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Anima J:


Anima J Attributes

Base Stats:

Special Weapon: Basic Lance

Power (PWR): 100

Energy (EGY): 30

Ore Armor (ARM): 10

Speed (SPD): 50

Skills (SKI): 10

Fist (FIST): 100

Foot (FOOT): 50

Slots: 3


Max Stats:

PWR: 550

EGY: 150

ARM: 150

SPD: 400

SKI: 100

FIST: 150

FOOT: 150

Slots: 6

Elemental: Fire / Weakness: Water / Strong: Ice



Fire Magic: Anima J is capable of using fire magic, but it can also channel any type of Fire Magic the user is capable of using as well. This allows it's user to channel whatever Fire spells they have learned into a more devastating form, but will eat up both energy from the Anima J and the user's magic energy. (1 Slot Point)

Special Fire Magic Attack*: Anima J can produce a giant inferno from the user's mana and strike an opponent (or opponents if they are smaller than the anima). This will drain all of the user's Godhood for an indefinite amount of time, but the attack will deal critical damage to people, landscape, etc. Prerequisite: Fire Magic (2 Slot Points - overrides Fire Magic )

Klutz: Anima J is a klutz and falls a lot despite the pilot. This skill helps the falling in half. (or one can simply increase their SKI points as well their FOOT to fix the problem) (1 Slot Point)

J is for Speed: This allows the Anima to move so fast it appears like a blur to others. It quickly burns through it's energy though so make sure you have a lot of energy on hand for this skill. Prerequisite: Kluts and SPD 300 (1 Slot Point - ovverides Klutz)

Anima Fusion: J can combine forces with another Anima (if that Anima and it's pilot accepts J) to form a larger anima that both pilots can then combine their abilities. The combined Anima takes the highest stats for each one as it's base stats. (If Anima ? has a higher Foot, then that Foot is what is chosen, etc.). (1 Slot Point)

J Lance: J forms a stronger lance of ore to do battle with, allowing for long ranged attacks while being a melee fighter. Melee and hand to hand fighters will especially get along with J when using the lance weapon. (Can throw the lance, fire lance beams, etc). (1 Slot Point)

J Lance v. 2: J forms a lance of ore to do battle with, allowing for long ranged attacks while being a melee fighter. Melee and hand to hand fighters will especially get along with J when using the lance weapon. This makes the lance twice as durable and does twice as much damage. Prerequisites: Lance Lv. 1, PWR 200 and EGY 80 (1 Slot Point - overrides Lv. 1)

Ultimate J Lance*: This creates a powerful ore lance that has energy like properties as well, allowing the user to strike for triple the damage and if they opt to sacrifice the lance, they can do a powerful drive motion and attempt to spear their enemy with the lance through a body part, and moments later it will explode, sending ore about. Prerequisite: J Lance v.2, PWR 350, EGY 150 (2 Slot Points)

Js: This creates a shade of J that's see throughish and not very tricky, but may fool people in the dark. The shade does no damage but mimics the moves of the first J, just at a set distance of the pilot's choice away from J. This basic form is meant as a distraction only. (1 Slot Point)

Js Are Cool: This creates a shade of J that's less see throughish and seems slightly more solid and it may fool people in hectic situations.. The shade does no damage but mimics the moves of the first J, just at a set distance of the pilot's choice away from J. This basic form is meant as a distraction only. Prerequisite: J's, EGY 150(1 Slot Point - overwrites J's)

J Squared*: This creates a duplicate of J that has half the stats of the original, but it can do damage. It will mimic the motions of the first J and can be set a certain distance away. It can also be given to another person to pilot by true J's pilot though the stats remained halved of course. Go gang bang! Prerequisite: J's Are Cool, PWR 300, SPD 200 (2 Slot Points - J's Are Cool)

J Power: Allows the Anima to form jetpacks to fly around the area at high speed, but it also oddly forms skiis. (1 Slot Point)

Angel Boost: Boosts any skill of your choice to do extra damage, or extended time, or extended useage. (1 Slot Point).

Anima Bond: Anima T can connect with one skill of the user's and make use of them. Write it in here. (1 Slot Point).



The Gears

Anima T

Anima D

Anima E

Anima C

Anima L

Anima J

Anima 2.0


TAW is © 1997-2018 Kevin T. Bell

TAW6 Special Thanks: Sara
Special Thanks: In Memory of Ryan Cross