The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Spotlight Session 1

Session Start: Wed Jan 20 00:00:00 2010
Session Ident: #taw
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* Topic is '| Phase 1: Prophecies | Session 19: Northward | RP on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday at 8 EST | TAW4 ended on 459 | DS' Wish List: More 360 Gold |'
* Set by DeathStar! on Thu Jan 14 23:09:54
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<Kogitsune> Yay
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
* #taw is being logged
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-591.12.29 (Before the Dragoon Incident on 592.1.12)
<DeathStar> Location: Leyaeh's Quarters
<DeathStar> 6* The ship's alarm goes off to awaken Leyaeh to a very early morning shift in security.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh jerks a bit, rolling out of bed like a lazy cat, yawning big as she straightens up to face the coming day, rubbing her eyes.
<DeathStar> <Computer> You have 0 messages. The time is 4:45 in the morning. You have 15 minutes before work.
<DeathStar> <Computer> You have gained 1 pound.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I-I... when did I ask you to start watching that one?" *she slowly eyes herself, despite the protesting tone to her voice*
<DeathStar> 6* The computer doesn't respond, probably an automated program
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh sighs and hurriedly moves to get a shower before it's time to go, grabbing a uniform from nearby the bed.
<DeathStar> 6* After a cold shower due to heating problems - again - Leyaeh would find herself entering security 1 minute before her shift begins.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh steps into security, ears a little low, not thrilled with starting the day to a cold clammy shower, she looks about as she steps in, absentmindedly adjusting her belt.
<DeathStar> 6* CHIP speaks as she enters. "Gooooood morning!"
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh smiles a bit, moving for her desk. "Good Morning CHIP."
<DeathStar> 6* The door to Xanatos' office is slightly open - unusual for him to leave it open.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh pauses, she flicks an ear slightly and moves over for Xan's office door. "Strange..."
<DeathStar> 6* There's the sound of movement inside.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh frowns and slowly puts a hand on her gun holster, knocking on the door gently. "Sir? You in there?"
<DeathStar> 6* Silence. The movement seems to have stopped.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh draws her gun and steps back, pushing the door open with her foot. "I'm coming in."
<DeathStar> 6* The office looks empty; Xan's chair is pushed back from his desk a good foot, and his desk is a mess.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh frowns, training her gun on the desk, she looks about, making her way over to it. "CHIP, please wake Xanatos and get him up here."
<DeathStar> <CHIP> I--- 6* Ao rises from behind the desk, making a face. <Ao> Stupid Famfrits and their stupid hearing
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Nevermind." *she lowers the gun slowly* "Miss Ao."
<DeathStar> 6* Ao grumbles a bit, then eyes Leyaeh. "What, are you the ONLY one on duty?"
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "We... do seem a little short staffed at times." *she sighs a bit and holsters her weapon* "What are you doing in here? And so early?"
<DeathStar> 6* Ao waves a dismissive hand. "I need to talk to Xanatos and Erevis about their security if you're the only one we have working." 6* Somehow, her tone makes it seem like a bad thing because it's Leyaeh, more so than the only one
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Well sorry to offend, some extra hands wouldn't hurt though." *she raises her nose a bit, crossing her arms and looking away, obviously indignant about the implication*
<DeathStar> 6* The security line beeps in the other room.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> *moves out to answer the line*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina's face appears on the monitor. "Hello, Leyaeh. We seem to have had a... robbery of sorts here at the bar." 6* She notes. Ao, meanwhile, finishes putting her tacts in Xan's chair, hidden so they'll only appear when his big ass puts weight down onto them. Then she steps out
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "A robbery? Oi, I'll be down in a moment." *she runs a hand through her hair* "Nobody hurt, right?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> No. Nobody's hurt.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh nods, she hangs up and moves to the teleporter. "Forward any more security calls to my comms, CHIP, until someone else gets in at least."
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Understood.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh hits the button for the marketplace and moves quickly for the bar.
<DeathStar> 6* After using the teleporter to reach the bar, she'd find Katrina serving coffee and breakfast to people looking to eat before their own morning shifts.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh looks around, moving over to Katrina.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina peers up, giving a relieved smile. She peers across the way at the competition - Dawn - getting people looking for sweets for breakfast, narrowing her eyes.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh tilts her head, "So what's happened Katrina?" *she slowly follows her gaze to that evil Dawn, a most suspicious of people*
<Kogitsune> 6Dawn smiles until seeing her glare and quickly hides
<DeathStar> <Katrina> This is the third time it's happened, but a shipment of fresh fish has had a lower count than what we ordered. It just cleared customs this morning and I opened it up less than an hour ago. We were missing about 20 fish again.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh flicks an ear, her eyes glaze a moment before she shakes her head, "F-Fish you say, I see. Do you think the package was intact through customs?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> The container is sealed with a passcode so they can be reused. The delivery person who brought it up to customs said all the fish were there when he left the fish factory.
<DeathStar> <KAtrina> I think he arrived last night.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh nods, "Mmm... so the delivery guy is suspect, does anyone else see the package before you open it?"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina moves to fill more coffee, looking ragged at being up this early without help
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I don't know. I just wait for it to be cleared through the hanger customs and go and get it
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> Oiii, Kat. Good mornin'.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina peers up, then looks relieved at Elwyn's arrival. "Elwyn." 6* She gives a tired smile. "Somene stole our fish again."
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh nods, taking notes on a little notebook. "So no one in the bar itself saw the package before you?"
<Kit> 6Elwyn jerks. 1"Again?!"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> No. I just picked it up an hour ago, after all.
<Kit> <Elwyn> I'm tellin' you, just let me stay overnight. I'll get the bastard.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh makes notes on Elwyn's surprised reaction. She makes a note to check if foxes like fish. "I guess my next stop is customs then, as the robbery had to happen there."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Customs is near the ship your building, right? I guess you could spend the night in it next time we get a shipment and see if you can spot anyone
<Kit> <Elwyn> I'll hang out in the hangar behind some crates or somethin' and... pow!
