The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Session 88

Session Start: Thu Sep 30 17:31:53 2010
Session Ident: #Session88
03* Now talking in #Session88
01<@DeathStar> -0-
01<@DeathStar> Date: Same As Last
01<@DeathStar> Location: Group Thomas Awesome
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas walks along thoughtfully, trying to decide how to approach this matter
<Eluere> <Zeal> Perhaps you are overcomplicating it, Thomas..?" 6She's started speaking more proper again.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Perhaps; but I do not know if word of our 'betrayal' has reached this far.
<XanTop> 6* Valen moves along behind them quietly.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma rides along in Zeal's breasts, panting happily
<Eluere> <Zeal> And we never properly shall, will we?
<XanTop> <Valen> Do we have a plan incase news has arrived and they try to detain us?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas nods thoughtfully, stopping outside the church area; it's a simple 5 story building made of brick and mortar, like the rest of the town; it's near the hill with the waterfall palace that is gorgeous and beautiful, and it looks plain, simple compared to it
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Yes; you two will run if it looks like they will take me. 6* He steps forward to some templars near a broken pike, and they look agitated.
<XanTop> 6* Valen arches a brow and looks like he doesn't expect it'll go that way, but says nothing more about it as he redirects his attention to the broken pike.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Templars watch them approach and hold up a hand. "Ho, stop. We are in a middle of something and cannot have patrons visiting the church right now." <Thomas> Actually, I am a friend of the Bishop. I am Thomas. 6* He holds up his ID
<Eluere> 6Zeal pauses and turns away skiddishly, hiding in the veil of her hair.
<XanTop> 6* Valen tilts his head slightly, looking confused, 1What is going on, if you don't mind me asking?
01<@DeathStar> 6* The templars pause and look, then nod. "I-I am sorry, I did not know, Sir Thomas. Please. Come in." <Thomas> I have two escorts with me as well. Templar Zeal and a servant that aids me with affairs. 6* They nod at him.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The TEmplars eye the 'servant', then Thomas, addressing him. "Someone stole a Demon's head last night. We are conducting a search for it and the thief"
<Eluere> <Zeal> I am just worried they will recognize me since I was wanted even longer than Thom--" 6She looks over and takes ahold of Valen's hand, pulling him toward Thomas.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Templars wave them in; apparantly Lenneth revoked anything on Zeal since they bow to her respectfully
<XanTop> 6* Valen nods once and blinks as he's pulled along.
01<@DeathStar> 6* As they step through the courtyard and into the building, Thomas speaks with a female cleric on duty and she nods, pointing at the stairs. "Bishop Habashi is on the fifth floor; he likes the view."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas bows and moves for the stairs
<XanTop> 6* Valen looks around curiously as he shifts to keep up.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The inside of the church looks clean and simple; the lower level has templars moving about in side rooms and the sounds of training can be heard; as they rise up to the next floor, there's various noises of chatter, all solemn and studious - the chapel is likely elsewhere so people can go there without being near sensitive material
01<@DeathStar> 6* The third floor has scholars moving about as they rise, and Thomas peers at the various books and scrolls on tables
<Eluere> <Zeal> Well, this is relieving...
<XanTop> <Valen> I feel out of my element. 6He murmurs.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas forces himself onward, looking longingly at the books and on the second floor Digger material can be seen about, with Templars guarding the entrance to the room. Thomas bows and moves on to the fifth
<Eluere> <Zeal> I am unsure what I feel.
<XanTop> 6* Valen peers at the Templars as he keeps up with Thomas.
01<@DeathStar> 6* As they reach the fifth floor, they would find only one area, the Bishop's area - it's standard in any church for one floor to be devoted to the Bishop himself. Thomas shows his ID to the woman in the tiny room with large doors behind her. Her area looks studious, clean, and barren. She rises and knocks on the door, then steps inside and closes it to see if the Bishop will see him
<XanTop> 6* Valen lets out a slight breath and shift slightly to peer around them. 1Very clean. I miss dirt.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas blinks at him
<XanTop> 6* Valen peers back and pauses. 1What?
<Eluere> <Zeal> ...
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Nothing. I just--- missed the cleanliness myself
<XanTop> <Valen> Well I grew up in the forest. 6He points out.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The door opens and the Bishop steps out; he's a man in his early thirties, with nice brown hair and a handsome face structure that makes him look like he's a god himself almost, wearing the bishop robe and cloak, which is a royal purple color. He stands a little taller than Thomas and steps forward, all smiles, taking his hand
01<@DeathStar> <Bishop Habashi> Thomas, good to see you again. Good to see you
<XanTop> 6* Valen shifts back around and straigthens up, arms pulled behind his back.
<Eluere> 6Zeal on reflex goes to a rigid posture of a templar knight, one hand over her heart.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas takes the hand. "Bishop, it has been too long. Let me introduce Templar Zeal, and my assistant Valen." 6* The Bishop nods and smiles toward Zeal, bowing his head to her and offering his ring hand to her to kiss as is 'proper', though Zeal can tell it's just for show since his assistant is watching
<Eluere> 6Zeal nods, kneeling and taking the hand to kiss the ring.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Bishop smiles and offers it to Valen next after blessing Zeal with a wave of his other hand
<XanTop> 6* Valen blinks and then glances between the two, then does the same as Zeal.
<Eluere> 6Zeal stays down, used to this sort of thing from memory.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Bishop blesses Valen afterwards. "Please rise my children and follow me into my room. I will not need anything else, Sandra." 6* He tells the woman and guides into the room. Thomas follows after him; apparantly his rank is enough that he doesn't need to kneel to Bishops
<Eluere> 6Zeal rises and walks along in posture.
<XanTop> 6* Valen rises and moves along, probably no where near as astute looking as Zeal, but he tries to fake it at least.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas closes the doors after the three enter and the Bishop smiles. "Well, enough of formalities. Comrades of Thomas are friends of mine. Templar Zeal. I remember reading a little about you before I was transferred out here two years ago. You are expected to reach the High-Tier ranks in a few more years."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Bishop takes a relaxed posture now
<Eluere> <Zeal> I am flattered, but that is highly unlikely...
01<@DeathStar> <Bishop> Why is that?
<XanTop> 6* Valen glances to Zeal and then the Bishop, relaxing slightly in his poster, defaulting to his more rigid stance.
<Eluere> <Zeal> Well..." 6She peers at the floor, then to Thomas
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> There has been a lot that is going on. Do you remember the long nights we spent discussing ancient documents and prophecy, my friend? <Bishop> Of course; you were always fascinating to debate with
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas fiddles with his glasses, a sign he's thinking hard how to approach a situation.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Tell me; have you heard about the angel lately? <Bishop> There was suppose to be a sighting in Navarro, but that's the only information I got, and just recently. It takes time to get letters out here in Matias as you know
<Eluere> <Zeal> Some of these vague prophecies are coming into living being, you holiness.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Bishop blinks. "Really? Hm. In what way? Thomas here always argued prophecies could never be taken at face value."
<XanTop> 6* Valen keeps quiet during this, as a good assitant would.
<XanTop> NRP: assistant*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas peers at Valen, as if silently judging his not stepping in since he's had first hand knowledge in all this even before he has
<Eluere> <Zeal> To be frank, your holiness, I shant be called a templar any longer.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Bishop blinks. "Why is that?"
<XanTop> 6* Valen arches a brow at Thomas.
<Eluere> <Zeal> I am wanted on high treason for aiding said angel in her escape and continued travel.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas begins to clean his glasses, letting Zeal have the lead as the Bishop's eyes have been drawn to her
01<@DeathStar> <Bishop> You---? 6* He looks compltely shocked, and peers at Thomas, who simply nods. <Thomas> I as well
<XanTop> <Valen> All of us, your holiness.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Bishop leans back against his desk, looking like someone just told him the sky was green. "But why? The prophecies speak of terrible things that will happen."
<XanTop> <Valen> It's from our experience that thes things have occured at the hands of those trying to stop the Angel. Not the Angel's own actions.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I have witnessed four of the prophecies spoken of, and as I once argued, their face value cannot be taken. One prophecy happened because of a God General, Cletus. One happened because of me. One was...the team's eagerness in getting aid. And one is a mystery
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Bishop peers at each of them firmly, in full Bishop mode right now with his looks, and he has a power about them. "That is like saying it is the farmer's fault for shooting an arrow into a chicken trying to get the fox."
<Eluere> <Zeal> I have only aided a naive and helpless girl who is quickly growing like she should not have to.
01<@DeathStar> <Bishop> Naive and helpless? The angel? 6* He sounds a little disbelieving, glancing at Thomas now as if he would know why.
<Eluere> <Zeal> My duty was to the church, yes, but it is foremost to the people who trust and confide in me.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I know of what passages you speak; so far the angel has shown no sign of doing anything that is written
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Bishop takes a weary breath, and lets it out. "I know you, Thomas; you have always used your mind and do not rush into things. I will listen to what you have to say; you, too, Templar Zeal have an exemplary record. Perhaps you can help me understand why we should not turn the angel over to the gods when all the destruction that will come to pass by her?"
<Eluere> <Zeal> The girl I have sworn fealty to protect is nothing more than one who cares for the goodwill of all around her and listens to reason and learns to obey.
<XanTop> <Valen> The Angel is afraid, sir. The thought that she may actually cause harm frightens her to her very core.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> She remembers nothing of her past; she is like a child, naive and innocent. She is guileless and eager to help anyone. I know the prophecies say that for each kingdom she visits, she will bring ruin and turmoil to it, and the people will lament her stepping onto their lands. But I do not believe it will be by her doing
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Bishop glances at Valen. "This sounds... hard to believe if you will forgive me. I have no reason to doubt you, Thomas, for I have known you for so long, but we both have read prohpecies no one else has seen. And you still support her?" <Thomas> I believe in seeing what is the truth with my own eyes; she has given me no reason to think otherwise that she is good
01<@DeathStar> <Bishop> And ... if I may ask... why come tell me all this?
