

Reality Strikers


Previous TAWs

Act 1: Choices

Phase 0: Transitions

Phase 1: Choices

Phase 1.1: Prophecies

Phase 1.2: War

Phase 2: Divisions

Phase 3: Quests

- Phase 3.1: Tides

- Phase 3.2: Destiny

Phase 4: Darkness

Phase 5: Light

- Phase 5.1: Searching

- Phase 5.1.2: Events

- Phase 5.2: Headway

- Phase 5.3: Truths

Phase 6: Changes

Phase 7: Hunts

Phase 8: Preparations

Phase 9: Prophecies

- Phase 9.1: Holy

- Phase 9.2: Night

- Phase 9.3: The First Trinity

Phase 10: Godwar

Phase 11: Others

Act 2: Consequences

Mini Series: Heart of Terra


Date: 2389.3.23

Session 13: The Binding Strings of Fate

Location: The Kingdom of Navarro; Capital Navarro

In the great city of Navarro a tournament is about to begin, the last day for sign ups has come and Kaelan Di'neer finds herself at the back of a long line, with little to no hope of getting her name on the roster for the tournament. To her luck an old friend appears, coming in from behind her, the Templar Knight Zeal Silas, looking at the line with an equal dismay. Together the girls work to charm a fisherman named Dahok Fyro and cut in line to get their shot at signing up. The price they both pay is a date with the charming young fisherman, which the go on almost immediately after signing up. But not before they are accosted by another tournament entrant who has become impatient waiting for his turn. In an attempt at defending the honor of the women which borderlines lechery, Dahok manages to prevent conflict and keep his prospective ladies intact. The three then venture to a bar to enjoy some drinks, food and singing. What they find are two other youthful faces in the crowd. Valen Lankin and Rachael Hilund, two wilder sorts who after some introductions begin to befriend the trio. The three now formed into a group of five exchange pleasantries, getting to know one another.

As the evening tears on and a fight breaks out, one they manage to avoid thanks to the intervention of Zeal, the group decides to head to their respective places to rest. Kaelan urges Zeal to stay with her, eager to see more of her old friend and the woman to whom she owes her life. Dahok decides to accompany them while Valen and Rachael make their own way to an inn. Separating they make their ways off, and while Zeal is gone to report in to the church, Dahok and Kaelan find themselves witness to an attempted mugging by five toughs. Their targets are none other then Valen and Rachael. As Valen finds himself held by two thugs, Kaelan pushes Dahok into the fray and he 'clumsily' starts to deal with two of the thugs on his own. Valen breaks free of his two and fights them while the women move to take out the leader. Taking a blow to the privates from Rachael, the leader of the small gang decides retreat is their best strategy and the thugs all run off, leaving behind a bag of coins. Minus a victory fanfare the group shares thanks and coin before Zeal rejoins them.

After having to politely refuse Zeal and Kaelan's attempts to offer them better lodgings, Valen and Rachael make their way into a run down looking inn while the trio continue to Kaelan's inn, under her insistence. When they arrive a brash guard denies them entry and refuses to believe Kaelan is a part of her Lord's retinue. After some argument, which leads to insults directed at the three of them, Zeal leaves for the church in a huff, promising the smith's daughter she will see her again. Kaelan continues to insist on entry and eventually goes in on her own to get her parent to back her in letting Dahok in. Coming out a short time later with a slapped face and a damaged pride, she apologizes to Dahok and then to the guard, showing some humility, having forgotten her place as a commoner. The night goes on, tomorrow a tournament begins.

Date: 2389.3.24

Session 14: An Angel Falls From the Sky

Location: The Kingdom of Navarro; Capital Navarro

The day of the tournament arrives as Zeal finds herself accompanied by a ward of the temple, young Karen. While discussing the girl's future amongst the templars the others can be seen nearby, Kaelan and Dahok waiting to be called for their assignments for the tournament. Zeal is assigned to the first archery match, which is a test of hitting a far target, while Dahok winds up matched against the oaf from the previous day who insulted the girls. Meanwhile Kaelan finds to her dismay that her very first opponent is no one else but Lord Kalo, the brash Lord to whom her father owes his daily bread. Lord Kalo orders Kaelan to throw the match to him while Dahok and the thug actually wind up chiding one another in a somewhat friendly manner.

Valen and Rachael watch from the crowd as Zeal passes the first round of the archery tournament, striking a target around 150 meters away. The two are impressed with the feat of agility and skill, and they turn to the next event, the match between Kaelan and Kalo. Kaelan dodges the very first blow and Lord Kalo in angry threatens her family's livelihood if she dodges again. In response she obeys, blocking his blows instead of dodging, attempting to explain she simply means to put up a decent fight before throwing the match doesn't seem to do anything but anger her Lord. Kalo becomes almost murderous, wanting to exact punishment on Kaelan who does her very best to avoid damage, before she can throw the match Kalo stabs her in the shoulder, twisting the blade to deepen the damage to the girl. She concedes defeat and carries herself off the battlefield to be treated, Valen and Rachael pick up on the strange way the fight went, suspecting what actually happened. Rachael excuses herself to freshen up and Valen heads down to check up on his friends.

Kaelan's wound is treated for the high price of every coin she has, while Zeal in concern attempts to get the medics to treat her better. Kaelan refuses to even acknowledge her injury, too proud to let herself be seen as weak while the others check up on her. Dahok learns he has a few hours to kill before his match due to the high sun intermission. As they begin to talk a young boy approaches Valen and delivers a note, it's a ransom letter for the gold the group earned off the thugs the previous day, a ransom for Rachael. Valen rushes off to her rescue, Dahok and Kaelan following without hesitation, Kaelan insisting she can help despite her injury. Zeal follows after sending Karen off to get help from the Templars.

As they race across town, they find themselves cut off by Lord Kalo and his men, who are crowding a street to view wares in the marketplace. Valen attempts to talk his way around them while Kaelan displays a subdued look about herself. Zeal manages to convince the man to move on by pointing out a fresh fruit stand. As they run on the group happens upon a stable with horses and the guard distracted. The group heads into the stables and Valen, the only trained horse master hops on a steed and rushes off while the rest of the group struggles to mount. As they begin to give up the guard returns and tries to arrest them. Dahok moves to a window and starts to make his way through it, while the two girls escape when the guard attempts to pursue him. They run into the streets, becoming separated as they make their way based on what the note said.

Dahok arrives at the edge of town and heads across the fields as the note directed. Kaelan, who didn't read the note, is lucky to spot him as she catches up and makes chase, the two make it across the field and to the enemy camp only to find that Valen has been captured the the four remaining thugs are arguing over who gets to have their way with Rachael. Dahok uses the presence of a scorpion monsters to distract the guards, who move to attack him instead of the monster. Kaelan sneaks around and frees Valen, who then rushes to Rachael's rescue, the leader of the group having taken Rachael off to have his way with her. Kaelan charges the distracted guards from behind and dispatches one, one already taken out by the monster. As Dahok dodges for his life, the remaining guard turns to attack Kaelan, but finds himself victim to the scorpion. Kaelan finds herself face to face with a monster, and Dahok comes to her rescue, distracting the monster. As Dahok gets the beast to turn around Kaelan attacks it's tail and cleaves it off, killing the monster. Valen executes the leader with his own sword and frees Rachael. The group, now victorious, decide to wait by the fire till morning, the fire is the only thing that will keep the monsters at bay during the night.

Zeal meanwhile marches out on her own across the field to find the group, and instead finds a horde of angry monsters. Zeal stubbornly attempts to fight them off, while the group takes a while to realize she is in any danger, as Zeal falls, they are alerted by her cry of anger and the field catching fire by her torch. The group rushes to her rescue and after Valen valiantly pulls her from the flames, they work together to treat Zeal's wounds. Just as they have her settled something seems to fall from the sky in a shower of colors, reflections from the satellite asteroids in the sky above. It hits the planet with a mighty blast, and as if under some spell the group rushes to see what it is, remarking of the prophecy of the Fallen Angel. Reaching into the pit they find a woman in strange garb, clutching a metal object. Zeal moves in to kill the Angel, but the group holds her off and wakes the woman. As she wakes, Zeal's zealous need to destroy the woman fades, and the group meets Jean Al'ryl, a woman from the sky. Sensing danger approaching, as all the city was witness to the sky fall, the group rushes to get Jean out of the crater and away to safety. They run away from the approaching authorities with the one promised to bring about the end of the world in their care.

Date: 2389.3.24

Session 15: Threads - Part 1

Location: The Kingdom of Navarro; Capital Navarro

We glimpse the future, as Valen leads his team of heroes through the streets, Kaelan, Rachael, and Jean following his lead. They step into the town square in Navarro to find a man about to be executed, Kaelan's father, Tam Di'neer. The clergy offer a reprieve if only the heroes will step forward and hand over the Fallen Angel to them, they convict Tam of treason, conspiring with his daughter to bring about the fall of the Kingdom by aiding the Fallen Angel. Kaelan stands looking on in horror as she struggles between the love for her father and loyalty to her friends. Valen cautions her of the trap, and the team tries to contemplate how Zeal could betray them. Kaelan keeps her silence in the end, going so far as to stop Jean from turning herself in to save Tam. The two look at each other as the sound of the axe falling can be heard...

