[Blackjack] This is a matter inv... I hate it when people leave during my speeches...
[Dominator] It's a matter for all of Earth's military, Spade. You need our help. *follows him*
* Arono fallows ds
* Blackjack follows Dom, DS, and Spade
* Dakota follows
* Wiendigo heads up after them
* Spade walks into the offie
* Ridge follows them all
*** PresidentEarthGov (belmont@ has joined #taw
[PresidentEarthGov] Greetings Spade.
* Seraphna follows Dak, still giving Spade the evil eye
* DeathStar enters after Spade
[Dominator] NRP: Hello, Mr. EarthGov
[PresidentEarthGov] And General
[Dominator] Greetings, President...
* DeathStar leans against a wall
[Garland] Presedent.
* Seraphna warms up a little near the President
* Blackjack steps up beside/behind Death Star
[Dominator] I wish the conditions of our meeting were less grave...
[Blackjack] Salutations, President.
* Ridge leans on the wall back near the door
[PresidentEarthGov] This is a surprise to see you Hunters actually come here for orders.
[Blackjack] NRP: AFK AGAIN
* Spade frowns
[Wiendigo] Shitface, not nice to see you again.
[Blackjack] NRP: Probably for a while this time...
[Dakota] yeah well...
[Arono] presidents....HMPH....why in my day blah blah blah
* PresidentEarthGov points at Wiendigo
[PresidentEarthGov] Remove him if he can't control himself
[DeathStar] Everyone, shut up *sounds cold*
* Wiendigo flips of the Pres
* Seraphna smacks Arono in the back of the head
[Spade] See, sir?  They can't handle this job.
[Seraphna] Oops, spasm..
* Arono ducks the smack
* Garland is being quiet
[Dakota] -_-
[Ridge] oy...
[PresidentEarthGov] I noticed nothing of the sort.
[Dakota] c'mon... guys calm down...
* Dominator attentively lookss at the president
[PresidentEarthGov] Alright, as you know, the biggest TERROR this galaxy has ever seen is heading straight for us.  IT's be the Tsvi...how the hell do you say that....
* Seraphna looks back at the preesident
[Dominator] Tsivrixsh I believe, sir.
[Wiendigo] Mother fu-
[PresidentEarthGov] Yes, it's made by them.  We know nothing about it or how to enter it, but we know our fire power cannot stop it
[DeathStar] So I would assume
* Garland glares at wien
* Seraphna mumbles absently in the language... slurred of course
[Seraphna] *whispers* I shoulda...
[Dominator] And what do you propose we do about it then, Mr. President?
[Blackjack] *muttering* I wonder if that dome we saw has anything to do with getting in...
[PresidentEarthGov] We have a plan.  We're going to sneak you Hunters aboard in a diversion.  We'll send your ships and attack the ship in a grand display.  Your Avenger will find a way in and sneak aboard.
[PresidentEarthGov] Actually, no, the dome is shaped to fit something...a planet looking thing
[Spade] It is a planet sir
[DeathStar] A planet?
[Dominator] Their would be significant casulties to your ships, Mr. President...
[Blackjack] Ok, screw my plan.
[Seraphna] A what!
[PresidentEarthGov] That would be expecte.d
[Dakota] sera shush
* Garland NRP wonders how the hell he's gonna fix his IRC in the middle of 100.
[Wiendigo] So much for the atypical "See Mav. Shoot Mav." plan...
[Blackjack] The See Mav. Shoot Mav. plan wouldn't exactly work here.
* Seraphna steps back, and looks down at her feet
[PresidentEarthGov] But the people of Earth are terrified.  We have holovid ready downstairs for a speech.  IF you guys will follow me, we'll tell the people of Earth that are heros are about to save the day.
[Garland] What?!
[DeathStar] .....
[Dominator] Uh, all right... 
[Paladin] So no pressure or anything . . .
[Dakota] tv... oh great...
[Wiendigo] Yeah, this sounds like a load of shit...
* PresidentEarthGov walks out of the room
[Blackjack] NRP: Why does this remind me of ID4?
[DeathStar] ...The hell?  That'll cramp our style
[DeathStar] NRP: IT shouldn't
* Ridge suggests something to DS
* Garland looks around
[Seraphna] NRP: Or, like.. STAR WARS..
* Dominator follows the president
[DeathStar] NRP: IT shouldn't
[Garland] Heros?
