

Reality Strikers


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The Church of the Angel:

The religion based on the worship of the Angel sprang up in Sinai before it turned fully into the Empire of Alrhyl. One of the many religions that sprang up during the Religious Enlightenment, the religious group sought toward the Angel as the one True God and her followers as her Apostels. After the virus that wiped out most of the human population was seen as a sign that Tareh was going in the wrong direction and was sent by an angry Angel for not doing enough, as well as the demon attacks, the religious group's leader, an engimatic man named Canaan, led them to taking over the government peacefully and changing Sinai into the Empire of Alryhl in honor of the Angel.

The Church's ideals based on the Angel are one of pure worship and following her tenures as laid down by the Prophet Canaan through his visions, and are taught by the current Head Priest or Priestess with the younger Priests/Priestess aiding, and are enforced by the Templars. Unlike the Church during the Era of the Gods, no abuse of power is allowed and a part of the government and Church has melded together known as Enforcers who go to each main church to make sure that no abuse or power is taking place, such as molestation of the congration or greed. Enforcers are allowed to bring in any Head Priest for inquery to the government if enough evidence presents itself and they are able to act on their authority.

Structure of the Church:

Emperor/ress: The Emperor is both the Head Priest of all the Churches of the land, and the ruler of the Empire; he is the final authority of both the religion and the government. While the Empire has a ruling body of the Senate like the Roman Empire of Earth, they handle many of the minor affairs of the government and are voted in, aiding the Emperor in all things. The Emperor is picked based on who is the best Head Priest from all the Churches, voted on by them all, and who is most in touch with the values and teachings of the Angel, and who can see her visions best.

Head Priests/Priestess: Next, Head Priests and Priestess are in charge of their church and flock of the cities they are in, and the lands around them. They have many Priests and Priestess to aid them, chosen from minor churches to aid them as they rise in the ranks. They serve the needs of the city. Larger cities sometimes might have more than one Church if it's necessary, with the city divided evenly. Their jobs are to teach the values of the Church and they all have an equal say and vote in matters of the religious side of the Empire, while the Senate votes on the government side.

Priest/Priestess: These individuals are twofold; some aid in the major churches under the Head Priest or Priestess, learning from them to become Head Priests one day themselves. Others run minor churches out in the open lands or villages with minor populations that are not big enough for a HP. They tend to their minor flocks with the same devotion as a Head Priest might. Those who do well enough might be chosen to brought to the city to learn from a HP, which is a mighty honor.

Acoylte: These people train and worship and work for the Priests in both types of churches. While minor churches likely have one or two at best, major chuches have dozens. Since abuse can likely occur more in those places, Acoyltes are taught at an early age to report such things if they occur to Enforcers when they pass through, or to Confessors.

Confessors: Confessors are people who listen to sins of people and help them repent and get on the right path; since Priests and Priestess are usually busy, these people spend their time dealing with the public. While Priests and sometimes HP will do confessions, typically more serious ones, Confessors are trained to be more people oriented and are "one of the people". They also give out the penalities to the people afterwards, typically community work or coinage to the Church for their sins.

Enforcers: A branch of the Church and Government, these people are appointed by the Government and taught by the Church how to awork within the Church and the Church's ideals so they can spot corruption. Since they're appointed by the government, corruption isn't easily reachable with them and if they become off the rails, they can be replaced by the Emperor or the Senate. Enforcers act on their own authority, typically in twos. They travel from Church to Church and seek out corrupted individuals who abuse the system so the Church of the God Era can never take root - once they find someone like that, they drag them to the Board of Inquery.

Board of Inquery: A group of individuals made up of Government Officals, Church Officals - both evenly - and one neutral party chosen by the Emperor. They decide the fate of the individual based on the evidence of the Enforcer's case. Typically it's damning to be brought in by an Enforcer and not many make it out, though those who do are cleared of all charges.

Templars: Both the army of the Goverment and the Church, the Templars are the Religious Knights of the Empire. They are trained to worship the Angel at a young age and are trained with various magik techniques so they can properly defend both the religion and the government. They are specialized Knights and the best in all of Tareh; they are especially talented in dealing with the demons. Their armor as been designed to detect anything related to the Angel for her return.