As they flee the authorities, the party falls prey to the efforts of pursuit, arrows strike Dahok and Kaelan. Kaelan runs on despite the pain, and seeing no way of helping Dahok, whom has fallen and is quickly overtaken by the horsed knights. As they run, Zeal uses some inks to blacken Jean's hair, disguising the blonde hair that was described in the prophecy. The party rushes onwards in the dark, finding themselves stopped at a river, Valen urges the group forwards and into the water. The horse, unable to take the current is swept up by it, the party flying downstream as they're swept up, with Valen swimming after them. They find a bridge and manage to scramble up it, Valen saving Kaelan from an icy fate as she's too far gone from her injuries to react in time. The soaking party, still reeling from events, push onwards into a wood, hoping to escape the chill of the wind, which is made worse by the water soaking into their skin. They settle deep into the trees and start a fire to get some rest, while drying they begin to discuss matters, beliefs, and why they are all doing what they do. Kaelan begins to speak blasphemy, expressing a strong lack of belief in the gods, and as though answering her words, rain threatens to fall on them.

The conversation turns towards the dangers of the Fallen Angel, and Jean seems to take the tone of their conversation as blame, feeling that she is cursed.

Date: 2389.3.25

When they wake in the morning she is gone, having left them a note in her strange language. The team rises and finds that she is very easy to track, not understanding stealth in the slightest. They travel over the land for hours before crossing into the plains outside a village. They face a Tiger Monster who charges them, the three skilled with ranged weapons take shots while Kaelan stands on guard. When Valen orders to finish it off, Kaelan takes the command as one for herself, and approaches the beast. The beast strikes a final blow, biting into Kaelan's foot, leaving it nearly crippled. Kaelan kills the monster in retaliation. After wrapping the girl's foot and Rachael cooking the group a meal of tiger meat, they continue onto the village.

At the village they find quite the commotion surrounding Jean, who has been using her mysterious healing powers to heal people in the village. The village has mistaken the girl for a Church official, since they can use such powerful magic, thanks to her disguise. The party moves in on the proceedings and Kaelan's foot is healed by the eager Jean, who enjoys showing off her abilities. The village offers the party food, drink, and a place to stay and they accept, just as Jean passes out from exhaustion. They take her to the safety of a hut and plan out what to do next. Zeal shows her compassion for Jean, and her self conscience in not wanting to hurt what seems to be a perfectly innocent girl, while Kaelan's simple motivation of wanting an adventure, and life free of Kalo becomes exposed. Kaelan agrees that she cannot put her father at risk by accompanying the Angel. The two agree to part ways come the morning, as they all need to head back to Navarro for multiple reasons, they agree to take one last trip together as well.

Date: 2389.3.26

Session 16: Threads - Part 2

Location: Rukon

Morning arrives and brings with it Templars, enquiring about the party to the villagers. Seeing these hunters from their hut, the party plans escape, Zeal stepping out to use her Templar position to attempt to hold off the guards, the others escaping out the back. As Zeal attempts to hold them off, she finds herself knocked out from the power of a strange talisman, as the girl is carted off the others find themselves avoiding searching guards, using a thatch work hut to mount the wall in the back of the town and climb over it to safety. As they do, they hear over the wall the remarks of the guards, and learn that Kaelan's identity is already known to the Templars and that her father has been arrested and set to be executed shortly, Kaelan's desire to return to her father only increases. They run into nearby trees for shelter only to meet a deer-like monster. Between the innocently brave Jean and the efforts of Valen, the monster is actually tamed and mounted, the four remaining members of the group using their new mount to quickly ride for Navarro. Under disguise, making it seem that Jean is blind to hide her eyes under a cloth and disguising Kaelan's features with a cloak and hood, having her pose as an elderly woman, they manage to slip through the guards.

Once inside they find little time to set up a base in an inn, because word of the immanent death of Tam Di'neer is already spreading far and wide. The group travels, as we have seen before, swiftly through the town to witness the moment of execution. The blade falls, taking the life of Kaelan's father in an instant, and as the rage swells inside Kaelan, the mockery of what has happened comes to light. Lord Kalo is revealed as both the accuser and the executioner of the master blacksmith, and he stands proudly in his deeds. Kaelan nearly loses it, and begins to rant quietly as Jean tries to take responsibility for what has happened, when Kaelan remarks that Tam will only be the first of many to die, Jean runs off in fright. Rachael and Kaelan are sent to find a place to stay while Valen pursues the girl.

Zeal finds herself in a carriage riding into Navarro with Karen sitting with her, explaining a document which will implicate her allies and grant amnesty to the Templar woman. Zeal looks over the words and attempts to talk her way out of the ordeal, while Kaelan and Rachael spot her passing by. The two spend slightly too long discussing the merits of rescuing Zeal, before Kaelan sets herself to the task, stealing a horse right out from under a man to catch up to the carriage. They arrive in time to watch Zeal go along with the demands of the church, preaching the evils of the Fallen Angel and her allies. Valen meanwhile traces Jean towards the Coliseum and has a bad run in with a group of thugs interested in relieving him of his belongings. As Valen is about to have to face them head on, an amazing occurrence strikes when the statue of the God Azamo breaks from the coliseum, looking for the Destroyer. Grabbing anything female and blonde it can see, it inspects them and casts them aside looking for Jean, who is both nearby Valen and thankfully still disguised. Valen grabs the startled girl and heads for the inn. Rachael and Kaelan march over to Zeal as she gives a dramatic speech about how she cannot stand for the church's injustices any longer, and nearly gracefully swept up by Kaelan, makes her exit atop a horse while the crowds and guards are distracted due to a giant statue storming about the town.

The group meets back and moves to the run down inn Valen and Rachael stayed at the first night, they all lay down to rest, Rachael and Valen making plans to complete their own mission after nightfall.

Date: 2389.3.27

Session 17: Threads - Part 3

Location: Inn

As the Glittering shines in the night sky, the group rouses and makes their way out of the inn. In the dead of night, patrols everywhere and with Azamo still hunting Jean in the form of a statue, the group makes their way back towards the inner city and the church. While readying to break into the hall of records, for that is where the wilder couple needs to go, they happen upon Dahok, who is restrained and held under Templar command. The group rushes to his aid to free him, Kaelan miscalculating and striking a blow that leads to one of the guard's deaths. The group together binds the subdued guards and then makes their way into the hall of records. Inside Dahok discovers a list of Digger locations and Valen finds the document he is after. While they are inside, a dark figure with a glow moves in and grabs something, not detecting the group as he makes his way out, relieved and ready to leave, the party moves to leave when the ceiling comes crashing down. Azamo reaches in, seeking the Fallen Angel, and the only blonde currently in the party is captured by the stone hands. Kaelan fights against it's grasp, while the party attempts to stop it by firing at the giant golem god's eyes. Azamo determines Kaelan is not the Angel, but senses deep disbelief in the gods within her. Before he can make a judgment on the poor woman, the team scores a hit and Kaelan is thrown out of sight.

Refusing to allow another to die for her, Jean vanishes from the group, cushioning the fall of Kaelan by catching her, while the others make their escape. A giant statue and Templars alike attempt to close in on the group as they make a run for the gates. Kaelan makes a leap of faith into a cart of melons to get herself and an unconscious Jean off the rooftops and to safety. Before she does this, a nighttime climber passes by her and leaps away, brave enough to travel in such a roguish manner during a night like this. The team split and takes side streets to avoid pursuit, meeting up near the gates to find them guarded. Zeal however brings the templars with her, and Azamo catches up, going after the only present blonde girl again, much to Kaelan's happy discovery. Narrowly escaping, they attempt to get free of the guards while Valen, Rachael, and Zeal head towards the city wall. Zeal manages to infuriate the monster enough to throw an entire house at the girl, the three try to avoid the crashing house but are buried by rubble. Jean attempts to distract Azamo while Dahok and Kaelan dig out their friends. Azamo tosses another house right on top of Jean and declares her dead. The god abandons the stone warrior, leaving the knights alone, Jean pulls herself from the wreckage, damaged but alive, and together the party rushes out the hole in the wall created by flying homes.

Carried off by their loyal steed, the deer monster, the party travels far from the city to lick their wounds, but not after Kaelan shows her lack of experience on a mount and falls off, knocking her out. They all gather about a fire after cleaning wounds and enjoying the benefits of Jean's healing aura. They make plans to head towards the frozen northern regions, away from Navarro and it's influences, hoping to find some degree of peace for a while.

Date: 2389.3.28

Session 18: The Journey Begins

Location: Campsite

Feeling somewhat refreshed the next morning, the party readies to go while Dahok, Jean and Kaelan give away a large portion of inexperience as they leap into the cold waters of the pond they have camped by in order to clean. Having to take time to dry and warm by the fire when they discover just how cold being wet can be in the lands north of the city, they discuss what they'll have to do to ready for travel in such cold lands. After striking out aboard their faithful monstrous mount, now called Solomon, the group races along until stopping to rest outside a strange, dark wood. They are tempted with singing and the promise of shiny objects to enter the wood, however those with a bit of sense see the dangers of the woods and recommend they keep going. Dahok, who is easily tempted by the shiny objects is coaxed away with the combined efforts of Kaelan and Valen. They move away from the wood to look for a spot to rest Solomon at. Approaching a small copse of trees, the group is attacked by a bear.

