[Baberlus] Hahah!!!
[Dominator] Too WHERE Wiendigo?!
[Seraphna`]  let's get out of here!
* Slash eyes close
[Ariel] Hey... why not try Cheryl's new toy?
[Cran] Welcome, this is President corSec
* Baberlus pulls out sword in other hand
[Justin-the-II] ??
[Slash] Cran...
[Slasher] WHAT
[Slasher] Cran I will kill you
* Dominator glances at the COMM full of hate
[Seraphna`] shit
[Slash] Screw off
[Cran] We're not going to fire anymore.  We'll let the LOYAL EarthGovs inside the station destroy you
[Dominator] Hold on, everyone...
* Slasher looks at the comm
[Baberlus] Hey Cran Berry, I'm gonna kill you...
[Cran] Goodbye, and Good luck....
*** Cran is now known as GM
* Wiendigo phases and heads outside into spae
[Justin-the-II] ??
[Slash] wha..
[DarkPhoenix] [Comm] What's the point of having a hidden base if everyone knows where to find it
[Slash] Loyal?
[Slasher] Oh crap
[Seraphna`] loyal
[Justin-the-II] what loyal earthgrove ppol?
[DeathStar] Comm: Well, they're EARTHGOV
[Dominator] Where the hell is Wiendigo going... Wiendigo, give me a reason to...
* Wiendigo *space*
[GenjiMan] ....
[DeathStar] ...
[Seraphna`] she's a traitor
* Wiendigo flies towards the ships
[Slasher] This aint right
[DeathStar] Alright, lets all rest....and rethink stuff
[Seraphna`] kill her
[Ariel] Who's a traitor?
* DeathStar Wien is stopped by a shield field
[Slasher] Ok
[Seraphna`] oh... 
[Baberlus] Who?
[Dominator] What about the possibility of an uprising from within...
[Seraphna`] Wien
* DeathStar heads for the Control Room
* Slasher heads for his room
* Wiendigo attacks the shield field
* Slash warps to the control room, bringing his peices of works in progress along
* Slasher phases into his room
* DarkPhoenix locks out the controls to the alien ship and hyperjumps to the Control Room
* DeathStar Wiendigo looses 1/4 of his life
[Ariel] Internal security online and locked.  No-one is breaking into it.
* Seraphna` goes back too Ariel's shoulder
[Baberlus] Wien's a brave soul... I like'him
* DeathStar sits down, looking old
[Wiendigo] ARGH!
[DeathStar] I hope Iceheart is okay...but I'll contact her later...
[Slash] DP, can you whip up a cloaking device from these peices?
* Slash holds them out
* Dominator glances at DS heading out, then walks to the control room
* Wiendigo slips into the shadows of space
* Slasher phases next to Slash
[Slash] or maybe a phaze modulator...
[Slash] or something..
* Justin-the-II heads to his room
[Slasher] I can cloak
[Slasher] I can pahse
* Wiendigo drops out into the control room
[DeathStar] Okay, the Control Room is the ONLY safe haven onboard this place..
[Slasher] i can do both of those
[DarkPhoenix] Why?
[Slash] So can i, but the place cant..
[Ariel] Do you think they'll try to attack again?
[Dominator] Why is that, DS?
* Wiendigo crashes through some things
[Ariel] The ships that is
* Justin-the-II walks back the controle room
[Slasher] Oh fine
[DeathStar] Because there are 130 Human crew members on this station
[Seraphna`] of course
[Slash] if we can cloak, we could manage an escape..
[Slasher] Im going to my Room
[DeathStar] Compared to 40 Reploid Crew Members...
* Baberlus goes into a room and comes out wearing bounty hunter armor
[Dominator] Watch your back, Slasher...
[Seraphna`] i think this might be the end
[Slasher] DS. Im going to my room
[DeathStar] Go on
[Slasher] I need to get some sutff
[Dominator] How does that make the Control Room any safer though?