[Blackjack] Well... Let's go.
* Blackjack follows Dom
* Dakota follows whoever
[Seraphna] NRP: Or Armeggeddn...
[Blackjack] That's what we are, Garland...
[Wiendigo] I was on camera once before. Though, that was a MUCH different circumstance...
* Ridge walks behind
* Arono follows hoping he can spell now..
* Seraphna follows Dak, her head still down
[Dominator] NRP: Or Sesam-... Right, DS.
* DeathStar walks out and they appear on a platform, reporters in front of them, snapping pictures and cameras pointing at them
[Garland] Oh.... okay.....

* DeathStar shields eyes
* Dominator tries to look confident
* Paladin keeps his helmet on
[Arono] @_@
[Blackjack] Great... *shields his eyes* Never was much for crowds...
* Wiendigo squints at the flashing bulbs
* Dakota does as well
* PresidentEarthGov begins to tell the people of Eath his plans
* Arono is dazed bye all the lights
* Spade sneers at DS
* Ridge stands there lookin confident
[Spade] Do know, if you guys fail, CorSec will finish the job
* Seraphna looks up at the crowd
[DeathStar] Charmed.
[Paladin] Just wondering, what if the Tsivs are monitoring our broadcasts?
[Blackjack] Pfft. If we fail, then Earth is doomed. *quietly*
[DeathStar] They probably are, the fools
[Dominator] If we fail, there might not be a CorSec to finish the job, Spade.
* Arono looks at we love DS crowd and looks for one of his own......
[Spade] Sure....
* DeathStar vanishes into the background, heading for the Avenger
[Ridge] Shut up Spade we are not going to fail
* Seraphna sees her fans... all guys...
[Dakota] (...)
* Garland walks for the avenger, not interested in publicity
* Dominator follows DS, threading past the reporters
* Spade watches them go
*** Spade has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Dakota follows dom
*** PresidentEarthGov has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Paladin heads to the Avenger, none too descretely
* Blackjack raises his hand above his head in a wave and disappears to the back, for the Avenger
* Ridge follows behind
* DeathStar powers up the repaired Avenger
* Arono goes after the rest of em
* Seraphna follows Dak
* Wiendigo hops in
* Dominator enters and sits at the weapons console
[Blackjack] I hate crowds...
*** X1 has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Dakota straps in
[Ridge] hey ds i'm going to check the engine and see how good a job they did
* Blackjack sits at the other weapons console
* Seraphna stands near Dom, looking over his shoulder
* Ridge heads back to the engine room
* Dominator whispers to DS, 1"Isn't it time for the morale speech to everyone...?"
[DeathStar] I don't know any
[DeathStar] Go for it
[Dominator] Make one up
[Dominator] Me?
[Seraphna] I'll try]?
[DeathStar] When we leave for the mission
[Blackjack] What are you two arguing about up there?
* DeathStar grabs comm
[DeathStar] X1, you better be fixing up the HQ
* Garland sits in his seat, next to sharena
* Seraphna walks to a window and looks out
[DeathStar] No, not you Dom
* Ridge walks back sitting down
* Arono 's only fans are the weirdos from the highschool fantasy club.....
[Ridge] Engine's fine.. let's go...
* DeathStar takes off and enters hyperspace on the far outskirts of the planet, heading to the HQ the long way to avoid the ship
[Blackjack] Heaven only knows what we're going to do, but let's do it.
* Dominator checks over the weapon status, nodding with approval
[Seraphna] Strange..
[Dakota] ?
[Dominator] How much time do we have left, DS...?
* DeathStar arrives a few seconds later and touches down in the wrecked hanger
* Wiendigo starts humming an old Scottish battle song
[DeathStar] 2 and half hours
[Garland] What do we do about Sharlena? I don't want her in danger.
[DeathStar] Leave her here
[Seraphna] There's always a time when someone's called forth to take action...
* DeathStar jumps down
[Dakota] yeah...
* Dakota follows ds
[DeathStar] Alright, Dominator, grab the supplies from Room -998
[Blackjack] And my wife and sister... HQ better be a safe point.
* Ridge heads out
[Seraphna] Now's that time...
[Dominator] Right. *heads there*
* Arono gets out
* Blackjack steps off of the Avenger
*** X1 (wiendigo@rc-153.netonecom.net) has joined #taw
[Seraphna] We're those people..
