The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Session 92

Session Start: Thu Oct 14 17:21:44 2010
Session Ident: #Session92
01<@DeathStar> 2
01<@DeathStar> 1
01<@DeathStar> -0-
01<@DeathStar> Date: 3 days after last session
01<@DeathStar> Location: Boat
01<@DeathStar> 6* Sunny day; clean ocean. Go
<Seraphna> * Kaelan sits in her room, working on maintaining weapons and armor of the group.
<Kit> <Zeal> ...This is odd." 6She mumbles, peering at herself on the upper deck.
<Kit> <Nephilim> What's odd?
<Seraphna> * Sia sits on the deck under some shade, reading her tome, the cover covered in cloth.
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks, shrinking back and putting her arms over herself, squinting at Nephilim, who lulls back and forth on her heels, smiling.
<Seraphna> * Seth is... free or still in the clutches of Lady Nicci?
01<@DeathStar> 6* People shuffle up onto the deck from below as usual; some of them look rather illish, peering out at the sea. One little girl walks up onto the deck, crying that her mother is sick
01<@DeathStar> 6* Seth's leash has been turned over to Aschae while Nicci sleeps
01<@DeathStar> 6* Some of the sailors eye the kid, and a few people on the deck begin to murmur at the word sick, shying away from the crying girl who looks maybe six. Jean blinks, peering over and begins to head down to the deck
<Kit> <Nephilim> Oh dear, there she goes.
<Seraphna> * Sia blinks, "Should someone stop her? Hey Miss Jean!"
<Kit> <Nephilim> I wouldn't worry about it, Zeal. A little sun isn't going to kill you, hee hee." 6She skips after Jean, though not stopping her.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean moves over to the crying girl and kneels. "Can you lead me to your momma?" 6* The sailors begin to move off, some heading to the captain's quarters to inform him. The girl's face has some rashes and one person points
<Kit> <Zeal> ... A little?" 6She frowns, peering at herself again, having been sunbathing all the previous evening and morning. She's several shades no longer pale.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Don't touch the sores, Jeanie. You'll catch it.
01<@DeathStar> <Person> Oh god, she has the black plague. 6* The black plague being a highly contagious disease that kills 95% of people who infected
<Seraphna> * Sadye peers at Aschae a but timidly.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean blinks and the people on the deck begin to get in a frenzy. Some begin to debate throwing the girl overboard
<Kit> <Nephilim> Hey! How do you know what it is just by a quick look! Shut it!" 6She flails angrily, sighing as no one listens.
<Seraphna> * Sia looks over and frowns. "How do you know that?" *she moves over, tilting her head* "Are you a healer?" *she calls out*
<Kit> <Aschae> What's wrong, sweetie? Lady Nicci like you so much you're going to see to her personally until we depart. That is, when she's awake.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl sniffles and takes Jean's hand to lead her below deck. Rachael steps up by Zeal, peering at the commotion
<Kit> 6Zeal glances up at Rachael, blinking.
<Seraphna> * Sia moves after Jean, curious as ever.
<Seraphna> * Sadye blushes, "I-I... I'd like to go back to normal..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Someone grabs at Sia and Jean. "Stay away, or you'll get infected." 6* They shout, trying to get the girl away. "Go back below, girl!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* As the commotion continues, some people dart below deck to warn loved ones to come up to the deck side. Some are eyeing the noble quarters as if to hide there
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> What's...going on with all the yelling?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Two large men pull Jean away and another uses a pole to poke the girl away to the edge of the ship. The girl looks terrified
<Seraphna> * Sadye moves to try and remove her collar.
<Seraphna> * Sia squeaks a bit. "H-Hey! Let go of Lady Jean!"
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> L-Let Jean go so she can help little person. <Man> There's no cure of the black plague, you loon!
<Seraphna> Sia> "Who says it's the black plague?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean strains to try to get the large men off of her as the little girl is prodded to the edge of the ship. The men look at Sia like she's daft. "Those sores are black plague sores."
<Kit> 6Aschae tilts her head at Sadye, it being locked with Nicci's own key and all. 1"What isn't normal about this, hm?"
<Seraphna> * Sia frowns. "You can't just throw a little girl overboard!"
01<@DeathStar> <Man> The plague is contagious; on a boat we'll all die. It's her or all of us.
<Kit> <Nephilim> I'm only going to warn you once. Put her down." 6She glares at them from her short height, picking up her knife with an obstinant look.
<Seraphna> * Sadye blushes, "F-For one, I'm a man! For another, what's normal about being a collared pet?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The men prod the little girl over
<Kit> <Nephilim> Were you morons thinking of staying clean before you grabbed her?! You likely infected yourselves in doing so!
<Kit> 6Zeal blinks, having been dressing and peering over the upper deck. She steps onto the railing and dives into the water from there.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean's eyes widen in horror at that and she strains more; the little girl sinks below the water and the man tosses the pole over so no one touches it.
<Seraphna> * Sia queaks and moves to try and get the girl as she's pushed over.
<Seraphna> * Sia stops at the rail.
<Seraphna> * Sia looks down at the water, staring. "H-How... how could you..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean sinks to her knees, getting a wild look in her eyes like she's about to freak out
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael jerks over the railing and lands on the lower deck, peering down. "Zeal!"
<Seraphna> * Kaelan blinks at the emotions, sending calming thuoghts to Jean, she hops up, heading above decks.
01<@DeathStar> 6* It doesn't seem to work and suddenly Jean elbows one man in the gut, making him fall over and stagger, then punches another in the face, a tooth being knocked out; she rushes to the edge. The little girl sinks, unable to swim, but isn't kicking or fighting either
01<@DeathStar> 6* More sailors step out with clubs, ordering people to one end of the deck, eyeing Jean and the commotion. Some wrap cloths around their faces before heading below deck
<Seraphna> * Kaelan rushes out and moves through the crowd towards Jean.
<Kit> 6Zeal kicks her feet, gaining good depth from a dive of the height she made, but keeps at it to reach her and try to swim back upward
01<@DeathStar> 6* Zeal manages to get her and resurface, but the girl doesn't look to be bleeding; she has multiple sores on her face and one on her lips
<Seraphna> * Sia looks at Jean and blinks up at her. "M-Ms. Jean? I-I can't swim... oh... Ms. Zeal is getting her."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael throws a rope overboard for Zeal
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean watches, gripping the railing.
<Kit> <Aschae> It's quite normal for poor, indentured women." 6She notes. 1"Of which I thought you wished to experience." 6She yanks the leash, tugging Sadye with her as she glares for another reason, heading below decks after the sailors.
<Kit> 6Zeal treads, taking the rope and tying it around the girl, motioning up at them.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The sailors begin to examine each room, clearing the mid-deck and going below; the air down there is ill and sickly
<Seraphna> * Sadye squeaks and gets pulled along. "Wh-Where are we goin now?"
<Kit> <Aschae> To make sure they don't toss anyone else over.
<Seraphna> * Sadye blinks, "A-At least let me get my bow then!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean grabs the rope and pulls the girl up quickly, but the sailors push her away. "Stay way from her. She's infected." <Rachael> But--- <Sailor> She's dead already; touching the body now will only infect you more
<Seraphna> * Kaelan moves between Jean and the sailors, she grips her shield in one hand. "Keep your hands off her."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The men open several rooms and see people packed in ill with sores and moaning. The men quickly shut the doors and wave their clubs at Aschae to go back up the stairs. The captain stands on the deck, eyeing Kaelan
01<@DeathStar> <Sailor> We will throw you overboard as well. We won't risk this ship. 6* They say calmly. Rachael leans down and tugs Zeal up durng the commotion
<Kit> 6Zeal climbs back onto the deck, soaked, but thankfully in light clothing.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean eyes the girl, already a blueish shade and looks ready to fight; people with marks would find her mind unstable, like she's berserked
<Kit> <Zeal> J-Jean... calm down...
01<@DeathStar> 6* The sailors begin to lock the lower deck down after Aschea and Seth are led up
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "If another one of you brutes lays a hand on my sister you'll be the ones doing the swimming." *she tries to calm Jean through the mark still* "Jean, think. Calm down."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean eyes Kaelan, then the girl. "She is dead! She needs air!"
<Seraphna> * Sadye frowns and looks at Aschae. "...Now what?"
<Kit> <Zeal> Yes, Kael, that will help..
<Seraphna> * Kaelan looks at the girl. "Can you help her Jean?"
<Kit> 6Zeal checks the girl somewhere without sores for a pulse.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The sailors, about five of them, keep their clubs ready. "We need to throw her overboard; she's dead and she'll infect all of us. Your pretty little sister might be next."
01<@DeathStar> 6* She has none
<Kit> <Zeal> Throw her overboard and she will drift into an inlet and infect a countryside.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan eyes the sailors, glaring.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The sailors don't look like they care, moving to use their clubs to put her back over. They eye Zeal touching her and yell out that she's to be isolated as well for possible contamination
<Kit> 6Zeal braces the girl's chest with one hand and strikes it with her hand, then presses firmly several times, trying lackluster medieval CPR before they have much knowledge.
01<@DeathStar> 6* They eye Zeal, frowning, and the captain begins to order his men over; about 15. The other passengers stare like the whole team are diseased
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl doesn't react, possiblely needing mouth to mouth
<Kit> 6Zeal keeps hitting and pressing her chest, knowing about the heart, but not much else.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan moves to stand in their way, putting a hand on her sword hilt. "If you come any closer, you'll also be infected, stay back." *she eyes the sailors*
<Kit> <Zeal> Probably water... in her ... lungs. Heart not beating... did not know... how to swim... hold breath
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl doesn't respond to the hitting and pressing, remaining blue. Jean's shoulders slacken as she stares.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The sailors eye Kaelan, then Zeal. Jean moves to kneel beside the girl and reaches out to touch her
<Kit> <Nephilim> J-Jeanie..!?
<Kit> <Aschae> If they're so concerned with contamination, I could ...sterilize the ship." 6She muses, glaring to herself
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael bites her lip worriedly. Jean focuses as Zeal beats and after a moment the girl coughs up water; the sores remain and Jean looks weak. <Jean> can't..heal...
<Kit> <Zeal> Sh-She is breathing...!
01<@DeathStar> 6* The captain points at them. "You'll be taking the young girl below deck now with the rest of the sick and remaining there the rest of the voyage." 6* He tells Jean and Zeal.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan frowns and grits her teeth.
<Kit> <Zeal> Fine. I would rather than just sacrifice needlessly. At least I know herbalism.
<Kit> 6Zeal lifts the girl up in her arms.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The sailors point at the lower deck stairs with their clubs. Rachael whispers. "I'll tell Thomas so we can get your stuff together and give it to you."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean peers at the sailors, a glint there, very much like the angel now, and she shifts to lift the girl up and move down the stairs. The sailors prod Zeal along with their club
<Kit> 6Zeal nods to Rachael then starts to move, hrmphing. 1"Clubs are porous wood. Good way to transmit."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan grumbles a little and looks to Rachael. "I'll gather the others, we need to figure out what to do."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The sailors say nothing; once below, they unlock the doors to the lower deck and prod the two down. The girl's eyes flutter weakly, mumbling about her mother. She has a fever it seems."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Once they are below in the foul smelling lower deck, the doors are locked and chained up again. The people on the deck eye Kaelan suspiciously now, as do the sailors.
<Kit> <Zeal> There is no storm any longer, Jean. We need to open all the available portholes.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean looks around; the sounds of the sick can be heard in the various rooms below deck. She nods and moves to one room; two dead people lay there with sores, rotting, and two more look to be joining them soon.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael hurries to the noble rooms to find Thomas and Mercy. Mercy begins to gather what herb materials they have quickly
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "...We need to help them, even if it's delivering food or something." *she says simply, then moves to the noble rooms too*
<Seraphna> * Sadye tugs at the leash. "Let's go back."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean hands the girl to Zea and moves to try to open a porthole, but it's sealed shut.
01<@DeathStar> 6* On the deck, the people have all gathered that are well, but everyone is eyeing each other for sores. Some are demanding that everyone strip to prove they are not ill
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas frowns at the news, eyeing his books and flipping through passages, mumbling about Zeal's name.