* Justin-the-II sets down and lestens to his music wile playing a gome on his laptop
* Slasher phases into his room and packs his bags
* Wiendigo stands up and brushes himself off
[DeathStar] Crew can't get in here
* Ariel fiddles some with the computer.
* Slash looks at DS
[DeathStar] Sure, they could BREAK the door down, but Venerator was ready for that
* Dominator fingures a small chip in his hands and puts it away then glances at Rune Sword, 1"I have all I need here..."
[Ariel] Now how is this supposed to work?!
[Slash] Where are we gonna after this...?
[Ariel] ...
* Seraphna` puts on a worried look
[Ariel] Oh.
[Wiendigo] If anyone needs me, I'm going to the bar, I did my part, so long, hope you all die.
[DarkPhoenix] Why don't we flood the station with Knockout gas?
* Dominator glances at DS, nodding, 1"Yes, he was.."
* Wiendigo walks off to the bar
[Ariel] So that's it.  Okay, it's ready to run.
[Baberlus] Not a chance wien
[DeathStar] DP..we don't WORK like that.  It'll piss the humans still with us
* Slasher goes through his draweres
[Dominator] Don't forget the holographic systems. They can be used for defense.
* Baberlus smokes a cigar
[Slash] True..
[DeathStar] ...
* Slash sits down and begins whipping up holographic programs
[Seraphna`] i still say we get out of here
* GM holographic are locked out by EarthGov
* Slash stands up
[DeathStar] Seraphna...if we loose HQ...we loose EVERYTHING
[Slash] No can do..
[DarkPhoenix] So, who do we tell who is with us and who is against us?
[Seraphna`] hmmm...
* Dominator when he sees that on the computer he sighs
[DeathStar] We don't know
[Seraphna`] but
[Baberlus] I think we....... no... we fight
[GM] Computer: Red Alert
* Slasher tries turning on his comp terminal
[Slash] ..
[Justin-the-II] wha?
[GM] Computer: Mobs attacking Reploids on board
[Slash] Now what?
[Slash] Frick!
[Justin-the-II] whats the alert abou!?!
[Slash] Deck?
[GM] Computer: Hunter Bar under siege...
[DeathStar] Nova's bar..
[GenjiMan] o.O
[Justin-the-II] ??
[Seraphna`] let's get are friends into the control room!
* Slash warps to the bar, and comes back with a few reploids
* Slasher it powers up and he starts downloading his works onto a disc
[Ariel] I got Cheryl's pin point shielding system ready to rock. They never found it.  If the ships attack again they'll have a surprise...
[Dominator] I don't want to fight againt EarthGov. With the alien nations we're already divided. How can a unitied world possibily hope to beat a massive Empire...?
* DeathStar Slash is stopped in his warp
[Baberlus] Nova.... why him!? He's gotta gimme some vdka! *runs for the bar*
* Wiendigo is throwing the soldiers around as best as he can
[Dominator] The bar... *glances at DS*
[Slash] Damnit they blocked my warp
* DeathStar runs to the bar
[GenjiMan] ...
* Slash dashes to the bar
* DeathStar enters 2 minutes later and sees 50 humans in there, looking pissed
* Justin-the-II twirls his 19 and fallows
* Baberlus runs in and starts helping wien
[Dominator] Wait, its dangerous... 

*** GM is now known as Nova
* Nova lies in the floor, bleeding
* Slash enters just after DS
* Dominator runs and follows them
* GenjiMan goes to the bar
[Dominator] Nova!
* Seraphna` sees if she can access the computers with telepathy
[Baberlus] Nova!!!!!
[Slash] Nova..
* Baberlus runs to nova
[DeathStar] Don't use physical force on them...yet.
* DeathStar punches one
[DeathStar] Just knock them out
* GenjiMan looks at Nova
* Slash reaches out and touches Nova's chest, attempting to heal them (100 LP)
* DarkPhoenix follows into the bar and runs to Nova
[Nova] Too..late for me..
[Baberlus] Don't die!
[Nova] Just get them...for me...please?
