[DarkPhoenix] In one of the elevators
[DeathStar] Comm: Roger...
[Wiendigo] Has anyone bothered to check out X1's whereabouts?
[Seraphna`] we gotta stop em
[DeathStar] Comm: Nice, try to join us
[DeathStar] No, he should be ...*looks at radar of 10 humans heading for X1's workshop*
[Dominator] But, what?! Death Star, we've lost it! Either we massacre all Earth-gov loyal officers, or we leave! Blow the damn station up if you don't want CorSec to get it... We're playing right into CorSec's hands!
[Slash] Comm] DS, im on my way, there looks like a bunch of em..
* Slasher finds and older file
* Ariel heads to the shuttle bay, begining to tire.
[Slasher] Hmm...
* Seraphna` is mentally searching for X1
* Slash disappears from Slashers side, and runs to the Hanger
[DeathStar] Two assualt teams...
* DeathStar glances at Dom
[Slasher] I wonder...
[Baberlus] ....
* Dominator pounds wall in anger
[DeathStar] We lose this, the Reploids have lost.
[Ariel] [COMM] Cheryl!  Try to keep them from X1!
* Seraphna` lends energy to Ariel
[Wiendigo] Well shit, that boy's got himself some company coming...
* Justin-the-II scratches head
[Dominator] Not X1 too...
* Wiendigo grins evilly
* Slasher clicks on it and a password box pops up
[Cheryl] [COMM] I'll try to slow them down!
* DarkPhoenix walks up behind DS
[DeathStar] I'll go for X1.
[DeathStar] Wiendigo, join Slasher and Slash at the hanger
[Slasher] COMM]DS i found something but it requires a password
[DarkPhoenix] Medbay!
[Slash] Comm] DS, ill get the Hanger
[DeathStar] Dom, you go with DP to Medbay
[Wiendigo] Best not let him sit alone
* Slash continues on his way
* Cheryl uses the security systems to slow the humans down while leting the friendlys through
[Slasher] NRP:im not at the hangar im in the command center
* Wiendigo phases to the workshop
* DeathStar runs for the Workshop
[DeathStar] NRP: Go there
* DarkPhoenix runs to medbay
[Dominator] ... All right...
* Seraphna` mentally searches for password
[Slasher] Sera forget it
[Cheryl] Let me see
* Wiendigo heads off one of the groups
* DeathStar Seraphna is stopped
* Dominator dashes, following DP, still worried about what's transpiring
[Seraphna`] oki
[Slasher] downloads the files into a cd
* DeathStar appears in the Workshop area
* Slash is surrounded by Humans, blasting him with plasma
[DeathStar] X1!!!!!
* Wiendigo tears into them
* Slasher downloads the file in a CD
[Slasher] Cheryl lets go 
* DarkPhoenix enters medbay and looks around
[Cheryl] I have to hold here
* Slash deflects them and absorbs some , charging his cauntlets
* Slasher grabs Cheryl and drabs her to the Hanger Bay
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Baberlus] Hmm....
* Dominator arrives behind Dark Phoenix
[Cheryl] I can't let them get to X1 first!
[DarkPhoenix] X1? X1!?
* DeathStar stuns a human with cannon
* Seraphna` forms her shiled around both herself and Ariel
*** X1 (pentawedge@rc-112.netonecom.net) has joined #taw
* Slash fires L3 concussion burst, blowing a few of them away
* Cheryl pulls out of slashers grip
[Slasher] I aint leaving you here alone
[DeathStar] X1!!!
* DeathStar stuns another
[Cheryl] I'll catch up!  Don't worry!
[Slasher] Fine im stayin wit you
* X1 is busy hitting guards with junk
[Slasher] No..
[Seraphna`] he's alive thank the maker
[DeathStar] X1!!
* Slash falls to knees, the humans onslaught continuing to hit him
* DeathStar joins him
[Dominator] ....
[X1] Someone mind EXPLAINING to me what's going ON???
