The Alien Wars 5: Trinity

Spotlight Session 3

Session Start: Wed Mar 03 19:03:19 2010
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20100303.log'
<Kaelan> From: Gabby Jennifer Carmichael <jennee@athenafanclub.pax>
<Kaelan> To: Lemon <>
<Kaelan> Re: Daily Update!
<Kaelan> So I'm getting the place ready for this Gem character. Megumi went and
<Kaelan> found a new kitten to join the house and from what I hear she seems like
<Kaelan> she's going to be a fun addition to life here. Worked all day in medical,
<Kaelan> nothing too funny or interesting to share today except the twins I told you
<Kaelan> about came in for their checkup. I may have miscalculated because they're
<Kaelan> both showing signs of improvement and at remarkably the same speed, so I
<Kaelan> may find myself having to take them both up on that promise of a date.
<Kaelan> o.o;;;
<Kaelan> Seriously, it seems like Neechan got the ball rolling on me getting out and meeting new people, but I'm not totally sure I'm ready for this. What do you think? Should I just cut loose or bide my time a little more?
<Kaelan> Oh, some fun did break out over lunch, just as I was going to head out I found a shy little famfrit hiding under my desk, no idea how she got there, I swear. Pretty sure it's one of Cridhe's neices, but I managed to sneak a picture in before getting her home, cute no?
<Kaelan> Anyway, I've gotta go feed Ralph and get the stuff I need together for recording that song I've been sending you snippets of. Promise you'll be the first to hear the final version! Have a great day, and say hi to Christopher for me. Oh, and check out the work signature, I'll attach that one instead of the usual this time.
<Kaelan> - Dr. Gabriella Jennifer Carmichael, MD
<Kaelan> - PAX Medical Offices
<Kaelan> - ID 2M344E52EG-OW
<Kaelan> <Attached: SinghaCridhe.dif>
<Kaelan> <Attached: InMyHeart-1-23-43.lsf>
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-592.1.7
<DeathStar> Location: PAX
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis waits in the hanger, peering out for the Kitty Voyager's arrival, while Athena bounces around the hanger with pom-poms with Isis' name on one and Megumi's name on the other
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr's name is on her shirt
* Kaelan is now known as Jen
<Kit> <Elwyn> It's so noisey.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy peers out from their half-built ship, eyeing the dancing famfrit girl. "Yet you like her."
<Kit> <Elwyn> In that charming, hope she doesn't procreate sort of way.
* Jen giggles a little, waiting as well, a little aways from Athena.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Funny, I heard she wanted to have babies with you
* Chad-Sleep is now known as Chad-Jefafa
<Kit> 6Elwyn slowly peers at Billy. 1"...Whaaa?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> Cute Kitsune/Famfrit babied.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Well, no garauntees on cute.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Any baby of yours will be cute. Mean, but cute
<Jen> "Got a cheer worked out Oneechan?"
<DeathStar> 6* The Kitty Voyager drops out of hyperspace and begins to approach the station
<DeathStar> <Athena> Rah-rah!
<DeathStar> 6* Athena shakes the pom-poms for emphasis
<Kit> <Elwyn> Hm. I guess that'll have to do." 6She pinches Billy's cheeks.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy flails
<DeathStar> <Billy> Child abuse!
* Jen giggles and nods approvingly at Athena.
<Jen> "I'm sure they'll be glad to see a Cheerleader Athena." *she snaps a picture*
<DeathStar> 6* The Kitty Voyager begins to land and dock; Erevis quickly moves forward as the ramp lowers, waiting for the captain to walk down first, as is tradition, and Megumi is the captain. Then pauses when Gem steps forward, peering about with squinted eyes and looking skeptical.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos steps up by Erevis and the ramp, breathing slightly heavy from being out of breath.
<Jen> "Huh, think Gem commandeered the captain position? Crafty."
<DeathStar> <Gem> ... 6* She then eyes Xanatos, and in accented Basic, speaks to those in the ship. "This is your male mate? He seems rather weak."
<DeathStar> <Gem> And slightly overweight.
* Jen looks over at Xan, giving him a sympathetic look.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos pauses and stiffens up. 1I'm fit as a fuckin fiddle.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr steps out, eyeing Gem. "Human males don't weigh nothing like Famfrits."
<Kit> <Megumi> He is kind of weak, I guess.
<Jen> "Owwie."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis smiles and moves up the ramp to grab Megumi in a hug and kiss her on the lips. Gem eyes the display, then looks at Xanatos. "You accept back talk from your females?"
<DeathStar> 6* Athena bounces over and shakes her pom-poms. "Rah. Rah!"
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> I'll punish her tonight. 6He says with a slight shrug, giving Megumi an evil eye.
<Kit> <Megumi> Of course he does. But saying he is weak is hardly the same as saying he would lose to you in any way.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem peers toward Megumi slowly
<Kit> 6Megumi jerks at Erevis moving in on her, then swoons. 1"Ah, good to be back."
<DeathStar> 6* Isis steps out quietly, peering at everyone
* Jen looks over Gem curiously from her vantage point, moving up after Athena.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem then eyes Xanatos, as if sizing him up.
<Kit> 6Elwyn bounds at Isis like she's going to leap on her. 1"Ichan!"
<DeathStar> 6* Walking down the ramp, stopping in front of him and peering up, being much shorter. Isis blinks at Elwyn, jerking to brace herself. "E-Elwyn?"
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek steps towards the edge of the ramp, he peers at everyone.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena, seeing Elwyn, actually leaps out and glomps Isis, too, thinking it's a gang bang. Isis winces.
<Kit> 6Elwyn stops shy, laughing mirthfully at her prank.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I see nothing's changed since we've been goe.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos sets his datapad into his pocket and peers at Gem. 1Hi.
<Jen> * Jennifer snaps a picture covertly of the kitten on fox pile. Then slips her datapad away.
<Kit> <Elwyn> What fun would that be?
<Xan|Sleep> <Drasek> Didn't figure it would did'ya bit?
<DeathStar> 6* Gem keeps squinting up. "I could beat you."
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Everyone says that.
<DeathStar> <Gem> Good. As long as you are aware.
<Kit> <Megumi> They do.
<Kit> 6Megumi leans toward Gem. 1"Then they looose." 6She whispers --loudly.
<DeathStar> 6 *Erevis picks Megumi up as she keeps hugging her.
<Kit> 6Megumi makes a noise, flailing a bit.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem narrows her eyes. Erevis pinches Megumi's ear. "Stop trying to get Xanatos hurt."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos smiles and steps over to give Megumi and Erevis a hug, kissing each of their foreheads.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis gets up and hugs Athena, and the two talk a moment; then Isis smiles at Xanatos. Iko comes moving up and holds up her hands to Megumi. "Momma Umi!"
* Jen smiles softly at the display and crosses her arms a bit. "Good to see everyone back safe and sound."
<DeathStar> <Gem> A real man would simply kiss them on their lips and show who is boss
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr looks around, then runs off suddenly for a teleporter.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena blinks, peering at Zephyr go
* Jen watches, raising a brow curiously.
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> I'm harldy a man. I'm 75% machine at this point. 6He jerks and grabs Isis in a big hug, giving her a smile. 1Hiya kiddo.
<DeathStar> <Isis> Hi, Dad. Have you been okay?
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek pauses and leans forward. 1Bloody hell is she going?
<DeathStar> <Gem> I see. 6* She eyes Megumi. "So he is like those toys I found in your bag."
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Well your momma has been mean to me. 6He says with a slight pout, setting her down.
<Jen> "She needed to see someone in a hurry it seems..."
<DeathStar> <Isis> Momma Erevis has been mean to you? 6* She looks doubtful, but not willing to say it
<DeathStar> <CHIP> MOre like food; she's already in the bar ordering everything on the menu
<DeathStar> 6* Gem peers up slowly. "Who was that?"
<Jen> "That was CHIP, our lovable Ship."
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Well, maybe not... 6He rubs the side of his head, glancing off to the side.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek pauses and runs for the teleporter. 1I hope she got muh milkshake!
<DeathStar> 6* Gem eyes Jennifer. "Who is that?" 6* She asks about Jennifer.
<DeathStar> <Athena> Big Sis Jennee! <Gem> She doesn't look related to Megumi. Or her female or male mate.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis sets Megumi down, eyeing Xanatos. "If you desire, I can be 'mean'."
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> N-No ma'am. 6He mumbles out like someone's thats been abused.
<DeathStar> <Isis> ... 6* She tilts her head curiously, then seems to be peering around the hanger for someone
<Jen> "Athena sort of took me in. I'm Jennifer Carmichael, I'm a doctor here on PAX."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Good. Since I would be the one spanking you this time.
<DeathStar> <Gem> You are a doctor? This ship must have low standards.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Carter stands just inside the hangar, having kept back and quiet, his arms are pulled behind his back.
<Kit> 6Megumi peers at the two, having evaded question of her luggage contents.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin slowly rises up near Gem, then slowly leans forward to sniff her.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis smiles brightly, waving at Carter. "Hi, Carter."
<DeathStar> 6* Gem turns to eye Kellin. She would smell strangely of spice. ".... what are you doing?"
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Carter gives a smile and a wave, moving forward. 1Hello, Isis.
<Xan|Sleep> <Kellin> Sniffing for evil.
* Jen raises a brow. "Eh, I keep people from falling apart. And he's... yeah, doing that."
<DeathStar> 6* Gem narrows her eyes. "And what are you to Megumi?"
<DeathStar> 6* Isis bows at Carter. "Thank you for all the information you sent. It was really helpful."
<Kit> <Megumi> A nuissance. You may mate him.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem twitches slightly. "He doesn't look very bright."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> You cannot marry Kellin off, Kitten.