[Slash] ..
* Dominator punches another
* GenjiMan fires a healing bomb on Nova (150 LP)
* Slasher finishes downloading his info
[Nova] New I should...have...cut hair instead...
* Slash turns around eyes blazing a bright red
* Justin-the-II taps one's shoulder
* Nova explodes
*** Nova is now known as GM
[Baberlus] NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
[Ariel] No!
[Dominator] No...!
[GenjiMan] O_O
[Baberlus] HEY!!!!
* Wiendigo slams one's head into the bar's mirror behind the bar
[Ariel] Baka ne!
[Slasher] Next all i need is my boxers and im good
[DeathStar] No....
[GenjiMan] ;_;
[Seraphna`] Shit!
* Baberlus pulls out gun
* Justin-the-II busys a bear botle over ones head
* Justin-the-II busys a bear botle over ones head
[Baberlus] I dont give a shit about them...
* DeathStar punches one in the ghut
* Justin-the-II busts a bear botle over ones head
* DeathStar is over tackled by 10 humans
* Slash wades in, and begins throwing them around like dolls (enhanced strength)
* Slasher finished packing and walks towards the Command Center
[Baberlus] THEY CAN DIE!
* Baberlus shoots one
* Dominator runs to DS's side and knocks them off
* Justin-the-II jumps in the way
* DeathStar the rest of the humans run off
* Wiendigo starts stranlging humans with Dark Tendrils
[Justin-the-II] ahahgghghh!
* Seraphna` uses timestopper on a group of humans
* Ariel uses her ion blades to knock out the humans
* DeathStar all humans have escaped!
* Slash stands there watching them, fists bloody
[Dominator] No lethal force, Baberlus! *flips a human off, then slams another into the wall, punching another in the jaw*
* Wiendigo runs after them
[Dominator] They're gone...
[Baberlus] Nova was a good friend and BloodyMary maker!!
[Dominator] This will happen all over the station...
* DeathStar tightens fist
[Slash] They will pay
[DarkPhoenix] Back to the Command Center!
* Slasher stops half way to the command center
* Ariel twirls her blades and lets them vanish
* Justin-the-II grabs someone while there leaving
* Baberlus has a vein poping out of his forhead
[Slasher] Man im out of shape
* Wiendigo waves blades as he chases them
[Justin-the-II] notso fast!
* DeathStar suddenly the emergeancy lights go out and the powers turns off
* Slash eyes grow cold
* DarkPhoenix runs to the Command Center
* Dominator starts back to the control room
* Seraphna` gets back to ariels shoulder
* Justin-the-II kicks him in the neck
* Slasher continues walking towards the command cneter
[Dominator] What the hell!?
[Slasher] What the
* Slash twin PSI scyths appear out of his arm's glowing a wicked purple. They extend 4 feet into the room
[DeathStar] The Engine Room...they've taken control of the engine room
[Wiendigo] NOW we're tlaking...
* DeathStar frowns deeply
* Ariel runs to the control room
* Slash runs to the Engine room
[Slasher] Son of a *****
* DeathStar heads for the engine room
[Dominator] We have to fortify that area..
[GenjiMan] ....
[Ariel] I'll try to cut them off remotely
* DeathStar runs into the locked door
[Baberlus] If you wont hurt them, I WILL.
* Justin-the-II punches one and runs to engine
* Dominator follows DS and the others
* Slasher makes his way to the Command center and puts his stuff in the room
* Slash jams his warp blades into the door, opening it like a canopener
[DeathStar] We're locked out...
* Seraphna` access station mainfraim mentally
[Slasher] They messed my light
* DeathStar Slash is stopped
[Seraphna`] i have mental control!
* Baberlus pulls out sword
* Slasher runs towards the Engine room from the other end
* DeathStar suddenly he is jumped by a human and stabbed in the neck
[Slash] Damn.. what the heck are these doors made of?
[DeathStar] RAHHH (400 AP damage)
[Slash] DS!!!