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina waves a hand. "You might should check with other store owners and see if they're missing anything, too."
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Delivery guy still on the station? Got a way to contact him?" *she makes more notes on what Katrina says*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I don't know. 6* She moves over to her datapad, getting the contact information for the fish company and their delivery contacts. Someone named Kit, apparantly. He gets lots of complaints from one of the store owners about being slow
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh nods, she takes the information, "Alright, I'll keep you updated."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Thank you. 6* She makes a face as one of the more lewd customers calls for an order, knowing she'll get her ass groped.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh raises a brow at the look. "Got any other complaints?"
* Chad`Winters steps in and makes his way to a spot and sits down.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Just customers who like to feel up the waitresses. 6* She moves over to deal with him
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> I could deal with them, Kat
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh eyes Chad suspiciously a moment, then looks to Elwyn. "That's your territory, anyway. Just don't cause any permenant injuries." *she moves to leave the bar*
<DeathStar> 6* KAtrina waits, then leans over to Elwyn. "Maybe you should follow Leyaeh and help her out, actually. I don't think she's very experienced when it comes to investigating."
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh approaches that Dawn character, figuring if anyone's getting the butt end of supply robberies, it might be the fruit.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina steps over to the one customers, who orders bacon and eggs, slapping her ass. <Customer> And some of that pink stuff, toots. 6* Katrina sighs a bit
<Kogitsune> 6Elwyn shrugs. 1"Lost my touch in the Genesis."
* Chad`Winters peers over at the guy slapping her ass
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh tilts her head, tapping Dawn's shoulder.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina shrugs. "Well, Chad needs his order taken." 6* She notes, as if that's the alternative to playing detective. She moves into the back
<Kogitsune> 6Dawn pauses, then peers at Leyaeh, dressed the part of a maid cafe more or less. He tilts his head
<DeathStar> 6* Some burly men carry in a container of supplies for Dawn, setting it in the back. "There's your latest shipment, dollface." 6* One guy says, winking at Dawn, thinking he's a girl.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Any supplies gone missing? I'm looking into a possible theft." *she eyes Dawn, then the delivery guy*
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> Right... I'll go." 6She hurries off
<Kogitsune> 6Dawn shrugs at Leyaeh, then bows to the deliverer, going to check
<DeathStar> <Man> Say, dollface, when does your shift end?
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh keeps an eye on the delivery guy. "She's a lesbian, I'm afraid."
<DeathStar> <Man> O-Oh. You sure? Not bi?
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Well, there's been times we might think so. Maybe you could be the one to bring her around."
<DeathStar> 6* The man seems invigorated and resolved to try harder now. As DAwn checks, he'd notice that....
<Kogitsune> 6Dawn narrows eyes at Leyaeh, but holds up the wedding bands, bowing head pollitely
<DeathStar> 6* Catnip brownies are missing!!
<DeathStar> 6* The man sees the bands, then hangs his head, moving off.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Oh well." *she looks back at Dawn* "So anything missing, 'dollface'?"
<Kogitsune> 6Dawn sighs at Leyaeh
<Kogitsune> <Dawn> Catnnip.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh blinks a little and eyes her notepad, jotting down more notes. "Fish... and catnip... this is getting suspiciously catty."
* Chad`Winters glances at his datapad and he shifts to stand up, moving over to Kat.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina is in the back, and no longer in the scene
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh puts the notepad away. "Oh well, I'll let you know if we find anything Dawn."
<Kogitsune> 6Dawn sulks, nodding.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Sounds like this case is getting big. Sure you can handle it on your own, rookie?
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh bows her head a bit and starts walking, she looks up at nothing very much, "Who knows, but it's my job, so I've got to."
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Think a Famfrit is the culprit?
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> Looks that way.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Fish and catnip? More then likely."
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Can I lock them all up?!
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Considering that I'm one of them... no."
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I'll let you lock up the theif though."
<DeathStar> <CHIP> SPoC would let me lock them all up. 6* He mumbles
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I'll let you help with the interrogation too."
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Yay!
<DeathStar> <CHIP> So, where to now?
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I have this theory..." *she eyes Drasek's shop, heading over to it*
<DeathStar> 6* Drasek's shop is closed, since not many people shop for clothes at 5:#0
<Kogitsune> 6Elwyn follows, grumbling. 1"Nice, Kat, didn't even let me think to change...
<DeathStar> 6* Indeed, people watch Elwyn moving about; some even take pictures
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh writes note and leaves it for them to call at thier earliest convience. She looks at Elwyn, "I feel like we've entered a graphic novel, with a waitress companion."
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> Can leave...
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh sends SPoC a message about the case and what's going on, letting her know she's going to be checking out customs. "No, you're welcome to stay, I could probably use your help."
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> How's that?
<DeathStar> 6* One guy walks over ot Elwyn. "Hey, sweetie. Do you have some candy in that outfit to share?"
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh eyes the guy, leaning so her security badge is in plain view. "She's a deputy with security at the moment."
<Chad`Winters> 6After awhile, she gets a response asking her if she needs assistance
<DeathStar> 6* The guy pauses, then quickly moves off
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh eyes her datapad and lets her know she could, it seems multiple merchants are having things taken, possibly by a famfrit.
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> ...I could have handled myself, thanks...
<DeathStar> 6* If they continue to walk, it'll be a while before htey reach the hanger, unless they take a teleporter.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh nods, moving to a teleporter to got to the hangar.
<Chad`Winters> 6She gets a response that she'll be ready in a few minutes
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh hits the button for the handar when Elwyn's on and looks around before heading towards customs.
<Seraphna> * hangar
<DeathStar> 6* The hanger is busy as ever, with people set up to check people in. The Earth hanger seems to be be unusually crowded and whatnot. Separated from passenger liners is the transport ship area, where customs is set up to scan crates and whatnot. Indeed, on the far side of the transport area is the private hanger area, where Elwyn and Billy's ship is being built, and since it's practically the only one besides Paladin's diplomatic ship..