[DeathStar] We've been disbanded
[DarkPhoenix] He's not in medbay
* DeathStar stuns another one
[Baberlus] No time X1.
[X1] Oy, I stop to make cookies for an hour...
* Slasher looks at Cheryl...
* Slash cloaks
[Seraphna`] the base is being taken by EarthGov
* Slash the humans stop firing
* Dominator glacnes at the humans in the medbay
[Cheryl] Don't worry, I got more tircks up my sleeves then anyone would suspect.  Now get out of here
[Slasher] Ok but i;ll be back
* DeathStar station rocks again
[DeathStar] OUF
* Slasher heads for the hangerbay
* DeathStar trips almost
* Slash appears, and spins around sending razors(poisoned) at them
[X1] Just get them out of my workshop, I'll lock it down!
* DeathStar shoves them all out
* Seraphna` timestops the humans
[DeathStar] OUT!
* Dominator sees them starting to advance on DP and himself, with weapons
* Slasher rams a human that leaped at DS
* X1 locks it down
[DeathStar] CLOSIN' TIME!!!
[Slash] Comm] Need a little help*sound of plasma firing* ARRGHHHH
[X1] I'll be safe here, bring anyone else you can!
[DarkPhoenix] This is a MEDBAY, and you're going to attack!?
[Slash] Comm] Down.. here..*more sounds of plasma*
* Wiendigo starts off chasing down any singular gaurds
* DeathStar sees the computer core being attacked and runs off there
* Baberlus smiles
* Slasher heads towards Slash
* DarkPhoenix readies his shield
[Dominator] Back off.
* Seraphna` looks to ariel
* DeathStar suddenly the computer core is destroyed
[Dominator] Now.
* Ariel is almost to the hanger.
[Seraphna`] let's help slasher
* Slasher tackles a row of Humans
[Baberlus] Well.... lets get spankey...*draws sword*
* Slash continues fireing his Gauntlets
[Iceheart] .
* Slash Cries out 1"HELL FIRE ENHANCEMENT!"a circle of flame, coming from the pits of hell, appears around slash, and firey lines trace themselves around him, burning lines into his armor, and turning its color to a blood red. 1"Lets burn..."
* Iceheart leaps beside Slash
[Slasher] Hey Slash
[Iceheart] Called?
* Slash screams 1"DARK ARMOR ENHANCEMENT!!" armor begins to flow, and shift changing into something new. a dark green glow appears around him, and all weapons are affected. 1"Bring on your worst nightmare"
[Cheryl] [Comm] *Crackle* lost control ... sec... system... hanger...
[Slash] Thanks
* Iceheart freezes a whole bunch of them
[Slasher] Uh oh
[Slash] Lets rumble
* Dominator uppercuts and attacking human and looks at DP, 1"Lets get back to the others and out of here."
* DeathStar all computer systems begin to die
[Slasher] dont need my help
* Slash finishes all of em off
* DeathStar is missing now
[DarkPhoenix] No, we have to secure it
[Slash] DAMN!!!
[Slasher] Wheres DS
[Slash] They got the core!
* Dominator sees the computer systems in the med bay dying and wonders what's going on
* Slasher heads for the CORE
[Iceheart] Computer: Most Humans are retreating...
* Dominator kicks another and throws another into the wall
* Slash heads for the Computer Core
[Seraphna`] i can set the place for self-destruct in 20 minutes
[Wiendigo] Well, this is fun..
* Baberlus runs for the core
[Slash] With What
[Iceheart] Computer: Red Alert Of~~~~~.
* DarkPhoenix cloaks and begins KOing humans invisibly
[Ariel] No, don't
[Slash] The Computer is Down?
[Slasher] COMM:Sera Dont
[Seraphna`] ok
* DeathStar all humans run off
* Dominator sees the rest of the humans run in terror
*** Justin-the-II has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Seraphna` preparees to - just in case
[Dominator] There... sercured.
