it's more then a little obvious at the moment."
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> I meant maybe Miss Lenneth had her hair dyed. 6* As they say Lenneth, the villagers mumble
<Eluere> 6Nephilim stands off to the side, looking almost jealous, with crossed arms and a pout.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael giggles and grabs Neph's hand, jerking her forward and peering at her eyes
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Most often the simplest, most obvious answer is in fact, the real one."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Do you have animal parts, Nephy?
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Wh-What? No.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> She might have a little bunny tail that we don't even know about.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> I do not!! And my eyes are green like gems!!
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> I do not think I have a tail. 6* She notes
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean taps her chin. "I would not feel right pretending to be their own; Miss Lenneth also speaks their language, for example. I might not be the right one and that would be wrong to say I am if I am not."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Oh I'm aware. I spend most of my time staring into them.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael giggles at Valen
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan shakes her head a bit and grins. "You know, I don't think I'm ever going to get used to Valen being... charming."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The leader speaks and Jean bliks, talking to him. Lenneth is said repeatedly
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Neph used to spend many days teasing me. 6He notes.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Yes but... before you were always either so grim or quiet... when you weren't..." *she frowns and looks down*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth pauses and peers over, and listens closer, her eyes narrowing a bit as they talk. Jean talks more, then claps her hands a bit, turning to look at them
<b12n11w00t> 6 Valen goes to respond but pauses and looks to Jean.
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> They said they would like to check Lenneth's ears. 6* One villager moves over to Lenneth to touch her raven black hair and she jerks away, peering at him.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Her ears?
<@Seraphna> * Seth peers at her, then Lenneth, "Ears... hmm."
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> I do not have animal ears.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "I don't think that's what they're looking for."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The leader frowns at Lenneth's reluctance and waves the person he sent over off, speaking to Jean, who translates as "They said they will not force her to reveal herself if she doesn't wish it."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan blinks, "I'm sure it's okay... it's just your ears, right Nell?"
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> If you don't, then it would be proper to show them and prove them wrong.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> I--- well, yes. I cannot explain why I feel ill at ease to show them
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Please. Let us drop them
01<@DeathStar> *this
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Fair enough.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Alright then."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean turns back as the villager talks, explaining something to her. Lenneth doesn't translate this time
<Eluere> 6Aschae chuckles to herself.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Jean?
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan looks at Nell in concern.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean pauses, then blinks. "Oh, sorry; they were just saying that long ago, before their grandparent's great great great grandparents were alive, that one of the people who guided them was a woman called 'Lenneth' but she mysterious vanished during a time of great turmoil. He apologizes he cannot tell me more, but I'm not the one - despite my close resemblence.
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen nods to Jean and then slides closer to Lenneth and peers at her. 1My ears are different. 6He whispers.
<@Seraphna> * Seth frowns and peers at Lenneth now, then Jean.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth blinks. "Yes, I have heard Rachael mention you two are half-elf." 6* She says in a low voice.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "...I see. It's starting to make sense now."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The leader speaks some more, then Jean speaks again. "He says he does not feel we will threaten their village and that we may go in peace."
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen gives her a smile and then pats her slightly, shifting back to his spot.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Give him our humbled apologies.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Do you think since Lenneth protected elves and halflings, she hid these people here away from humans? 6* She whispers
<Eluere> <Zeal> We were only looking for our friends..
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Mmm... I think that's the case..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean nods and speaks to them and the leader nods, and smiles, speaking. "They asked if we need any food before going."
<b12n11w00t> NRP: Err thanks not apologies.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Grub is always good."
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen nods to Rachael.1I think so.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> But that means, if we're right about jean being the one, that she wanted them to help her in some way. 6* She notes, looking confused, playing with a vine in her hair
01<@DeathStar> 6* The leader speaks and the people in the village move about, going about their bbusiness. Women with babies and children step out, and some begin to play drum like instruments, while others get food prepared.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I'm not so sure she's the one.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Or she simply meant to let them know who she was when she would return one day."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Hmm, maybe not Jean, but the angel, perhaps? She has so many secrets.... or is there someone out there who is part animal?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma mewls
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Maybe it's Soma? 6He jokes.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Jean shares many characteristics with the gods..." *he looks at Soma* "What's up laddie?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma puffs his chest out proudly
01<@DeathStar> 6* He rests between Zeal's breasts all mighty like. Thomas, who has strangely been silent, is flipping through his book furiously
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Mmm, where is the passage...hmmm...mmm...
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen looks amused and then pauses to shift around by Thomas, peering over his shoulder.
<Eluere> 6Aschae rises and walks over to Jean, whispering into her ear.
01<@DeathStar> 6* There's a lot of scribbles, but most of them look like copied passages from books.
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan giggles. Seth leans over to look over Thomas' shoulder. "We're not gonna make the poor elves burn in sudden righteous godly flame, are we?"
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> How much of the prophecies did you copy?
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> What? Of course not! 6* He peers at Seth, startled, then at Valen. "As many as I could find. There's a great deal I do not have, mostly the final prophecies leading up to the last one."
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Probably everything and then brother thingumy's notes on them. Along with an index."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean thinks, then closes her eyes to focus, pouting in concentration. Suddenly the eyes open, cool and collective, to peer at Aschae.
<Eluere> 6Aschae rests her chin on Jean's shoulder, grinning like a cheshire. 1"Hello, milady."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> What passage are you searching for?