* DeathStar glances at X1
[Dakota] yep that's us
* X1 stumbles out with a bandage aorund his head
[DeathStar] X1, get to work on the Control room
* Blackjack can't help but snicker
[Seraphna] And we're taking the action...
[Blackjack] Sucks to be on the receiving end, doesn't it, X1?
* Dominator collects the supplies
[X1] Work...go...yeah...ow...
* Dominator comes back out with a huge bag full of supplies
[Blackjack] Weird, even when only half there. *shakes his head*
* DeathStar grabs the bag
[Seraphna] I guess that was why we we'ree born...
* X1 goes to go fix the Control Room
* DeathStar throws everyone two full health medical packs
[Dakota] Destiny can be a funny thing sera *catches them
[DeathStar] You're going to need this, guys.  Trust me.
[Garland] NRP: I'm lagged, and my IRC is SCREWED beyond releife...... waaaa
* Arono takes them
* Ridge catches them
[Blackjack] Remember, conserve them.
[Ridge] yeah i bet
[Seraphna] And Dad... to tell you the truth, I'm scared out of my wits

[Dakota] Heh so am I
[Dominator] I always wondered... Are we born to die... or to live?
* Wiendigo stuffs them in his trenchcoat
[DeathStar] Get your guns ready, this is it guys.  No turning back now
* Seraphna shrugs them somewhere
[Dakota] yep
[DeathStar] This will be the last fight for some of us.
* Ridge starts the rig flickering
[Garland] NRP: I'm sorry, but I HAVE TO REBOOT
*** Garland has quit IRC (Some times a heart can seem blackend with hate, but in reality it cares.)
* Dakota is surrounded by a black sphere of energy.... it eventually dissipates revealing a golden version of Dakota
* DeathStar glances at the falling in ceiling
[Seraphna] I was born to fight, it seems
[Blackjack] This is it. Give your all or get out of the way.
* Arono sets bye the avenger and meditates,something he does evryday
[DeathStar] You got ten minutes, move it
* Dominator gets ready, glancing around the station and at the others
* DeathStar runs off into the destroyed station for something
* Wiendigo heads to the bar to see if it's still standing
* Seraphna quickly goes to her room
* Blackjack jogs into the station
* Dominator goes to his quarters
[DeathStar] NRP: Just hit the 1/4 mark
* Paladin stares out into space
* Seraphna fills her ammo to max, and takes something from under her bed..
* Dakota looks around wondering if he'll be back and quickly tells Montana to stay safe and starts talking with him about their past battles and other things
* Seraphna takes the longsword out of it's sheath...
* DeathStar arrives and stands by the Avenger, talking to the Lost Armada, which is heading out now
* Wiendigo grabs the rest of the beer supply and tosses it into the Shadow Realm
* Dominator glances at a picture of Venerator and one of some of the other reploids he knew from the Wastelands, 1"I just hope I did what you would have wanted..."
* Dominator sets them down and looks out into space
* Seraphna sheaths it, and walks to Dak, belting on the weapon
* Blackjack arrives back in the hangar bay, a tear in his eye and a gold cross amulet around his neck
* DeathStar glances at the huge ship going by
* Arono evan though no wind arono's hair wips around like there is wind......cool =P
* Wiendigo comes back out to the hangar

[DeathStar] To the Avenger guys...
* DeathStar enters it
* Dakota and mont are engaged in a big conversation about all kinds of stuff..
[Dakota] c'ya mont...
* DeathStar powers it up
* Arono apperes in his seat
[Seraphna] By Uncle Monty..
* Dominator walks to the Avenger and gets in at the weapons consol
* Dakota walks off
[Wiendigo] THe exact frickin' reason I don't keep and personal belongings in my room...
* Paladin walks up the ramp, looks around the hangar, sighs, then enters
[Blackjack] Let's go... *looks at the amulet* *yelling* Farewell, Mirri!
[Dakota] [montana] keep safe you guys
* Seraphna follows, reluctantly
* Wiendigo hops in
* Ridge walks in
* DeathStar watches the huge ship continue by, the space battle beginning
* Seraphna double checks the sword
* Blackjack pumps his fist into the air and boards the Avenger
[Dominator] I just want to say, before we go into battle, that it was a pleasure serving with you all...
[Dakota] well this is it
[Blackjack] Now or never, DS. Let's do it!
