

Reality Strikers


Previous TAWs

Health: 2 Stamina: 3
Strength: 3 Energy: 2
Speed: 2 Reflexes: 2
Perception: 2 Charisma: 2
Mind: 2 Luck: 1
Magik Offense: 0 Magik Defense: 0
Hand to Hand Combat: 2
Melee Weapons: 2
Ranged Weapons: 0
  • None
  • None
  • Primary Weapon: Longsword
  • Secondary Weapon: Steel Sheild
  • Special Item: Worn Templar Armor
Angel's Mark
  • Advantages:
  • Lvl 1: Advantage 1, Advantage 2, Advantage 3
  • Disadvantages:
  • Lvl 1: Disadvantage 1, Disadvantage 2, Disadvantage 3

Rynar Berne was born to the miller of a poor hamlet on the fringes of Church controlled lands. He spent his childhood running through the woods and fields of his home. As he grew older he began to help the farmers harvest wheat and his father in the mill. Though the Church was always a constant presence in his life but he never truly believed in its teachings. The local priest visited rarely and was a corrupt and lecherous man. When he was 12, Rynar decided to run away from home and try seeking his fortunes elsewhere in the world. He came to the country of Nuege picking up odd work and living in the streets of it’s capitol city for several years.

At 15, he was taken in by the Church to be a footman in the army of the Church. Rynar spent the next 3 years marching around the kingdom suppressing dissidence. His commander ordered some innocents burned and he followed through, but after the act it got to him and he left the service of the church, now does what he can in subtle means to undermine them. During his time as a footman he gained a reputation as a brawler, and spent much time being disciplined. At 18, on the fringes of the Church’s holdings, Rynar fled the encampment and hid in the forest
beginning a campaign to fight the church.

Now 21, Rynar returned to Matias, where he's originally from, and spends his time on the fringes of society, working as a field hand for money and fighting the Church’s oppression in small villages that remind him of his childhood. He tries to stay one step ahead of the Church, but sometimes falls behind or even falls into traps. He feels wrong for what he did in the name of the Church and is trying to correct it.

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TAW is © 1997-2010 Kevin T. Bell