Chapter 3: This is John Johnson Reporting...

Death Star walked along the edges of the large crater before him. Iceheart followed, her hand in his, as they studied it. "Ya know, it's just a large hole in the ground, really..." Death Star pointed out to her. They were at the Arizona meteor crater. While Iceheart found it amazing and incredible, Death Star really couldn't see past the point that it was...just a very large hole in the ground.

"Oh silly," she said and pushed him playfully as she gazed at it. "To think, something this big crashing into the surface...I find it so...I don't know, but it's so that. Just imagine being under it when it hit..." Iceheart pointed out.

"I wish Wiendigo were under it...." Death Star muttered.

"He's not as bad as you think..." Iceheart said.

"Oh, he's not? I find that one hard to believe. The guy is a psycho and should be destroyed for the good of humanity. He's Satan in robotics format...he's the king of evil...he...owes me twenty bucks. Damn!" Death Star remembered. Iceheart just shook her head in and turned back to the crater. "So, you ready to go?"

"I...guess..." Iceheart said and they turned back and walked into the building near it, showing pictures of meteors and other interesting stuff. Nearby, a group of humans were gathered around a TV. "What's THAT all about?" asked Iceheart. Death Star shrugged and walked closer. "Wait...isn't that...Dominator!?" exclaimed Iceheart.

Death Star's jaw dropped open. On the screen was Dominator, speaking. "Ahem... This is John... uh... Johnson reporting live." Death Star's eyebrow raised some. "John Johnson?" As if to echo that, a voice, sounding very familiar to that of Garland's went "John Johnson...?" The people turned to each other and began to mutter among themselves. Dominator went on. "Doom, the menacing.. uh.. maniac has terrorized Earth." Dominator did a little cue with his hands for something. A few seconds later pictures popped up on the screen. "In terror, almost 40% of the Earth's population has fled to North City for safety." Death Star turned to Iceheart's confused look. "There is no such city," he whispered to her. Dominator went on. "Its recommended that you to flee to North City, at these co-ordinaces..." Dominator than began cue for something madly and the location came up, Death Star memorizing it. Dominator continued, "Finally a place safe from Doom... This is John Johnson, signing off.. We now return you to our... uh... regularly scheduled program.." He then cued for the transmission to be turned off, it seemed, but it stayed on long enough to get Seraphna's voice saying, "Dom always wanted to do that." The TV then jumped back to the previous show.

Turning his head to Iceheart, Death Star looked troubled. "I do not know who, or what, 'Doom' is, but what the hell was THAT!? John Johnson needs some better reporting abilities....I'll be sure to tell him that when we get back to the station....and that had to be the strangest darned transmission I've ever seen. If they were trying to lure someone to the North Pole area, I don't see how that could have possibly worked with all the miss ups, plus Seraphna's voice on there...." he told her.

Iceheart shrugged slowly. "Should we follow the cordnets? I mean, if there is such a creature called Doom running amuck, they could use help..." Death Star nodded and turned to go when suddenly the entire room seemed to rock, sending him crashing into the wall. Iceheart was shoved back some and hit a picture, knocking it off the wall. By the time either one of them knew what was happening, the north wall of the building was totally demolished and a team of Reploids were blasting the place to bits, hitting some humans in the process. Death Star immediately recognized the symbol on their shoulders as being that of the Mavericks.

Death Star, as if used to fighting so much he automatically fell into a trance, leaped to his feet, grabbed his saber. Slashing a nearby Reploid in half, he turned it around and hacked another one's head off as he flipped backwards some and landed next to Iceheart, who was already on her feet and looking furious. Charging his blaster, Death Star blasted a nearby Maverick a few feet and then turned and blasted a hole in the wall, knowing that in a few more seconds, more Mavericks would be storming through the wall. He dived out his hole and began to move east. "W-Why are they attacking a place like THIS!?" exclaimed Iceheart. But they didn't have time to think before the Mavericks began to blast them, already at Death Star's hole in the wall, blasting away. Getting hit in the back, Death Star went crashing down the edge of the crater, falling off the edge and sliding down into the massive hole. Iceheart, who was holding his hand, was also dragged down and they both came crashing to a halt in a cloud of dust.

Standing up, Death Star glanced up and saw they had fallen half-way done. "Lets move before they realized we're not longer up there," he told her when suddenly some force him in the back of the head, instantly knocking all thought out of his mind as his body crashed to the ground. A dark voice said behind Iceheart, who was turning around in awe at such power that could knock Death Star out easily. "They've already noticed, actually..." She finished turning around and saw North Star towering over them, a twisted grin over his face. "'Fraid the vacation is over," he said and pulled back his fist, slamming it into Iceheart, knocking her out instantly. "Well, for you at least..."

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Conclusion