* Slasher reaches the core and look around
* Slash looks at the trashed Computer Core
[Iceheart] ........*sighs in relief*
[DarkPhoenix] [Comm] Medbay secured!
[Slash] ....
* Iceheart looks around

* Dominator grabs COMM, 1"DS? .. Where are you all? What's going on?"
[Slasher] DS!!!!!!!!
* Iceheart looks into empty space at the Computer core
[Slash] DS Where the hell are you!
* Seraphna` access the PCs with psionics
* Wiendigo apepars behind Iceheart
[DarkPhoenix] Were to next, Dom?
* Slasher walks around the core looking
* Iceheart turns to Wiendigo
* Seraphna` is locating DS
[Slasher] Theres always away
[Iceheart] Shut up bastard!!!
[Ariel] This place is going to be scrap...
* Slasher starts working on the CORe
[Dominator] Wherever they are... *sees the computers are down and starts moving down the halls*
[Wiendigo] Ooo, fiesty!
[Seraphna`] heap to the ships guys
[Slasher] Slash come on lets get this bitch working
[Iceheart] Computers: Rebooting...Due to intervention by Commander Death Star
* Slash wonders how life support is maintained with no Computers
[Seraphna`] head to the ships guys
[Slasher] Oh my 
[Ariel] Ships?  Right.
[Slash] Damn.. hes good
* Dominator passes the computer core, and sees the others, and enters
[Baberlus] Heh.... is this even a fit base anymore?
* DeathStar teleports in, bruised
* Slasher sees the Core activate
* Slash reaches out and touches DS's chest, attempting to heal them (100 LP)
* Seraphna` has been containing that part of the computer with her own energy
[DeathStar] Heh, remembered Venerator telling me about that trick...
* Slasher tries to get the core stable
[Dominator] Death Star...
[Wiendigo] Battered, bruised, and still moving, I'm still not impressed.
[Dominator] I... see...
[Slash] Nice Job...
* Slasher finally does somehow with only one hand
[Slasher] DS way to go
[DeathStar] We got HQ back...the human rival groups are down in the lower levels, the levels no one likes to go..the civilian levels...
* Cheryl runs in, our of breath, and looking more repliod than human.
[Slash] Lock them down
[Baberlus] Hrm...
[DeathStar] Where aliens and all sorts of criters are
[Slasher] Is there away to disconnect that part
[DeathStar] Impossible.  That system is gone
[Slash] Uh oh...
[Wiendigo] Bomb 'em
* Dominator glances at Slash, 1"And then what?"
[Slash] Then Kill them
[DeathStar] And kill innocents?  Never.
[Seraphna`] we must
[Seraphna`] or they kill us
[Dominator] No. I won't do it.
[DarkPhoenix] Ga 'em!
[Wiendigo] Screw the innocents
[Slasher] DS can we disconnect that part and let it float towardsthe others
[DeathStar] I won't kill innocents...
[DeathStar] And we can't disconnect it
* Slash stops
[Slasher] Damn
[Seraphna`] we must ds
[Dominator] If it comes to that, then I'll evacute.
[Slash] Alright DS...
* DeathStar holds shoulder
[DeathStar] To do so, you would have to kill me.
* Wiendigo smirks
* Slasher heads back to Cheryl
[Iceheart] ...DS...
[Wiendigo] Can we cut the gravity?...
* Seraphna` sighs
[Baberlus] I know how we can get them out.
[DeathStar] Yes, but that'll piss alot of people off..
[Seraphna`] will we be affected
[Wiendigo] Screw 'em
[Slash] humm...
[Baberlus] Set the Self Destruct and evacuate, but we stay, and when they all leave, cancle the self destruct
[DeathStar] Then lets do it.  To the Control Room
[Cheryl] Better annoyed than dead.
* Slasher reaches the command room and looks for Cheryl
[Slash] if it pisses em off, its better to be pissed off then dead..