<Eluere> <Zeal> Even the goddess Lenneth sought that her very existence was not malignant but something to be overseen.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Bishop blinks. "The Goddess Lenneth herself?"
<Eluere> <Zeal> Yes. She approached me and desired my assistance in enacting a ...plan of her own. It has hence failed, but not by her own design.
<Eluere> 6Zeal hangs her head. 1"I scuttled it because I could not weigh the consequences of its continued effect."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Bishop lets out a breath. Thomas peers at Zeal, and the Bishop watches them all carefully. <Bishop> Again, what do you want me to do?
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I need access to all your angel prophecies and scrolls; and I need your help --- in spying on the church itself. You are one of the few people who can get close to the Arch Bishop and will receive information. All I ask is that you pass on anything that you think might aid us in avoiding capture. We do not wish to the fight the church, Gyro.
<XanTop> 6Valen peers from Lenneth to Thomas before looking back to the Bishop. 1Sir Thomas and yourself are friends. We felt we should come and speak with you on matters before you heard differently.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Bishop studies Thomas, then thinks. "Tell me something you three; you said the angel has forgotten. What if her memories return and she becomes evil? And she begins to harm the kingdoms as the prophecies say? What will you do?"
<XanTop> <Valen> I personally would attempt to stop her. I cannot attest for what the others may do.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I would stop her if I ever thought her dangerous to Tareh
<Eluere> <Zeal> I gave her my own word that I would kill her should she try to harm others.
<Eluere> 6Zeal puts a finger to her nose, murmuring. 1"I have grown fond of her by now, however originally I wanted... to oversee her myself that she might not be deceitful."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas' voice is firm. The Bishop nods warily, then takes a sheet of paper, writing out information. "This will give you access to the vault. It says you are borrowing them; with your rank no one will question it until it is too late. If I am asked, I will say you tricked me. I cannot promise I will pass information on, but I will think on it
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Bishop hands it to Thomas, glancing at Zeal. "And you do not think she has been deceitful."
<Eluere> <Zeal> No, your holiness, or I lose all faith in there being anything left that I can trust.
01<@DeathStar> <Bishop> If her old memories come back, can you forget the girl she once was?
<Eluere> <Zeal> On the contrary, it would be because I remember the girl she has been.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas adjusts his glasses. "Do not worry, Gyro. I know my duty." 6* The Bishop nods, and he rises. "I suppose you three should get the documents you need and go; the longer you stay, the more suspicious it will look on me if I do aid you in the future."
<XanTop> 6* Valen bows his head to the Bishop. 1Thank you for your assistance. We are truly grateful.
<Eluere> 6Zeal bows to the bishop.
01<@DeathStar> <Bishop> Go in peace, my childre; I would say the gods be with you, but I think you would not want that
<XanTop> 6Valen muses at that and stands upright, giving the Bishop a nod.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Bishop looks Zeal over, as if admiring her figure, or just what she represents. "And you will always be a Templar to me. It takes one with a sense of duty to risk rejection to do what they believe is right."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas takes his hand in a shake once more, then turns to go
<XanTop> 6* Valen shifts to leave as well.
<XanTop> 6* Valen opens the door and stands there to hold it open for Thomas and Zeal.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas turns and steps out the door with the sheet of paper, looking all scholar mode again, thinking on what he needs
<Eluere> 6Zeal rises after a moment, moving to Thomas' side but looking flustered for some reason
01<@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
01<@DeathStar> Location: Team Girl Power
<Seraphna> * Kaelan looks about at the shops, walking with Mercy, Rachael and Nephilim, she muses about the shopping order. "We need clothes and possibly some more food supplies... and I have to find a forge."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Clothes it is!" 6She runs off to find herself more, whether they be in shops or on others.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Wait up Neph!" *she sighs and moves after her*
<Eluere> 6Nephilim pauses, jogging in place. 1"Wh-What?"
<Seraphna> * Kaelan giggles and pats her head, leading the other two along into a Tailor shop. "Let's go here. Tailored clothing is much better then the kind you pull off a shelf."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> ..." 6She mumbles about 'what shelf'
<Seraphna> * Kaelan looks about the shop and moves over to some silk clothes, she peers at Nephilim and blinks a little. "Huh?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The tailor moves over in fancing clothing, peeringat the four girls.
01<@DeathStar> <Tailor> Hello, ladies. 6* He says in a bouncy accent. Mercy blinks and bows, and Rachael seems to be looking for clothes that barely covers the body
<Seraphna> * Kaelan looks up and smiles. "Hello! We're looking for some new outfits today!"
01<@DeathStar> <Tailor> What sort of outfits, my beautiful ladies?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> *points at Rachael* Something showy, but not showing off, she likes to feel some air. *points at Mercy* One maid uniform and some pretty dresses. *looks at Nephilim* "Mmm, what are you after sweetie?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Tailor nods, taking some measuring devices and measuring them all
01<@DeathStar> <Tailor> What quality are you looking for? Fine silk?
<Eluere> 6Nephilim eyes Kaelan-- likely she hasn't paid for clothes in a looooong time. Her outfit being a mixture of pieces from noblewoman's dresses, tribal clothing, sailor's bandana and many other things.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I'm looking for stuff practical to move in, but I don't mind style. Both silks and more rugged cloth for long journeys and combat."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> *points at Nephilim* "Flashy but adorable."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> The hell does that mean..?!
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "It means you'll like it."
<Eluere> 6Nephilim narrows her eyes.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan sighs, "Look, Mom was a tailor... if I learned anything from her, it was outfits."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The tailor nods, measuring Nephilim and clucking his tongue, then nods. "How many of each?"
<Seraphna> "Mmm, lets say three for each? We'll also need a few simply outfits fit for a man of about... this height..." *he puts her hand up to Seth's height, then repeats it for Thomas and Valen*
<Seraphna> *she
<Eluere> <Nephilim> ..." 6She eyes the tailor now, clucking back with a quizzical look
01<@DeathStar> 6* The tailor nods. "Well, it takes time to make fine clothing; it will be a few days. Unless you wish to pay more to rush it."
<Seraphna> "The men in our party have worn their clothing thin."
01<@DeathStar> <Tailor> I assure you that I offer the best quality
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "How much more are we talking?"
01<@DeathStar> <Tailor> It will depend on how soon you will need them
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "We have a boat leaving tomorrow after supper."
01<@DeathStar> <Tailor> Hm, hm, hm, well, with the amount of clothing you're asking for and in that time, it'll be 15 gold just to get it ready by then. I have to work my people hard.
<Eluere> 6Nephilim circles the tailor repeatedly, like eyeing prey
01<@DeathStar> 6* The tailor eyes her clothing like one anaylzing some strange beast
<Eluere> 6Nephilim pauses, taking a step and poising shyly, but lifting part of her skirt.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The tailor flusters and Rachael eyes her, pinching her butt
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Reasonable." *she considers* "Throw in some new cloaks and a simple white silk gown with flower decor into the order and keep that time, and we've got a deal."
01<@DeathStar> <Tailor> Well, with that added, I think it only fair for another 2 gold.
01<@DeathStar> <Tailor> That's not counting the price, of course, of each outfit
<Eluere> 6Nephilim jumps with a squeak, then glares at Rachael
01<@DeathStar> 6* The tailor's fingers wiggle as if ready to get to work
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Mm, how much are you estimating?"
01<@DeathStar> <Tailor> The complete total for everything you want would be.... 35 gold; with the extra 2 added in. That's a slight discount for the large amount you've asked for at once. You will find no one else meets my quality, though
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Must be some pretty nice stuff given that's the price of a sultan's meal...
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Deal, and if you meet that boast on quality, I'll be sure to spread word about your shop to any I meet."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles at the tailor.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Suck up.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The tailor bows and moves to get ready, snapping at his assistant to get everyone in to work. He moves off like a man on a mission to defeat a god
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael snerks
<Seraphna> * Kaelan giggles and looks at Nephilim. "People skills never hurt a business deal."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> That is a lot of money for so much; I've never spent more than 15 silver on an outfit and then I felt like I was being outrageous
<Eluere> <Nephilim> But you looked like a queen.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Mmm, but you spend a good deal on quality cloth, it lasts longer."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Is silk nice? Jean seemed to like her's.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy stands off to the side, peering at the silk like it's pretty
<Seraphna> * Kaelan pulls out a beautiful piece of blue cloth, holding it out. "Feel this."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael touches it and gasps. "Wow, that's way too soft; I'd feel wrong to wear that on our hard travels."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "That's why I asked for the practical outfits."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Really? My panties are silk.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "These we can wear in towns and if we happen to wind up in any more King's courts. The practical stuff in the woods."
<Eluere> 6Nephilim stretches. 1"Wouldn't settle for less for them."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> We're like royality with this. 6* She blinks, then reaches into Neph's skirt and feels her panties and more
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> So, what next?
<Eluere> 6Nephilim jerks. 1"H-H-Hey!"
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Food and a forge, I want to get those weapon and armor orders moving."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> We should get Zeal some herbs, probably, too.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Your panties are nice. But when you get wet for Valen, doesn't it leak easily?
<Seraphna> * Kaelan nods, "Let's hit a general store. We could use some more tents too."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael follows; they pass Phan and Pher's Armory and another Phan and Pher's Generally Good Items
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy follows after them
<Seraphna> * Kaelan moves for the armory first. "Orders take time, so we'll hit that up now."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy dutifully follows and Rachael smirks and prances ahead of Nephilim, holding her panties
<Seraphna> * Kaelan steps in, looking about at the quality of the goods.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The swords here are good, but only go to Tier-5. There's also some decent Tier 5 armor
<Eluere> 6Nephilim twitches from both the question and magic theft.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan says softly. "If you don't want to wait, you should grab some armor here, but I can make better with time."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Oh, um, anything is fine for me
<Eluere> <Nephilim> No one wears armor but you and Zeal, Kael.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "What I have in mind will take almost all the time we have left till the trip. About 6 sets of armor and 5 weapons."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Time that's changed...."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Well, if I wear armor, I want the bikini armor
<Eluere> <Nephilim> I don't like it. Too heavy and cumbersome.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan blushes. "May take less time for that since I have something to work on." *she moves to the counter*
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Know how to make jewelry? I like that." 6She twirls, then pauses, holding her skirts down.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Zeal knows how to sew, maybe she knows.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Some things..." *she looks for someone managing the place*
01<@DeathStar> 6* A man moves over. "Can I help you?"