<Kit> <Megumi> Then he is perfect, no? Hee hee..
<Xan|Sleep> <Kellin> I'm bright, see? 6He makes his hand glow.
<Kit> 6Megumi snaps her fingers dramatically, but smirks at Erevis.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem eyes the hand glowing. "Are you a Progenitor, then?"
<Jen> "He... has his charms. And a lot of energy."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Carter bows slightly as well. 1I'm glad I was able to be of use.
<Kit> <Megumi> Worse. He's a Dragenitor.
<Xan|Sleep> <Kellin> Roar? 6He does a 'cute' pose.
<Jen> "More spirit in it Kellin!"
<DeathStar> <Gem> I see. He may be mate worthy, then.
<DeathStar> <AThena> ROA---
<DeathStar> 6* Athena eyes Gem
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin jerks and grabs his chest, then falls over like one of those feinting goats.
* Jen tilts her head a little.
<DeathStar> <Isis> Have you been okay?
<Jen> "Oh jeez, you may have overloaded the poor guy."
<DeathStar> <Athena> Kellin will only mate someone who takes time to know him and love him! Like Elwyn!
<DeathStar> <Gem> 'Elwyn'.
* Jen walks over and pokes Kellin to test for death.
<Xan|Sleep> <Carter> Rather well. Though seeing you has certainly made my day better. I'm glad you made it back safely.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin jumps up. 1I love only Ellie and Athena. 6He jumps to grab them both in a hug.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Have you missed all this, Kitten? I know XAnatos has missed you. He continues to comment that he wishes he could have another night with us together, and you specifically.
<Kit> 6Elwyn senses something amiss and starts to back away.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin pauses. 1A-And Jenny.
<Jen> "...I'll forgive that one." *she nods*
<DeathStar> 6* Gem pauses, then peers at Elwyn, eyeing her over. She squints. "You smell different from the others."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos jerks. 1H-Hey now.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Why thank you." 6She smirks.
<Kit> <Megumi> Does he now?
<DeathStar> 6* Billy eyes Gem dangerously now as Gem examines her curiously
<Kit> 6Megumi eyes Xanatos skeptically.
<Jen> "I was right, this girl's gonna be fun."
<Kit> <Elwyn> Careful; I bite.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Yes. Apparantly he found you quite sensual.
<DeathStar> <Gem> I do, too.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos smile and slowly slides over to start and lift Megumi up.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Oo." 6She grins. Megumi on the other hand, jerks, then flails more. 1"U-Unhand me..!"
<Xan|Sleep> <Kellin> Biting hurts. 6He frowns and peers down.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena leans over adn nips Kellin's shoulder playfully
<DeathStar> <Isis> Thank you. 6* She smiles at Carter.
<Jen> "Oh, doesn't have to." *she motions to Athena*
<DeathStar> <Isis> How have the additions to the medical bay been going?
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin jerks and squints, then slowly leans his head out like he's going to bite her back.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Fuuuuu!
<DeathStar> 6* Gem eyes Billy, then back to Elwyn
<DeathStar> 6* Athen paws at his face
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Carter nods. 1Pretty well, your sister has been a big help. 6He smiles as well.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis steps over and pets Megumi's ears as she is lifted.
* Jen leans over and bites Kellin's other shoulder playfully.
<DeathStar> <Isis> I am sure she has also been quite the chaos maker as well
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin jerks again. 1N-No fair!
<Xan|Sleep> <Carter> Well, I haven't said anything of the sort. 6He says with a cough and a smirk.
<DeathStar> <Isis> You do not have to. I often do not, either. 6* She peers at her sister as she nips on Kellin
<DeathStar> <Gem> So, what species are you?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I have to admit, I think I will clear my schedule and give Xanatos Durran the day off so we can all spend it in bed, Kitten
<Jen> * Jennifer releases Kellin and pecks his cheek. "You cannot overcome a double kitten attack."
<DeathStar> <CHIP> ... at least it won't be datapad sex.
<Kit> 6Megumi goes limp like a doll. But she doesn't purr.
<Jen> * In security, Leyaeh is eating popcorn and enjoying the show.
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> To the bedroom! 6He points dramatically and moves for the teleporter.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Isn't that a little personal for a first encounter?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis hmms at that, then begins to kiss along her neck at her sensitive places as she follows
<DeathStar> <Gem> Hm. Then what should we do in our first encounter?
<Jen> Leyaeh> "We need to archive this recording."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin 'falls' and starts to crawl away in retreat.
<Kit> <Elwyn> How about we get naked and have a little fun?
* Jen motions to Athena. "You have him at your mercy, sweet sister."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr, meanwhile, eats another pie slice, motioning at Marcus. "Murr."
<DeathStar> <Gem> Hm. Alright. 6* Billy reels, since Gem says it with squinted eyes so it's hard to read her emotions, even for the Dark One
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Marcus sets it down, peering between Zephyr and Drasek while they gourge themselves. 1You two are going to get sick.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr, peers at Drasek, then back at her pie, resuming her eating. Katrina watches, covering JM's eyes
<Kit> <Elwyn> You're a cutie. I don't see what Meg's problem is.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena follows along after Kellin, poking at him.
<DeathStar> <Gem> Oh? 6* She opens her eyes a bit more at being called a cutie, and she seems to be trying to decide if Elwyn is serious
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Carter nods and then glances around at everyone. 1Well I should probably get back to work. When I get a free chance I will message you. I think I'm getting better with this thing. 6He pats the datapad on his belt.
<Jen> * Jennifer watches and grins, getting a thoughtful expression as she looks back over at Gem.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek bats his eyes. 1I'll hold y'hair love.
<DeathStar> <Isis> I am glad. I will look forward to your message. 6* She smiles, then moves back for the ship to get the luggage everyone left behind
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Carter gives her one last smile and then turns, exiting the hangar.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Hah! I'll just fire dragoon bustah beams and work off the food.
<Jen> * Jennifer looks at Isis, then moves after her. "Need some help?"
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek pauses and starts to chuckle before he downs some more chocolate milkshake.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin makes a 'owie' sound everytime he's poked.
<Kit> 6Elwyn smiles at her in the foxish manner. 1"Do you drink? Ever play Twisted?
<DeathStar> <Isis> That would be nice, thank you. 6* She bows.
<DeathStar> <Gem> Yes; all creatures drink. And... I do not know 'Twisted'. 6* She eyes a datapad for a definition
<Jen> * Jennifer smiles. "No problem." *she starts to gather some* "This all goes to the house right? Gem's staying with us, I think."
<Kit> 6This universe's Twister. Elwyn ponders and reaches into a sidesatchel, then hands Gem a metal canteen. 1"Try this."
<DeathStar> <Isis> Yes.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I am glad for the money we're making, but I think I feel a bit ill
* Jen picks some up, straining a bit, but seems determined to take a little more then could be considered easy. "I could use the workout, honestly. I'm getting back into training."
<DeathStar> 6* Gem takes the canteen, sniffs it, her nose wrinkling, but she goes ahead and takes a full gulp, apparantly not one to do things in small amounts; then proceeds to cough
<DeathStar> <Isis> Oh? 6* She seems to take a load suited for her size
<Xan|Sleep> <Marcus> Want me to take JM so you can go in the back?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I can't look away, either
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Marcus pauses and covers her eyes much like she's doing to JM. 1Better?
<Kit> <Elwyn> Cartel whiskey. Like it?
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina nods. Zephyr pauses, then leans forward. "A juicy steak."
<Jen> "Yeah, now that my doctor training is all done taking a little more time to keep fit and physical."
<DeathStar> 6* Gem, red faced due to her pale skin, continues to cough, then straightens up. "I-It is ... acceptable."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy begins to laugh
<Kit> <Elwyn> Fufufu! Cute.
<DeathStar> <Isis> How have things been... in medical bay?
<Jen> "Busy, but going well. Carter's a good boss." *she smiles*
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Marcus pauses and looks conflicted, Drasek chimes in with, 1An a big bloody chicken...not literally bloody mate.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis smiles at hearing about CArter, moving for the house once in 1B. Athena pauses, then grabs something larger than her and strains to follow them
<DeathStar> 6* Gem pauses, taking another sip as if to prove it, but breaks out in a fit of coughing, looking a bit dizzy
<Xan|Sleep> <Marcus> Sorry honey, money calls. 6He dashes into the back.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina sighs, and resumes watching
* Jen falls back a little, offering Athena one of the lighter bags to take the one she's straining with.
<DeathStar> <Athena> AThena can do it! Kitty power!
<Jen> "Rawr!"
<Kit> <Elwyn> Careful kiddo. It's potent.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis, meanwhile, once getting Megumi in bed, serves her favorite fish, along with her favorite Japanese dish, presenting it to her in bed, then moves into the bathroom after giving Xanatos instructions to feed Megumi or rub her feet, whichever she wants
<DeathStar> <Gem> ... 6* She mumbles a response in Famfrit, straightening as best she can. "Shall we continue our first encounter?"
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos clearly tries feeding her and rubbing her feet which leads to disasterous outcomes.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Fuu. You'd think she was Progenitor with that stubborn streak. Then again, I guess Megumi is stubborn, too
* Jen grins and moves on with Isis, she lowers her voice when she gets close to her. "So is Gem a nice guest?"
<DeathStar> <Isis> She... is.... different. She will likely not follow social norms and may try to mate with you if she believes you can offer good genes.
<Kit> 6Megumi obviously condescends Xanatos, but in such a way that it's vaguely mean or endearing. Hard to tell which.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Yeah, she's no progenitor. She might have one or two, though.
<DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr leans against Drasek as she waits. "I missed food. NExt time we go, we stock up."