* Dominator listens to the others, deep in thought
[DarkPhoenix] Be POed, or be killed by the loyalists...?
* Seraphna` still has shield around Ariel and herself
* DeathStar heads for the control room, hanging by Dominator
[Wiendigo] Better to be pissed off, then pissed on
* Slasher sees her working on a comp
[Baberlus] Amen Wien
* Slash looks around
* Dominator starts to the control room, looks at DS
* Cheryl goes to the control room too.
[DeathStar] [We're running low.  We have no weapons...nothing.  We're dead basically.]
* Ariel follows everyone else.
* DeathStar enters the control room
* Wiendigo heads to the civillian levels
* Slash follows DS to the control room
* DeathStar sits at the Master Computer
[Slasher] DS what we doin
* DeathStar closes the civilian deck before Wiendigo can enter
* Dominator enters the control room
[Ariel] How are we going to hold the station in this condition?
* DeathStar flicks off the gravity
* Wiendigo kicks the door in frustration
*** justin-the-II (jj@207-17-228-179.du.pldi.net) has joined #taw
[DeathStar] The station has taken 45% damage.  But we'll live.  We always do
[Seraphna`] this is impossible
* Dominator sits in his chair
* DarkPhoenix hyperjumps to the alien ship
* Cheryl sits at a computer terminal
[Wiendigo] Damn you boot licker!
[Dominator] Perhaps..
* Slash looks out the porthold
[Slash] You forget about them...
[Cheryl] If the ships attack, I still got my ace in the hole.
[Slasher] we cant hold them down there forever
* DeathStar looks at the screen of the CorSec Armade
[Baberlus] ....oy...
* Dominator looks at the control room
* justin-the-II walks in
[Dominator] control room=CorSec armada
* Wiendigo phases up to the control room
* Seraphna` sighs
* Iceheart leaves for now
*** Iceheart is now known as GM
*** GM is now known as Hodges
[Wiendigo] I wasn't going to kill them, just maim and slaughter them...
* Hodges appears on the master computer
[DarkPhoenix] [Comm] begins fixing the hanger
[Slasher] Hodges
* DeathStar turs back
* Slash glares at Hodges
* Slasher glares at Hodges
[Hodges] I should tell you this...you're only making it harder on yourselves
[Slasher] Hey Mother
* DarkPhoenix begins fixing the hanger and taps into the comm while he's doing it
[Baberlus] who's this clown?
* Ariel tries to remember who Hodges is...
* Slasher flicks him off
* justin-the-II loocs at hodges
[Slash] Shut up Hodges...
* Dominator glances at Hodges then at DS, 1"Turn off the auto-respond feature after this..."
[Wiendigo] Whatever Hodgeass
[Seraphna`] Hodges, get a life
[Slasher] Hodges I will KILL YOU
[Hodges] Reploids everywhere is being destroyed because EarthGov is claiming that if the Hunters go Maverick, then so will all Reploids
[justin-the-II] aaaah shutap!
[Slash] ...
* Dominator clentches fist
[Seraphna`] Hodges, get a life
* Wiendigo snorts
[Seraphna`] *to ariel* What do we do?
[Slasher] Hodges what do u watn
[Hodges] Luckily some are enslaved, but that won't save enough of your race. This is a bigger disaster than banishing Reploids to the Wastelands
[DeathStar] No..
[Slash] you... Killed.. JACKHAMMER
[Wiendigo] Never find them all dipstick, I'm proof of that...
[Hodges] And the Reploid being BLAMED for this is Death Star.
[Ariel] [Whispers] And history repeats... do our mistakes mean nothing...?
* Slash shouted at the screen
* Dominator starts shacking a bit as Hodges says his speech
[Seraphna`] fuck you Hodges
[DeathStar] Me?
* DeathStar holds onto the wall, the room spinning
[Slasher] Hodges....go screw a dog
* justin-the-II flips hodges off
[Slash] DS...