* Wiendigo disappers suddenly
[Dominator] We're already tried breaking into these doors... Designed to be almost impossible to break.
[Dominator] DEATH STAR!
[Ariel] Is there a comm terminal near by?
* DeathStar collaspes
* Slash sees the human, nad stabs him once through the heart
[GenjiMan] ....
* Baberlus cuts the human in half
* Dominator without thinking, he blasts the human in the stomach with Thunder Bolt
[Seraphna`] some help him
[Justin-the-II] ???
[Baberlus] YOU BASTARDS!
* Slash reaches out and touches DS's chest, attempting to heal them (100 LP)
* DeathStar stands up
* Dominator points Rune Sword at Death Star and Silver Crystal starts to sign a white light; then dazzling silver energy engulfs him and begins to restore his life. Only moments later, the energy fades, but he is left feeling refreshed and has been healed (+180HP)
* GenjiMan slashes the human
[Slash] heal damnit...
* Ariel slashs the humans with her ion blades
* Wiendigo reappears
[DeathStar] Thanks *Hoarsely* Lets finish this...
* GenjiMan fires a 8,1bomb10 that heals DeathStar with heat! _ [+150 LP]
[Baberlus] Wien, join the bloodbath!
[Dominator] Wait... don't kill.. him...
* Wiendigo cocks arm cannon
* DeathStar slashes uselessly at the wall
[Justin-the-II] ???
* Slasher searches for the door on the other end
* Seraphna` uses timestopper on a group, then brutally slashing them
[Ariel] Is there a comm terminal near by?
[Wiendigo] With extreme pleasure...
* Slash looks around
[DeathStar] No
[Ariel] ...
[Dominator] We could get in the way we did before, DS? (Bot session)
* Wiendigo fires off several strong shots
[Slash] where is the door control?
[Baberlus] that's a good Wiendigo.
[Justin-the-II] i for one wanna take weins head off.,..
[DeathStar] Through the ducts?!
* Slash looks up
* Slasher looks for a duct
[Dominator] Well, it worked before....
[DeathStar] We have no light.  That would be death..
[Slasher] There we go
* Slash twin PSI scyths appear out of his arm's glowing a wicked purple. They extend 4 feet into the room
* DeathStar stands in the darkness
[DeathStar] Not enough
[Baberlus] They killed Nova!! *punches the ground*
[Dominator] Wait, Slasher. There goes that idea...
* Wiendigo takes out blades and starts carving them up
* Seraphna` trys to access the lighting
[Slash] I got some light right here..
[DeathStar] Plus the ducts were too dangerous..
* Slasher kicks it down and enters it (im on the other side)
[Dominator] Then how?
[DeathStar] Everyone..blast that door.
* Ariel charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* DeathStar charges his sabre and leaps at the and double slashes (825 AP)
* DarkPhoenix a glowing ball appears in his hands, lighting the area around him
* Justin-the-II takes out 19
* Seraphna` turns on inner lighting
* Baberlus blasts the door
* Slasher looks inside
* Ariel is surrounded by a firey aura
[Slasher] Ewww
* Justin-the-II fires at the door
* Slash whips out all his weapons, and unleashes all of it at the door 1250 AP
[GenjiMan] @_@
* DarkPhoenix two glowing balls appear in DarkPhoenix's hands and blasts towards door. When they hits, it creates a distortion wave, distorting door (230 AP)
* DeathStar the door explodes
* Ariel blasts the door
* Slasher tries phasing to the otherside
* Dominator slashes twice, then fire charged Thunder Bolt using Ebony Crystal (1800AP)
* Wiendigo starts mutilating the corpses
[DeathStar] Gross..
* Slasher hears the explosion
[Slasher] What the
* Dominator looks at Wiendigo, 1"What the hell are you doing?!'
* Slash continues down to the engine room, running at top speed
* Baberlus helps wien
* DeathStar walks into the dark engine room and hears a giant mech walking this way
* Slasher heads over to the other side
[GenjiMan] ...