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I just recalled passages that the elves were once allies of beast people and that they were close in blood. Hence why elves were considered like monsters to be used as slaves
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "...Angel?"
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> You are a dangerous woman, Aschae; playing with Lenneth's collar as you did some time ago
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Beast people?
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Yes, unfortunately, there's no other references
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan raises a brow. "She... what?"
<Eluere> <Aschae> I believe that's a given. However irrelevant to the present." 6She reaches behind the angel, smirking playfully.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The angel sqeaks loudly
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan peers at Aschae now.
01<@DeathStar> 6* People pause to stare over, and Mercy blinks as well, since the angel almost sounded like a cat who's tail got teased
<Eluere> 6Aschae brings her hands before her, playing innocent and coy. 1"Any word on these people's 'one,' lady angel?"
<@Seraphna> * Seth frowns and looks over.
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen glances over at the angel.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas looks over as well, and the angel glowers. <Angel> VEry well, I am likely part animal, but some magic was cast on me to hide what I look like.
<Eluere> <Aschae> We made a detour, you see. And they say some curious things.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Mrrgh..
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Well clearly this 'One' has to be one of the few remaining beast people.
<@Seraphna> * Seth raises a brow. "So you really are enchanting to look at."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> I've never seen anything I would call merely 'part animal' so much as demon.
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan groans at the corney line.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> ...So what Val said.
<Eluere> <Zeal> Beast people? I have never read of such a thing. Even in the church books.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Agreed; they were lal killed in the Time of Judgement I believe
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> All? One had to of survived at least?
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Clearly we were wrong?"
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> We do not even know the extent if I am animal, but fine. Valen - reach and grab my butt.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The angel sounds annoyed
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Me?
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> Yes, you. You love Nephilim so it will not be so embarrassing to have you do it, unlike say Kaelan, who is already loose with her hands as it is
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan's eye go wide.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "That... your..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael eyes Kaelan, then whispers. "I think she's mad at you."
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "That was real?"
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> How do I know. I do not remember! I only know Aschae here kept grabbing something
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen eyes Kaelan at that. Then gets to his feet and steps over to Jean, holding his hand out. 1I'd prefer you back into it.
<Eluere> <Aschae> Why not I?" 6She almost sounds forlorn. 1"I am most familiar."
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "you don't need to, Valen."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The angel glowers. "" 6* She sputters
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "She has a tail... of some sort."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> A gentleman doesn't grab molest. Clearly it seems I might be one of the few among us.
<b12n11w00t> NRP: molest a lady*
01<@DeathStar> 6* The angel steps back. Valen would feel something soft, but it's length, what it is, or where it is is hard to pinpoint, as if the magic not only hides it, but is partially removing it
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> For some reason it only shows up when I am ... stressed or ... 6* She eyes Kaelan. "Very out of it."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Hmm. There is definitely something soft there. 6He pulls his arm back. 1You may very well be the one, then.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Interesting. So Jean's part animal?
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan looks down. "I'm sorry. It's not going to happen again Angel."
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> BE glad you never followed Jean's advice on how to 'punish my rudeness'
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan giggles a little. "I'm not THAT stupid... though I'll admit to quite a bit."
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> I will tell these people I am their chosen one if you wish to know. I admit I do. 6* She begins to speak
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> They will require proof. The magic will not allow that, unless you're willing to let their leader touch you.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Showing them Soma or some other monster taming wouldn't be enough for kinship?"
<Eluere> 6Aschae feigns disappointment and swats Jean, gripping her arm in such a way that she can't stand upright properly and spanks her playfully.
<Eluere> <Aschae> I don't mind at all punishing your rude behavior.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I wouldn't believe it.
<Eluere> 6Aschae reaches her hands above Jean's head before she's totally smitten, gripping something else, laughing with mirth. 1"The tail isn't all, although more soft than the most luxurious pelt."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan jerks and stares, moving to grab at Aschae's hand to stop her reflexively. "Wh-What are you d-doing?"
<Eluere> 6Nephilim purses her lips. 1"C'mon holy judgment!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The angel jerks in the middle of speaking and makes a jerk, cursing in her own language, then squeaks loudly
<@Seraphna> * Seth stares. His eyes narrow and his hand moves towards his bow.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Suddenly Aschae's on earth magic activates and earth rises up to Aschae's waist, then along her arm to hold it in place
01<@DeathStar> *own
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan withdraws her own hand, staring.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> ....
<Eluere> <Aschae> Hu. Hu. hu!
01<@DeathStar> 6* The angel quivers in anger, staring at Aschae, her hair a mess.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Though her ears, showing, are quite human
<@Seraphna> * Seth's hands are gripping his bow at this point, he seems to be contemplating.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The villagers all talk in awe, some even having aimed weapons. Lenneth quietly stares, watching, and Mercy looks worried that Tareh might be ending right there and then.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas adjusts his glasses, and Faile snerks at the show
<Eluere> <Aschae> Show them the others, my angel. They're almost as sensitive.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Finish the spell! Finish the spell!
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> They want me to go with them. See that she is...properly dealt with when I return... 6* She turns and marches off, gravbbing the leader's arm and dragging him
01<@DeathStar> 6* After the angel is gone, the earth magic returns to Aschae's control
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Wow...she used...her own magic against her. That's...pretty scary.
<Eluere> 6Aschae recedes it and steps aside, brushing herself off, chuckling.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> It's her gift.