<Kit> <Zeal> I do not have my hatchet...
<Seraphna> * Kaelan looks to Thomas when she reaches them. "You said something about another disease earlier."
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> There are passages about the angel spreading a disease across the lands. 6* He frowns, clearly worried for Zeal
<Kit> 5Zeal looks around for a grate or anything that might be open to the outside or mid-decks.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I'd hoped that was just from that borderlands town where we found Anima T..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael quickly gets some food and herbs and weapons into a sack, moving to step back out. She eyes three sailors standing guard to the stairs to the deck below
01<@DeathStar> 6* There doesn't to be anything, as if everything were purposely sealed off. The girl moans at Zeal, begging her to help her mother
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Everything is sealed.
<Kit> <Zeal> We will, dear. Shhh...
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "...Where's Lenneth, anyway?"
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I don't know. Possiblely in Aschae's room
<Seraphna> * Sadye pokes Asche.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael steps up. "T-This is for my friends." <Sailor> If you take that below deck, you will have to stay down there. <Rachael> ... Fine
<Seraphna> * Kaelan nods and heads to Aschae's room, knocking.
01<@DeathStar> 6* A voice mumbles for Kaelan to enter; Rachael steps below after being locked in and begins to gag on the stench of death down below. "Z-Zeal?"
<Seraphna> * Kaelan opens the door, frowning.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth is in bed, naked
<Kit> <Zeal> Rachael..!?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Lenneth? Are you alright?" *she moves over to her*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael hurries to Zeal; she jerks at the sight of dead bodies and other people rotting away, then turns and vomits on the side. The stench is terrible, it seems, to halflings and elves
<Kit> 6Aschae shakes her head, looking dark, and moves in behind Kaelan, draggin Sadye
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Yes. 6* She sits up.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas quickly begins to go through passages to look for answers.
<Kit> <Zeal> You should not have come down..!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean steps up to where Rachael and Zeal are; it's dark below and the glowstones flitter as if about ready to go out
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> You're my narvan; someone had to bring you your stuff. I have food, your weapons, and herbs.
01<@DeathStar> 6* A woman moans in pain near Zeal, huddled under a blanket
<Seraphna> * Sia moves into the noble area quietly, stepping into Thomas' room and looking over at him. "I-I saw Rachael go down below..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas locked his door after Kaelan stepped out
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean kneels to eye the dying people and touches once, trying to focus; everyone would feel slightly weak for a moment
<Seraphna> * Sia knocks then.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan blinks a bit, "What... she's still trying to heal?" *she looks at Aschae*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas doesn't respond, in one of his scholar trances
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael rubs her face at the smell, looking ill. "Is there anything you can do, Zeal?"
<Seraphna> * Sia frowns, moving down the hall towards Aschae's room.
<Seraphna> * Sadye sulks. "One time I'm glad to be a demon... look, Kaelan, do you have a hairpin on you?"
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Heal?
<Kit> <Zeal> Very little, likely, I am sorry..
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Black plague below decks... Jean and Zeal are down there."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lady Nicci's servant steps up behind Aschae
<Kit> <Zeal> I would have preferred you stayed above with Thomas..
<Seraphna> Sia> "A-And Rachael." *she pipes up from Aschae's door*
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Forget it. I'm here now, so what can I do to help? 6* Jean pants, letting go and looking exhausted. The woman she was touching looks slightly better, but still has some sores
<Kit> <Aschae> She is likely trying ot heal the sick.
<Seraphna> * Sadye eyes the servant as Kaelan hands her a hairpin.
<Kit> <Zeal> We need to get the ports open. Airflow is a necessity, otherwise we will only be taking in the same disease.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> ... 6* She frowns. "A black plague broke out here? That is bad. Especially on a ship."
01<@DeathStar> <Lenenth> You must keep Jean away from it
<Kit> <Aschae> Too late.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth grimaces, peering down
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "She got shoved below decks... I should have held her back..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael takes Zeal's hatchet and begins to attack the walls with it to pry boards away
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Then this is very bad, even should we all make it off the sihp
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Can't we stop this? Fix it somehow?"
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> You cannot simply fix a disease - unless you were one of the stronger gods.
<Seraphna> * Sadye starts working the lock on her collar with the hairpin.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> But you can't let Jean try to heal the ill. It's imperative.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I'm trying but she's ignoring my attempts to curb her."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean pants, trying to recover
<Seraphna> * Kaelan frowns, trying to send an urgent feeling to NOT heal anyone else to Jean.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Then you need to go below deck and stop her physically; you rely on that mark too much. The more she tries to heal people, the more of the disease she will take in and she'll be a carrier, if she's not one already
<Seraphna> * Kaelan nods, turning immediately and heading out.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The people on the deck all look wary and eyeing each other; whenever someone coughs, that person is isolated and left alone despite claims of being well
<Kit> 6Aschae eyes Sadye. 1"What are you doing?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* A sailor eyes Kaelan approach.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan heads over towards the lower decks.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I'm going below."
<Kit> <Aschae> I wasn't talking to you.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean touches the woman again and begins to focus once more. The sailor shrugs, mumbling about it being her death, and he unlocks the door to shove her in and then slams the door shut. The stench would gag Kaelan and make her eyes water
<Seraphna> * Sadye frowns and keeps working the lock. "This was fun and all but we're in trouble."
<Kit> <Aschae> And what are you going to do about it? Suck tainted blood out and kill yourself? Knock it off.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan gags and yells out, "JEAN!"
<Kit> <Zeal> ...Now all three of us are down here.
<Seraphna> Sadye> "I can at least probably go below and come out without a problem."
<Kit> <Aschae> Aside from infection.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean ignores Kaelan as she focuses, ore sores fading. Rachael rips open a hole in the side of the ship finally
<Kit> 6Aschae eyes Sadye, looking cold and callous. 1"And kill us all."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Zeal! Rachael! Stop Jean from healing!"
01<@DeathStar> <Serving Girl> If there is anything I can do, please let me know.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan heads in more, looking for them.
01<@DeathStar> 6* KAelan would find them in a room with two dead people and two dying people. The girl, ignored and neglected this entire time by Zeal, weeps silently for her mother
<Seraphna> * Kaelan moves over to Jean, pulling her hand away. "Jean, you're making them worse, this is a trap. Please trust me."
<Kit> <Zeal> That is ... the first step, Rachael. However I am unsure what to do now. I do not think anything I have can deal with something of this calibur
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean looks at Kaelan, weakly trying to tug her hand back. "Let..go.."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan pulls her back. "No. Jean, this plague, you're a catalyst. If you keep going you'll make MORE people sick."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth gets dressed, peering at Aschae. "What is the captain doing to keep the spreading of the disease down?"
<Kit> <Aschae> Locking everyone below decks that is suspicious.
<Seraphna> Sia> "He's locking people up below decks."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean stares at Kaelan like she's stupid. "So I am a catalyst for this now."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean knocks Kaelan away from her and weakly rises, exiting the room
<Kit> <Zeal> I do not think that is what she meant, Jean-- Jean..!?
<Seraphna> * Kaelan follows her. "Jean, I'm not blaming you, I'm WARNING you."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Kaelan's legs begin to feel like lead and she can barely move, as if the angel sapped her energy away. Rachael frowns, then coughs weakly on the bad air
<Kit> <Zeal> Damn... any other time... at this point I would be... praying.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I don't feel so good myself. 6* She peers at the woman Jean was touching, who sits up. "<Woman> W-Where is my daughter?
<Seraphna> * Kaelan wobbles. "Jean...! S-Stop!"
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Zeal, please do something, stop her."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean ignores Kaelan, entering another room and slaming the door shut. Rachael peers at the girl they brought and helps the woman over to her.
<Kit> <Zeal> Beside us, ma'am." 6She looks to Rachael, blinking.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Here. 6* The woman hugs her child, weeping. <Woman> Please - that lady made me feel better. Please have her help my daughter
<Seraphna> * Seth undoes the lock if he can and begins to make her way out of the room.
<Kit> <Zeal> She did, ma'am, or she would be dead.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas exits finally and enters the room with Aschae. "I can't find any clues in the books to help us."
<Kit> 6Aschae stares at Seth doing this right in front of her when she meant what she said.
<Kit> <Aschae> Of course not. Books of the gods defying them?
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Serving Girl peers at Aschae, as if wondering if she should take out the unruly Seth-girl
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> One can help...Zeal is down there.
01<@DeathStar> *hope
<Seraphna> * Seth eyes her back.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I don't know much about the black death. <Lenneth> There is little cure for it, though Phoen could probably heal it...
<Kit> <Aschae> You should not go just because you want to. Did you not learn anything from lady Nicci?
<Seraphna> * Seth looks at Zeal and Rachael. "If she keeps on doing this she'll become a carrier..."
<Kit> <Aschae> Phoen..? Goddess of rebirth?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I think she just wanted time alone; do you feel her using her powers. And how would she become a carrier? She was helping this woman. 6* She eyes the woman holding her child, both crying
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Yes.
<Seraphna> * kaelan says that
<Kit> <Zeal> It is plausible she has become one just as we do. However she merely does not fall to its effects.
<Kit> <Zeal> But if she were amongst other people...
<Kit> <Aschae> You're saying we should pray to one of the gods?
<Kit> 6Aschae grimaces, looking annoyed, borderline angry.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Lenneth said she would, and thsoe prophesies say she'll spread a disease over the land."
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> No; I am merely at a loss of what to do. I am not a healer.
01<@DeathStar> 6* A man in the room, looking to be in great pain, moans in agony near them. Rachael peers at him, eyeing the open sores, and the man's pathetic sounds
<Kit> <Nephilim> What's your relationship with Phoen, Lenneth?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> *looking about, she frowns* "People were sealed in here on purpose... if we're right about Jean being set up, she was meant to come down here and take in the plague."
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> She is an older sister. She is kinder than most others, but also harsh. To be reborn, one must die, according to her
<Kit> <Zeal> All I can do is staunch and treat the symptons for a while. It is merely borrowed time, however.
<Kit> <Aschae> Great, so she would kill us all and maybe bring back a few.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> C-Can you at least dull his pain a little?
<Kit> <Nephilim> I mean would she help you.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> ... 6* She looks away. "She would likely heal the people on this ship, then kill the angel or capture her."
<Kit> 6Zeal frowns, but nods to Rachael, taking out specific sets and using a mortar to mix them.
<Seraphna> * Seth frowns, peering at Lenneth and Aschae. "Well that's not an option."
<Kit> <Aschae> Asking gods isn't an option. I'm going to kill them, not worship them again.
<Kit> <Nephilim> You should ask her, Lenneth.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> ... 6* He adjusts his glasses, clearly worried for those below. "What are the odds our people won't get infected?
<Seraphna> Seth> "I'd say low if Jean's actually trying to heal it."
<Kit> <Aschae> Have you lost what little mind you have, elf?
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> It is not simple to ask for a god; any of them might pick up on my call right now. If I had more time, I could get one a specific god to come to me, but out here, this is not one of those times
<Seraphna> *still trying
<Kit> <Nephilim> She doesn't know the angel is here, and if it's her little sister who asks a favor...
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael watches; the little girl coughs pathetically, some blood coming up from her mouth
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> I am sure the gods know your group took me.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan frowns. "This is all wrong..."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Yes, we took you. With a collar around your neck that suppresses who you really are. You're on a ship in the middle of the ocean. We ditched you, obviously.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> We could wait until we know if any of our people are sick and decide them what to do. Zeal's herbs might be enough to protect them.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Now it's begun to wear and you're in trouble.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Is there anything we can take to not get sick, Zeal? I feel so sick just breathing down here
<Kit> 6Nephilim plays with her hair. 1"She wouldn't rescue you?"
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> It is hard to say what she would do; she did not bully me like others, but nor am I close to her.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I can barely move now..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael coughs a little; Kaelan's energy is slowly coming back to her
<Kit> <Aschae> It's not an option." 6She hisses.
