

Reality Strikers


Previous TAWs

Common Sense: Basic common sense when it comes to life and matters. Those with low common sense are either really naive, or have not gathered a lot of life experience. There are 3 point slots for Common Sense. 0 meaning no common sense, and 3 full points means your character is smart overall when it comes to matters. Prerequisite: Mind 1 / Total Point Slots: 3


Tactics: Basic tactical knowledge when encountering simple situations - the GM will provide clues when asked occassionally. Prerequisite: Mind 2 and Common Sense Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5

Moderate Tactics: More tactical knowledge when encountering moderately difficult situations. The GM will provide clues more often when asked. Prerequisite: Mind 3 and Tactics Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5

GM Tactics: The GM will let your own tactics work more often than not unless it interferes with the plot. Prerequisite: Mind 4, Luck 3, Moderate Tactics Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5


Basic Repair: You can repair basic broken items that are commonly used - an example would be fixing a door or latch. Prerequisite: Common Sense Maxed Out/ Total Point Slots: 2

Moderate Repair: You can repair more moderately damaged basic items. Prerequisite: Basic Repair Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 2

Advanced Repair: You can fix things like basic weapons or primitive vehicles. Prequisite: Moderate Repair Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 2


Basic Computer Knowledge: Your ability to work with computers on a basic level. Prerequisite: Mind 3 and Common Sense Maxed Out/ Total Point Slots: 3

Computer Hacking: Your ability to hack into computers. The higher your point number is, the more advanced the system you can hack into. Prerequisite: Mind 5 and Basic Computer Knowledge Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5

Computer Programming: Your ability to write computer programs to aid you with your work, either it be hacking or other areas of computer designs. Note: This must be completely maxed out before the ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Mind 7 and Basic Computer Knowledge Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5

Computer Systems: You are capable of building and repairing complex computer systems found in ships and buildings. Note: This must be completely maxed out before the ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Mind 9 and Computer Programming Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5


Basic Engineering: Your skills in engineering allow you to work a job few others can manage; this allows you to maintain and repair systems for bases and ships. Note: This must be completely maxed out before the ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Mind 5 and Basic Computer Knowledge Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5

Advanced Engineering: Your skills in engineering allow you to manage complex systems and repair, as well as finding alternative methods to make systems work when in a crisis and exceed basic repair with systems. Your grasp allows you to quickly figure out foreign systems and apply your knowledge to their systems. Note: This must be completely maxed out befor eteh ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Mind 7, Basic Engineering Maxed Out and Computer Systems Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5


Robotics: This is the general knowledge about robotics and the systems therein. This allows you to interface with robotic systems and have the basic knowledge of how they work, weaknesses, etc. This does not allow you to reprogram their AI matrixes. Prerequisite: Mind 5, Basic Computer Knowledge Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5

Robotic AI: You are aware of how Robotic AIs work and how to reprogram them; You have the fundamentals on how to build your own basic AI on the level of animals or robots that perform simple tasks. Note: This must be completely maxed out before this ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Mind 6, Robotics Maxed Out and Computer Programming Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5

Advanced AI Design: You are capable of designing your own complex AI system. Note: This must be completely maxed out before this ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Mind 9 and Robotic AI Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 10


Item Designs: You are capable of designing plans for basic items; this allows you to create special items to be used for your character that are not provided by that character's organization. This does not mean you can build the item. Note: This must be completely maxed out before this ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Mind 3 / Total Point Slots: 5

Item Crafting: You are capable of taking a design for an item and building the item exactly as specified. Note: This must be completely maxed out before this ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Item Designs Maxed Out and Moderate Repair Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5

Weapon Designs: You are capable of designing plans for weapons; this allows you to create weapons or weapon enhancements that are not provided by that character's organization. This does not mean you can build the weapon. Note: This must be completely maxed out before this ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Mind 5 / Total Point Slots: 5

Weapon Crafting: You are capable of taking a design for a weapon and building the weapon exactly as specified. Note: This must be completely maxed out before this ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Weapon Designs Maxed Out and Advanced Repairs Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5

Ship Designs: You are capable of designing plans for shuttles and ships; this allows you to come up with designs that can aid the military and be sold for profit. This does not mean you can build the ship. Note: This must be completely maxed out before this ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Mind 7, Advanced Repairs Maxed Out, Basic Engineering Maxed Out, and Computer Systems Maxed Out/ Total Point Slots: 10