<Eluere> <Aschae> Not entirely. My magic is my own.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Of course she can take it back.
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen pauses and blinks.1Oh it is? Well that is most troubleing then.
<Eluere> 6Aschae closes her eyes again, smirking. 1"However, she controls my access to the leylines at the moment."
<Eluere> <Aschae> It is indeed most troublesome.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> What all do you know, Aschae? And what did she mean about the collar?
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Troublesome, right."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael crosses her arms.
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen steps over to Aschae and nods. 1Please be honest.
<Eluere> <Aschae> I'm not a liberty to reveal that at thsi time." 6She smiles, peering at her hands and shaking them of soil.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Aschae.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Tell us."
<Eluere> <Aschae> The lady Angel has ears matching that delightfully soft, yet unseen tail.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> ... But they look normal to me; I've touched them befrore and felt nothing
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Answer the question about the collar."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> What did you do to lenneth?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy peers over where Lenneth was at - and who is now gone
<Eluere> <Aschae> What did I do to Lenneth? Why nothing, my boy. Why would I harm the pretty girl?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> You're answering a question with a question is most tiring.
<Eluere> <Aschae> She looked uncomfortable, so I removed it for a while. Even pets like your desert rose's kitten get that luxury once in a while.
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan looks over and frowns. "Where's Lenneth now...?"
<Eluere> <Zeal> Soma has no collar..
<Eluere> <Zeal> You-- You removed it..!?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> What exactly does removing it do?
<@Seraphna> Seth> "You... removed it?"
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen peers at their reactions. 1Clearly they don't approve.
<@Seraphna> * Seth's fingers twitch over his arrows, he clenches his teeth.
<Eluere> <Aschae> Exactly what it implies. She was beset herself much like your lady Al'ryl. What else would be expected?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> The collar, when put on Jean, surpressed her memories
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> They put it on Lenneth to stop her from attacking
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> So Lenneth remembered who she was?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy squirms uncomfortablely, while Faile frowns at Azhren, as if wanting out of this mess even more. Thomas stands up slowly
<Eluere> <Aschae> She'd never forgotten. She merely cannot fathom it.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Did you put it back on her?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> If I had known I would have removed the collar myself. I simply thought she had forgotten.
<Eluere> <Aschae> The collar? You mean no one looked?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I'm new t'all this. 6He whispers.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "You'd have removed the collar, on a GOD, who was practically right next to Jean."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> She acted like she was surpressed. How long ago was this?!
<@Seraphna> * Seth looks around, frowning.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "It was still off her?"
<Eluere> <Aschae> We had a pleasant bath with lady Al'ryl don't you recall?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I don't know, she has that tunic on so much and her hair is long enough you can't really tell unless close
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Y-You did it t-two days ago?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I never even noticed a collar. 6He seems a bit upset with himself.
<Eluere> 6Aschae hrmphs. 1"If you're so bothered, maybe I'll put it back on her. It was cute."
<@Seraphna> Seth> "We weren't thinking to look because she wasn't blasting us apart."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> She would have killed us, Valen; we attacked the complex to free Jean. Zeal didn't want her to die, or us, so she placed it on her, and she forgot. We thought it was best.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Lenneth's gone..."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Best? I can't agree with that. Forgetting who you are...6He shakes his head.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Wait, but the angel knew you removed it; why is she so calm about it?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> The most honorable thing would have been to kill her and be done with it.
<Eluere> 6Zeal shakes slightly, peering to the side.
<Eluere> <Aschae> Perhaps she didn't feel threatened.
<Eluere> <Zeal> Kill her!? Sir Lankin, how dare you... you..!!" 6She lets out a breath, walking off.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Lenneth doesn't like me. So I barely noticed.
<@Seraphna> Seth> ".." *he peers at each of them, staring at Valen a little* "Not even I would do that."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> But you would kill an ally of the team, then? Clearly we favor the gods more than friends.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "I'd choose what Zeal did, kill no one."
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Who are you to deal out death when the option of life is readily available?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael peers down. "She turned you against us, Valen. She put that collar on Jean to make her their tool. We only did what was best for everyone...I didn't like the idea she might turn against us, but.... I thought maybe we could teach her and when we did decide to remove it, she wouldn't hurt us."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael tuyrns to follow Zeal, but Thomas follows after her instead, making her pause
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Yeah, well Aschae decided that for us."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> May I speak, m'lords?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Fair enough. 6He glances around, then turns to see if he can track down Lenneth, stepping off.
<@Seraphna> * Seth looks at Mercy. "Sure."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan frowns, then moves off with Valen.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy is peering down. "A life of forgetting is not as bad as you think...the angel did something to me...I can remember...but I... cannot remember the pain anymore from those memories. The fact Lady Lenneth continued to play the part if the collar is gone, maybe she prefers to try to forget, too?"
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Maybe she does..."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I'd like to do this alone Kaelan. If she's back to her dastardly ways then she'll only take someone that she already has.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "There's a few things in my life I wouldn't mind forgetting."
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Is she dastardly?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* As Zeal travels, she passes Lenneth, who is leaning against a tree.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "She could have killed us over the last two days without issue."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I'm referring to what she did before.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "We all did things before we regret."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan peers at him.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael sighs, sitting down and peering in the fire, looking sullen again for the fgirst time in days
<Eluere> <Zeal> gh.." 6She's biting at her thumb, then jerks, reaching for her butterfly knife before realizing. 1"L-Lady Lenneth.."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I cherish all the memories that I have, because no matter how good or bad they mold me to be the man I am today. Especially the bad ones.
