Main Duality Page:

The Alien Wars 6:
Fall of Eden

The Duality Wars:

The Alien Wars 6

Opposing dualism in nature and life...

... will lead to a final war between opposite worlds.


The Duality Wars is the main part of the final chapter of The Alien Wars saga, which comprises of more than six main RPGs. The main channel is #taw on The Duality Wars is believed to take place on a mirror realm that is connected to the Prime Realm of the previous RPGs, with a new cast of characters. With the two realms affecting each other, it is only a matter of time before only one realm can be left standing. But who will it be?


TAW is © 1997-2016 Kevin T. Bell

TAW6 Special Thanks: Sara
Special Thanks: Seraphna for the TAW5 Site Design that I Use Now