

Reality Strikers


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Suisen/PAX Empire:

The Suisen Empire, sometimes called the PAX Empire due to the fact they brought down the PAX3 with it's corruption, was Erevis great empire that she rapidly expanded in the name of justice, to the fear of the galaxy. Having never married Megumi or Xanatos in this reality, despite Xanatos living, she expanded her influence greatly and took over many worlds that wanted her protection, and that made the other races try to kidnap her; it was finally settled and they ended up being made part of her Empire.

In the end, it mattered little when the Illiums took her and took over the Suisen Empire, leaving it in shatters. No one knows what happened to the throne of the Suisen Empire, the Empress' Paw - which is the Prime's version of the PAX. Do the Illiums have it, or is it wrecked somewhere in space?



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