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Yeah! I want to look at-- er... um..
<Eluere> 6Nephilim glances over at Rachael and Kaelan. 1"What's... the armor Zeal wears?"
<Seraphna> * Kaelan nods. "This may seem like a strange request, but I'm a journeying blacksmith, I want to make some things for my companions, but I need a forge to work with."
01<@DeathStar> <Man> We don't have a forge here, I'm afraid. We get our goods from a forge elsewhere in the city.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I see, can you direct me to that forge?"
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Um....
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man nods and begins to give complicated directions with turns and whatnot
<Seraphna> * Kaelan listens carefully.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> It's like... armor here, but not here... here.." 6She grips her own breasts. 1"But not here.." 6She puts a hand on her stomach.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Sorry, I haven't really paid attention; when I strip her typically she doesn't have it on.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles, "Thanks for your help sir. If I can't fill the orders before we have to go, I'll be sure to come back here to buy the rest." *she winks*
<Eluere> 6Nephilim reels and throws up her hands.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Well, it's like plates of metal that are half-there, half-not!
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man bows. "We are the best."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan nods, leading the girls out. "Alright, we'll stop at the general store before we head to that forge."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Show me armors that are half-there, half-not!
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man blinks, and he leads over to some plate armor for Nephilim to look at
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "...Half plate?"
<Eluere> 6Nephilim jerks, and eyes Kaelan with a blush. She peers at Rachael. 1"I-Is that it?"
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> It looks kinda like it
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "That's what Zeal wears."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Wh-What she said.
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> Yes. 6* She points out waht Zeal wears
<Eluere> 6Nephilim nods the man toward them
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> She wears this; however, this one here looks stronger than Lady Zeal's but is lighter
01<@DeathStar> <Man> Well, we have various tier armor here as you can see. What level would you want? Also, some armor has different attributes added.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Mmm, seems you have Tier 5 here as your best? She'll favor something that helps her archery I bet."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Well, I dunno. I don't wear armor, but I want to get her something nice." 6She rocks on her heels. 1"She uses a bow a lot."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man nods and points to the 'Archer Tier 5 Half-Plate Armor'. "This armor will increase one's reflexes (by +3 will go over cap) and weighs less on the body and has a defense of +7."
<Eluere> 6Nephilim nods, looking it over scrutinizingly, then pauses and waves at Kaelan
<Seraphna> * Kaelan moves over, 'Yes dear?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The price for it is 75 gold
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Is this good?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "It's very decent armor, a lot better then what she's got."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> I'll take it!
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man nods and beams, shifting to take it off the shelf and over to the counter, putting it in a bag for her and waits on the gold
<Eluere> <Nephilim> I'll allow you to pay for it, Kael." 6She twirls some of her hair on her finger. 1"If you can engrave it with something..."
01<@DeathStar> <Man> For an extra gold, we can do that. Or your blacksmith friend here could do it
<Eluere> 6Nephilim nods to the man. 1"I appreciate it, but I was asking her to. More meaningful.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan nods. "I'll add the engraving to my order list. THis gold comes from the entire party, Neph."
<Eluere> 6Nephilim pouts. 1"I-- and I paid for the trip!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man takes the gold from Kaelan with quick fingers and wishes them well. Rachael peers over some tier 5 bikini armor
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Fair enough point."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> I'll pay it back, I just didn't bring enough on my person.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "No problem, Rach, I'd get that if you want it."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan looks over some gear as well, considering.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> That's okay; I'll take what you make. It'll give you practice and I'm not that big into armor so it won't matter to me if it's weaker. Not like I wear any now anyway
<Eluere> <Nephilim> I'll leave you wearing nothing if you don't give me my panties back!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael sulks and hands it over
01<@DeathStar> 6* She's put a flower on it
<Seraphna> * Kaelan nods. "Mmm..." *she draws the sword she bought in the desert town* "How much will you take for this, sir?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* MErcy takes the plate armor bag to carry
<Eluere> 6Nephilim mumbles, slipping them on and tying the waists under her skirt.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man looks it over, thinking. "75 silver."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> oh, didn't Neph have a gold sword to sell?
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Yup!" 6She runs over to Mercy and gropes her person.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Mmm, may as well keep it for materials." *she sheathes it and looks to Neph*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy squeaks and squirms, handing her what she wants
<Eluere> 6Nephilim giggles, slipping back to the counter and unwrapping it.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man eyes the gold sword, hmmming and peering it over, running a hand along it. "Nice, very nice - 500 gold." 6* He offers.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Like I told you before Neph, it's a very fine weapon."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Gold's a horrible weapon. It's really heavy and soft. This is a mantlepiece, Kael.
01<@DeathStar> <Man> Does 500 for it interest you?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "It's surprisingly keen for a gold weapon. BUt yeah, I'd take the gold for it if I were you, I can make you a new set of daggers."
<Eluere> <Nephilim> I like mine! Only need one, if it's trusty enough.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The man puts down the 500 and slides it to Nephilim, then puts the sword up
<Seraphna> * Kaelan pouts. "Well if you don't want me to make you one..."
<Eluere> 6Nephilim eyes the sword over, squinting at the gold and trying to determine for herself if it was worth it.
01<@DeathStar> <Man> Don't forget to visit Phan and Pher's General Store!
<Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles and moves for the door. "Let's go see about those herbs and that forge before the day wastes away."
01<@DeathStar> 6* As the team is moved to the GEneral Store, they'll see lots of items. Tents for 25 silver, herbs for 25 copper each, and a level up drink for 200 gold
<Seraphna> * Kaelan peers at the drink and raises a brow. "Does it really enhance your skills just with a drink?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* There's also rope for 50 copper, arrows for 1 copper each.
01<@DeathStar> <Man> Yep!
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Many techniques stolen from the elven medicine.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael looks around in awe
01<@DeathStar> 6* There's also a class level up drink for 250 gold
<Eluere> 6Nephilim hums dances about the shop.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael gets Zeal 3 herbs, 3 cure herbs, 3 of the other kind
<Seraphna> * Kaelan muses over that. "Mmm... depending on how much the forge costs us, I may have to come back here later..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Then she buys herself a tent
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> So we're done here?
<Seraphna> * Kaelan buys 100 arrows for Seth and Zeal, two lengths of rope for the party to use, and a tent.
<Eluere> 6Nephilim walks over on her hands toward Rachael, her skirt flipped and her panties showing. 1"Don't need anything!"
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Then let's go
01<@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
01<@DeathStar> Location: The Church Library
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas hands Valen and Zeal each a list of books and scrolls to find, with various names written on them, like 'The Angel's Death Cry', 'The Angel's Plague' 'The Death of Children' 'Sinai in Ruins' 'The Grassvillages That Will Die' 'The Angel's True Face' 'The Final Prophecies'
01<@DeathStar> 6* He then sits at a table and begins to use an index and looks through information ruins that might be related to the angel, jotting in his notebook as he compares the information
<Eluere> 6Zeal jerks, pouring over the ones referring to the grasslands
01<@DeathStar> 6* The scrolls and whatnot seem to be cateloged based on topic, and then alphabet
<XanTop> 6* Valen hmms. 1I will search for the last two. 6He glances around then moves to check in the Ts.
<Eluere> <Zeal> These say that the capital Sinai and the meadowlands will be ruined, Th-Thomas.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I know, Zeal. It's why I want the information - for your sake above all else.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas looks up at her, smiling. "I will study them carefully, I promise."
01<@DeathStar> 6* As Valen searches through the books, he'd see strangely in the angel sections 'The Topic of Angels and Animals - The Elves'
<XanTop> 6* Valen pauses and grabs that one to look at while Thomas looks around.
01<@DeathStar> 6* A lot of the text is written in older Tarehian, so it's hard to read it all. Some words are similiar, like elves, and the angel, and there's passages to Lenneth. But it would clearly take some time sitting and focusing on it. Since they can take whatever they want, no one would stop Valen
<Eluere> <Zeal> Having trouble, sir Lankin?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas goes back to his duty on the ruins, leaving the books to Zeal to get
<Eluere> 6Zeal starts to bundle the tomes on Sinai and the meadowlands.
01<@DeathStar> 6* There seems to be sections on Elves in general here, too, and demons in other areas. Each has it's own section like the angel.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The gods also have one section
<XanTop> <Valen> fine. 6He looks for the other angel section.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Valen after some looking would find his books as well
<Eluere> <Zeal> There is no need to be ashamed. Some of these only churchright can read, since text is rare outside their walls, and even moreso in the ancient scripts. I admit there are plenty here I cannot, either. Thomas' scholarly ways have him benefit.
<XanTop> 6* Valen shifts to take those books back to thomas, then takes a moment to read over the Topic of Angels and Animals book.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Since Thomas still seems to be jotting down, it leaves the two time to seek out any books they might want to grab on their own agenda
01<@DeathStar> 6* The ancient text is old, but it seems to be indicating elves are animals, hence why they are fine as slaves, and some indicates the angel herself might be part beast, hence her bloody desire to kill everyone
<Eluere> 6Zeal seems content with the ones on prophecies they'll likely encounter, though she does pause and look for some on demons of lust.