The bear proves ferocious, the group manages to take down the bear with some injury to Valen. As the bear looks near death, Valen recommends putting the beast out of it's misery, however Jean expresses an interest in keeping the monster alive, attempting to heal it. While Kaelan stands guard over the Angel, a smaller bear comes out of the wood whining for it's dying mother. Kaelan becomes visibly disturbed when they realize they killed a mother and left a child helpless. Jean 'adopts' the bear monster for her own and starts to calm the child while Valen finishes the mother off to end her suffering. The group begins to make camp while Valen skins and carves the bear, Dahok and Kaelan go off to find firewood. In the woods, Dahok inquires about Kaelan's troubles, and she reveals her horror over making the monster child into an orphan, just days after she herself became one. As they talk they're attacked by a scorpion monster, Kaelan hesitating to kill it when she realizes it has young as well. She finally gives in, in favor of Dahok's safety and cuts it's tail, the two together finish off the monster and head back.

Date: 2389.3.29

The next day the group reaches Thome, the northernmost city of Navarro, preparing to move into Nuege. When they see guards checking people out, they decide to redouble disguises to avoid the attention of authorities. Jean's hair is darkened more and the bear covered in a cloak, while Kaelan is convinced to cut her hair short so that she can have it dyed with herbs. She takes some convincing, looking like she takes a personal blow to her pride as she cuts her own hair, the group then heads through and discovers they have at least for now, come ahead of the word of their crimes and the Fallen Angel. The team splits up to shop before meeting at an inn.

Date: 2389.3.30

Session 19: Northward Bound

Location: Thome

The party rises and Valen and Rachael decide on a plan of action, to acquire a horse and head northward. They gather the group, Jean and Zeal having spent the night in a separate room with Jean's new pet bearoar named Baby, Kaelan and Dahok in another room as well. After some disagreement over how to use their pooled money, mostly from the protests of Zeal, the group begins to file out, Valen, Rachael, Kaelan and Dahok going out to shop for supplies. As they start to split up, discussing still what they should do, some Templars come into view, flashing new wanted posters containing the likenesses of Dahok, Zeal and Kael, and poor representations of Valen, Rachael and Jean. Valen and Rachael hurry on to the armor shop to pick up Valen's armor while Kaelan, disguised thanks to cutting her hair, rushes to warn Dahok that he's a dead giveaway. Kaelan, Dahok, and Zeal barter with the shopkeeper at the general store when the keep tries to raise the price on tents on them. Successful in getting him to back down in price, Kaelan and Dahok rush to a clothing shop to finish grabbing supplies and a cloak to hide Dahok, while Zeal matches wits with the shopkeeper over her own money pouch.

Valen gets his armor as Rachael looks over the goods in the shop, when Rachael notices something is wrong, they lost track of Jean. As Kaelan and Dahok start to make off with their gear, they run into trouble, a Templar steps into the clothing shop to question them and starts to recognize Dahok. Dahok attempts to throw the man off by kissing Kaelan, only to bring to attention her femininity and cause the guard to match them both as suspects. Dahok falls back to the simpler option of punching the guard and knocking him out, the two then rush off to join the others. Valen and Rachael finally come upon Jean as they meet back up with Zeal, Jean is entertaining a crowd by making Baby do tricks and dancing for their amusement, all in all a decent piece of street theater. As Dahok and Kaelan meet up with the others the alert goes out, the guards now aware of their presence, the group tries to think of a way to get out of the city without having to fight the guards, when a stranger runs up and misdirects the templars away from the gate and into the city away from the group. Valen and Kaelan recognize him as a man they met earlier, and Zeal remembers him as the stranger they met in the Navarro archives. Saving those thoughts for another time, they quickly move through the gates with a little fast talking to the remaining guards and strike out northward.

Some distance away from the city the group is happened upon by a group of bandits who demand a tax from them. Before the thieves can get to them, Rachael and Jean are sent away on Solomon for their protection. After negotiating with the bandits for their gold, the group is left without having to fight for their lives and they rush to catch up to the two aboard Solomon, hoping the bandits did not cause them any harm. They discover Solomon near a group of caves and shortly afterwards, the girls. Jean finds one of the caves to be very disturbing, stating there is a great power within it. They decide in their wisdom to avoid the cave and make camp some ways away in another cave for the night. As everyone is settling down for the night, Dahok taking some sword lessons from Kaelan, a cry rends the air. Zeal having wandered away from the group has been caught by a demon and her blood drained, when the others rush to her rescue the monster runs off into the night, they carry her back towards the camp with worry growing.

Stardate: 10-591.12.29

Spotlight Session 1: Leyaeh's Big Case

Location: Leyaeh's Quarters

Leyaeh wakes to an average morning on the early shift for Security. After getting ready for her day and entering the security area to find herself the only one on the job for the moment, she is surprised to hear some noises from the office. Busting in like a true cop, she finds Ao plotting against Xanatos. After a witty exchange between the Famfrit and the Progenitor, Leyaeh gets distracted by a call. Katrina asks her to come down to the bar to discuss a situation, and Leyaeh answers with enthusiasm. It seems someone has stolen twenty fish from a shipment to the bar and Katrina can't figure out who would do it. Leyaeh decides to follow the trail, asking other merchants about the problem, namely Dawn. Dawn enthusiastically talks in as minimal a fashion as possible and checks her... his shipment to discover that a case of catnip brownies have gone missing. Finding the clues pointing to a Famfrit, and well aware of how many are on the ship, she calls in SPoC to aid her in the investigation as she heads to the hangar's loading docks and customs area. Elwyn joins Leyaeh on the case to avoid serving Chad food.

The two arrive at the docks and Elwyn is attacked by Billy, who tries to make Elwyn look like a child abuser. After this fun is explored a bit, Billy lets slip that she heard noises during the night and Leyaeh pushes her for information. Billy educates the security officers, SPoC having joined in at this point, that checking the security cameras is a constructive way to solve crimes. The duo having grown into a group of four, they all go to the security office. Leyaeh inspects the recordings of the previous night after a little effort and discovers a ten minute period where security lost track of customs. Leyaeh calls in Chad Winters for his expert help analyzing the loss of video and he determines that someone must have interfered with the camera or disrupted CHIP somehow. While they discuss who could have done it, a tip comes into security by way of a snitching Famfrit who demands money in exchange for information on a drug dealer who's selling, you guessed it, fish laced with catnip.

While Leyaeh tries to negotiate with him, the vigilante team of Billy and Elwyn track down the informant and tackle the information out of him. Elwyn promises him food from the soup kitchen and even gives him a kiss and five credits. Leyaeh joins them and together the three move down an alley, a street actually named The Alley to find the culprit. The Famfrit selling wacky fish makes a run for it when he sees Leyaeh in her security uniform, how simply shoots him with a stun shot to take him down, causing him to fall painfully. As they escort the fallen thief back to medical, where Jennifer gives Leyaeh a dirty look for what she perceives as excessive force, Elwyn and Leyaeh have a disagreement over the dangers of catnip. Leyaeh sees it as no better then a narcotic because of what it can do to young famfrits, and worse yet to her, it's not restricted, Elwyn however disagrees with her. Leyaeh interrogates the thief, trying to find out how he disrupted security, and the thief opts for jail time over letting his secret slip.

Later on after thinking for the rest of her shift, Leyaeh decides there has to be much more to this then the simple robbery, and she feels that the thief is protecting someone else. However she also sees a definite issue with the rising class war and realizes she's had it very easy compared to most of the Famfrit living on the PAX. Resolving to do a much better job for them and to devote time to making the situation better, she walks off to go have a heart to heart with the out of luck thief.

Meanwhile, in darkness, someone plots... this is only the beginning of something much larger, possibly too large for just one security officer.

Date: 2389.3.30

Session 20: Over Zealous

Location: Cave

The group carries the injured Zeal back to camp, and while trying to treat her wound they discuss the possibility of the old tales being true, that being bitten by a demon will turn you into a monster. Considering the option of killing Zeal before that can happen is flatly refused by Kaelan, who will hear nothing of it. Jean changes in personality radically as she informs them that killing the monster will save Zeal. When they begin to say it's impossible at how fast the creature got away, she resolves to go after it alone, though with some argument the group accompanies her, using Zeal to track down the monster. They enter the cave that Jean once feared so much and move into the darkness, which becomes illuminated when Jean summons flame into her hand out of thin air. Going deeper into the cave the come upon an area so caked with the blood of the dead that Jean slips down a slip into the darkness, and after some clumsy shock from the sudden darkness the rest follow with Dahok's leg cut by Valen's saber.