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I will go below and offer my help to Lady Zeal and Kaelan
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy bows and goes to sneak off
<Kit> <Nephilim> Sure it is. And the best solution to dissolving the plague. If she wiped the ship clean, she'd also unknowingly wipe the angel clean. Prophecy averted.
<Seraphna> * Seth crosses her arms. "Mercy... don't."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> But Lady Zeal and Kaelan are here and I know a little of herbs from LAdy Zeal
<Kit> <Aschae> And then we lose Lenneth!
<Seraphna> Seth> "If we go down, we'll do it as a group. I should be the one going down there, as a... I shouldn't get sick."
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Let us wait and see before we do anything like call the gods. I will read more on the passages. The black plague takes time to get a person sick
<Kit> <Nephilim> Yeah, she might have to go home, I guess. But it's not like jail for her or anything. You have a problem with seeing her later?"
<Kit> 6Aschae jerks, looking bristled and ready to wring Nephilim's neck, but silent.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth is quiet, not commenting on anything Nephilim says
<Seraphna> Seth> "Neph, doing that is a rash move at the moment, we should at least do as Thomas says and wait."
<Seraphna> Seth> "As pointed out, it could be Azamo that comes, not the goddess we want to come."
<Seraphna> Seth> "Then we're all dead."
<Kit> <Nephilim> The most effective strategies and moves are always the most dangerous or costly. Besides... I want to see how pretty I compare to another goddess." 6She giggles, then scampers out, Aschae glaring after her darkly.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> ... 6* She moves to exit as well, heading up to the top deck to think
<Kit> <Aschae> ..." 6She clenches her hands several times, then eyes Sadye, not changing expressions.
<Seraphna> * Seth frowns, she looks to Aschae, as though she was still leashed. Perhaps unconciously acting obedient. "...What do you want to do?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy fidgets, wanting to help Kaelan; she look pale with worry
01<@DeathStar> 6* As Zeal finishes her herbs, the little girl whines in pain; the man begs the gods to save him
<Seraphna> * Seth peers at Mercy. "You know, if you go down there... you'll probably get sick."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I would not care if I was with Kaelan
<Seraphna> * Seth blinks a bit. "I... well I can't order you..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy thinks, then bravely heads to go below
<Seraphna> * Seth looks back at Aschae. "L-Look... you tend to have the right ideas s-so... I'll do what you feel is right." *she says softly*
01<@DeathStar> 6* As Kaelan sits there, she'd hear someone calling her name softly
<Kit> <Aschae> If the girl wants to be with her lover and her master, let her go. She'd only feel worse left behind.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly yawns, entering the room. "Where's everyone?"
<Kit> 6Zeal gives the one set to Rachael to give the man, patting the girl and pouring some of her water onto a cloth to put over her forehead, mixing more diligently.
<Seraphna> * kaelan blinks, "Wh-Who's that?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy steps into the room, then moves over to hug Kaelan in relief.
<Seraphna> * Sadye blinks, looking at Carly. "Th-They're... they're out right now."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael takes it and kneels beside the bed to give it to him. The girl looks at Zeal, smiling. "Are you a goddess?"
<Kit> <Zeal> Far from it, I am afraid.
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> ... I want Zeal. Where's Zeal?
<Kit> 6Aschae peers at Carly blankly.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas sits with his books, looking at them as if trying to find some answer
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly sniffs the air, as if searching for her, moving out
<Seraphna> Sadye> "We have as little situation, it's dangerous for you to go where she is right now... Carly wait!"
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> But goddess help people
<Seraphna> * Kaelan hugs Mercy. "Wh-What are you doing here? Mercy?"
<Seraphna> * Sadye starts to follow her. "Carly!"
<Kit> 6Aschae makes a face, but lets Sadye to a degree
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly eyes the commotion on the deck
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I wanted to be with you and Lady Zeal; I can help with mixing herbs.
<Kit> <Zeal> People can help one another as well, if allowed.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The woman looks at Zeal. "Bless you all."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy smiles at Kaelan, worriedly checking her forehead for tempature
<Seraphna> * Kaelan frowns and nods, "You... you took a big risk doing this... I wanted you to be safe."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I love you... I do not want to be apart from you....
<Seraphna> * Sadye frowns, moving to the deck if Aschae doesn't stop her.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly eyes Sadye, then commotion. "Why is everyone scared?
<Seraphna> * Kaelan blushes, "I love you too..."
<Kit> <Aschae> There is a plague afoot, child.
<Seraphna> Sadye> "Black plague, Zeal's down below treating it. That's why you can't go to her, if you get sick..."
<Kit> <Aschae> Then she will lament your death as well, having already been piled with the elf she calls a sister and the mouthy smith.
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> I see.... Well, alright.... she'll be fine so I'll wait here
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly nods confidentally, moving to go back into the rooms
01<@DeathStar> -TME JUMP-
01<@DeathStar> 6* Zeal is dead.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Not really; she wakes up from a dream of being dead. 14 hours has passed and Rachael has made a few more holes for air. Jean has returned, but been quiet, watching the sick get worse. The man has died, and the girl and mother are in worse shape again, with the girl being further along since Jean healed the woman. (cont)
01<@DeathStar> 6* It's night on the ship now, and the people remain on the deck in fear of going below even to mid-deck. No supplies is brought down, so they only have what was brought down by Rachael and Mercy. So far everyone has been okay except... Zeal feels achey, Mercy has been moaning in her sleep, and Rachael is in one corner, coughing and hiding in the shadows
01<@DeathStar> 6 *With the mark, Aschae and Nephilim ahve been able to track the health fading in those with it; even Jean is ill. Thomas frantically goes through books on the angel's prohpecies around SInai
<Seraphna> * Kaelan holds Mercy, looking worried, awake from the moans.
<Kit> 6Zeal takes a moment to breathe and shiver, even as resolute as her, dreaming about death is no great omen.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth stands on the top deck, eyeing the glittering in thought, touching her collar as if debating taking it off so the gods can find her
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy's body is warm, feverish. Rachael coughs hard in the corner and moans pathetically, having not eaten much altely
<Seraphna> * Sadye has stayed with Aschae, acting impatient, but not going on her own as she was told. For some reason having chosen not to shift back to normal.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly fidgets on the bed next to Thomas, worried; Sia has even been dragged in to read passages, Thomas no longer having luxury to keep the spy away
<Kit> 6Zeal hasn't eaten at all, offering what little she has to Rachael and Kaelan and Mercy firstmost, then the girl and mother.
01<@DeathStar> 6* LadY Nicci has been secluded in her room for protection and her serving girl hangs hear ASchae
<Seraphna> * Sia reads over them with her most scholarly ability. Desperate to help.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The mother peers at Jean. "Please---can't you touch my daughter like you did me and heal her? She's so young..." <Jean> ...
<Kit> <Zeal> It is impossible ma'am, I am sorry.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I believe this is a forked prophecy... 6* He declares finally
<Seraphna> * Kaelan frowns.
<Seraphna> Sia> "Forked prophecy?"
<Kit> 6Zeal mumbles, frowning to herself and despairing that she did not learn more magic from Lenneth, having been so eager to break free.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Two outcomes will come; a disease will strike at those around the angel and she will carry it through the lands, bringing death as she steps, or the disease will be destroyed but at a cost, tearing asunder those with her and scattering them
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael has tried her own magic, but the healing only seems to help a little and wears her down. She coughs in the corner again while Mercy's eyes flutter open.
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> is warm
<Seraphna> Sia> "So... a terrible outcome either way.." *she frowns* "I feel bad for saying it... but the less selfish choice is to pay the cost and spare the rest of the lands the disease... but..."
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> But how does one pay the cost? 6* He peers at Nephilim in thought of her idea of Phoen
<Seraphna> * Kaelan hugs Mercy. "I-It's just the cramped room, dear... get rest..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy nods, coughing a little. Some blood lands on Kaelan's leg.
<Seraphna> Sia> "...Rhetorical right? We ask a god's help and they beat us up."
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> It is possible. .... it has been 14 hours. I fear for Zeal's safety.
<Kit> <Aschae> Beat us up? Ha ha ha.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan looks down at it, then Mercy, she holds her closer. "Sweetie..."
<Kit> <Nephilim> You didn't say kill, forfeit, sacrifice or otherwise. You said scatter. What do you mean?"
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> That is what the text says; I do not know what scatter means. Perhaps the boat will be destroyed and we will be scattered across the ocean
<Seraphna> Sia> "Well, if the ship is destroyed, we might all wash away into the sea, that'll scatter us easy."
<Seraphna> * Sia pauses and looks at Thomas, she blushes.
<Kit> <Nephilim> That could mean quartered literally, or it could mean that we're seperated. Frankly, I'm willing to take that risk. I found the three of them before, I will again."
<Kit> <Nephilim> No matter how long it takes me.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Aschae. Are you still against Lenneth trying to lure a god here?
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> Yes, Kael?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael flops onto her side
<Kit> <Aschae> Of course!!" 6She stammers, looking apalled. 1"Why the hell wouldn't I be?"
<Seraphna> * Sadye frowns and looks down.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I love you."
<Kit> 6Zeal looks over. 1"Rachael..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nephilim would feel Rachael's life growing weaker; as well as Mercy's. Zeal is doing better, but going downhill as well.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy smiles. "I love you, too."
<Kit> 6Zeal eyes her mixing bowl, fidgeting since it's the last of it and not a whole lot. She takes a deep breath, but splits it into two portions and gives one to the girl, then rises to give the other to Rachael.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> We could use your marks to feed Jean energy to heal everyone. That may work
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael peers at Zeal, trying to hide some sores on her face. "I--t-thanks."
<Kit> <Nephilim> May?
<Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles, trying to hide her worry.
<Kit> 6Zeal just smiles until she takes it, then sighs. 1"That is the last of it. You and the girl."
<Seraphna> Sia> "Wouldn't that... heal everyone, but make Jean the carrier?"
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> It is likely
<Seraphna> Sia> "So we need to pick our poison."
<Kit> <Aschae> So we keep her away from people until we find a way to dissolve the plague.
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> There are no right answers here. People might die if this boat was destroyed, too
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> But what if Zeal and the others die?
<Kit> <Aschae> You just said the angel would heal them..
<Seraphna> Sadye> "Jean would... prefer it if she didn't spread a plague."
<Kit> 6Nephilim eyes Aschae, now glaring herself.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas scratches his head, looking frazled. "I'm speculating, Aschae; we don't know what anything means. It could mean Jean healing them makes her carry the disease for all I know."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael nods. "I'd ask for a hug, but I think I'm sick."
<Kit> <Aschae> Which is why I say she does it-- then we isolate her until we can destroy the sickness in her. If anything, I may have found a way to do so recently. So has Kaelan.
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> Would you sing to me...? 6* She asks Kaelan. Jean eyes Mercy, then Kaelan, as if accusing her for not letting her heal Mercy
<Kit> <Zeal> It does not matter. So I." 6She sits beside Rachael.
<Kit> <Zeal> See, too much sun will kill you." 6She jokes.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael clings to Zeal. "I-I don't want you to be sick."
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I suppose we could try that. 6* He looks at the others
<Seraphna> * Kaelan looks at Jean, then Mercy, she looks back, "Jean... I..." *she looks like she wants to ask badly but she's conflicted*
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "If... I ask you to save her... to save all of them, you'll carry the plague to others... but... if you don't..." *she hugs Mercy possessively*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy's eyes are closed again, looking weak, but she seems to wait for singing, holding Kaelan's hand. Jean speaks. <Jean> I do not like seeing people suffer needlessly if I can try to do something; but nor do I want Jean to spread a disease."
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> What are we going to do; shove Jean in a box?
<Kit> <Aschae> If we must." 6She hrmphs.
<Kit> <Zeal> It is too late. It was a certainty the second we stepped foot below.
01<@DeathStar> <Serving Girl> Are diseases carried in blood?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> ... 6* She buries her face into Zeal's breasts. "... I love you, narvan."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Usually, yeah. Not all of 'em, but I don't know. Usually you avoid blood especially.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan starts to hum for Mercy. She looks at her lover, then at Jean, tears in her eyes.
