

Reality Strikers


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Anima C:

Element Affinity: Lightning

Special Weapon: Magik Coil Beam

Base Stats:

Power (PWR): 50

Energy (EGY): 100

Ore Armor (ARM): 10

Speed (SPD): 30

Skills (SKI): 90

Fist (FIST): 70

Foot (FOOT): 30

Max Stats:

PWR: 300

EGY: 350

ARM: 100

SPD: 100

SKI: 150

FIST: 110

FOOT: 110



Lightning Magic: Anima C can allow it's user to channel whatever Lightningspells they have learned into a more devastating form. This will eat up both energy from the Anima C and the user's magic energy. Note: This ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisite: Lightning Magic Learned / Total Point Slots: 10

Lightning Crush*: Anima C can channel the user's lightning magic to create a devastating lightning storm over a group of enemies, reigning down destructive forces of nature down on them. This can even destroy small buildings and homes. Note: this ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisite: Lightning Maxed Out, Magick Offense 25, EGY 150 / Total Point Slots: 10

Enhanced Coil Beam: This skill will allow C's coil beam to become more devastating. The coil beam is able to whip, strike, coil around enemies to throw them long distances, and can do it with more prejudice. The more points placed into this skill, the more damage it will do. Prerequisite: PWR 60 and EGY 130 / Total Point Slots: 15

Coil Beam Crunch*: This skill allows C's rope coil to wrap around the enemy tightly, immobilizing them for 1 solid minute for others to do damage, then the coil beam tightens and crushes the enemy, doing devastating damage before it uncoils. Note: this ability must be completely maxed out to go into effect. Prerequisite: PWR 170 and EGY 200 and Enhanced Coil Beam Maxed Out / Total Point Slots: 10

Coil Beam Proficency: This skill will allow you to become more proficent with C's coil beams even if your melee stat is low. Every 5 points placed into this skill will make it as if your own melee stats are 10 points higher than normal. Prerequisite: None / Total Point Slots: 20

Auto-Repair: Anima C can spend energy to repair damage it's sustained in battle. This repair features fixes the damage the ore armor has taken, as well as damage to the arms and legs. Note: This ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisites: None / Total Point Slots: 5

Creation Mode: Anima C has the unique ability to create a duplicate of itself for a short time. The duplicate can either be commanded remotely by the user in C, though this divides the user's focus, or they can let someone else pilot the duplicate. The duplicate will have half the power and stats of C, though C will remain at full force. So the stronger your C is, the stronger the duplicate will be. Note: This ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisites: None / Total Point Slots: 10

Creation Combine Mode: Like Voltron, after creating a duplicate, the two can combine them into a more powerful form of C. If there's another user in the duplicate, then they can both work together in the newlyformed combined mode. The combined mode doubles all stats that you have on C. Note: This ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisites: None / Total Point Slots: 10

Construction/Deconstruction: This skill works rarely, but when it does, it's a doozy. C's user can aim at something and either deconstruct it down to nothing, or reconstruct it into something else. You can literally deconstruction or rebuild your enemies into something of your imagination's choice. Note: This ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisites: Angel Mark Lv. 6 / Total Point Slots: 15

Grace of a Female: C can be made to be very graceful in combat, able to move through and around enemies with ease unlike the blocky nature of the Animas. C can even perform a flip jump or a double jump in the air. This aids in the combatic nature of C and how C moves about with it's coil beam. Note: This ability must be completely learned before it goes into effect. Prerequisites: None / Total Point Slots: 5



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