When they reach the bottom they scramble up to find themselves in a pit of skulls, Jean's illumination reveals this, and the monster. A bloody fight ensues, leaving Kaelan with a broken arm, Dahok with a stabbed shoulder and Valen with several scratches of his own. Zeal is saved from becoming a monster but finds her weakness upsetting, almost as upsetting as Jean is when she snaps out of her strange new personality and returns to her child like state, in horror over finding herself in a pit of skulls and blood. The group emerges after an hour of climbing out, taking a chest of treasure with them. As they all sit to clean up, lick their wounds, and receive some healing from the Angel, Kaelan gets the chest open to reveal a human head inside, which disturbs her deeply, Valen however happily digs through the head to find the real prize, gold and a gem. Zeal expresses her feelings of weakness and her abject self hatred over her inexperience, Valen giving her a talk about learning and being more careful about how she acts, extending it to Kaelan, who agrees as well.

Date: 2389.4.1 to 2389.4.3

The next morning the party wakes late in the day, having needed more rest the usual, they pack up and eventually all of them bathe, and they set out once again, heading further north. Two days pass and slowly they continue to recover, the worst injury, Kaelan's showing no visible improvement. However they do make some distance, and as a storm grows on the horizon the group looks for shelter, finding it in a shabby but abandoned group of shacks surrounding a cage. Suspecting the place belongs to bandits, the group takes precautions as they settle down to rest. Zeal takes the first watch.

Date: 2389.4.4

Session 21: Aspiring to be More, But Always Being Kaelan

Location: Unknown

Kaelan awakens in the mud and feeling a terrible pain in the head, unable to remember what happened to her after falling asleep that night. She investigates the area to find horse tracks leading to her and away from her, following the tracks, she begins to remember what occurred.

The group was settled in, resting when out of the rain came, as they had feared, a group of bandits. Surrounding them in the shack, the leader stood gloatingly over them, promising to sell them off and take all they had. When he realized they were with Jean, the Fallen Angel, he began to get violent. His men, becoming nervous in the company of the Angel and a monster with her, attacked Baby as the negotiations broke out into a fight. Valen cuts out the eye of the leader as Dahok and Kaelan, along with the arrows of Zeal, start to take down thugs. Jean, seeing her new baby bearoar fall, screams in rage, there is an explosion of gore, the world turns black for Kaelan...

Traveling on, she finds the group of shacks the party stayed in, approaching the shacks carefully, Kaelan overhears the slavers discussing what they will do with their prisoners. Kaelan decides to act, the slavers are busy with Valen, Zeal and Dahok, who are restrained. Zeal, the only one conscious starts to pick a fight with the guard interested in her, and Kaelan attempts to get a hold of the leader as a hostage. A misjudgment, as the leader is far too skilled to fall for it, she quickly finds herself on the end of a sword, her shoulder pierced again. Kaelan remembers more of what occurred...

The blackness recedes, the world becomes clear to Kaelan again and she uses the moment of distraction to strike down another slaver. Then things quickly go badly for the team, Dahok and Valen are beaten back, Zeal is knocked out, as Jean and Rachael are saved by Solomon, who runs off into the night. He does not however save them in time, as the leader manages to place his dagger in Rachael's back. Slavers pursue them on horseback. Kaelan finds herself thrown right out a window, landing and catching sight of the horses. She begins to make her escape when she sees Dahok in trouble, foolishly she moves to help the man who is trying to stall for her and gets punched in the face. Stumbling, she runs for the horses and mounts one, riding off, a single slaver rides after her, knocking her off her horse. She falls, loosing consciousness, the slaver takes her things and decides she's dead, heading back to his mates.

Pushed into the men, Valen uses the sword sticking out of her to get out of his bonds. Kaelan flashes in a moment of skill, kicking the leader in his privates and causing him to topple, she goes after a dagger while Valen and Dahok get loose, as they get Zeal loose and start to take on the slavers, Kaelan finds herself at the sole attention of the leader. He comes after her with powerful swings, Kaelan does her best to keep away, unable to match him. Just as the others join her fight, Kaelan finds herself cut deeply down the shoulder, slumping down. After a complicated moment where the leader nearly kills Dahok with the dagger Kaelan managed to throw into him, the fight ends, with the leader dead.

Rachael and Jean return on Solomon, and emergency healing is given out, however Kaelan's wounds are mortal and Jean isn't strong enough to help her after helping Rachael. They ride quickly for the nearest city, carrying an increasingly feverish Kaelan. When they arrive they leave her in the mercy of a doctor and settle down for the night, hoping for better times to come.

Stardate: 10-591.12.30

Spotlight Session 2: Petey Pete's Private Dick Case

Location: The Base

Peter starts a routine day when he receives a mysterious message on his datapad containing a picture of one of his old mates back from the mafia days. The unfortunate detail in the image is the bullet hole in his friend's head and the general dead state of the man. Peter decides he needs to head back to the homestead in order to find out what's going on. Recruiting John, Tsukiyomi and Tabetha on his quest, he takes a trip to the shuttle port and further on to the old Ireland District, his old stomping grounds. Upon arriving Peter is shot in the shoulder by a hidden sniper, a gunfight breaks out between the sniper and the team. Thanks to Key's ingenuity, and two well placed shots from Peter and Tabetha, the glass above the sniper is shot down causing the man to fall to his death. Peter identifies the man as a mafia hit man and the group makes themselves scarce before the authorities arrive.

Peter takes the group to the old mate's flat to check for clues, and heading up on his own, Peter soon falls to a trap. An explosive set into the flat's door explodes, nearly killing Peter and placing him in critical condition. Spotting the bomber, John orders one of the girls to stay and heads after the man. Tsukiyomi follows her man and Tabetha stays behind to make sure Peter gets medical attention. When the medics and police arrive and see a bombed building, they immediately arrest Tabetha, suspecting the NGD of being a terrorist. John and Key meanwhile chase down the real bomber and tackle him for information. They learn that the man was working for someone who blames Peter for the death of his brother, who overdosed on drugs given to him by Peter's 'family'.

Key is forced to rescue Tabetha from the police station where she's being held for questioning, and the three steal a police car and start an exciting chase as they drive to the hospital Peter is being kept at to intercept his killer. John rushes to Peter's rescue while Key and Tabetha are arrested again. Peter is out of commission from the encounter and the girls are rescued by Darien's intervention, getting them out of jail and taking them home.

Date: 2389.4.5

Session 22: Doctors, Digs and Dahok

Location: Turonia - Inn

The group rises the next morning somewhat refreshed, seeking a place to clean off and wash their clothes. They find the town is having a water shortage and they have to use a public fountain. As the group makes their way to the fountain, Zeal goes to check on Kaelan. Kaelan has been treated and healed by the doctor, however now having to deal with a slightly bent nose from having it broken. Kaelan seems just happy to be alive and very thankful for the group's help. The two say their thanks to the very grumpy doctor who's more then happy to see the back of them. They join the group, who are starting to wash, Valen, Dahok and Jean already washing, Rachael soon joining them, thanks to an old woman who kindly speaks on their behalf, gawkers are deterred from staring. Kaelan eagerly joins in the festivities, while Zeal shows a usual reluctance to expose herself in public, choosing to stay back and wait for the others.

Kaelan attempts to lure her in, however finds herself defeated when a child's remark shows her own lack of confidence in her deteriorating appearance. Rachael let's everyone know of a tavern she found, notably the same one Dahok was at the previous evening, where they can get a hot meal. Zeal, Jean, and Kaelan stay behind to bathe once Rachael leaves with the boys, after which they all meet at the tavern for a meal. During the meal Zeal brings up her desire to melt down her swords, masterwork pieces made by Kaelan's father. Kaelan appears shocked at first, but after a bit of talking seems to settle on the reasoning for such an act, covering their tracks. The meal becomes slightly awkward for some of the group who would rather not join into what could become an argument, but afterward they gather up the things they've collected and intend to sell, and head to a Blacksmith. Kaelan leads the discussion with her fellow tradesman in selling the gear and having a weapon commissioned for Zeal using the old blades.

Dahok meanwhile stays behind at the inn to watch Jean, and hijinks ensue as Jean escapes her room and onto the roof. After an exciting chase up onto the roof with her, Dahok takes a seat to show off his abilities at impersonating a giant bird for people to gawk at, Jean in lap. The others come to see the spectacle, and an intoxicated Jean leaps off the roof and right onto Solomon's back, with Dahok dropping with her valiantly. Jean expresses her desire to go to the Digger site with Dahok, and when Zeal tries to stop her, the cheerful Angel goads Solomon into escaping with her and the Fisherman on his back. The others follow on horseback, with Zeal running after them, and they meet up at the dig site. Trying to obtain a way in, Kaelan and Dahok distract the local diggers while Valen attempts some thievery to get one of their passes. In the end Jean cuddles up a digger and sneaks his pass. The group heads back to town to figure out how they can get into the dig site as a group, splitting up to check out the Monster Hunters Guild and the Diggers Guild respectively.