[DeathStar] (To him)
[Baberlus] didnt he aleady, slasher?
[Wiendigo] Great, boot-licker's losing it.
[justin-the-II] dober!
[Seraphna`] DS, it's okay, he can't kill us with words
* Dominator is silent
[Hodges] I see you don't care.  Reploid death was last around 120...
* Slasher gets ready to hit the disconnect button for the comm
[Slash] ... No but he can kill every other reploid....
[Dominator] But, he can kill all the reploids on Earth and enslave them all over again!
[Hodges] Surrender, now.  It's the only way...
* Hodges clicks off
[Slasher] DS..
*** Hodges is now known as GM
[justin-the-II] ...
[DarkPhoenix] [comm]Hodges, why don't you guys ever ask for something instead off simply kicking us around?
[Dominator] No.... Dammit... *looks at Hodges, seriously considering surrendering*
[DeathStar] 120...because of me....
[Slasher] We have no choice
[Wiendigo] Anyone up for retirement on a gambling planet?
[Seraphna`] dom,no...
[Cheryl] All of those lives...
[Slasher] No because of all of us
* DeathStar punches wall hard enough to more than dent it
[justin-the-II] i aint serrendering............is that a choice?
[Slash] DS.... surrender... and i will... *falls silent*
[Seraphna`] they won't stop if we do
[DeathStar] I won't quit
* DeathStar turns to the others
[Slasher] I'll give up my freedom to save otheres
[Dominator] We can't have the reploids banished again... Can't...
[DeathStar] But you guys, I beg you to leave now while you still can
[Baberlus] I'm for whatever you pick, Commande.r
[Slash] I wont Leave you DS...
[Slasher] No way..Im to deep in it now
[Dominator] What about you, Death Star?
[Seraphna`] he ain't gonna, he's gonna kill them
[Slash] the only way i will leave, is in a body bag.. or in atoms..
[Seraphna`] DO YOU HEAR ME
[Wiendigo] Yeah, and leave you here to die by someone else's hand, I'm REALLY going to do that...
[Seraphna`] KILL THEM!
[DeathStar] I will fight CorSec and any others.  I will free the Reploids
[Dominator] If we don't surrender this station, the reploids are doomed.
[Ariel] Sink or swim... do or die... I'm with you DeathStar!
[Slasher] I wotn rest till Corsec is dead 
[DeathStar] But we're not even half-way up to speed...
* Seraphna` looks up to ariel again for support
[justin-the-II] i am starting to wouynder what i got into wen i joined....
[Slash] If we do, Reploids are doomed.. along with the rest of humanity..
[Slasher] Im up for the challenge
[DeathStar] Listen, Dom, giving up the station also means giving up our lives
[DeathStar] You think we'll go unpunished for today?
[Seraphna`] let's blow these dicks to hell DS!
[Slasher] Sera!!!
[Slasher] Shhh
[DeathStar] Watch that tongue
[Baberlus] Lets evacuate, I'm too faught out....
[Slash] ...
[DeathStar] I'm not losing the HQ
* Seraphna` looks down ashamed
[Slasher] Even with one hand I will never give up
[Seraphna`] sorry...
* Wiendigo tihnks to himself while scratching his head
* Slash is wounded heavily, but eyes gleam
[Seraphna`] i get a little excited...
* DeathStar hits the teleportation button and enters and and hits the teleporter
[Dominator] No, but what can we do? Earth is doomed regardless of what we do. A divided world we've lived as, and a divided world we'll fall as... We have no hope of beating the Tsivrixsh Empire now...
[Wiendigo] Could always blow up Hell...
[Slash] DS...
[Slasher] We've all suffered 
* Slash tracks him
* DarkPhoenix traces DS's transport
[DeathStar] I sent all the civilians to Hodge's ship
[Dominator] Death Star, what are you doing....?
[Slasher] Good
[Slash] .....
[DeathStar] Only we're left.