01<@DeathStar> 6* As Zeal looks through the books on demons, she'd see topics on Rage Demons, Lust Demons, Elemental Demons, Vampires, Men Turned Into Demons, Witches, Malefecars - those with magic who are warped into beastly demons - familiars
<XanTop> 6* Valen hmms and then sets that down with the others and moves to get a book on the gods to look over.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The books on the gods are numerous, but thin. Gartareh and his 10 childre, Gartareh and his wife, how Gartareh's heart is Tareh, then there's books on each god individually, including Lenneth, Amazo, etc.
<Eluere> 6Zeal pulls down the ones on lust demons, vampires, those who become them and such
01<@DeathStar> 6* They seem to be pretty thick and weighty with a lot of material inside that she'll likely need a few weeks to go over; thnak god for a ship ride!
<XanTop> 6* Valen specifically takes the book focusing on Lenneth and moves to sit by Thomas and read it. 1So would it be offensive if I took some books on my own?
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> of course not; take whatever you think would be useful for us
<XanTop> 6* Valen pauses and peers up then hmms. 1I fear I cannot carry the entire library.
<Eluere> 6Zeal pouts and binds most of them up to take, though keeps the one out about malefecar and familiar, having never been privvy to either.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The book on Lenneth speaks that she is the youngest of Gartareh's children, first appearing and looking aout 16 or 17. And that she is said to be the one god that spends most of her time on Tareh amongst the people, taking care of those who need, and aiding heroes. The book also indicates that since the gods are above mankind, they might be incestuous, (cont)
01<@DeathStar> 6* though there's no information to verify this. It has been said that occassionally all the gods but Lenneth would sometimes take humans are mates but if they got pregnate, the child was discarded
01<@DeathStar> 6* There's many chapters on her aiding elves, it seems, and that in some kingdoms she ranks lowest due to that, while others she is held in high regard
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> There, I think I have what I need on ruins; we should go in case anyone shows up looking for us
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas rises and tucks his notepad away, taking the books with reverence that was placed on the table
<Eluere> <Zeal> Very well..." 6She tries to finish reading what she has open
<XanTop> 6* Valen pauses and looks up, nodding. 1Yes I agree. 6He helps with his share as well.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma mewls
<Eluere> <Zeal> Yes, Soma?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma peers at a book on monsters - it has a picture of a tigoar on the cover
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas nods to Valen and moves to go, not noticing Soma
<Eluere> 6Zeal blinks, then laughs softly, going to get it.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma purrs as Zeal gets it
01<@DeathStar> Location: Suite
01<@DeathStar> 6* Everyone is back in one suite to talk, except Kaelan, who remained behind to do her work. Mercy has spent more gold, another 5, to get more food for them for lunch, and serves it to them while Thomas looks over all the books, looking like a child with toys
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly remains unconscious, but looks healthier, having been fed more soup by Mercy
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Instead of ordering this expensive - but good - food tonight I'd like to go to a tavern tonight, Vale. ... and try some ale. 6* She whispers to herself on the last part
<Seraphna> * Seth is having his, very raw, a bit to the side, sitting by Carly, hovering about her like a protective hound.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael eats some sort of fish, looking like she's enjoying it
<Seraphna> Seth> "...Should I be bothered that the prospect of ale no longer excites me?"
<XanTop> <Valen> A Tavern? That should be fine.
<XanTop> <Valen> At least you won't have to worry about being a drunk.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Can demons get drunk?
<Eluere> 6Nephilim smirks at Rachael, leaning in and whispering to her about all the fine wines.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I thought Carly did once
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael blinks and then shifts to glance at a menu discreetly
<XanTop> <Valen> Hmm. Really? We should test it tonight.
<Seraphna> Seth> "No... I don't think that's a good idea."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> So you think this Bishop won't turn us in?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly stirs and her eyes begin to struggle to open up
<Eluere> <Zeal> I would rather not." 6She is somewhat near Carly, but doesn't seem nice to be near Seth
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas begins to work on Sinai books
<Eluere> <Zeal> C-Carly..?
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Unghh....
<Seraphna> * Seth looks to Carly. "Carly..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The 12 year old's eyes flutter weakly open and she looks up at them dazed, her eyes still a little icy in color, but not as much
<XanTop> <Valen> He seemed very nice. But we should be cautious tonight.
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Wha.... 6* As Zeal feels through the mark, she can sense her life force is tied to Carly, somehwo, and someone else. But not Seth
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Yes. Valen is right
<Seraphna> Seth> "Good... you're awake."
<Eluere> 6Zeal pauses, frowning. 1"Carly, you have awakened. How do you feel?"
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> ... 6* She looks at all them blankly, like she doesn't know them. " head hurts...why does Carly's head hurt?" 6* She asks, falling back on her child like mannerisms
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael discreetly uses a bell to order some wine and uses 1 of Kaelan's gold on it, then moves to check on Carly, too
<Seraphna> Seth> "It's a long story, but you were very sick."
<Eluere> <Zeal> Mercy, can you bring her more to eat?
<XanTop> 6* Valen glances up briefly at the bell but seems to not pay it much mind as he looks to Carly again. 1Do you remember us?
<Seraphna> Seth> "Can you remember anything?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy bows and moves to the food trays, selecting another warm soup that's bland so it won't upset her stomach
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Yes. Carly... 6* She winces at sudden memories and her eyes flare. "Why am I here? I do not want to be here with you all!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* She tries to sit up but then eeps as she topples over, peering at her smaller form
<Seraphna> Seth> "Carly..." *he moves, putting his hands on her shoulders*
<Seraphna> Seth> "You... you died. I was an idiot. I brought you back... we brought you back."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly eyes him with a glare. Then pauses, sniffing. "I can't...smell your blood... Any of your blood..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly looks around slowly. "I can only smell Zeal's."
<Seraphna> Seth> "About that... somehow... I'm a demon now, you seem to mostly be human."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly jerks her head back, glaring at Seth. "Well, lucky you that the angel probably won't care if you're one."
<Seraphna> Seth> "It's not her I'm concerned about right now Carly."
<Eluere> <Zeal> Only... mine...? That woman said you were human... you should not smell any..
<XanTop> <Valen> She said mostly human, I believe.
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Concerned about me. That's rich. 6* She looks away
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> I'm leaving!
<Eluere> <Zeal> Even if only by temporary obsession, he is not lying, Carly. Please.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly eyes Zeal, frowning. Thomas peers over quietly, his glasses on his lap
<Seraphna> Seth> "Carly, stay. Please. I can't take back what I did, but please, let me try and make it up to you."
<Eluere> 6Zeal kneels, gazing at her sternly. 1"Even if you wish nothing to do with him-- I cannot let you leave my side. Not right now."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly frowns at Zeal, ignoring Seth. "We talked about this already!!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael's wine is delivered and she gets it outside the door so no one is bothered, then sneaks in with it, hiding it behind her back
<Eluere> <Zeal> This has nothing to do with what we talked about. Carly, I am concerned for you. You cannot fend for yourself as you would have before. I also have no desire for you to leave this world, you are undeserving of that fate. My responsibility to you is to see to your health.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly glowers. She eyes the rest of them. "I don't think anyone else wants me around."
<Eluere> <Zeal> Stop arguing! This is not a debate, child!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly jerks, and her hands go to her stomach strangely, almost instinctively
<Seraphna> Seth> "...I doubt anyone here really wants to see you go either."
<XanTop> 6* Valen goes to say something but pauses and arches a brow.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy holds the soup and winces at Zeal
<Eluere> <Zeal> Even if you try to leave, I will find you with Soma. You will only tire yourself." 6She sits, crossing her arms stubbornly.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma mewls stubbornly, too, attacking her toe by licking it
<Seraphna> Seth> "And you'll hunger... and damnit I know how that feels now."
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> I---... ..... .... w-whatever. I'm too tired to argue for some reason
<Seraphna> Seth> "You did have your head cut off."
<Eluere> <Zeal> Seth!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly eyes Seth, peering away, her fingers tracing the finger. "So what? I'm a monster. You all didn't want me to go off and hurt others."
01<@DeathStar> *the scar
<Seraphna> * Seth flinches a bit. "YOU AREN'T A MONSTER!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly jerks at the yelling and shifts behind Valen of all people, eyeing Zeal and Seth warily
<Seraphna> * Seth jerks, realizing he's yelling and sits back.
<XanTop> <Valen> I believe we should all lower our voices. 6He says sternly.
<Seraphna> Seth> "...Sorry."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy peers down at the yelling, looking like she's retreated to her old ways of ducking her head in the snad
<Seraphna> Seth> "You're not a monster, Carly. You never were."
<XanTop> 6* Valen shifts slightly and places a hand on Carly's head. 1You aided me when I was in need, and for that I'm in your debt. But even I agree you should remain with us.
<Seraphna> Seth> "All that time... you were helping me and I didn't even know... I was a bastard for what I said to you."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly just nods once, but mumbles she wants she wants her own room
<Seraphna> Seth> "Take mine, I'll bunk with Valen."
<Seraphna> Seth> "He can keep an eye on me that way."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Just don't him. 6* She jokes
01<@DeathStar> *eat him
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas goes back to his books now that it seems to be calming down. Mercy hands Carly the soup and shows her how to eat it. Awkwardly, Carly takes the spoon and brings it to her mouth
<Seraphna> Seth> "...I'll try, though he's lucky to be male, in that aspect, I seem to only have a taste for women." *he jerks, then looks down* "I-I mean..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael jerks
<XanTop> <Valen> I don't aim to sleep tonight, so there shouldn't be any issues.
01<@DeathStar> 6* She moves behind Valen, too
<Eluere> <Zeal> Carly, you can have your own room on the ship, if that is your duly wish. However, I would prefer you allow me to accompany you tonight.
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> I--- f-fine...but what about Thomas?
<Seraphna> Seth> "...Awww Rach, don't be afraid. I'm fine as long as I get this animal blood for now."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Sure, but I know how sexy my blood is.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael eyes him warily.