<DeathStar> 6* Does indeed overlook the customs area a bit.
<DeathStar> 6* As Elwyn nears, evil seems to stir in the hanger, as if alerted to her presence.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh makes her way towards customs, expecting Elwyn to follow.
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> Th-The hell?
<Kogitsune> 6Elwyn frowns, peering about
<DeathStar> 6* A seven year old glomps Elwyn. "Mommy, you came home! I've missed you soooo much. Where have you been the last month?" 6* People stare at Elwyn, horrorfied.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh looks around, staring as well. "Elwyn? What's this about? You have a kid?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy fufufus
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> Andrea you little!
<DeathStar> 6* Billy scampers back, all smiles. "Mommy, did I do something bad again? Is that way you left me?" 6* Her eyes water. One woman mumbles something about Elwyn being terrible
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh frowns, eyeing Elwyn with scrutiny now.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Lucky for me I don't have any kids, you devious little thing.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy fufufus again, putting her hands behind her. "A-are you disowning me?" 6* She manages to sound heartbroken, though her eyes are clearly smiling
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh looks at the kid, then Elwyn, taken aback that Elwyn would deny her own child.
<Kit> <Elwyn> What's your game, runt?
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC appears, moving towards Leyaeh
<DeathStar> 6* Billy giggles a bit. "Maybe I want a spanking." 6* She notes playfully, then peers at Leyaeh and SPoC, then Elwyn. "You gone copper?"
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "She's helping out in a theft investigation, yes."
<Kit> <Elwyn> Someone's stealin' stuff from the shops.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Oh? Wasn't me!
<DeathStar> <Billy> Or WAS it?
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh peers at Billy suspiciously. "Was it?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy smiles innocently. "I don't know. Wasn't it?"
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Hmmm... we may have to take the kid in for questioning."
<Kit> <Elwyn> Oh, I'd love to.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC steps up, her hair pulled back in a very short ponytail, and in uniform.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Oooo, do I get to be interrogated by Elwyn? In a dark room with a big table?
<Seraphna> * Leayeh nods to SPoC. She looks back at Billy. "Well... I promised CHIP already..."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy seems to tune Leyaeh out, clearly visualizing some fantasy.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Any cuffs on you, Laychan?
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> Have you come up with any leads yet?
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh hands her some restraints. She looks to SPoC. "About to check customs, it seems that would be where the thefts are taking place."
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> What is all missing?
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Didn't check the other shops, but in the last shipment alone, catnip from Dawn's shop and 20 fish from Katrina's bar."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy peers at Leyaeh. "Oh, is this about the noises I heard last night?"
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> And you think that someone from customs would steal it?
<Seraphna> * Leayeh looks over at Billy, "Noises?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy fufufus. "Maybe I heard something, maybe I didn't."
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC glances at Billy then at Leyaeh.
<Kogitsune> 6Elwyn slides over to Billy, pulling her hands behind her, smirking
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Did you or didn't you?" *she gets a less then playful look*
<DeathStar> 6* Billy makes a fuu noise, squirming. "Police brutality!" 6* People in customs stare, jaws dropped
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "She's not a cop. So it's fox brutality."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Ooo, you do have brains
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> Keep it up, runt, and no spankings, let alone interrogation.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC shifts her arms behind her back now as she watches Billy and Leyaeh. 1"If you have any information, we would appreciate it."
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I pride myself on being a thinking organism."
<DeathStar> <Billy> I won't talk! --- unless I'm in an interrogation room and forced to. Fu fu fu
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh sighs a bit. "I'd threaten to hold her for obstructign an investigation, but I think she wants that."
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC looks at Leyaeh. 1"Do you know who all knows the codes to get into the crates?
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "The delivery guy and the receiver, as far as I know."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Fufufu. You're not a very good thinking organism if you haven't looked at the most obvious 'clue' of all
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> That's what I mean. If she keeps being annoying I'll just set her free.
<DeathStar> <Billy> MAybe I should apply for security officer. Then I could round you up for suspicious actions all the time, Elwyn. After all, if I was a security officer, I'd... 6* She nods up at the ceiling. "Look there first."
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> I would check with Athena myself.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> I am insulted at your accusations! I'll inform the Captain of your traitorous words!
<Kogitsune> 6Elwyn peers up
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh eyes her, tilting her head. She doesn't look directly up because that way madness lay, she rubs her forehead. "Xan's kid? I guess we can check there."
<DeathStar> 6* Security cameras.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh looks over at SPoC, "Did you do any checking before coming to join me?"
<Chad`Winters> <SPoc> But that's only based off the catnip and the fish. The Security cameras monitor certain areas at all times.
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> Ah. She's right. Hey, check 'em.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Customs is a given, let's check."
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh turns and heads for the teleporter.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC follows after Leyaeh.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Fufufu. I clearly need to apply.
<Kogitsune> 6Elwyn glances after them, then cuffs Billy.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh hops on the teleporter and hits the button for security.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy squirms as she's cuffed. "Kinky. Maybe you should do this job more often, too.'
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> You'll be comin' with us." 6She sniffs and follows
<DeathStar> 6* Billy is dragged along, looking like a frightened child. People stare in horror
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC steps off the telepad with Leyaeh
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> Stop that or no frisking.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy fuus, but behaves
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh moves over to the monitors and starts checking the feeds for customs.
<DeathStar> 6* There's indeed feeds of customs
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC moves and sits on the edge of her desk
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh looks for anything suspicious.
<DeathStar> 6* Right now, the feed is showing what's occurring at this moment in customs, since she hasn' know... picked an earlier recording or anything
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh looks through the recordings of the feed.
<Kogitsune> 6Elwyn skirts Billy off to the holding area in the meantime
<DeathStar> 6* Since Leyaeh is apparantly looking through the recordings, without a specific timeframe in mind, the security team is in for a long viewing process
<DeathStar> 6* Billy winks at Elwyn as she's moved off. "Really think those two can solve anything?"
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh looks over the recordings of the previous night, working off the time frame Katrina gave her as to when they arrived and when she picked them up.