[Baberlus] The bastards....
*** GM is now known as Human-In-Mech
[Wiendigo] Suvioners for the Wiendigo...
* Dominator starts in the room
* Slasher sees the door blasted wide open
[Slash] Uh oh...
[Justin-the-II] do we wanna kill wien?
[Human-In-Mech] Hee hee..you stinkin' Reploid scum will die!!!
* Slash turns to look at the mech
* DarkPhoenix glares at mech sending a virus into his CPU to stun him
[Dominator] You! Stop this now! That's an order!
* Baberlus hands an arm to wien
[Justin-the-II] hay man!
* Human-In-Mech begins to delete the virus
* Seraphna` concentrates a timestopper on the mech
* Slash jumps on its head, and begins slashing down
[Justin-the-II] leave them alone!
[Baberlus] Have a BBQ, I dont care.
* Wiendigo flips off Dom
* Slasher sees some mutilated bodies
[Seraphna`] you guys got 120 secs
* DeathStar leaps and slashes at the mech
[GenjiMan] ....
* DarkPhoenix drains mech of its life energy (50 AP/10 seconds)
* Wiendigo finally sees the mech
* Justin-the-II climbs up the mech
* Baberlus blasts the mech
* Slasher continues on and sees the others
* Dominator fires Thunder Bolt at the mech
* Human-In-Mech comes back to lfie and punches Justin
[Slasher] There you are
[Human-In-Mech] Human traitor!
* Justin-the-II taps the guys sholder
* Wiendigo attacks the mech savagely
* GenjiMan slashes the mech
* Slash also drains the Mech's life 100LP
* Human-In-Mech rams into Wiendigo (100 aP)
* Human-In-Mech smashes DS into the ground
* Wiendigo dodges
* Justin-the-II breaks a bottle over his head
[Slasher] Cool Mech
[Baberlus] Screw humans!
* Ariel charges her energy blade with ion particles at stabs Mech.
* Seraphna` attacks mech with dali-beam (100 ap)
* Baberlus blasts
[DeathStar] RAHH!
* Justin-the-II breaks a bottle over his head
* Slash is still on him, slashing
* Wiendigo phases inside the mech
* Justin-the-II thows him out
* Human-In-Mech shakes Justin and slams him over his knee
* Slash attempts to implant the suggestion that the hunters are dead
* Seraphna` uses time stopper on mech
* Human-In-Mech Wiendigo cannot
[Justin-the-II] aajhhhgg!
[Slash] (PSI scyths)
* Human-In-Mech stops the timestopper
* Slasher pulls out an ion blade and slashes it with his left hand
* DarkPhoenix keeps draining the mech (50 AP/10 sec)
[Seraphna`] shit
* Human-In-Mech rips DP off of him
* Dominator dashes forward at amazing speeds with Crimson Crystal, then activates Ebony Crystal to double his next attack's AP, he then slashes three times in the time a normal person can only slash once at Human-In-Mech the attack is mentally hammered at him at the same time using Purple Crystal (1800AP total + 1800AP telepathic)
* Justin-the-II gets up
[Slasher] Damnt im no help with only one arm
* Ariel charges up, her hands glowing like on fire.
* DeathStar slashesit
* Wiendigo starts tearing into the back of the mech
[Justin-the-II] ok..
* Human-In-Mech begins to spark
* Ariel charges her energy blade with ion particles at stabs Mech. [STUN]
[Justin-the-II] takes out eb
* Baberlus claps for wien
* Justin-the-II fires at human
[Human-In-Mech] Hey!! you can't break the first rule of robotics!!!
* Slasher steps back and looks for the hurt
[Baberlus] Rippem' good!
* Sound request: can't find 'electro.wav'
* GenjiMan concentrates his energy, points at Mech'sGuy and fires a 11,1GENJI ELETRIC BEAM10,0 on Mech'sGuy [130 AP]
* Slash fires his Ion cannon at the Mech, 210 AP+stun
* Justin-the-II shocks him
* Dominator blasts rapidly and slashes at the mech
[Wiendigo] Watch me...