Date: 2389.4.6

Session 23: Valen Digs into the Guilds

Location: Turonia - Guild

Valen, Rachael, Jean and Zeal investigate the Monster Hunters guild and get a better idea of how the guild works, while Dahok and Kaelan approach the Digger's Guild to learn more about Diggers and how the guild runs. Kaelan is hit by a drive by horse, furthering her bad luck, leaving Dahok to find things out on his own. Taking the two fallen back to the inn the group discusses what their plan of action is while Kaelan and Jean rest. Later that evening, Jean sneaks out on her own, appearing to have been listening to the group talk. She shifts into the Angel personality and moves for the Dig Site all on her own, searching for "answers." Eager to follow, but careful about doing it, the group moves to the Digger's Guild building under the cover of darkness. Breaking the lock, Valen and Dahok make their way inside to look for licences, Kaelan uses her smith experience to repair the lock while the two work to cover their tracks. The group nearly bites the bullet when a passing guard notices something suspicious, but Rachael charms the guard and takes him to a nearby tavern for a drink or three.

The group forges passes, setting Valen, Dahok, and Zeal as Diggers and Rachael, Jean and Kaelan as their respective apprentices. Deed done, they meet back up with Rachael at the tavern, discovering her drunk from keeping the guard busy. Mounting up on Solomon and Blackie, the group heads out to the ruins to follow Jean. Arguing over who is to go in, Dahok and Valen show very different opinions about what they should do, Valen eventually heading in with Rachael and Zeal, leaving Kaelan and Dahok outside. Dahok returns the pass that Jean stole as best he can. The others make their way into the ruins to find Jean, passing the guards with their licences. Dahok declares he's going to follow them in shortly thereafter.

Date: 2389.4.6

Session 24: Ruination or Salvation? - Part 1

Location: Turonia - Ruins

The three inside the ruins follow Jean's tracks to a dead end, where she is desperately trying to find a seemingly nonexistent doorway. After some searching and testing, they find a secret door at the end of the hall that it seems no one else has discovered. They make their way carefully into the dark crevice the door leads into. Meanwhile Dahok and Kaelan attempt to get into the ruins, Kaelan having to stay behind because her "Master", Zeal, is already inside. As soon as Dahok enters the ruins, the guards draw on Kaelan, declaring her under arrest. Kaelan resists in panic and ends up taking a horrible cut into her arm. As they bind the girl up, they comment on how foolish the two must be, thinking they could enter the same dig site they just so short a time ago visited without being real Diggers. They amass the diggers and guards and head inside after Dahok.

The rest of the group make their way through a dark and narrow passage into a hidden room, short on oxygen but filled with ancient records in a strange tongue. Jean, seemingly able to read them, rifles through them in a desperate search for "the answers" she knows she needs, but doesn't know what to look for. She seems desperate, and her time is short both in possession and due to the lack of fresh air in the unventilated room. Above, Dahok is chased into the ruins by guards, attempting to hide, he's quickly found and begins to fight his way through the diggers and guards alike. Outside, Kaelan manages to convince one of her two guards to go check on the others because they are taking too long, attempting to sweet talk the remaining guard fails, but distracts the guard long enough for Solomon to attack him. The man fights back, previously injuring Solomon in the fight, while taking near fatal damage himself. Kaelan frees herself from her bonds and dispatches the man, rushing to find medicine to save her arm. She returns to find Solomon taking his last breaths. She curses her thoughtlessness on his condition and beings to mourn.

Dahok escapes from the guards and down another passage, finding the path the team took into the new section of the ruins, he struggles to find his way to them in the terrible dark. The group hears the rising commotion and moves out to check on what's happening, finding Dahok. A series of revelations occurs as Angel starts to lose her grip on Jean, who senses the deaths of Solomon and the digger who was guarding Kaelan. She begins to panic as the group feels sorrow for Solomon's passing. Valen finds himself filled with anger over Dahok and Kaelan's foolishness, swearing to have a serious talk with them when they're all safe, they ready to fight their way out of the ruins.

Date: 2389.4.6

Session 25: Ruination or Salvation? - Part 2

Location: Turonia - Ruins

The group is forced deeper and deeper into the ruins as they are chased by the Diggers and guards. In the darkness they find a pillar of sorts as Jean climbs the pillar, finding something familiar about this, continuing to follow her urges on blind faith. As monsters in the darkness close in on the party, Jean activates something, and a blinding light fills the room. Outside, Kaelan spots some diggers making their way out of the ruins and towards the town to warn the guards there about the party and their evil ways. Kaelan makes a rather sad attempt at taming Blackie and eventually mounts the horse to give chase, already far behind them, heading along after them, she stops to see an amazing light part from the glittering and into the ruins. Abandoning her chase, she turns back to the ruins to investigate.

Down below, the part finds the light clearing and to their surprise, an incredibly tall, silvery figure standing before them. The God Harbinger stands there, ready to greet the Angel, whom he foresaw coming to these ruins in order, as he claims, to steal the power of the world. In his monologue to the heroes, Harbinger reveals that the prophecies might just be a little misleading in what they mean. For he speaks of a cycle in which the people are cast down, kept under control, an event that occurs every 3000 years. The party finds themselves filled with Wind Magic, and using it, they are able to push Harbinger back long enough to flee as the ruins begin to collapse around them. Making their way through tunnels dug out by monsters, the party reaches the surface, though not without having to fight some of those monsters to make it out safely. Once above, they are able to see the ruins in the distance. Kaelan meanwhile arrives back at the ruins to find someone exiting, and comes face to face with Harbinger. In the distance, the party sees a flash of holy light, and in a short time their fears are confirmed as Blackie races past them, the remains of a burnt out saddle on his back. After arguing amongst themselves and blaming Dahok for his curiosity causing so much loss, they journey back to town.

Oddly they find no guards are alerted, some even point them towards the doctor to treat their wounds. The party rests and licks their wounds, the doctor treating Zeal and Dahok, who took bad injuries in the ruins. In the morning, they find a disturbing sight. Kaelan wanders into the town, walking like a zombie and speaking in an odd tongue. She stops in front of the inn, looking for something, for someone; and it's Jean's warning that makes the danger clear, Kaelan is no longer Kaelan.

Date: 2389.4.7

Session 26: The Great Escape from Navarro

Location: Turonia - Inn

Recognizing Kaelan is not herself, the party decides to attempt avoiding her, Jean cautions them that if she sees their faces, she will remember them and the wrath of the gods will be upon them. Hurrying to make arrangements to leave town, the group prepares, joining Zeal at the blacksmith where she aims to recover her new tools and armor. They begin to discuss their plans, deciding that leaving town may very well be just the thing that alerts the gods and after much argument, where Valen would rather risk Kaelan's life then the rest of the groups, they decide to attempt to stop Kaelan. Zeal formulates a plan to blind Kaelan, removing her ability to see their faces. Valen and Dahok lead Kaelan along the walls of the town to give Zeal a clear shot, she fires an arrow right along Kaelan's eyes, slicing them. Blinded, the girl falls to the ground and is pulled to safety by her friends.

As she is struck another light blasts from the heavens and Harbinger reappears, the party makes their escape as Harbinger's hapless search for them destroys buildings and injures the innocent. Jean uses her power to heal Kaelan of whatever has taken her under the control of the gods, freeing her from control but the effort is so taxing on Jean's body that she collapses, a weakened mess. During the confusion the group takes some horses and leaves the town, taking an injured Jean, Baby, and Kaelan with them, racing nonstop as far north as they can go. When they stop they work to treat wounds and recover, Kaelan developing a debilitating headache and Jean falling into a fever. Valen calls them all to listen as he asks them all to let go of any differences they have between one another, giving each other a clean slate, lest internal struggles end them all. After which they all agree in one way or another, then rest before setting off again. Traveling in search of a town they journey for days before finding rest. Over this time Kaelan's headache slowly ebbs away and Jean's fever breaks.

Date: 2389.4.9

The group arrives at a small village an hour after Jean's fever breaks. Here they find shelter and a healer for their wounds. They settle down for a much needed rest and a chance to recover their wounds, both physical and emotional.

Date: 2389.4.9

Session 27: Village Life and the Nuege Plains

Location: A Village in Nuege

The party rests and relaxes in the village proper, Rachael, Valen and Zeal head to the town elder to see if there is anything they can do to earn their keep and discover that the town patrol plans to head out to fight monsters. Dahok, Jean and Kaelan spend some time talking to each other before the other three return, recruiting Dahok for the evening hunt while Rachael stays behind to prepare them for travel the next morning. Valen, Zeal and Dahok head out to join the hunters. Out on the hunt they face a pack of wild tigroars and impressively dispatch them all. Before celebrations can occur however, a terrible howl pierces the night, and a beast called Gigantroar enters the scene. The brave warriors of the village all valiantly flee, swearing anyone who faces such a beast will surely die.

The three stay behind to battle the beast, Zeal insisting that such a danger should be removed for the good of all. The great beast proves to be a challenge, however working as a team they manage to slay the beast, most of the credit going to Zeal and Valen for their mighty use of weapons and skill. At least by the villagers, who declare the two heroes and hold a celebration in honor of their accomplishment, awarding them with coin and praise. Kaelan, Rachael and Jean rejoin them for the feast where most are served gigantroar. Dahok makes his way off with a lovely lady while the rest return to the hut to rest.

