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The Alien Wars 6:
Fall of Eden

The Duality Wars:

The Dark Lands


The Dark Lands Creation:

Known as the Dark Lands not so much because it doesn't have forests or grasslands, but because of the land's overall rocky feel and dark skies that hang out over the landscape, as well as the luminous mushrooms. Rocky caverns and landscapes, only a part of the Dark Lands actually has grass, the rest of it is nature infused with Dark Spiritual Energy. Even the forest is a Dark Forest with lots of glowing beautiful mushrooms and particles, that make the forest glow unlike any other forest, even the Ent Forest. The Desert has dark particles in the air and ground, but despite the dark skies and landscape, it is a beautiful area in it's own way because nature is still bountiful in it's own way. Twilight and purple colors mix into the dark skies, the plants that grow are unusual, and the Daemons that live there are quite content.

Having lived on Geyze for as long as they could remember, Daemon history was not collected until around 15,000 years ago when the Dark Great Spirit began to task them with building a society long after the fall of the First Ones. Stating to them that they were children of them, and that they had to help carry on the traditions of protecting the Spirits in the era to come. The Asmos Daemons gathered the many separate Daemon clans that lived across the Dark Lands and spent the next 5,000 years building up their civilization and cities with the Dark Great Spirit's aid. By 10,000 years ago, they had a sprawling city system and an order with the Daemon Asmos presenting an Empress and a council of Daemons from the various Daemon races. Every few centuries, two Daemon races would serve as the aide de camps to the Empress in matters.

Their cities were known for being built out of the materials of the Dark Lands and Dark Magik, being built both under ground and towering tall in castle like towers. With the plants used as lighting sources, due to the low lighting in the landscape, which is one thing they have in common with the Hapians. Typically mushrooms or vines, some of the plants here are known to be alive and the Daemons capable of summoning them. See more on Life on Geyze.

The Hapian-Daemon 100 Year War:

Their society continued to advanced until about 7,000 years ago when the Hapians crossed into their borders, past the desert and toward the Nymphs' river territory. The Nymphs at the time, unable to fight back, were slaughtered by the Hapians for being monsters due to their looks. As the Hapians attempted to take the Nymph bodies back to their kingdom for study, they were set upon by various Daemon races for the killing of innocent Nymphs and many Hapians were killed before they could get away with all the dead, but still some bodies were taken.

Enraged, the Daemon population demanded retribution. This also was the turning point for the Nymphs, which asked to be changed to allow them to fight back and protect themselves. Now they can defend and attack back once engaged and channel their magiks for such purposes. What followed, however, was a 100 Year War between the Hapians and the Daemons, with each side taking land from the other, until the Daemons began to push deep into Hapian territory despite their advanced Spiritual Tech. However, it was clear that the tech would make the war cost thousands of Daemon lives and so many had been lost that when the Hapians sued for peace, it was agreed upon and the borders were reset to the desert in the middle, which would make it hard for a force to cross it without being spotted.

After the encounter, the Daemons began to reinforce and make it so their strongest Daemons lived along the border, and kept it so that various Daemon took part in the army at various points in their life. And realizing they needed to know more about Geyze, begin to make a navy port to sail their ships, which look like a cross between sea behemoths and ships and going around the bottom of the Hapian Dynasty.

Learning of the Others, Shaping the Dark Lands:

Over the next few thousand years, with their Behemoth Ships and exploration, they began to come in contact with the others, such as the Magi and Summoners and Monks, as well as the Ent, one of the first to discover them in the Great Forest. As the Naturalist began to crop up along their travel path, the Daemon decided it would be wiser to make alliances with them than the stuck up Hapians which the Daemons realized wanted to rule all of Geyze.

Learning what they could from each of the factions, the Daemons built up their societies, training each one to perform to the best of their abilities and turned the Capital into a Daemon ground of all the races, building the Dark Palace into a place where all the Daemons could attend the Empress, even when there were only two Advisors every hundred or so years. Building a school for scholars, Mages, Summoners, and so on, they put each Daemon to use in their own categories and practiced the Dark Arts the Dark Great Spirit gave them to put them in tune with nature, but also within themselves as Daemons.

One of the few to learn directly from the Magi before their deaths, the Daemons picked up many things, and while their society did not rival the Hapians by size, it was clear they rivaled them in many other ways. And so they decided they would be the counter-part to the Hapians and their plans, lest the Light Great Spirit be a threat to the Dark.

Kumen Arrives:

In the year 5795 CE, the Kumens arrived in the Hapian Dynasty lands. Said to be from another galaxy, they brought with them things such as Technology that was not compatible with Geyze in general. Making an agreement with the Hapians to build the space port in their lands, the Daemons decided they needed to learn more about the Kumens and began to send up their people to the planet once it was finished 5 years later. Especially Lilin who took jobs in various job markets and became very popular amongst the various races, leading to the Daemons becoming popular and gaining shares in Kumen. Also, when the races began to explore and visit the various places on Geyze, the Daemons always made sure to be accepting of any race that wanted to learn their ways. While the Daemons have a class system and some serve as what could be seen as slaves, none of the races that visited were allowed to be touched in such a way.

Over the next 50 years, the Daemons began a slow campaign of getting people interested in their culture and joining, while making sure to adjust them to their class system, which allows people to move up if you are strong. One of the reasons the Kumen system interested them and allowed them to manipulate it.

As far as the Hapians and the Geyze Council they ran and continued to push, the Daemons at first were completely against it, but finally decided they needed to be on there to keep the Hapians in check and were one of the first to sign up, which gave them a large measure of power until the other factions joined up. With Light and Dark, while they mix at times, often they can never touch without losing what it is that makes them. The brighter the light, the greater the shadow as the Daemons claim.

The Dark Lands Today:

The Kumen problem is one of the major concerns for the Dark Lands, being close to the Spirits and their Great Spirit Shade. They do not let any Kumenian that seems to be shady or hunting spirits in and it is an offense of death as a deterrent. With Kumen having backed off a little in the last few years and focusing primarily in Hapian, they have relaxed a little but the Daemons have become more suspicious of any from Kumen who have not lived amongst them for some time or do not show commitment to learning their ways.

As of today, the Daemons are in a strong position. The two advisor races are the Daemon Nymphs and Lilin to the Asmos Empress, who is a young Daemon in her early teens that has not yet mated. Having lost her parents to an unknown attack that has not been identified yet, the Empress has not been seen much in public, but it's clear she is directing the Dark Lands well and is not a puppet. Though it is unknown in a realm that strength matters what can happen. Especially with two younger sisters.

The Empress is Neophyx Ilas (15). The young vampire sister is named Shinobu Ilas (14) and another sister is a Asmos Daemon named Karen Ilas (13).

The Great Dark Spirit is the Great Spirit who guides the Dark Lands.




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TAW6 Special Thanks: Sara
Special Thanks: Seraphna for the TAW5 Site Design that I Use Now