<Jen> "I got that impression from Erevis... it looks like she's going to be bunking with me, possibly. I'll be careful."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Fufufu, so what will you do next? 6* She asks Elwyn
<Xan|Sleep> <Drasek> Damn right. We leavin for a week, gonna take a month's worth.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Marcus steps out and places the food down in front of them, then moves back to cover Kat's eyes.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr begins to eat the steak, mmmming like she's having an orgasm.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis exits the bathroom wearing a silk robe that's almost see through, moving over to Megumi and massaging her shoulders
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek pauses. 1That's a new sound.
<DeathStar> <Isis> Just... downplay your intelligence and she may overlook you.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> ... the poor girl.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr pauses with a mouthfull of steak, peering at Drasek
<Jen> "I may not have to try there, people downplay it for me plenty." *she smiles a bit more*
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek gives her a smirk and a wink, clearly teasing her.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr chews on it, closing her eyes and looking exaggeratedly pleased
<Xan|Sleep> <Marcus> He just smiled and winked. 6He whispers loudly for Kat.
<DeathStar> <Isis> She appears to be the type to judge for herself.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Oh. Then she may have hope.
<Kit> 6Megumi forgets condescending Xanatos to mumble incoherently with a pleased expression
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis smiles at Xanatos, clearly knowing how to get her Kitten relaxed and ready for whatever evil she has planned
<Kit> <Elwyn> Maybe I'll take her to bed?
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos smiles back, rubbing the feet only now.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Fufufu. Already?
<Jen> "Oh, I may have to play dumb a little harder then." *she looks down a bit* "How's Megumi doing?"
<Kit> <Elwyn> As if she'd know the difference.
<DeathStar> 6* Iko follows after the others, struggling to keep up
<DeathStar> <Isis> She is doing well. I think finding news of the Famfrits has made her very happy. 6* Athena pauses, then picks up Iko and carries her
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin lifts her up to set on his shoulder, making airplane sounds as he bobs and weaves about.
<DeathStar> 6* But lets Kellin take over
<DeathStar> 6* Iko pauses, then giggles
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin smiles at Athena as he circles around her.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis begins to set luggage down in the living room, not taking Megumi's things up yet.
* Jen nods, looking over and giggling a bit.
<DeathStar> <Athena> Iko flying cat.
<DeathStar> 6* Ako, on the couch, waves at them happily; apparantly Erevis sent her down for Ao to watch, and Ao booked when she saw them coming to let them take over
<DeathStar> 6* Gem sways, looking sleepy with her slant, but keeping her gaze at Elwyn as she waits for what comes next
* Jen sets down her load of luggage down, not sure who's she took. She looks over Isis. "I have some nice pictures from New Years and a few other things, if you want to see them later. Adorable one of Ao getting swarmed with cute."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin makes a big deal out of Iko 'crashing' into Ako on the couch, then proceeds to tickle them both.
<DeathStar> 6* The girls giggle in synch.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis smiles. "That would be nice, thank you." 6* She bows.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek clears his throat. 1Now I know when you're fakin.
<Jen> "Awesome, come by my room later, you can me Ralph while you're at it."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin kekekes and retreats from them so they can't retaliate.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Oh? Then how often have I faked it?
<Jen> *meet
<DeathStar> <Isis> Ralph?
<Xan|Sleep> <Drasek> My manhood won't allow me'ta give a number.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Hah.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Well, fufufu, lets see who plays who. 6* She steps back to peer at Gem, then at Elwyn
<Jen> "My pet mouse. The story of how I acquired him is pretty entertaining too."
<DeathStar> <Isis> I... see.
<Kit> 6Elwyn smirks, holding up her hand, cuffed to Billy's.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis' ears twitch from a sound she hears upstairs, and Athena looks up, then nods at Iko and Ako, who giggle
<DeathStar> 6* Billy blinks, peering at it.
<DeathStar> <Billy> .... Fuuuu-ck
<Jen> "It involves disguising myself as Athena and battling him in the bar... it's complicated." *she peers around slowly when Isis' ears twitch*
<Kit> <Elwyn> You want to? 'Kay?
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* After many, many, many, many hours, Gem enters the 1B house, her hair a mess, and she moves up the stairs without looking at Athena and Isis, where Athena has been telling about everything; Zephyr lays on the living room floor, holding her stomach. Gem walks up and opens the door to Megumi's room, peering at Megumi, Erevis, and Xan naked in bed
<DeathStar> <Gem> The computer will not give me access to any systems. <CHIP> You could be evil! You were in the Dark One's ship for hours!
<DeathStar> 6* Athena sniffs after Gem goes by, blinking.
* Jen assists Athena's retelling with a large amount of pictures.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos slowly peers up at Gem. 1...should I get used to this?
* Jen peers at her carefully when she does. "Everything alright?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> From what Kitten has told me, it would seem likely. 6* She has Megumi laying down on her, so that their pressed together, a hand on Megumi's rear and the other n her head, looking satisfied like a goddess
<DeathStar> 6* Gem twitches, looking annoyed judging by her expression
<DeathStar> <Athena> Athena just sniffing since it smelled like Gem may have come close to mating. But smells frustrated, too. Maybe not a good mate. Sometimes Momma Erevis doesn't look entirely sat-- <Isis> Athena!
<Jen> "Sh-She's at it already?"
<DeathStar> 6* Gem peers down at Xanatos. "You seem rather inadequate to get two women pregnant at once."
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Eh I have my moments.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I wouldn't put it past her; how many times did she walk in on you, Drasek?
<DeathStar> <Gem> Drasek's genital was three times your size whenever I encountered him in bed with his mate or in the shower.
<Xan|Sleep> <Drasek> Enough that I'm pretty sure she was doin it on purpose.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> That is because Xanatos Durran's penis is not hard. 6* Gem tilts her head, not getting it
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> You should look up the definition of an erection.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Only Chad Winters has a big penis when not erect.
<Kit> <Megumi> ... " 6She just sighs, looking flustered and now annoyed.
<DeathStar> <Gem> I want access to the systems. 6* She eyes Megumi
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> OH, she was; she was trying to have sex with you, Drasek. You were the first Progenitor she ever met. The only male one, in fact.
<DeathStar> <Isis> She---walked in on me very often and somehow ended up in my bed at night, saying she was 'lost'. 6* She turns red faced. Athena leans in. <Athena> ISis mate?! <Isis> No!
<Xan|Sleep> <Drasek> ...sneaky little thing. 6He mumbles.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin suddenly jumps over to isis and starts sniffing.
<Jen> "And I'm sharing a room with this girl?" *she slumps a little* "Well... better then her sharing with Athena..."
<DeathStar> 6* Isis reddens more, clearly embarrassed and shrinking back, though she smells far from sex.
<DeathStar> <Athena> Athena can share with her and Elwyn and Kellin!
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Don't get ideas now
<Kit> <Megumi> And I want--
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin pauses and then just sniffs her more, being more 'airy' with it to try and tickle her.
<Jen> "A-Athena..."
<DeathStar> <Gem> I will remain here all night until I get it
<DeathStar> 6* Isis squirms now. "K-Kellin, please."
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Well pop a squat. 6He pats the bed beside him.
<DeathStar> <Gem> Perhaps I will see an erection first hand, then. 6* She moves over and sits down, beginning to remove her clothes. Erevis blinks in surprise
<DeathStar> <Athena> Hai?
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos lets out a cough and arches his brow. 1She's not like Megumi at all.
<DeathStar> 6* Iko and Ako lean over to sniff Isis now, causing the girl to make noises
<Kit> <Megumi> I told you.
<Jen> "Just... be careful around her okay?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Hm. Though she does remind me of a younger Kitten when I first met her
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin leans back and lets out a laugh. 1RAhaha! 6He chants.
<DeathStar> <Athena> Kay! <CHIP> She is NOT sleeping in your bed, Athena. She is Jennifer's problem now
<Kit> <Megumi> In what way!?
<Jen> "Ayep."
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Well you both are pretty stubborn.
* Jen slouches her shoulders again.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis merely smiles
<DeathStar> <Gem> Apparantly Megumi has lost her ... 6* She eyes a datapad. "Backbone, then."
<Jen> "Nyah... this is going to be interesting, to say the least."
* Jen pauses, then coughs a bit.
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> It's okay, I have enough 'bone' for her. 6He starts to chuckle at his own pun.
<Kit> <Megumi> The only thing I lost was my moment of serenity! Get lost!
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Hm. Perhaps we should just allow her access to limited systems. Unless you desire to have her in the bed with us and Tiny Kitten. I already know she will wish to sleep with us tonight
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tilts her head, peering at Xanatos and not getting it
<Kit> 6Megumi smacks Xanatos across the back of the head
<DeathStar> <Erevis> You wish to give her some of your bones?
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos jerks. 1OW! I'm going to if she does that again!
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin gets his minions, Iko and Ako, to attack Zephyr now.
<Jen> "Kellin has gained the most evil force in the universe, double cute soldiers of doom."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek belches and makes an ooh sound, rolling onto his side.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr jerks as she gets double teamed.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I can tell things will continue to remain interesting
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-592.1.8
<DeathStar> Location: 1B
<DeathStar> 6* Jennifer would awaken to something feeling over her body, while Megumi would wake up to the same, and Xanatos would find something light on top of him
* Jen blinks a little as she wakes, though she's strangely calm about such an awakening, she opens an eye to see who it is.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr sleeps with Drasek, somehow having Ako and Iko in bed with them
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos mumbles under his pillow, which is on his head. 1Not now Megumi it's sleepy time.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem has straddled her and is examining Jen's breasts, measuring them
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I am afraid Kitten is with me
<Kit> 6Megumi murmurs, smiling. 1"...Ah... mm.."