In the morning the group sets out once more, stopping to hunt down the tigroar nest that they learned about, finding only a mother and child remaining. The group decides to not slay the mother this time and instead, Zeal offers it food. Finding this a great deal, the tigroar trades the food for it's baby, giving Zeal a new pet kitty, whom she names Soma.

Date: 2389.4.14

Session 28: An Icy Temperament

Location: Random Nuege Wandering Village

Arriving at another village, the party begins to make ready to rest when something causes a stir at the other end of the village. Following the signs of calamity the group discovers a man dying of sickness and cold. They learn that their next planned stop has been hit by a terrible plague. With the timing of the plagues start suspiciously close to the time the Angel arrived, the group decides to make haste and sets out for the town, where they need to stop for supplies and equipment for the northern trek. Coming to a river they split up in order to find a likely bridge crossing, as they do Rachael waits with Kaelan and Jean. Rachael begins to bathe and refill the water skins as Valen discovers corpses all around the bridge, indicating more sickness traveling south, and worse, bodies in the water.

He rushes back only to find it too late for Rachael, the group meets back up and with worry mounting continue on over the bridge and towards the town. There they meet the various merchants camped outside the city, warning them to move on and not dwell long enough to be infected. Insisting on going in, the group heads in and quickly splits after learning that elves are being blamed, Valen and Rachael wanting to go off on their own. This desire is only increased when Zeal expresses a belief that the elves really might be to blame, Kaelan attempts to explain this to Zeal, only earning scorn from her friend. The two run into Thomas, who reveals to Zeal that he is like her, an agent of the church who doubts the prophecy's interpretations.

Dahok, who stayed at the inn to find a room and information with Jean, quickly has to put his wits to the test to trick a crowd who finds out about Jean's healing powers into letting them leave in one piece. The amorous crowd doesn't seem eager to let them go, eager to be free of the illness. After they escape and meet up with Zeal and Kaelan, they learn what the other two learn, that the elves might hold some answers and they need to see the mayor about finding the mines which seem to be the origin of the illness. They head to the jail and town hall together, where they find Rachael and Valen. As they ready to head inside, they find something pressing in on them, trouble. Zeal, Dahok, and Kaelan have already begun to exhibit signs of the plague, at a rapid stage, time is already running short.

Date: 2389.4.14

Session 29: Half-Life Part 1

Location: Kar

Using Thomas' position as a Templar, the group acts as a party of the Church to gain entry into the town hall. Heading up to see the Mayor, they introduce themselves and ask about entry into the mines. Meanwhile Thomas waits out front, preaching to the gathering crowd and attempting to calm what it quickly forming into a crazed mob, many of them following the rumor of Jean's healing powers, desperate to live. While the party queries about the situation and the mines themselves, having to defend their positions as Church Members, Valen sneaks down into the jails where the Elves are being held. Attempting to contact the elves results in his being questioned by the guards, which quickly leads into an all out brawl with them.

Due to the outbreak of fighting, the Mayor sees through their ruse and attempts to have the party upstairs arrested. Dahok, Zeal and Rachael fight off the guards while Jean attempts to protect Kaelan from harm. Things get sticky when Rachael takes some hard blows and the attempts of Dahok and Zeal to fight off the guards start to fail. As the tide turns and the group begins to overcome the guards attempts to take them down, a desperate guard grabs Jean and tries to hold her hostage. Frightened by the fierce attempts of Zeal to talk the man down, he takes a step back, right into Kaelan's dagger, the blind girl having chosen to attempt to save Jean herself. Kaelan reacts in horror, not having meant to hurt the man, Jean heals the man of his wound while Dahok and Rachael take the fight down the stairway.

Valen manages to fight his way out of the jail room and into the main hall to meet Dahok and Rachael, soon they're joined by Zeal, Kaelan and Jean from the upper floor. They all go to check on the elves, they find the mysterious creatures to be very aggressive, very hateful, and when they fail to find a means to open the jail cell, they apologize, but the elves brush off the matter. Leaving a somewhat bitter taste in the encounter, the group obtains a map in the Mayor's room and sets off for the mines to investigate. They make their way through the dark mines, finding only death and decay, the signs of bodies so quickly deteriorated it can only be described as disturbing. Finally they reach the innermost part of the mines, which prove to be a ruins of the ancient times. Crossing an unsteady rock bridge, the group moves in deeper to investigate, leaving Kaelan behind with Thomas.

Entering the central chamber, they find another stone of power, only this one is dark and corrupted, evil worm like things eating away at it, at everything. Valen attempts to rid the crystal of worms and the crystal surges in power from the proximity of the heroes, Valen is caught in the surge and destroyed. No time is given for grief however, Rachael is incapacitated along with Jean as a monster of metal and rock rises from the ground below them.

Date: 2389.4.14

Session 30: Half-Life Part 2

Location: Kar

A monster rises to greet the party, torn apart from the death of Valen, Rachael and Jean unconscious, Dahok and Zeal are left to battle the monstrosity of metal and rock on their own. Attempting to distract and mislead the beast, the two ultimately fail to bring it down, and in the struggle the monster takes hold of Jean, running off with her. As it approaches the bridge, Kaelan gets the idea to attempt to make the beast fall to it's doom on the weak structure, a plan which is foiled before inception with Jean being it's hostage. Kaelan attempts to get the monster's attention, only resulting in getting kicked off the bridge, Thomas falling soon after her. The others race out to try and catch the monster only to find themselves too late, the monster collapsing the path out as it races out of the minds, leaving them alone.

Zeal rescues Kaelan from a terrible fate of falling to her doom, which would have been true if the blind girl wasn't holding onto a ledge just feet below a pathway leading into the crevice. Still, Zeal drags the girl back up bravely. While this occurs Rachael awakes to a world without Valen and attempts to take her own life by leaping to her death, Dahok grabs hold of her, soon finding himself hanging by a hand over the ledge. Kaelan attempts to help them both up, only to finally succeed when helped by Zeal. During the struggle, Kaelan is shocked to find herself able to use magic, but keeps her calm in order to help her friends back up to solid land. Rachael emotionally shuts down, leaving Dahok to carry her down, directed to head into the crevice by Thomas, who survived his fall. Zeal tries to lead Kaelan down a ledge with her voce, resulting in the blind blacksmith falling on top of Zeal, sending them both into the underground stream below the crevice.

Zeal gets Kaelan and poor little Soma to dry land, and the remaining party members find a chamber under where the corrupted gemstone was located, the place pulsing with the malevolent corruption and weakening power of the sickness. Dahok enters into the center of the horrible zone and finds a stone which seems to be powering something, and a gauntlet of ancient design. Dahok puts the gauntlet on his hand and arm, causing terrible pain to himself as the device attaches itself firmly to him. Through his pain and weakness, Dahok uses the gauntlet to remove the orb, tossing it away from the chamber and halting the effects of the disease. Still weakened, the group heads out along the underground stream and into the snow, they use a snow chute to escape the mountain and collapse into the snow, where they black out.

Upon awakening they find the elves who were previously held prisoner have found them and bound them together, they inform the survivors they are about to die. Separating Rachael from the group they reveal to them Rachael's secret, she is a half-elf, or as they simply call it, a halfling. They offer to save the dying group if they agree to let them put Rachael down in exchange. Dahok and Kaelan issue their complete and total disapproval of the idea, stating they would rather die then exchange their lives for a friend. Zeal after a spell of quietness reveals her own, equally strong resolve against the idea, proving her own initial thoughts on Elves does not in any way change her view of Rachael as a person. Satisfied, the elves cure the diseased party members and state they will watch with interest, this group that will not willingly kill elves.

Date: 2389.4.15

Session 31: Half-Life Part 3

Location: Ice Fields

Pursuing the monster, Rachael leads the group the the monster's tracks once revived and they follow the very simple path of devastation back to the disease stricken town. There they find the monster attacking homes and strangely, attacking the very people who just earlier had attempted to take and abuse Jean. Jean meanwhile is helpless in the giant hand of the monster, and the party moves in determined to save her. Thomas watches on with Kaelan under guard while Dahok and Zeal take on the beast with all they can muster. Still it proves not enough to conquer the giant, the tide begins to turn in their favor as Rachael, with a death wish, goes all out with her attacks, firing her bow into the beasts mouth. Buildings are devastated and the three brought close to death when the monster finds itself having to resist the power of the gauntlet on Dahok's arm.

Dahok, slowly figuring out how to control the beast, fights it for dominance when the monster swallows Jean whole, Zeal rushes to her rescue, literally into the maw of the beast while Dahok tries to force it's mouth open. After a complicated moment, Zeal finds herself inside the monster with Jean, the interior strange and oddly configured when Jean accidentally hits something inside the beast, causing it to vanish. The two fall to the ground to the calm of a defeated monster. Just as things are looking up, the angry mob begins to form, blaming them for the disease and the monster attack, wanting to take Jean for her healing powers again. Right before the tension can be broken, Dahok puts the now inactive gauntlet back onto his arm, the monster returning, only this time, Dahok is inside the beast.

