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The Duality Wars:
The Alien Wars 6

Tsivrixsh Empire:


The Tsivrixsh Empire expands many, many star systems. It borders the Erusian Ascendency, the Cartel, and EarthGov. Due to their take over of other worlds, there are many species within the empire itself. The homeworld is simply the"Tsivrixsh Homeworld". There, it is ruled by the 12 Elders and the Emperor. They are the complete law of the Empire and what is decided by these 13 beings can never be overturned.

The military is the most extensive part of the Empire and it numbers in the billions. Their ships range from simple battleships to the monsterous battleships that most races fear. Taking these ships down is no simple matter. Warriors begin training at the age of 4, having reached full adulthood. Most Tsivrixsh are armed with Xvash, a weapon that is like a clubbed staff, but with spikes at the end that are laced in poison that is highly deadly. It will numb a person and then kill them.

While there are other sectors, like science and engineers, they are not as popular or powerful as the warrior clans. They keep their ships going and keep their mouths shut. It is believed that there are over 30 billion Tsivrixsh in the Empire and over 20 billion other races. However, there are so many uknown sectors still of the empire, despite having taken the homeworld in the Dark War, that it is unknown. They may also be the only race to have gone to the Gamma Galaxy.

It has definitely been confirmed that Kyun is the Emperor. However, recently Shretrav has vanished during the past 20 years, during the early part of it, and is thought to be dead. Kyun has brought the Empire to join the Suisen Empire, and things have been tentative but strong the past 20 years, despite the disappearance of their ambassador.

The newer one is not as friendly as the older one.


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TAW6 Special Thanks: Sara
Special Thanks: Seraphna for the TAW5 Site Design that I Use Now