<Jen> "Good morning Gem." *she says softly, raising a brow a little*
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis runs her fingers along Megumi's chest, just enjoying touching her body as she lays beside her and watches Megumi
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek sleeps pretty soundly, likely in a food coma, with one of the little critters cuddled up next to him.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem just makes a sound, then peers between Jennifer's thighs. "Hm, your body is adequate, I suppose."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos slowly lifts the pillow off of his head.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena stretches beside Elwyn, then glomps her ,since in a few days Elwyn will offically be living in her own ship
<DeathStar> 6* Er, not Athena.
<Jen> "Thanks, I get that a lot." *she smiles a little* "As a note, you could steal one of my bras to get my chest size, it's on the tag."
<DeathStar> 6* Isis stretches beside Elwyn, then shifts to grab onto her; Elwyn will offically be living in her own ship in a few days. Isis pauses, opening her eyes, then maeks a noise
<DeathStar> <Isis> H-How am I in Athena's room?
<DeathStar> 6* "Megumi" is certainly on top of Xanatos, cuddling him like he were a teddy bear, but this one is wearing clothes that indicate it's Athena
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin is half in the bed, his legs probably on Isis, though her jerking makes him flop, into the floor completely.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos pauses and pets Athena's head, slowly leaning back to leave the pillow on his face.
<DeathStar> <Gem> I prefer hands on. 6* She squeezes the breasts, testing them.
<Kit> 6Elwyn dozes silently, looking pleased with herself.
* Jen eeps a little. "What're you checking now?"
<DeathStar> <Gem> Hm. 6* She then sits up and takes out a datapad, asking Jennifer a semi-complicated medical procedure, then eyes her to see how Jennifer answers
<DeathStar> 6* Isis blushes and scrambles out of the bed, checking to see if she's clothed and sees she's in her underwear only. She then reddens, checking to see if Elwyn is dressed
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I will go make breakfast and leave the Kittens with you. 6* She shifts Megumi against Xanatos' other side and moves out, humming happily
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin slowly reaches to cuddle with Isis' leg when she gets near him, mumbling, 'Rahaha' in his sleep.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos pauses and slowly starts to pet his other kitten.
* Jen raises a brow and reflexively starts rattling off the proceedure down to the equipment and it's current medbay locations, she pauses, and gets a look. "And how did you figure out to ask me when I first wake up?"
<DeathStar> 6* Isis reddens more. "K-Kellin."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin nips at her leg, but rolls onto his back, kicking and batting int he air as if he's having a dream fight.
<DeathStar> <Gem> If you can't answer questions when dazed, then you are not quick thinking. Unless you planned to ask dishonestly.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis makes a squeak sound, then covers her mouth, falling for the dream fight and not wanting to wake either up
<Jen> "I prefer people to underestimate me." *the reply is casual enough*
<Kit> 6Elwyn is about as dressed a she usually is around Athena.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis sighs in relief and begins to try to sneak off the bed
<DeathStar> <Gem> I see. Self-esteem issues. Environmental, not genetic. 6* She nods, as if it doesn't count against her
<Kit> <Elwyn> That was fun, kitten
<DeathStar> 6* Isis freezes, turning slowly toward Elwyn. "Fuh-fun?"
* Jen raises a brow a bit, she reaches out and pets Gem's ear.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem pauses, lulling a moment and jerking away from JEn's hand. She narrows her eyes. "Do not try to distract me."
<Kit> 6Elwyn stretches, squinting as she yawns.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis turns a shade of red that matches her head, then runs out of the room
<Jen> "I was actually a bit curious if every Famfrit reacted to that the same." *she smiles softly* "Alright, you've got me, ask whatever you want."
<DeathStar> <Gem> I see. Any genetic diseases?
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin sits up slowly and peers around. 1Flooor again?! 6He shouts in frustration, then jumps up on Elwyn and goes back to sleep.
<Jen> "Nope."
<DeathStar> <Gem> IQ?
<DeathStar> 6* Gem pauses, mumbling IQ again as if it were odd to her, then eyes her
<Kit> 6Elwyn reaches down, kung fu gripping little Kellin.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr stirs awake, then peers at Ako and Iko hugging onto Drasek happily in her sleep. She smiles softly, watching them together, then seems sad a moment
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin lets out a squeel and bites Elwyn neck.
* Jen pauses, remembering she's already admitted her usual ways, she lets out a breath. "178 on the Standford scale, at least, the last test I took. Quotents do very..."
<Kit> 6Elwyn blinks, caught offguard.
<Jen> * vary
<Kit> <Elwyn> You..." 6She eyes Kellin, her ears having appeared, perked. 1"...Huh."
<DeathStar> 6* Gem nods, jotting notes. "If you have kids, do you want access to them?"
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin retreats from the bite and whimpers in pain.
* Jen pauses a moment, her eyes unfocus for just a moment indicating supressing something painful and nods. "I'd prefer it..."
<DeathStar> <Gem> Alright. 6* She finishes, eyeing her notes more then Jennifer and hops off. She exits the room, dressed only in her undergarments
<Jen> "Breakfast will be in a bit!" *she calls out after her, then gets up to get ready for the day*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr reaches out and runs her hand along Drasek's bald head affectionately. <He'd make a great father. I just wish I could have kids of my own.>
<DeathStar> -Mini Time Jump-
<DeathStar> 6* As Erevis sets down breakfast for everyone downstairs, with Megumi having the spot of honor, and Xanatos takes a shower upstairs, someone enters the bathroom
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr keeps watching Drasek, Ako, and Iko, the smell of food wafting in
* Jen sits at the table, dressed for work, likely having helped somehow.
<Kit> <Megumi> So. Did you mate with Gem?" 6She eyes Jennifer.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis, still red faced, jerks at the word mate, eyeing Elwyn
<DeathStar> 6* Athena hugs onto Megumi, then blinks, peering at Jennifer
<Jen> "Huh? No, she certainly tested me though."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos shows obliviously.
<DeathStar> 6* Ao enters the room, eyeing Jennifer. "Tested?" * She repeats, sitting down
<Xan|Sleep> NRP: showers*
<DeathStar> 6* Someone enters the shower and begins to wash his back
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos jerks. 1Megumi?
<DeathStar> 6* The hands keep washing; the height would suggest it's Megumi
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr sighs, burning the image into her memory, then shakes Drasek awake
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Food time.
<Jen> "Oh, asked me about medical history, she's interested in genetics and IQs... got me on answering a medical question too. Double twist to that one too."
<DeathStar> <Ao> ... are you speaking about the Famfrit girl no one bothered to tell me about?
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek lets out a snort and peers around slowly.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos lets out a sigh of relaxation.
<Jen> "Yeah, Gem."
<DeathStar> 6* The hands continue to wash along his back, taking their time.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis quietly sits down, looking innocent; she apparantly made Megumi's favorite breakfast
<DeathStar> 6* Ao hmphs, looking miffed at no one telling her about it
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos shifts, 1Your turn.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena hugs Ao cutely
<DeathStar> 6* Gem peers up at him as he shifts
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos lets out a yell and jerks back, slipping and falling.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem looks down, peering. "That is an erection. I see."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis looks up at the yell, and Athena blinks
<DeathStar> <Athena> Da-Da okay? <Isis> ... Gem... 6* Seh sighs
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Goddamnit get out of here!
<DeathStar> <Gem> Why?
<DeathStar> <Ao> Gem is assaulting Xanatos? 6* She peers up, blinking
<DeathStar> <Isis> ... probably not assaulting him in the sense you are thinking, Aunt Ao
* Jen raises a brow.
<DeathStar> 6 *Erevis jerks, then hurries upstairs
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Because there's only two people allowed in the shower with me and you're not one of them. OUT, now.
<DeathStar> <Gem> Why? You are not married to either. 6* She points out.
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Because I said so. 6He hisses.
<DeathStar> 6* Her ears twitch at something, and a moment later the door opens and she's psionically pulled out of the room, actually looking freaked. Erevis holds her there in the air, eyeing her. Gem blinks, then studies her
<DeathStar> <Gem> Amazing. I should look at your genetics more closely.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos pulls himself to his feet and peeks out. 1Can we Gem prood the house?
<Jen> Jennifer> "She is pretty touchy feely."
<DeathStar> <Gem> Hm. I can see why Megumi desired to mate with you. Perhaps we could talk more? I am aware you enjoy having children and she doesn't want more
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis eyes her, psionically dropping Gem, then quietly leaves the room without a word
<Kit> <Megumi> Ah. She did it again.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena's ears flatten a bit at something no one else can sense
<Jen> "I'd find it offensive if she wasn't so... well... simple about her intentions." *she peers at Athena* "What's up Oneechan?"
<DeathStar> <Athena> Momma Erevis very angry.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos lets out a sigh and goes back to his shower.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis moves back to sit down, her face completely neutral, having always been a mastered at hiding her emotions on her face.
<DeathStar> <Gem> ... what did I say wrong? 6* She asks Xanatos, clearly not getting it
* Jen leans over and pets Athena's ear gently.
<DeathStar> 6* Ao whistles a bit. <Ao> Well, breakfasts are certainly more entertaining.
<Kit> 6Megumi slowly slips under the table.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr moves out with Ako and Iko, waving at everyone as she sits down and lets them sit. The kids seem oblivious, though Iko peers at Erevis now and again timidly
<Jen> "Indeed. I have an odd feeling mornings will continue to be interesting for quite a while."
<Kit> 6Megumi surprises Erevis.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos slowly leans his head out to peer at her. 1You need to learn to respect personal space, or else you're going to have everyone disliking you, then you won't be able to find a mate at all.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek plops down by Zephyr and then lays his face on the table.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis jerks, her eyes widening and she reddens as she squirms a bit, trying to eat her food without dropping. "I--"
<DeathStar> 6* Iko blinks at the sudden turn in emotions, and Athena begins to giggle, leaning against Jen's hand
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis looks embarrassed now, peering at them all and trying to look nonchalant
* Seraphna has joined #taw
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Seraphna
<DeathStar> <Gem> ... 6* She peers down, for a moment looking visiblely upset. Then it fades and she gets up, stepping out, wet and naked.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos goes back to his shower, singing badly.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena looks at Elwyn and Jennifer mischeviously, as if plotting things.