The Religion of the Church:

The Religion of the Angel changes somewhat over the years, depending on the Emperor or the Empress, and what they see the Angel wants, based on the events going on in Tareh. Foremost, they believe she directs Tareh and expects her people to react and change until her return where she will set herself up on the throne of the Empire and rule all of Tareh. Below are the various tennets.

Tennet 1:

The Angel is the one true God; she defeated the false Gods of Tareh by destroying them. Those that remain she spared as allies and now work for her as Acolytes and Apostels. The gods Ama and Tsukiyomi are not true gods, but merely False Gods who the Angel freed out of the kindness of her heart - they are powerful beings who are, at this time, kind and benevelote and were left behind to help keep watch on Tareh for the Angel. They can only be worshipped by Azuha; and it is strongly encouraged for Azuha in the Empire to worship the Angel too.

As the one true God, the Angel is to be worshipped and her Apostels are to be respected and prayed to for guidance. Those who remained behind, called the Followers, cannot be worshipped like the Angel, though they are worthy of respect for helping shape Tareh and it was clear they had the Angel's blessings due to their longer lifespans. But since they were not taken with the Angel to the world beyond that she traveled, it was clear they were not meant to Ascend with her. People of Tareh need to continue to worship the Angel and pray to her Apostels who have performed the Ascension, and when enough have done so, she will return to take the throne in the Empire of Alrhyl. Which she has, bitches!

Tennet 2:

Due to her actions of shaping Tareh, the Angel wants her people to shape Tareh to meet her vision. That means weeding out the unworthy and destroying those who threaten Tareh. The Templars are trained to defeat the evils that rise up - this includes destroying Demons and other threats. Evil Elves are also amongst those who must be destroyed at all costs and the religion dictates that the Kingdom of Badelf, if it doesn't change it's ways, must one day be dealt with. Priests are always trying to get the Kingdom to change it's methods. It's also the Empire's belief that it must one day try to expand the religion to all the Kingdoms and make it the only religion, because any who do not accept the Angel into their heart is a threat to Tareh and will be sent to Hell with the Evil Gods of Tareh.

Due to the Angel's charity, the Empire takes on a lot of charity as well, aiding people in need at all times, opening orphanges, healing the sick and wounded. However, it is their belief also that these people must help themselves afterwards - orphans in orphanges are raised up to work for the Church and follow the tennets of the Angel and after the sick are healed, they must spend however many years aiding the Empire depending on what they can provide based on how ill they were.

As far as war goes, it is written the Empire can declare war on anyone they believe is a threat to Tareh, much like the Angel did. If they think anyone will disrupt the balance of Tareh, is within their right to wage a religious war in the name of the Angel and those who believe in the Angel within the country must aid them or risk eternal damnation. They also believe the Angel desires combative nature in the Empire against perceived threats and so the Church is used to spy on Kingdoms if necessary, keeping an eye on them.

One final thing, much like the Angel did, the Empire gathers old relics from any Kingdom under a religious edict, bringing to them; if not possible, they destroy it. Much like the Angel did not want it falling into others' hands, they believe it is their duty to do so as well. The relics are stored in a vault until the Angel returns, as the Empire does not use ancient tech. It has been keyed to the Angel's touch.

Tennet 3:

If any speaks out against the Angel or the Religion in a terriblely mean manner that could make the Angel cry, the Church will arrest that person. It is consider blasphemey. While the government of the Empire does not comment on it, the Church itself sends out specialized Assassins to deal with those who would tarnish the Angel's name and bring them to trial - this has been changed on the Angel's orders.

Tennet 4:

All sexuality is allowed under the Angel's orders - though lesbians get special benefits. Because the Angel is thought to be gay. And into dogs.

The Angel's Tennet:

The Angel is here to guide us and reunite Tareh under her rule, to bring about peace and prevent the oblivion. Kingdoms will ally, or become part of the Empire. A-men.



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