* DeathStar the ships are shot out in the air with one hits
[Dakota] yeah you too dom
* Ridge nods
* DeathStar flies out
[Seraphna] I saved this for a special time..
* Paladin breathes deeply
[Blackjack] Same to you, Dominator.
[Wiendigo] Anass says what?
* Dominator cracks knuckles and looks at the giant ship, determined
[Seraphna] I have to say.. if anything goes wrong, you guys were like...
* DeathStar flies and stops, checking out a bug
* Wiendigo lights up a Cuban
[Seraphna] Pareents to me...
[DeathStar] Comm: PULL BACK, SHIPS!
* DeathStar watches the armada pull back, still getting hammered.
[Dakota] well lets do this
* DeathStar tries to locate the bug
[Dominator] This time... we truly are Earth's only hope...
[Seraphna] I'm reeady Dad..
[Dakota] good
* Arono whips out his sabre,and polishes it
* DeathStar nods at Garland and Slash
* Dakota draws a black plasma saber from it's place on his back
[Seraphna] Do you still got my amulet?
* Blackjack closes his eye, a tear falling from it
* Dakota turns the out put up
[DeathStar] Alright, bug fixed...wonder what the hell it is.
[Dakota] yeah
[Dominator] Good...
[DeathStar] Okay....in the words before us...ATTACK THAT DOOMSDAY WEAPON!!!  *the armada pulls out*
[Arono] today you shal save the world once again....*seems to be talking to his sword*
* Dakota puts it back
[Blackjack] Everyone live through this... I've got a wife to come back to!
[Wiendigo] It's a good day to die, but I sure as hell ain't gonna out today.

* DeathStar flies towards it
* X1 saltues at the window
* DeathStar the armada gets pounded
[DeathStar] Damn...at least they don't notice us
[DeathStar] SCAN FOR A WAY IN!
[Blackjack] Ok, let's try to find a way in while they're distracted.
*** X1 (wiendigo@rc-153.netonecom.net) has left #taw
* Blackjack activates the scanners
* Seraphna scans
* DeathStar a small engine tube is found, power coming out every 54 seconds
* Paladin fidgets anxiously
[Blackjack] There's the place...
* DeathStar a the lead ship, Justice, explodes
[Seraphna] It's almost a pergect smooth surface.. there is a PLACE!
[DeathStar] We'll be destroyed if we hit that power surge
* Dominator is silently watching
* Dominator starts scanning
[Blackjack] We don't have any other choice, DS.
* Dakota pulls out the amulet putting it on "I need all the luck i can get..."
* Blackjack continues scanning
* DeathStar watches the power surge shoot out
[DeathStar] Okay, time me
* DeathStar flies in
[Dominator] Right...
* DeathStar a pipe hits the Avenger, skinning the roof
[DeathStar] DAMMIT!
[Wiendigo] Do or die, do or die. gotta love these death-defying moments.

[Dominator] AHH!
[Blackjack] SHIT!
* DeathStar spins, cutting off half the right wing
[DeathStar] 23 seconds left...
[Blackjack] NRP: Cover me, AFK
* Ridge waits calmly for them to land so the fighting can begin
* DeathStar sees they are only half way there
[Dominator] Hurry and be careful
* DeathStar ducks a low pass, the Avenger losing half of it's other wing
* Paladin swallows
[DeathStar] 9 seconds...
* DeathStar sees the safety zone ahead
[Dominator] Give it everything the Avenger's got!
[Wiendigo] My grandmother could fly better damnit, and I don't even have one!
* DeathStar hits the turbo booters and crashes into the pad as the surge goes by
[Dominator] Oof... We made it...
[Seraphna] Why wein? You kill her too?
* Arono scrathes head
* DeathStar the Avenger is totalled
* Blackjack collapses back into his seat
[DeathStar] Her last flight....
[Blackjack] Well... I said no turning back before... it's for real this time...
[Seraphna] Well, we made it..
[Seraphna] Thank you Avenger..
* DeathStar stands up, the ship sparking
[Wiendigo] I'm sure you'd taste good with an apple in your mouth and a nice lemon maranate, you little flying rodent.
[Dominator] Well, she got us this far. Now we have to go the rest of the way
[Blackjack] This is now officially a suicide mission... we blow this thing, and we have no way off.
[Arono] ok....lets take these alien basterds out...
* Dominator gets up
[Seraphna] We might BJ
[Seraphna] They must have ships too
[DeathStar] Alright, we'll wait here before taking off.