<Eluere> 6Zeal doesn't seem surprised about Seth's affinity. 1"Thomas can speak for himself. If necessary will share a different room with you."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> And we all know about how you are with women
<Seraphna> Seth> *jerks* "D-Don't put thoughts in my head!"
<Eluere> 6Nephilim draws her knife, letting the reflection flash on Seth's face with a deadpan expression
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I do not mind if she shares the suite with us; it is big enough for all three of us. And I will have much work to do
<XanTop> 6* Valen eyes Seth for a second.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy innocent cups her hands together. "If it helps Sir Seth, he can have some of my blood from time to time. I do not fight a lot and I think it would be hard to have animal blood on the ship."
<Eluere> <Zeal> No.
<Seraphna> * Seth smirks, "Mercy, if I even thought of that I think Kaelan would have my head on a pike."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy jerks
<Eluere> <Zeal> It is a noble gesture, but I will not have it.
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> But he will go hungry if we can't sneak animal blood onboard.
01<@DeathStar> 6* She bows her head submissively
<Eluere> <Zeal> He will find an alternative or starve.
<Seraphna> Seth> "We'll think of something."
<XanTop> <Valen> I like Zeal when she's in commanding mode. 6He notes after a bit with an amused look.
<Seraphna> * Seth eyes Zeal for a moment. "You volunteering?"
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> She is...very sexy
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Well, I'm not offering. He might try to woo me as he drained me. 6* She snerks
<Eluere> 6Zeal flusters slightly. 1"I-- have not done so in very long.."
<XanTop> 6* Valen blinks at Thomas.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly keeps touching her stomach softly
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas looks embarrassed at saying that and goes back to reading
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I like it, too. You should tell Seth no more often, too
<XanTop> 6* Valen glances to her. 1Everything okay? 6He says quietly to Carly.
<Seraphna> Seth> "...Zeal... you may want to feed Carly. Does it hurt?" *he looks at Carly*
<Eluere> <Zeal> And no, Seth. I meant what I said. Find an alternative or starve.
<Seraphna> * Seth seems to ignore Zeal on that remark.
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Huh? I'm not hungry. The soup is enough. I just feel..strange. I was feeling strange that night, too when I decided to let them kill me...
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly shrugs a little
<Seraphna> Seth> "...Strange? How?"
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Strange. 6* She snaps
<XanTop> 6* Valen stares at her for a moment and then peers off to the side, rubbing his chin slowly.
<Eluere> <Zeal> Like you are... connected to something?
<Seraphna> Seth> "If you feel anything else... tell someone. I don't want you sick."
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Maybe. I can feel you a little, but I didn't feel you that night I died..
<Seraphna> Seth> "...This isn't exactly a normal event I take it, I mean, I'm supposedly dead."
<Eluere> <Zeal> We were not connected until the manner we brought you back.. but I feel something else. I do not know what. Come, Carly..." 6She holds out her hand, softening a bit. 1"If you need to rest, let us retire."
<Seraphna> Seth> "You didn't seem dead while you were a demon." *he eyes the blood and has more*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly nods and moves after Zeal like she were a commanding bother. Rachael pales at Seth
01<@DeathStar> *mother, too
<XanTop> 6* Valen clicks his tongue a few times in thought.
<Seraphna> * Seth pauses, looking up, he puts it down. Then licks the blood off his lips.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas takes his books and goes and Rachael tugs Valen
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Tavern now
01<@DeathStar> 6* RAchael drags him and Neph out
<XanTop> 6* Valen jerks and then follows along. 1Yes ma'am.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Me, too..!?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Yes!
<Eluere> <Nephilim> F-Fine!!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy pauses and moves after Zeal to help her like a good girl; Seth is left alone with his blood
<Seraphna> * Seth eyes the blood, then starts to drink it more eagerly.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael looks pale and queazy as she leads them away
<XanTop> <Valen> You okay?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly eyes Zeal's room and shuffles to the couch to sit
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Him just drinking the blood is gross; even Carly did it privately with Zeal
<Eluere> 6Zeal moves to sit beside her, giving her a little space, her hands in her lap proper. She can't help but look from the corner of her eye however
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly peers at Zeal slowly. "W-What?"
<XanTop> <Valen> I will make him stop.
01<@DeathStar> 6* She holds her bowl of soup
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Thanks. It's just...gross. 6* She looks ill at just mentioning
<Eluere> <Zeal> I am sorry.
<XanTop> <Valen> Did you enjoy the drink?
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> For...what...?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> H-Huh? What drink?
<Eluere> <Zeal> Going against your will.
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> ... oh. ... why'd you bring me back...?
<Eluere> <Zeal> You did not deserve death, Carly.
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> ...
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael looks innocent
<XanTop> <Valen> ... 6He just looks at her.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> What drink?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Aw, I didn't have anyt of it yet. I'll be a good girl. I never tried wine
<Eluere> 6Nephilim holds up the bottle. 1"This? She ordered it for me, anyway."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael eyes Nephilim. "I want a liiiittle."
<Eluere> 6Nephilim holds it out of reach, giggling
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael sulks and tries climbing Valen to reach it
<XanTop> <Valen> Rachael.
<XanTop> <Valen> You're an adult now, just promise to be careful.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I---okay. 6* She pouts. "But it's fun to try to hide things from you and have you be a big brother. I missed it."
<Eluere> 6Nephilim peers at Valen, smirks and twirls the bottle and hands it to Rachael
<XanTop> <Valen> Well then. 6He reaches out to snatch the bottle and takes off running.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael blinks, jerks, then chases. "Vaaaaale!"
<Eluere> 6Nephilim pauses, then bursts out laughing, lightly following
<XanTop> 6* Valen rounds a corner.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael slides a banister after him
<Eluere> 6Nephilim jaunts casually after them, smiling happily.
<XanTop> 6* Valen doesn't seem to be anywhre in sight after she rounds the corner.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> But--how/!
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Hee." 6She rocks on her heels behind Rachael.
<XanTop> 6* Valen lands beside Nephilim. 1I'm gotten better.
<XanTop> NRP: I've*
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Yep.
<Eluere> 6Nephilim throws her knuckles toward Valen's kidneys.
<XanTop> 6* Valen jerks and grits his teeth. 1I'm glad you hit like a girl. 6he hisses, but holds the bottle out to Rachael.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael squeaks and turns around, flailing, but pauses, gets it, and leans over, nipping Neph's ear
<Eluere> <Nephilim> This girl still doesn't approve of your learning." 6She jumps, eyeing Rachael
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael grins
<XanTop> <Valen> You're just upset that I could probably keep up with you at this point.
<Eluere> 6Nephilim glances at him. 1"Is... that a fact?"
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael Uh oh
<XanTop> 6* Valen pauses and hmms. 1You're probably faster than me.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Is that all?
<XanTop> <Valen> Should there be more?
<Eluere> <Nephilim> ... ... ..." 6She smiles slowly, almost devilishly. 1"Fine. If that's the way you feel..."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Uh, Vale, you shouldn't go down this road. W-We should just go to the tavern
<XanTop> 6* Valen just smiles back and begins to move for the tavern.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael catches up, eyeing Neph suspiciously
<Eluere> <Nephilim> If you want to even claim your near my level, let's have a contest?
<XanTop> <Valen> Poor Nephilim. I'm an adult now. I'm past competitions.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I think we should have a contest on who's sexier. 6* She says playfully, sipping the wine curiously and making curiously strange faces
<Eluere> <Nephilim> You'd win every time, Rach." 6She puts a hand on her hip and eyes Valen without amusement.
<XanTop> <Valen> I would clearly win that.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Above competitions my foot. I'll even give you a handicap. Whomever steals the most panties by morning.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael jerks
<Eluere> 6Nephilim smirks snidely. 1"Surely even if your hands and legs fail you, your boyish charms can garner you a few favors off the unwitting girls.
<XanTop> <Valen> I'm not a thief Nephilim. I know a bit sleight of hand, but I mostly focus on mobility.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael sips her wine. "She's just jealous I got her panties off in a store earlier while she was busy flashing them at the tailor."
<Eluere> 6Nephilim jumps, glaring at Rachael.
<XanTop> 6Valen hmms at that. 1And here I was off reading books.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Even still, I could run laps around you, here on the street and in the trees, or anywhere else, Val! Don't you forget it!
<XanTop> <Valen> Say whatever you must to feel better, Nephie.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> You two are so cute; do all couples bicker?
<Eluere> 6Nephilim balls her hands, standing, fuming.
<XanTop> <Valen> I wouldn't know. 6He says, pausing to glance over his shoulder at Nephilim. 1Are you going to strike me again?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael gives Nephilim a look
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Fire worked better.
<XanTop> <Valen> We could hug and make up.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I'd like that. 6* She hugs them both
<XanTop> 6Valen smirks at Rachael and holds his arms open toward Nephilim.
<Eluere> 6Nephilim tchs, glaring at him, but hugs.
<XanTop> 6* Valen smiles. 1How very adult of you. 6He says in a regal tone, then shifts to move on for the tavern.
01<@DeathStar> 6* As they enter the PHan and Pher tavern, it seems to be busy with happy drunks. Rachael picks a nice table in the corner, cuddling Nephilim
<Eluere> 6Nephilim narrows her eyes, but smiles to Rachael, her knife in her hand and gestures to the seat of Valen's pants
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael pinches her rear
<Eluere> 6Nephilim jumps, pursing her lips and cuddling-- like a cat against her will.
<XanTop> 6Valen orders three meads and pays, placing them down on the table. 1This is the cheapest drink. But oddly enough it comes with the most. The more expensive the drink, the smaller the size.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> That is odd; why?
<XanTop> <Valen> Maybe it's a way for them to make more of a profit off of a single bottle?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> But wouldn't it make sense just for people to buy the cheap stuff?
<XanTop> <Valen> Most do. But there's always those that enjoy the 'finer' things. Take the clothing you purchased for instance, it was expensive right? Why not just purchase the cheaper material?