[GenjiMan] But I CAN.
* Slash then fires his lockdown cannon
[GenjiMan] I'm HUMAN.
* DeathStar charges his sabre and leaps at Mech and double slashes (825 AP)
[Baberlus] I'm not a robot! HAHAH!!!! *blasts*
* GenjiMan quickly slashes Mech 11,1GENJI SLASH!10,0 [150 AP]
* Human-In-Mech expldoes
*** Human-In-Mech is now known as GM
[Justin-the-II] me too!'
* Slash stands there
[Slash] ...
[GenjiMan] Me either.
* Wiendigo flips off
* Justin-the-II piucks up body
[DeathStar] We can't go and kill a 113 loyal EarthGov people guys...
[Slasher] To the engine room
[Slash] Lets take back our Engine room
[Dominator] ... We're fighting our own...
[Wiendigo] This is the most fun I've had in years!
-] *GenjiMan* !GenjiMan electro.wav
* DeathStar looks around the dark engine room
* Justin-the-II shakes his head
[Baberlus] sure we can, they killed nova!
[Dominator] I know... but, what can we do?
* Slash fires a quick shot of plasma to light up the room
[Wiendigo] Who says we can't???
* Seraphna` trys to access the door controls with Psionics
* Justin-the-II throws him down
[DeathStar] ....This place is just waiting to go down...
[Baberlus] yeah, who says?
[Slasher] Sera give us some light
[Wiendigo] I sure as Hell did!
[Slasher] Your a dragon so fire up
[Dominator] I'm not about to go on a killing spree.
* Seraphna` turns on the lights
[DarkPhoenix] The first law of robotics for the reploids
[DeathStar] ....
[Slash] ...
[Slasher] Im a Cyborg
[DeathStar] You guys don't understand, do you?
[Slash] for some... not all...
[Dominator] Perhaps, we should destroy the station, so CorSec won't get it? Evacute all first, of course...
[Slasher] Understand what
[Wiendigo] Then don't, I will
[Baberlus] who made the law? HUMANS, who betrayed us? HUMANS. so there.
* Seraphna` uses flame to light room moree
* Dominator looks at Death Star
[Justin-the-II] huh?
[DeathStar] This isn't some murderspree. This is survival and to do that we must play by THEIR rules to beat them
* Slash looks around
[DeathStar] There is NO other way to succeed!
[Slasher] REally..
[Justin-the-II] hay i am human talk your stuff and diea!
[Dominator] I will not become the enemy!
[Wiendigo] No, we play by OUR rules!
* Slash sees ???
* Ariel is surrounded by a flash of white light that disapates, revieling Cheryl standing beside her.
[Slasher] DS im sorry but im no help..hold up wrapped right arm
[DeathStar] We'll loose by our rules, Wiendigo..
[Seraphna`] me niether
* Baberlus smacks justin
[Baberlus] whatever
[Wiendigo] This is OUR station now, and we're not backing down!
[Slash] DS has a point Wien..
[Ariel] Head to the control room.  Make sure it's secure
[Slasher] DS im going back to the command center
[Wiendigo] I haven't lost yet, boot-licker
* Justin-the-II pull 19 on bab
[Justin-the-II] ok...
[Justin-the-II] thats it!!!!
[Cheryl] Of course.  I'll do what I can!
[DeathStar] Justin!!
* Seraphna` hops on Ariel's shoulder
[Slasher] DS!!!
* Justin-the-II starts to squese the trigger
[DeathStar] You shoot him, I'll kill you personally
* Slash pulls J's gun away
[Dominator] Justin! Stop.
[Baberlus] Amen Wien.... Is he always this way? I mean a good warrior?
[Slasher] Im going back to the command CENTER ok
[Slash] Touch one hair on his head, and you will die with the rest of us
[Ariel] Go... "undercover" if you have to
[Justin-the-II] gereee....
* Cheryl smiles
[GenjiMan] ...
