

Reality Strikers


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Anima D:

Element Affinity: Ice

Base Stats:

Power (PWR): 10

Energy (EGY): 30

Ore Armor (ARM): 100

Speed (SPD): 10

Skills (SKI): 40

Fist (FIST): 10

Foot (FOOT): 10

Max Stats:

PWR: 80

EGY: 90

ARM: 300

SPD: 50

SKI: 150

FIST: 30

FOOT: 30



Ice Magic: Anima D can allow it's user to channel whatever Ice spells they have learned into a more devastating form. This will eat up both energy from the Anima D and the user's magic energy. Note: This ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisite: Ice Magic Learned / Total Point Slots: 10

Special Ice Magic Attack*: Anima D can produce a giant ice shard from the user's MP and strike an opponent. This will drain all of the user's magic points for an indefinite amount of time, but the attack will deal critical damage. Note: This ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisite: Ice Magic For Anima D Learned / Total Point Slots: 10

E. Defense Shield: Anima D can produce a barrier of energy around itself, and anyone close enough to it, that will deflect attacks of mgaic and energy. Note: This ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisites: None / Total Point Slots: 5

P. Defense Shield: Anima D can produce an ore shield around itself to protect against physical attacks from enemies. Anyone on the other side of the shield will be protected as well. The shield covers the entire front half of the Anima and floats before it. Note: This ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisite: None / Total Point Slots: 5

Weapon Creation Lv. 1: Anima D can create a weapon such as a sword or bow and arrow to battle an opponent. Each is made up of ore materials from the Anima. It costs energy to create and power to make stronger, so the more energy and power the Anima D has, the more effective the weapon. Note: This ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisites: PWR 40 / Total Point Slots: 10

Weapon Creation Lv. 2: Anima D can create a weapon such as a sword or bow and arrow to battle an opponent. Each is made up of ore materials from the Anima. It costs energy to create and power to make stronger, so the more energy and power the Anima D has, the more effective the weapon. Note: This ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisites: WC Lv. 1, PWR 70 and EGY 60 / Total Point Slots: 10

Defensive Miniture Ore Shields: Anima D can create tiny ore shields for people not close to it that can protect against physical attacks only. For each point added, one tiny shield is formed. Prerequisite: None / Total Point Slots: 10

Shield Bash: The Anima D can produce an ore shield that can be used either to block attacks, or as a weapon to hit an enemy. The more times it's damaged, or used to attack, the quicker it breaks. The more points used, the more damage it can inflict and withstand. Prerequisite: ARM 150 / Total Point Slots: 10

Ore Drill: The Anima D can produce an ore drill that can cut into most materials. While it can be used for battle, an intelligent user might find other uses for the drill. Note: This ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisite: ARM 120 / Total Point Slots: 10

High Tier Drill*: The Anima D can produce an ore drill that can damage even the most powerful opponent, or drill through the ground or a mountain with dense materials. This skill will allow the user to strike hard, or burrow deep, to lay in wait. Note: this ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisite: Ore Drill Maxed Out and PWR 80, EGY 90, ARM 140 OR Anima Pilot Learned / Total Point Slots: 15

Teleport: Anima D can teleport a short distance (about the length of a football field) to get away from an enemy, or behind, or to quickly get in place for an ambush. The more points placed into this skill, the more likely it will reach it's full distance teleportation. Prerequisite: EGY 60 / Total Point Slots: 10


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