<@Seraphna> * Seth looks at Rachael, he takes a seat next to her. "That look doesn't become you, you know."
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Hello, Lady Zeal
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> ... 6* She doesn't respond.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "You don't regret even one death you've caused, one hardship against any others? You're just perfectly fine with everything?"
<@Seraphna> Seth> "...It helps to talk things out rather then bottle them up."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I don't enjoy that I have caused strife, caused hardship for everyone of you. But wouldn't you agree that I'm a better man from it?
<Eluere> <Zeal> Are you okay..? You left without us.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "I don't know that yet, Valen. I certainly don't think I'm a better woman for the people I've killed or the deaths I've caused."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Maybe you just haven't learned your lesson yet.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> I was thinking; I feel uneasy with people wishing to see my ears strangely
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "I'm supposed to learn a lesson that makes taking another life alright? I hope I remain ignorant and dumb forever then."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I'm wondering if we did wrong by collaring Lenneth. Zeal looked up to her so much it hurt me, truthfully - maybe she saw something I didn't
<@Seraphna> Seth> "There's only two possibilities in life, what's right, and what's easy. If you ask me, killing her back in Navarro was the easy path. So we've done what was right."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> There's not always a right choice, Seth
<Eluere> <Zeal> Is that so..? Why is it such a bother, if you do not mind me asking.
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen simply nods at that. 1If that's what you believe, that's what you believe.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "I don't believe in wrong choices. A choice is a choice, it's only wrong if you don't want to deal with the consequences of your actions. Maybe, this will all turn out fine, then collaring her will have proven to be right. Maybe not killing her was easy for someone."
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> I do not know, honestly
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan nods. "It is. Life is life, no matter who's it is. I've killed to try and keep my own life, it doesn't make me feel any better about the act at the end of the day just because I'm still breatjhing."
<Eluere> <Zeal> I suppose it would be rude of me to ask." 6She smiles.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> So if you had a choice between hurting Jean one way, versus another, neither choice would be wrong?
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> IT is not wrong. If you--wish to try to look you can. I seem to react ... strongly though
<Eluere> <Zeal> I would not wish to make you uncomfortable.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth nods.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "I'd try to find option three, obviously, but no, if you have two wrong choices, then what was the right choice?"
<Eluere> <Zeal> Would you like to hold Soma? Stroking him calms my nerves.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Something, like I said, there is no right choice
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth blinks, peering at Soma, who mewls, and she reaches out her gloved hands for him
01<@DeathStar> 6* Valen, if he continues after KAelan followed, would hear Zeal and Lenneth nearby
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Mmm, maybe, but I like to think that in that case, you make your own choice up and call it the right one."
<Eluere> 6Zeal smiles, patting Soma, then lifts him out to her.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth takes Soma, taking a glove off, and petting his heade
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen pauses just outside of disturbing them then glances to Kaelan. 1You should never feel good about killing. I never said that. I said I cherish the person I am today because of those memories. Good or bad. I'm not happy about things I've done.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "See, if I had to choose between hurting Jean one way or the other, I have to ask myself why I'm making either choice, is my own life at stake against either option? I choose death then."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> That would hurt Jean, too. 6* She says
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan frowns and considers that.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> It's obvious you haven't gotten there yet. Maybe one day you will.
<@Seraphna> * Seth pauses and rubs his chin. "...Hard to imagine myself as being someone anyone would miss... but I suppose you're right."
<Eluere> 6Nephilim swings down, upside-down, peering at Zeal who jerks, then Lenneth.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Still... no one was hurt here, at least as far as I can tell. That might even remain true if no harm comes to Jean over this."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> LEnneth will try to stop Jean; she is one of the 12, even if she isn't as bloodthristy
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth glances at Nephilim, stroking Soma's ears while he purrs
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Maybe... I don't know still. I don't want to ever catch myself saying killing someone is okay."
<Eluere> 6Nephilim narrows her eyes at Lenneth.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth glances up; Nephilim would see the collar at her neck, but her long hair hides if it's locked in place in the back
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Mayhap she's realized that she doesn't have to unless Jean actually proves to be destined to end all life, rather then say, the Church's life."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Hmm. Collar's back.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> The collar?
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Your necklace, neh.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> The gods will stop at nothing to kill you, to spare them will likely cause your death.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "I know that if it came to that, I'd put my arrow to the test to see how fast it could beat Lenneth. I won't let Jean do what she's afraid she'll do." *he seems to have to choke it out*
<Eluere> <Zeal> That is right... Aschae said she removed it.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Not every god."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> It's very true that this one was different, I will give you that. 6He says with a slight nod, tilting hsi head to listen.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "I don't think she's alone either... funny we've only ever seen Harbinger and Amazo otherwise."
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Oh. 6* She says simply, playing it no mind, much like she always had when it was on, or when Jean had it on her
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "And Harbinger was a fake... a god-general at that."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> You should be aware that Amazo most liekly is not and his eyes are wrought with blood.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Maybe.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Oh I know... I've been pretty close to him."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Oh? And you lived?
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "He threw me across Navarro, remember?"
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Ah! It's been so long.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth turns her head toward Valen and Kaelan, as if hearing them
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "All the same... Lenneth never tried to hurt me... she in fact tried to help us before."