<DeathStar> 6* That would be about a 9 hour period.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC waits patiently, maybe making mental notes on Leyaeh's performance
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> Who knows, but the longer they take, the longer we'll enjoy ourselves." 6She winks
<DeathStar> <Billy> Fufufu. 6* She leans over a table, peering back. "Do you really think you can make me talk?" 6* She notes, making her voice sound asian gangstah.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Still a lot to look over..." *she looks to see if there's a lot of activity over the evening hours*
<DeathStar> 6* There is indeed a lot of activity in the evening. Katrina's shipment arrived a little after 7, when customs is typically very busy, hence the overnight wait until Katrina could get it the next day. There's a lot to view. Will Leyaeh view it all in real time, fast forward, etc. etc? One should be specific or the GM will continue to make one look foolish.
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> Ah, who cares if you talk or not... Fufufu...
<DeathStar> 6* Billy jerks. "W-What kind of cop are you?"
<Kogitsune> <Elwyn> A dirty one?
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh fast forwards, keeping her eyes on the monitor for anything out of the ordinary, not about to spend 9 hours looking over footage.
<DeathStar> 6* As she fastforwards, she gets to the end of the period rather quickly. There's a timestamp in the corner, but watching it would mean not watching what took place. Nothing seems to happen at all during the period.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh droops her ears and backs up the tape, looking over it again, stopping from time to time to check the timestamp, comparing it with the people in the scene and the status of the packages.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Ooooh.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh fastforwards while looking over it again, of course.
<DeathStar> 6* There appears to be a brief moment when the timestamp skips ahead 10 mins around 1 in the morning
<DeathStar> 6* Billy shifts so she's leaning against the table. "You're a dirty girl, hm? Perhaps I should bend you over." 6* This seems rather awkward coming from a seven year old
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh frowns and goes over the spot again, flicking an ear a little. "Is there a way to tell if the recording was altered? There seems to be a gap in the recording."
<DeathStar> 6* There's a static burst before the jump, as if something interfered briefly, or the computer just experienced a momentary glitch
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Someone definately disrupted the video, can't tell if it was on this end or the camera."
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> CHIP's systems are pretty sophisticated.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> You'd need someone good at computer systems to tell you that, I'd imagine. Neither of you are really qualified.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Do you still think my innocent Athena should be questioned now? 6* He sounds indignant.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I should consider studying up on systems in the future I guess... still find them a bit confusing. Who should we ask about this though? One of the engineers?"
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Aya Allighieri is capable. Chad Winters is capable.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Aya isn't yet awake, however.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Both busy people..." *she pulls out a credit and flips it, eyeing it* "...We'll go with Chad first."
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC Looks over at Leyaeh to decide
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "See? The credit is smart." *she grabs her comm, calling Chad*
<Kit> 6Elwyn peeks into security. 1"Hey Natchan, can Andrea sign on as a volunteer or somethin'?"
<Chad`Winters> <Comm> Winters.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC doesn't respond, not used to the name Natchan
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Chad, can you come to security? We need a consult on a computer issue."
<DeathStar> <CHIP to comm> They want you to feel me up. Mmmm
<Kit> <Elwyn> Naaatchan. Naaat-- Natalie!
<Chad`Winters> 6There's a grumble over the comm. 1"I'll be there in a few minutes."
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Thank you Mr. Winters." *she closes the conversation and peers at the recording of slightly before and slightly after the interruption*
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC looks over at Elwyn. 1"Yes?"
<Kit> <Elwyn> Andrea wants to volunteer a little here and there.
<Chad`Winters> 6SpoC glances at Andrea
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> Is this true?
<Kit> 6Elwyn pauses, peering where SPoC is looking curiously.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy was took to the ohlding area
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "We can let Xan know when he gets in, it's ultimately his choice."
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC looks away from the holding cell then at Elwyn. 1"I will pass it by Durran."
<Kit> <Elwyn> Well, let her know soon!
<Kit> 6Elwyn seems cheerful, returning down the hall
* Chad`Winters steps off the telepad.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> The Darkling said she heard noises. Whoever did this had to be loud enough to cause such noises. Perhaps we should interrogate her to find out what sort of noises our intruders made
<DeathStar> <CHIP> I can use the probes on her to extract information
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh waves Chad over, still looking at the recordings. "Knock yourself out CHIP."
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC jots something down.
<DeathStar> 6* CHIP laughs evilly. A moment later, there's squeals of pain and fright from the holding area. "What the hell are you putting there?!"
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Huh, figured she'd enjoy it." *she points at the monitor* "This video seems to be altered, some sort of interference, Chad."
* Chad`Winters moves over, looking somewhat tired. 1"Bring up the video file." 6He moves over to a terminal
<Kit> <Elwyn> Huh, that's a new one. Hey, what's it feel like, Andrea?
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh brings it up for him.
<DeathStar> 6* The noises continue. "IT HURTS, DAMMIT!" 6* Billy doesn't sound amused
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Should probably ease up there CHIP."
<DeathStar> <CHIP> How much should I ease up? On a scale of 1 to 10. I need exact orders. 6* The noises continue, CHIP Clearly stalling
<Kit> <Elwyn> O-Oh, in that case perhaps I should... you know... l-leave you be.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Let's go with a 6."
<DeathStar> 6* There's a noise as something is broken. BIlly steps out, her right ear looking abused and bit bloody. She eyes Leyaeh, her killing intent present
<DeathStar> <CHIP> ... a-arrest her!
* Chad`Winters sits down infront of it, waiting for the security segment to be brought out.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "If you hurt her and got something broke, you probably deserved it." *the security segement is already up*
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh slowly stares at Chad sitting there blankly.
<Kit> <Elwyn> A-Aw, she broke my new cuffs.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Try not to think of dead ex-girlfriend zombies. 6* He whispers to Chad, but loudly enough for others to hear
<DeathStar> 6* Billy pauses, peering at Chad curiously now
* Chad`Winters glances up, clicking his tongue in response. He pulls out his datapad, hooking it up to the terminal. He watches it as he plays the video.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "He does look tired, maybe I should have called Aya."