<DeathStar> 6* Then sinks under the table. A moment later --- they're both tickled.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Kellin crawls in towards the table and groggily peer up, then jerks and jumps up, slamming his head into the table, promplty knocking himself out.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem sits at the table, wet and naked still, and looking nonchalant. She begins to eat, then peers at Ao
<Seraphna> * Jennifer raises a brow curiously at her sister.
<DeathStar> <Gem> ... you look like Megumi's female mate. <Ao> I am her sister.
* Jen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
<DeathStar> <Gem> So you are a Progenitor?
* Seraphna is now known as Jen
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr rubs Drasek's back, dryly noting to Drasek. "Looks like she found a replacement Progenitor for you."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek slowly does the fists pump motion without moving his head much.
<DeathStar> <Ao> Yes. <Gem> Can you lift people up without touching them?
<Jen> * Jennifer gets up, she steps out and comes back a short time later, draping a towel over Gem. "You'll catch a cold staying wet like that."
<DeathStar> <Ao> I am relearning the ability. <Zephyr> <Uh oh. It seems Gem has an eye on Ao>
<DeathStar> 6* Gem peers at Jen, blinking
<Kit> 6Elwyn peers under the table. 1"She ignored you."
<DeathStar> 6* Athena pouts, then surprises Elwyn
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* Later that, in various locations, Gem returns to 1B, carrying a container of sperm, and sets it on the table near Xanatos. Erevis tilts her head, making lunch
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr, meanwhile, is in Drasek's store, checking over sales and whatnot, while Athena prances about in their clothes to entice people in, posing for them
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos slowly eyes the container. 1What is this exactly?
<Jen> * Jennifer sneaks up on Athena, on her break.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek peers over that stuff with Zephyr. 1Guess it did pretty well while we were gone.
<DeathStar> <Gem> Chad Winters' sperm. I took a sample of it to check over with my scanners. I was told by the computer, CHIP, that mating wiht him would tear me in two due to my size and his
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> How did you get this exactly?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Yeah. I'm glad. 6* She eyes her own outfit she's suppose to wear, but then pretends to be busy with the register
<DeathStar> <Gem> I have my ways. 6* She notes, hookking up the container to her datapad. Erevis tilts her head
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I am unsure if we should inform Chad Winters of this or not
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> ...yeah we should.
<Jen> * Jennifer hops up behind Athena and tickles.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena jerks, then begins to squeal and laugh, ruining the sexy pose.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis lingers inside the medical bay with a bag of food.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Then I will leave that to you. Since I can predict his reaction
<Jen> * Jennifer grins. "Gotcha."
<DeathStar> <Gem> Hm. There are a lot of genetic defects. 6* She sighs, tossing the sample into the trash
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Actually I'm going to let Megumi. Since she unleashed her upon us all. 6He sends a note to Megumi to take care of that.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem peers at Xanatos
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis blinks at Gem discarding it as inferior
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Carter opens the door to his office and pauses. 1Oh I didn't know you were here already.
<DeathStar> <Isis> Oh, it is okay. I just brought some leftover breakfast for you
<Kit> 6Megumi replies that she warned them and they did not prepare. It is their own folly.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek picks up the outfit and shakes it tauntingly.
<DeathStar> <Athena> Merowel
<DeathStar> 6* Athena paws at Jen
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> ... 6He glances to Erevis and does a 'cute' look to see if she'll help him.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr jerks. "I'm not wearing your bathing suit line!"
<Jen> * Jennifer grins and holds up a small boxed lunch. "Came for a lunch break with my Oneechan. Can you take one yet?"
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Since it is discarded, perhaps we should forget about it. Chad Winters will surely be relieved to know he is out of the running
<DeathStar> 6* Athena peers in at Drasek. "Is it Athena's break time?"
<Xan|Sleep> <Drasek> Sure 'Thena.
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Hmm. I guess so.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Though I confess I am worried what would take him out of the running. Aya Winters seems fine
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek frowns. 1Why not, love?
<DeathStar> 6* Gem just moves on
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> It's hard to say with her.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> B-Because... 6* She reddens. "I don't have the type of body you use to promote bathing suits. Unless you're going for the kid line."
<DeathStar> 6* Athena nods at Jennifer
<Jen> * Jennifer grins and pulls up a second, larger box. "Good, because I packed sushi. Where do you wanna eat, the garden?"
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis sits by Xanatos, touching his hand. "Thank you for being patient with her. I know this means much to Kitten."
<DeathStar> <Athena> Kay!
<DeathStar> 6* Gem, meanwhile, ends up in Marcus' bar, stepping in and looking around with a squint
<DeathStar> <Gem> What is this place?
<Kit> <Elwyn> A bar.
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> IN a household of girls, you got to learn to be patient.
<Jen> * Jennifer takes her hand and leads her to a teleporter. "Working a later shift at the bar today?"
<Xan|Sleep> <Drasek> Bollocks. You're beautiful.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem peers at Elwyn, getting a frustrated look recalling being teased last time. "A bar." 6* She eyes the datapad for a definition
<DeathStar> <Athena> Off today!
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> You're required to say that for more sex.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem nods, then sits down. "I'd like food, then. And a drink."
<Jen> "Awesome, got any plans tonight or do you wanna do something when we're both off work?"
<DeathStar> <Athena> Was going to make big dinner for Momma Megumi!
<Xan|Sleep> <Drasek> Even if you withheld I'd still say it.
<DeathStar> 6* Meanwhile, Iko wanders about the ship, lost, and begins to cry for her mothers and dad. She plops down, apparantly in the research area
<Jen> "I can help right?" *she smiles, hitting the button for the gardens, then heading out with her onto the grass*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Oh? 6* She smirks.
<DeathStar> <Athena> Hai! 6* Athena stretches out across the grass and 'sun'bathes.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina peers out, then nudges Marcus. "The Famfrit girl is here."
<Xan|Sleep> <Drasek> Damn right.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Marcus pauses and hides, taking Kat and JM with him.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr sighs, then takes the suit and moves into the back to change
* Jen opens the boxes and slowly puts a sushi roll to Athena's mouth.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Oh, are you trying to protect me from being mated with, darling?
<DeathStar> 6* Athena chews on it happily
<Xan|Sleep> <Carter> Ah well I thank you very much. I confess I didn't eat anything this morning. 6He smiles and holds his hand out, so that she can come into his office.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis smiles, moving into the office and then sets the food down, preparing it for him so all he has to do is eat it.
<Kit> <Elwyn> ...Are you... going to specify, kitten?
<DeathStar> <Gem> Oh. 6* She pauses, then takes a menu, eyeing the terms with a frown, eyeing her datapd, then Elwyn. "What do you recommend?"
<DeathStar> 6* Iko keeps crying, near Megumi's office
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis kisses him with a smile, then moves to cut up some food. "What would you like for lunch?"
<Kit> <Elwyn> An angus burger with smoked applewood bacon, smoked cheddar and monterey with lettuce and tomato.
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Hmm. Something meaty.
<DeathStar> <Gem> That. And whatever I had to drink last time. The... Cartel Whiskey.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis thinks, then nods.
<Kit> <Elwyn> Oh, well that's special. But I'll find you something.
* Jen munches a roll herself before feeding Athena again. "So what do you think about Gem?"
<DeathStar> 6* Gem peers at the various customers, frowning at them as if they're inferior
<DeathStar> <Athena> Gem funny! But...feel sorry.
<Jen> "Sorry? Why's that?"
<DeathStar> <Athena> Gem very sad and lonely.
* X1 has joined #taw
* Jen smiles a little. "She reminds me of myself a bit. She wants desperately to find companionship."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya Winters enters and sits down. Gem pauses, then recognized her. <Gem> You are the daughter of Chad Winters.
<Kit> 6Elwyn heads over to give Marcus the famfrit delight order-- then browses wines, snickering.
<DeathStar> 6 *Aya blinks, then peers at Gem, then recalls Chad's warning to her about Gem
<DeathStar> <Athena> Very important to her. Thinks she doesn't need anyone. Maybe Athena should cheer her up. 6* She nods
<Jen> "And... how do you plan that?" *she asks as she feeds Athena another*
<DeathStar> 6* Athena chews, then looks cute, pawing at the air. "Give love!"
* Jen giggles a bit. "Curious, how'd you feel if she did try to mate me?" *she paws back*
<DeathStar> 6* Athena blinks, tilting her head. "If Jennee wanted to mate, then Athena be glad for you!"
<DeathStar> <Aya> Yes. I am
<DeathStar> 6* Aya peers around a moment for Dawn, then at Gem, who's closer now, causing her to blink
<DeathStar> <Gem> May I ask you questions? <Aya> I-- guess that is okay... 6* Gem eyes a datapad, then reads a complicated question, then eyes Aya. Aya stammers the correct answer
<Kit> 6Dawn leans between the two, his nose practically touching Gem's.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem blinks, peering at Dawn. "Can I help you, male?"
<DeathStar> 6* Aya blinks at Gem guessing Dawn's gender correctly
<Jen> * Jennifer smiles a bit. "I wonder..." *she rolls over onto her back, tossing a piece of sushi and catching it in her mouth, gulping it down*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr steps out in the sexy bathing suit, looking embarrassed
<DeathStar> <Athena> What Jennee wonder? 6* She pauses, as if waiting for Jennifer to toss it again into her own mouth
<Jen> * An Atlean checks Zephyr out.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr jerks and eyes the Atlean, then begins to edge back for the back
<Jen> * He shrugs and moves on.
