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The Alien Wars 6:
Fall of Eden

The Duality Wars:

Zhen Faction

The Zhen Faction is considered to be the Warrior Class of the C'en Empire. Their Mainland has several spaceports and places to house the armies and other forces. Many large fortresses can be seen where it is believed the Crystals make the Boned Grunts. These places are offlimits to the Native populace unless they join the Warrior class and decide to join their rituals. The Natives that live on the Mainland B are mostly ignored by the Zhen unless they interefere with their military operations. They all need passes to move about however and travel is much stricter here than on other the other Mainlands.

The Zhen appear to be humanoid but wear containment suits when in public.

Burgendy Dot - Main Warrior Citadel. The Location of their God/Where they train set up conversions

Red Dots - Port Cities. Run by Zhens

Black Dots. Typically cities run by humans. Poorer than C'en cities. The Zhen only allow a few and in harsh locations.

Yellow - Desert.

Brown - Mountains

Green - Grasslands.

Blue - Rivers/Lakes.



TAW is © 1997-2016 Kevin T. Bell

TAW6 Special Thanks: Sara
Special Thanks: Seraphna for the TAW5 Site Design that I Use Now