<Eluere> <Zeal> I do rather miss it.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Miss what, Lady Zeal?
<Eluere> <Zeal> Um... n-nothing. Sorry. Forget I said anything.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The angel comes walking back to the fire, peering about at them.
<@Seraphna> * Seth looks up at her. "There you are, all is well?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth reaches out and touches Zeal's shoulder. "A hero should look forward, not backwards." 6* She turns and moves back toward the village
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> I was given a little history lesson
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Good or bad?"
<Eluere> <Zeal> ..." 6She stares. Nephilim narrows her eyes more.
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> I've not decided yet; why are the others away from the village?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Hmm. 6He goes to say somethign else before he heard Lenneth and the others move then turns to walk back away and back to the camp, not wanting to get caught spying.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "They're seeing to Lenneth. The lack of flashing lights from the heavens makes me hope we're not dealing with an angry goddess."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan blinks a bit and moves with him.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Do you have feelings for Jean? Romantic feelings that is.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The angel nods and sits down, tilting her head down, then lifts it up, and it's pure Jean again
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Me...? I... I like her. A lot. But... that doesn't mean she likes me in teh same way, and I feel... bad... about the idea of guiding her any one way on the matter."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael looks up as Valen and Kaelan begin to enter
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy quietly gets food that is brought to the team and hands it to people, perhaps annoyed at not fixing it
<@Seraphna> * Seth grins at Jean. "Welcome back darlin."
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Hi! ... everyone okay?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I understand. You should certainly tread carefully. 6He notes, then moves to sit down beside Rachael.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "So far. You need to spank Aschae though."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan sits and sighs.
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> I do?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael looks at Valen. "Is--everything okay?"
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan sits next to Jean and starts fixing her braids. "Mmm, she tried to spank Angel because I wouldn't."
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> She did! Good for her! What mean thing did the angel say?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth steps into the village with Soma
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I believe so. 6he says with a nod, glancing toward Lenneth.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "She's mad because we played..."
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Mean angel....
<@Seraphna> Seth> "She'll get more then a spanking if she keeps taking wild risks with this group's safety."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth sits and strokes Soma, and Faile quietly eats food as Mercy hands her a plate; Mercy then hands the others their's
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "It's alright. I didn't ask her permission."
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> What do you mean?
<@Seraphna> Seth> "I'd... rather talk about it later, if that's alright with you Jean."
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Okay. 6* She looks a bit worried
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan kisses her cheek and keeps fixing her hair.
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen bows his head.1Thank you miss Mercy. 6He begins to eat.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Did we learn anything? <JEan> Oh! ... Jean not know.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy nods, handing Zeal a plate with more than others
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas sits back down, having been in the woods somewhere, all mysteriously
<Eluere> 6Aschae peers between them. 1"Oh? And would you be the one giving it to me, boy? I might like that."
<@Seraphna> Seth> "The Angel has chosen to keep the information to herself at this time."
<@Seraphna> * Seth peers at Aschae. "You might, then again you might not."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Pity we can't all play nice.
<Eluere> <Aschae> You're welcome to 'give it to me' any time you wish, my boy. I warn you that you'll have to look me in the eyes, however. I'm not very fond of bending over." 6she smiles.
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> But Aschae meant over when taking a bath the other day!
01<@DeathStar> *Bent
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean pauses, then looks like she blurted a secret
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan slowly peers at Aschae.
<Eluere> <Aschae> That's different. Can't wash my back without that.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> ... Jean, just what did you do with Aschae. <Jean> Just washed; Lenneth and ASchae did most of the washing of each other! It was very intense! 6* She nods, and it doesn't sound sexually, but more like two tigers eyeing each other
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan hugs onto Jean.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Pity the men don't get to partake in the washing. 6he also mumbles.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean blinks and Kaelan would find a note in Jean's top
<@Seraphna> Seth> "A big pity, comrade."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Fine, I'll wash with you, narven, like old times. Seth can't join though
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan blinks and pulls out the note.
<Eluere> <Zeal> What do I have to do with this?
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan reads it.
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen pauses and lets out a chuckle.1I've fear I've changed a bit.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> You can wash me, Val.
<@Seraphna> * Seth pouts big time.
01<@DeathStar> 6* It's written in their language, though not perfect - clearly what little Zeal taught her the ange learned. It merely says 'We go to Oas'
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Hmph, not without me there, le narvan!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael glowers
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Hm, I believe narvan is sister, Zeal, and narven is brother
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen pauses and leans over slightly. 1You jest?
<Eluere> <Zeal> Finally..
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "...We're to go to Oas."
01<@DeathStar> 6* RAchael pauses at that, peering at Kaelan
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Guess we know where to sail after Matias."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Why should I invite meanie cie narvan?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> ... Oas?
<Eluere> <Zeal> My land.
01<@DeathStar> 6* A few of the elves watch them; some have eyes like Rachael and Valen, while others have the tawny like eyes. They seem to be trying to figure out what they think of them all, but the leader seems to hold Jean in higher opinion since returning
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "And mine."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I know, but why does she want to go there.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "I don't know, that's all the note says..."
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "But I want to go too... I want to know what happened there, why I went to the Wastelands after too."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I have a feeling.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> A feeling?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Whatever it is that she was told, it has something to do with this sudden decision
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Odd... are you feeling Lenneth? <Lenneth> Just fine, thank you
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> So I sense we'll find out just exactly what she was told in due time, and Oas relates to that
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "How could this place be connected to home...?"