<Kit> 6Aschae looks to the servant. 1"Don't even think about it."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The serving girl jerks, then peers down
<Seraphna> * Sadye looks at the Servant, then Aschae. "Think about what? Can she and I do something?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas peers at the girl, then Aschae, then at the girl
<Kit> <Aschae> She might suggest a demon like you remove the disease from Jean, perhaps. Though that's a sealed fate itself.
<Seraphna> Sadye> "I'll do it."
01<@DeathStar> <Serving Girl> I am sure---that a soulless monster would not object--to taking the diseased blood and being killed
<Kit> <Aschae> Shut up, both of you.
<Kit> 6Nephilim looks confused. 1"Look, if Lenneth won't do it, I will."
<Seraphna> Sadye> "But... I can save her."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The serving girl meekly eyes the floor
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> If we have Jean take the disease we'll have to make sure you keep her isolated even from us
<Kit> <Nephilim> She can smite me or whatever, but I've never cared for any of the gods, especially not Pariah. But I've also never done anything against them short of looking after the three I care for.
<Kit> <Nephilim> If I can't convince Phoen to save one of her own, then I think that just goes to show what this world is made of.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy relaxes to the singing, smiling happily as Kael feels her growing weaker
<Seraphna> Sadye> "I-I could take the disease from Jean and then you could get rid of me. She'll be safe."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan hugs onto her, pulling her close. "Mercy..."
<Kit> <Nephilim> We don't know Jean could fully remove it from everyone.
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Wow, look at this group; two of you want to kill yourselves for the other. One wants to put JEan in a box. The other wants to call a god
<Kit> 6Aschae grimaces, biting her lip.
<Kit> <Aschae> I don't hear you suggesting anything, runt.
<Seraphna> * Sadye frowns and rubs her face.
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Why not do all of them? Have Jean try to remove the disease first; if that fails or if we can't isolate her, call the god down to deal with it; they fail us, let the girl drain her blood and we kill her
<Kit> <Aschae> If we call a god, I don't think there will be an after whether they esuna the matter or not.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly shrugs. "Just my suggestion; we could always flip a coin."
<Kit> 6Aschae eyes Carly. 1"If she heals everyone and we cannot isolate her, then we will have to explain to a god why we want them to heal the angel and not just finish her off."
<Seraphna> Sadye> "There's risk whichever way we choose. We have to PICK something though, before more people die."
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Well, we have Lenneth to sweet talk them.
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Maybe Phoenbe or whatever will be dumb and heal
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Len has the collar; she can claim they can recapture the angel
<Seraphna> * Kaelan hugs onto Mercy. "Jean... is there a way you could take some of my health and give it to Mercy? Something?"
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> It would not work; you would be weak, and she would take your health away with her disease
<Seraphna> Sadye> "Y-yeah, that."
<Kit> <Nephilim> Shiner for it, then?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I can't lose her..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nephilim would feel Rachael's life drop more
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean moves over and touches Mercy
<Seraphna> * Kaelan blinks, but doesn't stop her, she can't bring herself to.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Taking a breath, she begins to focus on healing her, drawing energy from everyone but Zeal and Rachael
<Kit> <Aschae> Fine. I'll..." 6She lets out a deep breath. 1"... do it. Call her."
<Seraphna> Sadye> "So what's the verdic--- Miss--- I mean, Aschae?"
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> You should go tell LEnneth; she's up above I think
01<@DeathStar> 6* The serving girl looks at Aschae, looking like she wants to hug her to help her feel better
<Kit> <Aschae> But if I even suspect a thing I won't hesitate to call up all magic I can muster and kill her with my own hands. If I can't manage that.. then you should think about trying to get Lenneth's collar on whatever we summon up.
<Kit> 6Aschae hands the leash on Sadye to the other servant, flexing her fingers anxiously as she moves for the stairs.
<Seraphna> * Sadye looks to the servant, blinking.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth is on top of the noble deck, peering at the glittering, looking like a woman resigned to something. Mercy, meanwhile, begins to look better as Jean grows weaker
<Kit> <Nephilim> What a bitch.
<Seraphna> Sadye> "She's just looking for the best option..."
<Kit> <Aschae> Lenneth." 6She calls, standing rigidly.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The serving girl peers at Nephilim, frowning
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> You have decided to see if I can reach Phoen?
<Kit> <Aschae> It looks to me as if you decided something yourself.
<Kit> <Nephilim> She's more hot-tempered than Kaelan is, even if she doesn't show it.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan hugs Mercy, looking at Jean. "Don't... overtax yourself sis..."
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Mmmm. Promise me something - if I am taken and turned against you all, you will destroy me like you would any of the other 11 gods. I wish to see the Tareh you and the others make - I wish to believe Thomas is right on the meaning of the final prophecy.
<Kit> 6Nephilim crosses her arms. 1"Makes matters worse she's always hiding things. What does she really want from the angel? If she really wanted to kill the gods so badly, there's one she keeps in her bed."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth unclicks the collar
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Maybe the best place to kill a god is after sex?
<Kit> <Nephilim> Don't get me wrong, Lenneth seems nice and all. When she isn't being mean to me.
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Jealous she's not in your bed?
<Seraphna> Sadye> "I can't tell what she wants... but she seems to generally be working for the good of the group, even if we think otherwise."
<Kit> <Aschae> ..." 6She twitches a little. 1"You won't. You're not Gartareh's puppet any longer. You won't speak when he says speak, dance when he says."
<Kit> <Nephilim> No way. That woman-- goddess-- whatever, she's never seemed to like me all that much. Guess I'm too loud.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> Gartareh's powers are great; I've seen him take the will from humans who have displeased him and leave them to think only what he wants. Not that I would simply roll over easily for my father.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth begins to focus, her eyes closed as her lips move, as if speaking something
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> I like you. Want to cuddle?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean finishes and pants; Mercy looks better, while Jean looks worse, a sore on her cheek
<Kit> <Aschae> He won't take anything more from me. I'm going to take everything from him.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Huh? Maybe later. Epic plague and all.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan blinks, "It said you'd be a carrier... not get sick... oh Jean..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The waves begin to churn and the boat rocks; the peopel on the deck peer up in awe as Phoen floats down. Her silver hair slaps down to her feet, and her silver eyes glow majestically. She wears white robes and has two white wings
<Seraphna> * Sia looks to Thomas. "Let's hope this works?"
<Kit> 6Aschae grits her teeth, gazing up.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas blinks and moves to peer up at the deck. Rachael weakly lifts her head as the boat rocks and Jean glances up. <Jean> A god is here
<Kit> <Nephilim> We should um... get scarce. we are recognized.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan blinks. "Could... Lenneth have called one...?"
<Kit> <Zeal> What..?! Besides Lenneth?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Phoen lands on the top deck, peering at Lenneth. "Ah, our wayward captured sister, still alive. <Lenneth> Phoen, there is a plague on this ship. I need you to heal everyone so I do not get sick and carry anything to father
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean nods
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> This god is stronger.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> *nods and sets Mercy into a comfier position to rest* "W-We should be ready..."
<Kit> 6Aschae moves a bit out of their way, keeping her back, frowning.
01<@DeathStar> <Phoen> Where is the angel? <Lenneth> She is here; weak. We can capture her an bring her power to father. <Phoen> Hmmmm, that would win some points. Alright. 6* She lifts her hands and a cool breeze shifts through everyone, like sugary goodness; even those below deck feel it
01<@DeathStar> 6* As the sugary goodness passes through those below, their wounds fade away. The woman sits up, then grabs her daughter, saying praises to the gods. Even ean's face heals. Rachael looks at her hands in amazement
<Kit> 6Nephilim jerks, her ears twitching visible before she tugs her bandana back down. 1"Why that..! I didn't think she had it in her!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas watches the goddess, before she begins to peer down, holding out a hand and burning a small hole through the decks to float down below. Lenneth frowns and leaps down after her
<Kit> 6Aschae turns, following more discreetly to drop after Lenneth.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan blinks and looks at Jean. She grabs up her sword and shield. "She'll be coming for you..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Above Zeal, a hole is burned into the wood and the goddess floats down. Lenneth lands on the ground in a crouch beside them, rolling so Ascahe can land
<Kit> <Nephilim> She said her and Phoen could take the angel back to Gartareh..!
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Then she betrayed us!
<Kit> 6Zeal looks up, blinking in awe, clutching Rachael
<Seraphna> * Sadye growls, bristling in an aggry bitch fashion.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth flexes her fingers, trying to get her power back from the collar being on so long, eyeing Phoen. <Phoen> Where is the collar, sisteR? <Lenneth> Oh, I left it above. Sorry.
<Kit> 6Nephilim scurries out and upward at hearing that, looking around to steal the collar.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael stares as Phoen frowns. <Phoen> You always do manage to mess things up; you wonder why father lets our brothers do what they will with you so often. 6* She reaches a hand up and the collar slides toward the hole
<Kit> 6Nephilim jerks as she slides along the deck with it, tugging.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean pauses. "A-Another god is approaching. Stronger!" 6* It seems to be the normal Jean, who's eyes are widening. Lenenth frowns and Phoen looks up, sighing; Nephilim tugs the collar free. Above them, a giant hand comes down toward the ship. Amazo's hand
<Kit> <Zeal> Amazo..!
01<@DeathStar> <Phoen> Amazo, trying to steal the angel from me. <Lenneth> You fool, he's here to kill her. <Phoen> *sigh* He is so war minded
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "No..."
<Seraphna> * Sia looks up, staring.
<Kit> 6Aschae jerks, looking up. If she had been considering ambushing Phoen she's foiled now, even her eyes widening.
<Kit> <Aschae> ...
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael grips Zeal's hatchet as if it might do good. Lenneth frowns, thinking, then a vine grabs Nephilim's foot and drags her down the holes roughly; she grabs her and begins to pump energy into her
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas stares in awe, as does everyone on board as Amazo's hand grabs the ship and begins to lift it up
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Pheon, if you don't stop him he could kill everyone on board, there are innocents here!"
<Kit> 6Nephilim makes a squealish sound as she fidgets and then is yanked down and lands with a cry, blinking at Lenneth
01<@DeathStar> <Phoen> Well, I guess I'll go; I hate getting wet. 6* She notes with a shrug, vanishing
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Well... that didn't work."
<Kit> 6Aschae seems to take note of the getting wet part, rubbing her hands, then looks to Lenneth. 1"What are you doing?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* As the ship lifts up, the boards creaking as if reayd to break, Lenneth focuses more. "Trying to get her jump abilities to work without a stone. I---" 6* Suddenly the ship breaks in two and there's a white light. (End scene)
01<@DeathStar> 6* Resume Scene 1: Location Unknown (cont)
01<@DeathStar> 6* Sia, Nephilim, Aschae, Jean, Lenneth, and Thomas find the sun bearing down on them and sand in their faces
<Kit> <Aschae> Nngh..." 6She holds her hand up, stirring
<Kit> 6Nephilim gasps, rolling over, clutching her head.
<Seraphna> * Sia spluttes, spitting out sand and sitting up, shaking her head. "What happened? Are we dead? Is this what happens when you die?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth lays nearby, her hair a mess. Nephilim's hand still has the collar. Jean is face down in the sand
01<@DeathStar> 6* They find themselves on a strange beach unlike any found on Sinai
<Kit> 6Nephilim looks around, groaning, but then shakes her head and crawls to Lenneth, draping the collar on her.
<Kit> <Nephilim> No idea... where the hell we are.. but can't let them.. re-find us..
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth groans in pain, blood running down her face, her elven ears visible
01<@DeathStar> 6* The collar slides along her neck; it can e closed without clicking it in place entirely
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean begins to turn blue from being in the sand
<Seraphna> Sia> "Umm..." *she gets up, looking about, hoping to get her bearings*
<Seraphna> * Sia eeps and moves over, rolling Jean over.
<Kit> <Nephilim> So that's it." 6She muses, thinking on it, but clasps it without fully locking it.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean is rolled over, coughing up sand weakly; she opens her ees.
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Pretty Sia
<Seraphna> Sia> "It's not good to sleep in the sand like that Miss Jean!"
<Seraphna> * Sia blushes.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean looks confused. "Sand?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* She grips it, then begins to giggle, playing in it; she seems to have forgotten what just happened
<Seraphna> Sia> "Yeah... we're on a beach somewhere... no idea how."