Ship Crafting: You are capable of taking a design for a ship and building the ship exactly as specified. This makes you extremely valuable when ships need to be built in a crisis. Note: This must be completely maxed out before this ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Ship Designs Maxed Out and Advanced Engineering Maxed Out/ Total Point Slots: 10


General Science: Your over all knowledge of the basic fundamentals of science and the applications and theories that apply within it. The more points you have allocated, the deeper your knowledge is of the fundamentals. Prerequisite: Mind 5 / Total Point Slots: 5

Scientific Application: How well you apply your general knowledge of science into practical use. Prerequisite: General Science Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 3

Scientific Research: The fundamentals of research. Before one can advance in the realm of scientific knowledge, one needs to know how to seek it out. Prerequisite: General Science Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 3


Basic Genetics: Your scientific knowledge has spread to the research of the body and it's building blocks. Once you master this ability, you will know all there is to know about your own races genetic coding and how to fix genetic errors. Prerequisite: Mind 7, General Science Maxed Out, Scientific Application Maxed Out, and Scientific Research Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5

Advanced Genetics: Your scientific knowledge of genetics has grown. You know about alien genetics and you can manipulate genes on the cellular level now to create new results. Prerequisite: Mind 10 and Basic Genetics Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5


Univerisal Science: Your scientific knowledge is geared more toward the universe and spacial anamolies; black holes, spacial calculations for space travel, and other heavenly bodies that affect travel through space and the affects these objects have on each other. Prerequisite: Mind 7, General Science Maxed Out, Scientific Application Maxed Out, and Scientific Research Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5

Geology: Scientific knowledge about planets and asteroid fields; this helps with identifying minerals and other planetoid related matters. It aids in knowing where on a planet something is most likely located. This applies only to minerals and rocks, however. Prerequisite: Mind 5, General Science Maxed Out, Scientific Application Maxed Out, and Scientific Research Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5

Botany: Scientific knowledge about plants. The more points allocated, the more knowledge about foreign plants you will be able to solve - this aids in identifying plant life on planets, what is biologically helpful and what is not. Prerequisite: Mind 5, General Science Maxed Out, Scientific Application Maxed Out, and Scientific Research Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5

Biology: Scientific knowledge about the body. This does NOT make you a doctor; Biology is essentially the study of the body and it's fuctions. This aids in identifying factors that are similiar between species. Prerequisite: Mind 5, General Science Maxed Out, Scientific Application Maxed Out, and Scientific Research Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 5


Student Doctor: This is the most basic knowledge of medicine. You know what to apply when someone is injured (provided they are the same race as your character or you have the medical charts of a different race). This qualifies you to give nanoshots in a pinch, but that is it. Your job is to patch up a wound you can see. Note: This must be completely maxed out before this ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Mind 2 and Common Sense Maxed Out/ Total Point Slots: 5

Doctor's Bachelor Degree: You have enough medical history to match that of a nearly graduated medical student. You can provide medical treatment on the base with the equipment and you're well versed in the anatomy of the body and races similar to your own. You can treat and identify wounds out on the field as well - to a limited degree if you have your medical equipment with you. Note: This must be completely maxed out before this ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Mind 4, Biology Maxed Out, and Student Doctor Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 10

Doctor's Masters Degree: Your grasp of medical knowledge is that of a full fledged doctor. but you're still in your fellowship. You can provide excellent medical treatment on the base and your knowledge of the body is nearly flawless, but not perfect. You can even grasp alien biology fairly well, though not perfectly. You're capable of identifying some rare diseases and ailments as well. Your field treatment is extensive and you can identify wounds without medical equipment. Note: This must be completely maxed out before this ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Mind 6, Doctor's Bachelor Degree Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 10

Doctor: You're a full fledged doctor - capable of using the full extensive knowledge of your medical field. You can quickly learn alien biology and how to heal their bodies. You're capable of recognizing even the most uncommon of ailments. Your field treatment is flawless and all healing you do on the field has a 25% bonus. Note: This must be completely maxed out before this ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Mind 9, Doctor's Masters Degree Maxed Out, and General Science Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 10


Leadership: You're capable of motivating others to follow your command. This makes you a candidate for roles of more importance over others, and perhaps will serve as a stepping stone to creating your own unit. Note: This must be completely maxed out before this ability goes into effect. Prerequisite: Charisma 10 / Total Point Slots: 10


Cooking: You're capable of taking ingredients and making a meal for others to help increase their stamina and strength again. The more points you add into this ability, the better tasting your food becomes. Of course, you can leave it at 0 and kill others with your food. Prequisite: None / Total Point Slots: 10


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