<Chad`Winters> She has enough to deal with. She needs the sleep she can get.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> But she doesn't dream of dead ex-girlfriend zombies. 6* He notes in the same loud whisper
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "So do you, maybe you should go to medical after this and ask for some sleeping aids."
<DeathStar> 6* His datapad would indicate there's nothing on the security end/CHIP's end to count for the disturbance, indicating possiblely an outside interference source.
<Chad`Winters> I'll pass on drugs.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Fufufu. You should just get your brain wiped. I could do it for you. 6* She wiggles her fingers at Chad
<Chad`Winters> Whatever caused your interference, is from an outside source. Which means Chip's not as high and mighty as he claims to be.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Maybe I just don't have good engineers keeping my system safeguards at top performance, since they're dreaming of dead ex-girlfriend zombies.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Or you could find some girl and destress with her." *she nods to Chad and looks at the recording* "Then whoever did it may have done it in the hangar? Could they do this through the camera itself?"
<Kit> <Elwyn> Freyja Momma could help with that, Chad."
<Kit> 6Elwyn shrugs. 1"Imbalances are her specialty."
<Chad`Winters> I'm fine, thanks for your concern. 6He nods to Elwyn politely, then glances at Leyaeh and types on his datapad to see if it's possible
<DeathStar> <CHIP> It's possible someone used a device to interfere with my security cameras. With so many now, they're spread thin, and it's not like people haven't spent the last year studying my systems to get their hands on it. The Captain's even had to make deals where she's given technology out
* Chad`Winters glances up. 1"It's good I have 50 some years of knowledge of you to work with."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Fufufu, could be an inside job. You have enough engineers and bridge personnel to know how it works."
<Chad`Winters> Billy's right.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Still seems a lot of effort for fish and catnip."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Maybe Aya's pregnant and has a fetish for fish and catnip? I hear Erevis liked pickles.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Or, wait, DAWN's the pregnant one. Fuu
<Chad`Winters> My daughters' not a thief. 6He eyes Billy now
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "...Pickles... wait, can Dawn get pregnant? She's a girl right?"
<Kit> <Elwyn> He's girly, but I don't think he has ovaries.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Dawn wishes she was.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "She's a man?"
<Chad`Winters> I doubt he does.
<Kit> 6Elwyn stares at Leyaeh. 1"How long have you been here, again?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> MAybe he stole the fish to put Kat out of business? It was her fihs, right?
<Chad`Winters> He's to big of a coward for that type of move.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> She's not a very good security officer if she can't see the tent in the dress.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Since a little before the ship came back to Earth. If you mean active enough to get to know people."
<Chad`Winters> That or the tent's not that big.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Yeesh. You people are more sinister than any thief.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Sh--- He just seems so feminine."
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Oh, it's... ... big. 6* He sounds depressed to know that
<DeathStar> <Billy> Fufufu, Thank you, Elwyn
<Kit> 6Elwyn stares upward. 1"...Really..?"
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "The female garb doesn't help." *she sighs and eyes the monitor* "I guess we should go back to customs and look for clues."
* Chad`Winters grunts, apparently not believing Chip or caring.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> ... that's all I'll comment on. .... I won't go into any details of what they call it, or pretend it is. Nope. I've already been working on ap rogram to delete those videos from my databank
<Kit> <Elwyn> Huh. Curious.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I suppose he's not the strangest thing I've seen on this ship."
<Chad`Winters> Is there anything else you need from me? 6He glances at Leyaeh
<DeathStar> <Billy> You think you'll really find clues in customs? Better to interrogate every officer on the ship. Fufufu.
<Kit> 6Elwyn raises an eyebrow at Leyaeh. 1"I'm just surprised. I mean, he works on the bridge, helped in security, eats at Marcus'... The only time he wears 'female garb' I can think of is in the new bakery. For you not to know... and play detective." 6She whistles.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "It's not like I socialize with him much, he tends to keep out of the way and be quiet."
<Kit> <Elwyn> Knew his name though. Fufufu.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Names are easy, and Dawn even sounds like a girl's name."
* Chad`Winters shifts and stands up.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Hm. true.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I think that's all Chad."
<Chad`Winters> When you're done talking about my son in law..
<Kit> <Elwyn> So you thought Aya was a lesbian. Haa.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Wait, I think I found the fish!
* Chad`Winters moves off to the telepad.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> ... the fish--- is in Chad's hut!
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "What's wrong with thinking that? It's common among my own people."
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "...What? Really?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy peers up, blinking
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh gets up, narrowing her eyes at the teleporter.
* Chad`Winters glances up. 1"Hut? Haven't used that term yet."
<Kit> <Elwyn> Your people seem more like me and don't care." 6She pauses, eyeing Chad.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Yes. I was scanning Dawn's stuff to see if he took it, and I detected 5 fish in Chad's fridge!
<Kit> <Elwyn> The fish is at your place? Ugh, maybe it really is the kitten's.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "5? But that's... 15 short of the missing order."
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Maybe he ate the rest?
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "That sting bean?"
<Seraphna> *string
<DeathStar> <Billy> Hard to picture Chad eating a fish period.
* Chad`Winters slowly eyes Leyaeh. 1"String?"
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I was thinking Dawn..." *she eyes Chad up and down* "Maybe he could eat a few, but 15 in one night?"
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Well, there are fish in the Zhenmei household, but that's like saying mice like cheese.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "And Catnip too I bet."
<Chad`Winters> Go ahead and check my hut. But if you wake up Eve, well hell hath no fury...6He steps on the telepad. 1"And stay out of my workshop.
<DeathStar> <Billy> So, the fish yours, Chad? 6* She peers at him.
* Chad`Winters glances at Billy. 1"If I said yes, would you believe me?
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Uh, Eve moved out you know...
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Lack of sleep, he might be hallucinating."