<Seraphna> * Sia looks to the others. "Is this the afterlife?"
<Kit> <Nephilim> ...Lenneth, Jeanie, creepy girl, Tom, ...bitch.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lenneth pushes herself up weakly. "N-No..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas sits up. "Z-Zeal?!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* He looks around for her
<Kit> <Nephilim> Where's shemale Seth, Zeal and Kael?!
<Kit> <Nephilim> Oh, and the little demon, too.
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> I think we were--separated...when Amazo tried to destroy the ship
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas looks around in a panic, then looks designed at hearing Zeal is missing again. He pauses, eyeing the island with strange trees he's never seen before. "What is this place?"
<Kit> <Nephilim> That's better than blasted... but where?
<Seraphna> Sia> "I've never seen this place before..."
<Kit> <Nephilim> I don't recognize it at all, either. And I've been around!
01<@DeathStar> <Lenneth> It is one of the hidden islands no doubt.
<Seraphna> * Sia squeaks. "Wh-What!? But legends say they're full of strong monsters!"
<Kit> <Aschae> ... The outworlders?" 6She mumbles, not having bothered to get up
01<@DeathStar> 6* From the beach is a thick treeline; noises come from it now and again
<Seraphna> * Sia hides behind Nephilim. "You're strong right? You can kill the monsters?"
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> ...
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean sits up. "Jean miss Soma."
01<@DeathStar> <JEan> And little Neph
<Kit> <Nephilim> ...You miss the kittens? What about Zeal, Kael, Carly and the cross-sexer?
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Then too, but Jean can feel them faintly; Jean knows they're okay
<Kit> <Nephilim> ..." 6She breathes as sigh of relief.
<Kit> <Nephilim> Any idea where?
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Far, far away---that way. 6* She points back out to sea
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> .... let us try to find a ship, then, or a stone that Nephilim can use. And maybe we'll learn more about this island. 6* He notes, too worried about Zeal to be fascinated
01<@DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
01<@DeathStar> 6* Water splashes Zeal's face; salty water
<Kit> 6Zeal gasps, jerking to sit upright, her eyes wide.
01<@DeathStar> 6* She'd hear a pathetic mewl as she jerks up and a splash to her side. Soma flails in the water. all around her, pieces of the ship are floating; people hang to them, including the rest of the team not lost
01<@DeathStar> 6* Little Neph and Little Zeal ride on Kaelan, and Rachael looks about ready to sink into the water next to Zeal, her plank not v ery big
<Kit> 6Zeal blinks, reaching out to grab Soma and Rachael, pulling them to her piece she's lying on
01<@DeathStar> 6* However, by the good graces of the angel, up ahead she'd see a shoreline. And a port city. Sinai's Nagev
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael groans a bit, her eyes fluttering; Soma licks Zeal happily
<Seraphna> * Kaelan keeps herself close to Mercy as best she can, she looks towards the port in distance.
<Kit> <Zeal> By the gods... Sinai..!
<Seraphna> * Sadye flats by neaby Zeal, gripping onto a board, mumbling thanks that Zeal's breasts are so bouyant.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy groans a bit, exhausted but looks fine. Ships are already headed their way to rescue them. Around them it seems most of the ship survived. The little girl is floating near them, but her mother is no where to be seen
<Kit> 6Zeal's eyes widen, reaching for the girl
<Seraphna> * Kaelan looks over to Zeal and Rachael. "Let's try and stay together."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Ungh...we're there? 6* She asks weakly; Zeal rescues the little girl successfully
<Kit> 6Zeal lies her back and checks her for a pulse-- again
<Seraphna> Sadye> *looks around for Carly*
01<@DeathStar> 6* She has a strong one
<Kit> 6Zeal frowns, looking around for more survivors
01<@DeathStar> 6* There's no sign of Carly, but the debris is scattered pretty far about, floating in various ways - she could be out there somewhere. Only after the ships pick them up will they really know how many of them there are
01<@DeathStar> -END FOR NOW-
Session Start: Fri Oct 15 21:17:40 2010
Session Ident: #Session92
02* Logging for #Session92 started
01<@DeathStar> 6* Drifting at sea on remains of their ship, the group can see ships approaching. The girl moans softly next to Zeal and Rachael sputters water weakly.
<Seraphna> Sadye> "Mmm, wonder what kinda ships those are."
<Kit> <Zeal> Freighters and trolleys, I would thing..
<Kit> think*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Near Seth a Jaws fin surfaces, circling
<Seraphna> * Sadye squeaks and points. "What's that?"
<Seraphna> * Kaelan looks over, blinking.
<Kit> <Zeal> Sea predator... common in these warmer waters..
<Seraphna> Sadye> "...I don't wanna be eaten."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Jaws gets closer, and a dead body is taken under by it's razor teeth
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma mewls in fear and climbsi nto Zeal's cleaveage; he will forgo 'attack that' commands
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Hopefully there are enough dead for them to feed."
01<@DeathStar> 6* It gets closer to Sadye, sensing his deadness
<Kit> <Zeal> It is true... they are usually scavengers. Prefer the unfighting.
<Seraphna> * Sadye eeps and tries climbing up on some of the wood.
<Seraphna> Sadye> "I don't plan on being one of those to feed!"
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Right... you are dead."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The fin bumps against the wood
<Seraphna> * Sadye crouches on it.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The rescue ships are getting closer, but a good 10 mins away
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "...Nice ass Seth."
<Seraphna> * Sadye squeaks, realizing the sexy servant getup is showing too much.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy's eyes flutter at Kaelan complimenting others
<Seraphna> * Kaelan winks at Mercy, nodding to how much it's flustering Seth.
<Kit> <Zeal> I do wonder why you were dressed so...
<Kit> 6Zeal shakes her head, not finding it important at the moment. She reaches for her hip, where her things were secured usually.
<Seraphna> * Sadye looks away shyly. "A-Aschae tricked me."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Their belongings seem to be missing right now; other than what htey had on them before the attack. Mercy has a sack of their weapons and armor at least with her
<Kit> <Zeal> Rachael had my hatchet...
<Seraphna> Sadye> "U-Umm... just a thought... won't Zeal be recognized when we get into the city?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael blinks, then weakly holds it up
01<@DeathStar> 6* The shark bumps the wood hard to make it shake
<Kit> 6Zeal reaches for her other hip and withdraws her knife, nodding to Rachael.
<Seraphna> * Sadye squeaks and tries to keep balance. "My sword or bow with you, Mercy?"
<Kit> <Zeal> I do not think this is Sinai's capital city... I did not come here as oft, though they may."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I never saw the city... so I'm no help..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy weakly looks at the sack, then nods
<Seraphna> Kaelan> *frowns* "Well briefly..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Jaws raises it's face up to grin at Sadye.
<Seraphna> * Sadye reaches out for her bow, she eeps and looks back at the shark. "What're you grinning at!"
<Kit> 6Zeal reaches to see if she can strike it with her knife and discourage it from wanting them
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Jaws jerks as it's struck and begins to swim back under
<Kit> <Zeal> I do hope we find the others soon..
<Seraphna> Kaelan> Mmm... *Kaelan tries to feel out with the Mark*
01<@DeathStar> 6* She'd feel it faintly --- far far away to the south
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Jaws fin gets closer to Zeal and Rachael; zeal would notice some blood running down Rachael's left arm
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "...Not very likely."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "They seem to be very far away, accross the ocean."
<Kit> <Zeal> Rachael, your arm-- you're attracting it..
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> H-How?!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma mewls pathetically and pulls his bitch, Momma catmew into the cleaveage and Kittenmew
<Seraphna> Sadye> "The blood, they find prey by following the scent of it in the water."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael pales and looks scared, clinging to Zeal. "W-What do I do?!"
<Seraphna> * Sadye licks her lips. "You smell good from here. T-Tie something about the cut."
<Kit> <Zeal> Yes, as she says
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael looks around, grabbing some cloth from Zeal's skirt and tearing it, then wraps it around her arm one handed as best she can, looking frustrated as she has trouble
<Kit> 6Zeal frowns and looks to see if she can make her way over to her to help
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael, beibng on the same piece as Zeal, is easily reached
<Seraphna> * Kaelan checks over Mercy for injuries.
<Kit> <Zeal> There you go..." 6She eyes about for the Jawsfin
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy looks fine; she blushes as Kaelan feels her about. Jawsfin seems to have moved on toward - some other people who are making a lot of noise, wailing in fear.
<Seraphna> * Sadye steadies herself on the wood and takes her bow in hand, readying an arrow to it.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The fin gets closer to the screaming men and women, begging for the ships to save them
<Seraphna> * Sadye aims at the fin and sights along the arrow, firing her bow at the shark, using the fin as a guide.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Some even are praying to the gods, ironically
01<@DeathStar> 6* The fin jerks as the arrow goes in and goes under
<Seraphna> * Sadye watches the water, readying another arrow.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Why are you still a woman, anyway?"
<Seraphna> * Sadye jerks. "I---"
<Kit> <Zeal> I am sure that collar is too narrow to return.
01<@DeathStar> 6
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jaws rises in front of Sadye, it's mouth open to swallow her whole
<Kit> <Zeal> Fire!
<Seraphna> * Sadye fires a fireball down it's mouth. "Take this!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Jaws catches on fire form the inside out, letting out an inhuman cry as it sinks into the water in pain
<Kit> <Zeal> Well... one less we need to deal with
01<@DeathStar> 6* The ships begin to arrive, throwing down ropes to the people and telling them to climb in an orderly fashion
<Seraphna> * Sadye shoulders her bow and gear and starts moving for the ropes. Kaelan helps Mercy to get there.
<Kit> 6Zeal peers at Sadye, waiting for their particular since they don't have a lot of wiggle room, making sure everyone gets up before her.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy eyes the rope, then looks bashful. "I do not know how to climb."
01<@DeathStar> 6* People climb up desperately and knock others off in their rush and terrible climbing prowness. Lady Nicci can be seen getting in another boat
<Seraphna> * Kaelan blushes, "Me not very well either... Sadye! Help us out?"
<Seraphna> * Seth blushes and waits for them, then helps Mercy to climb up first.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy's tugged up by strong sailors and then rope lowered again for others. Rachael peers about Valen
<Seraphna> * Sadye sighs and helps Kaelan onto the rope next.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The little girl groans and Rachael peers at Zeal. "You should go next and lift her with you."
<Kit> <Zeal> There is the noble..
<Kit> <Zeal> I can swim. You should take her.
<Seraphna> * Sadye peers over at them. "You two need help?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael nods and takes the girl, holding onto the rope to be lifted
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lady Nicci holds onto a barrell ,waiting her turn patiently, strangely for a noble
<Seraphna> * Sadye calls over to her, "L-Lady Nicci, do you require assistance?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nicci peers over from waiting for the boat near her. "I will be--fine I think." 6* She seems nervous at the amount of men on her boat
<Seraphna> * Sadye blinks, "C-Can you get the barrel over here Mis--- My Lady?"
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> I--do not know how to swim to be honest
<Seraphna> * Sadye starts swimming over towards her.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan moves to join Mercy once on the deck.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nicci blinks in surprise at the 'shy' Sadye being able to swim. Rachael lowers the rope for Zeal once she's up. Soma mewls for her to hurry
<Seraphna> * Sadye smiles shyly and starts helping her by moving the barrel towards the other hip. "Hold on and keep balance my Lady."
<Kit> 6Zeal pats Soma, then grasps the rope, gazing over at Sadye and Nicci
01<@DeathStar> 6* Zeal is pulled up by burly sailors and set on the deck. The two catmews and Soma, all in her cleaveage, mew in relief.
01<@DeathStar> <Lady Nicci> Thank you, good woman
<Kit> <Zeal> Good grief you little things...
<Seraphna> Sadye> "I-I could hardly leave you unprotected..." *she mumbles quietly* "Mistress."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Lady Nicci smiles at her and takes the rope, pulling herself up with the sailor's help and then insisting they get her serving girl
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael smiles and kisses their heads, peering out worriedly about Valen
01<@DeathStar> 6* The Kittenmew purrs now that it's out of the water
<Kit> 6Zeal fishes them out, setting on on each shoulder, barely tolerating Soma.