<DeathStar> 6* ERevis lets the food cook and sits by Xanatos. "So, did you enjoy mating with Kitten again?" 6* She asks with a smile, leaning forward slightly
<Kit> <Daw> ..." 6He eyes her, studying her, then looks to Aya
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr frowns. "Can't even keep someone checking me out."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek whistles and cat falls.
<DeathStar> <Aya> T-This is Gem. A Famfrit that Megumi brought back
<Xan|Sleep> NRP: calls
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr watches Drasek land on all four
<Kit> 6Dawn nods to Aya, then sits between them.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos peers towards her with a laugh. 1Maaybe.
<DeathStar> 6* GEm blinks as somehow Gem gets between them.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Oh? Only a maybe? Well, if you do not desire her, I suppose I can keep her to myself
<Jen> * Jennifer picks up another roll and leans over, feeding her again. "Sometimes I wonder about my own feelings. You know I'd go through hell and back for you, right Oneechan?"
<DeathStar> 6* Athena chews on it. She nods
<DeathStar> <Athena> Athena do same!
<DeathStar> <Gem> Can I help you? I was talking. 6* She looks annoyed
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos pauses and leans forward slightly. 1You would deprive me?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Funny. 6* She tells Drasek
<DeathStar> <Erevis> OF course I would not, but you are not sounding as if you would feel deprived.
<DeathStar> 6* ISis steps back after finishing setting up the food. "There you go."
<Xan|Sleep> <Drasek> Hold on a sec, let my find that bloody camera.
<Kit> 6Dawn shakes his head, then smiles softly at Gem
<Jen> Jennifer> "I wonder if I move forward, I'll miss a great thing." *she holds out another piece for Athena*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> This better be a personal photo
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Carter smiles. 1I had almost forgotten how well you take care of me.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena chews on it, tilting her head. "Miss?"
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek pauses. 1O..of course.
<DeathStar> <Isis> Oh, this is nothing. 6* She notes, embarrassed. But recovers quicker than normal. "Was there anything else you wanted to learn about datapads?"
<Jen> * Jennifer looks at her, letting her emotions slip for a moment, she smiles a little weakly and looks away to select another sushi roll.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr narrows her eyes. "If you put posters up of me."
<DeathStar> 6* Athena pauses, tilting her head the other way, then leans forward and gives Jennifer a kiss on the lips. CHIP immediately panics and sends Xanatos Code 069
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Drasek slumps.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... then you better learn how to cook within the month. 6* She adds, giving him a big smile.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos jerks and jumps to his feet, running for the teleporter.
<Jen> * Jennifer blinks a bit in surprise and takes a moment to pull away, she blushes heavily. "Oneechan..."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> ... Code....069...?
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Jennifer and Athena!
<DeathStar> 6* Athena studies her, moving forward and pushing against Jennifer a bit. "Jennee feel sad and lonely, too." 6* She begins to kiss her again. Erevis blinks, rising to her feet to follow
<Jen> Jennifer> "You know I don't have approval for that." *she looks down*
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos hunts for the two, pistol out.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena leans back, frowning. It's clear she picked up on Jen's emotions in that moment
* Jen hugs her a bit. "Besides, you know Xan would kill me."
<DeathStar> 6* Then blinks when Xanatos arrive in the garden, since htey didn't go far. She peers back, a piece of sushi in her mouth that she got while kissing. She tilts her head, waving. "Hi, Da-Da."
<Kit> 6Megumi bumps into Xanatos, blinking.
<DeathStar> 6* Or not, if Meg stopped him i ntie
<Kit> <Megumi> Code 069. Clever.
* Jen blinks and looks around, raising a brow, her eyes slowly go to the gun. "Umm... hi?"
<DeathStar> 6* Athena, not seeing Xan yet, peers at Jen
<DeathStar> <Athena> Merowl. Athena take blame! Will say tied Jennne up!
<Kit> <Megumi> Have an extra gun? If not, I can make my own." 6She forms her shotgun!
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> CHIP thought it up. 6He notes, then nods at Megumi. 1I like your style.
* Jen shakes her head. "I said I wouldn't, I can't break a promise like that."
<DeathStar> 6* Gem peers back at Elwyn. Cockblocked by Dawn, who doesn't seem like he'd have a cock. She takes the food when it's brought to her, sniffing, then bites it. She blinks
<DeathStar> <Gem> Good.
<DeathStar> 6* AThena peers down, looking sad, her ears drooping
<DeathStar> <Athena> Athena want Jennee to be happy.
* Jen sits up a bit and sighs. She leans over and pet's Athena's ear. "And I want you to be happy Athena. I also want to be in your life and if that means just sisters till the end of time, I'm already lucky."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos and Megumi stalk those damn kids.
<DeathStar> 6* Then blinks when Xanatos arrive in the garden, since htey didn't go far. She peers back, a piece of sushi in her mouth that she got while kissing. She tilts her head, waving. "Hi, Da-Da and Momma Megumi."
<Kit> <Elwyn> Yeah, it's all the rage with you kittens.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem then sniffs the wine and takes a big swallow of it
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos squints, watching Jen and Athena carefully.
<Kit> 6Dawn dotes on Aya and inquires on what to share for lunch.
* Jen blinks a little and looks around at the two, she pauses when she eyes the guns. "...Some sort of problem out here?"
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<DeathStar> <Aya> I was thinking of trying Marcus' new dish. 6* She points at an Italian pasta
* Jen looks around as though expecting an army of Dark Ones to appear behind them.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena tilts her head innocently, raising her hands like paws
<Kit> <Elwyn> A sweet blueberry wine. Ice Momma fucked up which was Mama's favorite berry once and discovered it.
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> I'm pretty sure we had an agreement Jennifer.
<Jen> "...Huh?"
* Jen looks at him in confusion.
<Kit> <Megumi> Get down on the ground! Hands behind your head! NOW!
<Jen> "Wh-What?"
<DeathStar> <Athena> Jennee didn't break agreement. 6* She rises, seriously now. "I kissed her without her permission and she stopped me."
<DeathStar> 6* Athena then moves past them and for the teleporter
* Jen looks stunned at all three of them now.
<Kit> <Megumi> ..." 6She snaps dramatically again
* Jen looks down, getting a dark look and starts cleaning up the sushi quietly.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem sips it again, liking it it seems, since she drinks it all.
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos glances to Megumi. 1Well now I feel like the bad guy.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> I-I saw tongue.
* Jen picks up the boxes and starts walking around them to the teleporter without a word.
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Next time be 100% sure, alright CHIP? Thanks for keeping a lookout.
<DeathStar> 6* CHIP sends the video where Jen did her guilt thing and Athena responded. Then writes I AM INNOCENT!
<Kit> 6Megumi dissolves her gun and shrugs. 1"She is not as fun as I remember."
<DeathStar> 6* Then adds to keep an eye on Gem, in case Athena's definition of love is sex.
<Kit> <Megumi> Or am I getting too old to joke?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> If you are responding about Tiny Kitten, her response was directed at Xanatos, not you, Kitten
<DeathStar> 6* She steps up, having not gotten involved
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> Might not've thought you were joking since I wasn't.
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<DeathStar> <Erevis> Though I have never heard her use "I" outside the time she was possessed or when she is very drunk.
* Jen hits the teleporter for medical and dumps the boxes in the trash, going to write reports till she calms down enough to see patients.
<Kit> <Megumi> No, I meant Jennifer.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis peers at Jennifer as she enters, glancing at Carter. "She...looks upset."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Carter pauses to peer out and hmms. 1I wonder if it's boy troubles. She was flirting with a famfrit boy there for a while.
<DeathStar> <Isis> Really? 6* She blinks.
<Xan|Sleep> <Carter> I tried to stay out of it, so I don't really know the specifics. Athena would though.
<Kit> <Megumi> I am... old." 6She sulks, ears and all, heading back to the telepad.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis muses, then heads back for the teleporter, putting an arm around Megumi. "You are not old. Jennifer Carmichael thinks she is in love with Tiny Kitten and desires to be with her in that manner."
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Xanatos hmms and holsters his pistol. 1Well. That mission was a failure. 6He lets out a sigh and plomps off after Megumi.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> She is not happy at being denied that.
* Jen stares at the paper a moment and shakes her head, continuing with her work.
<DeathStar> 6* Isis nods in thought
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> She'll have to get over it. 6He notes simply with a shrug.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> You did not get over being in love with me, Xanatos. And I am glad you did not
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I cannot say if I believe it is real love, or her simply responding to Tiny Kitten's endless ability to give love to everyone, however.
<Xan|Sleep> <Xanatos> I guess we'll just have to watch and see.
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* Gem stares at Theron, having cornored him in the garden. "You are Erusian. What sort of genetic traits do you possess?"
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Theron peers at her, tilting his head slowly. 1...
<DeathStar> <Gem> And what sort of IQ do you possess?
<DeathStar> 6* Gem squints up at him, wobbilying from her wine drinking earlier
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Theron shifts his head the other way. 1...
<DeathStar> <Gem> ... You have big muscles. I bet kids will have them, too. 6* She touches them drunkenly
<Xan|Sleep> <Theron> ... I'm sorry who are you? 6He speaks finally at the touching.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem pauses, looking at Theron, squinting more. "I am Imugem."
<Xan|Sleep> <Theron> I see. I am Theron L'Kai. And I do apologize but I am quite spoken for at the moment.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem pauses, then turns slowly to eye another Famfrit, eyeing her dangerously, like a cat fight might break out; she peers back.
<DeathStar> <Gem> I am genetically superior to her.