Inside the rock monster, which Jean calls Anima T, Dahok discovers he can now control the beast like a sort of vehicle or extended armor. This monster causes the horde to once again scatter in fright. However the appearance of Anima T in Dahok's control has called something else down on them, Harbinger reappears. Dahok uses Anima T to act as an escape vehicle, taking the group with him, he races away from the God, but not before an attack from the god damages Anima T. The monster races into the snow, traveling for nearly two hours before vanishing, it's energy depleted, depositing the heroes in the snow. After brief rest they set back to town, needing to recover their equipment, horses, and most importantly their other ally, Baby.

Returning to town they find the entire place has been restored, the people healed, and everything back in order, the people preaching about the blessings of the gods. The team makes haste to restore their gear and set out, but before they can, Jean senses the return of Harbinger. Kaelan begins to hear the tempting voices of Harbinger and some unknown voice promising her eyesight and the renewed life of her dead father. Frightened at the idea of the gods in her head, Kaelan resists these temptations and urges the others on, they make their escape on the horses and flee once again, not stopping until Rachael betrays the severity of her injuries from the previous battle by collapsing from loss of blood. They all stop to rest, lick their wounds, and figure out a plan for traveling further into the unwelcome snow.

Date: 2389.4.16

Session 32: Lost in Snow

Location: Ice Plains of Nuege

After camping the night in the warmth of a clever snow made shelter devised by Zeal, the party rouses and begins to prepare for a journey through the snow bound north. After discussing how they should travel the group mounts their horses and moves out northward bound. As they travel a snow storm starts to set in and the group worries about how this will impede their travel. Jean begins to cause mischief by tossing snowballs at Dahok. Kaelan gives her some tips on a better snowball and antics soon escalate when Dahok tries to use his Wind Magic to blast Jean with snow. This startles her horse and the horse quickly carries Kaelan, Jean, and Rachael, the horse's riders into the blinding snowfall. Dahok races after them on his dumb horse with Baby riding with him, Zeal and Thomas race after them on another horse as well.

The blinding snow quickly splits the group up, Kaelan thrown off the horse she's on lands in the snow and cries out, thankfully she's found by Dahok and saved from a cold doom. The two try to figure out which way to travel, the blind girl having gotten her direction messed up when thrown from the horse. Dahok sees a figure outlined in the distance and moves the horse after it. Just as he's about to reach the figure, Rachael trying to tell him something through the deafening and blinding snow, the horse begins to fall as if from a great height. Seeing the danger, he pushes Baby and Kaelan off into the snow and falls, grabbing the ledge at the last moment. Baby valiantly rescues Dahok by guiding the blind girl to the ledge to pull him up, then bites into her leg to use her as leverage to drag Dahok to safety.

Zeal and Thomas meanwhile halt their own pursuit when Zeal sees her mother, whom she vaguely remembers from her past, crying out for her in the storm. Thomas, seeing his own mother, figures out the ruse. They find Rachael rushing off after Valen, who has appeared to her. Zeal pursues her and with a well placed arrow, attempts to break up Rachael's reunion, figuring out the ruse. The ice demon is displeased and attempts to attack them with snow. At this time Dahok races into the fight as Rachael finds a fault with the illusion, this "Valen" isn't breathing. The three together beat back the demon, who retreats into the storm. The party reunited continues on, finding an entrance to a ravine and a cave in the snow. Deciding that travelling underground may be safer then travelling against the very elements, they enter into the depths of the ice.

Stardate: 10-592.1.8-11

Spotlight Session 3: A Chipped Gem

Location: PAX

The SS Kitty Voyager returns from it's mission of seeking out new catgirls and visiting strange worlds with Gem, a Famfrit from the survivors of Megumi's people. The family all reunited, greetings are made and Megumi is dragged off to get reacquainted with Xanatos and Erevis in ways that boost the show's rating to Mature or higher. Gem meanwhile doesn't miss a beat as she begins to show her already hinted at desire, she seeks a mate to breed with and have superior children. Gem begins to inspect and interview various people on the ship who could be her potential mate, testing genetics, intellect, and overall desire. From surprising her new bunkmate, Jennifer, to pouncing Erusian ambassadors, Gem charges forward with glee towards her ultimate goal.

Isis meanwhile having returned from the journey as well, attempts to catch up with her family as well as with Carter, who she shows a deepening interest in. Gem's actions begin to cause members of the crew to question themselves and their relationships, either strengthening resolves or causing upsets. Sneaking into Xan's shower, Gem attempts to inspect him only to raise the wrath of Erevis, brnging tension into the household when Gem's behavior pushes moods into dark places. Later in the day, as Gem attempts to pick up people in the bar, Jennifer takes Athena on a picnic and lets her own feelings slip as they discuss Gem. Athena responds by giving Jennifer an intimate kiss, which causes Jennifer to restate her resolve in not violating the trust Xanatos and Erevis placed in her. Sadly, this is accentuated when CHIP reports that the two are doing naughty things and brings Xan and Megumi around with guns to threaten Jen off. Finding her innocent, they see Athena walk off, disappointed in her parents, while Jennifer leaves the garden for medical in anger. Xanatos expresses his dislike of the situation and his resolve over Jen and Athena not being allowed together, while Erevis casually reminds him that he was once in a place with her that Jennifer is now in with Athena.

Dinner that night is far more tense then breakfast was, with Jennifer resentful and Gem continuing to grate on people. Athena has made herself scarce while the others attempt to eat and ignore the tension. After yet another upsetting action from Gem, Megumi seizes the girl and begins to lecture and spank her. Jennifer leaves to join Athena in her room, Gem soon following. Jennifer invites Gem to get closer with her and her sister, offering a hand of friendship and understanding, which Gem doesn't resond clearly to. Continuing her hunt, Gem runs into the Tsivrixsh Ambassador, whom presents himself as an interested party and invite Gem to go along with him to learn about the Tsivrixsh and their superior genetics. His attempt is foiled however when Megumi is alerted to the meeting and rushes to stop it from happening. After Megumi and Gem argue about what is right and wrong to do, and over her associating with the Tsiv in general, Gem storms off in anger.

Date: 2389.4.17

Session 33: Ice Caverns

Location: Ice Caverns

After an uneventful night, having made camp in the caverns near an underground stream, the party rouses and starts to breakfast when Dahok notices that Soma has gone missing. Not liking Zeal's weak shrugging off and mention of Soma being down by the water, Dahok goes to check on him. Finding the kitten drowning in the river, Dahok dives into to save him. Unfortunately for him the water is far too cold, seizing him up and causing him in turn to drown, the kitten not a kitten at all, but an ice demon, after his life. Worried about Dahok taking so long, Zeal moves down to the stream to check on him and Soma, Kaelan walking with her. When she halts to go check on an unconcious Soma off to one side, the blind Kaelan falls into the river and starts to drown and freeze as well. Rachael and Zeal pull her to safety and Zeal leaps into the water after Dahok, who seems dead at this point. Zeal manages to reach him and Jean, using a fishing line that Dahok taught her to use, fishes up a Zeal and Dahok from the stream, bringing them to safety. The party rests using a system of fire and cloth to get warm, settling down after Kaelan only manages to light herself on fire once.

After getting sufficiently warmer, the group decides to keep on moving lest they fall prey to another Ice Demon attack. After some time travelling they come out to an expansive ice cavern, the corpses of those fallen prey to the Ice Demon all about them. Among the corpses they find gold and tresure, including a silver bar holding an interesting seal. Thomas identifies this seal as the seal of McTreggor, a legendary monster hunter who disappeared a long time past. While they discuss the history, Jean slips away, lured by the Ice Demon. The party once alerted rushes to find her, coming across her safe and sound, only Zeal sees through her ruse and attacks her, calling out the Ice Demon. Rachael, Dahok, and Zeal dispatch the Ice Demon, whom flees when injured. They find Jean safe and sound, however her personality has shifted to the Angel. Once they find an old ruins where the Demon might be hiding, Dahok expresses the interest of going in and taking care of the Ice Demon once and for all. Angel however finds no personal use for the ruins and begins to leave on her own.

The party challenges Angel's desire to leave and reminds her that they are twined with her. However she insists they are all better off without her around and starts to point out the various faults in everyone, particularly in Zeal and Kaelan and how they upset her gentler side. While Kaelan becomes deeply penitent, Dahok manages to talk Angel down to staying with them. They enter the ruins as a group, as they begin to travel inside, Dahok finds his power in magic has grown, and oddly Kaelan seems to be the one to understand why. While not entirely right, Angel confirms that their ability in magic is tied to Jean's feelings about them. She however, amends Kaelan's thoughts by expressing that practicing their magic is also an important factor. Exploring in the dark as they search out the demon. Finding ruined furniture, some stuffed animals and a door, they begin to attempt to pass the door. Angel decides to restore Kaelan's eyes and her eyesight so she can be of use again and not a constant source of danger that needs to be rescued. With intense pain the eyes are restored and the girl can once again see, however she questions the price of the gift, seeing Jean extremely drained and sickly from exerting such a miraculous power.