<Seraphna> * Sadye heads up after Nicci.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The two sit there, the tiny kittenmew nuzzles Zeal's cheek, and the mommamew cleans herself. Soma looks proud of his prized spot; he's gotten a little bigger Zeal would notice
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Soma loves you so much
<Kit> <Zeal> I am glad.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I wonder what he will do when he's too big to fit in there
<Kit> 6Zeal smiles, almost proud herself, thinking fondly back to first getting him.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Probably try sitting on her."
<Kit> 6Zeal then deadpans, having a vision of her blouse being shredded-- then sat on
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Hey, soon Zeal can ride Soma instead of the other way around
<Kit> 6Zeal pauses, blushing slightly at the idea
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I want to ride him, too! 6* She smiles happily at that
01<@DeathStar> 6* Soma mewls, as if confused, probably not considering himself anything but a tiny kitten
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "It does sound neat."
<Seraphna> * Sadye moves over the check on Nicci in concern.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nicci shivers slightly, but the hot weather helps being soaked. The boats seem to be heading back, seeing no one else
<Kit> <Zeal> Jean feels far off... do you think others are with her..?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I hope so... 6* She pauses, staring in awe at the size of the Sinai fleet at the city
<Kit> <Zeal> So many ships..?
<Seraphna> * Sadye rubs Nicci's shoulders and arms to help her warm.
<Seraphna> * KAelan hugs Mercy to her, looking over the city.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy leans against Kaelan and relaxes; Nicci mmms at Sadye. <Nicci> You should come with me to my house in sinai; all of you. You are Lady Aschae's friends." 6* As they get closer, they can see the fleet is grand and majestic, out to stop pirates and invading kingdoms; there's also a large amount of trading vessels and fishing ships
<Kit> <Zeal> Why are so many stationed in.. Nagev?
<Seraphna> Sadye> "We'd be glad to..."
<Kit> 6Zeal looks to Nicci, blinking. 1
<Kit> <Zeal> In Sinai capital..? You are... from there?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Yeah... she is."
<Kit> <Zeal> Lady Nicci, was it..? I do not recall..
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> Yes; but for now I will rent a home hear in Nagev --- to rest
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> Please stay with me
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> I am traveling to see parts of this world and have sent my people ahead to get houses for me
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks, not about to argue, but desperately trying to remember if she's familiar with Nicci
<Seraphna> * Sadye nods and bows her head shyly. "W-We'd love to... I-I suppose Aschae's loan can continue until we have to part ways."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan peers between them, raising a brow.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nicci smiles at Sadye, while Rachael looks confused.
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> Do any of you know anything about Sinai? This is my first time here
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Zeal and I are natives."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "We're from Oas, but Zeal spent a large amount of time in the capital... and I know something of travelling all the way to the Wastes."
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> Well, I will come to rely on you in the days to come. 6* She notes
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> Do you all think Lady Aschae is..okay?
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "I'm sure of it."
<Kit> 6Zeal looks to Kaelan questioningly
<Seraphna> * Sadye looks relieved. "Good... I mean..."
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "She's... very good at surviving."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nicci looks relieved as well. They begin to pull into the port and the sailors speak to those onboard. "We will need to ask you all questions if possible to learn what happened and if there was foul play." 6* Nicci peers at the group. "I will get us looked over so we can go rest right away." 6* She moves to one sailor
<Seraphna> * Kaelan raises her brow. "Curious as to how they call this one."
<Kit> <Zeal> How do you know she is good at surviving?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael makes sure her ears aren't showing, peering about nervously at so many people in the port.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan peers at Zeal. "She's been to Hell."
<Kit> <Zeal> I--
<Seraphna> Sadye> "Hard to explain to someone who wasn't there."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan nods to her.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nicci walks back over. "They will allow me and my servants to go." 6* IT seems the team is her servants
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks, then looks aside, looking depressed and shamed.
<Seraphna> Sadye> "Thank you Mistress... I-I mean..."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan eyes Sadye.
<Seraphna> * Sadye blinks, then looks around. "Has anyone spotted Carly...?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The boat docks and Nicci leads them down the plank. Mercy follows along like she's used to it, already in her maid outfit, though it's a bit ruffled, carrying the sack of their weapons and armor. She also has their clothing, thankfully
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Maybe she's with Jean..
<Seraphna> * Sadye frowns with worry, moving along, looking the part as well in the sexy servant outfit.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan moves with Mercy. "Let me take some of the load dear?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy smiles, handing her the easier load of the clothes
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael walks along with Zeal; they hear a girl make noises from one of the other ships. Carly somehow got off and has two men talking to her about "good business" deals
<Seraphna> * Kaelan blushes but seems to be getting used to Mercy's quirks, taking it and moving with her.
<Seraphna> * Sadye perks up. "Oh Zeal, your daughter is here."
<Kit> 6Zeal lights up seeing her, then narrows her eyes, quickly marching toward Carly and the men before Sadye even says anything
<Seraphna> Sadye> "...You know... she's going to make for a very scarey mother in law."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly eyes them. "What business deals?" <Men> Oh, a young girl like yourself, you can be taught how to make men very happy. 6* Rachael looks confused on what they're talking avout, again showing her naivity
<Kit> <Zeal> Carly!! I have been looking for you.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carlyl ooks at Zeal, relieved, and grabs onto her. "Mom!" <Men> S-She's your mother? <Man> Man, she must have started young, this will be a synch. How would you like to make some money, lady?
<Seraphna> * Sadye narrows her eyes. She memorizes the men's faces. Looking like she's going to eat them.
<Kit> <Zeal> Do not be a fool. Begone.
01<@DeathStar> <Man> Aw, come on, with tits like those...
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly shifts behind Zeal
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> W-Why are they talking about Zeal so rudely?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy leans against Kaelan as if to hide
<Kit> <Zeal> They are none of your concern." 6She picks up Carly and starts to walk back
01<@DeathStar> 6* The men follow, then spot Mercy and move toward her
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly sticks out her tongue at them; apparantly the men like red hair
<Seraphna> Sadye> "Because if Zeal was the real mother, Zeal would ahve gotten pregnant damn early."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Hmmm.... 6* She seems sad, peering at the distance while Nicci gets a carriage for them to ride in
<Seraphna> * Kaelan eyes the men, satring them down, she puts a hand on her sword hilt. "Can I help you gentlemen?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The men pause, eye Kaelan and Mercy, mutter about women into women and walk off
<Kit> <Zeal> Hrmph. Are you alright, Carly?
<Seraphna> * Sadye glowers, watchin the men go, sniffing.
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Yeah. I managed to float in on a barrell since I'm so small. Thankfully I ahven't gained weight yet
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly pauses, eyes Sadye, then coughs. "From eating Mercy's food"
<Seraphna> Sadye> "We need to talk later." *she puts a hand on her hip, taking on some oddly feminine mannerisms already*
<Kit> <Zeal> ..." 6She eyes Sadye. 1"I think Lady Nicci has been a good influence on you. Perhaps you should retain her."
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> Aren't you role playing a bit too much? I know I took on personalities when you had me turn into Kaelan, Zeal, Mercy..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael flusters at hearing those names, wondering if her's is about to come up
<Seraphna> * Sadye blushes hard.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan eyes her more.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Perhaps Seth should stay Sadye."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan manages to say that wihtout saying a whole lot of other things that are implied, like, 'if he wants to retain his manhood'.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly looks at Seth oddly. A carriage is secured and Nicci climbs in, waving them over.
<Seraphna> Sadye> "We umm... we should go." *she points out the carriage*
<Kit> 6Zeal carries Carly to the carriage past Sadye, glancing at the leash dangling oddly.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan frowns and watches Sadye moves to the carriage, actually sauntering a little.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael blinks, flustered still, and moves to follow. Mercy holds Kaelan's arm and leads her to it. Carly is carried along, peering at Kaelan. "Later I can tell you the things he said if you want."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan flusters. "I-I may be better off not knowing."
<Seraphna> * Sadye jerks. "C-Carly...!"
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> What? 6* She pauses when they near Nicci. "Oh, I see; we can talk later."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Once they are on the carriage, the horses begin to ride through the busy port city; buildings of all sizes are about and vendors sell their wares on the streets, claiming to have goods fro all over Tareh. The Hunter and Digger guilds look large
<Seraphna> Sadye> "Mmm... I'll have to see if there are any jobs posted on the boards later..." *she muses quietly to herself as they pass the Hunter guild*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nicci's carriage leads them to the upper class neighbor and to a nice, but simple house with rooms for servants. Nicci gets out; once in they are assigned two of the guest rooms while Nicci drags Sadye into her room
01<@DeathStar> 6* There are nice furniture here, couches, silk beds, walk in closets, windows
<Seraphna> * Kaelan drags Mercy to another.
<Seraphna> * Sadye eeps and blushes deeply.
<Kit> <Zeal> ...Why is she leaving with Sadye? And why a leash?
<Seraphna> * Kaelan looks even more confused when Sadye is dragged off. "Does... 'Sadye' strike you as amazingly different then 'Seth'?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly eyes Kaelan. "Seth is Seth, trust me."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy peers at the beds and begins to undress Kaelan and Zeal so they don't ruin the sheets, moving their clothes out to dry
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Mmm... maybe. I think when you get a chance you should speak to... him." *she blushes at getting undressed*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly sniffs. "He can talk to my mom if he wants to talk to me."
<Kit> <Zeal> ...No on answers me." 6She sniffs.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Then eeks when Mercy undresses her, then Rachael, who squirms; once they are all left in their underwear, Mercy leaves
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I don't know; do you want me to put a collar on you, narvan?
<Kit> 6Zeal blinks. 1"Wh-What for?"
<Seraphna> * Kaelan peers at Zeal. "I don't know. I also noticed she was acting... submissive, to Aschae, I thought they hated each other."
<Kit> <Zeal> Hate..? They did not get along, yes, but I do not think it was hate necessarily as dislike...
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "What changed?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael thinks, then digs in a bag, gets a collar, and clicks it on Zeal's neck, then ties a string to it, tugging it gently
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Lets go bathe. 6* She pulls Zeal to the bathroom
<Kit> <Zeal> Rachael, why do you have a-- eeeh..!" 6She jerks, peering down, then flusters as Zeal yanks her along.
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "Good idea..." *she smirks at Mercy, then looks to Carly* "Wanna join us hon?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly shrugs then nods. The house seems to have a large bathtub like the kingdom, though far inferior. Rachael points, bending Zeal over. "Fill it with wate.r"
<Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles, taking Mercy's hand and heading for the bath.
<Seraphna> *Sadye squeaks a bit and looks at Nicci.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nicci waggles a finger. "Help me undress."
<Seraphna> * Sadye blushes and starts to work Nicci's wet clothes off.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nicci lets her, then points at her room's private bath. "Fill it with water."
<Seraphna> * Sadye blushes and obediently moves over to prepare the bath.
<Seraphna> * Sadye, starts to remove her own wet clothing. "I-I've never... actually let someone have this much control of me before."
<Kit> <Zeal> I--" 6She stares at Rachael, look perplexed, but sighs, turning the water on.
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> Really? But you are Lady Aschae's
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael nods, and once the water is warm, climbs in and pulls Zeal in so she's on her knees between her sex. "Now clean me. With your tongue."
<Seraphna> * Sadye blushes, "I-I'm her friend. We were actually at odds a lot before I started to understand her better... sh-she was trying to teach me a lesson about... b-being a woman."
<Seraphna> * Kaelan starts working Mercy's uniform off.
<Kit> <Zeal> E-Excuse me?" 6She blinks, shifting uncomfortably.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy blushes. "I-It needs to be hung outside to dry."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> You heard me, pet. 6* She tells Zeal, tugging the collar so Zeal sutmbles between her legs
<Seraphna> Kaelan> "We'll bath first and hang it by the bath, take them out to dry once we're clean and clothed."