<Xan|Sleep> <Theron> Irrelevant. I care little for that sort of nonsense.
<DeathStar> 6* Naji growls at Gem warningly
<DeathStar> 6* CHIP, meanwhile, informs Megumi to show up before Gem creates a intergalactic incident
<Jen> * Leyaeh pauses on her rounds to see the trio, sensing potentially explosive disaster, she heads over. "Is there a problem here Ambassador?"
<DeathStar> <Gem> See? She is more animal than Famfrit
<Xan|Sleep> <Theron> This...Imugem is quite drunk, you should take her someplace before she gets in trouble.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem hiccups. Naji begins to raise her hand, not usually violent
<Xan|Sleep> 6* Theron arches a brow and holds out a hand to touch her shoulder, he looks quite shocked.
<DeathStar> 6* Naji pauses, relaxes, though she does that throaty growl cats do when they're pissed
<Jen> Leyaeh> *sighs and puts a hand on Gem's shoulder* Alright Gem, come on. Naji, please no killing in front of me, the paperwork takes hours.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem eyes Leyaeh. "... not good enough." 6* She notes simply, then moves on away.
<Jen> * Leyaeh follows her, after nodding to Theron. "Good day Ambassador."
<Xan|Sleep> <Theron> I...believe I'm quite frightened of you now. 6He says to Naji, giving Ley a slight nod.
<DeathStar> <Naji> You are mine and I am yours. I will not give you up to someone like her. ... Shall I make your favorite meal now? 6* She smiles, back to normal Naji
<Xan|Sleep> <Theron> Y...yes please.
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* Gem snoozes at the dinner table after dinner, drunk out of her mine. Ao eyes her. "I hear she made an incident with the Erusian ambassador."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis sighs and Isis hides her face
<Jen> * Jennifer sits quietly at the table, looking at Gem.
<Kit> 6Megumi shrugs slightly, then walks around to Gem's side of the table, having little trouble with her passed out drunk of setting her over her knee and starts spanking her.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis blinks in surprise. Gem jerks in her stupor and begins to squirm, speakin in Famfrit. <Ah. Stop that!>
<Kit> <Megumi> Ut. Invasion of privacy, intergalactic disturbances and snoring at the dinner table.
<Jen> "She holds the last one as the most dire."
<DeathStar> <Ao> Hmph. She isn't so tough; Megumi wouldn't dare spank me.
<Kit> <Megumi> I have spanked you.
<DeathStar> 6* Ao jerks.
<DeathStar> <Ao> I dare you to try now.
<Kit> <Megumi> I am busy.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr decides to stay out of this one
* Jen peers over at Ao, then back at Megumi.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem squirms and fights
<DeathStar> 6* Then cals Megumi an unpleasant name in Famfrit. Isis jerks, apparantly recognizing it.
<Kit> 6Megumi strikes her harder, not changing expressions-- though Zephyr would sense an ulterior motiv having nothing to do with the three aforementioned or name-calling
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> <And what are you up to?>
<DeathStar> 6* Gem cries out, squirming even more and looking red faced.
<Kit> <Megumi> <What?>
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> <You're not just spanking her for the reasons listed>
* Jen takes a sip of her juice, apparently finding spanking at a dinner table to be something listed under usual.
<Kit> <Megumi> <None of your business!>
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> <I'm your sister. Of course it is>
<DeathStar> 6* Gem pants as she gets tired from panting. "Stop it!"
<DeathStar> *panting = squirming
<Kit> <Megumi> Nor do you require it as often as Zephyr, Aonee.
<Kit> 6Megumi lets Gem go, hrmphing.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem squirms off, holding her rear and glaring at Megumi as she pants.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> H-Hey, leave me out of this!
* Jen gets up and excuses herself quietly.
<DeathStar> <Ao> Since you haven't struck my ass since I first moved in with you, I would say that's probably very true, though I'm told Xanatos strikes yours in bed
* Jen heads to her room, sending Athena a message, looking for her.
<Kit> <Megumi> So does beloved. Occasionally yourself and Zephyr. I cannot help you all take advantage of my size and strength.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I allow you to spank me whenever you desire as well.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena is on Jennifer's bed, napping
* Jen smiles a little and moves onto the bed, laying next to her.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem glares, then runs off without a word
<DeathStar> 6* Ao watches her go. "I think you spanked a nerve."
<Kit> <Megumi> As long as she learns.
* Jen pets Athena's hair gently and pulls her close, closing her eyes.
<DeathStar> <Ao> Learns what?
<Kit> 6Megumi snorts.
<DeathStar> 6* Athena paws at her face a bit
<DeathStar> <Ao> ... am I missing something?
<Kit> <Megumi> Nothing!
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> When aren't you? 6* Ao eyes her
<DeathStar> 6* Gem moves in and eyes Jennifer and Athena, then walks in and sits promptly
* Jen opens her eyes a little and looks over at Gem. "You okay?"
<DeathStar> <Gem> F-Fine.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem eyes Athena, her look the same as with every other potential mate so far
* Jen hugs Athena a bit more. "Sure you don't want to talk about anything?"
<DeathStar> <Gem> I'm sure. Are you awake? 6* She demands of Athena, who opens her eyes, peering at her.
<DeathStar> <Gem> Hmmm... 6* She begins to ask questions and whatnot of Athena, who tilts her head
<DeathStar> <Ao> ... just tell me!
<Kit> 6Megumi reddens slightly. 1"None of your business! Either of you!"
* Jen smiles softly. She watches Gem carefully.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Well, *I* know. <Ao> ....
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis, meanwhile, goes under the table and surprises Megumi
<Kit> <Megumi> Aonee, spank her for being disrespectful!
<Kit> 6Megumi jerks, making a loud noise, then bug eyes.
<DeathStar> 6* Ao eyes Zephyr, approaching when she eyes Megumi; Zephyr begins to laugh hard
<DeathStar> <Athena> Athena not bright . Merowl. Just cute. 6* She paws
<DeathStar> 6* Gem stares at her pawing. "Why....are you doing...that? You are not... a cat."
<Jen> "It's a powerful cute."
<DeathStar> 6* Gem just stares, looking not sure how to respond
<DeathStar> <Ao> .... why are you...? 6* She begins to look under the table when Ako shows up, looking like she's been crying. "Momma Umi!"
<Kit> <Megumi> S-Sweetie..!?
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses, moving otu of the table. Ako grabs at Megumi's hand, barely, since she can't walk well. <Ako> Iko missing all day!
* Jen squeezes Athena a little. "She's a very loving person and the best little sister anyone could ask for." *she smiles*
<Kit> <Megumi> Missing..?
<DeathStar> <Gem> ...
<DeathStar> 6* Ako nods. Erevis frowns. <Erevis> CHIP? Where is Iko? <CHIP> Searching
<DeathStar> 6* Athena cuddles Jennifer back, then grabs Gem and pulls her in for the hug, making Gem jerk
* Jen peers at Gem and giggles, she hugs Gem too.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Iko is in the Research Zone
<Kit> <Megumi> Is Isis present?
<DeathStar> <CHIP> A-Aparantly her DNA was similiar enough to Megumi and yours to allow her acess without me knowing
<Jen> "You've got a home and friends here, Gem. I know they're rough around the edges, but we'll take care of you."
<DeathStar> <Isis> I-I am here, mother
<DeathStar> 6* She lowers her head, having been quiet during all this
<Kit> <Megumi> Oh... well asking you to retrieve her is out of the question then.
<DeathStar> <Isis> I will get her if you want
<DeathStar> <CHIP> ... she has been there apparantly for about six hours...
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr frowns. "The poor thing must have gotten lost."
<DeathStar> 6* Even Ao looks a bit sorry for Iko. Erevis immediately moves to go out
* Xan|Sleep is now known as Xan|SleepMORE
<DeathStar> <Ao> You're not going, too? 6* She eyes MEgumi, while Ako holds up her hands to Megumi, looking like a sad kitten
<Kit> 6Megumi picks up Ako, patting her head. 1"It is okay, sweetie." 1She eyes Ao, then rises to go.
* Jen hugs the two and just keeps smiling.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem struggles a bit. "L-Let go"
<DeathStar> 6* Ako sniffles and hugs MEgumi. "Mished u."
<DeathStar> <Ao> 'Missed you'.
<Kit> 6Megumi rubs her cheek against Ako's. 1"Mished yu, too, sweetie.
<DeathStar> 6* Ao sighs
* Jen loosens the hug a bit.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem gets away and peers at the two; Athena paws at her and Gem hrmphs.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Aw, are you said we didn't mished yu, Ao?
<DeathStar> *sad
<DeathStar> 6* Ao makes a noise and walks off
<DeathStar> 6* Ako rubs back, looking happier now as her ears perk up
<Kit> <Megumi> I will spank you later if you missed it so much, Aonee.
* Jen peers at Gem again. "I'm sorry... did we offend you Gem?"
<DeathStar> <Ao> You can try!
<Kit> 6Megumi hits the telepad mid-retort
<DeathStar> <Gem> What ? No. Hmph. 6* She just shifts to lay on her side of the bed
<Kit> <Megumi> I heard 'you can,' CHIP, what do you think?
* Jen shifts a bit to look over at her. "I'm happy to have you here, by the way."
<DeathStar> 6* As Megumi arrives, she'd find Erevis with Iko, who's busy holding her and crying. Erevis waves Megumi over. "Both of your mommas here." 6* She assures her; Iko looks up, her little ears drooped and she hugs onto Megumi - she seems to be holding a drawing of Megumi coming off the Kitty Voyager like a hero. apparantly she came to give it to her
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Sounds right to me
<DeathStar> <Gem> ... Why?
<Jen> "Because I see you're a good person. You're honest in what you want. I think we can be good friends."