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Maybe it doesn't at all. But it strikes me odd that she has suddenly decided to go there.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Maybe she knows it's been on Zeal's mind lately
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael notes, pondering
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Oh it has? Well then I guess that may be it as well.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "All that ever happened there was a monster attack... they happened a lot really... it was just a really bad one."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I wonder if the mark lets her know thoughts and feelings; she always seems atuned to our moods. <Jean> Yep, Jean can feel moods!
<Eluere> <Zeal> ..." 6She jerks. 1"Have you been... J-Jean..>"
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> She cannot feel mind. 6He smiles.
<Eluere> <Aschae> Or mine.~
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Well... make sense. Guess we'll find some answers soon, Zeal."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Don't care if she feels mine. Though I bet it's like a honey bun. Or a muddy puddle. Or...
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Nephilim's mind is like a song
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Serene like an angel.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael runs her hand along her mark on her thigh (I think)
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Serene like Jean?
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Explains all her singing."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Well, it's getting late - maybe we should stay here, then start off in the morning. <Jean> Village leader says we could stay if we wante - one day.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Yes, Serene like Jean.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I'd like to use the stream near here for bathing, too; we couldn't find one really yesterday
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean gigglews
<Eluere> <Nephilim> That rhymes, Val..
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen looks amused then glances to Nephilim. 1May I bathe you now?
<@Seraphna> Seth> "We'll have to make a song about Serene Jean the Love Machine."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth moves over to help Mercy with the sacks, giving Soma back to Zeal; she pulls out a tiny piece of metal, peering at it, then goes and pulls out new clothing so the day's could be washed, and the tents; Mercy begins to put them up
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Of course, my 'charming' servant.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Servant? 6He blinks.1Dear me I believe I've made a mistake.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael jerks over next to Nephilim
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I'm coming!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas looks at Zeal, then blushes suddenly
<Eluere> <Nephilim> No one invited you!" 6She grabs Rachael, wrestling
<Eluere> <Zeal> What is it, Thomas?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael makes a noise and shifts to wrap her legs around Nephilim, trying to roll on top of her
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> What? N-nothing
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas pushes his face back into a book
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan kisses Jean's cheek again. "I'll go help Mercy with our tent."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean nods and smiles, eating some fruit happily
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen gets to his feet and kneels to lift he two up.
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Will Valen wash Jean, too, later?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Easy children.
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan gets up and moves over to help Mercy and Lenneth.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael pauses, glancing at Valen and sulking
<Eluere> 6Nephilim pauses, peering at Valen. She's light as a feather-- well. So to speak
01<@DeathStar> 6* The people seem to point and laugh at Valen, indicating he must be their lover and slapping each other's backs as if impressed
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Only if jean keeps her private areas concealed.
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Um, that odd to do while bathing, right?
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Not when a man is involved."
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Oh - Jean will remember!
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Unless that man is your beloved. 6He notes then shifts to walk the girls to the stream.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Man has a point."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael is carried along, huffing. "He's been doing this ever since her got muscles."
01<@DeathStar> *he
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Jean loves everyone; so is everyone beloved?
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Do you wish to bathe later, ASchae?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I earned these muscles.
<Eluere> <Aschae> Why of course.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Beloved means the one person you will take as a mate."
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Oh! Okay.
01<@DeathStar> 6* As they talk, fireflies buzz about, lighting up the night, and JEan's eyes widen in glee. They're even at the stream
<@Seraphna> * Seth looks up at them and grins "Beautiful no?"
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen pauses and oohs, dropping the grls into the stream.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth nods, then goes to sharpening her staff and adding metal rings to it
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael splashes and sputters, sitting up and making a face as she drips wet, the flowers in her hair all messed up
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen pauses and catches a firefly, placing it on Rachael's nose.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael goes to say something bitter, but pauses, crossing her eyes to look
<Eluere> 6Nephilim rises slowly, her eyes narrowed.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean nods and holds out her hand so one lands. Mercy pauses, looking startled. "What are they?"
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen lets out a chuckle.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Wasn't what I meant." 6She mumbles.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Firebugs..."
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen hops into the water and leans forward. .1I'm sorry darling.
01<@DeathStar> <MErcy> T-They're going to set us on fire?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy recoils girlyishly when one comes close
<Eluere> <Zeal> No, lady Mercy. They are largely harmless.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael eyes him, then scoops water and dumps it down Valen's head
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I see... 6* She relaxes, trusting Zeal, and tentatively sticks out a finger as one lands, pausing in awe
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen's expression turns sour. 1Aw.
<Eluere> 6Nephilim humms-- Vallen's hair catching fire.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael snorts, then jerks, then dumps more water quickly
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> NEPH!
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "They're just called that because they light up like fires in the dark... I think. Dunno."
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen sniffs.1What's that smell?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> N-Nothing
01<@DeathStar> 6* MErcy giggles a bit as it crawls along her finger. "It tickles."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Smells like...burnt ha-6He pauses and narrows his eyes at Nephilim tackling her, or at least trying too.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth pauses when one lands on a staff, holding it up and smiling; Soma tries to eat one
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael sighs at the two, taking her top off to bathe
<Eluere> 6Nephilim jerks, twisting, but her movements are more sluggish in the water, squealing as she splashes into the water
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen wraps his arms around her and rises up slightly out of the water to bite at her neck playfully. 1Don't mess with my beautiful mane. 6he says afterward.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael giggles now
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean leans over to help Kaelan with the last tent, smiling at her
<Eluere> 6Nephilim kicks and squirms. 1"Aim lower-- next --time." 6She squeaks
<@Seraphna> : Kaelan smiles back, blushing a bit. "T-Thanks Jean."