* Blackjack clasps the amulet tightly in his hand
* DeathStar steps out and onto the pad, seeing the door ahead
[DeathStar] I want us to all prepare our weapons before we move out
* Dominator follows DS, charging weapons
* DeathStar walks towards the door, the Avenger in ruins
[DeathStar] Ready?
* Seraphna draws her longsword
* Dakota follows ds
* Dakota draws a black plasma saber from it's place on his back
* Blackjack steps out behind DS
* Dominator follows DS warily
[Seraphna] Senchis..
* Ridge sparks as the rig comes online
[Wiendigo] How many fricking shuttles is that now?
* DeathStar hopes Slash is okay, as he hasn't seen him in the Avenger
[Blackjack] No more cliched "Now or never" speeches... Let's just go.
[Dakota] 3 i think since i've been here
* Wiendigo taks out his katana and sai
* Ridge draws his staff
* DeathStar touches the door and is electrocuted
[DeathStar] GAH!
[Blackjack] DS!
* Garland draws the gospel
[Dominator] Any idea just how many square kilometers this thing is? We could be walking a long way...
[Dominator] ...! DS!
[Blackjack] Ok, we can't go that way...
* DeathStar hears a surge coming
[Dakota] we could cut it open...
[Paladin] Or we could cut the door out of the wall . . .
[Seraphna] It's biiger than Eearth I believe..
[Dominator] What about trying the standard entrance, Blackjack
* Blackjack smirks and points his rifle at the door
* Dominator aims Thunder Bolt
[Dakota] Fire in the hole
* DeathStar steps back
* Dakota charges his arm cannonn
* Blackjack fires Myollnir Crash
* Wiendigo readies his cannomn
[Arono] NRP:we still paused?
* Dakota fires a charged shot at the door
[DeathStar] NRP: *ignores Arono*
* Dominator fires Thunder Bolt, then gives it a Rune Matrix: Energy attack
[Wiendigo] NRP: Nooooo
* DeathStar it bounces off at them
[Blackjack] DOWN~
[Blackjack] !
* Paladin ducks
* Blackjack hits the floor
[Dominator] WHOA! *jumps to the floor*
[Wiendigo] Morons...
[Dominator] That didn't work...
* DeathStar steps back
[Paladin] Ok, try cutting it with a saber
[Blackjack] Let's try this instead...
* Arono apperes with them
* Dakota deflects it quickly with his saber
[Dominator] Any ideas, DS?
* Blackjack fires Cryo Blast at the door (ice elemental)
* Wiendigo goes up to the door and touches it, trying to absorb the energy
[DeathStar] None
* DeathStar Wiendigo does so, but in a lot of pain
[Garland] NRP: I have no idea what happend to sharlena, but I'll assume she's safe.
* Dominator fires Thunder Bolt Ice Enhancement
[DeathStar] NRP: Aye
* Wiendigo tries hard not to yell out in pain
[DeathStar] .....Wiendigo?
* DeathStar it bounces off at Dom
* Dakota sighs
[Blackjack] Hold your fire!
* Arono leaps at the door slashing it madly
[Wiendigo] Gonna.,...feel...this in...the morning....
* Garland looks at wien
[Dominator] Whoa! *uses fire to stop his own blast8
[Dakota] we were all hyped up and now a simple door is stoping us...
* DeathStar Arono is knocked back
* Blackjack stops Arono
[Dominator] Wiendigo... You'll kill yourself before you absorb it a.l
* Dominator looks around for alternatives
[Arono] gwaH!?
* Arono jumps up
[Garland] Heh
* Wiendigo keeps absorbing it
* DeathStar the energy current stops
* Blackjack feels a sudden sense of deja vu
* Ridge fires the rig seeing if it will connect to the door
* Wiendigo groans and drops to his knees, smoking
* DeathStar it bounces off
[DeathStar] Okay, so it's gone...open the door
[Ridge] dang it
* DeathStar opens it up into a hallway
* Blackjack cocks his rifle and heals Wiendigo with a steady stream of Curative Laser (860 AP)
[Blackjack] NRP: Er, LP
[Dominator] Are you all right, Wiendigo?
[Wiendigo] Whatever you do, don't touch me...
* DeathStar walks in
[Dominator] Go ahead and touch the enemies though...