* DeathStar turns
[Seraphna`] we can't....
[Slash] Now we fight... or die....
[Seraphna`] we must live...
[Slasher] I'll never give up

[DeathStar] Do or die, lets get ready for the final battle of saving this station
[Dominator] What about the Earth-gov-loyal officers?
* DeathStar points at CorSEc Aramada approaching
* Slasher puts hand out
[DeathStar] We got 2 minutes
[Cheryl] Together we stand mon amie!
[Slasher] Slash get those Shields up
[Slash SOUND]
[DeathStar] All weaponary is gone, with the loss of the Hunter Tower
[Baberlus] Sure, I'm here to the bitter-sweet end!
[DarkPhoenix] Can we make a working cloaking device for the station in that time?
[Slasher] Hmm...
* Slash powers the shields up, and arms weapons
[DeathStar] Shields....30%...
[Slash] ..
[Dominator] What can we do then...
[DeathStar] No, we can't....
* Slasher pulls out his Phase Disruptor
* DeathStar the HQ rocks with a hit
[DeathStar] OUF!
[Slasher] Try hooking this up
[Ariel] Rerouting lifesupport from lower decks
* Slasher flus
* Slash hooks his life inot the shield system, giving it a 20% boost
* DeathStar alarms go off
[justin-the-II] ill fight till i die.the hunters are my life!
* Dominator grabs onto the table to avoid falling
[DeathStar] This is suicide..
[Slash] I know..
* DeathStar the HQ rocks again
[Wiendigo] Can't anyone shut off those damned alarams?
* DeathStar blasts the speaker to bits
[justin-the-II] ....
[Cheryl] Time to let the cards fall...
[justin-the-II] i have thinking plan!
* Wiendigo comes back with a beer in hand
* Seraphna` is now shaking with fear
[DeathStar] Slash...
* Slasher throws Slash his Phase Disruptor "SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH TIS"
[justin-the-II] i think i just thought how to beat em!
[DeathStar] DARIEN!
[Cheryl] Pin point shielding is now online.  This'll buy us some time!
[DeathStar] Get that alien ship out there, nOW
* Baberlus is too pooped to do anything much
* Seraphna` has butterflies in her stomach, they're banging kettle drums
* Dominator is silent, holds his head
* DeathStar the HQ is jolted so hard they all fly to the right
* Slash rerouts power into the shields reinforcing them
* DeathStar crashes into a table and roars in pain
* Slasher hooks his phase disruptor back into himself
* Slash flys away, hitting a wall falling KO'd
[Slasher] DS ifound this file
* DarkPhoenix the alien ship shakes and bursts from the destroyed hanger
[Cheryl] Anyone for a game of "pong"?
* justin-the-II flies backward
[GM] Computer: Decks 10-12 gone
* Wiendigo downs his beer
* Slasher throws DS the CD
* DeathStar snatches it
* Dominator his stomach hits a chair, and he coughs up battery fluid
[DeathStar] What's this?
[Slasher] A really old file
[Slasher] Its Password Encoded
[Seraphna`] hmmm!
[Slasher] Thought it was important
* Dominator throws the chair into the wall
* Cheryl changes the display to one of the station and the armada with 3 discs between them
* Slash a pool of battery fluid slowly spreads from beneath Him
* DeathStar the HQ rocks again, the shields stoping it
[Seraphna`] waht!
[Dominator] ...!
[Slasher] Son
* DeathStar brings up the last active shuttle
* Ariel grabs one of the three controls
* Dominator glances over at Death Star
* DeathStar looks at it
[DarkPhoenix] [Comm] DS, what do you want me to do?
[Slasher] To the shuttle??
[DeathStar] Comm: Disable
* Slash gets up, leaking heavily
[DeathStar] Comm: All 23
[Seraphna`] let's go ariel
* DeathStar HQ rocks again and the portholes crack
[DarkPhoenix] Roger that!
* Cheryl seems to be playing a game as she blocks the shots with the shield discs.