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Because Kael insisted I get something 'adorable,' and she footed the bill. I dread seeing what she tries to put me in.
<XanTop> <Valen> I imagine it will be very beautiful.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> It felt soft and nice! Like your panties
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael snickers, since Neph wears silk panties
<Eluere> 6Nephilim deadpans at Rachael.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> You're the one who said they were silk so I wanted to feel them!
<Eluere> <Nephilim> I told you were, why do you need to feel them-- and me-- up..?!
<XanTop> <Valen> It was probably to frazzle you.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Beeeh!" 6She sticks her tongue out at Valen
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael giggles and tries her mead, making strange faces
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> It's fun that the younger sister can frazzle the older sister!
<Eluere> <Nephilim> ...Yeah, yeah..
<XanTop> 6* Valen drinks his mead as he peers around the pub.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael makes more faces with each sip but bravely drinks it
<XanTop> <Valen> When you start feeling weird, that should be a sign to slow down, maybe even stop.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael pauses and slows down immediately - after five sips
<XanTop> 6Valen smirks. 1Good girl.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> That's... it?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> W-What?!
<Eluere> <Nephilim> I think Zeal can drink more than you, ha ha ha.
<XanTop> 6Valen looks amused. 1I need to get some air. But I wont be far if you need me. 6he finishes his mead and stands up to go step outsid.
<Eluere> <Nephilim> Huh, he's a lightweight, too.
Session Time: Fri Oct 01 00:00:00 2010
Session Close: Fri Oct 01 17:19:52 2010

Session Start: Wed Sep 29 17:16:58 2010
Session Ident: #taw-medieval
Int before the scenes in Matias, does a kitty dance for food
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan gently holds a piece of meat in front of him and waves it back and forth.
01<@DS-Down> 6* Soma kitty dances back and forth
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan feeds him a piece. "Cutie."
01<@DS-Down> 6* Soma eats his food, thinking it hard to earn a good day's meal doing tricks
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Roll on your back and give me the cute eyes."
01<@DS-Down> 6* Soma obeys, using tigroar eyes
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan giggles and gives him a bigger piece.
01<@DS-Down> 6* Soma eats on it, getting a kitty belly
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan rubs it gently.
02* @Seraphna ( Quit (Quit: They say an intelligent person can be extremely dangerous, far more dangerous however, is the ignorant person.)
03* Ametsune ( has joined #taw-medieval
03* Sera|Workin is now known as Seraphna
03* DS-Down is now known as DeathStar
Session Time: Fri Oct 01 00:00:00 2010
<@Seraphna> * Seth slowly approaches Zeal's door.
<@Seraphna> * Seth quietly tries the door, holding his stomach a little.
<Kit> 6Zeal locks it, unlike some people.
<@Seraphna> * Seth pulls out some slips of metal, licking his lips, he starts to pick the lock.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The door is unlocked
<@Seraphna> * Seth opens it slowly and starts to peek in carefully, squirming with an internal battle before starting to move in.
<Kit> 6The room is dark
<@Seraphna> * Seth sniffs out Zeal's scent.
<Kit> 6He would smell it-- on an arrow that punctures the door near his face.
<Kit> <Zeal> Halt. If you value breathing.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas peers around Zeal, on the bed with his books
<@Seraphna> * Seth freezes, sniffing more. "Can't... help it..."
<Kit> <Zeal> S-Seth..? Why are you picking the locks of our door!?
<@Seraphna> * Seth shrinks back a little, more to make the door act as a shield for him. "...S-Senseless pranking."
<Kit> <Zeal> Senseless is right. You are lucky I gave warning!
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Unlucky you're awake at this godless hour..." *he mumbles*
<Kit> <Zeal> Speak up, lout!
<@Seraphna> Seth> "...What are you doing up at this hour? Do you ever sleep?"
<Kit> <Zeal> Of course I am up; Thomas is still reading and this is the first night since..
<@Seraphna> * Seth's hands shake a little. "...I... need help."
<Kit> <Zeal> That much is obvious..!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas moves behind Zeal protectively; there's something on the couch under a blanket
<@Seraphna> * Seth licks his teeth a little, twitching. "I... I really need more then pig's blood. It hurts. I'm afraid if I go feeding I'll hurt whatever girl I find."
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> So you came here to feed on Zeal then?
<Kit> 6Zeal blinks, then raises her bow again with a jerk.
<@Seraphna> * Seth flinches a little. "Thought... crossed my mind, she's already demontouched... and potent. Please put down the damn bow... I've got enough control for now."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas scowls at him
<@Seraphna> * Seth frowns. "Would you rather I lied?"
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Fine, if you require blood, you can have mine
<Kit> <Zeal> Absolutely not!
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I will not let him drink your's! Carly might already have to feed from you occassionally as it is
<@Seraphna> Seth> "...I need someone's. Females is best, powerful even better... I'd... need a lot less of it then."
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Carly got most of her nourishment from bad men... there are less bad women I'm afraid."
<Kit> <Zeal> I cannot believe you even have the nerve." 6She quivers.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Nerve? I have instinct. I'm not human anymore Zeal. You have no idea how bad this hunger is."
<Kit> <Zeal> I do not care. You have no shame!
<@Seraphna> Seth> *narrows his eyes, shaking* "You don't have a bloody clue what this is doing to me, woman. Calm down... the anger..." *he breathes* "It makes you smell better."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas draws his sword and holds it, standing there eyeing Seth
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> You broke into this room, you will not speak to her like that
<@Seraphna> * Seth steps back. "...Sorry. Controlling my temper is somewhat... hard."
<Kit> <Zeal> As it always has been.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> As I said before, Zeal, if he needs blood I will give it. Better me than some poor bystander or one of the other's.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "...It could work... but what I'd need you to do first I'd rather not discuss in front of the lady."
<Kit> <Zeal> I will behead you." 6She narrows her eyes.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I am sure that Carly did not have sex with all the bad men either, from what she told Zeal of you being her only male to have sex with
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> You will take what you get and that will last you until we find a more proper solution
<@Seraphna> Seth> "There's a lot you can do before it turns into sex."
<Kit> <Zeal> There is no proper solution. Carly lasted centuries on less than this base creature.
<@Seraphna> Seth> *chuckles* "Yeah she did, in pain. And scooping up what she could when it wandered by. She's also had centuries to learn how to control it, I've had a day."
<Kit> <Zeal> And letting it own you.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Want to try it out and see how you fare?"
<Kit> <Zeal> I was nearly a demon myself long before we met you, 'hunter.'
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Nearly. This is hardly nearly."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas looks at the two of them, then at Seth. "You have my offer; either take it or look elsewhere. Perhaps Kaelan will be more willing to do more, but not I."
<Kit> <Zeal> It was also a true demon, not a creature of instinct. There was no distinction, nothing better, only a wanting of it all. Yet I asked to die, not barter.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The blankets stirs from all the talking
<@Seraphna> Seth> "I was merely going to ask you offer it after you've had time with Zeal... you'll be more potent..." *he jerks, quieting as the blankets stir*
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I will not. 6* He says simply and firmly, and Seth can feel heat in his voice
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Go.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Stay your anger, it was so I'd need less, not out of some desire for it that way." *he frowns, stiffly moving back* "...Sorry. Sorry." *his voice shifts into shame, he moves away*
<Kit> 6Zeal gets up from the bed and moves over, bow still in hand and kicks the door shut
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly murmurs. "Stop being noisey..." 6* From the blankets
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> I'm not used to being tired...
<@Seraphna> * Seth stumbles back towards his room, breathing hard, he sits down on the bed. "WIsh sleep helped a damn thing anymore..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas lets out his breath, trying let his anger go. "I guess to him simply saying to make out with you is not bad in his eyes, but I want our first time to be special; I'd prefer to give more blood than make our first time less."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan peeks out of her room at the hallway, frowning a bit.
<Kit> <Zeal> ..." 6She peers downward, shifting on her feet, then sets the bow beside the bed and nods to Thomas.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas wraps his arm around her ande pulls Zeal closer
<Kit> 6Zeal makes a noise, blushing slightly. 1"S-Sorry, Carly."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan steps out into the hall, pulling on a shirt, she looks about and pauses, noticing an arrow sticking in Zeal's door. She knocks hesitantly.
<Kit> <Zeal> ...
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy peeks out at Seth, smelling better than Zeal blood wise
<@Seraphna> * Seth peers over at her from his doorway, licking his lips.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Zeal...? Everything alright in there?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy peers at him. "Are you okay, Sir Seth?" 6* Thomas eyes the door, then moves to open it. <Thomas> We are fine.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly sits up to glare at Kaelan
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan blushes and nods, pulling her shirt down a little over her undergarments. "Ummm... alright. The arrow in the doorway raised some concern... I heard shouting."
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Nothing some time with a woman as pretty as you couldn't fix."
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Seth is seeking blood and made some...wrong comments.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy blinks and peers down submissively. "Um, well, i-if you need anything, I am here to serve."
<Kit> <Zeal> It should not be in the door..." 6She mumbles.
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan sighs and rubs her forehead. "I'll hit him for you. In the naggers. He's going to be annoying for a while until we figure out something about his hunger..."
<@Seraphna> * Seth grins a little and motions her closer.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy steps over while peering down, her hair a bit of a mess
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan jerks and reaches out, moving in Mercy's way and putting an arm around her. She glares at Seth. "Don't make me put you in the alley for the night Seth."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy blinks up at Kaelan
<@Seraphna> Seth> "You should both get in here and help me if you're so concerned, 'Kaely'."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan jerks. She looks at Mercy, then back at Seth. "I..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy looks down, clearly in maid mode
<@Seraphna> * Seth grabs them both and tugs them into the room, Kaelan squeaking out a protest.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas peers at the glowstones in their fancy rooms, having shut the door after Kaelan stepped off so Carly could sleep
<Kit> 6Seth catches on fire.