<Chad`Winters> Well so much for keeping that personal. Thanks Chip.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> I assure you, everyone already knew. She's going off station, after all, to do work for Paladin
<DeathStar> <Billy> Still, even if he's hallucinating, stealing fish makes no sense
<Chad`Winters> Then clearly it's not me. 6He shifts and hits engineering.
<Kit> <Elwyn> I didn't know! But then, I don't really care... Though she was kind of hot.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Yet he never said if the fish was his or not.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy notes to Leyaeh.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy fuus at Elwyn, sticking out her tongue
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "It does seem weird." *she eyes the teleporter again* "Doesn't Athena spend a lot of time there? Maybe he's keeping snacks for her."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Fufufu. Elwyn, did Athena sleep with you last night?
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh eyes Elwyn slowly.
<Kit> <Elwyn> We went to sleep in any case. Hell if I know. I sleep deep.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Oh. that's good to know. 6* She notes evilly
<DeathStar> <CHIP> I assure you Miss. Athena did not leave Zone 1-B.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Mmm, I'm going to check customs now. SPoC, can you see about looking into if any of the crew were working at odd hours last night?"
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC glances up from her notepad the nods.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> We always have a crew 24/7. What would be... "odd"?
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh jerks a bit. "Anyone doing stuff outside their scheduled shifts, I guess."
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> Which is it?
<DeathStar> 6* The security line beeps.
<Kit> 6Elwyn moves over and hits it. 1"Oy, oy, Carter Crisis hotline."
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC eyes Elywn touching Security stuff
<DeathStar> 6* There's a pause, then a civilian speaks. "Uh..."
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh sighs and grabs it. "Security here."
<Kit> <Elwyn> How can we resolve your crisis to--hey!
<DeathStar> <Voice> Uh... if we report suspicious activity, do we like, get credits?
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Depends on the crime and if someone's offered a reward I suppose, what's the situation?"
<DeathStar> <Voice> Uh, is there a reward...for...uh...someone selling drugs?
<Kit> <Elwyn> ...Hey, is this a famfrit?
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh frowns a little. "Where did you see this happening."
<DeathStar> 6* The voice stutters. "Uh--I---" <CHIP> I traced the call. It's from the Famfrit Sector.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh has a trace put on the call when Elwyn makes the famfrit remark.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh looks up, nodding at CHIP.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Bingo. Catnip.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "There may be some kind of honors, now where did you see this? We need to file a proper report."
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC jots down some notes
<DeathStar> <Voice> Is...honors...credits?
<DeathStar> <Billy> Fufufu. He likes his shinies. 6* The voice does seem to be male
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh frowns a bit more. She mutes herself a moment and looks to SPoC. "Use the trace to get a visual." *she unmutes* "I can't make any promises without any information."
<DeathStar> <Voice> Well...the drugs...are That seem to make people really...happy. That good enough? I can tell you where to find the seller, for credits
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "And without credits... you're going to not report it?"
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh looks to see if SPoC is doing anything.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Hey Andrea." 6She motions to her. 1"Let's go pay 'em a visit."
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC is.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy nods, skipping oer to Elwyn.
<DeathStar> <Voice> A guy's gotta eat. Work is hard to find.
<Kit> 6Elwyn grins, leading her to the telepad and hitting the famfrit sectors
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC brings up a visual after awhile
<DeathStar> 6* The visual shows an area of the famfrit sector, where terminals are located for free calls and whatnot for those who don't have a home.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC zooms in on the specific terminal being used for this call
<DeathStar> 6* A famfrit that looks about 22, with scruffy hair, is looking nervous, peering around.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Well we are thinking about expanding the staff, we might provide more then a one time fee to a good informant." *she transfers the conversation to her comms*
<DeathStar> <CHIP> We have him! ... though if we bust him, we should keep it quiet, or we'll never get any more informants.
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> That is the perisom makign the call
<DeathStar> <Voice> Not creds, no info. I've seen Earth holos. I know how this work. 6* He looks ready to hang up
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Alright, we'll work on a finders fee for you, you can either come to security to keep this discreet or you can give us the info, this is time sensitive."
<Kit> 6Elwyn works with Billy on finding and pouncing the guy
<DeathStar> 6* Billy peers about the Famfrit zone, heading for the terminals. After a bit, they'd see 3 Famfrits at terminals. 2 are girls, one is a guy.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh moves over to the teleporter.
<DeathStar> <Voice> And how do I know I'll get this finder's..."fee"?
<Kit> 6Elwyn moves over and puts an arm around the guy, smiling.
<DeathStar> 6* The guy jerks, eyeing Elwyn, then relaxes, seeing she's a waitress. "I-I'm makin' a call her, lady."
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "If you come down, we can pay you when you report, else you'll have to trust me. But I don't stiff my own people."
<DeathStar> <CHIP> *to SPoC* Stiff her own people, eh? That means she'd stiff you
<Kit> <Elwyn> A call about fish?
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC glancse up. 1"I don't understand.
<DeathStar> 6* The guy jerks, then runs for it
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh looks up annoyed.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> *to SPoC* It means she won't give you money if you ask for it
<Kit> 6Elwyn keeps her arm on him, trying to draw him into a hug, looking to kiss him.
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> I have enough money.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "...Hello? You still there?"
<DeathStar> 6* The man jerks as he's brought into a hug, crying out. "Help! I've been set up! Security's set me uuuuup!"
<Kit> 6Elwyn kisses him when he goes to yell, looking annoyed.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Elwyn's got to the informant. 6* He notes, the visuals showing Elwyn kissing him. The guy jerks, looking freaked, then relaxes
<DeathStar> 6* Billy fuus, crossing her arms.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh sighs and rubs her forehead. "I can always claim they went vigilante..."
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Never trust a Darkling!
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC glance sat Leyaeh.
<Kit> <Elwyn> There, not so bad for a 'finder's fee,' eh?
<Kit> 6Elwyn lets go, putting her hands on her hips. 1"Now knock it off, I'm not setting you up. Granted I'm not really security either."
