Character Creation:

The Duality Wars


Step 7: Moral Centers, Elements, True Names

Moral Center:

Moral Centers are what help identify where your characteer falls in the world, especially with the upcoming enemies and situations. The first being Kumen and Geyze's two different few points on life; and Kumen being a dead world needing new resources, turning toward Spirits as one, and Geyze's response. Plus the Empire that is on the horizon with it's own twisted morality.

Other characters that share your moral center are more in tune with you. Note that "Bad" doesn't necessarily mean "evil". Infact, you might be surprised later down the line at what morality means and can mean. That is one of the questions Duality will seek to explore. Here are what the various Moral Center states mean:


1) You most likely worship Nature and the Spirits. The Spirits seek out people with Good Alignments and have good repoire with them. If you are Good aligned, as a Summoner you have it made and will get less of a Stamina hit when it comes to creating attack moves/special moves.

2) You WILL put the world before yourself and others. That means you would die for the world, and you would sacrifice your friends for the greater good of the world. You expect the same from them that you expect from yourself, because the greater good must be served.

3) This morality can be seen as almost blindingly pure, expecting the best in everyone, demanding they meet your expectations to a fault for the greater good in all areas of life.

"Some what" Good

1) You worship Nature and the Spirits. The Spirits still seek out people like you and you still have a good repoire with them. If you are "Some what" Good, as a Summoner you will have it pretty good and have a good repoire with them as well due to Stamina breaks in attack/special moves.

2) You WILL put the world before yourself, but you do not put others on the same judgement that you put yourself. You would die for the world, but only yourself. Others must make that decision for themselves.

3) This morality has a pause in the wording because it has emphasis on the wording intentionally. You are not obsessive in your views of everything being black and white, but you are dangerously close.


1) You are completely neutral to nature and the spirits. The Spirits do not seek you out like Good and "Some what" Good people, but you may get visits and they are still friendly to you. You do not get bonuses or breaks anymore at this unless you do favors or quests for them.

2) You simply try to live life in peace and do what's right. People can put up or shut up as far as you're concerned - and by that, they can do what is right for them.

3) As far as you're concerned, people can go out there and save the world, and you will do what you think is right, whatever that may be. That may be laying your life down for the world, and it may not. Everyone should live in peace, right?

"Some what Bad"

1) You can do what's right for the world one day and then what's right for your friends the next.

2) You are completely unpredictable, and sometimes the world and the spirits suffer for it. The only Spirits likely to take notice or talk to you, or pay attention, may be the Dark Spirits. Otherwise, most Spirits will not have much to do with you.

3) Your friends are important, and you will not let them die when you can fight another day for the world. After all, there's only one of you and your buds.


1) You look out for number one and those that are close to you, your inner circle of friends. You love your friends and would die for them, but if the rest of the world expects you to bleed for them when your own friends need you, well...your friends come first.

2) Nature and the spirits mean little to you. It's hard enough to get by in this hard world, with wars breaking out and people like the Corporation or feuding Kingdoms breathing down your neck. This means that Spirits do not seek you out ever unless they are forced to do so.

Closed Off

1) You look out for number one.

2) You care about your friends, but only you and your own matter, and you will backstab anyone else. After all, if you're gone, how can you protect them?

3) This means you got to look out for your group of friends/family to help them. And that's the way it's got to be. Even if it means betraying everyone else that's not in your group. And that could mean giving up the world to do so. In this world, close friends are hard to come by.

Elemental Core:

This time around the elements are a little differnet. When you pick your Element Core, for the Great Spirits reference, you are picking from main Elements.

Main Elements -

Fire, Wind, Water, Earth.

That is all you can pick from for now.

From their, later on, your minor elements will become available, but they will branch out from those.

<- Wind <- Earth <- Fire <- Water <-


Minor Elements-

[Fire/Wind - Inferno]

[Fire/Earth - Plasma]

[Wind/Water - Ice]

[Water/Earth - Mud]

[Earth/Wind - Lightning]

-> Inferno -> Ice -> Plasma -> Lightning -> Mud ->


Moral Elements-

These unlock later on in the game when your Moral Center has become fully locked in.

[Light, Void, Dark]

-> Light -> Dark -> [Void is weak to both, strong to both]

Spirit Names:

Spirit Names are names of power and considered the spiritual name of a person. They are the names engraved into the soul of a person and can be used against them to take control of their heart, but they also give them great power.

It is said everyone has a Spirit Name, given to them at their time of birth, by the Great Spirits and the universe. One must always guard their Spirit Name possessively. It has been learned recently, too, that those who enter the Mirror World, that they also gain Spirit Names.

Many go by other names so that people cannot learn their Spirit Names, or their families give them multiple names. Every race has a Spirit Name once they are born in the Delta Quadrant.

The power one gets over someone once they learn is the fact they can control that person by giving them orders, making them do whatever they want, or slowly draining their life energy/soul to use in gruesome experiments. However, two people who know each other's True Names are said to be able to reach an intimate level of being as well. Not that many know what it is due to fear.




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Special Thanks: Seraphna for the TAW5 Site Design that I Use Now