Main DaCapo Page

Isis Zhenmei Nue

Theme song here later

Character Info

Name: Isis Zhenmei
Rank: Married to Miyuki Race: Famfrit
Age: 163
100 years elsewhere
Appeared Age: 25 (frozen)
DOB: 10-590.1.18 Birth Planet: Earth

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Red Hair Length: Lower Back
Height: 5'3" Weight: 111 Build: Slender
Cup Size: C First Appearance: Erevis the Progenitor: Session 70 Generation 2
Partners: Miyuki

Children: Shion,

Siblings: Iko (sister. 159 years old. 10-590.1.18 - ETP: ?), Ako (sister. 49 years old. 10-590.8.15 - TAW5: 9),
Athena (sister. 76 years old. 10-590.10.2 - ETP: ?), Jaime (sister. 49 years old. 10-592.5.14 / (January 5993) - TAW5: 205),
Jamie (brother. 47 years old. 10-592.5.14 - TAW5: 205), Lenneth (half-sister. 47 years old. 10-592.12.1 - TAW5: 206)

Parents: Megumi (mother. 101 years old. 10-538.12.12 - TAW4: 241), Erevis Zhenmei (mother. 53 years old. 10-586.11.6 / (January 5993) - TAW4: 93), Ama (non-biological mother. Age unknown. TAW5: 204), Xanatos (non-biological father. 87 years old. 10-555.1.7 / (January 5993) - TAW4: 1)



32 (used) (used) + super move + 13
Strength: 0 Dexterity: 0 Speed: 0 Endurance: 0
Intelligence: 0 Charisma: 0 Wisdom: 0 Mind: 0
Godhood: 0 Abilities: 0 Element: Holy

HP: 70 (12)
Weapon: Transcendent - 8 HP Damage + (Strength Modifer ÷ 2 (7 bonus) = 4) = 12 HP Damage / Armor - Transcendent: 12 Def


Class - TBA/Sub-Class: TBA

Perk 1:  
Perk 2:  
Perk 3:  
Perk 4:  
Perk 5:  



Item Pouch (3 - can be upgraded)

Item 1: Lunarian Mercenary Razor Wire Powerful Metal Wire (Transcendent) Primary Weapon
Item 2: Lunarian Mercenary Dagger A Dagger of the Untested Metalic Metal (Transcendent) Secondary Weapon
Item 3:    
Item 4: Locked    
Item 5: Locked    


Armor - 4

Item 1: None   Head Armor
Item 2: Cran's Armored Suit A Pure White Suit w/ Armored Lacing (Transcendent) (4 Def) Body Armor
Item 3: Lunarian Mercenary Leg Armor Leg Armor (Transcendent) (4 Def) Leg Armor
Item 4: Lunarian Mercenary Boot Armor Foot Armor (Transcendent) (4 Def) Foot Armor





Advantage 1:  
Advantage 2:  
Disadvantage 1:  
Disadvantage 2:  



[Primary Move]
[Secondary Move]

[Tertiary Move]

[Racial Move] Foxhole: Kitsune can make up to 5 foxholes in a row before this ability runs out. Or the player can form dozens of mini foxholes all around the area like Weapon Ripple, trying to cut and slice the enemy - while not fatal, it is painful.




Beliefs and Goals

Take care of your family. Family is what will be there for you when you need them.


Background History

Isis history here. Miyu rah rah


TAW is © 1997-2016 Kevin T. Bell

TAW6 Special Thanks: Sara
Special Thanks: Seraphna for the TAW5 Site Design that I Use Now