<DeathStar> <Gem> ... 6* She looks at her ,as if unsure what to say. Athena smiles as she hugs onto Jennifer, not letting either see it
<Kit> <Megumi> Aww, dearie. Is this me?
<Jen> "We're roomies, don't feel awkward about anything, especially while we're sharing a room together. If you want, I can help you get acclimated to life on board the PAX. I know what it's like to be an outsider in a strange new place."
<DeathStar> 6* Iko nods. She even tried to write Momma Megumi, but only got Moma Umi
<DeathStar> <Gem> ........ I see.
<Kit> <Megumi> It is beautiful, dearie. Though Gem beat me off the ramp." 6She smiles, rubbing noses with Iko
* Jen pets Athena's hair. "I'm not from this reality. I was thrust into it a few years ago, everything was new and strange to me. I was completely alone, no one around me, even the man who was just like my father... he was a perfect stranger. In time you'll make friends, find that mate you're looking for."
<DeathStar> <Iko> Momma Umi better! <Ako> Bettah!
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis smiles at them, hugging the three lovingly. "I am a blessed goddess." 6* She murmurs
<Kit> <Megumi> I will be sure to pray to you properly on my knees later, my beloved goddess.
<Kit> 6Megumi mumbles if Gem doesn't interfere.
<Jen> "So... I'd like to help you in any way I can, because I've been through it."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> And I will return the prayer by allowing you to play with me using your tail
<DeathStar> <Iko> Momma...haf tail?
<DeathStar> <Gem> ... 6* She murmurs something in Famfrit, rolling over, perhaps not wanting Jen to know her response. Athena snoozes against Jennifer
<Kit> <Megumi> Momma used to.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> It is okay; I have gotten her a replacement to use in the meantime
* Jen smiles a bit more warmly and hugs Athena close, closing her eyes.
<DeathStar> <CHIP> Though Athena can make tails now. 6* He doesn't sound like he's thrilled, since he knows it taxes the body to use manifestation, and Athena uses it on her hair and other things all the time these days
<DeathStar> <Ako> Rwelly? Big sis Ako?
<DeathStar> 6* Athena's crystal tail tickles at JEn's side
<DeathStar> 6* Iko and Ako giggle. "Want to see momma and Big Sis Ako's tails!"
* Jen gasps softly and blushes a bit, hugging Athena close. "Kitten."
<Kit> <Megumi> At least things like that should not affect her. The fact that I cannot manifest is another story...
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis kisses Megumi's forehead. "Yet you can do many other things."
<Kit> <Megumi> Thanks to Zephyr.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> And thanks to you, she has access to many things as well. You two compliment each other well.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis turns to lead her family for the teleporter.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Though perhaps we can show them the tail I got you, Kitten. Just not what it is meant to do. 6* She adds
<DeathStar> <Athena> Merowl
<DeathStar> -tIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-592.1.9
<DeathStar> Location: PAX
<DeathStar> 6* After spending the evening having Ako and Iko innocently pull the tail and wondering why their momma reacts funny, then having a night together, Erevis relaxes by the pond, while meanwhile, Gem wanders the ship, pausing when she hears a voice. "You are the Famfrit that Megumi Zhenmei brought here."
<DeathStar> 6* Gem turns slowly to see Kyun standing there, peering down at her. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Ambassador Kyun. For the Tsivrixsh Empire."
<DeathStar> 6* Meanwhile, Ao sits in 1C, snoozing in a chair
<DeathStar> 6* She doesn't leave the door to 1B unlocked, a sign of her opening up a bit
<DeathStar> <Gem> ... 6* She tilts her head, clearly sensing some power in Kyun. "Hello. What sort of genetic traits do Tsivrixsh have?" 6* Kyun smiles
<DeathStar> <Kyun> Oh, are you curious to learn more about my people? I could take you to my embassy area. 6* CHIP quickly alerts Megumi, since they can't spy in those areas
<Kit> 6Megumi quickly slides onto the scene-- in a butterfly yukata and a miniskirt... with a tail and cat ears on.
<DeathStar> <Gem> Yes. That would be good. 6* KYun nods, turning to lead her through the market plaza to the nearest teleporter; both stop when they see Megumi
<DeathStar> <Gem> What---are... you...wearing? 6* She says, staring, having already been trying to get used to Athena acting like a cat.
<DeathStar> <Kyun> Lady Zhenmei. 6* He bows
<Jen> * Leyaeh eyes the monitors in security and tries to figure out if she should be interveneing or recording this moment for historical purposes.
<Kit> <Megumi> It is beloved's idea. What-- are you doing?
<DeathStar> <Kyun> Gem was curious to learn more about Tsivrixsh genetics.
<DeathStar> 6* Gem nods. APparantly blueish skin doesn't take you out of the running
<Kit> <Megumi> I am afraid I will be interjecting.
<DeathStar> <Gem> Why? 6* She squints at Megumi
<Kit> <Megumi> As an endangered species, I would prefer the proper preparation be done before you freely mingle with races beyond our development.
<DeathStar> <Gem> .... <I can mingle with whoever I like!>
<DeathStar> 6* Kyun blinks. "I assure you that I am of no danger, Lady Zhenmei."
<Kit> <Megumi> I would say the same regardless. It has already become an issue with her interactions with both Elwyn, who is representative of Cartel influence, and the ambassador to the Erusians.
<DeathStar> <Kyun> I see. 6* Gem begins to fume. <Gem> He invited me. I am going unless you plan to hold me against my will
<DeathStar> <CHIP> The fact he invited you should be the warning bells, considering every other rational beings response to you so far. 6* He mutters to Megumi, though Gem's ear twitch like she heard
<Kit> CHIP, do not be rude.
<DeathStar> 6* CHIP sulks
<DeathStar> <Gem> Let us go, Ambassador! 6* She notes to Kyun.
<Kit> <Megumi> That sort of childish response is precisely the reason.
<DeathStar> <Gem> I am not a child.
<Kit> 6Megumi shakes her head. 1"You are right, however. I cannot contain your will. I can only attempt to educate you, not prevent that sort of naive behavior."
<DeathStar> <Kyun> I do not wish to anger Lady Zhenmei. Perhaps we should wait until she feels it is a proper time? 6* He offers. Gem twitches.
<Kit> <Megumi> As you wish, Ms. Gem.
<Kit> 6Megumi turns her back to go.
<DeathStar> <Gem> <Naive?! How am *I* being naive?>
<Kit> <Megumi> You are running off with every potential mate without any shred of knowledge of this much wider world than you knew, ignoring my advice and speaking to me in our language to hide such things. Any rational being could think straighter-- if they took the time and care to do so.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> <Do you need help?> 6* She asks over their bond
<DeathStar> 6* Gem reddens, and trembles, then turns and storms off. Kyun peers at her go, completely calm; he looks back at Megumi. <Kyun> I apologize if I had created problems
<Kit> 6Megumi stands on the telepad, smiling. 1"Her problems are her own. You did nothing, ambassador. Have a pleasant evening."
<DeathStar> 6* Kyun bows, then turns away, a strange expression on his face momentarily, peering in the direction Gem went
<DeathStar> 6* Gem storms into the bar to see Elwyn, sitting down
<Kit> <Elwyn> Woah, where's the fire?
<Jen> * Leyaeh appears in the bar shortly after, taking a seat at the bar.
<DeathStar> <Gem> That Megumi thinking she knows everything. 6* She looks angry, instead of her maddeningly calm expression. Then she pauses, getting it back under control so she looks bored and squinted. "What do you recommend to eat and drink today?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr steps up behind Megumi after she arrives at her destination, pulling her tail a bit. "Maybe Gem will learn something after all." 6* She notes, leaning against Megumi. "And not the hard way. She's lucky to have you."
<Kogitsune> 6Megumi jumps, squeaking, then eyes Zephyr, red in the face. 1"N-Nonsense..."
<Kogitsune> 6Elwyn studies Gem, a smirk playing on her lips. 1"Catfish and charddonay."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr kisses Megumi, while Gem nods, ready for the food
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Wed Mar 03 23:08:36 2010

<DeathStar> From: Lemon <>
<DeathStar> To: Jennifer Carmichael <jennee@athenafanclub.pax>
<DeathStar> Re: Getting Out
<DeathStar> Yes, I think you definitely get out and meet some people, especially some cute boys (or girls)! Now that you're a doctor, you should work on developing
<DeathStar> a social life. It's very important according to research if you want to do well in your work. You can always have kitty Athena judge the person's character;
<DeathStar> if she likes them, then they'll probably be nice to get to know, right?
<DeathStar> Here's some images of the vacation so far, including the nude beach I managed to get everyone to go to. Oh, and a picture of Ariel wearing a cute sailor
<DeathStar> hat. <3
<DeathStar> - Lemon
<DeathStar> XOXO
<DeathStar> And
<DeathStar> From: General Cheryl <>
<DeathStar> To: Chad <ChadWinters@engineering.pax>
<DeathStar> Re: Zephyr
<DeathStar> As I have no doubt you've sent no less than 2 messages, or 4, to Zephyr in the same night, due to your OCD, I thought I'd let you know she dropped her
<DeathStar> datapad into the water and it shorted out, so she won't be responding to you anytime soon.
<DeathStar> I'll be sure to get her a new datapad after the vacation is over with the same address information. Until then, you'll just have to wait to message us,
<DeathStar> since after hearing about some incidents at the base, I'm about to drop my datapad into the ocean as well.
<DeathStar> Tell Aya I said happy birthday and that I'll get her gift to her next time I see her on Earth, which is my way of telling her to get off the ship once and
<DeathStar> a while. Next time I see you, I'll buy you some drinks. You know why. If you want to talk about it, send a message after the vacation in a few more days.
<DeathStar> -Cheryl
<DeathStar> -END-