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> Oh, I see. 6* She shifts to slip into the bath, waving her hand toward Seth to undress. "She taught me many things, too."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy nods and smiles
<Seraphna> * Sadye continues disrobing, blushing a bit. "I-I'm actually a well seasoned hunter..ess."
<Kit> <Zeal> P... et? Rachae--eer..! Rachael! What has gotten into you..!?
Session Time: Sat Oct 16 00:00:00 2010
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael runs a hand along Zeal's back, then paddles her rear. "Ut, no talking back; use your tongue to clean my thigh."
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> Really? You look rather...fragile
<Seraphna> * Sadye blushes deeply. "I-I..." *she looks down at herself as if to double check*
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nicci shrugs. "I admit I do not know mcuh though; my husband didn't let me out much."
<Seraphna> * Sadye squeaks. "Wh-What changed?"
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> He died
<Kit> 6Zeal tilts her head at Rachael, then jerks, flustering embarassedly as Rachael spanks her, making small noises peering at Rachael pleadingly as if asking for sanity, peering down at her thighs.
<Seraphna> * Sadye looks down and nods. "I-I see... what sort of man was he?"
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Mmm, one little lick, and I'll answer. 6* She says, paddling her butt again, then rubbing it
<Seraphna> * Kaelan sets the clothes to hang nearby and unbuckles her bikini undergarments too, leading Mercy into the water.
<Kit> 6Zeal makes a noise, looking puzzled, then bends over further to hesitantly lick her along the thigh.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael blushes a bit. "Okay, s-so how did it feel to be collared, spanked, and made to lick me?"
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks, peering at Rachael and stammering. 1"I-- ... wh-wh-wha?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael leans in, whipsering slowly as her hand rubs her butt. "How. Did. It. Feel?"
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> He was 30 years older than me; married me when I was 15. We had nothing in common and he only had me as a token wife to have sex with."
<Kit> 6Zeal shrinks back, drawing in a breath and widens her eyes at Rachael, blushing quickly. 1"...!"
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> That's why Seth lets her collar him, I believe. I-It's just a guess
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> No one's ever done it to me
<Kit> 6Zeal murmurs a little and peers down, red in the face, but mostly because she sees a similarity in it to what she went through with Carly.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael pats her butt again. "Though if you like it, I-I wouldn't mind doing more to you, 'pet'."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy slips in and begins to gather the soaps
<Seraphna> * Sadye reaches over, rubbing Nicci's shoulder. "At least... you're free to explore now, aren't you?"
<Kit> 6Zeal lets out a shrill noise, shrinking and blushing even more.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan steals a kiss from Mercy's lips. "So were you actually jealous that I complimented 'Sadye's
<Seraphna> ' rear end, dear?
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> Mmm, yes.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy blinks and shakes her head. "If you like it, I understand."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael giggles and pulls Zeal onto her lap in a hug, nuzzling her
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Remember, I'm here for you, narvan; in all ways.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan giggles, "I was only teasing him dear, you know I prefer your rear end over others." *she reaches around to squeeze it*
<Seraphna> * Sadye smiles a bit. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry... Men can be pigs."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy squeaks and jumps, blushing
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> I agree.
<Kit> 6Zeal makes a face, still red but nods. 1"Of course, Rachael.."
<Seraphna> * Sadye blushes a little, she looks away. "Wh-What kind of things did Asch teach you?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael begins to wash Zeal's back for her, looking distant again
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> Oh, you felt it on the table - tied up
<Seraphna> * Sadye blushes deeply. "I-I... I'm used to being in control of a situation..."
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> Really? You? The way you squealed and blushed...
<Kit> <Zeal> Something... on your mind?
<Seraphna> Sadye> "I-I... w-well that's sex... I..."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Hm, just worried about Valen, and thinking about things - worried about Neph. Thinking about what parents would be like, wathcing you with Carly
01<@DeathStar> <Nicci> Mmm, you're speaking too much; should I occupy your mouth?
<Seraphna> * Kaelan takes the soap and starts to rub it into Mercy's sides. "I was scared I was going to lose you back there... I owe Jean more then ever."
<Seraphna> * Sadye blushes deeply and looks down. "I-If that's what my mistress wishes."
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I--- 6* She blushes. "I was more afraid of losing you."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nicci smirks
<Seraphna> * Sadye blushes and looks up at her timidly, perhaps she is getting way too into the roleplay.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan kisses down her shoulder. "Never leave me."
02* Seraphna ( Quit (Quit: rebooting)
03* Seraphna ( has joined #Session92
<Kit> <Zeal> I am sure Nephilim is fine... she has made it known that she has been around a long while and intends to be still; regardless of the ridiculous situations she calls down. She must be the luckiest woman alive.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> She is pretty lucky; I'm sure she's watching over Thomas, too, for you
<Kit> <Zeal> Yes..." 6She looks down, fidgeting.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Are you going to be okay without him? 6* She hugs Zeal comfortingly
<Kit> <Zeal> Wh-What are you suggesting?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> That you might be lonely. 6* Her ears wiggle a bit
<Kit> <Zeal> I am not an animal that will die in sorrow!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael jerks and peers down. "Oh."
<Kit> <Zeal> Jeez. Sometimes I wonder about you, however.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I feel really lonely right now that I hurt bad... 6* She notes, hugging Zeal. "If you were gone, too...
<Kit> <Zeal> I am not. I will not.
<Kit> 6Zeal wraps her arms around Rachael. 1"Our circumstances are strange... but we are together for a reason. The three of us... even with our differences, there must be a reason Nephilim looks after us, no?"
<Kit> <Zeal> And even if we are one of her whimsical fancies. We have been through enough at this point that I should no longer mind our closeness. We should see to it Lady Nicci is safely resumed of her travels and find our way to Oas. No doubt it is where the others would seek us out.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael nods and smiles, leaning against Zeal. "You're right, narvan. I like it when you lead. Maybe I should put the collar on me. Hehe." 6* She says softly
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks. 1"Wh-What difference would that make..! You should not give people reason to discover you..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael laughs softly and kisses her cheek. "What, you don't want an elf servant?"
<Kit> <Zeal> I-- I have Mercy." 6She peers back the way they came, for a moment picturing Mercy as an elf.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael giggles. "Typically, from what I get from slavers, elves are not those type of servants."
<Kit> <Zeal> The slavers wish us all that kind..." 6She says glumly.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael nods and huggles Zeal. "You remember that time in the dungeon? I've never done anyhting like that before."
<Kit> 6Zeal recoils, blushing furiously. 1"..A-ah."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I liked spending time with you like that. Did you? 6* She asks. "I thought it's what you needed and since I love you, I wanted to give you something."
<Kit> <Zeal> N-Needed..?" 6She squeaks.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Well, because of the church sometimes I think it wound you up very tight on restrictions; we didn't have that in Matias. I was taught to be free with my emotions and love. I think you were, too, as a girl. 6* She straddles her lap. "I think the church changed that about you, narvan, and that's why you deny yourself things you want sometimes. (cont)
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I think Thomas understands, that, too, and he loves you and wants you to be true to yourself. I do, too. I'd do anything for you, you know that, right?
<Kit> 6Zeal pauses, eyeing Rachael on her lap, then back up to her face. 1"... I-- I know... but.."
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> But?
<Kit> <Zeal> ...Th-The things I enjoyed... were so deviant...
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> So? If it made you feel good, what does it matter? 6* She asks, pinching Zeal's rear.
<Kit> 6Zeal jumps, reddening some and squirming.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael gropes her breasts and toys with her nipples. "Does this feel good?"
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks back, gasping sharply, then wriggling, halfheartedly grabbing at Rachael. 1"Mmnah!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael smiles and kisses her lips, then leans back. "You should never feel ashamed, narvan. I'm naughty, too, you know...."
<Kit> <Zeal> O-Of course you are." 6She sniffs.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Because I like spanking you a lot. 6* She notes, hitting Zeal's rear with her hand
<Kit> 6Zeal jumps, making a noise, then flusters, peering at her.
01<@DeathStar> 6* RAchael smiles a little, then seems curious, focusing on their marks together and sees if she can feel Zeal's emotions like they can Jean's
<Kit> 6Zeal tilts her head at Rachael, peering at her curiously as well.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Mmm, I can ... feel you a little. 6* She curiously pinches Zeal's nipple to see what kind of emtion she gets
<Kit> 6Zeal blinks, letting out another squeal and flusters embarassedly, shifting in the water.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I can feel you a little. Not a lot. 6* She says happily
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I wonder if we focus real hard if we can feel each in our hearts
<Kit> <Zeal> What do you mean?
<Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles and pulls Mercy close. "I think I'm feeling a little more possessive of you then ever, my dear."
<Seraphna> * Sadye finishes preparing the bath, starting to pour scented oils in.
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> MMmm. 6* She thinks, then gropes Zeal's rear roughly and shifts her across her lap like a naughty child
<Kit> 6Zeal jumps, blinking as Rachael bends her over her lap. 1"R-Rachael..?"
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> Shhhh. Just... 6* She rubs her butt gently. "Focus on feeling."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy smiles and begins to wash Kaelan
<Kit> <Zeal> What do you mean focus on feeling! I-- I cannot focus on anything when you are feeling my butt.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael paddles her butt in response, spanking her
<Kit> 6Zeal cries, squirming and pulling at the bath to get away
01<@DeathStar> 6* Rachael then begins to rub her butt again, gently, her other hand groping Zeal's chest, then uses her emotions to see if she likes it
<Seraphna> * Kaelan starts washing back, smiling a little. "So sweetie... what do you think we need for a trip to the plains?"
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I would not know; I'm sorry...
<Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles, "Just think of the stuff you want for cooking."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy nods, thinking hard
<Seraphna> * Kaelans massages soap into Mercy's hips.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy makes a noise and squirms
<Seraphna> * Kaelan giggles and soaps up her sides. "You're so cute."
<Seraphna> * Sadye sits on the side of the bath, looking shy still.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Nicci is no longer in the scene; take the hint, ho!
01<@DeathStar> <Mercy> I--I---
<Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles and kisses her lovingly, pulling her closer so they press together. "Yes, you."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy blushes, but grabs her butt and begins to wash it
<Seraphna> * Kaelan giggles and washes Mercy's shoulders and neck, leaning back a little to work her breasts.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy moans, enough Zeal can hear it
<Kit> <Zeal> Wh-What was that..?
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> M-Mercy I think
03* Twenty-FourHourFox ( has joined #Session92
02* Kit ( Quit (
03* Twenty-FourHourFox is now known as Kit
Session Time: Sun Oct 17 00:00:00 2010
<Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles and presses Mercy's breasts together. "Totally cute."
Session Time: Mon Oct 18 00:00:00 2010
01<@DeathStar> 6* Mercy squeaks again. Rachael peers over and Carly rises up, peering at the two. <Carly> You going to finish so I can bite Zeal? 6* She asks Zeal and Rachael, referring to the foreplay
<Kit> 6Zeal holds her breath, turning bright red as Carly appears
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> What? 6* Rachael hides behind Zeal
<Kit> <Zeal> C-C-Carly!!
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> D---Did I do something w-wrong?
<Kit> 6Zeal jerks, looking deer-like
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> ... <Carly> ... 6* She sinks sadly to her nose in the water
<Kit> <Zeal> N-No. I am sorry.
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> I didn't do bad? 6* She says with a gurgle
<Kit> <Zeal> No. It is merely your nature.
<Seraphna> * Kaelan smiles and kisses down Mercy's frame, starting to rinse her off.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Carly rises and looks at the two. "Are you two going to have sex now?"
<Kit> <Zeal> Nrrk!
01<@DeathStar> <Rachael> I--I--
01<@DeathStar> <Carly> I-I only ask since then I need le-less bl-blood
01<@DeathStar> -
01<@DeathStar> 6* The other group dries out on the beach. There's a whimpering noise from nearby.
<Kit> <Nephilim> What was that..!?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean looks around "Sounds like girl."
<Seraphna> * Sia looks about, whimpering too. "A-Are you sure?"
<Kit> <Aschae> You don't trust our pretty little Jean?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean points. "That way - near some of that floaty wood." <Thomas> REmains of the ship
<Kit> 6Nephilim scrambles upwards and scurries over toward the noise
<Seraphna> * Sia blushes and heads over with Nephilim.