<DeathStar> <Man> I-I--I---
<DeathStar> <Man> A-are you my girlfriend now?
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh looks over at the visual. She sighs and heads to the teleporter, hitting the button for the famfrit area.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Not a chance, but if you weren't kidding about the having to eat part, I can help out, I imagine.
<DeathStar> <Man> H-How? <Billy> Fufufu. Someone's going to bring up the Soup Kitchen, I bet.
<Kit> 6Elwyn elbows Billy, smiling at him.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy falls over
<Kit> <Elwyn> I know people. We'll find you something.
<DeathStar> <MAn> ... ... 6* He looks suspicious, then sniffs. "How a bout 5 creds as a show of good will?"
<Kit> <Elwyn> I guess I can spare that, if it'll cool your nerves.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh heads towards the three.
<DeathStar> 6* The man nods. He pauses, eyees Leyaeh, then jerks. "I've been set up!"
<Kit> <Elwyn> She's just worried I'm stealing you away.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC watches from security
<Kit> 6Elwyn holds out the five credits.
<DeathStar> 6* The man looks fishy eyed. OR catty eyes. <Billy> He really does watch Earth holos
<DeathStar> 6* He snatches it, then whispers into Elwyn's ear a location, then hurries off
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh shakes her head. "Not setting anyone up.... oi. Crazies."
<Kit> <Elwyn> Oy, wait up, catboy.
<Kit> 6Elwyn eyes Leyaeh, and moves over after the guy alone.
<DeathStar> 6* He pauses, looking jittery.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh watches the two.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Can't uphold my word if you run off without contact info." 6She exchanges her comm address, then pats him on the shoulder. 1"Lighten up, or that long life of yours won't last."
<DeathStar> 6* He eyes the address, then her, mumbles a thanks, and skitters off like a terrified cat. Billy watches him go, then claps her hands together
<DeathStar> <Billy> Where to now?
<Kit> <Elwyn> He mentioned a back street.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Nice recovery." *she sends SPoC a message that they have the location*
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC confirms it and checks to see if their security cams have access to check the area
<DeathStar> 6* After a bit of traveling, they'd arrive at what is literally named, in Famfrit, "Back Street". In the back, a shadey looking Famfrit is at a booth, with two fish on it. SPoC would get access of it indeed
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC watches from the safety of her office
* Seraphna lets the dynamic duo move ahead of her.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh
<DeathStar> 6* Billy stands her ground
<Kit> <Elwyn> You're the officer, Laychan.
<Seraphna> * Leayeh sighs, "Yeah." *she moves over to the booth*
<DeathStar> 6* As Leyaeh approaches, the guy sees her uniform, and bolts before she even gets near, using Famfrit speed to scamper down the ally
<DeathStar> 6* Billy watches him go, then steps to the fish, sniffing it, making a face. "Definitely nipped. But I only see two fish."
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh chases after him.
<Kit> 6Elwyn nods to Billy, looking to see which way the other end of the Alley leads
<DeathStar> 6* It seems to lead to a deadend - a ship wall; the Famfrit shifts to begin climbing a house wall
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh pulls out her gun, sets it to stun, and fires at the Famfrit before he gets up too high, running for it still.
<DeathStar> 6* The FAmfrit is hit and falls off the roof, landing on the ground with a sickening thud
<DeathStar> 6* The person leaving in the house peeks out, house squinted, and ears parked. Apparantly people in this sector designed to be like a village, hence how they afford the zone
<Kit> <Elwyn> Sure could use someone like Athena to sniff out the rest.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh sighs and moves over, she calls medical and checks him over.
<DeathStar> 6* The Famfrit twitches, looking drugged himself. He mumbles at Leyaeh in their language, calling her a blue haired whore that works for the devil
<DeathStar> <Billy> Fuu. Should I contact her?
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "My nose works pretty well."
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh sighs and restrains him, waiting for medical assistance.
<DeathStar> 6* The Famfrit, unable to move, is easily restrained. Other Famfrits come to stare, looking at Leyaeh accussingly. Some Famfrit nurses arrive to get the Famfrit, cooing over him and offering him reassurances
<DeathStar> 6* They move to take him back to medical, paging Jennifer to wake her, since Carter has seniority and can sleep in
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh shakes her head, "Wasn't just selling drugs, he was taking them too."
<Kit> <Elwyn> You really consider catnip a ..drug?
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh moves over to the other two while Jennifer makes her way to medical in a rush.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "It is to us, you seen what a good dose can do?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> Then why is Dawn allowed to sell catnip brownies?
<Kit> <Elwyn> Catnip's not illegal.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> *just eyes Elwyn, hardly thinking that an excuse*
<DeathStar> <Billy> You won't be able to get him on drug charges, but he did steal it. Looks like he sold 18 fish worth.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "That's what we're goign with. I'm not charging him for dealing drugs, doesn't mean he's not guilty of it just the same."
<Kit> <Elwyn> Even the captain's kids nibble nip once in a while. You consider them drugees?
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "They also get upset at how they act if they take too much, think about that."
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh makes her way to a teleporter.
<Kit> <Elwyn> It does do weird things, but even with addictive properties it doesn't do any 'longterm' effects.
<Kit> 6Elwyn makes a face. 1"You're acting like it's a narcotic or something to OD on."
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I could care less how it affects long term, you can do plenty of stupid shit in a short space of time."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy follows, watching the two with interest
<Kit> <Elwyn> You can on alcohol too, dumbass.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Yes, you can, only we don't serve alchohol to little kids, they can get at catnip."
<Kit> <Elwyn> Alcohol kills the liver.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Fufufu.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh shrugs. "Alchohol at least has restrictions and warnings, catnip doesn't, don't use one thing to excuse another."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Sounds like Leyaeh is going to bring the issue of catnip before the PAX governments to get it banned now.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Good luck. I'll be first to oppose it.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I just might, if we're already having other crimes expand from it's distribution."
<Kit> 6Elwyn shakes her head. 1"Blaming a plant is no reason for irresponsibility.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Thank the fates you're not in government Elwyn."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Aw, you sound like Freyja Momma.