* Paladin walks in
* Dakota walks in quietly
* Arono fallows ds
[Wiendigo] 'Least you want a burning hand.
* Dominator enters, looking around
* Blackjack follows Dom
[Dominator] Lets hope there aren't any spikes...
* Seraphna stays right behind Dak
* Ridge follows bj
[Paladin] NRP: FOllow Arono
* Wiendigo heads in, still smoking

* DeathStar they are in a normal villanious hallway
[Garland] Aye.
[Blackjack] Shut up, Dom... Say that and there probably will be.
* Arono spins sabre and cant spell and never will
* Wiendigo takes out a cigra and lihts it on hismelf
[DeathStar] Well, we're in the weapon...lets move out
[Dominator] GOod point...
* DeathStar walks along the hallway
[Dominator] NRP: How can a hallway be villanious though?
* Dominator follows DS
[DeathStar] NRP: Hee hee
* Dakota walks along cautiously with the group
[Blackjack] Ten of us... thing bigger than Earth... this could take a while...
[DeathStar] So far, so good, eh?
[Wiendigo] NRP: Because the hall's evil, yeesh...
*** Hirozaki (ask.me.to@ has joined #TAW
* Blackjack cautiously walks after Dom
* Ridge covers the group's back
*** Hirozaki was kicked by DeathStar (DeathStar)
[Dominator] True, Blackjack. Unfortuently we only have two hours
[DeathStar] Less, now
* Garland grips the Gospel tightly
[Dakota] NRP: +i?
[DeathStar] NRP: No
[Blackjack] This is a freaking suicide mission...
[Dominator] We could try to find a computer, but it would be in Tsivrixsh...
* DeathStar two Tsivrixsh run at them
[Paladin] Way to go stating the obvious . . .
[DeathStar] Here comes the welcome home party
* Seraphna finds herself hiding behind Dak
* Wiendigo leaps up and slashes one of them
[Dominator]  It's also the only hope for E-...
* DeathStar it blocks and throws Wiendigo
* Dominator finishes charging and lets loose a charged blast from Thunder Bolt; its purple circular energy blast slams into all enemies in the area (600AP)
* Garland runs at one of them, and slashes him
* Arono jumps at the alien and slahses it in a overhead swing
[Wiendigo] ARGH!
* DeathStar slashes one, being reflected
* Paladin fires a force wave at one of the aliens
* Blackjack rolls back and fires three blasts at each T
* DeathStar the alien reflects it back at Paladin
* Wiendigo gets back up and bum rushes it, trying to burn it
* Paladin dives out of the way
* DeathStar the alien stabs Wien (500 aP)
[Dakota] what the?
* Dominator stabs at an alien with Fire Spear
[Wiendigo] ARGH!
* Garland kiamas one of them
* DeathStar the alien falls down, dead
[Seraphna] Okay that is sooooo it!
* DeathStar slashes at the same one
* Wiendigo lashes out at it with his Dark Tendrils
* Blackjack ignites his katana on fire and slashes the other one
* Paladin growls and slashes
* Seraphna is surrounded by a crimsom aura. Stepping into a battle stance, Sera yells "METASLICE". He leaps ripping through the enemy at the speed of light. (480AP.)
* DeathStar it dies too
[Dominator] Any idea just how many aliens could be on a ship this size...
[Blackjack] Follow Dom's lead... fire is the key.
[DeathStar] Millions  upon billions
[Garland] A lot
* Dakota hopes "2?"
[Blackjack] Sure, Dak.]
* Arono spins sabre"theres more here i bet......"relizes that was a stupid thing to say
[Blackjack] Wishful thinking never gets us anywhere.
[Dakota] yeah i know....
* Ridge follows along
* Seraphna spins her blade rotarily and sheath it
[DeathStar] Our plan is to find the control room and blow it up
[Blackjack] Besides that, Xevil is probably on board...
[DeathStar] He probably runs this
[Blackjack] And hope we don't die in the process.
[Dominator] Easier said than done... alot easier
[Seraphna] What scarees me...
* DeathStar looks around and sees a hallway going left, forward, or back the way they came
[Seraphna] Is that we don't know where Crux is either..
[Blackjack] Fanning out isn't a good idea... we need to stay together, whatever happens.
[Garland] If I'm meant to die this day, so be it.
[Dakota] crux...
[Paladin] Oh how likely is that?
[Wiendigo] Splitting up here would not be an intelligent descision...