<@Seraphna> * Seth watches the ladies work.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> You should stop attacking me with fire. It's not nice. 6He hmphs and lets her go, shifting to climb out and actually remove his clothes to they can dry out while he bathes.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael leans back, watching them, but seems unphased with a naked Valen, having taken her own off. She washes herself, watching Neph to see what she does
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> This place is no pretty; I hope we can visit again. <Faile> This place is full of poisonous creatures and snakes
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Maybe one day, in the future."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> H-H-Hey! No one said you could take those off!!
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen flops back into the water with a splash, smirking.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> You're not shy, Nephy, are you? I know you're a virgin
01<@DeathStar> 6* She pokes her rear
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Yep! I can't wait to see Zeral and Kaelan's home, too
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> We're all family here,aren't we?
<Eluere> 6Nephilim flails, then turns and tackles Rachael. 1"Shut your big mouth!!"
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Yeah... m-me too..." *she looks a little worried*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael squeals as she's tackled onto her back
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean gives Kaelan a hug. "Kael okay?"
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen pauses and arches a brow.1We're all virgins aren't we? Why's that a problem?
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan hugs back. "Sorta... hoping we don't find anything too bad. I've come to realize there's a lot of things wrong with my past... they don't add up."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> 'cause Neph likes to think she's a big hot man commanding woman who has the knowledge of the world
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> And she's really a marshmellow
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Kaelan will always be Kaelan!
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen snorts and laughs at that.
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan nods. "Yeah..." *she smiles and kisses her cheek* "It's just there's some questions I really need to answer, like my looks, and Dad..."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> I suppose all it takes is attitude to command men. A bit of teasing as well.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean hugs her. "Jean will be there with you."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael considers. "Really?"
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Hm, I guess I could practice on Seth
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Anything with a pair of breasts could command him.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> True. Especially if they're Jean's
<@Seraphna> * Seth sneezes, he rubs his nose and restrings his bow.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> I feel like I'm losing ground here.
01<@DeathStar> 6* RAchael smiles up at Neph. "But you're on top of me."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles and kisses her cheek again. "Right... now to help prepare you for bed and stuff. M-Maid duties."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Not that you've ever been on top of someone before. 6he smirks.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael huffs
01<@DeathStar> <JEan> B-But don't want to sleep.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Least you had better not. Not without my approval. 6He notes with a stern look.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> She tops Zeal pretty good.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Don't have to silly. Just... need to bathe and get changed, and I want a look at those bloodsucker bites."
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Hmmm? Rachael have you been intimate in my absence?
<Eluere> <Nephilim> I've been intimate in your absence.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Pfft. So I got Zeal to quit being so cut off from everyone else by bathing with her and loosening her up. We're both still virgins, thank you.
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Oh you have been, have you Neph? With who?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> She's my narvan, anyway.
01<@DeathStar> 6 *Soma mewls at Nephilim from the bank, puffing his chest proudly
<Eluere> <Nephilim> With cie narvan, Zeal, Soma, Jean, and Lenny!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael pauses, then begins to mouth each word
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma looks proud, then wads over in the water and tries to get in Neph's cleaveage
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen glances to Soma then nods to Rachael, leaning in slightly. He blinks and glances to Neph.1Who is Lenny?
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Lenneth. Like, duh." 6She motions at Valen
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> So, by intimate, you mean you've been in all our pockets getting our gold?
<b12n11w00t> <Valen>
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> ... 6He sinks.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Careful, Valen; you have no pockets - if she reaches over now... 6* Her hands wiggle in the air
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Of course!
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Wait. What!?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael giggles and hugs her happily. "It's nice we three are back together; we first saw you at 5 and again at 12. And you're always you."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Of course I'm me.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean nods and sulks, but shifts to show them to her
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen rises up.1Except now my muscles impress her.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Just now that we're older and we both could totally make you ours. 6* She winks playfully, indicating they looked up to her as a kid, and now it would be the other way around
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan peers over them and cleans them off again by wetting one of her cloths. "Just worry about my sis getting sick."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> As if.
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen pauses and reaches out to splash water Nephilim, then leaps forward to try and dunk her.
01<@DeathStar> 6* RAchael pinches her rear so Nephilim jerks into Valen's leap
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Jean strong!
<Eluere> 6Nephilim flails, staggering backwards, then squeaks, jerking forward-- and is dunked.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Doesn't mean you shouldn't take care of yourself sweetie."
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> *sniff* But they were hungry
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen shifts back and smiles, holding up a hand for Rachael to give him a 'five'
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael does so, smirking playfully, her ears showing since it's just them and there's no outsiders about
<b12n11w00t> 6* Since Valen's hair is wet his ears would peek through as well, but he doesn't seem to pay it any mind.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Sweetie... please don't feed yourself to everything we come across that's hungry?" *she looks worried*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma surfaces, coughing and looking wet
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Okay.... Wasn't going to do it to big beasts. They were just tiny and hungry...