<Kit> <Elwyn> We're all in government, elf.
<DeathStar> 6* When they arrive in medical, the debate still raging, Jennifer would have set the Famfrit's arm and leg to be held from a slight break. The Famfrit seems happily dosed on something, talking about Jennifer's breasts
<Kit> 6Elwyn stares at Leyaeh. 1"Every person around you makes up what the government is there for, and in democratic societies, it doesn't act without our consent."
<DeathStar> <Billy> You should talk to your Ambassador Mum about catnip. Though I hera she's likely to shoot people, too
<Kit> <Elwyn> If you're worried about its effects, make people aware, don't burn it. It's your stupid idea that it has a negative effect you better condemn it that had my kind hunted down in the first place."
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "You let me know when PAX becomes democratic then, Erevis might like to know this happened too."
<Seraphna> * Jennifer smiles softly and finishes checking over her patient, she eyes Leyaeh. Like she thinks it was overkill too.
<Kit> <Elwyn> ..." 6She leans closer to Leyaeh, scowling angrily. 1"Did you know that your kind can go berserk? With manifest talents and an animal's instincts, you're capable of wiping a ton of shit out like that, too. Maybe we should have you restricted."
<DeathStar> 6* The Famfrit eyes Leyaeh, proceeding to insult her in Famfritese for breaking up an honest business man trying to make a living
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh eyes Elwyn the stares at the Famfrit. "Honest huh? Honest businessmen don't run." *she says back in quick famfrit*
<DeathStar> 6* The Famfrit hmphs at her, mumbling about how he's just helping to feed and make the hungry Famfrits of the world happy.
<Kit> <Elwyn> You don't even understand your own people anymore. If they see someone known for waving a gun around and arresting people, what do you think a scared person's going to do?
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Do it right, do it honest and then maybe you won't get chased down alleyways and shot at." *she continues in Famfrit*
<DeathStar> <Billy> Something doesn't feel right to me. 6* She takes Elwyn's hand, leading her back.
<Kit> 6Elwyn stares at Leyaeh after her reply, throwing up her hands. 1"I'm done playing, Andrea."
<DeathStar> 6* The Famfrit eyes Leyaeh. A tiny crystal manifests and hits her nose
<DeathStar> <Billy> How could this bozo outsmart CHIP's cameras? 6* She whispers to Elwyn while Leyaeh and the Famfrit bicker.
<Kit> <Elwyn> No idea. Have any thoughts of your own? I'm not heading back to security.
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh rubs her nose. "Alright, maybe we don't drop the charges then and tack a few more on. Or you could tell me how you overrode a security camera." *she continuse in famfrit*
<DeathStar> 6* The Famfrit just laughs. "Maybe I'm not some loser after all." 6* He refuses to say more, an ego look
<DeathStar> <Billy> No idea. And if this guy is admitting to it, case closed.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Not really. We'll know if more's stolen tonight. Shall we?
<DeathStar> <Billy> Sure, but if it's someoen smart, they'll wait a while.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I guess you're not a loser and spending time in the brig then. And you'll be paying back those merchants for the stolen goods."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Not that I won't mind doing undercover work with you. Fufufu
<Kit> <Elwyn> Then we'll hope they're not smart. But without any other leads, let's go make ourselves at home.
<DeathStar> 6* The Famfrit just hmphs. "Go eat at your fancy resturants while the rest of us struggle to eat and have to go to the garden for our food."
<Seraphna> * Jennifer rubs her forehead and sighs. "Leyaeh, you're obviously not getting anywhere, he needs his rest."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy fuus happily, taking Elwyn's hand.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "This is what you think it's about, some class war?"
<DeathStar> 6* The Famfrit refuses to answer, instead asking Jennifer if she'd pet his ears - claiming they hurt for the fall
<Seraphna> * Jennifer does so, and gets a dirty look from Leyaeh.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Right, when he's alright enough to sit in a cell, alert me."
<DeathStar> 6* The Famfrit gives Jennifer a pitiful look
<Seraphna> * Jennifer eyes Leyaeh as she turns and starts for the teleporter. Leyaeh looks troubled now that she's not facing the famfrit.
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> Location: Security Office
<DeathStar> 6* Leyaeh's shift is nearing its end. It's only her and SPoC, with Xanatos never showing up
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC runs through the paperwork of Leyaeh's sleuth case
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh rubs her ear a little, eyeing the monitors and looking a bit sulky, she's been thinking for a while now since talking to the famfrit.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "...Something's not right... well a couple things."
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> And this dawned on you just now?
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "No, I've been mulling it over."
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "That guy was protecting someone else, almost sure of it."
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> But your shift is nearly over.
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "I wasn't going to get anywhere with him today. Not like this."
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> What do you plan to do now? Your kind appear to hold a grudge against you now
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "Make good on it. I think this can still be resolved in a good way."
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> Then what will you do?
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh gets up. "I think I'm going to go check on him. Maybe I can get who's behind this and find some sort of way to get them to do business without stealing. This is more about the ship's economy issues then individual crimes. The guy was right... I am sitting pretty up here."
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> I suggest not wearing your uniform
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh nods. "I'll change on the way. This thing is like a dread flag lately."
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> If you feel that way, then perhaps you should reture
<Chad`Winters> NRP: retire
<DeathStar> <SPOC> .oO(Please retire)
<DeathStar> NRP: ;
<DeathStar> NRP: ;)
<Seraphna> Leyaeh> "No, if that's how you react to seeing a decline, I'm worried for you. I'm gonna work to make this mean something good to those people."
<Seraphna> * Leyaeh sighs, "I'll head over there now." *she gets up and heads to the teleporter*
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Location: Somewhere Evil
<DeathStar> 6* A shadowy being sits in his chair, sipping a blood red wine. "The security officers have taken the bait offered to them. Now we can prepare the fish with the catnip...for future luncheons with our rising star." 6* He lifts the glass to his lips.
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Wed Jan 20 23:50:13 2010