<@Seraphna> * Seth pulls off the shirt all manly like and puts it out.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy blinks at the fire and eeps, grabbing some of the bath water and throwing it in his face
<@Seraphna> * Seth stands there wet now and scrunching up his face.
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> F-Fire is b-bad... 6* She mumbles and peers down
<@Seraphna> * Seth sighs, "So... as I was going to say, if you both gave a little, niether would be drained."
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "I'm supposed to protect her... I-I should..."
<Kit> 6As soon as Seth says 'both,' his pants catch light now.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy makes a startled noise and grabs more bath water to throw at him
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael glances at Nephilim. "You're enjoying this aren't you?"
<Kit> <Nephilim> Of course! But it's for a noble purpose.
<@Seraphna> * Seth sighs, now soaking wet, he dropping his pants in front of the girls. "I see Neph approves, trying to get me naked."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy peers down submissively, holding water for when his penis lights up
<Kit> 6Nephilim jerks, reddening, then puffs her cheeks, lighting his junk on fire predictably.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy throws the water
<Kit> 6Nephilim pouts more.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael makes a noise from Kaelan's balcony, covering Nephilim's eyes and her own
<@Seraphna> * Seth grits his teeth. "Sudden warming and freezing... no better not."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan stands there red faced.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "You could always offer yourself, if you're so protective Neph."
<Kit> <Nephilim> As if. We're just convenient.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Y-You shouldn't take advantage of them, Seth; Kaelan's naive.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> But what are we going to do about his need for blood?
<Kit> <Nephilim> Not my problem~
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Probably shouldn't go denying me every oppurtunity if you don't have an answer to that then."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan puffs her cheeks. "I-I'm not that naive..."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I guess I could offer my blood
<Kit> <Nephilim> Nope.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> He's just going to keep doing this until he eats.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael eyes Nephilim.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Maybe she enjoys this."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> How about we all put a little bit of blood in a cup for him
<@Seraphna> Seth> "It'd be better to eat it off of each of you... but... I'd take that."
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "You can bleed about a pint a day without much problem."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> H-How do you know that?
<Kit> <Nephilim> She'd know. She's the expert. At bleeding.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "I grew up around soldiers."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Once every battle-- and one every month.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael blushes
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan blushes too.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I wonder if the angel bleeds; I've never heard her mention it before
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> D-Down there that is
<Kit> <Nephilim> So when I make them blush, do you get horny or hungry?" 6She eyes Seth
<@Seraphna> Seth> "A little of both."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Greedy, through and through.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Demon."
<Kit> <Nephilim> I think you've grown into that excuse a little quick.
<Kit> 6Nephilim puts a hand on her hip, playing a finger at her lips. 1"I'm an elf. You don't see me humping everyone."
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Do you get sharp agaonizing pains in your puss every time you don't?"
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan turns a deeper shade of red.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Wouldn't you like to know." 6She smiles.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael squirms
<@Seraphna> Seth> "That would be the general motivation in asking a question."
<Kit> <Nephilim> I wonder if losing your wit is part of demonizing.
<Kit> 6Nephilim swoons. 1"I'd do annnything for the angel. Even eat all her friends."
<@Seraphna> * Seth grunts and frowns.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "I think that might have been a low blow even for Seth."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> N-Nephilim don't tease him. You saw how Carly had a temper.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Carly's temper was nothing."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan frowns, pulling Mercy to her.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Carly wasn't a wifebeater!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy holds Kaelan, wearing only a shirt
<@Seraphna> Seth> "ANd I am?"
<@Seraphna> *Kaelan is in similar, having put on panties though, her hair also messy.
<@Seraphna> * Seth mumbles something.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> L-Look... We're all adults here, even if KAelan is naive. If she wants to give her blood, she can, but it has to be on her own terms, not being flustered or you using lust powers on her.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Lust powers...?"
<@Seraphna> * Seth raises a brow, then starts to grin. "...I didn't even think about those... I wonder..."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan puffs her cheeks.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael jerks and glares. "Don't you dare or I'll ... I'll sic Zeal and Nephilim on you!"
<@Seraphna> * Seth chuckles. "DOn't worry, I haven't manifested any powers."
<@Seraphna> Seth> *rubs his chin* "Though... shapeshifting might come in handy if I got that from Carly."
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> Wh-What do you mean?
<@Seraphna> Seth> "...It'd be easier to take up Carly's old choice of eating from bad men."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> W-Would you s-sex them up?
<@Seraphna> * Seth blushes now. "I-I'm not sure about having sex with a man."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Of course he would-- he might have before being a demon
<@Seraphna> * Seth frowns. "I don't swing that way darlin."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Your cheeks say otherwise
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> You don't know what way you swing anymore. Carly wasn't limited to a sex I think
<@Seraphna> * Seth frowns. "SOmeone hit me if I start ogling men's trumpets."
<Kit> <Nephilim> I'm gonna start hitting him if he admires himself, then." 6She smirks at Rachael
<@Seraphna> Seth> "They say if a girl is needlessly violent towards you, they secretly love you."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> She does set Valen on fire..
<@Seraphna> Seth> She set me on fire three times!
<Kit> <Nephilim> Who's 'they?'
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael thinks on something, then pulls the curtains a moment to hide them
<@Seraphna> * Seth looks at Kaelan and Mercy hungrily, "Did I ever mention I love that look?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael then opens them again and sits there casually and blush on her cheeks
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan covers Mercy more.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy peers down submissively
<Kit> 6Nephilim looks flustered and eyes Rachael indignantly
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I-It was just an experiment
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy moves to get a cup while everyone is distracted, then takes a cutting knife
<Kit> <Nephilim> Weren't we giving him animal blood?
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> Sir Seth is hungry. I do not mind giving my blood to him
<@Seraphna> Seth> "It's like you trying to live on grass, it's just not the same as real... food."
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "...Fine, we'll all give him a little."
<Kit> <Nephilim> I lived off grass for a month!
<@Seraphna> * Seth and Kaelan both eye her in a complete lack of belief.
<Kit> <Nephilim> ... I was little and just started travelling. What?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael hugs Nephilim suddenly
<@Seraphna> Seth> "If people could actually live that long on grass, we'd have a lot less people starving in the world..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy hands Kaelan the knife. "I can't cut myself..." 6* She mumbles.
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan blinks, she looks at Mercy. "...L-Let us feed him..." *she looks hesitant to let Mercy give any blood*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy frowns at Kaelan offering, not liking it
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "I bleed all the time, I don't like the idea of you bleeding..."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> But....
<@Seraphna> Seth> "All four of you could give me enough without really hurting yourselves."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan cuts her palm and squeezes out blood into the cup. Seth licks his lips.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy frets as she cuts herself and rushes to get a cloth and puts it against Kaelan's palm after she's done, mumbling and tending to her
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Not too much, let the other girls give some." *he looks to Rachael and Neph*
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan blushes a little.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael jerks and pales suddenly.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I--
<@Seraphna> Seth> "I'd be very grateful for the help."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy doesn't cut herself as she wraps Kaelan up properly after washing the cut and making sure it's not dirty
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I don't think I could...cut myself... 6* She mumbles shamefully
<@Seraphna> Seth> "I can do it, since Kaelan's so into her protector role she can't cut another."
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "I---"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael hugs Nephilim tighter and closes her eyes, but doesn't say no
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy finishes and holds up her hand to be cut
<Kit> <Nephilim> I'm not keen, no pun intended. Besides, you're going to get all the girls to cut their hands? That'll be useful in holding weapons and tools.
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I---um... .... my arm then?
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Shoulders, arms, preferrably something you pretty ladies could cover up."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy keeps her arm up to be sliced
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan holds the knife hesitantly.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "I could just... give her a little bite..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy eeps; her smell has lessened as this has gone on and she's no longer as tasty as before; he can see why Carly mixed it up with sex a lot
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Rrr... taken a little too long to reach this point... it's best done after you two have had sex... or even during..."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan goes beet red. "Wh-What?"
<Kit> <Nephilim> See how it just escalates?
<@Seraphna> Seth> "...It's not my fault it tastes better with high levels of emotion, Nephilim."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy blushes, but nods once. "If that is what Sir Seth wishes."
<Kit> <Nephilim> No, it's your fault it's been ten hours and you're forming a blood harem.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> D-Don't expect ME to make out before you cut me
<@Seraphna> * Seth takes the cup from Mercy, drinking a little, he has to hold it and drink in a strange way for some reason, grunting.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The blood seems only slightly more effective than the pig blood
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Mercy, you are NOT having sex with him."
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Drat... only a little better this way... I need to ask Carly what's missing."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy peers at Kaelan, then peers down submissively
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I second what Kaelan said. You will not, Mercy. I'll tell Zeal and she'll order it!
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan lifts Mercy's chin gently and kisses her lips.
<@Seraphna> * Seth stares a moment, then jerks, holding his stomach and looks away, breathing hard.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy blushes at the kiss, shy at people looking, but only a moment, then she returns the kiss almost dutifully, like she's been made to have sex in front of others before
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan jerks at that and stops the kiss, looking into her eyes. "Remember what I told you love..."
<@Seraphna> * Seth grumbles. "Making fun of me for having no control... I can't help the fact that I'm surrounded by gorgeous women."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy blinks and peers down. "I---"
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I don't think Mercy likes a crowd of people watching her perform.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael peers at Kaelan. "Though I'm sure you only intended to kiss."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan blushes and nods.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy relaxes and returns the kiss now, leaning up to resume it
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan blinks, then blushes more and leans back into it.
<@Seraphna> * Seth keeps looking away, sniffing a little. "...They both..." *he rubs his face*
<@Seraphna> Seth> "I-I think... if I could feed off a girl without hurting her... well, too much, it'd work. I know I seem rushin it, Neph, but I want this under control before Jean gets back..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy sighs happily at the kiss
<Kit> <Nephilim> You won't.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Thank you for the vote of extreme confidence."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles and hugs her close.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy hugs her back and Rachael pinches Nephilim's butt to get her blood rushing from a squeak of surprise
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan looks over, hugging Mercy a bit possessively as she does.
