The Duality Wars

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Below are list of Mods. Pick the ones that pertain to your character.

You can buy them with Mind Stats and Mod Points

Psion Mods:


Bought with Mind Stats and Mod Points:

Mental Fortitude Lv. 1 - This allows you to teach your mind to protect against mental probes. This works against one probe. The person probing will know you are stopping them.

Mental Fortitude Lv. 2 - This allows you to teach your mind to protect against mental probes. This works against two probes. The person probing will know you are stopping them if they spend an Action Point along with Mind.

Mental Fortitude Lv. Max - This allows you to teach your mind to protect against mental probes or scans. You can spend a Mind Point to stop a probe or scan, or make them see what you want to see. Works better with an Action Point.


Bought with Mind Stats and Mod Points:

(Need to have taken Mental Fortitude Lv. Max)

Mental Shields Lv. 1 - This allows you to shield your mind against probes or scans. Any probing or scanning will bounce off your shields. To break your shield, they will need to either 1) To have a higher Mind Stat than you or 2) Be willing to use more Mind+Action Points than you to shatter your shield to get into your mind.

Mental Shields Lv. 2 [2] - This allows you to shield your mind against probes and scans. They both will be blocked without alterting the scanner unless they have Psion scan mods or special moves that allow them to break shields that are coupled with Action Points.

Mental Shields Max [2] - This unlocks the Mental Shields Limit Break. This gives ultimate protection for a few turns to all mental attacks.


Bought with Mind Stats and Mod Points:

Mental Basic Tricks Lv. 1 - This allows you to make others see small objects as other things - like an animal as another type of animal or a plant as something else. You can spend an Action Point to make it stronger or last longer.

Mental Basic Tricks Lv. 2 - This allows you to make others see objects as other things - like the size of hovercars or the like as other objects. To try to hide them. Depending on what type of special moves or whatnot or mods, they might see through it. You can spend an Action Point to make it stronger or last longer.

Mental Basic Tricks Max [2] - This allows you to make others see you as someone. To see through it they need to have certain special moves or mods or have a Perception of 6 or higher. You can spend an Action Point to make it stronger or last longer. [5 Turns+]


Bought with Mind Stats and Mod Points:

Mental Eye Lv. 1 - This lets you see through basic illusions. You can spend an Action Point to make it stronger. [5 Turns+]

Mental Eye Lv. 2 - This lets you see through moderate illusions. You can spend an Action Point to make it stronger. [5 Turns+]

Mental Eye Lv. 3 - This lets you see the true form of a person. You can spend an Action Point to make it stronger. [10 Turns+]

Mental Eye Lv. Max [2] - This lets you see illusions in scenary around you. Like fake walls, ground, scenary - it lets you take a look at the illusion of the reality around you if you wonder if you are in a fake place. You can spend an Action Point to make it stronger. This unlocks the Mental Eye Limit Break.




More will come. Please give me ideas.