The doorway however, is not something they can easily pass, they try magic, slamming themselves into it, and leverage, finally Angel repairs Dahok's gauntlet and gives it to him, asking him to form the Anima T, she tells them about the Anima machines and how it can grow with them, be used as a tool to fight with. Dahok forms the Anima temporarily causing the door to be smashed inwards, revealing the area beyond... and their next challenge...

Date: 2389.4.17

Session 34: Cold Snap

Location: Ice Ruins

Passing through the rubble of the wall and doorway, the party explores a hallway, looking for the Ice Demon. Dahok locates and interesting room and wanders from the others, taking the only light with him. He recovers a picture of a beautiful woman and returns, when the group finds illumination again they discover the Angel to be missing. Rushing back the way they came they find a staircase and the way up frozen in a block of ice. Continuing to hunt for a way up they find a small park area outside the ruins, after contemplating the strange devices made for play, they determine a need for something to climb up to the second floor with. While Zeal moves back to check on Rachael, Kaelan shows off her new wind magic by leaping up into the air and slashing a swing to create a rudimentary chain.

Taking the chain back to the room in which Dahok summoned Anima T, they use the hole that it created in the ceiling to climb up. Kaelan holds the line as they each climb while Zeal contemplates the room they come into, which appears to be a bunkroom of some sort. As the group feels Jean fading through their magic, they hurry on and up to a third floor, where they find the Ice Demon attempting to eat Angel. Dahok and Kaelan attempt to rush the demon, winding up encased in ice attacks, as they work to break free, Rachael and Zeal beat off the Demon with ranged attacks. The demon rants strange things about not being left alone and picked on, calling herself the name of a small child, she flees from the attacks leaving the rest to recover Jean. Dahok continues to persue the Demon, with Thomas readily agreeing to the hunt, Kaelan follows in silence while Zeal argues against continuing the hunt. The Angel reprimands Zeal for her rantings and childish behavior which only result in pushing the others against her desires.

As the three hunt, Kaelan begins to put two and two together about the Demon, seeing the child drawings and toys, remembering her words, she concludes for herself that the demon may very well be a turned child. When they locate her in the playground, Kaelan holds off fighting to attempt to talk to the girl, discovering she indeed was a child in the school that is now a ruins. Exploring questions she finds out the girl was picked on, teased, that something taught her to kill and to eat to become strong. Kaelan becomes determined to help and redeem the girl. Carly, the demon, is not swayed by Kaelan, when Zeal arrives, continuing the talk and finally convincing the demon to travel with the group. Zeal offers her blood to feed the girl and takes responsibility for her. As they exit the ruins they find Baby to be well, however the horses have been eaten by a hungry Carly. Thomas announces his plan to leave the group, Rachael begins to distance herself. The ice cracks.

Stardate: 10-592.1.4-5

Spotlight Session 4: Key Unlocks the World of Superheroes

Location: Mega City

Tsukiyomi and the Amazing Zephyr have started to spend their evenings fighting crime in the name of love. However their incredible feats are captured on camera after saving a poor woman from muggers. Shortly they find their presence is famously known and all over the news. The team considers the dangers of a couple vigilantes and decides to capture the dynamic duo, whom they of course have no idea are their own friends. Cheryl clues in instantly and begins to figure out how to catch the two in the act with Chii. Tabetha wanders into a conversation Key and Zephyr are having with one another and haphazardly guesses that they must be the superheroes. To punish the nosey girl, the two tie her up and hide her so they can keep their secret.

John and Dias head out late at night to try and find the caped crusaders, wondering if they even have a chance. Key and Zephyr look for a crime to fight when a bank nearby is robbed. To their horror, it's the same bank they locked up Tabetha in to keep her safe and quiet. The two move in to do battle with villains when John and Dias arrive, as they're about to follow, two more crimefighters appear and bust into the bank, kicking ass and taking names. They pause when they find Tabetha sitting in the vault, eating a sandwich and watching datapad movies of kittens. John and Dias move in, but not in time to catch the duo as their newest superfriends teleport them away. John and Dias rescue Tabetha and secret her out of the bank, taking her home.

Aboard a super secret shuttle for superheroes, the two new heroines reveal themselves to be Chii and Cheryl, having set up the two. Cheryl decides to compromise and allows the two on the team as a secret shock troop, maintaining their civilian status while letting them help the team. She provides two conditions though, they need to stop the crime fighting and they need to throw a party for Tabetha, to cover up why they kidnapped her. John, Dias and Tabby return to the base to find a party all set up to celebrate 6 months on the team for Tabetha, who is so delighted she completely forgets to find it suspicious. Chii and Cheryl find new ways to roleplay, Dias becomes more determined to be a superhero, John gets happy fun time with Key, Lemon and Tabetha have cake, and on the holovid...

Heroine X fights crime!

Date: 2389.4.17

Session 35: The Team Shatters Like Ice

Location: Ice Cavern Tunnels

After stopping several times while travelling slowly to allow the healing Jean time to rest, the group finally emerges into the open snow. Agreeing to make camp, they rest and discuss their plans on where to go and what to do, Thomas promising to continue along with them until they reach Nuege, however his mind seems made up on leaving, even after speaking to Zeal. Kaelan and Rachael watch over Carly and Jean, Carly having gained an unhealthy taste for Jean's blood. Kaelan expresses her thanks and appreciation to Rachael for all the help she gave while she was blind and attempts to get her to open up, with no real success. After resting a while longer and Dahok and Baby expressing their deep seated bromance, the group moves on.

Treking through the snow is rather uneventful until the group sees a light in the distance. After some eager movement they finally come to the city of Nuege, a city built entirely from ice. Carly changes her appearance to that of a young girl and the group enters the city without fuss. Here Thomas departs, giving them all what he knows on the prophecies. That the people in the North will be struck with a Death they cannot see. The land will have a great upheaval which will kill many innocent people. The Angel's journey north will spark a great conflict between men. Thomas expresses his hope they can stop even one of these prophecies from coming true, as such an act might prove that the Prophecy about Jean ending all life might not come true. Giving their goodbyes, the group parts ways with Thomas. When they look back, Carly has vanished from sight. Zeal begins to search for her as the others get an inn to stay at, then join her in the search.

Zeal finds Carly at a tavern, looking for a delicous meal. Zeal and Carly discuss the dangers of Carly going about drinking the blood of the innocent and eventually Carly is talked into behaving and following Zeal. Kaelan finds the tavern and the two, along with Jean, and ends up playing chaperone as a man attempts to pick up Jean as a date. The man becomes threatening when Kaelan refuses to leave Jean alone with the man. Dahok shows up just in time to diffuse the situation with his presence, the man ejects Jean from his table and the three go to find their own. Not knowing where Rachael is on her search, Dahok departs to find her while Carly and Zeal join Kaelan and Jean at a table. Dahok returns shortly after having not found her. Zeal decides to go searching and leaves, Jean following her, Carly, feeling rejected when being left behind after just being told to stick with Zeal gets upset and storms off on her own. Zeal hears that Rachael was arrested for being an elf and plans to go rescue her while Kaelan and Dahok consider just how much trouble is about to fall on their heads.

Date: 2389.4.17

Session 36: Choose Your Own Adventure

Location: Phan and Pher's Tavern

Dahok and Kaelan finish considering the troubles about to face them and decide they'd better look for everyone and get a plan going on moving forward. Meanwhile Zeal attempts to work her way into the castle under the guise of a Hunter looking for a mark. The guards take little interest in Zeal's story save for one guard, who follows Zeal away from the castle. The guard probes the Templar for information only to find Zeal refusing to outright supply any information and after too many bandied words, Zeal finds herself knocked unconcious. Kaelan and Dahok inspect a wall outside the tower trying to figure out a good way in, after questioning the guards about getting a tour with no such incredible luck, Kaelan queries them about Carly, showing a concern for the missing girl. As they try to decide where to look for the others, the two notice a shadowy guard carrying some large bundles pass into an alleyway. The two chase after him, forced to split up to look for him, Kaelan goes one way, Dahok the other.

Kaelan turns out to be the most "fortunate" of the two as she locates the guard, who after a closer look seems to be threatening the lives of Zeal and Jean, captured together. Kaelan attempts to approach the man for a waylay but he proves vigil and swift, striking out to attempt and gut her. Forced to use magic, Kaelan uses a Wind Shield to turn the blow aside, and this seems to all but confirm the guard's suspicions. He threatens Kaelan to put down her weapon or face the death of the Angel. Kaelan complies and goes along with the guards wishes, correctly percieving that he doesn't actually intend to stop the Angel. Kaelan lures Dahok over and the group quickly discusses the matter of Rachael, who was to their good fortune rescued from harm by the guard's Lord, Prince Arcane.

Agreeing to go with the man, the group sets forth, unharmed and outside conflict, into the castle. Inside they see many sights and wonders, a palace made of unmelting ice, heated by strange furnaces left behind by the ancients. Ascending a tower they are brought into the company of Prince Arcane and Rachael, who appears well treated, dressed, and besotted with wines. After a cheery reunion the group discusses the fate of the Angel, the Prophecies, and the Prince puts forward a proposal. Kill the King and gain the support of Nuege, or go quietly on their way away from the kingdom.

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