[Justin-the-II] grrrrr.
* Cheryl runs off
* DeathStar turns to the power generator and turns the emergacy lights on again
* Slasher leaves and heads for the command center
* Justin-the-II swipes hgis gun back and puts it away
* Slash attempts to barracade the doors
* DeathStar suddenly the station rocks with an explosion
[DeathStar] What the?!!!
[Dominator] Can we seal this area and only allow ourselves to have acces?
[Slash] ??
[Slasher] ]
[Ariel] This is insane...
[Justin-the-II] huh?!?!
* Seraphna` uses telepathy to access mainfraim
* Slasher falls down
[Slash] God...
[Slash] This is just Perfect..
[Dominator] We're fighting a battle on all fronts...
* Slasher gets up with one arm
* Seraphna` turns on auto-locks
[Baberlus] ...
* DeathStar brings up hologram of the station and Hunter Towe has been completely destroyed
[Wiendigo] Insanity is a great way of life...
[DeathStar] No...
* Slasher goes back to the command center
[Slash] FRICK
[Slash] ....
[Ariel] This is a problem...
* DeathStar watches the group of Hunters who did it run to the laundry deck
[Dominator] No... The lives lost... damn
* Slash armor forms the blades faster, and more often
* Slash and bigger
* DeathStar says nothing, turns, and leaves

[Seraphna`] we have to go!
* Dominator shackes with anger, and leaves, planning to head to the control room
* Wiendigo takes out his Shadow Claws
* DeathStar appears on the laundry level
* Slasher sits down at a comp terminal and searches through all files taht he can find
* Seraphna` is quivering with fear
[DeathStar] No more....you want to play this way, I'll play it..
[Ariel] I don't know if we can hold the station...
* Slash attempts to warp once again
[Dominator] DS... *finds himself moving toward the laundry level*
* Justin-the-II heads to controle
* Slash to the Laundry room
[Wiendigo] NOW we dance...
* DeathStar Slash isstopped
[Seraphna`] are we all gonna die *asks ariel*
* DeathStar leaps at the 10 humans and slashes
* Slash dashes to the Laundry level
[Baberlus] Thought we WERE dancing.
* Wiendigo phases to the laundry level
[Ariel] No.  I won't let any of us die.
* DeathStar slashes one through the gut and kicks him back
* Wiendigo smirks
* Slash mutters 1"I hate not being able to move quickly..."
[Justin-the-II] ...
* Ariel heads to the laundry level
[Wiendigo] Ain't seen anytihng yet rookie...
[Justin-the-II] the hunters are becoming mavricks!!!
* Baberlus blasts at any humans he sees (the bad ones that is)
* DeathStar guts another one
[Slasher] COMM]DS. Im gonna search for something..Venerator must of thought this might happen so he might have something special
[Dominator] Death Star...!
* Wiendigo helps out DS
* Slash passes a group of Humans, and slashes them across the gut as he continues moving
[DeathStar] Comm] Right
* Slasher hacks into the comp terminal and searches
* DarkPhoenix fires hyper-distorion balls at the humans
* Justin-the-II goes to werever they are
* DeathStar there is no more humans left standing
[Justin-the-II] darn it...
[Wiendigo] THIS is a party...
* Slash is surrounded by a group of humans
* Baberlus throws a human at wien "Catch!"
* Seraphna` attacks a human with claws and teeth (150 ap)
[Cheryl] [COMM] I'll go with Slasher, he'll need someone to keep him from getting killed.
* DeathStar pants
* Dominator watches the massacre of the humans
[DeathStar] ....No...ICEHEART!!~
[Justin-the-II] if were gonna fight humans why are the reps doing it?
* Wiendigo tears it up before it hits the ground
* Dominator without attackng
* Ariel charges her energy blade with ion particles at stabs Human. [STUN]
* Seraphna` hops on Ariel's shoulder
* Baberlus claps
* DeathStar brings up her location and sees her surronded by a group of humans
* Slash spins around once, and all the humans go down in a hail of mini Razor blades
[Dominator] Iceheart...!