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen pauses. 1Ooo, sorry Soma. 6He reaches out to lift him up and place him on his head.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "They eat lots of other things, and they're always hungry, I bet." *kisses her lips*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma mewls sadly but seems to accept the apology
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean returns the kiss. "Okay, Jean won't do it anymore." <Mercy> There, our tents are set up and there has been extra food stored, Lady Zeal
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> Do you wish to ... train me more... Lady Kaelan?
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen reaches up to rub under his chin.
<b12n11w00t> NRP: er snout or whatever.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma purrs at the chin rub
<Eluere> 6Nephilim grabs both by the feet from below and yanks.
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen jerks and is pulled under.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael makes a srtartled noise and splashes under
<Eluere> 6Nephilim scurries back and starts swimming off
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan looks at Mercy and smiles. "You up for it? You seem tired from the journey."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael rises, coughing, then gale winds water after Neph
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I would not wish to disappoint my lady... <Thomas> I have noticed you're training her to fight with a sword, Kaelan
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen rises and peers up at Soma.1You alright up there?
01<@DeathStar> <Soma> Mewwww...
<Eluere> 6Nephilim makes a sound as the water she's swimming in turbulently rises and she tumbles in the formed waves. 1'Nrraaaarrrr...ghrbrbrb!"
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Yes... it's the most readily available weapon."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael sulks after Neph since she can't swim. "You should teach me to swin, Neph." 6* She says once the water returns to normal level
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Swimming is easy little one. 6He putters about in the water.
01<@DeathStar> 6* RAchael watches him. "But--- it looks hard..." 6* She whines
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I see. Are you enjoying it, Mercy? <Mercy> .... it is necessary to defend Lady Kaelan and not be a nuisance to you all in battle
<Eluere> 6Nephilim fails to answer, lying sprawled on the bank looking dizzy
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen olds up paws and makes the doggy paddle motion.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael pauses, mimicing his hands
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "D-Defend me? I'm teaching you to defend yourself."
03* Ametsune ( has joined #session82
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Paddle just like soma.6He sets Soma in the water to show her.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma paddles about as he moves over to Nephilim and Rachael begins to mimic him carefully, sputtering a bit
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen smiles and wades over to help keep her afloat.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I keep getting water in my face and nose. 6* She mumbles as he helps, trying to paddle harder
<b12n11w00t> <Valen> Tilt your head up then.
01<@DeathStar> 6 *Rachael does so, but then doesn't look where she's going, ending up on shore and making a face
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> It is myj ob to defend Lady Zeal and Lady Kaelan
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen lets out a laugh, looking amused.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael mumbles and splashes at him
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "You'll do that best by never making yourself a target."
<b12n11w00t> 6* Valen sputters and splashes back.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael makes a face, then giggles, splashing back
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy bows obediently
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan sighs and moves over, she smiles and kisses Mercy's cheek. "How about this, tonight we'll practice an easy lesson."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> Yes, m'lady.
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan selects a sword with an intact sheath and hands it to Mercy, along with a belt. "Put this on and set the sheath in the sword frog."
01<@DeathStar> <MErcy> The sword frog?
02* b12n11w00t ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan points to a strap of leather attached to the belt which has a loop for the sheath to go in.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy blinks, then moves to do so
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean shifts to do chops in the air like she was taught.
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles and watches. "Mmm, you've got a proper belt now, I'll resize it to fit perfectly later... maybe make one for Jean too."
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Tonight... you learn to draw a sword, and sheath it."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> ... 6* She blinks at that lesson
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "It's harder then it sounds, do you know drawing might seem easy, but can you do it quickly and with only one hand? Can you sheathe without looking and not cut yourself?"
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I do not know, m'lady
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan stands up and moves a bit so Mercy can see, she draws her sword with one hand, flipping it into a holding position, then moves it back to it's sheath, putting it away with precision. "Many who try in the beginning cut themselves, a sheath should be a tool to hold your weapon, not a hinderance in combat."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I will practice as long as you wish then
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Start slow, watch yourself and how you pull out the blade, your arm should move with the blade, push downwards on the blade as you pull out, to force the sheath up, you don't want to be reaching up over your head to pull out your weapon."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy bows and moves off to practice
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan follows her to watch. "Let me see the first few attempts dear."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy gets a Z- minus with her first three attempts, and the sheath flies off at one point
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles and helps her replace it, then stands behind her, holding her arms, she guides her slowly through the motions seveal times, pressed up close to her.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy lets Kaelan guide her, apparantly trying hard to focus to make her happy
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan lets go as she tries another one to see if she does it.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy tries and the sheathe goes flying off, hitting Seth's head
<@Seraphna> * Seth rubs his head and grumbles, "Ow!" *He tosses it back, Kaelan catches it. "Mmm... we'll need a lot more practice."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I-I am very sorry!
<@Seraphna> Seth> "No problem darlin. Keep that up and you'll destroy the enemy without a sword."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I--well..
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Mmm... maybe I should teach you to use a truncheon."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> What is that?
Session Time: Fri Sep 17 00:00:00 2010
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "It's a sort of club, it's used to beat back someone without actually injuring them permenantly."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> Oh.
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan thinks and eyes Seth. "Get me a length of wood, you know how much a decent club needs."
<@Seraphna> * Seth nods and goes hunting... for wood!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy moves to try to sheathe properly in the mean time
Session Close: Sat Sep 18 19:51:39 2010