[Baberlus] ...
[Slasher] DS you gonna look at the file
[Slash] .... this hurts..
[DeathStar] Later....
* Slash powers himself up with armor one last time
[Dominator] Our greatest aid... this station... dying...
[Slasher] k
[Slash] Fight or Flight...
* DarkPhoenix activates thrusters on max and scatters the enemy ships
* DeathStar brings up a file on the computer, no the disc,
* Wiendigo checks his trenchcoat for something then pats it
[Cheryl] Too many...
* justin-the-II walks over to ds 1 i have a plan.......
[DeathStar] Venerator once said...before he died..
* DeathStar enters something
[Slasher] What
* Dominator looks at Death Star
* Slash watches DS
[Seraphna`] let's attack them on thier own ships
* Slasher watches DS
* DarkPhoenix as he passes, he fires at the ships' weapon systems
[Baberlus] We're going to lose anyway, lets lose with our lives intact, ok?
[Slash] I cant get there...
* GM the station begins to viberate and a huge beam flies from a hidden hanger, diabling 4 CorSec ships
[Seraphna`] we can warp to theree right
[Slash] I have no warp...
[DeathStar] The plan?
* Slasher mouth drops
[Ariel] What if...
* Slash whistles
[Slash] nice weapon...
[justin-the-II] someone pretends ro join coresec and then we betray them from the inside!
* Ariel starts typing rapidly
* Wiendigo smacks Justin along his head
[DeathStar] We lost power to it for now...
[DarkPhoenix] [Comm]What did you guys do?
[Slasher] Justin SHUTUP
[Seraphna`] *what you doin*
[DeathStar] Too hard.
* Baberlus slaps justin
[Slasher] WE gotta run
* Dominator mutters, 1"So that's what the code does.."
[DeathStar] Comm: Thank Venerator
[justin-the-II] hay!
[Dominator] We have to leave.
[Ariel] Change the orientation by 23 degrees...
* DarkPhoenix keeps firing on the ships' weapon systems
[DeathStar SOUND]
[DeathStar] We blow the station

* justin-the-II punches bab
[Slasher] Ok
* Slash looks around
[Slash] So the station is gone...
[Slasher] Wheres the last shuttle
[Wiendigo] 'Bout God damn time...
[justin-the-II] stop it!
* DeathStar enters self-destruct
[Seraphna`] then let's get out of here
[Dominator] Its the only way. Do it.
* Slash smirks, and arms his weapons
[DeathStar] Dom, enteer your code
[Slasher] Wheres that damn shuttle
[Slash] Im going out with a bang...
* DeathStar points Slash at the map
[DeathStar] There
* Dominator enters his code, narrowing his eyes
[DeathStar] Slash, enter your code, since BJ isn't here.
* Slasher heads for it
* X1 can be barely heard on the levle everyone else in on, as he screams at the idea
[Ariel] Were going out with style boys and girls
[Slasher] Cme on everyone
* Slash enters his code
* DarkPhoenix continues evading the corsec ships, performing high speed strafing runs against their weapon systems
[Seraphna`] *to ariel* let's get on the shuttle
[GM] Self Destruct Activated
[Slash] Lets rumble..
[DeathStar] You all go.
[DeathStar] NOW!
[Seraphna`] come on
* Wiendigo sits
* Slasher phases into the shuttle and powers it up
* Ariel heads to the shuttle.
[justin-the-II] huh?
* Dominator takes a last look at the room, then heads for the shuttle
* Slash rerouts power into the Plasma generators
[Cheryl] What about you DS?
* Wiendigo lights up a cigar
* DeathStar glances around
* Seraphna` gives ariel energy
[DeathStar] I'm goingtoo
[Slash] I aint leaving...
* Slasher sets his bag down
[DeathStar] I'm contacting Iceheart to go
[Slash] Unless DS does
* Baberlus takes the cigar "payback"
* Wiendigo takes it back
[Dominator] Over a half a year... This has been my home... Good-bye...