* Slasher notices Cheryls next to him
* DeathStar dashes there
[Slasher] Thanks im no use right now for fights
* Wiendigo phases to her location
[Baberlus] Iceheart..... DS's girlfriend?
* Dominator quietly says, 1"Death Star can't handle this... who knows what he will do..."
*** GM is now known as Iceheart
[DarkPhoenix] We should have KO gassed the lot, and we would have saved a lot of pointless deaths
* Iceheart blasts at them
[Ariel] Ikuzai!
[Dominator] I suppose so...
* DeathStar appears beside her
* Ariel charges
* Wiendigo starts slashing up the guards
* Dominator dashes to where DS went
* DeathStar watches 30 humans approaching
* Justin-the-II watches 2
[Ariel] Oh no...
* DeathStar leaps into them in a berserker rage
[Justin-the-II] oh yah
* Baberlus walks twards the guards, firing
* Ariel stops suddenly
[Iceheart] DS!
* Seraphna` readys phycic attack
[Wiendigo] Figures, anyone who'd choose Death Star...
* Slash shimmers in behind the 30 humans advancing on DS
* Slasher searches the oldest data banks
* Dominator glares at the humans, 1"I can't stop my companions. If you value your lives, go."
* Slash fires a blast of plasma into their midst hoping to scatter them
* DeathStar slashes one and continus on, not bothering to kill them
* DeathStar they scatter and run off
* Cheryl helps slash navigate the restructured network.
* Wiendigo gladly kills the ones DS doesn't
* Seraphna` attacks three with phycic attack
* Dominator watches them go, then turns to DS
* Baberlus shoots the humans in the head
[Slasher] Come on....
* Iceheart pants
[Justin-the-II] ...
[Slash] DS....
[Seraphna`] 150 ap
[Dominator] Death Star... We don't want to have to kill them! Remember?!
[DeathStar] CorSec...they're just to smart...let us die from the inside out...
[Wiendigo] Well boys and girls, are we having fun yet?
* DeathStar kneels down, panting harder
[Slasher] COMM]DS....I...th..ink....fou...d...so....e..
[Slash] Iceheart... watch him.....
* Slash disappears, cloaking as he runs away
[Seraphna`] is slasher ok?
* DarkPhoenix begins running to the Comm center
* Dominator grabs his COMM, 1"What's going on, Slasher?"
[Justin-the-II] ...
* Slash shimmers next to Slasher
* DeathStar stands and brings up a map, the green showing the area they have taken back
* Baberlus smiles and he holsters his gun
[Ariel] Yeah, he will be.  Cheryl's with him
[Slash] Slasher... 
[Slasher] Hey Slash, Look I found how Mayonase is made
[DeathStar] We got the Engine Room, Bar, and Laundry Areas back..
[Slash] .. have you found what Venerator put in?
* Baberlus runs to slasher
[Ariel] [COMM] Cheryl, watch the sec net.  I wan't to know when they're coming.
[Slasher] Nope
* Dominator moves toward Death Star
[Baberlus] how is it made!?
[Slash] ...
[DeathStar] We have no more hangers left, hardly....
* Dominator looks at the others, then looks back at the map
* Slash sits down and helps Slasher look
* Slasher hands Baberlus the recipe
[Cheryl] [COMM] Mais oui!
* DeathStar grabs comm.
[DeathStar] Comm: DArien, where are you?
* Seraphna` concentrates
[Dominator] What do you intend to do, Death Star?
[Baberlus] Whoo hoo! Wait'll the family gets this!
[DeathStar] I don't know yet.  But 
[Slasher] Slash...theres gotta be something
[DarkPhoenix] [comm] Here!
[DeathStar] I refuse to lose this place
* Wiendigo pops up next to DS
[DeathStar] Comm: Where are you EXACTLY.
[Slash] Comm] DS, we got bogys heading for our last Hanger...
The Fight Continues!!