[Ridge] don't jinx it sera
[Blackjack] Last time I chose we screwed ourselves... somebody else pick.
[Dominator] Going straight seems our best option
[Dominator] Less likely to go around in circles
[Seraphna] Not me...
[Dakota] yeah...
* Ridge just follows whoever wherever
[Seraphna] You remember projector?
[Dominator] We need to find a computer terminal... Can anyone understand Tsivrixsh...?
[Arono] NRP:GARLAND!i was gonna say somethin like that!raahhhh!im mad now!!!!
* DeathStar walks straight
[Seraphna] I can...
* Blackjack sighs and walk straight
* Dominator follows DS
[Seraphna] Dominator..
[Dominator] Good...
* Wiendigo brings up the rear
[Dominator] Yes?
* Garland follows, not letting his gaurd down for a second
* Ridge follows from the back
* Arono just walks with evryone else stayin with evryone
[Seraphna] I'm not fluent though..
* Blackjack keeps his hand on the strap of his rifle
* DeathStar hears marching coming towards them and glances at the vents
* Arono keeps sword up ready for anything...
* Blackjack looks up with DS
[Dakota] um... great...
* DeathStar grabs a vent and yanks it down
[Dominator] Well... Hopefully it won't take much to get to a map on a c-... *listens to the noise*
[Blackjack] *quietly* Yep.
* Wiendigo dives in before anyone else
* DeathStar shadows can be seen ahead
* Garland looks at the vent
[Dominator] Our speed will be hindered in there, but...
* DeathStar flips in
* Blackjack climbs into the vent
[Arono] @_@
* Dakota gives sera a boost up
* Seraphna goes in
* Garland climbs in
* Arono jumps into vent
[Dominator] It'll be more hindered by those guys... *jumps in*
* Ridge goes up in
[Seraphna] Thanks dad
[Dakota] np
* Dakota heads up
* DeathStar the aliens round the corner
[Blackjack] Keep the talk to a minimum in here...
* Paladin flips up
* Dakota shuts up
* DeathStar puts a lid back down
* Seraphna shuts up
[Ridge] .
[Dominator] Good point, Jared
* DeathStar Dom's voice echos
[Wiendigo] I swear, somehow I ALWAYS manage to wind up in an air shaft...
* Dominator bites lip
* DeathStar Wiendigo's voice echoes
* Blackjack puts his finger in front of his mouth
* DeathStar the aliens stop when they hear it
* Arono holds on to the sides lookin down
* Wiendigo keeps quiet
[Dakota] -_- 
* DeathStar they keep on going
* Garland keeps quiet too
* Blackjack motions with his head
* Dominator continues, extremely quiet
[Arono] .....
[DeathStar] Alright, lets move out, forward *whispers*
* Dominator nods
* DeathStar heads straight
* Wiendigo whispers. 1"Whoops..."
* Dakota thinks at least we are doing better then in the sewers at the mav base

* Blackjack heads after DS
* Seraphna is surrounded by an erie light, when it dies down, Sera is a dragon again...
* Seraphna follows
* DeathStar creeps along the vents, passing aliens below
[Garland] NRP: how appropriate.
[Blackjack] NRP: *switches out his eyepatch for a golden version*
[Dakota] NRP: very
* Wiendigo bangs his head on top of the vents
[Blackjack] NRP: Call me... Goldeneye...
* Arono eyes dart around sneakily moving along..
* DeathStar it echoes and the aliens glance up
[Blackjack] *whispering* Careful, Wien...
* Dominator continues forward, glacing at Wiendigo
* DeathStar they open fire, punching holes in the vents
* Dakota glances at Wein hoping the aliens don't hear
* Arono is tempted to kill wein
[Dominator] Oh... shit...
[DeathStar] MOVE!
* DeathStar skids along the vents
[Garland] SHIT!
* Seraphna waddles along
* Blackjack crawls quickly through the vents
* Dominator increases speed using CC
[Arono] ****!!!!1
* Wiendigo falls out and hits the ground
* DeathStar the vents collaspe
* Dakota moves as fast as he can
* Garland waddles at fast as he can
* Paladin moves
[Ridge] !
* Seraphna moves, on top of Dak
* DeathStar lands on a table, surronded by aliens
[Wiendigo] Shit...
* Dakota lands near ds
[DeathStar] Dammit
* Arono lands on his feet griping sabre


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