[DeathStar] I'm going Slash, be there in 3.  Just waiting on Iceheart.  Go and prepare the shuttle for me
* Slash continues adding power to them, so it packs a bigger blast
* Wiendigo lights it up and smokes it
* Slash salutes
* Cheryl is still struggling to deflect shots
[Seraphna`] Slash, DS let's go!
* DeathStar turns to Wiendigo and hands him something
* Dominator glances at DS, then goes toward the shuttle
* DarkPhoenix performs another strafe
* Slash warps to the last shuttle, and prepares it
[Seraphna`] Cheryl, come on!
[Slasher] Comm]Cheryl Ariel hurry up
[Wiendigo] I ain't going, until I know you're safe, so i can kill ya later...
[Cheryl] I can't afford to go until the last min or this place will fall apart on us
* DeathStar sits in the the command chair and fires that super weapon agin
[Slash] Comm] DS... this is for Jackhammer...
* Slasher sees Slash next to him
* justin-the-II goes inyo the shutle
* X1 jetisons his workshop into space with him inside
* Ariel climbs into the shuttle and sits down
* Seraphna` gives ariel more juice
[DeathStar SOUND]
[DarkPhoenix] [Comm] You guys, I can't take this type of beating for much longer!
* Dominator enters the shuttle and sits at the weapon consol, wondering what the sound outside was
* Slash powers it up
* Slasher warms the shuttle up
* GM Iceheart appears on theshuttle
[Slash] Comm] DS!! Get out here NOW!!
[GM] 30 seconds left
[Dominator] Iceheart... Where's Death Star?
* Slash thrusters power up to max
[Seraphna`] comm] we're coming
[GM] He told me to come here
* Baberlus gets on the shuttle
* Ariel is onboard.
* DeathStar runs for the shuttle bay
* DeathStar so it seems
[Dominator] Hurry... Death Star...
* Wiendigo phases
[GM] :20 seconds
[Seraphna`] DS!
* Slasher opens the hangers doors
[Slash] Slasher.. if im not back in 10 seconds, RUN
* Dominator jumps into the co-pilot chair and starts the launch sequence
* Slash warps to find DS
* Wiendigo follows DS
* DeathStar appears in the engine room
[Slasher] No
[Dominator] Wait, Slash!
* DarkPhoenix gets a lock on DS
* DeathStar enters a code
* Slasher grabs Slash
[GM] :10 seconds
* Slash appears next to DS
* Cheryl climbs into the shuttle
[Slasher] Im not losing you again
[Seraphna` SOUND]
[Slash] WE GOTTA GO!!!
[Cheryl] Wait?  Where's DS?
* X1 in his workshop, heads away
[Baberlus] ...... DS.. hurry...
* Slasher starts it up
* DeathStar turns to Slash
[Slash] NOW!
[DeathStar] no time, go!
[Slasher] Hurry up boys
[GM] :9
[GM] :8
[GM] :7
* Slash grabs him and warps to the shuttle
* Dominator fires the engines up
[GM] :6
[Seraphna`] X1 come on
* DeathStar Slash's warp is studdered to bits
[Dominator] We have to go and now!
[Wiendigo] You're cutting it close, boot licker
[Slash] FRICK
* Slasher powers up
[justin-the-II] were gonna die...
[GM] :5
* Slash dashes to the Shuttle
[GM] :4
[GM] :3
* Slash carrying DS
[DeathStar] SLASH!!!
[GM] :2
* Dominator over all-station come, 1"WE'RE LAUNCHING!"
* Slasher blasts out of there as fast as it can go
[GM] :1
* DarkPhoenix beams DS and Slash out
* Dominator opens the docking bay door
* Wiendigo melts inot the shadows
[Cheryl] Go go go!
[Slasher] DS!!!!!
* Slasher flies out
[GM] :0
The Final Flight?