03* Ametsune ( has joined #Session92
01<@DeathStar> 6* A girl in serving clothing is on the beach, but looks like none of them they've seen so far, with long dark hair with streaks of color in it, and pale; the sun seems to be hurting her or something
<Seraphna> * Sia raises a brow and looks around, pulling off her cloak she tosses it over the girl.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl relaxes immediately
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Hm...w-wait! This is.. 6* She hugs Aschae suddenly, nuzzling cheeks
<Seraphna> * Sia peeks under. "...Is she a real vampire?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas blinks. "A vampire....?"
<Ametsune> <Aschae> Yes Jean..?
<Seraphna> Sia> "Blood sucker... like demons but not. Actually they're considered another offshoot."
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> You're really nice
<Ametsune> <Nephilim> ... so there was another one onboard..
<Ametsune> <Aschae> Pardon?
<Seraphna> Sia> "Seth kept saying so."
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> I know what a vampire is...but we killed one in the jungle. It's surprising to find another. Are you sure?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean just giggles, then scurries over and helps the groggy girl up who -- looks completely normal facial ways, having no red eyes for vampires
<Seraphna> Sia> "Burns easily in daylight, can be mistaken for a demon, pale skin... seems like it."
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Hi! <Girl> H-Hello...?
<Seraphna> * Sia peers at the eyes curiously, looking deeply interested in studying her.
<Seraphna> Sia> "Hello! Are you a vampire?"
<Ametsune> <Aschae> I think you're scaring her, little one.
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> W-What? 6* She stammers, jerking away behind Jean as if afrad
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> She does not seem like a vampire to me; she is mostly like ill from Amazo's attack
<Seraphna> * Sia blinks, looking ashamed. "S-Sorry." *she lowers her head*
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl just meekly tells her it's okay. <Thomas> We should probably head into the forest, ujnless you think it wise to camp on the beach since the sun is lowering
<Seraphna> Sia> "Th-The woods look full of monsters though..."
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> That is true
<Ametsune> <Aschae> Are you not imagining that part out of fear?
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> But this island seems to be nothing but beach and forest, and there is no supplies out here - we were lucky to find our weapon and armor
<Seraphna> Sia> "I-It's easy to fear. I don't have any skill with a weapon and I'm no mage like you..."
<Ametsune> <Aschae> Curious, did I say I was a mage..?
<Seraphna> Sia> "I saw you use magic with the pirates."
<Seraphna> Sia> "Magic means mages... right?"
<Ametsune> <Aschae> Oh, that... but remnants of my days as an ascetic priestess. Pay it no mind. I'm a simple woman bearing a stick.
<Seraphna> Sia> "It's neat though!"
<Ametsune> 6Aschae chuckles, picking up her ringed staff-- actually a forged rod not made of wood.
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Aschae is nice and cool!
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean hugs her with the strange girl
<Ametsune> 6Aschae eyes Jean oddly.
<Seraphna> * Sia pulls out a knife, it looks wicked and curved in waves. "I've just got this."
<Ametsune> <Aschae> A sacrificial dagger?
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Hm....lets make camp here and we'll explore into the woods a little to see if there' ssuitable food. Sia, will you set up a camp for us while ASchae and I go into the woods with Nephilim? Jean and this girl can wait here with you
<Seraphna> * Sia blinks, "W-Well it was all Mia had stowed..."
<Seraphna> * Sia nods, "I think I can manage that."
<Ametsune> 6Nephilim eyes the girl, then starts to sing an eerie tune with no effect on most of the group
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl blinks and looks a little dazed
<Seraphna> * Sia blinks a bit, looking at the girl.
<Ametsune> 6Nephilim pauses, narrowing her eyes.
<Ametsune> <Nephilim> Well, she certainly isn't human or elf.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl blinks and jerks behind Jean again
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Then she really is a vampire?
<Ametsune> 6Aschae peers over at Nephilim, her free hand clenching tightly.
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> I--- <Jean> She's just a nice person. 6* She hugs the girl who blinks
<Seraphna> Sia> "...It doesn't matter if she is, does it?"
<Ametsune> <Nephilim> I don't know. But that melody's never had much effect to many but monsters.
<Seraphna> Sia> "I mean this group has marked, Angels, Demons, and other things... I'm sure."
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Jean part animal!
01<@DeathStar> <JEan> Animal/monster.
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Girl could be same!
<Seraphna> *Sia rushes over and starts poking ahnd feeling her. "Really? You are? Fascinating! Do you have a tail or something?"
<Ametsune> <Aschae> Jean's right.
<Ametsune> 6Nephilim twitches at Aschae. 1"Yeah, maybe."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl jerks and makes noises and Sia finds a tail
<Seraphna> * Sia blinks, petting it. "Hey! Neato!"
<Ametsune> <Nephilim> Aren't they supposed to be died out?
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Well, the church always believed the outlands might have demonic monster people
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl squeaks as she pets her tail, her hair shifting a bit as if ears are there
<Seraphna> Sia> "Don't seem demonic to me! Cute!" *she giggles and smiles, petting more*
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl makes faces, blushing weakly
01<@DeathStar> <Thomas> Well, we should look for food then; we can talk to this girl later to learn more about her
<Ametsune> <Nephilim> Whatever." 6She hrmphs at Thomas, grabbing him to go.
<Ametsune> <Aschae> ... I think I'll remain here.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Thomas nods to Aschae and moves off. Jean smiles and cleans up a spot for camp, humming
<Ametsune> <Aschae> Jean, dear?
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean blinks and moves over. "Yes?"
<Ametsune> <Aschae> Since we're making camp anyway, might you show me more like you promised?
01<@DeathStar> <Jean> Promise....Oh, I promised you something in my mind, right!
<Ametsune> <Aschae> ...Hm. Maybe the angel would know something.
01<@DeathStar> 6* JEan nods and sneaks off with Aschae down the beach, leaving Sia with the cute wolfeared girl
<Seraphna> * Sia tilts her head, setting up the camp. "So are you from around here?"
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> Um---I-I can't remember. I hit my head
<Seraphna> * Sia nods. "That's too bad... can you remember anything?" *she starts to work the fire*
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> Um, well--- that I feel safe with you all.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Jean focuses and the angel comes out; she peers about quietly, then at ASchae
<Seraphna> * Sia blinks, "Huh... well that's strange, though you should, we'll help you find wherever you came from."
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> Thank you
<Ametsune> <Aschae> Hello, angel.
<Seraphna> * Sia smiles and pets her ear. "You're cute."
01<@DeathStar> <Angel> Hello; what is it you wished to learn? I will send you to that place in my mind
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl squeaks and squirms, smiling. "T-Thank you."
<Seraphna> * Sia gets a fire going, using one of her daggers to start the sparks. "I've met so many interesting people in the last couple of weeks."
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> Me t---- I think I might have too
<Ametsune> <Aschae> You can do that at will? Scary." 6She peers at the angel curiously. 1"You had mentioned something about the mystifae. Though now I can't say whether I knew which or whom it was."
<Seraphna> * Sia sits next to the girl and yawns a bit, she pulls the statchel wrapped tight about her and careully opens it up, pulling out the demonic tome.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The angel nods and touches Aschae, shifting and they both lay down as if to sleep; the vampire girl peers at the tome blankly, then jerks a little away from it
<Seraphna> * Sia blinks, looking at the girl. "Something the matter?"
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> T-That looks evil
<Seraphna> Sia> "It's not... just misunderstood." *she smiles softly* "It tells me all about demons and other such creatures."
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> ... y-you should b-beareful of it o-or you might l-lose your soul and b-be tortured for eternity by e-evil gods
<Seraphna> * Sia blinks, "Why... would you think that?"
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> .... t-the church teaches s-such things
<Seraphna> * Sia blinks. "You... remember the church teachings?"
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> I---gu-guess I do
<Seraphna> * Sia considers something, then reaches into her bag, gasping as she 'accidentally' cuts herself, she pulls her hand out and blushes. "Throwing knives... must have gotten unsecured." *she sucks the wound a little*
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl jerks a little and eyes her hand, the tail swishing madly, and she turns away. "I-I'll look f-for good w-wood."
<Seraphna> * Sia wraps it in cloth, tying it. "Let me help."
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> I--um...I-I can d-do i-i-it a-a-alone
<Seraphna> * Sia blinks, "What's wrong?"
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> U-Um---a-animals l-like me might---lick your w-wound
<Seraphna> Sia> "...Are you hungry for it?"
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> Um---I--
<Seraphna> Sia> "It's okay to be honest, I won't judge you."
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> A litle...
<Seraphna> * Sia nods. "Do you want to taste my blood then?"
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> I--t-that would be wrong
<Seraphna> * She shrugs and tightens the bandage. "Okay. So we were gettting firewood?"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl nods and skitters to the edge of the forest
<Seraphna> * Sia follows a bit, deciding it best not to stay alone.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl gathers branches meekly
<Seraphna> * Sia helps, gathering branches too, studying the girl.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl's tail swishes about as she picks up branches, appearing very subservient
<Seraphna> Sia> "Do you like having a tail?"
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> It feels nice!
<Seraphna> * Sia giggles, "I bet, you look cute when I pet it."
03* Kaelan ( has joined #Session92
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl blushes faintly, as if she doesn't have a deep blush
<Kaelan> * Sia considers, tapping her chin. "...I like you."
01<@DeathStar> Girl> R-Really? E-Even though I'm an animal?
<Kaelan> Sia> "We're all animals in our own way."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl thinks on that
<Kaelan> * Sia smiles and hops over, petting her ear.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl smiles and relaxes, leaning closer to her neck
<Kaelan> * Sia pets more and smiles, hugging her. "We
<Kaelan> * Sia pets more and smiles, hugging her. "We're freiends!"
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl smiles; then devours Sia and buries her dead body with her demon book
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl blinks at the hug and smiles, her face against her neck
<Kaelan> * Sia pets her hair. "If you ever want to feed, just be careful and don't drain me too much okay? No one's here to bonk you like they do Mr. Seth."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl blinks, as if surprised at such an offer and nods dumbly
<Kaelan> * Sia blushes, "M-Mia fed off me once."
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> She was a vampire?
<Kaelan> * Sia blushes, "Demon."
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> I see.
<Kaelan> * Sia nods. "My book is from her too... I'm trying to find out the truth of the world."
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> You don't believe the gods are real?
<Kaelan> Sia> "I believe they're... something. I've seen them first hand, so I can't deny they exist, but I think their motives are different compared to what they preach."
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> If they die, then demons who die won't be tortured for eternity
<Kaelan> * Sia blinks. "...They really are...?"
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> That is what the church says...
<Kaelan> Sia> "Mia..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl looks a little scared herself
<Kaelan> * Sia sighs and carries her wood to the fire.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl follows, looking lost
<Kaelan> * Sia helps her set the wood down, looking her over carefully now.
01<@DeathStar> 6* The girl does so and sits back
Session Time: Tue Oct 19 00:00:00 2010
<Kaelan> Sia> "Mmm, I wonder who you are."
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> M-Me?
<Kaelan> * Sia nods. "I'll call you... Sonya."
01<@DeathStar> <Girl> O-Oh...Okay...
<Kaelan> * Sia smiles. "It's a pretty name, pretty like you!"
01<@DeathStar> <Sonye?> T-Thank you
<Kaelan> * Sia smiles and plops down next to her, petting Sonye's tail.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Sonye squeaks
<Kaelan> * Sia smiles and snuggles up, less shy around someone so innocent.
01<@DeathStar> 6* Sonye peers at her, and hugs her a little, looking surprised at Sia's reactions to her almost
<Kaelan> * Sia yawns a little, looking oblivious. "Hopefully they'll get food..."
01<@DeathStar> 6* Sonye blinks at food, peering at her neck. She pauses and a moment later Sia would be drowsy and feeling good, even as there's a slight pain at her neck that floods her with good feelings. Next thing Sia knows she's asleep having wet dreams
<Kaelan> * Sia sleeps a happy girl, mumbling about books.
Session Close: Tue Oct 19 17:56:45 2010