<@Seraphna> * Seth also looks over, eyes alight, literally, with hunger for a moment.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Hmmm, it does seem your hunger is controlling you, Seth. 6* She shifts in front of Neph protectively
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Fine, I've decided.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael steps over and tilts her neck to him. "Carly bites her victims from what I understand, go ahead."
<Kit> 6Nephilim jerks, yanking on Rachael, glaring
<@Seraphna> * Seth moves over to her and pauses when she's yanked.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael squeaks
<@Seraphna> * Seth eyes Naphilim now, growling a little under his breath, like a dog that just had a treat taken away.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> W-What? 6* She eyes Nephilim
<Kit> <Nephilim> No. You three are mine.
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Then offer yourself instead... that... was not fair." *he looks clearly agitated from the tease*
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> B-But Nephilim, you're mine.... 6* She mumbles where no one can hear but maybe Neph
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> If he feeds on me, and g oes too far, you could set him on fire or something. He's never fed before, so I doubt he has control to stop before the person is dead. It needs to be done carefully, right?
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Punch me or something if I go too far..."
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Just offer something before I lose it and end up tackling one of you." *it's a plea, not a threat*
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> ... I would offer myself, but Kaelan will not let me. Nephilim will not let Rachael or Kaelan.
<Kit> <Nephilim> So offer ourselves or you'll take it. Typical man. Hrmph.
<@Seraphna> Seth> *shifts towards the window* "Fine... I'll find a meal the hard way."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> ... This is stupid. Nephilim, he has to eat. He'll kill some girl out there if we let him go and then it'll be on our hands.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael faces her.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Seth. NO. The guard is looking for a demon, last thing you need to be doing is red flagging your presence."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> The only other person I can think of offering him is Thomas.
<@Seraphna> * Seth grips the window pane. "He... offered before I offended him."
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Just let me go once."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Then go apologize
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael grabs him and leads him to the hallway
<@Seraphna> * Seth breathes then urks, getting led over. "I-I... Carly is asleep..."
<Kit> <Nephilim> I just don't see why we're getting the responsibility of his dumbass.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> If you leave this hotel, I'll have to hurt you. And we have his responsibility because he's one of us and we take care of our own. Isn't that what Jean's taught us?
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "He'd take responsibility for you if you were in trouble."
<Kit> <Nephilim> I don't want him to.
<@Seraphna> * Seth grunts.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael pulls Seth ito the hallway, her annoyance actually making her blood spicer
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Neph."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy peers down
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "It's that attitude and loathing for one another that put Jean in the place she's in now. We need to drop it."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy peers down quietly, in maid mode whenever arguments or debates occur
<Kit> <Nephilim> Bull. It's his obsession with pretty trinkets he knows nothing about that got him and her in the places they're in now.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Jean is having more problems then just the energy sap, our emotions are effecting her deeply. Didn't you notice how strange Angel was acting?"
<Kit> <Nephilim> And he was still after her skirt.
<Kit> <Nephilim> And Carly's.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "Yes, he did something dumb and he's paying for it. That doesn't mean everything is his fault. I'm as much to blame as he is for Jean's state."
<Kit> <Nephilim> No, we're paying for it in. In bond and blood.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "And he's not paying for it? He may actually be dead, he's lost his humanity over this."
<Kit> 6Nephilim gestures. 1"You want to know what the angel's bothered over? She doesn't think emotions are worth it. Because she saw how they can shatter people like Mercy and Carly. She never wants to be through that so she's walling 'em up."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I think Lady Angel sees all of us and is losing faith... 6* She says so quietly
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan frowns. "We aren't the best examples of life lately."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Speak for yourself. Not long prior you were all lovey-dovey angelic wifey, too. I'd be pretty pissed if I got praised by a man and a woman who jumps ship for the first lay they found.
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan jerks.
<@Seraphna> Kaelan> "I-I said I was as much to blame... why do you have to be so mean..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy looks down. "I do not mind that Kaelan loves Lady Jean, too..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* There's a squeak in the hallway
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan frowns. "We all love Jean, some way..."
<Kit> <Nephilim> 'Cause you're all kind of pissing me off, too. I'm constantly told I'm being a bitch 'cause I'm sitting around quipping you children for acting like... children. I'm perfectly well happy you're finding lovers and whatnot, but quit ignoring the consequences of your own bloody actions.
<Kit> 6Nephilim peers down the hall.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael is leaning against Zeal's door with Seth looming over her neck
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael's hand begins to knock
<@Seraphna> * Seth pauses at the knock and releases her.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael lets out an exhale and mumbles something about lust powers
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Told you... don't have those."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael eyes him dubiously, her breathing having picked up during that
<@Seraphna> Seth> "We call that being attracted, Rachael." *he grins a little, showing some of his former jovialness*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas moves over to open the door and Rachael drags him into the hallway and closes the door, then pushes them together. Thomas flusters as Rachael scurries back, watching the two with a tilt of her head
<@Seraphna> * Seth pauses akwardly. "I umm... sorry I was so rude mate... I-I... I need to feed? Can you help?"
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> ... I will not do things with Zeal just for you. 6* He syas firmly
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Fine, fine... I just... need to feed through a real bite. Help me before I wind up feeding off one of the girls."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas eyes him, then lifts up his arm. Rachael gestures at Nephilim to get ready
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan sighs and looks down. "You're right Neph..."
<@Seraphna> * Seth takes the arm and leans in, sinking his teeth in, starting to drink, shuddering at a fulfilled need.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael uses their secret hand signals Neph taught her a kid to signal to be ready to knock Seth off Thomas
01<@DeathStar> 6* As Seth drinks, Thomas groans a little in surprise and leans against the wall dazed; and as Seth eats, he'd begin to find it hard to stop and the need to suck more and more
<@Seraphna> * Seth drinks hungrily, unable to bring himself to stop, but he bites a second time experimentally.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas groans at the second and looks more dazed, moaning Zeal's name
01<@DeathStar> 6* He begins to look weak as Seth keeps gropwing and Rachael gives the signal to knock seth off
<Ametsune> 6Nephilim makes a face and walks up from behind, giving a swift kick to Seth between the legs
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael winces at the tactic
<@Seraphna> * Seth groans a little and falls to his knees, then swiftly turns around and grabs at Neph's shoulders, he stops, breathes, and puts his arms down. "...Don't do that, please."
<Ametsune> <Nephilim> Likewise?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas looks pale and dizzy, panting and moaning for Zeal, his penis hard it seems in his pants
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Thomas? Whooo? Thomas? 6* Seth would feel full and happy
<@Seraphna> * Seth chuckles. "I think he can go give Zeal a special time now."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas doesn't move much, and Rachael strains to try to lift him up
<@Seraphna> * Seth moves over, picking him up. "Allow me, open the door."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan peers around into the hall at all this, she sighs with relief. She looks to Mercy. "See? None of this you bleeding stuff."
<Kit> 6Nephilim shakes her head.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael opens the door sheepishly
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy peers at Kaelan. "But he will get hungry aain and soon we'll be on a ship full of people."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas moans Zeal's name again
<Ametsune> <Zeal> ...
<@Seraphna> Seth> "Offer for my bed is still open Neph." *he carries Thomas in and deposits him on Zeal's bed* "There's your Zeal, put the spurs to her."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan sighs, "Yeah, but at least we know he can eat and not kill people now. I'll offer myself on the ship if he gets too hungry."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas doesn't move, looking weak
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy frowns
<Ametsune> 6Zeal glares at Seth, looking nothing short of inhospitable to him
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan sighs a bit. "It's inevitable, I'd just rather he not hurt someone, I can take a lot of punishment."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> .. 6* She steps in and gets a cloth of water. Mercy scurries in and begins to make soup for Thomas to get better with, and Rachael puts the cloth on Thomas' head
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> He drank a bit more than he should ahve...
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> But it was his first time
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael tells Zeal apologetically
<Ametsune> 6Zeal watches over Thomas silently, having been against it from the start
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael hugs Zeal and looks at her cutely. "Sorry, narvan...I love you."
<Ametsune> 6Zeal eyes Rachael, looking away and pursing her lips. 1"W-Will not get off that easy..."
<@Seraphna> * Kaelan moves in and looks over the situation, then grabs Seth and hauls him out, pushing him into his room, he just happily goes along, she comes back in and sighs. "Sorry, knew you'd want him out of the way."
02* @Seraphna ( Quit (Quit: They say an intelligent person can be extremely dangerous, far more dangerous however, is the ignorant person.)
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> You can spank me if you want. 6* She turns her butt toward her. Mercy gets the soup going
<Ametsune> 6Zeal frowns, huffing, then eyes her again and sniffs, smacking her once rather hard.
<@Sera> * Kaelan blushes, she busies herself with helping Mercy to feed Thomas.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael squeaks and jerks, sulking at Zeal and her ears drooping
01<@DeathStar> <rachael> D-Do you want t-to spank me again?
<Kit> <Zeal> Would you like me to?
<@Sera> * Kaelan blushes a bit, she looks up at Mercy.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> O-Only if you w-want to. 6* She sniffles, her butt shaking from the stinging
<Kit> 6Zeal blinks, then swats her on the other side, nearly the same but a bit softer.
<@Sera> * Kaelan blushes. "I-Is that something... sisters do...?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael squeaks and jerks, sniffling and peering at Kaelan. "When a sister has been naughty."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas begins to recover and smiles at Zeal. "You're so pretty..."
<@Sera> Kaelan> So if Jean's naughty I have to spank her?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Jean's naughty? Or are you?
<Kit> <Zeal> I think Rachael is on to the truth..." 6She pauses, peering at Thomas.
<@Sera> Kaelan> "I-I'm a good girl."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas touches Zeal's face like a drunk man, murmuring how she's so strong
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> *sniff*